DFO Land Development Guidelines
DFO Land Development Guidelines
DFO Land Development Guidelines
These guidelines were produced by the Habitat Management Division of the Department of Fisheries and
Oceans and the Integrated Management Branch of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.
The authors gratefully acknowledge all those people who contributed to the composition of these
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................................3
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................................5
LEAVE STRIPS......................................................................................................................15
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT............................................................................................45
INSTREAM WORK.................................................................................................................63
FISH PASSAGE AND CULVERTS..........................................................................................69
LAND DEVELOPMENT EXAMPLE.........................................................................................89
SALMONID HABITAT.............................................................................................................117
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Figure 2.1
Riparian and Fisheries Sensitive Zones...................................................................................15
Figure 2.2
Riparian Zone Benefits to Aquatic Habitat...............................................................................16
Figure 2.3
Minimum Leave Strip for a Well-defined High Water Mark
in a Residential/Low Density Area...........................................................................................18
Figure 2.4
Minimum Leave Strip Width for a Poorly-defined High Water Mark
in a Residential/Low Density Area...........................................................................................19
Figure 2.5
Minimum Leave Strip for a Ravine or Steep-sloped Banks
in a Residential/Low Density Area...........................................................................................20
Figure 2.6
Plan View of Riparian Leave Strips..........................................................................................21
Figure 3.1
Surface and Slope Erosion and Sediment Control Applications
Figure 3.2
Typical Interceptor Ditch Construction and Application............................................................31
Figure 3.3
Typical Silt Fence Construction and Applications
Figure 3.4
Sediment Control Pond Plan and Sections..............................................................................39
Figure 3.5
Sediment Control Pond Riser Details and Baffle Layouts
Figure 3.6
Single Lot Development Erosion and Sediment Control Features
Figure 4.1
Dry Detention Pond Plan and Sections....................................................................................51
Figure 4.2
Wet Detention Pond Plan and Sections...................................................................................53
Figure 4.3
Detention Pond Control Structure Typical Details....................................................................54
Figure 4.4
Infiltration System Design and Typical Application...................................................................58
Figure 4.5
Coalescing Plate Oil-Water Separator.....................................................................................59
Figure 6.1
Culvert Installation Limiting Fish Access..................................................................................72
Figure 6.2
Culvert Providing Upstream Fish Passage
Land Development Guidelines
Figure 6.3
Culvert Installation for a Small Creek with Provision for Fry Passage
Figure 6.4
Diagram and Photo of a Rock Outlet Pool and Tailwater Control Structure
Figure 6.5
Diagram and Photo of Typical Culvert Baffle Layout and Installation
Figure 7.1
Land Development Guidelines Screening and Application Chart
Figure 8.1
Predevelopment Map..............................................................................................................91
Figure 8.2
Erosion and Sediment Control Map.........................................................................................94
Figure 8.3
Developed Site Map................................................................................................................96
Figure 8.4
Stream Information Summary (SIS) Report Data for Land Development Example
Figure 8.5
Land Development Example Site IDF Curves..........................................................................103
Figure 8.6
Calculation of Predevelopment and Post-development Peak Flows for Land Development
Figure 8.7
Calculation Spreadsheet and Simplified Hydrograph for Detention Volume Requirements
Figure A2.1
Anadromous Salmonid Life Cycle............................................................................................119
Figure A3.1
Fisheries Sensitive Zone Areas of British Columbia
Land Development Guidelines
Table 1.1 - Partial List of Agency Approvals for Land Development Projects
Table 3.1 - Required Surface Area and Overflow Rates for Discrete Particle Settling
Table 4.1 - Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Detention Technologies
Table 6.1 - Fisheries and Design Considerations for Stream Crossing Structures
Table 6.2 - Sustained, Prolonged and Burst Swimming Speeds For Various Fish
Table 8.1 - Example Development Construction Schedule
Table 8.2 - Land Cover Factors used for Rational Formula
Table 8.3 - Land Cover Factors used in Overland Flow Tc Calculation
Table 8.4 - Recurrence Intervals and Catchment Areas
Table 8.5 - Land Development Example IDF Data
Table A3.1 - Fisheries Sensitive Zone Species Timing Windows
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
degrade and destroy fish habitat and impact fish populations. Accordingly, DFO and MOELP
carefully control work in and around the Fisheries Sensitive Zone.
Land Development Guidelines
the impact assessment. If impacts are unacceptable and alternative siting, mitigation or
compensation are not possible, or the required information has not been provided, the project will
not be approved. Generally, early consultation with DFO and MOELP, and application of these
guidelines, will facilitate generation of a suitable land development plan. Proponents should
provide as much accurate information as possible so as to improve the efficiency of the process
for all parties concerned.
Land Development Guidelines
Table 1.1 - Partial List of Agency Approvals for Land Development Projects
Land Development Guidelines
Table 1.1 - Partial List of Agency Approvals for Land Development Projects
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
The primary objective of leave strips is to protect the riparian zone, which is critical to the
maintenance of a healthy aquatic environment. Riparian zones, located next to streams, rivers,
lakes and wetlands, have direct influence on aquatic habitat values. They can broadly be
described as the area of the streambank, including any side channels and associated banks, and
the area of influence, which contains upland areas not normally inundated during high water
conditions. Riparian zones and the instream aquatic habitat are both part of the Fisheries
Sensitive Zone (FSZ). Leave strips are the areas of land and vegetation adjacent to
watercourses that are to remain in an undisturbed state, throughout and after the development
process. The extent of the leave strip will be determined by the presence and proximity of a
watercourse on or adjacent to the development site, and by the nature of the watercourse and
surrounding land use. Leave strips should be provided on all watercourses that flow into
or contain fish or fish habitat. This may include wetlands, ponds, swampy areas or
other intermittently wetted areas, small streams, side channels and ditches which may
not flow throughout the entire year (ephemeral). The leave strip also helps to protect
private property from flooding and potential loss of land due to stream erosion and instability.
Land Development Guidelines
Food Source
The largest supply of food items and material supporting the aquatic food chain originates from
outside the stream's waters. Riparian zones provide food directly by providing habitat for
terrestrial insects that fall into the water becoming food items for fish. The organic matter, leaves
and needles provide a food source for many aquatic insects which in turn become food items for
Large Organic Debris (LOD) Source
The large mature deciduous and coniferous trees along a streambank provide a future source of
large organic debris in the aquatic environment and should be preserved. Fallen dead trees and
snags, eroded root structures and logs are the large organic debris that provides stream bed
stability, cover and habitat for young fish. LOD should not be removed from the stream FSZ.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Figure 2.3 Minimum Leave Strip for a Well-defined High Water Mark
in a Residential/Low Density Area
Land Development Guidelines
Figure 2.4 Minimum Leave Strip Width for a Poorly-defined High Water Mark
in a Residential/Low Density Area
Land Development Guidelines
Watercourse with well defined high water mark in a Commercial/High Density Area
Because of higher utilization of land and development of impervious areas within commercial,
industrial and multi-family/multi-dwelling developments, the potential for increased impacts on
watercourses can be great. Accordingly, protective leave strips should be widened to provide
additional protection. The minimum leave strip width on each side of the watercourse should be
30 meters from the high water mark
Watercourse with poorly-defined high water mark in a Commercial/High Density Area
Similar to a residential/low density area, but with an increased minimum width to allow for higher
land utilization. Where the watercourse is ill-defined, the minimum leave strip width on each side
of the watercourse should be 30 meters from the high water mark.
