Remission of Type 2 Diabetes. Canada TF 2022
Remission of Type 2 Diabetes. Canada TF 2022
Remission of Type 2 Diabetes. Canada TF 2022
Special Article
Type 2 diabetes
Multifactorial management (ABCDES3) to
prevent/delay diabetes complications
function (%)
Beta-cell prevention
“Definition, Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes, Prediabetes - ASKed and initiated by the HCP; with consideration of the
and Metabolic Syndrome” chapter) (13), there may already be ethical dilemma - “with whom should we be initiating
substantially reduced pancreatic beta-cell function. Beginning at remission conversations?”.
diagnosis, evidence-informed strategies are applied to reduce the
progression of diabetes complications (see the ABCDES3 tool in the Shared Decision-Making Checklist for Remission of Type 2
Diabetes Canada Quick Reference Guide) (14), including the setting Diabetes, Figure 4
of individualized targets (see Table 2 in the “Remission of Type 2 B This resource is intended to serve as a checklist for the HCP
Diabetes chapter”) (15). With respect to remission, Figure 1 serves to support shared decision-making conversations while
to support conversations with people affected by type 2 diabetes to informing the person considering remission of type 2 diabetes.
explain the need for preserved pancreatic beta-cell function and Low-Calorie Diet for Remission of Type 2 Diabetes, Figure 5
why remission is more likely for those people who have been B HCPs could use this resource to outline the level of commitment
diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for a shorter time (specifically, if required by a person over a prolonged time period (potentially
attempting remission with the low-calorie diet approach, study over their lifetime) to arrive at and maintain remission of type 2
participants had diabetes duration of less than 6 years [6]). diabetes. Using this resource to support early conversations
Remission is a journey, not a destination. It may take a person may help to manage expectations, enhance self-efficacy, mini-
several turns-in-the-road before they are able to arrive at and mize the potential for emotional distress or stigma, as well as
maintain remission, and some may never get to remission. As such, reduce the chances of negative outcomes if remission does not
it is important that the person be supported throughout (and result (e.g. feelings of failure, increased stigma).
beyond) the remission management approach by a collaborative B Designed to show possible options for liquid foods (followed
diabetes care team, which may include a primary care provider (e.g. by a slow re-integration of solid foods) for people interested
family doctor or nurse practitioner), dietitian, pharmacist, nurse, in pursuing a low-calorie diet approach to remission.
physical activity trainer and endocrinologist, in addition to B This resource is adapted from the low-calorie (w800-850
nurturing family and social supports. kcal/day) diet used in the Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial
(DiRECT) (6). This trial:
- Enrolled nonpregnant adults with type 2 diabetes with a
Resources body mass index (BMI) 27-45 kg/m2 with less than 6
years duration and less than 12% A1C, who were not on
The following resources were developed with the intention of insulin therapy, with an estimated glomerular filtration
supporting conversations about diabetes remission: rate of 30 ml/min/1.732 m2.
- Resulted in about half of study participants in remission
The Capability, Opportunity, Motivation, Behaviour (COM-B) at 1 year; with just over 1 in 3 participants in remission at
Model, Figure 2 the 2-year follow-up.
- Note that DiRECT is a United Kingdom (UK) study allowing a
Behaviour is the result of capability, opportunity and motivation. w800-850 kcal/day diet. This study’s intervention was
Health-care professionals could review the domains with a person adapted for Canadian use due to the Canadian Food
with type 2 diabetes to help determine the suitability for remission Inspection Agency setting a minimum daily caloric intake of
and/or to identify which domain(s) the person needs reinforcing to at least 900 calories in full meal replacement products (16).
