Thesis An Analysis Students Speaking Skill Through Pantomime
Thesis An Analysis Students Speaking Skill Through Pantomime
Thesis An Analysis Students Speaking Skill Through Pantomime
background of the problem, the setting of the problem, limitation of the problem,
formulation of the problem, the purpose of the research problem, the significance
of the research problem, and the definition of the key terms. The researcher in this
chapter explaines more deeply to make easy the readers understand this research.
means that we master the language, because the more you speak the more you will
understand what the language means. In line with this, Nunan (1991:510) says
“learning to speak a foreign language will be facilitated when learners are actively
skill. Which has to be achieved in learning language, because it has and important
role in communication.
have learned many English subjects. One of them is speaking. Speaking subject is
devided into four levels; speaking I, speaking II, speaking III and speaking IV. All
speaking levels are intended to encourage the students to practice the language
that they have already known. Sometimes when they want to state their ideas, it is
not easy for them to utter in the correct words of the language. Moreover, if
speakers do not know how to use its structure, vocabulary, and pronunciation in
(2003:5) supports this viewpoint that “one needs to master rules of speaking,
Study Program syllabus 2011. First, the students are expected to be able to
speak. Second, they enjoy learning English by Providing variety activities that is
given by the lecturer. Third, the students can express their own views clearly and
They are not self-confident to say what they want to say something important
From the explanation above, it can be seen by taking the speaking subjects
English. This study focuses on the skill of the second semester students of English
2.1 Setting of Problem
in terms of through pantomime, most of people face some problems. They cannot
speak clearly because their skill in using some accurate components, such as
2. They feel silly speaking a language in which they know they are making
4. They can not express the ideas, thought or feelings that the lecturer wants
them to express.
Dealing with the problem stated in the description above, the researcher
conduct this research in order to know how good is the speaking skill of the
speaking. Most of them agree that it is hard to state their opinions directly than in
writing. This study is limited to the skill of the second semester students of
Furthermore, the researcher try to find the result of students opinions in tern of
Pasir Pengaraian.”
good is the speaking skill of the second semester students in University of Pasir
2. To give contribution and information to English teacher and others
b. Pantomime is the creative drama in which an actor plays his part with
gestures and actions as a dialogue without the use of the word. Pantomime
The review of related literature is very important to discuss because the researcher
university of pasir pengaraian. In this chapter has the contents that consisted of the
speaking is a very complex and different skill to learn especially by the foreign
which says that we learn to read by reading and we learn to speak by speaking.
his/her idea, feeling and information to others orally. Speaking skill needs direct
interactions, in which someone speaks to someone directly. Furthermore, speaking
stating that to speak is to reproduce words or to use words to utter the words by
using conversation.
since it produces ideas, messages, and suggestions and we need to practice it. To
but practice out side of the classroom it will be influenced our speaking skill.
When people speak, they do more than just exchanging information. They
use language to make social interaction possible. This involves the skill to carry
out the diffrent kinds of conversational tasks and speech function, such as to greet
events, feelings, things, ideas, plans, and accomplishment; we make request, offer
requests, orders and so on. It means that when we communicate we not only speak
but we need the comprehension of what we are talking about, therefore speaking
feelings, and information to other people orally. Speaking skill needs a direct
sentence is needed but it is not the only one needed because oral communication
takes place when someone makes use of sentences to perform a variety of
peoples, places, and sequences of even orally, we should be able to express our
words, knowing and being able to use language; expressing one self in words;
can infer that speaking is the ability to make use of words or a language to express
oneself in an ordinary voice. In short, the speaking skill is the ability to perform
express our ideas, feeling, thoughts, and need orally (Hornby, 1995: 826)
and the stress and intonation patterns; grammar; vocabulary, fluency; the ease and
speed of the flow of speech; comprehension; requires a subject to respond to
speaking ability :
1. Pronunciation
states that pronunciation is the way in which a language is spoken, the way in
which a word is pronounced, the way a person speaks the words of language.
word well. Because if the pronunciation is wrong, the meaning will be wrong.
2. Grammar
Rodman in Candra (2015:16) grammar is the sound and the sound pattern, the
basic unit of the meaning such as words, and the rules combine them to form a
The utility of grammar is also to learn the correct way to gain expertise in a
Based on the experts, the researcher knows that mastering grammar knowledge
will help someone in speaking English, because he / she will know how to
arrange word in sentence, what tense will be used, how to use utterance
appropriately. So, grammar is one of the part of structure to make a good sentence
3. Vocabulary
deals with the right and appropriate words ( Ur,1997;60). So, vocabulary is very
important and it is a basic part of English. Because students can know more about
what of the English from many things and make it to good speaking with good
4. Fluency
speaking students must speak fluency because listeners are able to response what
he / she says and it must clear in order the listener know what the meaning of it.
