SYLLABUS Financial Accounting and Reporting
SYLLABUS Financial Accounting and Reporting
SYLLABUS Financial Accounting and Reporting
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is an introductory course in financial accounting will develop students’ appreciation of
accounting as a language of business and an understanding of basic accounting concepts and principles that will help them
analyze business transactions.
GENERAL OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, the learners are expected to:
1. Manifest understanding and appreciation of the nature and basic purpose of accounting and how it is applied in businesses.
2. Identify and differentiate the different forms of business organizations and their activities.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the concepts and principles of accounting.
4. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in recording basic transactions and in making basic accounting calculations.
5. Identify and differentiate the Journal and the Ledger.
6. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in completing the processes in an accounting cycle.
7. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in accounting for transactions related to partnership formation, operations, dissolution
and liquidation.
8. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in accounting for transactions related to corporate issuances of shares, reacquisition and
retirement of shares and distribution to owners.
The learners shall THE ACCOUNTING The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1. Seat works
be able to solve EQUATION expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
problems applying 1. The basic 1. Illustrate the 2. Application of 3. Assignments
the accounting accounting accounting concepts 4. Quizzes
equation equation equation. 3. Classroom Q&A
2. The expanded 2. Perform operations
accounting involving simple
equation cases with the use
3. Applications of of accounting
the accounting equation.
The learners shall TYPES OF MAJOR The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1. Seat works
be able to define, ACCOUNTS expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
identify, and classify 1. The Account 1. Discuss the five 2. Application of 3. Assignments
accounts according 2. The Five Major major accounts. concepts 4. Quizzes
to the five major Accounts 2. Cite examples of 3. Classroom Q&A
types 3. Chart of each type of
accounts account.
4. Common 3. Prepare a Chart of
account titles Accounts.
5. Drills on account
The learners shall BUSINESS The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1. Seat works
be able to identify TRANSACTIONS expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
business and non- AND THEIR 1. Describe the nature 2. Application of 3. Assignments
business ANALYSIS and give examples of concepts 4. Quizzes
transactions, 1. The accounting business 3. Classroom Q&A
enumerate the cycle transactions.
types of business 2. Identifying and 2. Identify the different
documents, recite analyzing types of business
the rules of debit transactions and documents.
and credit, and events 3. Analyze common
apply these to 3. Journalizing business
simple cases 4. Recording drills transactions using
the rules of debit
and credit.
The learners shall ADJUSTING The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1. Seat works
be able to identify ENTRIES expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
items that need 1. Accruals of 1. Enumerate the 2. Application of 3. Assignments
adjustment and income and common end-of- concepts 4. Quizzes
prepare adjusting expense period adjustments. 3. Classroom Q&A
entries 2. Depreciation and 2. Prepare adjusting
bad debts entries.
3. Deferrals of
income and
The learners shall ACCOUNTING The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1. Seat works
be able to complete CYCLE OF A expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
the accounting cycle SERVICE 1. Prepare a worksheet. 2. Application of 3. Assignments
of a service BUSINESS 2. Prepare closing concepts 4. Quizzes
business. 1. The worksheet entries. 3. Classroom Q&A
2. Financial 3. Prepare a balance
statements sheet and income
3. Closing entries statement of a
4. Post-closing trial service business.
balance 4. Prepare reversing
5. Reversing entries.
The learners shall ACCOUNTING The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1. Seat works
be able to complete CYCLE OF A expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
the accounting cycle MERCHANDISING 1. Describe the nature 2. Application of 3. Assignments
of a merchandising BUSINESS of transactions in a concepts 4. Quizzes
business. 1. Inventory merchandising 3. Classroom Q&A
2. Inventory business.
systems 2. Record transactions
3. Gross profit of a merchandising
4. Recording in the business in the
The learners shall PARTNERSHIP The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1. Seat works
be able to make DISSOLUTION expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
journal entries to 1. Admission of a 1. State the causes of 2. Application of 3. Assignments
effect a dissolution partner partnership concepts 4. Quizzes
of a partnership 2. Withdrawal, dissolution. 3. Classroom Q&A
retirement or 2. Account for the
death of a effects of partnership
partner dissolution on the
partnership equity.
The learners shall PARTNERSHIP The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1. Seat works
be able to make LIQUIDATION expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
computations for 1. Lump sum vs. 1. State the order of 2. Application of 3. Assignments
the final settlement Installment priority in the concepts 4. Quizzes
of partners’ liquidation settlement of claims 3. Classroom Q&A
respective interests 2. Safe payment in cases of
in cases of schedule liquidation.
partnership 3. Cash priority 2. Account for the
liquidation program liquidation of a
The learners shall ACCOUNTING FOR The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1. Seat works
be able to make CORPORATIONS expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
journal entries to 1. Shareholders’ 1. State the 2. Application of 3. Assignments
record corporate equity components of concepts 4. Quizzes
share issuances and 2. Subscriptions shareholders’ equity. 3. Classroom Q&A
reacquisition and and issuances of 2. Account for the
retirement of shares share capital initial issuances of
3. Accounting for shares of stocks.
treasury shares 3. Account for treasury
4. Accounting for shares.
Millan, Financial Accounting and Reporting (Fundamentals) (3rd Edition - 2020), Philippines: Bandolin Enterprise
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