AODSummer 2011

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Academy Examiner


We on the executive committee have been pleased as we have observed the progress in fulfilling the purposes and organization of the Academy. We have seen continued growth in the areas of education, service, and fellowship. Our annual conference continues to be one of the greatest values in post-graduate education, along with the complete family experience, which includes programs for our spouses and children. Our service development continues to expand to more areas of the world, where many of you have made a difference by providing dental service and sharing the principles of our culture along the way. Our scholarship program has been able to assist deserving dental students with their escalating educational costs. We hope the link to friendships you have developed over the years has been enhanced. As we are preparing for the upcoming annual conference, we desire to share a few aspects of the Academy with you. We are including a short report from a few of the groups that have been actively performing humanitarian dental service in various areas. Many more will be shared at our conference. Our dues, as well as any residual revenues from the annual conference, are used to help in various humanitarian service projects. Even though dues-paying members do have discounted fees for our August conference, please dont think that you only should pay them if you are able to attend. The dues help pay for humanitarian service needs as well as scholarships for some of our student members. We encourage all of you to be paid-up Academy members. Over the past three years, we have had Academy student chapters formed in 27 dental schools. Being a registered student member allows LDS students to apply for one of the scholarships we offer to dental and hygiene students. You have probably all received a copy of our conference brochure. It was designed to share information about the great program we have planned for the dentists as well as their children and spouses. Please invite some of your dental friends to attend the conference with you. It would enhance your enjoyment of the experience and introduce them to one of the most unique and beneficial events in dentistry. Hope to see you there,

John A. Gerritsen, DDS 20102012 Academy Of LDS Dentists President

2011 academy council

President: John A. Gerritsen Vice President: Evan Roundy Secretary/Treasurer: Laurence Palmer Past President: David Geddes Founder: Gordon Christensen

Dr. rich cAll continuEs his sErvicE in GuAtEmAlA

After participating in humanitarian dental projects in Guatemala for the past 12 years, Dr. Rich Call (Denver, Colorado) has accepted a full-time mission call to serve with his wife LeeAnn as the dental advisor for Central America, based in Guatemala City. He will be replacing Dr. Paul Fillmore at the Guatemala Dental Clinic in providing care for orphans, future missionaries and those preparing to leave for their missions from the MTC in Guatemala City. He also will be facilitating educational outreach programs for dental schools in Guatemala. Dr. Calls dental career in public health, education, and service projects began while he was a dental student in 1971 at Washington University in St. Louis. Between his freshman and sophomore years of dental school, he participated in developing a dental program for migrant farm workers in Colorado. That experience led him to a masters program in health administration following dental school and a career in dental education. While at the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine, Dr. Call developed nationally recognized outreach education programs, including the Advanced Clinical Training and Service (ACTS) Program, an AEGD (Advanced Education in General Dentistry) program, and served as chairman for the Department of Applied Dentistry. He also directed the eight-state Mountain-Plains AIDS Education and Training Center and was instrumental in developing the Area Health Education program for Colorado, serving as executive director for five years. In an interview, Dr. Call noted, This opportunity to serve didnt come at a convenient time in our lives, but it is the right time in the Lords time. Thats what matters. Some of the most meaningful experiences I have had serving the Lord have been while on these humanitarian dental trips. They have brought me closer to my wife and children and have taught me the rewards of serving. We expect this to be a richly rewarding time in our lives. Dr. Call has taken a leave of absence from his full-time dental practice, his teaching responsibilities, and his responsibilities on corporate and foundation boards to respond to this invitation to serve. (See the photo to the left) Because he was actually in Guatemala on April 29 when he and LeeAnn received their calls, through the marvels of modern technology and their sons help they had the unique experience of opening their calls electronically in the Guatemala Dental Clinic, where he will be primarily serving. He and his wife plan on staying in touch with their five children and 13 grandchildren through weekly Skype sessions, giving them the opportunity to teach the importance of responding to President Monsons call for more senior couples to serve missions. We invite all of you to celebrate this event by looking at your own schedules and finding a time to join in a humanitarian dental service project with your spouse, and if appropriate, older children. If you have some Spanish language skills, the Guatemala Dental Clinic built by the Church to serve orphans and future and newly called missionaries is an excellent place to serve. The five-chair clinic has great equipment and even better patients! Guatemala has a rich archeological history with beautiful ruins and a delightful spring-like climate year-round. You can e-mail Dr. Paul Fillmore or Dr. Rich Call at [email protected] for more information and to reserve your week to serve.

