Detailed Lesson PLan PEH

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Saint Louis College

Beacon of Wisdom in the

North City of San Fernando (La


A Detailed Lesson Plan

Submitted to

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Course Facilitating Learner Centered Training


MAY 14, 2021

School Name
School School Address
City of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
A. define the different types of eating habits.
B. discuss the workout program and fitt principle.
C. asses learners' lifestyle.


The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to achieve personal

A. Reference: Grade 11 Physical Education and Health, Pages 10-42.

B. Materials: Book, Monitor, Tablet/Laptop,and HDMI

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Remarks
1. Prayer

Please stand for the prayer. Kindly lead us in Lord, thank you for this wonderful day that you
prayer, Name. have given to us, help us understand the lesson
for today and give us wisdom, and also guide
2. Greetings
us in our activity today. Amen.

Good afternoon, Sir.

Good afternoon, class.

3. Classroom Management

Students kindly pick up the litters, trashes

before we start the discussion.

4. Checking of Attendance No one is absent today, Sir.

Class monitor, who is absent for today?

5. Checking of Textbooks

A. Introduction
1. Motivation
Yes, Sir.
I will group you in two and I need one
representative for each group. We will be having a
game called charades. Are you familiar with this
game? You just have to guess what your
classmate’s action is. You only have one minute
to guess. Your timer starts now.

Time is up! Group one, what is your answer? Emotional Eating.

How about group two? What is your final answer?

You may now be seated. Your answers are both Eating while Watching TV or Sports Events, Sir.
correct. Well done! Give yourself three claps.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

2. Setting of Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners are
expected to:
a. define the different types of eating
b. discuss the different types of
eating habits.
c. asses learners' lifestyle.

B. Interaction

Based on the game that we played, these are

just the two types of it, what do
you call them? These are the types
of ?

Aside from emotional eating and Eating.

eating while watching TV, what are the
two more types of eating ? Fueling for Performance, and Social Eating, Sir.

Right. So what are the four types of

eating again ? Fueling for Performance, Emotional Eating,
Social Eating and Eating while watching

Now, I will be grouping you into four groups.

Each group will be given 1 type of eating
habits. I need only one representative for each
group who will briefly explain the types of
eating habits.

You may use your Fit for Life book:

Turn your book to page 10 - In

searching for the following types of

You only have 5 minutes

Fueling for Performance – In this type of

Start with the first group. eating, the athlete carefully selects food that
will be beneficial for the sport that he or she is
preparing for. Today, carbohydrate-loading is
popular to athletes. Athletes usually practice
proper nutrition through this type of eating

Emotional Eating – On the other hand, is not

Thank you, group one. Let us proceed to the next healthy. The person in an effort to relieve
stress and negative emotion due to certain life
events, transforms earting as a form of outlet.

Social Eating – Such as eating in parties or

other gatherings, may impel a person to
Thank you, group two. Let us proceed to the next overeat as parties usually extend for hours.
group. Besides hefty servings and proportions, party
foods are more appetizing than regular meals

Eating while watching – May yet be another

cause of unchecked diet and could lead to
excess weight gain because people are not
Thank you, group three. Let us proceed to the next aware of how much they have eaten.

Fueling for Performance, sir

I want you to reflect and analyze

on these types of eating, among the
four types of eating what is/are the
most healthy eating habit/s

C. Integration
The four types of eating habits are fueling for
1. Synthesis
performance, emotional eating, social eating
What are the four types of eating ? and eating while watching.
Yes, Hiede?

Fueling for Performance – In this type of

eating, the athlete carefully selects food that
Very good. will be beneficial for the sport that he or she is
preparing for. Today, carbohydrate-loading is
Correct. What is fueling for popular to athletes. Athletes usually practice
performance? Yes, Name? proper nutrition through this type of eating

Correct. What is emotional eating? Emotional Eating – On the other hand, is not
Yes, Name? healthy. The person in an effort to relieve
stress and negative emotion due to certain life
Correct. What is social eating? Yes,
Name? events, transforms earting as a form of outlet.

Correct. What is eating while Social Eating – Such as eating in parties or

watching? Yes, Name? other gatherings, may impel a person to
overeat as parties usually extend for hours.
Besides hefty servings and proportions, party
foods are more appetizing than regular meals

Eating while watching – May yet be another

cause of unchecked diet and could lead to
excess weight gain because people are not
aware of how much they have eaten.

2. Valuing

These types of eating habits

gives us a well-balanced diet
provides all of the: energy you need
to keep active throughout the day.
nutrients you need for growth and
repair, helping you to stay strong
and healthy and help to prevent diet-
related illness, such as some

3. Evaluation

Get one half crosswise and answer the following.

1. What are the four types of eating



Enumerate the meals you had for breakfast, lunch and dinner, write it on a 1/4 sheet of

Prepared by:
Antonio Jeremiah V. Turzar
Other Lesson Plan Formats:

A. Used for Small -Group Instruction Group Instruction and Student-Centered:

o Objectives Objectives—Lesson Intent/Students be able to do.
o Initial Focus Initial Focus (Set Induction)—Teacher Directed Activity to Obtain Students’ Attention.
o Major Task Major Task—Teacher-Directed Presentation of Task w/directions and Available Options.
o Group Activity Group Activity—Task Assigned to Students Utilizing New Learning.
o Debriefing—Teacher and Student Reflect on What Worked and Teacher and Student Reflect on What
Worked and Did Not Work. Did Not Work.
o Resources and Material Resources and Materials—List of Materials Needed. Practice New Learning under
Teacher Supervision.
o Evaluation Evaluation—Formal and Informal Techniques to determine whether Students have learned the
New Material.

B. This format is Utilized for the Backward Design Approach to Instruction—Goals of the Lesson are Articulated
Right at the Beginning:

 Enduring Understanding (s) Enduring Understanding (s)—Essentials Knowledge and Skills.

 Essential Questions Essential Questions—Related Questions that Cover the Enduring Understanding (s) and
guide/focus teaching/learning.
 Assessment/Acceptable Evidence Assessment/Acceptable Evidence—how Students will Demonstrate that
they Understand the New Learning.
 Strategies/Best Practices used to Explicitly Teach Understandings Understandings—Teaching/Learning
Teaching/Learning Experiences that Equip Students & Demonstrate the Understandings Designed to Obtain
Student Attention & Interest.
 Resources and Material Resources and Material—List of Materials Needed to Accomplish tasks.

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