support the person in their management plan for remission.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
5As, Figure 3 Case Studies
B A counselling framework for shared decision-making
Physical Social
Automatic Reflective
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Beliefs about capabilities
Beliefs about consequences
Social/professional role and identity
Social factors:
• Cultural issues
• Financial Issues
• Social support
Psychological factors:
• Depression or other mental health disorders, including
eating disorders
4 Agree on plan • Expectations
• Readiness to change
• Reasons to adhere to intensive intervention (diet or surgery)
• Past experience of learned helplessness, psychological
Having established a Bond alliance, seek agreement between Using shared decision-making, advise on approach. The following 3 options have the best evidence for remission:
HCP and individual on:
• Goal alliance
○ Bariatric surgery Refer to a bariatric surgery program
with support of HCP); and
○ Low-calorie total dietary/meal replacement diet followed by structured food rein-
of the individual) troduction and increased physical activity for weight loss maintenance, Consider referral to engage a diabetes care
see “Low-Calorie Diet for Remission of Type 2 Diabetes” (Figure 5) team (care to include timely reduction/dis-
• Task alliance continuation of existing antihyperglycemic
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Structured exercise program (aiming for 240 to 420 min/week spread over 5 days medications)
○ self-management support by HCP per week) combined with a calorie-restricted diet
• Support the individual’s capability, opportunity and motivation to change, balanced by evidence of behaviour change.
equated with self-esteem.
resolution of hyperglycemia and subsequent possible relapse with progression of type 2 diabetes;
is an outcome from an approach to diabetes management that, based on current best evidence, requires
a substantial commitment to engage in a prolonged intervention—i.e. bariatric surgery and/or a low-
I understand that the evidence shows that remission as an outcome of this approach to diabetes manage-
ment may be appropriate for people with type 2 diabetes (18 years and older):
understand the impact of this glucose-centric approach without clinical guidance for other aspects of
vascular health, comorbidities and overall health and wellness;
understand the short- and long-term risks of this approach to diabetes management—physically,
metabolically, mentally and holistically;
understand how remission of type 2 diabetes compares to staying on diabetes medications, particularly
I understand that:
be considered in the individualized approach to my type 2 diabetes management, and these options have
been discussed with me;
even if I don’t arrive at remission, through the pursuit of remission, with modest weight loss (i.e. approx-
imately 5% to 10% of initial body weight), I could have substantial improvement in my insulin sensitivity,
blood pressure and cholesterol, and improved management of glycemic targets;
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Total Dietary Replacement (~3–5 months) Food Reintroduction (~1–2 months) Weight Maintenance
• Low calorie diet (800–900 kcal/day) • Low calorie diet (800–900 kcal/day) • Energy and protein needs calculated by registered dietitian (RD) or diabetes care team
• 3–4 meal replacement products per day • 2–3 meal replacement products (DCT) and tailored to the client to maintain the weight loss
(shakes† and soups†)—no additional food per day (shakes† and soups†) • Transition to nutrient-balanced foods
• ≥2 L calorie-free fluids/day + 1 complete real-food meal† • Regular physical activity encouraged
Examples of calorie-free fluids: o 100 mL milk • Weekly weighing
o water, plain/sparkling o 90 g high-protein food (meat, • HCP‡ to follow up monthly + ongoing support and nutrition education from RD or DCT
o black tea/black coffee fish, poultry, eggs, tofu) • Social and peer support encouraged
o 0-calorie drinks o 2 portions non-starchy
• Soluble fibre supplement (optional) vegetables Aim: maintain weight loss
Examples of soluble fibre supplements: o 1 portion of fruit
o psyllium • ≥2 L calorie-free fluids/day
o wheat dextrin • Fibre supplement (optional) Relapse Management Plan†
• No exercise is recommended in this • HCP‡ to follow up every 2 weeks
• If weight regain ≥2 kg, reintroduction of meal replacement products (soups and shakes) to
phase • Provide nutrition education +
get back on track. Quantity and duration of meal replacement products to be determined
• Health-care provider (HCP)‡ to follow up printed materials (worksheets,
between client and HCP.
after 1 week, then every 2 weeks info on portion sizes)
• During consultation for relapse management, the HCP should explore the reasons for
o If BMI falls below 23 kg/m2, the food
weight regain and provide support to prevent recurrence.
reintroduction phase should be started Aim: client readiness to prepare
healthy, balanced meals on
Aim: reach a 10–15 kg weight loss Aim: weight loss to return to maintenance weight
their own
* Adapted from the DiRECT trial, which enrolled nonpregnant adults with type 2 diabetes with † See page 2.
