Best Practices in Change Management Full Report Digital 11thedition

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Best Practices In

Change Management
11th Edition

Prosci Benchmarking Report

1,863 change leaders share lessons and
best practices in change management
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Best Practices in Change Management

11th Edition
1,863 participants share lessons and best practices in change management

© 2020 Prosci Inc.

ISBN: 978-1-930885-64-6

Editors – Karen Ball, Tim Creasey, Kent Ganvik, Emily Hazelton, Lisa Kempton, Robert Stise;
Study design – Karen Ball, Tim Creasey, Robert Stise;
Data visualization – Tim Creasey, Reis Marzana, Robert Stise;
Regression analysis – Tyler Lehman;
Contributors – Rashelle Danielson, Mike Davis, Alex FitzSimons, Matthew Flood, Kent Ganvik,
Josh Garside, Emily Hazelton, Rachel Grossman, JD Jacob, Tyler Lehman, Reis Marzana, Courtney Schultz,
Robert Stise, Alyssa Thomas;
With assistance from – Sue Emond, Shelby Perez, Kris Roberts;
Copy editor – Sue Emond, John Garger;
Reviewed by – Karen Ball, Tim Creasey, Lisa Kempton;
Photography by – Shelby Perez;
Cover and introduction pages designed by – Kris Roberts; Dianne Wareham

This report is designed for accessibility and compliance with regulatory standards that promote
equality for people with disabilities.

All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior written permission of Prosci.

This edition of Best Practices in Change Management aggregates findings from the 2019 study and previous studies
(1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017) to create a compendium of benchmarking findings, and one
of the most comprehensive bodies of knowledge on change management. Findings brought forward from the 2007, 2009,
2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017 editions of the report are noted with the following text: “Source date: 20XX.”

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Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Table of Contents

Letter from Prosci....................................................................................................................................... 13

Study Overview........................................................................................................................................... 15

PART ONE : Current State of Change Management.................................................................. 19

Chapter 1 : Insights......................................................................................................................................... 21
Greatest Contributors to Success................................................................................................................ 23
Greatest Change Management Obstacles............................................................................................... 25
What to Do Differently on the Next Project............................................................................................ 26
Advice for Practitioners.............................................................................................................................. 27
Chapter 2 : Trends........................................................................................................................................... 31
Internal Two-Year Trends in Change Management............................................................................... 33
Challenges Facing the Discipline of Change Management.................................................................... 35
Expected Discipline Trends Over the Next Five Years............................................................................ 37
Chapter 3 : Organizational Capability........................................................................................................ 39
Organizational Maturity............................................................................................................................. 41
Deployment Approach............................................................................................................................... 46
Change Management Functional Group................................................................................................. 54
Training on Change Management............................................................................................................ 61
Change Management Job Roles................................................................................................................ 68

PART TWO : Change Management Application............................................................................ 75

Chapter 4 : Motivation and Justification.................................................................................................... 77
Motivation................................................................................................................................................... 79
Justifying Change Management................................................................................................................ 80
Chapter 5 : Effectiveness and Measurement............................................................................................ 85
Effectiveness............................................................................................................................................... 87
Measurements............................................................................................................................................ 93
Chapter 6 : Methodology.............................................................................................................................. 105
Initiating Change Management.............................................................................................................. 107
Application of Methodology.................................................................................................................... 110
Methodologies Used................................................................................................................................ 114
Chapter 7 : CM Budget, Resources and Team Structure....................................................................... 119
Change Management Budget................................................................................................................. 121
Change Management Resources............................................................................................................ 127
Team Structure Used............................................................................................................................... 136

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Chapter 8 : Change Management Activities............................................................................................ 143
Communications....................................................................................................................................... 150
Training...................................................................................................................................................... 161
Resistance Management......................................................................................................................... 166
Reinforcement and Feedback................................................................................................................. 173
Change Readiness.................................................................................................................................... 178
Chapter 9 : PM and CM Integration........................................................................................................... 181

PART THREE : Roles in Change Management............................................................................... 193

Chapter 10 : Sponsorship............................................................................................................................. 195
Chapter 11 : Managers and Supervisors................................................................................................... 229
Chapter 12 : Change Agent Network......................................................................................................... 239
Chapter 13 : Consultants............................................................................................................................. 245
Chapter 14 : Complementary Roles........................................................................................................... 251

PART FOUR : Adapting and Aligning Change Management................................................. 257

Chapter 15 : Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement.......................................................... 259
Cultural Awareness—Regional Considerations.................................................................................... 261
Cultural Dimensions and Change Management................................................................................... 268
Employee and Stakeholder Engagement.............................................................................................. 293
Chapter 16 : Customizing CM by Industry................................................................................................ 299
Top Three Industry-Specific Changes on the Horizon......................................................................... 305
Chapter 17 : Aligning CM With Specific Approaches.............................................................................. 311
Aligning With Program Management..................................................................................................... 314
Aligning With Continuous Process Improvement................................................................................. 316
Aligning With Lean.................................................................................................................................... 318
Aligning With Agile.................................................................................................................................... 320
Aligning With Six Sigma............................................................................................................................ 321
Chapter 18 : Managing Complex Changes................................................................................................ 325
Spanning Wide Geographic Areas.......................................................................................................... 328
Little or No WIIFM..................................................................................................................................... 330
Impact Across Various Cultures.............................................................................................................. 331
Long Time Frame...................................................................................................................................... 332
Reorganization.......................................................................................................................................... 333
Union Environment.................................................................................................................................. 334

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Layoffs or Significant Staff Reductions.................................................................................................. 335

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)....................................................................................................... 336
Cloud-Based Computing.......................................................................................................................... 337
Merger or Acquisition.............................................................................................................................. 339
Chapter 19 : Saturation and Portfolio Management............................................................................. 341

Appendices....................................................................................................................................................... 351
Appendix A – Participant Demographics............................................................................................... 353
Appendix B – Project Profiles.................................................................................................................. 361
Appendix C – List of Certification Programs Participants Attended................................................... 366
Appendix D – Prosci Change Management Maturity Model............................................................... 368
Appendix E – Regression Analysis.......................................................................................................... 371
Study Participants......................................................................................................................................... 373
Best Practices in Change Management.................................................................................................... 375

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Tables and Figures

Figure i.1 – Geographic representation of participants........................................................................................................... 15

Figure i.2 – Role of participants................................................................................................................................................... 15
Table 1.1 – Contributors to success over time............................................................................................................................24
Figure 3.1 – Prosci Change Management Maturity Model.......................................................................................................41
Figure 3.2 – Prosci Change Management Maturity Model progression.................................................................................42
Table 3.3 – Maturity Model averages by region........................................................................................................................42
Table 3.4 – Maturity Model data segmented by region............................................................................................................43
Table 3.5 – Maturity Model data segmented by industry........................................................................................................43
Table 3.6 – Maturity Model averages by industry.....................................................................................................................44
Table 3.7 – Maturity Model data segmented by revenue.........................................................................................................45
Table 3.8 – Maturity Model data segmented by number of employees.................................................................................45
Figure 3.9 – Actively working to deploy change management................................................................................................46
Table 3.10 – Organization actively working to deploy change management by maturity level.........................................46
Figure 3.11 – Length of deployment effort.................................................................................................................................47
Figure 3.12 – Originator of the effort..........................................................................................................................................47
Figure 3.13 – Use of a pilot group................................................................................................................................................48
Figure 3.14 – Consistent methodology across organization....................................................................................................49
Figure 3.15 – Success of deployment...........................................................................................................................................49
Figure 3.16 – Percent of projects applying change management...........................................................................................52
Table 3.17 – Percentage of projects applying change management .....................................................................................52
Figure 3.18 – Project leader and project manager recognition...............................................................................................52
Figure 3.19 – Executive and senior leader recognition.............................................................................................................52
Figure 3.20 – Middle manager recognition................................................................................................................................52
Figure 3.21 – Frontline manager and supervisor recognition.................................................................................................53
Figure 3.22 – Solution developer and designer recognition....................................................................................................53
Figure 3.23 – Moderate to high recognition of the value and need for change management...........................................53
Table 3.24 – Development of the recognition of the value and need for change management.........................................53
Figure 3.25 – Prevalence of Change Management Office or functional group.....................................................................54
Figure 3.26 – Change Management Office or functional group by region............................................................................54
Figure 3.27 – Change Management Office or functional group by industry.........................................................................54
Figure 3.28 – Change Management Office or functional group by annual revenue ...........................................................55
Figure 3.29 – Change Management Office or functional group by number of employees.................................................55
Figure 3.30 – Change Management Office or functional group by maturity level...............................................................55
Table 3.31 – Responsibilities of the Change Management Office or functional group........................................................56
Figure 3.32 – Location of Change Management Office or functional group.........................................................................56
Figure 3.33 – Number of locations for Change Management Office or functional group..................................................56
Figure 3.34 – Most effective location for the Change Management Office or functional group........................................58
Figure 3.35 – Number of employees in the functional group..................................................................................................59
Figure 3.36 – Shared common definition of change throughout the organization..............................................................60
Figure 3.37 – Shared definition by maturity level.....................................................................................................................60
Figure 3.38 – Common in common definition...........................................................................................................................60
Figure 3.39 – Attended a certification program........................................................................................................................ 61
Figure 3.40 – Recommend that others become certified in change management............................................................... 61
Figure 3.41 – Certified in Change Management........................................................................................................................62
Figure 3.42 – Groups that received change management training........................................................................................63
Table 3.43 – Training vehicles used.............................................................................................................................................63
Table 3.44 – Average days of change management training..................................................................................................64

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Figure 3.45 – Type of training for change management resources........................................................................................65

Figure 3.46 – Days of training for change management resources........................................................................................65
Figure 3.47 – Type of training for project team members.......................................................................................................65
Figure 3.48 – Days of training for project team members.......................................................................................................66
Figure 3.49 – Type of training for executives and senior leaders............................................................................................66
Figure 3.50 – Days of training for executives and senior leaders...........................................................................................66
Figure 3.51 – Type of training for managers and supervisors.................................................................................................66
Figure 3.52 – Days of training for managers and supervisors................................................................................................67
Figure 3.53 – Type of training for impacted employees...........................................................................................................67
Figure 3.54 – Days of training for impacted employees..........................................................................................................67
Figure 3.55 – Organization has a permanent change management position or job role...................................................68
Figure 3.56 – Permanent positions by region............................................................................................................................68
Figure 3.57 – Permanent positions by industry.........................................................................................................................69
Figure 3.58 – Permanent positions by annual revenue............................................................................................................69
Figure 3.59 – Permanent positions by number of employees in organization.....................................................................69
Figure 3.60 – Permanent positions by change management maturity level.........................................................................69
Figure 3.61 – Length of time permanent positions existed in the organization...................................................................70
Figure 3.62 – Number of locations in the organization that have permanent job roles.....................................................70
Figure 3.63 – Location at which a change management job role resides..............................................................................70
Figure 3.64 – Common location combinations.........................................................................................................................70
Figure 3.65 – Number of projects supported by change management resource.................................................................71
Figure 3.66 – Annual salary of permanent position or job role (in U.S. dollars)..................................................................71
Figure 3.67 – Change management career paths.....................................................................................................................72
Figure 3.68 – Career paths by change management maturity...............................................................................................72
Figure 4.1 – Degree of Justification needed for project teams................................................................................................80
Figure 4.2 – Participants who had to justify change management to leadership teams............................................... 81
Figure 4.3 – Other groups that required justification..............................................................................................................83
Figure 4.4 – Used risk mitigation to justify change management..........................................................................................83
Figure 4.5 – Used cost avoidance to justify change management..........................................................................................84
Figure 5.1 – Correlation with meeting objectives......................................................................................................................87
Figure 5.2 – Correlation with staying on or ahead of schedule..............................................................................................87
Figure 5.3 – Correlation with staying on or under budget.......................................................................................................87
Table 5.4 – Change management effectiveness factors...........................................................................................................88
Figure 5.5 – Overall effectiveness of change management programs...................................................................................89
Figure 5.6 – To whom effectiveness was reported....................................................................................................................89
Figure 5.7 – Number of stakeholders to whom change effectiveness information was reported.....................................89
Figure 5.8 – Did organizational goals and values impact change management.................................................................90
Figure 5.9 – Measured change management effectiveness.....................................................................................................96
Figure 5.10 – Measured if change was occurring at the individual level................................................................................97
Figure 5.11 – Definition of successful adoption and usage......................................................................................................99
Figure 5.12 – Speed of adoption performance..........................................................................................................................99
Figure 5.13 – Ultimate utilization performance.........................................................................................................................99
Figure 5.14 – Proficiency performance.......................................................................................................................................99
Figure 5.15 – In line or better than expected speed of adoption versus change management effectiveness................100
Figure 5.16 – In line or better than expected ultimate utilization versus change management effectiveness...............100
Figure 5.17 – In line or better than expected proficiency versus change management effectiveness.............................100
Figure 5.18 – Definition of project goals and objectives........................................................................................................102
Figure 6.1 – When to start change management....................................................................................................................107
Figure 6.2 – Starting change management and meeting objectives....................................................................................107
Figure 6.3 – Contributors to starting change management early in the project................................................................107
Figure 6.4 – Number of contributors to starting change management early in the project.............................................108

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Figure 6.5 – Consequences of starting late..............................................................................................................................109
Figure 6.6 – Use of methodology............................................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 6.7 – Use of methodology by region.............................................................................................................................. 111
Figure 6.8 – Use of methodology by industry.......................................................................................................................... 111
Figure 6.9 – Use of methodology by annual revenue............................................................................................................. 111
Figure 6.10 – Use of methodology by number of employees................................................................................................. 111
Figure 6.11 – Use of methodology by level of maturity.......................................................................................................... 112
Figure 6.12 – Impact of use of a methodology on overall change management effectiveness........................................ 112
Figure 6.13 – How a methodology was used............................................................................................................................ 112
Figure 6.14 – Methodology used................................................................................................................................................ 114
Figure 6.15 – Methodology used and change management effectiveness.......................................................................... 115
Figure 7.1 – Project had dedicated change management budget.........................................................................................121
Figure 7.2 – Percent of project budget dedicated to change management.........................................................................121
Figure 7.3 – Source of change budget.......................................................................................................................................121
Figure 7.4 – Sufficiency of budget allocated to change management..................................................................................122
Figure 7.5 – Insufficient change management budget available at each phase.................................................................122
Figure 7.6 – Average budget versus project investment.........................................................................................................123
Figure 7.7 – Average budget versus project scope...................................................................................................................123
Figure 7.8 – Average budget versus employees impacted......................................................................................................123
Figure 7.9 – Average budget versus duration...........................................................................................................................123
Figure 7.10 – Percentage of project budget versus project investment................................................................................124
Figure 7.11 – Percentage of project budget versus project scope..........................................................................................124
Figure 7.12 – Percentage of project budget versus employees impacted.............................................................................124
Figure 7.13 – Percentage of project budget versus duration..................................................................................................124
Figure 7.14 – Allocated budget to cost components................................................................................................................125
Figure 7.15 – Average percentage of budget allocated to each cost component ...............................................................125
Figure 7.16 – Number of budget components .........................................................................................................................126
Table 7.17 – Common budget profiles.......................................................................................................................................126
Figure 7.18 – Project with dedicated change management resources..................................................................................127
Figure 7.19 – Dedicated resources by region............................................................................................................................127
Figure 7.20 – Dedicated resources by industry........................................................................................................................127
Figure 7.21 – Dedicated resources by annual revenue...........................................................................................................128
Figure 7.22 – Dedicated resources by number of employees................................................................................................128
Figure 7.23 – Dedicated resources by change management maturity.................................................................................128
Figure 7.24 – Relationship between dedicated resources and change management effectiveness.................................128
Figure 7.25 – Sufficiency of resources.......................................................................................................................................129
Figure 7.26 –Participants with insufficient resources available by project phase.............................................................129
Figure 7.27 –Relationship between sufficient resources and change management effectiveness...................................129
Figure 7.28 –Decision variables on change management resources needs........................................................................129
Figure 7.29 –FTE dedicated to change management..............................................................................................................132
Figure 7.30 – Average FTE dedicated to change management versus project investment................................................132
Figure 7.31 – Average FTE dedicated to change management versus project scope..........................................................133
Figure 7.32 – Average FTE dedicated to change management versus number of employees impacted.........................133
Figure 7.33 – Average FTE dedicated to change management versus duration.................................................................133
Figure 7.34 – Average percentage of project FTE dedicated to change management........................................................133
Figure 7.35 – Percentage of project FTE dedicated to change management versus project investment.........................133
Figure 7.36 – Percentage of project FTE dedicated to change management versus project scope..................................134
Figure 7.37 – Percent of project FTE dedicated to change management versus employees impacted............................134
Figure 7.38 – Percentage of project FTE dedicated to change management versus duration..........................................134
Table 7.39 – Change management team structure descriptions..........................................................................................136
Figure 7.40 – Team structure used............................................................................................................................................136

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Figure 7.41 – Change management effectiveness of team structures used.........................................................................139

Figure 7.42 – Reason for using the team structure.................................................................................................................140
Table 7.43 – Reasons for using a particular team structure.................................................................................................140
Figure 8.1 – Change management activity model...................................................................................................................145
Table 8.2 – Change management start-up activities..............................................................................................................146
Table 8.3 – Change management and design activities.........................................................................................................147
Table 8.4 – Change management implementation activities................................................................................................148
Figure 8.5 – Preferred sender for organizational and personal messages.........................................................................150
Figure 8.6 – Use of social media................................................................................................................................................157
Figure 8.7 – Frequency of social media use.............................................................................................................................158
Figure 8.8 – Social media tools used.........................................................................................................................................158
Figure 8.9 – Social media effectiveness....................................................................................................................................159
Figure 8.10 – Training vehicles used..........................................................................................................................................162
Figure 8.11 – Average of total training delivered through each vehicle...............................................................................162
Figure 8.12 – Percentage of impacted employees that received training.............................................................................163
Figure 8.13 – Stages at which project training was delivered................................................................................................163
Figure 8.14 – Number of stages at which project training was delivered............................................................................163
Table 8.15 – Project stage combinations when training was delivered at more than one stage......................................164
Figure 8.16 – Resistance during each stage of the project lifecycle......................................................................................166
Figure 8.17 – Most resistant groups..........................................................................................................................................167
Figure 8.18 – Percentage of employee resistance seen as avoidable...................................................................................168
Figure 8.19 – Percentage of manager resistance seen as avoidable....................................................................................170
Figure 8.20 – Planning for reinforcement on project success...............................................................................................173
Figure 8.21 – Impact of planning for reinforcement on project success............................................................................. 174
Figure 8.22 – Allocated resources to reinforcement and sustainment................................................................................. 174
Figure 8.23 – Impact of allocating resources to reinforcement on meeting objectives..................................................... 174
Figure 8.24 – Role responsible for reinforcement and sustainment....................................................................................175
Figure 8.25 – Best provider of reinforcement and recognition.............................................................................................175
Figure 8.26 – Organization evaluated general readiness for change..................................................................................178
Figure 8.27 – Evaluated change readiness on particular projects.......................................................................................178
Figure 8.28 – Evaluated change readiness at the individual level........................................................................................179
Figure 9.1 – Integrated change management and project management............................................................................183
Figure 9.2 – Integrated change management and project management by region...........................................................183
Figure 9.3 – Integrated change management and project management by industry.......................................................183
Figure 9.4 – Integrated change management and project management by annual revenue..........................................184
Figure 9.5 – Integrated change management and project management by number of employees................................184
Figure 9.6 – Impact of integration on meeting objectives......................................................................................................184
Figure 9.7 – Impact of integration on change management effectiveness..........................................................................184
Figure 9.8 – Dimensions of integration.....................................................................................................................................187
Figure 9.9 – Project and change management tools that were integrated.........................................................................187
Figure 9.10 – Integration at stages of the project lifecycle.....................................................................................................188
Figure 9.11 – Project team view of the role of change management....................................................................................188
Figure 9.12 – Change in project team perception....................................................................................................................189
Figure 9.13 – Obstacles when introducing change management to a project team..........................................................189
Figure 9.14 – Project management maturity level..................................................................................................................191
Figure 9.15 – Integration versus project management maturity..........................................................................................191
Figure 10.1 – Correlation of sponsor effectiveness with meeting objectives.......................................................................198
Figure 10.2 – Sponsor role understanding.............................................................................................................................. 200
Figure 10.3 – Ineffective or extremely ineffective sponsor role fulfillment........................................................................ 200
Table 10.4 – Sponsor effectiveness at specific activities........................................................................................................201
Figure 10.5 – Formally evaluated sponsor role fulfillment....................................................................................................202

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Figure 10.6 – Correlation of sponsor access with meeting/exceeding objectives...............................................................203
Figure 10.7 – Correlation of sponsor access with change management effectiveness......................................................203
Figure 10.8 – Frequency of meeting with sponsors................................................................................................................ 204
Figure 10.9 – Sponsor communication frequency...................................................................................................................205
Figure 10.10 – Sponsor symptoms.............................................................................................................................................205
Figure 10.11 – Sponsor characterization at beginning of the project..................................................................................205
Figure 10.12 – Sponsor at right level in the organization.......................................................................................................207
Figure 10.13 – Sponsor challenges.............................................................................................................................................209
Table 10.14 – Sponsor challenges by industry.........................................................................................................................210
Table 10.15 – Sponsor challenges by maturity level...............................................................................................................211
Figure 10.16 – Impact of sponsor leaving on meeting objectives, project schedule and project budget........................212
Figure 10.17 – Impact of sponsor at wrong level on meeting objectives, project schedule and project budget............214
Figure 10.18 – Impact of sponsor lacking time or resources on meeting objectives, project schedule and
project budget....................................................................................................................................................216
Figure 10.19 – Impact of sponsor delegating on meeting objectives, project schedule and project budget..................217
Figure 10.20 – Impact of sponsor not supporting the change on meeting objectives, project schedule and
project budget....................................................................................................................................................219
Figure 10.21 – Impact of sponsor underestimating the people side impact on meeting objectives, project
schedule and project budget............................................................................................................................220
Figure 10.22 – Impact of sponsor unwilling to take on the role and activities on meeting objectives, project
schedule and project budget............................................................................................................................222
Figure 10.23 – Sponsor activity model.....................................................................................................................................224
Table 10.24 – Sponsor start-up activities.................................................................................................................................225
Table 10.25 – Sponsor design activities....................................................................................................................................226
Table 10.26 – Sponsor implementation activities...................................................................................................................227
Figure 11.1 – Effectiveness of managers and supervisors in roles........................................................................................232
Table 11.2 – Manager role fulfillment.......................................................................................................................................233
Figure 11.3 – Formally evaluated manager and supervisor role effectiveness...................................................................233
Figure 11.4 – Techniques to evaluate manager and supervisor role effectiveness............................................................233
Figure 11.5 – Adequately prepared managers and supervisors...........................................................................................237
Figure 12.1 – Leveraged a change agent network...................................................................................................................241
Figure 12.2 – Change agent network roles and responsibilities............................................................................................241
Figure 13.1 – Used an external consultant for the change project.......................................................................................247
Figure 13.2 – Role of a change management consultant.......................................................................................................248
Figure 14.1 – Use of complementary roles...............................................................................................................................253
Figure 15.1 – Impact of cultural awareness on change management.................................................................................261
Figure 15.2 – Importance of globally literate leaders.............................................................................................................262
Table 15.3 – Respondent distribution across six cultural dimensions.................................................................................268
Figure 15.4 – Average scores for assertiveness across the study..........................................................................................269
Table 15.5 – Assertiveness scores for each region..................................................................................................................272
Table 15.6 – Assertiveness scores for each industry that made up more than 1.5% of the study...................................272
Figure 15.7 – Average scores for individualism/collectivism across the study....................................................................273
Table 15.8 – Individualism/collectivism scores for each region............................................................................................277
Table 15.9 – Individualism/collectivism scores for each industry that made up more than 1.5% of the study.............277
Figure 15.10 – Average scores for emotional expressiveness across the study...................................................................278
Table 15.11 – Emotional expressiveness scores for each region...........................................................................................280
Table 15.12 – Emotional expressiveness scores for each industry that made up more than 1.5% of the study............280
Figure 15.13 – Average scores for performance orientation across the study....................................................................281
Table 15.14 – Performance orientation scores for each region.............................................................................................283
Table 15.15 – Performance orientation scores for each industry that made up more than 1.5% of the study.............283
Figure 15.16 – Average scores for power distance across the study.....................................................................................284

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Table 15.17 – Power distance scores for each region.............................................................................................................287

Table 15.18 – Power distance scores for each industry that made up more than 1.5% of the study..............................287
Figure 15.19 – Average scores for uncertainty avoidance across the study........................................................................288
Table 15.20 – Uncertainty avoidance scores for each region................................................................................................291
Table 15.21 – Uncertainty avoidance scores for each industry that made up more than 1.5% of the study.................291
Figure 15.22 – Weighted scores for most impactful cultural dimensions............................................................................292
Figure 15.23 – Cultural dimensions rated as having the largest impact (ranked 1)...........................................................292
Figure 15.24 – Distribution of cultural dimension impact rankings.....................................................................................292
Figure 15.25 – Assessed employee engagement......................................................................................................................293
Figure 15.26 – Characterization of employee engagement ..................................................................................................293
Figure 15.27 – Employee engagement and change management maturity level...............................................................293
Figure 15.28 – Employee engagement and meeting project objectives...............................................................................293
Figure 15.29 – Employee engagement and change saturation............................................................................................ 294
Figure 15.30 – Employees engagement by region.................................................................................................................. 294
Table 15.31 – Employee engagement by industry...................................................................................................................295
Figure 15.32 – Employee engagement by revenue..................................................................................................................295
Figure 15.33 – Employee engagement by number of employees..........................................................................................295
Figure 15.34 – Impact of change management on employee engagement.........................................................................296
Figure 15.35 – Organization shifted to more open, participatory and feedback driven approach
to stakeholder engagement..............................................................................................................................296
Figure 15.36 – Organization shifted to more open, participatory and feedback driven approach
to stakeholder engagement by industry.........................................................................................................296
Figure 15.37 – Organization shifted to more open, participatory and feedback driven approach
to stakeholder engagement by maturity level...............................................................................................297
Figure 17.1 – Aligning change management with specific approaches................................................................................313
Figure 18.1 – Complex changes managed................................................................................................................................327
Figure 19.1 – Amount of change expected in the next two years......................................................................................... 343
Figure 19.2 – Percentage of organizations managing the portfolio of change.................................................................. 343
Figure 19.3 – Where the portfolio of change was managed................................................................................................. 343
Figure 19.4 – Influence over the portfolio of change............................................................................................................. 344
Figure 19.5 – Areas participants had influence on................................................................................................................ 344
Figure 19.6 – Level of change saturation................................................................................................................................. 344
Figure 19.7 – Percentage of participants near or past the change saturation point........................................................ 344
Figure 19.8 – Change saturation by region............................................................................................................................. 345
Figure 19.9 – Change saturation by industry.......................................................................................................................... 345
Figure 19.10 – Change saturation by annual revenue of organization............................................................................... 346
Figure 19.11 – Change saturation by number of employees in organization..................................................................... 346
Figure 19.12 – Spread of change saturation............................................................................................................................347
Figure 19.13 – Managing the change portfolio....................................................................................................................... 348
Figure 19.14 – Organizational interest in managing the change portfolio......................................................................... 348
Figure A.1 – Geographic representation of participants........................................................................................................353
Figure A.2 – Geographic presence.............................................................................................................................................353
Figure A.3 – Industry segment...................................................................................................................................................354
Figure A.4 – Annual revenue or budget of participating organizations ..............................................................................354
Figure A.5 – Total number of employees in participating organizations.............................................................................355
Figure A.6 – Number of projects underway.............................................................................................................................355
Figure A.7 – Percentage of projects applying change management.....................................................................................356
Table A.8 – Percentage of projects applying change management .....................................................................................356
Figure A.9 – Percentage of projects applying change management by region...................................................................356
Figure A.10 – Percentage of projects applying change management by industry..............................................................356
Figure A.11 – Percentage of projects applying change management by revenue ..............................................................357

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Figure A.12 – Percentage of projects applying change management by number of employees.......................................357
Figure A.13 – Percentage of projects applying change management by organizational maturity..................................357
Figure A.14 – Percentage of projects considered successful..................................................................................................358
Figure A.15 – Percentage of projects considered successful by region.................................................................................358
Figure A.16 – Percentage of projects considered successful by revenue..............................................................................358
Figure A.17 – Percentage of projects considered successful by number of employees......................................................358
Figure A.18 – Percentage of projects considered successful by organizational maturity level.........................................359
Figure A.19 – Percentage of projects considered successful by industry.............................................................................359
Figure A.20 – Years of change management experience........................................................................................................359
Figure A.21 – Participants’ roles in change management ....................................................................................................360
Figure A.22 – Percentage of job dedicated specifically to change management................................................................360
Figure A.23 – Number of projects supported by change management practitioners.......................................................360
Figure B.1 – Project stage ...........................................................................................................................................................361
Figure B.2 – Change type............................................................................................................................................................361
Figure B.3 – Number of change types selected........................................................................................................................361
Figure B.4 – Combinations of change types.............................................................................................................................362
Figure B.5 – Initiatives reported on...........................................................................................................................................362
Figure B.6 – Scope of the change...............................................................................................................................................363
Figure B.7 – Project investment.................................................................................................................................................363
Figure B.8 – Number of employees impacted......................................................................................................................... 364
Figure B.9 – Duration of the change effort............................................................................................................................. 364
Figure B.10 – Projects meeting objectives................................................................................................................................365
Figure B.11 – Projects on schedule............................................................................................................................................365
Figure B.12 – Projects on budget...............................................................................................................................................365
Table F.1 – Analysis of means between observations used and not used during analyses..............................................372

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Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Letter From Prosci

The imperative for organizations to realize results from change and engage a workforce in the process reverberates
loudly across industry, organization size and geography. As a change leader, you play a crucial role in ensuring your
organization realizes its unique vision of different and prosperous developments on the horizon. Prosci’s mission,
and the purpose of this study, is to enable organizations and individuals to build their own change management
capabilities. We endeavor to uncover best practices that help you become better at leading change.

Best practices provide a starting point for understanding the fundamental concepts of leading people through change.
The collective successes of other change efforts provide checkpoints to guide your planning. Lessons others have
uncovered provide insights into tackling complex change scenarios and help to avoid common pitfalls. Data from
11 studies across 22 years encompassing over 8,100 change agents who have undertaken significant organizational
changes demonstrate authoritatively the value of investing in the people side of change.

The 11th edition of Best Practices in Change Management represents the largest body of knowledge on managing
the people side of change. Thank you to the 1,863 contributors who devoted time and energy to provide new valuable
insights and data.

Whether you study specific topics as a learning exercise, use the book as a reference, or rely on the tools and processes
derived from the results, I trust that you will find insights that will work to increase your change management
efficiency, your project success rate through better adoption and usage, and your organization’s ability to manage
its portfolios of change.

Thank you,

Tim Creasey,
Chief Innovation Officer

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 13

14 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Study Overview
Participant Profile Participants represented a variety of roles in relation
to the change on which they reported. Figure i.2
shows the role of participants throughout the last four
One thousand eight hundred and sixty-three (1,863)
benchmarking studies. As in the previous study, the top
participants from 85 countries took part in Prosci’s most
four job roles of participants were:
recent Best Practices in Change Management study.
This report combines findings and data from the 2019 • Change management team leader
study with Prosci’s previous ten studies to form the • External consultant
largest body of knowledge related to managing the
• Project team member
people side of change and is based on insights and
experiences from more than 8,100 participants. • Change management team member

2019 study – 1,863 participants

Figure i.2 – Role of participants
2017 study – 1,778 participants
2015 study – 1,120 participants 45% 2019
2013 study – 822 participants Change Management 42% 2017
Team Leader 43%
2011 study – 650 participants 43% 2015
2009 study – 575 participants 17%
2007 study – 426 participants External Consultant
2005 study – 411 participants
2003 study – 288 participants 5%
Project Team Member 3%
2000 study – 152 participants 3%
1998 study – 102 participants 11%
Change Management 11%
Team Member 12%
Figure i.1 shows the geographic distribution of 11%

participants in the 2019 study. Participation dropped 4%

Project Team Leader
from Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Participation 12%
increased from Asia, Latin America and the United
States. Participation from Canada, Europe and the Middle Internal
Change Management
East stayed relatively unchanged. Support Staff

Human Resources
Figure i.1 – Geographic representation of participants 2%

Africa - 5% 3%
Asia and Pacific 3%
Other 5%
Islands - 7%
United States - 32% 6%

Australia and Project Sponsor 2%
New Zealand - 16% 2%

0 10 20 30 40 50
Percent of Respondents

Middle East - 2% Canada - 11%

Latin America- 6%

Europe - 21%

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 15

Study Objective

The objective of this study was to uncover lessons

learned from practitioners and consultants so current
change management teams can benefit from these
experiences. Emphasis was placed on what is working
and what is not in key areas of the change management
discipline. The 11th Edition of the Best Practices report
represents ongoing longitudinal data and emerging
trends in change management.

This report explores four broad categories of change

management: the current state of change management,
change management applications, roles in change
management, and adapting and aligning change
management. New topics explored in the 2019 study
included sponsor challenges and open and participatory
cultural impacts on change management.

16 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Report Structure and Highlights

PART ONE: Current State of Change Management

Foundational findings from change management
Chapter 1 Insights
research on the most critical steps to drive success
Explore what is happening at the forefront of an
Chapter 2 Trends
emerging and maturing discipline
Move past a project-by-project approach to build
Chapter 3 Organizational Capability an organizational change capability into the DNA
and fabric of your organization
PART TWO: Change Management Application
Gain buy-in and commitment for change
Chapter 4 Motivation and Justification management by focusing on the results and
outcomes you deliver
Measuring change management work and
Chapter 5 Effectiveness and Measurement
outcomes based on research
Increase change management effectiveness with
Chapter 6 Methodology
a structured methodology
Size and secure the right resources for optimizing
Chapter 7 CM Budget, Resources and Team Structure
your change management efforts
The specific steps effective change managers take
Chapter 8 Change Management Activities
to influence project success
The power of complementary disciplines working
Chapter 9 PM and CM Integration
in partnership toward a common objective
PART THREE: Roles in Change Management
Active and visible sponsorship is the single
Chapter 10 Sponsorship greatest contributor to the success of a
change initiative
Managers and supervisors legitimize the changes
Chapter 11 Managers and Supervisors
impacting the teams they lead
Extend project support and credibility through an
Chapter 12 Change Agent Network
engaged group of advocates
Strategically leverage experienced change
Chapter 13 Consultants
professionals to drive performance
Collaborate with internal support functions to
Chapter 14 Complementary Roles
enhance change management outcomes
PART FOUR: Adapting and Aligning Change Management
Navigate the complexity of managing change
Chapter 15 Culture, Employee and
within the context of culture, employee and
Stakeholder Engagement
stakeholder engagement
Adapt change activities to the unique challenges of
Chapter 16 Customizing CM by Industry
your industry
Change management intersects with Program
Chapter 17 Aligning CM with Specific Approaches
Management, Lean, Agile and more
How to adapt when the project presents difficult
Chapter 18 Managing Complex Changes
change management scenarios
Mitigate the cumulative and collective impact of
Chapter 19 Saturation and Portfolio Management
an increasing volume of change

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 17

Current State of
Change Management
Chapter 1 – Insights

Chapter 2 – Trends

Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

Chapter 1

Foundational Findings From Change Management Research
on the Most Critical Steps to Drive Success

Summary Highlight

Greatest contributors to success and greatest change For the eleventh consecutive
management obstacles provide a research foundation for study, active and visible executive
your change management work. These core best practices sponsorship was identified as the
continue to shape the practice and growth of the change greatest overall contributor to
management industry. Longitudinal data reveals how key change success.
findings have changed over time. Start here for advice and
lessons learned from seasoned change leaders.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Greatest Contributors to Success

Greatest Contributors to Success 4. Employee engagement and participation
Consistent and continuous employee engagement
and participation were critical components to
As in previous studies, participants in the 2019 study
successful change. In addition to addressing
identified the greatest contributors to a successful
personal and professional impacts, participants
change management initiative. Participants identified
engaged employees by soliciting employee feedback,
seven top contributors. Most contributors to success
involving employees in identifying a proposed
remained consistent with previous studies, with a slight
solution and future state for the change at hand,
change in ranking.
and leveraging change champions to allow more
opportunities for awareness building.
1. Active and visible executive sponsorship
Active and visible sponsorship remained the top 5. Dedicated change management resources
contributor to change management success. This Although this contributor moved down in ranking
was noted four times more often than any other from second to fifth, acquiring and maintaining
contributor. Participants reported that sponsors funding for change management resources
who demonstrated active support throughout the remained a key contributor to project success.
lifecycle of the change, engaged in change activities, Experienced and dedicated change management
and influenced their peers to maintain buy-in, were resources mattered, whether internal or externally
critical to the change’s success. sourced, to ensure proper attention to change
management efforts on projects.
2. Structured change management approach
Applying a structured approach to change 6. Integration and engagement with
management moved up a spot in the rankings, project management
from third to second. Employing a structured Integrating and engaging with the project team and
methodology created a formal process and provided project leaders aided change management initiative
a shared language, which supported consistent success. Participants also stressed the importance of
application of change management on a project engaging with the project team at the early stages of
and throughout an organization. Participants cited a project, which clearly delineated roles, mitigated
the ideal approach as customizable and flexible duplicative work, and unified efforts for the change.
enough to allow for adjustments through the project 7. Engagement with middle managers
lifecycle. Involvement early in the project allowed for Engaging middle managers and investing in their
practitioners to apply a structured approach rather advocacy and support during staff engagements was
than ad hoc. the final top contributor to success. Early engagement
3. Frequent and open communication and understanding their role as managers in change
Frequent and open communication moved up management efforts enhanced their effectiveness at
two spots from fifth, ranking third in the 2019 leading the change for their direct reports.
study. Cadence, consistency, transparency and
leveraging multiple communication channels were
important aspects of communication that led to
project success. Participants needed to customize
messaging to reach all impacted audiences at
various levels in the organization.

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Part 1: Chapter 1 – Insights

Additional Contributors to
Success Reported

When listing other contributors to success, participants

in the 2015 study also reported a secondary contributor:
awareness of the need for change management.
An understanding and appreciation of the need for
change management drove many of the other top
contributors. Participants identified the need to
demonstrate the return on investment (ROI) of change
management, the business case for employing and using
change management, and the potential of improved
project success as key factors in building change
management awareness.

Contributors to Success Over Time

The table below shows the ranking of contributors to success for all eleven benchmarking studies. Active and visible
executive sponsorship ranked number one in each of the eleven studies. The ranking of the top three factors in the
2019 study showed a slight increase in the importance of a structured approach from 2017 and a reemergence of
communication as a top three contributor to success.

Table 1.1 – Contributors to success over time

Contributors to Success 2019 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2000 1998

Sponsorship 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Structured approach 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 5 – –

Communication 3 5 6 4 2 2 3 3 4 2 –

Employee engagement 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 – 2* 2

Dedicated funding and resources 5 2 3 3 4 4 4 – – – –

Project management integration 6 6 4 6 – – – – – – –

Middle management 7 7 7 7 6 – – – – – –

*This item was combined with “Frequent and open communications around the need for change” in the 2000 study.

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Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Greatest Change Management Obstacles

Participants identified the most challenging obstacles they organization. This made acquiring the resources
experienced during the change management process. and budget necessary for success more difficult.
Leadership and front-line managers were unwilling
1. Lack of executive support and active sponsorship to assign budget or personnel to a change
Participants indicated that many executives did management project because they did not see the
not understand their role in change management, value in doing so.
the resources required, or purpose of the change.
5. Change-resistant culture and attitude
This misunderstanding led to inconsistent
A history of failed changes, the presence of
communication, visibility and transparency within
silos, and resistant behaviors resulted in lower
the organization. Additional barriers emanating
performance, trust and engagement within the
from executive sponsorship included dwindling
organization. A culture rife with poor attitudes
support after go-live, a general lack of buy-in, and
and internal politics encouraged individual
infrequent engagement.
priorities, disruptive thinking and resistance to
2. Lack of effective communication led change. A shift in employee mindsets would be
to misalignment fundamental to shifting the overall culture and
Without effective communication—that which is environment of the organization.
transparent, builds awareness, and aligns with
organizational goals—confusion and misalignment
Other obstacles
became an issue for groups impacted by the
change. As a result, participants had to spend more
Other obstacles identified by participants:
time and resources to clarify roles, communicate
expectations, and encourage buy-in. • Time constraints

3. Lack of change buy-in and solution support • Change saturation

created resistance • Project management adjustments
The most likely individuals to resist the change
• Decision delays by leadership
were those who displayed limited engagement and
an unwillingness to adopt new processes because • Geographic barriers
they did not understand the change and feared the
• Complex organizational structure
“unknown.” Such employees felt comfortable with
their current systems and lacked an overall desire to
adopt the changes.

4. Limited knowledge and resources for

change management
Across all levels of the organization, participants
reported a lack of knowledge about what change
management is and the value it brings to the

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 25

Part 1: Chapter 1 – Insights

What to Do Differently on the Next Project

Participants reflected on their experiences while future planning. “Putting a greater emphasis on
managing a change and identified what they would do user experience and carefully considering objective
differently during their next project. business feedback is critical.”

4. Active awareness and communication

1. Effective coaching, alignment and engagement
with stakeholders
with sponsors
Stakeholders often did not understand the
Participants would dedicate more time to coaching
importance of change management and their role
and training sponsors before the planning phase of
requirements throughout the change. Increasing
change to ensure proactive, effective and confident
transparent communication and awareness of the
involvement throughout the change process.
project goals and expectations was important to
2. Earlier change management involvement increasing stakeholder engagement in the change
Allocating a qualified individual or team to the management process. Reducing communication
change management project would help participants barriers between project managers and stakeholders
anticipate obstacles and develop backup plans, would increase alignment and productivity on the
eliminating rework later in the change process. project and mitigate rumors.
Engaging in change management earlier would
5. Additional resources
garner more support from employees and help them
In the future, participants would request greater
better prepare for the change.
access to resources. They would increase training and
3. Successful preparation and assessment preparation for stakeholders, spend more time in the
Resources, budgets and potential risks needed planning and training phases, enlist a larger team
accurate research and assessment during the to support the change, and increase budgets to suit
project planning phase to eliminate potential the size of the change. Participants also highlighted
setbacks. It was also critical to allocate appropriate the importance of clarifying roles and expectations
resources, establish realistic boundaries for the within the change team to increase efficiency.
project, and incorporate employee feedback into

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Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Advice for Practitioners

Most Important Activities at the Biggest Challenges or Hurdles
Beginning of Engagement Source date: 2011

Source date: 2011

In the 2011 study, experienced practitioners commented
Experienced practitioners in the 2011 study identified on the biggest challenges or hurdles they would
the three most important activities they would recommend that a practitioner be aware of and watch
recommend that a new practitioner complete at the for at the start of a new engagement. The most common
start of engagement to improve the success of change challenges or hurdles included:
management. The most common start-up activities were:
1. Poorly selected, waning or
disengaged sponsorship
1. Communication
Watch for sponsors who lack authority, have
Strategize for effective and efficient early insufficient change management knowledge, or
communication. Avoid saturating the audience. Use do not believe in the change. Many participants
language that is understood at all levels. Be sure offered comments similar to “make sure the sponsor
to discuss and agree on roles and expectations. Be is at the correct level in the organization,” and
explicit about deliverables. Define what involvement “beware of sponsors with no interest, authority
looks like. Listen to all levels. Develop a means or impact on individuals.”
for accepting input from stakeholders. Develop
easy-to-understand plans and be visible and vocal 2. Lack of understanding, buy-in or recognition
about those plans. Establish a communications plan of the value of change management
quickly to develop a common language. Challenges include organizations with low change
maturity, change saturation and lack of strategic
2. Analysis and assessment including
prioritization. One participant stated, “It is too easy
stakeholder analysis
for anyone to think they can ‘do’ change management.
Identify critical success factors of the project, However, it is a specialized skill that requires experts
and then assess for alignment with these factors. and deserves to be treated properly.”
Complete impact and readiness assessments. Gauge
and understand the scope of the project. Determine 3. Lack of resources for the change management
what might interfere with or impact employees’ team including budget, time allotment and
capacities to adopt change. Spend more time in the dedicated personnel
analysis phase, and convince others to do the same. One participant’s comment summarized the theme:
“The challenge is change management resourcing
3. Relationship development and coalition building
not getting the needed attention, it is too often
Identify and get commitment from the right underestimated and understaffed.”
sponsor. Establish a relationship with key team
members including business leaders and middle 4. Lack of project and change management
managers. Customize a strategy to address team integration
leadership resistance. Develop a team of change The biggest integration challenge was lack of
champions, agents and leaders. Develop team collaboration, including the change management
principles and rules. Present benefits and change team not being asked to participate in key decisions.
management methodology to key players. Meet with Hurdles also included: “being ignored by project
stakeholders often. managers,” “project managers who didn’t know what

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 27

Part 1: Chapter 1 – Insights

change management is and is not, and who don’t by most). Participants advised that new practitioners
understand the change management role” and should view project and change management as
“[being] sidelined by project teams who speed through to parallel processes. Be clear on the scope of the project
meet deadlines rather than purposefully plan for change.” and any changes to the scope.

5. Resistance to change at all levels, including 4. Establish buy-in

passive resistance Ensure that the “why” for the change is clear. Educate
Participants noted resistance to the specific change others on the change management process and the
in addition to resistance to change management value and rationale for applying change management
efforts and activities. Challenges also included to the project. Use a recognized methodology and
verbal support of the change but unwillingness to justify the need for a formal change management
participate in change activities. program early. Create understanding of the return
on investment (ROI) of change management, and
establish what change management will deliver.
Advice for New Practitioners 5. Work with sponsors
Source date: 2011 Participants advised new practitioners to be clear
about sponsor activities and consider the level of
Experienced practitioners participating in the sponsorship. Ensure sponsors understand their
2011 benchmarking study provided the two most role and what is expected of them. Work closely
valuable pieces of advice that they would give to new with the sponsors and be confident in the direction
practitioners. Top responses were: given to them. Secure sponsorship early and
document expectations and specific activities.
1. Communicate early and often Ensure the sponsorship is meaningful to all levels
Agree on who communicates what and when. Engage of the organization.
face-to-face at all levels in the organization. Try to
answer the question “what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM)
at all levels. Identify who can credibly communicate Biggest Gap New Practitioners Would
messages about the change. Listen to both formal Like to Fill
and informal communication about and within
Source date: 2011
the project.

2. Get involved early New change management practitioners in the 2011 study
Get involved early to participate in or drive vision, identified the biggest gaps they would like to fill. The top
outcomes, planning and stakeholder analysis; gaps were:
involvement midway through the project is too late
1. Change management knowledge, tools and skills
to do this effectively. The change management team
needs to be involved at the onset of an initiative. Participants identified a lack of knowledge and
Establish change management as an integral part training in key change management skills, tools and
of the project from day one. Engage stakeholders, methodologies as a gap for new practitioners. They
sponsors and employees up front. Involve impacted reported needing more expertise in the field
employees in the change process as early as possible. of change management.
Engage middle management immediately. 2. Selling change management to the organization
3. Integrate change management with project Participants sought approaches to engage with
management and strategy project teams, stakeholders and sponsors and build
“Don’t underestimate the power of project management buy-in for change management with these groups.
to override the people side of projects.” Align with Participants expressed a desire for “more experience
the project manager and closely integrate with the influencing sponsors and leaders,” and sought
project activities. Meet with the project manager the ability to position change management as a
frequently (at least twice a week was recommended permanent function by “clearly articulating benefits
of a structured change management approach.”

28 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

3. Sponsorship and leadership engagement

Participants identified the ability to engage and
coach sponsors as a key gap for new practitioners.
Lacking understanding of how to influence decision
makers and build a coalition of support from
leadership, participants expressed a desire to learn
approaches for creating sustained engagement
from sponsors.

4. Creating effective communications

New change management practitioners identified a
gap in creating honest and effective communication.
They desired improved skills in selecting and
implementing appropriate communication tools
and correct alignment of timing and messages for
specific audiences.

5. Project management integration

The ability to integrate change management with
project management effectively and efficiently was
identified as a gap for new practitioners. Participants
described this gap as including competencies both in
bridging the differences between the methodologies
used in each area and in managing the overlap of the
two disciplines.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 29

Chapter 2

Explore What Is Happening at the Forefront
of an Emerging and Maturing Discipline

Summary Highlight

Explore benchmarking data about where the change Greater understanding of the
management industry is advancing today and how it will grow value of change management
over the next five years. Trends toward the greater adoption was again the top two-year trend
of Agile methodologies, greater integration into project projected; increased adoption of
management and increased training and education point to Agile methodologies was the top
the next frontiers of development for change professionals. five-year trend.
These trends present opportunities for you to evolve your
change management practices by using research-backed data
to ultimately deliver value to your organization.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Internal Two-Year Trends in Change Management

Participants were asked to reflect on change management all levels of the organization. This included training
trends they have seen in their organizations during the for change management practitioners, executives
past two years. Since 2007, the top trend has not changed. and mid-level managers. The focus on change
capability also included career development tracks
1. Greater understanding of the value of and specialization of roles that focused on change
change management within organizations.
Participants noted that their organizations 6. Improved integration with project management
increasingly understand the value of change
Participants reported a higher frequency of working
management and see it as a need for, or prerequisite
in tandem with project management. This included
of, project success. Along with greater understanding
the change management function being recognized
of the value of change management, participants
as a partner and critical to the success of the project.
reported increased awareness and credibility of the
Due to this partnership, change management was
discipline within their organizations.
incorporated earlier during projects, leading to
2. Broader application of change management better integration of tools and processes across the
Participants reported change management being project lifecycle.
used more frequently on projects and applied to 7. Increased leadership support for
a broader spectrum of projects. Participants change management
identified more involvement with Agile projects,
Participants stated that there had been an increase
large cross-functional projects and culture changes.
in support for change management at senior levels in
3. Improved adoption of a standard change their organizations. Organizations were prioritizing
management model or approach change leadership competency development as a
Participants stated that their organizations had strategic objective, which in turn drove support for
invested time in identifying and adopting the change management discipline as a whole.
a standard approach to change management.
This was motivated by a need for a common Trends From Previous Studies
language and set of tools to drive change within
Source date: 2016
the organization. External methodologies and
tools were most commonly reported as the
The top trends identified in the 2015 study were:
approach to managing change.
1. Greater awareness of the need for
4. Lack of adequate dedicated resources for
change management
change management
Participants observed that they commonly faced 2. More resources and positions dedicated to
the challenge of “having to do more with less.” change management
They noted that there was often insufficient 3. Enhanced integration with project management
resourcing for change management, in both people
4. Greater importance or effort to establish a CMO
and budget. Participants highlighted that change
or dedicated functional group
management was an added responsibility to their
everyday roles. Consequently, they were unable 5. Broader application of change management
to give their full attention to the development and 6. Use of formal methodology or structure to
execution of their change plans. manage change
5. Increased focus on capability-building across 7. Increased leadership support for
the organization change management
Participants reported an increased focus on
8. Greater demand for change management
building change management capability across
training or education

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 33

Part 1: Chapter 2 – Trends

The top trends identified in the 2013 study were: The top trends identified in the 2009 study were:

1. Greater awareness of the need for 1. Growing recognition of the need for
change management change management

2. Broader application of change management 2. Greater demand for change management

competency building (training)
3. Increased leadership support for
change management 3. More dedicated resources for change management

4. Greater effort to establish a Change Management 4. Increased use of change management tools
Office (CMO) or dedicated functional group
5. Greater application of change management
5. Increased use of methodologies and tools to manage on projects
the people side of change
6. More integration between project management and
6. Greater emphasis on training communications and change management
reinforcement plans
7. Growing change saturation
7. Increased focus on impacted individuals
8. Increased use of a standard change
8. Recognition of the need for change management approach
portfolio management
9. More frequent establishment of a change
management group
The top trends identified in the 2011 study were:
10. Increased focus on management of the
1. Greater awareness of the need for and value
portfolio of change
of change management

2. Increased use methodologies, tools and language The top trends identified in the 2007 study were:

3. More engagement and earlier integration with 1. Growing recognition of the need for
project management change management

4. More resources and positions devoted to 2. Increased use of more structured and
change management formal processes

5. Greater demand for change management 3. Better understanding of what change management
training and certification really is

6. Increased leadership support for 4. Enhanced integration with project management

change management
5. Greater recognition of change management
7. Underestimation and allocation of change as a new competency
management resources
6. More frequent creation of formal change
management job roles and titles

7. Earlier application on projects

34 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Challenges Facing the Discipline of

Change Management
Participants reported the challenges they saw the change to facilitate change management efficiently and
management discipline facing today. required additional training and preparation. Change
management was often overlooked or disregarded as
a priority due to a lack of accountability and resources
1. Misunderstanding of change management
to support development.
Participants reported that others lack understanding
of the value, benefits and return on investment 3. Mid-level management resistance and lack
that change management implementation has on of support
the organization. Such difficulties arose from the Lack of understanding of their influence and role
change manager’s overall failure to define and during the change caused mid-level managers to
demonstrate what success looked like on a project. demonstrate less support for the change, which
Misunderstanding increased when sponsors did not reinforced the attitude and culture of resistance
see the value-add of a change management approach. throughout the organization. Participants
Most commonly noted, organizations perceived change highlighted that mid-level managers were unaware
management as a soft skill or as a luxury rather than a of the impact their attitudes had on their team
need, and viewed change management as only training members. This resulted in managers unwittingly
and communication, which diminished its importance creating barriers to gain support for the discipline.
during a project. As a result, misunderstanding
4. Relevance
led to lack of support for the discipline. The gap in
Participants feared change management losing
change management knowledge also contributed to
relevance in the marketplace due to a rapid pace
underqualified change management coaches and a
of change in the work environment. A need to
reduced effort to understanding the skills necessary
revisit methodologies and planning and advance
to implement the change. “There is always the
the change management discipline to fit modern
challenge of getting people to understand that change
organizational needs and demands exists. With a
management needs to be embedded in large, complex
rapid increase in digitalization, artificial intelligence
projects from the earliest phase of the project. That way,
and change, organizations struggled to navigate new
the change practitioner understands what is trying to be
technologies, adapt to the fast pace, and keep the
accomplished by the project and can advise properly.”
change management discipline evolving.
2. Lack of resources
5. Change saturation and time management
A lack of resources allocated to change management
Inadequate time due to many changes occurring
limited the growth and progress of the discipline
simultaneously led to a neglect for change
within an organization. Because change
management. Change-saturated environments
management was not considered an important
shifted focus away from change management and
investment, it was an additional project cost and
toward other competing initiatives, resulting in low
a low budgeting priority. Lack of resources limited
visibility and sluggish participation throughout the
the ability to hire qualified and experienced
project. As a result of change saturation, dedicated
change management professionals or create a
change management resources were spread thin,
separate, dedicated change management functional
causing ineffective execution and reflecting poorly
team. Some who identified themselves as change
on the discipline.
management experts lacked the skills required

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 35

Part 1: Chapter 2 – Trends

Challenges Facing the Discipline From

Previous Studies
Source date: 2016

In previous studies, participants also mention some

challenges they faced associated with these trends:

• Change management is not valued; leading

to senior leaders and impacted groups giving
lip service to change management, lack of
resources, lack of adequate time, lack of
information, being the first group to have
resources cut, decentralized resources and
minimal investment in change management

• Unqualified change managers

• Confusion around change management activities,

communication, training and methodologies

• Resistance to the change and

change management

• Tensions between change management

and project management

• Limited internal capability

• Leadership turnover

• Departments being overly protective of

change management practices

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Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Expected Discipline Trends Over the Next Five Years

Participants were asked to predict the trends they 5. Increasing digitalization and use of virtual tools
expected to see develop over the next five years within Participants anticipate a rapid increase in the
the change management discipline. digitalization of useful tools and technology to
assist practitioners when assessing, forming and
1. Adopting Agile methodology implementing change plans. Tools expected to bring
The top trend identified was the adoption of an Agile digital change to organizations include advances
change management process. Participants are being in automated data collection software, social media
assigned to work on more Agile projects and need platforms, and artificial intelligence technology.
to adapt their change management approach to the
6. Integrating with project management
Agile environment. To effectively integrate change
Participants expect increasing change management
management, participants believe an Agile delivery of
integration with project management and for change
change will be the most popular change methodology.
management to be involved in the initial stages of
2. Establishing CM as a core component more the project planning and decision-making processes.
frequently and on more project types Furthermore, change management is expected to
Participants expected to embed change management become a core discipline in organizations’ project
into all future projects and a wider variety of project management offices.
types as a requirement. Change management
7. Establishing Change Management Offices (CMO)
was viewed as a core and fundamental part of all
and formalized internal roles
planning and leadership methodologies, to be
Participants anticipate organizations focusing on
utilized not only by management but also by all
developing formalized internal roles dedicated
front-line employees.
to change management in a permanent CMO or
3. Increasing training, education and competency functional group. The roles of this office include
Training front-line employees and leadership to coaching and delivering change projects, allocating
understand change management and become necessary budget and resources for the change,
more competent in their ability to conduct change building internal capability, and collaborating with
management activities will take greater priority. It other project-related roles.
is increasingly important that people leading the
8. Integrating people side impacts into
change, and specifically those in leadership roles, be
organizational culture
well-prepared, experienced and coached throughout
A shift toward human-centered solution design
the change to encourage trust and support from
will include a focus on feedback and integrating
front-line employees.
employee needs. Participants were working to
4. Increasing awareness of the need for incorporate “Change Leadership” into their change
change management management efforts believing it increases their
The level of awareness of the need for change ability to manage resistance and increase overall
management and its accompanying value and buy-in for the change. A shift to cultural well-being
benefits for the organization will continue to will promote greater capacity and desire for change
grow. Change management as a discipline will as it continues at a rapid and increasing pace.
become better recognized, valued and respected
as more organizations begin to develop increased
change capabilities.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 37

Part 1: Chapter 2 – Trends

5-Year Trends From Previous Studies

Source date: 2018

The top 5-year, discipline-related trends identified in the

2017 study ranked as follows:

1. Aligning change management with project, process

and improvement methodologies

2. Establishing Change Management Offices (CMO)

3. Increasing awareness of the need for

change management

4. Integrating change management with

project management

5. Managing change saturation

6. Measuring change management effectiveness

7. Enabling change management with technology

8. Applying change management on more project types

The top 5-year, discipline related trends identified in the

2015 study ranked as follows:

1. Integrating change management with

project management

2. Maturing discipline of change management

3. Focusing on building internal capabilities and

core competency

4. Recognizing and accepting change management

as a discipline

5. Increasing executive awareness, development

and engagement

The top 5-year, discipline-related trends identified in the

2013 study ranked as follows:

1. Maturing the practice of change management

2. Focusing on building internal capabilities and

core competency

3. Expanding change management as a profession

4. Continuing to elevate acceptance

5. Integrating change management with project

management further

6. Increasingly applying change management

38 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Chapter 3

Organizational Capability
Move Past a Project-By-Project Approach to
Build an Organizational Change Capability
Into the DNA and Fabric of Your Organization

Summary Highlight

Leaders recognize that consistently delivering change Training, education and

results is a valuable competitive differentiator and a key standardization of a methodology
to strategic success. Uncover best practices in approach, were the top three steps for building
structure and function for deploying an organization-wide an organizational capability in
change management capability. The latest data on change management.
change management maturity provides benchmarks
by organization size and geographic region. Enable
your organization to increase its change management
maturity by approaching the deployment of change
capability with structure and intent.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Organizational Maturity
Change Management Maturity Factors That Influenced Movement
in Organizational Maturity
Figure 3.1 shows how participants in 2019 rate their Source date: 2016
organization’s level of maturity on the Prosci Change
Management Maturity Model (see Appendix D for a Participants in the 2015 study identified key factors that
full description). Levels of the Prosci Change Management caused the organization’s maturity level to move up,
Maturity Model describe the overall implementation and move down or stay the same.
maturity of change management within an organization:
1. Change management benefit awareness
Level 5: Organizational competency Realization and awareness of the value added by
Level 4: Organizational standards using change management methodologies was a
Level 3: Multiple projects primary driver behind an organization’s maturity.
Level 2: Isolated projects An increase in awareness of the benefits from
Level 1: Absent or ad hoc change management practices led to an increase in
organizational maturity. Lack of awareness of the
Participant reporting of their organization’s change benefits of change management caused maturity to
management maturity level was similar to those in stagnate or even decrease. Benefit awareness often
2017 with a slight increase in organizations with lower arose after organizations experienced multiple
maturity. There was a 2% increase in both Level 1 and projects or initiatives that failed (e.g. exceeded time
Level 2 responses, while there was a 1% decrease for frames, budgets and resources).
Level 3 and Level 4.
2. Leadership and dedicated teams
Figure 3.1 – Prosci Change Management Maturity Model Changes in leadership and leadership engagement,
creation of a dedicated change position and the
2019 use of outside contributors were factors that led
Level 5 3% to increases in maturity. Organizations’ maturity
levels moved down or stayed the same when change
8% management teams were disbanded or key change
Level 4 9%
12% champions left.
33% 3. Methodology use
Level 3 34%
37% Using a more standardized approach, training
additional stakeholders, integrating change
Level 2 43% management on the project team and aligning
the direction of the organization contributed to
increases in organizations’ maturity. Maturity levels
Level 1
9% decreased or stayed the same when companies
0 10 20 30 40 50 took an isolated approach or used an inconsistent
Percent of Respondents methodology across the organization.

4. Business growth and structural change

Mergers and acquisitions, growth in the size of the
organization and an increase in the number and
scope of projects applying change management were
associated with maturity levels increasing.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 41

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

5. Resource allocation Maturity Model Data by Region

Additions to change management resources,
such as budgets, time and staffing were cited as
Prosci Change Management Maturity Model data
contributors to increases in an organization’s
provided by participants in the 2019 study were
maturity. Cutting budgets, resources and time
segmented by region. Table 3.3 shows the averages
allocation to change management caused maturity
and standard deviations for each level in the model
to decrease.
along with the percentage of participants represented
by that region.

Maturity Level Two Years Ago Table 3.3 – Maturity Model averages by region

Figure 3.2 shows changes in change management Region (percent of study Average Maturity Standard
participants from that Model level deviation
maturity during the last two years. Participant region in 2019 Study) 2019 2019
responses were similar to those in 2017, with over
half of the respondents increasing one level over the
last two years. All regions (100%) 2.39 0.85

Figure 3.2 – Prosci Change Management Maturity Africa (5%) 2.61 1.00
Model progression

2019 Asia and Pacific Islands (7%) 2.38 .91

Increased 1% 2017
Three or
Four Levels 1%

Australia and New

2.37 0.86
10% Zealand (16%)
Two Levels

Canada (11%) 2.39 0.90

One Level
Europe (21%) 2.33 0.87

Did Not 37%

Latin America (6%) 2.25 0.80

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Percent of Respondents Middle East (2%) 2.40 1.00

United States (32%) 2.43 0.85

Editor’s note: The distributions should not be interpreted as

fully representative of change management maturity in each
region, given that in regions with fewer participants, data
would more likely be provided by organizations with higher
interest and maturity in change management than by other
organizations in that region that did not participate in the
benchmarking studies.

42 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Table 3.4 shows a more granular view of Prosci Change Management Maturity Model data by region with a breakout of the
percentage of each region that classified themselves as a Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 or Level 5 maturity.

Table 3.4 – Maturity Model data segmented by region

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Africa 6% 12% 27% 48% 7%
Asia and Pacific Islands 2% 8% 33% 42% 15%
Australia and New Zealand 1% 7% 33% 46% 13%
Canada 0% 10% 33% 43% 14%
Europe 1% 7% 32% 45% 15%
Latin America 1% 4% 27% 54% 14%
Middle East 2% 11% 28% 40% 19%
United States 1% 7% 36% 45% 11%

Maturity Model Data by Industry

Table 3.5 shows Prosci Change Management Maturity Model data for those industries representing 1.5% or more of the
study population.

Table 3.5 – Maturity Model data segmented by industry

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Banking 5% 16% 38% 35% 6%
Consulting 4% 7% 32% 46% 11%
Construction 0% 8% 36% 28% 28%
Consumer Goods Manufacturing 3% 8% 44% 33% 11%
Development and Manufacturing 0% 7% 30% 40% 23%
Education Services 0% 4% 31% 54% 11%
Finance 0% 4% 49% 40% 7%
Food/Beverage 3% 4% 30% 48% 15%
Government - Federal 1% 9% 25% 44% 21%
Government - Local & Municipal 0% 3% 20% 62% 15%
Government - Other 0% 22% 41% 26% 11%
Government - State 1% 4% 24% 58% 13%
Health Care 1% 8% 31% 46% 14%
Information Services 0% 5% 28% 55% 12%
Insurance 1% 14% 30% 44% 11%
Manufacturing 1% 6% 33% 49% 11%
Non-profit 0% 2% 41% 50% 7%
Oil and Gas 4% 10% 43% 34% 9%
Other 1% 10% 30% 44% 15%
Professional, Scientific & Technical Services 2% 9% 26% 51% 12%
Retail Trade 4% 5% 38% 35% 18%
Telecommunications 2% 3% 43% 43% 9%
Transportation & Warehousing 0% 5% 23% 54% 18%
Utilities 1% 6% 49% 37% 7%

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 43

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

Table 3.6 includes the average Prosci Change Management Maturity Model level and the standard deviation for each
industry. The percentage of study participants from that industry is shown in parenthesis.

Table 3.6 – Maturity Model averages by industry

Industry Average Maturity Standard

(percent of study participants from that industry) Model Level Deviation

Total (100%) 2.39 0.94

Banking (4%) 2.76 0.94

Consulting (7%) 2.45 0.97

Consumer Goods Manufacturing (2%) 2.58 0.91

Development and Manufacturing (2%) 2.20 0.89

Education Services (5%) 2.29 0.81

Finance (4%) 2.50 073

Food/Beverage (2%) 2.33 0.92

Government – Federal (5%) 2.26 0.93

Government – Local & Municipal (4%) 2.10 0.68

Government - Other (2%) 2.74 1.06

Government - State (6%) 2.20 0.75

Health Care (9%) 2.36 0.86

Information Services (4%) 2.27 0.77

Insurance (4%) 2.47 0.91

Manufacturing (5%) 2.38 0.84

Non-Profit (2%) 2.39 0.65

Oil & Gas (3%) 2.68 0.93

Other (5%) 2.40 0.93

Professional, Scientific & Technical Services (2%) 2.40 0.90

Retail Trade (3%) 2.42 0.98

Telecommunications (3%) 2.46 0.78

Transportation & Warehousing (2%) 2.15 0.78

Utilities (4%) 2.54 0.72

44 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Maturity Model Data by Revenue

Table 3.7 presents the distribution of change management maturity by size of the organization as determined by annual revenue.
Table 3.7 – Maturity Model data segmented by revenue

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Less than $10 million 3% 8% 26% 48% 15%

$10 million - $25 million 3% 13% 22% 44% 18%

$25 million - $50 million 0% 4% 19% 59% 18%

$50 million - $100 million 0% 7% 20% 52% 21%

$100 million - $250 million 0% 6% 29% 48% 17%

$250 million - $500 million 3% 5% 30% 47% 15%

$500 million - $1 billion 0% 6% 29% 49% 16%

$1 billion - $2.5 billion 0% 5% 40% 47% 8%

$2.5 billion - $5 billion 1% 9% 38% 44% 8%

More than $5 billion 3% 13% 41% 33% 10%

Maturity Model Data by Number of Employees

Table 3.8 presents the distribution of change management maturity by size of the organization based on number of employees.
Table 3.8 – Maturity Model data segmented by number of employees

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

1 - 99 3% 11% 26% 43% 17%

100 - 499 0% 5% 21% 49% 25%

500 - 999 2% 6% 28% 50% 14%

1,000 - 2,499 0% 7% 30% 50% 13%

2,500 - 4,999 0% 4% 32% 50% 14%

5,000 - 9,999 1% 6% 37% 43% 13%

10,000 - 19,999 1% 8% 39% 42% 10%

20,000 - 34,999 1% 8% 37% 46% 8%

More than 35,000 4% 14% 38% 37% 7%

Editor’s note: The distributions are insightful and the most robust data available, but they should not be interpreted as representative
of a random sample of change management maturity for each region, industry or organization size. Summation data is impacted by
the amount of representation from each group and may not be a random sample specifically for groups where representation is low.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 45

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

Deployment Approach
Working to Deploy Change Management Steps to Deploy Change Management
Within a Capability Development Effort
More than half of participants (51%) were actively Source date: 2016
working to deploy change management as a capability
throughout their organizations, mirroring the results Participants in the 2015 study identified the steps they
from 2017 (Figure 3.9). took to deploy change management capability.

Figure 3.9 – Actively working to deploy

1. Training and education
change management
Respondents recommended instituting training in
2019 a cascading fashion beginning with senior leaders
51% 2017
in the organization, frequently conducting change
47% 2013 management workshops and using education tools
such as eLearning modules and social media.
2. Use of specific methodology
43% The most frequently identified characteristics
38% of an effective methodology were its consistency
and intentional design. Certification programs
Don't 9% were identified as supporting a common and
Know 10%
consistent methodology.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 3. Use of a structured change plan

Percent of Respondents Participants used a structured change plan to
deploy change management which included
Those organizations that were working to deploy conducting readiness assessments, clearly defining
change management scored higher in the Prosci Change success and standards, and leveraging an integrated
Management Maturity Model (Table 3.10). Fifty-two plan that addressed both project management and
percent of participants actively working to deploy change change management.
management rated their organizations as Level 5, 4, or 3 4. Active and supported leadership
in the model, in comparison to 27% of those not working Participants noted the importance of having the
to deploy change management. Only 7% of those active and engaged support of leadership throughout
working to deploy change management rated their deployment of change management, including
organization as Level 1. obtaining buy-in from senior or executive leadership.
Participants frequently noted the importance of
Table 3.10 – Organization actively working to deploy
providing support for leadership, generally in the
change management by maturity level
form of training sessions or seminars specifically
developed for leadership.
Prosci Change Actively Not actively
Management Maturity working working 5. Communication
Model Level to deploy to deploy
Examples of effective communication regarding
Level 5 2% 1% deployment included face-to-face meetings,
showcasing the change management framework
Level 4 11% 4%
internally, clearly defining roles within the change
Level 3 39% 23% project and highlighting the benefits of change
management through success stories.
Level 2 41% 50%

Level 1 7% 22%

46 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

6. Having appropriate resources Originator of the Effort

Participants noted the importance of obtaining
appropriate resources for deploying change
Executive Leadership, Information Technology (IT)
management capability. Examples of resource
and Human Resources (HR) were cited by nearly half
activities included determining the change
of participants as the originators of the effort to build
management budget, training practitioners and
organizational change management capability and
external consultants and procuring licenses for tools
competency. The other top originators were the Change
and content.
Management Office (CMO) and Project Management
Office (PMO), shown in Figure 3.12.

Length of Effort Figure 3.12 – Originator of the effort

21% 2019
Executive Leadership
For the organizations that are working to implement 12% 2015
Information 15%
change management efforts, 34% are less than six months Technology (IT) 10%
Human 13%
into their programs, an increase of 5% from the 2017 study. Resources (HR) 20%
Change Management 10%
Office (CMO) 4%
Figure 3.11 – Length of deployment effort Project Management 10%
Office (PMO) 19%
Strategy, Transformation, 7%
18% 2019 Planning 8%
Just Started 16% 2017
14% Within Business 6%
2015 Units, Operations 4%
Fewer Than 16% Organizational 6%
Six Months 13% Development (OD)
13% 12%
Shared Services 6%
Between Six 17% 5%
and 12 Months 18%
19% Other 4%
Between One 18%
Grassroots 2%
and Two years 21%
24% 1%

12% 0 5 10 15 20 25
Between Two
and Three Years 13% Percent of Respondents
Over Three Years 19%
0 10 20 30
Percent of Respondents
Activities With the Largest Impact
Source date: 2016

When participants were asked what activities had the

greatest impact on change management deployment,
five primary activities were identified.

1. Visible leadership support

Senior leader commitment to change management
was identified as the activity with the largest
impact when deploying change management across
an organization. These leaders set an example
for others to follow by being involved during
deployment, understanding the importance of
change management and addressing issues early
during deployment.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 47

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

2. Training 2. Creating one coherent message

Participants indicated that training had a large Participants reported the need to solidly advocate
impact on deployment. Training was provided to key for a single message about the need for change
resources within the change scope and was often management. Multiple messages often confused or
tailored to individuals. Early and frequent training diluted change management. This made it harder for
decreased the amount of potential resistance to change practitioners to motivate impacted groups to
change management. participate in change because desire stemmed from
different or conflicting awareness messages.
3. Engagement on projects
Engaging and applying change management on 3. Proof of success
initiatives aided deployment. Clear and open Participants provided data on the clear benefits and
communication channels, both formal and return on investment (ROI) of change management.
informal, ensured that employees aligned with the They shared examples of past successes when change
organization’s direction. Engagement on projects management was applied on projects to build both
also provided change experience to key stakeholders. awareness of and trust in of the change management
methodology and what it could accomplish.
4. Implementation of tools and methodology
Participants used structured change management
tools and methods for change deployment. Activities
included assessing awareness of employees, Use of a Pilot Group and Proofs of
preparing surveys, implementing strategies specific Success in Deployment
to a particular method and aligning the entire
Source date: 2016
organization with a consistent methodology.

5. Demonstration of successes Participants in the 2015 study reported on whether

Proof of success played a role in change or not they used a pilot group when deploying their
management deployment. This entailed applying organizational change capability. Figure 3.13 shows that
change management on a project and rigorously one third of participants did use a pilot group.
documenting results. Evidence of success
improved the reputation, credibility and visibility Figure 3.13 – Use of a pilot group
of change management.

Yes - 33%
Important Activities at the Launch of
Change Management
Source date: 2016

Participants identified the most important activities

during the launch of change management.

No- 67%
1. Executive buy-in
Participants reported that it was important to
gain executive buy-in and advocacy when broadly
deploying change management. Executives needed Participants stated how they would classify proofs of
to communicate the benefits of fully funding change success when deploying change management broadly
management. Doing so before deployment ensured it across the enterprise.
was viewed in a positive light by the business.

48 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

1. Qualitative feedback Consistent Change Management

Participants considered positive qualitative
Methodology or Approach
feedback as proof of success. Feedback included
post-implementation interviews, word of mouth, Source date: 2016
and surveys designed to elicit descriptive feedback
from impacted groups and primary stakeholders. Participants in the past two studies were asked whether
Participants also used quantitative, data-driven all projects in the organization that apply change
feedback but found qualitative feedback more management followed a consistent change management
valuable in demonstrating proof of success. methodology or approach. Nearly two thirds reported
that they did not follow a consistent methodology on
2. Project success
projects throughout the organization (Figure 3.14).
Participants reported that project success was
deemed adequate proof of success. Participants
who implemented a methodology for the first time
Figure 3.14 – Consistent methodology across organization
identified the importance of a first-success project
to demonstrate the value of change management. 2015
Participants who worked to implement an Yes
organizational change management capability
reported that multiple and consistent project successes 64%
were more important than one successful project. 65%

3. Cross-project implementation Don't 7%

Participants reported that cross-project use of 6%

the methodology acted as additional proof of

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
success. Although many participants hoped to see Percent of Respondents
organization-wide adoption of the methodology,
they also gauged success by several projects adopting
select change management practices.
Success of Deployment Efforts
Source date: 2011

Participants working to deploy change management

evaluated their overall level of success (Figure 3.15).

Figure 3.15 – Success of deployment



Percent of Respondents




3% 2%
Very Unsuccessful Moderately Successful Extremely
Unsuccessful Successful Successful

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 49

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

Contributors to Successful Deployments Obstacles to Deployment

Source date: 2011 Source date: 2011

The greatest contributors to deployment success Participants who considered their deployment moderately
identified by participants who classified their deployment successful, unsuccessful or very unsuccessful shared the
as successful or extremely successful were: greatest obstacles they faced, the top three of which were:

1. Lack of understanding of and buy-in for

1. Sponsorship and leadership commitment
change management
Participants noted a strong sponsor presence,
Change management was not understood or valued
executive support and senior leadership support of
in the organization. Change management was
change management. A clear vision created by senior
perceived as simply good management, nice to have
leaders contributed to success.
but unnecessary, irrelevant or extraneous work.
2. Proof of success Employees throughout the organization, particularly
Many participants highlighted the impact of showing project managers, did not see the value of change
the value of change management on deployment management and were not committed to applying it.
success, documenting and sharing proven successes
2. Poorly resourced and executed deployment effort
on key projects, measuring the impact on project
Deployment either had no dedicated resources
results and clearly calling out the impacts.
or had too few resources, and insufficient time
3. Implementation approach that was committed. A failure to treat deployment as
included collaboration a project also reduced the impact. Deployment
A number of participants identified having a clear failed to arrive at an organizational standard or
implementation plan which included coordinating consistent approach.
and collaborating on the design approach with
3. No leadership commitment or
various parts of the organization. A passionate and
consistent sponsorship
effective deployment leader and team contributed to
Leadership was not committed to deployment,
implementation success.
and sponsorship was inconsistent or absent.
4. Clear and open communication
Communications included information on change
management and how it was being deployed in Additional obstacles to deployment identified by
the organization. participants were:

5. Engagement of project teams • Lack of application of change management –

Integrating or embedding change management with including inconsistent application, lack of
the work of project teams contributed to success and resources for application, insufficient time for
gave project leaders and team members the ability to change management and lack of integration with
learn though application. project management.

