IGS NT SPTM 3.1.0 Reference Guide
IGS NT SPTM 3.1.0 Reference Guide
IGS NT SPTM 3.1.0 Reference Guide
ComAp a.s.
Kundratka 2359/17, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 246 012 111, Fax: +266 31 66 47
E-mail: info@comap.cz, www.comap.cz
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...............................................................................................................................................2
Document information ........................................................................................................................................4
Available related documentation ........................................................................................................................5
General guidelines ..............................................................................................................................................6
What is described in this manual? .................................................................................................................6
Dangerous voltage .........................................................................................................................................7
Adjust set points .............................................................................................................................................7
Clarification of notation ...................................................................................................................................8
Available Firmware and Archive sets .................................................................................................................9
General description ..........................................................................................................................................10
Basic description of SPtM application ..........................................................................................................10
Functions ..........................................................................................................................................................11
OFF-MAN-AUT-TEST mode ........................................................................................................................11
Mains parameters out of limits during synchronising ...................................................................................12
Active Power control modes in SPtM ...........................................................................................................13
PF control modes .........................................................................................................................................14
Load shedding ..............................................................................................................................................15
Test on load – SPtM .....................................................................................................................................16
Power derating .............................................................................................................................................17
Start up synchro (SUS) sequence description .............................................................................................17
Engine states................................................................................................................................................21
Circuit breakers operation sequence, GCB/MCB fail detection ...................................................................29
Peak shaving based on Active and Apparent power ...................................................................................36
Remote Alarm Messaging ............................................................................................................................36
Controller Redundancy ................................................................................................................................38
Automatic Mains Failure function .................................................................................................................39
Force value – step by step guide .................................................................................................................40
Values for continuous writing from external sources ...................................................................................41
General Purpose Timers ..............................................................................................................................41
History Related functions .............................................................................................................................43
User Buttons.................................................................................................................................................44
Remote Control Function .............................................................................................................................45
Virtual Peripheral Inputs-Outputs (VPIO) module ........................................................................................45
Shared Inputs and Outputs ..........................................................................................................................46
Distributed Binary Inputs and Outputs .........................................................................................................47
Modbus Reading and Writing .......................................................................................................................48
User MODBUS .............................................................................................................................................48
Modbus Switches .........................................................................................................................................49
Analog Input Sensors and User Sensors .....................................................................................................49
Languages and Translator tool in GenConfig ..............................................................................................50
Power Formats .............................................................................................................................................50
System Start/Stop ........................................................................................................................................50
User Mask function ......................................................................................................................................51
PLC functions ...............................................................................................................................................52
Multi language support .................................................................................................................................52
ECU interface customizing ...........................................................................................................................52
Sync/load control adjustment .......................................................................................................................52
Volt/PF control adjustment ...........................................................................................................................54
Protections and Alarm management ................................................................................................................56
Configuration of User configurable protections in GenConfig ......................................................................63
Gen-set operation states ..................................................................................................................................66
Inputs and Outputs ...........................................................................................................................................68
Virtual and physical modules .......................................................................................................................68
Setpoints ...........................................................................................................................................................69
List of possible events ......................................................................................................................................70
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Controller configuration and monitoring ...........................................................................................................71
Direct connection to the PC .........................................................................................................................71
GenConfig functions .....................................................................................................................................71
InteliMonitor ..................................................................................................................................................72
Modbus protocol ...........................................................................................................................................72
Value and setpoint codes .............................................................................................................................72
Technical data ..............................................................................................................................................72
Language support ........................................................................................................................................72
Setpoint groups ............................................................................................................................................74
Setpoints - SMS/E-Mail ................................................................................................................................75
Setpoints - AMF Settings .............................................................................................................................75
Setpoints - Analog protect ............................................................................................................................76
Setpoints - Basic Settings ............................................................................................................................76
Setpoints - Comms settings .........................................................................................................................76
Setpoints - Date/Time ..................................................................................................................................77
Setpoints - Engine Params ..........................................................................................................................77
Setpoints - Engine Protect ...........................................................................................................................78
Setpoints - Force value ................................................................................................................................78
Setpoints - Gener Protect .............................................................................................................................79
Setpoints - Load shedding ...........................................................................................................................79
Setpoints - Mains protect .............................................................................................................................79
Setpoints - Process Control .........................................................................................................................80
Setpoints - SUS control ................................................................................................................................80
Setpoints - Sync/load Ctrl .............................................................................................................................80
Setpoints - Timer settings ............................................................................................................................81
Setpoints - Volt/PF Control...........................................................................................................................81
Value groups ....................................................................................................................................................82
Values group - Analog CU ...........................................................................................................................82
Values group - Bin inputs CU .......................................................................................................................82
Values group - Bin outputs CU.....................................................................................................................82
Values group - Engine values ......................................................................................................................82
Values group - Force value ..........................................................................................................................83
Values group - Gener values .......................................................................................................................83
Values group - Info .......................................................................................................................................83
Values group - Log Bout ..............................................................................................................................84
Values group - Load shedding .....................................................................................................................84
Values group - Mains values ........................................................................................................................84
Values group - Statistics ..............................................................................................................................84
Values group - Sync/Load ctrl ......................................................................................................................85
Values group - Volt/PF ctrl ...........................................................................................................................85
Binary input functions .......................................................................................................................................86
Analog input functions ......................................................................................................................................88
Binary output functions .....................................................................................................................................89
Common functions .......................................................................................................................................89
Breaker control .............................................................................................................................................89
Control loops ................................................................................................................................................89
Status information ........................................................................................................................................90
Fixed protections output ...............................................................................................................................90
Configurable protection outputs ...................................................................................................................91
Appendix ...........................................................................................................................................................93
Table of setpoints .........................................................................................................................................93
Table of values ...........................................................................................................................................209
Table of binary input functions ...................................................................................................................243
Table of analog input functions ..................................................................................................................284
Table of binary output functions .................................................................................................................294
1 3.1.0 31.8.2014
Pressing F1 in the GenConfig and InteliMonitor setpoint, values or configuration window will
open the help with the context of currently selected setpoint, value and binary input or output
!! Warnings !!
The NT controller can be remotely controlled. In the event that maintenance needs to be done to the gen-set,
check the following to ensure that the engine cannot be started.
