Workflow Manager
Workflow Manager
Workflow Manager
User Guide
OpenText™ Documentum™ Workflow Manager
User Guide
Rev.: 2019-Sept-15
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Table of Contents
PRE Preface v
i Revision History ................................................................................ v
For more information about workflow, including technical details about managing
workflows through the Documentum application programming interface, see
Documentum Server Fundamentals Guide.
i Revision History
The following changes have been made to this document.
This chapter introduces the basic concepts of Documentum workflow. The following
topics are included:
For more information about workflow, including technical details about managing
workflows through the Documentum application programming interface, see
Documentum Server Fundamentals Guide.
Workflows can describe simple or complex business processes. You can create
workflows that have both serial segments, in which activities follow one another in a
specified sequence, and parallel segments, in which two or more activities happen
concurrently. You can also create a cyclical workflow, in which the completion of an
activity restarts a previously completed activity. The path that a document takes
through the workflow can differ depending on what happens along the way; for
example, a purchase order could be routed to different activities depending on
whether the manager approves it or rejects it.
You can create a workflow template that can be used in many contexts. This is done
by including activities whose performers are identified by aliases instead of actual
user names. When aliases are used, the actual user is selected at runtime. For
example, a typical business process for new documents has four steps: authoring the
document, reviewing it, revising it, and publishing the document. The actual
authors and reviewers will be different people for different documents. Rather than
creating a separate workflow for each document with the author and reviewer
names hard-coded, you create one workflow template with activity definitions that
use aliases for the author and reviewer names. Depending on how you design the
workflow, the actual people represented by the aliases can be chosen by the person
who starts the workflow, by the person who performs the previous activity, or
automatically by the server when the containing activity is started. For more
information about using aliases in workflows, refer to “Using Aliases” on page 15.
When you start a workflow, the server uses the workflow template (the dm_process
object) to create a runtime instance of the workflow (a dm_workflow object). When
an activity starts, the server creates one or more work items, which are tasks that the
server adds to the Inbox of the users who are the designated performers of the
The following flowchart illustrates how the components of a workflow template and
runtime instance work together. For more details about the object-level
implementation of workflow, see Documentum Server Fundamentals Guide.
1.2.1 Activities
Activities represent the tasks that comprise the business process. Workflows contain
three kinds of activities:
• Begin activities are the first activities in the workflow. A workflow template must
have one Begin activity.
• TheEnd activity is the last activity in the workflow. A workflow template can
have only one End activity.
• Step activities are the intermediate activities between the beginning and the end.
A workflow template can have any number of Step activities.
When the server starts an activity, it creates work items and adds them to the
Inboxes of the users identified as the performers of the activity. These work items
contain the packages that the user needs to work on and instructions about the
required task. More technically, the server adds a queue item to the Inbox, linked to
the work item. Documentum Server Fundamentals Guide provides more details.
1.2.2 Packages
Packages are the objects, usually documents, on which activities perform their work.
You define the packages for an activity when you configure the incoming and
outgoing flows for the activity.
1.2.3 Flows
Flows connect activities together, and enable the movement of packages, their
properties, and dependencies between the connected activities. A single flow can
handle multiple packages.
There are two types of flows: forward flows and reject flows. Forward flows advance
packages from an activity to the next activity in the normal workflow, for example
moving a package from the Edit activity to the Approve activity. Reject flows
determine what happens when the performer of an activity rejects the package being
routed. They direct packages in a backward loop, for example sending a package
from the Approve activity back to Edit.
All Step activities must have at least one flow coming in and one flow going out. A
Begin activity has at least one outward flow, but no incoming flow. An End activity
must have at least one incoming flow, but no outward flow.
Each flow in a workflow template has a unique name. The definition of a flow also
includes a set of attributes that define the packages that each activity can handle.
First, review the business process you want to automate and identify the sequence of
activities required to complete it. “Choosing Activities” on page 12 provides some
guidance for the decisions about activities.
For each activity in the workflow, you must make the following decisions:
Each activity in a workflow must have a name that is unique within the workflow
template. The name is assigned when you add the activity to the workflow template.
Choose activity names that are descriptive of the work performed by the activity.
You can include any activity that you create or any activity for which you have at
least Relate permission.
You can use an activity definition more than once in a workflow. For example,
suppose you want all documents to receive two rounds of review. You might design
a workflow with the following activities: Write, Review1, Revise, Review2, and
Publish. The Review1 and Review2 activities can use the same activity definition.
However, if you use an activity multiple times in a workflow, you must structure
the workflow so that only one instance of the activity is active at any time. A
workflow cannot start an activity if a previous activity based on the same definition
is still running.
When a manual activity starts, the server adds a queue item to the Inbox of the user
or users designated as the performer of that activity.
unavailable, the workflow engine attempts to give the work item to the user’s
delegated user. See “Enabling Delegation and Extension” on page 15 for
information about delegated users.
For information about selecting performers for an activity in Workflow Manager, see
“Selecting Performers” on page 42. For details about creating activities whose
performers are selected at runtime, see “When the Performer Is Determined”
on page 14 and “Using Aliases” on page 15.
Defining the actual performer in an activity definition is the least flexible structure.
Allowing the performer of a previous activity to choose an activity’s performer is the
most flexible structure, since it lets decisions about performers be based on current
circumstances and business rules.
If you select category 3 (Specific user), you can provide a user name when you create
the activity to identify the actual person. To have the actual person selected when
the workflow runs, use an alias in place of a specific user name; see “Using Aliases”
on page 15 for information about aliases. The alias can be resolved automatically
by the server using an alias set or by the performer of a previous activity. The same
options apply to categories 4, 5, or 6, except that you provide the name of a group
instead of an individual user. Provide a group name if you are choosing the actual
group when you create the activity; use an alias if you want the actual group
selected at runtime.