Watercourse with steeply sloped topography in a Commercial/High Density Area
Similar to a residential/low density area, but with increased minimum width to allow for higher
land utilization. If the distance from the high water mark to the toe of the slope is less than 30
meters, then the leave strip should be located at the first significant and regular break in slope
which is a minimum of 30 meters wide.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land development activities, such as clearing land, grading slopes, road building, and excavation
and stockpiling of materials, can lead to the erosion of soils into nearby watercourses. These
watercourses may contain fish and fish habitat, or flow into other streams that do. Increased
surface runoff as a result of the development, due to lack of vegetation, infiltration and ponding,
and the loose condition of disturbed soils leads to increased downslope transport of soils by the
runoff. Even after the replacement and compaction of slopes and surfaces, soil erosion, gully
and channel formation can occur. Sediments are composed of undissolved organic and
inorganic materials ranging in size from microscopic particles to boulders, transported by flowing
water. The finer material is carried suspended in the volume of water and is known as
suspended sediment or suspended load. Larger material, generally consisting of coarse sand,
gravels, and boulders, is carried along the channel bottom by the flow of water and is known as
bed load. Understandably, on and offsite runoff management is a key factor in erosion and
sediment control. Additionally, by preparing and covering disturbed soils, revegetating slopes
and lining runoff channels, the amount of soil available to be eroded can be reduced. The
objective of these erosion and sediment control guidelines is to minimize sediment inputs into fish
habitat by reducing the potential for erosion, by stabilizing disturbed soils and intercepting
sediment-laden runoff. Erosion and sediment control is extremely important because sediment
can have severe negative impacts on all life stages of fish and their habitat. The following are
examples of key fish and fish habitat impacts.
• Suspended sediment can settle on spawning areas, infill the intragravel voids and
smother the eggs and alevins in the gravel.
• Bed load and settled sediments can infill pools and riffles, reducing the availability and
quality of rearing habitat for fish.
• Suspended sediment can clog and abrade fish gills, causing suffocation or injury to fish.
• Suspended sediments can reduce water clari
ty and visibility in the stream, impairing the
ability of juvenile fish to find food items.
• Settled sediments can smother and displace aquatic organisms (benthic invertebrates),
reducing the amount of food items available to fish.
• Increased levels of sediment can displace fish out of prime habitat into less suitable
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
• Minimize flow over bare areas by diverting overland flows away from development areas.
• Isolate cleared areas and building sites with swales tore-direct runoff.
• Avoid steep slopes below rills and gullies.
• Retain natural drainage patterns wherever possible.
Minimize the length and steepness of slopes where possible.
• Erosion and soil loss is greater the longer and steeper the slope. Minimize both length
and steepness of all slopes at engineering/planning stage.
Minimize runoff velocities and erosive energy.
• Maximize the length of flow paths for precipitation runoff to minimize energy of flow.
• Construct interceptor ditches and channels with low gradients to minimize secondary
erosion and transport.
• Line unavoidably steep interceptor or conveyance ditches with filter fabric, rock or
polyethylene lining to prevent channel erosion.
Design development for increased runoff.
• Design and engineer ditches and channe
ls for post development flows.
• Construct stable, non-erodible ditches, inlet and outlet structures.
Retain eroded sediments onsite with erosion and sediment control structures.
• Utilize sediment traps and silt fences.
• Provide bed load clean-outs at culverts and ditches.
• Construct and operate sediment control ponds.
Plan, inspect, and maintain erosion and sediment control structures.
• Develop and follow a maintenance and inspection schedule as part of the development
• Stockpile the required erosion/sediment control materials: filter cloth, rock, seed, drain
rock, culverts, staking, matting, polyethylene, used tires, etc.
Land Development Guidelines
Slope Protection
The following techniques should be employed to prevent the initiation of surface soil erosion and
movement of sediments from slopes. The surface preparation applied to slopes can be
determined by the type of material and grade of the slope. The measures used for erosion and
sediment control on slopes are as follows.
• Application of surface protection.
• Application of silt fences.
• Design and installation of interceptor ditches.
• Application of other land development erosion control features or approved erosion
control measures.
Conditions of implementation of these erosion and sediment control measures for slopes should
be as follows.
• In dry conditions, all cut/fill and cleared natural slopes and surfaces should have erosion
controls implemented within 14 days.
• In wet conditions, erosion control should be implemented immediately on completion of
the grading operations of the worked area.
• Slopes exceeding 3.0 meters in height an
d steeper than 2H:1V should be reviewed by a
Professional Engineer to assess slope stability, erosion, and drainage control
The photographs in Figure 3.1 illustrate some prominent features of both slope and surface
erosion control structures.
Temporary Slopes
Protection for a duration up to 6 months. Temporary slope preparations are determined by
subgrade type (below) and slope/erodibility.
• Bed Rock/Hard Glacial Till Subgrade:
Slopes may be left exposed.
• Silt, Sand, Mixed Sand/Gravel Subgrade:
Temporary surface protection.
• Organic or Top Soil Subgrade:
Temporary surface protection.
• Coarse Gravel/Cobble Subgrade:
Slopes may be left exposed. No surface protection unless erosion develops.
Land Development Guidelines
Surface Protection
The purpose of these techniques is to absorb raindrop impact, reduce runoff velocity, improve
infiltration, bind soil particles with roots, and protect the soil from the wind. The rapid
establishment of a vegetation cover is generally recognized as the most cost effective form of
surface erosion control. Protection of the soil surface with mulches or other materials will provide
immediate erosion control until vegetation is established. When time is limited or vegetation
establishment is not a goal, or weather conditions are unsuitable, the use of polyethylene
sheeting or tarps is recommended.
Temporary Surface Protection
Surfaces and slopes less than 2H:1V use Seeding with Straw Mulch:
• Soil surfaces to be treated should be rough. Scarify to a maximum depth of 2.5 cm if
necessary. Broadcast 100% fall rye seed at a rate of 50 kg/ha. Include 19-23-14
fertilizer at a minimum rate of 200 kg/ha.
• Cover the seeded area with at least 5 cm of straw, preferably applied with a blower. The
straw should be held in place with a hydroseeder application of wood fiber mulch at 500
kg/ha and a tackifier at 40 kg/ha, or with netting.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Interceptor Ditches
Interceptor ditches are structures designed to intercept and carry clean surface runoff away from
erodible areas and slopes, reducing the potential surface erosion and limiting the amount of
runoff requiring treatment. Alternatively, they can collect sediment contaminated runoff from
slopes and carry it, without further erosion, to treatment areas or sediment ponds. Figure 3.2
shows typical installations of interceptor ditch structures as well as ditch lining types.
Design of Interceptor-Conveyance Ditches
• The location and access to interceptor ditches should be determined following analysis of
the topography, the existing or planned drainage pattern and subgrade conditions. They
should be laid out, following contours if possible, and constructed during initial clearing.
• Interceptor ditches should be located along the uphill boundaries of development sites,
the uphill sides of major cut and fill slopes, to intercept and convey overland runoff.
• Interceptor-conveyance ditches should be designed to take a 2 year (1:2) storm runoff
flow with 0.3 meters freeboard. Sideslopes should be no steeper than 1H:1V.
Construction of Interceptor Ditches
The construction and protection of the ditch should be based on the expected design flows,
subgrade soil conditions, gradient and design life.
• Bed Rock/Hard Glacial Till Subgrade:
Ditches can remain unlined.
• Silt, Sand, Mixed Sand/Gravel, or Organic Subgrade:
Ditches should be lined with 0.6 mm polyethylene if it is overlapped 0.5 meters, bedded
on non-angular material, and the top edges are anchored in small (0.30 meter deep)
trenches along the top of the ditch. The subgrade should be free of any angular material.
• Coarse Gravel/Cobble Subgrade:
Shallow gradient ditches may remain unlined. Steep gradient ditches should be
armoured or lined with polyethylene as above.
• Steep Gradient and/or Large Volume Ditches:
Steep gradient and/or ditches carrying a large volume of water will require full rock
armouring to design water levels to prevent scour and bank erosion.
• Interceptor ditches may require energy dissipators at changes in grade and elevation, as
well as armouring at changes in direction. Energy dissipators may be weirs built of
broken rock, gabions, concrete or timber. The location and design of energy dissipators
should be done by a Professional Engineer.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
• Excavated bed load traps or pools formed by gravel berms can be constructed to collect
eroded material. They should be located downstream of points of sudden reduction in
gradient. They should be cleaned out after heavy rainfall or during periods of sustained
• Sideslopes should be seeded to reduce erosion and subsequent maintenance, and also
to improve appearance, especially for permanent works. Temporary ditches should be
filled and the area reclaimed when they are no longer required.
• A regular, permanent maintenance program is necessary to keep ditches in good working
order. Silt has to be removed from silt traps, weirs may have to be adjusted or repaired,
additional rip-rapping may be necessary. All ditches and structures should be inspected
after heavy rainfall or during periods of sustained precipitation.
