Toulouse, France 14-17 October 2008: International Conference On Space Optics-ICSO 2008

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International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2008

Toulouse, France
14–17 October 2008
Edited by Josiane Costeraste, Errico Armandillo, and Nikos Karafolas

From space qualified fiber optic gyroscope to generic fiber optic

solutions available for space application
Thomas Buret
David Ramecourt
Fabien Napolitano

International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2008, edited by Josiane Costeraste, Errico Armandillo,
Nikos Karafolas, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10566, 105660U · © 2008 ESA and CNES
CCC code: 0277-786X/17/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2308279

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10566 105660U-1

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ICSO 2008 Toulouse, France
International Conference on Space Optics 14 - 17 October 2008



Thomas Buret (1), David Ramecourt (2), Fabien Napolitano (3)

IXSPACE, 55 avenue Auguste Renoir, 78160 Marly-le-Roi, France ; [email protected]


IXSPACE, 55 Avenue Auguste Renoir, 78160 Marly-le-Roi, France ; [email protected]
IXSEA, 55 Avenue Auguste Renoir, 78160 Marly-le-Roi, France ; [email protected]


The aim of this article is to present how the qualification

of the Fiber Optic Gyroscope technology from IXSEA
has been achieved through the qualification of a large
range of optical devices and related manufacturing
processes. These qualified optical devices and
processes, that are now fully mastered by IXSEA
through vertical integration of the technology, can be
used for other space optical sensors. The example of the
SWARM project will be discussed. Fig. 1 FOG Optimum Configuration

By using this type of configuration, known as an ‘all-

1. IXSEA FIBER OPTIC GYROSCOPE digital closed-loop hybrid’, the performance obtained
TECHNOLOGY makes it possible to attain the Holy Grail of rotation
detection : stability better than 0.01 degree per hour.
Basically, a Fiber Optic Gyroscope (or FOG) is based
on the Sagnac effect, which produces a phase difference The ‘heart’ of the system is a LiNbO3 Integrated
Optical Circuit (IOC) which is altogether an Y-junction,
∆Φs proportional to the rotation rate Ω in a ring
a phase modulator and a highly efficient polarizer
interferometer [1]. In the FOG, the ring interferometer is
(>80dB!); it permits to inject light in the coil, to
a coil of optical fiber which can be several kilometres
‘process’ it and to filter it. The optical source is an
long. The phase shift depends on fiber coil dimensions
erbium doped-fiber Amplified Spontaneous Emission
following a simple law:
(ASE) source, which provides an unpolarized light
@1550nm with a wide spectrum (several nm). It is
∆Φ s = 2π Ω (1) composed of a 980nm pump diode, Er-doped fiber,
λc Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) and Isolator. Last but not
least, the photodetector is a PinFet with high sensitivity
where L and D are the length and the diameter of the and low noise: the signal to be detected is as low as
fiber coil, c is the speed of light in vacuum, λ is the 10-5 µW!
mean wavelength.

This effect is very small, and in order to minimize all 2. THE ASTRIX PRODUCT FAMILY
the others parasitic phase shifts, an all-guided
Reciprocal Configuration is used [2]. EADS-Astrium and IXSPACE have achieved the
industrialisation and the qualification of IXSEA space
The optimum configuration for a FOG offering best Fiber Optic Gyroscopes technology with the support of
performances is shown in figure 1. CNES and ESA. ITAR free ASTRIXTM Inertial
Measurement Unit product family is now available,
covering a large range of inertial performances (from
0.1°/h to 0.001°/h) and applications (Galileo, Planck,
Pleiades) with more than 40 gyroscopes Flight Model
already delivered by IXSPACE.

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ICSO 2008 Toulouse, France
International Conference on Space Optics 14 - 17 October 2008

ASTRIX industrial Organization is as follows : • radiation tests (gamma ray cumulated dose up
IXSPACE manufacture the FOG channel that comprise to 300krd and proton particle testing of 60
the electronic board (delivered by ASTRIUM CRISA) MeV, 1,8e11p/cm2). The effect of radiation
and the optical interferometer. Each Gyroscopic tests on iFOG technology is induced by the
Channel is then integrated on a tetrahedron or redundant creation of colored center in the fibre optic
axis structure to obtain an Inertial Measurement Unit : core, increasing the optical fibre insertion loss.
the ASTRIXTM IMU. • thermal tests to demonstrate lifetime of five to
fifteen years in orbit by thermal cycling (up to
Three families of IMU are now available : Astrix 200 500 [-40°C;+85°C]) and ageing testing (up to
(for 200 mm diameter fibre coil), Astrix 120 (for 120 3000 hours at 85°C).
mm diameter fibre coil) and 120 HR. These IMU are • thermal vacuum testing.
composed of FOG with the same electronic and optical • outgasing testing, as any outgasing could lead
source. The difference between Astrix 120 and 120 HR to critical pollution (telescopes are very
(for High Reliability) consists in quality level of sensitive to any deposition of organic material
electronic components, that shall cover 15 years on optical surface)
operational Lifetime. The three configurations have
been successfully implemented, and the required inertial The good results obtained are not that surprising as
performances have been demonstrated on Astrix 200 many components come from the submarine Telecom
and 120 Flight Models. market, for which reliability under very long time (up to
25 years) is also a key issue. They demonstrate also
The Astrix product family is shown in Figure 2 some of the technology key advantages: no wear out
effects due to moving parts or sealed packaging,
Astrix 200
Redundant 3 axis Inertial angular rate
Astrix 120
Redundant 3 axis Inertial angular rate
Astrix 120 HR
Redundant 1 axis Inertial angular
lightweight component.
detection (tetrahedron – 4 axes). detection (tetrahedron – 4 axes). rate detection

In fact the only weariness effect that has been observed

is linked to radiation induced fibre optic darkening, that
deteriorates the overall optical budget.

