M5 NDT ME 367 Introduction To Radiography Testing Final
M5 NDT ME 367 Introduction To Radiography Testing Final
M5 NDT ME 367 Introduction To Radiography Testing Final
Module 5
Hareesh K
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
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Industrial radiography is a method of non-destructive testing where many
types of manufactured components can be examined to verify the internal
structure and integrity of the specimen. Industrial Radiography can be
performed utilizing either X-rays or gamma rays. Both are forms
of electromagnetic radiation. The difference between various forms of
electromagnetic energy is related to the wavelength. X and gamma rays have
the shortest wavelength and this property leads to the ability to penetrate,
travel through, and exit various materials such as carbon steel and other
The vast majority of radiography concerns the testing and grading of welds on
pressurized piping, pressure vessels, high-capacity storage containers,
pipelines, and some structural welds.
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Radiographic Images
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Radiographic Images
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Radiographic Images
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Radiographic Images
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Radiographic Testing (RT)
An NDT method that utilizes x-rays or gamma radiation to detect discontinuities in materials, and to present
their images on recording medium.
X-rays are generated in an X-ray tube when a beam of electrons is accelerated on to a target by a high voltage
and stopped suddenly on striking the target. The X-rays produced have different wavelengths and different
penetrating powers according to the accelerating voltage. Gamma-rays have the same physical nature as X-
rays and are emitted by certain radioactive substances.
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In radiography a source of penetrating radiation (X or gamma) is placed on
one side of a specimen and a detector of radiation on the other side. In passing
through the specimen the radiation is attenuated as a function of thickness, so
that through the thinner parts of the specimen more radiation penetrates and a
greater effect is produced at the detector.
Therefore, if a near-point source of radiation is used (Fig. 1.1) at a distance
from the specimen, a spatial image is produced of the thickness variations in
the specimen whether these are due to external thickness changes, internal
cavities or inclusions. In most applications the detector is a sheet of
photographic film.
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X-rays make up X-radiation, a form of electromagnetic radiation. Most X-rays
have a wavelength ranging from 0.01 to 10 nanometres , corresponding
to frequencies in the range 30 petahertz to 30 exahertz (3×10 16 Hz to
3×1019 Hz) and energies in the range 100 eV to 100 keV. X-ray wavelengths
are shorter than those of UV rays and typically longer than those of gamma
rays. In many languages, X-radiation is referred to with terms
meaning Röntgen radiation.
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X-Ray Source
An X-ray tube is a vacuum tube that converts electrical input power into X-rays.
It receives electrical energy and converts in to two terms. Ie. X-Radiation and
X-ray tube consist of a glass bulb under vacuum enclosing a positive electrode
and a negative electrode. The cathode provide a source of electron and anode
acts as the target to electrons and releases X Rays.
The energy required for this process is provided from the generator which is
connected to an electrical circuit system. A rectifier is also provided in the
electrical system, to convert the electrical energy from the generator into the DC,
which is being the adequate from to be applied to X Ray tube.
Normally X-rays are produced when fast moving electrons are suddenly brought
to rest by colliding with matter. During collision, the accelerated electrons
therefore lose their kinetic energy very rapidly at the surface of the metal plate
and energy conversion consequently occurs.
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The kinetic energy of the accelerated electrons can be converted in three ways
3) Some of the electrons have sufficient energy to eject orbital electrons from
the atoms of the target material which are ionised.
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Gamma Ray Source
Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation emitted from an
unstable nucleus. It was first observed by a French chemist Paul
The name gamma ray was proposed by physicist Ernest
Rutherford, after the discovery of alpha and beta ray.
Gamma rays can be produced by four different nuclear reactions
namely fusion, fission, alpha decay and gamma decay
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Properties of X rays and Gamma Ray
• They are invisible and travels at the speed of the light.
• They propagate in a straight line and pass through space
• They are not affected by electric and magnetic fields
• They are capable of ionizing gases and also changes the
electrical properties of solids and liquids
• They are capable of blackening photographic film
• They can damage and kill living cells and produce genetic
• They exhibit wave properties and are reflected, refracted,
diffracted & polarized
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Inspection techniques in Radiography
1.To keep the radiographic source outside and the film inside- Flat technique
2.To keep the radiographic source inside and the film outside- Panoramic
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2. Double wall single image
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3. Double wall double image(DWDI)
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Real Time Radiography
• Real time radiography also known as fluoroscopy, is a
technique in which the X-ray radiation is converted into light
by using a fluorescent screen in the place of the film.
• The process of the image of the object by converting the X-
rays into light on the fluorescent screen is known as
fluoroscopy or real time radiography.
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Arrangement and working principle
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• In this method, the radiation after passing through the material
is recorded on the fluorescent screen. The image of the test
piece which is obtained by the fluorescent screen, is received
by CCTV an dis then amplified using the amplification circuit
associated with the camera.
• The amplified circuit is then processed by the computer. The
processed image is then displayed on the monitor. The
monitor Is operated by means of a remote from the X-ray
source to avoid the exposure to radiation.
• The image obtained using this method is usually faint and the
sensitivity is very low. Therefore, to improve the quality of
image , should employ the image intensifier equipment.
