Rex 3 Vocab
Rex 3 Vocab
Rex 3 Vocab
Part 1A ( The World’s Game ) page 9 – 11 7. Differentiate (v) [12] = express the difference
between things or people {distinguish}(membedakan)
1. Throughout (prep) [1] = during all of a particular period 8. Average (adj) [13] = having qualities that are typical of
(sepanjang). [74] = in every part of a particular area or most people or things (rata-rata/ umumnya)
place (diseluruh) 9. Surprisingly (adv) [23] = unusually or unexpectedly
2. Originate(v) [6] = come from ( berasal dari) (yang mengejutkannya / tanpa diduga)
3. Establish (v) [8]= start a system or a company 10. Requirement (n) [24] = something that someone needs
(menetapkan). or asks for (keperluan)
4. Participate (v) [10] = take part in (mengambil bagian). 11. Contain (v) [ 28] = include something as a part
5. Victory (n) [15] = a situation in which you win a battle {carry;hold; bear} (berisi/mengandung)
{win, success, triumph} (kemenangan) 12. Generate (v) [ 29] = produce or cause something
6. Defeat (n) [15] = failure to win;{loss} (kekalahan) {produce;create} (menghasilkan)
7. Major (adj) [18] = very large or important 13. Enable (v) [30] = to make it possible for someone to do
(utama,besar) something (memungkinkan/ memampukan)
8. Nation (n) [19] = country (bangsa, Negara) 14. Fatigue (n) [31] = great tiredness {exhaustion}
9. Wealth (n) [21] = a large amount of money, property, (kelelahan)
etc that a person owns { affluence; prosperity; 15. Discomfort (n) [41] = a feeling of being physically
richness}(kekayaan) uncomfortable ( ketidaknyamanan)
10. Ultimately (adv) [28] = finally (pada akhirnya) 16. With ease (np) [50] = easily dengan mudah)
11. Universal (adj) [28] = involving everyone in the world 17. Likely (adj) [50] = probably (mungkin)
or in a particular group {global} (diseluruh dunia) 18. Suffer (v) [50] = experience physical or mental pain
12. Appeal (n) [29] = being attractive {attraction}(daya (menderita)
tarik) 19. Damage (n) [51] = physical harm (cedera)
13. Flat (adj) [34] = smooth and level (datar) 20. Height (n) [52] = how tall someone or something is
14. Space (n)[34] = empty area (tempat) (ketinggian)
15. Unique (adj) [35] = unusual good and special (unik) 21. Enhance (v) [53] = improve ( meningkatkan)
16. Simplicity (n) [35] = the quality of being simple 22. Raise (v) [54] = look after your children and help them
(kesederhanaan) grow {bring up}( membesarkan)
17. Rural (adj) [37] = related to the countryside 23. Altitude (n) [55] = the height of an object or place
(pedalaman) above the sea ( ketinggian dari permukaan laut)
18. Spread (v) [46] = become known by more people 24. Cultural (adj) [ 59] = relating to a particular society and
(menyebar) its way of life ( berhubungan dengan budaya)
19. Recruit (v) [54] = to find new people to join an 25. Attribute (v) [63] = to say or believe that a situation or
organization (menerima tenaga baru) event is caused by something ( menghubungkan;
20. Competitor (n) [56] = a person or team that is menyatakan …….dikarenakan…..)
competing {rival}(saingan) 26. Background (n) [66] = past events that explain why
21. Unify (v) [66] = to combine or to make a single unit something happens (latarbelakang)
{unite} (menyatukan) 27. Maintain (v) [74] = make something continue in the
22. Unity (n) [73] = when a group of people or countries same way (mempertahankan)
agree or are joined together (kesatuan/persatuan) 28. Goal (n) [75] = something that you hope to achieve in
23. Promote (v) [73] = to help something to develop or the future {aim;object} (tujuan)
increase {encourage}(mempromosikan) 29. Automatic (adj) [ 77] = done without thinking
24. Responsible (adj)[82] = in charge of (bertanggung especially because you have done the same thing
jawab) many times before (otomatis)
25. Society (n)[82] = a particular large group of people 30. Reflex (n) [82] = the natural ability to react quickly and
who share laws, organization,customs etc (masyarakat) well to sudden situations (gerakan otomatis)
31. Require (v) [84] = need (membuat ….perlu untuk …..)
32. Handle (v) [89] = to do the things that are necessary to
Part 1B (What Makes an Olympic Champion?) page 15 – 17 complete a job {deal with} (mengatasi)
33. Load (n) [89] = the amount of work that a person or
1. Capable (adj) [3] = having the qualities or ability machine has to do (beban)
needed to do something (mampu) 34. Anxiety (n) [92] = the feeling of being worried
2. Environmental (adj) [5]= concerning the people and {concern}(kekhawatiran)
things around you in your life ( lingkungan) 35. Adjust (v) [93] = to gradually become familiar with a
3. Psychological (adj) [5] = relating to the way that your new situation {adapt} (menyesuaikan)
mind works {mental} (kejiwaan) 36. Intense (adj) [93] = having a strong effect or felt very
4. Genetics (n) [10] = the study of how the qualities of strongly {strong} (sangat kuat)
living things are passed on in their gene (genetika) 37. Splash (n) [101] = the sound of a liquid hitting
5. Equipped with (v) *passive form* [11] = be provided something or being moved around quickly
with things that are needed for a particular kind of (cemplungan)
activity or work (di lengkapi dengan) 38. Motion (n) [76] = the process of moving {movement}
6. Characteristics (n)[12] = a quality of something or (gerakan)
someone that is typical of them (sifat)
Part 2A (What Is Beauty ? ) page 25 – 27 30. Vary (v) [62] = be different from each other {differ}
1. Span (v) [1] = to include all of a period of time and a 31. Prefer (v) [64] = to like someone or something more
particular space or area (menjangkau) than someone or something else (lebih suka)
2. Date back (pv) [2] = to have existed since a particular 32. Be regarded (v) [64] = be considered as {considered)(di
time in the past (telah ada) anggap)
3. Consider (v) [4]= think of someone or something in a 33. Overweight(adj) [65]= too heavy and fat (terlalu
particular way {regard} (menganggap) gemuk)
4. Wealthy (adj) [6] = having a lot of money, possessions 34. Associated (adj) [72] = related to (berhubungan
etc {rich} (kaya) dengan)
5. Attractive (adj) [7] = good looking (menarik) 35. Gender (n) (73] =male or female {sex} (jenis kelamin)
6. Go to extreme lengths (pv) [8] = to try very hard or to 36. Object (n) [74] = the purpose of something {aim / goal}
do whatever is necessary to achieve something that is (tujuan)
important to you (berusaha keras / melakukan 37. Extremely (adv) [80] = to a very great degree (sangat)
apapun) 38. Conform (v) [85] = to be similar to what people
7. Devote (v) [9] = to use all or most of your time, effort expect or think is usual (sesuai dengan)
