Class 12 Physics Investigratiry Project
Class 12 Physics Investigratiry Project
Class 12 Physics Investigratiry Project
In optics, a prism is a transparent optical
element with flat, polished surfaces that refracts
light. The exact angles between the surfaces
depend on the application. The traditional
geometrical shape is that of a triangular prism with
a triangular base and rectangular sides, and in
colloquial use “prism” usually refers to this type.
Some types of optical prism are not in fact in the
shape of geometric prisms. Prisms can be made
from any material that is transparent to the
wavelengths for which they are designed. Typical
materials include glass, plastic and fluorite. Prism
can be used to break light up into its constituent
spectral colors (the colors of the rainbow). Prisms
can also be used to reflect light, or to split light
into components with different polarizations.
Before Isaac Newton, it was believed that
white light was colorless, and that the prism itself
produced the color. Newton’s experiments
demonstrated that all the colors already existed in
the light in a heterogeneous fashion, and that
“corpuscles” (particles) of light were fanned out
Experimental setup
AIM: To investigate the dependence, of the angle
of deviation on the angle of incidence, using a
hallow prism filled, one by one, with different
transparent fluids.
Drawing board, white sheets of paper, hollow
prism, different liquids (water, kerosene oil, etc),
drawing pins, pencil, half meter scale, thump pins,
graph papers and a protractor.
Refraction of Light through a Prism –
D = i + e – (r1 + r2)
… (1)
In QS1N3, r1 + r2 + QN3S = 180⁰
… (2)
The quadrilateral AQN3S is cyclic quadrilateral, then
A+ QN3S = 180
… (3)
From (2) and (3)
A = r1 + r2
… (4) Eq. (1) become
D= i+ e-A
D+ A= i+ e
… (5)
Angle of Minimum Deviation -
➢ Definition: The minimum value of angle of
deviation is called angle of minimum deviation.
It is represented by the symbol D m.
➢ Explanation: For same angle of deviation (D)
there are two values of angle of incidence. One
value equals ‘i’ and other value equals ‘e’.
As angle ‘i’ is increased from a small value, ‘e’
decreases from large value and angle of
deviation decreases. When angle of deviation
is minimum (Dm), then, ‘i’ and ‘e’ becomes
A + Dm
sin 2
We have n= sin
1.A white sheet of paper was fixed on the
drawing board with the help of drawing pins.
2. A straight line XX’ parallel to the length of the
paper was drawn nearly in the middle of the
3. Points Q1,Q2,Q3 and Q4 were marked on the
straight line XX’ at suitable distances of about
4. Normal’s N1Q1,N2Q2,N3Q3 and N4Q4 were drawn
on points Q1,Q2,Q3 and Q4.
➢ The angle of minimum deviation for –
Water Dm = 23⁰C
Kerosene oil Dm = 33⁰C
Turpentine oil Dm = 32⁰C
Water n = 1.32
Kerosene oil n = 1.46
Turpentine oil n =
The angle of incidence should lie between
35⁰ – 60⁰.
The pins should be fixed vertical.
The distance between the two pins should
not be less than 10mm.
Arrow heads should be marked to represent
the incident and emergent rays.
Pin pricks may be thick.
Measurement of angles may be wrong.
▪ Introduction
▪Experimental setup