For categories 8 and 9, you provide the names or aliases for a list of multiple users.
Just as with the other categories, you can choose the actual performers when you
create the activity, have the performer of a previous activity chose the performer, or
use aliases to have the performer chosen at runtime.
For example, suppose you are creating a workflow for vacation requests. Each
department in your company has a different manager who must approve vacations.
Rather that create a different workflow template for every department, you want to
create one template for everyone to use. After all, the business process is the same
for every department. In place of specific performer names for the activities, you use
an alias, such as Manager. When the workflow runs, the server answers the question
“Who is the Manager of the workflow initiator?” and sends a work item to that user.
The server resolves aliases at runtime by searching one or more alias sets to find the
alias and its associated actual value. An alias set is an object that defines a list of
aliases and their corresponding actual values. You can create alias sets in
Documentum Administrator; Documentum Administrator User Guide provides more
details. You can associate alias sets with particular users, and in Workflow Manager
you can identify a default alias set for the workflow.
When you include an alias as the performer for an activity, you can specify that the
server resolve the alias at runtime by referring to the default alias set for the
workflow, to the alias set associated with the user who starts the workflow, to the
alias set for the performer of a previous activity, or to any other alias set you choose.
You can also have the server require the workflow initiator to manually provide
values for the aliases when the workflow starts; to require the workflow initiator to
resolve the aliases, you define a default alias set for the workflow template that
contains the aliases but not the names to which the aliases are mapped. See
“Choosing manual performers” on page 43 for details.
With delegation, the original performer does not complete the activity. With
extension, both the original performer and the designated additional performer
complete the activity.
See “Selecting Performers” on page 42 for information about setting these options.
When an automatic activity is started, the activity is placed on the execution queue
for a server facility that runs periodically. The server facility executes the activities in
order of priority. By default, it executes all queued automatic activities each time it is
invoked, but a system administrator can limit the number of activities handled each
time the facility runs. If the server configuration setting max_wf_jobs is set to a low
number and there are a large number of queued activities with high priority, a lower
priority activity may have to wait several invocations for execution.
In addition to priority settings Low, Medium, and High, Workflow Manager enables
you to set a Dynamic priority for an activity. Dynamic priority is when the priority
of the activity is set using custom code as the workflow runs rather than being set as
part of the workflow template. You should assign Dynamic priority only when your
system includes custom code to set the priority at runtime.
See “Setting Activity Definitions” on page 50 for information about setting the
priority of an activity.
To define a package, you identify the document or other object to route, including
which repository version. You also have the option to choose the operation that the
performer of the activity receiving the package needs to perform.
There are three basic options for what an activity does with a package it receives:
In many workflows, the same package passes through all activities. For example, a
workflow for reviewing and approving purchase orders will pass the same purchase
order document as a package to all the necessary activities. In this case, each activity
passes along to the next activity the same package it received. In Workflow
Manager, you accomplish this scenario by configuring the flows leading into and out
of the activity so that they use the same package name, package type, and version.
The work performed in some activities requires the activity to send on a package
that is entirely different from the package it received. For example, suppose an
activity accepts a personnel action notice. The performer (an HR employee) must file
the notice, then send a different form to the accounting department. In Workflow
Manager, you accomplish this scenario by using different package names for the
incoming and outgoing flows.
For information about configuring flows and packages in Workflow Manager, see
“Setting Package Requirements” on page 60.
If the activity has more than one incoming flow, you can specify how many of the
previous activities must complete before this activity starts. The trigger condition is
the minimum number of flows that must have delivered packages to the activity
before the activity starts. For example, if an activity has three incoming flows, you
may decide that the activity can start when two of the three have delivered their
packages. The trigger condition must be a value between one and the total number
of incoming flows.
A trigger event is an event queued to the workflow. The event can be a system-
defined event, such as dm_checkin, or you can make up an event name, such as
For information about setting an activity's trigger conditions, see “Setting Activity
Triggers” on page 51.
• A pre-timer that alerts the workflow supervisor if an activity has not started
within a designated number of hours after the workflow starts
• A post-timer that alerts the workflow supervisor if an activity has not completed
within a designated number of hours after the activity starts
The task of checking the warning timers and sending the notices to the workflow
supervisor is performed by the dm_WfmsTimer system administration tool. The
dm_WfmsTimer tool is installed with the system administration tool suite. It is not
installed in the active state. If you intend to use warning timers in workflows, make
sure that your system administrator activates this job. When it is active, it runs by
default once an hour. Documentum Server documentation provides further
information about dm_WfmsTimer.
An activity's transition type defines how following activities are selected when the
activity is complete. There are three types of transitions:
If the activity is a group activity that is, if the performer category is 4 (All users in
group) or 8 (Some users from a group) you specify how many members of the group
must complete the task before the server considers the overall activity complete and
forwards packages to the following activities. For example, if five users receive a
work item for an activity, you can specify that the activity is complete when any
three of them are done. Alternatively, you can require that all five users complete
the task.
If you let performers select the next activities, you can limit the number of following
activities the performer can select. For example, if an activity has three outgoing
flows, you can let the performer send packages to all three, or you can require the
performer to select just one or two of them.
If you let a group of performers select the next activities that is, if the performer
category is 4 or 8 and the transition option is Let performer select the next activity
you also need to advise the server about how to combine the performers' selections.
When a group selects activities, it is possible that some performers might select
forward activities while others select reject activities. Which activities should the
workflow engine start in this case? All of the selected activities, just the reject
activities, or just the forward activities? You can also decide to complete the activity
immediately whenever any performer selects a reject activity or a forward activity.
If you choose an conditional transition type, you must define at least one transition
condition for that activity.
For example, you could define an activity that routes a document differently
depending on whether the performer checked in a new version of the document.
