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CA5 AdrenalineJunkies IM1 20192

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CA5 Adrenaline Junkies​ ​

Listening Comprehension exercise 24/04/20 - 11/05/20 Tool/Classroom space

Listening Comprehension exercise​ ​(10% of CA5 mark) Listening 2

TASK 5.1 24/04/20 - 04/05/20​* Tool/Classroom space

Pre-task 5.1 1. ​Adrenaline Junkies Part 1 ​self-correcting 1. Materials

2. Initial group decisions 2. Work group space

TASK 5.1 1. Write your part of ​Activity Weekend Leaflet GDrive & Forum
(40% of CA5 2. Give and receive feedback
mark) 3. Edit leaflet as a group & post finished version

Post-task 5.1 1. Error Correction exercise Forum

2. Respond to other group leaflets

TASK 5.2 05/05/20 - 11/05/20​* Tool/Classroom space

Pre-task 5.2 1. ​Adrenaline Junkies Part 2 ​self-correcting 1. Materials

2. Extreme Sports playlist 2. Link (below)
3. Arrange Skype meeting with partner 3. Group Discussion

TASK 5.2 Extreme Sports ​Pair work speaking activity: Tandem, Skype, Forum
(50% of CA5 practice and assessed

Post-task 5.2 1. Reflect on pair work speaking Forum

2. Reflect on group work over the course

*Work can be sent in earlier if you wish.

CA5 Objectives

● write a leaflet collaboratively persuading people to do activities

● comment on other groups’ leaflets
● describe and discuss sports and activities

CA5 Assessment

CA5 is worth 20% of your Final CA mark. See ​Appendix​ for the Assessment Criteria for CA5. ​In
order to pass Continuous Assessment, you must participate in the tasks in ​all six​ CAs.

CA5 Adrenaline Junkies​ ​

Important: ​All work you submit for this course must be original. Do not copy-paste from
the web or other sources - your contribution must be written ​in your own words​. Any
material taken from another source must be credited. For more information, see:

 Listening 2 24/04/20 - 11/05/20

This Listening Comprehension exercise is worth ​10% of the mark for CA5​ and will close at
23:59 on ​11/05/20​. You can do the exercises as many times as you wish but only the mark for
your ​last attempt ​counts. To do this activity, click on ​Listening 2​ in your classroom.

 Pre-task 5.1 24/04/20 - 26/04/20

1. Adrenaline Junkies Part 1 self-correcting exercises

Start CA5 with the exercises in ​Adrenaline Junkies Part 1 ​which you can find in ​Materials​ in the
classroom. They’ll help you widen your vocabulary, revise grammar areas and you’ll read and
listen to ideas about the topic in the assessed task.

Don’t forget to share different vocabulary items, expressions and grammar points
that you have learnt in the ​I’ve learnt something today! ​folder in the Forum.

2. Initial group decisions

In ​TASK 5.1​ you’re going to ​write a collaborative leaflet promoting an activity weekend​. You
and your groupmates need to:

● decide ​where ​the activity weekend will take place and in ​which season​ (You can
choose a real or an imaginary place, but say if it’s mountain/beach, etc. and
spring/summer, etc.)
● decide ​which different adventure activity or sport​ each person will write about
● create a new document in your group’s ​GDrive folder​ called​ CA5 Leaflet​ where you will
write your leaflet (GDrive Administration)
● put the ​CA5 Group work report​ document into your group’s ​GDrive folder​ (GDrive
● decide who will write the ​title​, ​brief introduction​ & ​final persuasive comment
● contact the ​teacher ​when the leaflet is ready to be checked (spokesperson)
● post the final version of your group’s leaflet and CA5 Group work report to the ​CA5
folder in the Forum​ (spokesperson)

CA5 Adrenaline Junkies​ ​

You may decide it’s easier to have an online meeting to talk about these initial decisions. If you
do that, record your conversation and share the recording in the group’s GDrive folder so
there’s a record of the conversation and in case any group member cannot attend. If you
prefer, you can use the Work Group Discussion and write to each other to organise this part.

This is how your finished group leaflet could be organised:

NB:​ If your group uses a non-UOC channel (e.g. WhatsApp, etc.) to organise themselves, ​all
members of the group​ must agree and have access to the channel. More importantly, if all
members of your group agree to use a non-UOC channel, your teacher will need evidence of
your communication to assess your contributions to group work, so you must send a copy of
the chat/transcript from your group communication to the Work group Discussion area.

 TASK 5.1 Activity Weekend Leaflet 27/04/20 - 04/05/20

Your group will ​write a leaflet promoting an activity weekend​. Make sure you’ve all done the
pre-task activities and looked at the example leaflet above.

1. ​Each person in the group writes a description of their chosen adventure

activity/sport (​150-200 ​words). Remember, you are trying to ​persuade people
to try this activity/sport so make your description interesting and attractive! Put
your individual descriptions in the ​GDrive CA5 Leaflet ​document.

NB:​ Don’t forget the title, brief introduction and conclusion for the leaflet!

CA5 Adrenaline Junkies​ ​

2. ​Read the descriptions of the adventure activities/sports in your ​CA5 Leaflet ​(along with the
title/brief introduction and final persuasive statement) and ​add comments and feedback.

IMPORTANT​: When writing comments and giving feedback, focus on the overall ​Structure ​and
Content ​of your groupmates' writing ​and​ the ​Grammar​ and ​Vocabulary​. You could consider
these questions as you read your groupmates' contributions:

● Is the sport or activity described in an exciting way?

● Is there enough practical detail?
● Are there any basic language errors with verb agreement, spelling or sentence
● Is the title, brief introduction and final persuasive statement appropriate for a leaflet?

