Elc 101 Worksheet 4

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EPISODE 4: Instructional Cycle

Names: Score:

Resource Teacher:

School: Grade/Year Level:

Subject Area: Date:

Instructions: This is a group activity (each group must have 3 members each).

This episode gives emphasis on the principles of learning which must be applied to
ensure quality instruction. It also focuses on the intended learning outcomes which set the
direction of the lesson. They must be (SMART) Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and
Time-bound) and formulated in accordance with time-tested principles. It also determines the
teaching method used by the resource teacher whether (inductive or deductive) which is the
practical realization or application of an approach. This episode dovetails with the course on
Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching.

A. Demonstrating and Understanding of Research-Based Knowledge Principles of

Teaching and Learning


Observe a class with the use of the principles of learning in Revisit the Learning
Essentials. I will identify evidence of applications/violations of the principles of learning. I can
cite more than one evidence per principle of learning.

Principles of Learning What did the Resource Teacher do to apply

the principle of learning

1. Effective learning begins with the

setting of clear and high expectations
of learning outcomes.

2. Learning is an active process.

3. Learning is the discovery of personal

meaning and relevance of ideas.

4. Learning is a cooperative and a

collaborative process. Learning is
enhanced in an atmosphere of
cooperation and collaboration.


1. What principles of learning were most applied? Least applied?

2. Give instances where this/these principles/s could have been applied?

From among the principles of learning, which one do you think is the most important?

B. Identifying Learning Outcomes that are Aligned with Learning Competencies


Observe a class, this time focusing on how the learning outcomes were stated.
Determine if the learning outcome/s was/were achieved or not. Give Evidence.

1. Write the learning outcomes stated in the lesson.

SMART Objectives Achieved

Learning Outcomes
Yes No Yes No






2. Cite pieces of evidence that these learning outcomes were achieved.







1. Do SMART objectives make the lesson more focused?


Reflect on the lessons learned in determining SMART learning outcomes.

C. Distinguishing Between Inductive and Deductive Methods of Teaching


I will observe one Resource Teacher with the use of this observation sheet. Using the
guide questions, I shall reflect on my observations and analysis.
Teacher-centered Student-centered

Did the teacher lecture all the time? Were students involved in the teaching-
learning process? How? Or were they mere
passive recipients of instruction?

Was the emphasis on the mastery of the Was the emphasis on the students’
lesson or on the test? Prove application of the lessons in real life? Give

Was the class atmosphere competitive? Was the class atmosphere collaborative?
Why? Why?

Did the teacher focus on one Did Teacher connect the lesson to other
discipline/subject? disciplines/subjects?

What teaching-learning practice shows that teaching approach was:

a) constructivist - connected to past experiences of learners; learners constructed new
lesson meanings

b) inquiry-based

c) developmentally appropriate - learning activities fit the developmental stage of children

d) reflective

e) inclusive - No learner was excluded; teacher taught everybody

f) collaborative - students worked together

g) integrative - lesson was multidisciplinary - e.g. In science, Math concepts were taught


1. What are possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and for
the test?
2. If you were to reteach the classes you observed, would you be teacher-centered or
student-centered? Why?

Reflect on Principles of teaching worth applying

D. Applying the Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use of Strategies


Observe one class with the use of the observation sheet for greater focus then analyze
my observations with the help of the guide questions.

1. The more senses that are involved, e.g. Teacher used video on how digestion
the more and the better the learning. takes place and a model of the human
digestive system.

2. Learning is an active process

3. A non-threatening atmosphere
enhances learning.

4. Emotion has the power to increase

retention and learning

5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of


6. Learning is meaningful when it is

connected to students’ everyday life.

7. An integrated teaching approach is far

more effective than teaching isolated
bits of information

What is the best method of teaching? Is there such a thing?


Reflect on this question: How do we select the appropriate strategy for our lessons?

E. Visiting the Learning Resource Center (Optional)


As you visit and observe the learning resource center, use the observation guide provided. Ask
the assistance of the Center staff Courteously.

An Observation Guide for a


Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the Learning Resource Center.

2. Find out what learning resources are present.
3. Examine and describe how the materials are arranged and how they are classified. Are
they free from dust and moisture? Are they arranged for easy access?
4. Read the guidelines/procedures for borrowing materials. Are these
guidelines/procedures posted available for the users to refer to?
5. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. Take photos of the center if
After you are done with your observation, classify the resources available that you believe are
most useful. Use the activity form below.

Name of Center Observed:

Date of Observation:
Name of Observers:

List of Available Learning Resources

Available Learning Characteristics and Unique Teaching Approaches

Resources Capabilities where the Resources is
(enumerate in bullet form) Most Useful
1. Print Resources

2. Audio Resources

3. Non-electronic
Visual resources

4. ICT Resources

Impression about the LRC:


1. Are the learning resources/materials arranged properly according to their functions and
2. Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by the
teachers? Why? Why not?
3. What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center?
4. What are its weaknesses?
5. What suggestions can you make?

1. Which of the materials in the Learning Resource Center caught your interest the most?
2. Which gadgets/materials are you already confident to use/operate?
3. Which ones do you feel you need to learn more about?

F. Observing Technology Integration in the Classroom


As you observe the class use the observation sheets provided for you to document your

Class Observation Guide

Read and answer the following questions and instructions carefully before you observe.

1. What is the lesson about?

2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher using?
3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/uses the learning resources.
4. Closely observe the learners’ response to the teacher’s use of learning resources. Listen
to their verbal responses. What do their responses indicate? Do their responses show
attentiveness, eagerness, and understanding?
5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they learning and are they showing their
interest in the lesson and in the materials? Are they looking towards the direction of the
teacher and the materials? Do their actions show attentiveness, eagerness, and


Utilization of Teaching Aids Form

Grade level of Class Observed:

Date of Observation:
Subject Matter:
Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher:
Teaching Aids Used Strengths Weaknesses Appropriateness of
(Enumerate in Bullet the Teaching Aids
form) Used

1. Use the Technology Integration Form to analyze the class you observed. Refer to the
Technology Integration Matrix attached. In which level of technology integration do you
think the teacher you observed operated? Why?

2. Based on the technology integration matrix, what is the characteristic of the learning
environment in the class that you observe? Point your observations that justify your

3. Over-all, were the learning resources used effectively? Why? Why not? Give your


1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would you
do differently if you would teach the same lessons to the same group of students? Why?

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