Lagging Report

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Lagging is the finishing material (steel or aluminium) used to cover many types of
insulation, especially on large flat surfaces such as boiler walls, flues, ducts,
precipitators , selective catalytic reduction systems, baghouses, wind boxes or fans.
Also known as cladding or sheet metal, lagging ranges in thickness from .032-inch to
.063-inch and usually does not include a vapour barrier.


In non-destructive testing, a leak is defined as a hole, a porous area, a permeable area

for gases or a different structure in the wall of a test specimen through which a gas can
escape from one side of the wall to the other due to a difference in pressure or
concentration . Expressed in simpler terms, leaks are small holes through which gases
or liquids flow from the side of higher pressure to the side of lower pressure.

Fluid and Coal loss by leakage

Fluid losses by leakage generally depends upon spindle diameter and area of hole
through which leakage happens and also on the number of such holes formed . More is
the number , more is the loss by leakage .

Diameter Steam –LB./Hour Water-Glass./Hour Cu.Ft. free air/min

of (80 PSI)
100 PSI 300PSI 20PSI 100PSI

1/16 14 33 20 45 4

1/8 56 132 80 185 16

3/18 126 297 180 405 36

1/6 224 528 320 720 64

Whereas coal leakage in boilers is defined by boiler efficiency at different PSI and
diameter of leakage hole . Loss calculated in Tons
Tons of coal per annum

Diameter of hole 100 PSI Boiler efficiency 300 PSI Boiler efficiency

48 Hr/week 144Hr/week 48Hr/week 144Hr/week

1/16 2 7 5 14

1/8 9 28 19 56

3/16 21 62 42 126

1/6 37 111 74 223

Conduction , convection and radiation loss calculation

Conduction : is defined as transferring heat or electricity through a conducting medium
by way of direct contact. The rate of heat transfer is dependent upon how much
resistance exists between objects of differing temperatures. In many cases, the transfer
of heat from one medium to another is desired. Cooking is an everyday example of
intended heat transfer. Also, most electronic components operate more efficiently if
excess heat generated by the equipment is dissipated to a medium not adversely affected
by the addition of heat.

In contrast, preserving heat in a system can be just as important as heat transfer. Keeping
a pipe's contents above freezing in cold weather is a common practice of minimizing
heat transfer.

Whether a substance acts as a thermal conductor or insulator depends on the thermal

resistive properties of the substance. Thermal resistance (R) is a measure of an object's
ability to retard heat transfer by way of conduction through a given thickness of the
substance. Mathematically, R is:
L is the insulation thickness in inches,
k is thermal conductivity, (BTU)(in)/(ft2)(oF)(hr)

As the thickness (L) changes, it affects the R value, or thermal resistance of an

insulation. K values are constants that are specific to the physical properties of a given
material. They measure a material's ability to transfer heat. Some common K values, as
measured at room temperature, of materials are 325.300 for steel, 2750.700 for copper,
0.250 for fiberglass and 0.167 for air

Convection : Losses by convection can be seen to be negligible in a system without

extensive calculations. In any piping system, small air gaps exist between the surface
wall and insulation. The air gaps normally are slight -- less than one-tenth of an inch --
and prevent the flow of air which restricts convection. Although small air gaps do not
affect heat loss via convection, their thermal resistive properties should be analyzed to
determine the contribution to system heat loss through conduction.

To illustrate, suppose the pipe shown in figure 1 consists of 1" fiberglass insulation, and
the air gap between the pipe wall and insulation is 0.05". Using the R value equation,
you can calculate the resistance of the insulation and air gap. A ratio of the two
resistances indicates that insulation has the greatest impact in overall thermal resistance,
and minor imperfections in applying insulation are minimal.

The percentage of resistance due to the air gap is 0.299 divided by 4.299, or 6.95

Radiation: Radiant heat loss occurs as a result of highly energized molecules

transmitting heat by way of waves or particles. For significant heat loss to occur from
radiation, the hotter surface must be well above ambient temperature -- much higher
than what is observed in typical heat trace applications. Therefore, heat loss from
radiation can be ignored.

