Chen Dan Liu 2021
Chen Dan Liu 2021
Chen Dan Liu 2021
Quasi-Experiment in China
Kedong Chen
Strome College of Business, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, [email protected]
Yuhong Li
Strome College of Business, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, [email protected]
Kevin Linderman
Smeal College of Business, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802, [email protected]
Governments want firms to innovate new processes and products not only within their
countries, but also across national boundaries. Many countries have initiated policies to sup-
port firm’s global operations and innovation in other countries (cross-border innovation).
How does government support influence emerging-market firm’s cross-border innovation?
Through the conceptual lens of slack resources, this study investigates the role of gov-
ernment support in firm’s inventive activities in an uncertain, competitive global market.
This study examines Chinese firms’ patent filing in the U.S. under the enactment of the
“innovative cities” policy. We apply a generalized difference-in-differences (DiD) technique
to this staggered quasi-experimental setting and find that government support through the
policy stimulates firm’s cross-border innovation. We further show that firms with higher
R&D capacity take better advantage of government support. In addition, we show that
government support leads to a shift between firm’s exploratory and exploitative innovation.
Taken together, this study extends our understanding of slack from internal resources to
government support in the context of global operations and bridges the gap between slack
resources and cross-border innovation strategy. Findings of the study suggest that govern-
ment actions that improve the ecosystem of innovation in one country also strengthen firm’s
innovation and competitiveness overseas.
Key words : cross-border innovation, government support, difference-in-differences,
1. Introduction
Much of wealth creation and economic leadership comes through the innovation of new products and
processes (Breznitz and Murphree 2011, Schilling and Shankar 2019). Nation states may attempt
to achieve this goal by encouraging firms to innovate not only within their countries, but also across
national boundaries. Cross-border innovation refers to a firm’s inventive activities across national
boundaries. It is becoming a critical step and a prevalent practice in firm’s global operations,
because “when internationalizing their operations, organizations benefit from access to remote and
diverse resources” (Lavie et al. 2010, p.146), and at the same time, firms can obtain the evidence
of “true innovation” (Breznitz and Murphree 2011, p.2). Every year from 2008 to 2019, more than
half of the patents (as indicators of innovation (Gittelman 2008, Griliches et al. 1987)) granted in
the U.S. were filed by foreign entities that do not have a physical presence in the U.S. (U.S. Patent
and Trademark Office 2021). Cross-border innovation in an advanced market like the U.S. gives
firms the ownership right to protect their patented invention and demonstrates a strong capability
firms bear the responsibilities to end extreme poverty, improve the economic and social well-being
impact (Cirera et al. 2021), as part of “inclusive supply chain innovation” (Kalkanci et al. 2019).
Traditionally, emerging markets have been viewed only as export-orientated places based on cheap-
labor enabled manufacturing, and emerging-market firms are considered to lack “firm-specific
advantages” or knowledge-based capabilities (Choo et al. 2020). However, the increasing trend of
cross-border innovation among emerging-market firms suggests that they have the potential to
grow and compete with firms in developed countries in the global market (Luo and Tung 2007).
Indeed, from 2007 to 2014, contribution to global foreign direct investment from emerging-market
firms increased from 12% to 36% (Paul and Benito 2018). As emerging-market firms expand their
business abroad, cross-border innovation becomes an indispensable component of their global oper-
To facilitate cross-border innovation from emerging markets, government support plays a critical
role (Guo et al. 2016). Compared to domestic innovation, cross-border innovation is associated
with more substantial uncertainty (Brouthers et al. 2008, Coeurderoy and Murray 2008, Sartor and
Beamish 2014). To help emerging-market firms overcome the uncertainty, government can enact
incentivizing policies to provide financial support and improve the infrastructure and ecosystem
of innovation, thereby enhancing firms’ foreign patenting and inventive productivity. Through
the conceptual lens of slack (Nohria and Gulati 1996), government support to firms essentially
constitutes slack resources – “valuable resources which facilitate product/service innovations” (Hitt
et al. 2016, p.80). As firms are expanding and innovating globally, the uncertain environments
and varying market conditions make slack resources even more critical (Kovach et al. 2015, Voss
et al. 2008, Wiengarten et al. 2017). So far, policy support for firm innovation is pervasive across
countries (Jugend et al. 2020, Patanakul and Pinto 2014), including both emerging markets (e.g.,
Bangladesh (Chaminade and Vang 2008), India (Gupta and Barua 2016), and Turkey (Özçelik and
Taymaz 2004)) and advanced markets (e.g., Korea (Kang and Park 2012), the U.K. (Chapman
and Hewitt-Dundas 2018), the U.S. and Europe (Acemoglu et al. 2018), and Sweden and Finland
This study takes China, the largest emerging market, as an exemplar context of government sup-
port that incentivizes firm’s cross-border innovation. We focus on a single country as the context,
which allows us to reduce the threat of heterogeneity across countries and avoid skeptical findings
(Joglekar et al. 2016). In general, context-specific and evidence-driven studies have “yielded innova-
tive theories and models for best in class performance” in the field of operations management and
“will continue to do so as the field grows and matures” (Joglekar et al. 2016, p.1994). Moreover,
like many other countries, China actively implements national and regional policies to promote
product and process innovation in the global production, and benchmarks its success against devel-
oped countries such as the U.S. or regions like the Silicon Valley. Breznitz and Murphree (2011)
observed that, “Like the Red Queen, [China] runs as fast as possible in order to remain at the
cusp of the global technology frontier...” (p.3). In our empirical setting, the Chinese government
considers innovation to be “one of the key drivers of its future growth and convergence with more
developed countries” (Medvedev et al. 2020) and initiated a series of policy interventions in 2009
with an intent to develop “national innovative cities” (Shenzhen Government 2009, NDRC 2010,
MOST 2010). These policies provided financial and infrastructural benefits that would encourage
the innovation and expansion of firms located in the targeted cities, thereby enhancing their global
Despite the benefits from government support, its effect on firm innovation remains mixed and
inconclusive in the literature (Acemoglu et al. 2018, Guo et al. 2016). How government support influ-
ences cross-border innovation is poorly understood. We argue that government provides resources
that support inventive activities in the uncertain global market. Firms with stronger absorptive
capacity more effectively utilize slack resources, which helps firms better handle environmental
uncertainties (Kovach et al. 2015, Voss et al. 2008, Wiengarten et al. 2017). We operationalize cross-
border innovation as Chinese firms’ patenting behavior in the U.S., based on “the value of patents
as indicators of innovation” (Gittelman 2008, Griliches et al. 1987). To answer the research ques-
tion, we adopt a difference-in-differences (DiD) technique, which examines Chinese firms’ patent
application in the U.S. before and after the policy shock in each of the “innovative cities”, along
with a control group of firms that did not receive the policy intervention. Specifically, we first
examine the effect of government support on firm’s overall patent filing in the U.S. Then, we inves-
tigate whether firms that have stronger R&D capacity to undertake innovation projects gain more
from government support? Finally, we investigate whether firms alter their cross-border innovation
strategies after receiving the support. As innovations can be broadly classified into exploration and
exploitation (Adler et al. 2009, Benner and Tushman 2002), we examine whether firms alter their
relative level of exploratory and exploitative efforts after the policy intervention.
The results support that government support stimulates cross-border innovation; that is, firms
located in “innovative cities” obtained more U.S. patents than their counterparts in other cities. In
addition, firms that had higher R&D capacity were granted more U.S. patents. That is, the policy
interventions made the strong firms stronger. Moreover, firms shifted their focus of cross-border
innovation after receiving government support – firms that conducted more exploration shifted
towards exploitative innovation and vice versa. In general, this research integrates three literature
streams – slack, absorptive capacity, and innovation – and extends our understanding of slack
to government support in the context of global operations. Emerging-market firms who conduct
cross-border innovation are faced with riskier and more uncertain environment than those who
innovate domestically. This study extends previous findings on slack resources to the context of
global operations (cross-border innovation) which is more competitive and uncertain. We further
clarify the moderating role of absorptive capacity and how firms shift between exploration and
exploitation in the global market. This study provides implications to firms who wish to leverage
government support and to countries that have enacted or are going to enact similar innovation
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the literature on slack, absorptive
capacity, and innovation in the operations management domain. We focus on cross-border innova-
tion, the role of government, firm’s R&D capacity, and firm’s innovation strategies. This section
also develops hypotheses based on the literature. Section 3 introduces the quasi-experimental set-
ting, the data used in the analysis, and the empirical model with the operationalization of the
variables. Section 4 presents the analyses and results, together with the post hoc analysis. Section 5
discusses the research findings and managerial implications. It also concludes the paper with future
research opportunities.
support based on three literature streams in operations management (OM) – slack, absorptive
capacity, and innovation. This section reviews the literature related to these three theoretical
perspectives and develops hypotheses regarding cross-border innovation under government support.