BMI 27–45 kg/m2 with less than 6 years’ duration and less than 12% A1C, who were not on ‡ At each HCP appointment, weight, blood pressure and blood glucose should be monitored.
insulin therapy, with an estimated glomerular filtration rate of ≥30 mL/min/1.732 m2.
Suitable meal replacement shakes available in Canada Example Day 1: 2 shakes + 1 soup + 1 complete meal
Optifast 900 225 kcal, 22.5 g pro, 18.8 g CHO, 7 g fat + V&M Lunch High-protein soup
Boost High Protein 240 kcal, 15 g pro, 34 g CHO, 5 g fat + V&M Supper 90 g chicken breast with 1 cup of roasted vegetables
(asparagus, mushrooms, peppers, onions)
Boost Diabetic 190 kcal, 16 g pro, 17 g CHO, 7 g fat + V&M 100 mL glass of milk
Small apple
Ensure High Protein 225 kcal, 12 g pro, 31 g CHO, 6 g fat + V&M
Evening Chocolate shake
Glucerna 225 kcal, 11.3 g pro, 26.7 g CHO, 8.2 g fat + V&M
Orgain Organic Protein Shake 250 kcal, 16 g pro, 32 g CHO, 7 g fat + V&M
Example Day 2: 2 shakes + 1 soup + 1 complete meal (divided)
Suitable high-protein, low-fat soups available in Canada Breakfast Vanilla shake mixed with 100 mL milk
ProtiDiet 70-90 kcal, 15 g pro, 3–5 g CHO, 0 g fat Supper 90 g salmon filet with 1.5 cups of arugula salad
(arugula, tomato, onions, cucumbers) with a citrus
BariWise 100 kcal, 15 g pro, 8 g CHO, 1.5 g fat vinaigrette
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Broth or bone broth 60–90 kcal, 12–22 g pro, 0 g CHO, 0–3 g fat Evening Strawberry shake + half banana
including bariatric surgery (1,2), and low-calorie diets with (3,4) or likely to be highly variable between individuals. The long-term
without increased physical activity (5-7) (see FAQ, “Who may be a benefits of remission are currently unknown.
good candidate for remission of type 2 diabetes?”). Because the
studies demonstrate that remission of type 2 diabetes is achieved What are the potential harms of setting a management plan of
through interventions that require a substantial, prolonged remission?
commitment, relapse is possible. As such, careful assessment must be By definition, to be in remission of type 2 diabetes, a person
given to people living with eating and/or mental health disorders, and should not be taking any antihyperglycemic pharmacotherapy that
concurrent medical conditions should be addressed when consid- is indicated in the management of type 2 diabetes. Theoretically,
ering discussions regarding remission of type 2 diabetes. Remission is there is the potential for harm if a person in a high-risk pop-
a journey, not a destination. It may take a person several tries before ulationdi.e. an individual with established atherosclerotic cardio-
they are able to arrive at and maintain remission, and some may never vascular disease (ASCVD), chronic kidney disease (CKD), heart
get to remission. For these reasons, it is important that the person be failure (HF) and/or over 60 years old with 2 or more cardiovascular
supported throughout (and beyond) the remission management (CV) risk factorsd chose to refuse cardiorenal protective medica-
approach by a collaborative diabetes care team. tions. Because people at high risk would benefit from organ-pro-
tective medications, they should continue these antihyperglycemic
Is remission equal to a cure/reversal? medications, even in normoglycemia, see recommendation #1 of
Remission is not a cure. Rather, it is temporary resolution of the Diabetes Canada “Remission of Type 2 Diabetes” chapter (15).
hyperglycemia that is frequently temporary; with subsequent Remission of type 2 diabetes generally requires a substantial
possible relapse and progression of type 2 diabetes. Remission can be commitment for the individual to engage in a prolonged health
consideredas as an approach to the management of type 2 diabetes behaviour intervention. As such, there is potential negative impact
and/or can be incorporated in a management plan for type 2 diabetes, on the person if they are not able to realize and/or sustain the
which would include deprescribing any existing antihyperglycemic management plan of remission. This risk of relapsedi.e. return of
therapies and incorporating therapies that can induce remission. glucose levels above diabetes thresholds, with or without weight
Remission, in itself, is not a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, regaindpresents potentially profound psychosocial harms,
Realistic and Timely) goal, and HCPs are reminded to support people including stigma, reduced self-efficacy and depression.
