Oral Communication Quarterly Examination

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Name : __________________________________ Name : ________________________

Strand & Section: _________________________ Strand & Section: _________________________

Previous Score: __________ Previous Score: __________
Final Score: _____________ Final Score: _____________



GENERAL DIRECTION: Read each item carefully, then GENERAL DIRECTION : Read each item carefully, then
choose the BEST answer that corresponds to what is asks. choose the BEST answer that corresponds to what is asks.

1. In order to be an effective speaker, you information about your receiver’s mood, race,
should always _____________ significant background, preferences, education and others.
information about your receiver’s mood, race, c) Consider c) Rate
background, preferences, education and others. d) Hold d) Think
a) Consider c) Rate
b) Hold d) Think 2. Jessil Nogaliza and her boyfriend usually calls
each other during class breaks, suddenly her
2. Jessil Nogaliza and her boyfriend usually calls classmates started singing a birthday song for
each other during class breaks, suddenly her their classmates. What kind of barriers of
classmates started singing a birthday song for communication is present?
their classmates. What kind of barriers of c) Physical c) Cultural
communication is present? d) Psychological d) Linguistic
a) Physical c) Cultural
b) Psychological d) Linguistic 3. All are definition of communication EXCEPT.
e) Communication is a message
3. All are definition of communication EXCEPT. understood.
a) Communication is a message f) Communication is a social interaction
understood. through messages.
b) Communication is a social interaction g) Communication connects people and
through messages. the world they lived in.
c) Communication connects people and h) Communication separates people,
the world they lived in. races and organization.
d) Communication separates people,
races and organization. 4. When Chegie Cordita was 12 yrs. old Her
father told her, that she’s in charge of cooking
4. When Chegie Cordita was 12 yrs. old Her rice for lunch every day. What do you think is
father told her, that she’s in charge of cooking the function of communication in the given
rice for lunch every day. What do you think is situation?
the function of communication in the given c) To inform c) promote
situation? d) To give advice d) motivate
a) To inform c) promote
b) To give advice d) motivate 5. When do you consider the communication
process complete?
5. When do you consider the communication e) When the message enters the channel
process complete? of communication.
a) When the message enters the channel f) When the receiver understands the
of communication. message and gave feedback.
b) When the receiver understands the g) When the sender transmits message to
message and gave feedback. the receiver.
c) When the sender transmits message to h) When the sender transmits the
the receiver. message successfully.
d) When the sender transmits the
message successfully.

1. In order to be an effective speaker, you should

always _____________ significant

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