Silt Fences
Silt fences and related structures provide an effective filter for sediment-laden runoff from eroded
slopes and surfaces. The fine openings do not allow the passage of sediment coarser than about
0.02 mm. Silt fences are effective boundary control devices, trapping the sediment close to the
erosion source and preventing mobilization into runoff, but have a limited sediment retention
capacity. Figure 3.3 illustrates some typical applications using silt fences for erosion control, and
design parameters.
• Silt or filter fences should be installed on the lower perimeter of slopes (lower 1/3 to 1/2
of site) and areas where the erodibility is high and/or it is desirable to contain waterborne
movement of eroded soils. Such areas include the bottom of cut or fill slopes, material
stockpiles and disturbed natural areas.
• Filter fabric or geotextile may be a pervious sheet of slit film woven polypropylene, nylon,
polyester, or ethylene yarn, having the following properties.
• Minimum Filtering Efficiency 90%.
• Minimum Flow Rate 0.012 m3/m2/minute.
• Minimum grab tensile strength 700 N.
• Minimum equivalent opening size 0.15 mm (median 0.21 mm).
• If standard strength filter fabric is used it must be backed by a wire fence supported on
posts not over 2.0 meters apart. Extra strength filter fabric may be used without wire
fence backing if posts are not over 1.0 meters apart. Fabric joints should be lapped at
least 0.15 meters and stapled. The bottom edge should be anchored in a 0.30 meter
deep trench, or some equivalent manner, to prevent flow under the fence.
• If the filter fabric decomposes or becomes ineffective, it must be replaced and the fence
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Table 3.1 - Required Surface Area and Overflow Rates for Discrete Particle Settling
(m2 pond area per m3 of flow)
The proper design and operation of settling facilities in no way removes the
responsibility of the proponent from achieving the site runoff water quality objectives .
Where the use of gravity settling will not provide the required effluent quality, or where lack of
space does not permit provision of such facilities, the proponent may wish to consider the use of
mechanical settling devices or chemical agents. The design requirements of such facilities are
Land Development Guidelines
beyond the scope of these guidelines and would require detailed plans prepared by a
Professional Engineer. Such an installation would also require approval from MOELP -
Environmental Protection Division for operation, maintenance, discharge and disposal of the
Site Runoff Water Quality Requirements
Runoff water from the development site should contain less than 25 mg/liter of suspended solids
(or non-filterable residue, NFR) above the back-ground suspended solids levels of the receiving
waters during normal dry weather operation and less than 75 mg/liter of suspended solids above
background levels during design storm events. However, where spawning areas are situated in
the receiving waters, the storm runoff water discharged should not, at any time, increase
suspended solids levels above background suspended solids levels in the receiving waters.
Background suspended solids levels are the natural instream suspended solids or NFR levels
measured upstream of the point of discharge in the watercourse. If there is any question
regarding the normal dry weather or design storm background level, DFO or MOELP
staff should be contacted .
Location and Number of Sediment Control Ponds
• Sediment control ponds should be located at the lowest practical point in the catchment
• The location, number, and size of ponds will reflect the area being developed at any one
time, but a minimum of two (2) should be constructed.
Design Parameters for Sediment Control Ponds
• Design particle size 0.02 mm.
• Design pond area developed site 5 year (1:5) storm to calculate
design area based on runoff flow and design
particle or minimum of 1% of the total erodible
• Design horizontal velocity horizontal velocity which will not cause
suspension or erosion of deposited material.
• Design hydraulic retention time minimum of 40 minutes.
• Design drawdown time 48 hours with no incoming flow or loss of
accumulated solids.
• Overflow spill capacity developed site 1:10 year (1:10) storm event.
• Emergency spillway capacity developed site 1:100 year (1:100) storm event.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Figure 3.4 Sediment Control Pond Plan and Sections
Land Development Guidelines
Figure 3.5 Sediment Control Pond Riser Details and Baffle Layouts
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
• The rinse and cleaning water or solvents for glues, paints, wood preservatives and other
potentially harmful or toxic substances on the development site should be controlled so
as to prevent leakage, loss or discharge into the storm drain system.
• Gypsum board wastes must be removed from the project site, preferably to a recycling
facilities, or an approved disposal sites (disposal of gypsum board wastes by burying
onsite is not permitted).
• Wood wastes, such as hog fuel, sawdust and wood chips, are not acceptable for fill
material because of the potential release of toxic leachates from these wood wastes into
the aquatic environment.
• Where land is being redeveloped and there is contamination of the site, those
contaminants must be removed, disposed of, or otherwise neutralized, as prescribed by
DOE/EP and MOELP/EPD, prior to proceeding with redevelopment of the affected lands.
Potential mitigation and costs of contaminant removal are the responsibility of the land
Land Development Guidelines
• Transport of excavated materials from the site should limit spillage on adjacent road
surfaces and dropping of loose soils in the form of dust or mud from wheels, tracks and
undercarriages of equipment.
Land Development Guidelines
Figure 3.6 Single Lot Development Erosion and Sediment Control Features
Land Development Guidelines
The primary objectives of the stormwater management guidelines are to limit the post-
development 1:2 year storm offsite runoff rate to the predevelopment 1:2 year rate and to
maintain, as closely as possible, the natural predevelopment flow pattern and water quality in the
receiving watercourse. The clearing, grading and servicing of development sites within a
watershed alter the natural hydrology of the watershed. The increase of cleared and developed
areas decreases the ponding and transpiration of precipitation that previously provided detention,
which delayed runoff thereby reducing peak flows. The increase of impervious areas and routing
of stormwater flows decreases retention of precipitation by infiltration, which reduced the surface
runoff component thereby reducing total runoff volumes. With reduced detention and retention,
runoff can concentrate rapidly into significantly higher peak flows combined with increased runoff
volumes (i.e. longer periods of higher flows). This combination of hydrological factors can initiate
or accelerate channel and bank instability in receiving watercourses with negative impacts on fish
and fish habitat. In addition, due to reduced infiltration and local groundwater recharge,
baseflows during low flow conditions can be substantially lower than predevelopment baseflows,
reducing the amount and quality of habitat available to fish during these critical periods. These
flow-related impacts are often combined with:
• Decreased water quality resulting from pollutants and sediments introduced by the
surface runoff.
• Loss of habitat related to channelization and culverting of small streams.
• Destruction of wetlands and related riparian areas through drainage and development.
All these related impacts are typical of a disturbed, urbanized watershed, and result in a
reduction of the diversity and productivity of the aquatic habitat. As research, implementation
and assessment of stormwater management practices progress, the objectives of these
guidelines will be changed to reflect higher levels of downstream protection to protect fish and
fish habitat.
Land Development Guidelines
a watershed, including interception of baseflows and relocation of catchment areas, will not be
permitted where impacts to fish and fish habitat may occur.
In a developed environment, detention ponds and other runoff management technologies are
required to replace some of the natural processes that existed prior to development. They do not
completely replace the natural characteristics of runoff flow retention and detention, or water
quality buffering and sediment filtering. They are used primarily to detain flows, thus limiting the
peak rates of runoff from the developed site, provide some retention through infiltration and
recharge to groundwater flows, and remove some sediment carried by stormwater runoff. The
type of facility for a particular project should be based on the size of development, degree of
detention required and specific site conditions. Table 4.1 illustrates some of the advantages and
disadvantages of various stormwater management technologies. It should be recognized that
certain stormwater management technologies provide both water quantity and water quality
benefits. These runoff water quality objectives are also contained within these guidelines.
Where practical and cost-effective, it is expected that developers will implement technologies that
provide benefits to both water quantity and water quality to protect fish and fish habitat.
Land Development Guidelines
- good for multiple use areas - poor water quality buffering and
Dry Ponds
- suitable for large detention volumes sediment removal
- good peak rate control - large land area used
- used in conjunction with infiltration - on-line better than off-line
- empty ponds have poor aesthetics
- high capital and construction costs
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Figure 4.1 Dry Detention Pond Plan and Sections
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Figure 4.2 Wet Detention Pond Plan and Sections
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Infiltration Systems
Stormwater systems that utilize infiltration can provide many benefits to the hydrology and water
quality of an urbanized stream. Infiltration systems can provide retention of runoff through
groundwater recharge in addition to runoff peak flow control. The soil, through which the
stormwater runoff passes, acts as a filter removing a large percentage of the common pollutants
normally discharged to the stream or creek. Infiltration can provide recharge to the local area
groundwater which in turn feeds smaller streams and creeks. This groundwater is slowly
discharged back into streams and can constitute all or part of the stream's baseflow. Maintaining
this baseflow can be critical for fish and fish habitat during extended periods of little or no
precipitation and runoff. In many applications, stormwater runoff from the developed site can be
collected and discharged into an infiltration system where there is no infrastructure to support
conventional stormwater removal systems, with the added benefit of reduced costs of providing
offsite conveyance.
