Qde Lectures
Qde Lectures
Qde Lectures
WEEK 1 AND 2 Readily available
DOCUMENT 2. Requested/Dictated – it is a document
being created only upon request and
Derives from the Latin Word only prepared once for the purposes of
“documentum” means “a lesson” making a comparative examination with
Is anything upon which a mark, symbol, the disputed documents. The subject is
or sign is made which is either visible or told what to write and is aware that the
invisible for the purpose of conveying samples will be used for analysis and
an information or a message to comparison.
someone. It may be a photograph, Example: 3 signatures
plates, or lithograph. requested by anyone
Forensic photography and questioned
document are related to each other.
1. Ballpoint pen
- JOHN LOUD, in 1888, patented
Paper is later on spread all over the world the first ball point writing tool.
and the first papermaking mill was - A ball point pen has in its point a
established in Spain in 1150. small rotating metal ball that
In 1960, William Rittenhouse of continually inks itself as it turns.
Roxborough, Philadelphia founded the first - The ball is set into a tiny socket.
paper plant in America. In the center of the socket is a
hole that feeds ink to the socket
from a long tube (reservoir)
inside the pen.
4. Quill Pen
- Made from a flight feather of a
large bird. The shaft of the
feather acts as an ink reservoir
and ink flows to the tip via
capillary action.