To be sure:
Disconnect remote control via RS232 line
Disconnect input REMOTE START/STOP
Disconnect output STARTER and outputs GCB CLOSE/OPEN and MCB CLOSE/OPEN
The controller contains a large number of configurable setpoints, because of this it is impossible to describe
all of its functions. These are subject to change from SW version to SW version. This manual only describes
the product and is not guaranteed to be set for your application on arrival.
ESC (Capital letters in the frame) buttons on the front panel
Break Return (Italic) set points
Generator protections (Bold) Set point group
Cyan background Valid for IS-NT only
Conformity declaration
Following described machine complies with the appropriate basic safety and health
requirement of the EC Low Voltage Directive No: 73/23 / EEC and EC
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336 / EEC based on its design and type,
as brought into circulation by us.
ComAp believes that all information provided herein is correct and reliable and reserves the right to update
at any time. ComAp does not assume any responsibility for its use unless otherwise expressly undertaken.
Be aware that the MCB can be switched off and gen-set can start !!!
Switch the controller to MAN mode and disconnect the Binary outputs Starter and Fuel
to avoid unexpected automatic start of gen-set and GCB closing.
The following instructions are for qualified personnel only. To avoid personal injury do
not perform any action not specified in this User guide !!!
This type of paragraph calls readers’ attention to a notice or related theme.
This type of paragraph highlights a procedure, adjustment, etc. which may cause damage or improper
functioning of the equipment if not carried out correctly and may not be clear at first sight.
This type of paragraph indicates things, procedures, adjustments, etc. which demand a high level of
attention, otherwise personal injury or death may occur.
Firmware (*.mhx)
InteliGen NT GC InteliGen NT BaseBox InteliSys NT BaseBox
InteliGen NTC GC InteliGen NTC BaseBox InteliSys NTC BaseBox
IG-NT-GC-3.1.0 IG-NT-BB-3.1.0 IS-NT-3.1.0
Archives (*.ant)
InteliGen NT GC InteliGen NT BaseBox InteliSys NT BaseBox
InteliGen NTC GC InteliGen NTC BaseBox InteliSys NTC BaseBox
IG-GC-SPTM-3.1.0 IG-BB-SPTM-3.1.0 IS-SPTM-3.1.0
IG-GC-SPI-3.1.0 IG-BB-SPI-3.1.0 IS-SPI-3.1.0
IG-GC-MINT-3.1.0 IG-BB-MINT-3.1.0 IS-MINT-3.1.0
IG-GC-COMBI-3.1.0 IG-BB-COMBI-3.1.0 IS-COMBI-3.1.0
IG-GC-COX-3.1.0 IG-BB-COX-3.1.0 IS-COX-3.1.0
IG-GC-MINT-Marine-3.1.0 IS-MINT-Marine-3.1.0
Some features are available only in InteliGen NT Basebox, InteliGen NTC Basebox and InteliSys NT. These
features are highlighted by green background.
MAN mode
1) START - starts the gen-set.
If generator voltage is out of the limits (adjusted in the set point group Gener protect) controller does
not respond to the GCB ON/OFF
a) controller closes GCB to dead bus.
b) controller starts GCB synchronizing when mains is OK and MCB is closed. Closes the GCB
when synchronized and stays running in parallel. Operational mode in parallel depends on
ProcessControl setting.
c) Unloads gen-set and opens the GCB if gen-set was running in parallel to the mains.
d) Opens GCB immediately if gen-set was running in island operation.
a) controller closes MCB to dead bus (even if the mains voltage is out of limits).
b) controller starts MCB synchronizing when gen-set is running and GCB is closed. Closes the
MCB when synchronized and stays running in parallel. Operational mode in parallel depends on
ProcessControl setting.
c) Unloads gen-set and opens the MCB if gen-set was running in parallel to the mains.
a) When gen-set is running in parallel: transfers load to the mains, opens GCB, goes into cooling
state and stops the engine.
b) When gen-set is running island (MCB is opened): opens GCB, goes into cooling state and stops
the engine.
c) When engine is running unloaded: activates cooling sequence and then stops the engine.
d) During cooling state causes immediate engine stop.
The genset is permitted to run unloaded for unlimited time.
Controller does not automatically start the gen-set when power cut comes or REM START/STOP is closed.
Controller does not automatically change the MCB state depending on mains changes.
Load control in parallel depends on ProcessControl: Load ctrl PtM setpoint.
In SEM mode, pressing of START or STOP buttons performs a predefined sequence:
1) START – starts the engine, synchronizes and runs in parallel.
2) STOP – softly unloads the gen-set, opens GCB, provides cooldown and stops the engine.
3) In case of mains failure and Process control: MFStart enable set to YES, allows automatic start/stop
same as in AUT mode.
1 YES YES BOTH YES SPTM application, stand-by, soft load transfer
2 NO YES BOTH X SPTM – long parallel, no Stand-by
3 YES NO NONE YES SSB with break transfer;
Gen-set start (based on LBI:Rem start/stop) in
AUTO mode is blocked.
NO NO REV NO Gen-set start is blocked. Binary output
NO YES REV NO StartBlocked indicates those states.
TEST mode
Use TEST mode for Gen-set start test if the Mains is OK or to transfer the load to the gen-set when Mains
fail is announced in advance.
The controller does not respond to GCB ON/OFF , STOP, START in Return To mains = ENABLED.
Engine automatically starts, when TEST mode is selected.
Engine can start automatically without warning when pressing FAULT RESET after shut down alarm.
MCB GCB governor
Analog input:
Actual power
Actual power
Requested power
ProcessControl: Baseload
Requested power
ProcessControl: Load ctrl PtM = ANEXT BASELOAD ProcessControl: Load ctrl PtM = BASELOAD
Imains ph3
Analog input:
Actual I/E power Actual I/ E power
Requested I /E power Requested I/E power
ProcessControl : IM/ EX ProcessControl : IM/EX
PF control modes
Imains ph3
AVRi output
AVRi output
Actual PF
Actual I / E PF
Vmains AVR
Imns 3
AVRi output
Analog input:
Actual I/E PF
Requested I/E PF
ProcessControl : Import PF
Load shedding
All LOAD SHED outputs are activated (closed) to trip the unessential load when gen-set goes to island:
a) When GCB is closed after mains fail and gen-set starts in SEM / AUT mode.
b) When MCB opens from parallel to mains operation in SEM / AUT mode.
c) Before MCB is opened in MAN mode by button.