The server uses the following logic to determine where to send the document next:
1 If
2 (New version checked in) then Route to activity Evaluate
Updates Else
3 Route to activity Continue Approval
Transition conditions must be Boolean expressions. They are typically used to check
attributes of the package's components, the containing workflow, or the last
completed work item. If the transition condition includes a reference to a repeating
attribute, the attribute must have at least one value or the condition generates an
error when evaluated.
When you use transition conditions, you always include an Else option. The Else
option is the action that the server takes if none of the transition conditions apply.
The Else option does not have a condition associated with it. An activity can only
have one Else case.
For information about defining transition conditions for an activity, see “Setting
Activity Transition Rules” on page 53.
Workflow Manager is a graphical tool for laying out and defining your workflow.
The Workflow Manager window is divided into two major panes:
• The left pane is the workflow template editor, which displays a graphical
representation of your workflow template as you create it
• The right pane contains the Activities palette and Workflow palette, which
display predefined activities and workflows that you can add to the template
You can control the size of the two panes by positioning the mouse over the border
between them and dragging the border to a new position.
A pair of arrows appears between the two panes. To expand one of the panes to fill
the window, click the arrow pointing away from the pane you want to expand. To
return the Workflow Manager to its two-pane view, click the arrow facing the other
direction, which now appears at the edge of the window.
A configurable toolbar appears across the top of the window, providing quick access
to common commands.
If the workflow is too large to display on the screen, you can use the Navigator to
view the complete workflow and specify which portion appears.
You control which icons appear in the toolbar using options on the View menu.
Workflow Manager offers four collections of toolbar icons:
• Standard toolbar icons provide access to commands from the File and Edit
• Workflow toolbar icons enable you to create flows and to display the properties
of workflow objects
• Alignment toolbar icons provide quick access to the options for aligning objects
in the graphical display of the workflow template
• Display toolbar icons enable you to zoom in and out on the workflow template
editor pane and to turn the snap to grid option on or off
By default, the toolbar displays all icons except for the alignment icons.
A submenu appears with the name of each available group of toolbar icons. The
groups currently appearing in the toolbar have a check mark next to their
2. Select the group you want to add or remove from the toolbar.
If you select an unchecked option, that group of icons is added to the Workflow
Manager toolbar. If you select a checked option, the check mark is removed and
that group of icons are removed from the toolbar.
You also have the option to enter a Documentum Query Language (DQL) statement
that selects activities.
1. Select the Activities tab in the right pane of the Workflow Manager window to
display the Activities palette.
2. Click the Change Palette button located at the bottom of the palette.
The Change Activity in Palette dialog box appears.
3. Select the method you want to use to specify which activities appear on the
4. If you selected Use activities in cabinet, use the drop-down list to choose which
cabinet contains the activities you want to appear in the palette.
The default is All cabinets, which does not restrict the palette to activities in a
single cabinet. The remaining options are the names of cabinets that contain
5. To further restrict the list of activities from the selected cabinet, fill in the
appropriate conditions:
If you leave any of these fields blank, the list of activities will not be restricted
based on that criterion.
6. If you selected Use results from this query in the repository, enter a DQL
query in the adjacent text box.
The Activities palette will include all activities returned by the query.
• To replace the current list of activities with those selected in this dialog box,
select the Replace repository templates in palette check box.
• To add the selected activities to those already on the palette, do not select the
check box.
You also have the option to enter a Documentum Query Language (DQL) statement
that selects workflow templates.
1. Select the Workflow tab in the right pane of the Workflow Manager window to
display the Workflow palette.
2. Click the Change Palette button located at the bottom of the palette.
The Change Workflow in Palette dialog box appears.
3. Select the method you want to use to specify which workflow templates appear
on the palette.
4. If you selected Use workflow templates in cabinet, use the drop-down list to
choose which cabinet contains the templates you want to appear in the palette.
The default is All cabinets, which does not restrict the palette to templates in a
single cabinet. The remaining options are the names of cabinets that contain
workflow templates.
5. To further restrict the list of workflow templates from the selected cabinet, fill in
the appropriate conditions:
If you leave any of these fields blank, the list of workflow templates will not be
restricted based on that criterion.
6. If you selected Use results from this query in the repository, enter a DQL
query in the adjacent text box.
The Workflow palette will include all workflow templates returned by the
• To replace the current list of workflow templates with those selected in this
dialog box, select the Replace repository templates in palette check box.
• To add the selected templates to those already on the palette, do not select
the check box.
The procedures you follow to control the visual layout of a workflow are similar to
those in other graphical layout software.
• To add objects to the workflow template, drag an activity or workflow from the
palette and drop it in the workflow template editor pane. The object is added to
the template at the location where you release the mouse button.
• To move objects within the workflow template, select them and drag them to
their new location. When you move an activity that has flows connecting it to
other activities, the arrows representing the flows move along with the activity.
Flows cannot be moved on their own.
• To remove objects from the workflow template, select them and click the Delete
Selected Objects icon from the toolbar or select Delete from the Edit menu.
To copy activities, select them and click the Copy icon from the toolbar or
select Copy from the Edit menu. To add the new copy to the template, click the
Paste icon from the toolbar or select Paste from the Edit menu.
• To see the actions that are available for a given object, select the object then right-
click on it. A context menu appears at the location of the mouse cursor, showing
the available actions.
These actions require you to select the objects you want to act on.
1. With the Select Objects icon in the toolbar selected, click the visual
representation of the object in the workflow template editor pane.
A set of black boxes appears around the object, indicating that it is selected.
Clicking the object a second time de-selects it and removes the black boxes.
2. To select additional objects, hold down the Shift key as you click each of the
If you do not hold down the Shift key, selecting one object automatically de-
selects any previously selected objects.
3. To select all objects in the template, select Select All from the Edit menu.
To align activities:
If you choose to align the top edges of your activities, the highest or topmost
activity determines the placement of the other activities; that is, the selected
activities will move up to be in alignment with the topmost activity. Similarly, if
you choose to align the bottom edges of your activities, the lowest or
bottommost activity determines the placement of the other activities. This is also
true for left and right alignment.
