Lesson no 01
Duration 90 minutes
Level Intermediate(B1)
● Post-listening 15 min
● Teacher models the entire script once
● Teacher distributes scripts to students
● Teacher form groups
● Teacher reads and students repeats
● Teacher take up one role and students
the rest of the roles
● Students practise and do a role play
The lesson is based on London. The warmer is apt. In the context setting part
you could have included pictures related to London, so the students could have
guessed the chosen holiday destination. The students’ responses should have
been added. In the actual content part the Conversation related to London that
you have incorporated is relevant but as the language level of the candidates is
Intermediate the length of the Conversation should have been a bit longer based
on London so the students should get more chance to speak. The Recapitulation
part should have been added. The Homework is appreciated
B. Consider the situation and discuss how will you handle them
Well Cited! It is important to learn at first why the child is behaving in such a
manner, so the teacher can speak with the child individually and handle the
situation tactfully
3.One student has her head down on the desk and other students are looking at her.
Immediately, I will check whether she is physically doing fine. Then I will make the class
leader look after the class. Also, I will give others some work to do so that they are engaged.
Then I will see the girl if she is fine for small talk. If there is any medical assistance needed, I
will send her to the sick-room.
Then I will send a note to her parents to talk about what happened in class. If I find the girl is
mentally disturbed then I will seek psychological counsellor’s advice.
Correct! The child might be physically unwell or needs medical assistance, so
the teacher should take the child to the medical room and give necessary aids
5.You have assigned a task, and some of the students have already completed it, but
others are still working.
First as a token of appreciation, I would give something like a star or grade to the students
who have completed. This will be a positive reinforcement. Next for the students who have
not completed i I will check individually the reason behind the incompletion. If there is a valid
justification I would extend the time for submission, else I would give some imposition from
the lesson to make them understand homework is to be submitted on time which is a kind of
negative reinforcement.
Correctly done! Early finishers should be appreciated and assigned with some
interesting tasks while others are working. This will motivate the slow students
and they will try to complete their tasks on time
The word limit for each of the above situations is 200-300 words, so you could
have included some more information and completed the answer
Grade A