P.E. Volleyball - Study - Guide
P.E. Volleyball - Study - Guide
P.E. Volleyball - Study - Guide
William G. Morgan, an
instructor at a YMCA in
Holyoke, Massachusetts
invented volleyball in 1895.
He decided to blend the
elements of several sports:
basketball, tennis, baseball & handball. He raised a tennis net to the
height of six feet six inches. When demonstrating the game a student
remarked that the players seemed to be volleying the ball back and
forth, which perhaps is the reason we know the game today as
• The ball that hits the net on the serve and goes over is good
• Players must serve from behind the service line
Defense- each player should cover their area of the floor. Working
together as a team will help to keep the ball going and prevent the ball
from hitting the floor.
Team Strategies
• Serve to open spots
• Call the balls to prevent the ball from hitting the floor
• Work together as a team
• Use three hits when on offense to set up for attacks
Attack- The attempt by one team to terminate the play by hitting the ball to
the floor on the opponent's side.
Serve- A one handed hit, over or under handed, used to put the ball into play.
Setter- the player responsible for setting the ball, they usually take the
second hit when on offense in attempt to set up a play