• Lack of expertise – including not having sufficient

change management competencies and turnover of
change management resources.

• Conflicting priorities – the organization was too

busy with other change projects, and those other
efforts took priority.

• Lack of focus or prioritization – change

management deployment was not made a priority or
given adequate attention.

• No participation by managers and supervisors –

managers and supervisors did not have the capacity
to take on change management responsibilities and
were not engaged effectively.

50 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Mistakes to Avoid When Deploying 5. Failing to provide an effective methodology

Deployment must provide repeatable processes and
Change Management
tools that can be used by employees throughout
Source date: 2011 the organization; deployment requires a solid
methodology as its foundation. Ensure consistency
Participants commented on mistakes they suggest others of application of the methodology. Avoid forcing a
avoid when building change management capabilities methodology that does not fit the organization and
and competencies. The top six were: is not adaptable.

6. Making change management a separate activity

1. Failing to treat the effort as a project
Change management should not be viewed as
Participants suggested that it was important to treat
a separate activity. It should be positioned as
the effort to deploy change management like a project
“everyone’s job” and embedded as a competency
and a change to be managed, which included creating
necessary to be successful in the organization,
a plan and approach and assigning time and resources.
regardless of a person’s role in the organization.
Do not attempt the effort without clearly defining
Competency models that clarify responsibilities and
the vision, outcomes, objectives and milestones.
roles during change management for each audience
Avoid underestimating the necessary work, effort
in the organization enable this embedding of change
and resources required. Use change management to
management as part of everyone’s job.
support change management deployment.

2. Moving forward without sponsorship

Participants warned against change management Additional considerations included:
deployment without appropriate sponsorship. • Engage the right people – deployment should include
Sponsors need to be at the right level and active and representation throughout the organization and should
visible in their support. An attempt without adequate have the support of key influencers. A skilled lead team
sponsorship results in numerous challenges. should champion the effort. The effort should not take
3. Failing to build the case for change management place too low in the organization.
Build an understanding of what change management • Take small steps – avoid “biting off more than you
is and why it is important. Secure buy-in for can chew.” Participants cautioned against being overly
change management and create a business case. ambitious at the beginning of the effort, instead
Participants emphasized the importance of building preferring small steps to move the effort forward.
on successes and demonstrating the impact of
change management. • Understand the current climate, culture and
competency – be sure to assess, understand and
4. Approaching the effort with only one aspect of tailor the approach based on the current competency
the solution and culture of the organization.
Change management deployment cannot be limited
to training that lacks real-life application. Training
must be applicable and meaningful. Provision of
tools without appropriate training and coaching was Percentage of Projects Applying
also identified as ineffective. Change management Change Management
should not be viewed as solely a Human Resources
(HR) competency.
Participants in the 2019 benchmarking study shared the
percentage of projects in their organizations that were
applying change management (Figure 3.16). The average
percentage of projects applying change management in
an organization was 31%.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 51

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

Figure 3.16 – Percent of projects applying Figure 3.18 – Project leader and project manager recognition
change management
39% 2017
2019 High
3% 38% 2015
100% 3% 2017
91% to 99% 0% Moderate 40%
81% to 90% 2% 17%
Low 17%
7% 14%
71% to 80% 7%
3% 3%
61% to 70% No
3% 3%
51% to 60% 1%
Don’t Know 1%
10% 1%
41% to 50% 11%
0 10 20 30 40 50
31% to 40% 6% Percent of Respondents

21% to 30% 11%

11% to 20%
16% Figure 3.19 – Executive and senior leader recognition
33% 2019
1% to 10% 30%
32% 2017
3% 33% 2015
0% 4%
0 10 20 30 40 Moderate 41%
Percent of Respondents 46%

Low 22%
Table 3.17 shows a segmented view of the percentage of 18%
participants reporting 10% or fewer, 25% or fewer, or 4%
50% or fewer projects in the organization that were No
applying change management. 2%
Don’t Know 1%
Table 3.17 – Percentage of projects applying
0 10 20 30 40 50
change management Percent of Respondents

Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of

projects applying participants in participants in Figure 3.20 – Middle manager recognition
change management 2017 study 2019 study
10% or fewer 37% 36% 13% 2017
10% 2015
25% or fewer 57% 58%
Moderate 43%
50% or fewer 79% 80% 46%

Low 35%

Recognition of the Value and Need for No

Change Management Don’t Know


0 10 20 30 40 50
Participants reported on five groups: project leaders Percent of Respondents
and managers, executives and senior leaders, middle
managers, frontline managers and supervisors, and
solution developers and designers. Figures 3.18 through
3.22 show participants’ views of the level of recognition
for these groups from the 2019, 2017 and 2015 studies.
The option “Unsure” was changed to “Don’t Know” in 2019.

52 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Figure 3.21 – Frontline manager and supervisor recognition Overall findings for 2019, 2017 and 2015 are shown in
Figure 3.23. Fifty-six percent of respondents reported
15% 2017 that middle managers had Moderate to High recognition
11% 2015 of the value of and need for change management,
29% a 9% increase from 2017.
Moderate 32%

40% Figure 3.23 – Moderate to high recognition of the value

Low 39%
43% and need for change management
14% 2019
No 11% 100 2017
10% 2015
Don’t Know 3% 79% 78% 80%
3% 80
0 10 20 30 40 50
Percent of Respondents
60 56%
47% 48% 47%
Figure 3.22 – Solution developer and designer recognition 43% 44%
40% 40%
14% 2017
11% 2015
Moderate 30%
Solution Frontline Middle Executives Project Leaders
Low 35%
37% Developers Managers and Managers and Senior and Project
and Designers Supervisors Leaders Managers
No 16%

7% Editors note: Percentages do not add up to 100% because

Don’t Know 5% participants were able to select multiple options when
answering this question in the survey.
0 10 20 30 40 50
Percent of Respondents

Trends in the Recognition of the Value and Need for Change Management
Source date: 2016

Table 3.24 shows 2015 participants’ views of the level of recognition of the value and need for change management in comparison
to two years prior for key groups within the organization. Participants indicated an increase in recognition of the value and need
for change management by the groups: project leaders and project managers, and executives and senior leaders.

Table 3.24 – Development of the recognition of the value and need for change management

Less No Change Slightly More Significantly More

Project leader and project manager 5% 18% 55% 22%

Executive and senior leader 5% 18% 52% 25%

Middle manager 6% 38% 48% 8%

Frontline manager and supervisor 6% 47% 39% 8%

Solution developer and designer 6% 49% 36% 9%

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 53

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

Change Management Functional Group

Change Management Office (CMO) or Editor’s note: The distributions should not be interpreted
as fully representative of change management offices or
Functional Group functional groups in each region, given that in regions with
fewer participants, data would more likely be provided by
organizations with higher interest and maturity in change
Thirty-eight percent of participants in the 2019 study management than by other organizations in that region that
did not participate in the benchmarking studies.
reported having a CMO or functional group dedicated to
change management (Figure 3.25), a slight decrease from
40% in the 2017 study.
Change Management Office or
Figure 3.25 – Prevalence of Change Management Office Functional Group by Industry
or functional group
38% 2017
Figure 3.27 shows the percentage of participants from each
Yes 40%
2015 industry who reported having a CMO or functional group.
Figure 3.27 – Change Management Office or functional
58% group by industry
No 57%
59% Entire Study 39%
Education Services 61%
Health Care 58%
Don't Know 3%

3% Government - State 52%

Government - Other 52%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Percent of Respondents Food/Beverage 48%
Agriculture, Forestry,
Fishing & Hunting 44%

Change Management Office or Administrative &

Support Services

Functional Group by Region

Consumer Goods 43%
Government - 43%
Local & Municipal

Figures 3.26 through 3.30 show respondents who Consulting 39%

Accomodation &
reported having a CMO or functional group by region, Food Services

industry, annual revenue, number of employees and Banking 37%

change management maturity respectively. Insurance 37%

Development & 35%
Figure 3.26 – Change Management Office or functional Manufacturing
Manufacturing 34%
group by region
Government - Military 34%
Entire study population 39%
Other 33%
Africa 46% Information Services 32%
Latin America (Mexico,
Central and South 43% Construction 32%
Canada 41% Finance 28%

Australia and Government - Federal 25%

New Zealand 41%
Arts, Entertainment 21%
United States 40% & Recreation
Aerospace 20%
Europe 34%

Middle East 33% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Percent of Respondents
Asia and Pacific Islands 32%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Percent of Respondents

54 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Change Management Office or Change Management Office or

Functional Group by Organization Size Functional Group by Change
Management Maturity Model Level
CMO or functional group data were segmented by
organization size (both annual revenue and number of Figure 3.30 shows the percentage of participants who
employees). Figures 3.28 and 3.29 show the percentage reported having a CMO by Change Management Maturity
of participants who reported having a CMO or functional Model level. Overall, participants identified a higher
group based on organization size. prevalence of change management offices or functional
Figure 3.28 – Change Management Office or functional groups in organizations with higher levels of maturity.
group by annual revenue Level 5 organizations tend to embed change management
competency throughout the organization resulting in
Entire Study Population 38% a decreased need for a dedicated change management
office or functional group.
More Than $5 Billion 46%

$2.5 Billion - $5 Billion 49%

Figure 3.30 – Change Management Office or functional
$1 Billion - $2.5 Billion 40% group by maturity level

$500 Million - $1 Billion 39%

Entire Study
$250 Million - $500 Million 36%

$100 Million - $250 Million 33% Level 5 52%

$50 Million - $100 Million 26%

$25 Million - $50 Million 35% Level 4 61%

$10 Million - $25 Million 34%

Level 3 56%
Less Than $10 Million 30%

0 10 20 30 40 50 Level 2 33%

Percent of Respondents

Level 1 13%
Figure 3.29 – Change Management Office or functional
group by number of employees 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Percent of Respondents

Entire Study Population 38%

More than 35,000 41%

20,000 - 34,999 55%

10,000 - 19,999 51%

5,000 - 9,999 45%

2,500 - 4,999 44%

1,000 - 2,499 35%

500 - 999 29%

100 - 499 25%

1 - 99 21%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 55

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

Primary Responsibilities of In the 2019 study, the functional group was found
most commonly in Human Resources (HR), Project
Functional Group
Management Office (PMO) or Information Technology
(IT). Overall, responses in the 2019 study were similar
Participants in the 2019 study reported on the to findings in the 2017 study.
responsibilities of the CMO or functional group. Table
3.31 shows the most common responsibilities. The three Figure 3.32 – Location of Change Management Office
most common responsibilities were: own and maintain the or functional group
change management methodology, own and maintain the
31% 2019
change management tools, and track change management Human Resources (HR)
30% 2017
progress on projects. Ranking order for responsibilities Project Management 30%
Office (PMO) 32%
remained similar to rankings in the 2017 study.
Information 24%
Technology (IT) 20%
Table 3.31 – Responsibilities of the Change Management Strategy, Transformation, 20%
Planning 19%
Office or functional group
Organizational 17%
Development (OD) 18%
Responsibility 2017 2019 Within Business 15%
Units, Operations 20%

Corporate and 14%

Own and maintain the change
81% 81% Shared Services 17%
management methodology
Executive Leadership, 9%
C-Level Report 9%
Own and maintain the change
76% 76% 5%
management tools Other
Track change management progress Independent
57% 69%
on projects
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Provide coaching to sponsors in fulfilling Percent of Respondents

58% 68%
their role
Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple
Provide change management resources responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.
69% 63%
(people) on specific projects
Participants in 2019 reported that CMOs were spread
Provide consultative support to resources
70% 62% out across multiple locations more so than participants in
on project teams
2015; 10% fewer respondents indicated having a CMO in
Maintain a change management one location in 2019 in comparison to 2015 (Figure 3.33).
community (Center of Excellence,
61% 57%
Community of Practice, Change Agent
Network, etc.) Figure 3.33 – Number of locations for Change
Management Office or functional group
Provide coaching to managers/
56% 54%
supervisors in fulfilling their role 80 77% 2019
Own the change management training/
58% 53%
education curriculum 70 67%

Track and manage the change portfolio 43% 42% 60

Percent of Respondents

Other 5% 4%


Location of Functional Group
20 16%

Participants with a CMO or functional group dedicated to

10 8%
change management provided data on where the group 4% 3%

resided within the organization (Figure 3.32). 0

One Two Three Four or more
location Locations locations locations

56 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Reasons for the Group’s Location Location Criteria

Source date: 2016
Participants reported on the reasons behind locating
the functional group in a specific place. Participants who created a CMO or functional group
listed the following reasons for selecting its location in
1. Need based the organization:
Participants placed the functional group in a
specific location based on organizational or project 1. Ability to support projects across
needs. This included must-win or critical projects, the organization
struggling projects, and projects that needed A central location with reach and access to projects
additional support or resources. Some projects across the organization was ideal. A location was
required proximity to highly resistant groups and often chosen because it was cross-functional and
groups with a history of change failure. supported multiple business units. The location
provided neutrality and independence.
2. Access to budget or resources
Functional groups were placed in locations with the 2. Alignment with function, objectives or job roles
easiest access to budget or resources necessary to The location was selected because its existing
manage change effectively. Specific locations varied function, objectives or job roles aligned or
based on the organizational context, but access to overlapped with those of change management.
resources and budget often improved as the distance In some cases, the location was selected because
between the functional group and the primary employees had existing skills and responsibilities
sponsor decreased. that overlapped with and could be applied to
change management. Overall, participants chose a
3. Need to be near Project Management Office (PMO)
location based on its commonalities with the change
Participants viewed change management as a
management practice.
project-specific discipline, which made sense
of locating the functional group as close to the 3. Amount of change and associated risk
PMO office as possible. By doing so, the change Location was selected because it required the most
management functional group received a high-level change management. It was either launching the
and timely view of projects in the organization and greatest number of projects or the projects being
could better evaluate which needed their change launched from the location were highly impactful.
management expertise and efforts. The nature and magnitude of the changes were
considered. The risk exposure created from the
4. Historical reasons
amount or type of change resulted in the decision to
A change management functional group’s location
place the change management functional group there.
was based on its history—being moved to that
location in the past or having originated from the 4. Originator of change management effort
location. Participants who reported a historically Participants selected the location based on who
based location decision did not indicate whether the introduced change management to the organization.
location was prime or sub-optimal for the group. The location that developed an interest in change
management, introduced it to the organization
or invested resources to make it a formal practice
was selected. Existing support, interest and
understanding were viewed as advantageous.

5. Directive from executive sponsors or

senior leaders
Executives or senior leaders who initiated and
sponsored deployment also selected locations.
Executives who understood change management
and had capacity within their divisions led the
organization’s change management.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 57

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

Advantages of Location • PMO has an established reputation and

credibility, and is respected

Participants in the 2019 study selected the location they

felt would be most effective for a Change Management Strategy, transformation and planning
Office or functional group (Figure 3.34). One-quarter of
participants chose the Strategy, Transformation, Planning “This level is organizationally close to exec leadership team,
office, followed closely by the Project Management Office. has significant support, and reaches across all communities.
This would ensure change management is engaged early in
Figure 3.34 – Most effective location for the Change
Management Office or functional group
• Change management can be aligned better with
Strategy, Transformation, 24% the strategy and direction of the organization
Planning 21% 2017
Project Management 22%
Office (PMO) 24% • Change management can be attached at the
Executive Leadership, 10% beginning of planning
C-Level Report 11%
Development (OD)
• Location provides proximity to executives
Within Business 9%
Units, Operations 9% • Location grants access to many projects,
Multiple/Several Locations 8% particularly highly visible and important ones
Human Resources (HR)
6% • Location supports an enterprise perspective on
Corporate and
Shared Services
5% changes that occur across the organization
• Strategy, transformation and planning group has
2% influence and credibility, and provides visibility
Technology (IT)
• Change management can become part of the
culture and mindset of the organization
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Percent of Respondents

Executive leadership, c-level report

• Location ensures adequate sponsorship for
Project Management Office (PMO) or
enterprise impact
Project Delivery
• Location allows access to the sponsors of change

“Projects are the means where organizations structurally • Executive leadership has clout, power
manage change—the PMO can best guide the integration and and authority
delivery of change management as part of the project lifecycle.” • This group has influence and credibility and
• Location provides access to projects, and most provides visibility
changes originate in the PMO • Location provides a strategic view and gets
• Change management aligns with the purpose readings on the pulse of the organization
of the PMO—supporting the implementation of • Location supports cultural and mindset changes
change and aligning adoption of those changes
• Location provides proximity to budget control
with project success
• Resource decisions
• Location provides easier integration into
project methodology
Organization Development (OD)
• Change management can be integrated more
• Location supports alignment, integration and
effectively into project plans
collaboration with current OD functions
• PMO has wide cross-organizational reach and
• OD is involved in numerous changes and
representative perspective
strategic efforts
• Change management can be infused earlier in
• Location supports an organization-wide reach
the project lifecycle
and perspective

58 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Within business units, operations Size of Functional Group

• Business units and operations have the most
knowledge of affected areas and proximity to Participants with a functional change management
the user base group reported on the number of employees in the group.
• Location supports building organization-wide Similar to the 2017 study, over half (61%) of responses
change management capability indicated five or fewer employees. As in previous years
the distribution of employees per group has remained
• Location allows for enhanced sustainment consistent since 2015.
of change
Figure 3.35 – Number of employees in the functional group
• Location provides insights for understanding
company culture 50 48% 48%
Human Resources (HR)
• Location synergizes with HR’s purpose which

Percent of Respondents
relates to the people side of the organization
and human capital, and focuses on employees

• HR has enterprise scope and reach 21% 21%

• Location supports alignment with skill
development, training, roles and responsibilities 12%
10% 10%
10 9% 9%

Corporate and shared services

• Corporate and shared services provides a 0
1 2-5 6 - 10 11 - 20 Over 20
common offering available to all projects Employee Employees Employees Employees Employees

• Location has enterprise reach and scope

• Location supports the ability to share resources Name of Functional Group

to manage the peaks and valleys of change Source date: 2018
management requirements during projects
Participants in the 2017 study shared the names of their
Independent change management office or functional group:
• Location protected against being hindered by 1. A title using the words “change
internal politics and agendas; it is objective management,” including:
and impartial
· Organizational Change Management
• Location allows change management to
be applied on various changes across the
· Change Management Center of Excellence
organization or enterprise · Enterprise Change Management
· Change Management Team
Information Technology (IT)
· Strategic Change Management
• Location provides proximity to the
largest projects · Change Management Specialists
· People Change Management
· Change Management Division
· Change Management Network

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 59

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

2. A title using the word “change,” including: Figure 3.37 shows the percentage of participants
who reported having a shared definition of change
· Change Practice
management throughout the organization, segmented
· Change Excellence by organizational change management maturity.
· Change Enablement Following the trend from previous studies, participants
in organizations with higher maturity tended to agree
· Change and Culture Team
that their organization had a shared definition, more so
· Change Integration than participants in organizations with lower maturity.
· Change Hub
Figure 3.37 – Shared definition by maturity level
· Strategic Change Unit
· Change Specialists Group 4% 2019
Strongly Agree 2017
3. A title using one of the following words related
to change: 22%
· Transition
· Improvement 42%

· Strategy 29%
Strongly Disagree
· Transformation
· Execution Unsure

· Excellence
0 10 20 30 40 50
Percent of Respondents

Definition of Change Management Participants in the 2013 study were asked if they noticed
Throughout Organization a change in the level of a commonly shared definition of
change management in the past two years (Figure 3.38).
Sixty-five percent indicated that the definition had
Sixty-nine percent of participants indicated they become slightly or significantly more shared throughout
disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement, the organization.
“throughout my organization there is a single common and
shared definition of change management”, a decrease of 2%
Figure 3.38 – Common in common definition
from the 2017 study (Figure 3.36).

Figure 3.36 – Shared common definition of change More

throughout the organization

Slightly 49%
Strongly Agree More
Level 5 - Agree
25% Disagree
8% Strongly Disagree
No Change 22%
Level 4 - 46%
Organizational 30%
4% Less 3%

Level 3 - 35%
Multiple Projects 46% 10%
15% Unsure

Level 2 - 13% 0 10 20 30 40 50
Isolated Projects 47%
Percent of Respondents

Level 1 - 10%
Ad Hoc or Absent 24%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Percent of Respondents

60 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Training on Change Management

Attended Change Value of Certification
Management Certification Source date: 2016

Nearly three-fourths of participants reported attending For the first time, participants who attended
a change management certification program, a slight certification described why they would recommend that
increase from 2017. others attend certification.

Figure 3.39 – Attended a certification program 1. Structured approach gained

Participants felt that certification provided a
74% Yes clear, formalized methodology and process for
72% No
70 doing change management. They also felt that
others would gain the knowledge about change
Percent of Respondents

management’s theory and framework necessary

50 to do good change management. Attending
40 certification also provided a structured way of
28% thinking and deepened the understanding of the
30 26%
dynamics of change.
2. Build skills and credentials
Participants felt that obtaining a certification
0 in change management not only added to their
2019 2017
professional credibility but also equipped them with
a variety of important skills that were applicable
Recommend That Others Become within and outside of change management settings.
Participants found that having a certification was
Certified in Change Management
an important step to advancing their careers and
Source date: 2016
building confidence in their own ability to succeed at
change management.
Participants also shared whether they would recommend
that others become certified in change management. An 3. Acquire common and universal tools
overwhelming number of participants (86%) said they Participants felt that they gained tools, templates,
would recommend change management certification to techniques and ideas that apply immediately
others (Figure 3.40). to change projects. Certification also provided
exposure to methodologies, tools and techniques,
Figure 3.40 – Recommend that others become certified in while getting the opportunity to learn from other
change management experts in the field. It also provided common
practices, tools, language and frameworks for
Don’t Know - 12% change management.
No - 2% 4. More likely to achieve desired outcomes
Participants felt that by attending certification,
they could help their organization recognize the
value of change management. They could help
their organizations become aware of how change
management can make them more likely to
achieve desired outcomes. Certification increased
proficiency, raised the overall standard of work and
Yes - 86% created better results. By attending certification,

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 61

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

they were able to help their organizations not only Groups Trained in Change Management
create but see the value in creating a standardized
approach to managing change.
Data from 2019 was similar from the 2017 data with a
slight increase in the percent of change management
resources and project teams that received change
Certification Programs Attended management training. Figure 3.42 shows the percentage
of participants who reported that change management
Participants who had attended a certification program training was provided to each group, comparing 2019,
identified the program they attended. Although many 2017, 2015 and 2013 study results.
individual providers were listed, seven were listed three
times more often than others: Figure 3.42 – Groups that received change
management training
• Prosci
67% 2017
• AIM Change 64%
Management 2015
Resources 72% 2013
• APMG 51%

• Being Human 49%

• Change Guides Project Team
• LaMarsh Managers and 39%
Supervisors 37%
Several participants listed various university programs,
workshops and degrees from which they obtained change 34%
Executives and 34%
management certification. For a full list of certification Senior Leaders 31%
providers that participants attended, see Appendix C. 40%


Certified Change Management Impacted

Employees 15%

Professional™ Designation (CCMP™) 22%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Percent of Respondents
Participants reported whether they had obtained or planned
on obtaining the CCMP™ designation from the Association
of Change Management Professionals (ACMP). Fourteen In the 2019 study, participants reported other groups
percent of respondents indicated they had earned the CCMP receiving change management training. These groups
designation, an increase of 2% from the 2017 study. usually consisted of individuals who were not formally
change management practitioners but who were involved
in other areas of the organization. Participants identified
Figure 3.41 – Certified Change Management
these people as peer influencers as they were seen as
14% role models and advocates for change. Additionally,
Yes 2017
12% individuals from the Human Resources (HR) department
were also commonly trained.
No, but
in Progress

No, but 33%

Planning To 33%

No, Not 29%

Planning To

I Am Not Aware of 20%


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Percent of Respondents

62 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Training Vehicles Used Change Management Training Topics

Source date: 2013 Source date: 2016

Participants in the 2013 study identified what training Participants in the 2015 study identified the topics
vehicles were used for each group. Resoundingly, covered while training each of the five groups. The
informal information sharing and coaching, and formal following top five topics were identified:
classroom training, were the most common approaches
• Change management plans
for delivering training across groups (Table 3.43).
Most groups were educated on the change management
Informal information sharing and coaching were used
plans that were being created or already in place. The
by 52% to 71% of participants, depending on the group.
plans most often presented were communications,
Between 46% and 69% used formal classroom training.
training and resistance management.
Web-based training and self-paced training were used
significantly less. • ADKAR®
Each group was trained in the Prosci ADKAR Model
Table 3.43 – Training vehicles used to understand how each element of the model
applied to their roles in change.
Percentage that Percentage that
• Methodology
used informal used formal
information classroom The five groups were trained in the change
sharing training management methodology that was being used. The
Prosci 3-Phase Change Management Process was the
management 60% 69% most frequently cited methodology.
• Tools
Most groups were trained to use tools for evaluating
Project teams 71% 49%
change prior to implementation. Training covered
Executives and readiness assessments, impact assessments and
66% 46%
senior leaders other stakeholder analysis tools.
Managers and • Change management principles
61% 61%
Each group was taught the foundation of change
Impacted management: what it is, why it is applied, benefits
52% 65%
of using a change management methodology and
principles concerning the psychology of change.

Other types of training included workshops, webinars,

briefings, meetings, forums, discussions, lunch and
learns and awareness-building sessions.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 63

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

Length of Training What Participants Would Do Differently

Source date: 2011 Next Time Regarding Change
Management Training
Participants shared the number of days of change
management training provided for each of the five Source date: 2016

groups and the number of days they recommend for each

group. Table 3.44 contains averages for the number of Participants indicated four major adjustments to how
days of change management training provided and the they would provide change management training for
recommended number of days of change management future initiatives.
training for each group.
1. Increase training for additional groups
Table 3.44 – Average days of change management training Provide more training to key stakeholders and
include additional audiences in training efforts
Actual Recommended (e.g., project sponsors, project managers, employee
Days Days
supervisors, mid-level managers, senior-level
Change management managers and relevant executives).
3.73 5.06
2. Deliver training differently
Project teams 2.41 3.44 Deliver training in more personable settings and
continuously throughout the project, and use
Executives and training specialists to implement plans. Participants
1.22 2.13
senior leaders would provide more interactive components and
Managers and incorporate technology systems such as web-based
2.04 2.95
supervisors and eLearning approaches.
Impacted 3. Tailor content to individual roles
1.70 2.52
By tailoring training more specifically to individuals,
there would be greater awareness regarding how to
The following sections provide more details regarding address issues when they arise. Training recipients
training vehicles, topics and duration of delivering would feel more connected with the change and
training to change management resources, project teams, more aligned with the methodology used.
executives and senior leaders, managers and supervisors, 4. Plan for training earlier
and employees. Plan training activities earlier in the project lifecycle
to provide more time to assess current knowledge
and training requirements. Although participants
would plan earlier, they would also schedule the
delivery of training at the appropriate time in the
change lifecycle.

64 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Change Management Resource Training Figure 3.46 – Days of training for change
management resources
Source date: 2013
50 Actual
Participants in the 2013 study identified vehicles 41%
used to deliver change management training to 40

Percent of Respondents
change management resources (Figure 3.45). Formal
classroom training was used most often to train change 30

management resources.
18% 18%
Figure 3.45 – Type of training for change 13% 14%
management resources 10 7% 8%
80 2%

69% 0
70 Less Than 1 Day 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 More Than
1 Day Days Days Days Days 5 Days
Percent of Respondents

Project Team Training
Source date: 2013
20 15% Participants in the 2013 study identified vehicles used
10 to deliver change management training to project teams
(Figure 3.47).
Formal Informal Self-paced Web-based or Other
Classroom Information Training Computer-based
Training Sharing or Materials Rraining Figure 3.47 – Type of training for project team members
Participants in both the 2011 and 2013 studies identified 70
key learning objectives or topics for change management
training regarding change management resources. The
Percent of Respondents

top four responses were:
1. Change management methodologies and processes
2. An overview of the basics of change management
3. Change management tools 12%
10 6%
4. Communication plans and skills
Informal Formal Self-paced Web-based or Other
Participants in the 2011 study shared the number of days Information Classroom Training Computer-based
Sharing or Training Materials Training
of change management training provided for change Coaching

management resources (Figure 3.46).

Participants in both the 2011 and 2013 studies
identified key learning objectives or topics for change
management training for project team members. The top
six responses were:

1. Change management plans (communications,

training and resistance management)

2. Awareness of the need for change management

3. Change management processes and methodologies

4. Roles in change management

5. The individual change experience

6. Support tools

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 65

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

Participants in the 2011 study shared the number of days The top two responses were:
of change management training provided for project
1. The roles and responsibilities of the sponsor during
teams (Figure 3.48).
the project, with emphasis on the critical nature of
the role
Figure 3.48 – Days of training for project team members
2. Greater understanding of the change management
30 28% Actual
methodology selected
25 24%

The first topic was cited more than twice as often as the
Percent of Respondents

20 20%
18% second topic.
15 14% 14%

11% Participants in the 2011 study shared the number of days

10 8% 9% of change management training provided for executives
and senior leaders (Figure 3.50).
5 4% 4% 4%

Figure 3.50– Days of training for executives and senior leaders

Less Than 1 Day 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 More Than
1Day Days Days Days Days 5 Days 45 42% Actual
Percent of Respondents 35 34% 34%

Executive and Senior Leader Training 30

Source date: 2013 25

Participants in the 2013 study identified vehicles used to 15
deliver change management training to executives and 10
senior leaders (Figure 3.49). 5% 6% 6%
3% 4%
5 3%
Figure 3.49 – Type of training for executives and senior leaders 0
Less Than 1 Day 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 More Than
1 Day Days Days Days Days 5 Days

70 66% Manager and Supervisor Training

Source date: 2013
Percent of Respondents

50 46%

Participants in the 2013 study identified vehicles used to
deliver change management training to managers and
supervisors (Figure 3.51).

8% Figure 3.51 – Type of training for managers and supervisors
Informal Formal Self-paced Other Web-based or
Information Classroom Training Computer-based 70
Sharing or Training Materials Training 61% 61%
Percent of Respondents

Participants in both the 2011 and 2013 studies identified
key learning objectives or topics for change management 40

training for executives and senior leaders. 30

20 14%
10 6%

Informal Formal Self-paced Web-based or Other
Information Classroom Training Computer-based
Sharing or Training Materials Training

66 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Participants in both the 2011 and 2013 studies identified Employee Training
key learning objectives or topics for change management
Source date: 2013
training for managers and supervisors. The top five
responses were:
Participants in the 2013 study identified vehicles used
1. Leading and managing change to deliver change management training to employees
2. Roles in change management (Figure 3.53).

3. Awareness of the need for change management Figure 3.53 – Type of training for impacted employees
4. The change experience for individuals 80

5. Methodology and process 70 65%

Participants in the 2011 study shared the number of days 52%

Percent of Respondents
of change management training provided for mangers
and supervisors (Figure 3.52). 40

30 25% 24%
Figure 3.52 – Days of training for managers and supervisors
45 Actual 9%
40 Recommended
34% 0
35 33% Formal Informal Self-paced Web-based or Other
Percent of Respondents

Classroom Information Training Computer-based

30 Training Sharing Materials Training
or Coaching
25 24%

20 19% Participants in both the 2011 and 2013 studies identified key
15 14% learning objectives or topics for change management training
10 9% for impacted employees. The top five responses were:
5% 5%
3% 3% 3% 3% 1. How individuals move through change
Less Than 1 Day 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 More Than
2. What change management is
1 Day Days Days Days Days 5 Days
3. Specifics on how to operate in the new environment

4. Roles in change management

5. Why the change is happening

Participants in the 2011 study shared the number of days

of change management training provided for employees
(Figure 3.54).

Figure 3.54 – Days of training for impacted employees

50% Recommended
Percent of Respondents



6% 6% 5% 5%
4% 4% 4%
Less than 1 day 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 More than
1 day days days days days 5 days

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 67

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

Change Management Job Roles

Most Important Skills for a Great Permanent Position or Job Role
Change Management Practitioner
Participants in the 2019, 2017, 2015, and 2013 studies
Source date: 2016
answered whether their organizations had a permanent
position or job role specific to change management. In
Participants identified attributes of a great change
the 2013 study, 52% of participants reported having a
management practitioner. The top five were:
permanent change management job role. In 2015 that
number grew to 53%, and then dropped in 2017 to 49%
1. Change management competency
where it stayed for the 2019 survey.
Change management was the most desired
attribute. Great practitioners have experience with
Figure 3.55 – Organization has a permanent change
coaching employees through the change. They also
management position or job role
understand basic change theories, have experience
applying tools and have knowledge of multiple 52% 53%
49% 49%
methodologies. Holding an accredited certification 50

in change management is valued. Percent of Respondents 40

2. Interpersonal skills 30

Practitioners must be empathetic and approachable 20

with an ability to read emotions and manage conflict.

Practitioners need excellent relationship-building and
collaboration skills. They should also be influential 2013 2015 2017 2019

regardless of formal authority.

Figure 3.56 shows the percentage of participants with a
3. Communications skills
permanent position by region.
Effective communication skills are required. A
great practitioner is competent in both written
Figure 3.56 – Permanent positions by region
and oral communication and able to listen to and
elicit responses from employees. They articulate Entire Study Population 49%
change messages clearly to a variety of groups. Australia and 56%
New Zealand
Practitioners should also be able to create and
deliver an engaging presentation. Canada 54%

4. Business acumen Africa 52%

Practitioners must have a developed sense of United States 50%

business. They should be comfortable working with
Middle East 47%
frontline employees and c-level executives. A basic
understanding of common business areas, such Europe 45%

as project management, sales and marketing or Asia and Pacific Islands 41%
information technology, is desired. They should also
Latin America 39%
understand the organization’s culture.

5. Flexibility 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Practitioners should be adaptive and flexible and Percent of Respondents

demonstrate resilience and perseverance. They

must be comfortable working with ambiguity and
be pragmatic decision makers.

68 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Figure 3.57 provides segmentation by industry relative to Figure 3.58 – Permanent positions by annual revenue
the overall study average.
Entire Study Population 49%

Figure 3.57 – Permanent positions by industry More Than $5 Billion 62%

$2.5 Billion - $5 Billion 59%

Entire Study 49%
Population $1 Billion - $2.5 Billion 60%
Education Services 75%
$500 Million - $1 Billion 50%
Health Care 67%
$250 Million - $500 Million 44%
Development &
Manufacturing 62%
$100 Million - $250 Million 42%
Consumer Goods 60%
Government - $50 Million - $100 Million 34%
Local & Municipal
$25 Million - $50 Million 33%
Food/Beverage 57%
$10 Million - $25 Million 35%
Government - Other 55%
Less Than $10 Million 27%
Consulting 54%
Agriculture, Forestry,
Fishing & Hunting 53%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Accommodation & 52%
Food Services Percent of Respondents

Information Services 50%

Figure 3.59 – Permanent positions by number of
Banking 49% employees in organization
Government - State 48%

Entire Study Population 49%

Manufacturing 47%

46% More Than 35,000 61%

Government - Military
Arts, Entertainment 44% 20,000 - 34,999 63%
& Recreation
Other 42% 10,000 - 19,999 53%

Finance 41% 5,000 - 9,999 58%

Aerospace 40% 2,500 - 4,999 60%

Administrative &
Support Services 39%
1,000 - 2,499 43%
Insurance 37%
500 - 999 42%
Government - Federal 32%
100 - 499 30%
Construction 27%
1 - 99 19%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Percent of Respondents
Percent of Respondents

Figure 3.58 and Figure 3.59 provide segmentation

Finally, the data were segmented by organizational
according to organization size (annual revenue and
change management maturity level (Figure 3.60). More
number of employees). The data show a trend of
mature organizations were more likely to have change
organizations with higher revenue or more employees
management job roles.
being more likely to have change management job roles.

Figure 3.60 – Permanent positions by change

management maturity level
Entire Study 49%
Level 5 -
Organizational 70%
Level 4 -
Organizational 74%
Level 3 -
Multiple Projects 67%

Level 2 -
Isolated Projects 38%

Level 1 - Ad Hoc
or Absent 20%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 69

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

Duration of Permanent Position For those with job roles in only one location (Figure 3.63),
Human Resources (HR), the Project Management Office
(PMO) and the Change Management Office (CMO) were
Respondents indicated for how many years their
the most commonly reported locations.
organization had a permanent change management
position or job role. The largest shift from the previous Figure 3.63 – Location at which a change management job
study was in the three to six year category which saw role resides
a 6% increase from 2015.
Human 21%
Resources (HR)
Figure 3.61 – Length of time permanent positions existed 18%

in the organization PMO / 18%

Project Delivery
2019 19%

18% 2015
More Than Independent office / 14%
Six Years 16% Change Management
Office (CMO) 5%

21% 11%
Between Three Information
and Six Years Technology (IT)
27% 13%

Between One 41% Within business 10%

and Three Years units, Ops
40% 16%

20% Corporate, 10%

Less Than
Shared Services
a Year 17% 11%

Organizational 8%
0 10 20 30 40 50 Development (OD)
Percent of Respondents
Organizational Locations of Permanent
0 10 20 30
Position or Job Role Percent of Respondents

Editor’s note: the option “independent office” was changed

to “Change Management Office (CMO)” in 2019 to improve
Participants identified how many locations within their
clarity. This likely explains the large jump in response for
organizations had permanent change management that category.
positions (Figure 3.62). Sixty-eight percent reported
having change management job roles in only one location, Of the participants who reported having job roles in two
an increase from 2017, accompanied by a decrease in or more locations, the most common combination was in
multiple location categories. Information Technology (IT) and Operations.

Figure 3.62 – Number of locations in the organization that Figure 3.64 – Common location combinations
have permanent job roles
IT and 5%
80 2019 Operations
HR, OD and
68% Operations 4%
OD and PMO 4%
Percent of Respondents

IT and PMO 3%
Operations and
Corporate / 3%
Shared services
HR, OD and
Corporate / 3%
Shared services
CMO and IT 3%
20 17%
0 3 6
10% 9% Percent of Respondents
10 8%
Editor’s note: Figure 3.64 shows only the most common
1 Location 2 Locations 3 Locations 4+ Locations
combinations which represented 76% of respondents.

70 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Projects Supported Job Description

Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

Participants shared how many projects the change Participants in the 2015 study identified key elements
management resource typically supported at one time of their job descriptions in change management roles.
(Figure 3.65). A majority of participants (63%) reported Six common elements were identified.
that the resource supported two to four projects. It was
less common for the resource to support only one project 1. Support change management at the
(17%) or more than five (20%). organization level
The most common response was to support
Figure 3.65 – Number of projects supported by change change management at the organizational level.
management resource This consisted of building change management
skills, creating and/or implementing an enterprise
7% 2013 framework, supporting other change management
More Than Eight practitioners, maintaining a change management
network, building change management capabilities,
Five To Eight providing change management tools, building
awareness of the need for change management and
Two To Four
facilitating continuous improvement by capturing
lessons learned.
One 2. Apply Structured methodology and lead
change management
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 The second most frequent response was to manage
Percent of Respondents change management and apply change management
tools in support of the project or initiative.

Annual Salary 3. Support communication efforts

Participants supported the design, development,
delivery and management of communications to
Participants reported on the annual salary for a change
individuals at various levels of the organization.
management position within their organizations. The
average salary reported in 2019 was $103,607 a very slight 4. Support training efforts
increase from the 2017 study average of $103,192. The most Change management positions supported training
common salary range remained the same from previous by providing input, documenting requirements,
years, between $100,000 - $149,999. There was also a managing training programs and supporting design
7% increase for positions with a salary of less than $60,000. and delivery.

5. Interpersonal skills
Figure 3.66 – Annual salary of permanent position or job
Interpersonal skills were noted, which included
role (in U.S. dollars)
possessing the ability to influence others, being
a team player, having emotional intelligence and
$150,000 - $250,000 12%
building relationships.
$100,000 - $149,999 35% 6. Change experiences
The final element was change experience
$80,000 - $99,999 20%
to understand the “ins and outs” of change
$60,000 - $79,999 15% methodologies and tools and to leverage and adapt
processes to different situations.
Less Than $60,000 18%

0 10 20 30 40
Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 71

Part 1: Chapter 3 – Organizational Capability

Additional items included: Figure 3.67 – Change management career paths

• Complete change management assessments by 80 2019
conducting change analyses and identifying 2017
key stakeholders 62% 61%
• Assess current awareness of the change and identify 60

Percent of Respondents
areas of resistance and readiness 50

• Create alignment of goals, objectives and

strategic initiatives
• Identify and manage adoption, use and
reinforcement of change 20 18%

• Provide leadership and direction to enhance 10%
8% 9%
effectiveness of change
• Influence and engage stakeholders and leaders Yes No, but in No Unsure
• Perform autonomously, independently and flexibly
in ambiguous dimensions Figure 3.68 compares an organization’s change
management maturity in 2019 to whether it had change
• Allocate budgets and resources efficiently
management career paths (findings exclude responses
• Identify, analyze and prepare risk mitigation tactics of ‘do not know’, resulting in totals not equaling 100%).
The majority of organizations with high change
A number of participants indicated that the job management maturity levels had career paths. Thirty
description was different for every project, a work in percent of Level 4 organizations and 46% of Level 5
progress or undefined. organizations reported having career paths. Only 14%
of Level 3 organizations and 5% of Level 2 organizations
had career paths.
Change Management Career Paths
Figure 3.68 – Career paths by change management maturity

Participants indicated whether their organizations 46%
No, But In Development
have career paths for change management job roles Level 5
(Figure 3.67). Ten percent of the participants reported
that their organization had a career path for change Level 4 19%
management professionals. There was an increase of 35%

2% of participants who reported that their organization 14%

is developing a change management career path Level 3
compared to the 2017 study.
Level 2 22%

Level 1

0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents

72 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Participant Job Title

Participants stated their job title within their organization.

Top results including “Change” in the job title ranked

as follows:
• Change Lead or Director
• Change Manager
• Senior Change Manager
• Change Management Consultant
• Organizational Change Manager
• Change Management Practitioner or Specialist
• Business Change Manager
• Change Analyst

Top results including “Project” in the job title ranked

as follows:
• Project Manager
• Senior Project Manager
• Project Coordinator
• Project Management Consultant
• Project Director

Other common job titles included:

• General Manager

• Program Director


• Senior Manager

• Learning Advisor

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 73

2 Change Management
Chapter 4 – Motivation and Justification

Chapter 5 – Effectiveness and Measurement

Chapter 6 – Methodology

Chapter 7 – CM Budget, Resources

and Team Structure

Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

Chapter 9 – PM and CM Integration

2 Chapter 4

and Justification
Gain Buy-In and Commitment for
Change Management by Focusing on
the Results and Outcomes You Deliver

Summary Highlight

How do you convince leaders to invest in the people side 73% of participants had to
of change? Study respondents reveal the most influential justify change management to
motivating factors behind their organizations’ use of project teams while 76% had to
change management. Uncover how to use risk mitigation justify change management to
and cost avoidance tactics for justifying investment in senior leaders.
change management to project teams and senior leaders.
Clarify what you deliver and present the case for change
management in data-driven, results-oriented language that
speaks directly to your leaders.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Drivers for Applying 3. Recognition that change and people
are connected
Change Management
Participants cited a relationship between change and
Source date: 2016 the people it affected. Examples included adoption,
critical analysis of project successes and high
Participants in the 2015 study identified drivers that anticipated resistance.
caused change management to be applied to their specific
4. As a mandate or directive
project. The top two drivers, complexity of change and
Participants felt that change management often came
awareness of change management as a discipline, were
as a directive from upper leadership or executives.
cited twice as often as other contributors. The top four
This push from leadership occasionally came as a
drivers were:
direct response to practitioners lobbying for and
explaining the benefits of change management.
1. Changes facing the organization are complex
and varied
Participants cited their need to change as the
primary driver of change management. The size
and scope of the change acted as key elements in
recognizing their need for change management.
Other responses included improving management,
mitigating risks and complying with regulations.

2. Awareness of change management as a discipline

Participants cited awareness of the discipline of
change management as a significant driver for
change management on projects. Participants
cited failures of projects without use of change
management as the primary driver. Previous success
of change management efforts and recognition of the
business case for change management were also cited.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 79

Part 2: Chapter 4 – Motivation and Justification

Justifying Change Management

Justifying Change Management to realization, return on investment (ROI) and
sustainment of results. Some extended justification
Project Teams
to include the overall importance of the project
Source date: 2016 including the bottom line impact and risks to the
organization if the project failed. Effective change
Nearly 73% of participants in the 2015 study indicated management was positioned as a way to reduce the
that they had to justify change management to some project time frame, accelerate results and control
degree when interacting with project teams, an increase the budget. Some participants used external data
from 2013 when participants had to justify change on the success rates of projects that applied change
management 64% of the time (Figure 4.1). management to solidify their case.

2. Change management increases the focus on the

Figure 4.1 – Degree of Justification needed for
people side of change
project teams
Participants expressed to project teams that change
35 33% 2015 management placed a necessary focus on people
2013 issues of a project. The necessity of employee
preparation, buy-in, engagement, adoption and
25% embracement of the solution was part of the
Percent of Respondents

justification. Change management was positioned as
20% 20% 20%
20 a way to increase the focus on stakeholders and on
the impact to them.
15 14%
3. Change management minimizes risks associated
10 with change
The risks of not managing the people side of
change were used to justify application of change
management. These risks included overall project
Significant Some Slight No Don't Know failure, delays, avoidance and mitigation of intended
Justification Justification Justification Justification
Needed Needed Needed Needed improvement. Attrition and resistance by employees
were also highlighted risks. Change management
was positioned as a way to minimize the productivity
In Cases Where Justification Was Needed dip associated with change implementations.

Source date: 2013 4. Change management enhances the personal

success of a project team
Participants justified change management to a The final approach for justifying change
project team in a number of ways. The most common management was focusing on the personal impact
justifications, in rank order, were: a project team would experience if it incorporated
change management. Participants using this
approach highlighted “what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM)
1. Change management improves the results and
to project leaders, including helping them succeed
outcomes of a project
and building their credibility in the organization.
Overwhelmingly, the top method for justifying
This approach also included reducing the workload
change management was to connect it to successful
and potential rework for the project manager
implementation of the change. Delivery on key
through application of change management and use
performance indicators (KPIs) and project outcomes
of change management resources.
were the focus. Practitioners emphasized the
contribution of change management to benefit

80 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Additional topics used to justify the need for change 4. Necessity due to the nature of the change
management included organizational history, culture, Change management did not have to be justified
capacity and lessons learned from previous changes. for projects with large impacts. In particular,
participants identified the scope, degree of impact
Participants also commented on their overall strategies and number of employees impacted as factors
for introducing change management to project teams. that made the case for change management. For
To justify change management, participants provided some projects in which adoption was viewed as key
clarity around change management. Many had to provide to success, change management was considered
a clear definition of change management, while others necessary and did not need to be justified.
focused on clarifying the intent, focus, role and need
for structure and resources. Providing clarity included
explaining the specific activities of change management
Justifying Change Management to
and the value they would bring.
Leadership Teams
Source date: 2016
In Cases Where No Justification Was Needed
Seventy-six percent of participants indicated that they
Source date: 2013
had to justify change management to their leadership
team, in comparison to 61% in 2013 (Figure 4.2).
One third of participants reported that they did not need
to justify change management to a project team. The top
Figure 4.2 – Participants who had to justify change
reasons were:
management to leadership teams
35% 2015
1. Pre-existing awareness and experience 35

The need for and value of change management

were already acknowledged in the organization.
Experiences with change management, including
Percent of Respondents

25 23%
historical successes when applying change 21%
management and historical failures when not, 20

created this awareness. This reason was cited three

15 13%
times more often than others.

2. Requirement by sponsor or project leader 10 8%

Practitioners did not have to justify change

5 3%
management when its application was required or
requested by senior leaders who recognized the need 0
or influenced a project manager along those lines. Significant Some Slight No Don't Know
Justification Justification Justification Justification
Needed Needed Needed Needed
3. Already embedded on project
Change management did not have to be justified
because it was already part of the project. In some
cases, change management was a standard practice In Cases Where Justification Was Needed
integrated into the project methodology and applied Source date: 2013
as part of all changes. In other cases, change
management was attached to a project through Participants who had to justify change management to
project planning, most commonly as a requirement senior leaders identified the following topics as the focus
in the request for proposal (RFP). of their justification:

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 81

Part 2: Chapter 4 – Motivation and Justification

1. Benefit realization and financial outcome In addition to the content of their justification,
The focus for justifying change management to participants also identified tactics they used when
senior leaders was the positive correlation between engaging senior leaders including:
change management and benefit realization.
• Presenting a formal business case for
Participants demonstrated how change management
change management
supports adoption and usage, linking change
management directly to achieving project outcomes, • Explaining the purpose of change management
realizing project benefits and achieving the desired and educating senior leaders on the topic
return on investment (ROI). • Familiarizing senior leaders with change
2. Project impact and risk management management activities and intended outcomes
Participants pointed to the impact of the current • Leveraging change management advocates to
project to justify the need for change management. influence senior leaders
They drew attention to the size, scope, impact,
• Presenting research and best practices in
significance and importance of the project delivering
change management
intended results and risks associated with these
elements were change management not applied.
Risks included project delays, project restarts, being In Cases Where No Justification Was Needed
over budget and not meeting project objectives.

3. Results of past projects Source date: 2013

Previous projects and their associated results were
used to justify the need for change management on Participants who did not have to justify change
a current project. Historical project failures were management explained that senior leaders and executives:
attributed to a lack of change management. In cases
where change management was applied, projects
1. Already valued change management
were more successful.
Many participants identified change management
4. Employee reactions and resistance as the organizational standard or accepted by the
Participants justified change management by executive team.
linking it to employee satisfaction and retention.
2. Associated outcomes of past projects
They demonstrated the importance of change
Senior leaders had attributed the success of past
management when addressing and managing
projects to the application of change management
employee resistance and when supporting positive
or they associated the failure of past projects with a
employee morale.
lack of change management and wanted to prevent
5. Business performance improvement similar failures on a current project.
Participants associated effective change
3. Originally initiated change management
management with organizational performance
Individuals at the executive level were responsible
in their justification to senior leaders. Improving
for initiating change management on a project and
productivity, increasing organizational efficiency,
were already convinced of the need, so there was no
growing long-term sustainability, cultivating
need to justify change management.
innovation, developing agility and increasing client
satisfaction were organizational performance 4. Acknowledged project impact
factors participants associated with effective Executives acknowledged that due to the scope,
change management. impact and potential risks of a current project,
change management was required.

82 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Justifying Change Management to Using Risk Mitigation as Justification for

Other Groups Change Management
Source date: 2016 Source date: 2013

Participants identified other groups to which they had to Nearly two thirds of participants (62%) used risk
justify change management (Figure 4.3). More than 60% mitigation as a means to justify change management
reported having to justify change management to middle (Figure 4.4).
managers, and 70% to departmental leaders. There was an
increase in justification needed for change management in Figure 4.4 – Used risk mitigation to justify
the 2015 study compared to the previous study. change management

Figure 4.3 – Other groups that required justification Don’t Know - 6%


Middle Managers
and Supervisors

No - 32%
Leaders of Business 70%
Units, Departments
or Divisions 58%

Solution Designers Yes - 62%
and Developers

HR Representatives

Participants presented the following risks that change
Specialists management could mitigate:

1. Lack of employee adoption

Training Specialists
Participants presented the risk of low or slow
adoption. Change management could build employee
proficiencies, improve ultimate use and increase
Other the speed of adoption. Participants drew special
attention to adoption, usage and proficiency rates
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 being minimized if reinforcement was not present.
Percent of Respondents Without change management, these factors would be
compromised and the expected return on investment
(ROI) of the project would not be met.
Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple
responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%. 2. Failure to meet project objectives
The risk of project failure was presented which
Other groups to which participants had to justify included failed implementation, missing deadlines
change management included frontline employees, and over-spending. Participants also described
change agents, colleagues and employees within certain the cost of REs (e.g., rework, redesign, re-scope,
business units such as Information Technology (IT), reschedule, etc.) that would be avoided were change
process optimization and finance. management applied.

3. Negative employee reactions

Negative employee reactions to change were
presented as risks. High employee turnover and
change fatigue due to the individual impacts of

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 83

Part 2: Chapter 4 – Motivation and Justification

change saturation were cited. If change management Participants referenced four costs that would be avoided
was performed, the organization could better were change management applied to projects.
manage the impact on individual employees. If not,
1. Operational and project costs
additional negative employee reactions could include
Costs presented that the use of change management
demoralization, low motivation, disengagement and
would avoid included:
increased stress.
• Employee overtime expenses
4. Negative organizational impacts
• Expenses associated with missed milestones
High-level risks to the organization included the
and deliverables
threat of an extended period of low productivity or
operational delays. Participants also shared the risk • Additional resource allocations required were
of the impact on the organization’s culture when projects not completed on time
change management was neglected. • Consultant costs
5. Indirect risks 2. Costs of rework
Practitioners presented indirect risks unique The need to redo components of a project was one
to a project to justify change management. cost participants presented as avoidable through
Noncompliance with government standards, change management. Reworking large components
higher likelihood of employee strikes and negative of a project, if not the entire project, was the most
impacts to the organization’s public image were common cost avoidance. Many participants referred
presented as risks that would be mitigated by to the cost of retraining employees when change was
change management. not managed well.

3. Non-engaged employees
Participants drew attention to the costs of low
Using Cost Avoidance as Justification for adoption and usage where change management
Change Management was neglected. They connected this to the need for
project team members to work on the project longer
Source date: 2013
than intended which added costs to the project.

Just over 30% of participants used cost avoidance as a 4. Opportunity costs

means to justify change management (Figure 4.5). Participants expressed that through change
management a project was more likely to meet or
Figure 4.5 – Used cost avoidance to justify exceed objectives. “We used previous projects that
change management did not have change management as an example of
the additional costs associated with extended benefit
Don’t Know - 8%
realization and the business objectives not being
delivered on time.”

Yes - 31%

No - 61%

84 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

2 Chapter 5

and Measurement
Measuring Change Management Work and Outcomes
Based on Research

Summary Highlight

The 2019 study further advances the body of knowledge 93% of projects with excellent
around measurement and outcome accountability. change management met or
This chapter reveals actionable criteria for measuring exceeded project objectives
progress through the change management process and compared to 15% with poor
demonstrating the impact and effectiveness of change change management.
management activities. One of the simplest tools for
demonstrating the value of change management is
the strong correlation between change management
effectiveness and project outcomes. Prove your value by
tying your work to project results.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Correlation Between Project Success Figure 5.1 – Correlation with meeting objectives

and Change Management Effectiveness 100


An analysis was conducted that correlated change 77%

management effectiveness with three dimensions of

project success:

• Meeting objectives 42%


• Staying on schedule
• Staying on budget 15%

When evaluating change management effectiveness, Poor Fair Good Excellent
(n=728) (n=2,125) (n=2,577) (n=503)
participants were provided twelve factors that constituted
Percent of Respondents That Met or Exceeded Objectives
effective change management (see Table 5.4). Participants
also evaluated their overall change management
effectiveness on a scale of poor, fair, good or excellent.
Figure 5.2 – Correlation with staying on or ahead of schedule

The number of responses varies in the three correlational
charts because participants were allowed to indicate 70 71%

“too early to tell” for each project success category.


Figures 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 show the percentage of projects 50


performing at or above expectations, correlated with

change management effectiveness using combined data
from the 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019 30

benchmarking studies. For each change management

effectiveness category – poor, fair, good and excellent – the 14%
chart shows the percentage of participants performing at or 10
Poor Fair Good Excellent
above expectations (i.e., meeting or exceeding objectives, (n=819) (n=2,465) (n=3,027) (n=540)

on or ahead of schedule, and on or under budget). Percent of Respondents That Were On or Ahead of Schedule

Projects with excellent change management effectiveness

were more than six times more likely to achieve project Figure 5.3 – Correlation with staying on or under budget
objectives than projects with poor change management
effectiveness, 93% to 15%, respectively. Excellent change
management also correlated with staying on schedule
and budget.
80 81%


60 62%


Poor Fair Good Excellent
(n=757) (n=2,312) (n=2,918) (n=533)

Percent of Respondents That Were On or Under Budget

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 87

Part 2: Chapter 5 – Effectiveness and Measurement

Change Management Effectiveness Factors

Table 5.4 shows twelve change management effectiveness factors and the percentage of participants in the 2019 study
that indicated strongly disagree, disagree, agree or strongly agree for each factor. As in the previous studies, the factors
that received the most strongly disagree and disagree responses were 2, 6, 8, 10 and 12. More than 75% of survey
participants agreed or strongly agreed with factors 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. Values from the 2019 study largely paralleled those
from previous studies.

Table 5.4 – Change management effectiveness factors

Strongly Strongly
Factor Disagree Agree
Disagree Agree

1. We applied a structured change management process 5% 19% 54% 22%

2. We had sufficient resources on the team to implement

11% 40% 40% 9%
change management

3. Our change management activities were customized and

6% 18% 53% 23%
scaled to fit the change and the organization being changed

4. Our change management team had the necessary training

6% 28% 46% 20%
and expertise in change management

5. We integrated our change management activities into the

5% 18% 53% 24%
project plan

6. Our business leaders fulfilled their roles as effective change

12% 39% 40% 9%
sponsors throughout the entire project

7. We implemented an effective communication plan 3% 20% 56% 21%

8. Managers and supervisors engaged in the change and

7% 47% 42% 4%
effectively coached their employees through the change process

9. We provided the necessary training to employees on new

4% 19% 61% 16%
processes, systems and job roles

10. Our senior leaders, mid-level managers and supervisors

9% 46% 36% 9%
managed resistance to change effectively

11. We measured compliance with the change and our overall

5% 32% 56% 7%
performance in meeting project objectives

12. We effectively reinforced the change with employees through

7% 40% 46% 7%
recognition, performance measurement and celebrations.

88 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Overall Effectiveness of Change Figure 5.6 – To whom effectiveness was reported

Management Program
Direct Sponsor 78%

Participants indicated the overall effectiveness of

their change management program (Figure 5.5). The Personnel 66%
distribution remained consistent throughout the last five
studies. In 2019, programs rated good saw the largest
General Leadership 66%
decrease and those rated poor saw the largest increase.
The distribution remained consistent throughout the
last five studies. Other 18%

Figure 5.5 – Overall effectiveness of change 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

management programs Percent of Respondents

Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple

50 responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.
46% 2017
44% 2015
Three was the most common number of stakeholders to
40 37% 37%
whom change management effectiveness was reported,
Percent of Respondents

35% 35%

making up 38% of study participants (Figure 5.7).


Figure 5.7 – Number of stakeholders to whom change

effectiveness information was reported

13% 40 38%
11% 11% 11%
10 8% 8% 35

Percent of Respondents

Poor Fair Good Excellent 25



To Whom Change Management 10 9%

Effectiveness Was Reported 5

Source date: 2016 0

1 Stakeholder 2 Stakeholders 3 Stakeholders 4 Stakeholders

Participants in the 2015 study identified to whom

the change management effectiveness was reported.
Participants were able to select multiple responses when
answering the question.
Organizational Challenges While
A direct sponsor was the most common response, Employing Change Management
with 78%, and project program personnel and general Source date: 2016
leadership both tallied 66% (Figure 5.6). For the other
classification, participants were allowed to write in Participants in the 2015 study identified organizational
a response, and the most common replies were challenges while implementing change management.
steering board or committee, project team and specific The top six barriers, in rank order, were:
leadership positions.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 89

Part 2: Chapter 5 – Effectiveness and Measurement

1. Leadership and sponsorship 6. Competing initiatives and change saturation

Respondents frequently identified lack of buy-in Lack of prioritization and an overload of change
from executives and lack of visible and effective presented challenges when attempting to implement
leadership as challenges to implementing change change. Many respondents felt that a large number
management. Other challenges included resistance of competing initiatives within their organizations
from managers, lack of leadership capability and diverted focus, resources and momentum from
skill, lack of consistency and “primary project change, making them difficult to implement. Change
sponsors not being visible.” saturation and fatigue affected employee attitudes
toward change, making implementation difficult.
2. Appreciation for and commitment to
change management
Lack of understanding of change management
and lack of commitment to the change constituted Impact of Organizational Goals and
barriers to the success of the change. Frequently, Values on Change Management
lack of understanding of the value of change
Source date: 2016
management contributed to a reluctance to commit
dedicated resources including trained practitioners,
Participants shared whether their organizations’ goals
financial resources and time.
and values impacted their change management work.
3. Organizational dynamics Seventy-one percent answered in the affirmative (Figure 5.8).
Dynamics and elements of organizations presented
challenges to change management. The two Figure 5.8 – Did organizational goals and values impact
most frequent responses were the presence of a change management
“siloed mentality” and unreasonable expectations
Don’t Know - 13%
of the timeline for change implementation. Other
examples included organizational hierarchy, culture
of non-disclosure regarding change, organizational
complexity and politics and power plays.

4. Culture of change resistance

No - 16%
Underlying factors and a culture of change resistance
were barriers to change management. A pre-existing
culture of resistance to change often manifested in
an attitude of “we’ve always done it that way.” Other
Yes - 71%
elements of culture included “preconceived ideas of
change,” lack of trust associated with working with
third parties (e.g., change management consultants)
and a history of success without change. The change Participants identified how their understanding of
history in a company was a significant factor; a history their organizations’ goals and values impacted their
of “previous poor implementation” created enduring change management.
skepticism and resistance toward future change.
1. Customization of change management plan
5. Communication Participants found that a clear understanding of the
Respondents felt that lack of clear communication organization’s goals and values allowed for a more
about the change among members of the customized and focused approach to developing a
organization created a barrier to the implementation change management plan. Activities affected by this
of change. Respondents identified building understanding included key message development,
awareness, clearly defining change success and identification of impacted groups, determination
the future state and bridging communication gaps of project scope, identification of resistance and
between cultures and geographic locations as creation of participants mentioned using some form
challenges to overcome. of assessment as an additional aid to determine how
open the organization was to a change.

90 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

2. Goal/value alignment valuable nonetheless. In fact, research reported in

Participants found that aligning a project’s the following section represents the most rigorous
initiatives with the organization’s goals and values and robust analyses performed on the effectiveness of
increased the likelihood of project adoption. change management methodology to date. The strength
Alignment with an organization’s core mission of quantitative analysis stems from holding fixed the
statement aided with overall justification of a characteristics that could impact both the effectiveness
project, and participants noted a clear benefit to of the change program and the factors which it is being
aligning a project with the long-term or “big picture” analyzed against. Therefore, estimates are free from
view of the organization. Regular checks throughout influence by other factors that could be explained. The
the lifecycle of the project helped ensure that controlled variables are listed in Appendix F and include
alignment persisted and mitigate the potential organizational characteristics, project characteristics
loss of credibility. and individual characteristics. Although not every
element can be controlled for, the purpose of the analysis
3. General project impact
is to show results in an understandable manner using
Organizational goals and values impacted the
the data available. The technical aspects of the analysis
technical and overall framework of the project.
process, model, validation techniques and general
Projects that leveraged the organization’s goals
information regarding the quantitative analysis are
and values experienced an increased likelihood of
described in Appendix F.
meeting project objectives. Areas of the project
framework that were specifically impacted by
Placing a quantitative value on qualitative aspects
organizational goals included: assessment and
of change management allows for the relative value
mitigation of business risk,establishment of
of change management methodological factors to
project milestones, resource allocation for change
be understood in a more transparent context. In
management and project prioritization. A higher
combination, findings listed below increase the
degree of impact was noted for projects that were
credibility of the research and construct a coherent
heavily people dependent.
and integrated foundation for further analysis.
4. Negative impacts
Participants identified several common Relationships analyzed include: having a dedicated
organizational situations that negatively affected change resource on the project team and its
project success and increased the need for change effectiveness, use of a particular change management
management. These situations included: lack of methodology and its effectiveness, the level of a
available and accessible leadership, lack of clear structured change management model used and its
communication by the project team regarding effectiveness, the level of sufficient resources used and
goals/values, and a lack of explicitly defined its effectiveness, and the level of integration of change
organizational goals. Participants noted projects management methodology and its effectiveness.
that were misaligned or contradictory to an
1. The relationship between having a dedicated
organization’s goals or values frequently suffered
change resource on the project and effectiveness
from a lack of adoption because impacted groups
of the change program
did not understand how the change related to the
Although it has been established that the presence
overall mission of the organization.
of change management resources on the project
correlates with more effective change management
Change Management Effectiveness — programs, the strength of the relationship had not
Regression Analysis been measured until the 2015 study. Using regression
analysis, it was found that projects with a dedicated
Source date: 2016
change management resource experienced a more
effective change management program by 23%,
Advanced statistical techniques were applied to
on average, when compared to projects lacking a
identify relationships among factors that influence
dedicated change resource. Individual, project and
the effectiveness of change management programs.
organizational factors were controlled. Results were
These results are not necessarily causal, but they are

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 91

Part 2: Chapter 5 – Effectiveness and Measurement

significant; the t-value of 4.60 is beyond the 99% 4. Level of sufficient resources and effectiveness of
confidence level. In other words, there is less than the change management program
a 1% chance that the results found are untrue. The The interaction between the level of sufficient
estimate had a corrected standard error of 0.05. For resources and the overall effectiveness of the change
more information regarding the analysis, model and management program was measured. Participants
validation tests, refer to Appendix F. rated the level of a sufficient resources on a scale,
with categories strongly agree, agree, disagree
2. Use of a change management methodology and
and strongly disagree as options. For every 1%
effectiveness of the change management program
increase in the level of sufficient resources on the
Participants who used a change management
project team, effectiveness of the overall change
methodology experienced a more effective change
management program increased, on average, by
management program by 15%, on average. Individual,
0.33%; increasing the level of sufficient resources
project and organizational factors were controlled.
by 10% was associated with a 3.3% increase in the
Results were significant at the 95% level, with a
effectiveness of the change management program.
t-value of 2.45 and standard error of 0.04. For more
Individual, project and organizational factors were
information regarding the analysis, model and
controlled. Results were significant at the 99%
validation tests, refer to Appendix F.
confidence level, with a t-value of 9.21 and corrected
3. Degree of a structured change management standard error of 0.04. For more information
model used and effectiveness of the change regarding the analysis, model and validation tests,
management program refer to Appendix F.
The relationship between the degree of structure
5. Level of change management integration
a change management model had and the
on the project team and effectiveness of the
effectiveness of the change management program
change management program
was measured. Participants rated the level of a
The relationship between the level of integration
structured methodology on a scale, with categories
between change activities on the project team and
strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree
effectiveness of the change management program
as options. For every 1% increase in structure of
was measured. Participants rated the level of change
methodology, effectiveness of the change program
management integration on a scale, with categories
increases by 0.61%, on average; increasing the
strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree
structure of a change management methodology
as options. For every 1% increase in the degree of
by 10% was associated with an increase of the
integration between teams, effectiveness increased
effectiveness of the change management program by
by 0.58%, or every 10% increase in the level of
6.1%. Individual, project and organizational factors
integration was associated with a 5.8% increase in
were controlled. Results were significant at the 99%
effectiveness. Individual, project and organizational
confidence level, with a t-value of 11.81 and corrected
factors were controlled. Results were significant
standard error of 0.05. For more information
at the 99% confidence level, with a t-value of 10.31
regarding the analysis, model and validation tests,
and corrected standard error of 0.06. For more
refer to Appendix F.
information regarding the analysis, model and
validation tests, refer to Appendix F.

92 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Criteria Used to Measure Change 4. Overall project performance
Responses included measurements related to the
Management Effectiveness
performance of projects on a large scale, and with
Source date: 2016 overall project goals in mind.

• Benchmarking progress against goals

Participants in the 2015 study identified criteria used
to measure the effectiveness of change management. • Project return on investment (ROI) and
Analysis of results provided five categories of criteria: measurable benefits indicators
adoption metrics, communication metrics, employee • Project timeline progression and completion 
performance, overall project performance and
5. Readiness assessments
readiness assessments.
Responses identified assessments designed to measure
readiness for change within parts of the organization.
1. Adoption metrics Readiness was then used as a criterion to determine the
Responses in this category focused on employee effectiveness of change management:
adoption and use of new processes. Employees were
• Readiness assessments based on Prosci
evaluated based on whether they were performing
methodology and ADKAR®
as required by the project or change initiative.
Examples included: • Assessments of executive/stakeholder
engagement and readiness
• Percent of user adoption
• Organizational awareness and
• Rate of user adoption
resistance assessments
• Adherence to and proficiency in new processes 
2. Qualitative/feedback metrics
Responses were various forms of direct feedback Data Used to Evaluate Change
given on the perceived effectiveness of change,
Management Effectiveness
whether from employees or clients as end users.
Source date: 2016
Examples included:

• Surveys and other forms of direct feedback Participants identified what data they used to evaluate
• Informal and self-reported feedback the effectiveness of change management. Responses
revealed five categories of data and five categories of
• End-user satisfaction reports
criteria used to measure adoption.
3. Employee performance
Responses focused on measurement of changes 1. Qualitative/feedback-based
in employee performance as a result of change Participants most frequently identified data that
management. Examples included: came in the form of direct feedback or qualitative
• Changes in productivity/efficiency resulting observations as a way to evaluate change
from the change management effectiveness. Surveys were the
most common type. Other forms of data included
• Qualitative assessments of changes in culture qualitative observations of changes in team
and behavior of employees members’ behaviors, customer feedback and reports
from leaders or supervisors.

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Part 2: Chapter 5 – Effectiveness and Measurement

2. Change management metrics Participants identified six primary methods for tracking
Participants identified data related to change change management activities.
management and its processes. Responses included
data related to training such as attendance and
1. Project plan
percentage of employees trained, results of readiness
The most commonly identified method of tracking
assessments, sponsor engagement and assessments
change management was through the use of a
such as ADKAR®.
pre-existing project plan into which change
3. Quantitative/business outcome metrics management was integrated. This method included
Participants identified metrics that were easily the use of checklists of milestones and completed
quantifiable and frequently related to business activities, as well as individual tasks within the project
outcomes as an important source of data. Examples plan, as metrics for tracking change management.
included adherence to overall project deadlines,
2. Feedback
external system audits, budget changes and return
Participants identified the use of both direct and
on investment (ROI) measured by “comparing the
indirect feedback as the second most frequently
financial benefit of old and new.”
utilized method of measuring change management
4. Individual employee performance metrics activities. The various forms of reported feedback
Respondents identified changes to employee included: weekly meetings, surveys, the use of a
performance and behaviors, specifically proficiency communications plan, direct communication with
with the system, as a key source of data to measure stakeholders, and other forms of regular reporting.
effectiveness. The most frequent response for
3. Tracking tools
this category dealt with the number of errors
Participants identified tracking tools as important
made and issues that arose in relation to the use
and widely used ways of tracking change
of new systems or processes. Other employee
management activities. Examples of tracking tools
performance metrics included results of competency
utilized by participants included: spreadsheets,
assessments, changes to productivity and measures
Microsoft Project and other project tracking software
of engagement and awareness among employees.
programs, dashboards and external consultants.
5. Adoption metrics
4. Change management plan
Participants felt that metrics measuring adoption
Many participants identified the use of a specific
and compliance were some of the most important
change management plan as a method of tracking
and straightforward ways of assessing change
change management activities. This included
management effectiveness. Sources of data most
monitoring activities specifically related to change
frequently identified included use and compliance
management, either through a plan developed
metrics, number of transactions completed with
in-house by the organization or the use of Prosci
the new system, website visits and number of
templates including plans structured around the
process deviations.
ADKAR® framework.

5. Realization of change through employee behavior
Participants identified specific employee behaviors
Tracking Change Management Activities or measures of employee attitudes as methods for
Source date: 2016 tracking change management activities. Examples
included: employee attendance at trainings, use
Participants in the 2015 study indicated whether they of training plans, adoption surveys and overall
tracked change management activities. Three quarters proficiency with the new system.
of participants indicated they measured change
6. Measures of output
management activities. Participants were asked to
Participants identified measures of final output
identify the methods by which they tracked change
of the change initiative as a valuable method for
management activities.
tracking change management activities. These
measures included measures of business success,
such as profits, and output measurements, such as
number of hits on the website.

94 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Measuring the Overall Outcome of measures through the duration of the change
reflected the impact of change management.
Applying Change Management
A number of participants indicated that lack of
Source date: 2013 noise during implementation was a sign of positive
impact of change management.
Participants in the 2013 study explained how they
measured the overall outcome of applying change
management on a project. Responses revealed a tendency
Demonstrating the Value-Add of
to evaluate overall outcome at the conclusion of the
effort and into the sustainment phase. Participants Applying Change Management
used post implementation reviews, lessons learned, Source date: 2013
sustainability measures and post go-live assessments as
vehicles to evaluate and capture the overall outcome of Participants used a number of approaches to demonstrate
applying change management. A number of participants the value-add of applying change management for a
also used a sponsor’s overall evaluation of change as project on which they were reporting. Evidence of the
an indicator of an outcome. The following three impact of change management on project performance
categories summarize how participants measured the and on employee adoption were the most common
overall outcome of applying change management: approaches used to demonstrate the value-add of change
management. Practitioners focused on six areas when
1. Impacted employee responses demonstrating value-add.
Participants measured the overall impact of change
management by how impacted employees responded 1. Increased realization of project benefits
to change. Common measurements focused on The most common demonstration of the value-add
end-user adoption, uptake, use and compliance of change management came through examination
metrics. Participants used surveys and feedback of overall project performance. Project success
to gauge how employees were responding based and meeting objectives were most common, with
on a number of other factors including readiness, focus on factors and metrics the project aimed to
engagement, participation, willingness, acceptance improve. The value of change management was also
and satisfaction. demonstrated through sustainment of benefits and
2. Project results evaluations of benefit realization. Project progress
Overall project results were used to evaluate the showed the value of change management including
outcome of applying change management on a executing project deliverables and faster delivery of
project. Project success and meeting objectives were expected benefits.
commonly referenced when assessing the outcome, 2. Improved adoption of the change
followed by benefit realization, performance against Participants pointed to improved employee
key performance indicators (KPIs) and return adoption, acceptance and compliance as evidence
on investment (ROI). Project outcomes, such as of the value-add of change management. A number
revenue, cost, customer satisfaction and quality of participants specified the speed of adoption,
improvement, were also used to evaluate ultimate use and proficiency factors as measures
the outcome of applying change management. of value add.
3. Project execution 3. Increased engagement and involvement
Participants considered how timely project Participants showed that change management
deliverables were achieved when evaluating the added value by increasing employee buy-in and
overall outcome of applying change management. engagement. Stakeholders were more involved
They evaluated how smoothly a change was and had greater participation and understanding.
implemented and the amount of disruption that Employee confidence in the change was higher.
occurred. Productivity measures and resistance

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 95

Part 2: Chapter 5 – Effectiveness and Measurement

4. Eliminated challenges Figure 5.9 – Measured change management effectiveness

The value-add of change management was
demonstrated by presenting challenges and risks 51% 2015
that were avoided. Resistance was low because Yes
change management helped to avoid or minimize
it. Fewer issues needed to be resolved, and
there were fewer support calls. Change was less No
disruptive and the organization experienced less 50%

of a productivity dip.
5. Compared to other projects Don't Know
A number of participants used comparisons to 10%

other projects as a way to demonstrate the value-add

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
of change management on a particular project. Percent of Respondents
Comparisons were made to historical projects
during which change management was not applied, Methods
highlighting the difference in project experiences
and outcomes. Some participants compared current Participants in the 2015 study identified five methods for
change to previous attempts at similar changes. measuring change management effectiveness.
6. Improved employee readiness 1. Surveys
Participants showed that with change management, Delivering surveys and questionnaires to employees
employees were more prepared and ready for change. was the most commonly reported method for
gauging change management effectiveness. The
Some participants identified channels used to demonstrate surveys captured the effectiveness of change at the
the value-add of applying change management, including: individual level. Participants used in-person and
online surveys, and both were effective.
· Employee surveys including interviews,
engagement surveys and satisfaction surveys 2. Level of adoption/observation
Participants monitored each employee’s system
· Anecdotal evidence and stories from impacted
use. Compliance rates were measured by each
employees and managers
employee’s ability to start and complete new
· Presentations and reporting to project teams processes and observed as the employees worked
and leaders within the new process.
· Industry data 3. Feedback
· Lessons-learned reporting Many participants held one-on-one meetings with
employees to garner feedback on how effective a
change had been. Other participants used written
feedback forms or group sessions during which
Change Management
they encouraged honest communication regarding
Effectiveness Measurement a change.