5. Comprehension.
and the communication cannot run well. So, the speaker and the listener must
2.2 Pantomime
English speaking. The fascination with pantomime game is that they involve
mental math, chance, skill, social interaction and sometimes cheating and
bluffing. They combine these things and have the appeal of interactive games.
levels and for all age groups. It can be used to practice any of skills. In here,
speaking skill at any stage of the learning process, from controlled repetition
through guided practice to free expression, make the language stick in the
moving their bodies, they may forget the English, but they will never forget the
gestures. Than as they re-do forget gestures the English very often comes back to
them. Plus the pantomime game keeps the students happy and exited and Very
Pantomime game is a simple English game which is ideal for small or big
group competitions for students class. Student have fun laughing at each other
and trying to guess in English what is on the pantomime picture card (Helene
1. Pantomime is fun and children like to play them. Through game children
plausible incentive to use the target language. For many children between four
and twelve years old, especially the youngest, language learning will not be
3. The pantomime context makes the foreign language immediately useful to the
4. The pantomime makes the reasons for speaking plausible even to reluctant
5. Through playing pantomime, students can learn English the way children
learn their mother tongue without being aware they are studying; thus without
any pressure on the students to use English ,they learn the rule of “no Indonesian”.
thoughts, from contempt and hostility to approval and affection. Most people use
pantomime and body language in addition to words when they speak. The use of
and the amount of such gesturing that is considered culturally acceptable varies
agreement/confirmation. An interpretation
Many teachers use pantomime for all kinds of activities. Describing the person
from many cultures and lifestyles are shown on the pantomime style. For a lesson
on adjectives, students can describe the person's face. For a lesson on clothing,
students can describe the things the people are wearing. Students may also role-
play with partners practicing introductions or creating dialogs playing the part of
or vocabulary.
3. Frequent errors showing some major patterns uncontrolled and causing
native speaker.
2. Speech is very slow and uneven except for short or routine sentences.
and evenness.
as a native speaker’s.
slurred speech.
2.4 Review of realated finding
Gestures and pantoming children from 7 to 12 years old ) Wrote his thesis
the main conclusion of the present study is that children from 7 to 12 years
old are able to compensate the absence of speech of speech by using gestures
pretending to use the object and where the body ‘becomes’ ( a part of ) the
drama in the elementary core french clasroom”. Teaching and learning are all
through purposeful work with others” (Wilburn, 1992, p. 67). The students in
this thesis experiment with various modes of expression (using their bodies,
their voices, getting past their shyness) and I expeimented with teaching and
drama strategies – all with the common goal of improving our french. As the
Indeed, her found the opportunities to the reflect upon my own work and
goals and to hear the students’ reflections on the process invaluable. Wilburn
notes that the enjoyment of learning through dramatic play can mask an
improvement in language skill, and suggests teachers take the time to reflect
upon my own work goals and to hear the students’ reflections on the process
play can mask an improvement in language skill, and suggests teachers take
the time to reflect on the work done in class. “Reflection is a way of making
students aware of the learning that has taken place and demonstrating the
part of my process as both a teacher and researcher. The exit slips and
journaling provided me with the same. During the two focus group
interviews she was pleased to hear to what extant they had embraced both the
idea of learning french through drama and also desire to continue learning
have achive our goal. For this group of students, teaching french drama gave
of this research are to find out whether or not the use of pantomime video
experimental with non-equivalent control group design was used by the
table, therefore the alternative hypothesis is accepted . the effect size of the
threatment was 0.63 and it was qualified as moderate effect. The results of
this research was the use of pantomime video can increase students’ narrative
there are four language skills. They are listening, speaking, reading and
writing. The students must master the four of language skills so they can use
conducted to the students. There are some materials of speaking English text
that is taught at SMA N 1 Jekulo Kudus, one of them is descriptive text. The
students must be able about it. But in fact, most of the students are difficult
about this subject, especially for the tenth grade students of SMA SMA N 1
Jekulo Kudus. In view of the matter, the English teacher should apply the
appropriate teaching strategy in teaching. Therefore, the teacher must use the
appropriate strategy to practice the students so that they are able speak
speaking skill. The objective of the research To find out whether there is
before and after being taught by using Pantomime Movie.The research will
Movies. It will be more interesting for the students to produce using a gesture
based on the movie. The research was conducted in SMA N 1 Jekulo Kudus
solve the research problem.. The writer only takes a class (X-9) as a sample
instrument used by the writer is a pre test and post test by speaking test
format. Then, the writer identified and analysis based on statistic calculation
for getting good result accurately, completely and systematically The pre-test
result shows the mean is 61and the standard deviation is 6,3, while the post-
test data shows the mean is 72,18 and the standard deviation is 8.5. The
before and after being taught by using Pantomime Movie Based on the result
above, the writer suggests that the English teachers to use Pantomime Movie
have to be more confident and not be afraid of making mistake when they are
speaking in front of the class. The readers would have more information
the further researchers, this skripsi also could be one of the references.