etc in order to do something or help someone 39. Uniform (adj) [85] = being the same in all its part or
{dedicate} (mengabdikan / mencurahkan) among all its members { the same} (sama)
8. Appearance (n) [10] = the way someone or something 40. Beholder (n) [89] = someone who sees or look at
looks to other people {look} (penampilan) something (orang yang melihat)
9. Worldwide (adv) [12] = everywhere in the world
{globally} ( diseluruh dunia )
10. Desire (n) [15] = a strong hope or wish (keinginan kuat)
11. Suggest (v) [16] = to tell someone your ideas about Part 2B (Skin : The Body’s Canvas) page 31 – 33
what they should do, where they should go, etc
{propose} ( menyarankan) 1. Laid (v) [2] = put something down into a flat position
12. Be perceived (v) [17] = to be noticed, seen or {place} (meletakkan)
recognized (terlihat) 2. By far (adv)(4] = much better, worse etc than anything
13. Define (28} [18] = to describe something correctly and else (jauh melebihi)
thoroughly (mendefinisikan) 3. External (adj) [6] = relating to the outside of
14. Pass on (pv) [22] = to give something to your children something or a person’s body (bagian luar)
through your gene (mewariskan) 4. Force (n) [6] = physical power (tekanan)
15. Awareness (n) [23] = understanding of a particular 5. Extreme (n) [7] = a situation, quality etc which is as
subject or situation ( kesadaran ) great as it can possibly be (perbedaan yang besar)
16. Be rated (v) [26] = to be considered as having a 6. Damaging (adj) [7] = causing physical harm to someone
particular quality or value (dinilai) or something {harmful} (merusak)
17. Judge (v) [31] = to form or give an opinion about 7. Chemical (n) [ 8] = a substance used in chemistry or
someone or something after thinking carefully about produced by a chemical process (zat kimia)
all the information you know about them {assess} 8. Be packed with (v) [9] = to be covered or filled with ( di
(menilai) penuhi dengan)
18. Preference (n) [37] = something that you like more 9. Crucial (adj) [12] = extremely important {vital}(sangat
than another thing (kelebihsukaan) penting)
19. Feature (n) [37] = a part of someone’s face (bagian 10. Determine (v) [17] = to influence and decide
wajah) (menentukan)
20. Unconsciously (adv) [ 42] = without any ability to see 11. Lighten (v) [18] = to become brighter (mencerahkan)
or feel (dengan tidak sadar) 12. Desirable (adj) [20] = worth having or doing (di
21. Trait (n) [43] = a particular quality in someone’s inginlkan)
character (cirri – ciri) 13. Attitude (n)[ 28] = the opinion or feelings that you
22. Well-being (n) [45] = a feeling of being comfortable, usually have about something (sikap)
healthy and happy (kebahagiaan) 14. Shifted (v) [28] = change a situation { alter/ change}
23. Fundamental (adj) [45] = relating to the most basic (berubah)
and important parts of something (pokok/dasar) 15. Indicate (v)[30] = to show that a particular situation
24. Mate (n) [47] = a husband or wife {partner} exists (menunjukkan/menyatakan)
(pasangan) 16. Leisure (n) [30] = free time (waktu luang)
25. Notion (n) [48] = an idea, belief, or opinion (ide) 17. Aware (adj) [33] = realize and know that it exist
26. Hardwiredness (n) [49] = the natural character that (menyadari)
one is born with and can not change (sifat bawaan 18. Denote (v) [36] = be a sign of something {indicate}
lahir) (menandakan)
27. Alter (v) [49] = to change or to make someone or 19. Marked (v) [37] = write or draw on something
something change (mengubah) (menandai)
28. Predominantly (adv) [50] = mostly or mainly 20. Identity (n) [38] = the qualities and attitudes that a
(sebagian besar) person or a group of people have, that make them
29. Subjective (adj) [61] = be influenced by personal different from other people (identitas)
opinion and can therefore be unfair (dipengaruhi oleh 21. Be carried out (v) [40] = be done ( dilakukan)
pendapat pribadi) 22. Criminal (n) [53] = offender (pelaku criminal)
23. Complex (adj) [ 56] = consisting of many different parts Part 3B (Tracking the Snow Leopard) page 48 – 51
{complicated} (rumit)
24. Mature (v) [ 68] = become fully grown or developed 1. Stalk (v)[1] = follow (membuntuti)
25. Native (adj) [69] = the place where you were born 2. Prey (n)[1] = an animal that is hunted (mangsa)
{home} (asal/asli) 3. Knock(v)[5] = hit (menyepak)
26. Permanent (adj) [75] = continuing to exist for a long 4. Loose(adj)[5] = not firmly attached (longgar)
time (tetap/permanen) 5. Spotted (adj)[10] = having small round marks
27. Fade (v) [80] = to gradually disappear (memudar) (berbintik)
28. Gain (v) [84]= to obtain or achieve something 6. Coat (n)[10] = fur (bulu)
(mendapatkan) 7. Distinctive(adj)[11] =
29. Appealing (adj) [85] = attractive or interesting unique;unusual;special;exclusive (unik)
(menarik) 8. Secretive (adj)[12] = reserved;unforthcoming (penuh
30. Hence (adv) [93] = for this reason (oleh karena itu) rahasia)
31. Explosion (n) [93] = quick increase (peningkatan yang 9. Remote (adj)[13] = isolated (terpencil)
cepat) 10. Rarely (adv)[16] = seldom (jarang)
32. Mankind(n) [95] = all humans considered as a group 11. Officially(adv)[16] = formally (secara resmi)
(umat manusia) 12. Enforce (v)[18] = to make people obey a rule or law
33. Sense (n) [96] = a feeling about something (perasaan) (melaksanakan)
13. Fortune(n)[20] = very large amount of money (mahal)
14. Conflict (n)[22] = disagreement;argument (keributan)
Part 3A (Dangerous Journey) page 41 – 42 15. Led to (pv)[22] = caused (menyebabkan)
16. Drag (v)[25] = pull (menarik)
1. Astounding (adj) [1] = surprising; amazing 17. Pressure (n)[27] = anxiety (kekhawatiran)
(mengejutkan) 18. Estimated (v)[28] = roughly calculated (diperkirakan)
2. Feat (n)[1] = achievement (prestasi) 19. Actual (adj)[29] = exact (sebenarnya)
3. Navigate (v)[5] = find a route 20. Reverse (v)[31] = to make something the opposite of
4. Hemisphere (n)[9] = a half of the earth(belahan bumi) what it is (membalikkan)
5. Migration (n)[15] = travel (migrasi) 21. Landscape (n)[36] = a view that can be seen around
6. Inevitably )adv)[16] =certainly; unavoidably you in the countryside (perkampungan )
(pastinya ; tak terelakkan) 22. Desperate (adj)[42] = very bad or serious (sangat
7. Pose (v)[18] = cause a problem ( menyebabkan) buruk)
8. Risk (n)[18] = danger; chance (resiko) 23. Poverty(n)[42] = the state of being poor (kemiskinan)
9. Threat (n) [19] = danger (ancaman) 24. Convince (v)[51] = make someone feel certain ;
10. Survival (n)[19] = the state of continuing to live or exist persuade(meyakinkan)
(bertahan hidup) 25. Rare (adj)[52] = scarce (langka)
11. Profit (n)[22] = benefit ; advantage (keuntungan) 26. Financial(adj)[54] = relaing to money (berhunbungan