Innovation of new products and processes involves highly specialized, interdependent activities and
“remains one of the most challenging efforts to perform and manage” (Kavadias and Hutchison-
Krupat 2020, p.202). Yet, innovation provides firms with possible reactive strategies to prevent
losing market share or proactive strategies to gain a strategic market position relative to their
competitors (Porter and Van der Linde 1995). In global expansion and operations, cross-border
innovation becomes even more challenging with substantial uncertainty such as rapid changes in
technologies and market conditions (Sartor and Beamish 2014), the regulatory hazard of global-
ization (Coeurderoy and Murray 2008, Henisz and Delios 2001, Zhang et al. 2007, Zhao 2006), and
the political and economic instabilities in the target country (Brouthers et al. 2008, Demirbag and
Glaister 2010, Schotter and Teagarden 2014). Nonetheless, cross-border innovation is also more
and various ownership rights, which lead firms to have faster innovation speed (Carlsson 2006,
Hsuan and Mahnke 2011), greater efficiency (Currie et al. 2008, Mukherjee et al. 2013, Nieto and
Rodrı́guez 2011), greater flexibility (Albertoni et al. 2017, Rodrı́guez and Nieto 2016), a better
appropriability regime (Contractor et al. 2003), and reinforced legitimization (Hurtado-Torres et al.
When firms are faced with substantial uncertainty in their cross-border innovation, government
support helps firms mitigate the uncertainties (Akkaya et al. 2020, Correa et al. 2013, Kang and
Park 2012). Through innovation policies, governments provide financial stimulus and loans that
help buffer firms from shortages of funds, conduct experiments, absorb failures, promote risk-
taking decisions, and facilitate product/service innovations (Block and Keller 2009, Lu et al. 2014,
Nohria and Gulati 1996). In addition, government provides “economic benefits arising from the
accumulation of skilled labor, specialized suppliers, and knowledge in the location” (Devarakonda
et al. 2018, p.1112). The clustering of the related firms, suppliers, and service providers creates
positive externalities for the focal firm and influences its ability to conduct R&D and other value
chain activities (Alcácer and Zhao 2012, Devarakonda et al. 2018, Massimino et al. 2017). In
general, government provides slack resources to firms that are “in excess of the minimum necessary
to produce a given level of organizational output” (Nohria and Gulati 1996, p.1246).
There are mixed findings on the effect of slack resources on firm innovation. On the one hand,
slack resources are believed to facilitate product/service innovations (Dewar and Dutton 1986, Hage
1980, Hitt et al. 2016). They allow an organization to purchase innovations, absorb failure, bear
the costs of instituting innovations, and explore new ideas in advance of an actual need (Rosner
1968, Hitt et al. 2016). On the other hand, some studies suggested more complex contingencies.
Nohria and Gulati (1996) reported an inverse U-shaped relationship between slack and innovation:
both too much and too little slack may be detrimental to innovation. Voss et al. (2008) examined
how slack resources influence innovation and found systematic variation depending on the extent
to which a resource is rare and absorbed in operations. In general, as Tan and Peng (2003) have
pointed out, slack can provide organizations with opportunities to develop new products and
enter new markets from the perspective of organization theory, whereas it can also be a financial
burden that breeds inefficiency and inhibits performance through the lens of agency theory. “A
contingency perspective” is needed “to specify the nature of slack when discussing its impact on
This study aims to add clarity to the mixed literature by examining slack resources in the context
of global operations. Based on studies such as Bradley et al. (2011), Kovach et al. (2015), and
Wiengarten et al. (2017) that verified an important moderating role of environmental conditions
in the effect of slack resources on firm performance, we conjecture that, to innovate in a more
advanced, competitive, and uncertain market like the U.S., emerging-market firms need and can
benefit from government support as slack resources. Compared to firms from developed countries,
emerging-market firms are endowed with fewer resources and/or “firm-specific advantages” (Choo
et al. 2020), but government support provides financial and economic benefits, increases firms’
access to a larger pool of external knowledge from related industries, boosts innovation incentives
via social influence, and fosters competition environment for innovation. Tan and Peng (2003)
examined slack resources in Chinese firms in particular and demonstrated that slack at Chinese
firms does not inhibit efficiency or performance. Slack resources help firms survive environmental
changes and supply chain disruptions (Hendricks et al. 2009), which they often face in global
competition and cross-border innovation. In general, emerging-market firms take advantage of the
policy benefits so as to better mitigate uncertainties of cross-border innovation and achieve higher
inventive productivity in their global operations. Therefore, we propose the following hypothesis.
Hypothesis 1 (H1). Firms increase cross-border innovation with domestic government sup-
Although we argue that government support provides slack resources that are beneficial in gen-
eral, the magnitude of the effect of these benefits varies across individual firms (Guo et al. 2016).
Some studies (e.g., Aerts and Schmidt 2008, Lerner 2000) find that local government support can
help increase firms’ capability and enable them to compete in the global market, whereas others
are concerned that emerging-market firms lack their own capabilities, so government support can
often be “ineffective and misleading” (Rugman and Li 2007). Through examining the international
patenting behavior of firms in developing East Asia, Cirera et al. (2021) found a considerable
heterogeneity in the innovation performance of those firms. One important and plausible explana-
tion for the mixed findings that Cirera et al. (2021) proposed is that firms have different levels of
“absorptive capacity”.
Absorptive capacity refers to a firm’s ability to “recognize the value of new, external information,
assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends” (Cohen and Levinthal 1990, Zahra and George
2002). We argue, from the perspective of slack resources, that government support adds unabsorbed
slack to a firm, and firms with a higher level of absorptive capacity take better advantage of
unabsorbed slack. Particularly, Unabsorbed slack refers to “currently uncommitted resources” that
are “more easily redeployed elsewhere, allowing for greater managerial discretion” (Tan and Peng
2003, p.1251). Government support in the form of financial stimulus and loan and tax benefits
constitutes generic, unabsorbed slack such as financial slack (Voss et al. 2008). Stronger absorptive
capacity increases the efficiency of the transformation and utilization of unabsorbed slack resources,
which enables firms to be more capable of dealing with managerial complexity and environmental
risks (Leiponen and Helfat 2010). Some of unabsorbed slack may even transform to absorbed slack
that represents non-liquid resources with low discretionary use (Tan and Peng 2003) but provides
flexibility for firms to handle environmental uncertainties (Wiengarten et al. 2017). In general,
firms with a higher level of absorptive capacity can more easily identify knowledge, resources, and
opportunities from external environment (Tödtling et al. 2009, Vinding 2006) and thus better
address challenges in (cross-border) innovation (Bellamy et al. 2014, Liu et al. 2014, Park et al.
In cross-border innovation, R&D capacity of emerging-market firms plays a key role in their
uncertain inventive activities, as R&D capacity consists of a set of “know-hows” that enable firms
to respond to market conditions, identify relevant new technologies, develop plans to exploit them,
and then acquire the necessary resources to do so (Cirera et al. 2021). To conduct cross-border
innovation, emerging-market firms face great challenges associated with global shocks that require
them to accelerate technology diffusion and enable more sophisticated forms of innovation and
discovery (Cirera et al. 2021). As Petricevic and Teece (2019) pointed out, firms face pressures to
“re-examine their own ‘global’ value chains, re-evaluate their cross-border investments strategies,
re-assess their innovation and technology flows, and re-consider their strategic partnerships from
a new perspective” (p. 1488) under the uncertain globalization trajectory of the world’s economy.