Application of Infiltration Systems
• Infiltration basins may be used as a method of stormwater detention only if required
detention volumes are relatively small.
• In larger applications, a series of infiltration basins may be necessary, each serving a
small collection area. Utilizing several galleries may reduce collection and piping costs
normally associated with conventional stormwater systems. Infiltration basins should not
be built under parking lots or other multi-use areas.
• Ponding and detention can be incorporated into the design of the infiltration system.
Conversely, infiltration can be used in combination with other detention technologies to
provide retention of runoff.
• Infiltration systems should not be used if any of the following site conditions are found:
• The seasonal high groundwater table is within 0.6 meters of the infiltrating
• Bedrock is located within 1.2 meters of the infiltrating surface.
• The infiltrating surface is located on top of fill material.
• The adjacent or underlying soils have a fully saturated percolation rate of less
than 0.5 inches per hour.
• The following conditions should be followed in siting an infiltration system:
• Subgrade foundation or basement is not located within 5.0 meters.
• A water supply well is not located within 30 meters.
• Infiltration systems should not be placed on slopes greater than 5H:1V due to
downslope seepage, saturation and slope failure potential.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Figure 4.4 Infiltration System Design and Typical Application
Land Development Guidelines
Oil-Water Separators
Oil-water separators are suitable for the removal of floatable petroleum-based contaminants from
small areas of concentrated activity, such as gas stations, automotive service areas and parking
lots. Oil-water separators have a limited ability to remove floatable petroleum contaminants in
typical large-scale stormwater runoff applications and their application should be limited to these
small area generation sites. Removal of these contaminants is best achieved using a coalescing
plate oil/water separator (CPS). The coalescing plate separator uses a packed plate media and
is effective in removing oil droplets 60 microns and larger, which constitute up to 85% of the oil
volume in commercial applications (Gibb et al., 1991).The required area and number of plates are
determined by the design inflow into the CPS unit.
• The design flows into the separator should be based on the 1:2 year post-development
flows, when the detention requirements of these guidelines are not provided for the
catchment area.
• Where detention is provided to the 1:2 predevelopment flow rate, the oil-water separator
should be installed downstream of the detention structure.
• Spill control separators (similar to Figure 4.3) also limit the impact of uncontrolled spills of
pollutants, and should be installed as required in storm drainage catch basins.
• Oil absorbent pads should be installed to aid in the removal of floatable petroleum
contaminants. The absorbent pads should be replaced on a regular basis and disposed
of in a safe manner
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Biofilters are vegetated filter strips and swales that provide physical removal of deleterious
substances, notably particulate contaminants, with some biological removal mechanisms.
Biofilter technology is suitable for sheet flow runoff, typical of large linear impervious
developments like roadways and parking lots.
Urban Forests and Leave Strips
Depending on the extent of tree canopy and ground cover retained, runoff reduction and
deleterious substance removal can be achieved by the use of forested areas. Removal
processes include filtration, absorption, and biological uptake and conversion by plant life.
Riparian leave strips, especially surrounding aquatic habitat, promote the conservation and
protection of fish and wildlife habitat.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
It is recognized that at times it may be necessary to perform instream work as part of the process
of developing land. The objective of the instream work guidelines is to promote careful planning
and construction practices to limit the potential for impacts on the aquatic environment. Instream
work is any work performed below the high water mark, either within or above the wetted
perimeter, of any feature within the FSZ. Prior to commencement of any instream work
and with sufficient lead time, proponents should consult with DFO/MOELP for
information regarding FSZ species timing windows and construction methods .
Because instream work has the potential to be extremely destructive to fish habitat, methods and
procedures to minimize instream activities should be considered during the planning and design
stages of a project. The procedures should be specifically designed to achieve the following
objectives throughout the project.
• Protect the natural stream conditions and structure to promote stability of bank and bed
structures, and retain riparian vegetation.
• Provide the instream conditions required for unhindered fish passage upstream and
• Prevent introduction of pollutants and deleterious substances by controlling const
activities and site conditions.
• Prevent generation of sediment, impacting fish and aquatic habitat, by utilizing the proper
instream construction technique and supervision.
Land Development Guidelines
• Minimize disturbance to stream banks where equipment enters and leaves the
watercourse. Reconstruct and revegetate stream banks to their original condition as
soon as activity has finished (see Section 2).
• Use the proper equipment for the proposed construction activity. Avoid damage caused
by stuck equipment or delays because of insufficient capacity for proposed work.
• Ensure that all construction equipment is mechanically sound to avoid leaks of oil,
gasoline, hydraulic fluids and grease. Consider steam cleaning and check-up of
construction equipment prior to use instream.
• Require the use of biodegradable hydraulic fluids for machinery used for instream work.
Land Development Guidelines
stream width by an amount that will lead to erosion of banks both upstream and downstream of
the site or impede the movement of migrating fish. Only clean, silt free materials shall be used
as the fill materials for coffer dams, and all bags and materials must be removed after
construction is completed. All water pumped from contained work areas within coffer dams must
be discharged on an upland site to allow sediment removal before it re-enters any watercourse.
Flumes are most often heavy gauge steel pipe(s) that will carry the flowing water over the total
distance of the isolated work site. The fluming pipes should be sized to handle the maximum
expected discharge recognizing the maximum practical fluming capacity is about 3 cubic meters
per second (106 cfs). The design of the flume should include consideration of the flow capacity,
size and length of fluming, area and depth of excavated area, and stability of the stream bed
substrate during excavation.
Temporary Stream Diversions
Temporary stream diversions or channelization should always be excavated in isolation of stream
flow, starting from the bottom end of the diversion channel and working upstream to minimize
sediment production. Any dewatering flows should be directed to a settling pond to remove
sediments. Channel diversion shall only commence in the presence of a DFO/MOELP
representative and should be completed as quickly as possible, preferably within a single day
during the low flow period. Upon completion of the instream work, the stream shall be restored to
its original configuration and stabilized to prevent bank erosion around the temporary diversion.
Water Intakes
Water intakes in fish bearing streams shall be screened to Federal Fisheries specifications to
prevent the possibility of juvenile fish mortality. For detailed information refer to DFO's
Screening Directive (1990).
Land Development Guidelines
contained or recycled, and weathered or seasoned for a minimum of 45 days before it is used in
or near any water body. Pressure treated lumber containing CCA should be allowed to fully react
and also weathered for a minimum of 45 days. Application of treatment solutions to installed
materials on or over water is not recommended under any circumstances. Creosote applications
should include steam treating to reduce loss of preservative into the marine environment.
All paints are toxic and should only be applied when tarpaulins have been installed beneath work
areas. This will allow for the collection of any excess liquid or scrapings and the subsequent
careful removal to a safe disposal location. Paint removal scrapings and sandblasting slag
should also be contained.
Cast-In-Place Concrete
Concrete, which contains lime in the cement, can kill fish by substantially altering the pH in
stream water. All cast-in-place concrete should be totally isolated from flowing water for a
minimum 48 hour period to allow the pH to reach neutral levels before continuing instream work.
Pre-cast concrete should be used whenever applicable for the construction required.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
The objective of these guidelines is to maintain migratory fish movements in watercourses to
ensure that the various phases in the life cycle of fish can be carried out without undue stress or
hazards that would affect the productivity of present and future populations. Barriers that prevent
fish from moving upstream to spawning or restrict access to rearing and feeding areas can take
many forms which may not be obvious. They include: dams of materials and debris, increased
flow velocities over long reaches of stream, lack of jump pools at drops in the stream channel and
insufficient water depth because of sedimentation or channelization. Natural migratory fish
movement should be maintained by the provisions of these guidelines which are intended to
minimize changes to the natural stream morphology and hydraulic conditions, and maintain
adequate water quantity and quality.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Table 6.2 - Sustained, Prolonged and Burst Swimming Speeds For Various Fish
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Culvert baffles are flow interference structures, usually in the form of low weirs, which extend
partially or entirely across the culvert cross-section. Such structures either interrupt the flow
pattern and provide the fish with a series of resting areas or create a continuous zone or route of
controlled velocities through which the fish can swim.