12. Drop (v)[23] = fall ; decrease (menurun) dengan uang)
13. Trapped (v)[25] = caught (diperangkap) 27. Establish (v)[56] = found (mendirikan)
14. Mimic (v)[28] = copy (meniru) 28. Guest (n)[61] = someone who is invited (tamu)
15. Effective (adj)[29] = successful; working (efektif) 29. Replace(v)[63] = provide a substitute (menggantikan)
16. Attract (v)[29] = interest (menarik) 30. Conduct (v)[67] = carry out (melakukan)
17. Plummet (v)[31] = decrease significantly (menurun 31. Arrangement (n)[84] = agreement (persetujuan)
drastis) 32. Status (n)[85] = standing (status)
18. Aware (adj)[40] = realize ; notice (menyadari) 33. Rewarded (v)[88] = prized;benefitted (diberi hadiah)
19. Address (v)[42] = solve (memecahkan) 34. Homeland(n)[97] = native land (tempat asal)
20. Strictly (adv)[45] = firmly (dengan tegas) 35. Fighting chance (pv)[100] = a possibility of success if
21. Poaching (n)[47] = illegal hunting (berburu illegal) great effort is made ; small but real( kemungkinan
22. Obeyed (v)[49] = followed (di taati) kecil)
23. Volunteer (n)[51] = someone who does a job willingly
without being paid (sukarelawan) Part 4A (Sacred Mountains) page 59 – 61
24. Destroy (v)[51] = damage; destruct (menghancurkan)
25. Eliminate (v)[56] = eradicate ; get rid of 1. Shape (v)[2] = form (membentuk)
(menghilangkan) 2. End (n)[5] = furthest part (ujung)
26. Scenery (n)[61]= view (pemandangan) 3. Opposite (adj)[5] = different (berbeda; berlawanan)
27. Wildlife (n)[61]= animals and plants growing in natural 4. Separated (v)[6] = divided; split (dipisahkan)
condition ( hewan dan tumbuhan liar) 5. Sacred (adj)[7] = holy (sakral / suci)
28. Current (adj)[62] = present (sekarang) 6. Summit (n)[7] = peak;t op of a mountain (puncak)
29. Promote (v)[63] = encourage ; foster 7. Exhausted (adj)[9] = extremely tired; worn out (sangat
(mempromosikan) lelah)
30. Protected(adj)[66] = safely kept (dilindungi) 8. Spread (v)[13] = affect (menyebar)
31. Incentive (adj)[67] = motivation; encouragement 9. Ray (n)[13] = beam of light (cahaya)
(pendorong) 10. Witness (v)[15] = see something happen ; experience
32. Bring about (pv)[71] = lead to (menyebabkan) (menyaksikan)
33. Ban (n)[72] = prohibition (larangan) 11. Dawn (n)[15] = daybreak (fajar)
34. Restore (v)[76] = repair ; return (mengembalikan) 12. Site (n)[20] = place;spot (tempat)
13. Attempt (v)[30] = try (mencoba)
14. Settled (v)[34] = start living in a place (tinggal) 26. Lack (n)[67] = shortage (kekurangan)
15. Sit (v)[34] = to be in a particular position {lie}{stand} 27. Preceding (v)[69] = happen before something or
(terletak) someone(mendahului)
16. Crowded (adj)[35] = too full of people or things(ramai) 28. Instead of = in place of (daripada)
17. Exploded (v)[36] = erupted (meletus) 29. Shortly (adv)[80] = soon(dengan segera)
18. Concerned (adj)[40] = worried (khawatir) 30. Widened (v)[83] = become wider (meluas)
19. Associate (n)[41] = colleague (rekan kerja) 31. Slightly (Adv)[83] = a little (Sedikit)
20. Disaster (n)[43] = catastrophe (bencana) 32. Identified (v)[86] = recognize (mengenali)
21. Meantime (n)[49] =meanwhile (sekarang ini) 33. Demonstrating (v)[87] = showing (menunjukkan)
22. Hold (v)[50] = have an event (mengadakan) 34. A long way to go (phrase)[90] = a lot of work o do or
23. Threatening (v)[65] = to be likely to harm or destroy improvements to make
(mengancam) 35. Appear (V)[91] = seem (kelihatannya)
24. Symptom (n)[75] = sign (tanda) 36. Entirely (adv)[92] = completely ; in every possible way
25. Signal (v)[75] = indicate; to be a sign of something (sepenuhnya)
(menandakan) 37. Track (v)[94] = to record or study the behavior or
26. Surface (n)[77] = outside or top layer of something development of something (mempelajari)
(permukaan) 38. Prevent (v)[97] = stop something from happening
27. Deliver = state(memberitahukan) (mencegah)
28. Soil (n)[88] = earth ;dirt (tanah)
29. Enormous (Adj)[91] = huge (sangat besar)
30. Ancestor= a person who was in someone’ s family in Part 5A (The Perfect Beach) page 75 – 77
past times
31. Ancient (adj)[94] = very old (kuno) 1. Pursuit (n)[1] = the act of pursuing {search; chase}
32. Appease (v)[96] = calm;please (menenangkan) (pencarian)
33. Ensure (v)[97] = make sure ;guarantee (memastikan) 2. Head (v)[2] = go; travel ( pergi menuju)
34. Present (v)[101] = give (mempersembahkan) 3. Escape (n)[3] = distraction or relief from routine or
35. Offering (n)[102] = sacrifice ; something that is given to reality (tempat pelarian)
God (sesaji) 4. Stretch (n)[5] = a continuous area or length of land or
water (bentangan)
Part 4B (Earthquake Zone)page 66 - 67 5. Go by (pv)[6] = pass (berlalu)
6. Varied (adj)[6] = diverse (berjenis-jenis)
1. Packed (v)[2] = crowded (memenuhi) 7. Realize (v)[6] = begin to know or understand
2. Edge (n)[5] = the part of an object that is furthest from something (menyadari)
its centre (pinggiran) 8. Vibrant (adj)[8] = lively; full of activity or energy (penuh
3. Plate (n)[6] = earth’s surface (lempengan) kegiatan)
4. Face (v)[6] = affect (menhadapi) 9. Senior citizen (np)[11-12] = elderly; retiree; pensioner
5. Destruction (n)[9] = damage ; the act of destroying (orang tua)
something (kehancuran) 10. Coastline (n)[14) = the land on the edge of the coast
6. Pattern (n)[17] = the regular way in which something (garis pantai)
happens (pola) 11. Eager (adj)[18] = very keen or excited about
7. Basically (adv)[18] = fundamentally (pada dasar nya) something {fond} (ingin sekali)
8. Random (n)[18] = happening without any definite 12. Ultimate (adj)[20] = final (akhir)
plan or pattern (acak) 13. Goal (n)[20] = aim ;objective; something that you hope
9. Boundaries (n)[30] = limit;frontier (batasan) to achieve in the future (tujuan)
10. Massive (adj)[32] = powerful ; very large (sangat kuat 14. Settler (n)[24] = someone who goes to live in a country
dan besar) (penghuni)
11. Major (adj)[33] = large; serious (besar) 15. Establish (v)[24] = make secure or permanent in a
12. Build up (PV)[34] = increase gradually ;develop certain place (tinggal menetap)
(semakin meningkat) 16. Intermarry (v)[28] = marry someone within your own
13. Zone (n)[35] = a large area (daerah) group or family (saling menikah)
14. Forecast (n)[36] = predict (memperkiraan) 17. Mix(n)[29] = a combination fo things or people in a
15. Precise (adj)[41] = exact (tepat) group or thing (percampuran)
16. Lead to (v)[42] = cause something to happen 18. Line(v)[34] = to form rows along the sides of
(menyebabkan) something (dibarisi)
17. Fault (n)[46] = crack (retakan) 19. Breeze (n)[36] = a gentle wind (angin sepoi sepoi)
18. Crust (n)[49] = the hard outer layer of the earth 20. Magnificent (adj)[39] = very good or beautiful; very