4. Assessments
Fifty-one percent of participants in the 2019 study
Tests were given to employees to assess their
reported measuring change management effectiveness
abilities and skill levels. Assessments were a good
(Figure 5.9). In the 2019 study, respondents were not given
indication of whether change management had
the option to select “Don’t Know”, a difference from the
adequately prepared employees for a change.
last survey data.

96 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

5. Meetings 3. At key milestones – at key points during a project’s

Both one-on-one and group meetings took place lifecycle, tied to major developments or milestones
to evaluate individual and team performance.
4. Continuous – continuously throughout a
Group meetings often took place at several stages
project’s lifecycle
during the project and were conducted multiple
times because participants felt that a one-time
meeting would not be effective in gauging change
management effectiveness. Individual transition measures
Source date: 2016

Data sources
Figure 5.10 shows that 44% of all participants measured
whether change was occurring at the individual level.
Participants in the 2013 study identified specific
data sources for measuring change management.
Figure 5.10 – Measured if change was occurring at the
Although most measurement focused on end users,
individual level
participants also collected data on change management
effectiveness from others in the organization. Top 45% 44%
sources of data included:
Percent of Respondents

1. End users – those in the organization who had to

change how they did their jobs and adopt a solution
that was deployed by a project or initiative.
2. Key stakeholders in the organization – managers
and leaders within affected parts of the organization. 10

3. Project team – the team leading the project and

designing the change provided feedback on the 0
2013 2015
effect of change management.
Participants used the following metrics and collection
4. Change agents – including the primary change
methods to measure changes at the individual level:
management resource or team and members
of the extended change agent network within
the organization. Metrics for individual change measurement

5. Senior leaders – the primary sponsor and other

1. Compliance and usage
sponsors heading the effort within their parts of
Identified more than twice as often as any other
the organization.
finding, process compliance and system use statistics
were the most commonly used metrics. Compliance
Timing rates were measured by tracking employees as they
started and completed new processes. Participants
Participants in the 2013 study reported when measured system use through database queries and
measurement of change management effectiveness tracking logins to a new system.
occurred at various points during the project lifecycle. 2. Attendance and engagement
The time frames for measurement included: Participants measured the number of individuals
1. Post – after implementation attending meetings and training regarding a change.
They compared the number of attendees to the total
2. Pre and post – before a project began to create a
number of employees being impacted by a change
baseline and after implementation to gauge changes
to gauge receptivity and engagement.
in performance

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 97

Part 2: Chapter 5 – Effectiveness and Measurement

3. Existing business metrics 2. Observation and communication

Existing business metrics that related to a change Participants relied on observation and
were used. Metrics included response time, communication to judge how individuals were
client-facing time, conversion time, cost reduction, progressing through change. Feedback, noted
sales, revenue and profit. Work output was also by participants as an important aspect of
analyzed including product quantity and quality. communication, was collected through interviews,
Other business metrics included absenteeism, staff meetings, informal conversations, focus groups
overtime and employee attrition and retention. and key informants including managers and change
networks. Participants also observed the attitudes
4. Error rates and issues raised
and behaviors of individuals throughout the change.
Some participants tracked the number of errors
made in a new state to measure progress at the 3. Tests and assessments
individual level. Others tracked the number of Tests assessed individuals’ skills, competencies
calls and tickets submitted to a help desk, the and abilities with the goal of determining whether
rate of problems being reported and the types individuals were prepared and capable of performing
of queries that required support. Participants in the new state. Tests and assessments were given
measured these values before and after before and after implementation, or after impacted
implementation for comparison. groups received training. Readiness assessments
were also conducted.

Methods for individual measurement 4. Performance evaluations

Performance evaluations were used to measure
1. Surveys individual change. Performance reports and
Delivering surveys or questionnaires to impacted documents were completed to define roles and
groups was the most common method for measuring analyze fulfillment. Participants also used key
progress at the individual level. These tools were performance indicators (KPIs) as benchmarks.
used to analyze individual behavior, determine
satisfaction and acceptance levels and assess
awareness of the need for change. Participants often
administered surveys before implementation to
establish a baseline and again after implementation
to draw comparisons.

98 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Defining and Measuring Successful Figure 5.12 – Speed of adoption performance

Adoption and Usage Speed of Adoption

Faster Than Expected
Source date: 2016
Speed of Adoption
In Line With Expectations
Participants indicated whether they had defined what
successful adoption and usage would be for their change Speed of Adoption
Slower Than Expected
initiative. Just over half did (Figure 5.11).
Too Early To Tell 31%
Figure 5.11 – Definition of successful adoption and usage
Don't Know 1%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Percent of Respondents

Yes - 51%

Figure 5.13 – Ultimate utilization performance

Ultimate Utilization
More Than Expected

No - 49%
Ultimate Utilization In
Line With Expectations

Ultimate Utilization
Lower Than Expected 18%

Too Early To Tell 39%

Speed of Adoption, Ultimate Utilization
and Proficiency Performance Don't Know 3%

Source date: 2016 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Percent of Respondents

Participants in the 2015 study indicated how the project

was performing according to speed of adoption, ultimate Figure 5.14 – Proficiency performance
utilization and proficiency. Speed of adoption represents
how quickly employees adopt change. Ultimate Proficiency Greater
Than Expected
utilization is the terminal adoption rate (or the converse
of the opt-out rate). Proficiency is how effectively Proficiency in Line
With Expectations
employees performed as required by a change.
Proficiency Less
Than Expected 20%
Approximately 10% of participants indicated that
performance was better than they expected, and just over Too Early to Tell 36%
one third of participants indicated that performance met
expectations (Figures 5.12, 5.13 and 5.14). Don't Know 4%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 99

Part 2: Chapter 5 – Effectiveness and Measurement

Correlating People-Side ROI Factors Figure 5.17 – In line or better than expected proficiency
versus change management effectiveness
Source date: 2016
2015 data on speed of adoption, ultimate utilization
and proficiency were segmented by overall 70

effectiveness of a change management program.

Percent of Respondents
Figures 5.15, 5.16 and 5.17 show the percentage of 50
participants that performed in line or better than
expected for each of the three variables segmented by
overall change management effectiveness. 22%
20 15%

The data demonstrate that participants with more 10

effective change management programs showed better 0

Poor Fair Good Excellent
performance in all three variables. Excellent change
management programs resulted in better speed of
adoption, ultimate utilization and proficiency. Poor Measuring Speed of Adoption
change management resulted in fewer respondents Source date: 2016
meeting speed of adoption, ultimate utilization and
proficiency targets. Twenty-four percent of participants measured speed
of adoption. The following metrics and methods were
Figure 5.15 – In line or better than expected speed of used to measure the speed at which impacted employees
adoption versus change management effectiveness adopted change.
1. Project timeline completion
80 Participants determined speed of adoption based
70 on how quickly a project moved toward completion.
Participants tracked the time it took to complete
Percent of Respondents

60 55%
tasks, achieve milestones and meet deadlines. These
measurements were compared to a timeline. The
time it took employees to learn and apply new skills
30 25% during and after training also indicated how quickly
employees were adopting the change.
2. Usage
Poor Fair Good Excellent
Participants tracked use of new tools, systems
and support sites to determine speed of adoption.
Depending on the change, they looked at frequency
Figure 5.16 – In line or better than expected ultimate of use, number of users, number of logins, number
utilization versus change management effectiveness
of site visits, amount of content contribution and
100 number of document uploads and downloads. In
80 some cases, participants tracked workarounds.
70 3. Surveys and assessments
End-user surveys were frequently cited as a means
Percent of Respondents

50 for collecting information about speed of adoption.
Participants also used assessments to determine
skills and abilities. Assessments were completed
23% before and after implementation and training for

Poor Fair Good Excellent

100 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

4. Observation and feedback 3. Feedback and observation

Participants observed employees to understand Participants collected feedback through interviews,
attitudes, behaviors and willingness to adopt focus groups and one-on-one conversations.
change. Special attention was given to demonstrated Feedback was collected from key individuals
engagement. Sometimes managers were tasked including employees, managers, clients and change
with observing employees and reporting to change network members. Participants also gauged ultimate
practitioners. Feedback was also collected from use by observing and monitoring employees in the
employees, managers, change agents, senior leaders new state.
and clients to gauge speed of adoption. Interviews,
4. Work output and performance
one-on-one conversations, focus groups and
Identified less than half as often as the previous
Question and Answer (Q&A) sessions were some of
finding, employee performance and output also
the feedback channels used.
determined ultimate use. Performance evaluations,
project goals and updated key performance
Other methods or metrics included performance
indicators (KPIs) were used. The quality and quantity
evaluations, compliance reports, audits, error tracking
of work output was also evaluated to determine how
and issues raised to support groups or help desks.
many employees were using the solution.

5. Timeline and process completion

Participants tracked timeline, process and task
Measuring Ultimate Utilization completion often using checklists. Some said the time
Source date: 2016 it took for employees to become efficient using a new
solution contributed to ultimate use measurement.
The 39% of participants who measured ultimate
utilization used the following methods and metrics:

Measuring Proficiency
1. Compliance and use
Source date: 2016
Compliance was measured through process audits
and compliance reporting. Participants also
Participants who measured proficiency used the
measured use based on the number of employees
following methods and metrics.
logging into new systems, completing new
processes, and downloading and uploading new
documents. Participants tracked use before and 1. Work output and performance
after implementation by comparing the number Participants analyzed the quantity and quality of
of employees using the new solution to the total employees’ work output to determine proficiency.
impacted by the change. Others gauged use by Productivity and quality measures were taken
monitoring workarounds, and how many employees before and after implementation for comparison.
were reverting to the old ways of doing things. Participants tracked and rated employees’
performance in the new state. Percent completion of
2. Surveys and assessments
specific job tasks and speed of execution were used
As a method to measure ultimate use, participants
as performance indicators. Performance evaluations
delivered surveys and assessments to impacted
were also used to measure proficiency. Work
employees. These tools were aimed at revealing
performance was compared with established key
productivity, readiness, user acceptance and
performance indicators (KPIs).
employee satisfaction. Participants also focused
on surveying managers to collect information 2. Surveys and assessments
about their direct reports. Assessments were Surveys were used to gauge employee satisfaction
given to determine employees’ knowledge and and confidence in operating with a new
skills. Specific assessments included processes, solution. Assessments were given to impacted
post-implementation and staff capacity assessments. groups to analyze skills and abilities, assess

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 101

Part 2: Chapter 5 – Effectiveness and Measurement

change readiness and determine training Figure 5.18 – Definition of project goals and objectives
needs. Assessments were given before and after
implementation for comparison. 3%
Very Poorly 3% 2015
3. Error rates and issues raised 3%
Participants measured error rates and failure 16%
Poorly 16%
incidents daily, weekly or monthly. Some 15%

participants determined the amount of rework 39%


Adequately 40%
that took place due to errors. The number of issues 39%

presented to support groups and help desks also 28%

indicated proficiency. Participants analyzed the 30%

types of problems being reported and the most 12%

frequently asked questions to gauge proficiency. Very Well 11%

4. Feedback and observation

0 10 20 30 40 50
Feedback was collected from employees, managers, Percent of Respondents

clients, trainers, super users and change agents

to determine proficiency. Participants engaged in
interviews, focus groups, forums and one-on-one Project Metrics and KPIs
conversations with these groups to collect feedback.
Source date: 2011
Impacted groups were also observed to determine
whether they were meeting required proficiencies.
Participants in the 2011 study identified key performance
Checklists were sometimes used to aid this work.
indicators (KPIs) that were tracked to evaluate project
5. Compliance and usage success. The two most frequently cited indicators were:
Compliance and process audits were used to measure
• The project adhered to the schedule and was
proficiency. Use statistics were collected from
completed on time
systems reports and other channels to determine
whether employees were using a new solution • The project was delivered on budget
proficiently. Number of logins, downloads, uploads
and time spent using the new system or support sites In addition to delivering on time and on budget, the
were also tracked. following indicators were mentioned by participants:

1. Achievement of intended outcomes

Definition of Project Objectives Participants measured the degree to which
the project met objectives, achieved intended
improvement in performance and realized expected
Participants in the 2019 study identified how well overall
benefits. A number of indicators that were tracked
project goals and objectives were defined. Forty percent
related to project outcomes. The most commonly
of participants indicated that goals and objectives were
cited indicators included customer satisfaction,
defined very well or well, down 2% from the previous
cost savings, process time, sales or revenue,
study. Responses for poorly or very poorly defined project
productivity, quality, efficiency gains, functionality,
objectives remained consistent with previous years’ data.
data integrity, service targets and accuracy.

2. Use by employees
These indicators focused on adoption of a change
as demonstrated by employee usage. Indicators
related to employee use included system use, process
adherence, adoption, usability, behavioral indicators,
proficiency and acceptance.

102 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

3. User response • Insufficient resources or funding allocated to

Similar to use, these indicators evaluated end the project
users’ satisfaction with and readiness to adopt
• Insufficient visibility and communication from
a change. Indicators included direct feedback,
a sponsor
satisfaction levels, training attendance, knowledge
evaluation, communication effectiveness measures, • Sponsor changed mid-project; lack of consistent
participation at events, training feedback and leadership for the change
training effectiveness. 2. Project management obstacles
4. Achievement of interim milestones • Project changed or expanded in scope (scope creep)
Indicators related to monitoring project progress
• Poor estimation of the project’s magnitude;
were tracked including milestone achievement,
insufficient details to plan properly
completion of deliverables and percent completion.
• Unrealistic schedule from the planning process
5. Error tracking
Instead of tracking positive adoption and metrics, • Poor project management throughout the
some respondents tracked metrics that indicated project; failure to report progress honestly
a change was not occurring. These negative • Inadequate management of vendors;
indicators included support calls, calls to the help development was behind schedule or vendors
desk, error rates, problem and issue tracking, did not meet commitments
complaints and disruptions.
• Insufficient resources or lack of the correct
6. Engagement measures resources for a project
These metrics measured user perceptions and
attitudes toward a change including engagement, • Poor-quality deliverables from vendors,
awareness, morale, buy-in and understanding. specifically regarding release of new technology

• Poor assumptions about project’s impact on

the organization
If Your Project Failed or Only Partially • Lack of a solid business case for change
Met Objectives, What Obstacles Did 3. Change management obstacles
You Encounter? • Employee resistance to the change; lacked
Source date: 2009 buy-in and involvement

• Middle managers resisted the change

Participants in the 2009 benchmarking study whose
projects failed or only partially met objectives reported • Insufficient change management resources for
obstacles in one or more of the following areas: the size of the change
 • Underestimated the impact this change would
1. Leadership and sponsorship obstacles have on employees

• Slow decision making by a sponsor • Did not provide sufficient training to employees

• Lack of involvement of key business leaders; • Poor communication about the project
difficulty getting all key stakeholders on board • Lacked a formal change management process
to build the necessary sponsor coalition

• Wavering support for the change; shifting

or conflicting priorities of business leaders
and managers

• Competing initiatives (too many projects going

on at the same time)

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 103

2 Chapter 6

Increase Change Management Effectiveness With a
Structured Methodology

Summary Highlight

Applying a structured change management methodology The earlier change management

and starting application early in the project lifecycle are both was started on the project, the
contributors to project success. Learn best practices for selecting more likely the project was to meet
a methodology and applying it for maximum effectiveness. or exceed objectives.
See the direct correlation between starting change management
early and delivering project results, and learn what factors
influenced starting change management early.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Initiating Change Management

When to Start Change Management Contributors to Starting Change
Management Early in the Project
Participants in the 2019 study reported when change
management began on their project and when they would Source date: 2016

recommend starting change management in the future.

Ninety-seven percent of participants would start change Participants in the 2015 study identified factors that
management during either the initiation or planning stages. contributed to having change management begin at the
onset of a change project. Having previous experience
Figure 6.1 – When to start change management with change management and senior leadership directive
were the top two contributors to starting change
When would you start CM activities next time?
When did CM activities start? management early (Figure 6.3).

85% Figure 6.3 – Contributors to starting change management

Project Initiation
36% early in the project

Project Planning Previous Experience 52%
Senior Leadership
Directive 49%
Project Design
20% Acknowledgement By
The Project Manager 42%

Project 1% The Nature of

The Project Itself 39%
Integration With
Project Management 30%
0% Methodology
Project Closure
1% Incorporation Into
Project Initiation Steps 25%

0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents Resource Availability 17%

Similar to the previous study, data shows a direct correlation Other 6%

between when change management was started on the
project and the likelihood that the project will meet or exceed 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Percent of Respondents
objectives for the organization. While 47% of participants
who started change management at initiation met or Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple
exceeded objectives, only 29% who started at closure did. responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.

Figure 6.2 – Starting change management and In Figure 6.4, participants cited a single factor (34%)
meeting objectives as the most common number of contributors to starting
change management early in the project, with three
factors as the next most frequent response (27%).
50 47%
Percent of Respondents




Project Project Project Project Project
Initiation Planning Design Implementation Closure

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 107

Part 2: Chapter 6 – Methodology

Figure 6.4 – Number of contributors to starting change 3. Identify stakeholders and involve them in the
management early in the project design of the solution
Perform a stakeholder analysis to identify and
categorize stakeholders by the extent that the
34% 27%
change will affect them. Involve stakeholders
30 and end users in the design of the solution
Percent of Respondents

25% corresponding with their proximity to the change

to encourage engagement.
4. Develop a flexible, high-level change
management plan that includes key deliverables
10 and required resources
Create a high-level change management plan that
identifies deliverables of the change management
1 Contributor 2 Contributors 3 Contributors 4 Contributors function, timing of those deliverables and
required resources. Design this plan flexibly,
allowing for adjustment according to future
What You Can Do at Initiation When insights and information.
There Is Incomplete Information
5. Coordinate change management and project
Source date: 2011 management plans
Incorporate change management actions into
Participants in the 2011 benchmarking study provided project management plans from the beginning of
change management actions that can be taken when the project to establish change management as a
change management begins and there is incomplete valuable component. Express the need for change
information regarding the project or solution design. management in a business case and document
Top suggestions included: tangible benefits, return on investment (ROI) and
statistics on change management success. Logically
1. Create a communications plan to describe the relate change management activities to the project
desired results of and need for change plan and deliverables in the project schedule.
Communicate details of the change openly and 6. Identify and solicit support from sponsors
often to increase transparency and awareness of of change
the change, including desired results, the need for Identify change sponsors at the initiation of the
change and current information gaps. Establish project to identify and remedy resistance within
expectations for communication surrounding the leadership. Establishing support from change
change by designating structured channels. sponsors clearly and coherently guides the
2. Analyze the organizational climate and its change in a manner consistent with the project’s
reaction to change, and document common risks goals and timeline.
and areas of resistance 7. Designate and educate a change management team
Use systematic, measurable assessments to Designate members of a change management team
analyze the organizational climate and its reaction and educate them fully on the change management
to change. Common measures include change methodology chosen for the project. The change
impact analyses, change readiness assessments, management team should build a fundamental
organizational culture assessments and change understanding of the process to be used across
saturation assessments. Identify common or stakeholder groups by explaining the basic roles and
historical risks, areas of resistance and pain points steps of the methodology.
for both the organization and the project.

108 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Consequences of Starting Late They created a communication plan, or if one

already existed, communications were increased
Source date: 2016
when change management was a late addition to
the project. Tactics for increasing communications
Participants in the 2015 study identified consequences included more frequent town halls, increased status
that resulted from implementing change management calls, deliberate efforts to ensure key messages were
late in the project lifecycle. In Figure 6.5, the most understood, more frequent project updates and more
common cited consequence, by nearly three-quarters time scheduled for open discussions, and Question
of participants, was spending time playing catch up. and Answer (Q&A) sessions.

Figure 6.5 – Consequences of starting late 3. Engage with project management

Participants leveraged project management when
Time Was Spent
Playing “Catch Up” 73% change management was brought into the project
Change Management late. The current project was reviewed and analyzed,
Was Not Effectively 67%
Positioned meetings with the project team were held and
Project Design Ignored
The People-side 64%
change management was incorporated into the
Components project plan. In many cases, the project team itself
Employees Were
More Resistant and 62% became responsible for change management, or
Less Engaged
Change Management a change management resource was added to the
Activities Were Limited 53%
and Ineffective project team. Participants also supported the project
Project Objectives
team publicly.
Were Compromised
4. Develop a change management plan
Other 14%
Participants focused on building a change
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 management plan in response to the late addition
Percent of Respondents
of change management. This involved assessing
Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple
the current state which was compared to the
responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%. defined future state. The change plan included
roadmaps and action steps supported by basic tools
to increase change capability. Many participants
Action Steps If Change Management Is
requested an increase in change management
Started Late During a Project resources and budgets.
Source date: 2013
5. Shorten or condense change management
activities and backtrack
Participants in the 2013 study who reported that Tactics identified to shorten or condense change
change management was brought on late in the project management included scaling the amount of
lifecycle shared steps that were taken in response to activities that could be used, re-scoping the project,
the late addition. eliminating steps or adding steps into later stages
that would normally be completed during initiation
1. Identify and engage sponsors or planning. Participants emphasized preparing,
Participants identified sponsors who should increasing or compressing training to focus on
be involved with the project. Sponsor analysis continuing support and building knowledge.
was performed and steps were taken to educate Another important activity was identifying and
sponsors on their roles in change to get them managing resistance.
engaged and participating.

2. Build a communication plan or

increase communications
Participants focused on building awareness of the
change and the need for change management.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 109

Part 2: Chapter 6 – Methodology

Application of Methodology
Benefits of Using a Structured Approach Use of a Methodology
Source date: 2011
The percentage of participants using a change
Participants identified six primary benefits of using a management methodology has continued to grow
structured approach to change management. since 2003, when only 34% of participants applied a
methodology. In 2005, use of a methodology increased to
55% and notably again in 2013 to 79%. Since 2015 there
1. Definition of activities, roles, language,
have been fluctuations in the percent of participants
processes, tools and assessments
using change management in the low 70% range, with
Structured approaches designated, defined key activities
the current study respondents indicating that 72% were
and roles, common language and documentation
using a change management methodology.
practices to guide the process. Templates, tools and
assessments provided by a structured methodology
Figure 6.6 – Use of methodology
visibly outlined procedures for steps. Best practices
reports were used as a reference for issues unaddressed 80
72% 73% 72%
in the structured approach and toolset. 70%

2. Systematic structure resulting in a consistent 60%

60 55%
Percent of Respondents

and repeatable approach

Structured approaches directed change
systematically fostering consistent practices, 40

generating more rapid familiarity with the system 30

and allowing for repetition of activities and results. 20

3. Logical, detailed progression of stages 10

Structured approaches presented steps logically.
Communicating the motives behind each step gave 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019

clarity to the methodology’s direction and reasoning

and contributed transparency to the approach itself. Figures 6.7 through 6.11 present further segmentation
4. Easier to understand and explain on the use of a methodology by region, industry, size of
The organized and documented framework of structured organization and change management maturity.
approaches made them easier to learn, understand and
explain to others. Training supplemented the ease of Figure 6.7 – Use of methodology by region
understanding and explaining.
Entire Study Population 72%
5. Support for the value of change management
Canada 79%
Structured approaches contributed credibility to
Latin America (Mexico,
change management as a practice. Presenting a Central and South 76%
legitimate, controlled and structured approach Australia and
New Zealand 73%
helped to dispel the notion that change management
United States
is soft and vague. This credibility bolstered 73%

confidence in the initiative and encouraged buy-in. Africa 72%

6. Identification of gaps and common mistakes Asia and Pacific Islands 71%
Structured approaches addressed change
Europe 68%
management thoroughly and fostered anticipation
of gaps and resistance. Common mistakes were Middle East 60%

avoided, reducing risk and ensuring no components 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

of the process were overlooked. Percent of Respondents

110 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Figure 6.8 – Use of methodology by industry Figure 6.10 – Use of methodology by number of employees

Entire Study Entire Study

Population 72% 73%
Utilities 83%
More Than 35,000 76%
Oil & Gas 83%

Food/Beverage 81%
20,000 - 34,999 70%
Insurance 78%

Consulting 77% 10,000 - 19,999 79%

Finance 77%
5,000 - 9,999 80%
Health Care 75%

Non-Profit 75% 2,500 - 4,999 70%

Transportation &
Warehousing 74%
1,000 - 2,499 77%
Telecommunications 74%
Government -
Local & Municipal 72% 500 - 999 71%
Government - 71%
100 - 499 62%
Government - State 71%

Retail Trade 69%

1 - 99 69%
Education Services 68%

Other 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Percent of Respondents
Manufacturing 67%

Banking 67%
Development and
Manufacturing 63% Figure 6.11 – Use of methodology by level of maturity
Professional, Scientific, 63%
& Technical Services
Entire Study
Population 72%
Information Services 62%
Government - Level 5 -
Other 61%
Organizational 83%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Percent of Respondents Level 4 -
Organizational 82%
Level 3 -
Figure 6.9 – Use of methodology by annual revenue Multiple

Level 2 -
Isolated 70%
Entire Study Population 72% Projects

Level 1 -
More Than $5 Billion 74% Ad Hoc or 50%

$2.5 Billion - $5 Billion 0 20 40 60 80 100

Percent of Respondents

$1 Billion - $2.5 Billion 81%

$500 Million - $1 Billion 74%

$250 Million - $500 Million 69%

$100 Million - $250 Million 77%

$50 Million - $100 Million 71%

$25 Million - $50 Million 54%

$10 Million - $25 Million 62%

Less Than $10 Million 71%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 111

Part 2: Chapter 6 – Methodology

Impact of Methodology on Effectiveness Accommodating for Organizational Culture

in the Change Management Approach
Participants who used a methodology reported higher
Source date: 2013
overall change management effectiveness (Figure 6.12).
Twenty-six percent of participants who did not use
Participants in the 2013 study described how the
a methodology reported good or excellent overall
culture of their organization was accommodated for in
effectiveness compared to 59% who did.
their change management approach. Approximately
Figure 6.12 – Impact of use of a methodology on overall 10% indicated that the approach did not accommodate
change management effectiveness for organizational culture. Reasons included lack
of resources, the regulatory nature of their project
Did Not Use a Particular Methodology
3% or barriers from senior leadership. Those who did
Used a Particular Methodology
10% accommodate for their organization’s culture used the
following tactics:
1. Tailor change management to each impacted group
47% Participants created unique transition plans for each
34% business area. Plans varied in type and number of
activities based on the needs and culture of the group.
Poor The length, content and style of training were adjusted.
Resistance management tactics and reinforcement
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 mechanisms were adjusted to appeal to each group’s
Percent of Respondents
unique motivators. When possible, participants
tailored the pace or time frame for implementation.
How the Methodology Was Used 2. Adapt communications to the culture of
the organization
Participants using a methodology indicated how it was used: To align with organizational culture, participants
to provide general guidance, as a checklist for activities, to adjusted the tone, style, frequency and formality of
monitor or track progress, or as a step-by-step process that change management communications. They used
was executed precisely. Seventy-six percent of participants existing channels and vehicles with which impacted
used the methodology for general guidance. Figure 6.13 groups were familiar. Preferred senders were
presents how participants used the methodology. leveraged to deliver messages.

3. Seek input and engagement from

Figure 6.13 – How a methodology was used impacted groups
76% Input and engagement resulted in a greater ability
To Provide 2017
General Guidance 79%
2015 to adjust to unique needs of various groups.
Participants gleaned valuable insights from subject
As a Checklist
matter experts and end users. They also solicited
For Activities
44% feedback through focus groups, Question and
As a Way To 38% Answer (Q&A) sessions and direct communication
Monitor or Track
39% with impacted individuals. Representatives from
impacted business units were invited to collaborate
As a Step-By-Step 25%
Process Followed 27%
with the change team.
Precisely 22%
4. Secure early involvement of senior leaders in
change management
Other 4%
6% Getting senior leaders involved and committed
0 20 40 60 80 100 to the change, so they could lead others, helped
Percent of Respondents participants accommodate for culture. Participants
Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple
focused on engaging senior leaders before
responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.

112 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

engaging all impacted groups. Early and frequent

communication was emphasized to gain buy-in.
Executives were trained and coached to ensure they
fulfilled their roles and responsibilities with change
such as cascading messages and demonstrating
commitment to change.

5. Research and assess the unique culture of

each group
Participants studied impacted groups to understand
issues unique to geographic location, job roles and
change histories. They used assessments, surveys
and focus groups to identify cultural customs,
risk factors and anticipated points of resistance.
To support these efforts, participants sought lessons
learned from similar past projects.

Two additional tactics participants used to

accommodate for organizational culture during change
management were:

• Leverage networks of key influencers

Participants identified individuals to whom
impacted employees looked for guidance such
as managers or change champions. These
influencers were enlisted as advocates, message
senders and sources of feedback.

• Demonstrate alignment of the change with

organizational priorities
Participants provided a clear case for change
linked to the organization’s vision, values,
objectives and strategic priorities.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 113

Part 2: Chapter 6 – Methodology

Methodologies Used
Key Factors in Choosing a Methodology of familiarity and amount of previous success with
the model by practitioners contributed to confidence
Source date: 2016
expressed toward the methodology.

Participants identified the key factors that led them to

choose the methodology they ultimately selected.
Which Type of Methodology Was Used
1. Previously used, organizational standard or
external advice Participants in the 2019 study who used a
Participants based decisions on experience with a methodology shared which approaches they used.
methodology, advice from external consultants, a Figure 6.14 shows overall findings. Responses were
methodology’s status as an industry standard or a similar to the 2017 study.
methodology’s basis in research/data. Of those who chose methodology from a provider or
2. Credible structured approach thought leader 73% percent of respondents used Prosci,
A methodology that was credible, well-known and 6% used Kotter - 8 steps, 3% used Bridges Transitions,
specifically structured was favored over unknown and 18% used other methodologies.
or new methodologies. Methodologies with a clear,
Figure 6.14 – Methodology used
structured and tested approach were favored. Examples
of methodologies included Prosci/ADKAR® and Kotter. Methodology 2019
From a Change 44% 2017
3. Compatibility with project, company, culture Management
Provider / 42%
or industry Thought-Leader

Participants reported that they were likely to select a

methodology if it offered special compatibility with Combination /
Hybrid / Mixture
an ongoing project, the culture of the organization
and the industry, or if it offered benefits or traits
Internally 11%
valuable to the organization. Participants sought a Developed
methodology that was compatible with the needs of 12%

the organization, the needs of a particular project,

Consultant 11%
budgetary requirements or a specific return on Provided
investment (ROI). Methodology 10%

4. Ease of use and scalability 0 10 20 30 40 50

Participants favored a methodology that was easy Percent of Respondents

to use and could be scaled to meet the change

being managed. Additional characteristics in this Editors note: The change management study invitation was
sent to nearly 78,000 members of Prosci’s Change Management
category included simplicity, ease of use, familiarity,
Learning Center and announced through several online
practicality, consistency and flexibility. media outlets that are unaffiliated with Prosci. Due to how
participation was solicited, the rank order of these
5. Certified or trained in methodology methodologies might not be representative of a random sample.
Participants were more likely to select a
methodology if change management resources were
already present in the organization that had been
trained or certified in the methodology. The degree

114 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Methodology Type and Change • Cultural acceptance

Those who created an internal methodology
Management Effectiveness
needed to brand it as their own to encourage
buy-in, acceptance and ownership across the
Figure 6.15 compares which type of methodology organization. Commitment to the methodology
was used to the overall effectiveness of participants’ arose from being built by internal resources
change management. with insight into the organization. Developers
accounted for cultural norms and other
Figure 6.15 – Methodology used and change environmental factors.
management effectiveness
• Alignment with various functions
The second reason for customization included
60 Provider/Thought-leader
Internally Developed aligning the change management methodology
51% Consultant Provided
48% 48%
with other functions to add structure and create
50 Combination/Hybrid/Mixture
cohesiveness in the approach. Developing an
Percent of respondents

internal approach allowed for alignment with

40 37%
33% project management, Human Resources (HR)
31% 31%
and Information Technology (IT).

• Scalability and flexibility to meet project needs

20 Similar to the top factor for choosing a
13% 12% methodology from the 2011 study, an internal
9% 9%
7% 8% 7% methodology was developed to make it flexible
and scalable. Organizations that created
0 an internal methodology did so to have an
Poor Fair Good Excellent
adaptable approach that could be tailored to
projects and would include transferable tools.
Internally Developed Methodology 2. Need for standardization
Source date 2013 The second motivating factor was the need to
have a standardized approach that was applicable
Participants in 2013 who indicated using an internally to all types of projects. These organizations set
developed methodology provided insights on the out to find consistency by building a common
rationale, steps and sources for creating their approaches. language and standard process that could be used
across the organization.

Rationale for Internally Developed 3. Desire to combine best practices

Participants reported a desire to combine best
Participants identified motivating factors for creating an practices as a motivating factor for creating
internal change management methodology. Participants their own change management methodology.
identified factors similar to those mentioned in the Organizations that built their own methodology
overall criteria for selecting a change management were able to combine select components from
methodology in the 2011 study including: various thought leaders’ approaches to blend with
their own successful practices.
1. Ability to customize
Participants revealed the need to customize
a change management methodology to meet
unique requirements. There were three motivating
factors driving the need for customization:

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 115

Part 2: Chapter 6 – Methodology

Steps for Internally Developed Sources for Internally Developed

Participants who developed an internal methodology also

Participants who developed an internal methodology
identified the sources used. The most common included:
identified steps taken to create it. The most common
steps are listed below. Steps are listed by how frequently • Internal change management experience
participants mentioned them but do not represent a
• Research publications and best practices
sequential order.
• Consultant input
1. Establish the change management team
Organizations that developed an internal • Prosci
methodology established a formal team of • The organization’s own mission, vision
dedicated resources. Developing a central and standards
change team or committee enabled input from
• John Kotter
various divisions, subject matter experts
and practitioners.

2. Initiate planning and engagement

Combination/Hybrid Methodology
Treating development of an internal
Source date: 2013
methodology as a project of its own, participants
focused on communicating the need for an
internal change management methodology Participants in the 2013 study who used a combination or
and began developing plans that incorporated hybrid approach identified the sources and rationale for
change and project management. The list of their approach.
activities included creating training plans,
delivering workshops, securing sponsorship, Rationale for Combo/Hybrid
engaging stakeholders and executing
formal communications. In addition to providing the sources used, participants
3. Assess the current state explained motivations for using a hybrid change
Evaluation of existing processes, tools and management methodology. The top four were:
methods was often the initial step in developing 1. Alignment with organization and culture
an internal methodology. Participants collected Participants reported that a hybrid methodology
feedback from business units and reviewed allowed them to account for unique cultures
strategic plans, barriers and challenges for and norms, particularly if the organization
building an internal methodology. had a geographic span. When evaluating and
4. Review and refine experimenting with methodologies, participants
Participants identified continuous, ongoing concluded that using one methodology created
efforts to review and evaluate the internally limitations. Participants considered the experiences
developed methodology. Trial and error was a of individuals who would be applying the tools.
common technique. Organizations continued to Participants reported that a hybrid methodology
refine and enhance their approach based on the allowed for use of a greater variety of tools and focus
latest review. on human behavior or emotion.

2. Combine the thinking of change management

thought leaders
Although similar to the first finding, participants
identified a desire to leverage components from
change management thought leaders. Organizations
with this motive were not trying to improve a single
approach; they were starting with a blank slate and
adding attractive components from a selection of
recognized methodologies.

116 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

3. Project focus Inputs for Scaling

Of those who used a hybrid approach, a focus on
developing a methodology specific to the current Participants reported on factors considered when
change was cited as the third most common motive. deciding how to scale or customize a methodology.
Participants set out to develop a hybrid approach
1. Project characteristics
that aligned with the type of change and unique
Participants considered factors, such as scope,
project needs.
size, type, complexity, objectives and timing of
4. Leverage internal resources the project, as inputs when deciding how to scale
Organizations desired to capitalize on the knowledge a change management methodology. Project
of internal resources and build a methodology timing was emphasized more than other project
supported by the experiences and knowledge of their characteristics because it determined how much
team. Saving time and keeping costs low were two scaling was practical given the project timeline.
core factors for using what was internally available.
2. Change management assessments
Several types of assessments were identified as
Sources for Combo/Hybrid mechanisms for determining how to scale
a methodology. Participants applied from
Participants using a combination or hybrid approach pre-implementation analysis to intervals after
identified the following top four sources. go-live. Assessments included current state
assessments, impact assessments, change readiness
1. The Prosci® ADKAR® Model and 3-Phase Process
assessments, organizational assessments, change
2. Internally developed methodology characteristics assessments, risk assessments and
3. Consultant-provided methodology gap analyses.

4. John Kotter 3. Organizational attributes

 Participants considered unique attributes of the
Other notable sources included: organization that would impact deployment of the
project and change management. The organization’s
• William Bridges
culture was the most significant factor considered
• Daryl Conner when determining what aspects of the approach to
• Switch by Chip Heath and Dan Heath customize. Additional factors included size of the
organization, industry, strategic initiatives and
• Denison Model organizational structure. Participants considered
• GE’s Change Acceleration Process the organization’s capacity for change management,
what activities were most manageable and how much
• Accenture
change management the organization could support
• Deloitte considering its maturity.
• Kurt Lewin 4. Resource availability
The number of resources available for change
Editor’s note: Many change management approaches and
tools are proprietary. Practitioners leveraging these as management was considered when scaling the
sources for internal or hybrid development should take approach because it impacted the degree to which
necessary steps to avoid infringing on intellectual properties. the approach could be customized.

5. Experience
Scaling and Customizing Final input for customizing a change management
methodology was the experiences of those
the Methodology performing the work. Experience deploying change
Source date: 2013 management offered further insights and judgments
regarding the amount of scaling necessary and how
Participants in the 2013 study indicated how they scaled or best to achieve it.
customized the methodology to their projects. Responses
focused on inputs for scaling and outputs of customization.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 117

Part 2: Chapter 6 – Methodology

Outputs of Customization 4. Integrate change management and

project management
Participants explained steps taken to tailor the To customize a methodology, participants added
approach including: change management activities to their project
management plan. Participants leveraged one
succinct plan by embedding change management
1. Focus change management
milestones into the project lifecycle. Many
The most common step taken to scale a
components in the plan then served a dual purpose
methodology was engaging only in activities
of focusing on the people side of change and
considered most valuable. By starting with a
project deliverables.
comprehensive methodology and scaling back
activities, participants leveraged input factors 5. Combine change management methodologies
when determining which activities were most Participants combined components of multiple
critical to a project. change management methodologies when scaling
effort to a project. Some participants added to
2. Focus on audiences
an internal approach or combined several
By considering, addressing and targeting audiences
well-known methodologies to customize their
with each change management activity, participants
change management approach.
customized a plan to address the needs of each
group. The groups were often divided by business
unit, location, job type or degree of impact.
Participants customized the change management
strategy with an awareness of and sensitivity to the
unique needs of each impacted group.

3. Customize tools
Participants focused on tools used with the change
management strategy as a way to scale the approach
to a project. They added tools, combined multiple
assessments and adjusted existing templates to make
the toolbox of the change management approach
most effective and applicable to a project.

118 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

2 Chapter 7

CM Budget, Resources
and Team Structure
Size and Secure the Right Resources for Optimizing
Your Change Management Efforts

Summary Highlight

Where do you start when you are tasked with creating a change 76% of respondents indicated that
management deployment budget? This chapter introduces a change management budgets
data-driven foundation for evaluating and scaling the people, came from the project budget;
financial and structural aspects of a change management while, on average, 20% of the
approach. Explore concrete data on the elements to include in a project budget was allocated to
change management budget and the factors that influence how change management.
many resources are needed in a change management team.
Whether you find yourself creating a change management
budget or petitioning for additional resources, customize your
resourcing plan with a research-based evaluation of your
project’s specific needs.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Change Management Budget

Use of Dedicated Budget Figure 7.2 – Percent of project budget dedicated to
change management

Twenty-eight percent of participants reported having a 25

budget dedicated to change management for their projects,
a decrease of 4% from the previous study (Figure 7.1). 20 18%

Percent of Respondents
Figure 7.1 – Project had dedicated change 15 14% 14%
management budget 12%

70 2019 10
62% 2017

Percent of Respondents


40 0
32% 0% to 5% to 10% to 15% to 25% to Over
28% <5% <10% <15% <25% <50% 50%


Source of Change Management Budget

0 Participants in the 2019 study identified the source of the

Yes No Don't Know
change management budget. The most common source
of the change management budget was from the project
Change Management Budget budget (Figure 7.3).

Figure 7.3 – Source of change budget

Participants in the 2019 study reported the total dollar
amount of the budget allocated to change management 2019
and the percentage of the budget designated to Project 2017
change management. The median budget for change
management reported by participants was $172,500 with Enterprise 16%
the largest budget reported as $210 million. The most Capability 18%
common percentage of the budget dedicated to change
management was 10%, with the largest being 100% of the Functional
Groups 11%
project budget. The average percentage of project budget
allocated to change management was 20%. 8%
HR/LD office
Figure 7.2 shows the average percentage of project budget
dedicated to change management. Thirty-eight percent Other
of participants indicated that less than 10% of the project
budget was allocated to change management. 0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents

Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple

responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 121

Part 2: Chapter 7 – CM Budget, Resources and Team Structure

Sufficient Change Management Budget Estimating the Change

Source date: 2013 Management Budget
Source date: 2016
Participants in the 2013 study indicated whether they
had sufficient budget for their project. Forty percent In the 2015 study participants listed factors used to
reported that the amount of budget was slightly or estimate the change management budget. Responses
significantly less than sufficient (Figure 7.4). were nearly identical to the 2013 study findings.
The top responses were:
Figure 7.4 – Sufficiency of budget allocated to
change management 1. Change resource costs
Participants assessed costs associated with
54% change management in the development of the
budget estimate. In rank order, the following costs
were assessed:
Percent of Respondents

• Resource costs – adjusted based on availability
30 • Training costs – adjusted based on skill gaps
and amount of training expected
• Communication costs – adjusted based on
6% effectiveness of past efforts

0 • Time – determined by number of hours and wages

Significantly Less Slightly Less Sufficient More Than
Than Sufficient Than Sufficient Sufficient • Travel costs

• Change management material costs

Participants also indicated the sufficiency of budget
during each project phase (Figure 7.5). During 2. Timeline and objectives
implementation, 39% of participants reported having Factors specific to the project were considered
insufficient budget. when estimating the change management budget.
The project timeline and activities to determine
Figure 7.5 – Insufficient change management budget the impact were most influential, though project
available at each phase objectives were also considered.

3. Scale and complexity of the change

During Initiation 37% Participants identified factors, such as scale and
complexity of the change and organizational
During Planning 34% restrictions, when determining budget needs for
change management.
During Design 36%
4. Informal estimation strategy
Participants considered the overall project
During Implementation 39%
budget when estimating budget needs for
change management. A number of participants
During Project Closure 37%
reported using funds and resources that were
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
already available to the project to support change
Percent of Respondents management budget requirements.

5. Experiences
A number of participants relied on experience
to estimate the change management budget.
Characteristics of the change were compared
to similar projects from the past. Budgets and
outcomes of previous projects were assessed to
estimate budget needs for the current project.

122 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Average budget for change management Figure 7.8 – Average budget versus employees impacted

Participants provided the amount that was budgeted for

Average Budget Dedicated to CM

change management for the project on which they were 2,000,000
reporting. The following four graphs (Figures 7.6 through
7.9) show the average change management budget 1,500,000
based on project investment, project scope, number of
employees impacted and duration of the project. 1,000,000
619K 668K
Figure 7.6 – Average budget versus project investment 500,000
$2,500,000 40K
Less 51 to 101 to 501 to 1,001 to 5,001 to 10,001 More Than
Than 50 100 500 1,000 5,000 10,000 to 20,000 20,000
Average Budget Dedicated to CM


Figure 7.9 – Average budget versus duration
$1,000,000 $982K $2M
Average Budget Dedicated to CM
$500,000 $368K
$82K $153K
$100K or $100K to $500K to $1M to $5M to More Than
Less $500K $1M $5M $10M $10M

Figure 7.7 – Average budget versus project scope $163K

$2,000,000 0
Less Than 6 to 12 12 to 24 Over 24
$1,800,000 6 Months Months Months Months
Average Budget Dedicated to CM

$1,600,000 $1.5M Editor’s note: Data on this question include some variability
$1,400,000 because there is no common standard specifying which line
$1,200,000 items are considered part of the change management budget.


$200,000 $176K
Within a Single Multiple Single Multiple Entire
Workgroup Dept Depts Division Divisions Enterprise

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 123

Part 2: Chapter 7 – CM Budget, Resources and Team Structure

Percent of Project Budget Allocated Figure 7.12 – Percentage of project budget versus
employees impacted
to Change Management

Percent of Project Budget Dedicated to CM

Figures 7.10 through 7.13 show the percentage of 30 29%

total project budget allocated to change management

25 23% 23%
based on project investment, project scope, number of
employees impacted and duration of the project. The 20
17% 17%
average percentage of project budget allocated to change 15
management was 21%

Figure 7.10 – Percentage of project budget versus 5

project investment
Less 51 to 101 to 501 to 1,001 to 5,001 to 10,001 More Than
Than 50 100 500 1,000 5,000 10,000 to 20,000 20,000
Percent of Project Budget Dedicated to CM

Figure 7.13 – Percentage of project budget versus duration
Percent of Project Budget Dedicated to CM
23% 31%
15% 14% 25
11% 22%
10 19%
20 18%

$100K or $100K to $500K to $1M to $5M to More Than
Less $500K $1M $5M $10M $10M 10

Figure 7.11 – Percentage of project budget versus 0

Less Than 6 to 12 12 to 24 Over 24
project scope 6 Months Months Months Months

Percent of Project Budget Dedicated to CM



23% 22% 22%



Within a Single Multiple Single Multiple Entire
Workgroup Dept Depts Division Divisions Enterprise

124 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Change Management In the 2019 study, participants provided details on how

the change management budget was allocated to each
Budget Components
of the above components. As in previous studies, the
greatest number of participants reported allocating
Participants provided details on elements included in the budgets to CM resource needs, training costs and
change management budget. The top elements were: communication costs. While change management
1. Change management resource costs budgeting is still done in a variety of different ways, the
Compensation and salary for change management data from 2017 and 2019 suggest similar budget patterns.
practitioners or resources supporting the effort.
Figure 7.14 – Allocated budget to cost components
2. Training costs
Design, development, delivery and materials for CM Resource 81%
Costs 80% 2017
training, including costs for training specialists.
Training Costs 66%
3. Communications costs
Communication 64%
Development and delivery of the communications Costs 64%

approach including costs for communications External 59%

Consultant Costs 57%
specialists and communications collateral 57%
CM Materials 57%
including printed materials, brochures, posters,
Event Costs
videos, promotional marketing materials, websites 38%
and intranet sites. General Expenses 39%
Reinforcement and 20%
4. Change management materials Recognition Costs 19%
Change management training, plan development, Other
supplies and licensing of materials
0 20 40 60 80 100

5. Consultant costs Percent of Respondents

Fees for consultant support

Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple
6. Event costs responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.
Workshops, group meetings, lunch-and-learn
events, road shows and town- hall meetings Figure 7.15 shows the average percentage of the budget
that was allocated to each cost component. The averages
7. General expenses
include only participants who reported an allocation
Travel, food and refreshments
greater than 0% for a given cost component.
8. Reinforcement and recognition costs
Celebration costs, rewards, gifts and team Figure 7.15 – Average percentage of budget allocated to
recognition events each cost component
CM Resource
Costs 40%

Training Costs 24%

Communication 13%
Consultant Costs 38%

CM Materials 13%

General Expenses 8%

Event Costs 10%

Reinforcement and
Recognition Costs 10%

Other 13%

0 10 20 30 40 50
Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 125

Part 2: Chapter 7 – CM Budget, Resources and Team Structure

Budget Profiles
Figure 7.16 – Number of budget components
Participants revealed a series of budget profiles when 9 0%
explaining how a change management budget was 2015
allocated. Figure 7.16 shows the percentage of budgets 8 4%

that were comprised of one to nine components. In the 6%

7 6%
2019 study the largest increases in the number of budget 7%

components reported on was by those participants who 6 7%
reported having six budget components. No participants 17%
5 16%
in the 2017 study reported on budgets that included all 14%
nine components. 4 20%
3 20%
2 15%
1 12%

0 5 10 15 20 25
Percent of Respondents

Table 7.17 shows the most common budget profile combinations from participants who allocated change management
budget to more than one cost component. The table indicates the percentage of participants with that particular budget
profile combination, and the columns below indicate which line items were included in their change management budget.

Table 7.17 – Common budget profiles

Profile 1 Profile 2 Profile 3 Profile 4 Profile 5 Profile 6 Profile 7 Profile 8 Profile 9

Percentage of Participants
7.1% 4.5% 3.9% 3.9% 3.2% 2.9% 2.9% 2.6% 2.6%
with this Profile

CM Resources Costs        

Training Costs       

Communications Costs       

CM Materials Costs      

Consultant Costs     

Event Costs    

General Expenses   

Reinforcement Costs 


126 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Change Management Resources

Use of Dedicated Resources Figure 7.19 – Dedicated resources by region

Entire Study Population 67%

Sixty-seven percent of participants indicated having Australia and

New Zealand
dedicated change management resources for the project Canada 70%
on which they were reporting, consistent with previous
United States 68%
study data.
Europe 67%

Figure 7.18 – Project with dedicated change Africa 62%

management resources Asia and Pacific Islands 62%

Latin America 62%

80 76% 2019
2017 Middle East 55%
70 67% 67% 2015

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
60 Percent of Respondents
Percent of Respondents

Use of Dedicated Resources by Industry
31% 31% Figure 7.20 shows dedicated resources segmented
23% by industry.

Figure 7.20 – Dedicated resources by industry

2% 2% Entire Study 67%
1% Population
Yes No Don't Know Utilities 88%

Food/Beverage 81%
Consumer Goods
Manufacturing 75%

Use of Dedicated Resources by Region Banking 75%

Oil & Gas 74%

Development and
Figure 7.19 shows dedicated resource data segmented Manufacturing

by region. Participants from Australia and New Finance 73%

Zealand, Canada and the United States reported the Consulting 71%

highest prevalence of projects with dedicated change Government - Other 71%

Government -
management resources. Participants from the Middle Local & Municipal 70%

East had the lowest prevalence of projects with dedicated Insurance 70%
Transportation &
change management resources. Warehousing 69%

Telecommunications 67%

Non-Profit 66%

Government - Federal 65%

Health Care 64%

Government - State 64%

Manufacturing 63%

Retail Trade 62%

Information Services 59%

Professional, Scientific,
& Technical Services 58%

Education Services 57%

Other 55%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 127

Part 2: Chapter 7 – CM Budget, Resources and Team Structure

Use of Dedicated Resources by Organization Use of Dedicated Resources by Change

Size (Revenue and Employees) Management Maturity

Figures 7.21 and 7.22 show the segmentation for having Organizations that reported high change management
a dedicated change management resource according maturity also had higher instances of resources dedicated
to organization size (both annual revenue and number to change management (Figure 7.23).
of employees).
Figure 7.23 – Dedicated resources by change
Figure 7.21 – Dedicated resources by annual revenue management maturity

Entire Study 67%

Entire Study Population 67% Population

Level 5 -
More Than $5 Billion 74% Organizational 67%
$2.5 Billion - $5 Billion 73% Level 4 -
Organizational 82%
$1 Billion - $2.5 Billion 78%
Level 3 -
Multiple 79%
$500 Million - $1 Billion 64% Projects
Level 2 -
$250 Million - $500 Million 66% Isolated 64%

$100 Million - $250 Million 66% Level 1 -

Ad Hoc or 38%
$50 Million - $100 Million 64%
0 20 40 60 80 100
$25 Million - $50 Million 51% Percent of Respondents

$10 Million - $25 Million 62%

Correlating Dedicated Resources
Less Than $10 Million 52%
to Effectiveness
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Percent of Respondents Use of a dedicated resource for change management
is positively correlated with the effectiveness of a
Figure 7.22 – Dedicated resources by number of employees change management program. Figure 7.24 shows
the correlation between having a dedicated change
Entire Study Population 67% management resource and the effectiveness of the
change management program.
More Than 35,000 77%

20,000 - 34,999 73% Figure 7.24 – Relationship between dedicated resources

and change management effectiveness
10,000 - 19,999 72%

Had Dedicated Resource

5,000 - 9,999 71% Did Not Have Dedicated Resources

2,500 - 4,999 65% 90%

1,000 - 2,499 72% 80
Percent of Respondents

500 - 999 61% 66%

60 57%
100 - 499 56%

1 - 99 41% 43%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Percent of Respondents
20 17%

Poor Fair Good Excellent
Change Management Effectiveness

128 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Sufficient Resources
Figure 7.27 – Relationship between sufficient resources
and change management effectiveness
Participants in the 2019 study reported whether they
Less Than Sufficient
had sufficient change management resources for their 100
Sufficient or More Than Sufficient
projects. Fifty-one percent of respondents said resources
85% 85%
were slightly or significantly less than sufficient,
a 6% drop from the previous study (Figure 7.25).
68% 67%

Percent of Respondents
Figure 7.25 – Sufficiency of resources 60
40% 40% 40% 2017
35 40
32% 33%
Percent of Respondents


25 23% 20 15% 15%


15 0
11% Poor Fair Good Excellent
10 9%

5 2% Estimating the Amount of Resources

Significantly Less Slightly Less Sufficient More Than Needed for the Project
Than Sufficient Than Sufficient Sufficient

Participants reported whether they had sufficient Participants specified the factors used when estimating
resources during each project phase. Although at least the number of resources needed on a change project
half of participants reported insufficient resources at (Figure 7.28). Resource availability was the most cited
each project phase (Figure 7.26), the greatest percentage factor (57%) followed closely by scale and complexity
of participants had insufficient resources during project of the change (56%). While the top three factors were
initiation and implementation (56%). the same, scale and complexity of the change dropped
from the most cited factor by a considerable margin to
Figure 7.26 – Participants with insufficient resources a percentage similar to other two factors. Participants
available by project phase in the 2019 study overall indicated fewer variables
impacting their resource needs decisions.
During Initiation 56%

Figure 7.28 – Decision variables on change management

During Planning 53% resources needs
57% 2015
Resource Availability
During Design 50% 55%

Scale and Complexity 73%
of the Change
During Implementation 56%
Project Plan, Timeline
and Objectives
During Project Closure 50% 39%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 38%
Resource Capability
Percent of Respondents 44%

Past Experiences
Figure 7.27 compares change management effectiveness 51%

to whether there were sufficient resources on the Other

project. Seventy-four percent of participants with
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
sufficient resources reported good or excellent change Percent of Respondents
management effectiveness, while only 33% of those who
had insufficient resources reported good or excellent Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple
change management effectiveness. responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 129

Part 2: Chapter 7 – CM Budget, Resources and Team Structure

Advantages of a Dedicated Resource Consequences of Not Having a

Source date: 2011 Dedicated Resource
Source date: 2011
Participants in the 2011 study identified four main
advantages to having resources dedicated to change Although participants indicated four primary
management on the project. The most common consequences of not having a dedicated change
response, providing focus and keeping track of change management resource, neglected change management
management activities, was cited more than twice as was cited nearly three times as often as other responses.
often as the second most common response.

1. Neglected change management activities

1. Provides focus and keeps track of change Without a dedicated change management resource,
management activities key change management activities were neglected or
The primary advantage of having a dedicated not prioritized. Consequences included:
resource was the focus that the resource could
commit to the people side of change, including being • Change management diluted and disjointed
responsible for change management activities and • People not engaged
ensuring that the focus on change management
• End user not considered
was sustained. In addition, this person or group
developed plans, prioritized activities and helped • Low staff morale
manage resistance. • Project poorly supported
2. Acts as a single point of contact with clear • People unprepared for change
responsibility and accountability
• Conflicting priorities
Participants indicated that having one person or group
dedicated to change management was advantageous • Project management resources spread too thin
because they could offer credible and consistent
• Change management did not receive
communications regarding the change. Additionally,
adequate resources
this person or group maintained ownership and
accountability over the change management activities; • Project driven by non-change
“One source for all change questions.” management-oriented objectives

3. Has the required knowledge, skills and experience 2. Increased risk of project failure
A dedicated change management individual or Participants reported increased risk of not meeting
team had the necessary skills, experience, training objectives, inadequate project outcomes or project
and motivation to provide guidance throughout failure as a consequence of not having a dedicated
the change and to educate others on effective change management resource.
change management processes. These individuals 3. Lack of coordination
understood all of the key issues involved with the Without a dedicated change management resource,
change, could see the change holistically and had a there was lack of direction, continuity and overall
unique perspective on the change. coordination of change management.
4. Focuses solely on the change without 4. Lack of ownership or accountability
distractions or other commitments Lack of ownership or accountability over
Distinct from the first response, the fourth change management aspects of the project was
advantage identified was having a dedicated resource identified due to not having a dedicated resource.
without competing priorities and with fewer Participants cited further consequences such
distractions. This resource could more effectively as lack of plan, scope, structure and definition
focus on and pursue change management activities; regarding change management.
“If it’s not someone’s job, it’s no one’s job.”

130 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Decisions on the Number of Change The scale of communications plans, training

requirements, coaching needs and assessments was a
Management Resources
key factor in calculating resource needs. Participants
Source date: 2009 asked themselves if they had enough people to do all
of the work.
Participants identified factors that influenced the
3. Number of impacted groups
number of change management resources on a project
The number of business units, work streams or
and the constraining factors that limited the number of
levels involved in a change affected the number of
resources used. The top factors were:
change management resources required. Responses
• Nature of the change underscored the importance of involving key
• Scope of required change management efforts representatives from each impacted group to answer
questions and allow cross-organizational input.
• Number of impacted groups
4. Organizational capacity for change
• Organizational capacity for change
An organization’s cultural acceptance of change
• Benchmarking and change capacity impacted change management
resourcing decisions. Factors, such as higher volumes
• Geographical distribution
of ongoing change and larger amounts of anticipated
• Phase of project resistance, resulted in higher resource needs.
• Established organizational guidelines 5. Benchmarking
• Strategic importance of the project Change management resources were allocated
based on best practices research, consultants’
• Project team’s change management experience
recommendations and lessons learned from
project experiences.
Top constraining factors were:
6. Geographical distribution
• Budget
Projects with global or widely distributed
• Availability regional implementation required more change
• Skill sets management resources.

• Organizational maturity in change management 7. Phase of project

Participants reported that the number of resources
• Confidentiality needed for change management varied throughout
the project lifecycle. Many noted fewer requirements
Influencing Factors during early stages and increasing needs as a project
neared implementation. Additional resources were
1. Nature of the change added to projects that fell behind or experienced a
Participants reported that the change itself was a lack of progress.
major factor in determining change management 8. Established organizational guidelines
resource requirements. Change characteristics Organizations established enterprise-wide
cited most frequently were type of change guidelines for making resourcing decisions, based
(e.g., process, systems, reorganization, etc.), on in-house change management methodologies or
complexity of the project, number of people mandated by a central Project Management Office
impacted and pace of implementation. (PMO), Change Management Office (CMO) or Human
2. Scope of required change management efforts Resources (HR) group.
Resourcing decisions were determined by the
amount of change management to be completed.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 131

Part 2: Chapter 7 – CM Budget, Resources and Team Structure

9. Strategic importance of the project Average FTE Dedicated to

Participants responded that a project’s impact to the
Change Management
business was considered when allocating resources.
More resources were used on critical or urgent
projects, and projects with a high risk of failure. A full-time equivalent (FTE) is a unit used to measure
workload for a project or task. Example: If there are eight
10. Project team’s change management experience
people on the project team, each working half of their
The level of change management skills and expertise
time on the project, then the FTE for the project would be
on the project team, coupled with the team’s
four (8 X .5 = 4).
level of awareness of the importance of change
management, was factored into resourcing decisions.
Participants in the 2019 study provided data on the

number of full-time equivalents (FTE) for the entire
Constraining Factors project team and the number of FTE dedicated to change
management. Figure 7.29 shows the distribution of
1. Budget FTE dedicated to change management.
Participants cited budget constraints as a primary
factor that limited their ability to obtain change Figure 7.29 – FTE dedicated to change management
management resources. Sponsors and project team 40 38%
leaders were unwilling or unable to pay for change
management resources, and many organizations had
Percent of Respondents

30 28%
no formal budget for change management.
2. Availability
Participants indicated resource availability as a
limiting factor during change management resource 15 12%

decisions. Time and workload constraints on 10 7% 7%

employees, ongoing commitments and conflicting 5
4% 4%

priorities limited the pool of resources available for

change management. Less 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 10 or
Than 1 <2 <3 <4 <5 <10 More

3. Skill set
Participants reported lack of trained and The following four graphs (Figures 7.30 through 7.33)
experienced change management resources within show the average FTE dedicated to change management
their organizations. To be effective in a change based on project investment, project scope, number of
management role, practitioners must have not only employees impacted and duration of the project.
technical skills but also skills such as teamwork,
flexibility and the ability to engage a sponsor. Figure 7.30 – Average FTE dedicated to change
management versus project investment
4. Organizational maturity during
change management 4.61

Resourcing decisions were impacted by the level

Average FTE Dedicated to CM

of awareness of change management within the
organization. Lack of buy-in and a low perceived
value of change management, particularly at the 2.41
sponsorship level, resulted in fewer resources.
2 1.68
5. Confidentiality 1.28 1.27

In several cases, the sensitivity of a project inhibited 1

the number of change management resources.

$100K or $100K to $500K to $1M to $5M to More Than
Less $500K $1M $5M $10M $10M

132 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Figure 7.31 – Average FTE dedicated to change Percent of Project FTE Dedicated to
management versus project scope
Change Management

2.5 Figure 7.34 shows the distribution of the percentage of

Average FTE Dedicated to CM

2.00 1.95
project FTE that was dedicated to change management.
2.0 1.80
The average percentage of project FTE allocated to
1.5 change management was 22%. The most common
1.06 percentage of project budget allocated to change
1.0 management was 10%.

Figure 7.34 – Average percentage of project FTE dedicated
0.0 to change management
Within a Single Multiple Single Multiple Entire
Workgroup Dept Depts Division Divisions Enterprise 25
Figure 7.32 – Average FTE dedicated to change 20

Percent of Respondents
management versus number of employees impacted 16%
5 4.71 15

Average FTE Dedicated to CM

4 10 9%
3.13 6%
3 5
2 0
1.44 0% to 5% to 10% to 15% to 20% to 40% to 60% to 80% to
1.22 <5% <10% <15% <20% <40% <60% <80% 100%
0.96 Percent of Project FTE Dedicated to Change Management

Less 51 to 101 to 501 to 1,001 to 5,001 to 10,001 to More Figures 7.35 through 7.38 show the percentage of total
Than 50 100 500 1,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 Than
20,000 project FTE dedicated to change management based on
project investment, project scope, number of employees
Figure 7.33 – Average FTE dedicated to change impacted and duration of the project.
management versus duration
Figure 7.35 – Percentage of project FTE dedicated to
change management versus project investment
Average FTE Dedicated to CM

Percent of Project FTE Dedicated to CM

2.15 30
1.54 1.48 22%
20 19%
1.0 15%
Less Than 6 to 12 12 to 24 Over 24 5
6 Months Months Months Months

$100K or $100K to $500K to $1M to $5M to More Than
Less $500K $1M $5M $10M $10M

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 133

Part 2: Chapter 7 – CM Budget, Resources and Team Structure

Figure 7.36 – Percentage of project FTE dedicated to Had Influence on Change Management
change management versus project scope
Resources and Budget
Percent of Project FTE Dedicated to CM

Participants in the 2019 study indicated whether they
25 23%
21% had influence on the amount of resources and budget for
20 change management. Over a third (36%) reported they
did have influence on the budget and resources.


Why Participants Had Influence on the
Within a Single Multiple Single Multiple Entire Change Management Budget
Workgroup Dept Depts Division Divisions Enterprise
and Resources
Source date: 2016
Figure 7.37 – Percent of project FTE dedicated to change
management versus employees impacted
Participants who had influence on their change
management budget and resources described why they
Percent of Project FTE Dedicated to CM

30 had influence.

22% 22%
21% 21%
20% 20% 20% 1. They controlled the budget
The majority of participants who had influence on
the budget were already directly in control of it.
10 Whether on steering committees, leadership boards,
acting as advisors or in charge of their organization’s
change management, participants could directly
Less 51 to 101 to 501 to 1,001 to 5,001 to 10,001 to More
influence the change management budget.
Than 50 100 500 1,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 Than
20,000 2. Planned for the budget
Effective planning for an event allowed most
Figure 7.38 – Percentage of project FTE dedicated to
participants to secure budgets far in advance of
change management versus duration
change. Participants reported having an easier time
30 securing a budget during the planning stage than
Percentage of Project FTE Dedicated to CM

26% later in the change cycle.

25 23%
3. Presented a business case
20 Participants presented a business case for change
management that included goals, outcomes and a
well-defined return on investment (ROI) for their
10 change projects. Participants reported higher
success with influencing the budget when they
could lay out the business reasons for implementing
0 change management. 
Less Than 6 to 12 12 to 24 Over 24
6 Months Months Months Months 

134 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Adaptations When Not Having Influence 2. Be creative with existing resources

Participants used other departments and employees
on the Change Management Resources
to be informal change agents. It was important
or Budget to find well-liked, charismatic employees who
Source date: 2016 were early adopters of change and coach them on
how to influence their work groups. Participants
Participants listed several approaches that aided the project recommended linking change management to other
success when they had no direct influence on the budget or funded projects. An example included using small
resources. The following methods were used most: segments of established meetings to educate and
excite groups affected by change. They also used
1. Use a strategized approach free or low costs resources, such as coffee chats,
Participants advised scaling down and scoping general conversations during lunches, fliers and
the change management plan to match the budget informational pieces that were posted around the
available to help ensure the success of the project. workplace, to keep employees involved.
Providing a clear plan up front had a positive
impact. They identified the costs of necessary 3. Reaching out to people with influence
training, printed materials, time, labor and other Participants reported that, as a last resort, they
activities and presented data before the project reached out to anyone who could influence resource
began. Clarifying the risks of not having a proper allocation whether on their change initiatives or
budget and the trade-offs that would be needed not. This was the least preferred method of gaining
proved helpful to start a change management resources as many participants viewed it as begging.
budget conversation. 

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 135

Part 2: Chapter 7 – CM Budget, Resources and Team Structure

Team Structure Used

Team Structure management resource on the team with
support from external change management resources
(Team Structure C).
Participants chose among the four structures shown in
Table 7.39 or selected “Other” for a different structure.
Figure 7.40 – Team structure used
Table 7.39 provides descriptions for each team structure
and presents each structure as a diagram. 2019
33% 2017
Team Structure A
Table 7.39 – Change management team structure descriptions 33%

Team Structure B
Team Structure Description 20%

Team Structure A Team Structure C

SPONSOR Change management 26%

resources are in the Team Structure D
PROJECT TEAM project team
CM 3%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Team Structure B
Percent of Respondents

Change management
resources are external
to but support the
project team Characteristics of Team Structures

Source date: 2016

Team Structure C Participants in the 2015 study provided additional detail

Change management about the team structures they used.
SPONSOR resources are on the
project team and
PROJECT TEAM are supported by an 1. Change management on the project team —
CM external change
management team
Team Structure A
Change management resources were typically a
management role, team member or key person
Team Structure D in the business. Within the project team, these
individuals were responsible for enacting change
SPONSOR Project team and change plans and activities.
management resources
are the same 2. Change management and project teams are
AND CHANGE TEAM separate — Team Structure B
In this structure, participants explained that the
change management team and project management
Study respondents were asked which team structure team worked in tandem.
they used in their change management efforts. The 3. External and internal change management
most frequent answer was having a change management teams — Team Structure C
resource on the project team (Team Structure A). There In this structure, participants described that
was an increased response rate for having a change a change management member was present
on the project team and was supported by an

136 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

outside change management team. The external decisions, expectations and role requirements
change management team was either an internal during the change, and learned the importance of
department or a third-party consulting firm. the change to themselves and the organization.
The relationship that developed enabled the project
4. Change management and project team are the
team to project and instill confidence in their ability
same — Team Structure D
to understand and act on the project. This also
In this structure, a change management practitioner
created an open space for discussions and answering
also held the position of project manager. The
questions. A fluid communication channel improved
change manager was responsible for driving change
overall team efficiency and reduced resistance.
policies and development of the project.
2. Successful integration and collaboration
Participants from previous studies who did not use one Incorporating change management resources in the
of the structures presented described their structure. project plan created an integrated project approach
The most commonly identified structures were: that encouraged teamwork and collaboration. As the
project developed, the change manager and project
1. Unstructured
team collaborated to align on project goals, adapt
Study participants indicated that change
plans, determine required resources, and focus
management was “something one of us did on the side,”
on creating the solution and promoting adoption.
“the responsibility of everyone and no one” or
Overall, integration increased project success
“nothing more than formal communication.” Other
levels and improved relationships between change
characteristics included working on an informal
managers and project managers to promote efficient
project and not having a dedicated project manager
teamwork. “[An] integrated team allows for visibility
or change manager.
into planning and work efforts while promoting
2. Reported to another department or individual knowledge sharing and co-creation. This ensures
Change management reported directly to another that work gets done in accordance [with] overall
department or individual, which included: delivery … it allows for parallel work efforts in agile
• Finance delivery for communications.”

• Program director, manager or team 3. Influence in decision making

Acting as a liaison, the change manager was often
• Project Management
a voice for impacted employees, creating a feedback
• Human Resources (HR) loop to relay questions and concerns to the project
• Center of Excellence team. This level of influence enabled customized
implementation timing and methods based on
Other unique responses explained that change readiness and needs. It also ensured proper training
management was practiced only as part of an executive’s and communication throughout the project.
or change champion’s role. “Change management resources kept the focus on
ADKAR and individual’s progress in undergoing the
change. Focus on people would have been lost without
Advantages of Having Change change management energy.”
Management Resources on the 4. Effective project planning
Project Team Involving the change manager early in the project
planning stage made it easier to tailor change plans,
provided alignment on project goals, and offered
Participants identified five advantages of having insights on potential risks. An effective project plan
change management resources on the project team enabled efficient resource and budget use, change
(Team Structure A). deployment agility, and consistent coordination
1. Active communication and expertise between project managers, change managers and
Having change management resources on the project impacted groups. Internal insights on the project team
team encouraged transparent communication and also contributed to an increase in communication and
information flow between the project team and overall project management success.
impacted groups. Stakeholders were informed of

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Part 2: Chapter 7 – CM Budget, Resources and Team Structure

5. Proximity to change (engagement) leadership roles needed to be visible throughout

Embedding change management resources into the the change to lead change implementation and
project team allowed immediate insight and observation encourage buy-in and engagement from the project
during each phase of the deployment. Increased team. The most crucial adaptation was to increase
visibility and engagement of change management the frequency of active coaching, which included
allowed change managers to closely monitor and allocating resources to enable coaching and
assess project implementation and personal progress, increasing the number of check-ins.
which enabled updates to change management
activity and process in real time. The change manager’s
proximity to the project promoted effective
Advantages of Having the Change
communication, user training, stakeholder Management Resource Separate from
engagement, risk management, conflict but Supporting the Project Team
management and resistance management in real time.
Source date: 2016

Adaptations Made When the Project Participants described the advantages of having a change
Team and CM Resource(s) Were One management resource that was separate from but that
supported the project team (Team Structure B). The top
and the Same
response related to having an objective viewpoint. Top
responses were:
Participants described the adaptations they made to
accommodate the team structure when the project team 1. Objectivity
and change management resource(s) were one and the Resources outside of the project team offered
same. The top responses follow: neutrality and an independent viewpoint. They
provided objective feedback, more accurately
1. Team alignment and communication
assessed the people impacts of the project and were
Frequent meetings and constant, transparent
cited as having greater credibility.
communication were important to ensuring that the
project team and change management team aligned on 2. Autonomy and independence
goals, priorities and responsibilities. Weekly meetings Change management resources outside of the project
helped team members remain aware of each teams’ team had autonomy to maintain the priority of their
needs and work effectively toward the same goals. change work without being constrained by project
It was crucial that the project team made change boundaries or being pulled into the “day to day
management an official part of the project agenda and aspects of the project.”
design a timeline that allowed for flexibility. Doing so
3. Direct access to leadership
enabled the project team to take on change activities
Change management resources were in a better
and aid in facilitation as needed. Providing clear
position to manage sponsorship when they
expectations and definitions of roles and responsibilities
were external to the project team. The flow of
was also important to prioritizing change management
communications between sponsor and change
throughout project planning and change execution.
manager was direct and not filtered through a
2. Additional training and preparation project manager.
Providing adequate time for all project team
4. Flexibility
members to efficiently prepare and train in change
External change management resources allowed them
management knowledge was crucial. Additional
to be allocated efficiently across projects. This flexibility
adaptations included thoroughly incorporating
resulted in cost reductions and better use of time.
change management at the project planning
phase, increasing training modules, and ensuring 5. Enabled specialization
frequent check-ins. Members of both the project and change management
teams were able to focus on their own tasks.
3. Frequent engagement, coaching and support
A high level of balanced and active engagement was 6. Provide support
necessary to support and coach the project team Participants with a change management resource
through the change. Those in management and outside of the project team expressed that the project
was provided with additional guidance and tools.

138 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Additional structure considerations when separate Team Structure and Change

but supporting the project team
Management Effectiveness
A number of participants indicated that there were
disadvantages to having a change management resource
that was separate from but supporting the project team. Figure 7.41 compares team structures to overall
The largest reason in this category was that change effectiveness of change management. Participants who
resources were too far removed from the project to have used Team Structures A and C reported the highest rates
an effect. Responses included: of good and excellent change management effectiveness.

• Too far removed from the project Figure 7.41 – Change management effectiveness of team
• The change resource and project manager could structures used
not stay in sync Structure A
10% Structure B
• The project management team engulfed the 4% Structure C
12% Structure D
change management resource 5%

• The project was too complex for efficient use of 47%

a change management resource Good

Additional Structure Considerations 33%

When the Project Team and CM Fair
Resource(s) Are One and the Same 10%
While there were many advantages to having change 18%

management resources on the project team, several

0 10 20 30 40 50
participants indicated disadvantages (Team Structure D). Percent of Respondents
The most common response was conflict around and
competition for prioritization between project team
and change management tasks. Priority was often Reasons for Using the Team Structure
given to project team responsibilities which resulted Source date: 2016
in poor attention to change management activities.
Other common responses from participants included: Participants indicated why they used a team structure by
• Lack of time and availability to focus on change selecting one of the following responses:
management activities • The structure was used as a deliberate decision
• Limitations from an insufficient budget and specific for the project
available resources for change management • The structure was given to the practitioner
activities, often as a result of competing for
• The structure was the default option
resources with the project team
considering the resources available
• Increased workload leading to challenges
• The structure was the organizational standard
balancing many tasks

• Lack of knowledge of and experience in change

Over one third of participants reported that the structure
management practice from those in leadership
was selected deliberately for the specific project (Figure 7.42).
roles spearheading the project and change

• Confusion from unclear definition of roles

and responsibilities

“Limitations in knowledge of project management processes

and tools resulted in less structure and rigor being applied
than were likely needed.”

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Part 2: Chapter 7 – CM Budget, Resources and Team Structure

Figure 7.42 – Reason for using the team structure

It Was a
Deliberate 36% 2013
Decision for
This Project

It Was the 20%

Default Option
Considering the
Resources Available 23%

It Was an
Standard Team

It Was the 24%

Team Structure
That I Was Given 24%


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Percent of Respondents

Table 7.43 shows the rationale for using each team structure. The majority of participants who used Team Structure A selected it
deliberately for the project (37%), or used it because it was given to them (28%). These were also the top two reasons participants
used Team Structures B and C. However, for participants who used Team Structure D, the majority of participants either used it
because it was the default option considering resources available (35%) or selected it deliberately for the project (34%).