By better absorbing slack resources through government support, firms can better address the
competitive pressure with both domestic and foreign firms (Verhoogen 2020, Zanello et al. 2016).
Firms can more effectively handle the uncertainty of innovation in the foreign market and translate
resources into innovative products and processes (Gann and Salter 2000). On the contrary, in the
absence of high R&D capacity, a firm can still benefit from having access to government support,
but will be limited in their ability to leverage this benefit to improve its innovation performance
(Kang and Lee 2008). Therefore, we argue that there is a synergistic effect between a firm’s R&D
capacity and government support on the firm’s cross-border innovation. We propose the following
Hypothesis 2 (H2). Firms’ R&D capacity amplifies the effect of government support on cross-
border innovation.
Innovations can be broadly classified into exploration and exploitation, but the way exploration
and exploitation are managed in a firm can be quite different, even “conflicting” (Adler et al. 2009,
Benner and Tushman 2002, March 1991, O’Reilly and Tushman 2013). Nonetheless, recent evidence
from a meta-analysis suggests that “exploration and exploitation can coexist” (Fourné et al. 2019, p.
571), and environmental, organizational, and managerial conditions can shape how an organization
balances these two types of activities and pursues structural or contextual ambidexterity (Lavie
et al. 2010, Fourné et al. 2019). While much research has shown that slack resources can improve
firm performance in terms of innovation, adaptability, and risk-taking (Bourgeois III 1981, Bromiley
1991, Cheng and Kesner 1997, Nohria and Gulati 1996), less is understood how slack resources affect
firm’s innovation strategy between exploration and exploitation, especially in global operations.
Voss et al. (2008) is one of the few studies to provide evidence that absorbed resources are associated
with increased exploitation and decreased exploration, whereas unabsorbed resources result in
higher exploration and lower exploitation under high environmental threat. However, to the best
of our knowledge, no study has examined how firms shift their overseas innovation strategy after
Government support can alter and further shape the tension between exploration and exploita-
tion (Gaimon et al. 2017) and potentially “moderate how firms manage internal R&D activities
involving exploration and exploitation” (Choo et al. 2020, p.353). We argue that government sup-
port leads to a shift in the level of exploration and exploitation when firms innovate overseas. On
the one hand, slack resources can encourage experimentation and increase the willingness of an
organization to take risks (Bromiley 1991, Greve 2003, Moses 1992, Steensma and Corley 2001). As
cross-border innovation is characterized with high risk, uncertainty, and competition, firms tend to
invest resources in search of new competencies instead of enhancing their current strategic positions
(Voss et al. 2008). Intensifying competitive pressures prompt firms to seek extra, external resources
from partners (Beckman et al. 2004) and call for exploration that can drive change and nurture
new sources of competitive advantage (Levinthal and March 1993). Therefore, slack resources from
On the other hand, we argue that firms initially emphasizing exploration would increase their
exploitative activities. Firms who previously focused on exploration have utilized slack resources.
By receiving extra external support of generic and unabsorbed slack from government, firms accu-
mulate an abundant amount of slack, which can then be utilized and deployed to support existing
exploitative projects that promise short-term gains, in the forms of human resource slack and oper-
ational slack (Voss et al. 2008). Some unabsorbed slack can transform to absorbed slack, whose
use is largely restricted to current operations and business (Argilés-Bosch et al. 2016), leading to
more exploitative innovation in firm’s global operations. The competition and uncertainty from
cross-border innovation also impose constraints on firms when they redeploy these resources to
new uses (Chen et al. 2018) and hence favor exploitative innovation (Jansen et al. 2006).
In sum, the shift in the focus of cross-border innovation aligns with the notion to balance
between exploration and exploitation in order for firms to remain competitive in the long run
(Adler et al. 2009, Chandrasekaran et al. 2016, Gupta et al. 2006, He and Wong 2004, Kortmann
et al. 2014, Kristal et al. 2010, Patel et al. 2012). Adopting a balanced innovation portfolio can
help firms better address the uncertainty (Patel et al. 2012), overcome the productivity dilemma
(Adler et al. 2009), and achieve superior performance than firms emphasizing one strategy at
the expense of the other (O’Reilly and Tushman 2008). Emerging-market firms’ decision on an
optimal dynamic pursuit of exploration and exploitation overseas can be rather challenging, due to
resource constraints (Choo et al. 2020), socioeconomic challenges (Mostafa and Klepper 2018), and
increased levels of competition (McCann and Bahl 2017). With government’s financial support and
informational access to partners’ capabilities, industrial information, and customer needs (West
and Bogers 2014), firms can employ a balanced strategy for new products and processes to align
the key parameters (e.g., functionality, features, performance) with the market environment (e.g.,
complexity, instability) in global operations (Chao and Kavadias 2008). “Appropriately balancing
an R&D mix in a portfolio can lead to high product and process innovation outcomes” (Choo et al.
Hypothesis 3A (H3A). Firms with initially high exploitative innovation reduce the proportion
Hypothesis 3B (H3B). Firms with initially high exploratory innovation increase the propor-
3. Research Method
3.1. Policy Enactment as Quasi-Experiment
The Chinese government has prioritized innovation as a national level strategy to foster eco-
nomic development and social progress (Genin et al. 2020, Jiang et al. 2019). In the year 2009,
China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) approved the pilot construction
of national innovative cities in Shenzhen (Shenzhen Government 2009). In the subsequent years,
China’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) followed up with NDRC and co-developed
the policy of “constructing national innovative cities”. Consequently, sixty other cities in China
were approved to implement the innovative city policy on a rolling basis (MOST 2010, MOST and
NDRC 2016). Since 2017, the most recent year in the data set, there have been 61 cities in China
that implemented the policy (see Table A1 in Appendix A for a complete list).
The policy has been implemented at the city level in China. Based on the government publication
(MOST and NDRC 2016), the purpose of the policy is to promote the innovation capability of the
city. The enactment of the policy requires the city government to do the following: (1) reform the
policies including technology, economy, and administration, (2) accumulate and provide elements
that promote innovation such as talents, research labs, subsidies, tax reduction, information and
technology, (3) transform innovation outcomes (e.g., patents) to concrete products/services, (4)
cultivate entrepreneurship, (5) upgrade the infrastructure, (6) stimulate researchers and talents,
(7) improve related services (e.g., legal services), (8) enhance investment and financing systems
(e.g., financial product innovation for firms), (9) improve the living conditions for the people, and
city enjoy the financial and institutional benefits that the government has provided to enhance
The enactment of the innovative city policy in China serves as a quasi-experimental setting for
our theoretical and empirical inquiry. This setting ensures the exogeneity of the policy enactment
to firms, as the policy is determined by the Chinese government at the national level. The city
governments implement the policy based on the upper-level guidance. We provide contextual sup-
port and empirical verification in Section 3.3.2 that the policy is not driven by individual firms’
decisions, strategies, or activities. In this sense, such policies offer plausibly exogenous variation in
a firm’s innovation performance and strategy. Using policy as an intervention to draw causal infer-
ence has been receiving more attention in the OM field (Ho et al. 2017, Oliva 2019). For instance,
Scott et al. (2020) examined the effect of a mandate that requires truck drivers to adopt electronic
logging devices to record their working hours on different safety behaviors and outcomes.
two panels from three data sources, namely the policy data of innovative cities in China, the U.S.
patent data, and firms’ financial data from Compustat. Patents are territorial in nature, and they
must be filed in each country where protection is sought. Research finds that “patents from different
patent authorities across the world are not comparable to each other” (Berry 2014, p.875). Thus,
we follow the literature and use the U.S. patents, because “it is common practice to use data from
a single patent-granting country to standardize the measure of innovation ... I use data on U.S.
The first panel matches the policy data to the U.S. patent data. The policy data contain the
cities and the year when the cities implement the policy of innovative city (see Appendix A Table
A1). The U.S. patent data contain patent application in the U.S. by firms and individuals from all
over the world. It has been widely used in the literature (e.g., Cirillo 2019). We downloaded the
patent data from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)1 using the PatentsView
platform2 . The raw data have the following patent application information: inventors, assignees
(i.e., firms in our study), city and country of each assignee (firm), application year, patent claims,
citations, patent classes and sections, and so on. Because a firm may be recorded in different names
and locations in the raw patent data, PatentsView has standardized the firm names and locations
across all patents, which reduces the ambiguity and increases the usability of the data.