• Baffles should be constructed in the culvert barrel if the slope of the culvert exceeds the
criteria outlined in Passage Design Criteria for Adult Fish.
• The most successful baffle configuration has been the offset baffle design, developed
and model-tested by McKinley and Webb (1956). The offset baffle configuration consists
of 'paired' baffles attached to the sides and bottom of the culvert and extending out into
the flow of water. The baffles produce a flow pattern compatible with fish migration while
minimizing interference with debris or bed load movement (see Figure 6.5 for general
layout dimensions for offset baffle arrangement).
• Baffles significantly reduce the hydraulic efficiency of the culvert. When making capacity
calculations, the reduced efficiency can be estimated by subtracting the cross-sectional
area displaced by the baffles from the cross-sectional area of the culvert, and increasing
the roughness coefficient.
Land Development Guidelines
This section deals with the steps, procedures and items required to prepare a land development
impact assessment in order to substantiate the practical implementation of the guidelines for
DFO and MOELP fish habitat impact assessment purposes. This document should be part of the
overall development plan and be included in the development/construction specifications.
Recognition by the land development proponent of the impacts on the aquatic environment that
may be created by the project is one of the most important steps in preventing the loss of fish
spawning, incubation and rearing capability in streams and watercourses. The land development
proponent should "take stock" of the natural conditions prevailing in waters on and adjacent to the
site, prior to the commencement of any work. This will create an awareness, and respect for this
resource and a recognition of the necessity and responsibility to preserve it.
The planning process provides both the agencies and the proponent a framework to assess
development activities, potential impacts and effects of the proposed control measures. An
accurate assessment of the impacts is important, and the proponent should prepare an
assessment containing at least the information outlined in this section.
Understanding the characteristics of the fisheries resource (Appendix II) is an important step in
determining what impact a proposed land development project will have on the spawning and
rearing capabilities of the streams and watercourses in the immediate or downstream vicinity.
The determination of the impacts, both positive and negative, can be assisted by assessment of
the natural conditions of the proposed development site prior to commencement of any design or
construction work. While it is not mandatory to provide an environmental impact statement to the
approving authorities, such a statement can be required at the discretion of the Minister of
Fisheries and Oceans (Fisheries Act, Section 37(1)). In areas of extremely sensitive fisheries
habitat values, land development may not be possible if DFO's policy of no net loss of the
productive capacity of those habitats is to be satisfied.
The above considerations should be adopted by regional and municipal governments as they
determine their own land use policies. Increased environmental awareness by all people
regarding the use of the finite land and water resources makes protection of fish and fish habitat
a paramount issue. If sustainable development is achieved, people will continue to enjoy all the
values associated with productive aquatic habitat and the fisheries resource in and around
developed urbanized areas.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Environmental Monitoring
In accordance with current practice, and where considered appropriate by government agencies,
the proponent should employ environmental monitors to ensure a high standard of environmental
protection during construction. Construction can be either continuously monitored or periodically
inspected, depending on site sensitivity and the nature of construction. The monitor should have
Land Development Guidelines
the authority to modify or stop operations in the case of non-compliance with approval conditions
or where unforeseen circumstances cause environmental problems. The monitor also provides
the following services as required:
• Acting as an intermediary between the proponent and regulatory bodies.
• Briefing the contractor on site-specific environmental requirements.
• provides basic environmental education and construction guidelines to all field personnel.
• closely supervises construction activity to ensure compliance with construction
• Participating in meetings between proponent, agency personnel and the contractor(s).
• Defining environmental standards for construction.
• Mapping and marking sensitive areas in a
dvance of actual construction.
• Reporting to the proponent and the regulatory agencies on the environmental
performance of the contractor.
The proponent, by allowing the monitor to represent agency concerns, benefits since this allows
the proponent to avoid shutdowns and other costly complications that would otherwise result from
preventable environmental violations. Regulatory agency personnel may overrule the
environmental monitor, and have final authority in determining whether or not construction
standards are being met by the contractor.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
This design example illustrates the application of the Land Development Guidelines to a small
development site. In the application of the erosion and sediment control guidelines, an
interceptor ditch/swale and sediment control pond are designed. Also, this design example
utilizes the rational method, simplified unit hydrograph and alternate infiltration system in the
design of the stormwater management requirements. Where possible, information is included to
provide additional background and detail to the methods used. The methodologies used are
examples and illustrations, not endorsements or minimum requirements, for calculating
requirements outlined in the Land Development Guidelines.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Stream Name: Willow Creek
Local Name: Swansky/Ford Creek
Watershed Code: 92-2645
Location: Flows NE into Discovery Passage at Willow Point, SE of Campbell River.
Distribution Summary
CO Coho Salmon Throughout (above site).
CM Chum Salmon Presence Noted (above site).
CT Cutthroat Trout Presence Noted (above site).
FSZ Area: Area 1
FSZ Window: Aug 1 - Sep 15 (Final window to be determined with DFO/MOELP consultation)
Climatic Information
IDF curves for development site were derived from Environment Canada - Atmospheric
Environment Service Rainfall Frequency Atlas for Canada (1985) using estimates of mean
rainfall, standard deviation and frequency factors from rainfall frequency maps.
Current/Future Land Use
The current zoning and OCP designation allows for development of a light commercial/business
center. The total site area is 2.2 hectares. Water supply and sewerage are provided along the
frontage with the r/w together with site access and utilities hook-ups. Site stormwater
management is to be provided onsite with discharge to creek after treatment/detention.
Development/Construction Schedule
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Maintenance Schedule
Contractor shall be responsible for maintenance of the features as listed below and on the site
drawings during construction. Owner assumes responsibility of all features upon final inspection.
Maintenance items include:
• Erosion control tarping and re-vegetation.
• Interceptor ditch.
• Sediment control pond.
• Wet detention pond.
• Site waste and access control.
Contact List
• Registered Owner
• Prime Contractor
• Land Development Consultant
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
These ranges of values illustrate the variability in runoff factors and the caution required when
selecting the value for the land form type. Higher values in the range generally correspond to
steeper sloped sites, frozen conditions, or relative poor underlying soil permeability or drainage.
Time of Concentration - Tc
Time of concentration (Tc) is the estimate of the time required for runoff to contribute from the
total area, and is equal to the time of runoff travel from the farthest point in the catchment area to
the point under consideration. Theoretically, a storm event with a duration equal to Tc will
develop the peak runoff rates equal to the intensity of precipitation of that duration over that
catchment area. Generally, storm events of longer duration (larger Tc) will have lower
precipitation intensities and peak runoff rates, but often similar total volume of runoff, in
comparison to shorter, more intense storms. For application to the rational formula, the minimum
catchment Tc is 5 minutes and the maximum catchment Tc is 100 minutes. The minimum Tc
ensures that runoff is generated from smaller, less pervious areas, and the maximum Tc limits
the size of the catchment area and length of flow path. One example of calculating time of
concentration values is by using a nomograph based on slope and rational formula runoff
coefficients (example of Tc nomograph, pg. 4.20, Goldman et al.). A second method uses a
basic formula based generally on Manning's equation and adapted to overland flow conditions.
The formula method adapted for use in the Land Development Guidelines design example was
derived from the Draft Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin. The
formula calculates the Tc (minutes) for overland flow conditions and is intended for use with use
with the Rational formula:
60K s
where L is the flow path length (m), s is the slope (m/m), and K is the land cover factor.
Note that for open water, the time of concentration is assumed equal to zero. Density of
vegetation and presence of channelization will result in variations to these average K values.
