DLL English 8 2nd Quarter
DLL English 8 2nd Quarter
DLL English 8 2nd Quarter
Activity 3: Choose It Right! Complete the description of each picture below by writing the
correct modal nouns. Choose your answers from the word box. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
Assessment 3: Describe It Use a modal in writing a sentence that will describe the given
picture. Write your answers on a separate sheet provided for you.
What I Have Learned
Complete the paragraph by writing down the things that you have learned about modal
nouns. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
What I Can Do
This time, you are going to apply what you learned from the lesson to solve the problem of
garbage pollution.
Assessment 2: Pick the Meaning Choose the letter of the modal adverb defined in the
underlined phrase in each sentence. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Activity 3: What Does a Teacher Do? Complete the sentences by identifying the most
appropriate modal adverbs that describe the duties of teachers. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper
Assessment 3: Future-Teller Share what you want to become in the future by writing your
dream profession inside the box. Then, write sentences about the roles/duties of that
profession using modal adverbs. Write your answers on the answer sheet.
What I Have Learned
Complete the paragraph by writing down the things that you have learned about modal
adverbs. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Choose the correct modal to complete each sentence. Write the letter of your answer on
your answer sheet.
Additional Activities
Activity 1: Of Chores I Can!
Write a short paragraph about the activities you enjoy doing at home with your family. Do
not forget to use modal verbs, modal nouns, and modal adverbs in your sentences. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper. In making a short paragraph, be guided by the
1:30- 2:00
Every Additional Activities
Wednesday Please follow the RBI- Radio Eskwela sa Isabela.
Additional Activities
Check your mastery of the lesson on using verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in expressing
emotional response or reactions to an issue.
Choose the letter of the best answer in each item
1:30- 2:00
Wednesday Additional Activities
Please follow the RBI- Radio Eskwela sa Isabela every Wednesday.