3. If the alignment toolbar is not active, select Alignment from the Edit menu.
The Task Alignment dialog box displays.
5. Click OK.
When the snap to grid option is turned on, a grid appears in the background of the
workflow template editor. Each square in the grid measures a third of an inch. When
you move activities or flows in the editor, they will automatically align themselves
with the grid, making it easier to align objects with each other. Turning on snap to
grid does not effect the layout of existing objects in the template.
When the snap to grid option is turned off, the grid does not appear and objects are
placed exactly where you drop them. Turn the option off when you want to have
fine control over the position of the objects.
• Select Snap To Grid from the View menu or click the Snap to Grid icon in the
toolbar .
box between the Zoom In icon and the Zoom Out icon . Each time you click
the Zoom In or Zoom Out icon, Workflow Manager zooms in or out by one
magnification level.
1. Expand the drop-down list next to the Zoom In icon, or select Zoom from the
View menu.
• 200%
(Highest magnification)
• 150%
• 100%
(Normal viewing default)
• 75%
• 50%
• Last
Toggles between the current zoom option and your previous zoom setting
• Width
Sizes the workflow template so that its full width fits within the visual
dimensions of the workflow template editor pane
• Fit
Magnifies or shrinks the appearance of your workflow template so that it fits
within the visible dimensions of the workflow template editor pane
2.5 Navigator
When you are defining a workflow template, the graphical representation can easily
grow beyond a size that can be displayed on the screen all at one time. The
workflow template editor automatically scrolls as you add objects and create a larger
The Navigator enables you to control which portion of a large template appears on
the screen.
1. Select Navigator from the View menu, or click the Navigator icon in the toolbar
The Navigator window appears in the right pane of the Workflow Manager
window. It displays a reduced representation of the current workflow template
with a gray box around the section currently displayed on the screen.
2. To change which area of the workflow template appears on screen, drag the
gray box in the Navigator window so that it is over the area you want to appear
in the editor. The editor pane scrolls to the selected location when you release
the mouse button.
Workflow templates represent the business process through which a given object or
set of objects flows. They define the overall workflow from beginning to end. You
create workflow templates in Workflow Manager, then make them available for
users to create individual workflow instances from.
There are three possible states for workflow templates: draft, validated, and
installed. The current state of the open template appears in the title bar of the
Workflow Manager window.
A template in the draft state has not been validated since it was created or last
modified. A template in the validated state has passed the server's validation checks,
which ensure that the template is correctly defined. A template in the installed state
is ready for use in an active workflow.
This chapter explains how to create templates, validate them, and install them. The
topics are:
Note: If you plan to revise a workflow template and want to save the updated
template as a new version in the repository, you must check out the workflow
template before opening it.
1. Design the business process and the workflow that implements it.
For details about designing workflows, see “Planning Workflow Activities”
on page 11.
2. Select File > New.
The new template includes Initiate and End tasks.
a. Click the Workflow tab in the right pane to display the Workflow palette.
b. Select the workflow template you want to serve as the basis for the new
If the template you want does not appear on the palette, see “Workflow
Palette” on page 24.
c. Drag the template on to the workflow template editor pane.
All activities and flows from the selected template appear in the editor
pane. However, the flow is not linked to the Initiate or End tasks.
5. Drag and drop activities from the Activities palette on to the workflow template
editor pane until you have one activity for each task in your workflow.
6. Connect each activity to the activity that precedes it in the logical flow.
The first activity in the workflow must be connected to the Initiate task, and the
last activity must be connected to the End task.
To connect two activities, select one of the flow icons described below, move
your mouse over the first activity until you see its selection box, then drag the
mouse to the second activity. Release the mouse button when you see the
selection box for the second activity. Workflow Manager draws a line between
the activities.
You connect activities using one of three Create Flow icons in the Workflow
Manager toolbar:
7. Configure each flow line, specifying the package that the workflow routes.
See “Setting Package Requirements” on page 60 for details about configuring
flows. Do not add a package to the flow connecting the final activity to the End
See “Installing Templates” on page 37. Once you have installed the template,
it is available to users.
1. From the File menu, select Template Properties, or click the Template
• To choose an existing alias set, check Choose from existing alias sets, select
the name of the alias set from the drop-down list, and click OK.
• To create a new alias set, check Create new alias set, type the name and
description of the new alias set, and click OK.
• To remove the currently assigned default alias set, check Remove alias set.
5. Enter instructions for the performer in the Workflow template instructions
(title) box.
For example, you can give performers of all activities specific instructions
relating to tasks they are expected to perform.
6. Turn on or off the template audit trail setting by clicking the appropriate option.
For more information about auditing in Documentum, see the Documentum
Administration and Configuration Guide.
7. Specify whether Workflow Manager should ask whether to validate or install
the template when you save it.
Before a workflow template is available to users, it must be validated and
installed. If you select the Always show validate and install prompts after save
check box, Workflow Manager displays prompts whenever you save the
template, asking whether you want to validate and install the template. If the
check box is not selected, the prompts do not display, and you need to validate
and install the template as separate steps.
8. Click OK.
The process of saving differs depending on whether you are saving changes to an
existing template or saving a template with a new name. You can only save
workflow templates that are in a draft state or a validated state, and you must have
at least Write permission on the template. The current state of the template appears
in the Workflow Manager title bar. If the Save options are grayed out on the File
menu, it may mean that the template has been installed. You must uninstall it before
you can make any changes to it.
Note: If the current workflow template has not been previously saved,
selecting Save has the same effect.
3. To create a folder in which to store the template and its associated objects, make
sure the Create new folder for associated items check box is selected.