Land Development Guidelines
Recurrence Intervals
The recurrence interval is used to determine the design storm event for interceptor ditches,
sediment control ponds and detention structures. The recurrence interval or return period is the
number of years between events (e.g. floods, precipitation, snowfall) of a certain duration and
intensity. In the design of hydraulic structures, engineering-economic analysis provides the basis
for the design of a structure's capacity to be periodically exceeded rather than having to build a
larger, more costly structure whose capacity would never be reached. In the design of temporary
facilities, a lower recurrence interval is used, accepting a higher risk of failure because of the
relatively short time the facility is operational. For permanent facilities, and those whose failure
would result in direct impacts to property and people, a higher recurrence interval with lower
associated risk is used. In the design of detention facilities, the lower recurrence interval
(predevelopment 1:2 year) was selected to prevent environmental damage resulting from floods
greater than the mean annual (occurring approximately every 1:2 years) generated from
developed areas in a watershed. The emergency spillway capacities of pond structures, whose
structural failure would have a great impact downstream on property, people and the
environment, are designed for a 1:100 year event. Below is a summary of the design
requirements for the Land Development Guidelines according to recurrence interval and area.
Additional factors of safety, including: provision of freeboard around ponds and channels,
additional storage in detention structures, increased settling area for sediment control ponds and
reduced design infiltration rates for infiltration systems, are used to ensure safe and long-term
Land Development Guidelines
5 2.9 1.5
10 4.5 1.7
15 5.5 1.9
30 7.5 3
60 12 5
120 17 4
360 32 8
720 45 8
1440 55 15
Land Development Guidelines
100 10
1 10 100 1000 10000
DURATION (minutes)
Land Development Guidelines
2 1
AR 3S 2
d 2
Q = and R = and =
n 2 2
2 1 8 1
AR 3S 2 3 S2
Q=0.042 m s =
n 2n
Therefore the lined ditch should be 0.18 meters deep + freeboard of 0.30 meters = 0.48 meters in
depth and the resulting velocity would be:
2 1 2 1
R 3 S2 d 3S2
V = = = 1.24 m/s
n 2n
Based on the resulting velocity and length of ditch we can estimate channel travel time to check
that the initial estimate for time of concentration is accurate. Therefore:
Time of Concentration = Overland Flow Time + Channel Flow Time
L 100
Tc = Initial Tc + = 15 + = 15 +1.3 = 16.3 minutes
60V 60 x 1.24
Re-checking the flows, the 1:2 precipitation intensity for Tc equal to 16.3 minutes is
approximately equal to the intensity for 15 minutes, and our initial flow estimate is correct.
Design of Sediment Control Pond
In this design, the resulting pond design peak inflow is 0.042 m3/s based on a recurrence interval
of 2 years. According to the guidelines area requirement for settling ponds:
1. 2 Q
A = = 250 m2
Using the factor for effective length-to-width ratio of 5:1 and 52w = 250 m 2, the resulting effective
width should be equal to 7.1 meters and the effective length equal to 35.5 meters. Checking the
required area for minimum hydraulic detention time of 40 minutes:
A = = 201.6 m 2
0.5 depth
Area required for particle settling governs and the average effective pond area at design flows
should be equal to 250 m 2.
Land Development Guidelines
To design the correct orifice area requirement for the sediment pond drawdown ports:
A 2h
Cd3600T g
where T equals drawdown time required (48 hours), orifice coefficient of discharge (Cd) equal
2), and h equals pond depth (0.5 meters). Substituting
0.6, A equals average pond area (250 m
2 or hole diameter equal to 31
values into the equation yields a drawdown port area of 770 mm
mm. The riser is designed for the 1:100 year runoff, which results in a precipitation intensity of
57 mm/hour and a design peak flow of 0.10 m3/s. By using the sharp-crested weir equation the
design water elevation above the riser stack can be determined. Assuming a 450 mm diameter
riser pipe, C (weir coefficient) is set at 3.4 and L is equal toπd, the head above the riser crest
can be calculated:
Q 3
Cd π
The resulting head above the riser pipe at 1:100 year runoff rates is 0.08 meters. The
emergency spillway is also designed for a 1:100 event, in case the riser outflow is blocked. The
last design check is to ensure the mean horizontal pond velocity is below the critical suspension
velocity of the design particle. The horizontal velocity is equal to:
Vh = wd = 0.025 m/s < 0.075 m/s = design particle critical scour velocity.
The pond design guidelines will determine final physical sediment pond lay-out and size. The
riser design details, maintenance requirements and interval, and location should be detailed on
pond plan.
Calculation of Detention Requirements
The objective of the Land Development Guidelines is to limit the peak post-development runoff to
the 1:2 predevelopment levels. First, the predevelopment 1:2 peak runoff rate must be
determined using, in this case, the rational formula and an analysis of the land cover type, area
and slopes. By following the contours, the general overland flow is across the site, with no
discrete channel flow elements. The area-weighted runoff factors and times of concentration,
using the Tc formula, were calculated on a spreadsheet (Figure 8.6). The 1:2 peak
predevelopment flow, derived with IDF data and the rational method, was calculated to be 0.022
m3/s. Next the post development conditions were analyzed, and a peak post-development
discharge of 0.097 m3/s was obtained. In order to calculate the detention requirements, a
simplified hydrograph for the site was developed. Time dependent rates of runoff were
calculated using the rational formula and IDF data. It was assumed that the predevelopment rate
of runoff continues at peak rates for storms of duration greater than Tc predevelopment. Post-
development runoff rates decreased as intensities decreased with greater duration (time).
Land Development Guidelines
Overland Flow Sub-basin Land Sub-basin Runoff Overland Land Cover Slope Tc
Sub-basin Cover Area Factor Flow Path Factor (min)
Number Type (ha) R (meters) (K)
Post-development Condition
Overland Flow Sub-basin Land Sub-basin Runoff Overland Land Cover Slope Tc
Sub-basin Cover Area Factor Flow Path Factor (min)
Number Type (ha) R (meters) (K)
Channel Flow Calculated Manning's Slope Pipe Area Depth Velocity Flow Tc
From - To Sub-basin Flow n Dia (m2) (m/s) Path
(m) (min)
Sub-basin (m3/s) (m) (m)
The difference between the predevelopment and the post-development rates of runoff is the
stormwater runoff that must be detained in order to meet the objectives of the guidelines. This
detention volume was calculated by multiplying the difference between the two runoff rates with
elapsed time, and the resulting cumulative volume was calculated in the spreadsheet (see Figure
8.7). The difference in the predevelopment and post-development rates of runoff is visually
represented by the two simplified hydrographs. For the design example, the required detention
volume was calculated to be 194.2 cubic meters.
Land Development Guidelines
Detention 194.2 m3
post Tc = 10 min
F 0.06
O 0.05
W Postdevelopment Flows
Predevelopment Flows
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Land Development Guidelines
10 W 2 + 4 2 W − 551 = 0
design water elevation above the riser stack can be determined. Assuming a 450 mm diameter
riser pipe, C (weir coefficient) is set at 3.4 and L is equal toπd, the head above the riser crest
can be calculated:
Q 3
Cd π
Land Development Guidelines
The resulting head above the riser crest is equal to 0.15 meters. The emergency spillway is also
designed for a 1:100 event, in case the riser outflow is blocked.
Design of Alternate Infiltration System
3, a field saturated percolation rate (at the infiltrating
Using the design detention volume of 300 m
surface at depth) of 20 cm/hour, and a void ratio of infiltrating media of 0.4, the calculated
required volume of media to retain 1:2 year detention volume.
Detention Volume 300
Volume Infiltration Gallery (LxWxD) = = = 750 m3
Design Void Ratio 0.4
2 x Detention 2 × 300
Minimum Infiltration Area (LxW) = Volume = = 62.5 m2
48 x Perc. 48 × 0.2
RateInfiltration Gallery:
Calculate Minimum Dimensions for suitable
• D 3.5 meters
• L=W 15.0 meters.
As the design area is approximately 3.5 times that required, the gallery will dewater sufficiently
between storms. The low hydraulic loading rate will also prolong the effective lifetime of the
infiltration gallery. Ensure drainage from the site in frozen or oversaturated conditions with the
provision of a channel or pipe. Location, dimensions and site conditions should meet guidelines
recommendations. Inflows should be treated in a small settling basin or sump to remove
sediments that could clog exfiltrating soils and reduce void volume of infiltrating media.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
(a) whether the work or undertaking results or is likely to result in any alteration, disruption or
destruction of fish habitat that constitutes or would constitute an offence under
subsection 40(1) and what measures, if any, would prevent that result or mitigate the
effects thereof; or
(b) whether there is or is likely to be a deposit of a deleterious substance by reason of the
work or undertaking that constitutes or would constitute an offence under subsection
40(2) and what measures, if any, would prevent that deposit or mitigate the effects
Section 37(2): Powers of Minister.
