Ariadne - The Incarnation, Guide
Ariadne - The Incarnation, Guide
Ariadne - The Incarnation, Guide
A walkthrough by "Banshee's Hand"
General tips
1. Barrels and pots may contain valuable items. Break them.
2. Random encounters on the world map are unavoidable. But in other areas, you can see the
enemies patrolling. Avoid them if necessary. If they see you, depending on your level, they
may charge at you or run away.
3. You can use a Warp Stone Fragment almost anywhere. It teleports you to safety. The Warp
Stone works just like the Warp Stone Fragment, but you can use it indefinitely. Once you
have the Warp Stone, you no longer need to pay a dime to stay at inns. Instead, you can
teleport to somewhere that offers free lodgings.
4. An agile enemy called Metal Pikuchin appears at random throughout the game world. As
long as your level is under 20, it is not aggressive. It will escape the battle in under three
turns. After you reach level 20, it starts attacking and stays for six turns. It has 120 HP but
takes 10% damage from all attacks. The reward for killing it is 777 EXP, 777 gold, and a
valuable Pikuchin Bangle.
5. No vendor sells Fire Bomb. You can loot them from:
Attack types and elements
There are two attack types: Weapon-based and magical. Each attack may also have an affinity
with the following elements: fire, ice, lightning, Holy, and Darkness. Fran has no way of
performing magical attacks. All her attacks are weapon-based. But she can enchant her swords
and give them elemental affinity. When this guide describes an attack as “physical”, it means a
weapon-based attack with no elemental affinity.
There are five ways of inflicting elemental damages: Elemental swords, elemental skills,
elemental bombs, and enchantments.
Elemental swords like Efreet Sword and Éclair inflict elemental damages. See the “Weapons”
section for details.
The following skills inflict elemental damages: Vulcan Fang (fire), Lightning Stab (lightning),
Crescent Bane (ice), Sacred Cross (Holy), and Blood Weapon (Darkness). (Dark Fencer does
not inflict elemental damage. It’s a bug.) These skills consume a certain item each time
you use them: Ignition powder (fire), ice crystal (ice), charged stone (lightning), holy water
(Holy), and tainted soil (Darkness).
Elemental bombs include fire bombs, ice bombs, and lightning bombs. They are rare in this
game. Nobody sells or produces them. You find a handful of them from chests hidden
around the game world. You can farm fire bombs from Phantom, Jelloid, and Burning Hand.
Enchantment can bestow an elemental affinity to a non-elemental, non-poisonous weapon.
Alternatively, it can make the weapon poisonous. To enchant a weapon, you must use
certain items or skills that I’ve listed below:
As for elemental protection, there are two ways. One is equipping armors and accessories that
offer elemental protection. For details, see their corresponding sections below. The second is
consuming items that grant temporary elemental protection buffs:
Name Bestowed by Effect Duration
Anti-fire Ignition powder Fire damage received ×80% 7
Anti-ice Ice crystal Ice damage received ×80% 7
Anti-thunder Charged stone Lightning damage received ×80% 7
Anti-Holy Holy water Holy damage received ×80% 7
Anti- Tainted soil Darkness damage received ×80% 7
Darkness Blindness-immune
Side quest
1. [Q1] Cattleman: Deliver the milk to the pub owner
1. Visit the legislative building. Talk to the clerk and pay attention to what she says.
2. Go to the town entrance for an event.
3. Walk to the east of the gate between the wall and the trees until you find a Fire Talisman.
Equip it.
4. Return to the town and enter the underground area near the legislative building. Participate
in three self-defense lessons. Then, defeat your instructor in a practice combat. The reward
is a Proof of Graduation accessory. You might wish to practice outside town to gain a level
or two. This might be a good time to do some side quests, e.g., Q2, Q4, Q6, or Q8. (See
5. Travel to the Tower of Yggdrasil. Once you leave the town, it is to southwest. However, you
have to go northeast and circle around the mountains.
6. Kill the Yggdrasil Ivy guarding the entrance. You need to equip a non-elemental sword and
use Salamander’s Blood in combat to set your sword aflame.
7. Reach the top of the tower.
8. Defeat Evil Ivy to obtain the Sacred Flame of Wind! This enemy is vulnerable to fire. So, it is
best to complete the Q5 quest before fighting it. Its attacks are venomous, so bring anti-
poison measures into combat.
Now that you have the flame, make sure you’ve completed every side quest in this region
except Q5. While they’re not mandatory, failing to complete them is certain to bring about a
miserable gameplay experience. Once you are ready, leave the Great Markid Plain via the Bone
Eating Valley.
Side quests
1. [Q2] Item shop, girl: The shopkeeper is missing. Find him travelling to the brigands’ fort and
talk to him.
2. [Q3] Pub, private detective: The detective wants you to investigate a haunted mansion.
Complete Q20 first. Purchase Saint’s Ashes form the item shop. (Two or three is needed.)
Travel to the Bone Eating Valley and go west. Visit the Haunted Mansion. Find the blue spirit
on the second floor and return it to the statue on the first floor. Defeat the boss. (Equip a
non-elemental sword and use Saint’s Ashes to add the Holy element to your sword.) Report
back once you are done.
Rewards: Crescent Island’s Map (unlocks travelling to Crescent Island via a ship)
3. [Q4] Guild, soldier: The soldier requires you to kill troublesome boa constrictors. Travel
northwest to find Gidra Mountain Trails. Kill all boas in the first area and report back.
Reward: 1000G
4. [Q5] Armor shop, blacksmith: The blacksmith requires you to get the Efreet Sword in the
Tower of Yggdrasil. Look for an obscured path behind a tree in third level of the tower.
Report back once you found the sword.
5. [Q6] Hospital, infirm elderly: The elderly will be standing outside the city walls soon. Talk to
him while wearing torn clothes.
Reward: 500G
6. [Q6] Item shop, enchantress: This fire specialist requires you to defeat the Fire Titan in the
Tower of Yggdrasil. There is a bridge with hanging vines on the tower’s fourth level. You
need to climb down from vines to find this boss. Beware. It is extremely powerful and blows
itself up when at low health. You must come prepared to withstand 250 points of fire
damage. (Learning the Counter Gambit skill helps.) You should be able to deal ice damage
too. Perhaps it is best to deal with this quest once you have an Ice Sword. Report back for
the reward.