The load shedding function is active in all controller modes except OFF.
Load shedding has three steps and each step is linked with its own Load shed x binary output. There is only
one load shed level and delay for all three steps as well as recon level and delay. Load shed can only move
from one step to the next, e.g. No LoadShed to LdShed S1 to LdShed S2 to LdShed S3 and vice versa.
If manual reconnection of the load is desired, the AutoLd recon setpoint needs to be disabled (AutoLd recon
= DISABLED) and the MAN load recon binary input needs to be configured.
Rising edge on this input resets the controller to a lower stage, but only if the load is under the Ld recon level
at that moment.
LdShed stage 1
Load shedding: Ld shed level
ManualLdRecon Ld shed delay LdShed stage 2
Ld recon level
Ld recon delay LdShed stage 3
AutoLd recon
If no Load Shedding outputs are configured, there is no record to history and no scrren timer indication of the
activity of this function.
Gen-set power
Ld shed level
BO Load shed 1
BO Load shed 2
BO Load shed 3
Ld recon level
Gen-set starts and goes to load (synchronizes to the mains, closes GCB and opens MCB) automatically
when this input is closed even if Mains is OK.
It is possible to configure both binary inputs (Remote TEST and Test on load) to only one controller physical
binary input internally.
Power derating
This function linearly decreases genset nominal power according to analog input value.
Gen-set power starts decreasing when temperature measured by Analog input PowerDeratingX exceeds
DeratingX strt value.
Gen-set power is at DeratedX pwr value when temperature measured by Analog input Power deratingX is
equal or higher than DeratingX end value.
To use Power derating function configure at first Analog input PowerDeratingX to any IGS-NT or IS-AIN
analog input terminal by GenConfig.
When Power derating function is active the generator overload protection is based on the Derated power! ! !
When derating function is not active the Derating power is equal to Nominal power.
Example :
Nomin power = 200 kW, Derating1 strt = 70 °C, Derating1 end = 100 °C, Derated1 pwr = 70 %.
Genset is running at Nominal power 200 kW. When temperature reached 70 °C the genset power starts
decreasing. When temperature reached 100 °C genset runs at 70 % of Nominal power = 140 kW. When
temperature increased above DeratingX end temperature level, gen-set power stays at DeratedX pwr level
140 kW.
Temperature derating function
decreases genset power depend
on setpoints DeratingX strt,
DeratingX end and DeratedX pwr.
RPM window – it defines RPM window, where the gen-set can be excited.
RPM win TO – RPM window Time Out defines time for achieving RPM window and activation
LBO:ReadyToExcite, if the gen-set doesn’t activate LBO:ReadyToExcite in this time out, the GCB is opened
and gen-set is started by standard way.
SPtM aplication, ExcitationCtrl=INTERNAL, RPM achives RPM window in RPM win TO.
Nominal RPM
} window
} window
SUS excitation
GCB feedback
GCB close/open
Rem Start/Stop
Sys S/S
activation Start of RPM evaluation
SPtM aplication, ExcitationCtrl=INTERNAL, RPM don’t achive RPM window in RPM win TO
Nominal RPM
} window
} window
SUS excitation
0 ReadytoExcite
GCB feedback
GCB close/open
Rem Start/Stop
Sys S/S
activation Start of RPM evaluation RPM win TO expires
On the picture is depicted SUS sequence where RPM don’t achieve RPM window in RPM win TO.
The picture shows that RPM don't achieve RPM window and LBO:ReadyToExcite is not activated in delay
RPM win TO. This causes opening GCB and STANDARD start sequence when RPM win TO delay is up.
Nominal RPM
} window
} window
1s ReadytoExcite
GCB feedback
GCB close/open
Rem Start/Stop
RPM Waiting for Min stab Max stab
Idle time
win TO LBI: SUS excit blck=0 time time
Prestart RPM
Electric protections
time activated
Electric protections - deactivated
Sys S/S
activation Start of RPM evaluation
Picture shows process of starting the gen-set achieving the RPM window and activation LBO:ReadyToExcite
in RPM win TO timer. After this is no timer and controller/system waits for activation of excitation
(deactivation of LBI:SUS excit blck). After activation of excitation the MinStabtime and MaxStabTime follow.
SPtM aplication, ExcitationCtrl=EXTERNAL, RPM dont achive RPM window in RPM win TO
Nominal RPM
} window
} window
SUS excitation
GCB feedback
GCB close/open
Rem Start/Stop
Sys S/S
activation Start of RPM evaluation RPM win TO expires
The residual magnetism of the armature can cause that there can apperar the voltage on the bus during the
SUS start sequence. The value higher then 1/3 of the setpointGenNomV is used as the limit of the protection
during the SUS start sequence. If the voltage of the gen-set (actually the bus voltage) is higher than this limit,
the SUS sequence is interrupted and GCB is opened. Gen-set continues in standard start sequence.
Engine states
Engine prelubrication
Prelubr pump
Engine params: PrelubrTime
PrelubrPause Not lubricated
To use Prelubrication, configure Binary output PRELUBR PUMP first.
Prelubrication is disabled in controller OFF mode or if Prelubr time is set to zero.
Binary output PRELUBR PUMP is opened when engine is running.
Prelubrication cycle starts with PrelubrPause after engine stop.
Prelubrication cycle starts immediately when controller power supply is switched on or when mode changes
from OFF to MAN or AUT or after Emergency stop was reset. An Alarmlist message “Not lubricated” is active
until this first lubrication cycle has been completed.
Engine cooling
Engine params: Cooling speed Cooling pump
Cooling time
Cooldown optim Cooling
Engine warming
Engine params: Warming load requested load
Warming temp Warming temp Warming
Analog input Max warm time
Engine starting procedure if Engine params: Fuel solenoid = DIESEL ENGINE with different setting of
FuelSol offset.
BO: Starter
FuelSol offset RPM > Starting RPM or
-5s +5s Oil pressure > Starting POil or
RunIndication1,2,3 = 1
0 s offset means that Fuel
solenoid is activated together
BO: Fuel solenoid with Starter.
BO: Starter
FuelSol offset FuelSol ofset countdown is
started if RPM > 30.