uPDAtE on thE GuAtEmAlA DEntAl clinic

by Elder and Hermana Tobler
Under the five-year leadership of Area President Don Clark, the missionary force has doubled in Central America. When he first came, there were 1,000 missionaries serving from Central America. Now there are 2,000. Temple attendance has risen, and the payback rate of the Perpetual Education Fund has gone from the lowest rate to the highest in the world. Many new stakes, wards, and branches have been formed. The number of family baptisms has risen sharply. What a great leader! The Dental ClinicThis week we finished the dentistry on the girls at the orphanage; we will start working on the boys. These girls have been of all different ages. Some of the best patients were young girls. We always let the orphans choose a gift from a big box of toys. The children love these toys. The girls and some of the boys love the stuffed animals. Usually the boys pick a car as their gift, or the older boys pick baseball caps. Visiting dentists usually stock the toy box as they come to visit. The clinic is a joy to work in.

Bishop H. David Burton and Elder James Martino of the Second Quorum of the Seventy visit the Guatemala Dental Clinic with Elder Ron and Sister Judy Tobler (far left) and the Fillmores (far right).

Garry and Ann Brown work on a future missionary from the MTC, at the Guatemala Dental Clinic.

Lee and Peggy Olsen volunteer at the Guatemala Dental Clinic.

Dr. Preston Polson, Alexi Polson (16) and Madelaine Polson (14) provide dental care to a girl from the Esperanza Orphanage in Guatemala City.

our sErvicE in GuAtEmAlA

by Gary Lawson, DMD
A few weeks ago, my wife Wendee and I had a wonderful opportunity to spend 10 days in Guatemala. One week we did dentistry at the Guatemala Dental Clinic. There we had the opportunity of working with Dr. Paul Fillmore and Dr. Ron Tobler, who along with their wives are serving an 18-month humanitarian mission for the LDS Church. We were very concerned about our ability to be effective as we do not speak Spanish and wondered if the language barrier would be too significant for us to be useful. However, we were pleasantly surprised! We were able to communicate using the few Spanish words and phrases we know and lots of hand signals. that had been placed, fillings that had been done, and dental-wise were in pretty good shape. Some of the older children who had lost permanent teeth had done so before the clinic was made available to the orphanages. There are a lot of great things happening in Guatemala with humanitarian dentistry. One of the highlights of our time there was going to the MTC in Guatemala City and giving exams to the young men and women who were getting ready to leave for their missions.

The success of this humanitarian mission is contingent on the full-time dental missionaries and volunteer dentists. The Fillmores and the Toblers pose We look forward to going back again in the near future. at the Guatemala Dental Clinic. As Wendee and I worked on children from an all-boy orWe came away with so much more than we gavenew phanage, I was very impressed by what I saw. The children in this friends, new appreciation for this country, and gratitude for the oporphanage were on a six-month recall schedule. They had sealants portunity to serve.

sErvicE in thE south PAciFic

by Dr. Wayne Chisholm

These perfect photographic views are from the Kingdom of Tonga, Samoa, and the Republic of Kiribati.