7. [Q8] Inn, woman: Enter the city of Markid in the state of undress. Find the woman’s Ruby
Ring in the cell. Sleep. Report back.
Reward: Town Girl’s Clothes (allows you to work in the Pub’s second floor)
8. [Q20] Item shop, girl, after completing Q2: Travel to the bandits’ stronghold, dressed as a
wild bandit (700G from the tailor). Alternatively, you can train Fran to the point that you can
defeat all bandits in direct combat. Whichever you choose, you must fight a lone bandit in
the warehouse. Later, you must defeat a bandit boss and his two flunkies 3-to-1. Bring your
Fire Bombs and the Counter Gambit skill into this fight.
Other info
1. After completing the Q8 quest, you can get employed on the second floor of the pub.
2. After completing the Q20 quest, you can breach the ice barriers on the top level of the
Tower of Yggdrasil and in an enclosure northeast of the Great Markid Plains (east of the
bandit fortress).
3. You can buy a lottery ticket for 30 gold coins. The rewards are worth the price you pay for
them, but they are random. The top prize is the precious Hermes Sandals, but the chance
of getting it is exactly 1/100.
4. Q6 and Q8 are the only quest in this whole game that force lewdness upon Fran.
5. You can purchase a Mercenary outfit from the local tailor for 2000G. Enemies cannot tear
this outfit. In fact, there is no torn version of it in the game.
3rd area: Crescent Island
The Crescent Island offers free lodgings, shops that sell magical items for Fairy Coins, a portal,
and quests. Enemy encounters are the same as Markid.
Side quests
1. [Q14] Fairy Queen: The queen requires you to find a fairy under a bridge in the Trading City
of the Sandra region. Talk to the fairy and report back.
2. [Q21] Fairy: See the side quests of the “5th area: Cordia’s dominion” section.
3. [Q25] Water Spirit: See the side quests of the “7th area: Endor, the fallen realm” section.
Other info
Don’t buy anything in the Elven Refuge unless you direly need it. For example, Warp
Stone is a must, but Grimoires are especially useless.
Fairy coins are rare and precious. You can mint them in Cordia once you complete the
Q12 and Q24 quests.
North: Red
West: Purple
East: Blue
South: Green
9. Explorer the west wing and light up all four torches there to freeze up the east wing.
10. Retrieve the Sun Scepter from the frozen east wing.
11. Go north and interact with the throne to unlock the Sun Template Altar Room.
12. Fight the Magic Crystal (boss) to obtain the Sacred Flame of Earth. Initially, this boss
receives zero damage from poison and half damage from all other attacks. After five turns, it
goes berserk, becoming vulnerable to all elements. After another five turns, it reverts to its
calm state again. Its attacks (Heat Ray, Vapor Blast, and Consecutive Beam) are all fire-based.
So, it is best to complete the Q6 quest before fighting it.
13. A fight with Vivian ensues immediately. Winning is not mandatory but if you win, she gives
you a Jade Pendant and guides you towards the true ending of the game. Bring anti-
lightning and anti-ice consumables for this combat.
You must now make preparations for traveling to Cordia’s dominion. You need:
Five small keys: Purchase them from the Crescent Island if you don’t have them already.
Combat supplies for an extended fight with pirates: They love to use fire, so equip your
Fire Orb. Poison and Darkness (if you on New Game+) works great against them.
Once you are done, embark a ship bound for Cordia’s dominion. Pirates will raid the ship. Each
pirate has 2% chance of dropping Sailor’s Underwear. Be sure to rescue as many civilians as
possible and talk to them. They may offer freebies. Also, visit the ship’s cargo hold.
Eventually, you have to defeat the Pirate captain and his two lackies. Winning the battle gives
Side quests
1. [Q9] Hospital, nurse: Obtain five Mandragora Roots from roaming monsters and bring
them back. The Mandragora (found in the desert) has 20% chance of dropping them.
Mandrake and Hell Thought Tree (found inside mines) have 33% chance.
3. [Q11] City sublevels, suspicious doctor: Hunt down the extremely dangerous worm monster
in the dunes, south of the Sun Temple. The worm boasts 4,500 HP. It uses the Sickening
Odor attack each 7 turns, which inflicts all ailments in the book. You must respond with
Metabolism and a sip of Mineral Water. It has a Darkness-based attack too, so coming with
anti-darkness gear is recommended. It is vulnerable to ice. Stunning attacks have 50%
chance of succeeding. You’re unlikely to kill it before reaching Endor.
4. [Q12] Company building, receptionist: Enter the Sandrite Mine (south of the Trading City)
and defeat its boss to clear the monsters. The boss’s weakness is ice.
5. [Q13] Back-alley pub: To access the hidden den, go northwest of the Trading City, break one
of the barrels, go under the sunshade (stripped red and white), and walk east along the
northern wall. The man in the den asks you to bring him a Markid Liquor (1000G).
Other info
1. In the final chamber of the fiery east wing of the Sun Template, you can obtain a Power
Glove that enables you to push boulders. With it, you can access the locked chests below
the Trading City, in the Gidra Mountain Trails, and in Port Markid.
2. The oasis pixie upgrades her shop by one level when all of the following has happened:
Fran has spent a certain amount in the shop. The necessary expenditures for levels 2, 3,
and 4 are 300G, 2000G, and 5000G.
Fran has slept the night and revisited the shop.
For level 4, Fran must have visited Cordia.
3. The level-2 shop sells Dried Meat, Potion, Power Gem, Warp Stone Fragment, Sewing Kit,
Tent, Ignition Powder, Ice Crystals, Charged Stone, Holy Water, and Tainted Soil
4. The level-3 shop sells Smoked Dried Meat, Potion, Power Crystal, Tent, Giant Pill, Iron
Cream, Falcon Drink, Devil Horn, Soft Powder, and Spider Silk.