with inclination and circumstances for remission with the develop- In an attempt to minimize potential harms to a person who has the
ment of SMART goals for remission-inducing interventions through intention for remission of type 2 diabetes, HCPs are encouraged to be
shared decision-making. For example, in preparation for starting cognizant of language. Please refer to the “Language Matters - A
phase 1 of the “Low-Calorie Diet for Remission of Type 2 Diabetes” Diabetes Consensus Statement” (17) and consider using the
(Figure 5), a SMART goal might be: Before my follow-up appointment communication and shared decision-making tools provided in this
with my diabetes care team, I will purchase and taste test 3 of the 6 User’s Guide. HCPs supporting people seeking remission of type 2
suitable meal replacement shakes available in Canada. diabetes are encouraged to develop processes for recall and follow-up
appointments to ensure timely review and assessment of care plans.
What are the potential benefits of remission?
As no randomized controlled trials have evaluated the associa- Who may be a good candidate for remission of type 2 diabetes?
tion of type 2 diabetes remission on hard outcomes, such as car- Remission is more likely for individuals with early type 2 diabetes
diovascular events, kidney failure or mortality, the estimated (e.g. current studies using the low-calorie diet approach enrolled
benefits of type 2 diabetes remission are related more to having people with duration of type 2 diabetes less than 6 years); with
target A1C levels in the normal range with or without sustained overweight or obesity; with inclination and circumstances to engage
weight loss with no available evidence on improving health out- in weight loss; and who are not using insulin therapy. Careful
comes at present. Consistent within the guidelines, and as assessment must be given to people living with eating and/or mental
demonstrated in Diabetes Canada Remission Chapter, Figure 1, A1C health disorders, and concurrent medical conditions should be
targets expanded to include the option of type 2 diabetes remission, addressed when considering remission of type 2 diabetes. Remission,
studies show that adults with type 2 diabetes who target an A1C involving the absence of all antihyperglycemic medications, would
6.5 will benefit from a reduced risk of chronic kidney disease and not be recommended for individuals living with diabetes with con-
retinopathy. This benefit is expected regardless of the person’s current ASCVD, HF and/or CKD or for people over 60 years old with 2 or
management plan, i.e., whether through remission or through more CV risk factors because specific antihyperglycemic agent(s) are
pharmacologically-managed type 2 diabetes. Similarly, through indicated for renal or cardiovascular protection in these scenarios,
remission, if initial body weight was reduced by 5 to 10%, studies even in normoglycemia. See recommendation #1 of the Diabetes
show beneficial effects on health such as improved insulin sensi- Canada “Remission of Type 2 Diabetes” chapter (15) and recommen-
tivity, hypertension and dyslipidemia management.(26-28) For dations #9 and #10 of the Diabetes Canada “Pharmacologic Glycemic
more information, please see the FAQs, “What is the difference Management of Type 2 Diabetes in Adults: 2020 Update” (18).
between being in remission of type 2 diabetes and being pharma-
cologically-managed with the safe achievement of near-normo- What are the options for the management plan of remission of
glycemia?” and “What is success? If a person has the intention for type 2 diabetes?
remission of type 2 diabetes and is unable to stop their anti- There are currently 3 therapeutic approaches which have demon-
hyperglycemic medications and/or have or maintain A1C targets in strated remission of type 2 diabetes: bariatric surgery (1,2), a low-
the remission range, is this failure?” calorie (w800-850 kcal/day) total dietary/meal replacement diet
Specific to the absence of antihyperglycemic medications, the (6,7) and a structured exercise program combined with a calorie-
potential clinical benefits of remission may include reduced cost of restricted diet (4,19). Figure 5 is an example of a low-calorie diet
medication and no concern about medication side effects/interac- approach to remission of type 2 diabetes, whereas an example of a
tions. Further, from a psychosocial perspective, it is postulated that structured exercise program combined with a calorie-restricted
remission may offer people with type 2 diabetes hope, choice and diet can be found in the paper by Reid-Larsen et al (20). Of note,
encourage self-efficacy. HCPs should manage people’s expectations as, within these studies,
Because remission may be a temporary state of uncertain (and typically for health behavioural interventions, only half, or less, of
wide-ranging) duration, the potential benefits of remission are participants had an outcome of remission; whereas the remission
768 S. Jin et al. / Can J Diabetes 46 (2022) 762e774
rates post bariatric surgery appear to be generally more favourable (remission of) type 2 diabetes to minimize all modifiable risk factors,
in the published literature. thereby reducing and/or delaying diabetes complications.
