Worksheet - Buddhist Festivals

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Use the information to determine whether the following

statements are true or false...

Claim True False
All Buddhists celebrate the same festivals. /
Vassa lasts for one day. /
Parinirvana day is a celebration of Buddha’s death.
On Parinirvana day Buddhists try to exclude all thoughts of death from their minds.
Uposatha day usually occurs each week.
Uposatha day is used by monks to confess violations of the 227 rules.
Uposatha day was established by The Buddha.
Kathina follows Vassa, it is a time for Lay-Buddhists to express gratitude to the monks.
Some Buddhists give things up for Vassa.
Vassa celebrations often involve wild parties with lots of music.
Vassa occurs during the dry periods of the year.
‘Parinirvana’ refers to the final liberation Buddha achieved at the time of his death.
Buddha died when he was seventy years old.
In monasteries Parinirvana Day is treated as a social occasion.
Parinirvana day is a time for Buddhists to reflect on their own mortality.
Parinirvana is a Theravadan Buddhist holiday.
Lama Tsong Khapa was also known as Je Tsongkhapa
Lama Tsong Khapa lived at the time of The Buddha
Lama Tsong Khapa was a famous Tbetan Buddhist teacher
Tibetan Buddhists believe that the benefits of good karma are 1000 times
as stronger on Lama Tsong Khapa Day.
Offerings of tea light candles, food or flowers are appropriate on Lama Tsong Khapa Day.
Buddhist festivals often bring the lay and monastic sanghas together.
Vassa is a time where Buddhists often give up things they are attached to.
Buddhist festivals encourage reflection on Buddha’s teachings.

Fold and glue this section neatly into your book once you
have completed the worksheet.
Task: Use the information to make detailed notes and mind-maps about each Buddhist Festival…

Vassa/Rain Retreat (Therevada) Uposatha Days (Therevada)

- A three month annual retreat observed - Two to six days each lunar month, in
by Theravada practioners general Upsotha days are weekly
- Takes place during the wet season - Lay pracitoners who live near Vihara it
- provides an opportunity for them to visit
and hear talks from monks and
participate in mediation sessions
- Monks confess to violations of the
disciplinary rules

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Parinirvana day (Mahayana) Lama Tsong Khapa Day (Tibetan)

- Celebrated in February - Celebrate the kindness of the founder

- Celebrates buddhas death and when he Gelugpa school of Tibetan buddhism
reached nirvana - Lama Tsong Khapa was a renowned
- Thinks about ones own death and future scholar and highly respected monk
- In monasteries it is treated as an social - He wrote many respected

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