If, after reviewing any material or information provided under subsection (1) and affording the
persons who provided it a reasonable opportunity to make representations, the Minister or a
person designated by the Minister is of the opinion that an offence under subsection 40(1) or (2)
is being or is likely to be committed, the Minister or a person designated by the Minister may, by
order, subject to regulations made pursuant to paragraph (3)(b), or, if there are no such
regulations in force, with the approval of the Governor in Council,
(a) require such modifications or additions to the work or undertaking or such modifications
to any plans, specifications, procedures or schedules relating thereto as the Minister or a
person designated by the Minister considers necessary in the circumstances, or
(b) restrict the operation of the work or undertaking,
and, with the approval of the Governor in Council in any case, direct the closing of the work or
undertaking for such period as the Minister or a person designated by the Minister considers
necessary in the circumstances.
Section 38(4): Duty to report.
Where, out of the normal course of events, there occurs a deposit of deleterious substance in a
water frequented by fish or a serious and imminent danger thereof by reason of any condition,
and where any damage or danger to fish habitat or fish or the use by man of fish results or may
reasonably be expected to result therefrom, any person who at any material time
(a) owns the deleterious substance or has the charge, management or control thereof, or
(b) causes or contributes to the causation of the deposit or danger thereof,
shall, in accordance with any regulations applicable thereto, report such occurrence to an
inspector or such other person or authority as is prescribed by the regulation.
Section 38(5): Duty to take all reasonable measures.
Every person referred to in paragraph (4)(a) or (b) shall, as soon as possible in the
circumstances, take all reasonable measures consistent with safety and the conservation of fish
and fish habitat to prevent any occurrence referred to in subsection (4) or to counteract, mitigate
or remedy any adverse effects that result or may reasonably be expected to result therefrom.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
(iii) contrary to any order made by the Minister under subsection 37(2),
(e) fails to take any reasonable measures that he is required to take under subsection 38(5)
or fails to take such measures in the required manner,
(f) fails to comply with the whole or any part of a direction of an inspector under subsection
38(6), or
is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable, for a first offence, to a fine
not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars and, for any subsequent offence, to a fine
not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
six months, or to both.
Section 40(5): Matters of proof.
For the purpose of any proceedings for an offence under subsection (2) or (3),
(a) a "deposit" as defined in subsection 34(1) takes place whether or not any act or omission
resulting in the deposit is intentional; and
(b) no water is "water frequented by fish" as defined in subsection 34(1), where proof is
made that at all times material to the proceedings the water is not, has not been and is
not likely to be frequented in fact by fish.
Section 78.1: Successive days separate offences.
Where any contravention of this Act or any of the regulations is committed or continued on more
than one day, it constitutes a separate offence for each day on which the contravention is
committed or continued.
Section 78.2: Offences by corporate officers, etc.
Where a corporation commits an offence under this Act, any officer, director or agent of the
corporation who directed, authorized, assented to, acquiesced in or participated in the
commission of the offence is a part to and guilty of the offence and is liable on conviction to the
punishment provided for the offence, whether or not the corporation has been prosecuted.
Section 78.3: Offence by employers.
In any prosecution for an offence under this Act, it is sufficient proof of the offence to establish
that it was committed by an employee or agent of the accused, whether or not the employee or
agent is identified or has been prosecuted for the offence, unless the accused established that
the offence was committed without the knowledge or consent of the accused.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
(h) engages in the business of operating works to carry water for others without
holding a licence or other authority issued in that behalf under this or a former
(i) wilfully interferes with a headgate, ditch or controlling works which an engineer or
water bailiff has regulated, or destroys a notice posted by an applicant, engineer
or water bailiff;
(j) constructs, maintains, operates or uses works without authority;
(k) puts into a stream any sawdust, timber, tailings, gravel, refuse, carcass or other
thing or substance after having been ordered by the engineer or water recorder
not to do so;
(l) diverts water from a stream without authority.
Right to use unrecorded water
42.(1) It is not an offence for a person to divert water from a stream for extinguishing a fire, but
any flow so diverted shall be promptly restored to its original channel when the fire is
42.(2) It is not an offence for a person to divert unrecorded water for domestic purp
ose or for
prospecting for mineral, but in a prosecution under this Act the person diverting the water
must prove that the water is unrecorded.
Land Development Guidelines
Salmonid Resource
B.C. and Yukon freshwater systems support 11 salmonid species, including five species of
salmon (chum, coho, chinook, sockeye and pink), three species of trout (rainbow, cutthroat and
brown), and three species of char (Dolly Varden, lake trout and brook trout). The trout, char and
several other resident freshwater species, including Arctic grayling, kokanee, burbot and several
whitefish species, share habitats and have similar environmental requirements as salmon.
Although this reference focuses on salmonids and their habitat, much of its content applies to all
species that share the same freshwater systems.
Land Development Guidelines
as little as 2 months in the case of spring-spawning trout, to as much as 9 months for those
Pacific salmon populations spawning in colder periods, where temperatures close to 0°C prevail
through most of the winter. In the latter case, spawning would likely occur in early to mid
September, eggs would reach the eyed stage (when the eyes, head and body form of the embryo
first become apparent) during October, hatching would occur in the following March and April,
and the fry would emerge during May. With the exception of the coastal cutthroat trout and
anadromous Dolly Varden char which utilize nearshore intertidal and estuarine areas, many races
of anadromous salmonid species undertake extensive feeding migrations in the Pacific Ocean,
between northern California and the Gulf of Alaska, and can be found up to 1600 km offshore.
Conversely, other races of salmonid species remain and feed in coastal waters, such as Georgia
Strait, throughout their marine life. In addition, several species of trout and char have exclusively
freshwater life histories with adult migration, spawning, incubation and rearing occurring in and
between lakes, rivers and streams.
Land Development Guidelines
development and hatching of eggs and for growth and survival of their young. Salmonids have
different requirements for spawning, rearing and migration. Fry and juveniles move to different
habitats as they grow older, and hence they require access up and down the stream and into
smaller tributaries. This may include swampy areas, wetlands, small streams and side channels
or intermittently wetted areas. As spawning adults, salmonids require adequate flow and access
to return to spawning areas to complete their life cycle.
The range and diversity of aquatic environments the various salmonids inhabit throughout their
life history combine to make them much more vulnerable to environmental changes. These
changes are generally associated with water use and impacts of land use activities on the aquatic
environment. Water diversions and pollution, hydroelectric projects, forest harvesting, road
construction and land development are the most predominant. The use by salmonids of habitat
varies widely not only with species but also with races of a species, between discrete populations
and even between individuals of the same population. This makes any generalization about their
areas of preference and habitat requirements difficult. Furthermore it means that ideally their
protection and management must be based on specific and up-to-date information about local
populations and conditions.
Specific environmental requirements of salmonids vary with species; in fact, the requirements of
certain species may be in direct conflict (e.g. a small log jam may create a nursery area for coho
salmon but remove a spawning area from chum or pink salmon). However, an attempt has been
made below to generalize the optimum requirements under the simple headings of the habitat
characteristics and water conditions of the salmonid freshwater environment.
The spawning and nursery areas of streams must be accessible to adult salmonids migrating
upstream, and to fry and juveniles seeking rearing habitat. This includes small feeder streams,
wetlands and side channels which provide valuable habitat in the stream or river environment.
Stream Flow
A relatively stable flow without extreme freshets and droughts characterizes the best salmon and
trout streams. Stable stream flow is characterized by a minimum of freshets and floods causing
excessive bed load transport and bank instability, consequently destroying benthos or any
developing embryos or alevins that might be in the substrate. While too much water might be
detrimental, too little is also damaging. A sufficient flow of water is required for each life stage.
Sufficient flows are required during the normal low flow period of late August and September to
provide adequate nursery area for the young salmonids and access for returning spawners, and
also during the winter, when embryos and alevins in the gravel could be exposed to freezing.
Land Development Guidelines
Stream Substrate
For successful spawning, salmonids require clean stable gravel, typically located in riffles or runs,
depending on fish size and species. High quality gravel will permit redd building and an
intragravel flow of water adequate to provide each embryo and alevin with a high concentration of
dissolved oxygen and to remove metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide and ammonia. Clean
spawning gravel, from 5 mm to 150 mm in diameter, and larger rocks and cobbles, found on the
stream bottom and banks, is required for production of aquatic insects and habitat for young
juvenile salmonids.