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The image intensifier is a large glass enclosed electron tube. The function of image
intensifier is to convert radiation to light, light to electron for intensification and
electron back to light for viewing. The use of Fluoroscopic units in conjunction with
these image intensifying system greatly enhances the versality and sensitivity of the
real-time radiographic setup
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Advantages of RTR
•Can take place at high speed
•Low cost
Disadvantages of RTR
•Cost of the equipment is high
•Not portable to gamma ray
•Special cabinet is required to keep exposure radiation within
Applications of RTR
•Laser weld in thin wall sections
•Electron beam weld in thin pipes
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Films used in industrial Radiography
• X-ray films for general radiography consist of an emulsion-gelatin
containing radiation sensitive silver halide crystals, such as silver bromide
or silver chloride, and a flexible, transparent, blue-tinted base. The
emulsion is different from those used in other types of photography films
to account for the distinct characteristics of gamma rays and x-rays, but X-
ray films are sensitive to light. Usually, the emulsion is coated on both
sides of the base in layers about 0.0005 inch thick.
• Putting emulsion on both sides of the base doubles the amount of radiation-
sensitive silver halide, and thus increases the film speed. The emulsion
layers are thin enough so developing, fixing, and drying can be
accomplished in a reasonable time. A few of the films used for radiography
only have emulsion on one side which produces the greatest detail in the
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Types of film
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Speed of the film
The film speed is an important parameter in film radiography. Based
on the grain size an d exposure time, films are classified in two ways.
1)High speed films: A film is called high speed film when its grain
would begin reacting to the exposure considerably sooner than other
films and have larger grains may not be able to produce the minute
2)Low speed films: A film is called low speed film when its grain
would begin reacting to the exposure considerably slower than other
films and have extra fine grain, which gives better quality
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Quality of the film
Its depends on two factors
Film Density
Film graininess
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Screens used in Radiography
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Quality of a good radiography
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Radiographic Density
Radiographic density (photographic, or film density) is a measure
of the degree of film darkening. Technically it should be called
"transmitted density" when associated with transparent-base film
since it is a measure of the light transmitted through the film.
Radiographic density is the logarithm of two measurements: the
intensity of light incident on the film (I 0) and the intensity of light
transmitted through the film (It). This ratio is the inverse of
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Radiographic contrast describes the differences in photographic density in a
radiograph. The contrast between different parts of the image is what forms the
image and the greater the contrast, the more visible features become.
Radiographic contrast has two main contributors: subject contrast and detector
(film) contrast.
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Geometric factors of the equipment and the radiographic setup, and film and screen
factors both have an effect on definition. Geometric factors include the size of the area
of origin of the radiation, the source-to-detector (film) distance, the specimen-to-
detector (film) distance, movement of the source, specimen or detector during
exposure, the angle between the source and some feature and the abruptness of change
in specimen thickness or density.
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Radiographic sensitivity is a measure of the quality an
image in terms of the smallest detail or discontinuity
that may be detected. The higher the sensitivity , the
higher the quality of radiograph
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Film Processing
When the film is processed, it is exposed to several different chemicals solutions for
controlled periods of time. Processing film basically involves the following five
1.Development - The developing agent gives up electrons to convert the silver halide
grains to metallic silver. Grains that have been exposed to the radiation develop more
rapidly, but given enough time the developer will convert all the silver ions into
silver metal. Proper temperature control is needed to convert exposed grains to pure
silver while keeping unexposed grains as silver halide crystals.
2.Stopping the development - The stop bath simply stops the development process by
diluting and washing the developer away with water.
3.Fixing - Unexposed silver halide crystals are removed by the fixing bath. The fixer
dissolves only silver halide crystals, leaving the silver metal behind.
4.Washing - The film is washed with water to remove all the processing chemicals.
5.Drying - The film is dried for viewing.
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Interpretation and Evaluation
Cold lap is a condition where the weld filler metal does not properly fuse with
the base metal or the previous weld pass material (interpass cold lap). The arc
does not melt the base metal sufficiently and causes the slightly molten puddle
to flow into the base material without bonding.
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• Porosity is the result of gas entrapment in the solidifying metal. Porosity can take
many shapes on a radiograph but often appears as dark round or irregular spots or
specks appearing singularly, in clusters, or in rows. Sometimes, porosity is
elongated and may appear to have a tail. This is the result of gas attempting to
escape while the metal is still in a liquid state and is called wormhole porosity. All
porosity is a void in the material and it will have a higher radiographic density than
the surrounding area
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Slag inclusions are nonmetallic solid material entrapped in weld metal or
between weld and base metal. In a radiograph, dark, jagged asymmetrical
shapes within the weld or along the weld joint areas are indicative of slag
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Incomplete fusion is a condition where the weld filler metal does not
properly fuse with the base metal. Appearance on radiograph: usually
appears as a dark line or lines oriented in the direction of the weld seam
along the weld preparation or joining area.
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Safety requirement in Radiography
Two main aspects of safety
1. Monitoring radiation dosage
2. Protection of personal
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Radiation Safety
Use of radiation sources in industrial
radiography is heavily regulated by state and federal
organizations due to potential public and personal risks.
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Radiation Safety (cont.)
There are many sources of radiation. In general, a person receives
roughly 100 mrem/year from natural sources and roughly 100 mrem/year
from manmade sources.
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Radiation Safety (cont.)
Technicians who work with radiation must wear monitoring devices that keep
track of their total absorption, and alert them when they are in a high radiation
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Radiation Safety (cont.)
There are three means of protection to help reduce
exposure to radiation:
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Advantages of Radiography
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Disadvantages of Radiography
• Many safety precautions for the use of high
intensity radiation.
• Many hours of technician training prior to use.
• Access to both sides of sample required.
• Orientation of equipment and flaw can be critical.
• Determining flaw depth is impossible without
additional angled exposures.
• Expensive initial equipment cost.
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• Can be used in most types of solid materials both ferrous and
non-ferrous as well as non-metallic and composites.
• This is used for castings , weldments and forgings
• Used for semi conductor devices for detection of cracks,
broken wires.
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