Disaster Risk Reduction

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M7: HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL HAZARDS - Typhoon - the “EYE” of the typhoon is

formed referring to the relatively calm

● Hydrometeorology area at the center surrounded by the
- It is the study of the transfer of water spinning winds.
and energy between the earth’s surface 2. Southwest and Northwest Monsoon
and lower atmosphere. - Southwest Monsoon (Habagat) -
- Involves studying tropical depressions, characterized by hot and humid weather
typhoons, droughts and desertification with frequent rainfall (May-October)
among others. - Northeast Monsoo - characterized by
moderate temperature with little to no
● Hydrometeorological Hazards rainfall (November-February)
- Is a process or phenomenon of 3. Tail of cold front
atmospheric, hydrological or - This weather disturbance is caused by
oceanographic nature that may cause the interaction of a cold and hot air
loss of life, injury or other health mass, wherein the differences in
impacts, property damage, loss of temperature and the faster movement of
livelihoods and services, social and the cold air lead the warmer air mass to
economic disruption, or environmental rise and be replaced by cold air mass.
damage. 4. Intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ)
- It included tropical cyclones, - This low pressure area with high
thunderstorms, hailstorms, tornados, humidity forms a band of clouds across
blizzards, heavy snowfall, avalanches, the equator.
coastal storm surges, floods including - The ICTZ results from the interaction
flash floods, drought, heatwaves and and convergence of trade winds,
cold spells. ‘(UNISDR, 2009) specifically the northeasterly and
● PAGASA Warning System
- Our country has an average of 20 ● Different Types of
typhoons every year. Hydrometeorological Hazards
- Tropical depression: winds of up to 61 1. TYPHOON
kph - Locally known as "BAGYO" got it's
- Tropical storm: winds of up to 62 to 88 name in 1911 after heavy rains
kph accumulated 46 inches of water in a
- Severe tropical storm: winds of up to 24-hour period brought about by storm
89 to 117 kph that hit Baguio.
- Typhoon: winds of up to 118 to 220 kph - There are several conditions in order for
- Super typhoon: winds exceeding 220 storm to be generated and pick up more
kph winds and rain until it becomes
● Hydro Meteorological Weather - A warm sea surface temperature of at
Systems least 80 Fahrenheit (26.67celsius) at a
1. Tropical Cyclone depth of 150 feet with a high moisture
- Tropical Depression - refers to low content is what powers a tropical
pressure area are forming over warm cyclone.
seas and oceans and made up of the - Presence of Inter Tropical Convergence
forming thunderstorms. Zone (ITCZ) (Northeasterly winds and
- Tropical Storm - the weather system Southeasterly converge)
takes on a more definite circular forms - The presence of Low-pressure areas in
as the winds rotate around a center. ITCZ.
- Light wind or weak vertical wind shear in ● Signs of an Impending Typhoon
the upper atmosphere - The best way to know whether there is
an impending typhoon is to check the
- Strength is determined by the speed of weather news
the maximum sustained winds near the - If, for some reason, the news is not
center "Steering Flows" accessible, you may check for the
- Minimum sustained wind velocity of 35 following:
km/hr. - Presence of overcast
- Has an EYE that is 10-100 km. in - Rise in sea level with frequent waves
diameter. This is the area where the
wind is light and calm and there is no 2. THUNDERSTORM
rain. - Is a localized storm cloud that produces
- There is an EYEWALL where the lightning and thunder and often brings
precipitation is heaviest and the wind is heavy rain shower or hail as well as
strongest. strong gusty winds.
- SPIRAL RAIN BANDS surround the - The typical thunderstorm is 5 kms. in
eye. diameter and lasts an average of 30
minutes, although some may last longer
● Tropical Cyclones are called
differently to where it was formed: THREE BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR
1. Typhoon - Northwestern Pacific Ocean THUNDERSTORMS TO FORM:
2. Hurricanes - Atlantic Ocean 1. Moisture or Humidity.
3. Cyclones - Indian Ocean and South 2. Rising unstable air.
western Pacific Ocean 3. Lifting mechanism to keep the air rising.
● Typhoons can bring torrential rainfall, *through Convection
wind driven water, powerful, and
destructive waves and storm surges. ● SIGNS OF AN IMPENDING
- Typhoon that enter the Philippine Area THUNDERSTORM
of Responsibility (PAR) typically form at 1. Towering cumulonimbus clouds
the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. 2. Darkening skies
3. Flashes of lightning and gusty winds
- It is known to be most active tropical 4. Sound of thunder
cyclone basin on the planet, producing 5. Static on your communication equipment
almost a third of the world's typhoon.
- The number of typhoon that form in the THUNDERSTORM UNDERGO SEVERAL
basin rises steadily from February until STAGES IN THEIR LIFE CYCLE:
June and reached its peak from July to 1. DEVELOPING (INITIAL/CUMULUS) STAGE
November. - The warm air rises and water vapor
- September is considered as the most condenses to cumulus cloud
active month in the formation of - no rain, with lightning, cumulus cloud
typhoons. 2. MATURE STAGE
- Pack winds of 120 km/hr (energy of - the cloud cause heavy precipitation,
500,000 atomic bombs) severe lightning, strong and gusty
- Releasing as estimated 20 billions tons winds, hail and tornadoes at times.