RPM > 30
0 s FuelSol offset activates
the Fuel solenoid
BO: Fuel solenoid immediately if RPM > 30.
Max up to 5s
BO: Fuel solenoid Fuel solenoid activation
Generator nominal voltage is 231V but during Cranking is forced to 1000V until engine in Idle state (at least
one of condition has to be fulfilled).
BO: Starter
MaxCrank time Starting RPM level not reached
and no other signs of running
engine is present.
BO: Starter
Starter switched off after
Idle time <5s reaching Starting RPM or other
engine „running“ condition.
Transition Idle - > Nominal RPM.
BO: Idle/Nominal
= 5s
Underspeed protection
BO: Starter
Starter switched off after
Idle time > 5s
reaching Starting RPM or other
„running“ condition.
Transition Idle - > Nominal RPM.
BO: Idle/Nominal
= 5s
Underspeed protection
Idle time
Starter switched off.
Transition Idle - > Nominal RPM.
BO: Idle/Nominal
= 5s
Underspeed unblocking Underspeed protection
Max stab time
Electrical protections enabled.
ProtDel GroupX „Engine running only“
protections of group X (=1 -3)
measured RPM = 0
Stop button pressed (MAN
> 25% GenNomV Gen V > 25% Generator Nominal
Voltage (any phase)
RunIndication 1,2,3 active
BI: RunIndication 1,2,3
Oil press > Starting POil
Oil Press
AI: Oil press function
D+ indication
D+ terminal active for minimum 1s
BO: CB close/open
BI: CB fdb
BO: CB UV coil 2s 2s
1s 1s
BO: CB ON coil
BO: CB status
BI: CB fdb = 0
BO: CB fail
BI: CB fdb
CB fail – If any inconsistence between
the two feedback signals is detected, CB
BI: CB fdb neg = 1 fail is issued.
BO: CB status = 0
BO: CB fail
CB open command:
BO: CB close/open
BO: CB status
BO: CB close/open
Closing pulse is shortened, opening
sequence is started immediatelly
BO: CB ON coil
BO: CB UV coil
CB opening by protection or manual
command (button pressed)
BO: CB OFF coil
BI: CB fdb
BO: CB status
Transition opening -> closing (closing command is issued during opening pulse)
In this moment, the reason for closing the
CB is activated again (e.g. Remote
BO: CB close/open Start/Stop is activated)
BO: CB ON coil
BO: CB UV coil
Here starts the standard closing
sequence – see CB close command.
BO: CB OFF coil
BO: CB status
FwRet break
BO: GCB close/open
When the BO CB close/open opens, there is 5 resp. 2 sec delay for the breaker to respond before a CB
fail is detected. In such case, if CB OFF coil is used for opening the CB and CB fail occurs during
opening the CB, the signal CB OFF coil is automatically extended until the breaker opening is detected
(evaluated as CB status).
In case that CB fail is detected after switching the controller on (CB is closed), the CB OFF coil output is
activated immediatelly.
If the MCB or GCB feedback gets active during synchronization the breaker is imediately closed.
In case that MCB feedback is active (MCB is expected as closed) and “MCB fail” is reported due to previous
incorrect manipulation of MCB, in the moment of Fault reset, the MCB fail is cleared and the controller
internally goes to “closed” state. I.e. MCB fdb status is confirmed and the output MCB close/open is
Sys start/stop
Figure: Example of peak shaving function based on Active power (the same function for Reactive power)
Function Peak Shaving based on Apparent power is not available for IG-NT-GC controller.
Example of setting
There is an example of setting of Remote Alarm Messaging. In this case active calls we be triggered on
Mains protect and Mains protect with Reset alarms. Message is sent via email to
emailAddress@domain.com (Channel 1 – available for NTC controller or with any controller with connected
IB-NT or I-LB+), archive is sent via ISDN modem to the number +111222333444 (Channel 2) and SMS is
sent to the number +999111333555 (Channel 3).
It is also possible to adjust number of attempts that controller performs in case of not successful Active Call –
Comms settings:ActCallAttempt. The language of messages can be changed –
Comms settings:Acall+SMS lang (use Translator and Languages tabs in GenConfig to adjust languages).
Up to five channels can be used.
Do not use Shared Binary Inputs/Outputs for CTRLHBEAT FD -> EMERG.MANUAL connection since the failed
controller may not interpret it correctly!
LOG BIN Emerg. manual
CtrlHBeat FD
Contr. Address = X
In the figure above the signal of logical function CtrlHBeat FD is used to disable the main controller if it is lost
from CAN bus or CAN bus communication from that controller becomes erratic. It is used also to disable the
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redundant controller when the communication on CAN bus is alright (it is negated). For more information on
Virtual Binary Inputs and Outputs (VPIO) please refer to the chapter about Shared Binary Inputs and Outputs
and Virtual Binary Inputs and Outputs.
Use pulse signals for control of circuit breakers. MCB ON COIL, MCB OFF COIL, MGCB ON COIL and MGCB
OFF COIL should be used to prevent sudden opening for a short period of time when the controller fails and
to ensure proper function of redundancy.
InSPtM application there is also setting for the duration of breaker overlap available. This
time (given by the setpoint AMF setting:BreakerOverlap) defines maximal time for run in MCB recloses
parallel during return to once again healthy Mains (even though soft unloading is not
completed, after AMF setting:BreakerOverlap elapses the GCB is opened regardless of Breaker overlap elapses
(soft unld not done)
load on gen-set).
GCB opens
ID of binary input
(1 for ForceValueIn 1 etc.)
For example if we add Force value:Force value 1 to be forced to ProcessControl:Export limit as value 0
(DISABLED) by Binary Input FORCEVALUEIN 1 we can change the function of Export limit from ENABLED to
DISABLED by activation of FORCEVALUEIN 1. It is possible to rename the setpoint to e.g.
Force value:ExportDisabled and Binary Input as well to e.g. DISABLEEXPLIM. The function will not change
(only the corresponding names).
It is possible to use several force value functions for one setpoint. If more than one forcing Binary Input is
active, the one with the highest position (lowest number in the Force value dialog) is used.
It is possible as well to use one Binary Input to force multiple setpoints (e.g. in case of complex function
Timer modes
Available modes of each timer:
ONCE This is a single shot mode. The timer will be activated only once at preset date/time for
preset duration.