The check box is selected by default. Workflow Manager saves the template in a
folder with the same name as the template, located under the folder you select
in the next step.
If the check box is de-selected, Workflow Manager saves the template directly in
the folder you select in the next step.
4. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the template by double-clicking
on cabinets and directories in the Save in box until you have highlighted the
folder name.
The complete path to the folder appears in the gray text box at the bottom of the
dialog box.
5. Click OK.
If you have sufficient permissions on the selected folder, Workflow Manager
saves the template.
If installation and validation prompts are set to display, a dialog box appears
asking whether you want to validate the template. (Installation and validation
prompts are set on or off in the Template Properties dialog box; see “Setting
Template Properties” on page 34.)
2. Click the Save button to save changes to the current version or the Check In
button to create a new version.
Either option removes the checked-out status of the workflow template.
If installation and validation prompts are set to display, a dialog box appears
asking whether you want to validate the template. (Installation and validation
prompts are set on or off in the Template Properties dialog box; see “Setting
Template Properties” on page 34.)
You can validate a template at any time by selecting Validate from the File menu. If
installation and validation prompts are set to display, a dialog box appears when
you save asking whether you want to validate the template. Installation and
validation prompts are set on or off in the Template Properties dialog box; see
“Setting Template Properties” on page 34.
If validation fails, a dialog box appears telling you so. Click the Details button to see
the error that prevented validation. If the validation is successful, a dialog box
appears asking whether you want to install the template, making it available for use.
Please note that any errors that occur will refer to activities by their names. If you
label activities with the performer name, you might want to temporarily change the
display setting to Name in order to locate the activity. See “Changing Display
Settings” on page 57 for information about this display setting.
You can only validate if your open template is in the draft state and you have Write
permission, or your template is in run-time mode and you have at least Relate
If you need to make changes to an installed template, you must uninstall it first. Any
active workflows based on the template are halted. After making the changes,
validate and install the template again.
When you reinstall, you can choose how you want to handle any workflows that
were halted when you uninstalled the template. You can choose to resume the
halted workflows at the point from which they were halted. Or, you can choose to
abort the workflows. Which option you choose depends on the changes you made to
the workflow. Perhaps you added an activity that you want to perform on all objects
in the workflow. In that case, you abort the workflows and then start each again. The
default behavior is to resume all halted workflows that reference that template.
To make changes to a workflow template and save the changes without versioning,
you must uninstall the template. To uninstall a template requires Relate permission
on the template or sysadmin or superuser privileges. To save your changes requires
Write permission.
To create a new version of a workflow template, you must check out the template
before you begin modifying it. You must have at least Version permission on the
template. You can create a new version of a template without uninstalling the
current version. Versioning a workflow template has no impact on the running
workflows based on the previous version of the template.
When you save or check in your changes, the server sets the new version to the draft
state. The new version must be validated and installed before you can start a
workflow based on it.
2. Verify that the page setup options are as you want them.
See “Setting page setup options” on page 40 for information about these
3. Click the Print Template Layout icon in the toolbar, or select Print from the File
The Print dialog box appears.
4. From the Name list, choose the name of the printer to which you want to print.
5. To change the properties of your printer, click Properties and update the
Refer to the documentation for your printer for information about the printer
6. To print your workflow template to a file rather than to the printer, select the
Print to file check box.
7. To print more than one copy of the workflow template, enter the number of
copies you want from the Number of copies box.
Note: The controls in the Print range box are grayed out except for the All
radio button. You cannot print portions of the template, only the complete
8. Click OK.
If you elected to print to a file, the Print to File dialog box appears. Otherwise,
the workflow template is sent to the printer you selected.
9. In the Print to File dialog box, enter the name of the file to create, including the
full path.
2. Choose the paper size for printed versions of the workflow template.
The Paper Format box offers six standard sizes. The dimensions for each format
display either in inches or in centimeters, depending on the unit of
measurement selected in the Margins field. The paper format options are:
• Actual size
The printout will be the same size as the workflow template display in
Workflow Manager.
• Same as paper size
The size of the workflow template will be adjusted so that it fits on a single
page of the size and orientation you specified in steps 2 and 3.
• Fit to
The size of the workflow template will be adjusted so that it fits on a
specified number of pages across and down. If you select this option, you
must enter a number in each of the two adjacent text boxes.
6. Click OK to save the page setup options and exit from this dialog box, or click
Print to print the current template with these settings.
Activities are the tasks that comprise the workflow. Most of the configuration of the
workflow relates to configuring its activities. For information about planning the
configuration of workflow activities, see “Planning Workflow Activities” on page 11.
You configure activities using the Activity Inspector. You access the Activity
Inspector by double-clicking on an activity in the workflow template editor pane, or
by selecting one or more activities and choosing Activity Inspector from the Tools
The Activity Inspector has several tabs, each corresponding to one aspect of activity
• The Performer tab enables you to select who performs the activity and what
actions the performers have available to them; see “Selecting Performers”
on page 42 for details.
• The Definition tab sets the priority for automatic activities and lets you provide
instructions for manual performers; see “Setting Activity Definitions”
on page 50.
• The Trigger tab settings determine when the activity starts; see “Setting Activity
Triggers” on page 51.
• The Notification tab sets timers to warn the workflow supervisor if work bogs
down; see “Setting Notifications” on page 52.
• The Transition tab settings determine which activities come next in the
workflow; see “Setting Activity Transition Rules” on page 53.
• The Display tab controls how the activity appears in the visual display of the
workflow template; see “Changing Display Settings” on page 57.
The name of the activity you are configuring appears in the text box at the top of the
Activity Inspector. Each activity must have a unique name within the template. To
change the activity name, enter the new name in the text box, replacing the previous
name. If more than one activity is selected, arrow buttons appear on either side of
the text box, enabling you to scroll through the selected activities. The settings you
make apply to the activity whose name appears in the box, unless you select the
Apply to all selected option.