- The main energy source- is the "HEAT - The precipitation decreases its intensity
FROM THE SEA" and cloud begins to dissipate.
Shape strong extra tropical cyclones), the
- Anvil (flat cloud formation on top of a severity of which is affected by the
storm. shallowness and orientation of the water
body relative to storm path, and the
3. FLOODS timing of tides.
- Flood occurs when a normally dry piece - Most casualties during tropical cyclones
of land is covered by large amounts of occur as the result of storm surges.
water. - PAGASA-DOST describes storm surge
- It occurs when there is an increase in as a sudden rise of sea level above the
water level from continuous or heavy normal level on the coast due to a drop
rainfall, release of water from dams and in atmospheric pressure and the force of
overflowing of water systems. the wind as a tropical cyclone
- More prolonged; caused by lake approaches the coast.
overflow, dam failures, or prolonged
1. The stronger the tropical cyclone and the
THREE TYPES OF FLOOD: shallower the coast, the higher the surge. Storm
1. RIVER FLOOD surges can sweep the coastline inland as much
- is caused by the overflowing of rivers as a few kilometers.
when the run-off exceeded the capacity 2. Usually the peak storm surge is experienced
of the channels. near the point of landfall of a typhoon or a storm.
2. COASTAL FLOOD 3. The rise in sea level can cause flooding and
- occurs when onshore winds push the damages in low lying areas and villages,
water inland. The rise in the sea level particularly when the approach of the storm
also causes flooding of the low-lying coincides with the occurrence of high tide.
coastal areas.
- is caused by a very short period of FF:
unusually heavy rainfall. 1. WIND/PRESSURE EFFECT
● Occur without warning and become very - The stronger the wind of the tropical
dangerous in just a short of time. A rapid cyclone and the lower the atmospheric
flooding of geomorphic low-lying areas: pressure, the higher the storm surge.
washes, rivers, dry lakes and basins. 2. RAINFALL EFFECT
- Heavy rains associated with an intense
● It may be caused by heavy rain tropical cyclone add to the total sea
associated with a severe thunderstorm, level near the coast.
hurricane, tropical storm, or melt water 3. TIDAL EFFECT
from ice or snow flowing over ice sheets - If surge coincides with the occurrence of
or snowfield high tide, water level will be higher than
● Appears quickly but disappears quickly when it occurs during the low tide
as well. condition.
● 5 year return cycle (once in 5 years) 4. SHAPE OF THE COASTLINE AND SLOPE
"Large Rainfall Event" OF THE SEA BED
- The shallower the slope, the higher the
1. STORM SURGE surge to the coastal communities.
- Is a coastal floods or tsunami like
phenomenon of rising water commonly 1. EL NIÑO
associated with low pressure weather - EL NIÑO SOUTHERN OSCILLATION
systems (such as tropical cyclones and refers to the cycle of warm and cold
temperatures, as measured by sea ● Tornado can be predicted through a
surface temperature (SST), of the doppler radar.
tropical central and eastern Pacific
- El Niño is the warming of ocean surface 1. The appearance of a funnel-shaped column
in the central and eastern tropical from the base of the cumulonimbus cloud.
Pacific Ocean; this creates reduced 2. Having weather that feels warm, humid,
rainfall over the regions of Indonesia uncomfortable and calm.
and Philippines. 3. Lightning and thunder.
- 0.5 Degrees Centigrade Higher 4. Roaring and buzzing sound of the tornado as
- Occurs every 2-7 years it reaches the ground.
- Occurs more than La Nina
Tornadoes develop from severe thunderstorms
2. LA NIÑA in warm, moist, unstable air along and ahead of
- La Niña is a coupled ocean atmosphere cold fronts.
phenomenon that is the counterpart of
El Niño as part of the broader El 4. DROUGHT
Niño-Southern Oscillation climate - Is the lack of rainfall for normal needs.
pattern. Because of the deficiency of rainfall for
- La Niña is the cooling of ocean surface a long period, the soil moisture is
in the central and eastern tropical reduced below the minimum necessary
Pacific Ocean; this creates increased to sustain plants, animals and humans.
rainfall over the regions of Indonesia - It can be attributed to El Niño
and Philippines phenomenon and the greenhouse effect
- 3-5 degrees Centigrade lower or the warming of the earth's surface.
- With climate change, extreme
3. TORNADO atmospheric conditions could happen
- Is a localized windstorm characterized such as prolonged and heavy rainfall or
by a visible funnel-shaped, rapidly the lack of rain, resulting to drought.
whirling cloud extending downward from - Drought is a cyclical event so it can be
the base of a dark cumulonimbus cloud. predicted. It is also a slow-onset hazard,
- It is also known as TWISTER (buhawi or hence, there could be an ample time to
ipo-ipo) - prepare and reduce the risks associated
- It acts as a vacuum cleaner, sucking with it.
and carrying aloft objects along its path
such as trees, structures, or debris. Drought can have the following impacts:
- Wind speeds are estimated to exceed 1. Agricultural crops will not grow without water.