When editing your Google doc, ​DO NOT​ delete or make changes to other students’ work.
Write suggested changes or add your comments in a different colour. When all members of
the group have left their comments, your group spokesperson for this CA must ​inform your
teacher​ who will then provide feedback.

3. ​Read the comments and feedback that you receive from your
groupmates and teacher and then ​edit ​your part/s. At the end, your group
leaflet needs to be an attractive, coherent and persuasive text!

4. ​All group members need to help complete the ​CA5 Group work report​.

5. ​When your group is happy with the leaflet, the spokesperson downloads the ​CA5 Leaflet
and the​ CA5 Group report ​docs in Word format and post them to the​ Forum > CA5 Adrenaline

NB:​ The mark for this part of CA5 will be the same for all group members that actively
participate in writing their individual section and editing the final version sent to the Forum

 Post-task 5.1

1. Error correction exercise

Complete the Error Correction exercise your teacher posts to the classroom. The errors in this
exercise are common errors students often make at this level.

2. Respond to other group leaflets

Read as many of the other leaflets in the ​Forum​ as you can and reply to ​at least two​ of them.
In your reply, answer the following questions, giving reasons for your answers:

CA5 Adrenaline Junkies​ ​

● Have you done any of the activities/sports described?

● Has the leaflet persuaded you to go on this activity weekend to try any of the
● Who would you go with and why?

 Pre-task 5.2 05/05/20 - 06/05/20

1. Adrenaline Junkies Part 2 self-correcting exercises

Complete the exercises in ​Adrenaline Junkies Part 2 ​in ​Materials ​in the classroom. They’ll help
you widen your vocabulary, revise grammar areas and you’ll read and listen to ideas about the
topic in the assessed task.

Don’t forget to share different vocabulary items, expressions and grammar points
that you have learnt in the ​I’ve learnt something today! ​folder in the Forum.

2. Extreme Sports playlist

In order to consolidate your knowledge about the topic and practise your listening skills, click
on the link ​here​ ​to watch a playlist of TED talks all about extreme sports.

3. Find a partner

Write to your ​Group Discussion​ area ​to find a partner​ for the speaking activity. Once you have
a partner, ​agree on a day and time to meet on Skype​ and ​exchange Skype usernames​.

 TASK 5.2 Extreme Sports 07/05/20 - 11/05/20

Before doing ​TASK 5.2​, do the self-correcting exercises in ​Adrenaline Junkies

Part 2 > Communication Strategies.​ You’ll do two Tandems: ​CA5 Practice
and ​CA5 Assessed​.

Meet your partner on ​Skype​ at the time you agreed and go to ​Tandem​ in the
classroom. Start with ​CA5 Practice​. Record your conversation using the recorder in Skype and
check everything works correctly before you start the assessed activity. If you haven’t used the
Skype recorder before, look at the Skype help page: ​How do I record my Skype calls?

Now do ​CA5 Assessed​ in ​Tandem​. Record both tasks in one file. Your teacher will tell you in the
Notice board​ where to save your recordings. ​Name your recordings​ to clearly indicate the two
speakers and the tasks. For example: JoanGrau_AnaFlor_CA5_Tasks_1_and_2.

CA5 Adrenaline Junkies​ ​

Decide together ​which task you want your teacher to assess - Task 1 or Task 2​. Then one of
you needs to post a message to the classroom ​Forum ​> ​CA5_Skype_Recordings​ folder with
links ​to your recordings and say which task you want your teacher to assess.

Note the following general advice for pair work speaking tasks:

Pair work speaking tips! ​

● It is your responsibility to check the quality of the recordings and to repeat the
assessed activity if necessary.
● Your teacher will assess how well you and your partner ​speak together naturally ​so
don’t over-prepare or read from a prepared script.
● Say your names​ at the start of each recording to help identify the speaker.
● Tandem​ only works when both students are connected. One student must "invite"
the other student to do the activity so first decide who will "invite". To invite your
partner, find your partner's name in dropdown menu 1; select the task in dropdown
menu 2 and click start. Your partner will receive the "invitation" and must click start.
Tandem will open in a new tab or window in your browser.

You can find more details of how to use ​Tandem​ by clicking ​here​ and ​here​.

 Post-task 5.2

Write a message to the ​I’ve learnt something today! ​folder in the Forum reflecting on your
pair work speaking in this CA. Think about these questions:

● Was your speaking in CA5 better than in CA3? Why/why not?

● How could you continue to improve your speaking?

Now you have finished the group work for the course, revisit the ​Group work Debate​ folder in
the ​Forum,​ read the comments and think about how you feel about group work now.

CA5 Adrenaline Junkies​ ​

 Appendix Assessment criteria CA5

30% of the mark for CA5 will be a group mark based on TASK 5.1, your Group leaflet, using
these criteria:

● Completion of ​TASK 5.1 ​(Did your group write a coherent and persuasive leaflet?)
● Use of grammar, vocabulary and expressions from the unit
● Organisation of the text into sentences and appropriate paragraphs

10% of the mark for CA5 will be based on your Contributions to group work in TASK 5.1:

● Did you respond promptly to your groupmates?

● Did you give helpful feedback?
● Did you participate actively in the editing process?

For more details, see the ​Marking_Criteria_Collaborative_Writing​ document in the


50% of the mark for CA5 will be based on your pair work speaking for TASK 5.2 using these

● Completion of ​TASK 5.2 ​(Did you interact spontaneously with your partner?)
● Ability to express your message to your partner
● Effective communication strategies: turn-taking, clarifying, negotiating, etc.
● Natural intonation
● Use of grammar, vocabulary and expressions from the unit

For more details, see the ​Marking_Criteria_Spoken_Interaction​ document in the classroom.

10% of the mark for CA5 will come from your result for Listening 2.

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