When multiple activities are selected, each tab in the Activity Inspector displays one
or more check boxes labeled Apply to all selected. When this check box is selected,
Workflow Manager applies the associated settings that is, those settings that appear
to the right of the check box to all selected activities, not just the one whose name
appears in the text box at the top. For example, you can select multiple activities and
choose the same performer for all of them at once. Any settings for which the check
box is not selected apply only to the current activity.
2. In the box labeled The activity's work is performed, select manual or automatic
3. Click the Select Performer button to display the wizard for selecting the
performer for this activity.
4. If you selected one or more manual performers, choose what actions the
performer can or must perform.
• To enable the performer to pass the task to another user or group, select
Delegate the activity's work to someone else. When you select this option,
you must also specify where the task is sent if the user to whom the
performer delegates it is also unavailable. The task can be forwarded to the
workflow supervisor or returned to the original performer.
• To enable the performer to choose another user or group to also perform this
task, select Have someone else repeat the activity's work.
• To require that the performer sign off when the activity is complete, select
Performer's sign-off required when finished.
For details about the delegation and extension options, see “Enabling
Delegation and Extension” on page 15.
a. Choose the action to automatically perform from the Execute this method
automatically drop-down list. The actions in the drop-down list are
workflow methods.
6. Click Apply to save your updates without closing the Activity Inspector, or
click OK to save your updates and close the Activity Inspector.
For details about the options for choosing manual performers, see “Choosing
Performers” on page 12.
2. From the drop-down list, choose the user or group that will perform this
You can choose a specific user or group, or you can choose an option that
determines the specific user when the workflow runs. The options are:
• Workflow supervisor
The rest of the procedure differs depending on the option you choose. If you
chose any options other than the first three, a box labeled Define Performer(s)
appears on the screen. You select an option in this box to specify how the
specific performers of this activity will be selected.
If you chose any of the first three options, the specific user will be determined
when the workflow runs. Click Finish and ignore the rest of this procedure.
3. If you chose Multiple sequential performers, specify whether each performer
of this activity has the right to reject the package they receive and return it to the
performer who preceded them in the sequence.
Sequential performers do not have this option by default. To grant them the
option, click the check box immediately below theSelect Performer(s) box.
4. If you chose Single user from group, specify which user in the selected group
will perform the activity.
You will select the group in the next step. To specify which single user from that
group will perform the activity, choose one of the options from the Select User
From Group By box:
5. Specify whether you will choose the performers for this activity now or have
them determined dynamically when the workflow is underway.
Choose an option from the Define Performer(s) box:
Note: Because you chose Assign users now, the server will select all users
in the list you build as performers, not use the list to provide a selection list
to the performer of a previous activity as described in the topic “Have
performer(s) of <activity> determine performer(s) of this activity”
on page 46.
If you selected Some users from a group or Multiple sequential performers, you
can designate a combination of multiple users, groups, or alias names from which
the performer of the previous activity can choose at runtime. If you selected any of
the other performer types, no further definition of the performer is necessary. This
page does not appear.
For more information about aliases and alias sets, see “Using Aliases” on page 15.
a. Highlight the user or group name in the list on the left and click Add to add
it to the Selection List on the right.
b. Repeat step a for each user or group you want to add.
c. When the Selection List includes all the users and groups you want, click
Next or Finish (depending on whether you chose other options at step 1).
• To choose an existing alias set, click Choose from existing alias sets and
select an alias set from the drop-down list. The list includes alias sets in the
repository to which you are currently connected and on which you have
Write permission.
• To choose a new alias set, click Create new alias set and enter a name and
description for the alias set. The server will create a new alias set using the
information you enter on this page and the next.
a. Specify whether you will Create a new performer alias or Use an existing,
undefined performer alias. An existing, undefined alias is an alias that
appears in the alias set but does not have a specific user name assigned to it
in the alias set.
b. To create a new performer alias, enter a name and description for the alias,
then click Add to add it to the Selection List.
c. To use an existing performer alias, select the appropriate alias from the
Existing performer alias drop-down list, then click Add to add it to the
Selection List. Optionally, you can modify the description of the alias so
that its purpose is clear to the workflow initiator.
d. When the Selection List includes all the aliases you want, click Next or
Finish (depending on whether you chose the final option at step 1).
6. If you chose Performer alias(es) which will be resolved at run-time from the
alias set, select the aliases that the server will resolve from selected alias sets.
a. Select an alias set from the Alias Set list, then a specific alias from the list
below it.
b. Click Add to add the alias to the Selection List.
c. Repeat steps a and b for each alias you want to include.
7. Click Finish.
For more information about aliases and alias sets, see “Using Aliases” on page 15.
2. Click Next.
If you chose Default alias set but have not yet selected a default alias set for this
workflow, you need to choose an alias set.
If you chose one of the other options or have already set the workflow's default
alias set, clicking Next takes you to a page where you can choose the specific
alias within that set. Skip step 3.
3. If you have not yet defined a default alias set for this workflow, choose one.
• To choose an existing alias set, click Choose from existing alias sets and
select an alias set from the drop-down list. The list includes alias sets in the
repository to which you are currently connected and on which you have
Write permission.
• To choose a new alias set, click Create new alias set and enter a name and
description for the alias set. The server will create a new alias set using the
information you enter on this page and the next.
5. Click Finish.
If you select any of the first three, the server determines the actual user at runtime.
To choose the user whose security access is used for an automatic activity:
2. Choose which user's security access will be used by the automatic activity:
• Workflow supervisor
The automatic activity will use the permissions of the workflow supervisor,
which by default is the user who starts the workflow.
• Repository owner
The automatic activity will use the permissions of the repository owner.
• Previous activity's performer
The automatic activity will use the permissions of the user who performed
the previous activity in the workflow.