450 kph and may last for few minutes. 2. Animals will die of thirst.
- When a tornado occurs or moves over a 3. As a result of the above, there could be
body of water, this is called famine or food insecurity.
WATERSPOUT. 4. The water supply for domestics and industrial
- Since its like a vacuum cleaner, it can use will be reduced.
siphon the water and release it 5. There would be less livelihood for people
afterwards. It becomes more destructive whose jobs are dependent on water supply.
if the water is released inland, affecting 6. There would be epidemic and other health
settlements. problems due to the rise of micro-organisms,
poor sanitation, and hunger.
7. High temperature can trigger a wildfire.
M7: UP NOAH Hazards (NOAH) was launched by the
● UP NOAH - The Project will harness technologies
- A website that provide high-resolution and management services for disaster
hazard maps for floods, storm surges, risk reduction activities offered by the
and landslides, near real-time warning DOST through PAGASA, PHIVOLCS,
system for communities, and produces and the DOST-Advanced Science and
impact-scenario assessments Technology Institute (ASTI), in
- The University of the Philippines partnership with the UP National
Nationwide Operational Assessment of Institute of Geological Sciences and the
Hazards (UP-NOAH) is a UP College of Engineering.
multidisciplinary research center housed
in the UP National Institute of Geological ● Brief History of Project NOAH
Sciences with the goal of helping reduce - The Philippines, being a locus of
the impacts of hazards. It seeks to typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, and
assist the country in disaster risk volcanic eruptions, is a hotbed of
reduction and management, climate disasters. Natural hazards inflict loss of
change adaptation and mitigation efforts lives and costly damage to property in
and related activities through research, the country. The effects of these
development and extension services. hazards were witnessed in 2011's
- Project NOAH (Nationwide Operational Typhoon Pedring 2012's Typhoon Pablo,
Assessment of Hazards) is the and the most disastrous storm of the
Philippines' primary disaster risk century, 2013's Typhoon Yolanda. These
reduction and management program. It resulted in a high number of fatalities
was initially administered by the with economic losses amounting to
Department of Science and Technology billions of pesos.
(DOST) from 2012 to 2017, but is now - Extreme weather is the common factor
managed by the University of the in these catastrophes. Situated in the
Philippines. humid tropics, the Philippines will
- Project NOAH is the Department of inevitably suffer from climate-related
Science and Technology’s (DOST) calamities similar to those experienced
response to the call of President in recent years. With continued
BenignoS. Aquino III for a more development in the lowlands, and
accurate, integrated, and responsive growing populations, it is expected that
disaster prevention and mitigation damage to infrastructure and human
system, especially areas throughout the losses would persist and even rise
Philippines. unless appropriate measures are
- In response to President Aquino’s immediately implemented by
instructions to put in place a responsive government.
program for disaster prevention and
mitigation, specifically, for the ● NOAH Android and IOS Applications
Philippines’ warning agencies to be able - Project NOAH’s mobile application
to provide a 6 hour lead- time warning to which provides users with
vulnerable communities against location-specific flood hazard maps is
impending floods and to use advanced among the 40 winners of the UN-based
technology to enhance current World Summit Award.
geo-hazard vulnerability maps, the
Nationwide Operational Assessment of
● The Components of Project NOAH
- NOAH’s immediate task is to integrate 3. Enhancing Geohazards Mapping through
current disaster scienceresearch and LIDAR
development projects and initiate new - The project was completed in December
efforts within the DOST to achieve this 2014, shall use LIDAR technology and
objective. Presently there are nine(9) computer-assisted analyses to identify
component projects under the NOAH exact areas prone to landslides.
program, namely: Landslide
4. Coastal Hazards and Storm Surge
1. Distribution of Hydrometeorological Assessment and Mitigation (CHASSAM)
Devices in hard-hit areas in the Philippines - CHASSAM, was completed in
(Hydromet) December 2014, will generate wave
- A total of 600 automated rain gauges surge, wave refraction, and coastal
(ARG) and 400 water level monitoring circulation models to understand and
stations (WLMS) was installed along the recommend solutions for coastal
country’s 18 major river basins (RBs) in erosion.
December 2013 to provide a better 5. Flood Information Network (FloodNET)
picture of the country’s surface water in Project
relation flooding. - Was completed in December 2013 is a
1. Hydrometeorological Devices (Hydromet) flood center that will provide timely and
- The installation of automatedrain accurate information for flood early
gaugesand water level monitoring warning systems.
stations in major river basins and - The Flood NET Project came up with
flood-prone areas. computer models for the critical RBs,
- a. Automated Weather Station (AWS) automate the process of data gathering.