(lapisan kulit bumi) impressive (sangat indah)
19. Detect (v)[48] = discover (mendeteksi) 21. Graceful (adj)[40] = attractive (menarik; indah)
20. Clue(n)[51] = information that helps you understand 22. Legendary (adj)[45] = very famous and admired
the reasons why something happens (petunjuk) (terkenal)
21. Approximately (adv)[58] = estimatedly (diperkirakan) 23. Handful (adj)[46] = few; very small number of things
22. Prior to [61] = before (Sedikit)
23. Drilled (v)[61] = make a hole (mengebor) 24. Considered (v)[48] = regarded (dianggap)
24. Register (v)[62] = show (menunjukkan) 25. Spoiled (v)[53] = damage; ruined (dirusak)
25. Disappointing (adj)[66] = not as good as you hoped 26. Isolated (adj)[54] = remote (terpencil)
27. Wonder (v)[65] = think about something that you are 32. require (v)[70] = need (memerlukan)
not sure about (bertanya tanya) 33. happen to (v)[77] = come about by chance (kebetulan)
28. Hold in high regard (pv)[68-69] = admire or respect 34. scenery (n)[84] = view ; the natural features of a
very much (sangat kagumi) landscape considered in terms pf their appearance,
29. Dozen (n)[70] = a lot of (banyak) especially when picturesque (pemandangan)
30. Ring (v)[70] = surround (mengelilingi) 35. pathway (n)[87] = path ; course (jalan kecil)
31. Rank (v)[72] = to have a particular position in a list of 36. literally (adv)[93] = really ; truly (benar-benar)
people or things (peringkat) 37. evident (adj)[94] = obvious ; clear (jelas)
32. Prohibited (v)[75] = banned ; forbidden (dilarang) 38. separate (v)[95] = divide (membagi)
33. Diverse (adj)[79] =varied; very different from each 39. frequently (adv)[96] = very often ; many times (sering;
other (berbeda) berkali-kali)
34. Alive with (AP)[83-84] = full of living things that are 40. hold on (pv)[96-97] = have your hands or arms tightly
moving (penuh dengan) around something (memegang erat)
35. Formation (n)[86] = shape (bentuk)
36. Occasionally (adv)[86] = sometimes (kadang-kadang) Part 6A (Success and Failure) page 91 – 93
37. Hint (n)[87] = sign (tanda)
38. Seek (v)[88] = look for; search (mencari) 1. descend (v)[1] = go down (turun)
39. dig (v)[89] = make a hole in the ground (menggali) 2. invest (v)[3] = buy shares, property or goods
40. hold on to (pv)[90] = keep (menyimpan) (menginvestasikan)
3. risk (n)[4] = danger (resiko)
Part 5B (Land of Fire and Ice) page 82 – 83 4. obvious (adj)[5] = easy to notice ; clear (jelas)
5. fame (n)[6] = the state of being known (ketenaran)
1. mind (v)[1] = not care (tidak mempedulikan) 6. achieve (v)[7] = reach or get by working hard
2. chilly (adj)[1] = cold (dingin) (mencapai)
3. establish (v)[8] = found (mendirikan) 7. willing (adj)[8] = be ready to do something (bersedia)
4. traced (v)[10] = find someone or something that has 8. decrease (v)[8] = become less (menurun)
disappeared (dicari jejaknya) 9. drive (v)[10] = to strongly influence or force
5. remarkable(adj)[15] = unusual;surprising;noticeable someone to do something (mendorong)
(luar biasa) 10. go on (pv)[10] = continue (melanjutkan)
6. port of call (np)[16] = a place where you stop for a 11. chemical (n)[15] = a substance used in chemistry
short time, especially on a journey (tempat (kimia)
pemberhentian sementara) 12. seek out (pv)[17] = try to find someone or something
7. architecture (n)[19] = the style and design of a (mencari)
building or buildings (arsitektur) 13. anxiety (n)[19] = concern; the feeling of being worried
8. downtown (n)[19] = main business area (daerah pusat (kekhawatiran)
bisnis) 14. lack (v)[21] = not have/ not have enough something
9. fairly (adv)[25] = quite; more than a little, but less you need(kekurangan)
much than very (agak; sedikit) 15. accomplish (v)[23] = achieve ; to succeed in doing
10. mild (adj)[25] = not severe (sejuk) something (menyelesaikan)
11. spectacular (adj)[29] = very impressive 16. compel (v)[28] = force (memaksa)
(mengagumkan) 17. satisfaction (n)[31] = contentment ; a feeling of
12. display (n)[30] = show (pertunjukan) happiness or pleasure (kepuasan)
13. dawn (n)[33] = daybreak (subuh) 18. given (prep)[34] = considering; take something into
14. alike (adv)[32] = in a similar way (sama-sama) account (memepertimbangkan)
15. convert (v)[39] = change (mengubah) 19. tend (v)[39] = be inclined (cenderung)
16. surrounded (v)[47] = be all around someone or 20. brakes (n)[44] = equipment that makes a vehicle go
something (dkelilingi) more slowly or stop (rem)
17. release (v)[52] = free (melepaskan) 21. deal with (pv)[47] = handle (menhadapi)
18. tension(n)[52] = a nervous worried feeling 22. extended (adj)[50] = longer than expected
(ketegangan) (diperpanjang)
19. steaming hot (adv P)[52] = very hot (sangat panas) 23. associated (v)[52] = to be related (berhubungan)
20. cure (v)[55] = heal (menyembuhkan) 24. reduce (v)[53] = cut; make something smaller or less in
21. certain (adj)[55] = particular (tertentu) size (mengurangi)
22. illness (n)[55] = a disease (penyakit) 25. adapting (v)[55] = gradually change your behavior or
23. uninhabited (adj)[57] = deserted (tidak dihuni) attitude to be successful (menyesuaikan diri)
24. accessible (adj)[59] = easy to reach (mudah dicapai) 26. gain (v)[58] = obtain (memperoleh)
25. vehicle (n)[59] = something used to carry goods or 27. similarly (adv)[61] = in a similar way ( sama halnya)
passengers (kendaraan) 28. manage (v)[68] = succeed in doing something difficult
26. nevertheless (adv)[60] = in spite of the fact (meskipun (berhasil)
begitu) 29. illustrate (v)[71] = make the meaning clearer
27. range (n)[60] = variety of things / people (berjenis) (memperjelas)
28. organize (v)[64] = arrange (mengatur) 30. minimize (v)[78] = make something as small as
29. glacier (n)[65] = a large mass of ice which move slow possible (meminimalisir)
down a mountain valley (gletser) 31. chance (n)[84] = possibility; opportunity (kesempatan)
30. attraction (n)[67] = something interesting (daya tarik) 32. go wrong (pv)[77] = fail ; stop working properly (gagal)
31. formed (v)[69] = made (terbentuk)
Part 6B (The Rewards of Failure) page 98-99 4. Entire (adj)[18] = complete or full (seluruh)
5. Ritual (n)[18] = a formal ceremony (upacara)
1. Failure (n)[1] = lack of success (kegagalan) 6. Present (adj)[22] = existing (ada)
2. Avoid (v)[1] = stay away from (menghindari) 7. Expert (n)[24] = a person who has special skills or
3. Fear (v)[2] = to be afraid or worried (takut) knowledge (ahli)
4. Progress (n)[4] = development ; the process of 8. Adequate (Adj)[26] = enough (cukup)
improving or developing something over a period of 9. Typical (adj)[26] = usual; normal(khas)
time (kemajuan) 10. Tied (v)[31] = bonded ; connected (berhubungan)