The best predictors of remission are a shorter duration of type 2 Perhaps, the “Potential Goals and Approaches for Type 2 Diabetes”
diabetes and sustained weight loss of 15 kg of initial body weight. (Figure 1), best demonstrates what is known and not known about the
Thus, other health behavioural interventions that result in significant differences in these 2 management approaches. Beyond diagnosis of
and prolonged weight loss could theoretically induce remission of type 2 diabetes, we know that we can prevent and delay complications
type 2 diabetes. However, no recommendations are formulated in by applying a multi-factorial management approachdi.e. the
the Diabetes Canada “Remission of Type 2 Diabetes” chapter based ABCDES3 tool (14). However, it is unknown which intervention, if any,
on Mediterranean or low-/very-low-carbohydrate diets, as these will slow the rate of pancreatic beta-cell declinedi.e. Do anti-
studies did not meet the predefined level of evidence. hyperglycemic therapies preserve the pancreatic beta-cell more than
remission or vice versa? This concept is depicted in Figure 1 with a
What is the difference between low-energy, low-calorie and constant downward slope of beta-cell decline.
low-carbohydrate diets?
The 2 behavioural intervention trials, DiRECT (6) and the Diabetes Once a person has their type 2 diabetes in remission and has
Intervention Accentuating Diet and Enhancing Metabolism-I stopped all of their antihyperglycemic medications, should we
(DIADEM-I) trial (7)dwhich have the strongest evidence for remis- also discontinue the antihypertensives and cholesterol-
sion, to datedused low-energy diets involving meal replacement lowering medications?
products in their study protocol. As energy is measured in calories, The approach to management with antihypertensive and
DiRECT and DIADEM-I are, by definition, low-calorie diets. cholesterol-lowering medications remains consistent throughout
We ingest energy from macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein the management of a person with type 2 diabetes (with or without
and fat. Although the better-quality research focused on meal remission).
replacement shakes used in clinical trials, there are growing First, if BP and cholesterol values are above target, then antihy-
accounts of people adopting low-carbohydrate meal plans (with or pertensives (21) and cholesterol-lowering medications (22) remain
without a reduction in caloric content) as an approach to type 2 indicated and should be continued and/or advanced to achieve the
diabetes remission. Although, no recommendations regarding low- recommended targets. Note that angiotensin-converting enzyme
or very-low carbohydrate diets are formulated in the Diabetes (ACE) inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) therapy is
Canada “Remission of Type 2 Diabetes” chapter (due to the studies recommended as initial management of hypertension for people
not meeting the predefined level of evidence), the Diabetes Canada with cardiovascular disease or CKD, including albuminuria, or with
low-carbohydrate position statement did recognize that low- cardiovascular risk factors in addition to diabetes.
carbohydrate food patterns support weight loss, improve achieve- Second, if BP and cholesterol values are at target, then antihy-
ment of glycemic targets and/or reduce the need for anti- pertensives and statin therapy should be continued, if indicated for
hyperglycemic therapies (20). cardiovascular and renal protection (see the Diabetes Canada 2020
Quick Reference Guide: Which cardiovascular non-
If the DiRECT trial protocol used a low-calorie diet of w800-850 antihyperglycemic medications are indicated for my patient?)