Table 7.43 – Reasons for using a particular team structure

It was the
It was a It is an
It was the team default option
deliberate organizational
Team Structure structure that considering Other
decision for standard team
I was given the resources
this project structure

Team Structure A

37% 18% 28% 15% 2%

Team Structure B

29% 16% 28% 21% 6%

Team Structure C


48% 17% 20% 12% 3%



Team Structure D

34% 13% 16% 35% 2%


140 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Additional Team Building Change

Structure Considerations Management Knowledge
Source date: 2009 Source date: 2009

A number of participants did not indicate a preference Participants from the 2009 study identified how they
between a team structure in which the change overcame or addressed lack of change management
management resource was integrated into the project experience or knowledge during their projects. They
team or in which the resource was outside of the described the following top five tactics and methods:
project team. Instead, they responded with alternative
1. Training in change management
ideas about the most effective change management
Change leaders, project team members, managers
team structures.
and sponsors participated in training to learn about
1. The most effective team structure varied change management methodologies and strategies.
from project to project depending on: Some attended formal training programs, and others
received less formal training through internally
• The nature of the project including size, scope,
developed programs, train-the trainer programs or
complexity, impact on people, risk or geographic
ongoing training during regular team meetings.
distribution; responses were equally divided
regarding which structure was best for the size 2. Coaching and mentoring
of the change Coaching and mentoring relationships allowed
more experienced change management leaders
• Cultural factors within an organization such
to provide direction and support to counterparts
as employee response to outside help and
with less change management experience. Some
fragmentation of groups
organizations created a formal mentoring program
• Resource considerations such as availability of or shadowing opportunities to allow inexperienced
change management skills and experience within individuals to work alongside experienced team
the project team and sponsorship coalition members. Experienced team members took the
2. Participants proposed hybrid structures that lead on projects by setting a personal example and
combined resources both internal and external offering one-on-one advice and guidance.
to the project team. These hybrid structures 3. Self-study
offered benefits including: Many participants sought change management
• Balancing project knowledge with knowledge on their own through independent
outside perspective study and research which included reviewing
training materials, books, published materials
• Having support and expertise from a center of
and benchmarking information. Internet-based
excellence as needed, particularly during busy
resources, such as online tutorials and webinars,
project stages
were referenced frequently. Participants also cited
• Allowing business unit representation while learning on the job through trial and error and
building change skills within the organization addressing issues as they arose as a self-study tactic.
3. Unique team structures included: 4. Engaging consultants and external resources
• Change management owned by all impacted Hiring external resources or consultants helped
groups with involvement from all levels, fill gaps in expertise and supplement full-time
“everyone in the change circle” employee knowledge. External resources provided
support through delivery of training programs that
• Sponsor included in the change management emphasized competency building. Consultants
team bubble worked to provide knowledge transfer through
coaching and strategic advice, and in some cases,
even built a change management methodology for
the project.

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Part 2: Chapter 7 – CM Budget, Resources and Team Structure

5. Peer-to-peer networking 2. Change management competency

Support groups and communities of practice provided Has attended change management training and
avenues to communicate with other professionals in has experience applying a structured methodology;
the field. These networking opportunities allowed has experience managing resistance and coaching
for knowledge sharing, collecting of lessons learned employees throughout the change.
and liaising with leaders of similar projects. More
3. Flexibility
informally, asking questions and fostering open
Has an open mind and is flexible during times of
dialogues with other departments that had relevant
change; demonstrates resilience throughout the
expertise (e.g., communications, training, etc.)
change and is able to adapt and be creative with what
addressed gaps in change management knowledge.
is available.

4. Interpersonal skills
Demonstrates strong interpersonal skills with
Attributes of a Great Team Member
coworkers and has respect from employees within
Source date: 2011 the organization; is people-oriented, trusted and
honest in all situations.
Participants identified the most important attributes of
a great change management team member. The top four
attributes were:

1. Communication skills
Able to communicate effectively with all levels of
the organization; being an effective communicator
includes listening to others, accepting feedback and
demonstrating competencies in both written and
oral communication.

142 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

2 Chapter 8

Change Management
The Specific Steps Effective Change Managers
Take to Influence Project Success

Summary Highlight

Best practices in communications, training, resistance Once again, senior leaders were
management and reinforcement define the concrete activities the preferred senders of business
and actions at the core of your work as a change professional. messages (50%) and frontline
This chapter outlines comprehensive guidance from seasoned supervisors were the preferred
practitioners to shape the planning and execution of change senders of personal messages (70%).
management. Learn how social media is being used during
change, what steps to take to avoid resistance, and what
attributes constitute exceptional training. Ensure your change
management planning and implementations are aligned with
best practices and drive results.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Change Management Activities Grid For each box in this grid, detailed lists of corresponding
activities are provided. The labels for each box are
Source date: 2016
general descriptions of the categories, and are not
intended to stand alone from the activity lists in Tables
Participants described their change management 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4.
approaches by listing actions and steps they completed.
Data were divided into three major project phases: The lists (List A, List B, etc.) referred to in Tables 8.2, 8.3
start-up (i.e., planning), design and implementation. and 8.4 can be found in the section titled “Supplemental
The activities and steps were further categorized change management activities lists” following the tables.
according to target audiences:

• Project team Editor’s note: The Change Management Activity Model shown
in Figure 8.1 was developed in 2003 and now includes data
• Managers (including business leaders) from the 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015 studies
to create a comprehensive view of change management
• Employees activities across multiple studies.

The activities and steps can be shown in a 3 x 3 matrix,

with rows representing project timing (start-up, design
and implementation) and columns representing the
audience or group (Figure 8.1).

Figure 8.1 – Change management activity model

Project Team Managers Employees

Select and prepare Create sponsorship

Start-up the team model Create awareness

Design Execute work plans Involve sponsors Engage employees

Implementation Transfer ownership Coach sponsors Train employees

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 145

Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

Project Team Managers Employees

Select and prepare Create sponsorship

Start-up Create awareness
the team model

Design Execute work plans Involve sponsors Engage employees

Implementation Transfer ownership Coach sponsors Train employees

Table 8.2 – Change management start-up activities

With the Project Team: With Managers: With Employees:

Select and Prepare the Team Create Sponsorship Model Create Awareness

• Identify the right change management • Identify required primary sponsor • Begin initial communications with
team members; consider representation (at the right level in the organization); employees to create awareness of
by location or function; use outside directly engage his/her support the need for change and to share
expertise when necessary the nature of the change (see List D)
• Identify key senior managers and
• Establish a team structure stakeholders throughout the organization
who are needed to sponsor the change;
• Train the team on change management
assess their support of the change and
methods and develop team principles
competency to manage change
and rules; secure the needed resources
and budget for change management • With the direct involvement of the primary
sponsor, begin building support among all
• Understand the nature of the change and
key managers; engage them as active and
the future state (see List A); assess the
visible sponsors of the change and ensure
timing of the change; ensure clarity
alignment with project objectives
concerning why the change is being made
• Form a steering committee for the project
• Define the impact of the change on
(dependent on overall project size)
specific groups; conduct a gap analysis
• Show managers the current state versus
• Assess and analyze the current
the future state; create a common view of
organization (see List B), climate and
the nature of the change, why the change
culture (readiness for change)
is being made, and the organization’s

• Create a sponsorship model readiness for change

(see adjacent column)
• Train senior and mid-level managers
• Complete change management readiness on change management and their
assessments (assess culture, barriers roles as sponsors of change
and risks)
• Help create key messages for managers
• Create change strategies and plans to communicate to the organization
(see List C); develop a schedule and (presentations and elevator conversations)
budget; review these plans and get
• Create identifiable actions that senior
approval from the steering committee
managers can do to begin supporting
• Develop change management training the change (see Sponsorship section
for managers and supervisors of this report)
• Integrate change management plans • Customize the change management
into project management plans; be a strategy to address potential resistance
part of the project team from managers
• Use a structured, proven change • Train managers and supervisors on change
management methodology; customize management and their role as coaches,
or scale to fit the organization and including how to use change management
the change tools, manage resistance and support
• Identify critical success factors and employees through the transition
potential obstacles • Provide managers with the tools and
information needed to manage change
with their employees

146 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Project Team Managers Employees

Select and prepare Create sponsorship

Start-up Create awareness
the team model

Design Execute work plans Involve sponsors Engage employees

Implementation Transfer ownership Coach sponsors Train employees

Table 8.3 – Change management design activities

With the Project Team: With Managers: With Employees:

Execute Work Plans Involve Sponsors Engage Employees

• Implement change management • Interview all critical senior managers to • Build awareness concerning the overall
strategies (from start-up phase) including determine their expectations and desired change and why the change is being
plans for communications, sponsorship, outcomes; gather input on the change made (see change messages in List D)
coaching and training strategy and understand their concerns
• Engage employees during design;
• Conduct regular workshops with • Maintain regular contact with all senior gather input from employees on the
change agents managers; schedule and conduct frequent design and understand their concerns
and regular meetings; seek their input on
• Identify pockets of resistance and • Use pilots or models to test ideas with
critical decisions
develop special tactics with groups employees, and share the future state
to counter it • Conduct steering committee meetings
• Use face-to-face meetings to share
regularly (dependent on project size)
• Identify job roles impacted; begin to the vision and strategy
define future skills and competencies • Work to develop sponsor capabilities:
• Gather employee feedback on the
for employees; use as input for training What do they need to be doing to
vision and strategy using focus groups
requirements and curriculum design support the change? How can they best
and interviews
accomplish those goals?
• Develop coaching and mentoring
• Use Question and Answer (Q&A)
strategies for frontline supervisors, • Coach sponsors; provide sponsors with
sessions, interviews and memos to
including development of change a roadmap of sponsor activities and
address employee concerns and
management competencies help them prepare key messages; provide

share information regularly

coaching on how to share the business
• Train the trainers; begin developing
vision and the change with employees • Demonstrate successes and early
internal competencies regarding
wins to employees
managing change throughout • Identify resistant managers; engage the
the organization primary sponsor and other senior • Share ongoing progress of the
managers to address this resistance design team, including updates to
• Hire external resources if necessary to
the schedule, so employees know
support the change • Seek approval from senior managers at
what to expect and when
key milestones during the process
• Collect input from customers on how
• Continue to answer questions about
this change will impact them • Engage managers in the design process;
the personal impact to employees:
gather input from managers and
• Define measurable objectives and How will this impact me? How will
understand their concerns; ensure that
key performance indicators (KPIs) this change my daily work? How will
key stakeholders are involved in the
I benefit from this change?
solution design
• Create a close relationship between the
change team and sponsors
• Collect feedback from managers about
how employees are embracing the
change, areas of resistance, and potential
issues with the change

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 147

Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

Project Team Managers Employees

Select and prepare Create sponsorship

Start-up Create awareness
the team model

Design Execute work plans Involve sponsors Engage employees

Implementation Transfer ownership Coach sponsors Train employees

Table 8.4 – Change management implementation activities

With the Project Team: With Managers: With Employees:

Transfer Ownership Coach Sponsors Train Employees

• Review project progress; monitor • Engage sponsors in managing resistance • Implement training on the new
activities and measure performance (encourage one-on-one intervention) processes, systems and job roles;
(e.g., KPIs); identify successes and align this training with gap
• Continue regular and frequent meetings
demonstrate short-term wins analysis completed by frontline
to review progress and performance;
supervisors for their employees
• Adapt change management plans as update business leaders and senior
(include one-on-one training)
necessary to address gaps in performance managers on the solution and
implementation progress • Listen to employees and value their
• Develop ways to celebrate successes
feedback; move quickly to adjust the
with both managers and employees • Increase the level of senior manager
design or resolve issues that surface
communications with employees
• Create feedback mechanisms during implementation
(e.g., leadership must stay active and
• Create coaching aids for supervisors to visible throughout implementation) • Provide one-on-one follow-up
enable them to help employees through and coaching
• Provide managers with concrete
the transition (see List E for Coaching Aids)
activities they can perform to support • Share critical success factors with
• Begin to migrate change leadership to implementation (provide upward coaching) employees; audit compliance with
operational managers the new processes and implement
• Report roadblocks to senior managers

• Extend team structure to involve local corrective action when needed

promptly; resolve critical issues quickly
groups in change activities through steering committee • Assess employees (where are they
• Support local trainers within the in the change process?); measure
• Use senior managers to manage resistance
organization to implement education effectiveness of the change
• Maintain frequent and honest management plans and adjust
and training about the new processes
communications with managers as necessary
and systems
• Provide opportunities to voice resistance • Quickly identify and address pockets
• Identify lessons learned and update
change management approach and tools • Collect data from employees about the of resistance
change (issues, concerns, resistance areas), • Celebrate successes and
and share with managers achievement of milestones
• Evaluate manager effectiveness at • Implement reward and incentive
managing the change; create corrective systems for employees
action plans where needed
• Continue ongoing communications
about project outcomes and
progress, including specifics about
what will happen, when and why
• When appropriate, tie compensation
to performance

148 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Supplemental Change Management • Training plan (including change

management training)
Activities Lists
• Coaching plan
Source date: 2016
• Resistance management plan
List A – Understanding the future state
List D – Employee messages
• Nature and scope of the change
• The current situation and the rationale for the
• Overall time frame
change (why the change is needed)
• Alignment with the business strategy
• A vision of the organization after the change
• Goals of the change takes place (alignment with business strategy)
• Reasons for changing • The basics of what is changing, the nature of the
• Risk assessment (risk of not changing) change and when it will happen

• The gap between the future state and today • The goals or objectives for the change

• Who is impacted and how? Who is impacted • The expectation that change will happen and is
most adversely? not a choice (risk of not changing)

• Future state design (if available at this phase) • The impact of change on daily activities of the
including sample models or scenarios employee; “what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM)
• Implications of the change on job security
• What will change? What will stay the same?
(Will I have a job?)

List B – Organizational assessment • Behaviors and activities expected from the

employee during the change
• Change capacity (How much change has the
organization made recently, and how much more • Status updates on the performance of the
change can the organization absorb?) change, including success stories

• Change history (What was the effectiveness • Procedures for getting help and assistance
of past changes, and what perceptions do during change
employees have of past change projects?)
• Culture assessment (To what degree does the List E – Coaching aids
values and norms of the organization support or • Concrete activities frontline managers and
oppose change?) supervisors can perform to support the change
• Change competency (What are the change with their employees
management skills and abilities within • Tools to communicate new roles and
the organization?) responsibilities to employees
• Authority and capability of primary sponsor • Self-assessment guides for employees to assess
(Does the primary sponsor have sufficient power skill and knowledge gaps
to lead the change?)
• Resistance assessments and mechanisms to
• Strengths and weaknesses of the organization collect feedback from employees during early
related to this change (What is working in favor implementation phases
of the change, and what is working against it?)
• Tools to create individual development plans

List C – Strategies and plans

• Change management plan (overall strategy)
• Communications plan
• Sponsor roadmap

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 149

Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

Preferred Sender Most Important Messages
for Employees
Participants in the 2019 study indicated preferred Source date: 2011
senders of communications for both personal-level
and organizational-level messages about the change. Participants identified the most important messages
Figure 8.5 shows preferred senders of change messages. to communicate to employees regarding the change.
In line with studies from previous years, there was an Although participants identified five important messages
overwhelming response that the employees’ supervisors communicated to employees regarding the change,
were the preferred sender of personal messages. responses surrounding the business reasons for the
Similarly, executives and senior leaders were preferred change were stated twice as often as the next most
senders of organizational messages. frequent response.

1. Business reasons for the change

Figure 8.5 – Preferred sender for organizational and
Messages communicated to employees conveyed the
personal messages
Organizational Messages reasons the organization was changing including:
Personal Messages
• The necessity of the change to ensure
CEO / President
50% organizational success and sustainability in
3% the future

Executive Manager
25% • The benefits of the change including strategic
3% objectives, potential return on investment
7% (ROI), improved performance and increase in
Senior Manager
business value

• The risks of not changing and the negative
Department Head
consequences if the change was not pursued

• The necessity of the change to remain
The Employee's
Supervisor 70% competitive in the market

• Improvements to processes, operations and
design enhancements

• The role of the change in support of business

Human Resources 0%
initiatives and business strategy

2. Why the employees should want to participate
Team Member
Messages communicated to employees built
desire to participate in the change, or answered
Project “what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM), from the employee’s
Team Leader
perspective including:
Change 0%
• Demonstrating how the change will make their
Team Member 1% jobs easier, more efficient, more productive,
Change 3% more rewarding and less redundant
Team Leader • Normalizing the change or the occurrence
1% of change
1% • Indicating potential opportunities for new jobs
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 or advancements
Percent of Respondents

150 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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• Explaining how the change aligns with • Who was leading or managing the change
employee priorities
• Where the change was happening
• Sharing how the change would increase the
• Celebration of short-term successes
quality of their work lives and environment
5. Details about the change
• Transferring ownership of the change to employees
These messages explained the specifics of the
with phrases such as “this is your change” or
change including:
“innovation is the right and fun thing to do”
• What the change was and the accompanying
• Providing testimonials and examples of where
project objectives
the change was successful elsewhere
• The new processes, activities or procedures
3. Impact of the change on employees
These messages identified how the change would • What was not changing (e.g., ensuring job security)
impact employees including: • Specifics about the difference between the
• Changes to the way employees did work or future and current states (i.e., how tomorrow
changes to their job roles will be different from today)

• Behavior changes that would be required • Acknowledgment that not all the answers were
available, “what we don’t know”
• Who specifically was impacted
• The scope of the change
• The tradeoffs and downsides of the change
• The challenges of the change
• Employees’ new roles and what needs to be done
• What the change meant for the organization
• What the change meant for the employees
including what they could expect, what their
Additional key messages to employees included:
new roles would entail, and how the change
applied to them • How employees would be supported through
the change
• How they were expected to perform
• To whom or where they could go for more
• What was needed from employees in terms
information such as training resources, updates,
of involvement, commitment, support
job aids or requests for additional support
and contribution
• Information pertaining to how and when
• Emphasis that the employees’ support of
employees would be trained and the necessity
change had a direct impact on the success
and importance of training
of the project
• For what they would need to be prepared and
• Potential for job loss
how they could best prepare
4. How the change was happening
• The resources that would be made available to
These messages included information regarding the
them to help with the transition
specifics of how the change was occurring within the
organization including: • Encouraging statements that emphasized the
importance of the individual or reassurances
• The dates of implementation, the rollout
that the transition would be made as a group
schedule or timeline, the time frame for
such as “the change is a journey we will
adoption, and the go-live date
accomplish as a team from the start to the end,”
• Project status including progress updates or “this will be tough but together we’ll get
and milestones through it”

• The change plan or phases of the change

• The next steps of the change

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Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

Most Important Messages for 3. Impact of the change on managers and supervisors
Participants identified the importance of
Managers and Supervisors
communicating the impacts of the change on
Source date: 2011 managers and supervisors including:

• Impacts to their job roles and behaviors in the

Participants identified six important messages to
work place
communicate to managers and supervisors regarding
the change. • Impacts to employees in terms of the type of
work employees were expected to perform,
1. Roles and expectations for managers
employee behaviors in the work place and new
and supervisors
job roles for their employees
Most messages regarding roles and expectations
emphasized the importance of the roles, • Impacts to their team or line of business
responsibilities, and the expectations of managers • Potential or expected delays or disturbances to
and supervisors during change. These messages their work area
conveyed how imperative their roles were as change
advocates, ambassadors and role models of the 4. Details about the change
change. For example, “your participation in the These messages explained the change in terms of the
change as an adopter/champion increases the likelihood change objectives and the specifics of the change.
of the change’s success.” Expectations of managers Other points included:
also included: • The change vision
• How to communicate change to staff members • What was not changing
• How to answer questions • Challenges of the change
• Key messages to pass to employees • Today versus tomorrow
• How often communication should take place and 5. How the change was being implemented
the importance of keeping employees informed Participants communicated how the change was
about the change happening within the organization to managers and
• Identifying and managing resistance including supervisors including:
identifying areas of potential resistance • Timelines for change implementation
• Helping staff members adapt to change through • How employees were being trained and prepared
coaching, preparation and guidance for the change
• Managing questions and facilitating a • Progress, status and updates
smooth transition
• Project plans and next steps
2. Business reasons for change
• What was being done to minimize risk
Similar to messages communicated to employees,
participants listed the business reasons for the change 6. How managers and supervisors would be
as one of the most important messages communicated prepared and supported
to managers and supervisors including: These messages included details pertaining to the
ways the organization was supporting managers and
• The need for change
supervisors and also how managers and supervisors
• Alignment of the change with the direction were being prepared to support their employees.
of the organization Main points included:
• Risks of not changing • Where to go for support
• Benefits to the organization • How support would be provided

• Who to contact with concerns

152 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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• Where to get more information • Alignment with other business objectives, priorities,
organizational strategies or long-term goals
• Which managers and supervisors needed to
be prepared • The change drivers

• How to lead people through change; how to be 3. How the change was happening and progressing
“the mirror of change” These messages included information regarding
how the change was taking place and how
• How to manage change
well the change was being adopted within the
organization including:

Most Important Messages for • Status updates and milestones reached

Senior Managers and Executives • Timelines of the project including project

schedules and deadlines
Source date: 2011
• The planned approach for the change,
Participants identified five messages to communicate to implementation and next steps
senior managers and executives regarding the change. • Challenges that arose during the change process
1. Roles and responsibilities of senior managers such as unforeseen issues, problems, increased
and executives workloads and strain on resources
The primary message communicated to senior • How change management was being used and
managers and executives regarding the change applied during the change
emphasized their roles and responsibilities as
• Reactions from staff
sponsors of change such as:
4. The impacts of the change
• The necessity of their help in preparing
These messages identified the impacts of the
for, leading and supporting the change;
change including:
“your leadership, wisdom and active support
are vital to success” • Impacts to the organization in terms of who
would be impacted, the costs of the change,
• The expectations of them in terms of what they
performance dips and potential declines in
need to do and their responsibilities such as
productivity during change
staying up-to-date on the project and managing
change with their direct reports • Impacts to senior managers and executives
specifically such as what they could expect from
• Their roles in communicating with staff
the change and its impacts to their area or group
members in an open and timely manner
including messages that reflected the reasons • Impacts to employees in terms of job role
for the change and messages that “sell the vision” changes, required behavioral changes and
of the change new expectations

• The need for them to be active, visible and 5. Details about the change
engaged in the change These messages identified the specifics of the change
by addressing what was changing such as:
2. Business reasons for the change
The second most important message communicated • The change objectives, expected results and
to senior managers and executives included the scope of the change
reasons the change was occurring including: • The change vision and desired outcomes
• The necessity of the change from the • What would not be changing, what would be
organization’s perspective new and what would be different
• The benefits to the organization on completion
of a successful change such as increased
competitiveness and proficiency

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Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

Attributes of a Successful Additional attributes of an effective change message

from the 2007 study include:
Change Message
• Shares what is changing
Source date: 2009
The message should define the nature of the
change and what specifically is changing in the
Participants in the 2009 study identified three attributes
organization. Information about the transition
of a successful change message when communicating
from the current to future state should be
with employees.
included along with what is expected of
1. Shares what the change will mean to employees during this transition period.
the employee
• Conveys the impact on the organization
Employees want to hear about how the change will
Employees should know how the organization
impact them personally including:
and departments will be affected by the
• How will this change impact me? change and benefits or negative impacts that
• What will I do differently? might result.

• What’s in it for me? (WIIFM) • Prepares employees for the change

Employees should be assured that they are not
Employees want to know how the change will affect alone when moving into the future state. They
their jobs including the impact on daily job duties, should have a clear picture of the training and
reporting responsibilities and changes support they will receive to enable them to make
in compensation. the transition. This might include help desks,
2. Explains business reasons for why the change ongoing training or online resources.
is happening
Employees want to know why the change is
important and necessary for the success of the
business and the benefits to the business as a
whole. Employees need to understand the business
reasons for the change and how the change aligns
with the organization’s goals, vision and strategy.
Employees also want to know what would happen
to the business were the change not made, the
consequences of inaction.

3. Is honest and clear

Employees want to hear a message that is sincere,
truthful and accurate. The message should include
the good and bad, and honest answers about
what the communicator does and does not know.
“Say what you know and admit what you don’t know.”

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Attributes of Successful Communicators to listen. Two-way communicators were open to

conversations and feedback.
Source date: 2009
8. Fluent in the language of their audience
In addition to commenting on effective messages, Effective communicators created a message that
participants in the 2009 study also shared feedback was tailored and relevant to their receivers. They
on effective communicators. The most successful and always included the answer to “what’s in it for me?”
effective communicators demonstrated the following ten (WIIFM) for the intended audience. “Taking the
attributes in rank order: broad message and making it meaningful for the group
being communicated with.”
1. Committed, engaged and passionate about
the change 9. Personable
Successful communicators were positive, enthusiastic Personable communicators were patient,
and passionate about the change; they believed confident and compassionate. They had excellent
in it. They were committed to and engaged in the interpersonal skills, communicated with empathy,
change, and showed their support visibly. They were and were approachable.
champions of the change and led by example. 10. Choosing the right channel
2. Credible Choosing the right channel meant the ability to
Effective communicators were trusted and respected, offer communications in a variety of ways while
and had the ability to influence all levels in the ensuring that face-to-face communication was
organization. They had experience and authority. one of those channels.

3. Able to deliver a clear message

Clear messages were simple, focused and concise.
Effective and successful communicators delivered Tactics for Correcting Misinformation
clear messages in non-technical language that could and Misunderstanding
be understood by all receivers. Source date: 2009
4. Knowledgeable about the change and its impact
on the organization Participants in the 2009 study identified six tactics
Successful communicators understood why the used for correcting misunderstandings resulting from
change was needed, the purpose and benefits of background conversations or the rumor mill.
the change, and its impacts on the people. They 1. Enabling open discussion time
were also knowledgeable about the organization’s Open discussion time included events that allowed
internal processes and history. They connected this people to exchange information freely, present
knowledge with their ability to see the big picture questions and provide feedback. Open discussions
and future state. Their communications shared happened in many formats including town halls,
this perspective and context. “Explained clearly the brownbag lunches, roadshow presentations,
organizational reason for the change and the personal conference calls, site visits, forums, small group
impact on the individual; did this in an informative and meetings and focus groups.
respectful way.”
2. Identifying current rumors and addressing
5. Consistent and timely in their messages them immediately
Communicators delivered frequent messages, which It was important that the identification of current
remained consistent and were repeated often. rumors be conducted anonymously. Participants cited
6. Open and honest the following ways to collect rumors anonymously:
Communicators and their messages were genuine telephone hotlines, designated email addresses,
and delivered with truth and transparency. help desks and collection boxes. Participants also
noted that it was best to address those rumors, when
7. Two-way communicators
possible, in a face-to-face format.
The most important element for communicators
during two-way communication was the ability

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Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

3. Engaging sponsors What Would You Do Differently

Participants cited many methods of engaging
Regarding Communications?
leadership. No matter how sponsors were engaged,
they were recognized as the most effective group Source date: 2011
to address and correct background conversations
resulting from misinformation. “National leadership Participants in the 2011 study provided five suggestions
team traveled to each location and allowed an for what they would have done differently regarding
opportunity for Q&A.” communications. The most commonly cited response,
more communication, was cited twice as often as the
4. Providing regular communications
next response.
Regular communications were a source of
consistency and provided updated information on 1. More communication
the change. The most common interval of regular Participant responses indicated that they would
communications among participants was weekly communicate more, to more people, more often and
followed by monthly. to all levels within the organization. Responses also
indicated that these communications should be more
5. Updating Frequently Asked Questions
targeted, more face-to-face, more interactive and
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) answered
more relevant to the audience.
common inquiries and addressed misinformation
spreading through background conversations. 2. Better communication strategy
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) were updated The second most common response reflected the
regularly and circulated among employees in various need for a more detailed communication strategy
ways including newsletters, electronic postings and including a succinct, consistent and accurate set of core
written documents. messages. A strategy would also include a more robust
implementation timeline for communication activities.
6. Providing information electronically
A source of information that could be accessed 3. Communicate earlier
electronically at any time by employees and could Participants indicated they would begin
be updated by the team was a useful tool for keeping communication earlier. These efforts included
employees updated. This source of information was syncing with other communication networks,
available to everyone in the organization to provide connecting to the project sooner, and beginning
transparency and openness. Participants also cited in-person meetings earlier, even if only partial
the value of interactions through an electronic source information was available.
including blogs, discussion boards and postings. 4. More attention to senior leadership
“Set up a ‘rumor busters’ website and fed it with both The fourth recommendation from participants
real and manufactured rumors and corrections.” involved more attention, interaction and
involvement with senior leadership. Participants
reported they would evoke more support and
ownership from senior leadership.

5. More dedicated people working on communication

Study results revealed that communication
efforts needed to have more people dedicated
to them, including having more dedicated and
expert resources assigned to producing and
implementing communications.

156 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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Use of Social Media Other participants reported that social media provided
an ability to support collaboration and aligned with the
organization’s culture.
Forty-one percent of participants used social media to
support their change management communication; a
continued increase from previous studies.
Benefits of Social Media
Figure 8.6 – Use of social media in Communications
45 Source date: 2011
40 38%
Three primary benefits were identified by participants
who used social media during communications.
Percent of Respondents

30 28%
26% 1. Get messages out
The most commonly cited reason for using social
20 media was to communicate messages to a broader
15 audience faster and more efficiently.
10 2. Engage the organization
5 Participants reported that social media tools were
used to create a more inclusive and supportive
2013 2015 2017 2019
work environment by encouraging open dialogue
within the organization. These newer methods of
communication were used to engage all generations.

Why Social Media Was Used in Change 3. Informal feedback and tracking
A third benefit was the availability of informal
Management Communications
feedback and monitoring of staff member’s
Source date: 2016 perceptions regarding change. This helped
identify and manage resistance or potential
Participants cited the following drivers for using social resistance, and solve misconceptions or problems
media in their communications: early during change.
1. Wide reach
The top driver for using social media was its wide
message reach. Participants considered social media Social Media’s Impact on
to be highly accessible to both message senders Change Management
and receivers. It also allowed some participants to
overcome communication challenges presented by Source date: 2016
geographically dispersed organizations.
Participants explained how they used social media in
2. Communication channel variety
support of their change management initiatives.
Participants indicated that use of social media
aligned with organizational standards or objectives, 1. Platform for additional communications
allowing multiple communication formats and Social media was used to support internal
avoidance of email which was overused. Participants communication to reinforce key messages of change
also reported that informal communication channels and as an informal communication vehicle for
were beneficial. sending updates and encouraging networking.

3. Efficient channel 2. Create a space for feedback

Participants used social media because of its cost Social media was used as a space for impacted groups
effectiveness and efficiency in supporting change to give feedback that could then be addressed,
management communication. actively discuss the change with other impacted
groups and ask questions.

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Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

3. Support training initiatives Which Social Media tools Were Used

Participants used social media to support training
on change, including using social media as a
Participants reported on the social media tools that
repository of information such as training materials
were used in support of their change management
and related change documents. Social media spaces
work. Forty-one percent of participants reported using
were places where impacted groups could share best
SharePoint and 38% reported using Yammer (Figure 8.8).
practices for implementing change management and
allow a change team to evaluate and gather data on
Figure 8.8 – Social media tools used
employee training.
4. Reinforce the change work SharePoint

Participants used social media to celebrate successes,

Yammer 38%
raise awareness about the need for change, mark
and communicate milestones, and engage impacted Facebook 16%

groups through interactive experiences.

LinkedIn 9%

5. Gamification
Twitter 8%
Participants used social media as a vehicle for
introducing gamification into the change process Slack 8%
including creating and running educational games
through the social media platform and promoting Google+

fun and engaging activities related to the change.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Percent of Respondents

Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple

Frequency of Social Media Usage responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.
Source date: 2013

Participants who used social media indicated how Other Social Media Platforms
frequently they used it during change. Figure 8.7 shows
that the majority of participants (53%) used social media Other social media tools included: Microsoft Teams,
infrequently (once or twice, or occasionally) during a WhatsApp, organizational specific social media and
project. Another 22% used social media weekly and Workplace (by Facebook).
25% for constant, ongoing messages.

Figure 8.7 – Frequency of social media use


Percent of Respondents


10 7%

Once or Occasionally Weekly Constant,
Twice Updates Ongoing

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Social Media Effectiveness Recommendations Regarding

Source date: 2013 Social Media
Source date: 2011
Participants rated how effective social media was in
supporting change management communications Participants who used social media provided five
(Figure 8.9). Nearly 45% of participants considered primary recommendations.
social media to be effective or extremely effective.
Only 9% considered it ineffective or extremely ineffective. 1. “If it works for you, use it”

2. Consider the culture of your company and the

Figure 8.9 – Social media effectiveness audience you are trying to reach before considering
the use of Web 2.0 and social networking tools
Extremely 3%
3. Dedicate someone to be responsible for
Ineffective monitoring and responding to postings, emails
Somewhat or other communications
4. Determine how you want to use the application
Effective 34%
before using it
11% 5. Use a variety of tools and methods
Too Early
to Tell

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Percent of Respondents

Participants emphasized the importance of face-to-face

communication, but they identified the most effective
social media tools based on functionality.

1. Tools that support or encourage collaboration

Most commonly, participants found tools that
enabled collaboration to be most effective, including
intranet platforms, wikis, document repositories and
shared calendars.

2. Web media tools

Participants considered web media tools that
supported media uploads and downloads to be
effective such as blogs, bulletins, newsletters,
forums and discussion boards.

3. Messaging tools
The third group of most effective tools included
messaging tools such as eblasts, SMS or chat.

Other common responses for most effective tools

included social media sites like Twitter and Facebook and
feedback collection tools like surveys and polls.

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Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

Communication Vehicles
Source date: 2011

Participants used a variety of communication methods during their change projects. Below is a comprehensive list of
communication vehicles identified by participants in the 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2011 benchmarking studies.

Articles in industry journals Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Presentations

Banners Gallery walks Project fairs
Billboards Giveaways Question and Answer (Q&A) sessions
Blogs Group meetings Rallies
Booklets Hallway conversations Reader boards
Branded promotional materials Help desk Recognition packages
Briefings Industrial theater Road shows
Brochures Information fairs Roundtables
Brown bag meetings Informational meetings Site visits
Bulletin boards Internal messaging systems Skits
Bulletins Interviews Social media
Café meetings Intranet sites Stakeholder meetings
Cafeteria postings Intranet pop-ups Status reports
Calendar of events Kickoff events Storyboards
Cascading communications Leadership meetings Success stories
Celebration events Leaflets Surveys
Change agent networks Lectures Targeted emails
Charts/graphs to show progress Letters Team meetings
Circulars Lunch and learns Teleconferences
Coffee mornings Magazines Testimonials
Communication toolkits Mailers Text messages
Conversations Memos Town hall meetings
Demonstrations Networks Tradeshows
Department meetings Newsletters (corporate) Training courses
Desk drops Newsletters (project) TV displays
Documents One-on-one meetings Video conferences
Electronic billboards/plasma screens Online content management systems Videos
Email Online training Virtual meetings
Executive messages Organizational meetings Voicemail messages
Executive presentations Pamphlets Walk-arounds
Face-to-face interactions Pay stub inserts Webcasts
Fact sheets Performance reviews Webinars
Faxes Physical mailings Websites
Fliers Podcasts Wikis
Focus groups Posters Word of mouth
Forums Presentation aids and outlines Workshops

160 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Role of Change Management Team in awareness and desire ahead of training. These
messages were commonly handed to sponsors
Project-Specific Training
and managers who then delivered messages to
Source date: 2013 impacted groups.

• Developing training guides

Participants in the 2013 study described the role of
Change management resources created training
the change management resource or team regarding
guides for the course and job aids as references
project-specific training.
for employees before and after training.
1. Design
The change management resource was either the
chief designer or a member of the team that designed
necessary training for the project. This role included Attributes of Top Tier
everything from leading the team to advising Project-Specific Training
training consultants brought in to deploy training.
Source date: 2016
2. Training providers and support
As trainers and facilitators, the change management Participants identified attributes of top-tier,
team was responsible for delivery of a training project-specific training.
program. The team also served as post-training
1. Program design
coaches and provided support.
Participants identified a variety of factors that
3. Start-to-end accountability should be addressed when designing training
The change management resource was responsible programs. The majority of responses cited
for all aspects of design, development and deployment role-specific training as the most important factor.
of project training, including identifying necessary Other factors included use of multiple training
audiences for training, doing training-needs mediums, high-quality materials, clearly defined
analyses, delivering training and monitoring the outcomes and approaches, a focus on process and
effectiveness of a program. measurable success.
4. Needs analysis 2. Program delivery
Change management resources were responsible for Participants also indicated that delivery of
identifying impacted groups and required skills that training programs contributed to the quality of
needed to be addressed. They were also responsible programs. Timing of programs, both in terms of
for identifying gaps in current employee skills in when programs were delivered and how long they
comparison to the skills that would be required lasted, was mentioned nearly twice as often as other
during implementation. elements of delivery. Additional elements included
5. Logistics having quality instructors or facilitators, engaging
Participants responded that the change management delivery and use of adult learning methods.
resource was responsible for the logistics of training 3. Accessibility
sessions. Tasks included scheduling and organizing Participants specified the way programs were
training sessions and locations. accessed. The majority of responses cited hands-on,
Other roles included: practical applications as the most effective method
of access to training. Managers and supervisors
• Communicating about the training session
had to be supportive of training to be successful.
The change management resource was
Online, on-demand tools were also prominent
responsible for crafting messages to build
among responses.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 161

Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

Primary Vehicles Used to Other vehicles for delivering project-specific

training included:
Train Employees
• Handouts, reference materials, Frequently Asked
Source date: 2013
Questions (FAQ) sheets and job aids

Participants in the 2013 study specified which • Online support, videos, help screens and
of the following vehicles were used to deliver desktop tools
project-specific training: • Coaching, mentoring and super-user support
• Face-to-face training • Workshops, meetings and conferences
• Web-based or online training • Simulation
• On-the-job training
Participants estimated the percentage of total training
• Self-paced training
that was delivered through each of the vehicles
(Figure 8.11). On average, 45% of training was delivered
Figure 8.10 shows the percentage of participants that
face-to-face, and self-paced training comprised the
reported on project-specific training that used each
smallest percentage at 9%.
of the vehicles. Face-to-face training was the most
prevalent, reported by more than 90% of participants.
Figure 8.11 – Average of total training delivered through
each vehicle
Figure 8.10 – Training vehicles used

Face-To-Face 45%
90% Training

On-The-Job 23%
On-The-Job 77% Training

Web-Based or 19%
Web-Based or 63% Online Training
Online Training

Self-Paced 9%
Self-Paced 42% Training

Other 4%
Other 18%

0 10 20 30 40 50
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents
Percent of Respondents

Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple

responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.

162 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Percentage of Impacted Employees That Figure 8.13 – Stages at which project training was delivered

Received Project-Specific Training

Project Initiation 8%
Source date: 2016

Project Planning 12%

Participants reported on the percentage of impacted
employees that received project-specific training.
Project Design 24%
Half of participants said that 75% or more of impacted
employees received training (Figure 8.12).
Project 87%

Figure 8.12 – Percentage of impacted employees that

received training Project Closure 12%

35 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percent of Respondents

Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple

Percent of Respondents

responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.
20 18% 18%
15 13% Figure 8.14 shows the number of stages during which
10 participants reported delivering training. Seventy-three
percent of participants reported delivering training
5 3%
during only one stage in the project lifecycle.
None Less Than 25% to 50% to 75% to 100%
25% 49% 74% 99% Figure 8.14 – Number of stages at which project training
was delivered


When Training Was Delivered

Source date: 2016
Percent of Respondents

Participants identified the point during the project 50

lifecycle at which training was delivered. Figure 8.13 40

shows the overall percentage of participants that
reported delivering training at project initiation,
planning, design, implementation and closure. 20

Overwhelmingly, project implementation was the 10 6%

most common stage for delivering training. 2% 2%
1 Stage 2 Stages 3 Stages 4 Stages All Stages

For those who delivered training during only one stage,

83% delivered training during implementation, followed
by 7% during design and 5% during planning.

The remaining 27% of participants reported delivering

project-specific training at more than one point during
a project’s lifecycle.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 163

Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

Table 8.15 shows the most common stages at which training was delivered when it was delivered two, three and four times
throughout a project’s lifecycle. Fewer than 2% of participants reported that training was delivered during all five stages of
the project lifecycle.

Table 8.15 – Project stage combinations when training was delivered at more than one stage

Of the 17% that delivered Of the 6% that delivered Of the 2% that delivered
training at two stages: training at three stages: training at four stages:

50% 34% 46% 32% 76%

Initiation 

Planning  

Design    

Implementation     

Closure  

164 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Critical Success Factors on 6. Training approach

Having an engaging or hands-on approach to
Project-Specific Training
training was an additional factor participants
Source date: 2016 identified. Providing trainees an immediate
opportunity to practice and apply what they
Participants identified critical success factors for learned aided in the success of training. Although a
project-specific training. Six factors were noted. The top blended approach to training was mentioned, many
factor was noted more than twice as often as the other five. emphasized incorporating hands-on activities for
the immediate reinforcement of training.
1. Planning/design
Participants found that preparation and design was a
primary contributor to successful training, including
incorporation of training needs assessments, audience Evaluating Effectiveness of
customization and proactive resistance management. Project-Specific Training
Participants also identified that involvement of the
Source date: 2016
impacted audience during development of training
was an important success factor.
Participants in the 2015 study shared how they evaluated
2. Timing the effectiveness of project-specific training.
The second most frequent factor was timing,
1. Surveys
timeliness or delivering training just-in-time
Participants cited giving surveys to employees and
as key contributors to the success of a training
sponsors as a way to gauge training effectiveness.
session. Adding the availability of training
These surveys came in the form of training and
resources and flexibility into the training schedule
competency questionnaires and end-user surveys.
had a direct impact on the effectiveness of
project-specific training. 2. Level of adoption
Employees were monitored to assess whether new
3. Ability and measurement
processes had been learned and implemented.
Participants determined success by measuring the
The number of errors and help calls were recorded
demonstration of adoption and usage. They cited
to check if metrics indicating lack of adoption or
management observation, post-training surveys,
proficiency decreased after training.
exams, monitoring support sites and team usage.
3. Assessments
4. Awareness and desire
Many participants reported giving their employees
Participants also identified the importance of
readiness assessments before and after training to
pre-training approaches. Participants noted
gauge how effective project training had been and
higher audience engagement when information
how prepared employees were for the change.
was provided ahead of time regarding training
requirements, how it related to a change, and what 4. Overall project feedback
was expected of them during training. Additional Participants cited a need to gather feedback from
information was mentioned concerning training employees, sponsors and end users on the project as a
schedules, locations and durations. whole. Feedback was gathered using company forums,
one-on-one meetings and group discussions.
5. Trainee support
Forms of support were noted at the leadership,
management, peer and project team levels.
Support was conducted through various modes
such as intranet, peer-to-peer coaching, consistent
leadership messaging, one-on-one discussions and
Questions and Answer (Q&A) sessions.

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Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

Resistance Management
Identifying Resistance Figure 8.16 – Resistance during each stage of the
project lifecycle
Source date: 2016
Significant Resistance
Moderate Resistance
Participants in the 2015 study indicated how they Little Resistance
No Resistance
identified change resistance. 15%
1. Measurement tools 40%
Participants used a number of measurement tools 17%

designed to identify resistance. These included 37%

surveys, assessments, impact indexes, impact maps,
Implementation 18%
interviews and others. Participants employed these 2%
tools continuously throughout the change initiative. 14%
2. Soft measurement
Design 35%
Participants reported a number of soft skill 11%
measurements. These included face-to-face 10%
communication, feedback forums, asking questions 26%
and engaging in dialogue. Participants stressed Planning
the importance of speaking directly with impacted
groups about their experience of the change, 16%
assumptions could be wrong. Initiation 38%
3. Building in resistance measures
Participants reported planning for times and 0 10 20 30 40 50
Percent of Respondents
methods of measuring resistance throughout the
change project. Participants planned when they Editor’s note: Phase totals do not equal 100% because
would employ their resistance measure and observe “N/A” responses were not included.

resistance throughout the project.

4. Observation
When Resistance Was Encountered
Participants consistently reported the need to
observe impacted groups throughout the process. by Project Event and Timing
Participants expected resistance to the change Source date: 2013
and were on the lookout for indicators in
impacted groups. Participants identified events and times during the
project that caused the most resistance. Participants
who identified an event or instance that resulted in
When Resistance Was Encountered the most resistance commonly said it occurred after
communicating about the change and delivering training
by Project Stage
sessions. Other events that caused resistance were:

• Project teams moving forward without input

Participants reported stages during which they
from impacted groups
experienced resistance. The most significant resistance
arose during implementation, when nearly 80% of • When impacted groups realized the degree
participants reported experiencing moderate or of impact
significant resistance. • When restructuring of impacted groups
was announced

166 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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Most Resistant Groups desire to learn how to use the new system or
technology the change required. Other common
responses included concerns about the available time
Participants in the 2019 study identified groups
to complete new requirements, lack of incentives,
from which they experienced the most resistance
decreased autonomy and control, and increased
(Figure 8.17). As in previous studies, mid-level managers
surveillance and regulation. Employees were also
were identified as the most resistant group by nearly
concerned about a shift in or loss of their power,
half of participants, followed by frontline employees
status or identity. Participants found it common for
and senior-level managers.
employees to be unhappy with change or to disagree
Figure 8.17 – Most resistant groups with the solutions deployed.

3. Fear
Fear was a substantial cause of resistance among
Executives and 9%
Directors employees. Primary fears included potential of
job loss or reduced compensation. Employees
Senior-Level 16%
Managers demonstrated fear from the uncertainty of their
future and the future of the organization, which arose
from prior experiences with failed changes. Other
fears among employees included insecurities about
Frontline 27% performance ability with new technology, changes
to the organization’s culture, and a greater potential
Other 6% for evaluation and surveillance. In contrast to newer
employees, those employed by the organization
0 10 20 30 40 50
longer displayed fear of changes more often due to
Percent of Respondents
comfort with the “old way” of doing things.

4. Lack of support from and trust in management

or leadership
Primary Reasons Employees Direct supervisors and leadership influenced
Resisted Change employee resistance. Often, managers displayed
higher resistance and reduced support for change.
This poor role modeling by leaders influenced
Participants identified the primary reasons employees
employee behaviors and their support for the
resisted the change. Five primary reasons were reported as
change. Previous negative experiences increased
the cause.
resistance among employees who lacked trust in the
1. Lack of awareness executive leadership and feared a disconnect with or
The primary source of employee resistance was lack inadequate support through the transition process.
of awareness about the purpose and reason for the
5. Lack of inclusion in the change
change. This arose from failure to communicate
Employees who were excluded from the decision to
the details of the change, business reason for the
undertake the change and designing solutions often
change, and important roles employees had in
resisted out of frustration. Commonly front-line
making the change successful. Resistance occurred
employees felt threatened, betrayed, blind-sided
when employees could not or would not answer
or targeted by the change, and that their influence
the questions, “What’s in it for me?” (WIIFM) or
or voices were not heard in the process to design
“Why is this change needed?”
the change. Employees desired to be a part of the
2. Change in role process to prepare, equip and support people, and
Resistance occurred when changes to job roles contribute to when the sequencing of the change would
were required. Changes in job roles were viewed as begin. Employees indicated that transparency and
increasing workloads, a change in job description communication in the planning process was important
or new behavioral requirements. Employees lacked to counteracting their resistance.

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Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

Other sources of resistance employee resistance. Responses highlighted two key

Other sources of resistance identified by study elements of communication:
participants included:
• Content
• Comfort with the status quo Participants specified content areas including
“what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM), setting clear
• Insufficient training
expectations, solicitation of feedback and
• Change fatigue consistent messaging. Participants also
indicated communication should start early, be
multi-directional, and come through a variety of
Avoidable Employee Resistance media from appropriate senders.

• Honesty
Participants in the 2019 study reported on the amount Communication must be honest, genuine,
of employee resistance that could have been avoided with transparent and trustworthy to be effective at
the implementation of effective change management. avoiding or preventing resistance.
Forty-seven percent of respondents indicated that more 2. Engagement
than half of employee resistance was seen as avoidable, Participants reported that engaging employees
a slight increase from the 2017 study. in development of solutions and strategies was
effective at avoiding resistance. Participants also
Figure 8.18 – Percentage of employee resistance seen
identified sponsors, managers, change champions
as avoidable
and key influencers as important audiences for
2019 engagement that should be leveraged to sponsor
None 4% change initiatives or coach employees.
3. Application of a methodology

1 - 24 22% Participants also stated that use of change

management practices aided in avoiding or
27% preventing employee resistance. These practices
25 - 49 30%
included anticipating resistance and planning
accordingly, developing quality training programs,

50 - 74 32% and use of formal change management strategies

such as ADKAR®. Participants specified that these
12% strategies are best executed face-to-face supported
75 - 100 12%
14% by reinforcement activities.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Percent of Respondents

Advice for Dealing with

Employee Resistance
Source date: 2016
Proactive Steps for Avoiding or
Preventing Resistance From Employees Participants in the 2015 study shared the advice they
Source date: 2016 would give to a new change management practitioner for
dealing with employee resistance.
Participants provided the most effective steps for 1. Communicate
proactively avoiding or preventing employee resistance. Communication was identified more than three
Participants identified three courses of action as the times more frequently than other responses.
most successful tactics for preventing resistance. Respondents emphasized the importance of
1. Communications listening, avoiding responding in an overly
Participants most frequently stated that
communication was required to avoid or prevent

168 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

defensive manner, personalizing both the content Several other important pieces of advice were:
and style of communications, and communicating
1. Be patient
honestly and transparently.
Participants noted the importance of patience
2. Develop a plan to address resistance when dealing with resistance. Employees need an
Expecting resistance and preparing for it by appropriate amount of time to adjust to changes, and
developing a well-thought out plan aids in dealing initially giving them this time decreases resistance.
with resistance. Elements of an appropriate plan
2. Convert strongest resisters, make them leaders
include early deployment, demonstrating the benefits
Several participants explained that targeting
of change, training and education plans and attention
the strongest resisters for conversion could be
to technology issues associated with change.
a valuable technique for addressing widespread
3. Understand both the change and the resistance fully resistance. Once converted, these former
Respondents emphasized the importance of resistance leaders could be seen as change
understanding the root cause of resistance; champions and an endorsement of a change by the
resistance frequently grew out of legitimate rest of the organization.
and important problems/concerns that were not
3. Focus on early adopters, not hardcore resisters
necessarily visible from the perspective of a change
Conversely, other participants recommended
management practitioner. Tactics for gaining
concentrating on early adopters instead of the
understanding of change or resistance included
hardcore resisters. In some situations, strong and
conducting readiness or adoption assessments,
enthusiastic early adopters could be seen as a
creating the time and space necessary for change,
quick win and immediate proof of the viability of a
and setting realistic expectations about change.
change; focusing on hardcore resisters was a waste
4. Engage and support leadership of time and energy when there were already people
Participants frequently identified leadership as in a position to act as change champions within
a key element and necessary resource during the organization.
change; engaging and supporting leadership was
important for dealing with employee resistance.
Many participants felt it was the job of leadership,
Primary Reasons Managers
not change management practitioners, to set an
example for employees and deal with resistance. Resisted Change
Engaging managers, supervisors and executives Source date: 2016
in change accomplished this. These efforts were
supplemented by providing support for leadership Participants identified five primary reasons managers
in the form of training and guidance regarding resisted change.
change management.
1. Organizational culture
5. Encourage individual stakeholder engagement Participants reported that organizational culture
Techniques used to further this goal included was a primary cause of resistance. Specifics included
studying stakeholder groups to understand them and risk-averse cultures, past negative experience with
selling individual benefits of change, particularly change, groupism versus organizational dedication,
by emphasizing “what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM). and issues such as mistrust between departments
Encouraging stakeholder engagement at the and reporting levels. In cultures devoid of
individual level was a valuable tool for addressing sponsorship in which leaders and direct supervisors
resistance because engaging with change on a failed to support them, managers felt undermined.
person-by-person basis allowed for direct input by
2. Lack of awareness and knowledge about change
employees and personalized approaches to change.
Lack of knowledge about what a change entailed,
lack of information and understanding regarding
return on investment (ROI) and reasons for change,

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Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

and lack of knowledge for personal reasons for a Avoidable Manager Resistance
change (“what’s in it for me?” or WIIFM) were cited
as reasons managers resisted change. “They didn’t
Participants in the 2019 study reported on the amount of
understand it and/or they didn’t get the support they
resistance from managers that could have been avoided
needed. Managers have the greatest challenge as they
with the implementation of change management.
are in charge of translating the change message from
Fifty-one percent indicated that more than half of the
the top to their employees. If they don’t understand the
resistance they experienced from managers could have
change or don’t have the support to do it, it makes them
been avoided, a slight increase from 49% in the 2017 study.
more resistant.”

3. Lack of buy-in Figure 8.19 – Percentage of manager resistance seen

There were multiple reasons participants felt that as avoidable
managers did not buy-in to change. Managers: 2019
• Believed the change would fail or was a bad solution None 5%

• Were comfortable with the status quo 20%

1 - 24 21%
• Believed it was out of line with company goals as 17%

they knew them

25 - 49 25%
• Did not like what the change entailed or 29%
required of them

• Feared losing control, power or status 50 - 74 33%


• Did not want increased visibility or accountability 17%

75 - 100 16%
4. Misalignment of project goals and 16%

personal incentives 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Issues on the project management side were Percent of Respondents

consistent reasons for manager resistance including

pace of the change, lack of metrics, metrics that did
not align with promotion parameters or pay/bonus
scales and misaligned incentives. Participants Effective Steps for Avoiding or Preventing
acknowledged that these deterrents or lack of Manager/Supervisor Resistance
incentives made change unappealing to managers.
Source date: 2016
5. Lack of confidence in their own ability to manage
people side of change Participants in the 2015 study identified the steps
A recurring reason cited for managers’ resistance they took to avoid resistance from managers and
had to do with their inability to be a leader of change supervisors. They specifically indicated which steps
and facilitate its adoption. They lacked the skills were the most effective in mitigating resistance before
to manage resistance and communicate difficult it surfaced. Participants overwhelmingly reported that
messages to direct reports. communicating with employees was most effective.

170 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

1. Communicate Ineffective Methods of

Participants said that communicating with
Managing Resistance
managers and supervisors was the most effective
way to mitigate resistance before it surfaced. By Source date: 2016
more than a 2:1 margin, communicating openly,
honestly and timely was the best way to avoid Participants in the 2015 study identified the methods they
or prevent resistance. Participants stated it was used to manage resistance that they found to be ineffective.
important to ensure that communications were
1. Ignoring resistance
tailored to the audience and to set up feedback
Participants said that executives ignoring resistance
mechanisms for managers and supervisors to share
or pretending it was not a real issue were the most
their thoughts and feelings about change.
ineffective methods. Participants reported that
2. Involve impacted groups resistance had negative consequences and leaving
Engaging impacted groups early in the process any potential resistance unchecked compounded
helped create a sense of ownership in the project those consequences.
and thus lessened resistance.
2. Broadcasting one-way communications
3. Address ADKAR barriers Having executives send mass emails to the
Participants used the Prosci ADKAR® Model to organization highlighting change had little effect
focus on avoiding resistance. Specific actions for on managing resistance. These messages included
addressing ADKAR barriers included coaching sending messages that did not target a group or
and training managers and supervisors to use individual but that blanketed the organization
the new solution, having a highly credible as one group. Newsletters, memos and speeches
sponsor, and setting up reinforcement methods to large groups were also ineffective ways to
throughout the project. manage resistance.

4. Share the need for change 3. Using threats, fear or coercion

An executive sharing the need for change also Creating fear around consequences of not adopting
addressed resistance. Recommendations from the change, putting additional pressures on
participants included explaining why the change employees or outright threatening employees if
was necessary, sharing a vision for the organization’s they were resisting change caused resistance to go
future state, and informing people of business drivers. underground and did little to address it. Problems
associated with resistance were still present, but the
5. Engage senior leaders
source of resistance was much harder to identify.
Participants recommended engaging direct senior
leaders and getting them on board early to advocate 4. Dictating, mandating or telling people to change
change with their direct reports and leveraging When executives assumed that telling people to change
senior leaders to meet one-on-one with and was sufficient, more resistance to change emerged.
influence their direct reports.

Participants also said that showing the benefits of

Impacts of Using Pain And/Or Fear
change from the onset helped. They recommended to Manage Change
identifying and planning for resistance rather than just
Source date: 2016
letting it surface. In doing so, they had actions in place
to address resistance quickly when it occurred. A critical
Participants reported on the impact that using of pain
success factor in their proactive resistance management
and/or fear had on managing resistance. Although some
approach was having an active and visible sponsor that
participants reported that they had never used this
employees trusted to lead change.
method, the majority said that using pain and/or fear

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Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

to manage resistance had an overall negative impact,

though a small percentage said it served a valuable Participants cited some instances in which using pain
purpose during some scenarios. and/or fear was useful or effective.

1. Negative impact 1. If used to highlight deficiencies of the

Participants identified four negative outcomes current state
of using pain and/or fear to manage resistance. Some participants felt that using pain and/or fear
Firstly, using pain and/or fear masked resistance, could be an effective technique when it was used
forcing resistance to go underground where it went to illustrate the pain caused by the current state
unaddressed. Secondly, using pain and/or fear led which could be alleviated by undergoing and
to an increase in absenteeism and lack of employee participating in change. One participant called it
effectiveness. Thirdly, using pain and/or fear created “the pain or fear of not changing.”
distrust between employees and change leaders and 2. If applied in a conducive culture
often led to a decline in morale. Finally, participants Some participants felt that using pain and/or fear
cited that using pain and/or fear led to an increase in could be successful in the right organization and
attrition among impacted groups. As one participant environment. If use of pain and/or fear is the norm
reported, “The best and brightest are the first to go.” for that organization or if that organization’s culture
2. Short-term results embraces tactics of this nature, then the tactics can
Participants felt that use of pain and/or fear to be effective.
manage resistance often got short-term compliance 3. If used as a last resort
but did not have positive, longterm effects on Participants who felt that using pain and/or fear did
managing resistance. Pain and/or fear also reduced not aid with managing resistance in the long-term
employee trust and made future projects much less did not dismiss these tactics. Pain and/or fear could
likely to succeed. be used as a last resort, employed when the failure of
3. Increased resistance change would bring about worse consequences.
The third most common response was that pain
and/or fear increased resistance. Participants
described lack of employee engagement and a culture
of change resistance that stemmed from use of pain
and/or fear as a tactic to manage initial resistance.

172 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Reinforcement and Feedback

Determining Whether Employees Are 6. Tracking general use of and proficiency with
implemented changes
Engaging in Change
Monitoring use of changes and associated
Source date: 2011 procedures indicated engagement in a concrete,
evident manner. Including metrics for proficient use
Participants in the 2011 study shared the most effective of change systems in tracking and documentation
methods they used to determine whether employees were clarified the extent of engagement.
engaging in change. The top methods were:

1. Using surveys, assessments and feedback systems

to measure engagement Planning for Reinforcement and
Participants used a number of vehicles to collect
Sustainment Activities
direct feedback from impacted employees to monitor
engagement, including surveys, engagement
assessments and formal feedback mechanisms such Sixty-five percent of participants reported planning for
as dedicated email inboxes, comment drop-boxes reinforcement and sustainment activities on their project
and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) forums. (Figure 8.20).

2. Observing and interacting informally with

Figure 8.20 – Planning for reinforcement on
change recipients project success
Participants suggested observing change recipients’
reactions and responses to change through informal Don’t Know - 7%

interaction to determine engagement. The informal

nature of this method encourages an open, honest
view of change engagement.

3. Monitoring engagement through feedback

channels and networks No - 28%

Participants used communication networks and

organizational channels including managers, change
agents, trainers and Human Resources (HR) to
determine overall employee engagement throughout Yes - 65%

the organization.

4. Soliciting feedback by creating deliberate

Allotting dedicated opportunities for input and Those who planned for reinforcement and sustainment
questions from change recipients during events reported greater success with projects. Figure 8.21 shows
and meetings related to change motivated open, that 63% of participants who planned for reinforcement
continuous feedback on employee engagement. or sustainment met or exceeded project objectives.
5. Tracking fluctuations in performance Participants who did not plan for reinforcement and
Defining and tracking key performance indicators sustainment activities met or exceeded project objectives
(KPIs) offered evidence of productive engagement less than half of the time.
regarding change and comparisons with benchmarks
and projected outcomes.

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Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

Figure 8.21 – Impact of planning for reinforcement on Figure 8.23 – Impact of allocating resources to
project success reinforcement on meeting objectives
2019 80
2017 68%

Percent of Respondents That Met

70 68%

or Exceeded Objectives
64% 63%
Percent of Respondents That Met or

50 48%
Exceeded Project Objectives

52% 40
42% 30

40 20

30 10

20 Did Not Allocate Resources Allocated Resources
for Reinforcement and for Reinforcement and
Sustainment Activities Sustainment Activities

Did Not Plan for Reinforcement Planned for Reinforcement Tactics to Reinforce and Sustain Change
and Sustainment Activities and Sustainment Activities

Source date: 2013

Resourcing for Reinforcement Participants identified four tactics used to reinforce and
and Sustainment sustain change.

1. Ongoing and consistent communication

Participants indicated whether project resources were Participants highlighted the need for consistent
allocated to reinforcement and sustainment. Forty-four and continuous communication. Communication
percent reported that resources were allocated for included updates about project progress, employee
reinforcement and sustainment, a 2% increase from the follow-ups, benefit realization reports and other
previous study. messages about change. Participants emphasized the
importance of messages delivered by senior leaders.
Figure 8.22 – Allocated resources to reinforcement
2. Support mechanisms
and sustainment
Participants identified use of support mechanisms to
reinforce and sustain change. Support mechanisms
included visible support from leaders, change
42% champions and super users. Participants identified
that support mechanisms contributed most to
47% reinforcement when they were available during each
stage of change. Participants underscored one-on-one
coaching as a way to sustain engagement from
impacted groups throughout the project. In some
Don't know cases, a team created to sustain a project after the
go-live date provided support.
0 10 20 30 40 50
3. Tracking
Percent of Respondents
Participants highlighted use of tracking to
reinforce and sustain change. Tracking measures
Participants who allocated resources to reinforcement included surveys, assessments, progress reports
and sustainment reported greater success with projects. and performance monitoring. Participants used
Figure 8.23 shows that 68% of participants who key performance indicators (KPIs) and other
allocated resources to reinforcement and sustainment performance measures to gauge use of new systems
met or exceeded project objectives compared to the or processes.
48% of participants who did not allocate resources to
reinforcement and sustainment.

174 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

4. Rewards and recognition Figure 8.25 – Best provider of reinforcement

Participants highlighted use of rewards and and recognition
recognition as a tactic when reinforcing and Individual
sustaining change. Rewards and recognition
Direct 10%
included celebrating successes (both large and Supervisor
small), rewarding employee buy-in, and recognizing
individuals impacted by or managing change. Mid-Level 30%
Participants underscored the importance of not 12%

only rewarding employees for success and project

Primary 41%
adoption but also showing appreciation for effort Sponsor
from individuals.
Project 4%

Roles in Reinforcement and Sustainment Change


Team 2%
Source date: 2013
Human 2%
Participants in the 2013 study identified who was
responsible for reinforcement and sustainment 6%
activities on their change initiative (Figure 8.24). Half Other
of participants said it was the leader or manager of an
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
impacted group. Thirty-eight percent reported that the Percent of Respondents
change management resource or team was responsible
for this effort.

Figure 8.24 – Role responsible for reinforcement Individual Reinforcement

and sustainment
Source date: 2013
Leader or
Manager of 50%
Impacted Group 2013 study participants identified the most effective ways
Management 38%
to reinforce and sustain change at the individual level,
Resource or Team
citing four tactics.
Project Leader 1. Communicating success
Project Team
Communicate consistently and continuously,
Members including progress updates and short-term successes.
Use positive and consistent communications in both
No One
one-on-one situations between a supervisor and
Other 8% direct report and with peers in informal settings.
Communicate through post-implementation of the
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
project to drive sustained change.
Percent of Respondents

2. Providing and collecting feedback

Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple
Ensure that feedback is collected at all levels, and
responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.
demonstrate that feedback was heard. Address both
In the 2011 study, participants identified who would positive and negative feedback using one-on-one
be the best provider of reinforcement and recognition. and team meeting settings. Provide honest and
Figure 8.25 shows the groups participants identified helpful feedback to end users during implementation
as the best providers at both the individual and group and post-implementation.
levels. Although participants leaned toward the direct 3. Recognizing and rewarding adoption
supervisor for individual recognition, the primary Provide a variety of channels for recognition
sponsor or mid-level manager was identified as the best through both one-on-one and team meetings
provider of group recognition. with direct reports. Acknowledge success of both

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 175

Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

short-term wins and long-term goal achievement. level. Get executive leaders and steering committees
Show appreciation for effort made by individuals. to share status updates and offer feedback.
Celebrate success and offer incentives throughout
each phase of change.

4. Providing on-the-job support Mistakes to Avoid When

Make support mechanisms available during each Reinforcing Change
phase of change. Provide technical and moral
support from super users, change champions, Source date: 2016

leaders and early adopters. Allow for practicing

and trial experiences with the future state. When participants were asked to identify which mistakes
Provide job aids, help desks and updated should be avoided when reinforcing change, the four
process documentation. primary responses were:

1. Do not forget to plan for reinforcement

The top mistake to avoid when reinforcing change
Group Reinforcement was not planning for reinforcement at the beginning
of a project. This can be done by ensuring there is a
Source date: 2013
budget and time allotted for reinforcement activities.
Do not ignore the importance of reinforcement for
Participants identified the five most effective ways to
project success.
reinforce and sustain change at the group level.
2. Avoid making decisions based on assumptions
1. Communication
Participants also voiced that assumptions should be
Communicate key messages consistently with
avoided, including that the work is completed when
each group to share status updates and success
the project is launched, employees know their roles,
stories. Share lessons learned, frequently asked
and there is a reinforcement leader.
questions and success within the team. Make
multiple forms of communication available to each 3. Avoid unclear communication
group or division. Provide clear and consistent communication that
encourages honest feedback. Take the time to
2. Recognition
listen to valid concerns from employees. Ensure
Recognize wins at the group level in public,
project managers are on the same page before
informally and face-to-face. Acknowledge the effort
messages are sent.
of each team and celebrate positive outcomes. Include
recognition and acknowledgment from leadership. 4. Do not forget to follow through
Participants reported that it was important to follow
3. Workshops
a clear plan that leaves no room for backsliding.
Deliver workshops, training and group activities
Follow-through can occur by acknowledging
that provide a strong, fun learning environment in
milestones and rewarding demonstrated ability at
which individuals can learn from each other while
the individual level.
supporting the team as a whole. Offer pre- and
post-implementation workshops providing support
and follow-ups. Allow groups to participate,
share successes, voice opinions and improve How Reinforcement Was Handled After
collective efforts. Project Closure
4. Key performance indicators (KPIs) Source date: 2013
Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to track
and report progress. Record metrics and publish Participants reported on the challenge of reinforcing
organizational results. Include accountability in change after project closure. The following elements for
job descriptions and create ownership. reinforcing and sustaining change after project closure
5. Sponsorship were identified.
Encourage sponsors to share the bigger picture and
strategy of the company and to be visible at the group

176 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

1. Ongoing communication 2. Aligned to project goals

Continuous and ongoing communication was the Participants also embedded project goals into
top-cited tactic for reinforcing and sustaining performance appraisals and measures. Goals specific
change after a project closed. Participants stressed to change were embedded in overarching annual
the importance of communicating through goals and existing key performance indicators (KPIs).
various avenues and highlighting the benefits KPIs specific to change were incorporated into
and positive effects of change to impacted performance plans for managers and supervisors.
employees. Encouraging and supporting two-way
3. Established incentive programs
communication by gathering feedback and following
Rewards and recognition were presented as
up with employees was critical.
possibilities if performance appraisals were positive
2. Support systems allowing participants to incentivize employees to
Participants noted that creating an environment adopt change.
of support was instrumental to reinforcing and
sustaining change after project closure. Support Participants in the 2007 study indicated that
systems included help desks, management support performance appraisals, which link business goals to
systems and tailored support activities. Some individual performance, enhance change adoption by:
tailored activities included post-implementation
• Clarifying roles and expectations for
workshops and targeted events that encouraged
every employee
impacted groups to participate, share success
Goals specific to and focused on individual
stories and voice opinions on how a project went.
contributions remove uncertainty and provide
Management support systems involved one-on-one
the necessary structure for employees to
coaching from supervisors, help centers and super
support new business objectives. “Structure
user communities.
drives behavior, so make sure how people are
3. Transition plan measured and rewarded supports the strategy and
Participants highlighted the importance of expected behaviors of the company.”
having a transition plan. For some projects, a team
• Rewarding change adopters in an
is established after a project closes to execute
equitable manner
the transition plan. Key responsibilities of the
Employees quickly recognize value placed on
team included following up with impacted
change when tied to pay. Incentives that go
groups, creating documentation processes for
hand-in-hand with performance increase the
employees, and assigning clear and consistent
likelihood of positive outcomes.
staff responsibilities after a project closed.
• Creating an accountability model
Goals tied to performance and business
objectives allow managers to check, correct and
Using Performance Appraisals and celebrate wins along the way.
Measures to Encourage Adoption
• Identifying and managing resistance
Source date: 2013 Performance appraisals address and offer
consequences for non-compliance.
Participants in the 2013 study shared how they used
performance appraisals and measures to encourage In addition to using performance appraisals to reinforce
change adoption. The top three methods were: change, more than half of 2007 participants cited using
new job descriptions as an additional mechanism to
1. Embedded new behaviors in performance appraisals reinforce change.
Participants tied desired behaviors to employees’
individual performance goals and evaluations.
Integrating the two provided greater incentives
for employees to carry out new behaviors required
by change.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 177

Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

Change Readiness
Defining Change Readiness Readiness Evaluation
Source date: 2016 Source date: 2013

Participants in the 2015 study identified how they Forty-three percent of participants reported that their
defined change readiness within their organization. organizations evaluated general readiness for change
The top five responses were: (Figure 8.26).

1. Organizational preparedness
Figure 8.26 – Organization evaluated general readiness
Respondents identified various facets of organizational for change
preparedness as criteria for defining change readiness.
Examples included change infrastructure in place, Don’t Know - 6%

training completed, resources for change readily

available, sponsor committed to change and clear
objectives/plans in place for the change. Yes - 43%

2. Open attitudes toward change from

the organization No - 51%

The definition of change readiness also included

attitudes the organization held toward change. Change
readiness was defined by an attitude of receptiveness
toward change and willingness to change and
successful management of employee resistance.

3. Individual preparedness
Respondents identified individual preparedness as
a factor used to define change readiness. Individual
However, more than 50% evaluated organizational
preparedness was frequently defined as individuals
readiness for their specific change (Figure 8.27).
being ready, willing and able to implement change.
A number of respondents noted that the Prosci ADKAR Figure 8.27 – Evaluated change readiness on
criteria were helpful tools to define and measure particular projects
individual preparedness for change.

4. Effective communication regarding the Don’t Know - 5%

upcoming change
Effective communication regarding change was noted
as an important factor to define change readiness.
Communication ideally results in a high degree of
understanding of both the nature of and the need No - 42%

for change and change management generally. One

participant reported, “Change readiness is the extent to
Yes - 53%
which an individual is likely to understand, accept and
implement a particular set of changes.”

5. Smooth implementation of change

Some respondents identified success or ease of
implementation as criteria for defining change
readiness. This was characterized by adoption of
change resulting in minimal business impacts, high
competency when implementing change or the
technical readiness of the system.

178 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Assessing Change Readiness Evaluating Readiness at Individual and

Source date: 2016 Group Levels
Source date: 2013
Participants in the 2015 study described the primary
methods used to assess their organization’s change In comparison to more than half of participants in the
readiness. The top responses were similar to findings 2013 study who evaluated organizational readiness for
from the 2011 study. their change initiatives, only one in three participants
1. Written assessments and surveys evaluated readiness at the individual level (Figure 8.28).
Participants favored using written assessments and
surveys to identify change readiness. Participants Figure 8.28 – Evaluated change readiness at the
individual level
used a variety of tools to gather information on the
change readiness of their organization including Don’t Know - 4%
readiness assessment, business impact assessment,
change characteristics assessment, organizational
attributes assessment, gap analysis, perception survey,
stakeholder analysis and change portfolio assessment.

2. Meetings and trainings No - 63%

Participants cited meetings and trainings as
means of identifying their organization’s change
readiness. At these events, key stakeholders were Yes - 33%

communicated with to ensure change goals were

aligned and to address issues from different levels
of the organization.

3. Interviews
Participants reported that interviews with senior The 33% of participants who evaluated individual
leaders, managers and end users were an effective readiness explained their considerations and methods for
way to gauge their organization’s change readiness. evaluating an individual’s readiness for change.
Interviews also had the benefit of allowing 1. Assessed individual drivers
one-on-one interactions with these groups. Informal, Mentioned over three times more frequently than
confidential discussions provided insights on the other factors, individual drivers of change included:
readiness of the change and surfaced potential
• Individual awareness of the need for change
obstacles or resistance.
• Individual understanding of what change was
Additional means of readiness identification included: occurring and how the change was going to
affect them and their role in the organization
• Sponsor determination – Executives and senior
leaders solely determined the change readiness • Individual knowledge and skills required to
in the organization operate in the new environment and the gap
between skills and knowledge used in the
• Previous change experience – Participants
current environment
identified change readiness based on previous
change management experience • Individual desire to participate in and
embrace change
• Nothing – A few participants indicated that
their organization did not perform any actions • Personal circumstances that might influence
to identify the level of change readiness change readiness

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 179

Part 2: Chapter 8 – Change Management Activities

2. Assessed the support network Participants also shared methods used to evaluate
Participants evaluated employees’ support networks to individual readiness factors. The majority of participants
ensure employees could approach their managers with identified the Prosci ADKAR Model as a foundation for
questions and concerns regarding change. Participants evaluation. Participants employed a variety of general
evaluated sponsorship to ensure sponsors were end-user readiness assessments.
prepared to help with questions and concerns.
Other methods included:
Additional factors included:
• Stakeholder analysis
• Communication effectiveness
• One-on-one meetings with managers
• Personality of the individual
• Individual feedback
• Training needs
• A change agent network
• Individual change history
• Surveys

• Personality assessments

180 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

2 Chapter 9

PM and CM Integration
The Power of Complementary Disciplines Working in
Partnership Toward a Common Objective

Summary Highlight

Leading organizations are effectively executing an Nearly three-quarters of

intentional integration of change management and project participants (74%) integrated
management. This chapter includes benchmarking data on change management and project
the prevalence and degree of integration, segmented by management in some way.
region and organization size. Learn how practitioners are
integrating change management and project management
along the dimensions of people, processes and tools.
Together with your counterparts in project management,
tailor a research-based integration plan to leverage the
power of these two crucial disciplines working in tandem to
produce results and outcomes.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Project Management and Change Figure 9.3 shows segmentation on integration by

industry. Results are shown relative to the sample
Management Integration on Projects
average of 74%.

Seventy-four percent of participants in the 2019 study Figure 9.3 – Integrated change management and project
integrated change management and project management management by industry
(Figure 9.1). Entire Study
Population 74%

Food/Beverage 93%
Figure 9.1 – Integrated change management and
Non-Profit 91%
project management
Oil & Gas 83%
80 77% 75% 2019 Consumer Goods
Manufacturing 81%
Utilities 80%
70 2015
Government -
Local & Municipal 80%

60 Other 80%
Percent of Respondents

Transportation &
Warehousing 79%
Health Care 77%
Development and
40 Manufacturing 77%

Finance 76%
Consulting 75%
20% 21% 21% Manufacturing
20 75%
Professional, Scientific,
& Technical Services 71%
10 Government - State 71%
4% 5%
Government - Federal 70%
Yes No Don't know Retail Trade 69%
Information Services 68%

Banking 67%
Prevalence of Integration Education Services 67%

Insurance 66%

Figure 9.2 presents segmentation on integration by Telecommunications 66%

region. Results are shown relative to the entire sample Government - Other 57%

average of 74%. Respondents from United States, Middle

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
East, Latin America, Europe and Canada reported levels Percent of Respondents
of integration higher than the overall average.