- Measures wind speed direction, air modeling and information output, and
temperature, humidity, pressure, and the release flood forecasts.
amount of rainfall, its duration, and - Doppler Radar
intensity. - Rainfall
- Nearest Automated Weather Station - Rain and Stream Gauges
DOST -Taguig - Satellite and Typhoon Track
- b. Automated Rain Gauge (ARG) -
Gathers the amount of rainfall incident in 6. Local Development of Doppler Radar
the area. Systems (LaDDORS)
- Nearest Rain Gauge - LaDDERS seeks to develop Tocal
- c. Water Level Monitoring System capacity to design, fabricate, and
(WLMS) - Measures the rate by which operate sub systems of Doppler radars
water level rises within the river system for remotely sensing the dynamic
or bodies of water. parameters of sea surface such as
- Nearest Water Level Monitoring System wave, wind field, and surface current
2. Disaster Risk Exposure Assessment for 7. Landslide Sensors Development Project
Mitigation - Light Detection and Ranging - This project is a low-cost, locally
(DREAM-LIDAR) Project developed, sensor-based early
- The project was completed in December monitoring and warning system for
2013, aims to produce more accurate landslides, slope failures, and debris
flood inundation and hazard maps in 3D flow. As of May 2012, ten sensors have
for the country's flood-prone and major been installed in San Francisco, Surigao
river systems and watersheds. del Norte; Tago, Surigao del Sur, Tublay,
Bugias, and Bokod in Benguet; implement a responsive and pro-active
Guihulngan City, Negros Occidental; St. program for disaster mitigation and risk
Bernard, Southern Leyte, and reduction in order to promote a culture
Tubungan, Iloilo. Additional sensors are of safety and preparedness among the
deployed to not less than 50 sites in populace particularly those in vulnerable
2013. areas; thereby avoiding or lessening the
negative impact brought about by
8. Weather Hazard Information Project devastating typhoons in the past years
(WHIP) like Sendong, Pablo and Ondoy in the
- WHIP involves the utilization of future.
platforms such as television (DOSTV) - The program is to complement the
and a web portal efforts and activities of the government's
(http://noah.dost.gov.ph), which display warning agencies particularly the
real-time satellite, Doppler radar, ARG, Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical
and WLMS data to empower LGUS and and Astronomical Services
communities to prepare against extreme Administration (PAGASA) in providing
natural hazards. This is complemented accurate, timely and comprehensive
by activities, such as: a) conducting of weather and hazard information to
IEC (Information, Education, and include, not only pertinent data but also
Communication) activities; and b) the the possible effect or impact to
processing and packaging of relevant communities-at-risk in order to avert
and up-to-date information for public massive casually and minimize loss to
9. Disaster Management using WebGIS properties.
- A Web-based GIS has been developed - The current NOAH Program team is
for supporting disaster management. composed of the scientist-leaders of
This system helps to estimate the extent these projects. The country's warning
and size of damages, just after the agencies: PAG-ASA and PHIVOLCS are
particular disaster. It also, helps the also represented. Within two years,
managers to rapidly response to various NOAH had provided a high-resolution
disasters. This takes a lot of advantages flood hazard maps and installed 600
to the managers by decreasing the cost automated rain gauges and 400 water
and response time to make better level measuring stations for 18 major
decision during and just after the river basins of the Philippines, namely:
disaster. - Marikina River Basin
- Cagayan de Oro River Basin
● Strategic Communications - Alaur River Basin
- The Strategic Communications - Ilog-Hilabangan River Basin
Intervention for the NOAH Program was - Iligan River Basin
created to provide institutional - Agno River Basin
communications support in promoting - Agus River Basin
and raising the level of awareness for -Davao River Basin
the NOAH Program and to attain public - Pampanga River Basin
acceptance of the program as a - Bicol River Basin
science-based disaster management - Mindanao River Basin
tool as an early warming system. - Cagayan River Basin
- The project was implemented at the - Tagum-Libuganon River Basin
same time the NOAH program was - Agusan River Basin Panay River Basin
launched in July 6, 2012 in Marikina City - Tagaloan River Basin
as part of the government's initiatives to - Magaswang Tubig River Basin
- Buayan-Malungun River Basin - If there is a need to evacuate, secure
your things even pets and proceed with
- The installation to other river basins in the your evacuation plan.
Philippines was completed. - If there is a need to evacuate, stay away
from electrical post, trees or anything
M8: DEALING WITH that can fall or slide.
HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL HAZARDS - Use safe drinking water. Boil water for
● What to do before a typhoon? safe drinking.
- Before a typhoon or storm, It is best to - If you come in contact with floodwater,
trim the branches of the trees in your wash immediately.
backyard to avoid injury and damages. If - If you must enter floodwater, wear
possible, secure your house from strong rubber boots.
winds that typhoon can bring. Before a
storm or typhoon, make sure that you ● What to do after a typhoon?
have stocked your food and prepared - Once the flood had receded, take
your survival kit or Go Bag. precautionary measures to ensure
- Take only essential things with you. safety
- Turn off the gas, electricity, and water. - Return home only when the authorities
- Follow the designated evacuation have stated that it is safe.
routes. - Do not be an obstacle to rescue workers
- Do not attempt to drive or walk across when they do their jobs.
creeks or flooded roads. - Pay attention to road closures and
- Check for EARLY WARNINGS from the precautionary signs
radio, television, mobile apps or from - Approach the entrance of your house
authorities. carefully because they may near
- Check for EARLY WARNINGS the radio, collapse or was heavily damaged.