Typical radiation-induced optical attenuation is shown

Coil Size : 5km Coil Size : 1km Coil Size : 1km in figure 3
Short term Bias stability: 0.001°/h Short term Bias stability: 0.01°/h Short term Bias stability: 0.02°/h
Angular Random walk : 0.0002 °/√h Angular Random walk : 0.002 °/√h Angular Random walk : 0.003 °/√h
Scale factor stability : 30 ppm Scale factor stability : 100 ppm. Scale factor stability : 100 ppm.
Qualification Results : 10 samples gamma irradiated
Budgets : 7 kg, 20 W. Budgets : 7 kg, 20 W. Budgets : 4 kg, 7W 15,0
Customers: Earth Observation Satellite Customers: Scientific Satellite Customers: Telecommunication 14,0
S02 "ON"
0,14dB/krad/km S08 "ON"
13,0 S07 "ON"
Operational Lifetime : 5 Years Operational Lifetime : 5 Years Operational lifetime : 15 Years S09 "ON"
12,0 S16 "OFF"
S10 "OFF"
11,0 S06 "OFF"
0,07dB/krad/km S19 "OFF"
Transmission Loss Drift (dB)

10,0 S15 "OFF"

Maximum acceptable drift (FOG120)
Qualification target level (dB)

Fig. 2 ASTRIX IMU product family 7,0
Final result ~0,025dB/krad/km






0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Total dose (kRad[Si])

The IFOG consists of a variety of optical devices: active

optoelectronic component (laser diode, low noise
photodetector, phase modulator), passive optical Fig.3 Fiber Optic radiation-induced loss
components (coupler, isolators, bragg grating) and
special optical fibre (Erbium-doped fibre and fibre coil The long term availability of the optical devices is
for the Sagnac interferometer). ensured by the vertical integration of the FOG
technology. Every critical optical component is either
These optical devices have been thoroughly tested under manufactured by IXSEA (laser diode, low noise photo
very harsh environment. detector) or by a sister company (IXFIBER for special
optical fiber such as Polarization Maintaining Fiber, or
• mechanical tests (vibration to 25 grms and rare Earth doped Fiber). Critical manufacturing
shock up to 1500g, 1ms) that cover mechanical processes have been either internally developed or
stress experienced by the equipment during
launching sequence.

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10566 105660U-3

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ICSO 2008 Toulouse, France
International Conference on Space Optics 14 - 17 October 2008

acquired and improved by IXSEA (coil winding The SWARM fiber laser is shown in Figure 4.
process, Optical Assembly).



The FOG qualification campaign has been a case study

in many ways for any space qualification engineer.
IXSPACE and EADS ASTRIUM had to tackle with
strong budget constraints, while improving component
quality, adapting key manufacturing process and
qualifying a state of the art inertial sensor (0,001°/h
rotation rate accuracy).
The lessons learned during the FOG qualification
campaign can be extended to many other space
applications as the constraints we had to face are indeed
generic requirements to which every new optical sensor
shall be confronted to during space qualification.
Fig. 4 SWARM Ytterbium fiber laser
Taking advantage of its own expertise in the space field
combined with IXSEA and IXFIBER expertise and
manufacturing capacities, IXSPACE can design
solutions in a large range of space applications requiring
fiber optic technologies: opto-electronics components, 5. CONCLUSION
sensors, fibre laser, assembly on mechanical and/or
electronic board. A very large range of optical components,
manufacturing processes as well as a very broad
The first application of this know how outside the FOG expertise have been built in the frame of the FOG
is the SWARM project on which IXSPACE collaborates qualification campaign. The SWARM project has
with the French Space Agency CNES and the CEA demonstrated the interest of capitalising on this
LETI. IXSPACE is in charge of the integration of the qualification Heritage.
Ytterbium optical fibre laser used in the SWARM
magnetometer. Some key components of the FOG
technology such as IXSEA’s 980nm Laser Diode have
been used. Some key manufacturing processes that were 6. REFERENCES
qualified in the frame of the FOG technology 1, G. Sagnac, L’éther lumineux démontré par l’effet du vent
qualification have been adapted to the application as relatif d’éther dans un interféromètre en rotation uniforme,
[The existence of light ether demonstrated by the effect of the
relative ether wind on a uniformly rotating interferometer],
Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences Vol.
This Laser used for the pumping of the Helium cell of 95, 1913, pp 708-710.
the magnetometer, is an athermal Bragg grating photo-
written in an active Ytterbium fibre (LFA). 2, H. Lefevre, The Fiber Optic Gyroscope, 1993,Artech
A pump Laser diode at 980nm is used in the pumping of House.
the LFA through an optical Polarizing Maintaining

This optical device comprises also an optical fibre

photo-detector; an isolator for the back reflection ; an
electro-optical modulator in the modulation of the Laser
signal for the cell pumping. The commonalities with
FOG optical configuration are obvious, and many
informations from the FOG qualification campaign
proved of great interest for this project.

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10566 105660U-4

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