5. The level-4 shop sells Ultimate Dried Meat, Potion, Power Crystal, Revelatory Drop, Viper
Drink, Bangle of Thunder God.
6. Uranus the fortuneteller offers services that require valuable gems. Early in the game,
however, it is unwise to waste your precious gems in this fashion, especially the Diamond.
7. Uranus cannot reduce the karma below 50 points.
1. Head out.
2. Go southwest, south, and southeast to reach Cordia’s security checkpoint.
3. Head east to the Cordia’s capital city and activate its portal.
4. If you haven’t done so already, complete the Q12 side quest at the Sandra trading city. (See
5. Complete the Q24 side quest. (See below.) You need a Sandrite ore for this quest, but unless
you’ve been exceedingly careless, you already have it.
6. Teleport to the Sandra trading city and purchase Gold Ore for 3000G apiece. Hopefully, you
have a Warp Stone by now and teleportation doesn’t cost you anything.
7. Have the alchemy shop transmute your ore to Gold Ingot. (So, alchemists in this game
transmute gold to gold? Funny!) Be sure to save between each five transmutations; Norun is
bound to mess up.
8. Sell your Gold Ingot for 3750G apiece. Perhaps sell the ingots to the Sandra company and
buy more gold ores from them at the same time.
9. Continue buying ores and selling ingots until you have 90,000G.
With your life a lot easier now, you can focus on Fran’s primary objective, which is to find the
Sacred Flame of Water.
1. If you’ve obtained the Informal Knight outfit, put it on. It will cause the people of the
Cordia’s Capital to treat you with respect. Keep it intact. Perhaps purchase some Cloth.
You’ll lose one piece of Cloth when the enemy conducts a cloth-ripping attack.
2. Strongly recommended: Complete the Q21 quest and purchase the Éclair sword.
3. Enter the Cordia’s castle. With the Informal Knight outfit, you enter through the main gate.
Otherwise, you have to infiltrate the castle through sewers. (See the Q16 side quest for
details.) There are extra rewards for going through the sewers.
4. Visit the Parliamentary Office and talk to the minister.
5. With the minister’s permission in hand, visit the Cordia’s checkpoint and travel to the
Sanctuary area. If you are at level 28, enemies will not attack you.
6. In the Altar of the Water Dragon 1F, obtain the Horn of a Mermaid from the Treasury
chamber to the top right. This item allows you to remain underwater indefinitely.
7. Proceed to the Blue Room.
8. After some underwater adventure, you’ll reach the Ceremonial Room. Save the game and
go left, to open a chest and create a rope-ladder shortcut for yourself.
9. Once you are ready, go forth for the boss fight with the Emerald Serpent. Its weakness is
lightning. It uses lightning and ice attacks. When it screeches, use Counter Gambit to protect
yourself against incoming damage.
Side quests
[Q15] Castle, barracks, soldier
The soldier is looking for a suitable wife. You can find such a woman in the middle of Markid’s
Central City, tending to a small patch of garden. Talk to the woman and report back.
1. Talk to the sailor in the pub, who reveals how to enter the sewers.
2. Break the barrels to the left side of the Cordia Castle entrance and walk under the
sunshades until you see the trap door. (You can only interact with it after talking to the
sailor.) Once you enter, you cannot leave without a Warp Stone Fragment.
3. Proceed south (although the actual route twists north once) to the Sluice Control Room.
4. In the control room, drain the sewers via the red switch.
5. Set the blue switches into the following arrangement: Up, down, down, up.
6. Proceed further south and retrieve the key from the equipment warehouse.
7. Proceed all the way north (although the actual route twists) and go through the gray door.
8. Save the game and recover.
9. Defeat the boss, Sludge. It uses poisonous attacks, so you should have anti-poison gears. It
is resilient to physical attack but takes extra damage from fire.
10. Return the commemorative coin to the antique collector.
To get [Q17] Queen Truffle and [Q19] Dragon’s Tongue, see the side quests sections of “7th
area: Endor, the fallen realm” and “8th area: Odelion and Death Mountain.”
Reward: Transmutation is now available. You can transmute gold ores to gold ingots for 750G
profit. But please, save the game before ordering a transmutation! Norun might waste your
precious ingot.
Reward: Cordia’s treasury key. Using this key is an act of breaking and entering; it has a karmic
penalty. In addition, if you get caught, there are severe penalties not worth facing. You can use
the Mirage Powder to avoid that.
Other information
1. Enemies called Magical Jar may drop Diamonds (1% chance).
This guide will not cover that area. Just stay away from it.
Main quest
Your next objective is the Sacred Flame of Darkness. But to get to that, you must reach the Ceres
Monastery and the Lawless City.
1. From the Cordia’s capital, proceed east, south, and west to enter the Forest of Rot.
2. Go through the Forest of Rot. There are two exits: West and South. The west exit is long and
dangerous. The south exit is much shorter but needs you to have obtained Magic Lantern,
Power Gloves, and Horn of a Mermaid. There is a save point right where the route
branches. (Both routes have unique treasures, so I eventually came back and explored both
after activating the monastery’s portal.)
3. Once you cleared the forest, go north to reach the Ceres Monastery, where they are
expecting you. The monastery has a portal. This is the right time to complete the Q23 side
4. Talk to the monastery’s head priestess. She offers you the guest room. Rest there before
talking to her again. This is mandatory for your progress.
5. Once you can leave the monastery, it is high time you created the weapon for the next stage
of your adventure. There are two Grimoires of Light in the Forest of Rot. Transmute one of
them into a Holy Knight’s Rapier.
6. Equip anti-fire gear and head south for the abandoned mine.
7. To traverse the mine, you must first access the engine room and bring the power back
online. This will enable you to ride the mine carts and exit the other side.
8. Once out of the mine, head all the way northwest and enter a small enclosure near the
coasts, called Caverns. There are treasures waiting for you.
9. Head east and enter the Lawless City. As the name suggests, it is lawless. Trust no one and
expect random encounters.