If youd like to have a working vacation with your spouse, or even with your whole family, you may want to look at Tonga, Samoa or the Republic of Kiribati. Deseret International, partnering with the Academy of LDS Dentists and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, has set up permanent dental clinics on the Church School campuses of Liahona, Pesega, and Moroni in these beautiful island countries. The options are open as to which island you would like to serve. There are people ready and willing to arrange housing and transportation and help you in any way needed. The dentist-to-population ratio is approximately 1 to 20,000. Dental caries have reached epidemic proportions, increasing rapidly in recent years due to the increasing availability of sweets. Besides having the joy of serving others so badly in need, you
Dr. Wayne Chisholm and a Tongan assistant provide service in the Tonga clinic.

will enjoy the beauties that abound in these countries. Lie on beautiful, secluded beaches, or snorkel with multicolored fish and coral. Enjoy the marketplace with its fresh produce and wonderful arts and crafts. Food and entertainment from the native islanders are not to be missed. Dr. Wayne Chisholm and his wife, Jeannine, have traveled to the South Pacific almost every year since their first trip in 1995. It has become a second home full of lifetime friends, special memories, and wonderful feelings of giving back some of the great blessings they have been given. If you have interest in providing dental care in the South Pacific, contact Wayne or Jeannine Chisholm. Paradise awaits you.

sErvicE oPPortunitiEs in uGAnDA AnD rWAnDA

Work Teach Mentor Explore
by Drew Cahoon

Happy Ugandan children show off their beautiful smiles.

Debbie Cook gives clinical instruction in Uganda.

Stephanie Shoemaker poses with Ugandan students and instructorsits a work of love!

Dr. Drew Cahoon shows children in Uganda how to use a rubber glove as a balloon.

On October 1014, 2011, Dr. Drew Cahoon and Dr. Tom Sorensen (Sandy, UT) will visit Uganda and work with the 20 public health dental officers who have been trained in community dentistry over the past few years, to ensure that the program is functioning as efficiently as possible. This will entail visiting primary schools in five districts in southern Uganda and making a report to the LDS service missionaries in Uganda on the progress of the outreach program there. Other volunteers are welcome to participate and learn firsthand how Atraumatic Restorative Technique (ART) is an effective restorative technique in developing countries. From October 1721, 2011, Drs. Sorensen and Cahoon will visit six clinics outside Kigali, Rwanda, that have chosen to participate in the Adopt an African Clinic Program. The dentists will take pictures of the community, the hospital, the clinic and the clinicians. They will interview hospital administrators and clinic managers to ensure that they are ready to comply with all requirements of the program and are ready for the equipment that will arrive from Alberta in November. These clinics will become satellite teaching centers to the dental school at the Kigali Health Institute by making the transition

from doing 95% extractions to become preventive and restorative clinics. Dr. Cahoon will stay in East Africa until November 11 to work with local dental professionals. He will happily provide clinics for volunteers from the Academy to work with local therapists to enhance their capacity to provide dental services in rural Rwanda. Note: The Clinton Health Access Initiative regards Kigali as the safest city to visit within the 68 countries where it presently works. On February 612, 2012 in Rwanda, a major training event will be held: a perio course at the Kigali Health Institute, followed by four days of mentoring at the six adopted clinics throughout Rwanda. The focus of this training and mentoring will be scaling (for hygienists) and amalgam fillings for dentists. The one-day amalgam refresher course was written by Kent Gibb, an instructor at the University of Alberta. We plan on having at least four hygienists and four dentists (who respect amalgam as a restorative material) for training and mentoring. All East African experiences are training events, accompanied by an amazing three-day African safari! If you are interested in participating, contact Drew Cahoon ([email protected]).

Will You hElP mEntor?

memBer Questions Forum
It has been suggested that we have a section on our website to help fellow members with questions they might have in their practice. This would be especially useful for the new dentists entering practice who have concerns and have no one else to ask. We are assembling a team of experienced clinicians who could field these questions, screen the content and assure accurate standards. Responses would be placed on a blog, Facebook discussions or some other forum where dentists could add their input. This will be a great service to our members. If you are interested in helping with this, please contact us at [email protected].

