Qde Lectures

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WEEK 1 AND 2  Readily available
DOCUMENT 2. Requested/Dictated – it is a document
being created only upon request and
 Derives from the Latin Word only prepared once for the purposes of
“documentum” means “a lesson” making a comparative examination with
 Is anything upon which a mark, symbol, the disputed documents. The subject is
or sign is made which is either visible or told what to write and is aware that the
invisible for the purpose of conveying samples will be used for analysis and
an information or a message to comparison.
someone. It may be a photograph,  Example: 3 signatures
plates, or lithograph. requested by anyone
 Forensic photography and questioned
document are related to each other.

1. Public Documents – an instrument

created and notarized by a competent
 Standard Document – it is a document public official in response to the
in which the origin is known and its exigency or needs of the public with the
source can be proven. It is also being solemnities required by law.
used as a comparison with each other  Notarized Documents
things in questioned or disputed.  Issued by public official
 In NBI they require 7 or 2. Official Documents – instruments
more standard document issued by government officials vested
 In PNP they require 10 or with authority to do so. There are
more standard document documents issued in the exercise or
 Document used to compare performance of their duties.
in questioned document  Example: laws, ordinances,
 Contemporary Document – documents executive orders
which are not more than five (5) years 3. Private Document – are documents
before or after. executed by a private person without
the intervention of a notary public by
which some disposition or agreements
TYPES OR SOURCES OF STANDARD DOCUMENT are being proved or set forth.
4. Commercial Documents – these are
1. Collected or Procured Document – instruments defined, executed and
these are standard specimens obtained regulated in accordance with the Code
from different files of documents which of Commerce as well as the Mercantile
is being executed on a day to day Law.
activities of man.  Receipt
WEEK 3 authenticity of the document. For some
cases, documents have been introduced
CLASSES OF QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS to have been created a long time age
 Documents with Questioned but actually proven a few months old.
Signatures – this are papers containing - Ancient Documents –
signatures under suspicion and being documents that is 30 years and
disputed regarding its authenticity above. No need to prove
usually found on check, note, draft, authenticity. Deemed genuine.
contract, will, and other relevant  Documents Attacked on the
papers. Questioned of Materials Used in Their
- Last will and testament – will Production – examination and analysis
take effect after the death of the being conducted in a document to
person and every page of the prove whether or not the date
document has his signature. indicated on the paper matches the
 Documents Containing Alleged materials used in the production of that
Fraudulent Alteration – Documents paper.
that are allegedly contain fraudulent  Documents that Identify the
changes by erasure, addition, Handwriting – the most frequently
interlineations or substitutions. It is questioned documents being brought
usually found on checks with dubious under inquiry. This are documents
raised or diminished amount than the being investigated to identify the
original value. handwriting on a paper that leads to
- Department to examine the identity of the writer.
documents: Questioned - Suicide notes
Documents Division.  Genuine Documents Erroneously or
 Holograph Document Questioned or Fraudulently Attacked – this are
Disputed – A class of questioned documents being questioned on its
document wherein the writing of an handwriting or penmanship whether
entire document is questioned or writing is genuine or forged. In some
disputed. It is subject to a scrutiny cases, the writer usually denied to have
involving its paper, watermarks, inks, made the writing that gives rise to the
pens, style or system of writing of a examination of the documents to prove
document. Holograph documents are if it is genuine or forged.
documents completely written and - Money Paper
signed by one person only.  Documents to Identify Typewriting –
 Documents Attacked on the documents are under scrutiny regarding
Questioned of their Date and Age – the typewriter used in creating a
This are questioned documents being document.
investigated as to the age of the
instrument. The age of the writings may
have some bearing as to the
INSTRUMENTS USED IN QUESTIONED 6. Transmitted Light – device where light
DOCUMENTS EXAMINATION comes from beneath or behind glass on
document is placed.
1. Stereoscopic Microscope – the - Traced Forgery
stereoscopic microscope, two low- - Erasure, addition, or traced.
powered microscopes arranged to - Fiber disturbances.
converge on a single specimen, 7. Photo Enlarger – device used to enlarge
provides a three-dimensional image. It negatives and transfer the image to the
will magnify the writings on the photo paper.
document. To see presence of 8. Video Spectral Comparator – used to
hesitations. analyze inks and see whether they are
Contributory factors: the same or different. This is done by
o Too much pen lifts looking at them under different lighting
and pen stops conditions where some wavelengths of
2. Compound Microscope – uses two light are blocked. This technique can
lenses, an objective lens and an ocular uncover layers in documents where
lens, mounted at opposite ends of a words have been scribbled out or
closed tube, to provide greater written over.
magnification than is possible with a - Latest device of NBI
single lens. The objective lens is - It has UV light, Infrared,
composed of several lens elements that microscope, enlarger, all in one.
form an enlarged real image of the 9. Electro-Static Detection Device – an
object being examined. electro static detection apparatus is
3. Shadowgraph – instrument that the used to visualize indentations by
images are cast in shadow: an image of applying an electrostatic charge to a
a shape made by casting a shadow onto transparent film. The film is laid across
a surface. the page in question and once the
4. Handwriting Protractor – used for charge has been applied, black toner is
measuring angles: an instrument passed across the film and reveals any
shaped like a semi-circle marked with indentations. This method can also
the degrees of a circle, used to measure determine if something has been added
or mark out angles. to a journal or log after the original
- Used to measure the height, entry was made.
length, width of letters. 10. Magnifying Lens – for increased
5. UV Lamp – usually used in the detection magnification.
of counterfeited bills but can actually be - 1st instrument utilized before
used to detect security features of further examination.
qualified documents.
- Used in documents with security
features: paper money, WEEK 4-5
passport, driver’s license, cannot
be seen with naked eye.
Papyrus 2. Offset – it is more expensive than
 plant-like paper newsprint due to its content that can
 Used in Egypt resist water.
 1st invented by Chinese people 3. Bond Paper – it is a more and being
specifically Ts’ai Lun because he wants used regularly in office works.
communication to reach next level. 4. Safety Paper- a paper which has been
treated in such a way as to minimize the
The word "paper" was originated from chances of forgery by erasure whether
Egypt which they called as "Papyrus" mechanical or chemical.
discovered by them more than 4,000 years - Ex. Paper money - Legal tender.
ago. Papyrus was made from a grass called - Ex. Checks, passport, driver’s
"reeds." license, TOR.
The first paper was made in China 2000 - Has security feature that can be
years ago out from the inner bark of seen when subjected to UV
bamboo and hemp. It is also made from old Light.
rugs and mulberries.
In the 2nd century BC., "vellum" was
created as a writing surface which is being WRITING INSTRUMENT
crafted from the skins of goats and lambs.
 Refers to objects used in writing
through the application of pressure to
the writing surface by means of an ink
or engraving.