We used the first panel in the main analysis. We extracted all patents related to Chinese firms, by
selecting patents awarded to firms in the category of “foreign corporations” and located in China
as reported in the PatentsView. One key step in our sample creation was to integrate the policy
data with the patent data by the city location of the firm. Specially, we standardized the location
information for firms in each patent via (1) filling the missing information of the city, (2) cleaning
the city names (e.g., wrong spelling), (3) transforming the names to geo-standardized spatial data,
(4) manual checking, and (5) consolidating the data and assigning a unique correct city to a firm
(by detecting the city that is most reported on patents for a firm). After these steps, we cross-linked
the patent data to the policy data by city. We selected a time range of 2005 to 2017, to cover the
entire period of the innovative city policy and make it long enough for the difference-in-differences
analysis. The first panel has 7, 785 firms with 13, 077 firm-year observations.
The second panel in this study further matches the first panel to the Compustat data. We
obtained firms’ R&D spending and return on assets (ROA) over the years through Compustat, to
verify the effect of government support on firms’ financial performance. We cross-linked the first
panel to the Compustat data by firm-year combination. Nonetheless, many Chinese firms in the
patent data are not publicly listed in the U.S. When we matched the two data, entries related
to the private Chinese firms were removed, resulting in 390 firm-year combinations in the second
3.2.1. Dependent Variables. The main analysis examines two dependent variables – cross-
border innovation and proportion of exploitation – to verify Hypotheses 1 & 2 and Hypotheses 3A
& 3B, respectively. The first dependent variable cross-border innovation is operationalized as the
number of patents granted by USPTO for a firm in a year. Patent has the value as indicators of
innovation (Gittelman 2008, Griliches et al. 1987). We use this proxy to capture firms’ innovation
activities through inventions of new products and processes (e.g., Flammer and Kacperczyk 2016,
Atanassov 2013), which reflect firms’ innovation efforts and pursuits of new product development
(NPD) in the early stage (Kavadias and Ulrich 2020). To link the patent measure to the time
when innovation activity was undertaken in a firm, we focus on the patent application year rather
than the approval year, as there may be arbitrarily long lags between filing and approval dates
for patents (Ahuja 2000, Benner and Tushman 2002, Flammer and Kacperczyk 2016). The “year”
throughout the paper refers to the application year of the granted patent unless otherwise specified.
The second dependent variable is the proportion of exploitation with respect to a firm in a year.
We follow Benner and Tushman (2002) and first examine a patent’s level of exploitation as the
extent to which the patent anchors on the existing knowledge in a firm. We record repeat citations
(i.e., patents that the firm had previously cited) and self-citations (i.e., the firm’s own previous
patents) as the existing firm knowledge. For a patent, the ratio between the citation belonging to
the existing firm knowledge and the total citation is the patent’s level of exploitation. After we
calculate the level of exploitation for all patents for a firm in a year, we then average the level of
exploitation to obtain a firm’s proportion of exploitation in that year. This metric captures the
In the post hoc analysis, we include Return on Assets (ROA), an important indicator of a firm’s
financial performance, as an additional dependent variable. A firm’s ROA is measured as the firm’s
net income over its total assets. It captures a firm’s operating returns, which depends on the total
resources (i.e., assets) inside a firm and the firm’s ability to transform the resources into profits.
This measure is widely adopted in related studies such as Bayus et al. (2003), Corbett et al. (2005),
3.2.2. Independent Variables. The analysis examines three critical independent variables to
investigate the role of government support in firms’ cross-border innovation and a firm’s innovation
strategy. First, government support is a binary variable indicating whether the residing city of a
firm is an innovative city in a given year. Specifically, the variable takes the value of 1 when the
innovative city policy is enacted in the year and for all the subsequent years for a city (“treatment
group”), and 0 otherwise (“control group”). This measure is a commonly used DiD estimator
(e.g., Bertrand and Mullainathan 2003, Bertrand et al. 2004, Flammer and Kacperczyk 2016)
and can help identify the treatment effect of the government support through the DiD technique.
Specifically, we examine the change in firms’ cross-border innovation before and after receiving the
government support (first difference) between the treated and control cities (second difference).
R&D capacity is operationalized as the number of inventors in a firm within a year (Hanaki et al.
2010, Veugelers 1997). We obtain the measure by counting unique inventors across all patents of
the firm by year. By focusing on inventors, we emphasize R&D capacity as related to human/talent
capitals invested by the firm. In other words, this measure enables us to capture firms’ absorptive
capacity through firms’ own investment in their talent employees. Our measure of R&D capacity
as absorptive capacity is derived from the commonly used measures in the literature, such as R&D
spending (Cohen and Levinthal 1990, Hanaki et al. 2010, Veugelers 1997), and human capital and
employee expertise (Zahra and George 2002, Lawrence et al. 2019, Pereira and Leitão 2016).
We create two dummies – initial exploitation and initial exploration – to capture firms’ initial
innovation strategy before the enactment of the policy. We use the following criteria to define
a firm’s initial innovation strategy (Benner and Tushman 2002). First, for a year prior to the
policy enactment given a city, if the firm’s proportion of exploitation is greater than 0.6, it
adopts the exploitation strategy in that year (initial exploitation = 1 and initial exploration = 0).
If the proportion of exploitation is less than 0.4, it adopts the exploration strategy in that year
(initial exploitation = 0 and initial exploration = 1). Otherwise, the firm adopts a balanced strat-
egy, and both variables are equal to 0. Second, for a year in or subsequent to the policy enactment,
these variables remain unchanged from the most recent year before the policy enactment. We note
that some firms are only present after the policy enactment in our sample. Due to a lack of infor-
mation to determine firms’ innovation strategy prior to the policy enactment, we are unable to
assign appropriate initial innovation strategy to those firms. Therefore, we remove those firms in
the related analysis, leading to 2, 938 firm-year combinations for the variables.
The analysis also includes the following control variables. Collaboration frequency is a firm’s
patent co-filing activities with other firms in a year. It accounts for the fact that a patent can be
filed by more than one firm. We obtain this variable by summing the number of other firms across
A patent has one or more claims that define what subject-matter is protected by the patent.
A patent with more claims will more likely withstand legal challenges. The variable of number of
claims controls for the average number of claims across patents of a firm within a year. It provides
a proxy for the overall legal strength of a firm’s patents (Harhoff and Reitzig 2004, Huang and Li
We control for home-country citation, a variable that measures the extent to which a firm’s
patents cite other Chinese firms’ patents (i.e., Chinese citations). We obtain the proportion of
Chinese citations for a patent and then average the proportions across patents at the firm-year
level. The variable reflects the extent to which the firm learns from domestic (Chinese) knowledge.
We use the data of cooperative patent classification (CPC) from USPTO to classify patents into
sections, which indicates the subject to which the invention broadly relates. The variable of number
of sections is measured by the number of unique sections across patents for a firm in a year, to
capture the broadness of the firm’s innovation scope (Lerner 1994, Scotchmer 1991).
We obtain the primary section of a firm by identifying the patent section with the highest
frequency across all patents for a firm in a year. This variable captures the industry or the area
The analysis also includes each firm and each application year as the fixed effects in the empirical
model. These variables account for idiosyncrasy and heterogeneity across firms and time.
border innovation of firms, we follow the literature (e.g., Bertrand and Mullainathan 2003,
Dhanorkar 2019, Flammer and Kacperczyk 2016, Liu and Bharadwaj 2020) and apply the
difference-in-differences (DiD) technique. Because the time (year) of the innovative city policy
(“treatments”) is different across cities (see Table A1 in Appendix A), we are analyzing a staggered
quasi-experimental setting. The generalized DiD model as suggested by Wooldridge (2019, Chapter
14-4) is most suitable for a staggered quasi-experimental setting when multiple treatment groups
receive the treatment at different times. Specifically, we estimate the following regression:
where i indexes firms; t indexes years; αi and αt are firm and year fixed effects, respectively. The
patents. Gov Support is the post-treatment dummy of the policy enactment of innovative city as
earlier described. X is the vector of control variables. ε is the error term. The analysis uses a
Poisson regression for the model, because the dependent variable is a count measure. To account
for serial correlation of the error term, we cluster standard errors at the city level (Flammer and
Kacperczyk 2016). The coefficient of interest is β1 , which measures the effect of government support
To examine the moderating role of a firm’s R&D capacity, we add an interaction term to the
where the symbols carry the same meaning, except that the coefficient of interest becomes β2 ,
which measures how R&D Capacity moderates the effect of government support on cross-border
innovation. We continue to use Poisson regression. Hypothesis 2 predicts that β2 should be positive
and significant.