DAILY The timer is activated every "x-th" day. The day period "x" is adjustable. Weekends can
be excluded. E.g. the timer can be adjusted to every 2nd day excluding saturdays and
WEEKLY The timer is activated every "x-th" week on selected weekdays. The week period "x" is
adjustable. E.g. the timer can be adjusted to every 2nd week on monday and friday.
MONTHLY The timer is activated every "x-th" month on the selected day. The requested day can
be selected either as "y-th" day in the month or as "y-th" weekday in the month. E.g. the
timer can be adjusted to every 1st month on 1st tuesday.
SHORT PERIOD The timer is repeated with adjusted period (hh:mm). The timer duration is included in
the preriod.
The mode of each timer channel is adjusted by an assigned setpoint. The setpoints are located int the Timer
settings group and can be adjusted via InteliMonitor and GenConfig.
Below is an example how to use the timers for periodic tests of the gen-set performed every sunday with
duration of 30 minutes and also for scheduled transfer of the load before expected mains failure announced
by the local electricity distribution company to 1.5.2010 from 01:00 to 04:00.
1. The output TIMERACT 1-4 is configured internally in GenConfig (LBI tab) to the logical binary
2. The setpoint Timer settings:TimerChannel 1 is adjusted to "repeated" mode, "weekly" period, only
sundays, starting date/time next sunday at 0:00, timer duration 0:30 min.
User Buttons
There are several User Buttons available in the controller. It is possible to set them on Soft Buttons in
InteliVision 5 or 8.
Selects which button is this function mapped to
(0 – first button, 1 – second button and so on)
Available functions for soft buttons are listed in the following table.
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. Binary Output USER BUTTON X to closed.
When the output is closed and the button is pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. Binary Output USER BUTTON X to opened.
When the output is opened and the button is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. Binary Output USER BUTTON X to opened or
closed depending on previous state (it is changed to the opposite state).
PULSE ON Pressing the button issues log. Binary Output USER BUTTON X to close for one second.
Repeated pressing of button during the closed period (one second) causes issuing other
puls of length of one second to be generated from the moment of button pushing.
It is possible to lock User Button with password (go to tab Commands in GenConfig). User Buttons 1-5, 6-8
and 9-16 can be locked separately. It is also possible to use User Buttons in SCADA diagrams.
Figure: Remote Switches tool in InteliMonitor, Remote Switches tools in Line Diagram Editor and Mobus commands
Remote Switches may be easily used to trigger logical Binary Input function and all other related functions as
normal switch on Binary Input. Module VPIO (Virtual Peripheral Inputs- Outputs) can be added to
configuration and it will copy the state of Remote Switch on virtual output to its counterpart virtual input.
Refer to the figure below for example.
VPIO module
Vitual Output Virtual Input
Remote Switch
command 2
LBO:RemoteControl1 LBI:Emerg. manual
Controller 1 Controller 2 Controller 3
Not Received
Module SHBIN (1) is not
Not Received
Module SHBIN (2) is not
Not Received
Figure: Principal Scheme (same for shared Binary I/O and shared Analogue I/O
Shared Binary Inputs and Outputs may be used exactly in the same way as standard physical Inputs and
Outputs. If SHBIN or SHAIN modules are configured, at least one corresponding module of SHBOUT or
SHAOUT (respectively) is needed. If it is not configured, corresponding protection appears because SHBIN
or SHAIN will be missing. See the figure below for more information.
For proper function of Shared Binary and Analog Inputs and Outputs, only one source of Shared Binary or
Analog Outputs must be configured (i.e. it is not possible to configure in one controller SHBOUT1 and to
another one as well SHBOUT1).
Controller sends Shared Binary Outputs each 100ms if there are any changes in any bit position. If there are
no changes, controller sends the information with period 1s.
Controller 2 Controller 3
Not Transimitted
Not Received
Module SHBIN (2) is not
CAN communication
-01 -02 -03 -04 -01 -02 -03 -04 -01 -02 -03 -04 -01 -02 -03 -04
Controller sends Distributed Binary Outputs each 100ms if there are any changes in any bit position. If there
are no changes, controller sends the information with period 1s.
DISTBIN and DISTBOUT function is not available for IM-NT-GC controller.
DISTBIN and DISTBOUT function is conditioned by IGS-NT-LSM+PMS dongle.
If Modbus Master function is required extension module I-CB/Modbus connected via CAN1 can be used. For
more information on how to use this module please refer to InteliGen/InteliSys Communication Guide and to
I-CBEdit manual.
Users can define Modbus registers from 42873 to 43000. Values, setpoints and Alarm states can be
specified for these new Modbus registers to prepare the Modbus protocol for batch reading and writing or to
standardize Modbus protocol between FW versions or branches.
Select object
User MODBUS function is not available for IM-NT-GC controller.
Register for writing Modbus register number Value for back-reading Modbus register number
ModbusSw1 46337 ModbusSw1 40547
ModbusSw2 46338 ModbusSw2 40548
The LSB of ModbusSw1 (46337) corresponds with LBO “ModbusSw1”
The LSB of ModbusSw2 (46338) corresponds with LBO “ModbusSw17”
Register port for writing Input value LBO ModbusSw16 ………………….ModbusSw1
ModbusSw1 (46337) 000F HEX 0000 0000 0000 1111
Connected Sensor
(default and user
Resolution of
converted value
Custom curve name
Power Formats
IGS-NT family allows user to choose from several Power Formats that affect dimensions in which values and
some setpoints are interpreted or adjusted. Power formats may be changed in Miscellaneous tab in
GenConfig. There are following Power Formats available:
1 kW kVAr kVA kX V
0,1 kW kVAr kVA kX V
0,01 MW MVAr MVA MX kV
Range of some setpoints and values is changed significantly when different Power Formats are selected.
Last Power Format is designed to be used in combined Power/High Voltage and Low Voltage instalations.
High voltage is then interpreted in Volts (e.g. 33256V instead of 33kV).
Last two Power Formats can be used in combination on one CAN bus.
System Start/Stop
For proper function of the system, System start and stop signal needs to be used properly. Below there is
scheme that shows how to use the Binary Output SYS START/STOP in the system using just CAN wiring (no
physical wiring is needed to share the starting and stoping signal into all controllers in the system).