kcal/day, why doesn’t the Diabetes Canada “Remission of Type 2 (23). Despite a person’s remission status, both ACE inhibitors (or
Diabetes: User’s Guide” use the same protocol? ARB) and statins are indicated for cardiorenal protection for:
DiRECT is a UK study with a protocol of a w800-850 kcal/day diet secondary preventiondi.e. in people with a history of estab-
in phase 1 (6). This study’s intervention was adapted for Canadian lished ASCVD
use in the User’s Guide due to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency primary prevention in the following populations:
setting a minimum daily caloric intake of at least 900 calories for full B concurrent microvascular disease (retinopathy, CKD and
What is the difference between being in remission of type 2 <0.9 mmol/L, hypertension, albuminuria, smoking)
diabetes and being pharmacologically-managed with the safe
achievement of near-normoglycemia? With respect to ACE inhibitor or ARB therapy for cardiovascular
In both scenarios, the person would have achieved glycemic and renal protection in the primary prevention of a person 55 years
targets. However, in the case of the person with pharmacologically- and older with BP values at target, the HCP may have to use clinical
managed type 2 diabetes, as opposed to remission, the person judgment, taking into consideration individualized risk-benefit
would remain on antihyperglycemic pharmacotherapy. analysis, personal preferences and medication tolerability.
Using the ABCDES3 tool (14) as a guide, the HCP can support a Additionally, statin therapy is indicated for cardiorenal protec-
person in a multi-factorial management plan to prevent or delay tion for:
diabetes complications. If, in both scenariosdthe person in remission primary prevention in the following populations:
and the person pharmacologically-managed with the safe achieve- B people 40 years of age or older
ment of near-normoglycemiadthe A1C was 6.5%, then studies show, B people 30 years of age or older living with diabetes for more
reduce their risk of complications, particularly CKD and retinopathy. Lipid Guidelines
Similarly, if Blood pressure (BP) and Cholesterol targets are met, then
individuals in both scenarios have modified these risk factors and What is success? If a person has the intention for remission of
reduced their risk of complications of diabetes. Finally, if individuals in type 2 diabetes and is unable to stop their antihyperglycemic
both scenarios remain on indicated Drugs for cardiovascular protec- medications and/or have or maintain A1C targets in the remis-
tion (particularly, the person trying for remission does not discontinue sion range, is this failure?
medications indicated for cardiorenal protection), then, again, the With the intent of providing compassionate care, without
evidence demonstrates that individuals have supported themselves in discrimination, racism, oppression and stigma, particularly pertain-
applying multi-factorial management to prevent/delay complications. ing to body size, HCPs are generally cautioned to avoid any connota-
The ABCDES3 tool (14) can be used to support the person living with tion to success and, by extension, failure, when discussing remission
S. Jin et al. / Can J Diabetes 46 (2022) 762e774 769
conversations about remission of type 2 diabetes, HCPs can use the B BP: 120/80 mmHg
B A1C 5.6%
Physical examination:
B Weight loss 10% of initial starting weight
Question #1.
B BP: 100/60 mmHg, with occasional episodes of orthostatic
Mary asks whether she has cured her diabetes?
You remind her that her diabetes is in remission, and that
B A1C 6.5%
remission is not a cure. She is currently in phase 3 of the “Low-
Calorie Diet for Remission of Type 2 Diabetes” (Figure 5) and will
Question #2.
need to be vigilant about her calorie and protein intake and
In a shared-care decision discussion, Mary decides she would like
exercise levels. If weight rises, she may need to consider starting
to continue to pursue remission and asks what to do next.
a relapse management phase. See Figure 5 for an example of a
relapse management plan. Mary agrees. She understands her
Discontinue metformin
current diabetes status, and wants to stay in close contact with
You suggest she initiate phase 2 of the “Low-Calorie Diet for
her diabetes care team (e.g. dietitian and kinesiologist) at
Remission of Type 2 Diabetes” (Figure 5) and continue working
monthly intervals for now. She is okay to continue her rosu-
with her dietitian.
vastatin for vascular protection as the current evidence is
At this point, she could also gradually increase her activity from
unclear on the long-term vascular effects of remission. She has
currently sedentary to 150 minutes of aerobic exercise and
found that her activity, especially brisk walking outside, has
resistance training 2 times/week (29). Mary identifies that she
helped tremendously with her stress management and plans to
would also like to find a coach to help her with this as she has
continue walking even during the winter months.
previously tried to be active but finds it very difficult to sustain
this behaviour on her own. Together, you identify an appro- Question #2.
priately trained exercise professional, such as a registered What is your follow-up plan now?