• Specific user
The automatic activity will use the permissions of a user you choose in the
next step.
3. If you chose Specific user, select the user whose permissions will be used.
a. Click the Choose button to display the Select User dialog box.
b. In the Groups list box, highlight the name of a group or <All users>. The
users in the selected group appear in the Users in Group list box.
c. Select the user from the Users in Group list box. The user name appears in
the Selection text box.
d. Click OK.
4. Click Finish.
The selected user name appears in the text box next to the Select Performer
4. Enter any instructions you want to include for the performer of this activity in
the Instructions for performer (title) field.
5. Click Apply to save your updates without closing the Activity Inspector, or
click OK to save your updates and close the Activity Inspector.
If the activity has more than one incoming flow, you can specify how many of the
previous activities must complete before this activity starts. The trigger condition is
the minimum number of input ports that must have accepted packages for this
activity begins. For example, if an activity has three input ports, you may decide that
the activity can start when two of the three have accepted packages.
For more information about activity triggers, see “Setting Trigger Conditions”
on page 17.
• To start this activity only when all preceding activities are complete, check
All input flows are selected.
• To start this activity when some number of its preceding activities are
complete, check This number of input flows selected and enter the number
of preceding activities that must be complete before the activity runs. The
total number of input flows for this activity is shown next to the text box.
When an activity has only one input flow, these options are not different.
3. To ensure a specific action occurs before the selected activity is run, check the
And when this event arrives check box and enter an event name in the adjacent
text box.
The event can be a system-defined event, such as dm_checkin, or you can make
up an event name, such as promoted or released. If you include a trigger event
in the starting condition, the server must find the event you identify queued to
the workflow before starting the activity. Documentum Server Fundamentals Guide
provide more details about defining and queuing events using the
Documentum API.
4. To enable the activity to be run more than once in the same workflow, check the
This activity can run more than once in a workflow check box.
A repeatable activity is an activity that can be used more than once in a
particular workflow. By default, activities are defined as repeatable activities.
Activities with multiple performers performing sequentially cannot be
repeatable. (“Choosing Performers” on page 12 describes the user categories for
If you use an activity multiple times in a workflow, you must structure the
workflow so that only one instance of the activity will be active at any time. The
server cannot start an activity if a previous activity based on the same definition
is still running.
5. Click Apply to save your updates without closing the Activity Inspector, or
click OK to save your updates and close the Activity Inspector.
• A pre-timer that alerts the workflow supervisor if an activity has not started
within a designated number of hours after the workflow starts
• A post-timer that alerts the workflow supervisor if an activity has not completed
within a designated number of hours after the activity starts
The task of checking the warning timers and sending the notices to the workflow
supervisor is performed by the dm_WfmsTimer system administration tool. The
dm_WfmsTimer tool is installed with the system administration tool suite. It is not
installed in the active state. If you intend to use warning timers in workflows, make
sure that your system administrator activates this job. When it is active, it runs by
default once an hour. Documentum Server documentation provides further
information about dm_WfmsTimer.
2. To notify a supervisor when a task fails to start after a specific number of days
or hours, check the The activity does not trigger within check box, and enter a
number of days or hours in the adjacent text boxes.
4. Click Apply to save your updates without closing the Activity Inspector, or
click OK to save your updates and close the Activity Inspector.
If an activity has only one outgoing flow, there is no need to set a transition
condition. The Transition tab is grayed out with the Select all connected activities
option selected.
• To require that all performers complete the task, select the All performers
complete the task radio button.
• To complete the activity when a certain number of performers complete the
task, select the [ ] performers complete the task radio button and enter the
required number of performers in the text box. If the number you enter is
greater than the number of performers who receive work items for this
activity at runtime, the server completes the activity when all performers
complete the task.
4. If you let the performer select the next activities, specify the maximum number
of activities the performer can select using the Select at most [ ] activities drop-
down list box.
The list box displays the total number of available next activities by default. You
can select any number between 1 and this maximum. At runtime, the server will
not allow the performer to select more than the specified number of activities.
5. If you let a group of performers select the next activities that is, if the performer
category is All users in group or Some users in a group and the transition
option is Let performer select the next activity specify when to forward
packages to the selected next activities.
• To start the selected next activities only after the number of performers
identified in step 3 have completed the task, click the All performers
complete the task radio button. With this option, the server combines the
selections of all performers. If some users select forward activities and others
select reject activities, the server determines which activities to start based on
the final set of radio buttons on this tab.
– To start only the selected reject activities (if there are any), click Start
only reject activities. Forward activities are started only if all performers
select forward activities.
– To start only the selected forward activities (if there are any), click Start
only forward activities. Reject activities are started only if all performers
select reject activities.
6. Specify the conditions that the server uses to determine which activities receive
See “Creating transition conditions” on page 55 for information about creating
transition conditions.
7. Click Apply to save your updates without closing the Activity Inspector, or
click OK to save your updates and close the Activity Inspector.
2. Double-click a row in the table that begins with the word if.
If the check box was selected, the Transition Condition Wizard dialog box
appears. Otherwise, the Transition Condition Editor dialog box appears.
3. If you elected not to use the wizard, edit the condition in the Transition
Condition Editor.
a. Enter the condition in the Condition text box. The format of a condition is
object_type.attribute_name=“condition”. You can include multiple conditions
connected by AND. See step 4 for information about the available objects.
b. Select the activities to which packages are routed when this condition is
c. Click OK and skip to step 14 of this procedure.
4. In the wizard dialog box, choose the object to which you want this condition to
5. Click Next.
The next page of the wizard appears, and your selection is added to the
Condition box at the top of the dialog box.
6. Choose the attribute whose value you want to use in the condition.
The drop-down list includes the attributes for the object type you selected at
step 4.
If a drop-down list labeled Repeating attribute, choose or type an index
appears, it means that the attribute you chose is used in more than one place in
the workflow. Indicate which index value to use in this condition by selecting
one of the four options in the list, or by typing a valid index value.