television, mobile apps, or from
authorities. ● When you first re-enter your home
- Check authorized sources of information - Be alert of loose power lines to prevent
(bagong pagasa.dost.gov.ph) Check electricution and damaged gas lines for
weather outlook, flood advisories, any explosion when you light a fire.
thunderstorm warning, typhoon path and - Throw away unsafe food. Check for food
active warnings, in this website. If NOT, spoilage in the refrigerator. If in doubt,
monitor the radio or television for throw it out.
weather updates. - Prevent infection from open wounds and
- Check authorized sources of information rashes. Seek necessary medical care
(noah.up.edu.ph) UP NOAH Do not neglect minor wounds and
REVAMPED a website that provides illnesses.
high-resolution hazard maps for floods, - Protect yourself and your loved ones
storm surges, and landslides, near from certain communicable diseases.
real-time warning system for Do not wade in flood waters.
communities, and produces
impact-scenario assessment. M9: DEALING WITH EARTHQUAKE
● What to do during a typhoon?
- Stay indoors and do not panic. Monitor ● SAFETY MEASURES:
the news for safety. - Earthquake cannot be accurately
- Postpone any travel plans. predicted, preparing to lessen its impact
becomes a priority. There are measures
that can be made to mitigate the - Know The Hazards In Your Area.
damaging effects of an earthquake. - Determine the distance of the
1. Inspect your house using different hazard assessment tools
such as the digital platforms.

3. Simulate Response
- Conduct Drills


Follow the 3 RS:
● STAGE 1 Planning/organizing
- Right Design
the earthquake drill.
- Right (Standard) Materials
● STAGE 2 Developing the school
- Right Construction Practice.
earthquake evacuation plan.
● STAGE 3 Orientation prior to the
2. Plan
conduct of an earthquake drill.
- Prepare a House Evacuation Plan.
● STAGE 4 Actual conduct of an
Discuss a home Evacuation plan with
earthquake drill.
your family.
- Identify Safe and Dangerous areas.
- (Under Sturdy Tables, Inside Corner Of
A. Form a School Disaster Management
Rooms With Columns & Beams,
Committee (SDMC)
Load-bearing Doorway Or Wall, Outside
- composed of several teams with specific
Elevator Shafts, Open/Clear Area)
tasks, includes:
✔ Over-All Coordinator (School DRRM
- (Windows And Glass, Book Shelves,
✔ First Aid Team
Cabinets And Furniture That May Topple
✔ Site Security Team
Or Slide, Hanging Objects, Inside
✔ Fire-Safety Team
Elevators, Power Lines; Poles; Trees;
✔ Evacuation Team
Narrow Alleys Between Tall Buildings
✔ Communications Team
SAFE ZONES, Bridges, And Flyovers)

B. Prepare Earthquake Survival Kit

- Prepare your Survival Kit or GO Bag.
● Basic items inside an earthquake
survival kit
✓ Prepare a kit that is good for 72 hours or 3
● First Aid Kit (Alcohol, bondage,
days for your whole family.
absorbent cotton,gauze, masks,
✓ Put this GO BAG or Survival Kit in an
adhesive plasters, medicines &
easy-to-find locations in your house.
✓ Locations that are unlikely to be covered with
● Food, Bottled water, Flashlights &
debris when a strong earthquake occurs.
extra batteries, Radio (battery
operated), Lighters & matches,
Whistle, Knife, Blankets & spare
clothes, Rope - at least 7 meters long,
Toiletries, Pen & paper, Emergency 5) Post the school evacuation map in every
contact numbers, Cash classroom and bulletin board
● Good practices and safe zones 6) Assigned pupil/student in charge of making
- Swing out door sure the door is open during shaking
- Wide corridors 7) Assign observers and evaluators who will give
- Wide open space for evacuation comments and suggestions
- Fire exits 8) Inform the neighborhood about the drill
- Public alarm system 9) Check available alarm system
● Some of the unsafe zones 10) Assign class marshal
- Windows and glass panes 11) Take note of persons with disabilities (PWD),
- Book shelves, machinery, pregnant and elderly and identify their locations
cabinets and furniture that may for evacuation
topple of slide 12) Assign marshals to assist the PWD,
- Narrow alleys pregnant and elderly during evacuation
- Passing near water tank
● Phases of an Earthquake Drill
● After identifying the safe and unsafe Phase 1. ALARM
spots, the next step is to develop the During the drill, the 1-minute alarm indicates
School Earthquake Evacuation Plan. earthquake or shaking.
- Use all available OPEN SPACES
nearest to the building/school Phase 2. RESPONSE
- Determine if there is sufficient open While the alarm is on-going, everyone should
space for all. Areas to be occupied perform "duck, cover and hold". Remain in this
should be computed assuming 4 to 5 position until the "shaking stops"
students would occupy 1 sq. m. areas ✓ Take cover under a sturdy table and hold to
- Consider the number of pupils in each your cover until the shaking stops
building per session ✓ Use book to cover your head
- Make sure that evacuation route will not ✓ Hide under an armchair
expose the pupils/students to additional
hazards Phase 3. EVACUATION
- Assigned each class a specific As soon as the shaking stops, immediately
designated evacuation area evacuate the school building and proceed to
- Come up with evacuation procedure identified evacuation areas using the pre
using the available map determined routes guided by the class marshal
- School Earthquake Evacuation Plan or teacher.