To examine whether firms adjust their portfolio of exploratory and exploitative innovations
after receiving the government support, we conduct subgroup analysis. Based on firms’ initial
exploitation and initial exploration values, we classify the firms into three groups, namely initially-
exploiting, initially-balanced, and initially-exploring. For each group, we examine the firm’s overall
proportion of exploitation to identify how the firm shifts its strategic focus between exploitation
and exploration. The following model applies to any of the three groups.
where the symbols carry the same meaning as those in the previous models. However, the dependent
variable becomes % Explt, a firm’s mean proportion of exploitation across all its patents in a
year. Because the dependent variable is a ratio, we adopt the generalized linear regression with
the logit link. The coefficients β3 measures the extent to which government support promotes the
change in firms’ cross-border innovation strategy. Hypothesis 3A predicts that for the initially-
exploiting group, β3 should be negative and significant, while Hypothesis 3B predicts that for the
3.3.2. Validity of the Identification Strategy The identification strategy should meet the
requirements of inclusion and exclusion restrictions to be valid. First, the inclusion restriction
indicates that the treatment (i.e., the enactment of the innovative city policy) needs to trigger
relevant changes in firm behavior. In our context, although the policy enactment provides us with
unequivocal treatment and control groups, we cannot directly observe that firms use the government
support to make changes to their cross-border innovation. Nonetheless, this issue only results in
an under-estimation of the treatment effect, because firms that utilize the support are pooled with
those that do not (see Scott et al. (2020) for a similar argument). Therefore, the DiD design is
still valid (Angrist and Pischke 2010). Furthermore, this concern can be addressed by obtaining
additional evidence through examining the effect of the support on the firm’s R&D spending.
Section 4.3.2 re-estimates equation (1) using the R&D spending from Compustat as the dependent
variable and demonstrates that government support significantly affects the firms’ R&D activities.
Second, the exclusion restriction requires that the treatment (the policy enactment) needs to
be exogenous with respect to firm innovation. In other words, the enactment of the policy should
not be driven by individual firms’ decisions, strategies, or activities. In this research context, the
policy is determined by the national level government that issues guidance on the implementation
to city-level governments. We searched for qualitative evidence that would suggest that firms affect
and take advantage of the policy enactment. We first examined the headquarters of the firms in
our sample. We do not find empirical evidence that firms change their headquarter location during
2005 - 2017. Given that the first year of the innovative city policy is 2009, we claim that it is less
likely that firms knew the future enactment of the policy beforehand and intentionally pursued the
resources by moving. Next, we searched the CNKI database ( for information
indicating that firms intentionally take actions such as lobbying to affect the innovation policy. We
In addition to the contextual evidence, we also empirically mitigate this concern by checking the
“parallel trends” assumption of the DiD method (Angrist and Pischke 2008) in Section 4.3.3. We
rely on the control group as a valid counterfactual – in the absence of treatment, the treatment
group would have followed the same trend as the control group. If our results are driven by reverse
causation, the policy should have a positive and significant “effect” already before it had been
enacted. Nevertheless, when we examine the dynamic effect of the treatment, we do not find a
Section 4.3.3).
The identification strategy may also suffer from unobserved differences between treated and
control firms that may affect both innovation and the treatment. Nevertheless, this concern is
CNKI is an online publishing platform of China knowledge resources initiated by Tsinghua University and Tsinghua
Tongfang Holding Group. It provides “over 90% of China knowledge resources, the widest in title and type coverage
and deepest in year coverage in China” and “comprehensive coverage of journals, dissertations, newspapers, pro-
ceedings, yearbooks, reference works, encyclopedia, patents, standards, S&T achievements and laws and regulations”
unlikely to explain our results, because (1) we find no evidence of preexisting policy effect as
discussed above, and (2) the eventually treated firms are first in the control group and only later in
the treatment group, due to the staggered enactment of the policy. To strengthen the rationale, we
re-estimate our DiD specification through the following two methods. First, we conduct propensity
score matching to obtain a matched sample of firms in the treatment and control groups, to allay
the concern of sample selection and sample heterogeneity. We re-estimate the specifications using
the matched sample. Results confirm the robustness of our findings (see Section 4.3.1). Second, we
notice that the enactment of the policy is staggered over time. That is, the composition of both
the treatment and control groups changes over time as more cities are progressively treated. We
re-estimate the specifications using only the eventually treated firms. In other words, the control
group consists exclusively of firms that are eventually treated (see Bertrand and Mullainathan
(2003) and Flammer and Kacperczyk (2016) for a similar argument). The re-estimation results in
Table 1 shows the summary statistics of the numerical variables. Table 2 shows the correlation
matrix of variables in the full sample. Based on Table 2, government support exhibits positive
support is negatively related to the firms’ proportion of exploitation. In addition, government sup-
port is positively related to R&D capacity and other control variables. Furthermore, R&D capacity
4.2.1. Government Support and Cross-Border Innovation. We show the DiD results
related to Hypotheses 1 and 2 in Table 3. We introduce the control variables in Model (1), the
main independent variables in Model (2), and the full model with the interaction term in Model
(3). Models (2) and (3) correspond to our empirical specification as Equations (1) and (2).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Cross-Border Innovation 1
2 Proportion of Exploitation -0.078∗∗∗ 1
3 Government Support 0.039∗∗∗ -0.029∗∗ 1
4 R&D Capacity 0.952∗∗∗ -0.091∗∗∗ 0.042∗∗∗ 1
5 Collaboration Frequency 0.630∗∗∗ -0.067∗∗∗ 0.029∗∗∗ 0.532∗∗∗ 1
6 Number of Claims 0.025∗∗ -0.073∗∗∗ 0.032∗∗∗ 0.035∗∗∗ 0.020∗ 1
7 Home-Country Citation 0.041∗∗∗ 0.070∗∗∗ 0.121∗∗∗ 0.057∗∗∗ 0.022∗ 0.021∗ 1
8 Number of Sections 0.338∗∗∗ -0.190∗∗∗ 0.078∗∗∗ 0.341∗∗∗ 0.301∗∗∗ 0.053∗∗∗ 0.045∗∗∗ 1
Pearson’s paired test. +
p < 0.1, ∗ p < 0.05, ∗∗
p < 0.01, ∗∗∗
p < 0.001 (two-tailed).
Model (2) in Table 3 shows that government support has a positive and significant effect on
cross-border innovation (β1 = 0.178, p < 0.01), suggesting that government support enables firms
Model (3) verifies the moderating effect of R&D capacity. The results show that R&D capacity
has a significant and positive interaction effect with government support on cross-border innovation
(β2 = 0.040, p < 0.05), thus supporting Hypothesis 2. Figure 1 shows the interaction plot (left)
and the marginal effect plot (right)4 . The marginal effect plot is popularized by Brambor et al.