YEAR OF SMU YLPI PEKANBARU” wrote her thesis Genius Card Game is
one of the effective techniques in teaching writing. The result this of this
research showed that there was have difference of the mean score between
the experimental group and control group, that is 57.25 and 42.28. It mean
that the students’ English writing thought by using genius card game is better
From the result of teaching English writing by using genius card game,
it showed that there was a significant difference between two groups. The
57,25 for experimental group and 42,28 for control group. In short we can
see that the ability of the students who study English using Genius Card
Game increase higher than the students who study without using Genius
Card Game. So, this technique show that is effective to improve their
2.5 Theoretical framework
Theoretical framework is the concept that researcher uses the plan the
framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study.
The theoretical framework introduces and describes the theory that explains why
Finding/ discussing
discussion is structured around the research design, in this chapter, the researcher
would explain the design of the research, setting of the research, population and
research. It intends to know the skill of the second semester students of English
researcher will choose sample from the population all student in A classes is 16
students. All of the student will become the object of this study, because the
3.3 Population and Sample
1. Population
certain quantity and characteristics defined by the researchers to learn and then
homogenous enough, for the population that is less than 100 persons, the sample
can be taken between 20%-40% or 40%-60%. The sample of the study is about
50% of the population. But if the population is more than 100 persons, the sample
is taken 25%. In this case the researcher is interest to take the population of the
2. Sample
In this research, the researcher use total sampling for taking the sample.
taking the whole numbers of the population as the sample or respondent. In this
The instrument of this research is using speaking test by recording. The test is
The researcher divided students into 4 group, each group consist of 4-5 in each
group. The group is given one topic that have they taken. After all of group get the
topic, each group show a pantomime drama, and during the show, the researcher
record it, the time to show the pantomime is three until seven minutes. After that
Direction :
In collecting the data for the research, the researcher will use the speaking
test by recording the data, to measure the students’ skill through pantomime on
certain topics. The test consist of 4 topics that should be chosen by the students. In
collecting the data, the researcher conducts some group of the students, and then
the representing of the group will be choose a topic. When the students choose a
topic, the researcher try to encourage them to state their opinions, grammar,
give example about pantomime, after that the researcher ask to one group to show
their topic through pantomime, and each group expalin about what their see. The
topics for the instrument deal with the materials that are provide by syllabus of
English Study Program, i.e. childhood, environment, culture, women and men,
gender, education, tourism, work, drug, ect. In this study, the researcher chooses
some interesting topics, which are familiar with the students and often happens in
1. Education
3. Job
4. Environment
In this research, the researcher ask for Three lecturers as raters in evaluating
the student’s skill through pantomime. The collected data will be analyzed by
using qualitative description. In order to analyze the data, the researcher uses the
4. Misunderstanding and apparent errors in grammar or
4. Professional vocabulary adequate to disscus special interest; general
some circumlocutions.
slurred speech.
Table 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 (A)
Accent 0 1 2 2 3 4
Grammar 6 12 18 24 30 36
Vocabulary 4 8 12 16 20 24
Fluency 2 4 6 8 10 12
Comprehension 4 8 12 15 19 23
(Hughes 1979:35-8)
Table 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
Accent 0 25 50 50 75 100
Grammar 16,6 33,2 50 66,5 83 100
Vocabulary 16,6 33,3 50 66,7 83,2 100
Fluency 16,6 33,2 50 66,4 83 100
Comprehension 17,4 34,8 52 65 82,5 100
Then, the range of the scores for through pantomime can be seen as follows:
Table 3
81-100 Excellent
61-80 Good
41-60 Average
21-40 Fair
0-20 Poor
(Harris, 1968:79)
University Press
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2.2 Pantomime 16
3.3 Population and Sample 21