Figure 9.2 – Integrated change management and project

management by region

Entire Study Population 74%

United States 81%

Middle East 80%

Latin America 78%

Europe 77%

Canada 75%

Australia and 74%

New Zealand

Asia and Pacific Islands 71%

Africa 71%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 183

Part 2: Chapter 9 – PM and CM Integration

Figures 9.4 and 9.5 present further segmentation on Impact of Integration

integration by organization size, both annual revenue
and number of employees.
Participants who integrated project management and
change management reported meeting or exceeding
Figure 9.4 – Integrated change management and project
management by annual revenue project objectives more than those who did not. Figure
9.6 shows that 47% of participants who integrated project
Entire Study Population 74% management and change management met or exceeded
project objectives compared to only 30% who did not.
More Than $5 Billion 81%

$2.5 Billion - $5 Billion 75% Figure 9.6 – Impact of integration on meeting objectives
$1 Billion - $2.5 Billion 72% 50 47%

$500 Million - $1 Billion

Percent of Respondents Who Met or


Exceeded Project Objectives

$250 Million - $500 Million 73%
$100 Million - $250 Million 72% 30

$50 Million - $100 Million 73%

$25 Million - $50 Million 73%

$10 Million - $25 Million 74% 10

Less Than $10 Million 72%

Integrated CM and PM Did Not Integrate CM and PM
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents

Participants who integrated project management

Figure 9.5 – Integrated change management and project and change management reported higher change
management by number of employees management effectiveness compared to participants
who did not integrate. Figure 9.7 shows that 57% of
Entire Study Population 74%
participants who integrated also rated the effectiveness
More than 35,000 77% of their change management as good or excellent
20,000 - 34,999 67% compared to only 30% of participants who did not.

10,000 - 19,999 75% Figure 9.7 – Impact of integration on change

5,000 - 9,999 72%
management effectiveness
Integrated PM and CM
2,500 - 4,999 73% Did Not Have Integrate PM and CM
1,000 - 2,499 83% 45%

500 - 999 74%


100 - 499 69% 34%

Percent of Respondents

1 - 99 73% 30
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents 20

9% 10%


Poor Fair Good Excellent

184 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Steps to Integrate Project and Advice on Integrating Change and

Change Management Project Management
Source date: 2013 Source date: 2016

Participants who integrated project and change Participants in the 2015 study identified what advice they
management explained general steps they took to do so. would give to a change practitioner working to integrate
project and change management.
1. Add change management to the project plan
Integration occurred by augmenting a project plan 1. Use a structured plan
with change management and including change Participants identified use of clearly structured
management milestones. Activities that were added integration plans as crucial when integrating project
included building communication plans, designing and change management. Examples include using
reinforcement plans, gaining sponsor support and a simple and consistent plan, engaging early at
conducting employee interviews. the initiation of the project, conducting impact
assessments and incorporating adequate time and
2. Work collaboratively with the project team
other resources into the integration plan.
Project and change management teams shared
progress reports and project updates and 2. Communicate
communicated regularly with team leaders to Respondents frequently noted the importance
carry out collaboration. Tasks, such as conducting of clear and frequent communication during an
impact analyses and creating work breakdown integration project. The most commonly identified
structures, were conducted collaboratively between communication strategy involved clear and explicit
teams. Change practitioners also participated in role definition. Many participants felt this was
meetings that were traditionally specific to project necessary for successful integration. Respondents
management including project team, status and also identified face-to-face communication as
decision-making meetings. Informal and ad hoc a highly effective technique and “[using] data
meetings also encouraged collaboration. to back up your activities,” particularly when
communicating the benefits of integration to
3. Align change plans with project plans
leadership within the organization.
Change plans were aligned with existing project
plans. Participants coordinated change management 3. Build a relationship
timelines, work streams and critical project Participants identified a patient and persistent
milestones with project management requirements. attitude as key to building these relationships.
Plans were aligned at team meetings or to accord Techniques included leveraging existing or planned
with work breakdown structures. activities as opportunities to integrate, highlighting
the co-dependent “two-sides-of-the-same-coin”
4. Combine or assign responsibilities and roles
nature of the relationship between project and
Change management responsibilities were added
change management, and integrating change
to the project team. Similarly, participants
management practitioners into the project
assigned change management activities to project
management team and activities.
team members. Participants combined leader
roles, assigning accountability for both functions 4. Emphasize the benefits of change management
to a single resource. Others assigned a dedicated Participants noted that emphasizing and explaining
change practitioner to the project team to the benefits of both change management and
facilitate integration. integration was helpful to increase support for
the project and reduce resistance to integration.
5. Provide change management training to
Participants suggested explaining the necessity
project team
of change management and using data-backed
Project teams were trained in change management
arguments to prove these points.
principles and concepts. Key project management
resources were certified in change management, not 5. Educate and train
only to build their own capabilities in integration, Participants identified education and training
but also to encourage knowledge dissemination as crucial tools when working on a project that
across their teams.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 185

Part 2: Chapter 9 – PM and CM Integration

integrates project and change management. applying internally developed methodologies

Education was needed for both change and with built-in integration of project and change
project management teams regarding each other’s management. Organizations preferred integrating
techniques and objectives. the functions to prevent project and change teams
from working in isolation. Others integrated to reduce
6. Secure sponsorship
resource costs by combining role responsibilities.
Respondents noted the importance of executive
support and support from influential adopters and 5. Nature of the project called for integration
leaders of project management teams. The nature of some projects supported the case
for integration of change and project management.
Integration seemed natural when “the change
affected everyone in the organization,” and it
Reasons for Integrating Project and “ just made sense.”
Change Management
Source date: 2013
Reasons for Not Integrating Project and
The participants who integrated change and project Change Management
management provided their reasons for doing so.
Source date: 2013
1. Viewed integration as critical to success
The largest group of participants who integrated The participants who kept change and project
change and project management did so because management separate explained the reasons for doing so.
the organization viewed it as necessary and
1. Integration was not considered
critical to success.
The largest group of those who did not integrate
2. Requested by project managers or other either did not consider integrating or did not
influential individuals consider it until after project initiation. Time
Project and change management were integrated constraints on a project made integration after
at the request of a project manager or another initial planning appear impractical.
influential leader. Project managers who supported
2. Separation of functions was preferred
change management involvement, or who were
Organizational preference or the preference of a
experienced in change management themselves, was
project leader led to separation. This intentional
the most common group to make this request. Senior
separation prevented overlapping of responsibilities
executives, external consultants and clients also
and accountability.
pushed for integration.
3. Experienced resources were unavailable
3. Experience with or without integration
Some organizations lacked experienced change
The success of past projects that integrated project
management resources. Without support from
and change management encouraged participants
a dedicated resource, the idea of integrating
to integrate again. Failure of projects that lacked
was considered only briefly and not acted upon.
integration also motivated participants to integrate.
Additionally, project sponsors who “wanted to save
Past project plans that were focused only technically
money” did not see the value in appointing a change
and did not consider employee adoption were
management resource to a project.
linked to project failures. As a reaction, change
management was integrated to address adoption, 4. Nature of project prevented integration
coordinate communications and manage resistance. The nature of some projects prevented integration.
Integration also made it easier for work teams to Separation was considered more effective for large-scale
assign accountability. projects with a widespread impact. Functions were
not integrated when a project was informal or when
4. Organizational preferences for integration
a formalized project plan did not exist.
Some participants cited that integration was a
common practice for the organization. Many were

186 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

5. Lack of buy-in from project manager Figure 9.9 – Project and change management tools that
or organization were integrated
Integration was hindered by project managers who
did not buy into the need for change management. Communications Plan 91%

A general lack of organizational awareness of the Project Plan 81%

need for change management also created a barrier Training Plan 79%
to integration. Schedule 78%

Stakeholder Analysis / 68%

Dimensions of Integration Impact Analysis /

Scope 60%

Participants who integrated project management and Lessons Learned 56%

change management did so across various dimensions Risk Analysis /
Assessment / Log
of integration (Figure 9.8). People and processes were
Business Case 52%
the most common levels where integration occurred.
Readiness Assessment 51%

Issue List 49%

Figure 9.8 – Dimensions of integration
Sponsor Roadmap 47%

People 89% Surveys 46%

Charter 42%
Processes 77%
Transition Plan 41%

Results and 55% Work Breakdown 40%

Structure (WBS)
RACI Chart 39%
Tools 51%
Coaching Plans 34%

Methodology 50% Resistance 34%

Management Plan
Statement of Work (SOW) 28%
Other 3%
Sustainability Plan 18%
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents Other 3%

0 20 40 60 80 100
Editor’s note: Participants could select more than one option,
Percent of Respondents
resulting in a total of more than 100%.

Process Integration
Tool Integration Source date: 2013

Source date: 2013

Participants who integrated at the process level
explained the steps taken to bring activities of project
The participants who integrated project and change
and change management together during the lifecycle
management tools identified which tools were integrated
of a project.
(Figure 9.9). Communication plans were integrated the
most (91%), followed by project (81%) and training plans 1. Aligning or integrating plans, activities
(79%). Tools that were integrated by the fewest number and teams
of participants included sustainability plans (18%), and Some participants aligned change deliverables and
statements of work (28%). timelines with project plans. To ensure alignment,
change plans were built with input from a project
team during planning phases. Project plans were
integrated to include tasks and activities from
both disciplines. Integrated teams worked together
on documentation and activities such as current

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 187

Part 2: Chapter 9 – PM and CM Integration

state analyses and creating work breakdown

structures. Integrated teams also consolidated role Figure 9.10 – Integration at stages of the project lifecycle
responsibilities and merged content from toolkits. No Integration
Some or Significant Integration
2. Training project teams in change management 100
7% 6%
Participants trained entire project teams in change 16%
management practices or a single team member
80 38%
who was encouraged to disseminate knowledge
to the rest of the team. Other training methods

Percent of Respondents
included group workshops or distribution of job aids 60
and educational materials. 93% 99% 94%
3. Adding change management tasks to the
project plan
Change management tasks were added to the
project plan, and some practitioners redesigned 20

project plans to accommodate these tasks. Tasks

included impact assessments, risk mitigation plans
and reinforcement plans. Many participants added Project Project Project Project Project
Initiation Planning Design Implementation Closure
tasks focused on building adoption. Examples
included involving end users to gain buy-in, forming
performance metrics for adoption rates, interviewing
impacted individuals or gathering feedback to Perception of Change Management
monitor adoption.
by Project Teams
4. Collaborating with key departments
or individuals Source date: 2016

Collaboration occurred with training departments,

business analysts, functional leaders, project Seventy-two percent of participants in the 2015 study
managers or project teams. Frequent meetings reported that their project teams considered change
facilitated interaction between these groups. In management either critical or necessary (Figure 9.11),
some cases, change teams acted in a support role an increase from 71% in 2013.
for project teams. In others, project teams formed
their own change plans to be executed by a separate Figure 9.11 – Project team view of the role of
change management
change management team.
16% 2013
Critical and of the
15% 2011
Highest Priority
Integration Across the Project Lifecycle 26%

Source date: 2013 56%

Necessary and 56%
Participants who integrated project and change
management explained the stages during the project 23%
Just Another
lifecycle in which the disciplines were integrated (Figure Activity
9.10). Ninety-nine percent of participants integrated the
two functions during the implementation phase. Only 5%
62% of participants integrated at project initiation. Little Value 5%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Percent of Respondents

188 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Participants shared how their project team’s perceptions to achieve the goals and objectives of the project;
of change management had changed within the past and jointly conducting a return on investment (ROI)
several years (Figure 9.12). Over one third (36%) said calculation for change management.
perceptions had increased significantly, and 49%
2. Educate the project team on change management
said it had increased slightly. Fewer than 4% felt that
Providing education on change management was
perceptions had decreased.
cited as an effective way to engage the project
team. Educational topics frequently cited included
Figure 9.12 – Change in project team perception
how change management work is performed, how
2015 change management work is integrated with project
Increased 36% 2013
Significantly management and the value of change management.

3. Integration of change management and

Increased Slightly project management
Research participants described various forms of
11% integration to be of value including integrating
Value is the Same
10% project and change management methodologies,
integrating change activities into project plans,
Decreased Slightly and integrating change management and project
management teams.
Decreased 1%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Obstacles with Project Team

Percent of Respondents
Source date: 2016
Effective Steps for Engaging the
For the first time, participants identified obstacles with
Project Team
project teams when integrating change management
Source date: 2016 (Figure 9.13). The largest obstacle identified was lack of
knowledge and understanding of change management
Participants described the techniques they found to be (69%) followed by role confusion (50%).
effective in engaging with project teams to ensure that
change management principles were applied successfully. Figure 9.13 – Obstacles when introducing change
For each of the techniques listed, participants frequently management to a project team
cited the need to conduct these activities early in the
Lack of Knowledge and
project lifecycle and to engage the project team early on. Understanding of 69%
Change Management

1. Describe the value of change management to the Role Confusion 50%

project team No Budget, Resources

or Time to do 36%
Participants cited several techniques for describing Change Management

the value of change management which began Did Not See the
Importance of 26%
with ensuring the project’s business objectives Change Management
Assumption That Change
were clearly defined. These techniques included Management Slowed 24%
Down the Project
the project sponsor conducting a kickoff meeting
Other 13%
to coach project team members on describing the
business objectives of the project, not just the 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Percent of Respondents
technical criteria; working with the project leaders
to collaboratively define the outcomes needed to Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple
achieve the overall project goals; holding a workshop responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.
early in the project to demonstrate the importance
of people adopting and using the solution in order

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 189

Part 2: Chapter 9 – PM and CM Integration

What Would You Do Differently on the on a project. Participants indicated they had to
sell the story of change management to project
Next Project Regarding Integrating Change
managers to ensure they understood the need for
Management into Project Activities? effectively managing the people side of change.
Source date: 2009 Participants also provided tactical suggestions
including having the project team work in
Participants in the 2009 study provided a number of partnership on change management issues, sitting
suggestions regarding what they would do differently in with the project team, being more involved in
in terms of change management and project activity the technical side of change and ensuring that the
integration. The top five suggestions were: project leader takes accountability and ownership
of change management issues like user adoption
1. Begin change management earlier
and acceptance.
By a two-to-one margin, participants suggested
starting change management at the onset of a
Additional suggestions included:
project. By starting change management earlier, at
the initiation of a project, change management and • Fully integrating plans into a holistic, single
project activities were integrated more easily. “Have project plan that included all change and project
a CM person in the initiating phase of the program to management deliverables
have enough time to design a proper program instead of • Clarifying responsibilities for the change
having to retro-fit and catch up.” management group and project team members
2. Provide training on change management regarding change management
More change management training and educational • Using a formal change management approach
workshops for project team members allowed for and methodology
better partnerships and integration. When project
team members understood change management,
they were in a better position to use and integrate
change management into their work.
Impact of Project Management Maturity
on Change Management
3. Ensure adequate resources for
change management Source date: 2013
There were several suggestions regarding resources.
The first was designation of a change management Participants in the 2013 study described their
resource for a project, including the option of hiring organization’s project management maturity. Most
a change manager. Participants also commented participants (70%) reported a moderate to extremely high
on the importance of having qualified, experienced level of project management maturity (Figure 9.14).
practitioners doing change management work. Figure 9.14 – Project management maturity level
In addition to the human resource component,
participants mentioned ensuring that time and
budgets were available for change management work.
4. Engage senior leaders
Percent of Respondents

Senior leaders were important for two reasons. The 30

first was engaging senior leaders in the importance 24%

and necessity of change management so they could

support it during a project. The second was ensuring
adequate sponsorship and leadership involvement
during the project itself. A number of participants 6%
indicated they would have the change management
resource report directly to senior leaders. 0
Extremely Low Moderate High Extremely
Low Level Level Level Level High Level
5. Engage with project members
Engaging the project team involved both building a
case for change management and working together

190 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Participants then described how the maturity of project management existed. Integration of change
management influenced change management. The management into project management was
following were reported as impacts of both high and low simplified in this situation versus “a mature
project management maturity: process which might have been more resistant.”

• High maturity contributed to change

management success
Greater maturity led to greater change Impact of Project Management Maturity
management success for the majority of on Integration
participants who reported high project
management maturity. Awareness and Source date: 2016

acceptance were high in these organizations

especially if change management had been Figure 9.15 shows the relationship between project
applied successfully in the past. Practitioners also management maturity and whether participants
piggy-backed change plans onto an established integrated project and change management.
project framework, expediting the planning Organizations with higher project management maturity
process and moving quickly to execution. were more likely to integrate project and change
management than those reporting low maturity.
• High maturity undervalued
change management Figure 9.15 – Integration versus project
A small group of participants reported that management maturity
high maturity caused change management Did Not Have Integrate PM and CM
to be undervalued. Project management was 50
Integrated PM and CM

viewed as an action-oriented function and 44%

change management as unnecessary. This was 40

Percent of Respondents

exacerbated when organizations perceived a
history of success without change management 30
application. As a result, there was “a tendency
to override change management.” 20

• Low maturity delayed change 10%

management execution 5% 5% 4%
Of those participants who reported low project
management maturity, a majority said it reduced Extremely Low Level Moderate High Level Extremely
Low Level of Project Level of Project High Level
change management effectiveness. Practitioners of Project Management of Project Management of Project
Management Maturity Management Maturity Management
had to define change management and focus Maturity Maturity Maturity

primarily on raising awareness. When maturity

was nonexistent, “aspects of change were ad
hoc, uncoordinated and fragmented.” Similarly,
if “maturity was low, it made it difficult to apply
structured change activities.” In this situation,
change practitioners had to prioritize basic
project management principles such as project
planning and scope definition.

• Low maturity facilitated engagement

and integration
Participants said that low maturity
facilitated engagement and integration of
change management. Sponsors, managers
and employees were interested and readily
engaged when no preconceived ideas about
the relationship between project and change

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 191

Roles in
Change Management
Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

Chapter 11 – Managers and Supervisors

Chapter 12 – Change Agent Network

Chapter 13 – Consultants

Chapter 14 – Complementary Roles

3 Chapter 10

Active and Visible Sponsorship Is the
Single Greatest Contributor to the Success
of a Change Initiative

Summary Highlight

Take leadership of change from a nebulous concept 73% of respondents with extremely
to a concrete set of actions and activities aligned with effective sponsors met or exceeded
best practices. Decades of research have demonstrated objectives compared to 29% with
the pivotal role leaders play in ensuring the successful extremely ineffective sponsors.
outcomes of a change initiative. Leaders can consult this
chapter to understand what it takes to be an effective
sponsor of change, including traits of an effective sponsor,
the most critical sponsorship activities and common
mistakes to avoid. Change professionals can use this
chapter to guide effective engagement of senior leaders
and learn how to support leaders in their role.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Most Critical Activities

Participants identified the most critical primary sponsor 2. Communicate support and promote the change
roles required for the success of a change project, to impacted groups
including activities that portray each role.
• Set direction and focus by communicating the
1. Active and visible participation through the project end vision
Sponsors who were involved throughout the
• Create awareness about the need for change
entire project were considered transparent,
and the specifics of the change
present, engaged and committed as needed
for change management success. Participant • Actively advocate for the change to
responses fell into two categories: impacted groups

Support the team • Be a role model by vocally and visibly supporting

the change
• Liaise with the leadership team to ensure that
the change management team is heard in the • Clearly explain the “what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM)
decision process of the change to impacted groups

• Make key decisions in a timely manner • Be open and willing to answer questions from
impacted groups that might show resistance
• Proactively remove barriers for the change
management team, including managing resistance 3. Build a coalition of sponsorship

• Provide the necessary resources and control • Engage across the organization
the budget • Create, coach and maintain a network of active
• Understand what the change process is, its and committed change agents
impact, and the desired goals • Communicate the importance of role modeling
• Coach and oversee team throughout the project the change, and encourage senior leaders to
participate and support the change
• Respect and listen to impacted groups
• Cultivate management support of the project
• Track success and give recognition
• Ensure alignment of expectations among
• Seek reviews to assess change readiness mid-level and front-line managers
Champion the change • Clarify roles
• Actively support and believe in the change • Solicit and openly receive management feedback
management work, methodology and practices

• Participate in change activities and messages “Working with other key figures in the organization
to help them understand why they also need to
• Own the change
‘role-model’ this change for the employees.”
• Maintain and build positive and enthusiastic
attitudes about the project
Sponsor Effectiveness and
• Be the first adopter and commit to the change Meeting Objectives
“Doing the change in sight of impacted groups,
including communicating if they are finding the Sponsor effectiveness had a direct impact on whether
change difficult and how they are overcoming that projects met objectives (Figure 10.1). Projects with
difficulty. Being there to tell employees … how an extremely effective sponsor met or exceeded
they will be supported if they are struggling with objectives more than twice as often as those with a
the change.” very ineffective sponsor.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 197

Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

Figure 10.1 – Correlation of sponsor effectiveness with progress, and giving employees the opportunity
meeting objectives to provide feedback. Participants also identified
sponsor presence on social media related to the
change created visible sponsorship.
4. Embracing the change
60 It was important for sponsors to embrace the
change. Participants shared that the best way for
this to happen was to support the change publicly
40 by modeling change behaviors. Ensuring sponsors
were doing what they say, or “walking the walk,”
was a critical point regarding creating active and
20 visible sponsorship.


Very Ineffective Moderately Extremely Behaviors That Demonstrate That a
Ineffective Sponsor Effective Effective
Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Is Active and Engaged

Creating Active and Visible Sponsorship Participants in the 2019 study were asked to examine
Source date: 2016 behaviors sponsors display to demonstrate they are active
and engaged with a change. Participants noted that the
In 2015, participants identified activities that created best way to demonstrate engagement and remain active
active and visible sponsorship. was to communicate consistently about the change,
sometimes in scripted activities and sometimes in
1. Presence at public events
activities unprompted by the change management team.
Sponsor presence at large employee project events
was identified as one of the easiest ways to create 1. Communicate about the change
active and visible sponsorship. These meetings Communicating about the change was the top way
included town hall meetings, project kickoff sponsors demonstrate they are active and engaged
meetings, roadshows, training session kickoffs and throughout the change process. Various ways
formal and informal Question and Answer (Q&A) sponsors communicated include keeping a focus on
sessions. The presence of the sponsor at these the importance of the change and why it is happening,
events was critical. In absentia, a video message speaking positively about the change, asking questions
from the sponsor provided an alternative way to and addressing concerns, and praising and celebrating
demonstrate support. success throughout the change process.

2. Actions with employees 2. Attend key meetings

Engaging employees outside of scheduled public Sponsors displayed engagement with the change by
forums was identified as an effective way to regularly attending key project meetings. Key project
create sponsorship. Some actions included meetings included status meetings, roadshows,
communicating the need for change across project kickoff announcements and town halls.
all levels of the organization, management 3. Take ownership of the change
by walking around or “ being on the shop f loor Sponsors displayed engagement by taking ownership of
where the change is happening,” having personal the change including making key decisions, setting
discussions about the change with impacted priorities, providing guidance and removing roadblocks.
employees, and sharing what the change meant
from an organizational perspective. 4. Engage the change management team
Engaging the change management team involved
3. Communicating about the change being accessible and available to discuss issues,
Important communication tactics included understanding and valuing change management,
sending messages with clear and regular cadence, and providing resources for change management.
providing face-to-face messages that focused on

198 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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5. Be accessible to impacted groups 3. Failed to communicate messages about the need

A sponsor who was available and accessible to for change
impacted groups demonstrated engagement by Lack of frequent communication from a sponsor
taking time to walk the floor and engage directly concerning impacts of the change on employees
with impacted employees and managers to ensure was a common mistake. Sponsors did not provide
they understood the future state. consistent messaging on business drivers and did not
communicate the value of change.
6. Engage peers
Participants noted that sponsors must engage their 4. Delegated the sponsorship role
peers to build a coalition and coach managers and and responsibilities
other leaders to lead change. They also made the A major cause of sponsors not communicating and
change a priority during steering committee meetings not being visible was that they had delegated that
and while building consensus among leaders. role to the project team or lower managers thus
becoming sponsor in name only.
Study participants noted several other ways sponsors
5. Failed to demonstrate support for the project in
could demonstrate engagement:
words and actions
• Listening to concerns Sponsors did not walk the talk when it came to
supporting change. Sponsors failed to lead by example,
• Leading by example
or promote or champion the change. They instead
• Being the primary advocate for the change viewed change as the “flavor-of-the-month” and did not
• Demonstrating enthusiasm for the change hold people accountable for a project’s success.

Ideal Sponsor Traits

Biggest Mistakes Source date: 2016
Source date: 2016
Participants identified a variety of traits that made
Participants identified the biggest mistakes top-level for an ideal sponsor, though six were cited more often
sponsors made during major changes. than others.

1. Failed to remain active and visible throughout 1. Strong communication skills

the life of the project Participants stated that sponsors should be vocal,
The disappearing sponsor was cited as the most articulate, comfortable communicating with all
common sponsor mistake. Participants felt that, too levels in the organization, and able to provide
often, sponsors would attend the opening kickoff or awareness by explaining the reasons behind change.
send out the announcement email and then never 2. Create engagement through passion
be heard from or seen again. Participants called this and enthusiasm
“launch and leave.” Sponsors would then move on to Energy, enthusiasm and a passion for change that
the next initiative without realizing the benefits of created engagement were highlighted as necessary
the original change. when sponsoring change.
2. Underestimated or misunderstood the people 3. Engaged and involved
side of change Involvement and engagement throughout the project
Participants stated that sponsors made incorrect was highlighted, including engagement with change
assumptions about the degree of impact a change and project teams.
would have on employees. Sponsors underestimated
4. Visible and supportive
the time and resources needed to conduct change
Participants stated that sponsors must be willing to
management. Many sponsors believed that all that
be the visible face of change within the organization
was required to get people to adopt the change was
and support change through actions including
telling employees the change was going to happen.
providing necessary resources.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 199

Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

5. Approachable and available Figure 10.2 – Sponsor role understanding

Participants revealed that the ideal sponsor is 2019
accessible and approachable regarding change, has Complete
18% 2017
19% 2015
the time to dedicate, attends meetings when needed, Understanding
and allots time for sponsorship.
6. Recognized leader with sponsorship experience Understanding 31%
Ideal sponsors were credible and recognized leaders
within the organization. They were experienced, 23%
Some Understanding 25%
capable and had a strong understanding of the
sponsor role.
Slight Understanding 18%
Additional traits included: 19%

• Knowledgeable about and believes in 9%

change management No Understanding 7%
• Knowledgeable about the business and change
0 10 15 20 25 30 35
• Personable and people-focused Percent of Respondents

• Trustworthy and respected

Participants also evaluated how effectively their
• Sets a clear vision regarding change sponsors fulfilled each of the three primary roles.
• Committed to and advocates change Figure 10.3 shows the percentage of participants
that indicated that their sponsors were ineffective or
• Sincere and compassionate
extremely ineffective at fulfilling each role.
• High level within the organization

• Proactive and decisive Twenty-six percent of participants reported that their

sponsors were ineffective at being active and visible
• Excellent listener
throughout the project, and nearly one-third indicated
• Honest and has integrity that their sponsors were not communicating effectively
and directly with employees. Participants also reported
• Removes barriers and manages resistance
that 37% of sponsors failed to build a coalition of
• Builds a coalition of sponsors and has a strong sponsorship, an increase from the previous study by 3%.
organizational network

• Accountable and holds others accountable Figure 10.3 – Ineffective or extremely ineffective sponsor
role fulfillment
• Self-aware and emotionally intelligent
26% 2017
Failed to Actively and 2015
Sponsor Role Understanding Visibly Participate

and Fulfillment
Figure 10.2 shows participants’ evaluations of how well Failed to Communicate
With Employees
their sponsor understood the roles and responsibilities of
sponsorship. In each of the 2019, 2017 and 2015 studies,
More than half of participants reported that their 37%
Failed to Build
sponsors had less than adequate understanding of the a Coalition 34%
role of an effective sponsor. of Sponsorship

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Percent of Respondents

200 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Sponsor Effectiveness at Specific Activities

Participants in the 2019 study rated their sponsor’s effectiveness at participating actively and visibly in the change,
communicating directly with employees and building a coalition of sponsors on a Likert scale from extremely ineffective
to extremely effective. Forty-five percent of participants reported that their sponsors were effective or extremely effective
at being active and visible throughout the change and 40% reported that their sponsor was effective or extremely effective
at communicating with employees . Thirty-three percent of participants reported that their sponsors were effective at
building a coalition of sponsors, a 4% decrease from the previous study.

Table 10.4 – Sponsor effectiveness at specific activities

Active and Visible Built a Coalition
with Employees
Extremely Effective 15% 13% 10%

Effective 30% 27% 23%

Somewhat Effective 30% 30% 30%

Ineffective 16% 20% 23%

Extremely Ineffective 9% 10% 14%

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 201

Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

Formal Evaluation of Sponsor as this type of information is very sensitive for

leaders. Several action points came out of these
Role Fulfillment
meetings to ensure a better understanding of change
Source date: 2013 management with sponsors.” and “We conducted
interviews, collected survey feedback from employees,
Seventeen percent of participants in the 2013 study managers and customers. Also, [we] conducted some
formally evaluated the effectiveness of sponsors fulfilling onsite observations.”
their change management role (Figure 10.5).
3. Use of formal tools or methodologies
Participants also reported using a formal scorecard,
Figure 10.5 – Formally evaluated sponsor role fulfillment
assessment or methodology template to evaluate
Don’t Know - 3%
role fulfillment. Tools included sponsor assessments,
project and role impact assessments, internal
Yes - 17%
methodologies and engagement tracking methods.
These tools and tracking measures were completed
by the sponsors themselves, the change management
team or project team members. “Using the Prosci
sponsor assessment tool, I completed the assessment
and also had the sponsor perform a self-assessment.”

No- 80%
Engaging the Sponsor
Source date: 2013

Participants used several tactics to ensure project

Participants noted three methods of evaluating the sponsors remained involved throughout the duration of
degree to which a project sponsor fulfilled the role. a project.
1. Clearly outlined objectives 1. Deliver regular meetings and updates
Participants consistently noted outlining and Meeting with sponsors regularly to provide them
defining activities and responsibilities expected of with project updates and progress briefings was
the sponsor early during the project. A roadmap reported as the number-one tactic to maintain
or checklist was used to evaluate sponsor role sponsor involvement throughout a project.
fulfillment. Once a sponsor’s role and activities were Participants hosted regular meetings at varying
outlined, participants were able to measure and intervals; some held daily or weekly meetings,
track the sponsor’s adherence to defined activities. and others held them quarterly. Meetings were
In some cases, project impact assessments completed conducted in both one-on-one and group settings.
by the project and/or change team assisted with “We continued engagement at regularly scheduled staff
outlining sponsor activities and responsibilities. meetings—asking for 15 minutes of their agenda—to
2. Observation and feedback keep them all engaged. This did not add another
Participants reported that informal and formal meeting to their calendar and kept the project in the
feedback loops and observation tactics were used to forefront of their brains.”
evaluate role fulfillment among sponsors. Methods for 2. Outline objectives
observing and gathering feedback included surveys, Participants reported outlining objectives early and
group discussions and one-on-one interviews. continuing to focus on those objectives as the second
Feedback and observations were based on pre-defined most common tactic to ensure project sponsors
role descriptions. “Informally we evaluated effectiveness remained involved. Tactics included inviting
of our program sponsors. Evaluation was done secretly sponsors to key events, highlighting the success

202 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

and impact their participation was having on a Figure 10.6 – Correlation of sponsor access with
project, creating a sponsor roadmap and tracking meeting/exceeding objectives
adherence, making them the project owner, and 2019
going to them for key decisions throughout the 2013

Percent of Respondents That Met or Exceeded Objectives

project lifecycle. 80
71% 71%
3. Communicate directly with sponsor 70 65%
Participants noted that staying in constant 59%
communication with sponsors was a common tactic 50%
to maintain involvement. Communicating directly 50 45%
with sponsors helped keep them accountable for 40%
and excited about project progress. Communication 32%

should be two-way to ensure that the change 30

manager was available and ready to provide project
communication for the sponsor at all times.
“We were very flexible and approachable and 10

developed a close trust-based relationship so that

we could criticize without holding punches and Little or Inadequate Adequate More Than
No Access Access Access Adequate Access
our support was not patronizing.”

4. Provide sponsor with coaching and support Figure 10.7 shows that nearly two-thirds of participants
The fourth most common tactic was to provide the with adequate or more than adequate access to their
sponsor with coaching and support in their role. sponsors reported good or excellent change management
Coaching provided focus on the sponsor’s role effectiveness. Six percent of participants who reported
and demonstrated how to execute responsibilities adequate access experienced poor change management
effectively. Steps for providing support included effectiveness compared to the 26% of participants who had
writing key communication messages, preparing little or no access to sponsors.
them with messages prior to events, sharing success
stories and providing tools. Figure 10.7 – Correlation of sponsor access with change
management effectiveness
A notable portion of participants also involved Poor
steering committees, when necessary, as a tactic to
Good or Excellent
influence and ensure that sponsors remained engaged 80
throughout change.
Percent of Respondents

Sponsor Access
42% 43%
Participants who reported having adequate or more 40
33% 33%
than adequate access to their sponsors experienced
30 26%
higher rates of their projects meeting organizational 24%

objectives than those who had inadequate or no access 20 16%

to their sponsor (Figure 10.6).

10 6%

Little or Inadequate Adequate More Than
No Access Access Access Adequate Access

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 203

Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

Securing Sponsor Access established relationship with the project manager,

participants received more invitations to meetings
Source date: 2013
with the project team and sponsor.

Participants reported tactics used to secure 6. Leverage the sponsor coalition

access to sponsors. Participants leveraged other leaders within the
organization who had business influence and
1. Meet with the sponsor worked closely with project sponsors. “We accessed
Participants reported scheduling meetings prior to other executive level stakeholders who had a strong
a project kickoff or at project initiation. Participants commitment to change management and showed their
noted that scheduling meetings far in advance support and guidance to engage the sponsor.”
and during key points in the project ensured that
sponsors were available and reduced the chances A notable number of participants reported relationship
of schedule conflicts. Both informal and formal development as a way to gain and maintain access to
meetings were used. Participants also identified sponsors. Relationship development included working
opportunistic and chance meetings to access with sponsors in a number of capacities to gain trust,
project sponsors. “We used informal channels such networking with sponsors during informal events
as scheduling breakfast or lunch rather than formal and directing conversations with sponsors to become
meetings with agendas.” a credible source of information on projects.
2. Establish expectations
By establishing expectations of sponsors early,
participants secured better access to sponsors. Frequency of Change Management
Participants outlined the positive project impact
that continued access would have and requested
Meetings With Sponsor
that sponsors agree to be accessible. The project Source date: 2009
impact was illustrated by sharing best practices and
highlighting the correlation between sponsor access In the 2009 study, participants indicated how frequently
and project success, which they also tied to sponsors’ they met with sponsors during a project (Figure 10.8).
professional goals and expectations for a project. However, 52% of participants reported meeting only
3. Leverage individuals with access to sponsors monthly or quarterly with sponsors. More than half
Participants with little to no access to sponsors recommended weekly meetings with sponsors.
reported leveraging others within the organization
Figure 10.8 – Frequency of meeting with sponsors
who did have access. Participants were able to
schedule appointments and be present at meetings How frequently did your change management team meet
with the project sponsor?
they knew the sponsor would be attending. How frequently do you think a change management team
should meet with the project sponsor?
A common example was getting steering
committees’ agendas from an executive assistant. 2%
4. Communicate consistently with sponsor 4%

Consistent communication at key points in the project

was a tactic participants used to establish credibility Weekly
and access sponsors. Participants also reported that
communicating quick-wins and success stories to Every 22%
sponsors increased longer-term accessibility. Week 25%

5. Work through the project manager 30%

Participants reported establishing a relationship 18%

with project managers and having them

communicate key change management messages Quarterly
to sponsors at project meetings. By having an
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Percent of Respondents

204 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Sponsor Communication Frequency How Would You Characterize Your

Source date: 2009 Sponsor at the Beginning of the Project?
Source date: 2009
Participants in the 2009 study identified how many times
per month their sponsors communicated with employees Participants in the 2009 study characterized their
regarding change. Figure 10.9 shows data for direct sponsors at the beginning of the project (Figure 10.11).
communication frequency. More than half of participants
said that their sponsors communicated directly with Figure 10.11 – Sponsor characterization at beginning of
employees only once per month or less. the project

Proactive and
Figure 10.9 – Sponsor communication frequency Enthusiastic About 34%
The Change

Less Than Willing and Ready

Once Per Month To Do What Was 39%
Asked of Them

Reluctant But Open

Once Per Month 33% To Talk About Their 17%
Role As Sponsor

Between One Extremely Resistant

and Three Times 24% and Unwilling To 4%
Per Month Fulfill the Role
of Sponsor
Between Three Indifferent -
and Five Times 12% 6%
Did Not Care
Per Month About the Role

More Than 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Five Times 5%
Percent of Respondents
Per Month

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Nearly three quarters of participants in the 2009 study
Percent of Respondents
characterized sponsors positively at the beginning of a
project, with 34% indicating that sponsors were proactive
and enthusiastic, and 39% indicating sponsors were
Symptoms of Ineffective Sponsorship
willing and ready to do what was asked of them.
Source date: 2011
Only 4% reported that their sponsors were extremely
resistant and unwilling to be a sponsor of change.
Participants indicated the symptoms of ineffective
sponsorship they experienced (Figure 10.10). Inactive
or invisible sponsorship was the most cited symptom
followed by poor alignment among key stakeholders.

Figure 10.10 – Sponsor symptoms



Percent of Respondents




Sponsors At Wavering Sponsor Poor Alignment Inactive or
the Wrong Level Commitment Among Key Invisible Sponsors
© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 205
Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

Engaging Reluctant Senior Leaders 4. Use of peer pressure by leveraging other sponsors
Leveraging another peer sponsor or influencer
Source date: 2016
to talk to a sponsor and demonstrate support for
change was commonly cited to influence reluctant
Respondents in the 2015 study identified the most executives. If a peer leader was chosen to work with
effective techniques they employed to engage resistant or a resistant leader, participants recommended they
reluctant senior leaders. Results indicate similar trends be credible, authoritative colleagues. Participants
to research conducted in 2007 and 2009. reported focusing on creating buy-in from a
1. Engage in one-on-one interactions larger sponsor coalition and encouraging friendly
Participants cited face-to-face, one-on-one competition among teams and between peer
interactions with sponsors as the most effective sponsors from different departments.
technique when accompanied with honesty and 5. Increase involvement of resistant senior leaders
openness. Participants recommended offline, Participants suggested increasing the involvement
interpersonal relationship-building meetings as and decision-making of resistant senior leaders.
the most impactful which included walking the Scheduling regular meetings with sponsors to
halls, carparks, walkways between buildings and inform and gather input was a key success factor.
watercoolers. Two-way communication, genuinely Sponsors’ involvement occurred in a variety of
listening to concerns, flattery and being perceived as ways including invitations to initial project design
a trusted advisor were characteristic of high-value sessions, invitations to change champion or change
interactions. “Real empathy—actually ‘hearing’ their agent network meetings, and presentations in
reluctance and then addressing this as far as possible.” existing forums. Participants also experienced
2. Provide coaching on their role as a sponsor success by publicly recognizing their help, providing
Participants cited coaching as a highly successful them with hands-on experience with change, early
method for engaging reluctant or resistant leaders. and regular involvement in the project, and sending
Types of coaching included informal and formal follow-ups from meetings they did not attend.
sponsor education on their roles, drafting their 6. Provide regular communication
communications and emails and explaining the Participants associated regular communication with
risk of ineffective sponsorship. Special tactics listening and understanding a sponsor’s objections.
included use of a sponsor roadmap, building Two-way communication, tailored messages and
awareness, sharing tools and techniques, to-do arranging small group meetings with sponsors were
lists, sharing best practices and modeling the frequently cited.
outcomes of their decisions.
7. Arrange meetings and feedback loops
3. Demonstrate the benefits of the change Participants recommended providing opportunities
Highlighting the business reason, objective and for interactions between impacted groups and
benefit of change was a frequently cited tactic. sponsors. Engaging with direct reports and
Often, this was accompanied with presenting stakeholders to provide direct feedback was
personal benefit to the executive (“what’s in it for cited often. Establishing formal feedback loops,
me?” or WIIFM), the return on investment (ROI) communicating observations from the field, and
of change management or a briefing of possible sharing survey results from impacted groups were
negative impacts were their roles unfulfilled. also used.
Participants reported sharing case studies of
successful and failed past changes to support these 8. Apply special tactics
conversations. Other strategies included aligning Many participants noted special tactics they
change with their strategies, appealing to their specific used to engage resistant leaders, including
goals, and desires and contextualizing change. requesting a liaison from change management
and project management teams to meet with
sponsors, encouraging or convincing to delegate,

206 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

providing clear choices, creating urgency or Ideal Sponsor Level

“a burning platform,” storytelling, playing devil’s
Source date: 2016
advocate, allowing time to work through things,
booking time on their schedules early or late in the
day, obtaining sign-off documenting responsibility, For the first time in 2015, participants were asked about
using blogs or social media sites, treating leaders the ideal level for a sponsor. Responses were relative
as stakeholders, and creating support structures given the subjective and loosely-defined responsibilities
for executive assistants. and roles provided across organizations. The most
common responses were:
9. Intervene with primary sponsor
Occasionally, participants reported success • Senior management: The majority of
appealing to a higher authority. Participants participants identified the senior management
mentioned strategically using the CEO to outline level as a primary source for sponsorship. Titles
expectations with a sponsor coalition or to tie for this parallel of sponsorship included vice
individual compensation to realizing results from president, director and general manager.
change. Participants also mentioned recommending • Executive management: The second
sanctions on sponsors for non-compliance or most common response was executive
having them pay for the cost of old equipment. management. Examples were senior manager
and senior vice president.

• CEO and CIO: Participants identified the CEO

Correct Level of Sponsor or CIO as the third most common sponsorship
Source date: 2013 position within an organization.

Participants identified whether the sponsor for their change

was at the right level, too high or too low in the organization
(Figure 10.12). Over three quarters of respondents indicated
Recommendations for Dealing With
that their sponsor was at the right level. a Sponsor at the Wrong Level
Source date: 2011
Figure 10.12 – Sponsor at right level in the organization

2013 Participants who provided recommendations for

7% 2011 practitioners supporting change that had the wrong
Too High In the
level of sponsor identified two primary tactics: work with
5% the current sponsor or engage the correct level sponsor.
Participants who either recommended or had to work
with the current sponsor identified four tactics.
Right Level 1. Build and leverage the coalition
Of the four tactics proposed by participants, building
a coalition of change leaders throughout the
15% organization was the most common. Participants
Too Low In the recommended creating a layer of change leadership
11% with multiple sponsors from various levels to
support change.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents 2. Enter open and honest dialogues with the
current sponsor regarding his/her role
Participants proposed having a candid conversation
with the current sponsor to address questions
and concerns regarding the level of sponsorship,
including raising awareness about his/her
responsibilities. This conversation should include
topics such as the impacts of change to the current

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 207

Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

sponsor, the impacts of proper sponsorship on Traits for Sponsorship of

project success, and how resistance will be managed
Large-Scale Change
and barriers removed.
Source date: 2016
3. Offer coaching to the current sponsor
Participants recommended coaching the current
Participants identified traits necessary for a sponsor who
sponsor on how to be effective. Topics for
leads large-scale change.
coaching included helping the sponsor network
and build coalitions, offering training, providing 1. Excellent communication skills
recommendations on effective sponsorship and Overwhelmingly, participants identified having
developing messages for the sponsor. excellent communication and rhetoric as crucial
skills for a sponsor leading large-scale change.
4. Re-scope the project
Participants felt that during large-scale changes,
If the level of sponsorship provided was inadequate,
communicating with large groups of stakeholders
participants recommended restructuring or
and impacted employees was required. A sponsor
re-scoping the project to accommodate the level of
should be comfortable speaking before large groups,
the current sponsor.
able to persuade or sell change to others, and craft
and tell the story of a change.
Participants who recommended engaging the correct
level of sponsor provided three tactics for implementing 2. Leadership capability
a change in sponsorship. Participants reported that the sponsor must have
above-average leadership ability. As a leader,
1. Elevate the issue and engage senior leadership to
sponsors must have a vision of what the goal of
initiate a change
change will look like and be able to communicate
Participants recommended escalating the issue
that vision to others. A sponsor must be influential
to an executive steering committee, senior
within the organization and peer groups. A sponsor
management or senior sponsor, or making the
must be a visible and present part of the change
situation known and having a senior leader
to respond to issues as they arise and available to
advocate for a change in sponsorship.
change managers as a resource. A sponsor must be
2. Show the impacts of proper sponsorship on credible, either having experience with the specific
project success and how the current sponsor change type or with leading change.
is inappropriate
3. Knowledgeable
Participants who proposed engaging a different
Participants found that sponsors should be
level of sponsor suggested showing the impacts
knowledgeable about several areas. They need to
of appropriate sponsorship on project results
have an understanding of their organization and
and explaining criteria of effective sponsorship.
organization’s culture to best maneuver and work
Participants recommended including reasons the
within it. The sponsor should be knowledgeable
current sponsor was not a good fit for the role.
about the change, its impact on employees and its
3. Conduct a stakeholder analysis or sponsor desired deliverables. The sponsor should be fluent in
assessment to indicate proper sponsor both change and project management.
Participants suggested using a sponsor assessment
4. Availability
diagram or stakeholder analysis to explain the need
A sponsor must devote and prioritize the time
for change in sponsorship or to show who is better
required to see change through to completion. This
suited for the role.
involves being present and accessible to the change
management team, project management team, and
employees impacted by change. Having a sponsor
only physically present is insufficient; a sponsor
must be engaged, energetic and active/interactive.

208 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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5. Influential Sponsor Challenges

Participants stressed that a sponsor of a large
change needed to wield influence within the
Participants were presented with a list of common challenges
organization. This included the ability to build
and were asked to select the challenges they most commonly
a coalition of peers and executives to support
faced with a sponsor. The options given were:
change. He/she must have, build and maintain
relationships with top-level executives, have • Sponsor left or was replaced during the project
an understanding of the political climate of the • Sponsor was at the wrong level (too high or
organization and be able to negotiate it with too low) to be effective
minimal backlash on the change team. The
ideal sponsor is a skilled networker, well known • Sponsor lacked time/resources to effectively
throughout the organization and experienced in sponsor the change
leading and sponsoring this type of change. • Sponsor delegated their role and responsibilities
to someone else

• Sponsor did not support the change

Ideal Traits for a Sponsor Managing a
• Sponsor underestimated or misunderstood the
Small-Scale Change
people side impact of the project
Source date: 2016
• Sponsor was unwilling to take on the
role/activities required of them
Participants specified the ideal traits of a sponsor for a
small scale change.
More than half of participants reported challenges with
1. Correct level within the organization a sponsor who lacked the time/resources to effectively
Sponsor should be close to the change. When sponsor the change and over one third reported
small-scale changes were being managed, high-level challenges with a sponsor who underestimated or
sponsors often had little involvement or knowledge misunderstood the impact of the people side of change
about the change. Sponsors should be high enough (Figure 10.13).
in level to influence change but not so high that they
are disconnected. Figure 10.13 – Sponsor challenges

2. Ability to prioritize Lacked Time / 55%

Participants reported that small-scale change often Resources

occurred simultaneously with other change projects

Underestimated /
or daily work and required the ability to prioritize. Misunderstood 36%
People Side
Small-scale projects risked being placed on the back
burner because of their size and required diligent Delegated Role 29%
care to ensure that timetables and deadlines were
not missed.
Unwilling to
Take on Role
3. Leadership traits
Participants reported numerous leadership
At the Wrong Level
qualities necessary for a sponsor including 17%

trustworthiness, passion, high emotional

intelligence, influence and dedication. Left or Replaced 15%

Did Not Support

the Change

No Challenges 6%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 209

Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

Table 10.14 and 10.15 show the percent of participants who reported experiencing specific challenges by industry and
change maturity respectively.

Table 10.14 – Sponsor challenges by industry

Lacked Underestimated / Unwilling Did Not

Delegated At the Left or No
Time / Didn’t Understand to Take Support
Role Wrong Level Replaced Challenges
Resources the People Side on Role the Change

Banking 51% 32% 30% 10% 23% 14% 8% 10%

Consulting 53% 41% 36% 17% 15% 13% 6% 4%

Consumer Goods
56% 44% 33% 19% 14% 19% 3% 8%

Development and
43% 47% 37% 17% 10% 10% 7% 0%

Education Services 62% 32% 22% 16% 10% 11% 2% 6%

Entire Study
55% 36% 29% 18% 17% 15% 6% 6%

Finance 54% 31% 30% 16% 10% 12% 5% 11%

Food/Beverage 59% 15% 19% 22% 19% 15% 11% 7%

Government -
55% 36% 33% 15% 19% 24% 7% 4%

Government -
60% 43% 25% 21% 18% 24% 12% 3%
Local & Municipal

Government -
54% 32% 21% 18% 11% 29% 4% 0%

Government -
58% 41% 24% 20% 20% 19% 8% 7%

Health Care 56% 35% 29% 16% 16% 13% 3% 7%

Information Services 57% 42% 34% 20% 16% 15% 5% 9%

Insurance 45% 36% 27% 17% 21% 16% 4% 12%

Manufacturing 53% 31% 28% 24% 19% 19% 8% 5%

Non-profit 64% 48% 29% 19% 21% 21% 5% 0%

Oil and Gas 49% 36% 34% 23% 19% 17% 6% 11%

Other 57% 26% 33% 19% 15% 14% 6% 4%

Scientific & 55% 33% 19% 19% 17% 10% 12% 12%
Technical Services

Retail Trade 44% 33% 35% 13% 27% 18% 5% 9%

Telecommunications 51% 38% 38% 20% 29% 13% 9% 2%

Transportation &
59% 43% 24% 16% 16% 14% 5% 3%

Utilities 67% 40% 27% 22% 8% 13% 3% 3%

210 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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Table 10.15 – Sponsor challenges by maturity level

Lacked Underestimated / Did Not

Delegated Unwilling to At the Left or No
Time / Didn’t Understand Support the
Role Take on Roll Wrong Level Replaced Challenges
Resources the People Side Change

Level 5 -
Organizational 29% 17% 17% 8% 21% 21% 13% 17%

Level 4 -
Organizational 55% 23% 23% 14% 16% 16% 4% 9%

Level 3 -
Multiple 53% 32% 28% 16% 17% 16% 5% 7%

Level 2 -
Isolated 57% 38% 29% 18% 17% 14% 7% 6%

Level 1 -
Ad Hoc or 56% 47% 38% 25% 18% 17% 9% 3%

The following sections continue the exploration of sponsor challenges. Each section presents three graphs that show the
frequency in which the specific challenge was encountered by participants (All the time, Frequently and Not very frequently)
and project success factors (Meeting objectives, On time and On budget). Each sponsor challenge section also contains a write
up detailing the impact that the specific challenge has on projects and the adaptations that participants made to address
those challenges.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 211

Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

Sponsor Challenge – Left or Was Replaced During the Project

Figure 10.16 – Impact of sponsor leaving on meeting objectives, project schedule, and project budget
Not very frequently
All the time
72% 73%
61% 62%
60 56% 57%
50 48%
44% 43%
39% 38% 40%
30 28% 27%



Met or Exceeded Failed or Partial On or Ahead of Schedule Behind Schedule On or Under Budget Over Budget

Impact of a Sponsor Leaving or an opportunity to take, redirect or annex project

resources and budget for their own projects.
Being Replaced
3. The project is delayed due to need to train and
onboard new sponsor
Participants reported the impacts of a sponsor leaving
Very few participants found their replacement
or being replaced during the project. Most participants
sponsor to be skilled and trained. Therefore,
reported getting a new sponsor. The impacts stemmed
participants were forced to onboard the new sponsor
from both losing the original sponsor and bringing on a
in project specifics, change management, and their
new sponsor.
role as a sponsor. This also meant that planned
1. The project must start over change management activities needed to be put
When forced to bring on a new sponsor, participants on hold or postponed while they brought the new
had to restart their change management efforts. The sponsor up to speed. This onboarding process also
new sponsor needed to be reintroduced to impacted included creating buy-in from the sponsor because
groups, and impacted groups had to build awareness and the new sponsor was reluctant to take on the role or
trust in the new sponsor and rebuild their desire for the did not view the project favorably.
change. Participants also needed to readjust technical
4. The project vision and direction were lost
aspects of the project to shift more time to change
Participants relied on their sponsor to set and
management activities that suffered from the original
communicate the vision and direction of the project
sponsor’s departure. Re-staffing and rebuilding change
in addition to fulfilling their other roles as a sponsor.
champions and change coalition members who left with
When the original sponsor left, clear communication
the original sponsor also occurred.
and articulation of the vision and direction of the
2. The project loses momentum and stalls project was lost. Change teams did their best to step
Two specific causes of stalls or lost momentum in and communicate the vision and direction where
were increased resistance and loss of resources. they could, but any deviation from the original
Upon seeing a sponsor leave, impacted groups project vision created confusion and mistrust.
concluded that the change was not a priority for
the organization and ignored or devalued it. Some 5. The project was reprioritized
impacted groups actively tried to sabotage the A new sponsor brought new areas of focus and new
project because the lack of a sponsor meant lack of priorities to the project. Technical aspects of the
authority and the ability to hold people accountable. change were adjusted or removed to meet the new
One participant reported his impacted groups sponsor’s vision for the change. Previous decisions
telling him, “Your team has no teeth.” Additionally, were revisited and reexamined. Sometimes the
outside teams viewed the original sponsor loss as process was unconscious and viewed as the natural

212 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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tendency of a new sponsor to bring their own unique 3. Create a robust documentation of the project
focus to the project. Other times, participants Participants took time to create robust and detailed
viewed this as intentional, with the new sponsor documentation of the project for the new sponsor.
redefining the project in a way to favor themselves The more time they spent on the documentation
or their agenda.“I call it ‘new sponsor syndrome’ the less time it took to bring a sponsor up to speed
in which all decisions on the project are revisited. on the project, which allowed the sponsor to
It’s time consuming and can sometimes alter the “get busy sponsoring.” Documentation also served
course of the project.” as a persuasive tool to convince someone to take on
the sponsor role for the project. Participants either
laid out the project’s complexities to demonstrate
the need for a sponsor or provided a complete
Adapting to a Sponsor Leaving or
enough picture to help the potential sponsor feel
Being Replaced comfortable taking on the role.

4. Engage with the new sponsor regularly

Participants provided insight into the adaptations they Participants increased engagement with the sponsor
made to address and overcome the challenge of a sponsor via weekly or daily meetings, brief check-ins or
leaving or being replaced during the project. robust digital communications. Some participants
1. Get a new sponsor called this kind of engagement “hand holding,” while
By a large margin, participants reported getting others viewed it as keeping the project “top of mind.”
a new sponsor as quickly as they could. The type, The goal of this engagement was not to pass on
position and traits of the new sponsor depended knowledge or answer questions, but rather to ensure
greatly on project specifics and organizational that the new sponsor was performing the role
context; however, participants looked for a sponsor effectively. This seemed to be due to a lack of trust
at the same or higher level than the original sponsor. between the change manager and the new sponsor.
Some were unable to find an experienced sponsor 5. Rely on other change management resources
and were forced to make time to train and upskill Participants relied on other change management
the new sponsor. Finally, participants seemed to resources to fulfill some of the sponsor roles.
prefer a replacement sponsor with more soft skills Resources included managers and supervisors,
(i.e., communication, interpersonal relationship change champions, members of the change team,
building, etc.) than hard skills. and ancillary resources. Participants redistributed
2. Make time to train the new sponsor the sponsor’s responsibilities among several
Participants all reported the need to make time to different roles, never making one of these resources
train the new sponsor. This training took two forms. take on the full responsibilities of the sponsor.
First, the sponsor needed to be trained in change Viewed as a less-than-ideal solution, participants
management and their role as the sponsor. Second, in this situation considered it a “necessary evil” or
the sponsor needed to be brought up to speed on “making the best” of what they had.
the specifics of the project. Both trainings varied
based on the specific sponsor and projects. Some
participants designed “triaged” trainings to give
the sponsors the minimum amount of knowledge
necessary to sponsor the change. Other participants
were willing to pause or “restart” projects to ensure
the new sponsor was up to speed and could sponsor
the project well.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 213

Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

Sponsor Challenge – At the Wrong Level (Too High or Too Low) to Be Effective

Figure 10.17 – Impact of sponsor at the wrong level on meeting objectives, project schedule and project budget
Not very frequently
All the time
71% 70%
70 63% 63%
60% 59%
60 55%
51% 52%
49% 48%
50 45%
40% 41%
37% 37%
29% 30%



Met or Exceeded Failed or Partial On or Ahead of Schedule Behind Schedule On or Under Budget Over Budget

Impact of Having a Sponsor at the In other cases, sponsors jumped back into the project
at random times and attempted to make up for their
Wrong Level
absence by being too involved and micromanaging
tactical activities. Participants reported more burden
Participants reported the impacts that having a on themselves and the change management team as
sponsor at the wrong level (too high or too low) in the they were forced to adapt to ad hoc sponsorship from
organization had on their projects. Participant responses a variety of different sources. “My sponsor [was] the
fell into three distinct categories: 1) impacts of a sponsor CEO. He has very limited knowledge to make decisions,
being at too high a level, 2) impacts of sponsor being at so he continually deflected or prolonged making any
too low a level 3) impact of having a sponsor at the wrong decision. Empty promises during a project caused fall-out,
level in general. turnover and bad culture. When he did engage,
he would micromanage where he thought he could make
Too High a Level an impact. By focusing on some of the most remedial
of tasks, he caused misalignment of communication/
purpose/mission of the project. He was ineffective as a
1. Sponsor did not appreciate the project impacts sponsor and his position made him extremely difficult
The sponsor often did not appreciate or care about to work with.”
the impacts of the project. Sometimes this meant the
sponsor did not appreciate the people-side impact
and the importance of change management in Too Low a Level
general, but more often this meant the sponsor did
not see why the project required so much time and 1. Sponsor was not able to fulfill the
resources from them to sponsor the change. requirements of their role
This underappreciation of the impact often resulted The sponsor was not able to fulfill their role due to
in impacted groups devaluing the project as a whole, a variety of factors that included lacking resources,
which increased resistance and decreased buy-in. lacking the ability to procure additional resources
2. Sponsor did not have time to lead the change or budget, not being taken seriously by impacted
Even with the best intentions, the sponsor did not groups, needing to have their decisions reviewed
have time to lead the change. Sponsors had too much by other senior leaders, disagreements with peers,
on their plate and could not be as involved as needed inability to address negative behavior, and not
to effectively sponsor the change. In some cases, the having access to the appropriate groups or individual
project sponsorship was disorganized, occurred at to keep the change moving forward.
random times and was inconsistent.

214 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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2. Sponsor lacked the influence to create support the change. At times, participants scripted sponsor
for the change communications for them, which was a significant
Sponsors lacked the influence necessary to remove increase in work for the change management team.
barriers, intervene with resistant groups, and
3. Get a new sponsor
advocate for and speak about the change effectively.
Getting a new sponsor was considered the ideal scenario
Sponsors were not viewed as credible and were often
for participants but one that was not guaranteed to
ignored. Further, these sponsors were unable to
work. The negative impact of getting a new sponsor,
persuade or convince others to buy in to the change
including communicating to the current sponsor that
because impacted groups did not know who the
they were ineffective, varied among respondents. For
sponsor was or their role in the organization.
some, requesting a new sponsor was a simple matter
that did not bruise egos or risk offending anyone. For
General Impact of Having a Sponsor at the others, simply voicing the possibility that the current
Wrong Level (Too High or Too Low) sponsor was less than ideal yielded immediate and
severe consequences. However, participants found it
a risk worth taking because the wrong sponsor would
1. Sponsor was unable to make decisions
yield significantly more negative results.
A sponsor at too low a level needed decisions
reviewed or had to seek permission from others in 4. Utilize or make a sponsor coalition
the organization to move ahead. If the sponsor was Participants either leaned on their sponsor coalition
too high in the organization, they were either not or created one in response to having a sponsor at
engaged enough to take an active role in decisions or the wrong level. If the sponsor was too high, the
they delegated to others, which produced ineffective sponsor coalition influenced the sponsor to step into
decision making. In both cases, this stalled or bled the role and see the value of change management.
momentum from the project. If the sponsor was at a lower level, the sponsor
coalition stepped in to take over some of the roles
and responsibilities of the sponsor.
Adaptations Made When the Sponsor Is at the
Wrong Level 5. Democratize the role of the sponsor
Participants equipped and enabled front-line
Participants reported on the adaptations they made managers to sponsor the change with their teams.
when their sponsor was at the wrong level (too high or They also actively sought out and created change
too low) in the organization. influencers and change champions to unofficially
sponsor the change. In some cases, participants
1. Utilize senior leadership enlisted the “right hand” of the original sponsor
Participants reached out to senior leaders above to become the unofficial sponsor of the change. In
their sponsor to bypass the current sponsor when all these situations, no single person took on the
the sponsor was viewed as ineffective. Participants role of primary sponsor. Instead there were many
attempted to pull more appropriate leadership into different “micro” and “unofficial sponsors.” The
the sponsor role or some of the sponsor activities. original, wrong-level sponsor was either ignored or
Participants also reached out to senior leadership circumvented to make room for these sponsors.
to clarify the role for an unwilling sponsor or to
support, motivate or force an unwilling sponsor to While participants offered adaptions they were making
participate in the change management work. or had made to overcome having a wrong-level sponsor,
2. Coach the sponsor a significant number reported no available adaptations
Participants reported requiring significant amounts that could be made, and the best thing to do was endure
of time to coach and upskill the sponsor. This the inevitable challenges that this kind of sponsor posed.
coaching focused more on getting the sponsor ready While the project types and organizational cultures
to be the voice and face of the change. While some played a role in whether a participant could or could not
participants coached on change management or adapt, this large number of respondents who were unable
specific aspects of the project, depending on the to adapt implies that having a sponsor at the wrong
needs of the project, most focused on coaching the level can at times not be overcome. This highlights the
sponsor on how to communicate with and about importance of choosing the correct sponsor up front.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 215

Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

Sponsor Challenge – Lacked Time or Resources to Effectively Sponsor the Change

Figure 10.18 – Impact of sponsor lacking time or resources on meeting objectives, project schedule and project budget
Not very frequently
All the time
80 74%
70% 71%
70 66%
59% 61%
60 56% 54% 52%
46% 48%
50 44%
40 34%
30% 29%
30 26%



Met or Exceeded Failed or Partial On or Ahead of Schedule Behind Schedule On or Under Budget Over Budget

Impact of Sponsor Lacking Time influential and well respected in the organization,
their perceived lack of engagement in the project
or Resources
was viewed as tacit disapproval of the project and
its importance to the organization.
Participants identified the impacts they encountered
3. Project critical decisions and support was not
when their sponsor lacked time or resources to
made or given
effectively sponsor the change.
When participant projects experienced problems
1. Project slows or stalls that required timely and precise efforts from the
Participants reported the project slowed or stalled sponsor to resolve them, the sponsor was unable to
completely. Sponsor time and willingness to attend respond in a timely fashion. Sponsors who did not
meetings became the foundation that determined have time for the project did not go out of their way
whether the project proceeded. The change manager to make themselves available to the change manager,
lost the ability to set priorities and schedule which meant these time-critical activities often
communications or activities because each depended went uncommunicated to the sponsor. In situations
on input from the sponsor. The sponsor was not when the change manager was able to communicate
able to give timely input or consistently canceled the need for quick and decisive action, the sponsor
meetings right before they were scheduled to begin. downplayed the issue’s impact to justify their lack of
Further, sponsor inability or unwillingness to make engagement in resolving it.
time for the project was viewed as permission for
4. Project communications became less impactful
their peers and direct reports to do the same.
or failed
“If the sponsor cannot be involved due to time constraints
The sponsor did not provide the access necessary to
then those below them will not make time.”
ensure that communications went out in a timely
2. Project seen as unimportant by impacted groups manner or from the correct sender. Additionally,
A sponsor’s lack of time or resources led impacted the sponsor was not able to personalize the
groups to perceive the project as unimportant in communication enough to make a message
two ways. First, the delays in deliverables due to drafted on their behalf seem like an authentic
sponsor inability to engage in a timely manner communication. Impacted groups saw such
made change management activities seemed rushed inauthentic communication as stale, and it lost
and sloppy. Impacted groups were less willing to impact. This often resulted in the need for more
engage with these activities and began to view communication, the volume of which brought its
the change management effort as less valuable or own negative impacts.
inherently flawed. Conversely, if the sponsor was

216 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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Adaptations Made When a Sponsor 3. Ensure the sponsor availability and

commitment early
Lacks Time or Resources
Once participants became aware of who would
be sponsoring their project, they made a point to
Participants reported on the adaptations that they made explicitly state the time and resource commitment
to overcome a sponsor who lacked time or resources to required from the sponsor. By coordinating with the
effectively sponsor the change. sponsor’s limited schedule in advance, participants
1. Create resources that make sponsoring the were able to organize and plan the most efficient
change easier use of sponsor time. The advanced preparation
Resources included sponsor roadmaps, detailed project ensured availability and commitment from the
documentation, pre-crafted communications, sponsor to participate at the designated times. This
“decision trees” and creating additional content for early commitment was also useful for holding the
review or to communicate. The specific resources sponsor accountable to the commitments made
varied, but most were created for the sponsor because they could not claim ignorance of what was
and not at the sponsor’s request, suggesting required of them.
that participants also took a more active role in 4. Reserve the sponsors involvement for only
managing and directing their sponsor. project critical activities
2. Lean more on project resources Participants reported reserving the sponsor role
Project and change management teams took on more on the project for high-level impacts or critical
work to substitute for the sponsor lacking time to decisions only. Sponsors took on the role of a project
engage in their role effectively. Participants reported “fire-fighter,” stepping in only at high-impact or
extending the time of the change management project-critical moments. This severely diminished
activities to make sure they “stuck” or were effective, the impact the sponsor had throughout the project
which sometimes caused project delays. The sponsor and often created more work for the change team;
was often still active in the project, with participants however, by reserving sponsor involvement,
working to get as much value from the sponsor’s time participants were able to keep projects moving
as possible and to use the sponsor on activities that forward and on track.
were likely to have the most impact.

Sponsor Challenge – Delegated Their Role and Responsibilities to Someone Else

Figure 10.19 – Impact of sponsor delegating on meeting objectives, project schedule and project budget
Not very frequently
All the time
80 74%
70 65% 64% 63%
60 53% 54% 52%
46% 47% 48%
50 43%
40 35% 36% 37%
30 26%



Met or Exceeded Failed or Partial On or Ahead of Schedule Behind Schedule On or Under Budget Over Budget

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 217

Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

Impact of Sponsor Delegating Their Adaptations Made When the

Role and Responsibilities Sponsor Delegated Their Role
and Responsibilities
Participants identified impacts they encountered when
their sponsor delegated their role and responsibilities to Participants reported adaptations they made when
someone else (i.e., the delegate). the sponsor delegated their role and responsibilities to
1. Insufficient power and authority someone else (i.e., the delegate). Some participants made
The delegate did not have power or authority no adaptations. Some adaptations did not work, and in
to impact the project in a meaningful way. This some cases, no adaptations worked. The implication is that
created more work for participants who could not negative impacts of delegating cannot always be overcome.
rely on the sponsor’s authority to keep the project 1. Orchestrate handoff with previous sponsor
moving, remove barrier points, or deal with resistant Participants spent time managing the handoff
individuals. Lack of authority also caused others to between the sponsor and delegate. When possible,
see the change manager and change team as lacking participants used this opportunity to influence
authority, which increased the overall level of the delegate. If they were not able to influence the
resistance to change. delegate, they generally focused on a few things.
2. Imperfect Sponsorship Ensuring that the sponsor empowered the delegate
A nonideal delegate project sponsor was better for to make decisions, helped ensure that impacted
participants than having no sponsor. Acknowledging groups were not getting mixed messages and the
the challenges of delegate sponsorship, participants sponsor would not show up later to micromanage
preferred the arrangement to working with a bad, the project. A public handoff was used as a way of
ineffective, resistant or absent sponsor. Imperfect building support for the delegate by ensuring that
sponsorship was better than no or negative the original sponsors communicated the importance
sponsorship in general. of the project throughout the hand off.

3. Decrease in commitment 2. Prepare and support the delegate

When a sponsor delegated the role to someone else, Participants reported spending a good amount of
a decreased commitment to the change resulted. time educating the delegate before they took over
In cases where delegating the sponsor role was a and supporting the delegate throughout the project.
public occurrence, impacted groups that witnessed Education before the project focused on specifics
the sponsor effectively exiting the change also that make the delegate feel more comfortable in
considered it an opportunity to disengage from the role and reinforce the project’s importance.
the change. The change became unimportant and Support throughout the project comprised greatly of
unworthy of the time and resources requested by the increased check-ins with the delegate, reinforcing
change manager to execute the change. the importance of the project, and documenting all
aspects of the project.
4. Insufficient time dedicated to the project
Often the delegate did not have adequate time or 3. Take on more of the work
capacity to sponsor the change effectively. The Either the participant or project management team
delegate was not available to participate in the had to take on more work in the project. Those who
change as robustly as needed and frequently favored reported the need to take on more work viewed the
other projects and priorities when deciding how delegate as ineffective or inefficient. Participants
much time and energy to give the change. rarely took on sponsor-specific work and instead
“Unless the sponsor is actively following up on [the focused on greater reinforcement and efficient
project] progress [the delegate] has other priorities and communication about the change. Bypassing the
therefore the project doesn’t get the attention it needs.” sponsor work, they tried to manage the change by
emphasizing project importance, and the risks and
consequences of failure.

218 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

4. Increase communication at all levels communications also increased project visibility with
Participants increased the amount and frequency of organizational leaders and executives. Visibility
communications about the project. This reassured protected the change management team if the negative
those involved that the effort to manage change was effects of delegation impacted the project and helped
continuing and the change was still a priority for keep the original sponsor aware of and current with
the original sponsor and the organization. These project progress in case they needed to step in again.

Sponsor Challenge – Did Not Support the Change

Figure 10.20 – Impact of sponsor not supporting the change on meeting objectives, project schedule and project budget
Not very frequently
All the time
67% 68%
70 63%
59% 58% 60% 58%

41% 42% 40% 42%
38% 37%
40 33% 32%


Met or Exceeded Failed or Partial On or Ahead of Schedule Behind Schedule On or Under Budget Over Budget

Impact of the Sponsor Not Supporting 3. Change not taken seriously

The organization did not take the change seriously
the Change
because the sponsor did not support it or actively
undermined the change. Impacted groups did not
Participants reported on the impacts of the sponsor not feel they needed to engage with the project, thinking
supporting the change. they could “wait out the change” and revert to previous
1. No adoption and usage approaches later. Leaders and executives who had
Having a sponsor who did not support the change originally supported the change became convinced
resulted in low or no adoption and usage. Change that the change was not necessary or did not allocate
management was ineffective without the sponsor’s the budget or resources originally assigned to it.
support, the initiative lacked budget and resources “[Impacted groups thought], ‘If we wait this effort out,
to effectively drive adoption and usage, the sponsor it will go back to the way things were before’… How can
actively opposed and sabotaged the change, or we create a believable [return on investment] on change
the sponsor was unable to enroll other leaders to management when our sponsors won’t engage?”
support the change.
4. No commitment
2. Change fails
Participants were unable to gain commitment from
The project failed and was abandoned before
impacted groups for the change. Without a credible
the technical requirements were complete. The
sponsor supporting the change, employees were not
sponsor’s lack of support for the change drained
willing or convinced to participate in the project or
motivation and morale from working teams to the
change management activities. Other groups in the
point where impacted groups start to exit, avoid
organization—those not directly impacted by the change
meetings and ignore communications about the
but necessary for project success—were not committed
change. Some participants anticipated the project
to the change or willing to provide resources, budget,
failure and exited or removed change management
personnel or “calendar space” for the project to succeed.
from the project ahead of the failure.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 219

Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

Adaptations Made When the Sponsor 3. Educate, coach and persuade the sponsor
Participants stopped, stalled or delayed the project
Did Not Support the Change
to work with the non-supportive sponsor. They
coached the sponsor on the importance of the
Participants identified adaptations they made when their change, importance of their role as a sponsor in the
sponsor did not support the change. change’s success, and value and principles of change
1. Engage managers and supervisors management. Believing they could educate or coach
Participants made large and concerted efforts to a sponsor into complete commitment for the change
engage managers and supervisors of impacted or at least an agreement to not actively oppose the
groups. Participants tasked managers and supervisors change or offer “lip service” when speaking about it.
to take on some of the sponsorship role, such as 4. Adjust various aspects of the project
communicating about the change, supporting the In response to having an unsupportive sponsor,
change, and addressing feedback about the change. participants adjusted various aspects of their projects.
Working to deploy the change within individual Adjustments included: cutting back on project
teams via managers and supervisors, instead of all deliverables, extending the project timeline,
impacted groups as they would have with a supportive adding or requesting more budget for additional
sponsor, which reduced the change’s scope to meet “what’s in it for me” (WIIFM) communications,
the adjusted level of sponsorship. and increasing the number of change champions
2. Identify the risks of failed sponsorship or influencers on the project. In some cases, they
Participants worked to demonstrate the risks that completely removed change management and
poor or unsupportive sponsorship would have on the themselves from the project.
project to both the unsupportive sponsor and other
senior leaders. The potential risks to the project,
schedule or budget, was a persuasive tool used to
convince the sponsor to actively support the change.
If unsuccessful, the tactic was used with senior
leaders in an attempt to get a replacement sponsor
or additional change management project support.
Participants reported mixed success.

Sponsor Challenge – Underestimated or Misunderstood the People Side Impact

of the Project

Figure 10.21 – Impact of sponsor underestimating the people side impact on meeting objectives, project schedule and project budget

Not very frequently

All the time
80 74%
69% 70%
70 63% 65%
60 55% 57%
50% 50%
50 45% 43%
37% 35%
31% 30%
30 26%



Met or Exceeded Failed or Partial On or Ahead of Schedule Behind Schedule On or Under Budget Over Budget

220 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Impact of Sponsor Underestimating decreased the project’s expected return on

investment. Sponsors who underestimated or did
or Misunderstanding the People
not understand the impact that the people side
Side Impacts of change can have on a project did not enable, or
in some cases actively hindered, effective change
When the sponsor underestimated or misunderstood the management. This meant that projects requiring
people side impact of the project, project impacts varied. high levels of adoption or usage had no means to
ensure that impacted groups adopted or used the
1. Undervaluing change management activities
change. This led to projects well-executed from a
These sponsors were unwilling to step into their
technical perspective, but which ultimately failed
role as sponsors of the change. They had to be
because impacted groups did not use the new
convinced that change management activities or
solution or reverted to the old way of doing things.
communications were important, and they often
pushed back, ignored, or worked around input
from the change management team. Even Adaptations to Sponsor
sponsors who could be convinced of the value Underestimating or Misunderstanding
of change management underestimated the
the People Side Impacts
difficulty or amount of work required to manage
change effectively. “They oversimplify the change
process – ‘Let’s just hit the easy button’.” Participants reported on the adaptations they made
when their sponsor underestimated or misunderstood
2. Overly focused on technical aspects
the people side impact of the project. While several large
Sponsors focused too much on the technical
adaptation themes arose from analysis, a significant
implementation of the change. Sponsors tried to pull
portion of respondents did not make any adaptations to
change management activities or meetings towards
this sponsor challenge.
the technical execution of the change, or they
spent most of their time working with the project 1. Educate and coach sponsors on their role in
team on technical issues. The change management change management
team was rushed, forced to react to decisions made Participants made intensive efforts to coach and
without their input, or saw their time and resources educate the sponsor on their change management
for change management activities diverted to the role. Participants created several resources, met with
technical side of the project. the sponsor as often as they could, ran extensive
training and coaching sessions on sponsor roles and
3. Unable to secure necessary change
responsibilities, and attempted to get other leaders or
management resources
executives to coach the sponsor in change management.
Sponsors were significantly less able to provide
or secure access to the appropriate resources and 2. Demonstrate the importance of the people
budget for which participants relied on them. When side impact
their sponsor did not understand the value or impact Active effort to demonstrate to the sponsor
of the people side of change, they were unwilling the importance of people side impacts on the
to provide this access, which kept projects from project included highlighting the value of change
getting off the ground. Participants depended on management through examples of past failed
sponsors to provide resources when unexpected changes due to ignoring the people side impact.
events necessitated them. Sponsors that did not Participants also gave sponsors insights about
value the impact of the people side of change did specific impacts employees experienced and
not understand why more resources were required attempted to provide visibility and transparency to
and would not intervene, forcing the change the project to help the sponsor see the effect their
management team to execute the plan without the sponsorship is having on the project.
necessary resources or budget. 3. Demonstrate the importance with data
4. Decreased adoption and return on investment and numbers
for the project Participants needed to speak to sponsors “in
Upon project completion, lower levels of adoption a language they could understand.” This meant
and usage of the new solutions dramatically

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 221

Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

providing hard facts, quantitative data and case 4. Educate the sponsor on risks of project failure
studies. All of this was done to get the sponsor to Participants reported educating their sponsor on
commit to the change. Participants explicitly called the risks of project failure and tended to focus on
out Prosci tools and Prosci ADKAR® Model surveys the organizational impacts of project failure. Some
or provided monetary data and projects as well as participants needed to demonstrate how low or no
industry specific benchmarking reports to help the adoption and usage limits or prevents a return on
sponsor understand the importance of the people project investments to the organization. They also
side impact on a project. attempted to show how project failure would reflect
negatively on the sponsor.