kinesiologist or CSE-qualified clinical exercise physiologist, to
help her learn how to initiate, and safely progress, her exercise You provide Mary with an A1C requisition for 3 and 6 months
regime during this phase. and plan to see her again in 6 months. If her A1C remains <6%,
As Mary is less than 55 years of age without a specific indica- you will continue to repeat her A1C every 6 months thereafter.
tion for cardiovascular or renal benefit from the ACE inhibitor/
ARB, Mary’s perindopril is discontinued (30). CASE #2
Mary is over 40 years old and may benefit from a statin, even Farah is a 55-year-old female. In this case, it is advised to proceed
with cholesterol levels at target, for cardiorenal protection. with CAUTION when considering remission of type 2 diabetes.
Mary’s statin is continued (30).
Mary agrees to continue to see the dietitian for follow-up every
Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 20 years ago
2 weeks; and to follow up with you in 3 months. You give Mary
Past medical history:
a requisition to repeat her A1C prior to the next 3-month
B hypertension
B dyslipidemia
B osteoarthritis
Scenario: 3 months later
Pertinent negatives:
Mary has completed phase 2 and has moved into the mainte-
nance phase of the “Low-Calorie Diet for Remission of Type 2
B no foot-related complications
Diabetes” (Figure 5) 1 month ago.
Current medications:
Notes: B metformin 1,000 mg PO BID
B BP: 110/60 mm Hg, with resolution of orthostatic hypotension B naproxen 250 mg PO BID PRN
Works part-time as a librarian and enjoys volunteering weekly Bmetformin 1,000 mg PO BID
at a local hospital Bperindopril/indapamide 4/1.25 mg PO daily
Activity level: B rosuvastatin 10 mg PO qhs
B moderately intense walking for 30 minutes, 3 times/week B naproxen 250 mg PO BID PRN
B resistance band full-body strength training 1 to 2 times/ B insulin glargine U-100 36 units SC once daily
B A1C 7.2% (stable for one year) Total body weight reduction of 5%
B uACR normal. BP: 126/76 mmHg
B LDL 2.0 mmol/L
Scenario: daily
Farah returns 3 months later. She has increased her GLP1-RA as Physical examination:
directed and is tolerating it well, but is worried as she is experi- B fasting morning blood glucose range 4-6 mmol/L
adrenergic symptoms, which she treats appropriately. She has met Investigations:
with the bariatric team, and has decided to proceed with surgery B A1C 6.2%.
which has been scheduled 3 months from today. Farah also You discuss the benefits of achieving pharmacologically-
expresses an interest in increasing her activity levels as her oste- managed diabetes with an A1C target of 6.5 % with a reduc-
oarthritis has improved substantially. tion of insulin injections. Farah is thrilled that she has managed
to reduce the complexity and frequency of insulin injections.
Notes: She wishes to continue to pursue the remission of type 2 dia-
A1C 6.5%, LDL 1.8 mmol/L betes approach, while understanding that she may not be able
Current medications: to stop all her antihyperglycemic agents. She will continue to
772 S. Jin et al. / Can J Diabetes 46 (2022) 762e774
down titrate her basal insulin dose to maintain blood glucose Given he has initiated the conversation, you decide to utilize
levels in her target range, and avoid hypoglycemia, particularly the “Shared Decision-Making Checklist” (Figure 4) to guide the
if body weight decreases. conversation. You discuss that, while remission as per the
Together, you agree to continue to monitor her A1C, BP and Diabetes Canada ”Remission of Type 2 Diabetes” chapter (15) is
lipids routinely. not recommended due to his MI and HF histories, given the
proven benefit of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2)
Question. inhibitors for reducing risk of major adverse cardiac events
Farah asks about her BP and cholesterol medication. She is not (MACE) and hospitalization of HF (18), there may be the pos-
experiencing any symptoms of low BP, but is wondering if she sibility of pharmacologically-managed type 2 diabetes with an
needs the perindopril now that her BP is normal. A1C target of 6.5 or 7% without needing to add further anti-
hyperglycemic agents. You ask if this management approach is
Farah is 55 years old with pharmacologically-managed type 2 of interest. Surinder answers “yes”.