In practical low-to-medium temperature applications, convection and radiation account

for about 10 percent of the overall heat loss of a system. By adding 10 percent, the
general formula for calculating the heat loss of a system via conduction, convection and
radiation can be calculated.

Flat Surface Heat Loss Calculations. The term “heat loss” commonly refers to the
heat transfer of an object to its ambient environment. This implies that the object in
question -- a wall, for example -- is at a temperature above the ambient temperature
(figure 2). Mathematically, the formula for calculating the heat loss of a system through
conduction, expressed in BTU/hour is:

U is the conductance, BTU/(ft2)(oF)(hr)

A is the surface area of object, ft2

ΔT is the temperature difference (T1 -T2), oF

Conductance is the inverse of resistance, R, and can be expressed as U = 1/R or U =

k/L. Therefore, another way to express the basic heat loss (Q) is:

BTUs and Watts: A Comparison. The equation above calculates the heat loss of an
entire flat area in BTU/hr, but electricity is normally sold by kilowatt hours. Therefore,
the equation needs a conversion factor to convert from BTU to watts. One watt equals
3.412 BTU. Modifying the equation yields a new formula:
Properties of Insulating material
The properties of insulating material can be broadly divided into following four
categories : -

Physical properties

These properties include density , porosity , moisture resistance , coeffi -cient of thermal
expansion , low odour level , in - flammability , compactness and surface tension .
The desired physical properties for an insulating material are
 Low density ( to decrease its weight ) .
 It should not possess its own odour nor should it pick up odour of other particles
present in the refrigerated space .
 It should resist moisture penetration and should not deteriorate , when the
moisture collects on it .
 It should not be flammable ; otherwise it may be dangerous , in the presence of
electricity etc.

Chemical Properties

Chemical properties enable insulation to retain its own structure in hostile environment
and also prevent from being corrosive to substances . An insulation material , which is
to be used in chemical industry , must possess adequate resistance to acids and corrosive
gases .

Mechanical Properties

The important mechanical properties required are high abrasion re sistance and hardness
, good compressive strength etc.

Thermal Properties

Thermal properties of insulating material are most important . They are

 Low thermal conductivity : The ability of a material to retard the flow of heat is
thermal conductivity . It should be low in case of a thermal ' insulator .

 Low heat or thermal capacity : It is essentially measure of the heat absorbed for
a certain temperature rise . Furnace insulations must have low thermal capacity
for quick response to temperature changes required .

 Low thermal diffusivity : It is measure of the rate of progression of temperature

rise in an insulating when certain heat energy is available at one of its surfaces .

 Thermal combustibility : It is characterised by flash point , smoke index , fire

point etc. To reduce fire hazard , a low combustibility is necessary material ,.

Desirable Properties of Insulating Materials

The desirable properties of a good heat insulating material are :

 Low heat conductivity : The thermal conductivity must be as low as possible ,

which will reduce required thickness of the insulating material .
 Permanence : Materials may disintegrate as a result of Internal chemical activity
or as a result of exposure to surrounding conditions . The insulating materials
must have high resistance to the above mentioned activities . .

 Strength : The insulating materials used must withstand the pressures coming
on them . Some materials tend themselves readily to various types of
constructions . Structural strength is generally obtained by the use of wood or
framework .

 Light weight : This is necessary to avoid the use of heavy structural members .
This property becomes more important for refrigeration and air conditioning
systems used for moving vehicles such as automobiles , railways , marine and
aeroplane .

 Water - repellent : Moisture absorbed by the insulating material increases

conductivity and reduces strength . Material , which resists ab sorption ether as
free water or water vapour should be selected . Moisture absorbing insulation
deteriorates rapidly due to growth of mould .