Sponsor Challenge – Unwilling to Take on the Role and Activities Required of Them

Figure 10.22 – Impact of sponsor unwilling to take on the role and activities on meeting objectives, project schedule and
project budget
Not very frequently
All the time
70 66%
63% 63% 63%
60 53% 54%
51% 49% 47% 46%
37% 37% 37%
40 34%


Met or Exceeded Failed or Partial On or Ahead of Schedule Behind Schedule On or Under Budget Over Budget

Impact of a Sponsor Unwilling to Take 2. Project was slowed or delayed

The sponsor’s unwillingness to take on the role made
on the Role and Activities
every aspect of the change management initiative
take longer. With no clear sponsor, no one could
Participants identified the impacts of having a sponsor effectively provide organizational direction, set
that was unwilling to take on the role and activities clear expectations, articulate a “why” message for
required of them. the change, or hold impacted groups accountable.
Additionally, the sponsor did not provide or seek access
1. Project failed
to budget and resources when the project required
The project failed because the sponsor did not
them to do so. This also contributed to delays.
drive adoption and usage. Impacted groups viewed
“The project was implemented almost 2 years later
the sponsor’s unwillingness to take on the role of
than it should have been, with little to no improvement
sponsor and engage with the project as a sign that
in the business process.”
the initiative was not valuable or necessary, which
caused impacted groups to resist the project and 3. Change management was less effective
its demands on them. In some cases, the resistance The lack of sponsor support made change management
caused the project to lose momentum and stall activities and communications less effective. Change
permanently. In other cases, the solution was management was taken less seriously because there
installed, but people did not utilize it, resulting in a was no credible, influential sponsor promoting it
lack of benefit realization by the organization. to impacted groups, so it was frequently ignored or
deprioritized. Ineffectiveness of change management
contributed to lower adoption and usage.

222 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

4. Employees did not understand why the change considered their sponsor’s unwillingness to be a
was happening byproduct of misunderstanding what would be
Without a sponsor clearly articulating the business asked of them and the important role they played in
case for the change, impacted groups did not project success. Participants believed that constantly
understand why the change was necessary and why meeting with and engaging the sponsor would make
it was happening to them. Participants attempted to the sponsor more willing. However, few participants
provide answers and clarifications to the impacted reported success with the approach.
groups, but they lacked the authority and credibility
2. Rely on a robust network of change agents,
necessary. The inability to provide a convincing
champions and influencers
“why” left impacted groups feeling directionless or
As with adaptations made with other sponsor
“rudderless.” This created delays, a general slowdown
challenges, participants leaned heavily on change
of the project and increased attrition.
networks when they had an unwilling sponsor. They
5. Change and project management teams had to convinced the network to do some of the heavy
do more work lifting of sponsorship, asking them to influence
Having an unwilling sponsor required the change impacted groups and promote the change with them.
management team and project management team Participants who utilized these networks tended to
to absorb sponsor responsibilities. The change redistribute the sponsor role among many different
management team was forced to extend, double groups of people rather than assign it to a single
up on or redo change activities. The project team person or small group. Participants reported success
had to take on many sponsorship activities and in sponsoring the change this way but increased the
communicate about the change to impacted groups. burden on the change management team to provide
At times, this drove a wedge between the project and adapt necessary materials to a diverse group of
team and the change management team because pseudo-sponsors.
they had less time to work with and communicate
3. Get a new sponsor
with each other, which decreased project and change
Participants replaced an unwilling sponsor with a
management team integration.
new one. Some participants removed the sponsor
from the project by documenting the issue and
creating visibility for upper leadership into the
Adaptations Made When a Sponsor sponsors unwillingness. Alternatively, participants
Was Unwilling to Take on the Role worked with the unwilling sponsor to either exit the
project quietly or appoint and empower a delegate
and Activities in their place. Some participants acknowledged the
difficulties of working with a delegate but preferred
Participants reported on the adaptations they made the challenges to working with an unwilling sponsor.
when their sponsor was unwilling to take on the role
4. Escalate to the sponsor’s superior
and activities required of them. A significant portion of
Participants escalated to get the executive team to
participants reported being unable to make adaptations or
force the unwilling sponsor to take on the roles and
that their adaptations failed, each leading to project failure.
activities of the project, remove the sponsor from
1. Engage, coach and educate the sponsor the project, or find people above the sponsor who
Participants made concerted efforts to engage, could influence them to take on some of the roles
educate and coach their sponsor to change their and activities.
minds about sponsorship. These participants

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 223

Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

Sponsor Activity Model Figure 10.23 is a 3 x 3 diagram that illustrates

responsibilities of the sponsor during each project
Source date: 2016
phase (start-up, design and implementation).
Activities required for each box are described on the
Participants described the most important sponsor following pages.
activities for managing change. Data were broken into
three major project phases: start-up (planning), design Note: The labels for each box in Figure 10.23 are intended
and implementation. Activities and steps were further to be general descriptions for the category and are not
categorized by target audiences: intended to stand alone from the activity lists in Tables
10.24, 10.25 and 10.26.
• Project team

• Managers (including business leaders) Editor’s note: The Sponsor Activity Model shown in
Figure 10.23 was developed in 2003 and now includes
• Employees
data from the 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011 reports to
create a comprehensive view of sponsor activities across
multiple studies.

Figure 10.23 – Sponsor activity model

Project Team Managers Employees

Acquire project Build management

Start-up resources support Create awareness

Provide direct
Design Develop sponsorship Educate

Align leadership and

Implementation Maintain momentum Reinforce and reward
manage resistance

224 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Project Team Managers Employees

Acquire project Build management

Start-up Create awareness
resources support

Provide direct
Design Develop sponsorship Educate

Align leadership and

Implementation Maintain momentum Reinforce and reward
manage resistance

Table 10.24 – Sponsor start-up activities

With the Project Team: With Managers: With Employees:

Acquire Project Resources Build Management Support Create Awareness

• Select the best project leader and team • Enlist the support of executive • Describe the current state of the
members; include resources with managers and create a support business and share business issues
change management expertise network (coalition of managers or opportunities
needed to support change)
• Provide necessary funding for the team, • Explain why a change is needed now;
including training for all team members • Create a steering committee of key share the risks of not changing
on change management managers to monitor progress
• Share a vision for the future; explain
(depends on project size)
• Set priorities related to daily work the nature of the change and show
versus project work to allow adequate • Educate senior managers about the how change will address business
team member participation business drivers of change and the risks problems or opportunities
of not changing
• Help the team understand critical • Answer “How will this change affect
business issues or opportunities that • Work directly with managers who show me?” and “What’s in it for me?” (WIIFM)
must be addressed early signs of resistance
• Be proactive, vocal and visible;
• Provide clear direction and objectives • Create change advocates within the communicate frequently, including
for the project; describe what success leadership team; build support and face-to-face conversations
will look like enthusiasm for change
• Listen and be open to dialogue

• Jointly develop a high-level view of • Provide training on change and resistance

the future and link change to the management for senior managers
• Tell employees what they can expect
business strategy
• Establish change activities that the to happen and when
• Be directly involved with the project leadership group is responsible
• Understand the organizational
team; set expectations; review key for completing
culture and beliefs
deliverables and remove obstacles
• Define accountabilities for
• Repeat key messages
• Take ownership for success of the mid-level managers
project and hold the team accountable • Share plans with customers
• Determine and communicate priorities
for results and suppliers
between this change and other
• Establish a commitment to change change initiatives • Show project milestones and provide
management; talk about change progress updates
• Resolve conflicting operational
management and ensure required roles
objectives with other senior leaders • Communicate clearly and honestly
are filled
about aspects of the project that are
• Solicit and listen to
still unknown
management feedback
• Connect project to the organization’s
strategy and goals

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 225

Part 3: Chapter 10 – Sponsorship

Project Team Managers Employees

Acquire project Build management

Start-up Create awareness
resources support

Provide direct
Design Develop sponsorship Educate

Align leadership and

Implementation Maintain momentum Reinforce and reward
manage resistance

Table 10.25 – Sponsor design activities

With the Project Team: With Managers: With Employees:

Provide Direct Support Develop Sponsorship Educate

• Stay involved: attend key project • Continue to build support and • Communicate frequently with
meetings, review project status and hold sponsorship among senior managers; employees; make your personal
the team accountable for results reinforce key messages; resolve commitment visible, including
differences in perception; address areas face-to-face conversations
• Provide necessary resources and
of resistance
funding, including ensuring that the • Reinforce the reason for change, the
right people are made available to • Let senior managers know how they risk of not changing and evolving
support the design work can support change; provide them with details about the future state
a clear roadmap for sponsoring change
• Be accessible to the team; be a sounding • Show employees how the change
with their direct reports
board; provide ideas and constructive aligns with the direction and strategy
criticism to the team; ask “What if?” • Conduct steering committee meetings; of the business
keep managers informed; use this
• Remove roadblocks; make timely • Answer “What will this change
forum to resolve critical issues
decisions on project issues and help mean to me?”
manage conflicts and political issues • Use public and private conversations
to reinforce leadership support; • Listen to what employees have to
• Communicate expectations and say; take the pulse of the
recognize outstanding managers
feedback from other managers organization and collect feedback
• Communicate project progress to all

• Keep the team on track and manage • Share project progress and provide
executive managers
“scope creep” updates regularly; update employees
• Hold mid-level managers accountable on “what you can expect to happen
• Reward success and achievements
• Do not tolerate resistance from and when”
• Take the time to understand
mid-level managers or allow managers • Enable employee participation
the solution
to opt out of change; be clear and involvement
• Identify conflicts with other projects on expectations
that might impact this team • Recognize good work employees
• Ensure that a consistent message have done
• Make sure the project team knows that is being sent by managers to
your door is open and you are available impacted employees • Involve customers and suppliers
to support their work • Ensure adequate time is allocated
• Play a role in all critical decisions for training and skill-building prior
to implementation

226 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Project Team Managers Employees

Acquire project Build management

Start-up Create awareness
resources support

Provide direct
Design Develop sponsorship Educate

Align leadership and

Implementation Maintain momentum Reinforce and reward
manage resistance

Table 10.26 – Sponsor implementation activities

With Managers:
With the Project Team: With Employees:
Align Leadership and
Maintain Momentum Reinforce and Reward
Manage Resistance

• Secure resources necessary • Continue to meet in public and private • Reinforce key messages; align business
for implementation with business leaders and senior strategy with project objectives;
managers; align sponsorship; provide increase personal communications
• Stay engaged with the team: attend
progress updates; resolve issues
meetings, reward successes, hold • Reinforce why change is being
them accountable for results and • Communicate expectations to senior made and the risk of not changing
build enthusiasm managers for their support of change; (some employees might be ready to
provide activities they can do and hear this message only when change
• Remove roadblocks and help the team
messages they can communicate to is near implementation)
overcome obstacles
the organization
• Stay on course; avoid shifting priorities • Listen to employees and encourage
• Manage resistance from middle feedback; be willing to answer
too early
managers; correct or remove managers tough questions
• Attend frequent project status meetings who will not support change
and track progress • Set expectations for employees;
• Model change through personal clearly communicate consequences
• Resolve issues and conflicts; respond examples and hands-on involvement of not changing

to escalation
• Stay involved throughout the entire • Identify with the additional work and
project; stay visible difficulties that might be experienced
• Hold managers accountable for support during implementation
• Enforce application of new processes
and behaviors
• Look for quick wins; share successes
and build enthusiasm for change
• Celebrate success stories in person;
be present and visible
• Acknowledge challenges and
obstacles honestly

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 227

3 Chapter 11

and Supervisors
Managers and Supervisors Legitimize
Changes Impacting Teams They Lead

Summary Highlight

Managers and supervisors play a key role in producing Only 35% of participants indicated
change outcomes. Employees look to their manager for overt that they adequately prepared
instructions and subtle cues about how a coming change managers and supervisors for their
will impact them. Leveraging the power and influence of role in change.
managers to support team members through their individual
change will ultimately increase adoption and improve the
outcomes of your change project. Best practices data in
this chapter defines what people managers must do to
effectively lead their team during times of change. Learn
tactics for engaging and enabling managers to be successful
leaders of change.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Most Critical Roles for Managers 4. Engage and liaise with the project team
Proactive manager engagement and input to the
and Supervisors During Change
research and planning phases of change were critical
to incorporating employee needs and feedback in the
Participants identified the most critical roles for solution. Developing a transparent relationship with
managers and supervisors during change. the project team enabled trust and support from
1. Advocate and champion for change employees. It was critical to positioning managers
Active, visible advocacy and adoption greatly as a direct point of contact between leadership and
impacted change success. Managers needed to employees. Doing so enabled leaders to communicate
understand the reasons for change and their role key project team milestones to employees and notice
as influencer, which meant creating a supportive areas where employees need additional support
environment that is accepting of change. Managers during the change process.
needed to lead by example by attending training 5. Identify and manage resistance
and project events and speaking positively about Manager roles involved leveraging their position to
change to encourage engagement. “They need to identify, report and manage resistance. This included
be siding with the sponsor’s vision and support the anticipating and removing barriers, understanding the
change process. They are [on the] front line and should cause of resistance, and having honest conversations
show by example.” with employees to demonstrate transparency and
2. Communicate actively and openly encourage participation in the change.
Managers needed to understand and openly
communicate the change’s purpose, expectations
and goals, and the anticipated impact at both the Most Common Mistakes for Managers
organizational and individual levels. For efficient
and Supervisors
change management, employees required a
consistent line of communication from leadership Source date: 2016
and direct managers, as well as updates on when
and how the change was expected to occur. Participants identified some of the biggest mistakes
Prior to the change, managers needed to answer, managers and supervisors make when managing change.
“what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM) and explain 1. Role abdication
organizational benefits. Participants indicated Either intentionally or as a result of a lack of
the importance of open, honest and two-way understanding, managers abdicated their roles during
communication as critical success factors in change or did not take responsibility for change.
executing the change.
• Not accepting responsibility
3. Coach and support employees through change The largest factor was supervisors not
Managers needed to be available for coaching and understanding their role as change champions.
answering questions throughout the change process. They often saw change management duties as
Listening to employee concerns and being empathetic extra work and not a normal function of their
to those affected by the change was highly important role, but rather the role of a change manager or
to supporting employees and encouraging acceptance project team.
of change. Managers needed to educate employees on
appropriate behaviors during the change. Managers • Ignoring change
also needed to be prepared and able to remove Managers felt they could ignore or hide from
barriers and handle conflicts while identifying change and focus on business as usual, adopting
corrective actions. Recognizing and rewarding the mindset that the change would either go away
success was also important to maintaining a positive or happen on its own regardless of their efforts.
and supportive environment in which employees
could engage with change.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 231

Part 3: Chapter 11 – Managers and Supervisors

• Not seeking better understanding Role Fulfillment by Managers

One of the most common mistakes
and Supervisors
participants pointed out was managers not
seeking to understand the change and its
impact – operating in ignorance. They Participants rated the effectiveness of their
struggled to ask for support during change organization’s managers and supervisors in the five
management and did not acknowledge their change management roles of a manager identified
personal journeys through change. in previous studies: communicator, advocate, coach,
resistance manager and liaison (Figure 11.1). Managers
2. Communication mistakes
and supervisors were more effective than ineffective
Many participants stated that managers felt
at being communicators, advocates and liaisons.
that a single communication was sufficient and
communicated to rather than with employees.
Figure 11.1 – Effectiveness of managers and supervisors
Instead of admitting their own knowledge gaps, in roles
managers would communicate what they knew Effective
at the time causing communications to be late or Ineffective

inaccurate. Supervisors often did not understand 37%

how to filter messages appropriately, or what 20%
messages to filter, often oversharing or adding
personal bias. Liason
3. Failing to support staff
Many managers felt that employees would change 33%
if told to do so and did not need additional 22%

support. This led to unrealistic expectations 21%

because supervisors did not acknowledge that Coach
individuals accept change at different paces.
Supervisors also struggled to manage resistance 20%
Resistance Manager
appropriately due to fear, empathy or a general 44%

misunderstanding of the root cause of resistance.

0 10 20 30 40 50
Supervisors got caught up in their own journeys Percent of Respondents
and how the change impacted them, keeping them Editor’s note: ‘Somewhat effective’ responses are not
from addressing their teams’ needs. represented in the graph.

4. Ill prepared
Managers underestimated the impact change had
on their teams or overestimated their teams’ ability
to handle change. Either due to false assumptions
about change or not knowing how to prioritize
change among daily operations, supervisors were
ill prepared when it was time for change.

5. Resisting the change

Participants reported that supervisors often would
talk the talk but not walk the walk. Managers would
take sides, usually with their direct reports, causing
us-versus-them mentalities.

232 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Table 11.2 shows that participants most commonly viewed managers and supervisors as somewhat effective with
communicating, advocating and liaising, and ineffective at coaching and resistance management.

Table 11.2 – Manager role fulfillment

Communicator Advocate Coach Liaison
Extremely Effective 4% 4% 9% 10% 6%

Effective 18% 16% 34% 33% 18%

Somewhat Effective 45% 43% 37% 36% 41%

Ineffective 28% 31% 18% 16% 29%

Extremely Ineffective 5% 6% 3% 4% 7%

Evaluating Manager and Supervisor Methods to Evaluate Manager and

Change Management Role Fulfillment Supervisor Change Management
Role Fulfillment
Thirty-seven percent of participants in the 2019 study
Source date: 2016
reported formally evaluating manager and supervisor
effectiveness (Figure 11.3).
Participants who measured manager and supervisor
role effectiveness identified the methods they used.
Figure 11.3 – Formally evaluated manager and supervisor
Observation (67%), interviews (64%), and surveys and
role effectiveness
assessments (57%) were the most common responses
(Figure 11.4).

Yes - 37% Figure 11.4 – Techniques to evaluate manager and

supervisor role effectiveness


70 67%

60 57%
Percent of Respondents

No - 63%



Observation Interviews Surveys and Adoption Performance Other
Assessments of the Evaluations

Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple

responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 233

Part 3: Chapter 11 – Managers and Supervisors

Largest Skill, Competency or Tool Gap reasons for change and lacked understanding of the
nature of the change, the impact to their team and
Source date: 2016
the definition of success.

Participants identified the largest gaps in skill, Other gaps included:

competency or use of tools that prevented managers from
being great leaders of change with direct reports. Five • Resistance management
prominent gaps were identified. Managers lacked the ability to identify and
manage resistance to change and often
1. Communication skills avoided conflict.
Effective communication was cited as the top
shortcoming at the manager level. Managers • Coaching skills
struggled with knowing when, how and what Managers lacked the ability to recognize
to communicate. Identifying appropriate individual barriers or observe actions and to
communication channels, having the ability to speak deliver constructive coaching.
face-to-face confidently, and tailoring messages for • Leadership skills
audiences were notable responses. Participants identified lack of leadership,
2. Lack of change management training strategy, vision and influence as skill gaps at the
Lack of training in change management was the manager level.
second most frequently identified gap. Training • Change management buy-in
ideally includes focus on theory, principles, Participants identified managers as lacking
supporting tools, models and application. Managers buy-in for the discipline of change management.
were described as unaware of the nature of change
• Lack of sponsorship from senior leaders
management and its applications. Participants
Executive sponsorship for change management
also recommended consistency in the selected
was missing, and senior leaders often did not
methodology, stating that managers should be trained
account for the time and effort required to get
in the framework being applied on a project to allow
managers on board and able to fulfill their roles.
effective collaboration between roles.

3. Time management and saturation

Participants identified challenges with competing
Managing Resistance
priorities and change saturation. Time management
skills and the ability to prioritize change Source date: 2011
management were key skills, a lack of which
inhibited a manager’s ability to lead change. Eighty-nine percent of participants in the 2015 study
Participants reported that managers frequently were ineffective or somewhat effective at managing
claimed to be too busy or overworked and often employee resistance.
underestimated the time needed by employees
during rollout. Participants from the 2011 study identified steps taken
to help managers and supervisors become better at
4. Understanding the role of a manager
managing resistance. The top six steps were:
during change
Managers frequently viewed change management 1. Training on resistance management
as an activity performed by others and did not Training that focused on managing resistance was
understand its impact on their role with direct provided to managers and supervisors. Training
reports. Managers struggled to engage with included targeted tactics in resistance management,
change management practices and did not take identifying resistance, and overcoming individual
responsibility for their role in leading change. resistance. Additional training topics included
human reactions and behavioral aspects of change.
5. Buy-in for change
Participants identified a lack of buy-in and 2. Change management training that included
commitment for change and a lack of information as resistance management
gaps for managers when leading change with direct Change management training was provided
reports. Managers were unaware of the business to managers and supervisors that included

234 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

components on resistance management. Change Coaching

management training varied in focus, including
Source date: 2011
comprehensive change management courses,
lessons targeted at leading personal change and
sessions educating participants about roles and Eighty-eight percent of participants in the 2015
expectations during change. study indicated that managers and supervisors were
not effective or only somewhat effective at coaching
3. Provide toolkits and templates focused on employees through personal transitions.
resistance management
Participants provided managers with tools and Participants in the 2011 study identified specific steps
templates to assist with resistance management. taken to help managers and supervisors become more
Commonly noted tools included best practices, effective at coaching employees through the personal
case studies, shared success stories, Frequently transitions associated with change. The top five activities
Asked Questions (FAQs) and toolkits for identified were:
managing resistance.
1. Training on coaching
4. Solicit feedback to understand resistance further Participants provided managers and supervisors
Soliciting feedback from employees to identify with training specifically focused on coaching
and understand resistance helped managers and employees through the change process. Training
supervisors become more effective at managing programs varied from group workshops to
resistance. Multiple feedback channels were individual training.
identified including forums, focus groups, surveys,
involvement in design phases, direct feedback from 2. General training in various competencies that
prime resisters, and historical reactions to change. included coaching
Managers and supervisors received some
5. Providing information, briefings and messaging instruction on coaching during workshops and
about change training for other competencies.
Providing information, briefings and messaging
about change to managers and supervisors helped 3. Coaching tools and templates
them preemptively identify possible resistance and Participants provided managers and supervisors
answer resisters’ queries in a prepared, coherent and with tools and templates specific to coaching for
consistent manner. reference. Common tools cited included toolkits,
best practices, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs),
6. Increased communication shared successes and experiences with coaching.
Participants modified communication plans to
increase communication. Proactive communication 4. Feedback to target coaching activities
tailored to stakeholder groups and addressing Participants utilized feedback collected from
possible objections was emphasized. Several surveys, forums, performance reviews and informal
participants noted training for managers and channels to identify where coaching efforts were
supervisors on communication. needed. This focused support and aided managers
and supervisors in coaching their direct reports.

5. Complete and timely information

To enable effective coaching, participants presented
managers and supervisors with comprehensive
information about the change. Information
addressed why the change was needed, descriptions
of the change, impact on employees, expectations
of employees, goals, schedule, benefits and
possible challenges. Talking point documents and
communication aids ensured consistent messaging.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 235

Part 3: Chapter 11 – Managers and Supervisors

Tactics for Ensuring Managers Spent and advocate actively and visibly. The organization’s
change agents and change champions were
Adequate Time Managing Change
leveraged, and a change leader was assigned to lead
Source date: 2015 managers and supervisors.

6. Administer tools
Managers and supervisors are often already busy with
Managers and supervisors were provided tools to
daily responsibilities. Participants identified tactics
use with employees including talking points about
employed to ensure managers and supervisors dedicated
change, toolkits, checklists, research findings and
adequate time to managing change with employees.
resistance management plans.
1. Support structured communications
7. Provide coaching
Structured communications was reported
Coaching sessions, monitoring, mentoring, continued
two times more frequently than the other
support and encouragement were provided to
tactics listed below. Participants identified
managers and supervisors throughout change.
structured communications to include multiple
communication avenues with high frequency,
Participants also emphasized building awareness of
facilitating open discussions and one-on-one
the need for change and the importance of managers’
contact. Additionally, participants reported
roles during change. Other tactics included clearly
creating communication plans for managers that
defining roles, getting early and active engagement,
allowed for two-way feedback.
measuring performance and tying change management
2. Integrate change management into to managers’ objectives.
existing activities
Change management was built into the project
plan and project management reporting structures.
Steps to Get Managers and Supervisors
Change management messages were added to daily
briefings. Existing lunch-and-learns and meetings on Board With Change
were used to address change topics. Change Source date: 2013
managers acted as liaisons at meetings and events
that focused on a variety of topics not specific to Participants identified the following steps that were
change management. taken to get managers and supervisors on board with
3. Schedule meetings change so they could engage their direct reports.
Participants held change management-specific 1. Emphasize communications
meetings or briefings to keep managers and The most common step was creating structured,
supervisors updated and informed about change. targeted and frequent communications about change
Participants used various channels to report the and managers’ roles during change. Participants
progress of a change initiative and address change engaged in face-to-face communications and
management concepts, including webinars, focus reinforced messages with managers. Participants
groups, town halls and teleconferences. also created opportunities for managers and
4. Provide training supervisors to give feedback.
Training was provided and workshops were 2. Hold meetings
delivered that focused on specific changes, change Participants involved managers and supervisors in
management concepts, and the roles of managers one-on-one meetings, team meetings, alignment
and supervisors during change. Engagement sessions, briefings, town halls and web meetings.
sessions built awareness of change and got managers Participants also noted the value of having a project
and supervisors involved. or change management leader attend regularly
5. Involve other roles to champion change scheduled meetings for managers and supervisors.
Participants used sponsors to communicate the
importance of change to managers and supervisors

236 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

3. Focus on awareness How to Support Managers and

Information was provided to managers and
Supervisors During Change
supervisors to address how change would affect
them and the business reasons for the change Source date: 2009
including risks of not changing. Awareness of
the importance of change management and the Participants from the 2009 study offered a variety of
manager’s roles were also addressed. suggestions on how to support managers and supervisors
during change.
4. Provide materials, tools and support
Managers and supervisors were provided with 1. Designate coaches, mentors and experts
adequate tools to understand and navigate change Designate a change champion or change team to
including talking points, toolkits, action plans and coach and mentor managers. These subject matter
key message outlines. Continued support was also experts provide expertise and moral support
provided to managers and supervisors. while working through issues with managers.
Some organizations established a help desk to put
5. Engage managers
managers in touch with resources quickly.
Engaging managers during early phases of a project
got managers on board with change. Holding 2. Schedule communication
engagement sessions was one tactic for doing so. Engage in constant dialogue and daily face-to-face
communications with managers.
Other steps participants identified included delivering
3. Provide tools
training and workshops, providing coaching, sharing
Provide tools for managers and supervisors to use
project updates, leveraging sponsorship, clearly defining
while rolling out change including media kits,
roles, using surveys and assessments, and leveraging
job aids, talking points, communication scripts,
change agents and change champions.
change management articles, case studies, reference
materials and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

4. Share employee feedback

Preparation Collect information related to change from
employees through electronic or paper surveys, and
Participants evaluated the following statement share feedback with managers and supervisors.
on a strongly agree to strongly disagree scale:
5. Provide continuous updates
“My organization adequately prepares managers/supervisors
Share progress updates. Keep managers and
with the skills, training and tools they need to lead during
supervisors updated and recognize when milestones
change.” In 2019, 63% of participants either disagreed or
have been achieved.
strongly disagreed with the statement (Figure 11.5).

Other tactics to support managers and supervisors included:

Figure 11.5 – Adequately prepared managers and supervisors
• Offering formal change management training
Strongly Agree 3%
2015 • Creating awareness for change among
all departments
Agree 31%
29% • Conducting process/technology training
Disagree 44%
• Setting goals
Strongly Disagree 19%
Don't Know 3%
0 10 20 30 40 50
Percent of Respondents

Editor’s note: in 2019 the “Unsure” option was changed to

“Don’t Know”.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 237

Part 3: Chapter 11 – Managers and Supervisors

Additional Learning Opportunities 4. Workshops and seminars

The most effective sessions were interactive, and
Source date: 2009
included problem solving, Question and Answer (Q&A)
facilitation and role playing.
In addition to formal classroom training, participants
offered the following approaches for building change 5. Tools
management skills and knowledge with managers Managers and supervisors were provided tip sheets,
and supervisors: quick reference guides, workbooks and toolkits to
support change management.
1. One-on-one discussions and coaching
These sessions provided safe interactions to help 6. Articles and books
managers and supervisors lead change with direct Managers and supervisors were provided additional
reports. Participants mentioned peer coaching, literature on leading change.
mentoring by senior leaders, and support from
change management specialists as useful Content addressed in these additional training
skill-building methods. methods included:

2. Formal and regular communications • Roles and responsibilities of a manager or

One-to-many communications included emails, supervisor to support change management
pamphlets, newsletters, bulletin boards and • Project-related information including details
electronic forum messages. of the project plan, business case, key messages
3. Meetings for communications and progress updates
In some cases, change management was added • Stories and experiences including success
as an agenda item to normal meetings. Meetings stories from previous changes and examples
focusing on change management included short of issues or concerns from the current change.
presentations, road shows, lunch-and-learn
opportunities, and forums covering a change
management issue.

238 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

3 Chapter 12

Change Agent Network

Extend Project Support and Build Credibility
Through an Engaged Group of Advocates

Summary Highlight

Change Agent Networks are becoming an increasingly used 43% of participants leveraged
mechanism for building momentum and broad support a Change Agent Network and
for change. This chapter builds structure behind the concept provided insights on the definition,
by asking change professionals how they define Change construction, rationale and
Agent Networks and are leveraging these advocates across expectations of these networks.
their organizations. Increase your change success by
applying best practices for building a Change Agent Network
and enable it to effectively support your project.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Change Agent Network Definition

Source date: 2016
Participants in the 2019 study indicated whether they
leveraged formal change agent networks to support change For the first time, participants described how they define
implementation in their organizations (Figure 12.1). a change agent network. The top four responses were:

1. Body of change champions

Figure 12.1 – Leveraged a change agent network
Participants defined change agent networks as a body
Percent of Respondents of change champions who are formally trained in
50 change management methodologies. These people
43% acted as liaisons between the project and business.
40 39% These individuals were placed locally on the project
team or in strategic positions within the organization
30 to provide support and awareness of change.

2. Impacted individuals
20 Participants defined change agent networks as
comprised of individuals who were impacted first by
10 the change. These individuals usually held positions
as either managers or local agents and were
impacted directly by change.
2015 2017 2019
3. Hierarchy structure
A hierarchy structure of individuals across multiple
levels of the organization made up change agent
Change Agent Network Roles networks. This system ensured alignment and
consistency of change objectives.
Participants in the 2019 study indicated the roles 4. Influential leaders
and responsibilities of the change agent network A number of participants expressed that their
(Figure 12.2). More than half of participants reported change agent networks constituted groups of leaders
that their change agent networks were responsible who influenced and drove change. By providing
for communicating about the change, training others, guidance and direction, leaders with influence set
and leading and role modeling the change. an example of the importance of change.

Figure 12.2 – Change agent network roles

Less frequent responses included:
and responsibilities
• Change agent networks were defined by the
86% project and changed for each project
About the Change

Training Others • Respondents used a virtual platform that

and Providing
66% members accessed as a more literal change
Support agent network
Leading and
Role Modeling 66% • Users stated they took advantage of and built
the Change
off existing networks
Managing Change 44%

Other 8%

0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents

Editor’s note: Percentages do not add up to 100% because

participants were able to select multiple options when
answering this question in the survey.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 241

Part 3: Chapter 12 – Change Agent Network

Reasons to Use a Change Building a Change Agent Network

Agent Network Source date: 2016

Source date: 2016

The majority of participants indicated that they
Participants identified the reasons for using a change strategically selected impacted and influential
agent network. The most frequent responses were: individuals for change agent network positions when
asked how they constructed their change agent networks.
1. Extend project support The top responses were:
The primary response was to provide additional support
to the project, often from peers, which expedited change 1. Strategic selection
with fewer obstacles and greater focus. Over half of respondents stated that they formed
change agent networks by leveraging individuals
2. Use resources efficiently within impacted business areas using a formal
By using change agent networks, participants readily approach. Leaders commonly nominated influential
allocated resources to necessary points of need. A individuals as ideal change agents.
large portion of participants indicated that they were
also able to extend the scope and reach of change to 2. Change management activities and exercises
geographical regions across organizations. Change activities, such as education, training and
constant communication, were common responses
3. Enhance communication for how to build change agent networks. Participants
Change agent networks allowed participants emphasized the usefulness of frequent meetings to
to increase the flow of information across the ensure alignment with change practices.
organization. Barriers to communication were
reduced because leaders and impacted employees 3. Organic growth
had a more direct line to one another. Change agent networks were created through
natural business growth. Themes in this category
4. Align consistent objectives included growing the network with preexisting
A number of participants expressed that the purpose networks, personal networking and ordinary
of their change agent network was to align change business operations.
objectives with various levels of the organization
and ensure consistency among impacted individuals. 4. Individual self-selection
Participants built change agent networks by using
5. Increase knowledge informal strategies to identify influential individuals.
Individuals expanded their skills and tools with a Volunteers and communities of employees who shared
change agent network. Participants stated that they an interest in change objectives constituted informal
could exchange ideas and experiences which allowed change agent structures.
increased growth of change abilities.
5. Virtual platforms
6. Build credibility Participants built change agent networks through
Credibility of the project was enhanced through virtual platforms which included training, content
change agent networks because impacted employees sharing and community building.
trusted their peers.

7. Boost ownership
Participants also used a change agent network to
increase ownership because impacted individuals
felt more connected with and united to the change.

242 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Criteria for Selecting Members of a Change Agent Network Roles

Change Agent Network Source date: 2016

Source date: 2016

Participants in the 2015 study identified the roles played
by a change agent network. Analysis revealed four
Participants provided the criteria they used to select
primary roles.
members for change agent networks.
1. Communication role
1. Willingness
The role most commonly identified by respondents
Willingness to participate in and to promote change
was communication liaison. Members of the
through the change agent network was a common
change agent network were used to disseminate
theme. Participants identified the need to find
communications to their respective departments,
those who wanted to be part of the change on a
sites or regions to share information about the
change-agent level, because change agents have a
change project with a greater audience and provide
lot of potential impact on change and could cause
various forms of feedback to the change project
damage through lack of support if they did not.
team, such as employee concerns.
2. Credibility
2. Leadership role
Members of a change agent network should be
Respondents frequently identified various
credible, respected and influential within the
leadership roles for the change agent network.
organization. Participants felt that change agents
Examples included acting as the change leader for
should be limited to those who could positively
their department or region, coordinating regular
impact the outcome of the change and not those
meetings, leading events, acting as a role model for
who were simply passionate about change.
change in terms of adoption and use, and promoting
3. Knowledgeable change internally by acting as change champions
Participants reported that change was complex enough and selling the change.
to require a leader familiar with the inner workings
3. Training and support roles
of the organization. Agents needed to be experienced
Participants identified training and support roles
in change. Participants recommended certification in
as important for the change agent network. These
change management for change agents.
were similar to leadership roles in that members of
4. Nominated the change agent network guided others through
Participants reported that they often did not the change, but these roles dealt with training
know who in the organization met their criteria others and providing support for implementing
to become members of a change agent network. change. Examples included piloting training
Therefore, participants asked for and took programs and techniques, coaching other change
nominations from impacted groups on who would leaders or supervisors, managing change from
be a good member of the change agent network; the business side, and deciding on strategies
they provided criteria for selection but left it up appropriate for the organization.
to stakeholders to identify the individuals.
4. Managing change internally
Participants identified roles change agent networks
played to assist the change management team with
managing change internally. Examples included
conducting impact and change readiness assessments,
identifying and managing resistance, and tracking
and reinforcing adoption. Respondents reported that
members of the change agent network were held
“accountable for adoption within their organization.”

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 243

Part 3: Chapter 12 – Change Agent Network

Expectations of the Change eyes and ears of change. Participants expected

members of the change agent network to report
Agent Network
issues they encountered.
Source date: 2016
4. Communicate messages regarding change
Participants said that change agents were leveraged
Participants in the 2015 study identified expectations they
to assist in the delivery of communication messages
held for change agent networks. Participants highlighted
concerning change.
the following five expectations most frequently.
5. Provide training and coaching on change
1. Advocate for and represent the change
Participants stated that the change agent
Participants stated that change agent network
network was expected to provide coaching and
members were informal representatives for the
training to employees on change and change
change in their areas. The network was intended
management elements.
to champion change, increase buy-in and adoption,
and be a positive force regarding change to
Additional expectations of change agent networks included:
influence peers.
• Develop a community of practice to share
2. Knowledgeable engagement and participation
best practices
Participants highlighted that members of change
agent networks were expected to have a strong • Liaise between impacted teams
knowledge base of the change project, be early • Conduct change management on projects
adopters, demonstrate a commitment to change,
and serve as subject experts. • Serve as honest feedback channels

3. Identify resistance and report issues • Assist project teams

Change agent networks were expected to assist
in identification of resistance by serving as the

244 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

3 Chapter 13

Strategically Leverage Experienced Change
Professionals to Drive Performance

Summary Highlight

Engaging the right consultants can add credibility, critical 42% of participants used an external
knowledge and proven outcomes to your change effort. consultant to support their change
Increase your own ability to deliver project outcomes project, a slight decrease from
by identifying and effectively partnering with the right previous studies.
change management professionals. Explore how frequently
consultants are use on change projects, the primary benefits
and drivers for engaging outside experts and the most
effective ways to leverage consultants in change efforts.
If your project requires an external advisor, use the measurable
criteria your peers have used in evaluating the right partner.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Use of an External Consultant and project management teams, particularly

supporting duties such as daily tasks and work
resulting from large changes.
Forty-two percent of participants in the 2019 study used
an external consultant for change projects (Figure 13.1), 4. Proven results
a 3% decrease from the previous study results. Consultants were chosen because of a proven
record of success, outside recommendations or
Figure 13.1 – Used an external consultant for the certifications in a desired change management
change project methodology or process.
5. Part of project proposal or contract
60 57%
54% 2015 In some cases, change management consulting
50% 49% was a condition or element of a project plan or was
45% contracted as part of the change.
Percent of Respondents

40 6. Training to increase internal change

management capacity
30 Consultants were chosen to train internal
employees on change management and increase the
20 organization’s internal change management capability.


1% 1% 1% Why Did You Choose Not to Use

Yes No Don't Know a Consultant?
Source date: 2011

Why Did You Use a Consultant? Participants who did not hire a consultant provided
four reasons. Sufficient existing internal capability and
Source date: 2011
resources was the top reason by a two-to-one margin.

Participants who used an external consultant to support 1. Sufficient existing internal capability
change management identified six reasons for hiring one. and resources
The organization had existing capabilities in change
1. Lack of internal competency or resources
management including dedicated change management
Participants hired a consultant based on a lack
positions and certifications, trained practitioners or
of internal change management knowledge or
training available for internal resources.
competency. A number of participants also cited
lack of resources and dedicated positions within 2. Budgetary constraints
their organizations. Due to limitations in the project budget, an external
consultant could not be hired.
2. Knowledge, expertise and experience provided
by consultants 3. Need for change management was not identified
Participants valued the knowledge, expertise or addressed on the project
and experience with change management that The need for change management itself was not
consultants provided. acknowledged, so no external support was sought.

3. Support for the change management or 4. Lack of support from management

project team Senior management did not support use of external
Consultants were chosen to provide support consultants for change management.
to internal change management resources

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 247

Part 3: Chapter 13 – Consultants

Primary Role Played by Consultants • Resource for communications regarding

change and change management
Consultants were relied upon for creating
Participants in the 2019 study specified which roles
and disseminating communication regarding
external consultants played in the change. The largest
change. They assisted with communication
decrease in consultant roles occurred in the category
between executives, managers and employees.
‘training provider,’ which fell from 42% in 2017 to 36%
in 2019 (Figure 13.2). • Mentor and coach
A number of consultants filled the role of mentor
Figure 13.2 – Role of a change management consultant or coach. Responses implied a close connection
with the people involved with change. During
Change 51%
planning and execution, consultants provided
Management Lead 52%
Advisory to
support and feedback, often at what seemed
the Change
Management Team 50% to be a more emotional level such as being a
Provider of Change 50% cheerleader or “keeping fire under their toes.”
Management Tools 48%
Other aspects of these consultants’ roles were
Provide External 47%
Point of View 47% sponsor alignment and coaching, mediation and
36% conflict resolution.
Training Provider 42%
41% • Training provider
Coach 39% Consultants provided change management
Resource for 37% training and imparted change management
Communications 37%

expertise. They educated employees,
Mentor 21% management and executives on topics such as
8% change management methodologies, change
strategies, resistance management and
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 changing an organization’s state of mind.
Percent of Respondents

Participants from the 2013 study who reported other roles

Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple fulfilled by change management consultants identified:
responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.
• Change management team member
Participants in the 2009 study originally provided As part of the change management team,
a description of the following five roles fulfilled consultants supported development and
by consultants. execution of change management. Participants
reported that consultants in this role facilitated
• Change management lead adoption, executed post go-live activities and
Consultants were asked to fill the role of supported creation of a Change Management
change management lead. They created change Office (CMO) using their experience for guidance.
management plans and took responsibility for
all change management. • Project management support
In addition to supporting the design and release
• Advisor to a change management team of a technical solution, change management
A number of consultants acted as advisors consultants leveraged their role within the
during change. Participants relied on project team through transition planning and
these consultants to apply readiness and alignment with a change management team.
present-state assessments, long-term
assessments and recommendations during • Business analyst
change. A few scheduled only weekly visits A number of change management consultants
with an organization. Although less connected provided measurement and documentation for
to the people involved in change, these a project including impact analyses, training
consultants were aware of what was going on documentation, stakeholder engagement reports
and knowledgeable in change management. and overall project success updates.

248 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Criteria for Choosing a Change culture and history enabled more fluent engagement
with the organization. An existing relationship
Management Consultant
implied a sense of trustworthiness and resulted in
Source date: 2013 operational consistency for the organization.

3. Experience with a type of project

Participants from the 2013 and 2009 studies identified
Participants prioritized consultants’ experiences
criteria for selecting change management consultants.
with their specific type of change as the third
1. Change management experience most common criterion. Having successfully
Experience with change management was the top worked through a similar project in the past
criterion cited by participants in the 2013 study. left the organization feeling confident in the
A change management consultant was selected consultant’s ability to manage this type of change
based on experience with a particular change again. Participants were in search of subject
management methodology or experience with matter experts who were familiar with the current
multiple methodologies. Experience with deploying change, the impact to the organization and unique
change management from beginning to end, success factors.
using a variety of tools and integrating change
4. Consulting company qualifications
management with a project plan flexibly were core
Participants considered the company’s longevity,
factors during selection.
experience and references. Other qualities
2. Existing relationship included a consulting firm’s ability to work as
A consultant’s relationship and experience with the part of a team in the existing company culture,
organization was the second most common criterion. interpersonal skills, work ethic and being judged
Previous success with a project was also noted as a good fit for the organization.
an important factor. Knowledge of the company’s

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 249

3 Chapter 14

Complementary Roles
Collaborate With Internal Support Functions to
Enhance Change Management Outcomes

Summary Highlight

Corporate communications departments, Organization 63% of participants said their

Development, Human Resources business partners, business internal communications groups
analysts and other business support functions can each supported or impacted their change
contribute to the effective adoption of change. This research management work.
section provides insight from the change management
perspective into which functional roles impact and support
change deployment. Learn how to best engage with these
roles and seek opportunities to leverage and collaborate with
internal support functions to improve results.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Use of a Complementary Role Internal Communications Group

Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

Participants in the 2015 study were asked whether roles Participants identified the roles internal communications
and positions within their organizations complemented played in change management. The top two roles were
or impacted change management. Participants were noted more than twice as often as the other three.
asked about various roles including Human Resources 1. Key messaging
Business Partners, internal consultants, Organization More than any other role, participants found
Development, internal communications and Business that key message drafting and delivery expertise
Analysts. Figure 14.1 shows a breakdown of complementary were primary roles of internal communications
role use by participants. regarding change management, including messaging
concerning project impact, awareness building,
Figure 14.1 – Use of complementary roles coaching and training expectations, personal
impact and change milestones. Messages were most
63% commonly generated through posters, newsletters,
live events, an intranet and social media.
Human Resource 40% 2. Project team member
Business Partners
More than half of respondents saw internal
communications as a key contributor to the design
Internal Consultants 40%
and validation of a project communication plan.
More general forms of team membership were
Business Analysts 38% identified such as having a direct relationship/
collaboration with a change management team or
integration of internal communications and the
Organization 33%
Development change manager role.

3. Compliance review and approval

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Percent of Respondents Participants felt that the internal communications
group was a gatekeeper for all internal communications.
They cited functions such as auditing for compliance,
content review, message consistency and alignment
with project/company initiatives.

4. Advisory support
Internal communications served an as needed
approach to supporting the change management
team. Internal communications was seen as a subject
matter expert or resource available to advise and
provide suggestions for appropriate messaging and
delivery methods for messages produced by the
project team.

5. Strategic support
Internal communications created strategic corporate
messages and supported communications delivered
by executives. This form of support was used in
large-scale and/or organization-wide projects.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 253

Part 3: Chapter 14 – Complementary Roles

Human Resources Business Partners projects were often the first pilot or test groups for
change management within the organization.
Source date: 2016
2. Subject matter experts
Participants identified the roles Human Resources Internal consultants acted as subject matter experts
Business Partners played in change management. The in two distinct ways. First, they acted as technology
top five responses included: or process experts to assist the change managers
with the technical aspects of the change initiative.
1. Act as coaches and provide support Second, they advised on messaging and awareness
Participants highlighted that Human Resources building with specific impacted groups.
Business Partners played a large role in coaching
managers and senior leaders in their roles during 3. Advisors
change. They supported teams by providing training Participants reported that internal consultants
and development opportunities to all layers of the acted as change management advisors. They would
organization, assigning resources to the change consistently evaluate, direct and provide feedback on
teams and offering support when needed. how the change management methodology was or
should be deployed within specific departments.
2. Advisors to a project
Human Resources Business Partners served as
advisors to change projects by offering advice
and guidance regarding job role impacts, labor Business Analysts
regulations, training requirements and legal matters. Source date: 2016
3. Oversee human resources impacts
Human Resources Business Partners were involved Participants explained various roles that business
in elements of a project that impacted employee analysts played in change management. More
job roles, staffing modifications, recruitment, than half of respondents reported using business
scheduling and employee well-being. analysts in a change management capacity, and
many indicated that analysts supported project
4. Own change management within the business
management and other responsibilities.
Change management was often housed within
Human Resources (HR), and Human Resources
Business Partners often owned and oversaw the Business Analysts as Change Managers
majority of change management.

5. Be involved with communications 1. Impact assessment

Human Resources Business Partners were often The change management responsibility most
brought in to communicate change, conduct commonly placed on business analysts was assessing
one-on-one meetings and assist with writing the impact change would have on the organization
communications for the organization. and its employees.

2. Training
Of those who reported that training was a primary
Internal Consultants responsibility of business analysts, just under two thirds
limited it to development of training, and the remainder
Source date: 2016
used analysts for both development and facilitation.

Participants identified the roles internal consultants 3. Communication

played in change management. Business analysts were often expected to
communicate directly with impacted employees
1. Change management experts
and sponsors to offer support and updates.
Internal consultants were the first to be trained in
Communication was primarily with impacted groups
change management and helped run and implement
and occasionally included creating communication
the change management methodology on projects.
for a project team to deliver.
Participants also reported that the consultants’

254 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

4. Change champions Organization Development

In the absence of a dedicated change management
Source date: 2016
resource, the role of change champion occasionally
fell solely to a business analyst. This included
building the case for change, performing various Participants identified the role Organization
assessments and applying change management tools Development (OD) played in change management.
and methodology throughout a change. 1. Assist in training
OD assisted with and often led training. Participants
reported that this was largely due to the OD group
Business Analysts as Project Managers
having access to the necessary resources and
experience with creating and implementing training
1. Identify current and future states throughout the organization.
Business analysts identified current and future
2. Provide expertise
states and created a process for reaching the future
Participants reported utilizing OD’s technical
state. This included identifying and developing a
and cultural expertise when implementing their
solution and developing metrics to gauge success
change plans. OD provided insights that allowed
with reaching a future state.
participants to tailor their change management
2. Determine whether change is necessary communications and other activities to specific
Many business analysts were tasked with assessing impacted groups.
the need for change based on the scope, impact and
3. Align change management with overall
overall benefit (or lack thereof) of change.
organization strategy
3. Project team members OD aligned change management with other
A small number of participants indicated that business change initiatives and overall company strategy.
analysts were included as project team members. Participants reported using OD to determine the
timing of change activities to align them with other
Business Analysts as External Support for company goals and initiatives.
Project and Change Management 4. As a resource
Participants reported utilizing OD as a resource in
1. Subject matter experts their change initiatives. This included defining roles,
Many respondents identified business analysts as responsibilities, and organization and job design. OD
subject matter experts reporting that they were also provided specialized advice, assistance and a
often used as consultants to project and change variety of other functions.
management teams. They frequently supported
multiple project teams and worked as liaisons
between project teams and stakeholders. Business
analysts were responsible for integrating change and
project management plans into a holistic project plan.

2. Research and analysis

There were a variety of responses related to business
analysts performing research and data analysis. No
specific form or subject matter stood out more than
the rest, but they included gap analyses, business
requirement assessments, on-going feedback during
project implementation and best practices research.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 255

Adapting and Aligning
Change Management
Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and
Stakeholder Engagement

Chapter 16 – Customizing CM by Industry

Chapter 17 – Aligning CM With Specific Approaches

Chapter 18 – Managing Complex Changes

Chapter 19 – Saturation and Portfolio Management

4 Chapter 15

Culture, Employee
and Stakeholder
Navigate the Complexity of Managing Change
Within the Context of Culture, Employee and
Stakeholder Engagement

Summary Highlight

The body of research on the interaction of change, culture, and 70% of participants reported that
employee and stakeholder engagement is growing. Change applying change management had
management is most effective when the cultural context and a positive or very positive impact on
impacted employee and stakeholder groups are considered employee engagement.
and influence your approach. Building upon established and
validated research in the field of intercultural communication,
this chapter allows you to benchmark unique challenges and
specific adaptations made to change management deployment
based on your organization’s specific cultural factors. You
can also explore how change management is related to and
impacts employee and stakeholder engagement.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Cultural Awareness—Regional Considerations

Impact of Cultural Awareness on 1. Opportunities for customization
Participants felt that change management
Change Management
needed to be customized for the culture in which
it was implemented. Change management
Participants in the 2019 study identified the impact of activities and training needed to be adapted to
cultural awareness on employing change management. culture-specific standards and norms.
Similar to the previous year, 88% of participants rated
2. Culture-specific adaptations
cultural awareness as either important or very important,
Being culturally aware helped identify areas in
with nearly two-thirds saying very important.
which a change management approach needed to be
adapted to the culture in order to make it effective.
Figure 15.1 – Impact of cultural awareness on
Participants felt that different cultures would view
change management
and interact with work relationships differently,
and it was important to adapt change management
approaches to consider these differences. An
63% 63%
understanding of cultural norms allowed change
managers to integrate change activities more fully
thereby increasing credibility.
Percent of respondents


3. Avoid culture-specific obstacles

Participants felt that every culture had obstacles and
30 27% challenges that could be circumvented or addressed
with appropriate cultural insight. These obstacles
20 included culture-specific norms and taboos that
posed challenges for a change manager and change
10 6% 7%
2% 3% itself, culture-specific resistance areas that might
2% 1%
be unfamiliar to change managers, cross-cultural
Not Slightly Neither Important Very
Important Important Important or Important
resentment or bias from either a change manager
Unimportant or organization, and culturally disparate ways of
experiencing and processing change.

4. Communication needs to be thought through

Participants overwhelmingly identified a need to
How Cultural Awareness Influenced customize communications for a cultural setting.
Change Management This included the mode of communication, the
sender of messages, and the structure and content
Source date: 2016
of a message. Change managers should have a basic
understanding of the language of the culture in
Participants shared how cultural awareness influenced
which they are working. Communication improved
change management. Participants identified
through culturally-aware translators.
four areas in which cultural awareness impacted
change management.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 261

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Global Literacy Participants rated the importance of having globally

Source date: 2016 literate leaders. Nearly half of participants said it was very
important and 87% reported it was either important or very
Participants in the 2015 study were asked to define what important to have globally literate leaders (Figure 15.2).
it meant to be globally literate.
Figure 15.2 – Importance of globally literate leaders
1. Awareness
Participants reported that awareness of the fact 50 48%

that there were cultural differences and norms

was an important aspect of being globally literate. 40

Knowing that other cultures had different modes,

Percent of Respondents
methods and beliefs than one’s own was a first step
in operating within that culture.

2. Knowledge
Participants reported that a spectrum of knowledge
about different cultures was needed to be globally
literate. This knowledge could take the form of 10 8%

specific cultural knowledge or broad-spectrum, 4%

regional knowledge.
Not Slightly Neither Important Very
3. Appreciation of cultural differences Important Important Important Important
Nor Unimportant
Participants reported a need for appreciation of
culture. Understanding cultural differences was
a necessary first step, but participants found
that without a degree of appreciation for those
differences, understanding alone was not enough
to be globally literate.

262 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Perception of Change Management 5. Europe

Participants from Europe identified that there
Across Regional Cultures
is emerging awareness of change management.
Source date: 2016 Although some participants cited that change
management is accepted and understood, the region
Participants in the 2015 study identified perceptions faces challenges regarding perceptions that it is seen
of change management within the culture of their as insignificant, optional or for only communications
geographic region. The descriptions below present and training.
unique challenges and perceptions of change
6. Latin America
management by geographic region followed by several
Participants from Latin America reported that the
universal perceptions.
region does not yet possess broad awareness of
1. Africa change management, and applications of change
Participants in Africa identified that there is management are met with challenges such as tenuous
emerging awareness of the need for change funding or being viewed as optional or “fluffy.”
management. They also stated that there is still
7. United States
a variance in perceptions and understanding of
The United States contained the largest group of
change management, and it is not yet widespread.
participants. The perception of change management
Other challenges included change management
in this region is that it has a positive impact and is
being perceived as optional or insignificant.
an emerging discipline. However, it also faces similar
2. Asia and the Pacific Islands challenges seen in other regions, namely being
Participants in Asia and the Pacific Islands stated undervalued, being simply a communication or training
that change management is not appreciated or well task or being viewed as optional or insignificant.
understood outside of task-level activities such as
communications and training. Although awareness While patterns and trends emerged across individual
for change management is emerging, some regions, a range of perceptions from positive to negative
respondents reported challenges with autocratic were found throughout the data. Below the perceptions
management styles, and the downplaying of the role are presented from positive to negative.
of change management.
1. Favorable, positive impression
3. Australia and New Zealand Participants stated that change management is
Participants from Australia and New Zealand currently appreciated and accepted in their cultures.
noted there is emerging awareness for change
2. Awareness and acceptance is emerging
management. Current challenges to change
Participants indicated that there is an upward
management in this region include being viewed
trend in awareness, acceptance and demand for
as useful only for communications and training,
change management.
or as insignificant or optional. Although change
management appears to have some visibility, it is 3. Varying perceptions
applied inconsistently. Participants indicated that there was great variance
in how change management is viewed. This variance
4. Canada
in perception ranges from individual to individual
Participants from Canada stated that change
within an organization to localized pockets where
management was perceived as accepted and
change management is considered important.
understood. There is also emerging awareness for
change management in this region. Challenges 4. Undervalued
to change management include it being used only Participants indicated that change management was
during communication and training, and being undervalued, either not fully understood or not fully
viewed as optional. There are still varied perceptions executed to its potential. Examples of this category
and understanding of change management even in span views such as being seen as “soft and fluffy,”
organizations that use it. optional or only filling the role of communication
and training.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 263

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

5. Lack of value added Africa

Participants noted that change management
is not currently viewed favorably. Responses 1. Sponsorship coaching
included being resistant and cynical and being Cultural emphasis on reputation made sponsor
downplayed due to more authoritarian or autocratic coaching difficult to implement because the need
management styles. for coaching was seen as a negative reflection on
an executive.
Editor’s note: Participants from the Middle East contributed
survey data. However, there were not a sufficient number of 2. Employee engagement
responses to constitute a viable sample for this question, so Employee engagement experienced low traction
they are not included here.
because employees felt that the change would impact
them negatively. Employees also felt they could not
voice their opinions of the change because it could
Parts of Change Management That Did harm their standing in the organization.
Not Fit With Various Cultures
Source date: 2016 Asia

2015 study participants identified which parts of a change 1. Disruptive

management approach did not fit well within the culture. Change management activities were interpreted as
The two themes that emerged across multiple regions are disruptive especially, as one participant described,
presented first followed by a breakdown of themes for the if the change affected an “existing established belief,
specific geographic regions. culture, or social harmony.”

2. Open engagement
Overall Themes An organization’s collectivist culture hindered
the effectiveness of employee engagement. Open
1. Lack of time for necessary activities forum engagement, in particular, was a poor fit
All cultural regions stressed a lack of time to complete because employees would not speak openly or voice
assessments and activities that change management disagreement with the change in such a setting.
requires. Project teams moved quickly onto other 3. Distance between executives and employees
projects, and every level of staff experienced time and There was little interaction between executives/
energy constraints that prevented them from fully supervisors and frontline staff members, so change
participating in change management. management geared toward sponsors and managers
2. Current description of change management could fail to gain traction.
and its value
Participants in the United States, Australia and Australia
Canada described a lack of clarity regarding what
change management is and the value it brings to a 1. Resistance and reinforcement
project or organization. U.S. participants cited lack Change leaders struggled to address resistance
of hard numbers on the return on investment (ROI) and to reinforce adoption of change. Negative
of change management, and Australian participants enforcement created coercive resistance, and
described change management as too theoretical. reinforcement was seen as “spin.” This was
In Canada, employees preferred more details up especially true if resistance management or
front and wanted concrete steps concerning how to reinforcement was initiated by an outside change
succeed with change management. management team or leader instead of by a staff
member native to a department.

2. Frequent and credible communication

Australian participants highlighted difficulties
with communication about a change because

264 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

leaders were reluctant to share details about United States

change and employees could be distrustful of
information when offered. 1. In-depth training
3. Executive sponsorship and credibility As more autonomous workers, employees preferred
Executives lacked the same level of authority seen training that took up a minimal amount of time
in other regional cultures due to more democratic or templates they could follow and implement on
structures, which was especially true in government their own.
organizations. High turnover of executives 2. Employee coaching
negatively impacted credibility. Participants identified self-reliance as problematic
for coaching because employees did not like to
Canada be told what to do. Accepting coaching could be
perceived as losing independence.
1. Executive communication 3. Coaching up
Due to a culture of self-management and individual The hierarchical and siloed structure of
responsibility, executive communication and organizations limited the influence a change
engagement were viewed as less valuable. management team could have. Leaders disliked
taking advice from those at a lower tier in the
2. Employee or manager coaching
organization’s hierarchy. Managers and those at
Employees and managers were accustomed to
or below a change manager’s level could be equally
functioning without involvement from executives
resistant to coaching because they considered
or teams outside of their departments. They often
themselves accountable only to their superiors
viewed a change team’s coaching or accountability
within their departments or teams.
as an insult or slight.
4. Rigid change management structure
3. Independent departments
Participants highlighted the complexity and rigid
Many participants described their organization
structure of organizational change methodologies as
as siloed, with departments or divisions working
hurdles for many parts of their organizations. This
independently. This conflicted with organizational
was due to their failure to account for influential and
change competencies if a change methodology was
vocal minorities, as well as autonomous groups that
not flexible enough to be tailored to each unique
disliked a mandated methodology not tailored to
business group.
their needs.

Europe Note on stakeholder inclusion:

European, Canadian and Australian participants
1. Focus on individual transitions mentioned the importance of incorporating leaders of all
European participants reported little recognition stakeholders into a change management plan. In Europe,
of the need for individual transitions during unions could have more influence than an organization’s
change especially when discussing the emotional executives or change management team. Australian and
component of individual transitions. Changes were Canadian participants cited the need to engage indigenous
seen as absolute, requiring adoption without leaders in public or government initiatives because these
further convincing. leaders held more authority than outside officials.
2. Assessments and feedback
Editor’s note: Participants from Latin American and Middle
Receiving completed assessments for early planning Eastern countries contributed survey data, but there was
or post-change measurements was ineffective not a sufficient number of responses to constitute a viable
because employees were reluctant to criticize their sample for this question. Therefore, those regions are not
represented here.
peers or superiors.

3. Personal and interpersonal communication

Face-to-face employee engagement was challenging
because interpersonal communications about an
employee’s emotional responses to change were not
cultural norms.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 265

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Cultural Reasons for Resisting Asia

Change Management
1. Lack of time to take on additional work driven by
Source date: 2016
change management

Participants identified primary reasons people in their region 2. Fear of losing job security and authority in role
resisted implementation of change management practices. 3. General resistance to a new way of working

Across all cultures Australia

1. Lack of understanding 1. A top-down approach that forces change and does

Across all countries surveyed, lack of understanding not involve those impacted
of what change management entails was cited as a
2. Change saturates organizations that are then unable
main cause of resistance to its practice. Frequently,
to adopt change management
change management was viewed as project
management or only communication and training. 3. Negative change management experiences that
caused lack of credibility
2. Lack of perceived value
In addition to a lack of understanding of what 4. Lack of sponsor involvement and trust in leadership
change management is, participants from across
all cultures noted that change management is not Canada
seen as valuable or essential to project success.
This included difficultly in measuring the return on
1. Daily workloads do not allow for change
investment (ROI) and proving change management’s
management practices
contribution to the success of projects.
2. Change management is too costly or complicated,
and resources are not dedicated to it
Regional-Specific Causes for Resistance 3. Lack of leadership and management support
and involvement
Responses were analyzed separately for the global 4. Change management takes too much time and effort
regions. Although there were similarities across some and delays project timelines
regions regarding causes of resistance, there were unique
5. Individualistic or top-down approach
reasons and variance in the importance of those reasons.
The regional-specific reasons for resisting change
management are in rank order for each region. Europe

Africa 1. Change management is seen as too costly,

complicated or difficult; therefore, resources are not
1. Lack of time and resources to implement dedicated to its application
change management 2. A top-down approach that forces change and does
2. A top-down approach that forces change and does not involve those impacted
not involve those impacted 3. Change management and its value are not
3. Lack of leadership buy-in and involvement communicated in ways that resonate with the audience

4. Fear of the unknown 4. Lack of leadership and management support

and involvement
5. Lack of credibility for change management and
change managers

6. Resistance to a new way of working

7. Fear of losing job security or authority

266 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

United States 3. Negative experiences with changes that did not

employ change management
1. General resistance to new ways of working Participants stated that negative experiences and
results from change initiatives that did not use
2. Change management is seen as too costly or
change management were large factors in their
complicated, and resources are not dedicated to it
decisions to utilize it now. Additionally, personal
3. Daily workloads do not allow change management testimonials about the positive experiences
4. Lack of leadership and management support others had using change management, combined
and involvement with the failed implementations and painful
experiences, often supported the decisions to
5. A top-down approach that forces change and does employ change management.
not involve those impacted
4. Preparedness for the future
6. Belief that change management will slow progress Participants stated that they applied change
and delay project timelines management to remain competitive in their industry
or market. They reported a sense of urgency and an
Editor’s note: Participants from Latin American and Middle
Eastern countries contributed survey data, but there was awareness of upcoming changes as factors that made
not a sufficient number of responses to constitute a viable them feel that change management was necessary.
sample for this question. Therefore, those regions are not
represented here. 5. Professional growth
A number of participants reported change management
as a next step in their professional growth.
Factors That Aid Adoption
Source date: 2016

Participants identified with a variety of factors that

motivated the use of change management within
their culture. The top factors were consistent across
various regions.

1. Motivation
The respondents consistently reported that a
top reason for applying change management was
to motivate employees to adopt the change by
helping them understand the impact to them or
“what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM). A second related
reason was to encourage people to be involved by
ensuring they had a solid understanding of what the
change is and why it is being implemented.

2. Proven approach
A persistent theme reported by the participants was
that change management is a proven approach that
brings value to the project or organization. Change
management is viewed as providing not only direct
financial value but also a framework and methodology
for implementation and a way to demonstrate
consideration for how people will be impacted.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 267

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Cultural Dimensions and Change Management

Gaining insight into the cultural context of an Upon reviewing the numerous cultural dimensions
organization enables understanding and better presented in these works, Prosci analysts identified
application of change management practices. six cultural dimensions with the greatest impact on
change management.
Due to the broad and complex nature of culture,
1. Assertiveness
Prosci analysts consulted several independent studies to
identify the cultural dimensions that have the greatest 2. Individualism versus Collectivism
impact on change management work. Of the large body 3. Emotional Expressiveness
of research that exists on cultural dimensions, the
4. Power Distance
following references were leveraged to select the cultural
dimensions for the benchmarking study: 5. Performance Orientation

• GLOBE (House, Hanges, Javidan, 6. Uncertainty Avoidance

Dorfman & Gupta, 2004)
In the 2015 study, respondents indicated where their
• Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory
organization fell on a spectrum for each of the six
(Hofstede, 1980)
dimensions. Respondents then identified the unique
• Trompenaar’s Seven Dimensions of Culture challenges they faced due to this cultural dimension and
(Trompenaar & Turner 1997) specific adaptations to their change management work
based on this cultural dimension.

Table 15.3 shows the study population distribution across the six cultural dimensions. Participants’ scores on the cultural
dimension spectrums were segmented on a scale from extremely low to extremely high. Analysis on the specific challenges
and adaptations for each cultural dimension is presented in this section.

Table 15.3 – Respondent distribution across six cultural dimensions

Extremely Moderately Moderately Extremely

Low High
Low Low High High
Assertiveness 8% 19% 17% 14% 33% 9%
Individualism (Low)
12% 24% 20% 13% 25% 6%
Collectivism (High)
14% 27% 20% 15% 18% 6%
10% 16% 20% 15% 25% 14%
7% 14% 17% 16% 26% 20%
4% 13% 20% 16% 32% 15%

268 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Assertiveness Low Assertiveness Cultures

Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

Assertiveness is a cultural dimension that describes the

degree to which a person is able and expected to advocate Challenges
his/her personal wellbeing and goals in their relationships
with others. Organizations with low assertiveness 1. Feedback
communicate in indirect and subtle ways; face-saving is When provided, feedback was an unreliable measure
both expected and practiced. Subordinates are expected due to low honesty. Many participants stated that
to be loyal and follow executives’ leads. Organizations receiving feedback was infeasible, and they were
with high assertiveness communicate in an unambiguous forced to make educated guesses when adjusting or
and blunt way, and subordinates are expected to take the customizing change strategies.
initiative during interactions with executives.
2. Resistance
There was lack of direct accountability at every level
Participants indicated their location along the
and in impacted groups. Participants found this lack
assertiveness spectrum (using a scale from zero to
of accountability to be prohibitive when managing
100) and identified challenges and adaptations for
resistance because there was no one person who
implementing change given their location on the
could take charge or work with the change team to
spectrum. Data were analyzed to identify challenges
manage resistance.
and adaptations for low (spectrum scores of zero to 33),
moderate (34 to 67) and high (68 to 100) assertiveness 3. Communication
cultures (Figure 15.4). Communication was often sanitized to a point at which
it lost impact and clarity. Difficult messages were often
Figure 15.4 – Average scores for assertiveness across the study not sent for fear of upsetting recipients or groups.
Participants felt communication was ambiguous or
35 33% overly complicated and often slowed change.


Percent of Respondents

20 1. Communication
Respondents reported communicating more frequently
15 14%
and sooner about a change or project. Communication
9% was direct, providing important information about
10 8%
change. Participants collected direct feedback from
5 impacted groups regarding change.

2. Approach
Participants created focus groups or teams for
Assertiveness Assertiveness Assertiveness Assertiveness
specific projects. These groups worked to customize
change management for projects to ensure that the
needs of impacted groups were addressed.
Participants identified challenges they encountered in
their change management work and provided adaptations
they would make to their change management strategy
based on their cultures’ assertiveness scores.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 269

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Moderate Assertiveness Cultures Participants viewed communication as a process of

awareness building. Although communication often
Source date: 2016
dealt with impacts to specific groups, it also included
more general information about change.
Challenges 3. Sponsorship
Participants felt that the use of sponsors during
1. Communications change led to more effective change management.
Impacted groups preferred face-to-face Participants reported that it was important to
communication, and in larger organizations this first coach a sponsor on how he/she could fulfill
posed logistical problems. Since communication the roll effectively, and second to ensure that all
was often more general, participants felt it lost the sponsors maintained an active and visible presence
intended impact with audiences. Impacted groups throughout change.
often dismissed or ignored communication that was
not delivered face-to-face.

2. Resistance High Assertiveness Cultures

Respondents had to address both active, vocal Source date: 2016
resistance and passive, unspoken resistance.
Participants had to employ multiple tactics to
combat resistance, increasing the amount of work,
time and resources spent on resistance management.
1. Communication
3. Feedback
Participants reported assertiveness stifled effective
Impacted groups were hesitant to give feedback
communication efforts. Communication tended to be
due to a fear of retaliation from management
aggressive or attacking, which resulted in messages
and other executive groups. Participants spent
being filtered for some groups and not others.
additional time and resources customizing
This led to some impacted groups being informed
feedback requests for each impacted group to
differently about the initiative. An atmosphere of
ensure they did not feel threatened.
doubt then surrounded the project.
4. Sponsorship
2. Resistance
Sponsors struggled with appropriate and effective
Resistance was often loudly voiced and came from
communication. They would either be too direct,
charismatic sources. Resistance was often extreme
appearing aggressive or angry, or too vague, so
and seen as the result of the high degree of the
impacted groups would receive only small portions
assertiveness of the people within the organization.
of necessary information.
Impacted groups that did not like the change
initiative would not adopt the changes and would
Adaptations actively encourage others to do the same.

3. Feedback
1. Approach Due to the filtering of messages to employees,
The most common execution adaptation was challenges arose when attempting to gather
increased time spent during the planning phases of comparable, meaningful feedback. In some cases,
a project. This included the creation of deliverables too much feedback contributed to a reduced speed
and the forecasting of potential resistance. This of project execution. Respondents cited potential
allowed the creation of concrete standards that for retaliation due to the content of the feedback
provided consistency among projects. provided, specifically from senior level management.
2. Communication At times there was also a disconnect between the
Participants indicated that effective two-way feedback that was being given and the actions that
communication, especially listening, was key. were taken to address the identified problems.

270 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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1. Communication
Communication was designed to ensure that
members of the organization remained engaged
during a project. Communication was informational
and dealt with the impact of change over the
organization as a whole.

2. Approach
Participants spent more time planning for resistance
management and identifying potential sources of
resistance. Resistance was viewed as subtle and not
outspoken, making it important to predict where
resistance spots would appear.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 271

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Table 15.5 shows the distribution of assertiveness scores by region, and Table 15.6 shows the distribution of scores by industry.

Table 15.5 – Assertiveness scores for each region

Region Low Medium High

Africa 36% 30% 34%

Asia and Pacific Islands 35% 27% 38%

Australia and New Zealand 24% 28% 48%

Canada 30% 37% 33%

Europe 26% 27% 47%

Latin America 62% 24% 14%

Middle East 23% 31% 46%

United States 26% 31% 43%

Table 15.6 – Assertiveness scores for each industry that made up more than 1.5% of the study

Industry Low Medium High

Health Care 31% 27% 42%

Government - State 37% 22% 41%

Banking 25% 30% 45%

Finance 31% 29% 40%

Consulting 21% 25% 54%

Oil & Gas 30% 32% 38%

Government – Federal 25% 38% 37%

Education Services 33% 29% 38%

Insurance 31% 20% 49%

Manufacturing 30% 26% 44%

Utilities 32% 27% 41%

Other 20% 38% 42%

Government - Local & Municipal 32% 37% 31%

Information Services 9% 25% 66%

Retail Trade 24% 21% 55%

Telecommunications 8% 38% 54%

Professional, Scientific & Technical Services 29% 29% 42%

Consumer Goods Manufacturing 30% 30% 40%

272 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Individualism/Collectivism Individualistic Cultures

Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

Individualism/collectivism is a cultural spectrum that

describes the degree to which people function more as
individuals or a collective community. Employees in
an organization that is more culturally collective are 1. Gaining buy-in for initiatives without direct impact
expected to act in a way that benefits the organization, Participants felt it was harder to gain buy-in for
and in turn, employees expect and trust the organization projects that benefited other groups or the collective
to meet their needs. Employees in an organization that is good as a whole. Individuals resented giving up
more culturally individualistic are expected to take the their privileges or adjusting their work habits to
initiative to ensure their needs and goals are met and to benefit their colleagues and resisted company-wide
prioritize their own happiness, welfare and fulfillment initiatives that did not directly impact them in a
over those of the organization. positive way.

2. Emphasis on personal satisfaction

Participants indicated their location along the Participants reported difficulty in identifying and
individualism/collectivism spectrum (using a scale from communicating the “what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM) for
zero to 100) and identified challenges and adaptations individual employees. The desire for leadership to
for implementing change given their location on the make a change was not enough to bring employees
spectrum. Data were analyzed to identify challenges on board; they needed to understand and believe
and adaptations for low (spectrum scores of zero to 33), that a change would personally benefit them to
moderate (34 to 67) and high (68 to 100) individualist/ support it. Many participants called attention to the
collectivist cultures (Figure 15.7). fact that when employees have a decision in how
they will participate in the change they often opted
Figure 15.7 – Average scores for individualism/collectivism out of the change if they did not see any personal
across the study
benefit in it for them.
25 24% 3. Teamwork and collaboration
A lack of teamwork was identified as a significant
20% challenge. Employees did not have the desire to
collaborate and share ideas because they preferred to
Percent of Respondents

do work on their own and in their own way. In highly

individualistic cultures, employees often lacked
12% the ability to work effectively as a team toward a
common goal. Participants felt this was due in equal
parts to employees thinking they could do better on
their own and a dislike of having to work on projects
that did not affect them.

Extremely Individualistic Moderately Moderately Collectivistic Extremely
Individualistic Individualistic Collectivistic Collectivistic

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 273

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Adaptations Displaying Both Collectivist and

Individualistic Tendencies
1. Understand and target the individual
Source date: 2016
Participants identified the need for the change
management team to be cognizant of the motives
and views of individuals and to ensure they are Challenges
taken into consideration throughout the project.
Participants adapted their change management
1. Reduced focus on long-term benefits for
work to focus on the individual impact and
the organization
contribution, reducing emphasis on what is
Participants felt that employees often would not
best for the organization. Participants also felt
take into account or be influenced by the changes
that it was important to conduct impact analyses
that solely benefited the long-term success of the
at the individual level and communicate the
organization. Participants felt this often resulted in
“what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM). Additional adaptations
additional challenges and effort required when the
included targeting individual engagement in the
reasons for a change were driven by the potential
project and providing rewards and recognition at
organizational benefits, and those benefits were
the individual level as part of reinforcement efforts.
communicated at the beginning of the initiative.
2. Establish small group collaboration and a
2. Working across business units
team focus
Participants in a moderate-ranked culture felt there
Participants reported change management efforts
was a lack of information sharing and collaboration
required a significant focus on building collective
across business units. Participants identified a
engagement and demonstrating the benefits of
variety of departmental silos resulting from this lack
working as a team. The frequency of team meetings
of cross-departmental collaboration. Participants
and development of cross-functional groups was
felt this lack of cross-department teamwork made it
increased, generating representation from diverse
more difficult for employee and organization-wide
audiences and allowing individuals to express
change management initiatives, as informal
their own needs and to be exposed to the needs of
employee groups were formed and created their
others. The influential nature of group dynamics
own unique way of working and were unwilling to
and driving toward consensus were key benefits of
adapt their methods to those of other departments
working in groups.
resulting in an “us versus them” culture.
3. Structured communication channels
3. Importance of WIIFM
Communication channels needed to be identified
Participants in the moderate culture felt that
up front, providing a consistent approach for
employees focused on “what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM)
tailoring messages and opening structured
which impacted the degree to which they were
feedback mechanisms for individuals to be heard.
willing to participate in the change. Participants felt
Communication plans required consistency, yet
that employees were more likely not to be engaged
frequency and content was adjusted to incorporate
and supportive of the change. This resulted in
the topics identified in the feedback.
additional work for the change manager to identify
the value for each employee and to be prepared to
answer their questions when this topic presented
ongoing challenges.