Riparian Cover and Stream Structure
Stream salmonids require cover in the form of undercut banks, logs, rubble substrate, turbulence,
deep pools and overhanging streamside vegetation as found in a viable healthy riparian area.
Such cover is used by juveniles for feeding areas, as a source of food items, refuge for escape
and over-wintering. Adult salmonids use cover such as deep pools for resting and escape during
spawning migrations. Research has also shown that in order to have substantial mixed
populations of salmonids such as the commonly found associations of steelhead trout and coho
salmon or cutthroat trout and coho, a stream with a stepped gradient and high proportion of both
riffles and pools is required. LOD (large organic debris) or CWD (coarse woody debris) form an
integral part of the stream morphology by stabilizing the stream bed and by providing habitat, by
altering the stream structure with scours and pools. Naturally occurring LOD, in the form of fallen
logs, root wads and small jams, should not be altered or removed.
Land Development Guidelines
Water Temperature
A temperature between 12 and 14°C is preferred by the young of all salmon species with marked
avoidance of temperatures above 15°C and lethal temperature of about 24-25°C. Increased
stream temperature means more dissolved oxygen is needed for the increased metabolic rate of
fish. However, dissolved oxygen saturation levels decrease with increasing temperature which
leads to overall lower concentrations of dissolved oxygen available at higher temperatures.
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Stream-dwelling salmonids require high levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) in both the intragravel
and surface waters. It is difficult to set down useful minimum oxygen requirements for stream
salmonids given the great diversity of requirements for different lifestages, activities and stresses
any population experiences. However, it must be stressed that temperature and water quality
markedly affect the levels of DO saturation (% of total saturation at a given temperature) and
concentration (mg/l) in stream waters. Generally, optimum DO saturation is
> 90% and minimum
optimum DO concentration is> 8 mg/l.
Water Clarity and Suspended Sediment
Stream water must be clear enough to permit the sunlight to reach the stream bottom and the
algal community where most of the primary production of a stream occurs. Elimination of such
production may severely reduce the invertebrate fauna of a stream. Salmonids feed by sight and
can have difficulty finding food items in highly turbid water. High concentrations of suspended
solids may also directly damage invertebrates and fish, primarily their fragile gill structures.
Additional impacts can occur if suspended sediments settle onto stream bottoms and suffocate
salmonid eggs and alevins, and destroy benthic invertebrate populations.
Land Development Guidelines
Land Development Guidelines
The purpose of this Appendix is to provide development proponents with general information on
the allowable operating windows within Fisheries Sensitive Zones based on FSZ area and fish
species present. To assist in the presentation of this information, the Appendix has been divided
into two sections.
1 Shown by the inclusion of the headwaters of the Klinaklini and Dean Rivers within Area 4 rather than Area 1.
2 Shown by the exclusion of the upper Fraser River from Area 3, which now generally covers the Columbia River basin,
and by the division of the northern portion of the province into the Peace River basin, the Liard River basin and the
Alaska Panhandle transboundary rivers area.
3 Shown by the division of the mainland coast into a southern portion, included with Vancouver Island in Area 1, and a
northern portion, included with the Skeena and Nass drainage basins in Area 5.
Land Development Guidelines
The use of the Operating Windows for Fisheries Sensitive Zone Areas is governed by the
following principles:
• The individual life history windows noted in the table are general approximations only for
a particular species over an entire specified area. Given the great extent of many of the
nine areas, variations from the noted windows should be expected. Depending on the
area, the location of a particular river system within that area, the species of concern,
and expected conditions (e.g. stream temperature, fry emergence and migration, etc.)
during the proposed work period, theactual permissible window for work in the FSZ
will likely be defined and negotiated with input from both federal and provincial fisheries
agencies, with decisions being based on the physical and biological parameters of the
ecosystem. For instance, in some cases, it may be necessary to consider hydraulic
conditions in conjunction with the biological life histories. Times when sensitive life
history stages (including organisms other than fish) are absent may also be times of low
flow. Any suspended solids generated by work in the FSZ at these times may not be
flushed out of the system quickly and the subsequent degradation of fish habitat and
water quality could impact future migrating, spawning, and rearing populations as well as
their food sources. Potential impacts on existing populations may have to be balanced
with those on future populations. In any case, the goal will be the protection of fish and
fish habitat through stringent safeguards to prevent the introduction of deleterious
substances, including sediment, into the FSZ.
• The reduced-risk windows noted in the table are those periods when fish eggs and
alevins are absent from the substrates. Juvenile fish and/or migrating/resident adults will
probably still be present in the river during the period of reduced risk. Although a work
period for a particular FSZ may be identified and approved, the actual work still must be
carried out in a manner that, as clearly stated above, avoids the degradation of fish
habitat. The reduced-risk windows noted in the matrix do not give "carte blanche"
permission for poor or careless work practices; the objective is to always avoid adverse
impacts on fish and fish habitat. Reduced-risk isnot no-risk.
• The presentation of those fish species listed in the timing window matrix is not intended
to imply that other fish species will be excluded from consideration when actual
permissible windows are being negotiated. It is quite possible that the protection of rare
or endangered species, or of specific populations of such species, and of their habitats
will assume greater importance than that of the listed species.
The windows in the table are provided as an aid for initial planning only. Given the
likelihood that actual permissible windows will have to be determined by both federal
and provincial officials, development proponents are strongly encouraged to contact
Land Development Guidelines
local DFO and MOELP fisheries regional staff early in the planning process to discuss
site-specific details of any work in Fisheries Sensitive Zones.
Land Development Guidelines
Dane, B.G. 1978. Culvert Guidelines: Recommendations for the Design and Installation of
Culverts in British Columbia to avoid conflict with Anadromous Fish. Tech. Rep. No.
811. Fisheries and Marine Service. Fisheries and Environment Canada.
Elbe, H. and R. Olmsted.Guidelines for the Protection of the Aquatic Environment during Land
Development Activities. 1990. Prepared for Department of Fisheries and Oceans and
Ministry of Environment.
Erosion and Sediment Control - Westwood Plateau Coquitlam, BC. Prepared for Westbild
Enterprises Ltd by Terrasol and Hardy BBT Geotechnical Engineers Ltd. 1990.
Facts Sheets prepared for B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Highways - Seminar on
Highway Maintenance. May 1990. Prepared by Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
Gibb, A., B. Bennett and A. Birkbeck. 1991. Urban Runoff Quality and Treatment: A
Comprehensive Review. BC Research. Vancouver.
Goldman, S.J., K. Jackson and T.A. Bursztynsky. 1986.Erosion and Sediment Control
Handbook. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York.
Gray, D.H. 1982. Biotechnical Slope Protection and Erosion Control. Van Nostrand Reinhold
Co. New York.
Hogg, W.D. and D.A. Carr. 1985. Rainfall Frequency Atlas for Canada. Atmospheric
Environment Service. Environment Canada.
McKinley, W.R. and R.D. Webb. 1956.A Proposed Correction of Migratory Fish Problems at
Box Culverts. Department of Fisheries. State of Washington.
Land Development Guidelines
Munday, D.R., G.L. Ennis, D.G. Wright, D.C. Jefferies, E.R. McGreer, and J.S. Mathers, 1986.
Development and Evaluation of a Model to Predict Effects of Buried Underwater
Blasting Charges on Fish Populations in Shallow Water Areas. Can. Tech. Rep.
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 1418.
Policy for the Managment of Fish Habitat. 1986a. Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Powers, P.D. 1991. Stormwater Management Guidelines for the Protection of Fish Habitat.
Department of Fisheries. State of Washington.
Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin. Draft 1991. Department of
Ecology. State of Washington.
Urban Development: Guidelines for the Protection of Fish Habitat in Insular Newfoundland.
1983. Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Technical Release 55. 1986. Soil Conservation
Service. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
Urban Runoff Quality Control Guidelines for the Province of British Columbia. Draft 1992.
Municipal Liquid and Industrial Waste Managment Branch. Province of British Columbia.
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual - Volume 3 - Best Management Practices. Urban
Drainage and Flood Control District. Denver, Colorado. 1992.
Land Development Guidelines