34th AnnuAl conFErEncE

AcADEmY oF lDs DEntists
oF thE

AuGust 12-13, 2011

USC student chapter members and their families pose at the beach, where they met for a service cleanup project and a bonfire dinner.

stuDEnt chAPtErs oF thE AcADEmY GroWinG

Student chapters of the Academy of LDS Dentists at our nations dental schools have been expanding. The chapters now number 27, with a current membership of 387. Student chapters have been organized at dental schools where LDS members of the student body have sufficient numbers to establish an organization. Even without a fully functioning student chapter, dental students may register through the Academy website as a student member of the Academy and still be eligible for the benefits of student membership. This includes great membership and conference fees until two years after graduation. Our highly successful scholarship program is a benefit to all student members. The website postings can be a great help in getting established in practice after graduation. Many chapters have taken advantage of our library of education DVDs that Gordon Christensen has made available. We would like to recognize the following graduates with appreciation for their service in the leadership of their student chapters. Joseph Johnson . . . . . Creighton University Brian Anderson. . . . . . University of Iowa Justin Sorenson . . . . . University of Louisville James Fairbanks . . . . . Tufts University Keith Mehner . . . . . . . Oklahoma University Mathew Godfrey . . . . . West Virginia University Nathan Pettit . . . . . . . . University of Nevada at Las Vegas We wish them great success in their future endeavors and look forward to their association in the Academy. We can all recall the great help a scholarship award can be in getting through dental school with all of its financial challenges. We would love to be able to further expand the number of awards we can make. We would welcome the participation of any Academy members who could donate to the scholarship fund, which is a worthy project. For you students, scholarship applications will be received until September 1, 2011. The application forms can be downloaded from the Academy website under Student Chapters. 5

socialize with fellow dentists while receiving instruction from some of the best clinicians in dentistry!
New for this year, you can earn up to 14 hours (instead of 12) of continuing education credit from the Academy of General Dentistry. All members of the dental team, including dental hygienists, are invited to attend, enjoy, and learn from this conference. In addition, dental students and retired dentists may attend at substantially reduced rates. Adults will enjoy a banquet and fireside, luncheons and other opportunities to meet and interact with their counterparts in the dental profession. They also will learn about the many opportunities the Academy provides for humanitarian service.

this years Presenting clinicians include:

Jeff J. Brucia, DDSEsthetic dentistry techniques and materials Michael A. Ignelzi Jr., DDS, PhDPediatric dentistry/orthodontics Linda L. Miles, CSP, CMCPractice management; Barry L. Musikant, DMDAlternatives to rotary endodontics Ray R. Padilla, DDSSports dentistry and oral/ facial injury prevention Lee H. Silverstein, DDS, MSPeriodontics, implants, and suturing Gordon J. Christensen, DDS, MSD, PhDA update for August 2011

sPouses Program
The theme is Joy and Gladness shall be found therein based on 2 Nephi 8:3. Kevin R. Miller will deliver the keynote address, The Art of Finding Joy in Everyday Life. Check out the 2011 Conference Brochure or see the Academys website at

Brigham Young University Conferences and Workshops 115 Harman Continuing Education Building Provo, Utah 84602
Address Service Requested



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Sign up now for the 34th Annual Dental Conference, one of the best activities offered to you this summer.

Academy Examiner
earn a Free entry to the annual conFerence
As you talk to your patients about our humanitarian services, some of them may be financially able to contribute funds to the Academy. If your patients collectively donate a total of $5,000 due to your influence, your conference fee will be waived. Contributions to these humanitarian efforts can be made to the Academy in two different ways: 1. At the Academys website at under Service, the reader can click on Make a Donation and fill out the Make a Donation form available there; or 2. Individuals can contact the executive director at 801-889-7012, or write to [email protected].

Visit our Website Visit the Academys updated website for valuable resources: Membership dues renewal Annual conference information & registration Classifieds ads: Buy/sell a practice Associate/partner opportunities News, recent and archived Newsletters Humanitarian Service opportunities Other valuable items

spring cruise offered by clinical research

Clinical Research will offer a cruise on March 3-10, 2012 where Gordon Christensens Update course will be given. Lois Banta will also give an office managers course on board. More information will be offered at the Annual Conference, with a discount given to conference attendees.

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