274 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Adaptations Collectivist Cultures

Source date: 2016
1. Team building and group support
Participants identified the need to organize
teams at the project initiation phase. Participants
identified that individuals needed an opportunity
to speak up and have a say in the change, while 1. Group decision making
allowing the organization to share project support Participants reported a cultural drive to arrive at a
resources, resulting in a team setting that allowed group consensus whenever a decision needed to be
for collaboration and collective goals with greater made, resulting in slower time frames for decision
buy-in. Additionally, many participants noted making and the need to campaign for specific
the need to communicate the benefits of working desired outcomes. Additionally, employees desired
together and the specific benefits the change would and expected to be involved in making decisions
bring for each group. and having the opportunity to contribute their own
2. Communicate to individuals view. Participants also reported challenges with
The need to cater to the individual as the recipient accountability as decisions often fell on a group and
of the change management activities was the not an individual person.
second most recommended adaptation. The 2. Loss of individual input
activities described included communicating Participants felt that the focus on group decision
“what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM) for each individual, making and reaching consensus often resulted in a
structuring project updates to target individuals, loss of individual input, especially dissenting input.
inviting individuals to participate and have their Participants reported that employees often resisted
feedback heard, and scheduling one-on-one speaking up when their input went against the
meetings for consultation. consensus and would often keep quiet and follow the
3. Emphasize the greater good of the organization group rather than speak up, even when their insight
Participants reported the need to highlight the could have prevented later problems or project failure.
greater good of the organization. Participants Participants also felt that this loss of individual input
recommended focusing on the benefit to the resulted in a lack or stifling of creativity due to the
organization as a whole and how individual group’s need for a simple solution.
contributions created something larger than any one 3. Group influence on decision making
person or group could do on their own. Recognizing Group solidarity can lead to implicit support.
and celebrating “one company” was a common Participants identified the influence that the
response, as organizations looked to globally collective group could wield over its individual
standardize a collectivist culture, to reduce the members made it difficult to “turn the ship,” as
perception of only one department and to emphasize participants reported employees’ tendency to
“we’re all in it together” messaging. rely on the collective voice rather than their own
personal beliefs or opinions regarding the change.
Participants felt that this reliance on the group voice
led to challenges with managing resistance because
employees expected to be treated and interacted
with as a group rather than on an individual level.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 275

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Adaptations should be conducted up front. Employees should

know how to raise concerns throughout the project,
and the change management team should check in
1. Group representation and deliverables
more often to identify resistance. Many participants
Participants identified an emphasis on group
reported that more input provides a more enriched
strategy and implementation as the primary
program with unique perspectives and greater
adaptions of their change management work.
organizational buy-in.
Leveraging organizational value of groups,
participants encouraged employees to help 3. Leverage influential advocates
their colleagues and looked for volunteers to be Participants provided additional support for key
champions within the various groups; these actions influencers who had potential to impact the group and
provided an intra-group dynamic that fostered positioned them as credible local experts to help lead the
natural conversion and desire to participate in the change effort. Identifying change champions positively
change. Creating deliverables for each divisional affected group adoption and provided additional
group and using group facilitation to create a reinforcement for the message of the sponsor.
common understanding of the vision of the future
state resulted in a rich, collaborative solution.

2. Request and encourage feedback

The collectivist cultural emphasis created a need
for a vehicle that allowed feedback to be shared in a
structured and safe environment. Impact analysis

276 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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Table 15.8 shows the distribution of individualism/collectivism scores by region, and Table 15.9 shows the distribution of
scores by industry.

Table 15.8 – Individualism/collectivism scores for each region

Region Low Medium High

Africa 16% 32% 52%

Asia and Pacific Islands 14% 24% 62%

Australia and New Zealand 36% 35% 29%

Canada 31% 40% 29%

Europe 36% 38% 26%

Latin America 38% 43% 19%

Middle East 33% 34% 33%

United States 42% 26% 32%

Table 15.9 – Individualism/collectivism scores for each industry that made up more than 1.5% of the study

Industry Low Medium High

Health Care 39% 32% 29%

Government - State 33% 35% 32%

Banking 29% 36% 35%

Finance 32% 43% 25%

Consulting 45% 23% 32%

Oil & Gas 36% 26% 38%

Government – Federal 35% 43% 22%

Education Services 45% 33% 22%

Insurance 30% 40% 30%

Manufacturing 30% 35% 35%

Utilities 34% 27% 39%

Other 27% 27% 46%

Government - Local & Municipal 37% 25% 38%

Information Services 50% 23% 27%

Retail Trade 31% 38% 31%

Telecommunications 35% 35% 30%

Professional, Scientific & Technical Services 59% 18% 23%

Consumer Goods Manufacturing 26% 48% 26%

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 277

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Emotional Expressiveness Low Emotional Expressiveness Cultures

Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

Emotional expressiveness is a cultural dimension that

describes the degree to which people are allowed,
expected and encouraged to display emotions and
emotional states to others. Employees in a low 1. Fear and avoidance behavior
emotionally expressive organization are expected not to Participants reported that fear of conflict or
display emotions. Although emotions are felt, a person upsetting anyone often derailed plans and masked
is expected to keep them tightly controlled. Emotional resistance to the change. Participants also reported
displays in public are seen as awkward and unnecessary. that impacted groups often struggled to express
Employees in organizations that are highly emotionally their concerns around the change.
expressive feel able and are encouraged to display 2. Passive-aggressive behaviors
their emotional states to others openly and without Due to a lack of desire to express their feelings,
reservation. Emotional displays are not considered impacted groups often resorted to passive-aggressive
awkward or uncomfortable in the workplace. behaviors during the change. This caused a buildup
of resentment whenever anyone had to work with
Participants indicated their locations along the the change.
emotional expressiveness spectrum (using a scale from
zero to 100) and identified challenges and adaptations
for implementing change given their location on the Adaptations
spectrum. Data were analyzed to identify challenges
and adaptations for low (spectrum scores of zero to 1. Create an open communication/feedback channel
33), moderate (34 to 67) and high (68 to 100) emotional Creating an open communication and feedback
expressiveness cultures (Figure 15.10). channel and encouraging employees to provide
feedback without fear of consequences allowed trust
Figure 15.10 – Average scores for emotional building and a feeling of participation rather than
expressiveness across the study merely being subject to change.
30 2. Use one-on-one communications
Participants reported using one-on-one sessions
25 to gather concerns and input from employees.
With groups that are less prone to emotional
Percent of Respondents

18% expressiveness, reading secondary signals like body
language and “reading between the lines” to get to
15 the true feelings of an employee during feedback
was important.
3. Engage with managers/supervisors
Participants engaged managers and supervisors
of employees to gather observed feedback and
responses from teams. A more accurate account
Extremely Low Low Moderately Moderately High Extremely of perceptions from the “ground level” was gained
Emotional Emotional Low High Emotional High
Expressiveness Expressiveness Emotional Emotional Expressiveness Emotional
Expressiveness Expressiveness Expressiveness
by leveraging the proximity of managers and
supervisors. Engaging managers and supervisors
served the dual purpose of expanding their role as
change agents.

278 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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Moderate Emotional High Emotional Expressiveness Cultures

Expressiveness Cultures Source date: 2016

Source date: 2016

1. Difficulty communicating about change
1. Bottling up emotions A high degree of emotional expressiveness meant
Emotional displays tended to occur only in their that every communication regarding the change
extremes. Impacted groups bottled up their negative would potentially have a large emotional response.
feelings about the change and would unleash them Participants reported that attempting to customize
at a later point when any chance for a change of communication not to elicit an emotional response
course had passed. was very difficult.

2. Identifying resistance 2. Cross-cultural communication

Participants reported they had a difficult time Participants reported that communication across
identifying resistance because resistant groups were cultural lines was very difficult, especially when
adept at hiding their feelings regarding the change. one group was highly emotionally expressive and
Participants reported identifying resistance to the the other was not. Participants reported both sides
change much later than would be ideal during the in the interaction would think the other side was
change initiative. being offensive.

Adaptations Adaptations

1. Create an open, safe environment 1. Create opportunities for feelings to be heard

Participants created an open channel and Participants reported that it was critical to build
encouraged employees to provide feedback. By time into a project to interact with impacted groups
creating this open, safe environment, participants and employees at multiple points to allow feelings
paved the way for smoother change management and feedback to be heard. Limits and a common
with a foundation of mutual respect and integrity. language were created to communicate feedback
clearly and constructively.
2. Use one-on-one communication
Participants engaged with impacted employees 2. Tailor communication to be clear and focused on
individually. Although drawing emotional responses business objectives
was not the goal, participants felt that emotional Communication should strive to be concise and
responses during meetings were indicative of informative while not evoking emotional responses.
honest feedback about change. One-on-one Providing information in a clear, neutral manner
communications also served as opportunities to allowed employees to quickly understand why, how
assist individuals through change and to address and what a change was, reducing misunderstandings
personal concerns or fears. and information distortion.

3. Address concerns and questions promptly

Participants identified a need to quickly and
appropriately address concerns, questions or fears
that surfaced to reduce both personally and publicly
voiced anxieties. Listening to and addressing
questions quickly from employees supported them
through change and reduced resistance.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 279

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Table 15.11 shows the distribution of emotional expressiveness scores by region, and Table 15.12 shows the distribution of
scores by industry.

Table 15.11 – Emotional expressiveness scores for each region

Region Low Medium High

Africa 42% 45% 13%

Asia and Pacific Islands 34% 29% 37%

Australia and New Zealand 42% 34% 24%

Canada 40% 36% 24%

Europe 38% 36% 26%

Latin America 33% 34% 33%

Middle East 27% 18% 55%

United States 43% 35% 22%

Table 15.12 – Emotional expressiveness scores for each industry that made up more than 1.5% of the study

Industry Low Medium High

Health Care 44% 27% 29%

Government - State 51% 27% 22%

Banking 35% 42% 23%

Finance 39% 44% 17%

Consulting 47% 29% 24%

Oil & Gas 44% 33% 23%

Government – Federal 49% 30% 21%

Education Services 40% 33% 26%

Insurance 42% 36% 22%

Manufacturing 33% 31% 36%

Utilities 46% 32% 22%

Other 28% 49% 23%

Government - Local & Municipal 43% 38% 19%

Information Services 39% 32% 29%

Retail Trade 31% 35% 34%

Telecommunications 14% 53% 33%

Professional, Scientific & Technical Services 45% 40% 15%

Consumer Goods Manufacturing 26% 32% 42%

280 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Performance Orientation Participants identified challenges they encountered

in their change management work, and provided
Source date: 2016
adaptations they would make to their change
management strategies based on their cultures’
Performance orientation is a cultural dimension that performance orientation scores.
describes the degree to which a person is rewarded
for and expected to be innovative and the level of
performance and continuous improvement expected Low Performance Orientation Cultures
from that individual. In a low performance-orientation Source date: 2016
organization, societal and family relationships
are more important than improving performance.
Formal feedback is viewed as judgmental and
discomforting. Communication is subtle and indirect.
In high performance-orientation organizations, 1. Lack of effective communication
training, personal development, competitiveness Gaps in communication between upper management
and formal feedback are seen as necessary for and frontline employees were reported. Employees
improving performance. Communication is direct and did not like hearing negative feedback about their job
unambiguous, and employees are expected to strive for performance nor did they have a desire to increase
and demonstrate improvements in their work. performance, and the lines of communication were
effectively closed.
Participants indicated their location along the
2. Lack of accountability
performance orientation spectrum (using a scale from
No one was willing to take responsibility for stages
zero to 100) and identified challenges and adaptations
of the project. There was no clear goal-setting
for implementing change given their location on the
or team responsible to ensure goals were met.
spectrum. Data were analyzed to identify challenges
Low performance-orientated employees saw no
and adaptations for low (spectrum scores of zero to 33),
repercussions for staying with the old systems and
moderate (34 to 67) and high (68 to 100) performance
choosing not to change.
oriented cultures (Figure 15.13).
3. Lack of performance metrics
Figure 15.13 – Average scores for performance orientation Many teams did not have formal metrics in
across the study place to evaluate performance. This lack of
measurement resulted in challenges to positive
Extremely Low
Performance 10% and negative reinforcement.
Performance 16%
Orientation Adaptations
Moderately Low
Performance 20%
1. Let impacted groups choose their incentives
Moderately High
Performance 15% Participants let impacted groups pick and design
their own incentives during the change intuitive.
Performance 25% Participants reported that these incentives were
often not business related and were more enjoyment
Extremely High
Performance 14% oriented, such as trips to theme parks and other
recreational activities.
0 5 10 15 20 25
2. Desire building focused on individual impact
Percent of Respondents
Participants focused their desire and awareness
messages on how the change would improve
their day-to-day work. Participant messages were
customized for individuals or small impacted groups.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 281

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Moderate Performance High Performance

Orientation Cultures Orientation Cultures
Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

Challenges Challenges

1. Lack of accountability 1. Employee resistance

A large number of projects were left without Participants reported that high performance-oriented
someone taking responsibility for successes and employees did not welcome the state of uncertainty
failures. No one wanted to own the change in case that comes with a change and were comfortable with
anything went wrong. This left team members their current jobs. Some employees feared a decrease
uncertain of whom to ask when they had questions of productivity during change.
about a change or process. 2. Lack of effective training
2. Lack of adoption metrics Employees at all levels did not feel prepared for
Without the ability to measure adoption and usage change after they had been through training, though
among impacted groups, there was no way to adapt or participants felt that the training was more than
adjust course once a project began. Adoption or usage adequate. Employees lacked confidence in their
metrics were also viewed as performance metrics and ability to apply new skills in the future state.
were not received well by impacted groups. 3. Lack of employee motivation
3. No place for employee feedback Employees from every level of the organization did
Employees wanted a forum in which questions or not understand why the change was happening
concerns could be heard. Employees wanted to talk and how adoption of change would improve their
to someone directly and have a liaison that would performance metrics. High performance-oriented
help get questions answered. employees were frustrated when they felt they had
wasted time and energy on a change they believed
to be unnecessary.

1. Gathering feedback
Allowing space for and seeking out feedback from
impacted groups regarding the change allowed 1. Tie performance metrics to adoption
participants to actively monitor resistance and Participants tied specific performance measures
customize communication and incentives around to specific adoption activities in impacted groups.
the change. These groups responded better to incentives that
linked to their performance metrics rather than
2. Acknowledgment
outside enjoyable activities.
Participants reported that the most effective
form of incentives was personal acknowledgment. 2. Unambiguous communication
Participants built in and actively worked to Participants reported that impacted groups
acknowledge high performers and early adopters. responded the best to unambiguous and technical
This acknowledgment often went in parallel with communication about the change. Further, impacted
performance and personal incentives as well. groups tended to digest and act on more technical
and un-watered-down information rather than
personal communication about the change.

282 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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Table 15.14 shows the distribution of performance orientation scores by region, and Table 15.15 shows the distribution of
scores by industry.

Table 15.14 – Performance orientation scores for each region

Region Low Medium High

Africa 37% 26% 37%

Asia and Pacific Islands 29% 29% 42%

Australia and New Zealand 26% 40% 34%

Canada 24% 36% 40%

Europe 25% 34% 41%

Latin America 43% 38% 19%

Middle East 27% 46% 27%

United States 24% 27% 49%

Table 15.15 – Performance orientation scores for each industry that made up more than 1.5% of the study

Industry Low Medium High

Health Care 28% 32% 40%

Government - State 38% 32% 30%

Banking 28% 25% 47%

Finance 23% 35% 42%

Consulting 23% 23% 54%

Oil & Gas 20% 37% 43%

Government – Federal 35% 34% 31%

Education Services 33% 38% 29%

Insurance 28% 37% 35%

Manufacturing 26% 31% 43%

Utilities 35% 40% 25%

Other 14% 27% 59%

Government - Local & Municipal 37% 46% 17%

Information Services 19% 43% 38%

Retail Trade 13% 23% 64%

Telecommunications 19% 19% 62%

Professional, Scientific & Technical Services 36% 32% 32%

Consumer Goods Manufacturing 15% 35% 50%

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 283

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Power Distance Low power distance cultures

Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

Power distance is a cultural dimension that describes Challenges

the degree to which power is distributed (equally versus
unequally) with people at the bottom accepting their
position. Organizations with low power distance allow 1. Impaired communication
employees access to higher-level members with little to Due to extensive access, information often
no formal rules or chain of command. Employees expect skipped levels of the organization which resulted
company-wide decisions to be made democratically in repeating information several times. Informal
and for each voice to be heard. Organizations with high communications led to rumors and decreased the
power distance have formal and strictly defined rules for credibility of information surrounding change.
accessing high-level executives. Employees do not expect 2. Increased resistance
to be consulted on company-wide decisions. Low power distance structures resulted in a large
amount of resistance because individuals from all
Participants indicated their locations along the power levels of the organization constantly challenged
distance spectrum (using a scale from zero to 100) and ideas. Employees often did not adhere to changes, and
identified challenges and adaptations for implementing messages were not uniform across the organization.
change given their location on the spectrum. Data were Conflicts arose between levels of management, and
analyzed to identify challenges and adaptations for low productivity suffered consequently.
(spectrum scores of zero to 33), moderate (34 to 67) and
3. Decreased productivity
high (68 to 100) power distance cultures (Figure 15.16).
Productivity decreased due to more time being spent
on gaining buy-in, lack of governance and slower
Figure 15.16 – Average scores for power distance across
decision processes.
the study



1. Increase engagement
Percent of Respondents

20 Employee engagement was achieved with an increase

16% in functions and meetings that were used to ensure
15 14% alignment of the organization across all levels. The
quantity of meetings ensured that employees had
10 multiple opportunities to encounter and engage with
the change project.
2. Structure communication channels
Communication channels needed to be identified up
Extremely Low Moderately Moderately High Extremely front to provide a consistent approach for tailoring
Low Power Low High Power High
Power Distance Power Power Distance Power messages and to open structured feedback from
Distance Distance Distance Distance
individuals. Communication plans required consistency
and frequency, so content could be adjusted to
incorporate the topics identified from feedback.

3. Enhance change management plans

Participants in low power distance organizations
added structure to change management by placing
stakeholders in key positions, including establishing
guidelines to ensure all levels were being communicated
with and clearly defining roles and responsibilities.

284 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Moderate Distance Cultures 3. Empower sponsors

Sponsors in moderate power distance organizations
Source date: 2016
were encouraged to take charge of change as an
adaption to the position on the power distance
Challenges spectrum. Empowered sponsors bridged the gap
between leaders’ direction and employees’ concerns
and feedback.
1. Decreased ability to drive change
Leadership had a decreased capability to direct
change, had to put more effort into gaining
buy-in for change and had to engage managers High Power Distance Cultures
more thoroughly. Source date: 2016
2. Increased resistance
Resistance occurred because senior leaders did not
account for employees’ input and concerns when
dealing with issues centered on change. Employees
were then more likely to resist any aspect of change. 1. Restricted communication
Senior leaders appeared to think they had more sway Participants identified too few and poor levels of
over employees than they did. communication occurring in high power distance
organizations. A large gap was described between
3. Poor structure
senior leaders and frontline employees which
Participants with moderate power distance
resulted in a loss of productivity and increased
organizations reported a need to tailor change
time for implementation. Fear among employees of
plans more specifically to groups as opposed to
executives appearing unapproachable were primary
using a uniform approach. Creating individual
limitations to communication from lower levels
plans required more time on the change manager’s
to executives.
part and lowered the effectiveness of mass
communication regarding change. 2. Isolated decision making
Isolated decision making was challenging.
Executives made decisions without considering the
Adaptations impact to employees. Consequently, the alignment
of the organization suffered because different levels
1. Balance communication and groups had different directions.
Participants expressed the need to establish 3. Lack of employee engagement
balanced communication during change Lack of commitment and trust were other challenges
management. Open and honest feedback was for organizations with high power structures.
balanced with a clear boundary and understanding Passive resistance resulted from these issues because
of “who has the final say.” employees felt powerless, unheard and not cared
2. Gain buy-in about. Resources had to be reallocated to account
Participants reported putting more effort toward for these avoidable problems.
gaining employee buy-in. Awareness of the need
for and importance of change management was
created by using more meetings and team
activities. Other activities to gain buy-in included
visible sponsorship engagement, involvement
of key stakeholders, creation of plans for
various groups, and demonstration of the value
of change management.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 285

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement


1. Communicate openly and directly

Participants reported using executive and senior
leaders more often during communications.
Higher-level leadership lent authority to
communication, and resistant employees were
more likely to adopt change when instructed.

2. Engage leadership
Leadership visibility and engagement ensured
that impacted groups understood that company
leadership was supportive of and behind change
from the beginning. Early leadership involvement
encouraged and promoted early adopters.

286 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Table 15.17 shows the distribution of power distance scores by region, and Table 15.18 shows the distribution of scores by industry.

Table 15.17 – Power distance scores for each region

Region Low Medium High

Africa 6% 19% 75%

Asia and Pacific Islands 9% 18% 73%

Australia and New Zealand 20% 31% 49%

Canada 13% 37% 50%

Europe 33% 33% 34%

Latin America 10% 33% 57%

Middle East 9% 27% 64%

United States 23% 29% 48%

Table 15.18 – Power distance scores for each industry that made up more than 1.5% of the study

Industry Low Medium High

Health Care 16% 30% 54%

Government - State 21% 27% 52%

Banking 14% 29% 57%

Finance 27% 25% 48%

Consulting 27% 37% 36%

Oil & Gas 17% 37% 46%

Government – Federal 2% 29% 69%

Education Services 16% 37% 47%

Insurance 27% 27% 46%

Manufacturing 26% 21% 53%

Utilities 12% 37% 51%

Other 11% 56% 33%

Government - Local & Municipal 18% 25% 57%

Information Services 42% 35% 23%

Retail Trade 13% 26% 61%

Telecommunications 15% 45% 40%

Professional, Scientific & Technical Services 32% 32% 36%

Consumer Goods Manufacturing 32% 36% 32%

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 287

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Uncertainty Avoidance Low Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures

Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

Uncertainty avoidance is a cultural dimension that

describes a culture’s tolerance for ambiguity and
uncertainty. Low uncertainty avoidance organizations
do not prefer unknown or unusual situations, but do 1. Too much ambiguity
not avoid them and feel comfortable in new situations. Too much ambiguity regarding change emerged in
These organizations are pragmatic and are tolerant of low uncertainty avoidance cultures. Senior leaders
change. High uncertainty avoidance organizations try to were content to take a “see what happens” approach
minimize or avoid unusual or unknown circumstances. to change. Impacted groups did not see change as
Step-by-step planning, rule implementation and having an impact on them and were less likely to
attention to detail precede change. care about change initiatives.

2. Lack of consistency and follow through

Participants indicated their locations along the Organizations were too willing to switch to a new
uncertainty avoidance spectrum (using a scale from technology or process at any indication that it
zero to 100) and identified challenges and adaptations could be an improvement. Changes were initiated
for implementing change given their location on the frequently, leading to high change saturation which
spectrum. Data were analyzed to identify challenges negatively impacted productivity.
and adaptations for low (spectrum scores of zero to 33),
3. Lack of respect for change
moderate (34 to 67) and high (68 to 100) uncertainty
Changes were not perceived as something that
avoidance cultures (Figure 15.19).
impacted the organization. Acquiring resources and
Figure 15.19 – Average scores for uncertainty avoidance support was more difficult because the impact of the
across the study change and the need for structure and resources for
change management were underappreciated.

30 Adaptations

Percent of Respondents

1. Communication
20 Participants cited altering communications to
reflect their culture’s tendency to avoid unusual
15 13% or unknown circumstances. This included
communicating earlier and more often, addressing
“what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM), providing clarity,
4% setting expectations, ensuring messaging was
consistent, and providing the right amount of detail.
Extremely Low Moderately Moderately High Extremely 2. Identify and mitigate uncertainty
Low Uncertainty Low High Uncertainty High
Uncertainty Avoidance Uncertainty Uncertainty Avoidance Uncertainty Participants identified uncertainty through analysis,
Avoidance Avoidance Avoidance Avoidance
responded quickly to concerns, provided additional
information and training for those who needed it,
and created awareness regarding uncertainty to let
Participants identified challenges they encountered people know that some uncertainty was acceptable.
to their change management work, and provided 3. Training and support
adaptations they would make to their change Participants increased the amount of training
management strategies based on their cultures’ provided regarding changes, provided additional
uncertainty avoidance scores.

288 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

coaching to people who were struggling with change, 4. Confusion

created practice scenarios for people to try out Last minute execution and lack of clarity on current
change in advance, and rewarded increased effort projects led to confusion within impacted groups.
and early adoption of change. Lack of awareness and mixed messages added to the
confusion during change.
4. Planning
Participants increased the amount of planning for
change, increased details and documentation within Adaptations
their plans, recognized the need to change a plan
due to organizational culture, and allowed flexibility
1. Communication
within a plan during change.
Participants communicated more regularly with
increased emphasis on the vision, benefits and
solutions surrounding change. They stated that they
Moderate Uncertainty commonly addressed “what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM),
Avoidance Cultures provided clarification concerning job roles and
promoted more one-on-one communication.
Source date: 2016
2. Increased coaching, training and support
Participants implemented more check-ins and
accountability measures and provided additional
coaching and support where needed. Participants
1. Uncertainty provided training to supervisors and managers on
Impacted groups become paralyzed and unable dealing with ambiguity and uncertainty
to respond to uncertain situations. Participants in the workplace.
reported a tendency for executives to be more
3. Planning
reproachful during uncertainty, leading to poorly
Participants planned fewer changes at once,
executed change.
created better plans with increased detail and
2. Resistance documentation, and built clearer and more robust
When changes were announced, participants communication plans. They also modified plans to
reported difficulties in getting change started. account for reactions based on their culture.
Impacted groups had difficulty embracing changes,
4. Identify and mitigate uncertainty
which required pulling people along. This difficulty
Participants analyzed change to identify uncertainty
was most often a result of fighting a legacy of
and resistance and reinforced key messages among
change resistance.
impacted groups to bolster awareness of the need for
3. Change fatigue change and mitigate concerns.
Change fatigue caused missed deadlines and an
overall fear of future changes. Ambiguity and poor
adoption of future changes resulted from change
fatigue and lack of reinforcement of previous changes.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 289

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

High Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures “analysis paralysis” and inaction. Risk aversion also
led to bias toward maintaining the status quo until
Source date: 2016
numerous risks had been addressed clearly. Decision
making was formal requiring rules and standards.
4. Slow pace of change
Participants indicated that the slow pace of change
1. Need for detailed communications was especially challenging in cultures of high
The most frequently stated challenge was the need uncertainty avoidance. Detailed planning, frequent
for significant details to be spelled out upfront prior questioning and clarifying expectations repeatedly
to the start of change. This fueled a desire for a extended timelines for change.
clearly-articulated vision and a detailed description
of the future state prior to employees committing
to participate in change. Communication and
preparation for change needed to involve a wider
audience, so it was comfortable and ready for change 1. Communication
and had the knowledge and tools to support it. Participants looked for innovative and creative ways
to communicate and increased communications
2. Fear of the unknown
regarding the business value of change. They
Change brings uncertainty, and participants
included more one-on-one communication in their
indicated that fear of the unknown associated with
communication plans.
change led to a lack of tolerance for ambiguity.
Many questions arose and frustrations set in when 2. Adapting change
answers were not readily available. An unwillingness Participants slowed change, staggered changes,
to change when people were uncertain about what or limited the number of changes occurring in the
was expected in the new system was a challenge that organization. Participants also mentioned more
stemmed from fear of the unknown. planning, increased flexibility and simplification
of the change.
3. Risk aversion
High uncertainty, avoidance environments were 3. Increased training and support
marked by a desire to avoid risk and mitigate Participants increased training and found new ways
potential negative consequences of change. to coach employees through change. They used
Participants noted that risk aversion often led to ADKAR® to discover where additional skill building
was necessary and provided the support needed.

290 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Table 15.20 shows the distribution of uncertainty avoidance scores by region, and Table 15.21 shows the distribution of
scores by industry.

Table 15.20 – Uncertainty avoidance scores for each region

Region Low Medium High

Africa 17% 46% 37%

Asia and Pacific Islands 27% 15% 58%

Australia and New Zealand 13% 39% 48%

Canada 13% 27% 60%

Europe 20% 37% 43%

Latin America 15% 40% 45%

Middle East 9% 36% 55%

United States 18% 35% 47%

Table 15.21 – Uncertainty avoidance scores for each industry that made up more than 1.5% of the study

Industry Low Medium High

Health Care 20% 39% 41%

Government - State 13% 29% 58%

Banking 20% 34% 46%

Finance 17% 40% 43%

Consulting 33% 26% 41%

Oil & Gas 14% 37% 49%

Government – Federal 13% 23% 64%

Education Services 7% 30% 63%

Insurance 10% 40% 50%

Manufacturing 16% 32% 52%

Utilities 13% 25% 63%

Other 26% 40% 34%

Government - Local & Municipal 16% 31% 53%

Information Services 19% 43% 38%

Retail Trade 18% 32% 50%

Telecommunications 29% 33% 38%

Professional, Scientific & Technical Services 4% 35% 61%

Consumer Goods Manufacturing 22% 45% 33%

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 291

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Relative Impact of Cultural Dimensions Figure 15.23 – Cultural dimensions rated as having the
largest impact (ranked 1)
on Change Management Work
Source date: 2016 Avoidance

After providing input on the six cultural dimensions, Power Distance 21%

participants ranked the cultural dimensions based on

Individualism vs
the impact they had on change management. A rank Collectivism

of 1 meant the dimension had the largest impact on

Performance 16%
change management, and 6 meant it had the least. Orientation

Figure 15.22 shows the rank ordering of impact of the Assertiveness 15%

cultural dimensions of change management work.

Responses were weighted and indexed. Individualism Expressiveness

versus collectivism, power distance, and uncertainty

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
avoidance had the greatest impact on change Percent of Respondents
management work, and emotional expressiveness
had the least impact.
Figure 15.24 shows the distribution of cultural
Figure 15.22 – Weighted scores for most impactful dimension impact rankings. The percentage that ranked
cultural dimensions individualism versus collectivism (38%), power distance
(39%) and uncertainty avoidance (41%) as 1 or 2 was
Individualism vs 1.00
Colectivism higher than the other cultural dimensions. Nearly
half (49%) of all respondents indicated that emotional
Power Distance 1.00
expressiveness was a low-impact dimension.

0.98 Figure 15.24 – Distribution of cultural dimension
impact rankings
Assertiveness 0.94
Ranked 1 or 2 (Most Impact)
Ranked 3 or 4
Performance Ranked 5 or 6 (Least Impact)
Individualism vs
Collectivism 38% 35% 27%
Emotional 0.74
Distance 39% 33% 28%
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Index Score of Impact of Cultural Dimension
Avoidance 41% 28% 31%

Looking just at the dimensions participants ranked as

Assurtiveness 32% 37% 31%
having the greatest impact, Figure 15.23 shows that
although the top three remain the same, the order Performance
Orientation 33% 35% 32%
shifted. Twenty-four percent of respondents ranked
uncertainty avoidance as having the greatest impact on
17% 34% 49%
change management, followed by power distance (21%) Expressiveness

and individualism versus collectivism (18%).

0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents

292 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Employee Engagement Figure 15.27 shows employee engagement by change
management maturity level. Participants who reported
having more mature change management practices also
Participants reported if their organizations assess
reported having more engaged employees.
employee engagement. Eighty-five percent of
participants reported that they did some measure of Figure 15.27 – Employee engagement and change
employee engagement but less then half reported doing management maturity level
Very Disengaged
so on a regular cadence. Somewhat Disengaged
Somewhat Engaged

Figure 15.25 – Assessed employee engagement Very Engaged

Level 5 -
Organizational 4% 39% 5% 52%
Yes, On a 44%
Regular Cadence Level 4 -
Organizational 14% 56% 1% 29%

Level 3 -
Multiple 19% 63% 3% 15%
Yes, 41% Projects
On Occasion

Level 2 -
Isolated 29% 50% 6% 13%

No 15% Level 1 -
Ad Hoc or 30% 46% 15% 9%

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents Percent of Respondents

Figure 15.28 shows employee engagement by meeting

Survey participants were also asked to characterize the project objectives. Participants with more engaged
level of employee engagement at their organization. employees met and exceeded their project objectives more
often than those with lower levels of employee engagement.
Figure 15.26 – Characterization of employee engagement
Figure 15.28 – Employee engagement and meeting
project objectives
Engaged Very Disengaged
Somewhat Disengaged
Somewhat Engaged
Very Engaged
Engaged Greatly
Exceeded 6% 50% 44%

Disengaged 24% Exceeded
2% 17% 59% 22%

Very Met
2% 20% 60% 18%
Disengaged 5% Objectives

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Partially
Met 8% 30% 52% 10%
Percent of Respondents Objectives

Figures 15.27 through 15.29 show employee engagement to Meet 22% 32% 37% 9%
correlated with maturity level, meeting project objectives
and degree of change saturation. 0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 293

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Figure 15.29 shows employee engagement by change

saturation. Participants who reported that their
organizations were past the point of saturation also
reported lower levels of employee engagement.

Figure 15.29 – Employee engagement and change saturation

Very Disengaged
Somewhat Disengaged
Somewhat Engaged
Very Engaged

My Organization
Has Plenty of Spare 4% 24% 60% 12%
Capacity for Change

My Organization
Has Some Spare 2% 23% 58% 17%
Capacity for Change

My Organization is
Nearing the Point of 4% 21% 60% 15%
Change Saturation

My Organization
is at the Point of 4% 26% 54% 16%
Change Saturation

My Organization
is Past the Change 11% 29% 45% 15%
Saturation Point

0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents

Figures 15.30 through 15.33 show employee engagement

by region, industry, revenue and number of employees.

Figure 15.30 – Employees engagement by region

Very Disengaged
Somewhat Disengaged
Somewhat Engaged
Very Engaged

Africa 10% 28% 55%

Asia and
1% 29% 52% 18%
Pacific Islands
Australia and
8% 30% 50% 12%
New Zealand

Canada 7% 26% 55% 12%

Europe 4% 25% 55% 16%

Latin America 6% 15% 63% 16%

Middle East 12% 30% 51% 7%

United States 3% 20% 58% 19%

0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents

294 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Table 15.31 – Employee engagement by industry

Very Somewhat Somewhat Very

Disengaged Disengaged Engaged Engaged
Other 21% 54% 4% 21%
Utilities 3% 29% 51% 17%
Transportation & Warehousing 8% 28% 49% 15%
Telecommunications 9% 17% 52% 22%
Retail Trade 7% 20% 55% 18%
Professional, Scientific & Technical Services 2% 23% 53% 21%
Pharmaceutical 8% 4% 68% 20%
Oil & Gas 2% 11% 70% 17%
Non-Profit 7% 30% 52% 11%
Manufacturing 7% 24% 62% 7%
Insurance 9% 20% 45% 26%
Information Services 1% 20% 63% 15%
Health Care 3% 28% 56% 13%
Government - State 9% 29% 55% 6%
Government - Other 4% 18% 68% 11%
Government - Military 0% 36% 50% 14%
Government - Federal 10% 30% 51% 9%
Food/Beverage 4% 7% 78% 11%
Finance 5% 20% 48% 27%
Education Services 4% 37% 49% 10%
Consumer Goods Manufacturing 0% 22% 58% 19%
Consulting 4% 17% 61% 18%
Banking 1% 25% 61% 13%

Figure 15.32 – Employee engagement by revenue Figure 15.33 – Employee engagement by number of employees
Very Disengaged Very Disengaged
Somewhat Disengaged Somewhat Disengaged
Somewhat Engaged Somewhat Engaged
Very Engaged Very Engaged

More Than 23% 52% 21% More Than

4% 2% 23% 57% 18%
$5 Billion 35,000
$2.5 Billion -
5% 23% 57% 15% 20,000 - 34,999 7%
$5 Billion 32% 48% 13%

$1 Billion -
5% 26% 53% 16% 10,000 - 19,999 7%
$2.5 Billion 28% 51% 14%
$500 Million -
4% 25% 60% 11%
$1 Billion 5,000 - 9,999 6% 22% 57% 15%
$250 Million -
7% 18% 62% 13%
$500 Million
2,500 - 4,999 4% 21% 58% 17%
$100 Million -
5% 28% 51% 16%
$250 Million
1,000 - 2,499 5% 23% 59% 13%
$50 Million -
7% 29% 46% 18%
$100 Million
500 - 999
$25 Million - 11% 24% 51% 14%
6% 26% 47% 21%
$50 Million
$10 Million - 100 - 499
8% 21% 59% 12% 5% 24% 53% 18%
$25 Million
Less Than 1 - 99
8% 23% 56% 13% 4% 23% 58% 15%
$10 Million

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 295

Part 4: Chapter 15 – Culture, Employee and Stakeholder Engagement

Participants were asked to describe the impact that applying Figures 15.36 shows the percent of participants
change management has on employee engagement. who reported that their organization had made that
shift broken out by industry. Seventy-one percent
Figure 15.34 – Impact of change management on of participants who identified their industry as
employee engagement “Government – Other” reported that their organizations
had made the shift, a 17% difference from the
study average.
Very Positive 12%

Figure 15.36 – Organization shifted to more open,

Positive 58% participatory and feedback driven approach to
stakeholder engagement by industry

Neutral 25%
Entire Study 54%
Government – Other 71%
Negative 4%
Utilities 67%
Consumer Goods 67%
Very Negative 1% Finance 64%

Consulting 61%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Percent of Respondents Health Care 59%

Oil & Gas 59%

Education Services 57%

Organization Shifted to More Open, Banking

Government –

Participatory and Feedback Driven Local & Municipal
Professional, Scientific & 53%
Technical Services
Approach to Stakeholder Engagement Other 52%

Government – State 49%

For the first time participants were asked if their Telecommunications 49%

organizations had shifted to a more open, participatory Insurance 47%

and feedback driven approach to stakeholder engagement Information Services 46%
in the last 12-18 months. More than half of study Government – Federal 46%
participants reported that their organization had made 46%
this shift (Figure 15.35). Development & 45%
Manufacturing 45%
Figure 15.35 – Organization shifted to more open, 44%
Retail Trade
participatory and feedback driven approach to
Food/Beverage 41%
stakeholder engagement
Transportation & 40%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Percent of Respondents
Yes - 54%

No - 46%

296 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Figure 15.37 shows the percent of respondents who interest and ownership by employees and decreased
reported that their organizations had made the shift time spent explaining the benefits of the change.
broken out by change management maturity level.
4. Increased engagement from the organization
Figure 15.37 shows a positive trend between the percent
Increased stakeholder engagement led to greater
of respondents who reported “Yes” and reported a high
employee engagement, better understanding of other
change management maturity level.
teams’ roles, increases in employees’ key performance
indicators (KPIs), and improved project effectiveness.
Figure 15.37 – Organization shifted to more open,
participatory and feedback driven approach to
stakeholder engagement by maturity level
Sources of the Shift in Stakeholder
Entire Study
Engagement and Impact
Level 5 -
Organizational 80%
Participants reported on a shift in stakeholder
Level 4 -
Organizational 74% engagement to a more open, design-oriented and
collaborative approach, along with the sources they
Level 3 -
Multiple 60% attributed to this shift.
Level 2 -
1. Organizational directive
Projects The shift in stakeholder engagement came as a
Level 1 -
Ad Hoc or 37% directive from leadership in their organizations.
Participants were not always able to give objective
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 reasons for this directive; however, those that could
Percent of Respondents
inferred that these decisions were made to increase
retention, decrease attrition, and foster a more
effective and efficient work environment.
Impacts from the Shift in Stakeholder 2. Impact of enterprise change management
Engagement Approach on Change Participants concluded that their organization’s
Management Activities and Outcomes adoption of an enterprise change management
program fostered a culture that was more open,
collaborative, feedback-driven, and design-oriented.
Survey participants indicated having a greater stakeholder There was a split in participants who have viewed this
engagement approach resulted in increased stakeholder shift as a natural reaction to employees being exposed
support, project outcomes, adoption and engagement. to change management and those who attributed
1. Increased support from stakeholders the shift to the organizational effort to embed
More engaged stakeholders offered increased support. an enterprise change management competency in
Stakeholder support led to increased engagement the organization.
on projects and reinforced the change management 3. Stakeholder engagement viewed as critical
team’s credibility. Discussions and activities became to success
more purposeful as the level of involvement from Participants and their organizations shifted to a
management at all levels increased. more open, collaborative, feedback-driven and
2. Increased success of project outcomes design-oriented approach to stakeholder engagement
Greater stakeholder engagement resulted in increased because those traits were deemed essential to a
levels of project success, including achieved results, project or organization’s success. Specifics about how
increased productivity and improved return on these traits positively impacted a project’s success
investment (ROI). varied by organization, but participants implied that
this was a new shift, and it was often associated with
3. Increased understanding and awareness of
a realignment of organizational vision and mission.
project needs
Greater stakeholder engagement led to increased
understanding and awareness, which then increased

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 297

4 Chapter 16

CM by Industry
Adapt Change Activities to the Unique
Challenges of Your Industry

Summary Highlight

Industries share characteristics that create unique challenges Meaningful differences between
for managing people through change. How is change industries emerged that influenced
management different in banking? How must it be adapted how change management was
in health care? What can practitioners account for when applied, such as technology
managing change in government? In the context of change adaptiveness, tenure of workforce
management, research data sheds light into patterns of and risk tolerance.
prevalent challenges and common types of change faced
by vertical industries. Customize your change management
planning and implementation with actionable adaptations
benchmarked from change leaders in your own industry.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Industry-Specific Challenges When Government Organizations: Federal,

Employing Change Management State and Local/Municipal
Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

Participants identified challenges they faced due to their

industry when employing change management. To report
accurately on industry-specific challenges, industries
that made up at least 2% of the study’s participants were 1. Concerns unique to government organizations
analyzed individually, and the remaining industries were Participants identified factors particular to government
analyzed together and listed in the other category. organizations as top barriers to implementing change
management. These were variables that exist almost
In the interest of clarity, industries were grouped into exclusively in government organizations as opposed
five broad categories based on similarities. to private companies and organizations. Examples
included government bureaucracy such as lengthy
Group 1 procedures, complicated rules and regulations, and
long chains of command; political motivations that do
• Government – Federal
not necessarily contribute to the efficiency of change
• Government – State management projects; and election cycles that occur
• Government – Local/Municipal every two to five years and cause changes to political
regimes and priorities.
Group 2
2. Lack of resources and specialty knowledge
• Banking Lack of resources was a challenge to change
• Finance management. Participants identified lack of funding,
specialized knowledge and adequate time to
• Consulting
implement change.
• Insurance

Group 3 Adaptations

• Information Services
1. Communication
• Telecommunications
Respondents identified a number of adaptations
• Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
to the style and frequency of communication
surrounding change management to account
Group 4
for unique characteristics of government. This
• Health Care included addressing government protocols
regarding communication structure, frequency
• Educational Services
and norms concerning who to include in specific
communications and how to address them.
Group 5
2. Account for cultural context
• Oil and Gas
Respondents adapted change management to
• Manufacturing
suit the cultural context of their government
• Utilities organization. For example, taking a “tailored-to-fit”
• Retail Trade approach to change management and demonstrating
• Consumer Goods and Manufacturing extreme flexibility.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 301

Part 4: Chapter 16 – Customizing CM by Industry

Banking, Finance, Consulting Information Services;

and Insurance Telecommunications; and Professional,
Source date: 2016 Scientific and Technical Services
Source date: 2016

1. Traditional and non-people-centric culture
A traditional culture attached to status quo within 1. Organizational focus on technology over people
a well-established and successful industry made Respondents from these industries identified
change management difficult. These industries challenges related to culture, barriers and changes
tended not to have people-centric cultures and they expect to face. These organizations focused on
focused on technical solutions and measurable technical solutions over interpersonal relations/human
success (ROI, profits) as opposed to interpersonal variables. Respondents also felt that employees lacked
relations/human variables. These organizations had emotional intelligence skills and training.
historically known success and were reluctant to
2. Industry pace
deviate from established systems/processes.
Participants from these industries frequently cited
2. Required quantifiable return and the fast pace of the industry and the resulting
organizational priorities shortened deadlines for change management as
These industries focused on profit and the factors that impeded success.
monetary benefits of adopting change management.
Sponsorship and resources were contingent on
proving quantifiable return on investment (ROI) of
change management. Time to market and diverting
resources from the organization’s main products 1. Adaptable and flexible methodology
were also key concerns. These organizations placed Using a highly adaptable and flexible methodology
high importance on guarding their competitive for change management allowed participants to
edge; it was difficult to convince executives to divert address the challenges of the organization’s culture
resources to change management. and pace of the industry.

2. Communication
Adaptations Participants noted a number of adaptations to both
frequency and style of communication to account for
the fast pace of the industry and the culture of the
1. Emphasize the benefits of change management
organization. Communication was frequent and brief
in a business-specific way
to ensure impacted groups would digest it; lengthy
Many respondents noted that an effective way to sell
communications often went unopened.
change management was to put the benefits in the
language of the organization. Examples included
using cost benefit analysis, highlighting that return
on investment (ROI) depended on people and using
business language to discuss change management.

2. Account for cultural context

Respondents needed to consider the cultural contexts
of their organizations when working on change
management, including an increase in transparency
of communications in response to a culture of secrecy
and accounting for an egocentric culture.

302 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Health Care and Education Services Oil and Gas; Manufacturing; Utilities;
Source date: 2016 Retail Trade; and Consumer Goods
and Manufacturing
Challenges Source date: 2016

1. Autonomous nature of employees Challenges

In both health care and education services industries,
the unique responsibilities of employees demanded
a high degree of autonomy and independent thinking. 1. Aging and tenured employee base
Physicians, nurses, academics and educators were Participants identified employee demographics
identified as employees for whom it is difficult to as the top challenge when employing change
accept change at face value without convincing and management. Many respondents noted an aging
clear evidence. employee demographic as being particularly
resistant to change. Employees who have been
2. Lack of designated resources
with the same company for many years were often
Lack of resources was noted as the second most
reluctant to deviate from established practices
common challenge when trying to implement
and procedures.
change management, including monetary and
non-monetary resources. Participants noted a 2. Decentralized and dispersed organizations
lack of funding designated specifically for change Participants identified elements of their respective
management. Inadequate non-monetary resources organizational structures as a top challenge to
included specialized change management training, overcome. The most common was organizational
dedicated change management practitioners decentralization in terms of both decentralized
and time away from daily priorities to focus on authority structures and geographic dispersal.
change management.
1. Account for cultural context
1. Alignment with employee characteristics Respondents identified a need to consider
Participants identified various ways in which cultural contexts in an organization. Examples
change management methodology was adapted included adapting to the global nature of an
to work with employees in health care and industry and adjusting the approach to work with
education services industries. Examples were employee demographics.
to include physicians/professors on change 2. Communication
management teams, to meet expectations of a Participants described ways they adapted
high degree of collaboration and to increase communication techniques to fit their
stakeholder engagement. organizations best. Examples included using clear
2. Communication analyses, documentation and business language
Participants described ways in which communication and ensuring messages came from an appropriate
was adapted to be most effective in health care level of leadership.
and education services industries. Examples
included adapting communication to resemble
academic discourse in education services industries
and linking change to improvements in patient
care in health care industries.

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Part 4: Chapter 16 – Customizing CM by Industry

Other Industries Adaptations

Source date: 2016
1. Communication
Participants noted that it was often necessary to
modify the style and frequency of communication
regarding change management. Adaptability was the
1. Cultural characteristics most important factor; communication needed to be
Due to various industries included in this category, adapted to each organization.
responses ranged wildly.
2. Account for cultural context
• Non people-centric industry: Some Participants spoke of a need to adapt change
industries emphasized solutions, quantifiable management methodologies and strategies to
variables and technological innovation over accommodate unique cultural dimensions of their
people-centric variables. organizations, such as the global nature of an
• Little history of change management: organization or traits inherent to an organization in
Some companies in established industries public versus private sectors.
that have known historical success identified
a culture of complacency and resistance
to change. Their history of success led to
resistance to change and lack of familiarity
with change management.

• Risk-averse culture: Companies that have

known success or operated in volatile markets
were reluctant to expose themselves to risk by
changing practices or devoting resources to
change management.

2. Lack of resources
Lack of resources was identified as a significant
challenge when employing change management.
Responses ranged from general to specific lack
of resources.

• Lack of time: Short/strict deadlines were

imposed on change management projects,
and organizations expected change
management to be undertaken in addition to
daily responsibilities.

• Lack of funding for change management:

Funding designated specifically for change
management was scarce.

• Lack of designated change management

resources (non-monetary): Specialized change
management training, dedicated change
management practitioners and time away from
daily priorities to use change management
resources were commonly lacking.

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Top Three Industry-Specific Changes on the Horizon

Participants identified the top changes they believed management knowledge and experience in
were on the horizon in their industries. Each industry coaching roles. Increased competition and
with a total study population above 1.5% was analyzed regulations are influencing market changes in the
and listed in alphabetical order below. consulting industry. One participant noted that
“consultancy will be changing influenced by technology
and collaborative ecosystems.”

Consumer Goods Manufacturing:

1. Technology changes
Digital transformation is on the forefront of change
that will impact traditional methods of banking. 1. Technology changes
Mobile and online technology growth, automated Digital transformation across facilities and products
banking systems, and cybersecurity emerged as will enable faster and improved web experiences
major technology changes in the industry. that increase the efficiency of digital organizational
sales force platforms. With high demand for constant
2. Market changes
and quick product changes, digitalization will help
Changing and increasing regulations driven by
participants meet client needs more efficiently
legislation are a major change for the banking
and stay relevant in what participants labeled the
industry. Increased competition from non-traditional
“accelerated market.”
financial institutions, specifically FinTech (i.e., the
integration of technology into offerings by financial 2. Market changes
services companies for user delivery). More accelerated and sustainably focused changes
are on the horizon. As demand for environmentally
3. Operational changes
friendly products and renewable or efficient energy
Participants noted reorganization and infrastructure
sources in production increases, participants must
changes that will be influenced by technology advances,
alter their selling model to stay relevant with
such as a decline in teller use due to mobile deposits.
the continuous change and customer demands.
An increase in competition will also motivate
Consulting: organizations to implement changes faster and
provide recognition for employees.

1. Technology changes
Automated, virtual training and coaching platforms Development and Manufacturing:
were highlighted as major technological changes on
the horizon. Big data analysis and cybersecurity are
1. Technology changes
also among the growing digital solutions.
Technology-based product changes and
2. Operational changes digitalization are accelerating. The automotive
Operational changes on the horizon include aftermarket will be affected by unique changes to
consultants working closely with project managers autonomous and electric vehicles, as well as the
and Agile business models. These close working production automation technology used for each
partnerships are increasingly important given the type of vehicle.
volume of changes across industries.
2. Operational changes
3. Market changes Operational changes involved greater focus on
Globalization, collaborating and consolidating, data-driven solutions, as well as customer relations
capability-building, and effective integration and expectations. These focal points are critical to
through ongoing training and coaching are creating transformational business models attuned
receiving greater focus. Client expectations of to the market and client needs.
hired consultants rose, leading to greater change

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Part 4: Chapter 16 – Customizing CM by Industry

Education Services: major market changes on the horizon.

3. Operational changes
Restructuring has increased to accommodate new
1. Market changes
operating models, an expanding employee base,
A decrease in government funding is the top market
and a shift in culture.
change anticipated. This budgetary restriction
increased competition for resources and impacted
tuition fees. Participants in the United Kingdom see Food and Beverage:
Britain’s exit from the European Union (Brexit) as
having a large impact on the consolidation of services.
1. Market changes
Participants also noted an increase in government
As the market changes, consumer trends will alter,
restrictions and regulations around the education
forcing organizations to constantly evolve, create new
system, which limits not only the education budget
products, and grow to meet the consumer demands.
but also available resources and programs to focus on
Greater product customization will be required to
student needs. One participant noted an increase in
compete in the marketplace.
“governmental restrictions or enforced mandates that
don’t serve students’ best interests.” 2. Technology changes
Future trends in the food and beverage industry
2. Technology changes
include digital innovation and disruptions.
The transition to virtual, online education delivery is
Technologies such as artificial intelligence will impact
a major trend. Remote, online learning and teaching
new product creation and development alongside
software platforms allow for a broader and more
developing consumer trends and encourage product
diverse audience to access educational tools at a lower
and supply-chain integration.
cost. Digital advances enabled more readily accessible
and on-demand education services.
Government – Federal:
3. Operational changes
New and innovative educational structural changes
are ahead. Participants noted curriculum shifts 1. Technology changes
toward individually tailored learning modules, Big data, artificial intelligence, digitalization and
competency-based learning, adaptive learning, and automated decision making are major technological
growth in atypical and higher education degrees. changes on the horizon.

2. Organizational changes
Finance: Structural reorganization, consolidation, response
to shifts in workforce demographics, capability
upskilling, government policy and a shift toward
1. Technology changes
Agile development comprise the organizational
Future trends in the financial industry include
changes reported. Participants from the
big data analysis, cloud-based networks, artificial
United Kingdom noted Britain’s exit from the
intelligence and FinTech (the integration of
European Union (Brexit) as a contributing factor
technology into offerings by financial services
to organizational and regulation changes.
companies for user delivery). Cybersecurity will
also increase along with greater automation
of manual processes. One participant stated Government – Local and Municipal:
that “product innovation [was] made possible
by technologies.”
1. Organizational changes
2. Market changes The centralization of systems and business models,
Participants highlighted greater cost pressure, an increase in policy change, customer expectations,
service expectations, consolidation, globalization legislative changes, and the flexibility of government
and competition in the financial industry. roles and capacity emerged as organizational
Compliance and regulatory changes, as well as an trends. Many participants indicated a shift in the
increase in mergers and acquisitions, also represent restructuring of business models to meet citizens’

306 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

needs. One participant noted the “ further engagement/ Health Care:

integration of citizens through multiple channels.”

2. Market changes
1. Operational changes
Reduced funds and resources, aging infrastructures,
Participants highlighted a shift to more personalized
changing population demographics and structures,
care delivery models for patients, and the move
increasing government regulations, and more
from hospital care to community care as major
frequent mergers will continue to impact the market.
changes on the horizon. Additional changes include
3. Technology changes moving from service-based to value-based care
The primary technological changes on the horizon models, reconfiguring reimbursement policies and
center on increased transparency from greater focus production standards, federally required and
on data analytics and increased artificial intelligence state-required integrated care models, and increased
and automation. operating pressures.

2. Market changes
Government – Other: Changes in government regulations and
requirements created funding and consolidation
pressure for the health care industry. Participants
1. Technology changes
also noted the aging population, an increase
An increase in digitalization and automation-related
in mergers and acquisitions, provider and staff
projects, including artificial intelligence, will
shortages, and increased competition as changes on
require large amounts of change management
the horizon.
capabilities and resources in the adoption process
as a change on the horizon. 3. Technology changes
The top technological changes in the health care
2. Market changes
industry consist of a shift to electronic health records,
Political, policy and legislature changes, along with
payment methods, cybersecurity, data sharing in
increased regulations, are on the horizon for changes.
communities, and the digitalization of clinical care.

Government – State: Information Services:

1. Operational changes
1. Technology changes
The “machinery” of state government is reorganizing
Participants indicated an increase in virtual teams,
legislatively and structurally, along with changes
cybersecurity measures, cloud services, machine
to the overall model. Cost structures and changing
learning, data analytics, artificial intelligence, bots
leadership may also impact state government. State
and automation.
government is increasing adopting Agile methods,
and a shift in customer experience is driving a 2. Market changes
greater desire to increase efficiency and productivity. Increased regulations, mergers and acquisitions,
global competition and employee outsourcing
2. Technology changes
comprise market changes on the horizon.
The most prevalent forms of technological change
include greater automation, digitalization, cloud 3. Operational changes
technology, collaborative IT tools and data analytics. Changes to deliver models, Agile methods, distribution
models and increased cost pressure lay ahead.
3. Market changes
Increased modernization and digitalization will lead
Increased regulations, an aging and retiring
to more remote work and virtual team spaces.
workforce, consolidation, and global resource market
pressures resulting from Britain’s exit from the
European Union (Brexit) represent the top changes
on the horizon for participants in state government.

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Part 4: Chapter 16 – Customizing CM by Industry

Insurance: and volunteers, as well as support and buy-in from

sponsors and government organizations.

2. Operational changes
1. Technology changes
Operational changes ahead include greater demand
Industry trends include use of InsurTech (technology
for personalized and value-based care delivery
innovations to generate efficiency and increased
models and services, as well as a need for alignment
savings from the current insurance industry model),
during business process updates.
digitalization, and big data analytics. The increase in
autonomous vehicles will impact insurance coverage 3. Technology changes
and plans significantly in the future. Technological Participants will need to adapt to new technologies,
advances will create a platform of automation, digitalization and automated care systems.
self-service tools, and consumer-focused software.

2. Market changes Oil and Gas:

Looking ahead, increased market consolidation,
fluctuating service costs, and increased regulation
1. Market changes
are likely.
A shift towards alternative, renewable green energy
3. Operational changes sources is the top market change on the horizon.
Digital services are changing the way insurance Fluctuations in oil prices (primarily low prices),
companies operate, including the shift in job roles along with increased competition contributed to the
and responsibilities, and adopting Agile models. changing market structure. Regulatory changes will
Digitalization has driven further competition. also impact oil and gas in the future.

2. Organizational changes
Manufacturing: Green energy market expansions influenced
a restructuring of operating models and a
reorganization in the organizational structures to
1. Market changes
stay competitive.
Movement towards eco-friendly and automated
production platforms, in addition to more 3. Technology changes
competition and regulation, are on the horizon for More automation of processes, data analytics, and a
the industry. digital transformation are in store for the industry.

2. Technology changes
Emerging technology, including digitalization, Professional, Scientific and
automated manufacturing, big data and artificial Technical Services:
intelligence were the most prominent technology
changes for the future.
1. Technology changes
3. Organizational changes
Automation, digitalization of distribution,
Participants anticipate consolidating companies
digital data reporting and analysis, and artificial
and customers, mergers and acquisitions, and
intelligence changes are on the horizon.
changing cultures.
2. Market changes
Competition, commoditization of services,
customer self-service, cost pressure, and
globalization are increasing.
1. Market changes 3. Organizational changes
A lack of resources and reduced government funding Increasingly, services are consolidating, information
and donations due to regulation, state legislative sources and shared platforms are merging, and
systems, and political challenges are fueling change. acquisitions are occurring.
The nonprofit industry will also compete for labor

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Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Retail Trade: Transportation and Warehousing:

1. Technology changes 1. Technology changes

Technology changes and digitalization will improve Technology transformations, digitalization,
efficiency in global materials distribution in the renewable energy resources, and the growth of
future. One participant noted that “technology autonomous vehicles will impact this industry.
innovation [would] optimize cost and improve the
2. Market and business model changes
customer experience.”
Mergers and acquisitions, commuter infrastructure,
2. Market changes regulation changes, and global competitors entering
Competition and e-commerce will increase in the the market contribute to a coming business model
future. Omni-channels represent a major change change taking place in this industry to remain
for retail. Participants also expect to see customer relevant in the evolving and growing market.
demands expand and shift.

3. Organizational changes Utilities:

Organizations will increasing optimize costs and
restructure business models in the future.
1. Technology changes
The industry will concentrate on sustainable and
Telecommunications: eco-friendly products and production sources
such as renewable energy, electric vehicles,
renewable natural gas, and solar energy to reduce
1. Technology changes
carbon footprints.
Technology changes to impact the industry include
big data, cybersecurity and data protection, 2. Market changes
digitalization, and 5G mobile networks. Privatization and regulatory compliance for
environmental protection lay ahead.
2. Organizational changes
Major changes include cost cuts, workplace
digitalization and business model restructuring.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 309

4 Chapter 17

Aligning CM with
Specific Approaches
Change Management Intersects With Program
Management, Lean, Agile and More

Summary Highlight

How do change professionals execute change efforts in alignment 44% of participants shared
with common improvement disciplines? How can you optimize challenges and recommendations
change management application within the context of program for applying change management
management? What adaptations should you make applying change to a program.
management in conjunction with Lean? Six Sigma? Agile? Leverage
best practices for effectively working at the intersection of change
management and these valuable and prevalent improvement
methods. Examine practical advice about the complexities
encountered and recommended actions to support a successful
alignment of your change management work. Tap into the
accelerating power of a strategically aligned approach to change.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Change Management With Figure 17.1 shows participants’ experiences with change
management using specific approaches. The most
Specific Approaches
frequent approaches were program change management
Source date: 2016 and continuous process improvement (CPI).

Participants reported on aligning change management Figure 17.1 – Aligning change management with
with specific approaches including: specific approaches

• Program management 50

Forty-four percent of participants were 44%

managing the people side of change at a 40

program level or on a project that was part

Percent of Respondents
of a larger program.
• Continuous process improvement (CPI)
Just over 20% of participants were applying 21%
change management in conjunction with CPI.
• Lean 11%
10 8%
Fourteen percent of participants reported
applying change management in conjunction
with a Lean effort. 0
Program Continuous Lean Agile Six Sigma
Change Process
• Agile Management Improvement
Just more than one in ten participants reported
on a change that was happening in conjunction
with the application of an Agile methodology.

• Six Sigma
Eight percent of participants were applying change
management in conjunction with Six Sigma.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 313

Part 4: Chapter 17 – Aligning CM with Specific Approaches

Aligning With Program Management

Challenges 4. Resource shortages
Resource availability for change management was an
Source date: 2016
issue in a program setting. Participants noted loss
or replacement of resources over the lifecycle of a
Participants shared insights and experiences related
program, which created continuity challenges.
to change management for programs or projects that
were part of a program. Participants identified the 5. Communications
complexities or issues they faced from a people side of Coordinating communication in a program was
the change perspective in a program setting. The top challenging. Inconsistent communications created
complexities or issues identified by participants were: confusion within the organization, and differing
backgrounds and varying communication needs
1. Impact and stakeholder management
created additional issues. Without coordination there
The greatest challenge identified for managing
was risk of communication overload for employees.
change in a program setting was managing the impact
on employees. The quantity of impacted groups and 6. Conflicting priorities
variation in impact to those groups posed a challenge Participants identified projects moving in different
as did the nature of impacts across the lifecycle of the directions, failing to be aligned or competing for
program. Poor coordination of overlapping impacts priority as issues in a program.
affected end users and constituents negatively. 7. Lack of cohesive vision
2. Coordination of various program aspects Within a large program participants reported a need
Coordinating various projects that comprised a for a cohesive vision and clear future state that each
program was an issue participants faced. In many project supported. Creating a single, shared vision
instances projects were managed in a “hodgepodge” was a challenge particularly when a systematic,
manner without coordination or integration at the big-picture perspective was missing.
program level. Without a portfolio view silos 8. Saturation
emerged and alignment did not occur. Some Given the amount of change created by a
projects advanced faster than others did, and there program comprised of many projects or phases,
was insufficient knowledge of each project. Without there was significant risk of saturation and
coordination there were inconsistencies in the deteriorated engagement.
application of change management across the program.
9. Resistance
3. Complexity Although resistance to any type of change is
The general complexity of a program created change challenging, participants in a program highlighted
management challenges. In particular, impact the risk of “spillover resistance” when resistance to
dependencies and interconnectivity of various aspects one aspect of a program impacted other aspects
had to be addressed. Variations in culture, geographic of the program.
location, time zones and language required
attention. The timing of a program created additional
complexities which included sequencing, maintaining
momentum and operating in an environment with
multiple systems during transition.

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Recommendations 4. Coordinate communications

Communication must be coordinated in a program
Source date: 2016
setting. The scale of change requires an increase in
overall communications. Participants recommended
Participants provided recommendations for applying mapping anticipated communications, so messages
change management within a program. Top and senders could be coordinated. Consistency of
recommendations were: messaging, including identification of a single point
1. Implement program-level change management of contact for information, aided communication
Participants recommended applying program-level in a program.
change management. This included a program-level 5. Clarify governance, roles and reporting
change plan that addressed program-level awareness. relationships
A program-level plan served as an anchor for Due to the complexity of programs that have
connecting each program element, clarified the many moving parts, participants highlighted the
vision and provided a big-picture view which enabled importance of clarity regarding governance, roles
alignment of each project aspect. The program-level and reporting relationships for project teams and
view resulted in a single mapping of program impacts, change management resources.
including answers to what, who and when. The
program perspective enabled identification of 6. Leverage change networks
dependencies and segmentation of program and Given the broad scope of a program, participants
project-level work. recommended building and leveraging the support
of a change network. Managers and supervisors were
2. Coordinate change management key members of the network. Change champions
Change management regarding various aspects of within impacted parts of the organization were
a program had to be coordinated and integrated valuable assets to a change network.
to be effective. Use of a common approach was
encouraged, but localization and tailoring of the 7. Ensure sponsorship
approach to the change aspects or audience were Similar to findings related to general change,
highlighted. Each aspect of the program needed a sponsor support was critical in a program.
change management presence and resources. Early Participants stressed the importance of accessible,
involvement of change management was critical. program-level sponsorship. The broad nature of a
program also elevates the importance of alignment
3. Enhance stakeholder management within the sponsor coalition.
In a program, participants reported the importance
of gaining a clear understanding of the unique
impacts of change on various groups. A more robust
stakeholder analysis that incorporates timing and
degree of impact is required. Participants also
emphasized the importance of research and learning
about unique attributes of each group. Gathering
input and enabling participation were important
stakeholder management techniques.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 315

Part 4: Chapter 17 – Aligning CM with Specific Approaches

Aligning With Continuous Process Improvement

Steps to Align shared to gain buy-in from employees. Participants
also focused on gaining buy-in from sponsors
Source date: 2016
and managers by engaging them in the initiative.
Participants pointed out similarities between
Participants who applied change management in
common change management practices and the
conjunction with continuous process improvement (CPI)
CPI strategy to help impacted groups become
explained how they aligned the two.
comfortable with the initiative and more likely
1. Aligned or integrated plans and methodologies to get on board.
Change management and CPI plans were aligned.
5. Focused on reinforcement and sustainability
Examples of components that were aligned included
Participants emphasized reinforcement and
timelines and terminology. Other participants
sustainability during CPI applications. This was
strived for integration rather than alignment which
accomplished by creating feedback channels for
included integration of toolkits, documentation
end users and holding lessons-learned sessions.
processes, training plans and communication plans.
A great deal of emphasis was placed on monitoring
In some cases overarching change management and
sustainment and using metrics to identify gaps
CPI methodologies were integrated. Integration also
that needed to be addressed.
occurred at the job-role level, at which the CPI team
was assigned change management responsibilities.

2. Supplement CPI with change management steps

and principles
Participants integrated change management steps Source date: 2016

into the CPI project plan or process. As an example,

impacts to employees were reassessed at each phase Participants who applied change management in
or gate of the CPI or project process. Participants conjunction with CPI provided recommendations for
incorporated current and future state analyses others in similar situations.
during early stages of the CPI or project process, 1. Align and integrate change management with CPI
and others built in a resistance management plan. Participants emphasized the importance of
3. Encouraged collaboration of teams and understanding the inputs, outputs and overall
key individuals process of CPI as the first step in aligning it
Participants collaborated with the CPI project team with change management. Alignment included
and communicated regularly. Both teams attended coordinating with project leaders on decisions
performance and review meetings and shared impacting each group through discussions and
frequent project updates. Teams collaborated on regular updates and ensuring functions aligned
activities such as identifying impacted groups and strategically. Participants also recommended
creating communication plans. In some cases, the integrating CPI and change management
change team took on a support role for the CPI methodologies, timelines, activities and tools.
project team. Recommendations included involving thought and
skill leaders to identify ways to integrate and to
4. Focused on awareness and buy-in
build change management into the CPI approach.
Participants focused on raising awareness regarding
the need for alignment. Future-state benefits were

316 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

2. Focus on building awareness and buy-in

• Managing resistance by leveraging influential
Participants recommended building awareness of
parties to advocate change, identifying potential
the need for change management and aligning it
areas of resistance and understanding what
with CPI. Communicate the personal benefits and
actions or events might cause resistance
business reasons for the initiative, and explain
what the change will look like. Participants • Engaging executive sponsors and ensuring
considered transparency critical. As an approach that they stay visible and involved throughout
to gaining buy-in, participants recommended the initiative
explaining the complementary nature of change • Providing support and coaching to managers
management and CPI. Communicating the links and supervisors
between the two functions, pointing out that
• Developing a communications plan and
they cannot be conducted in isolation and tying
ensuring there are a variety of communication
the CPI philosophy to change management to
channels in place
“demystify change” was recommended.
5. Engage frontline employees
3. Apply a structured change management approach
Participants emphasized the importance of engaging
Participants stressed the importance of getting
frontline employees throughout the initiative.
involved in the initiative early and applying
Recommendations included engaging end users in
a structured approach throughout. They also
the solution design, giving them ownership over part
recommended applying the approach with flexibility.
of the process and giving frontline employees plenty
Participants drew attention to the need for planning
of opportunities to participate.
which included assessing the current state,
identifying what the change will look like, discussing 6. Focus on reinforcement and sustainment
lessons learned from previous changes and holding Participants stressed the importance of planning
focus-group sessions to reflect on previous changes. for reinforcement and sustainment. Participants
identified reinforcement activities including
4. Leverage change management best practices
communicating early successes and creating channels
Participants recommended paying special attention
to collect feedback from frontline employees.
to the following change management best practices:

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 317

Part 4: Chapter 17 – Aligning CM with Specific Approaches

Aligning With Lean

Steps to Align 6. Integrated tools
Participants integrated tools including value stream
Source date: 2016
mapping, communications plans and training plans.

Participants applying change management in

conjunction with a Lean effort (14%) took the following
actions to align the two. Recommendations
1. Aligned and integrated processes Source date: 2016

and methodologies
Participants aligned Lean and change management Participants applying change management in
methodologies. Participants integrated them by conjunction with Lean provided the following
incorporating the change management methodology recommendations for others in similar situations.
into the Lean process; “built managing change into 1. Integrate change management and Lean
the Lean methodology.” Participants also integrated Participants recommended integrating change
Lean activities and terminology into stages of the management and Lean as early in the project
change management plan. lifecycle as possible. Participants suggested
2. Leveraged change management best practices incorporating Lean terminology and concepts in
Participants leveraged change management the change management methodology. Evaluate
best practices when working in conjunction with and address waste in the change management
Lean. They focused on building awareness by process, and apply plan-do-check-act (PDCA)
communicating the benefits of change, engaged throughout change.
middle managers during design, obtained active and 2. Draw attention to the complementary nature of
visible sponsorship and focused on reinforcing and change management
sustaining change. Participants stressed the importance of showing that
3. Built knowledge and integrated training change management and Lean are complementary.
Practitioners focused on building their own They recommended linking change management and
and teammates’ knowledge of Lean. Change waste reduction to appeal to Lean professionals.
management resources and the project team were 3. Leverage change management best practices
trained in Lean. Generally, participants recommended increasing the
4. Assessed the change level of change management. Change management
Participants assessed the current and future states best practices were especially important when
of change using process mapping, root cause working in conjunction with Lean. Participants
analysis, as-is/to-be analysis and current-state emphasized using a structured approach, building
analysis. Participants also analyzed the impact of awareness, communicating how change will
change, assessed the organization’s readiness for benefit employees and the organization, delivering
change and identified potential areas of resistance. consistent messaging, ensuring active and visible
sponsorship and involving impacted groups.
5. Collaborated and integrated teams
Participants reported engaging the Lean team in 4. Adjust the change management plan
change management, collaborating on establishing Participants conveyed the importance of early
objectives, including Lean experts on change and planning and establishing objectives. They
project management teams and creating a steering recommended creating a plan that is simple and
committee with representation from the Lean, supports flexibility. Create a series of projects that
project and change management teams. are focused and have shorter-term goals than the
overall initiative.

318 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

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5. Collaborate frequently with the Lean team 7. Assess the current state
Participants emphasized the importance of When applying change management in conjunction
establishing a relationship with Lean experts with Lean, participants recommended completing
and project leads; “Change management and Lean a current-state or gap assessment at the beginning
experts need to be side-by-side on the project team.” of a project. They conveyed the importance of
Meet regularly with Lean and project teams and understanding why current processes or systems
communicate frequently. are in place and what impacts the change initiative
will have.
6. Build knowledge and integrate training
Participants recommended integrating Lean and
change management training. They stressed the
importance of change management practitioners
having a solid understanding of Lean and knowing
how to incorporate it during change management.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 319

Part 4: Chapter 17 – Aligning CM with Specific Approaches

Aligning With Agile

Steps to Align “Translated Agile requirements into UAT
[User Acceptance Testing] scripts and
Source date: 2016
training materials.”

Participants who applied change management in 5. Shared and integrated tools

conjunction with Agile software development (11%) took Participants reporting sharing and integrating tools
the following actions to align the disciplines. as a step to align change management with Agile.
Participants referenced and contributed to the Agile
1. Aligned methodologies and processes
project wall, linked Agile user stories to change
Participants aligned change management steps
urgency and joined impact assessments with to-be
with the Agile methodology or renamed change
process mapping. “[We] adapted traditional OCM
management activities to align with Agile
toolkit to support Agile project phases and sprints.”
terminology and phases. Participants aligned
change management with sprint deliverables.
Change management milestones were aligned with Recommendations
Agile milestones and deliverables. Some participants Source date: 2016
scheduled change management steps after each
Agile iteration. Participants who applied change management in
2. Collaborated and integrated teams conjunction with Agile provided recommendations for
Participants supported collaboration and others in similar situations.
integration of teams. Participants involved change 1. Adjust the overall change management approach
management resources in Agile design iterations, Creating a flexible, fluid change management
collaborated with project teams when defining approach was suggested twice as often as other
change, involved change management resources recommendations. This included creating just-in-time
in Scrum sessions, added change management change management plans with short-term goals,
resources to the project team and collocated change and consistently revisiting them to account for
and project management teams. iterations in Agile time frames. Participants also
3. Applied Agile concepts to change management recommended assessing the organization’s level of
Change management teams internalized Agile Agile maturity before undertaking a new change.
concepts and applied them to their own processes 2. Define roles and collaborate
and activities. Examples included chunking change Participants emphasized the importance of clearly
activities and milestones into smaller tasks, breaking defining the roles of Agile and change management
change management project cycles into iterative practitioners. Focus on early collaboration between
stages and creating an overall flexible change the Agile, project and change management teams.
management plan. These steps were taken to tailor Include a change management resource in Sprint
change management to the cyclical nature of Agile. team meetings or Scrum sessions and involve
4. Aligned or integrated communications and Agile practitioners in change management.
training plans 3. Emphasize communications and training
Participants aligned the change management Provide sufficient training and increase
communication plan with Agile deliverables. They communications. Educate employees “on what
also altered change management training methods it means to be ‘Agile’ in order to be nimble about
to align with the Agile process or divided delivery the work and timing of change deliverables” and
of training content to align with what was being “provide coaching and training to address shortfalls.”
delivered during an Agile phase. Some participants Consistent communication and regular updates on
integrated communications and training plans. project progress during a project was recommended.
“We reported to internal stakeholders the results of each
Agile increment via a project stakeholder newsletter.”

320 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Aligning With Six Sigma

Steps to Align 6. Integrated metrics and measurement
Participants incorporated Six Sigma measures
Source date: 2016
into the change management methodology.
Others integrated adoption measurement into
Participants who were applying change management in
Six Sigma measures.
conjunction with Six Sigma (8%) identified actions taken
to align the two. 7. Embedded Six Sigma in change management
Participants included DMAIC phases and principles
1. Embedded change management in Six
in change and project management.
Sigma processes
Participants embedded change management
activities and principles in Six Sigma.
Change management was added to DMAIC Recommendations
(define, measure, analyze, improve, control) Source date: 2016
roadmaps and process mapping. Participants
embedded change management principles such Participants who applied change management in
as building awareness, encouraging employee conjunction with Six Sigma provided change management
engagement and ensuring impacted groups were recommendations for others in similar situations.
represented throughout Six Sigma.
1. Focus on building collaborative relationships
2. Supported collaboration and interaction Participants emphasized the importance of building
between teams strong relationships with project management
Participants collaborated with Six Sigma resources leads and Six Sigma experts. Participants
which included keeping them updated on change recommended establishing role clarity and having
management and working closely with the Six Sigma change management resources support project and
lead throughout the project lifecycle. It was common Six Sigma teams.
for change management and Six Sigma resources
2. Apply change management best practices
to collaborate with the project management team.
Participants recommended applying change
Change management resources also provided
management best practices throughout the
support to the Six Sigma team throughout the project.
initiative. Ensure a structured change management
3. Integrated tools approach is in place and that dedicated resources
Integration of change management and Six Sigma focus on change management and align with
tools was reported by participants. Integrated Six Sigma. Engage change management early in
tools included root-cause analyses, failure the project lifecycle, and focus on reinforcing
mode effects analyses, control charting and and sustaining the change.
communications plans.
3. Focus on general alignment of change
4. Aligned methodologies management and Six Sigma
Participants aligned change management and Recommendations included:
Six Sigma including coordinating phases of DMAIC
• Make change management part of
with and using Six Sigma language in the change
Six Sigma
management methodology.
• Coordinate DMAIC and change
5. Integrated training
management phases
Participants incorporated change management
concepts in Six Sigma training and trained change • Align the change management methodology
management resources in Six Sigma. with DMAIC

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 321

Part 4: Chapter 17 – Aligning CM with Specific Approaches

• Integrate change management gates with 5. Make change management measurable

Six Sigma tollgates Participants recommended establishing clear change
goals and using metrics, so change management
• Ensure activities of both practices have been
progress can be measured; “what gets measured
completed before passing gates
gets done.” Participants stressed the importance
of making change management activities and goals
4. Focus on building awareness and gaining buy-in measurable and quantifiable to align with Six Sigma
Participants recommended focusing on practices that emphasized measurement.
communicating the benefits of the initiative,
explaining the changes required by individuals
early and describing what the change will look
like when applied. Emphasize transparency and
timely communications.

