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The 5 AM Riser

My 3 Minutes
Technique To
Wake Up At 5
Am Easily

By Amol Karale
India's Leading MRM Coach
I want to personally promise you that this E-
Book can help you wake up early easily and
happily and that too with a 3 mins technique

When I was in search of a solution I realized

that I am not alone. Almost every other person
seems to be struggling with this problem. So
when I did found the solution I promised
myself that I will share this solution with as
many people as I can.

Till date I have helped thousands of people to

use this 3 min technique to wake up early at
any time of their choice and LOVE it too.

The best part is that it takes just 3 mins and

you are set for your rst success in the
morning, success to wake up by your choice
easily and happily.

Anchors - The Remote Control To

Our Mind 
In order for you to take control of your sleep and wake up early, you
must rst understand and take control of the remote control of your
mind which is called– Anchor!
“Anchors are programs which can trigger a speci c behaviour in us”

3 Min Wake up Anchor

Just remember this, follow every single instruction of this technique to

every small detail to experience 100% guaranteed results.
First and the most important instruction is to use this technique, the last
thing before you sleep at night.
After you use this technique and program the wake-up anchor just go to
sleep, and don’t engage in any other activities after using the technique
at night.
There are 3 simple steps which you must repeat 3 times to program
your wake-up anchor before you sleep at night
Step 1

Set The Anchor

Set an alarm in your mobile or watch (whatever you use as an alarm) for
one minute away. So if it's 10 pm then you set the alarm for 10:01 pm.
Step 2

Program The Anchor - 1st Part

Close your eyes and tell yourself loudly that :

“In the morning when this alarm rings at 5 am I will automatically

wake up feeling excited, happy and grateful for a beautiful

Now close your eyes and wait for the alarm to ring at 10:01 pm
Step 3

Program The Anchor - 2nd Part

In order to program your wake-up anchor when the alarm rings after
one minute, physically wake up with a big smile on your face by
saying “YES! I love getting up early by choice every morning, thank
you God for everything I have!” and then with full energy go straight
towards your bathroom.

Once you reach the bathroom come back and repeat all the steps 2
more times. So in total, you need to do the above steps 3 times.

So technically if your rst alarm is for 10:01 pm then you will set
another alarm for 10:02 pm, sleep telling yourself step #2 and when
the alarm rings do exactly as mentioned in step #3.

Quickly come back to your bed set the alarm for 10:03 pm and then
repeat all the steps one last time.

At the end just go to sleep and I promise you the anchor is

programmed, it will wake you up exactly at the time for which you
have programmed it.
Additional Steps

The 5-Step Techniques Wake Up


1. Set Your Intentions The Night

Before - This is the most
important step. Remember:
your rst thought in the morning
is usually the last thought you
had before bed, so take
responsibility for creating
genuine excitement for the next
morning, every night before
2. Keep Your Alarm Clock Away
From You - Remember,
Movement Creates Energy
3. Brush Your Teeth
4. Drink A Full Glass Of Water -
Hydrate Yourself ASAP
5. Get In Your Morning Ritual
By Amol Karale
India's Leading MRM Coach

Let Me Show You

How to Attract
Success In 4 Key
Areas Of Life:
Health, Career,
Relationship &
In 3 hours, you would be learning the practical
techniques of Morning Rituals & Law Of Attraction
which will help you to overcome all the challenges and
struggles that you are going through in 4 Key Areas Of
Life - Health, Career, Relationship and Money.
Transformation Guranteed!


Created with Growth Tools in Partnership with Leadpages

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