5. Peak (n)[16] = summit (puncak) 11. Attribute (v) [33] = to say or believe that a situation or
6. Chance (n)[16] = opportunity (kesempatan) event is caused by something ( menghubungkan;
7. Refine (v)[17] = improve (meningkatkan) menyatakan …….dikarenakan…..)
8. Approach (n)[17] = a way of dealing with something 12. To date (np)[34-35] = up to now (hingga saat ini)
(pendekatan) 13. Proof (n)[35] = evidence (bukti)
9. Route (n)[20] = a way from one place to another (jalan) 14. Dependence (n)[41] = the state of being addicted to
10. Mistake (n)[21] = error (kesalahan) alcohol or a drug (ketergantungan)
11. Top (n)[22] = summit; the highest point of something 15. Exhibit (v)[42] = show;display(menunjukkan)
(puncak) 16. Fluctuate (v)[43] = change value frequently ; vary
12. Remind (v)[23] = cause to remember something (turun naik)
(mengingatkan) 17. Mild (adj)[43] = not strong ; gentle (sedikit)
13. Disastrous (adj)[24] = very bad or unfortunate ; causing 18. Severe (adj)[44] = very harsh (kuat)
great suffering or loss (sangat buruk) 19. Characteristic (n)[49] = a special quality or trait that
14. Trouble (v)[32] = worry; disturb; bother (mengganggu) makes a person, thing or group different from others
15. Experience (n)[34] = practical knowledge (pengalaman) (sifat)
16. Move on (Pv)[34-35] = develop ; change (berubah 20. Despite (prep)[50] = in spite of (walaupun)
menjadi lebih baik) 21. Concern(n)[50] = worry (kekhawatiran)
17. Realized (v)[35] = know or understand something 22. Moderately(adv)[52] = reasonably; not too much nor
(menyadari) too little (sedang-sedang)
18. Reluctant (adj)[40] = unwilling (segan) 23. Furthermore (adv)[55] = moreover ; in addition
19. Admit (v)[40] = accept truth ; agree unwillingly that (ditambah lagi)
something is true (mengakui) 24. Current (adj([55] = existing;present (sekarang)
20. Reputation (n)[41] = the opinion that people have 25. Contradict (v)[56] = disagree (membantah)
about someone or something (reputasi) 26. Long-held (Adj)[56] = held for a long time (telah lama
21. Notably (adv)[43] = especially; in particular (terutama dipercaya)
sekali) 27. Benefit (n)[58] = advantage (keuntungan)
22. Field (n)[43] = subject; area of activity (bidang) 28. Ease (v)[59] = make less severe or troubling
23. Conservation (n)[45] = the protection of animals, (meredahkan)
plants and natural resources (konservasi) 29. Facilitate (v)[70] = make easier (mempermudah)
24. Outcome (n)[49] = result (hasil) 30. Temporary (adj)[74] = continuing for only a limited
25. Pharmaceutical (adj)[56] = relating to the production of period of time (sementara)
drugs and medicines (obat) 31. Universal (adj)[77] = involving everyone in the world
26. Corporation (n)[56] = a big company (perusahaan (dimana-mana)
besar) 32. Abused (v)[78] = use wrongly ; misuse (disalah
27. Trial (n)[59] = attempt (percobaan) gunakan)
28. Handheld (n)[65] = designed o be used while being 33. Overuse (n)[79] = the excessive use of something
held in your hands (genggam) (penggunaan yang berlebihan)
29. Moreover (adv)[68] = in addition (ditambah lagi) 34. Burst (n)[85] = a sudden strong feeling or emotion
30. Properly (adv)[69] = correctly (dengan benar) (perasaan kuat)
31. Consequently (adv)[69] = as a result ; therefore (oleh
karena itu) Part 7B (Powering the Future) page 113 – 115
32. Potential (n)[73] = ability or quality that could be
developed to make them very good (potensi) 1. Finite (adj)[3] = having a limit (terbatas)
33. In time (np)[74] = after a certain period of time, 2. Alternative (Adj)[4] = offering and expressing a
especially after a gradual process of change and choice(cadangan)
development (pada waktunya) 3. Substitute (n)[6] = a person or thing that takes the
34. Persistent (adj)[80] = continuing o exist or happen place of someone or something else (pengganti)
especially for longer than is usual or desirable (gigih) 4. Capacity (n)[10] = the largest amount or number that
35. Ultimately (adv)[86] = finally (pada akhirnya) can be held or contained (kapasitas)
36. Truly (Adv)[89] = really (benar-benar) 5. Emissions (n)[12] = something sent out or given off
37. Exist (v)[89] = be present (ada) (sisa pembuangan)
6. Issue (n)[15] = vital or unsettled matter (masalah)
Part 7A (Caffeine) page 107 – 108 7. Require (v)[16] = need ; ask (meminta)
8. Source (n)[16] = something that provides what is
1. Down (v)[5] = drink (minum) wanted or needed (sumber)
2. Owe (v)[9] = be indebted to (memperoleh) 9. Constantly (adv)[21] = continually (secara terus
3. Pain Reliever (np)[16] = something that relieves pain menerus)
(penghilang rasa sakit)
10. Advocates (n)[25] = a person who supports a cause or 12. Lifeline (n)[24] = something that provides help or
or policy {proponent}(pendukung) support needed for survival (sumber penyelamat)
11. Initially (adv)[26] = at the beginning {early, originally} 13. Merchant (n)[27] = someone who buys and sells goods
(pada awalnya) {trader} (pedagang)
12. Eventually (adv)[27] = finally; ultimately (pada 14. Highway (n)[30] = a road that connects two towns or
akhirnya) cities (jalan lintas kota)
13. Fuel (n)[29] = a material (such as coal, oil, or gas) that 15. Acquire (v)[32] = get or obtain something
is burned to produce heat or power {power; energy} (memperoleh)
(bahan bakar) 16. Goods (n)[37] = things or items that are produced to
14. Source (n)[30] = something that provides what is be sold (barang-barang dagangan)
wanted and needed (sumber) 17. Role (n)[40] = part (peran)
15. Last (v)[30] = continue to exist (bertahan) 18. Point (n)[42] = a particular place or position (tempat)
16. Guarantee (v)[31] = promise that something will 19. Eager (adj)[43] = very excited and interested (ingin
happen (menjamin) sekali)
17. Therefore (adv)[37] = for that reason (oleh karena itu) 20. Come at a price (idiom)[46] = to have a negative or
18. Incentive (n)[39] = something that encourages a unpleasant consequence due to some action
person to do something or to work harder 21. Tear something down (PV)[47] = destroy a building
{encouragement; boost}(dorongan) deliberately (menghancurkan)
19. Dependence (n)[40] = the state of needing something 22. Demolish (v)[52] = completely destroyed
or someone else for support (ketergantungan) (dihancurkan)
20. Led to (v)[40] = caused (menyebabkan) 23. Former (adj)[55] = previous (dulunya)
