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Business Overview

Penalties Key components of our technology include those

described below:
We aim to protect consumers by excluding suspicious
merchandise and fictitious transactions from ranking Technology Infrastructure
systems, credit systems and transaction volume
statistics. When these activities are confirmed, we Our data centers utilize leading technologies in
penalize the parties involved, based on the severity of distributed structure, innovative cooling techniques,
the violation, through a number of means, including distributed power technology and intelligent
but not limited to: monitoring, and we believe our data centers are
among the most efficient in the world as indicated by
• permanently banning merchants from opening their better power utilization rates. We operate data
accounts on our marketplaces, centers in multiple countries around the world. The
multi-region availability of our transaction system data
• closing down storefronts,
centers provides scalability and stable redundancy.
• limiting merchants’ ability to add listings, and/or
Cloud Operating System
• imposing restrictions on participation in
Apsara, our cloud computing operating system, is a
promotional activities on our marketplaces.
proprietary general purpose distributed computing
operating system that provides Alibaba Cloud
Our Technology
customers and our core businesses with enhanced
Technology is key to our success in achieving computing power and storage capabilities to support
efficiency, improving user experience, and enabling their and our business growths in the new technology
innovation. Our world-class proprietary technology era.
supports peak order volumes of up to hundreds of
thousands per second, delivers tens of billions of Database
online marketing impressions per day, and enables We have developed the next-generation cloud native
tens of millions of merchants, brands and other database, POLARDB, which enables our customers
businesses to conduct their operations efficiently and to meet their requirements for on-demand storage,
effectively. The uniqueness of our technology lies in transaction processing and computation, elasticity
the unparalleled large-scale application environment and scalability. POLARDB significantly increases the
due to the scale of our businesses as well as our throughput and performance of transaction and
diverse range of product and service offerings. By query processing as compared to other open-source
continuously applying our technology across our relational database management systems. We have
businesses, we generate knowledge and innovations also developed a cloud native distributed analytics
that drive improvements and further technological database, AnalyticDB, which supports real-time
development. interactive and complex analytics over massive data.

Members of our research and development team Big Data Analytics Platform
play key roles in various international standardization
organizations in areas such as security and IoT, and We have developed a large-scale distributed data
actively participate in international open source analytics platform that can efficiently handle the
foundations focusing on areas such as software complex computing tasks of hundreds of petabytes
engineering, cloud-native applications and databases. of data per day, allowing us to build AI-powered
In October 2017, we established DAMO Academy, a solutions and providing deep data insights capabilities
global research program in cutting-edge technology to our businesses and our cloud computing customers.
that aims to integrate science with industry and speed Our comprehensive big data analytics platform
up knowledge exchange between them. It encourages includes: MaxCompute, a data storage and computing
a collaborative environment where scientific platform; Blink, a real-time data computing platform;
discoveries can be more quickly applied to real-life an interactive analysis engine; Dataworks, a one-stop
problems. development platform; and OneData, a data
integration and management system.

60 Alibaba Group Holding Limited

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