Dbms Report2-2
Dbms Report2-2
Dbms Report2-2
The project ‘Life Insurance Management System’ deals with the maintenance of large
number of records of the different clients to be maintained by the agent. The proposed system
makes it easier to search these records and edit them. This system has a very user-friendly
interface and all the operations that can be performed in the project are self-explanatory. It
reduces the effort required to manually maintain all these records.
Life Insurance management system is a web application which is developed for tracking
the details of the insurance policy, client details, payments. This web site is an online insurance
analysis and information management system that provides easy access of information
regarding the people and resources of insurance. client can view their own personal details
when login into the Policy holder module. This project is useful for any kind of insurance
company to manage the insurance details, to sanctioned the insurance for customer, process the
insurance policy details and all kind of insurance process through online.
The main objective of the developed system is to allow client users to register insured
persons with their name, date of birth, residence address and also policy details. In this process
contains the user registration form which is used to apply for insurance policy.It also helps the
client to view their own insurance status information. After submission of registration form the
agent will process to verify that particular details registered by the customer and sanctioned the
insurance policy. The developed system should allow admin users to register insured persons
with their name, date of birth, residence address, medical history and also policy details. Then
the agent send the permanent policy holder ID and password to the client and also send status
information about insurance policy to the corresponding policy holder.
Payment module contains information related to payments. It will provide details such as
paid amount date, due amount etc.
attribute. For example, ‘age’ is a derived attribute if it calculates its value from
‘current date’ & ‘birth date’ attributes. A derived attribute is represented by a
dashed oval.
6. Stored attribute: In some cases, two or more attribute values are related for example,
the Age and Birth_date attributes of a person. For a particular person entity, the value
of Age can be determined from the current date and the value of the person’s
Birth_date. The Age attribute hence called derived attribute and is said to be derivable
from the Birth_date attribute, which is called a Stored attribute.
7. Complex attribute: is a Composite and Multivalued attribute.
A relationship is defined as bond or attachment between 2 or more entities.
Normally,a verb in a sentence signifies a relationship. For example,
• An employee assigned a project.
• Teacher teaches a student.
• Author writes a book.
A diamond is used to symbolically represent a relationship in the ER diagram.
1 M
One to Many Relationship
➢ Partial Participation: It specifies that each entity in entity set may or may not
participate in the relationship instance in that relationship set. It is also called
as Optional Participation. The partial participation is represented using a
single line between the entity set and the relationship set.
Strong Entity
Weak entity: A weak entity does not have a primary key attribute and depends onother entity
via a foreign key attribute.
Weak Entity
An Entity–relationship model (ER model) describes the structure of a databasewith the
help of a diagram, which is known as Entity Relationship Diagram (ER Diagram). An ER
model is a design or blueprint of a database that can later be implemented as a database. The
main components of E-R model are: entity set and relationship set.
An ER diagram shows the relationship among entity sets. An entity set is a group of
similar entities and these entities can have attributes. In terms of DBMS, anentity is a table
Creates a new table, a view of a table, or other object in the database.
Modifies an existing database object, such as a table.
Deletes an entire table, a view of a table or other objects in the database.
Retrieves certain records from one or more tables.
Creates a record.
Modifies records.
Deletes records.
Gives a privilege to user.
Takes back privileges granted from user.
The current system uses a manual life insurance management system, from clients, nominees,
policy and payments etc. recorded in a book. This is faced with errors, incompleteness, and
insufficient data for analysis. Information regarding clients, policy, nominees and payments
are still in black and white which is not properly organized and managed. From the clients to
clients status , receipt of payments are recorded in a book but further operations are not being
properly handled. As a result it is difficult in processing, updating and managing.
The proposed system (phase-1) provides easy solution for the above and some other problems
by providing a common and centralized database structure for all members. The developed
website provides the following facilities to the admin users.
This project is useful for any kind of insurance company to manage the insurance details, to
sanctioned the insurance for customer, process the insurance policy details and all kind of
insurance process through online. Payment module contains information related to payments.
It will provide details such as paid amount date, due amount etc
• Database: MariaDB.
• Back-end: PHP.
Department of CSE, UVCE March 2022 P a g e | 13
Life Insurance management Literature Review
3.1 ER Diagram for Life Insurance Management System
• Agent entity: Attributes of agent are agent _id, agent_password, name, branch
• Client entity: Attributes of client are client_id, client_password, name, sex, birth_date,
address, nid, matrial_status
• Policy entity: Attributes of policy are policy_id, term, coverage, health_status, sytem,
age_limit, payement_method
• Payment entity: Attributes of payment are receipt_no, due, fine, month, amount
• Nominee entity: Attributes of nominee are nominee_id, name, sex, relationship,
birth_date, phone, priority
➢ All attributes are atomic attributes. With those underlined are primary key of the entities.