10. Go to the street-level pub and talk to the old man.
11. Go to the undercity and find the Junk shop. It’s on the second sublevel, west.
12. Buy two bombs. (You can complete Q17 an Q25 quests right now for lucrative prizes.)
13. Inquire about this “citizen” until you get the answer from an unknown source.
14. Visit your unknown source in the apartment building, 3rd floor. Talk to him thrice. (You’ll
unlock a side quest too.)
This is right time to activate Q17, Q22, Q25, Q26, and Q28 side quests, if you haven’t done so
already. (See below.) Once you are done, it’s time to make the final move on the Endor Castle.
1. Proceed east and continue the spiral path until you reach the Endor Castle. The path and the
castle itself are full of undead. Equipping the Holy Knight’s Rapier is highly recommended.
By now, you can have the Sun Sword or Astral Sword, but Holy Knight’s Rapier inflicts more
damage to the dark creatures of this region. The only better option, which I didn’t use, is the
Kingsword Cordia.
2. Navigate the ruined town until you can enter the castle itself.
3. Once you are inside the castle, you must break four seals to unlock the path into the
dimensional threshold. This means traversing four room and a lot of teleportation pads. I’ll
give you a few hints:
From the right-hand side door of the lower level, you can reach one of the seals, a switch
that unlocks ladders for the upper level, and a fixed encounter with Reaper! (See Q26.)
From the left-hand side door of the lower level, you can reach one of the seals and the
upper level.
The right-hand side door of the upper level takes you to the first Room of Truth. You’ll
have to fight the Torture Mask at the central altar and then follow it into a mirror. 1 Each
correct mirror takes you to a new Room of Truth, with the same general layout but
different debris and a new chest. In the third Room of Truth, you have to fight the
Once you successfully reached the seal, it is possible to re-navigate each Room of Truth without fighting the
enemy on the central altar, but only if you never step into a wrong mirror.
Persona of Despair instead. The fourth Room of Truth has a teleportation pad on its
altar and no mirrors.
The left-hand side door of the upper level takes you to the Subtle Grace room. After
navigating a labyrinth of teleportation pads, you reach the seal. This room also contains
the Panties of the Abyss. Remember, sometimes, the teleportation pad on which you
land doesn’t take you back to the teleportation pad from which you came.
4. Take the newly opened dimensional portal to the Sacred Flame of Darkness. You have to
fight the King of Endor and two Imperial Guards. They are undead, so they are weak to the
Holy element. Also, they are swordsmen, so the Parry skill works well on them. Watch out for
their counterattacks.
Complete all the side quests that you have started and prepare to move on.
Side quests
[Q17] Cordia, castle, banquet hall, gourmet noble
The nobleman requires a Queen Truffle. To get it:
Reward 1: Diamond
Reward 2: The orc opens a shop selling high-end items, including Dark Orb and Meteorite.
Procuring enough Fairy Coins to buy them is only possible with alchemy, after completing
the Q24 quest.
Reward: Moonstone
The reward makes you think why Fran doesn’t employ him for other, more meaningful
[Q28] Lawless City, Apartment 3F, agent
The “citizen” wishes to dismantle the local mafia. In exchange, he promises information about
Fran. You can collect three pieces of “intelligence”. They show up on the desk of the “citizen”.
They are not necessary, but they give you context for the story. Here is their location:
To take advantage of the reward, travel to the ruined town of Endor and enter the locked house.
(The game has amply hinted that it is Fran’s house.) Go upstairs, search the book shelves, and
find the hidden diary.
Other info
Junk shop
Other than the much-needed bomb, the only thing else worth buying from the underground
vendor is a Jet-Black Assassin outfit. It unlocks the arena.
The Junk Shop’s lucky bags contain one of the following items randomly: Dried Meat, Fairy Coin,
Viper Drink, Revelatory Drop, Giant’s Treasure, Muffler of Wind (typo: Ninja Sash), Assassin Ring
(typo: Magician’s Hourglass), Tyrant Ring, Scroll of Windmill, Scroll of Lightning Stab, Scroll of
Crescent Bane, Scroll of Cure Aura, and Giant’s Bangle.
In the arena, you can fight thugs to increase you ranking. These fights are unrewarding. You
have the option of taunting the enemy before the fight. (“Performance”) Taunting has no effects
on the combat itself or on your victory.
The top rank holder of the arena is the master swordsman Gotts. Defeating him rewards you the
Master Crown. Fighting him with force is useless because he boasts a large HP pool, takes only
50% damage from all sources, can steal life with his Blood Weapon skill, can counterattack, and
has such agility that ensure his powerful counterattacks kill Fran. However, all his attacks are
sword-based, so the Parry skill can nullify them. It’s difficult to poison him, but it is possible.
Gear up for stamina and perhaps agility. You can pick the Eclipse sword, but be sure to bring
Deadly Poison. Start the battle by casting Might Aura to counter his Power Up skill. Then, after
enchanting your weapon with poison, attack with two Windmill skills. This will likely poison him.
Once poisoned, all you have to do is staying alive by casting Parry + Stand By each turn. He
cannot cure the poison and dies eventually. Parrying consumes both Stamina and energy.
The graveyard of the Lawless City is only accessible from sublevels.
Do not borrow money from the local loan shark. The consequences are dire, even if you
borrow 1G and be able to pay it back the next day. He cheats and Fran can do nothing
about it.
1. Head east, go through the acid ponds, and find your way to the Nameless Temple. (The
acid inflicts damage but won’t kill Fran.) Enter and activate the portal.
2. Talk to the apostle waiting for your arrival. He’ll give you the Apostle Sword. It’s a powerful
Holy-elemental sword, but by now, you can craft the more power Dragon Pain sword. None
are required for the mandatory part of this quest.
3. Craft the Sylvana sword and equip it. Most enemies from here on out are vulnerable to ice.
4. After sleeping and restocking, exit the temple’s northern gate and head for the Death
5. Instead of entering the Death Mountain’s gate, head further west, north across the acid
ponds, east, and south to find a secret enclosure called Animal Trail under the clouds.
There are treasure chests waiting for you. Return once you are done.
6. Travel through the Vulcanic Road (a long way) until you reach the Lava Tube.
7. The Lava Tube has no less than four exits: Three Vulcanic pools (one of which leads to the
Dragon’s Nest; see Q19) and Hades Grotto, your main destination.