322 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

4 Chapter 18

Complex Changes
How to Adapt When the Project Presents
Difficult Change Management Scenarios

Summary Highlight

Study participants provide actionable insights for navigating Over half of participants (53%)
ten specific project types that make change management provided direction for managing
complex, such as change that spans wide geographic a change with little or no WIIFM
areas or change with little or no WIIFM (What’s In It For Me). (What’s In It For Me).
Benchmark the issues others have encountered and investigate
recommendations for applying change management effectively
in these complex and complicated changes. Adapt your
change management efforts to the size and scale of
the project and plan proactively for the unique complexities
some changes produce.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Complex Changes Managed Figure 18.1 shows participants’ experiences with

handling complex changes from the 2011, 2013 and 2015
Source date: 2016
studies. The most frequent complex changes participants
managed were those spanning geographic areas (59%),
Participants provided details about issues and
little or no WIIFM (53%) and impact across various
recommendations for managing the people side of
cultures (50%).
change for these complex change types:

• Spanning wide geographic areas Figure 18.1 – Complex changes managed

• Little or no WIIFM Spanning

Geographic Areas
• Impact across various cultures
No WIIFM 53%
• Long time frame Impact Across
Various Cultures
• Reorganization
Long Time Frames 42%
• Union environment
Reorganization 42%

• Layoffs or significant staff reductions

Union Environment 32%

• Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Staff 32%

• Cloud-based computing
ERP 31%

• Merger or acquisition Cloud Based 13%

Merger or 8%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 327

Part 4: Chapter 18 – Managing Complex Changes

Spanning Wide Geographic Areas

Issues Recommendations
Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

Participants involved in change that spanned a wide Participants involved in change that spanned a wide
geographic area experienced the following complexities geographic area provided seven recommendations for
and issues. addressing unique change management challenges.

1. Cultural differences 1. Develop an extended change team

Participants managing change across wide The top recommendation was to build a change
geographic areas experienced varied management network. Networks can be created by identifying
styles, perceptions of change, personal values and influential individuals, not necessarily formal
motivation, legal restrictions or political affiliations change team members, at each location who are
and levels of change saturation. capable and willing to advocate change and oversee
its execution. Potential candidates for these
2. Coordination complexities
positions should be identified onsite and educated
Coordinating between time zones was complicated.
in change management.
This issue was exacerbated when travel restrictions
prevented face-to-face communications between key 2. Adjust communications plan
individuals. Coordinating training became complex, Participants recommended establishing multiple
requiring new, usually web-based, training methods communication channels to allow open, two-way
or extensive planning for logistical considerations. feedback. This also encourages clear, consistent
communication between all geographic locations.
3. Communication complexities
Complexities arising from physical distance were
Communicating across geographic areas presented
mitigated when clear and open communication
challenges. Practitioners relied on onsite managers
occurred regularly. Additional recommendations to
to relay change messages. However, managers did
facilitate communication between groups included
not always deliver the intended message due to
centralizing communication to coordinate and unify
misunderstanding or language differences. Gaining
messages, delivering simultaneous communications
access to communication technology or a lack
to all locations and using the most effective
of competency with these technologies created
communication channels.
additional complexities.
3. Make frequent physical appearances
4. Alienation of physically separate locations
Many participants noted there was no substitute
Geographically separated divisions were prone
for face time with impacted employees and
to alienation, and developed an “us versus them”
recommended physical appearances at each
mentality. This was exacerbated by a lack of sponsor
location. If budget restrictions prevented this,
visibility and poorly executed awareness campaigns.
participants recommended making a physical
As a result, distant locations were not engaged,
appearance at project initiation. Others suggested
had a low sense of team cohesion and felt imposed
choosing project sponsors based on their proximity
on by central headquarters.
to impacted parties or positioning subject matter
experts at each location.

328 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

4. Allow for cultural adaptations 6. Incorporate technology

Participants indicated that creating a flexible Participants recommended investing in and using
approach allowing for adaptations to various current virtual technology such as corporate
cultural needs was an important consideration for social media, webinars, online learning tools,
global change managers. Completing a thorough teleconferencing and virtual collaboration tools.
cultural evaluation to assess managerial styles,
7. Emphasize key change management activities
motivations, communication styles and personal
Participants recommended emphasizing these
values was recommended prior to executing change.
common change management activities:
Educating global teams in cultural workshops to
provide a clear understanding of cultural impacts • Impact analysis
was also recommended. • Readiness assessment
5. Adapt change plan and approach • Change benefits at the organizational level
Recommendations were made by participants
• Change benefits at the personal level
to adapt the change management plan when
considering a global change project. The most • Sponsor engagement as early in the change
common included: process as possible

• Allocate budget and time resources to allow • Relationship building and team cohesiveness
adequate training • Comprehensive risk management strategy
• Meet virtually with key leaders regularly

• Share successes of one outpost with the

entire network

• Group projects by time zone

• Promptly address concerns from all locations

• Establish separate sponsors based on region

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 329

Part 4: Chapter 18 – Managing Complex Changes

Little or No WIIFM
Issues Recommendations
Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

Participants managing change in which outcomes were Participants in the 2015 study provided recommendations
negative or perceived negatively from the employee for change projects when there was little or no WIIFM.
perspective, with little or no “what’s in it for me?” The top three recommendations were:
(WIIFM), experienced three complexities related to
1. Communicating frequently and transparently
change management.
Participants cited the need for open, honest and
1. Overcoming resistance and gaining buy-in transparent communication. Impacted groups had
Mentioned nearly six times more often than other a negative view of change, and participants felt that
complexities, participants experienced high passive communicating often and with transparency helped
and active employee resistance. Resistance resulted mitigate negative views.
due to the intensified challenge of gaining employee
2. Explain the business reason for change
buy-in. Feelings of “more work, less efficiency,”
With little or no WIIFM, it was important to
“I’m not impacted” and “it’s not my job” were
fully explain why change was necessary for the
prevalent among employees, making them less
organization. Impacted groups could then recognize
likely to adopt change.
secondary benefits by understanding that if the
2. Addressing employee fears organization benefited from change they benefited
When the outcomes of change were negative from the organization’s improved position.
or perceived negatively, employees had greater
3. Listen to and address concerns
concerns and fears for the future. The most common
Listen to concerns and address them whenever
concerns included compromised job security,
possible. Do not downplay negative implications
increased monitoring of activities, working with
associated with change, and do not try to make it
unfamiliar systems and periodic declines in
sound better than it is.
productivity. Feelings of uncertainty led to high
stress and anxiety among employees. As a result,
participants experienced higher employee turnover.

3. Depending solely on organizational benefits

Participants had difficulty portraying the benefits
of change when trying to build awareness of why
change was needed. Since only organizational
benefits would result (or it was perceived as such by
employees), participants experienced difficulties
articulating why change was necessary. They
relied on translating the organizational benefits
into individual benefits, which was not always
successful. This complexity was exacerbated when
communications were not transparent, employees
did not trust their managers or supervisors and
higher levels of the organization appeared to benefit
from change.

330 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Impact Across Various Cultures

Issues Recommendations
Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

Participants involved in change that impacted various Participants who experienced change across various
cultures experienced four primary issues or complexities cultures reported four recommendations.
from a people side of the change perspective.
1. Build cultural awareness
1. Cultural differences Participants stated that building cultural
The majority of participants reported that awareness is a primary recommendation for others
overcoming cultural differences was the greatest managing intercultural change. Participants
challenge. Cultural differences and resulting suggested acknowledging, honoring and
challenges included varied ways of doing work, understanding different languages, values and
different perceptions of the change, different forms needs. Training to support this effort should
of resistance, different styles of communication, include building cultural awareness through
different backgrounds (e.g. Information Technology, cultural workshops, cross-cultural interaction
academia, etc.), cultural unawareness and different and change management training.
work ethics.
2. Create a cross-cultural change team
2. Adapting to regional/cultural circumstances Participants recommended building a cross-cultural
Participants reported that understanding and change team that included local change leaders
adapting to the diverse needs of each impacted who were active and committed to change. Cultural
group was the second largest challenge. experts who specialized in intercultural changes
could also be used on the team.
3. Changes to how work was done
Changes to how work was done included changes to 3. Customize plans for each group
business or organizational processes, integration A third recommendation included adopting and
of different cultures or different business units, sticking to a method or change plan that could be
changes to reporting structures and roles and adapted to meet the unique needs and preferences of
changes to expectations and requirements. each group. Participants also suggested representing
all groups or cultures on teams and in plans.
4. Language implications
Using simple language, translating into different 4. Communicate clear and consistent messages
languages and overcoming language barriers was the for each group
fourth challenge. Participants recommended communicating
transparently and consistently about the change
and about cultural differences and challenges faced
by each group, including listening to employees
experiencing these challenges.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 331

Part 4: Chapter 18 – Managing Complex Changes

Long Time Frame

Issues Recommendations
Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

Participants who experienced change over a long time Participants who reported involvement in long-term
frame (over two years) reported three complexities. change provided four recommendations for others
applying change management in a similar context.
1. Retaining focus
Participants cited numerous reasons for losing 1. Develop a structured approach
focus including change saturation, change fatigue, Develop a structured plan that is realistic, flexible
other changes interfering, changing or interfering and sustainable. Participants recommended
priorities, inconsistency of plan or approach and communicating about the change and vision as
frequent changes to vision, direction, timeline, soon as possible. Regular updates and reviews of the
content or scope. strategy were included in this structured approach.

2. Maintaining momentum 2. Break change into manageable phases

Maintaining momentum or motivation were major Participants recommended building clearly defined
issues in changes occurring over a long time frame. milestones and manageable phases, so short-term
Lack of commitment, loss of interest or burn-out successes and progress could be recognized,
occurred in the long period of moving toward a celebrated and sustained.
future state.
3. Communicate throughout
3. Retaining people The third recommendation encouraged planned,
The third complexity was retention of key people sustained communication regarding change. These
and knowledge holders due to staffing changes, communications should be transparent and maintain
role changes, employee turnover or management key messages. Communications that were fresh and
replacements including losing sponsors during change. informative were most effective.

4. Identify and ensure support from sponsorship

and leadership
Assess sponsor commitment and confirm both
engagement and continuity.

332 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Aligning Change Management During Recommendations
Reorganization Projects Source date: 2016

Source date: 2016

Participants also provided specific recommendations for
Participants in the 2015 study identified how they aligned change management on a reorganization effort.
change management with a reorganization effort. 1. Communication
1. Communication Communicating about reorganization was necessary,
The top recommendations related to and there can be too much or bad communication
communications; “be clear and honest about the about reorganization. Meticulous planning of
negative impacts of the change as early in the project communication was paramount.
as feasible.” Common themes included honesty and 2. Fight the rumor mill
transparency in communications, the importance Participants planned for and addressed how they
of managing rumors and addressing gossip, the would fight the rumor mill regarding reorganization.
importance of face-to-face communications and Tactics included controlling communication about
the value of social media as a tool to keep the the initiative, ensuring alignment in communication
organization updated about change. by every person involved and correcting
2. Engage and support leadership misinformation quickly and efficiently.
Many participants noted the importance of 3. Awareness and engagement
having full support from leadership. This meant Participants reported the importance of building
having an engaged and committed sponsor for the awareness of both the change itself and the need for
project, having the support of middle managers it far in advance of the change. Participants used
and supervisors and having leadership that values awareness building to engage impacted groups and
change management. For example, providing senior leaders early, before change began, allowing
support for leadership in the form of leadership change managers more time to address resistance.
training or talking had a large, positive impact on
their engagement.

3. Structured plan
Participants identified the presence of a structured
plan as a crucial element when applying change
management on a reorganization project.
Recommendations included using a structured and
formalized methodology, clearly defining the scope,
goals and future state of change, building flexibility
into the plan and reinforcing change.

4. Stakeholder engagement
Active stakeholder engagement during change was
essential to the success of a reorganization project.
Respondents suggested holding open forums as a
way to engage large numbers of impacted groups.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 333

Part 4: Chapter 18 – Managing Complex Changes

Union Environment
Issues Failing to comply with the CBA could lead to legal
complexities. When litigation occurred, the project
Source date: 2016
was blamed.

Participants managing the people side of change

that occurred in a union environment explained the
complexities they experienced. The majority reported Recommendations
four common issues. Source date: 2016

1. Difficulty engaging the union

Participants managing the people side of change during
Participants managing change in union
an initiative taking place in a union environment
environments experienced difficulty balancing union
provided five change management recommendations.
involvement. Striking a balance and engaging unions
lengthened the timeline of change. In some cases, 1. Engage union leaders early
the union was uninterested, disengaged or passively Participants recommended engaging unions early
resistant, which slowed progress in organizations and consistently throughout change. Consistently
in which negotiation and project acceptance from engaging union leaders or representatives
unions were required. In other cases, a union was strengthened the working relationship. One method
over-engaged, which also slowed progress. Some for ensuring consistent engagement was assigning a
participants experienced hostility, resistance and an change management liaison to the union.
“us versus them” mentality from unions.
2. Collaborate with unions
2. Complexities in communications Working collaboratively with unions was
Additional communication was necessary. recommended. Partnering with a union and using
Participants had to account for seeking union its feedback during decision making and planning
approval in their communications plan. Confusion phases were suggested. Participants recommended
and inconsistent messaging resulted because either being flexible, patient and highly organized to get
union approval was required before communicating the most benefit from collaborating.
with employees about change or the union was
3. Communicate early and often
responsible for mediating and communicating with
Participants recommended communicating early,
employees. Participants occasionally felt that unions
frequently and transparently with a union. Specific
misrepresented the change through communications
recommendations included clearly communicating
and supported rumors about change.
project scopes and new role responsibilities to avoid
3. Negative employee impacts confusion and rumors.
Union involvement sometimes exacerbated
4. Educate union leaders
employees’ fears of job loss, which lowered their
Educating union leaders about change management
motivation and created concerns about employee
was recommended. Providing basic education
strikes. Tenured employees were comfortable
encouraged union leaders to engage employees,
resisting change because the union protected their
build awareness and increase buy-in.
job positions.
5. Become familiar with union regulations
4. Collective bargaining agreement
Participants also recommended becoming
(CBA) considerations
familiar with union contracts and regulations to
Participants had to work around contract
allow practitioners to understand union impacts
restrictions and collective bargaining agreements
and provide a more complete vision of the impact
(CBAs). Employees would not accept new job role
of change.
responsibilities unless they were added to the CBA.
Renegotiating CBAs extended the project timeline.

334 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Layoffs or Significant Staff Reductions

Issues Recommendations
Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

Participants described the employee-based resistance Participants that managed change involving
they faced when managing a change that required layoffs layoffs or significant staff reductions provided
and/or significant staff reduction. three recommendations.

1. Fear 1. Constant communication

Participants reported that employees feared losing Near-constant communication about change quelled
their jobs. They were less likely to take risks, fearing current or potential rumors. Participants reported
they would make a mistake. This fear affected the that impacted groups were prone to speculation
atmosphere and made employees much less likely regarding change. Ensuring a reliable culture of
to embrace change because doing so appeared immediate communication eased fears.
synonymous with embracing layoffs.
2. Addressing concerns
2. Loss of productivity Impacted groups had many concerns and questions
Participants reported decreases in productivity regarding change that needed to be addressed.
due initially to a sense of futility among employees Participants reported addressing concerns promptly,
because they saw themselves as the next people to efficiently and articulately. Impacted groups were
be let go. Participants reported that high performers more likely to be accepting of change if they saw
would quit for fear of losing their jobs. This left the their concerns being addressed from the beginning.
remaining workforce without the high performers’
3. Communicate the business need for change
knowledge and expertise. Some participants
Participants reported that impacted groups should
reported that when the high performers left, it was
understand the business need for change. Although
to work for competitors.
change resulted in layoffs that affected some
3. Absenteeism employees negatively, participants reported the need
Participants reported cases of absenteeism that to clarify that the change was not superfluous and
manifested in several ways. First, employees would was a necessary step for the organization.
not show up to meetings, activities or events related
to change. Second, employees would not show up
to general meetings or everyday working activities.
Last, employees would begin using all of their paid
time off. Participants also reported a large spike in
the number of sick days claimed during change.

4. Working against change

Participants reported that employees would
subvert change and/or retaliate. This included
sabotaging both change or company property,
making other employees feel guilty for
participating in and supporting change and,
in some cases, spreading false information and
encouraging gossip about change.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 335

Part 4: Chapter 18 – Managing Complex Changes

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Aligning CM with ERP impacts throughout the company. Participants
recommended conducting risk and impact
Source date: 2016
assessments to understand motivations behind the
change and resistance that might arise in response.
Participants in the 2015 study identified actions
taken to align change management with enterprise 6. Early engagement
resource planning (ERP) system implementation Participants recommended early engagement of
and recommendations. change management on reorganization projects to
manage change. Early engagement helped manage
1. Integrate change management early employee anxiety over change, establish a structured
Participants reported the importance of integrating plan/framework for change and secure strong
change management early with project teams. sponsorship for a change project.
ERP was complex and required a majority of
resources to implement. If change management was
not integrated from the beginning, participants Recommendations
struggled to do so later.
Source date: 2016
2. Clear communication
Due to the technical nature of change, project Participants who reported aligning change management
participants stressed the importance of clear and with enterprise resource planning (ERP) system
digestible communication. Technical information implementation provided three recommendations.
had to be repurposed, so multiple audiences
with a variety of technical understanding could 1. More change management
comprehend changes. Participants stressed, “The more change management,
3. Understanding the methodology the better” when implementing an ERP system.
Participants worked to ensure there was an Participants reported a tendency for project
understanding of both the goals of implementing teams to get lost in the technical aspects of the
ERP and the change methodology used to reach implementation and neglect change management.
those goals. Participants felt this was in line with Participants reported that change management was
how ERP was presented and worked to create a more crucial to the success of a project because it
cohesive approach. depended highly on successful adoption and use by
impacted groups.
4. Become a change management liaison
Participants reported being liaisons between 2. Identified needed versus desired outcomes
technical and project teams, improving Participants felt that an ERP system rarely delivered
communication and helping stakeholders agree on on every desired outcome; it was necessary to
methods. Change managers ensured each team was identify needed outcomes and then focus change
communicating often and effectively. The change management on ensuring adoption, use and
management team included employees from across implementation of those specific outcomes.
the organization and solicited direct feedback. 3. Above-average understanding of the ERP system
Respondents also noted that it was paramount Due to the technical nature of change, participants
to support employees through reorganization, reported needing above-average understanding
especially when part of the reorganization project of the ERP system they were responsible for
included downsizing. implementing. Without technical knowledge,
5. Understand the change fully communication, credibility and cohesion suffered.
Participants noted the importance of fully
understanding both the change and its various

336 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Cloud-Based Computing
Aligning Change Management with including transformation of the role of information
technology, the impact of change on business
Cloud-Based Computing Efforts
scenarios and the impact on internal Information
Source date: 2016 Technology (IT) such as loss of power or relevance.

Participants identified actions to align change

management with a move to cloud computing.
1. Strong communications regarding change
Source date: 2016
Due to the technical and sometimes confusing
nature of cloud computing, participants emphasized
Participants who reported aligning change
the importance of strong, clear and frequent
management with cloud-based computing provided
communication concerning change. Participants
five recommendations.
noted the effectiveness of demonstrating product
capabilities ahead of the go-live period to show
benefits and create narrative surrounding change. 1. Fully understanding the change and the
new interface
2. Integration and stakeholder engagement
Participants recommended conducting impact
Actions included identifying super users or change
assessments prior to go-live in order to fully
champions, engaging sponsors in change and
understand the scope of the change and its
integrating technology into the change management
impact on the organization. Recommendations for
and project plans.
understanding the new interface included placing
3. Increased emphasis on training and preparation a heavy emphasis on understanding, being able
Participants identified several actions related to explain the cloud computing technology, and
to training and preparing for change as crucial engaging experts on the technology.
when aligning change management and a move to
2. Implementation plan
cloud computing. These actions included offering
Several respondents noted the importance of
strong and frequent training programs on cloud
using a phased or gradual implementation plan to
functionality and technological knowledge,
gradually acclimate employees to the new system
developing a pilot program to test systems and
and technology. Other recommended adaptations
tailoring systems to minimize the change’s impact
included addressing concerns around web security,
on the user.
engaging stakeholders such as internal Information
4. Methodology tailored to change Technology (IT), using a pilot program to test the
Many participants noted techniques and elements system and using incentives to encourage adoption.
of the methodology that were adapted to address
3. Clarifying communications
a project related to cloud computing. Particular
Participants recommended various communication
emphasis was placed on use of an adaptable and
strategies to clarify expectations and goals
flexible methodology. Other examples included using
surrounding the change and to address concerns that
a gradual, step-by-step transition to the future state,
frequently arose from the complicated and technical
considering web security and using an external
nature of a move to cloud computing. Participants
technology consultant to facilitate transition.
recommended beginning communications early,
5. Understanding change impact actively addressing the possibility of staff reductions
Respondents identified several aspects of change as a result of the change and clearly communicating
that they felt it was necessary to understand fully, both the vision and benefits of the change.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 337

Part 4: Chapter 18 – Managing Complex Changes

4. Demonstrate benefits of change

Participants recommended placing a heavy
emphasis on the benefits of the change as a
way of selling the change and gaining both
stakeholder and executive engagement. Specific
recommendations included demonstrating the
new platform/technology prior to go-live, tying
the usage to the business case, explaining the
business impact of the change and emphasizing
the“what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM) benefit.

5. Training on the new system

Participants noted the particular importance of
providing training for the new system. Respondents
noted that it was helpful to first identify what new
skills were needed, such as increased computer
literacy among employees, before providing training
sessions and resources.

338 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Merger or Acquisition
Issues Recommendations
Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

The 8% of participants that experienced a merger or Participants who experienced a change involving a
acquisition listed three main issues or complexities when merger or acquisition provided three primary change
undertaking change. management recommendations.

1. Cultural differences 1. Communicate

Participants reported that cultural differences were Participants cited open and honest communication
the greatest issue during a merger or acquisition. as a primary recommendation when undertaking a
This issue often manifested in “us versus them” merger or acquisition. Recommendations included
attitudes or internal rivalries. transparent communications focused on the
individual, communications that included the
2. Changes to structure
rationale and benefits and communications that
Participants faced issues regarding changes to
brought the audience back to the vision of change.
the internal or external structure of the business
or organization, including different terminology, 2. Know the people and cultures influenced by change
expectations, leadership and languages used for This recommendation included understanding
business transactions or in the work environment. strengths and constraints of employees,
conducting cultural assessments and stakeholder
3. Insecurity about the future
analyses and understanding the change from
Participants cited that insecurity about the future
different perspectives.
complicated change management on mergers or
acquisitions noting that this type of change was 3. Invest in change management early
often met with fear and skepticism. Participants recommended incorporating change
management at the beginning or early during a
merger or acquisition in addition to elevating change
management to the strategic business level.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 339

4 Chapter 19

Saturation and
Portfolio Management
Mitigate the Cumulative and Collective Impact
of an Ever-increasing Volume of Change

Summary Highlight

The amount of change is expected to continue to increase 72% of organizations were

across all industries. This chapter outlines who is experiencing nearing, at, or past the point
change saturation and who is responsible for identifying of change saturation.
and mitigating its negative consequences. Learn tactics for
actively managing the portfolio of change and best practices
for addressing the time and resource collisions of multiple
simultaneous projects. Increase efficiency, effectively allocate
resources and maintain employee engagement with a proactive
and strategic approach to change portfolio management.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Change Expected in the Next Two Years Active Effort to Manage the Portfolio
of Change
Participants responded on the amount of change their
organization expected over the next two years. The
Participants were asked whether there was an active effort
2019 participants indicated very similar trends to the
in their organizations to manage the portfolio of change.
2017 survey participants. Over 50% of survey responses
Thirty-eight percent of participants in the 2019 study
indicated that organizations are expecting a significant
reported that there was an active effort (Figure 19.2).
increase in the amount of change over the next
two years. Figure 19.2 – Percentage of organizations managing the
portfolio of change
Figure 19.1 – Amount of change expected in the
next two years 38% 2017
Increase 2017
Significantly 55% 48%
36% 2015
Slightly 31%
Don't 14%
Unchanged 11% 0 10 20 30 40 50
Percent of Respondents
7% Participants were also asked where in their organizations
the portfolio of change was being managed. Twenty-four
Significantly 1% percent of participants whose organizations managed
a portfolio of change reported that it was managed in
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
the Project Management Office, followed by 17% in the
Percent of Respondents
Change Management Office (Figure 19.3).

Figure 19.3 – Where the portfolio of change was managed

Management 24%
Management 17%
Executive 16%
Information 11%
Human 9%
Organizational 9%
Operational 6%

Other 5%

Finance 3%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 343

Part 4: Chapter 19 – Saturation and Portfolio Management

Influence on the Change Portfolio Level of Saturation

Participants in the 2019 study were asked whether they Seventy-three percent of participants in the 2019 study
had the ability to influence the portfolio of change. identified being near, at, or past the point of saturation
Thirty-two percent of participants reported having (Figure 19.6).
influence over the portfolio of change, a slight decrease
from the 34% reported in 2017 (Figure 19.4). Figure 19.6 – Level of change saturation

My Organization Is
Figure 19.4 – Influence over the portfolio of change Past the Change 20%
Saturation Point
Not Applicable - 15% My Organization Is
at the Point of 25%
Change Saturation
My Organization Is
Yes - 32% Nearing the Point of 28%
Change Saturation
My Organization
Has Some Spare 16%
Capacity for Change
My Organization
Has Plenty of Spare 8%
Capacity for Change

Do Not Know 3%

No- 53% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Percent of Respondents

Organizations at or past the point of change saturation

Participants in the 2019 study reported on the ways that
remained similar to the 2017 study.
they had influence on the portfolio of change. Almost a
quarter of participants reported having influence on the
Figure 19.7 – Percentage of participants near or past the
strategic alignment of the portfolio of change (Figure 19.5). change saturation point

Figure 19.5 – Areas participants had influence on 73%


Strategic 23% 2017 73%


Resource 18%
2015 78%

Project 16%
Selection 2013 77%

Impact Group 15%

Adjustments 73%
Milestone Timing 14%

2009 66%
Sponsor 12%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Other 2%
Percent of Respondents

0 10 20 30
Percent of Respondents

344 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Level of Change Saturation by Region Level of Change Saturation by Industry

Figure 19.8 shows the percentage of participants that Figure 19.9 shows the percentage of participants that
indicated being near, at, or past the point of saturation indicated being near, at, or past the point of saturation
by region. The regions are ordered based on the greatest by industry. Data was provided by individuals from
occurrence of change saturation. industries represented by 1.5% or more of the total
survey participants.
Figure 19.8 – Change saturation by region
Figure 19.9 – Change saturation by industry
Entire Study 73%
Population Entire Study 73%
Australia and 83%
New Zealand Utilities 86%

Banking 86%
United States 80%
Telecommunications 84%
Canada 78%
Education Services 83%

Europe 76% Finance 82%

Government - State 82%

Latin America 70%
Insurance 81%
Middle East 61%
Non-Profit 81%

Africa 54% Pharmaceutical 79%

Oil & Gas 78%

Asia and 54%
Pacific Islands Health Care 77%

0 20 40 60 80 100 Consumer Goods 76%

Percent of Respondents
Government -
Local & Municipal 76%

Retail Trade 76%

Government - Federal 73%

Manufacturing 72%

Food/Beverage 70%

Information Services 70%

Transportation & 69%
Other 68%
Professional, Scientific 68%
& Technical Services
Government - Other 67%

Consulting 65%

0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 345

Part 4: Chapter 19 – Saturation and Portfolio Management

Level of Change Saturation by Parts of the Organization Experiencing

Organization Size the Greatest Change Saturation
Source date: 2016
Figures 19.10 and 19.11 show the percentage of
participants that indicated being near, at, or past the Participants identified which parts of their organizations
point of saturation by organization size, versus annual experienced the greatest change saturation. Participants
revenue and number of employees, in comparison to the reported that change saturation was occurring across
entire study. the organizations as a whole. This as either due to many
changes affecting the whole organization or to every
Figure 19.10 – Change saturation by annual revenue department undergoing a variety of change projects.
of organization
1. Frontline employees
Entire Study Population 73%
Frontline employees were cited as experiencing
high degrees of saturation. This was due largely to
More than $5 billion 86%
any change in structure or operations cascading
$2.5 billion - $5 billion 82% impacts on the daily work of frontline employees.
Participants also reported that, to keep up in
$1 billion - $2.5 billion 84%
their respective markets, the need for change was
$500 million - $1 billion 80% constant, and frontline employees are the first and
most impacted by these changes.
$250 million - $500 million 72%
2. Middle managers
$100 million - $250 million 75% Middle managers were also cited as experiencing
$50 million - $100 million 68%
high degrees of change saturation. Middle managers
were often tasked with the implementation of
$25 million - $50 million 77% change and were the first to feel the impacts in the
$10 million - $25 million
work group. Other functional areas experiencing
saturation included:
Less than $10 million 58%
• Operations
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents
• Customer service

• Customer facing roles

Figure 19.11 – Change saturation by number of employees
in organization • Sales

• Shared services
Entire Study Population 73%

• Human Resources (HR)

More than 35,000 85%
• Support staff
20,000 - 34,999 88%
• Corporate services
10,000 - 19,999 80%
• Change Management Office
5,000 - 9,999 79%

2,500 - 4,999 82%

Universal and Localized Saturation

1,000 - 2,499 72%

Source date: 2013

500 - 999 70%

100 - 499 62% Participants identified whether saturation was universal

across the organization or localized within small areas
1 - 99 60%
or pockets. More participants (48%) expressed that
saturation was universal (Figure 19.12).
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Respondents

346 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Figure 19.12 – Spread of change saturation 3. Observation

Participants actively observed and monitored the
Unsure - 15%
amount and complexity of changes that impacted
groups were experiencing. This required participants
Across The
Organization to actively monitor and keep track of the changes
- 48%
that were being implemented in their organization
and the groups affected by those changes.

4. Intuition
Participants often cited “gut feelings” or the
importance of keeping their “finger on the pulse”
of their organization’s change culture.

Localized Pockets
Of Saturation - 37%
Change Management Actions Taken
to Address Saturation
The 37% of participants who indicated saturation was Source date: 2013
concentrated in localized areas within the organization
identified the areas experiencing the greatest levels. Participants described what they did in response to
Participants reported that Information Technology (IT) saturation. Some participants did not address change
was the most saturated area. Human Resources (HR) saturation for a number of reasons. The most common
and customer-facing roles, such as sales, were also areas reason was that the activity fell outside of established
commonly experiencing saturation. Other notable areas change management responsibilities. Other reasons
of saturation were finance and the Project Management included that the organization was not viewed as saturated
Office (PMO). Some participants identified employee or that the sponsor did not request saturation analysis.
groups that were experiencing high levels of change
saturation, including frontline employees and leadership. Remaining participants indicated that the following
actions were taken in response to saturation:

1. Communicate clearly and consistently

Understanding/Measuring Saturation Participants engaged in clear and consistent
communications for each change. Some participants
Source date: 2016
marketed the change internally, so it stood out from
other initiatives.
Participants in the 2015 study described how they
measured/understood their employees’ level of 2. Engage the sponsor
change saturation. Sponsors were engaged by the change manager
to prioritize which changes required immediate
1. Saturation behaviors
attention and which could wait or be discontinued.
Participants cited several behaviors that were
Participants also engaged sponsors to allocate more
viewed as either demonstrating or caused by change
resources and funding to change.
saturation. These behaviors included: higher volume
of sick leave, resistance to the change via talk or 3. Adjust the schedule
behavior, gossip, and refusal to attend informational Changes were rescheduled, if possible, to give impacted
meetings about the change. groups more time to deal with changes in progress.
This included canceling projects, staggering go-live
2. Feedback
dates, and heat-mapping affected groups to identify
Participants utilized formal and informal feedback
groups experiencing saturation and change fatigue.
channels to evaluate their employees’ saturation
levels. While a variety of assessment types were 4. Integrate
used, participants stressed the importance of routine Participants integrated similar changes and placed
checkups throughout the course projects. them under the umbrella of a program. They also
tried to identify overlap between projects and to
minimize redundancies when possible.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 347

Part 4: Chapter 19 – Saturation and Portfolio Management

Addressing Saturation and Collision Managing the Change Portfolio

Source date: 2016 Source date: 2016

When participants were asked to identify how their Participants in the 2015 study indicated whether
organization addressed change saturation and the their organization managed the change portfolio
collision between multiple changes, the top response was (Figure 19.13). Forty-two percent reported that the
“nothing,” as many organizations did not address this portfolio was being managed in 2015 in comparison
issue. The top responses for those who did state specific to only 32% in 2013.
solutions were:
Figure 19.13 – Managing the change portfolio

1. Apply portfolio management techniques 2015

The most frequent response was to take an objective 42% 2013
view of the changes taking place and utilize formal 32%

tools to manage the changes. Having a portfolio 45%

of changes allowed participants to streamline No
work flows, efficiently allocate change resources,
and coordinate plans among different projects. Don't 13%
Assessments like heat maps and questionnaires were 19%

frequently used to identify the change capacity of 0 10 20 30 40 50

and impact to people in the organization. Percent of Respondents

2. Support prioritization
Participants noted that prioritizing changes helped Interest in Portfolio Management
address the issue of change saturation and collision.
Source date: 2013
Prioritization ensured that changes were aligned
with the direction of the organization and were both
Participants in the 2013 study rated the organization’s
created from and enhanced by previous experiences.
level of interest in managing the change portfolio. Only
3. Use of structures 20% reported high to extremely high interest, and
Another frequent solution to change saturation and 40% expressed low or extremely low interest (Figure 19.14).
collision was to use a dedicated resource. Project
Management Offices (PMOs) and steering committees Figure 19.14 – Organizational interest in managing the
were most often used to oversee, manage and decide change portfolio
on collision and saturation issues. 40%
4. Adjust the portfolio
The main adjustments to the change portfolio that 32%

addressed change saturation and collision were to 30

Percent of Respondents

limit the number of changes happening at a single

time, modify the time frames of different projects of
different priorities, and distribute resources to the 20
necessary areas.
5. Increase communication efforts
10 8%
Participants noted that communication efforts
helped address saturation and collision by providing 5 3%
a roadmap and status of the portfolio of change,
understanding of the amount of change underway Extremely Low Moderate High Extremely
Low High
and aligning with the organization.

348 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Primary Motivations for Managing the Tactics for Managing the

Change Portfolio Change Portfolio
Source date: 2013 Source date: 2013

Participants in the 2013 study reported on motivations Participants reported on tactics used to manage the
for managing the change portfolio. The most common, in change portfolio. The top four responses were:
rank order, were:

1. Mitigate or alleviate change saturation 1. Monitor changes underway

The primary motivation for managing the portfolio Participants created an umbrella of oversight
of change was managing change saturation. to monitor multiple changes underway in the
Participants managed the portfolio of change as organization. Functions included tracking progress
a step to increase and monitor the organization’s of multiple projects, tracking resources assigned
capacity for change. Participants emphasized the to projects, monitoring management’s capacity for
need to manage the saturation that affected various change, and gauging the degree of impact on other
groups at the employee and leadership levels. groups and individuals. Monitoring projects allowed
Portfolio management was also conducted to handle mapping of projects including prioritization and the
or resolve competing change initiatives better. staggering of timelines. Tools included heat maps,
calendar maps and impact surveys.
2. Ensure project success
Participants managed the change portfolio to 2. Centralize information and reporting
increase the likelihood of success on each project Participants created systems for openly exchanging and
and achieve the desired return on investment (ROI) coordinating information. Central locations or databases
for projects that comprised the portfolio. Ensuring were created to share information regarding resource
project results were sustained, avoiding project availability, project details, communication plans and
failures, and setting up future projects for success general change plans. Reporting was centralized so
were also reasons for managing the change portfolio. that all project reports were viewed by the change
management lead, Change Management Office (CMO),
3. Increase organizational effectiveness
or other lead individual or functional group. “There are
Managing the portfolio of change was driven by a
change management communities across projects that meet
desire to increase strategic effectiveness, process
to compare plans and impacts. All change management
efficiencies, productivity and organizational growth.
plans are also reviewed by the central Change Office.”
Participants were motivated to manage the portfolio
“All of the change management and project management
to ensure efforts were not duplicated. Participants
teams report initiatives to a single database.”
also noted the role portfolio management plays in
aligning change initiatives with the organization’s 3. Formalize portfolio management
strategic goals. A common tactic for managing the portfolio
of change was formalizing it as an initiative.
4. Allocate resources and budget
Activities included:
Participants managed the portfolio of change to
allocate resources and funding to change initiatives • Establishing a formal strategy and creating a
more effectively. Participants drew attention to project plan that outlined portfolio management
tracking and monitoring portfolio management to
• Developing a communications plan focused on
support allocation.
sharing information about portfolio management
5. Maintain or improve employee satisfaction
• Building a business case and justifying the need
Managing the portfolio of change allowed
for managing the change portfolio
organizations to improve employee satisfaction
and engagement. Participants were motivated to 4. Collaborate with leadership and other groups
manage the portfolio to minimize change fatigue Participants emphasized leadership involvement
experienced by employees and mitigate resistance as an important step in managing the portfolio of
stemming from oversaturation of individuals. change. Leadership was called on to allocate funding

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 349

Part 4: Chapter 19 – Saturation and Portfolio Management

and resources to portfolio management. Leadership board, project control board, business exchange
meetings allowed participants to give updates and team, change control board and advisory board.
guide discussions about the portfolio. Participants This group had visibility across multiple projects
delivered formal reports to leadership including and made decisions to resolve conflict.
tracking and monitoring reports. Participants
5. Increased resources
involved other groups, such as the Project
Conflicts between projects were resolved by
Management Office (PMO) and frontline employees,
increasing the amount of resources and typically
through informal discussions, cross-functional
included a larger budget or workload for employees.
meetings, networking and engagement.

A number of participants cited the role of individuals

in influencing decisions when conflict occurred. Politics
Resolving Conflicts When There is and the use of influence and clout resulted in projects
Competition for Resources moving forward. Several participants also cited, with
a negative connotation, that the loudest people
Source date: 2016 (“squeaky wheels”) were the ones who were heard.
Finally, several participants indicated that projects with
Participants defined how their organizations resolved the strongest sponsor were favored in times of conflict.
conflicts between projects when there was competition
for resources, budgets or impacts on people.

1. Prioritization
Prioritization methods were used in both formal and
informal settings to resolve project conflicts. Formal
prioritization took place ahead of project launch and
involved criteria for comparing projects. Informal
prioritization typically occurred after a project
launch and did not involve methods for comparison.
The most frequently cited prioritization criteria
included highest value, highest impact, highest
expected return on investment (ROI), strategic
alignment, importance to the business, business
urgency, and regulatory or legislative mandates.

2. Senior leadership decisions

In some cases, decisions were simply made by the
CEO, while other cases involved discussions with
senior management teams. When conflicts arose
and could not be resolved, they were escalated to
senior management.

3. Negotiation
Negotiation and collaboration directly among teams
resolved conflicts between projects. These tactics
were used in face-to-face meetings, in discussions
with project teams, with leaders and representatives
from the business.

4. Use of oversight committees

Project conflicts were addressed by the collective
work of an oversight group. Participants shared a
number of names for this group including steering
group, steering committee, management review

350 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Appendix A – Participant Demographics

Appendix B – Project Profiles

Appendix C – List of Certification Programs Participants Attended

Appendix D – Prosci Change Management Maturity Model

Appendix E – Regression Analysis

352 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Appendix A – Participant Demographics

Geographic Representation Geographic Presence

Figure A.1 shows the geographic distribution of Survey participants were asked to report on the
participants in the 2019 study. geographic presence of their organization. As
from previous years, nearly half of the participant
Figure A.1 – Geographic representation of participants organizations have a presence in multiple countries
(Figure A.2).
32% 2019
28% 2017
2015 Figure A.2 – Geographic presence
34% 2019
United States 38% 2013
43% 2017
41% 2015
40% 2009
16% Presence In 45%
22% Multiple
24% 45%
Australia and
25% 46%
New Zealand 21%
7% Multiple 34%
8% Locations 35%
21% But Within A
21% Single Country 43%
Europe 21%
11% Only In One 20%
16% Location
16% 11%
11% 10 20 30 40 50
7% 0
15% Percent of Respondents

Industry Representation
11% The top responding industries for the 2019 survey
10% are in order of appearance: Health Care, Consulting,
6% Government-State, Finance, Government-Federal and
2% Education Services. Industries representing less than
Latin America 3% 1.5% of the survey participants were not included in this
5% or other industry specific analysis but were included in
the analysis of the entire study population. Industries
4% representing less than 1.5% of the total made up 11% of
Asia and 3% the total study population.
Pacific Islands 6%

Middle East 1%

0 10 20 30 40 50

Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 353

Appendix A – Participant Demographics

Figure A.3 – Industry segment Annual Revenue or Budget of

Health Care 8.5%
the Organization
Consulting 6.9%

Government - State 5.9% Participants in the 2019 study represented a wide range
Finance 5.4% of organizations. Respondents were asked to report
Other 5.3% on the annual revenue or budget of their organization
Government - Federal 5.3% (Figure A.4). Results were similar to last year’s results
Education Services 5.1% with the largest participant representation from
Manufacturing 4.6% organizations reporting an annual revenue of over
Insurance 4.4% $5 billion.
Information Services 4.3%

Banking 4.3% Figure A.4 – Annual revenue or budget of

Government -
Local & Municipal
3.9% participating organizations
Utilities 3.6%
21% 2019
Retail Trade 3.0% 21%
More Than 27% 2017
$5 Billion 29%
Oil & Gas 2.6% 23% 2015
23% 2013
Telecommunications 2.5% 21%
9% 2011
Non-Profit 2.4% 9% 2009
$2.5 Billion - 12%
Professional, Scientific & $5 Billion 10% 2007
2.3% 13%
Technical Services 9%
Transportation & 2.1% 10%
Consumer Goods 2.0% 11%
Manufacturing $1 Billion - 11%
Development and $2.5 Billion 11%
1.6% 13%
Manufacturing 9%
Government - Other 1.5%
Food / Beverage 10%
1.5% $500 Million - 11%
$1 Billion 10%
0 2 4 6 8 10 11%
Percent of Respondents
$250 Million - 5%
$500 Million 7%
In 2019, Health Care remained the most represented 8%
industry as it did in the 2015 and 2017 studies. $100 Million - 7%
$250 Million 7%
Consulting also remained the second most represented 8%
industry as it did in 2017; however, Government–State 7%
replaced Education Services in the third spot, rising from $50 Million - 8%
$100 Million 7%
seventh in 2017. Development and Manufacturing joined 6%
the top ten in 2019 while Pharmaceuticals fell off. Clients 6%
who acted as consultants had the option to report their $25 Million - 4%
$50 Million 3%
industry as either consultant, or as the industry they 6%
were engaged in during the change management project 6%
they reported. $10 Million -
$25 Million
Less Than 9%
$10 Million 7%
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Percent of Respondents

354 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Total Number of Employees in Number of Projects Underway

the Organization
Participants in the 2019 study indicated how many
Participants indicated the total number of employees projects were currently underway in their organizations
in their organizations (Figure A.5). Fifteen percent of (Figure A.6). Twenty-two percent of participants said
organizations representing the study had more than there were ten or fewer changes underway in their
35,000 employees, down slightly from the 2017 study. organization, and 44% indicated more than 100 projects.
Figure A.6 – Number of projects underway
Organizations with an employee population of
1,000 - 10,000 accounted for 32% of the respondents, Percent of Respondents

down 8% from 2017. 25


Figure A.5 – Total number of employees in

participating organizations 18% 18%

15% 2017 15
More than 35,000
20,000 - 34,999 10 9%

12% 6%
10,000 - 19,999
5,000 - 9,999

13% 0
2,500 - 4,999 1 to 11 to 26 to 51 to 101 to 251 to Over
10 25 50 100 250 500 500
1,000 - 2,499
14% Further analysis showed an expected trend that
500 - 999
10% larger organizations, in terms of both revenue and
number of employees, had more projects underway
100 - 499 than smaller organizations.

1 - 99

0 5 10 15 20
Percentage of Projects Applying
Percent of Respondents
Change Management

Participants in the 2019 benchmarking study shared the

percentage of projects in their organizations that were
applying change management (Figure A.7). Participants
reported, on average, 33% of the projects in their
organizations were applying change management.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 355

Appendix A – Participant Demographics

Figure A.7 – Percentage of projects applying Figure A.9 – Percentage of projects applying change
change management management by region
3% 2017
100% 3% Entire Study
7% 2015 Population
0% Australia and
New Zealand 38%
91% - 99% 0%
Africa 38%
81% - 90% 2% Asia and
2% 35%
Pacific Islands
71% - 80% 7% Canada 32%
3% United States 29%
61% - 70% 3%
Europe 27%
51% - 60% 5%
2% Latin America 26%
41% - 50% 11% Middle East 23%
6% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
31% - 40% 6%
5% Percent of Projects Applying Change Management

21% - 30% 11%
11% - 20% 15%
Figure A.10 shows the average percentage of projects
applying change management by industry.
1% - 10% 33%
Figure A.10 – Percentage of projects applying change
0% 4% management by industry
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Entire Study
Population 31%
Percent of Respondents
Banking 40%

Utilities 39%
Table A.8 shows a more granular view of the percentage
Government - Other 39%
of participants reporting that 50% or fewer, 25% or
Food / Beverage 39%
fewer or 10% or fewer projects in the organization were 38%
Oil & Gas
applying change management. Retail Trade 36%

Consulting 35%
Table A.8 – Percentage of projects applying Insurance 35%
change management Government - Federal 32%

Other 31%
Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Finance 31%
of projects of of of Telecommunications 31%
applying participants participants participants Professional, Scientific & 30%
change in 2015 in 2017 in 2019 Technical Services
management study study study Health Care 29%

Government - State 29%

50% or fewer 78% 79% 80% Transportation & 29%
25% or fewer 55% 57% 58% Education Services 28%
10% or fewer 33% 37% 36% Non-Profit 28%
Consumer Goods 28%
The following graphs show the percentage of projects in Manufacturing 27%

the organization applying change management relative Information Services 27%

Government -
to demographic data about the organization. Local & Municipal
Development & 19%

Figure A.9 shows the breakdown by region relative to 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

the overall average of 31%. Participants from Australia Percent of Project Applying Change Management

and New Zealand, Africa and Asia and the Pacific Islands
reported a higher percentage of projects applying change
management than the overall study population average.

356 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Figure A.11 shows the percentage of projects applying Figure A.13 shows the percentage of those who are
change management relative to the annual revenue of applying change management relative to organizational
the organization. change management maturity. Organizations with
higher maturity in change management had higher
Figure A.11 – Percentage of projects applying change percentages of projects applying change management
management by revenue than those with lower maturity scores.

Entire Study Population 31% Figure A.13 – Percentage of projects applying change
management by organizational maturity
More than $5 billion 35%

$2.5 billion - $5 billion 34% Entire Study 31%

$1 billion - $2.5 billion 31% Level 5 -
Organizational 65%
$500 million - $1 billion 31% Level 4 -
Organizational 55%
$250 million - $500 million 31%
Level 3 - 44%
Multiple Projects
$100 million - $250 million 27%
Level 2 - 21%
$50 million - $100 million 30% Isolated Projects

Level 1 - 14%
$25 million - $50 million 28% Ad Hoc or Absent

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
$10 million - $25 million 25%
Percent of Projects Applying Change Management

Less than $10 million 29%

0 10 20 30 40

Percent of Projects Applying Change Management

Percentage of Projects
Considered Successful
Figure A.12 shows the percentage of those who are
applying change management relative to the number of
employees in the organization. For the fourth time, participants in the 2019
benchmarking study identified the percentage of projects
Figure A.12 – Percentage of projects applying change in their organizations that were considered successful
management by number of employees in terms of meeting objectives and delivering intended
results and outcomes. The overall average for the entire
Entire Study Population 31% study population was 51% – meaning that just over half of
the projects undertaken in organizations that participated
More than 35,000 36%
in the study were considered successful in terms of
20,000 - 34,999 34% meeting objectives and delivering intended results.

10,000 - 19,999 32%

Figure A.14 shows the breakdown of participants by
5,000 - 9,999 31% the percentage of projects deemed as successful in
their organizations in terms of meeting objectives and
2,500 - 4,999
delivering intended results.
1,000 - 2,499 29%

500 - 999 28%

100 - 499 28%

1 - 99 34%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Percent of Projects Applying Change Management

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 357

Appendix A – Participant Demographics

Figure A.14 – Percentage of projects considered successful Figure A.16 shows average successful projects relative to
annual revenue of the organization.
100% 2%

91% - 99% 10% Figure A.16 – Percentage of projects considered successful

by revenue
81% - 90% 1%

Entire Study Population 51%

71% - 80% 5%

61% - 70% 17% More than $5 billion 51%

51% - 60% 10% $2.5 billion - $5 billion 53%

41% - 50% 8%
$1 billion - $2.5 billion 52%
31% - 40% 20%
$500 million - $1 billion 50%
21% - 30% 7%
$250 million - $500 million 48%
11% - 20% 10%

1% - 10% 7% $100 million - $250 million 47%

0% 1% $50 million - $100 million 48%

0 5 10 15 20
$25 million - $50 million 44%
Percent of Respondents
$10 million - $25 million 48%

Figure A.15 shows average successful projects by region Less than $10 million 53%
relative to the overall study average.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Percent of Projects Considered Successful

Figure A.15 – Percentage of projects considered successful
by region
Figure A.17 shows average successful projects relative to
Entire Study 51%
the number of employees in the organization.
Canada 53%
Figure A.17 – Percentage of projects considered successful
Latin America 52% by number of employees
Asia and 52%
Pacific Islands Entire Study 51%
United States 51% Population

Australia and More than 35,000 53%

New Zealand
Europe 49% 20,000 - 34,999 49%

Africa 42% 10,000 - 19,999 49%

Middle East 41% 5,000 - 9,999 50%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
2,500 - 4,999 45%
Percent of Projects Considered Successful

1,000 - 2,499 52%

500 - 999 50%

100 - 499 52%

1 - 99 59%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Percent of Projects Applying Change Management

358 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Figure A.18 shows average successful projects relative Participant Experience

to organizational change management maturity.
Organizations with higher change management maturity
Participants in the 2019 study shared how many years
reported more instances of successful projects than those
they had been involved in applying change management.
with lower maturity.
The most common response was 1 to 4 years,
a 2% increase from 2017.
Figure A.18 – Percentage of projects considered successful
by organizational maturity level
Figure A.20 – Years of change management experience
Entire Study 51% 2019
More Than 25% 2017
Level 5 - 12 Years 25%
Organizational 66%
Competency 15%
8 To 12 Years
Level 4 - 17%
Organizational 60%
Standards 22%
4 To 8 Years
Level 3 - 23%
Multiple 56%
Projects 28%
1 To 4 Years
Level 2 - 26%
Isolated 47%
Projects 10%
1 Year or Less
Level 1 - 9%
Ad Hoc or 43%
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Percent of Respondents
Percent of Projects Considered Successful

Figure A.19 shows average successful projects by industry.

Figure A.19 – Percentage of projects considered successful Involvement in Change Management

by industry

Entire Study
51% Participants indicated their job role in relation to change
Consulting 62% management. Participants selected one of the five
Banking 57% following choices:
Information Services 56%
• My role is exclusively as a change management
Other 55%

Government - Other 55%

practitioner supporting various projects
Food / Beverage 55% • I am primarily a change management
Oil & Gas 54% practitioner, with some other responsibilities
Finance 53%

Insurance 53%
• I was tasked with change management on a
Manufacturing 52%
project but have other primary responsibilities
Retail Trade 50% • I am a project leader or team member familiar with
Telecommunications 50%
change management on the project but do not
Non-Profit 50%
consider myself a change management practitioner
Consumer Goods 50%
Health Care 49% • Other
Utilities 49%
Professional, Scientific &
Technical Services
47% Figure A.21 presents the breakdown of participants’ roles
Government - State 46% related to change management. A little over one-third of
Government - Federal 46% participants (34%) stated that their role was exclusively
Transportation &
Warehousing 46% as a change management practitioner, and 20% indicated
Development &
Manufacturing 45% that their role was primarily as a change management
Education Services 41% practitioner, with some other responsibilities.
Government -
Local & Municipal 40%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Percent of Projects Considered Successful

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 359

Appendix A – Participant Demographics

Figure A.21 – Participants’ roles in change management Other Change Management Roles
Exclusively a 2017 Participants indicated the percentage of their job role that
CM Practitioner
31% was specifically related to change management.

20% Figure A.22 – Percentage of job dedicated specifically to

CM Practitioner change management
31% 2017
75% To 100% 31% 2015
Tasked With CM
24% 31%

12% 50% To 74% 42%
Other 45%
25% To 49% 23%
Familiar With
CM, but Not a 22%
Practitioner 11%
Less Than 25% 4%
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Percent of Respondents
0 10 20 30 40 50
Percent of Respondents

Practitioners who indicated they were primarily a change

management practitioner, with some other responsibilities 2019 study participants estimated the number of projects
(20%) indicated the percentage of their job that was that they support each year. Respondents indicated their
dedicated to change management (Figure A.22). support for more than 10 projects increased by 2% from
the 2017 study, while support for 1-2 projects decreased
2% from the 2017 study.

Figure A.23 – Number of projects supported by change

management practitioners
13% 2017
More Than 10 Projects

6 To 10 Projects

3 To 5 Projects

1 To 2 Projects

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Percent of Respondents

360 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Appendix B – Project Profiles

Project Stage Figure B.2 – Change type

89% 2015
Sixty-eight percent of participants reported on projects Process
that were completed or in the implementation phase, 89%

similar to the 2017 study at 69%.

Figure B.1 – Project stage Changes
15% 2017
2015 65%
12% Job Role
16% 2013 Changes
Planning Phase 2011 62%
7% 2009
17% Changes 57%
Design Phase
22% 18%
21% Other
18% 14%

0 20 40 60 80 100
41% Percent of Respondents
Implementation 44%
Phase 46%
47% Editor’s note: Participants were able to select multiple
48% responses, resulting in a total of more than 100%.

28% Sixty percent of participants selected three change types
17% (28%) or four change types (32%). Only 10% selected a
single change type (Figure B.3).

0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure B.3 – Number of change types selected
Percent of Respondents
Percent of Respondents


30 28%
Type of Change
25 23%

Participants indicated the type of change they were 20

reporting on in the benchmarking study by selecting
from the following: process changes, system changes, 15

job role changes, organizational structure changes or 10%

other (Figure B.2). Participants noted other types of 7%

changes, including cultural changes, behavioral changes 5

and mergers and acquisitions.
1 Type 2 Types 3 Types 4 Types 5 Types
Selected Selected Selected Selected Selected

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 361

Appendix B – Project Profiles

For those who selected multiple project types, the most Figure B.5 – Initiatives reported on
common combination was process + system + org + job
IT Software 16%
role at 31%, followed by 17% that were reporting on Upgrade / Installation
process + system changes. Figure B.4 shows the most
Culture Change 15%
frequent combinations.
Enterprise Resource 7%
Figure B.4 – Combinations of change types Planning (ERP) System

Reorganization 7%
Process + System + 31%
Org + Job Process
Documentation / 6%
Human Resources
Process + System 17% Tool / System 5%

Installation of 5%
Process + Change Management
System + Job
Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) / 4%
Sales Management System
Process + System + New Product
Org + Job + Other Deployment / 4%
New Market Expansion

Process + 7% Office Move / Relocation 3%

Org + Job

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Merger / Acquisition 3%

Percent of Respondents
Installation of
Continuous 2%

IT Hardware
Upgrade / Installation 2%

Project Classification Regulatory

Policies / Practices 2%

Installation of
Strategic Planning 2%
Participants in the 2019 study identified a specific
15 20
classification for the project on which they were 0 5 10

Percent of Respondents
reporting. As in the 2017 study, IT software
upgrade/installation and culture change were the
two most common project initiatives reported on.
The biggest shifts in participant responses is Size of Change
IT software projects dropped 4% and culture change
projects rose 3% from the 2017 study. Figure B.5 Participants provided various information on the size of
shows only initiatives representing 2% or more of the the project they were reporting on. Participants indicated:
study population.
• Scope of the change

• Project investment

• Number of employees impacted

In terms of scope of change, projects in the 2019 study

matched those of previous studies with the largest
representation from projects impacting the entire enterprise.

362 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Figure B.6 – Scope of the change From a project investment perspective, the 2019 study
showed an increase of project investments up to $1 million,
3% 2017
from the 2017 study.
1% 2015
Within a 1%
Workgroup 0%
2013 Figure B.7 – Project investment
2% 2009 2019
1% 2007 18% 2017
2005 2015
4% $100K or Less 2013
5% 2011
4% 16%
Single 3%
Department 5% 15%
8% 19%
19% $100K to $500K
19% 17%
Muiltiple 15%
Departments 19%
17% 14%
8% $500K to $1M
9% 11%
Single Division 11%
11% 10%
8% 23%
19% $1M to $5M
21% 24%
Multiple Divisions 25%
14% 8%
47% $5M to $10M
46% 12%
Entire Enterprise 46%
45% 12%
51% 18%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 More Than $10M
Percent of Respondents

0 5 10 15 20 25
Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 363

Appendix B – Project Profiles

Forty-five percent of the projects represented in the 2019 Duration of Change

study impacted more than 1,000 employees (Figure B.8).

Participants shared data on the duration or length of the

Figure B.8 – Number of employees impacted
project on which they were reporting. Sixty-five percent
2019 of participants reported on projects lasting more than
8% 2017
9% 12 months (Figure B.9).
7% 2015
Less Than 50 6% 2013
7% 2011 Figure B.9 – Duration of the change effort
13% 2007 2019
2005 32% 2017
Over 30% 2015
9% 24 Months 2013
8% 39%
50 to 100 10% 37%
12% 33%
12 - 24 35%
19% 33%
100 to 500 22%
24% 26%
22% 6 - 12 26%
13% 24%
500 to 1,000 13%
16% 9%
14% Less Than 9%
15% 6 Months
24% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
1,000 to 5,000 25%
Percent of Respondents

More Than 5,000 24%

0 5 10 15 20 25
Percent of Respondents

364 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Measures of Success: Meeting Project Figure B.11 – Projects on schedule

Objectives, Schedule and Budget

Drastically Ahead 1%
of Schedule

In line with previous survey years, participants indicated Slightly Ahead 3%

the degree to which their projects met objectives, were of Schedule

on schedule and on budget (Figures B.10, B.11 and B.12).

On Schedule 35%
Overall, 43% of participants reported that their project
met, exceeded, or greatly exceeded objectives, a decrease Slightly Behind 41%
from 46% in the 2017 study. Schedule

Far Behind 14%

Thirty-nine percent reported being on schedule, Schedule

slightly ahead of schedule, or drastically ahead of

Too Early 6%
schedule, just a step above the 38% reported in 2017. To Tell
In line with the 2017 survey, participants from the 0 10 20 30 40 50

2019 study reported over half of their projects being Percent of Respondents

on or under budget.
Figure B.12 – Projects on budget

Data on project success in terms of meeting objectives,

Drastically 1%
finishing on schedule and staying on budget Under Budget
were used in a correlation with the overall change
Slightly 8%
management effectiveness to evaluate the impact Under Budget
of more effective change management on the
achievement of results and outcomes of the project. On Budget 48%

These correlation results can be found in the

Slightly 21%
Effectiveness section (Figure 5.1 – Figure 5.3). Over Budget

Well 8%
Figure B.10 – Projects meeting objectives Over Budget

Too Early 14%

Greatly Exceeded 1% To Tell
0 10 20 30 40 50
Exceeded 9% Percent of Respondents

Met Objectives 33%

Partially Met 29%


Failed to Meet 2%

Too Early To Tell 26%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Percent of Respondents

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 365

Appendix C – List of Certification Programs Participants Attended

Appendix C – List of Certification Programs

Participants Attended
Participants wrote in answers to the question • Change Intelligence
“Whose certification program did you attend?” Due to • Change Management Foundation
this open ended entry, some provider names were • CMAP
abbreviated. All responses are listed as provided by study • CMC*
participants with no changes including abbreviations. • CMI*
This list includes every certification provider reported
• CMP*
by participants in alphabetical order.
• Colorado Technical University in conjunction
• A+ with Change Management Institute (CMI)
• AGILE Project Management Pracititioner* • Conner Partners
• APMG Change Foundation Certification* • Conor Partners
• APRG • Cornell*
• IBM internal • CQ
• Inhouse • CSL
• Accelerated Change and Transition • Daryl Conner
• Accenture Change Academy • Dextera Change Methodology
• ACMP* • ExperienceChange
• Acquity • Faculta
• ActeeChange* • Foundation Change Management
• Acuity Institute* • Franklin Covey
• Adpro* • French ESSEC business school
• Afrissance • GE CAP
• AGMP • GE healthcare - CAP/WO - master change agent
• AGSM • Georgetown CMAP
• AIM* • Georgetown University*
• Anderson/Ackerman-Anderson • HCMI *
• Ashridge Change Management Programme • HUCMI*
• Astrakan • IASSC
• ATD • ICP - Through Learning Tree
• Being First* • IMA*
• Being Human* • IMD
• Berlin Change Day • Implementation Institute
• Bizmod • Implementation Management Associates
• BPI Polska • INSEAD Change Pro
• Bridges (Linkage) Transition Management • IOCMI
• Capgemini • IPMA Project Management Practitioner
• CCMP* • ITIL Foundation
• Change Facilitation Association • John Kotter
• Change Guides LLC • JTask

366 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

• Kotter*
• LaMarsh*
• LCOR - Harvard Business School
• Lean*
• Life Cycle Engineering
• Local AdventHealth
• Managed Change
• Marg India
• Microsoft Prosci Certification Program*
• Navigator
• North Highland Consulting
• Open University Leading Organisational Change
• PCI*
• People Centred Implementation
• PMI*
• PMP*
• Jason Little
• Project Laneways
• Prosci ANZ*
• Prosci*
• Prosci, Change Guides
• Prosci, Change Leader’s Roadmap
• Prosci Canada*
• PwC*
• SAP OCM 100
• Shingijustsu
• Stefanini
• Talentlab
• Target Corp
• The People Side of Change
• Toyota Production system
• University Augsburg Germany
• Vicente Goncalves
• Vital Smarts
• Wallbreakers
• William Bridges
• Yellowhouse

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 367

Appendix D – Prosci Change Management Maturity Model

Appendix D – Prosci Change Management

Maturity Model
Below are the complete descriptions of the five levels of When Is Change Management Used on a
the Prosci Change Management Maturity Model provided Project at This Level?
to study participants.
Change management is applied on a project at this
level only as a last resort when employee resistance
Level 1 – Ad Hoc or Absent jeopardizes the success of the project.

Source date: 2016

Level of Integration Between Project
At Level 1 of the Maturity Model, project teams are Management and Change Management
not aware of and do not consider change management
as a formal approach for managing the people side of At this level, change management is reactive and an
change. Projects at this level can have one or more of the add-on to the project. No integration with project
following characteristics: management takes place at the beginning of the project.
• Project leadership is focused only on the
“concrete” or tangible aspects of the project,
including funding, schedule, issue tracking and Level 2 – Isolated Projects
resource management. Source date: 2016
• Communications from the project are on
a “need to know” basis only and are In Level 2, elements of change management begin to
typically infrequent. emerge in isolated parts of the organization. The effort
to manage the people side of change is infrequent and
• Employees find out about the change first
not centralized. Characteristics of this level are:
through rumors and gossip rather than
structured presentations. • A large variation of change management
practices exists between projects with many
• Executive support is in the background, as
different change management approaches applied
evidenced through funding authorization
sporadically throughout the organization; some
and resource allocation, but active and visible
projects may be effectively managing change
sponsorship is not present.
while others are still in Level 1.
• Supervisors and managers have little or no
• Elements of communication planning are
information about the change and have no
evident, but there is little sponsorship or
change management skills to coach their
coaching as part of change management.
employees through the change process.
• Managers and supervisors have no formal
• Employees react to change with surprise;
change management training to coach their
resistance can be widespread.
employees through the change process.
• Productivity slows and turnover increases as the
• Change management is typically used in
change nears full implementation.
response to a negative event.

• Little interaction occurs between the isolated

project teams using change management;
each new project “relearns” the basic change
management skills.

368 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

When Is Change Management Used on a • Training and tools become available to project
Project at This Level? leaders and team members; managers are
provided with training and tools to coach
At this level change management is applied on a project frontline employees through future changes.
when resistance emerges or when the project nears
implementation, with only isolated projects using When Is Change Management Used on a
change management at inception. Some elements of Project at This Level?
communication planning occur early in the lifecycle.
Change management is initiated at the start of some
Level of Integration Between Project projects, with a large fraction still applying change
Management and Change Management management as a reaction to employee resistance
during implementation.
In Level 2, change management is not fully integrated
into project management. On projects that use change Level of Integration Between Project
management, the project team is aware and knowledgeable Management and Change Management
of change management. In certain instances, a change
management advocate can encourage the integration of
In Level 3, teams that are successful at change
change management and project management.
management integrate change management with
their overall project management methodology at the
inception of the project. Communication planning is
Level 3 – Multiple Projects integrated at the planning phase, and other plans are
Source date: 2016 developed prior to implementation.

At Level 3, groups emerge that begin using a structured

change management process. Change management Level 4 – Organizational Standards
is still localized to particular teams or areas in the
Source date: 2016
organization. Organizations at this level can have one or
more of the following characteristics:
In Level 4, the organization has selected a common
• Structured change management processes are approach and implemented standards for using change
being used across multiple projects; multiple management on every new project or change. Note: a
approaches and methodologies are being utilized. common methodology does not mean a “one-size-fits-all”
• Some elements of knowledge sharing emerge recipe. Effective methodologies use repeatable steps
between teams in the organization; experiences but are built on understanding the situation and
are shared between teams in some departments using the appropriate tools for the specific change.
or divisions. Organizations at this level can have one or more of the
following characteristics:
• While change management is applied more
frequently, no organizational standards or • There is an enterprise-wide acknowledgment
requirements exist; pockets of excellence in of what change management is and why it is
change management co-exist with projects that important to project success.
use no change management. • A common change management methodology
• Senior leadership takes on a more active role in has been selected and plans are developed for
sponsoring change and considers this role part of introducing the methodology into the organization.
their responsibilities, but no formal company-wide • Training and tools are available for executives,
program exists to train project leaders, managers project teams, change leaders, managers and
or coaches on change management. supervisors. Managers and supervisors are
provided formal training in change management.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 369

Appendix D – Prosci Change Management Maturity Model

• A functional group may be created to support Level 5 – Organizational Competency

change initiatives, with roles like Director
Source date: 2016
of Change Management. Organizations may
create a Center of Excellence with individuals,
groups or administrative positions dedicated Level 5 is having change management competency as part
to supporting change management efforts and of the skill set of the organization. Organizations at this
building change management skills. level can have one or more of the following characteristics:

• Executives assume the role of change sponsors • Effectively managing change is an explicitly
on every new project and are active and visible stated strategic goal and executives have made
sponsors of change. this a priority.

• Resistance and non-compliance is expected • Employees across the enterprise understand

in isolated instances. Some project teams still change management, why it is important to
do not understand why they are using change project success and how they play a role in
management. Adoption is not yet at 100%, and the making change successful.
organization is in the process of building change • Change management is second nature – it is so
management skills throughout the organization. commonplace that it is nearly inseparable from
the initiatives.
When Is Change Management Used on a • Managers and supervisors routinely use change
Project at This Level? management techniques to help support a broad
range of initiatives, from strategy changes to
At Level 4, teams regularly use a change management individual employee improvement.
approach from the beginning of their projects. • The organization gathers data to enable
Change management work begins at the planning continuous improvements to the common change
phase of the project. management methodology, tools and training.

• Extensive training exists at all levels of

Level of Integration Between Project the organization.
Management and Change Management
• Higher return on investment (ROI), lower
productivity loss and less employee resistance
Project management and change management are
are evident across the organization.
integrated from the beginning to the point where they
are not separable. Project teams follow both project and
change management milestones. When and How Is Change Management Used
on a Project at This Level?

Change management begins before projects begin.

Level of Integration Between Project

Management and Change Management

When organizations have developed a high level of

change management competency, change management
steps are completely integrated into project management.
Planning and design phases have both project and
change management elements and are viewed as
standard practice.

370 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Appendix E – Regression Analysis

Relationships between various aspects of change Missing data for control variables or variable
management and measures of outcomes were analyzed effectiveness of the change management program were
using multivariate linear regression (ordinary least dropped from analysis. Mean analysis was performed to
squares). Original qualitative responses were quantified compare observable characteristics between observations
by scaling answers into an appropriate range for used in the analysis and observations that were dropped.
the number of categories provided to reduce bias. Although mean analysis on control characteristics is
Factors controlled for in all models included change more conventional, the categorical nature of these
management experience, formal change management variables compromises those types of comparisons. As
certification, change management role, relationship to a result, mean analysis was conducted on the quantified
the organization, size of the organization, location of the variables that were available. Although the group that
organization, geographic presence of the organization was dropped had slightly lower values than the group
and industry. These factors were controlled by including used, the two groups were found to be similar (Table
the variables in the model. F.1). Participants who did not complete the survey are
less likely to be entrenched in change management and,
Limitations included: thus, less likely to have an effective change management
program and less likely to have the strength of change
• Questions were designed for qualitative analysis.
management factors. Therefore, dropping observations
• Values are relative, not absolute. does not bias results substantially and is the more
• Participants had disparate preferences conservative approach.
and perceptions.
The outcome variable used during analyses was the
• The sample was not from a random distribution;
response to the question “Rate the overall effectiveness
individuals who were strong believers in change
of the change management program.” Participants
management were more likely to participate
selected from responses poor, fair, good and excellent
(sample selection).
depending on how effectively they perceived the
• Organizations that had better responses change management program in their organization
were more likely to be proficient at change was operating. Under the assumption that all of the
management (reverse causality). individuals intuitively used a linear system when
• Results might be driven by factors not assessed deciding on their responses, these four categories were
in the model (omitted variable bias). split into equal range values on a scale from zero to 10.
An example of how these qualitative responses were
• Models were restricted to linear relationships. quantified is: if a participant indicated that the program
was good, he/she was randomly assigned a value between
Applications, strengths and usefulness of analyses: 5 and 7.5. This process was repeated 500 times and then
• Places a magnitude on crucial variables that averaged to achieve a value that was as unbiased and
influence the effectiveness of change management. consistent as possible. Analysis was also performed on
samples with 1 and 10 iterations, and similar results were
• Value is gained by contextualizing the strengths
found. An identical quantification methodology was
and significance of results.
applied to each variable used to inspect relationships.
• Useful predictive capability and application. The Breusch-Pagan test for heteroscedasticity was used
• Although cardinal scales were used, to determine whether residuals were correlated with the
compounding significant results in different dependent variables in all models and for all analysis. To
relationships enhances the value and credibility correct for heteroscedasticity and ensure the standard
of findings. errors, and thus hypothesis tests, were unbiased, White
or Robust standard errors were used, and corrected values

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 371

Appendix E – Regression Analysis

are shown in the report. ANOVAs (analysis of variances) due partially to the fact that the independent variable
were conducted on models with different variables to was binary. Twenty responses of I don’t know were
ensure all variables included in each respective model dropped from analysis. Sensitivity checks suggested that
were significant to maximize explained variation and nearly identical results are obtained when regressions are
minimize multicollinearity to find the best fit line for the conducted with analyses that include the response
model. A balance was struck between maximizing the I don’t know, coded as zero, in comparison to the analysis
amount of variation that could be explained by the model in which the responses were removed from the data.
and minimizing confounding variation.
Level of a structured model used and effectiveness
Dedicated change resource and effectiveness The model tested regarding the relationship between
The model tested regarding the relationship between degree of structured methodology and overall
having a dedicated change resource on the project team effectiveness of a change management program was
and overall effectiveness of a change management significant at the 99% confidence level, with an
program was found significant, with an F(138, 841) F(138, 841) of 5.08 and p-value less than 0.01. The model
of 3.17 and a p-value less than 0.01 which is below had an R2 of 0.45 and adjusted R2 of 0.37, thus the model
conventional standards of significance at the 99% explained much variation. More variation was explained
confidence level. The model had an R2 of 0.35 and by this model in comparison to the first two models due
adjusted R2 of 0.24. Although small, the R2 values are to the structure of the data and because the independent
due partially to the fact that the independent variable variable was continuous. There were no missing data
was binary. Responses of I don’t know were dropped. during this analysis.
Sensitivity checks suggested that nearly identical results
are obtained when regressions are conducted with the Level of sufficient resources and effectiveness
74 observations that include the response I don’t know, The model tested regarding the relationship between
coded as zero, in comparison to the analysis in which the degree of sufficient resources and overall effectiveness
responses were removed from the data. of a change management program was significant at
the 99% confidence level with an F(138, 838) of 4.07 and
Use of a methodology and effectiveness p-value less than 0.01. The model had an R2 of 0.40 and
The model tested regarding the relationship between adjusted R2 of 0.30, and thus the model explained much
use of a methodology and overall effectiveness of a variation. More variation was explained by this model in
change management program was significant at the comparison to the first two models due to the structure
99% confidence level with an F(138, 8241) of 2.98 and of the data and because the independent variable was
p-value less than 0.01. The model had an R2 of 0.33 and continuous. Three observations were removed due to
adjusted R2 of 0.22. Although small, the R2 values are missing responses.

Table F.1 – Analysis of means between observations used and not used during analyses

Categories Group used Group not used

Effectiveness 5.053 4.571
Dedicated change resource 0.76 0.721
Use of a particular change method 0.728 0.686
Level of structured change management methodology 6.449 6.018
Level of sufficient resources 4.95 4.893
Level of project and change management integration 6.463 6.08
Sample size 981 141

372 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Study Participants
The list of study participants from the 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019 studies can be found online at

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 373

374 • © 2020 Prosci Inc.
Prosci Best Practices in Change Management

Best Practices in Change Management

Apply best practices research to the changes in your organization to optimize your change management approach and achieve
results. As the most comprehensive body of knowledge on change management, Best Practices in Change Management
gives you the access to benchmarks and best practices you need to be effective.

Since 1998, Prosci has conducted research with more than 6,298 change leaders. The eleventh edition of Best Practices in
Change Management presents data from the 2019 study, which surveyed 1,863 project leaders and change management
practitioners, representing organizations from 85 countries. This edition combines the findings from the 2019 study with
findings from previous studies conducted in 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017 to form this
exhaustive compendium of benchmarking findings.

Participants revealed the factors that contributed to their project success, what they would do differently on their next
change project, how they integrated change management into their organizations and how they built an enterprise-wide
change management capability. Compare your efforts to these benchmarks and apply best practices in your own change
management work.

© 2020 Prosci Inc. • 375

Best Practices In Change Management

Apply best practices research to the changes in your organization to optimize your change
management approach and achieve results. As the most comprehensive body of knowledge
on change management, Best Practices in Change Management gives you the access to
benchmarks and best practices you need to be effective.

Since 1998, Prosci has conducted research with more than 8,100 change leaders.
The eleventh edition of Best Practices in Change Management presents data
from the 2019 study, which surveyed 1,863 project leaders and change
practitioners, representing organizations from 85 countries. The edition
combines the findings from the 2019 study with findings from
previous studies conducted in 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007,
2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017 to form this exhaustive
compendium of benchmarking findings.

Participants revealed the factors that contributed to

their project success, what they would do differently
on their next change project, how they integrated
change management in their organizations and
how they built an enterprise-wide change
management capability. Compare your efforts
to these benchmarks and apply best practices
in your own change management work.

ISBN 978-1-930885-64-6

9 781930 885646

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