1. Ballpoint pen
- JOHN LOUD, in 1888, patented
Paper is later on spread all over the world the first ball point writing tool.
and the first papermaking mill was - A ball point pen has in its point a
established in Spain in 1150. small rotating metal ball that
In 1960, William Rittenhouse of continually inks itself as it turns.
Roxborough, Philadelphia founded the first - The ball is set into a tiny socket.
paper plant in America. In the center of the socket is a
hole that feeds ink to the socket
from a long tube (reservoir)
inside the pen.

1. Newsprint – least expensive type of 2. Fountain Pen

paper made of ground wood. - A pen that contains a reservoir
- Usually used in newspaper. of water- based liquid ink. The
- Unsold newspapers are recycled. ink is drawn through a feed to
the nib and then to the paper
via a combination of gravity and gall ink". It is a purple-black or brown- black ink
capillary action. made from iron salts ad tannic acids.

3. Fiber Tip Pen  Nigrosine Ink - a type of ink made by

- The first practical fiber tip pen heating a mixture of aniline and
was invented by YUKIO HORIE nitrobenzene and used in negative
of Japan in 1962. It was ideally staining of cells in a microscope.
suited to the strokes of  Copy Pencil - a writing instrument
Japanese writing, which is whose writing substance consist of a
traditionally done with a mixture of graphite and an aniline dye.
pointed ink brush.
- Dye is fed to the point by
elaborate capillary mechanism.

4. Quill Pen
- Made from a flight feather of a
large bird. The shaft of the
feather acts as an ink reservoir
and ink flows to the tip via
capillary action.


 is a viscous liquid or dye applied in a

pen that produces the visible result of


 India Ink - it is the oldest form ink made

up of carbon black. It is composed of
soot, known as lamp black.
 Logwood ink - is the cheapest form of
ink. It comes from the brownish-red
heartwood of a logwood tree used in
preparing the a purplish red dye.

Urine – oldest known invisible ink.

 Iron Gallotannate- or known as "iron

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