7. Click Next.
The next page of the wizard appears, and the attribute information is added to
the Condition box at the top of the dialog box.
8. Specify the test you want to perform on the selected attribute.
Choose a logical comparison operator from the drop-down list and enter a
comparison value in the text box. The data type for the selected attribute is
shown below the box.
9. Click Next.
The complete transition condition appears in the Condition text box.
10. Decide whether to add another clause to this condition.
a. Double-click the row in the table that begins with the word else.
b. Select the activities to which packages should be routed when no
conditions are met. The list displays the names of the activities connected to
this activity by flows.
c. Click Finish.
17. Change the order of the conditions if necessary.
The server evaluates transition conditions in the order they appear in the table,
and routes packages based on the first condition that evaluates to TRUE. To
change the position of a condition in the table, highlight it and click one of the
arrow buttons.
2. To change the graphic that represents the activity in the template, click the
button that appears to the right of the Image file box, navigate to the file
containing the graphic, and click Open.
The path to the selected file appears in the Image file box.
3. To change the size of the graphic representing the activity, select a percentage
from the Image Size drop-down list.
The percentage is the percentage of the actual size of the graphic.
4. Set the font and style used to label the activity in the template.
5. Choose whether to label the activity with its activity Name or the Performer.
Please note that error messages, such as any that occur when you validate the
template, will refer to activities by their names. If you label activities with the
performer name, you might want to temporarily change this setting to Name in
order to locate the activity.
6. Click Apply to save your updates without closing the Activity Inspector, or
click OK to save your updates and close the Activity Inspector.
The flow lines that connect the activities in a workflow represent the flow of the
document or object that the workflow routes. Flows enable the movement of
packages, their properties, and dependencies between the connected activities. See
“Workflow Templates and Associated Objects” on page 10 for a description of flows.
For each line, you need to identify what packages are sent to the next activity; see
“Defining Packages” on page 16 for more information.
Once you have added a flow to the template, you configure it using the Flow
Inspector. You access the Flow Inspector by double-clicking on a flow in the
workflow template editor pane, or by selecting one or more flows and choosing
Flow Inspector from the Tools menu. There is also a Flow Inspector icon on the
The Flow Inspector has two tabs, each corresponding to one aspect of flow
• The Packages tab enables you to specify what documents get passed along the
flow; see “Setting Package Requirements” on page 60 for details.
• The Display tab controls how the flow appears in the visual display of the
workflow template; see “Changing Flow Display Settings” on page 62.
The name of the flow you are configuring appears in the text box at the top of the
Flow Inspector. If more than one flow is selected, arrow buttons appear on either
side of the text box, enabling you to scroll through the selected flows. The settings
you make apply to the flow whose name appears in the box, unless you select the
Apply to all selected option.
When multiple flows are selected, each tab in the Flow Inspector displays one or
more check boxes labeled Apply to all selected. When this check box is selected,
Workflow Manager applies the associated settings that is, those settings that appear
to the right of the check box to all selected flows, not just the one whose name
appears in the text box at the top. For example, you can select multiple flow and
choose the same packages for all of them at once. Any settings for which the check
box is not selected apply only to the current flow.
Note: Do not add a package to the flow connecting the final activity to the End
2. To add a new package that must be passed from the first activity to the next
activity, click Add New Package.
3. Enter the name of the package by double-clicking in the Name column and
entering a name or selecting a name from the drop-down list.
If you use the same name as a package from another flow, Workflow Manager
assumes you mean the same package. The package type must be the same for
every instance of the same-named package.
4. Choose the object type of the object included in the package by double-clicking
in the Package Type column and select the object type from the drop-down list.
You can control which object types appear in the drop-down list by right-
clicking in the column and selecting an option from the pop-up menu that
• A specific version number, for example, 2.5 or 3.0. If you enter a specific
version number, the package will always contain that version of the
• A symbolic version label, for example, Draft. The symbolic version label is
case sensitive, so be sure the version you enter matches the version of the
object in the repository.
• CURRENT, which is the default selection. If you select CURRENT, the
package will always contain the most current version of the object in the
You can also select (Optional) from the drop-down list. If you select (Optional),
you are making it optional to include an object in the package. This option
enables users to start workflows containing empty packages.
8. To change the order of packages in the flow, highlight a package and click the
arrow buttons that appear below the table.
9. Click Apply to save your updates without closing the Flow Inspector, or click
OK to save your updates and close the Flow Inspector.
2. Determine whether the flow line appears as a Single line straight between the
connected activities or as Multi-segment lines with each segment running
horizontally or vertically.
Multi-segmented lines in a flow are generally easier for users to follow.
3. Set the font and style used to display the names of the packages routed over the
These settings are relevant only if you elect to display the package names in the
next step.
4. To label the flow with the names of the packages it routes, select the Show the
names of packages routed over this flow check box.
5. Click Apply to save your updates without closing the Flow Inspector, or click
OK to save your updates and close the Flow Inspector.
When you participate in a running workflow, you can display Workflow Manager to
view the status of the workflow. When you select View Instance from Workflow
Reporting, Workflow Manager displays a representation of the workflow template
with a status bar under each activity showing its current status.
The status of each activity is shown by the position and color of the box in the status
If the workflow is based on a template you created, you can also use Workflow
Manager to halt, abort, or restart the workflow.
Only the workflow supervisor or a user with superuser or sysadmin privileges can
halt a workflow. You cannot halt a workflow if any work items generated by
automatic activities are in the acquired state.
To halt a workflow:
To abort a workflow:
Resuming a workflow returns any work items in the D/A/P paused state work items
to their previous state, changes the halted activity instances to the running state, and
changes the workflow's state to running. Documentum Server Fundamentals Guide
provides more information about these states.