 Odourless : It should not possess any type of objectionable odour when either
wet or dry . Also , they should not pick up odour of other particles present in the
refrigerated space .

 Fire - proof : This is an important factor , when insulation is used for D fire -
proof warehouses .

 Low - cost : The insulating material should have low cost and must be easily
available .
 Other factors : Thermal stability , physical stability , low specific gravity ,
chemical stability , resistance to vibration and shock & porous and fibrous

Selection of lagging material

Five areas that would affect the choice of a material are shown below:
Maximum Temperature Range
Possibly one of the most essential areas to consider in insulation materials is the
temperature range. Insulation materials need to meet or exceed the high end of standard
operating temperatures and should account for possible high-temperature extremes.
Inadequate insulation can be expensive and unsafe.

Protection from the Elements

A user needs to evaluate the equipment’s exposure to elements, for example, water,
debris, chemicals, and UV radiation. Selection of materials for insulation covers needs
to include consideration of which materials can tolerate these environmental factors
without degrading.

Some protective elements could be added to insulation materials, but others have the
potential to cause stiffness or negatively influence ease of use. All materials at Firwin
have their own property set, but a selection are superior at handling extreme
environments in comparison to others. Depending on the equipment’s exposure, one
type of material might be more appropriate as insulation compared to others.

Safety and Regulatory Requirements

It is essential to consistently check the manufacturer’s certifications for facility

equipment, particularly with regards to safety. Certain industries also have more
comprehensive UL and safety standard requirements in comparison to others.
Firwin ensures that insulation covers are produced with high-quality materials and the
business is ISO 9001-certified. They have a team of engineers and technicians who
work hard to meet or exceed all safety and regulatory requirements. Some safety
requirements, such as fire retardancy, will influence which materials they select for
insulation on the basis of the material properties.


The type and quantity of insulation that can be added to a given system is limited by
space. Thin and flexible materials are recommended for use near tight system
configurations and controls. However, there are less restrictions on material type in
areas with more space.

Touch Temperature

The maximum temperature factor specifies the amount of heat a user’s insulation covers
are able to safely handle, whereas the “touch” temperature factor specifies the handling
temperature on the outside of the cover. Certain insulation materials have the ability to
only decrease ambient heat in environments that just need lower, but not safe to touch,
temperatures. Other insulation materials can comprehensively dampen heat in
applications where the covers need to be handled throughout the day.

While small or limited environments might demand thinner material and/or somewhat
higher temperatures, a consistent priority for the manufacturing team is a safe contact
rating. When considering a suitable exterior temperature for insulation materials, it is
essential not to forget that fabric is safer at high temperatures in comparison metal.
Fabric does not conduct heat as well as metal can, so it needs to surpass 203 °F (95 °C)
before becoming dangerous to handle .

Regularly Used Insulation Materials

It is helpful to know what insulation materials are available when designing an
insulation. Some regularly used materials/fabrics for commercial and industrial
insulation covers include:


This first-rate material is superior in performance than both wool and fiberglass. A
cover of Aerogel that is 0.5-inches thick has the ability to perform just as successfully
as a 1.5-inch thick cover of fiberglass. Due to this, facility managers frequently utilize
this material in tight-fit environments.

Aerogel is extremely lightweight, making it perfect for use near fragile or light
components. However, the material is costly, and has a maximum temperature limit of
1100 °F (593 °C).

CMS Wool

Cellulose material solutions (CMS) wool is compact, moderates oxygen transfer

through the material, and has fire-retardant properties in addition to its high insulation
value. Additional properties include:

 A maximum temperature threshold of 2192 °F (1200 °C)

 Odourless
 Not a contributor to corrosion
 Sound absorbent
 Decay, vermin, and mould resistant


Fiberglass is one of the most frequently used insulative materials utilized in the
manufacture of insulation blankets. Similar to CMS wool, it is odourless, will not
corrode metal, can absorb sound, and is resistant to rot or vermin damage.
However, it has a lower maximum temperature threshold of 1200 °F (649 °C) and can
cause harm employees through continuous exposure if adequate safety equipment
covering their eyes, skin, or breathing passages is not provided.