(2006) and is used to visualize how the effect of one variable varies (e.g., government support as
the upward solid line) according to the value of another variable (e.g., R&D capacity). The results
This marginal effect plot is created based on Kris Preacher’s recommendation at
and visualization imply that the positive effect of government support on cross-border innovation
is stronger for firms with a higher level R&D capacity. Thus, compared to firms with a lower R&D
capacity (lower absorptive capacity), those with a higher R&D capacity can more easily identify
the external resources and opportunities, assimilate and deploy them, and thus innovate.
hypothesize that government support can affect a firm’s strategic focus on cross-border innovation
as Hypotheses 3A and 3B. Specially, with government support and the resulting resources and ben-
efits, firms can shift their innovation portfolio to achieve superior performance, by simultaneously
exploring and exploiting innovation opportunities. Thus, previously exploitative firms develop a
larger share of exploratory innovation, and vice versa. Table 4 presents results pertaining to the
Figure 1 Interaction between Government Support and R&D Capacity on Cross-Border Innovation
A. Interaction Plot B. Marginal Effect Plot
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
log(R&D Capacity) log(R&D Capacity)
Government Support 0 1
Table 4 presents the subgroup analysis. Model (1) in Table 4 shows the impact of government
support on initially-exploring firms. The coefficient of government support is positive and signif-
icant (β3 = 1.410, p < 0.001), supporting Hypothesis 3B. It implies that firms with initially high
exploratory innovation increase the proportion of exploitation after receiving support from the gov-
ernment. Meanwhile, we find empirical evidence supporting Hypothesis 3A. Model (3) in Table 4 is
for initially-exploiting firms. The results show a negative and significant coefficient of government
support (β3 = −6.010, p < 0.001), suggesting that firms with initially high exploitative innovation
reduce the proportion of exploitation after receiving support from the government. Overall, we
have verified that government support promotes a shift in firm’s innovation portfolio.
Interestingly, we find that for initially-balanced firms (Model (2) in Table 4), government support
increases proportion of exploitation (b = 0.529, p < 0.05). A plausible explanation may be that
emerging-market (Chinese) firms tend to avoid risks in an uncertain overseas market under fierce
competition, by developing prior firm knowledge and becoming more exploitative in cross-border
and control groups, and to address the possibility that treated and control firms may differ along
unobservable characteristics, we employ the propensity score matching (PSM) (Rosenbaum and
Rubin 1983). Using the PSM approach allows us to generate a matched sample of untreated (i.e.,
control) firms that are similar to the treated firms, with respect to the observed characteristics
We conduct two separate PSM at two levels – the firm level and the city level. First, at the firm
level, we adopt the matching algorithm of 1-nearest neighbor by considering firm characteristics
(e.g., collaboration frequency, number of claims, etc.). In doing so, we construct a sample of matched
control firms that are as similar as possible to the treated firms ex ante. The nearest neighbor is the
firm with the shortest Mahalanobis distance to the treated firm across matching characteristics.
The final matched sample contains 5, 159 firm-year combinations. Regression results are provided
Second, to conduct another PSM at the city level, we collected extra data based on Kou and
Liu (2017). The data contain city statistics including city economical, investment, and innovation
performance. The data have been used by Feng et al. (2019), Jiang et al. (2020), Liu and Li (2021),
and so on. We used the following variables in the data for matching: percent of secondary industry
employees, percent of tertiary industry employees, GDP, population, gross output, gross foreign
investment, fixed asset investment, scientific research expense, and educational expense. We also
included geographical information to search for geographically close pairs of cities. One-to-one
matching with the nearest neighbor is adopted. We selected the nearest neighbor for each treated
city on the basis of all the foregoing city-level variables, all computed as average over the four years
preceding the enactment of the policy (Flammer and Kacperczyk 2016). The nearest neighbor is
the city with the shortest Mahalanobis distance to the treated city. The final matched sample
contains 11, 112 firm-year combinations. Results are provided as models (3) and (4) in Table 5.
In general, in line with the main analysis, both PSMs show a significant improvement in
firms’ cross-border innovation with government support (b = 0.175, p < 0.01 in model (1) and b =
0.176, p < 0.01 in model (3)), and a significant moderating effect of R&D Capacity (b = 0.046, p < 0.1
discuss that our identification strategy satisfies the inclusion restriction. That is, the government
support changes firms’ R&D activities. In this subsection, we empirically test the inclusion restric-
tion by examining the effect of the government support on firms’ R&D spending. As previously
described, the new sample size is 390. We log-transformed R&D spending (i.e., lg(1+100*R&D
spending)) to comply to the OLS assumptions. We include lg(assets) and lg(number of employees)
into the model to control for additional firm characteristics on R&D spending. Table 5 Model (7)
presents the result. Nonetheless, even with this small sample, the effect of government support on
R&D spending is still significant (b = −0.245, p < 0.05 in model (7)). Therefore, the government
support does lead to distinct behavior of firm innovation than before. Our empirical identification
4.3.3. Parallel Trends Assumption and Falsification Test. This subsection empirically
verifies the parallel trends assumption by conducting a falsification test, as described in Section
3.3.2. Table 6 presents the falsification test results. The analysis demonstrates that the trend of
filing more foreign-country (U.S.) patents does not occur before the treatment (i.e., the policy
enactment). Models (1) and (2) in Table 6 are for comparison purpose to Model (3), which assesses
In Model (3) of Table 6, we replace the treatment dummy with a set of eight dummy variables
indicating the four years prior to the treatment (i.e., Government Support (-4) through (-1)); the
year of the treatment (Government Support (0)); the first, second, and third or more years after
the treatment (Government Support (1) through (3+), respectively). As shown, for cross-border
innovation, the coefficients of all pre-treatment dummies are small and insignificant. This finding
Log Num Pat
0.8 2
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Period Period
Group: Control Group Treatment Group Group: Control Group Treatment Group
is reassuring, because it shows that there is no preexisting difference in the trends between the
treated and control groups. Our visual check on the trend also confirms the finding (Figure 2).
Thus, we are more confident that the results are not driven by other confounding factors or reverse
We find a marginally significant effect in the year of the treatment, indicating that the policy
and government support may take effect on cross-border innovation in the same year. In fact, the
policies were approved in January in years such as 2009 and 2010, leaving ample time for firms
to innovate and develop in the overseas market. Finally, the coefficients of Government Support
(1) and afterwards remain large and significant, indicating that the government support has a
4.3.4. Removing Firms that are Never Treated. In Section 3.3.2, we describe to remove
firms that are never treated as a strategy to mitigate the effect of unobserved differences between
treated and control firms on both innovation and the policy enactment. This subsection re-estimate
the DiD specification using only the eventually treated firms. The new sample has 9, 758 firm-year
combinations. Models (5) and (6) in Table 5 present the re-estimation results. We find that the
results remain consistent with the main analysis results, indicating that our identification strategy
the patent’s level of exploitation directly used in the main analysis, we can alternatively count
the number of exploitative patents, and obtain the share of exploitative patents among all patents
for a firm-year combination. In this subsection, we re-estimate Equation (3) by using the share of
Following Benner and Tushman (2002), we construct the alternative measure of % exploitative
patents at three levels. The measure at the 100 percent level is the number of patents with 100
percent of their citations to familiar patents, that is, patents cited by the firm in an earlier inno-
vation effort and/or self-citations. We also construct measures at the 80 percent and 60 percent
levels, represented as the number of patents by year for each firm that constitute 80 percent or
more and 60 percent or more, respectively, of the citations to prior knowledge of the focal firm. In
this sense, we captured a firm’s innovation profile by assessing the number of patents in each of
Table 7 gives the results for the robustness check. Models (1) and (2) consider % exploitative
patents at ≥ 60%, (3) and (4) at ≥ 80%, and (5) and (6) at 100% levels, respectively. Models
(1), (3), and (5) focus on the initial-exploiting group, while models (2), (4), and (6) focus on the
initial-exploring group. We focus on the coefficients of government support. Models (1), (3), and (5)
consistently return negative coefficients, indicating that previously exploitative firms will reduce
the share of exploitative innovation (patents) overseas. On the contrary but as expected, models
(2), (4), and (6) return positive coefficients of government support, supporting the notion that
previously exploratory firms will develop more cross-border exploitative patents, after receiving
the government support. In general, the results are consistent with the main results. Our findings
This section explores how government support affects the exploitative innovation vs. the
exploratory innovation (Section 4.4.1) and the return-on-assets of firms (Section 4.4.2) in a post
4.4.1. Number of Exploitation and Exploration. In the main analysis (Section 4.2.2),
we differentiate between firms’ innovation strategies and examine how government support affects
firms’ tendency to exploit. However, the dependent variable is a proportion, which cannot reflect
the change in specific numbers of exploitative and exploratory innovations. It remains unclear
whether government support increases or decreases the specific number of either type of patents. In
fact, this finding could be important and meaningful as policy makers and firm managers may not
intend to increase one kind of innovation at the sacrifice of the other kind (He and Wong 2004).