8. From Hades Grotto, travel the Dragon’s Ridge and the Heavenly Altar, where you can save
your game and rest. There are two chests in Hades Grotto, both in the middle of burning
lava. Also, at Hades Grotto or the Dragon’s Ridge, you have the highest chance (10%) of
encountering the Premier Chest enemy. They have valuable loots: Orichalcum, Meteorite,
and Diamond.
9. At the Heavenly Altar, you’ll have to fight Death Mountain’s final boss, Daedalus. This boss is
vulnerable to poison. I managed to end the fight quickly: On the second turn I used Raging
Bloom and it used a multi-hit skill. Several Raging Bloom counters came into effect and
ended the battle.
With the battle over, you have the Sacred Flame of Life. It is time to make preparations for
Misthorn and the game’s finale.
Side quest
[Q19] Cordia, castle, banquet hall, gourmet noble
The nobleman requires a Dragon’s Tongue. To get it:
The Dragon’s Nest is psychological game: The lava burns you and you only have 20% chance of
encountering the dragon. The other enemies are weak enough that they die from a single
Vanishing Edge skill. The dragon is immune to anything other than the Holy element. It won’t
react for two turns, so take your time and heal if you need. A riskier approach is to let your
health drop to 1 in the lava; once you encounter the dragon, hit it with four Revenge Zapper.
You need to optimize your gears for this to work.
Once you’ve upgraded the fairy’s item shop to level 4 (which won’t happen until you visit
Cordia), she gives you a broken compass and asks to search for the shopkeeper. To do so:
1. Complete Q24.
2. Ask Norun in the Alchemy shop to transmute your Broken Compass into Magic Compass.
3. Travel to the harbor and hire a ship for the new destination, the Unknown Island. This area
has the same enemies as Odelion.
4. Touch the glyph on the wall to enter Monad Level 1.
As you enter, you notice two small room to the left and right sides of the entry point. They are
elevators. Monad has 12 levels. There are checkpoints at levels 5 and 11. These elevators take
you to those checkpoints. However, they are initially not powered. There are power plants in
levels 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11. You need to activate them all.
Beware, enemies in Monad area are extremely dangerous. Do you remember the last boss,
Daedalus? His angrier brother Baphomet is a random encounter in Monad!
Poison ×300%
Instant death ×50%
Orc Lord Physical, fire, debuff Instant death ×40% 10-Sided Dice (2%)
Can charge up Elven Underwear (2%)
Name Attacks Affinities Drops
Dark Knight Darkness Holy ×100% Scroll of Dark Fencer
Debuff + poison + Other elements ×50% (1%)
paralysis Mirror of Another
Can counter Stun 75% World (5%)
Instant death ×40%
Paralysis ×30%
Poison ×0%
Crimson Goat Physical, darkness Holy ×105% Scroll of Fatal Edge
Darkness ×0% (1%)
Doesn’t act for three Devil Horn (5%)
turns Instant death ×0%
Paralysis ×0%
Poison ×0%
Stun ×0%
Baphomet Physical, fire Poison ×300% Meteorite (1%)
Instant death ×40% Giant Pill (5%)
Medusa Physical: Multi-hit, Fire ×150% Scroll of Adrenaline
high ATK, paralysis Instant death ×0% Rush (100%)
chance, susceptible to Paralysis ×0%
Parry Poison ×0%
Magic Core Physical, magical, fire, Lightning ×125% Orichalcum (100%)
healing Dragon Horn (10%)
Poison ×0%
Can debuff evasion Instant death ×0%
and agility Paralysis ×0%
Stun ×0%
Starts by inflicting
stun + fever + blind
+ poison; repeats
every 10 turns
And finally, you meet the deadliest boss in the game, Rena, the witch. She was the protagonist
the last Eclipseworks game. She has a fixed and deadly attack pattern:
Fighting strategy:
1. Start with casting the Power Up and the Soul Crush skills.
2. Each turn, use Wind Mill plus Stand By. (If you have Orichalcum instead of Dragon Horn,
use Stand By instead. You need 100 Stamina for the next step.)
3. When she is about cast her holy attack, use Raging Bloom plus Stand By. This results in
three salvos of powerful counterattacks that will likely end the fight. (If you can’t, use
Counter Gambit and the Holy Water item.)
4. Cast Counter Gambit plus Stand By to stop the meteor shower from killing Fran.
5. The meteor shower inflicts 200 points of damage nonetheless. So, from now on, use
Revenge Zapper plus Stand By each turn. Hopefully, you’ll defeat her.
6. If you couldn’t defeat her before she started gathering power, use a freezing or stunning
attack, like Crescent Bane, Starbreaker, or Sonic Thrust.
You can transmute Wizard’s Memo to Mastema, the most powerful sword.
Vivian is weak against the Darkness element. She can use all five elements in her attacks. She
starts by inflicting a powerful debuff, so counter with Power Up or Mineral Water. When her
health drops to 45%, she erects a Dark Veil that reflects all Fran’s attacks from that point
onward. Use attacks to which Fran is immune. For instance, equip a Bangle of Dark God before
the battle and use Dragon Blood to enchant your sword with Darkness.
8. Fight Erebus, if you have obtained the prerequisites for the true ending.
Erebus is complicated. She is immune to physical attacks, poison, stun, paralysis, and instant
death. She is initially not immune to any element, but each seven turns, she casts Arcane
Change to block four elements plus physical attacks. You can clearly see which ones, so enchant
your sword for the fifth element.
In her attacks, she only uses four elements: Fire, ice, lightning, and darkness. She has two non-
elemental attacks; they inflict 120 flat damages. Like Vivian, she can inflict debuffs. Her most
devastating attack is Abyss Gate, which sets Fran’s health to one point! It is unstoppable. She
uses this attack at turn 4 and every 10 turns after. She makes a showy display of preparing for
this attack one turn in advance. This attack is a blessing in disguise: With Fran’s health as low as
possible, her Revenge Zapper skill inflicts the highest damage. Hence, make sure you have
enough stamina for Revenge Zapper and healing yourself in one turn. In my case, Revenge
Zapper killed her.