Mineral Wool

The wide-ranging category of mineral wool materials is inclusive of:

 Glass wool (produced using recycled glass)

 Rock wool (produced from basalt)
 Slag wool (most common mineral wool, produced from steel mill slag)

The thermal resistance of mineral wool is good, it does not absorb moisture, and it can
stifle a reasonable level of sound. Its maximum temperature limit is 1200 °F (649 °C).


Cork is considered as best insulating material because of its intrinsic natural structure .
It is inflammable , gets charred and brittle at moderate temperature but universal of high
class refrigerators .


Asbestos is also used for industrial lagging . It is natural mineral consisting of

complicated silicates compounds of calcium , iron or both . It is built of fine complex
fibres which can be teased out in first fire proof air entangling felt of very low
conductivity .

How Lagging is applied

Since , Lagging is fragile & damaged easily Thus , when repairing of damage is to be
done , moulded section is first considered . First of all , it is eliminated and then removed
gently . Them , damaged pieces cut up into wedge sections because it makes easy to
bend up the pipes and ready for covering .Also, in case of awkward shapes , this
technique of wedge cutting is considered generally . There are two sections in pipe , one
is hot and other is colder one . On cold surface , moulded lagging is applied because
of temperature . On hot surface : plastic or High temperature PVC lagging is applied
.Then , lagging is protected by covering Also , Lagging material are porous in nature
and protected from damp otherwise air spaces get waterlogged .Then , Moulded section
are attached to pipe by soft wire spiral binding .

Lagging Thickness

For radial heat transfer by conduction across a cylindrical wall, the heat transfer rate is
expressed by following equation,

Here r 2 is the radius of lagging outer surface & difference between r2 and r1
determines the thickness of lagging material
Here T1 is the temperature within pipe & T2 is surface temperature of insulation outer
.Because of this temperature difference , heat flow within material .
Note :

 On the flat surface , thicker lagging is better , but on small diameter , things are
different . The thicker lagging put on pipe , larger is the possibility of heat loss
by surface .
 Pipes with smaller diameter is applied thinner lagging
 With low temperature , pipes gain by going to thick lagging cannot bring proper
return except in special cases

Benefits of Lagging
Out of lot of advantages of lagging , major ones are mentioned below :
Condensation Control

Condensation on the pipe surface can lead to corrosion or rust, a very damaging
problem. In humid and wet environments, pipe insulation can act as a barrier preventing
the condensation from forming on the piping and reacting with the metal.

Energy Savings

When the temperature differential between the pipe (and the pipe’s contents) and the
ambient air is significant, the heat loss and gain from the piping can be considerable. In
cold spaces, hot water in the piping system will lose heat and in hot air, cold water in
the pipe heats up. Adding a layer of insulation will minimize the heat loss, gain cycle
and prevent wasting energy to make up for lost or gained energy.


In industrial applications piping can be operating at extremely low or high temperatures.

There is potential danger in touching the piping if it is too hot or too cold. Insulation
protects workers against burns from inadvertently coming in contact with the piping.
Insulation brings a piping and valve system into a safe range for workers.

Noise Control

Noise has a sneaky way of traveling through pipework. In commercial buildings,

apartment complexes, and industrial settings, insulating the piping and valves is a valid
method to reduce noise. It acts as an acoustic decoupler by preventing noise transfer
when pipes pass through a fixed structure such as a floor or wall and lowers the noise
of the materials moving through the systems.

Lagging only denotes adding insulation towards pipes . It prevents them from freezing
as well as help any uncovered warm pipes to retain their heats when under work . Pipes
also radiate mechanical noises , lagging also helps in eliminating these undesirable
noises up to certain extent . Thus , lagging plays a major role preventing the heat
exchange .

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