✓ Get out of the building in an orderly manner
STAGE 3: ORIENTATION PRIOR TO THE ✓ Give the following instructions to
● Walk, Do Not Run, Do Not Push, Do Not
A. Preparations Talk
1) Conduct of lectures about earthquake ✓ Proceed to the identified evacuation area
2) Conduct classroom hazard observation
3) Introduce evacuation plan
4) Introduce assigned evacuation area
Phase 4. ASSEMBLY - 1990 M7.1 Panay
At the designated evacuation area, pupils must - 1990 M7.8 Luzon
be grouped together according to the class - 1994 M7.1 Mindoro
where they belong. - 2012 M6.9 Negros
- 2013 M7.2 Bohol
Phase 5. HEAD COUNT - 2017 M6.7 Surigao
Teacher should check and make sure all pupils - 2017 M6.5 Leyte
are accounted for. - 2019 M6+ Cotabato

Phase 6. EVALUATION ● Earthquake can be classified

✓ The over-all coordinator will announce the according to its effect in the
termination of drill or "All clear" environment:
✓ An evaluation of the drill must be conducted
to identify problems encountered during the drill Magnitude
and how these can be improved in future - is a measure of EQ size
earthquake drills. - describes the total energy released by
✓ Observers will give their comments and the EQ in the form of the seismic waves
suggestions when all are gathered in the that radiates outward from the fault
evacuation areas plain.
- Earthquake size is a quantitative
EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS measure of the size of the earthquake at
its source.
● What is an Earthquake? - RITCHER SCALE - seismographs
- It is the sudden movement of the ground - It is the energy released by an
that releases energy stored in rocks and earthquake at the focus. It is calculated
generates seismic waves. from earthquakes recorded by an
- These waves move outward from the instrument called SEISMOGRAPH.
“source” and vibrate the ground.
- Usually form along faults, which are Intensity
fractures on Earth’s crust where rocks - degree/ strength of shaking caused by
on one side of the break moves past the an EQ AND decreases with distance
rocks on the other side. Simple put, the from the origin.
initial movement that causes seismic - The severity of earthquake shaking is
vibrations occurs when two sides of a assessed using a descriptive scale
fault suddenly slide past each other, - MODIFIED MERCALI INTENSITY
generating an earthquake. SCALE - how strong is the effect
- The “focus” of an earthquake is the - It is the strength of an earthquake
post where earthquake began. As the perceived and felt by people in a certain
ground ruptures in the focus, seismic locality. Intensity is generally higher near
waves radiate outward in all directions. the epicenter.
- The “epicenter” of an earthquake is the
point on Earth’s surface located directly ● Movements of Plates
above the focus of an earthquake. - Cartographers during the late 1500's
which include DUTCH ABRAHAM
● Recent Large Earthquakes noticed that some of the boundaries of
- 1968 M7. 3 Casiguran continents seem to fit into the
- 1973 M7. O Ragay boundaries of other continents.
- 1976 M8.1 Moro Gulf - ALFRED WEGENER built on this idea
- 1983 M6.5 Laoag in coming up on his theory of continental
drift. He also noticed that real edges of ● Active Faults in the Philippines
continent, including the shallow 1. WEST AND EAST VALLEY FAULT (formerly
submerged continental shelves, were Marikina Valley fault)
considered, the puzzle would fit - Rodriguez, Rizal
perfectly. - San Mateo, Rizal
- In 1960, HARRY HESS a geologist and - Marikina
an officer of the United States Navy - Pasig
during World War 2, suggested that the - Taguig
ocean floor can be viewed as giant - Muntinlupa
conveyor belts that carry the continents. - San Pedro
- He calculated that the speed of - Binan
continental drift- 2.5 cm/yr. - Carmona
- According to GPS - (Global positioning - Santa Rosa
system) - 11 cm/yr. - Calamba
- Tagaytay
● Active Faults - Oriental Mindoro
- Geologist have classified active faults as 2. WESTERN PHILIPPINE FAULT
any faults that is likely to have another - Luzon sea
earthquake sometime in the future. - Mindoro strait
- Panay Gulf
- Is an area where tectonic plates 3. EASTERN PHILIPPINE SEA
converge - Philippine Sea
- It is also an area where tsunamis 4. SOUTH MINDANAO FAULTS
originate - Moro Gulf
- These plates are pieces of crust that - Celebes sea
have been moving in the surface of the 5. CENTRAL PHILIPPINE FAULT
planet for million years. - Agusan Del Norte
- Tectonic plates may be made up of a - Agusan Del Sur
single type of crust or combination of - Davao Del Norte
continental crust - Davao Oriental
- Longest and widest fault in the world, - Ilocos Sur
tend to create an earthquake - Ilocos Norte
- La union
1. Oceanic - continental-destructive EQ, rapid - Nueva Ecija
uplift of mountain, volcanic arc - Aurora
2. Oceanic-oceanic - trenches and volcanic arc - Quezon
3. Continental-continental - mountain range - Masbate
- Eastern Leyte
- The Philippines is situated close to - Southern Leyte
subduction zone created by the
boundary between the Philippine plate ● The Big One
and Eurasian plate. This boundary - According to PHIVOLCS (Philippine
resulted in the number of active faults in Institute of Volcanology and
our country. Seismology), the Valley Fault System
showed that the big quake will pass
through the dense Metro Manila area
and can shake the neighboring - Describes as the vibration of the ground
provinces. when an earthquake occurs, usually
- PHIVOLCS also said that NCR will face recorded in terms of intensity.
