Existentialist Curriculum
Existentialist Curriculum
Existentialist Curriculum
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Vrizka Nuria Arsita 11200140000026
Julyesvicka Gita Darmahatari 11200140000021
Dita Amelia Wahda Nurazizah 11200140000026
Existentialist curriculum
Alfie Kohn Maxine Greene Elliot Eisner
Background on
Existentialist Curriculum Existentialist Curriculum and
the Commonplaces
Strengths and Weaknesses of
Existentialist Curriculum
Alfie Kohn and Curriculum
for Personal Choice
Personal freedom
Elliot Eisner and Artistic
Despite his admiration for science, Eisner contends that the
fine arts are the wealthiest means of understanding the
human condition.
He views teachers and curriculum makers as directors of
learning experiences who attempt to by offering them
meaningful experiences that connect with students on a
deeply personal level.
Concept Belief
“forms of According to Eisner, all knowledge comes from
representation.” experience and all advancement with the five senses.
Eisher's idea
“Forms of representation are the devices that humans use to make
public conceptions that are privately held.”
We engage in the form of representation anytime we take a piece of
knowledge and share it with other people.
According to Eisner, a successful curriculum should engage talented students
in dance, poetry, music, and other fine arts
Project-Based Curriculum
William Heard Kilpatrick and
Kilpatrick writes, “It is what the self accepts and how thoroughly it accepts that counts.
Education becomes thus the process of helping the self to rebuild itself to ever higher
and finer levels by helping it to think and choose better than otherwise it would.”
“project” as the end or culmination of the curriculum. He argues not for an organized or
planned curriculum but for a classroom activity centered around projects that arise
from what students want to do.
Existentialist Curriculum
and the Commonplaces
Teachers #1
The existentialist tradition has profoundly changed the traditional
concept of teaching and the role of the teacher. This existentialist refers
to the teacher as a "guide" who suggests what students want to learn;
even an existentialist view places the teacher in a secondary role for
students. So, the teacher can only have an indirect influence on his
students. In this case, they place more emphasis on curriculum designed
to meet the developmental needs of students. However, this second
aspect of existentialist thought places the learner above the teacher.
Existentialist Curriculum
and the Commonplaces
Learners #2
The ancient declaration that "I teach children, not subjects" is a
common rhetorical device used by existentialists. That is,
students are things that must be considered from the beginning
to the end in making the curriculum. A good curriculum is
assumed to have a good influence on the psychology of students.
Existentialist Curriculum
and the Commonplaces
Subject Matter #3
In existentialists, subject matter takes the final role in controlling the
curriculum. Existentialists redefine the nature and purpose of subject
matter which is no longer limited to academic-based subjects. Referring to
the existentialist view, life is the right subject matter for students to study,
and it is useful if life lessons help us overcome everyday problems.
Teachers and students should try to go beyond the boundaries of
traditional subject matter (particular subjects) by focusing on projects,
activities, and problems, which serve as the focal point of the curriculum.
The subject matter should not be seen as a goal but only as a source of
experience that students should use as they build their lives.
Existentialist Curriculum
and the Commonplaces
Context #4
Curriculum Making #5 -1
By placing students at the top
Existentialists emphasize curriculum as
of the curriculum hierarchy,
a life experience, not as objectified subject
existentialists assume there
matter, or for moral good, or as job skills
will never be a school or
needed to do work. Existentialists take a
community context in which
psychoanalytic approach that sees life as a
one of the other commonplaces
big curriculum-making process. Making a
should be prioritized (all of
curriculum that does not explore the
which are important and must
internal desires of students cannot be
be implemented
called curriculum-making at all.
Existentialist Curriculum
and the Commonplaces
Curriculum Making #5-2
A more developmentally oriented approach to the existentialist
curriculum focuses on childhood growth and development stages. Making a
good curriculum is the process of distinguishing between subject matter and
skills so they are by students' instincts. The goal of creating an existentialist
curriculum is for teachers to connect with students on a personal level. The
student's personal desires are important, but what is more important is what
subject matter students will connect with at different times in their lives.
For example, when the student is interested in music, the subject matter that
the student will connect with is Seni Budaya.
Conclusion: Strength of Existentialist Curriculum
Students will remember lessons well when they choose what they want to
learn, because without active choice on the part of students, no lesson can
Good curriculum makers can balance the positive and negative aspects of the
existentialist curriculum in curriculum application so that there is no inequality
during the learning process.