Sys Start/Stop InteliSys
BTB feedback
Sys S/S from IM1
CAN M2 Start
(sheet output)
BTB feedback InteliGen/
Logical Group 1 Sys S/S from IM1
Logical Group 2 BTB feedback
InteliMains2 Sys S/S from IM2
M1 Start
SHBOUT2-1 (sheet output)
Sys Start/Stop
Figure: Preparation of correct system start/stop function for two logical groups
PLC functions
See description in IGS-NT-Application guide 05-2013.pdf.
Binary selector
This function enables to change the following CAN values transmitted to ECU via J1939 or binary output
only. The change can be provided by setpoint or via Binary input. There are four Bin selector channels
CAN - J1939
Engine params: Bin selector x
Force value y
Force value: Force value y Bin selector x
Speed governor has to be adjusted for optimum performance before Sync / load control adjusting.
Check generator phase sequence before the first GCB connection.
- 5 % of nominal - 5 % of nominal
SpeedRegChar = POSITIVE SpeedRegChar = NEGATIVE
Before optimal Sync/load setpoints adjusting disconnect GCB OPEN/CLOSE output or set Phase window =
0 to avoid paralleling.
Synchronizer adjustment
1) Start the engine in MAN Mode.
2) Set the engine RPM by speed trim on speed governor or by Speed gov bias and SpeedGovLowLim and
SpeedGovHiLim to Nominal frequency.
3) To start synchronizing press GCB ON/OFF button. GCB LED starts to flash to indicate synchronization.
To stop synchronization press again GCB ON/OFF .
Slip control adjusting:
4) Adjust Freq gain to unstable speed control and decrease value by 30 % to insure stable performance.
5) Adjust Freq int to stable (fast and smooth) slip control. Synchroscope movement on the controller
measure screen should slow down and stop (in any position, because Angle control is off).
Angle control adjusting:
6) Set Angle gain. Synchroscope on the controller measure screen should move slowly and stop in “up“
position. Set Angle gain to unstable value (synchroscope swings) and decrease value by 30 % to
insure stable performance.
Cos < 0 L Cos > 0 L Cos > 0 L Cos < 0 L Cos > 0 L
Export P Import P Consumption P Consumption P Generation P
Import Q Import Q Inductive LOAD Generation Q Generation Q
Cos < 0 C Cos > 0 C Cos > 0 C Cos < 0 C Cos > 0 C
Export P Import P Consumption P Consumption P Generation P
Export Q Export Q Capacitive LOAD Consumption Q Consumption Q
Exported active power is supplied to the mains. It is displayed in negative numbers e.g. –20kW.
Imported active power is consumed from the mains. It is displayed in positive numbers e.g. +20kW.
When reactive power is imported (>0) InteliMains-NT displays L (inductive) character of the load.
When reactive power is exported (<0) InteliMains-NT displays C (capacitive) character of the load.
Active power consumed by Load is displayed in positive numbers e.g. 20kW.
When reactive power is positive (>0) InteliMains-NT displays L (inductive) character of the load.
When reactive power is negative (<0) InteliMains-NT displays C (capacitive) character of the load.
Generated active power is displayed in positive numbers e.g. 20kW.
When reactive power is positive (>0) IGS-NT displays L (inductive) character of the load.
When reactive power is negative (<0) IGS-NT displays C (capacitive) character of the load.
0V 0V
0% AVR DCout bias 100.0 % 0% AVR DCout bias 100.0 %
AVRi Out1 or Out 2 to GND output voltage depends on AVRi trim setting
m AVRi output voltage
t= imu
i po m in Out1 - OCOM Out2 - OCOM Out1 – Out2
VR i p ot =
A AVR Bias \ Pot Min Max Min Max Min Max
0V AVR DCout bias
50 %
0% 0 0 2 10 - 2 V -10 V
0% 100.0 %
50 % 1 5 1 5 0V 0V
100 % 2 10 0 0 + 2 V 10 V
-10 V
To judge optimal adjusting induce generator voltage jumps by AVR DCout bias change or by Nominal
voltage change .
AVRi output OCOM is common output. GND was used instead of OCOM
PF control adjustment
The genset should be cca 30 % loaded in parallel to mains and baseload mode.
1) Set the same values PF gain, PF int as in voltage control loop.
2) Set Process control: #SysLdCtrl PtM = BASELOAD, #SysBaseLoad = 30 % of Nominal load,
#SysPFCtrl PtM = BASEPF, #SysPwrFactor = 1.0.
3) Start and synchronize the gen-set in MAN Mode by pressing GCB ON/OFF
4) When running in parallel 30% loaded increase slowly PF gain to unstable point and then decrease
value by 30 % to insure stable performance.
5) Adjust PF int (usually setting to 100% gives optimal performance).
To judge optimal adjusting induce generator power jumps by SysBaseLoad change or by soft changes of
AVR DCout bias.
59 Overvoltage
27 Undervoltage
47 Voltage Assymetry
81H Overfrequency
81L Underfrequency
78 Vectorshift
50+51 Overcurrent
46 Current Unbalance
32 Overload
25 Synchronism Check
47 Phase Rotation
@ @
37 Undercurrent
@ @
55 Power Factor
40 Excitation Loss
Protection groups
There are two groups of protections in the controller: fix and universal (configurable)
Analogu protection Configurable Analog protect
Configurable Gener protect
Mains protections Configurable Mains protect
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Engine params, Gener protect, Mains protect, Analog
Fix protections Fix
Alarm types
The alarm appears in the Alarmlist and is recorded into the history log.
Warning 1
Activates the output Common Wrn as well as the standard alarm outputs.
The alarm appears only in the Alarmlist.
Alarm Only 1
Activates the output Common Al as well as the standard alarm outputs.
The event is recorded into the history.
HistRecOnly 1 Activates the output Common Hst for one second. Standard alarm outputs
are not activated.
The event is only indicated in the Alarmlist.
It disappear for the alarmist automatically as soon as the cause
AL indication 1
Standard alarm outputs are not activated.
The event is only indicated in the Alarmlist and recorded into the history
A+H indication 1 It disappear for the alarmist automatically as soon as the cause
Standard alarm outputs are not activated.
The alarm appears in the Alarmlist and is recorded into the history log.