➢ The relationship “has” has a cardinality ratio of 1: 1 with respect to nominees and 1: N with
respect to clients.
➢ The relationship “Provides” has a cardinality ratio of 1: N with respect to policy.
➢ The relationship “Buy” has a cardinality ratio of 1: N with respect to policy.
➢ The relationship “Makes” has a cardinality ratio of 1: N with respect to payments.
Figure 3.2 : Relational Database Schema for Life Insurance Management System
A relational schema for a database is an outline of how data is organized. It can be a graphic
illustration or another kind of chart used by programmers to understand how each table is laid out,
including the columns and the types of data they hold and how tables connect. A database schema
usually specifies which columns are primary keys in tables and which other columns have special
constraints such as being required to have unique values in each record. In this section we describe the
steps of an algorithm for ER to relational mapping. The above ER diagram is used to derive the
respective relational schema. The mapping will create tables with simple single valued attributes.
The steps are:
1. Mapping of Regular Entity Types.
2. Mapping of Weak Entity Types.
3. Mapping of Binary 1: 1 Relationship Types.
4. Mapping of Binary 1: N Relationship Types.
5. Mapping of Binary M : N Relationship Types.
6. Mapping of Multivalued Attributes.
7. Mapping of N-ary Relationship Types.
❖ Mapping of 1: N Relationship type: For each regular binary 1: n relationship type R, identify
the relation S that represents the participating entity type at the N-side of the relationship type.
Include as the foreign key in S the primary key of relation T that represents other entity type in
R. We have to do this because each entity instance on n side is related to at most one entity
instance on 1-side of relationship type.
❖ Mapping of M: N Relationship type: For each m:n relationship type R, create a new relation S
to represent R. Include as foreign key attributes in S the primary keys of the relations that
represent the participating entity type, their combination will form the primary key of S. Also
include any simple attributesof m: n relationship type.
• Mapping of 1:1 Relationship type: For each 1:1 relationship type R can be migrated to any
participating entity types. This relationship type ensures that each user in the database can lodge
one complaint
• Second Normal Form (2NF): This normal form is based on the full functional
dependency. A functional dependency X →Y is full functional dependency if removal
for any attribute A from X means that dependency does not hold any more.
A relation schema R is in 2NF if every nonprime attribute A in R is fully functionally
dependent on the primary key of R
If a relation schema is not in 2NF, it can be second normalized or 2NF normalized
into number of 2NF relations in which nonprime attributes are associated only with the
part of the primary key on which they are fully functionally dependent. The test for
2NF involves testing for functional dependencies whose left-hand side attributes are
part of the primary key.
1. The passenger table is in 1NF and based on the functional dependencies, there is
no partial dependencies. Hence the table is in 2NF.
2. The train table is in 1NF and based on the functional dependencies, there is no
partial dependencies. Hence the table is in 2NF.
3. The coach table is in 1NF and based on the functional dependencies, there is no
partial dependencies. Hence the table is in 2NF.
4. The route table is in 1NF and based on the functional dependencies, there is no
partial dependencies. Hence the table is in 2NF.
5. The station table is in 1NF and based on the functional dependencies, there is no
partial dependencies. Hence the table is in 2NF.
6. The distance table is in 1NF and based on the functional dependencies, there is no
partial dependencies. Hence the table is in 2NF.
7. The transaction table is in 1NF and based on the functional dependencies, there is
no partial dependencies. Hence the table is in 2NF.
8. The shows table is in 1NF and based on the functionally dependencies, there is no
partial dependencies. Hence the table is in 2NF.
9. The show_time table is in 1NF and based on the functional dependencies, there is
no partial dependencies. Hence the table is in 2NF.
Therefore all the tables are in 2NF.
The nominee is not in 2NF because to known the relationship and to known the
priority we need to now the client_id.
• Third Normal Form: Third normal form (3NF) is based on the concept of
transitive dependency. A functional dependency X→Y in a relation schema R is a
transitive dependency if there is a set of attributes Z that is neither a candidate key nor
a subset of any key of R and both X→Z and Z→Y hold.
A relation schema R is in 3NF if it satisfies 2NF and no nonprime attribute of R is
transitively dependent on the primary key.
This project is carried out to analyse the internet applications on database management
through the use of MySQL and the features of JavaScript and the way it can be used
and interfaced with MySQL as a standalone database application.
This project is useful for any kind of insurance company to manage the insurance
details, to sanctioned the insurance for customer, process the insurance policy details
and all kind of insurance process through online.
Our project has wide scope of further improvements such as addition of online payment
gateway, add delivery option, large scale deployment, containerization. We hope to create
master and slave database structure to reduce the overload of the database queries. We also
hope to implement combo offers to encourage the customers to buy more products.