isolation from nearby provinces because - Most of the damage from earthquakes is
of collapsed roads and buildings. The the result from the shaking caused by
fault systems from north to south and seismic waves passing beneath roads,
east to west will get the greatest threat. building, bridges, and other structures.
- Collapsed buildings in Makati and
Mandaluyong cities may separate 2.Landslide
northern and southern parts of the - Strong earthquake and ground shaking
Metro, while broken road networks will greatly increases the likelihood of
isolate the west and the east. Just like landslide in areas susceptible to ground
what happened in 1990 at Baguio. failure. If the grounds are saturated with
water, the shaking will result in more
● FACTS about the VALLEY FAULT landslides.
SYSTEM according PHIVOLCS - Landslide includes wide range of ground
Director Renato Solidum Jr. a movement such as rock fall, rock slide,
1. The West Valley Fault (WVF) movement is debris slide, And shallow debris flow.
mainly horizontal. - Typically, a magnitude- 4.0 earthquake
2. WVF movement interval is 400 years. is strong enough to trigger rock fall.
3.The last major earthquake from the valley fault Although, gravity acting on a steep
system happened in 1658. slope is the primary reason for all
4. A large earthquake from the WVF can landslides, there are other contributing
significantly affect Metro Manila and its vicinity. factors:
5. About 7.2 in magnitude. - Over steepened slopes created by
erosion in rivers, glaciers, or ocean
● Earthquake Hazards waves
- Can be anything that includes a physical - Rock and soil slopes weakened
phenomenon associated with an through saturation by heavy rains
earthquake that may produce adverse - Excess weight from accumulation of
effects on human activities rain or snow
- Hazards are measured in terms of units Weak slopes due to the stockpiling of
of energy and strength of the shaking, rocks or ore from waste piles or from
among others, while risk is measured in human made structures
fatalities or amount of damage.
- Anything that can be moved, fall off, or 3. Liquefaction
be toppled when the ground starts to - Liquefied soil will forced open grounds
shake and cause emotional and cracks in order to escape to the surface.
physical pain is an Earthquake Hazard This ejected material often results in
flooding and may leave cavities in the
● Primary Hazards soil.
- Primary earthquake hazards are the - Occurs when sand or soil and ground
direct result of the movement of the water are mixed during the shaking of a
ground: moderate or strong earthquake. When
1.Ground shaking the two are mixed, the ground becomes
- Can be seen as both a hazard created very soft and exhibits properties similar
by earthquakes, and a trigger for other to that of a quicksand.
hazard such as liquefaction and
- Is a hazard in areas that have - Destructive waves caused by undersea
groundwater close to the surface and earthquakes.
have soil which is sandy. - Behavior of a tsunami wave generated
- Has been identified as responsible for from an underwater earthquake as it
tremendous amounts of damage in travels from deep ocean to the
historical earthquakes around the world. shoreline. It can rise up to 10 feet but
differ according to sea floor and shape
4.Surface rupture 2 types:
- When an earthquake events occurs, 1. Locally generated tsunami
ground rupture happens only at the area 2. Far field tsunami
where the fault zone moves. - Some of the risk factors that you should
- Surface rupture is an offset of the consider if you are in areas susceptible
ground surfacewhen fault rupture to a tsunami are the following:
extends to the surface. - If your area is near the coast or the
- Those structures built adjacent to the elevation isbelow sea level.
fault will survive while structures build - If there were already previous tsunami
across the fault is at risk of being events in your area If the authorities
torn apart as the two sides of the fault have previously issued a tsunami
slip past each other. warning
- A winning strategy is to avoid building - Can reach 2-3 km in land
across or near these hazards. Surface
rupture is not a single line with a fixed 2. Seiche
width, but a zone with variable width - Is a standing wave in an enclosed or
where fractures have developed. These partially enclosed body of water.
areas are called deformation zones. Triggered by earthquake waves, seiches
and seiche-related phenomena have
PHIVOLCS been observe on lakes, reservoirs,
recommends a (5) five-meter BUFFER ZONE swimming pools. Bays, harbors, and
zone, from the edge of the deformation zone for seas.
building structures. - The key requirement for seiche
formation is that the body of water must
● Secondary Hazards be at least partially bounded, allowing
- Are the results of the primary hazards, the formation of the standing wave.
which can prove to be more
catastrophic. 3. Flooding
- Secondary hazards due to earthquake - Is extremely dangerous and has a
includes the following: potential to wipe away an entire city,
coastline or area and cause extensive
1. Tsunami damage to life and property. It also has
- Usually, it takes an earthquake with a great erosive power and can be
Richter magnitude exceeding 7.5 to extremely destructive, even if it is a foot
produce a destructive tsunamis. Most high.
tsunamis are generated by shallow, 4. Fire
great earthquakes at subductions - A major secondary hazard associated
zones. with an earthquake has been the
- More than 80% of the world's tsunamis possibility of fires breaking out after
occur in the Pacific along its Ring of Fire earthquake.
subduction zones.