It causes immediate stop of the gen-set without unloading and cooling
Shutdown 2
The gen-set can't be started again while there is a Shutdown alarm in the
Activates the output Common Sd as well as the standard alarm outputs.
The alarm appears in the Alarmlist and is recorded into the history log.
It causes stop of the gen-set by the standard stop sequence, i.e. including
unloading and cooling phase.
Slow Stop 2
The gen-set can't be started again while there is a Slow stop alarm in the
Activates the output Common Stp as well as the standard alarm outputs.
The event appears in the Alarmlist and is recorded into the history log. It
does not require confirmation, diappears by itself.
It causes immediate opening of the GCB. In AUT and SEM modes the gen-
set remains running for 60 seconds and then it is stopped by the standard
stop sequence. In MAN mode the gen-set remains running until the
operator changes it's operational state manually.
Off Load 2 If the controller is in AUT or SEM mode and all previously active Off load
alarms disappeared the gen-set is automatically started back and
connected to the load if the condition for the gen-set to be running persists
(e.g. Rem start/stop is active ..).
This event is used to put the gen-set temporarily off the load for any
Activates the output Common OfL.
The event appears in the Alarmlist and is recorded into the history log.
It causes immediate opening of the GCB (without unloading) and then the
standard stop sequence with cooling follows.
BrkOpen&CoolDn 2
The gen-set can't be started again while there is a BOC alarm in the
Activates the output Common BOC as well as the standard alarm outputs.
The protection is only recorded into the history log.
In applications which control the MCB this protection causes opening of the
MCB. The gen-set can continue operation in island mode if required. The
MCB can be closed back as soon as there isn't any mains protection active
(including the built-in mains protections).
In applications which do not control the MCB this protection causes
opening of the GCB. The controller waits then for the MCB to open. After
Mains Protect 2
that the gen-set can continue operation in island mode if required. As soon
as there isn't any mains protection active (including the built-in mains
protections) the GCB is opened again and the controller waits for the MCB
to close. After that the gen-set can continue operation in parallel-to-mains
mode if required.
Activates the output Common MP.
This alarm type is not overriden by the input Sd Override.
The alarm appears in the Alarmlist and is recorded into the history log.
It causes immediate stop of the gen-set without unloading and cooling
Sd Override 2 The gen-set can't be started again while there is a Sd override alarm in the
Activates the standard alarm outputs.
This alarm type is not overriden by the input Sd Override.
The Standard alarm outputs are Alarm and Horn.
12.5% of the
sensor 12.5% of the
range (25Ω) sensor
range (25Ω)
The sensor fail alarm does not influence the gen-set operation
Blocking types
All the time The alarms are beeing evaluated all the time the controller is switched on.
The alarms are beeing evaluated only while the gen-set is running. The evaluation
begins RunOnlyBlkDel1 seconds after the engine has been started.
The alarms are beeing evaluated only while the gen-set is running. The evaluation
begins RunOnlyBlkDel2 seconds after the engine has been started.
The alarms are beeing evaluated only while the gen-set is running. The evaluation
begins RunOnlyBlkDel3 seconds after the engine has been started.
The alarms are beeing evaluated while the input Force block 1 is not active. The
Force block 1
evaluation begins ForceBlockDel1 seconds after the input has been deactivated.
The alarms are beeing evaluated while the input Force block 2 is not active. The
Force block 2
evaluation begins ForceBlockDel2 seconds after the input has been deactivated.
The alarms are beeing evaluated while the input Force block 3 is not active. The
Force block 3
evaluation begins ForceBlockDel3 seconds after the input has been deactivated.
The alarms are beeing evaluated while the generator is expected to provide correct
voltage and frequency. That means the alarms start to be evaluated after transition
El. prot form Idle to Running phase when the period of Max stab time has already elapsed,
remain beeing evaluated while the gen-set is running at nominal speed (regardless
of GCB position) and stop to be evaluated by transition to the Cooling phase.
Generator voltage: Ug1>>, Ug2>>, Ug3>> Sd Gener protect: Gen >V Sd; Gen V del.
Generator frequency: fg<, fg> BOC Gener protect: Gen >f; Gen <f; Gen V
Excitation Loss BOC Gener protect: ExcitationLoss,
ExctLoss del
10 min moving average of mains voltage MP Mains protect: Mains Avg >V MP
Batt <V, Batt >V (UnivState 2) Wrn Analog protect: Batt >V; Batt <V; Batt V
Gen Current unbalance BOC Gener protect: Gen I unbal; Gen I unb
Basic settings:
VoltProtselect = PHASE-PHASE
For more information about Vector Shift Protection see chapter Setpoints / Mains protect of this manual or
chapter Vector Shift Protection of NPU User Guide 1.9.
Gener protect is a setpoints group that contain setpoints related to mains protection evaluation. BOC L1
under, Gen V L1-N and etc are alarms that occurs when genset protection is evaluated.
For more information about Genset protection see chapter Setpoints / Gener protect of this manual.
Basic settings:
VoltProtSelect = PHASE-PHASE
Gener protect: Gen >V BOC BOC L12 under
Gen V L1-L2
Gen <V BOC BOC L23 under Gen V L2-L3
Gen V Sd BOC L31 under Gen V L3-L1
Gen V del BOC L12 over
BOC fms under
Gen >f BOC L23 over
BOC fms over
Gen <f BOC L31 over
Gen freq
Gen f del
Shutdown override
If the Binary input shutdown override (Sd override) is closed, all 2 level protections are disabled to allow
engine run in an emergency situation, e.g. sprinkler devices power supply.
All protections are shown in Alarmlist and recorded into History, but the controller doesn’t stop the engine
because of them. If the input is deactivated and some protections are still active or not yet reset, the
controller starts to take these protections into account and consequently stops the engine.