Therefore, we explore how government support affects numbers of exploitative and exploratory
innovations separately.
Dependent Variable: Share of ≥60% Explt Share of ≥80% Explt Share of 100% Explt
Model: (1) Ini-Explt (2) Ini-Explr (3) Ini-Explt (4) Ini-Explr (5) Ini-Explt (6) Ini-Explr
Independent Variables
Government Support -6.01∗∗∗ 1.56∗∗ -6.40∗∗∗ 1.38∗ -6.36∗∗∗ 1.29∗
(0.904) (0.597) (0.967) (0.554) (0.739) (0.623)
lg R&D Capacity -0.275∗ 0.222 -0.371∗∗ 0.257∗ -0.300∗ 0.262+
(0.118) (0.146) (0.139) (0.128) (0.134) (0.149)
lg Collaboration Freq -0.056 -0.095 -0.223 -0.113 -0.247 -0.095
(0.150) (0.134) (0.192) (0.156) (0.235) (0.179)
lg Number of Claims 0.020 -0.285 -0.054 -0.097 -0.191 -0.107
(0.454) (0.267) (0.477) (0.300) (0.358) (0.185)
Home-country Citation 1.22∗∗ 0.475 1.60∗∗∗ 0.633 1.84∗∗∗ 0.950+
(0.417) (0.364) (0.467) (0.460) (0.502) (0.534)
lg Number of Sections 0.307 -0.189 0.414 -0.252 0.264 -0.259
(0.254) (0.365) (0.283) (0.348) (0.303) (0.333)
Assignee Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Application Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Primary Section Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fit statistics
Observations 783 875 853 850 877 840
Pseudo R2 0.57402 0.48116 0.55510 0.50243 0.57700 0.51832
BIC 2,354.7 2,100.3 2,584.5 1,970.4 2,648.7 1,908.1
Standard errors (reported in parentheses) are clustered at the city of firms level. The sample period is from 2005 to 2017. Independent
variables are log-transformed to avoid skewness.
Signif. Codes: ***: 0.001, **: 0.01, *: 0.05, +: 0.1
Following Benner and Tushman (2002) and adopting a similar measure as in Section 4.3.5, we
count the patents that fall into 6 categories, namely 0%, ≤ 20%, ≤ 40%, ≥ 60%, ≥ 80%, and 100%
dependent on prior firm knowledge. Patents in the first three categories are collectively known as
exploratory patents, as they rely little on prior firm knowledge. Correspondingly, patents in the
last three categories are known as exploitative patents as they depend on prior firm knowledge. We
employ a specification similar to equation (1) but replace the dependent variable with the counts
of patents in the 6 categories. Table 8 presents the results. Models (1) through (6) correspond to
The results indicate that the government support does not affect the number of exploratory
innovations. However, the government support marginally increases the number of exploitative
innovations at the 60% and 80% levels. Therefore, putting it together, the post hoc analysis implies
that, in general, exploitative innovation gains more attention when firms receive government sup-
Table 8 Post Hoc Analysis on the Effect of Government Support on Numbers of Explt and Explr Innovations
Dependent Variables: # P 0% # P ≤ 20% # P ≤ 40% # P ≥ 60% # P ≥ 80% # P 100%
Model: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Government Support 0.140 0.131 0.142 0.217+ 0.218+ 0.190
(0.108) (0.093) (0.094) (0.114) (0.128) (0.127)
lg R&D Capacity 0.989∗∗∗ 1.001∗∗∗ 1.012∗∗∗ 0.803∗∗∗ 0.800∗∗∗ 0.804∗∗∗
(0.040) (0.040) (0.040) (0.064) (0.058) (0.054)
lg Collaboration Freq 0.002 0.006 0.010 0.138∗∗∗ 0.137∗∗∗ 0.140∗∗∗
(0.018) (0.018) (0.016) (0.027) (0.028) (0.030)
lg Number of Claims −0.141∗∗ −0.157∗∗∗ −0.147∗∗ −0.094∗∗ −0.069∗ −0.061
(0.047) (0.046) (0.049) (0.029) (0.033) (0.038)
Home-country Citation −0.422∗∗∗ −0.502∗∗∗ −0.548∗∗∗ 0.403∗∗∗ 0.423∗∗∗ 0.443∗∗∗
(0.078) (0.098) (0.112) (0.071) (0.070) (0.072)
lg Number of Sections 0.339∗∗∗ 0.310∗∗∗ 0.297∗∗∗ 0.442∗∗∗ 0.452∗∗∗ 0.450∗∗∗
(0.035) (0.034) (0.033) (0.073) (0.073) (0.069)
Assignee Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Application Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Primary Section Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fit statistics
Observations 6,159 6,275 6,391 12,672 12,567 12,538
Pseudo R2 0.87156 0.87808 0.8846 0.79273 0.78476 0.78103
BIC 34,481.17 35,720.08 37,078.08 104,920.52 103,635.37 103,227.20
Standard errors (reported in parentheses) are clustered at the city of firms level. The sample period is from 2005 to
Signif. Codes: ***: 0.001, **: 0.01, *: 0.05, +: 0.1
4.4.2. Government Support and Firm ROA. The main analysis examines how govern-
ment support affects firms’ cross-border innovation performance. This subsection explores whether
the support improves firms’ return on assets (ROA) as an important financial performance indica-
tor. Based on the matched sample between the main data and Compustat (390 firm-year combina-
tions as described earlier), we conduct an analysis on the effect of government support and replace
the dependent variable with ROA. Similar to the model in Section 4.3.2, we include lg(assets) and
lg(number of employees) into the model to control firm-level factors that may affect ROA. We
The results indicate that government support has a significant and positive effect on ROA (b =
0.083, p < 0.001). The empirical results here suggest that government support can indeed and
eventually will affect a firm’s operations and financial performance, potentially through affecting
the R&D activities. Linking to our finding that the government support increases firms’ cross-border
innovation, we obtain strong empirical evidence to conclude that government support can provide
not only innovation benefits, but also higher operating return and profitability. This inference echos
Schilling and Hill (1998) and Peng et al. (2014) that external source is an essential driver of not
only NPD success but also a firm’s overall survival and competitiveness.
ing and advanced markets have implemented / are implementing innovation policies to support
firm’s innovation and expansion into the global market. From the conceptual perspective of slack,
we conceptualize government support as slack resources. First, we show that government support
stimulates cross-border innovation in the uncertain and competitive global market. We add clarity
to a mixed literature regarding the effect of government support and slack resources on innovation
performance. Furthermore, we integrate slack resource with absorptive capacity and find govern-
ment support makes strong firms stronger. This finding demonstrates a contingency of the effect
of government support and answers the “call for a contingency perspective to specify the nature
of slack when discussing its impact on firm performance” (Tan and Peng 2003, p.1249). Finally,
we explore the role of government support in firm’s innovation strategy overseas. In line with the
notion to balance between exploration and exploitation, this study verifies that firms shift their
This study contributes to the OM literature in the following aspects. First, this study examines
public policy and government support, addressing the “need to examine operational decisions with
policy considerations” (Joglekar et al. 2016, p.1977). Building on the previous studies on slack
resources, this study extends our understanding of slack to government support in the context
slack resources, we add a new perspective of external government. To the best of our knowledge,
this is the first study in the operations management field to understand the role of government
support through the conceptual lens of slack, echoing the importance of using slack resources as
Second, there has been long debate on the effects of slack resources on firm performance in both
OM and organization literature. In addition, the policy literature also exhibits inconclusive findings
for the effect of government support on firm innovation. This study demonstrates a positive effect
of government support on firms’ cross-border innovation, supporting the positive effect of slack
on firm’s global innovation. This finding aligns with the consideration of government as a critical
external source for firm innovation (Gaimon and Bailey 2013, Gaimon et al. 2017, Peng et al. 2014).