21. Steep (adj)[41] = very high (sangat tinggi/tajam) 24. Citizen (n)[59] = a person who legally belongs to a
22. Leads (v)[42] = be more successful (memimpin) country (masyarakat)
23. Equivalent (n)[44] = something that has the same 25. Historic (adj)[60] = important and famous in history
value, purpose, job etc something else (kesamaan) (bersejarah)
24. Remain (v)[45] = stay (tetap) 26. Propose (v)[59] = suggest something to a person or
25. Oppose(v)[47] = disagree (menentang) group of people to consider (mengajukan)
26. Landscape (n)[53] = an area of countryside or land 27. Accomplishment (n)[68] = achievement (prestasi)
(bentang darat)
27. Adequate (adj)[58] = enough; sufficient (cukup)
28. Calm (adj)[71] = less activity (tenang) Part 8B (Peru’s Highway of Dreams) page 131- 133
29. Vast (adj)[74] = extremely large {huge} (sangat besar)
30. Declined (v)[78] = decrease (menurun) 1. Riches (n)[2] = wealth (kekayaan)
31. Due to (prep)[78] = because of something 2. Ruin (n)[3] = complete destruction (kehancuran total)
(dikarenakan) 3. Narrow (adj)[9] = not wide (sempit)
32. Concern(n)[79] = worry (kekhawatiran) 4. Rushing (adj)[9] = moving quickly (mengalir deras)
33. Disposal (n)[80] = the process of getting rid of 5. Dense (adj)[10] = having parts that are close together
unwanted materials or substances (pembuangan) (lebat)
34. Utilize (v)[89] = use (menggunakan) 6. Exhausting (adj)[11] = tiring (melelahkan)
35. Release (v)[95] = free (melepaskan) 7. Bridging (v)[15] = connecting (menghubungkan)
36. Substantial (adj)[95] = large in amount {considerable} 8. Vast (adj)[18] = very great in size (sangat luas)
(besar) 9. Passageway (n)[21] = a long, narrow space that
37. Green (adj)[98] = supporting environmentalism connects one place to another(jalan lintasan)
(mendukung lingkungan) 10. Span(v)[21] = cross over (menjangkau)
38. Eliminate (v)[104] = remove ; get rid of 11. Feat (n)[30] = achievement (prestasi)
(menghilangkan) 12. Illustrate (v)[34] = give examples in order to make
easier to understand (mengambarkan)
Part 8A(China’s Grand Canal) page 123 – 126 13. Partially (adv)[35] = to some extent (sebagian)
14. Thanks to (pv)[36] = because of (dikarenakan)
1. Emperor (n)[1] = the ruler of an empire (kaisar) 15. Enormous (adj)[41] = very great in size {giant;
2. Grand (adj)[2] = big and very impressive (hebat) gigantic; immense} (sangat besar)
3. Canal (n)[2] = a man-made river; waterway(terusan) 16. Demand (n)[41] = a strong need (kebutuhan yang
4. Original (adj)[6] = happening first or existing first besar)
(semula; awal) 17. Lower (v)[50] = reduce (mengurangi)
5. Realize (v)[7] = understand or become aware of 18. Inaccessible (Adj)[56] = difficult to reach (sulit di
something (menyadari) jangkau)
6. Estimated (adj)[11] = approximate; rough (kira-kira) 19. In turn (phrase)[59] = as a result of something (oleh
7. Existing (adj)[13] = present; being used at the moment karena itu)
(sedang di gunakan) 20. Concerned (adj)[63] = worried (khawatir)
8. Construction (n)[14] = the process of building things 21. Forested (adj)[67] = wooded ; covered in forests
{erection}(pembangunan) (tertutupi hutan)
9. Repair (v)[19] = to fix (memperbaiki) 22. Impact (n)[73] = effect (pengaruh)
10. Direct (adj)[21] = coming straight from a source 23. Occur (v)[86] = happen (terjadi)
(langsung) 24. Practical (adj)[93] = related to what is real;
11. Expand (v)[23] = increase in size, range or amount reasonable to do or use (berguna)
(memperluas) 25. Poverty (n)[94] = the state of being poor (kemiskinan)
Part 9A (Defying Gravity) page 141 – 143 8. Motivation (n)[34] = encouragement (dorongan)
9. Drive (v)[36] = strongly influence someone to do
1. Defy (v) = refuse to obey; resist (melawan) something (mendorong)
2. Terrifying (adj)[1] = causing great fear (menakutkan) 10. Risk (v)[37] = endanger (mengambil resiko)
3. Fill (v)[4] = make something full (mengisi) 11. Driver (n)[41] = one that motivates (pendorong)
4. Accumulate (v)[7] = increase gradually (meningkat 12. Entrepreneur (n)[45] = business man (pengusaha)
secara pelan-pelan 13. Founder (n)[45] = one that founds and establishes
5. Recall (v)[8] = remember (mengingat) (pendiri)
6. Concerned (adj)[8] = feeling worried (khawatir) 14. Fortune(n)[47] = a very large amount of money
7. Contain (v)[10] = have something inside (berisi) (kekayaan)
8. Found out (pv)[12] = discovered (menemukan) 15. Capable (adj)[50] = have theabilities to do something
9. Suit (n)[13] = clothes (pakaian) (mampu)
10. Leak (v)14] = to let something in or out (bocor) 16. Reusable (adj)[53] = capable of being used again (bias
11. Underscore (v)[16] = emphasize or show the digunakan kembali)
importance of something (menegaskan) 17. Extremely (adv)[55] = a very great degree (sangat)
12. Face (v)[17] = confront (menghadapi) 18. Has yet to (ex)[63] = has not (belum)
13. Venture (v)[18] = go somewhere that is unknown, 19. Launch (v)[63] = send or shoot something into the air
dangerous, etc (pergi) 20. Self-sustaining (adj)[69] = able to maintain itself once
14. Carry out (pv)[22] = do something that needs to be commenced (menopang diri sendiri)
organized and planned (melakukan) 21. Eager (adj)[71] = very interested (sangat ingin)
15. Illustrate (v)[23] = give examples to make something
easier to understand (menjelaskan) Part 10A (What Is On Your Mind ?) Page 159 - 160
16. Ensure (v)[24] = make sure, certain, or safe
(memastikan) 1. Presume (v)[5] = think that something is true,
17. Deal with (pv)[26] = handle (mengatasi) although you are not certain (mengira;menduga)
18. Lack (n)[26] = shortage (kekurangan) 2. Flesh (n)[11] = the soft part of the body of an animal or
19. Float (v)[27] = to be carried along by moving water or human (daging)
air (mengapung) 3. Experience (v)[12] = have something happen to you
20. Familiarize (v)[32] = give knowledge about something (mengalami)
(mengenalkan) 4. Anger (n)[13] = the feeling of being angry (kemarahan)
21. Come about (pv)[37] = occur; happen (terjadi) 5. Visualize (v)[16] = form a mental picture of something
22. Consciousness (n)[38] = the condition of being or someone (mambayangkan)
conscious (kesadaran) 6. Transform (v)[18] = change (something) completely
23. Demanding (adj)[42] = require much time, attention, and usually in a good way (mengubah)
