Ali AR 52
Ali AR 52
Ali AR 52
Members of our research and development team Big Data Analytics Platform
play key roles in various international standardization
organizations in areas such as security and IoT, and We have developed a large-scale distributed data
actively participate in international open source analytics platform that can efficiently handle the
foundations focusing on areas such as software complex computing tasks of hundreds of petabytes
engineering, cloud-native applications and databases. of data per day, allowing us to build AI-powered
In October 2017, we established DAMO Academy, a solutions and providing deep data insights capabilities
global research program in cutting-edge technology to our businesses and our cloud computing customers.
that aims to integrate science with industry and speed Our comprehensive big data analytics platform
up knowledge exchange between them. It encourages includes: MaxCompute, a data storage and computing
a collaborative environment where scientific platform; Blink, a real-time data computing platform;
discoveries can be more quickly applied to real-life an interactive analysis engine; Dataworks, a one-stop
problems. development platform; and OneData, a data
integration and management system.