ID Weapons Damage Perks How to obtain
34 Legendary Sword 1 Junk Shop
1 Hunting Knife 4 Markid Armor Shop
2 Short Sword 8 Markid Armor Shop
3 Efreet Sword 10 Fire damage out Tower of Yggdrasil
5 Long Sword 10 Markid Armor Shop
4 Wildling's Shotel 12 Poisoning chance: +30% Markid lottery
Hit chance: -15%
6 Cutlass 18 Critical hit chance: +5% Sandra Armory
7 Gladius 22 Sandra Armory
ID Weapons Damage Perks How to obtain
8 Misericord 22 Critical hit chance: +5% Sandra Armory
12 Assassin Saber 24 Poisoning chance: +25% 2nd Class Cargo Hold
9 Flamberge 26 Critical hit chance: +5% Cordia Armory
11 Bastard Sword 30 Cordia Armory
32 Diamond Sword 30 Critical hit chance: +20% Transmutation
15 Claymore 32 Critical hit chance: +5% Cordia Armory
Endor Weapons Shop
10 Ice Sword 34 Ice damage out Transmutation
Quest (Q10) reward
14 Holy Knight's Rapier 36 Holy damage out Transmutation
16 Lightning Sword 36 Lightning damage out Transmutation
18 Great Sword 38 Endor Weapons Shop
Marco, after returning to
26 Eclair 38 Lightning damage out Transmutation
Critical hit chance +10% Elf Garden shop
13 Giant's Knife 44 Altar of the Water Dragon
17 Saber of Gluttony 44 Darkness damage out Transmutation
Holy damage in: ×150%
20 Last Claymore 44 Critical hit chance: +5% Endor Weapons Shop
19 Force Edge 48 Critical hit chance: +10% Transmutation
23 Kingsword Cordia 50 Holy damage out Cordia’s Treasury
21 Apostle's Sword 52 Holy damage out Nameless Temple
33 Dragon Pain 57 Holy damage out Transmutation
Critical hit chance: +15%
29 Astral Sword 58 Critical hit chance: +20% Transmutation
31 Siren 62 Poisoning chance: +25% Dantes’ Hidden “Warehouse”
24 Sun Sword 64 Fire damage out Transmutation
25 Sylvana 64 Ice damage out Transmutation
27 Darkbringer 70 Darkness damage out Transmutation
28 Mastema 70 Critical hit chance: +50% Transmutation
30 Eclipse Sword 70 Critical hit chance: +40% Transmutation
22 Dragon Rim 77 Critical hit chance: +30% Transmutation
These numbers come directly from the game itself. Unless I am mistaken, Leather Skin offers
better protection against poison than Mithril Tunic, Sailor’s Underwear, or Seeker’s Panties.
Assault group 1
Name Perks
Travelers Charm Blinded chance: ×75%
ATK: +1
Shell Charm Stunned chance: ×75%
DEF: +1
Wooden Snake Carvings DEF: +1
Pig Rabbit Hair Evasion chance: +1%
AGI: +1
Beautiful Seashell Critical hit chance: +1%
Vitality Charcoal Max HP: ×102%
Poisoned chance: ×75%
Glass Bead Max PP: ×102%
Fever chance: ×75%
Assault group 2
Name Perks
Power Water Blinded chance: ×75%
ATK: +2
Spirit Cord Stunned chance: ×75%
DEF: +2
Rabbit Band Evasion chance: +2%
AGI: +2
Flower Hair Evasion chance: +2%
Silver Earrings Critical hit chance: +2%
Monk Ring Max HP: ×103%
Poisoned chance: ×75%
Masterwork's Mittens Max PP: ×103%
Fever chance: ×75%
Assault group 3
Name Perks
Crystal of Power Blinded chance: ×75%
ATK: +3
Seeds of Stunned chance: ×75%
Patience DEF: +3
Sprinting Shoes Evasion chance: +3%
AGI: +3
Red Bow Critical hit chance: +3%
High Priest Ring2 Max HP: ×104%
Poisoned chance: ×75%
Master Gloves Max PP: ×104%
Fever chance: ×75%
Assault group 4
Name Perks
Hero's Bangle Blinded chance: ×50%
ATK: +4
Star Charm Stunned chance: ×50%
DEF: +4
Fairy Plumage Evasion chance: +4%
AGI: +4
Swordman's Charm Critical hit chance: +4%
Priest's Ring4 Max HP: ×105%
Poisoned chance: ×50%
Ayano's Cane Max HP: ×105% (not Max PP)
Fever chance: ×50%
Assault group 5
Name Perks
Tyrant Ring Blinded chance: ×50%
ATK: +5
Giant's Treasure Stunned chance: ×50%
DEF: +5
Muffler of Wind Evasion chance: +5%
AGI: +5
Assassin Ring Critical hit chance: +5%
Masamune Critical hit chance: +5%
Phoenix Feather Max HP: ×106%
Poisoned chance: ×50%
The High Priest Ring is, for some reason, inferior to the Priest Ring.
Not to be confused with a garment of the same name
The Priest Ring is, for some reason, better than the High Priest Ring.