or effort (banyak permintaan) 7. Somehow (adv)[24] = in a way that is not known or
24. Pass out (pv)[46] = lose consciousness; faint (pingsan) certain (entah bagaimana)
25. Potential (adj)[46] = possible (memungkinkan) 8. Extend (v)[31] = continue for a particular distance or
26. Attached (v)[49] = to be fastened or joined (terikat) over a particular area (memanjang hingga)
27. Somehow (adv)[52] = in a way that is not known or 9. Entity(n)[34] = something that exists as a single and
certain (entah bagaimana) complete unit (kesatuan)
28. Detached (adj)[53] = be separated from something 10. In time (phrase)[35] = after a certain period of time,
(terpisah) especially after a gradual process of change and
29. Pioneer (n)[60] = someone who is one of the first development (seiring dengan waktu)
people to move to and live in a new area (pelopor) 11. Aware (adj)[36] = realize (menyadari)
30. Impressive (adj)[66] = deserving attention, admiration 12. Involved (adj)[40] = needed (diperlukan)
or respect (mengesankan) 13. Shape (v)[40] = influence the development of
31. View (n)[67] = scenery; sight (pemandangan) something (membentuk)
32. Skyscraper (n)[76] = a very tall building (gedung 14. Define (v)[42] = explain the meaning of (menjelaskan)
pencakar langit) 15. Stored (v)[42] = kept (disimpan)
16. Pattern (n)[42] = repeated form or design (pola)
17. Alter (v)[44] = change (mengubah)
Part 9B (The Ultimate Trip) page 148 – 149 18. Vast (adj)[45] = very great in size, amount or extent
(sangat banyak)
1. Based (v)[12] = to have a particular place as the main 19. Reinforced (v)[46] = strengthened (diperkuat)
place where a person works or lives or where a 20. Recall (v)[49] = remember (mengingat)
business operates (berada di) 21. Mature (adj)[52] = fully grown (berkembang penuh)
2. Supply (n)[14] = the amount of something that is 22. Associated with (phrase)[56] = connected with
available to be used (persediaan) (berhubungan dengan)
3. Shuttle (n)[16] = a vehicle (kendaraan) 23. Intense (adj)[56] = very strong (kuat)
4. Replace (v)[17] = to be used instead of {substitute} 24. Accessible (adj)[60] = able to be reached (bisa di
(mengganti) jangkau)
5. Backed (v)[20] = supported (didukung) 25. Conscious (adj)[60] = aware of something (sadar)
6. Precious (adj)[22] = rare and worth a lot of money 26. Behave (v)[61] =act (berkelakuan)
(berharga) 27. Adulthood (n)[62] = the time when you are an adult
7. Invest (v)[29] = spend a lot of money to improve or (masa kedewasaan)
help it succeed (menanam uang dalam)
28. Perceive (v)[66] = notice or become aware of 28. Advanced (adj)[91] = modern; developed
something (merasa) (berkembang)
29. Certain (adj)[69] = refer to something or someone that 29. Reserved (v)[92] = kept for a special use (disediakan)
is not named specifically (tertentu)
30. Recognized (v)[69] = known or remembered (dikenal) Part 11A(The Power of Color) page 175 – 177
31. Corresponding (adj)[71] = relating (berhubungan)
32. Welfare (n)[73] = the state of being happy, healthy or 1. Origins (n)[2] = the place or situation in which
successful (kesejahteraan) something begins to exist (asal mula)
33. Reverse (v)[84] = change something to an opposite 2. Ceiling (n)[4] = the inner surface of the top part of a
state or condition (membalikkan) room (langit-langit)
34. Flexible (adj)[85] = easily changed (mudah dirubah) 3. Convey (v)[8] = express something (mengungkapkan)
35. Underlying (adj)[87] = important but not easily 4. Extracted (v)[9] = removed (mengeluarkan)
noticed (tersembunyi) 5. Signal (v)[10] = to be a sign of something (memberi
36. Display (v)[94] = show (menunjukkan) tanda)
37. Perspective (adj)[95] = a way of thinking (cara 6. Aggression (n)[10] = angry or violent behavior or
berpikir) feelings (agresi)
38. Wondered (v)[97] = have interest in knowing or 7. Attract (v)[11] = make someone interested in
learning something (penasaran; bertanya-tanya) something (menarik)
39. Shift (v)[98] = change (mengubah) 8. Sources (n)[12] = the place that you get something
40. Mental (adj)[98] = related to mind (berhubungan from (sumber)
dengan pikiran) 9. Guarded (v)[13] = protected (di jaga)
41. Nevertheless (adv)[110] = in spite of (walaupun begitu) 10. Worth (prep)[13] = have a value (bernilai)
42. Complexity (n)[112]= complication (kerumitan) 11. Manufacture (v)[15] = make something usually in large
amounts by using machines (membuat)
Part 10B (Inside Animal Minds) page 165 – 167 12. Intensity (n)[22] = the quality of being serious and
having very strong feelings or opinions (intensitas)
1. Reasoned (v)[4] = thought in a logical way (berpikir) 13. Embarrassed (adj)[27] = sheepish (malu)
2. Acknowledged (v)[9] = admitted (mengakui) 14. Opponent (n)[31] = a person, team, group, etc that is
3. Capable (adj)[9] = able to do something (mampu) competing against another in a contest (lawan)
4. Lacked (v)[10] = not have enough (kekurangan) 15. Equally (adv)[32] = to the same degree or amount
5. Motive (n)[17] = reason (alasan) (seimbang; sama)
6. Documented (v)[19] = recorded (merekam) 16. Likely (adj)[33] = seeming to be true (mungkin)
7. Primitive (adj)[22] = very simple and basic 17. Across (prep)[34] = in ever y part (disemua)
(sederhana) 18. Dominance (n)[35] = the fact of being more powerful,
8. Pleased (Adj)[24] = happy or satisfied (bahagia) more important, or more noticeable than other people
9. Disgust (n)[24] = a strong feeling of dislike for or things (kekuasaan)
something that has a very unpleasant appearance, 19. Bold (adj)[38] = very strong or bright so that you
taste, smell, etc{repulse; repugnance} (perasaan jijik) notice them (terang)
10. Amuse (v)[26] = make someone laugh (melucu) 20. Accelerate (v)[39] = move faster(bergerak cepat)
11. Imitate (v)[30] = mimic; copy (meniru) 21. Shade (n)[40] = colour (warna)
12. Cognitive (adj)[34] = related to conscious mental 22. Passive (adj)[42] = inactive (pasif)
activities (berhubungan dengan pikiran) 23. Advancing (v)[49] = moving forward (bergerak maju)
13. Revealed (v)[35] = make known {expose;uncover} 24. Command (v)[54] = receive (menerima)
(mengungkapkan) 25. Attention (n)[54] = notice (perhatian)
14. Form (v)[36] = shape (membentuk) 26. Indeed (adv)[54] = without any question{truly}(benar-
15. Adjust (v)[38] = adapt (menyesuaikan) benar)