diabetes with an A1C target 6.5 %, 1-month post bariatric You proceed to use the 5A tool (Figure 3). Surinder explains his
surgery. You explain to Farah that people who are 55 years or main desire is not to increase and, if feasible, to reduce the cost
older with at least 1 cardiovascular risk factor could benefit of medication given he does not have drug coverage, but also to
from an ACE inhibitor (or ARB) for protection of their heart and be a healthy father for his young family. His partner is very
kidneys, even when their BP is normal (25). Through shared supportive of his health wishes. He identifies areas of concern,
decision-making, it is agreed that Farah will continue to be on namely he is not sure if he is able to exercise more than he
the perindopril as she is tolerating the ACE inhibitor with currently does and, while he is currently healthy from a psy-
adequate BP. BP will continue to be monitored. If, in follow-up, chological perspective, he has struggled with depression in the
Farah experiences symptoms of orthostatic hypotension, the past. You note that his A1C has risen in the last 6 months.
ACE inhibitor may be reduced or even discontinued based on
Question #2.
an individualized benefit:risk assessment.
How do you proceed in advising Surinder on next steps?
With respect to the statin, Farah is older than 40 years and the
statin is indicated for cardiorenal benefit at this time (30).
All medications remain unchanged.
Discussing the intervention options, together you decide that he
would like to proceed with a modified version of the “Low-Calorie
Surinder is a 42-year-old male. His case suggests that remission
Diet for Remission of Type 2 Diabetes” (Figure 5). This will entail
with elimination of antihyperglycemic agents is NOT RECOM-
bypassing phase 1 and rather proceeding to phase 2 as Surinder
MENDED, but pharmacologically-managed type 2 diabetes with an
would like to continue to enjoy one meal at home with his family
A1C target of 6.5%dwithout needing to add further anti-
in the evenings. You review weight loss targets, as well as chal-
hyperglycemic agentsdmay be considered given his co-morbidities.
lenges that may arise during this phase. Surinder has public
Notes: health insurance with limited access to a full diabetes care team,
Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 10 years ago and you identify this as a potential challenge. You decide to see
Past medical history: him back sooner in 1 month to see how he is doing with the plan.
B recent myocardial infarction (MI) with established Scenario:
ASCVD, chronic heart failure (CHF), hypertension and Surinder returns after 1 month. He has lost some weight and,
dyslipidemia while he has been able to mostly follow the “Low-Calorie Diet for
Pertinent negatives:
Remission of Type 2 Diabetes” (Figure 5) phase 2 plan, he has had
B no CKD or retinopathy
occasional set-backs, especially on the weekends. He still wants to
B no foot-related complications
continue, but worries he may not realize his desired outcome.
Current medications:
B metformin 1,000 mg PO BID Question.
B empagliflozin 25 mg PO daily How do you proceed?
B ASA 81 mg PO daily
B perindopril 4 mg PO daily Using the COM-B model (Figure 2), a shared-care decision
B atorvastatin 80 mg PO daily making model to guide the discussion, you help Surinder self-
Works as a self-employed carpenter. No drug coverage. assess to identify the domains that need building to adopt his
Activity level is moderate, mostly consisting of walking and desired health behaviour. As Surinder experiences his set-
lifting heavy objects during work hours. backs generally on the weekends, you develop Surinder’s
Investigations: motivation through reinforcement (recognizing what is work-
B A1C 8% (elevated from 7% 6 months ago) ing well for him); you support opportunity through discussing
B uACR normal social influences (planning for weekend social situations); and
B LDL 1.8 mmol/L you grow capability by exploring attention and decision pro-
B Triglycerides normal cesses (discussing options to mitigate his challenges).
Physical Examination: Surinder feels supported in his management plan and agrees to
2 continue to implement phase 2 for another 2 months. You
B BMI: 30 km/m
B BP: 130/80 mmHg provide him with an A1C requisition for completion prior to his
next follow-up.
Surinder arrives at his routine diabetes visit. To date, there has Scenario:
been no discussion of remission, but he has read about this in a Surinder has now completed 3 months of phase 2 of the “Low-
news article and would like to discuss the topic with you today. Calorie Diet for Remission of Type 2 Diabetes” (Figure 5).
Question #1. Notes:
How do you answer Surinder’s question? Physical examination:
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