● Two Forces ● Mass Movement

- There are two forces acting on the - Is the downward movement of the
objects that determine the ability of the surface materials cause by gravity.
slope to resist from sliding:
1. Driving Force A. Downslope movement
- Force of gravity on a material. 1. Rock Fall
2. Resisting Force - Develop in zones of weaknesses or in
- Force acting on a material and friction steep mountainous regions with cliffs
that holds it in place. which are nearly vertical. Rocks as
granite, sandstone, and metamorphic
● Color Convention Used in the Hazard rocks are most likely to cause rock falls
Maps: because they break easily into
LANDSLIDES fragments.
● Red areas - have high susceptibility to 2. Flow
landslides. These are areas that have - When water saturates the ground, the
active landslides and tensions cracks materials become heavier, resulting to
that would directly affect nearby debris flow or mudflow.
communities. 3. Debris Avalanche
● Green areas - have inactive landslides - Downslope movements of rocks and soil
and have tension cracks located away with extremely rapid velocity. This
from the community. avalanche contained 50 to 100 million
● Yellow areas - have low to gentle slopes m3 granite, glacial debris, and ice and
and lack tension cracks; hence, they fell at a distance of 400 to 900 down a
have low landslides susceptibility rating. valley.
- Speed-100-300 km/hr.
FLOOD 4. Slides
● Light pink - areas are low susceptibility - is a downslope movement of a soil and
to flooding. Flood height usually below 1 rock mass occurring dominantly on
meter. defined surfaces of rupture or thin shear
● Violet areas - have high susceptibility to zone.
flooding. Theses are areas with greater - LANDSLIDE - Is a variety of processes
than one-meter flood height and usually that result in the downward and outward
remain flooded for several hours during movement of slope-forming materials
heavy rains including rock, soil, artificial fill, or
combination of these. (USGS)
Can be due to: ● Cause of Landslides
1. Downslope Movement 1. The disruption of the balance between the
a. Falls angle of the slope and its load. (Construction of
b. Slides a structure- overloading, deforestation, road -
2. Vertical Movement widening)
a. Ground Subsidence 2. Buying properties located on a hillsides and
b. Collapse building houses on steep slopes.
Can be mitigated through: 3. Water saturates slope, making them heavier
1. Records of past events and more loose.
2. Use of hazards maps
3. Engineering methods
5. Slumps soluble bedrock because of percolating
- is a translational slides moving along a water, lowering of the water table and
surface of rupture that is curved and collapse of the cave roof.
concave upward.
- It is relatively less mass dangerous
movements involving the weak rocks the According to DENR-MGB (2007), the
on slow downslope movement of soil following are the signs of an approaching
and surface. landslide.
7. Avalanche 1. Leaning door jambs and windows.
- is an example of very deadly downslope 2. Cracks in concrete floors and windows.
movement. 3. Open spaces between walls and between
- It is associated with snowcapped stairs.
mountains. 4. Cracks in roads that gradually increase in
B. Vertical Movement 5. Misalignment or snapping of buried pipes.
1. Collapse 6. Bulges on the ground at foot slopes.
- When the overlying ground collapses 7. Emergence of springs or seepages.
into the soil cavities underground over 8. Leaning trees, poles and retaining walls.
the limestone, the collapse will result in 9. Rumbling sound that may increasingly
SINKHOLE. become louder.
- A sinkhole is usually formed by erosion
of bedrock. Acidic ground water and ● Preventing and Mitigating Mass
rainwater dissolve the rock and forms Movements:
underground passages of water. - Proper hazard zoning
- Hazard evolution
Common Types of Process in Sinkhole - Knowledge about the dowslope
Information: movements
- Dissolution is the result when the soil - Use of Buttress - adding load to lower
cover is thin and highly permeable. part.
(acidic ground water can seep through - Use of susceptibility map.
it) - Relocation and evacuation should be
- Cover subsidence from when sandy, made if there are structures identified as
permeable sediments sits on top of unsafe for the risk.
limestone bedrock. - Use of Shotcrete - cement mixture to
- Cover collapse can occur suddenly and strengthen slopes of the mountain.
without warnings. When overlying
sediments contain a significant amount
of clay, this cover becomes more
cohesive and less permeable, making it
difficult for fractures in the cavities of the
lime stones to be filled.

2. Ground Subsidence
- Is the slow lowering of the land surface.
- Can be attributed to the creation of
- This involves natural processes of
erosion the increment removal of slightly

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