Moreover, through identifying unique characteristics of cross-border innovation, this study echoes
Kavadias and Hutchison-Krupat (2020) that firms’ innovation process and activities are subject
to the external political environment and general ecosystem. In sum, government support has the
potential to help firms strengthen their innovation processes (Yiu et al. 2020, Linderman et al.
2004) and mitigate uncertainty and risk in innovation projects (Yiu et al. 2020, Yeung et al. 2007).
Third, we clarify the contingency of government support by integrating slack resource with
absorptive capacity. Absorptive capacity provides one of the key explanations for why the litera-
ture has mixed findings regarding government support and slack resources. Specifically, absorptive
capacity explains an important practical observation that much heterogeneity exists in the inno-
vation performance of firms in the developing East Asia, despite those firms receive government
support (Cirera et al. 2021). As firms expand into the competitive global market, absorptive capac-
ity plays an increasingly important role in addressing the pressures to “re-examine their own ‘global’
value chains, re-evaluate their cross-border investments strategies, re-assess their innovation and
technology flows, and re-consider their strategic partnerships from a new perspective” (Petricevic
Fourth, this study shows how firms shift their strategic focus on cross-border innovation after
receiving government support. Echoing O’Reilly and Tushman (2008) that ambidexterity is a
dynamic capability, this study is one of the few that longitudinally examine the evolution of innova-
tion strategy. We find that, with government support, firms shift their innovation portfolio towards
a balance between exploitation and exploration. This finding is in line with the notion that firms
who aim to achieve long-term competitiveness balance between their exploratory and exploitative
efforts (Adler et al. 2009, He and Wong 2004, Patel et al. 2012).
Our research findings have implications for both managers and policy makers. For managers, we
highlight the positive effect of government support on firms’ innovation process. Thus, managers
may need to pay attention to the external political and regulatory environment and integrate their
internal practices with the external dynamics to achieve a better innovation performance. Partic-
ularly, government support can facilitate firms’ innovation in the international market. Managers
should consider their internal R&D capacity (e.g., talent capital) to better utilize the external
resources. In addition, firms may need to consider a potential strategic shift resulting from gov-
ernment support and align their short-term (exploitation)with long-term (exploration) goals. In
sum, opportunities and external resources, internal capability, and current and future innovation
strategies for new products and processes are the main factors for firms to consider before making
For policy makers, this study helps clarify the benefits of government support to firms’ cross-
border innovation. Depending on the city’s development plan and global ambition, the government
should decide whether to give out financial stimulus and other institutional benefits to enhance
firms’ and cities’ innovation capabilities. The benefits can be even larger when firms have a larger
talent pool of R&D employees. Therefore, government and policy makers should design better plans
to attract more new talents and support firms’ recruitment to achieve full innovation benefits. In
addition, as firms can shift their innovation focus with government support, our findings suggest
government take initiatives to promote firms’ innovation in general and to foster balanced inno-
vation portfolios between exploration and exploitation in particular. In this way, the policy can
become more effective and potentially achieve higher cost-efficiency. Nonetheless, policy makers
should be aware that this policy intervention makes the strong innovative firms stronger, which
Although developing East Asia (e.g., China) has been “home to some leading innovative com-
panies that might rival those in high-income countries, there remains a large technological divide
between and within the region’s countries” (Cirera et al. 2021, p.105). National and regional gov-
ernment still needs to develop innovation policies to support firms to advance their technological
development. The support is critical, because emerging-market firms face major informal con-
straints and uncertainties, which may constitute barriers to firms’ capability development and
knowledge, and achieve higher technological competitiveness. Recent COVID-19 pandemic further
intensifies related uncertainty for these firms. As Cirera et al. (2021) suggests, “Nevertheless, it
highlights the role of innovation policy to not only support firms pushing the frontier but also those
firms investing in catching up. Given that the aggregate contribution made by innovation and new
technologies to productivity, growth, and welfare is largely determined by how well and how rapidly
innovations diffuse within countries, policy needs to actively promote diffusion by nurturing and
This study has limitation that can encourage future research opportunities. First, this study focuses
on U.S. patents from Chinese firms. Focusing on China as the single context may ignore the
inventive efforts by other emerging markets such as India and Malaysia. However, focusing on a
single country as the context offers an advantage to reduce the threat of heterogeneity (Joglekar
et al. 2016). Although context-specific and evidence-driven studies have yielded innovative theories
and models for best in class performance (Joglekar et al. 2016), we advocate future research to
firms to extend the scope beyond the U.S. towards other international markets. Future research
can also examine how government support enables emerging-market firms to penetrate into other
global markets like Japan, Europe, and even other emerging markets.
Second, this study focuses on the innovation performance through patent filing, which captures
the earlier stage of ideas and inventions for new products and processes. However, we do not
examine the product and service development process or the launching of products and services
(i.e., later stages). It would be critical to further understand how government support affects the
new product development (NPD) and project portfolio management in details. More research is
needed to fully understand how government support intervenes in firms’ internal operations (e.g.,
process management, design, R&D activities, team collaboration) and external operations (e.g.,
collaboration with partners in the local communities and in the global supply chains).
Third, the policy in our context can affect foreign firms (multinationals) in the treated city as
well. It would fill in the research gap to examine how government support affects foreign firms’
innovation in China. Moreover, one could also examine whether there is a spill-over effect such that
government support would change the interactions (e.g., NPD collaborations) between local and
foreign firms.
whether government support makes firms more competitive in local cities and in the domestic
market. It is yet-to-be explored that whether government support increases firms’ cross-border
innovation at the cost of reducing domestic innovation. We view this topic goes beyond the scope
of this study and leave it for future research. Nonetheless, only by integrating the global piece with
the local one can we draw a full picture of the effect of government support on firms’ innovation
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Index Province City Policy Year Index Province City Policy Year
1 Guangdong Shenzhen 2009 32 Shaanxi Xi’an 2010
2 Anhui Hefei 2010 33 Shandong Jinan 2010
3 Beijing Beijing 2010 34 Shandong Qingdao 2010
4 Chongqing Chongqing 2010 35 Shandong Yantai 2010
5 Fujian Fuzhou 2010 36 Shanghai Shanghai 2010
6 Fujian Xiamen 2010 37 Shanxi Taiyuan 2010
7 Gansu Lanzhou 2010 38 Sichuan Chengdu 2010
8 Guangdong Guangzhou 2010 39 Tianjin Tianjin 2010
9 Guangxi Nanning 2010 40 Xinjiang Uygur Changji Hui 2010
10 Guizhou Guiyang 2010 41 Xinjiang Uygur Shihezi 2010
11 Hainan Haikou 2010 42 Yunnan Kunming 2010
12 Hebei Shijiazhuang 2010 43 Zhejiang Hangzhou 2010
13 Hebei Tangshan 2010 44 Zhejiang Jiaxing 2010
14 Heilongjiang Harbin 2010 45 Zhejiang Ningbo 2010
15 Henan Luoyang 2010 46 Hebei Qinhuangdao 2011
16 Henan Zhengzhou 2010 47 Jiangsu Lianyungang 2011
17 Hubei Wuhan 2010 48 Jiangsu Zhenjiang 2011
18 Hunan Changsha 2010 49 Nei Mongol Hohhot 2011
19 Jiangsu Changzhou 2010 50 Jiangsu Nantong 2012
20 Jiangsu Nanjing 2010 51 Xinjiang Uygur Ürümqi 2012
21 Jiangsu Suzhou 2010 52 Guizhou Zunyi 2013
22 Jiangsu Wuxi 2010 53 Henan Nanyang 2013
23 Jiangxi Jingdezhen 2010 54 Hubei Xiangfan 2013
24 Jiangxi Nanchang 2010 (renamed to Xiangyang after 2010)
25 Jilin Changchun 2010 55 Hubei Yichang 2013
26 Liaoning Dalian 2010 56 Jiangsu Taizhou 2013
27 Liaoning Shenyang 2010 57 Jiangsu Yancheng 2013
28 Nei Mongol Baotou 2010 58 Jiangsu Yangzhou 2013
29 Ningxia Hui Yinchuan 2010 59 Jiangxi Pingxiang 2013
30 Qinghai Xining 2010 60 Shandong Jining 2013
31 Shaanxi Baoji 2010 61 Zhejiang Huzhou 2013