Name Perks
Golden Necklace Max PP: ×106%
Fever chance: ×50%
Name Perks
Grimoire of Fire Add skill: Fire weapon
Fire damage in: ×75%
Grimoire of Ice Add skill: Frost weapon
Ice damage in: ×75%
Grimoire of Lightning Add skill: Thunder weapon
Lightning damage in: ×75%
Grimoire of Poison Add skill: Venom weapon
Grimoire of Light Add skill: Excalibur
Holy damage in: ×75%
Grimoire of Darkness Add skill: Slave Drain
Darkness damage in: ×75%
Grimoire of Heaven & Add skill: Excalibur
Earth Add skill: Slave Drain
Holy damage in: ×75%
Darkness damage in: ×75%
Necronomicon Add skill: Fire weapon
Add skill: Frost weapon
Add skill: Thunder weapon
Add skill: Venom weapon
Fire damage in: ×50%
Ice damage in: ×50%
Lightning damage in: ×50%
Poisoned chance: ×50%
Name Perks
Wizard's Memo Add skill: Fire weapon
Add skill: Frost weapon
Add skill: Thunder weapon
Add skill: Venom weapon
Add skill: Excalibur (Holy weapon)
Add skill: Slave Drain (Darkness weapon)
Elemental group 1
Name Perks
Fire Talisman Fire damage in: ×75%
Ice Talisman Ice damage in: ×75%
Lightning Lightning damage in: ×75%
Talisman Paralysis-proof
Darkness Talisman Darkness damage in: ×75%
Spirit Talisman Fire damage in: ×75%
Ice damage in: ×75%
Lightning damage in: ×75%
HP regeneration
Fairy Ring Holy damage in: ×75%
Angel Ring Holy damage in: ×75%
Silver Ring Fire damage in: ×75%
Ice damage in: ×75%
Burned chance: ×50%
Frozen chance: ×50%
Elemental group 2
Name Perks
Flame Orb Fire damage in: ×50%
Frost Orb Ice damage in: ×50%
Thunder Orb Lightning damage in: ×50%
Dark Orb Darkness damage in: ×50%
Meteorite Fire damage in: ×50%
Sun Stone Fire damage in: ×50%
Moonlight Stone Ice damage in: ×50%
Name Perks
Tri-Ankh Holy damage in: ×50%
Darkness damage in: ×50%
Lord of the Undead Ring Holy damage in: ×50%
Elemental group 3
Name Perks
Orichalcum Fire-proof
Dragon Horn Fire-proof
Stamina: +50
Bangle of Fire God Fire-proof
Bangle of Ice God Ice-proof
Bangle of Thunder God Lightning-proof
Bangle of Dark God Darkness-proof
Giant's Bangle Holy-proof
Endurance group
Name Perks
Bangle of Toughness Stunned chance: ×75%
Stamina +10
Spartan Bangle Stunned chance: ×50%
Stamina +30
Pikuchin Bangle Stun-proof
Stamina +50
Dragon Horn Fire-proof
Stamina: +50
Auto-buff group
Name Perks
Marathoner's Hair Stamina: +10
Ornament AGI Up
Hermes Sandals Stamina: +20
Trapezohedron ATK Up
Evasion UP
Debuff-proofing group
Name Perks
Night Bell Blindness-proof
Sanitizing Powder Fever-proof
Sandrite Ore Paralysis-proof
Horn's Pressed Poison-proof
Eu de Toilette Stun-proof
Diamond Stun-proof
Emerald Burned chance: ×50%
Frozen chance: ×50%
Paralyzed chance: ×50%
Harpy Feather Burned chance: ×50%
Frozen chance: ×50%
Paralyzed chance: ×50%
Amber Blinded chance: ×75%
Gold Ore Fever chance: ×75%
Peridot Poisoned chance: ×75%
Ring of Immobility Blinded chance: ×75%
Fever chance: ×75%
Poisoned chance: ×75%
Stunned chance: ×75%
Peerless group
Name Perks
Divine Hair Inspiration tier: +1
Bangle of Rage Low counterattack chance
Nemesis Ring High counterattack chance
Scroll group
Name Perks
Scroll of Lightning Stab Add skill: Lightning Stab
Scroll of Crescent Bane Add skill: Crescent Bane
Scroll of Reversal Edge Add skill: Reversal Edge
Scroll of Power Smash Add skill: Power Smash
Scroll of Defensive Gambit Add skill: Counter Gambit
Scroll of Vulcan Fang Add skill: Vulcan Fang
Scroll of Sonic Thrust Add skill: Sonic Thrust
Scroll of Windmill Add skill: Windmill
Scroll of Revenge Stab Add skill: Revenge Zapper
Scroll of Vanishing Edge Add skill: Vanishing Edge
Scroll of Parry Add skill: Parry
Scroll of Counter Sword Add skill: Counter Sword
Scroll of Sacred Cross Add skill: Sacred Cross
Scroll of Blood Weapon Add skill: Blood Weapon
Scroll of Heat Drive Add skill: Heat Drive
Scroll of Fatal Edge Add skill: Fatal Edge
Scroll of Tempest Sword Add skill: Tempest Sword
Scroll of Dark Fencer Add skill: Dark Fencer
Scroll of Heal Add skill: Heal
Scroll of High Heal Add skill: High Heal
Scroll of Master Heal Add skill: Master Heal
Scroll of Cure Aura Add skill: Cure Aura
Scroll of Metabolism Add skill: Metabolism
Scroll of Might Aura Add skill: Might Aura
Scroll of Charge Add skill: Charge
Scroll of Chakra Add skill: Chakra
Scroll of Assault Stance Add skill: Assault Stance
Scroll of Defense Shift Add skill: Defense Shift
Scroll of Mirage Step Add skill: Mirage Step
Scroll of Power Up Add skill: Power Up
Name Perks
Scroll of Intimidation Add skill: Intimidation
Scroll of Soul Clash Add skill: Soul Clash
Scroll of Eagle Eye Add skill: Eagle Eye
Scroll of Fighting Surge Add skill: Fighting Surge
Scroll of Adrenaline Rush Add skill: Adrenaline Rush
Scroll of Overload Add skill: Overload
In the Cordia’s royal alchemy shop, Norun can transmute the items that you find in the Armor
tab of your inventory, i.e., the items that you can equip in your “armor” and “accessory” slots.