16. Mastered (v)[40] = learned something completely 27. Highlight (v)[57] = direct attention to (menyoroti)
(menguasai) 28. Caution (v)[59] = warn (memperingatkan)
17. Abstract (adj)[45] = related to general ideas or 29. Stimulant (n)[61] = something that makes you more
qualities (abstrak) active or gives you more energy (perangsang)
18. Attributed (v)[49] = regarded as a characteristic of a 30. Depressed (adj)[77] = sad (sedih)
person or thing (dianggap) 31. Mourning (v)[78] = showing great sadness
19. Treat (v)[57] = behave towards somebody or (berdukacita)
something (memperlakukan) 32. Inhibit (v)[84] = prevent or slow down the activity
20. Extraordinary (adj)[65] = incredible ; more impressive (mencegah)
(luar biasa) 33. Appetizing (adj)[91] = having a good smell or
21. Represent (v)[68] = serve as a sign of something appearance that makes people want to eat {palatable}
(mewakili) (merangsang selera)
22. Humble(v)[70] = make someone feel less proud 34. Hold over (pv)[93] = keep someone in place (menahan)
(merendahkan hati)
23. Remain (v)[73] = stay (tetap)
24. Critic (n)[76] =someone who criticizes (pengkritik)
25. Dismiss (v)[76] = refuse to consider(menolak)
26. Simulating (v)[78] = look, feel and behave like
something (meniru)
27. Ancestry (n)[85] = ancestor (nenek moyang)
Part 11B (Van Gogh’s World) page 182 – 184 17. thoroughly (adv)[73] = completely (secara
1. portrait (n)[1] = a painting of a person (lukisan diri) 18. potential (n)[75] = good quality (potensi)
2. setting (n)[2] = a place; general environment (tempat) 19. remain (v)[87] = stay (tetap)
3. move (v)[7] = make someone feel strong emotions 20. priority (n)[87] = something that is more important
(menyentuh) than other things (prioritas)
4. sensitive (adj)[11] = easily offended or upset by 21. allocate (V)[89] = to use something for a particular
events or things that people say (mudah tersinggung) purpose (menggunakan)
5. sensible (adj)[13] = reasonable, showing good 22. concentration (n)[90] = the amount of a substance
judgement (layak) contained in a liquid (kandungan)
6. salesclerk (n)[14] = shop assistant (pelayan toko) 23. meanwhile (adv)[93] = meantime (sementara itu)
7. wandered (v)[14] = move around (mengembara; 24. field (n)[94] = an area of work (bidang)
berpindah) 25. application (n)[96] = the act of putting to use
8. meant (v)[18] = intended (penerapan)
9. subsidy (n)[20] = money that is paid (uang bantuan) 26. after all (adv)[99] = nevertheless (lagipula)
10. impressionist (n)[22] = a painter who practices
impressionism Part 12B (Deadly Contact) Page 199-201
11. instead of (prep)[24] = in place of (sebagai pengganti)
12. emphasize (v)[25] = to make something more 1. zoonotic (adj)[1] =disease communicable from animals
noticeable (menekankan) to humans under natural conditions (menyebar dari
13. principle (n)[28] = the basic idea that a plan or system hewan ke manusia)
is based on (dasar) 2. outbreak (n)[3] = a sudden increase of disease
14. innovative (adj)[29] = new , different and better than (perjangkitan)
those that existed before (inovatif) 3. violent (adj)[4] = aggressive (hebat;keras)
15. appreciate (v)[30] = to be grateful for something 4. erupted (v)[4] = break out; start suddenly (terjadi)
(menghargai) 5. victim (n)[6] = someone who is harmed by an
16. fellow (n)[39] = associate (teman sejawat) unpleasant event (korban)
17. convinced (adj)[42] = feeling certain (yakin) 6. poisonous (adj)[14] = venomous (beracun)
18. decline (v)[43] = decrease (menurun) 7. swelling (n)[17] = the condition of being larger than
19. suffering (v)[48] = experiencing mental or physical normal (bengkak)
pain(menderita) 8. despite (prep)[19 = in spite of (walaupun)
20. inhibited(v)[52] = prevent (menghalangi) 9. root (n)[23] = the cause of something (akar)
21. inspired (v)[52] = give an idea for something 10. originated (v)[26] = began to exist (bermula)
(mengilhami) 11. Transmitted (v)[29] = to cause a disease to be given to
22. classic (adj)[56] = admired (dikagumi) others (menyebar)
23. recovery (n)[58] = the process of getting better 12. Disastrous (adj)[31] = very bad (sangat buruk)
(penyembuhan) 13. Threat (n)[32] = the possibility that something bad or
24. release (n)[60] = free (bebas) harmful could happen (ancaman)
25. lack (n)[72] = shortage (kekurangan) 14. Agent (n)[34] = a thing that causes something to
26. resisted (v)[77] = fight against (melawan) happen (agen)
27. greed (n)[78] = selfish desire (keserakahan) 15. Fatal (adj)[40] = causing death (mematikan)
16. Accustomed to (adj)[41] = familiar with (terbiasa
Part 12A(A Cure For Cancer) Page 193-194 17. Harm (v)[43] = to cause damage or hurt to someone or
something (membahayakan)
1. shrunk (v)[3] = become smaller (menyusut) 18. Somehow (adv)[46] = in a way that is not known or
2. injected (v)[4] =put liquid into someone’s body by certain (entah bagaimana)
using a special needle (disuntikkan) 19. Emerged (v)[47] = become known or apparent (timbul)
3. manage (v)[10] = succeed in doing something difficult 20. Originally (adv)[48] = initially (pada awalnya)
(berhasil) 21. Conservative (adj)[50] = marked by moderation (tidak
4. awaken (v)[11] = wake up (bangun) berlebih lebihan)
5. cured (v)[12] = healed (sembuh) 22. Crucial (adj)[59] = extremely important (sangat
6. extraordinary (adj)[13] = very unusual (luar biasa) penting)
7. thanks to (n)[21] = because of (dikarenakan) 23. Exposure (n)[61] = the condition of being affected by
8. extensive (adj)[33] = large (besar) something (terkena)
9. exposed (adj)[39] = not protected (terkena) 24. Scratched (v)[64] = scraped (dicakar)
10. inserted (v)[40] = to be put in (dimasukkan) 25. Incidences (n)[78] = the number of times something
11. bond (v)[41] = join; become firmly fixed (mengikat) happens (timbul)
12. determine (v)[44] = find out (mengetahui) 26. Subsequently (adv)[81] = happening after something
13. multiplied (v)[50] = increase by a large number else (setelah itu)
(melipatgandakan) 27. Emergency (n)[93] = dangerous situation (darurat)
14. likely (adj)[54] = will probably happen (mungkin) 28. Impact (n)[99] = powerful influence or effect (pengaruh
15. resistant (adj)[54] = not affected by something (kebal) besar)
16. radically (adv)[59] = differently and newly (secara 29. Prevention (n)[101] = the act of preventing something
berbeda) (pencegahan)