Bicolano Folk Song

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Namomotan taka
Sarong bangui
Dahil minsan saen
Sa higdaan
Dae malingaw ka
Nacadangog aco
Sa simong pagturog
Hinuni nin sarong gamgam.
Asin sa pagmata
Sa luba co
Gabos na recuerdon
Simong guiromdoma
Baco cundi,
simong tingog iyo palan.
Sa aldaw, sa bangui
Antes ka magturog
Dagos aco bangon si sacuyang mata iminuklat
Sarong inagrangay
Sa kadikloman nin bangui aco nangagcalag
Idulot mo sa Dios
Si acong paghiling biglang tinuhog paitaas
Nganing matiwasay
Simong laog na magayon maliwanag.
An sacong pagkamoot
Isipon mo sana
Namomotan ta ka
Ano daw idtong sa gogon
(Repeat II)
Garong bulawan paghilngon
Casu sacuyang dulucon
Ay, ay burac palan nin balagon.

Casu sacuya ng qui cu-a

Sarong tingog ang nagsayuma
Hariman aco pagcua-a
Ay, ay burac aco ni Maria.
Countries of Africa:
I  Angola
 Benin
 Botswana  Tanzania
 Burkina Faso  Togo
 Burundi  Tunisia
 Cabo Verde/Cape Verde  Uganda
 Cameroon  Zambia
 Central African Republic  Zimbabwe
 Chad
 Comoros
 Congo/Republic of the Congo
 Democratic Republic of the Congo
 Djibouti Countries and territories of
 Egypt (transcontinental - generally Asia:
considered African)
 Equatorial Guinea  Afghanistan
 Eritrea  Armenia (transcontinental - generally
 Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) considered Asian)
 Ethiopia  Azerbaijan (transcontinental - generally
considered Asian)
 Gabon
 Bahrain
 Gambia, The  Bangladesh
 Ghana  Bhutan
 Guinea  British Indian Ocean Territory (UK territory)
 Guinea-Bissau  Brunei
 Ivory Coast/Republic of Côte d'Ivoire  Cambodia
 Kenya  China
 Lesotho  Cyprus (transcontinental - generally
 Liberia considered European)
 Libya  Egypt (transcontinental - generally
 Madagascar considered African)
 Georgia (transcontinental - generally
 Malawi
considered Asian)
 Mali  Hong Kong (China - Special Administrative
 Mauritania Region)
 Mauritius  India
 Morocco  Indonesia
 Mozambique  Iran
 Namibia  Iraq
 Niger  Israel (U.N. member, though partially
 Nigeria unrecognized)
 Rwanda  Japan
 Sao Tome and Principe  Jordan
 Kazakhstan (transcontinental - generally
 Senegal
considered Asian)
 Seychelles  Kuwait
 Sierra Leone  Kyrgyzstan
 Somalia  Laos
 South Africa  Lebanon
 South Sudan  Macau (China - Special Administrative
 Sudan Region)
 Malaysia
 Maldives  Finland
 Mongolia  France
 Myanmar (formerly Burma)  Georgia (transcontinental - generally
 Nepal considered Asian)
 North Korea (Democratic People's Republic  Germany
of Korea)  Greece
 Oman  Hungary
 Pakistan  Iceland
 Palestine (limited recognition)  Ireland
 Philippines  Italy
 Qatar  Kazakhstan (transcontinental - generally
 Russia (transcontinental - generally considered Asian)
considered European)  Latvia
 Saudi Arabia  Liechtenstein
 Singapore  Lithuania
 South Korea (Republic of Korea)  Luxembourg
 Sri Lanka  Malta
 Syria  Moldova
 Taiwan (limited recognition - claimed by  Monaco
China)  Montenegro
 Tajikistan  Netherlands
 Thailand  North Macedonia
 Timor-Leste/East Timor  Norway
 Turkey (transcontinental - generally  Poland
considered European)  Portugal
 Turkmenistan  Romania
 United Arab Emirates  Russia (transcontinental - generally
 Uzbekistan considered European)
 Vietnam  San Marino
 Yemen  Serbia
 Slovakia
 Slovenia
 Spain
Countries of Europe:  Sweden
 Switzerland
 Albania  Turkey (transcontinental - generally
 Andorra considered European)
 Armenia (transcontinental - generally  Ukraine
considered Asian)  United Kingdom
 Austria  Vatican City (Holy See)
 Azerbaijan (transcontinental - generally
considered Asian)
 Belarus
 Belgium Countries of North America:
 Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Bulgaria  Antigua and Barbuda
 Croatia  Bahamas
 Cyprus (generally considered European)  Barbados
 Czechia/Czech Republic  Belize
 Denmark  Canada
 Estonia  Costa Rica
 Cuba  Venezuela
 Dominica
 Dominican Republic
 El Salvador
 Grenada
Territories of Antarctica:
 Guatemala
 Haiti  Adélie Land (France)
 Honduras  Argentine Antarctica (Argentina)
 Jamaica  Australian Antarctic Territory (Australia)
 Mexico  British Antarctic Territory (UK)
 Nicaragua  Chilean Antarctic Territory (Chile)
 Panama  Peter I Island (Norway)
 Saint Kitts and Nevis  Queen Maud Land (Norway)
 Saint Lucia  Ross Dependency (New Zealand)
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
 Trinidad and Tobago
 United States of America

Countries of Oceania
 Australia
 Fiji
 Kiribati
 Marshall Islands
 Micronesia (The Federated States of)
 Nauru
 New Zealand
 Palau
 Papua New Guinea
 Samoa
 Solomon Islands
 Tonga
 Tuvalu
 Vanuatu

Countries of South America:

 Argentina
 Bolivia
 Brazil
 Chile
 Colombia
 Ecuador
 Guyana
 Paraguay
 Peru
 Suriname
 Uruguay

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