Fixed transmutations
Input Output Index5
Gold Ore (3,000 G) Gold Ingot (3,750 G) 1~1
Broken Compass Magic Compass 1~2
Grimoire of Fire Efreet Sword 2~10~F
Fire Talisman Efreet Sword 2~10~F
Flame Orb Efreet Sword 2~10~F
Scroll of Vulcan Fang Efreet Sword 2~10~F
Grimoire of Ice Ice Sword 2~34~I
Ice Talisman Ice Sword 2~34~I
Frost Orb Ice Sword 2~34~I
Scroll of Crescent Bane Ice Sword 2~34~I
Grimoire of Lightning Lightning Sword 2~36~L
Lightning Talisman Lightning Sword 2~36~L
Thunder Orb Lightning Sword 2~36~L
Scroll of Lightning Stab Lightning Sword 2~36~L
Grimoire of Light Holy Knight Rapier 2~36~X
Sorcerer Ring Holy Knight Rapier 2~36~X
Bangle of Thunder God Éclair 2~38~L
Dark Orb Saber of Gluttony 2~44~Y
Grimoire of Darkness Saber of Gluttony 2~44~Y
Bangle of Rage Force Edge 2~48
Hermes Sandals Force Edge 2~48
For sorting purpose only
Input Output Index
Nemesis Ring Force Edge 2~48
Masamune Dragon Pain 2~57~X
Giant's Bangle Astral Sword 2~58
Bangle of Fire God Sun Sword 2~64~F
Bangle of Ice God Sylvana 2~64~I
Wizard's Memo Mastema 2~70
Bangle of Dark God Darkbringer 2~70~Y
Dragon Panties Dragon Rim 2~77
Dragon Horn Dragon Panties 3
Sun Stone Bangle of Fire God 4~F
Moonlight Stone Bangle of Ice God 4~I
Omegadrive Scroll of Adrenaline Rush 4~S
Sigmadrive Scroll of Adrenaline Rush 4~S
Trapezohedron Scroll of Fatal Edge 4~S
Divine Hair Ornament Scroll of Fighting Surge 4~S
Spirit Talisman Scroll of Power Up 4~S
Adaman Panties Adaman Caviar 5
Peridot Mirage Powder 5
T-String Naughty Book 5
Sheer Panties Naughty Book 5
Amber Pendant Amber Pendant N/A
Initial item Intermediate item Final product
Sun Stone Bangle of Fire God Sun Sword
Moonlight Stone Bangle of Ice God Sylvana
Dragon Horn Dragon Panties Dragon Rim
Fairy Coins
The following items turn into five Fairy Coins:
Angel Ring
Bangle of Toughness
Death Mask
Lord of the Undead Ring
Queen's Crown
Silk Panties
Spartan Bangle
Random pool
Input Output (random)
10-Sided Dice Royal Potion +1
Aristocratic Underwear Hydra Extract +1
Astral Panties Fairy Coin +5
Elven Underwear Twilight Elixir +1
Kongo Tank Top
Loincloth of War Maiden
Master Crown
Ninja Underwear
Panties of the Abyss
Pikuchin Bangle
Ring of Immobility
Stardust Earing
Underwear of the Aegis
Assassin Ring Ultimate Dried Meat +5
Darkness Talisman Witch Elixir +1
Fairy Ring Viper Drink +1
Giant's Treasure Miracle Water +1
Golden Necklace Fairy Coin +3 (2x chance)
Grimoire of Heaven & Earth
Grimoire of Poison
Harpy Feather
Loincloth of the Amazons
Marathoner's Hair Ornament
Muffler of Wind
Phoenix Feather
Ribbon Panties
Ruby Ring
Seeker Panties
Tyrant Ring
Input Output (random)
Ancient Tortoise Shell Smoked Dried Meat +3
Ayano's Cane Rare Potion +1
Chain Mail Power Crystal +1
Fairy Plumage Revelatory Drop +1 (2x chance)
Foreign God's Hair Giant Pill +1
Ornament Fairy Coin +1
Giant's Incense Iron Cream +1
Hero's Bangle Falcon Drink +1
Master Swordsman's Earing Small Key +2
Metal Plate
Mirage Panties
Mithril Tunic
Priest's Ring
Sailor's Underwear
Scroll of Blood Weapon
Scroll of Countersword
Scroll of Dark Fencer
Scroll of Fatal Edge
Scroll of Heat Drive
Scroll of Parry
Scroll of Revenge Stab
Scroll of Sacred Cross
Scroll of Tempest Sword
Scroll of Vanishing Edge
Scroll of Windmill
Silver Ring
Star Charm
Strange Skin
Swordman's Charm
Thunderclap Earing
Beautiful Seashell Dried Meat +3
Cotton Panties Power Gem +3
Crystal of Power Potion +1
Eu de Toilette Regen Herb +2
Flower Hair Ornament Small Key +1
Glass Bead Tent +2
High Priest Ring Warp Stone Fragment +3
Horn's Pressed Flower Swing Kit +3
Jade Pendant
Leather Skin
Leather Tank Top
Master Gloves
Masterwork's Mittens
Monk Ring
Input Output (random)
Night Bell
Pig Rabbit Hair
Power Water
Prisoner Shackles
Proof of Graduation
Rabbit Band
Red Bow
Sandrite Ore
Sanitizing Powder
Scroll of Adrenaline Rush
Scroll of Assault Stance
Scroll of Chakra
Scroll of Charge
Scroll of Counter Gambit
Scroll of Cure Aura
Scroll of Defense Shift
Scroll of Eagle Eye
Scroll of Fighting Surge
Scroll of Heal
Scroll of High Heal
Scroll of Intimidation
Scroll of Master Heal
Scroll of Metabolism
Scroll of Might Aura
Scroll of Mirage Step
Scroll of Overload
Scroll of Power Smash
Scroll of Power Up
Scroll of Reversal Edge
Scroll of Sonic Thrust
Scroll of Soul Clash
Seeds of Patience
Shell Charm
Silver Earrings
Spirit Cord
Sprinting Shoes
Travelers Charm
Vitality Charcoal
Wooden Snake Carvings
Over time, Fran developed a dissociative personality disorder. Most of the times, she was Fran,
the hunter from Misthorn. But a distinct personality, called Vivian, began to develop. The game
hints that there might have been a real Vivian who didn’t survive the fall of Endor. The new
Vivian, however, was the manifestation of Fran’s repressed memories.
17 years after the fall of Endor, Fran visited the forbidden Labyrinth of Abyss. Seeing the sacred
flames, she momentarily regained her memories. Fran deliberately extinguished the flames,
knowing full well that doing so condemns Misthorn.
In the true ending, Fran comes to terms with her painful past. This enables her to realize that
Vivian is not real. With Fran’s memories no longer repressed, Vivian disappears.