All 2 level protections are locked out, except of these:
- Emergency stop
- Overspeed
- Underspeed (only if Fuel solenoid = GAS ENGINE)
- Binary and analog protections configured as Sd override type. In fact this protection type means
"Unoverridable shutdown", i.e. it works the same way as standard shutdown protection, however it can not
be overriden (blocked) by the Sd override input.
delay Engine running only, SD, Slow stop, Wrn
Gen>V, Gen<V, Gen>f, Gen<f,
Volt unbal, Curr unbal, Reverse
power, Unload protection, Load surge
All the time & Overspeed protections & Ig IDMT, Ig unbal, Ig short
Mains >V, Mains <V, Mains >f, Mains <f, MVolt unbal
Cranking Starting Running Loaded Loaded
GCB opened
Starter OFF
GCB closed
Min stab time
Type of protection
Fail Sensor protection (when activated) does not affect the function of the system itself. If you adjust “Active
when” to Under limit + Fls or Over limit + Fls the protection will considered the value that is out of range
(failed sensor) to be under or over limit (depending on the setting) and it will issue corresponding alarm after
the delay of the protection. This can be used for example when the function of the particular sensor
connected to an analog input is crucial for the operation of the system and its failure requires the system to
be affected (open breakers etc.).
You need to prepare two separate protections for level 1 and level 2.
Select the value for protection first and then use Wizard – it will take you through all the steps and help you
adjust them correctly.
ENABLED position corresponds to the method how the IG-classic and IS-classic controllers handled the
name Note
Usage of any 3rd-party peripheral modules in cooperation with ComAp controller is not recommended.
ComAp can’t guarantee the proper function of controller with none-ComAp peripheral modules.
Password protection
Any setpoint can be password protected - 7 levels of protection are available. There can be up to 8 users
defined, each one with different access rights (levels of protection). Every user has it’s own password. The
password is a four-digit number. Only setpoints protected by the protection level that is covered by currently
logged-in user’s access rights can be modified.
If a user logs in from a particular terminal (e.g. the controller front panel), this does not unlock the other
terminals for him, e.g. InteliMonitor connected directly or via modem.
Setpoints opened from front panel are automatically closed 15 minutes (return to measurement screens)
after the last setpoint change or when wrong value of password is set.
System administrator (User 0 – always present in the system) can reset the password for any other user.
The controller programming (configuration) requires the highest - password 7 level, so only User 0 is able to
modify the controller configuration or firmware.
Setpoint synchronization
Setpoints, that are marked with "#" sign at the begin of their names, are synchronized with other controllers
present on the CAN bus line, i.e. the system will ensure that the respective setpoint will have identical value
in each connected controller. If the setpoint is changed in one controller, the same change will occur in all
other controllers. This function is necessary especially for MINT application, where the system of Power
management is based on fact that the respective setpoints are identical in all controllers.
Do not perform repeated writing of setpoints (e.g. power control from a PLC by repeated writing of baseload
setpoint via Modbus) The setpoints are stored in EEPROM memory, which can be overwritten up to 10
times without risk of damage or data loss, however it may become damaged, when allowed number of
writing cycles is exceeded!
2 - RxD 2 - RxD
- +
GenConfig functions
Extension modules addressing
All I/O function or protection configuration
Setpoints adjusting
Sensor characteristics modification
History record modification
Password level protection modification (password value must be changed in DriveMonitor)
Controller firmware (mhx file) upgrade
Controller application file Up/Down load
Language translator enables
o Create Dictionary between two languages (Dictionary can be used repeatedly)
o Translate current text in Controller (in any language)
o Add new language (up to five)
Configuration steps
Following configuration steps are available in GenConfig software:
Select Extension modules when more inputs and outputs are required
Configure J1939 interface when Electronic engine is connected
Configure Binary inputs as Protection or Function
Configure Binary outputs
Configure Analog inputs as Protection or Function
Define user sensors
Configure History record
Configure password protection
Add/Translate the language
Modbus protocol
Standard protocol enables receive/transmit any data or command from a Master system:
Direct connection: RS232, RS422, RS485
Modem connection
9600, 19200, 38400 or 57600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
Transfer mode RTU
Function 3 (Read Multiply Registers)
Function 6 (Write Single Register)
Function 16 (Write Multiply Registers)
The response to an incoming message depends on the communication speed. The delay is not shorter
than the time needed to send/receive 3 and ½ characters.
The complete description of Modbus communication protocol can be found in Modbus Protocol Reference
Guide PI-MBUS-300 and Open Modbus Specification Release 1.0. Both documents are available from web
site at http://www.modicon.com/openmbus/ .
Detail Modbus command description see in ComAp InteliCommunication guide.
Technical data
Technical data of the controller and extension modules find in the IGS-NT-Installation guide-x.y.pdf.
Language support
IG-NT from display firmware version 1.4 supports following language code pages:
Setpoint groups
1. ProcessControl
2. SUS control
3. Basic settings
4. Comms settings
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5. Engine params
6. Engine protect
7. Analog protect
8. Gener protect
9. Mains protect
10. AMF Settings
11. Sync/Load ctrl
12. Volt/PF ctrl
13. Force value
14. Load shedding
15. Timer settings
16. Act. calls/SMS
17. Date/Time
Do not perform repeated writing of setpoints (e.g. power control from a PLC by repeated writing of baseload
setpoint via Modbus) The setpoints are stored in EEPROM memory, which can be overwritten up to 10
times without risk of damage or data loss, however it may become damaged, when allowed number of
writing cycles is exceeded!
Setpoints - SMS/E-Mail
1. History record
2. Alarm only
3. Warning
4. Off load
5. BrkOpen CoolDn
6. Mains protect
7. Slow stop
8. Shutdown
9. ShutdownOvr
10. AcallCH1-Type
11. AcallCH1-Addr
12. AcallCH2-Type
13. AcallCH2-Addr
14. AcallCH3-TYPE
15. AcallCH3-Addr
16. AcallCH4-TYPE
17. AcallCH4-Addr
18. AcallCH5-TYPE
19. AcallCH5-Addr
20. NumberRings AA
21. ActCallAttempt
22. Acall+SMS Lang
Setpoints - Date/Time
1. Time stamp act
2. Time Stamp Per
3. #SummerTimeMod
4. PremortHistPer
5. #Time
6. #Date
Values can be also used as inputs into PLC blocks, as sources for logical analog inputs or as sources for
physical analog outputs (including ECU outputs).
1. Analog CU
2. Bin inputs CU
3. Bin outputs CU
4. Engine values
5. Force value
6. Gener values
7. Info
8. Log Bout
9. Load shedding
10. Mains values
11. Statistics
12. Sync/Load ctrl
13. Volt/PF ctrl
Breaker control
1. GCB close/open
2. GCB ON coil
3. GCB OFF coil
4. GCB UV coil
5. GCB status
6. MCB status
7. MCB close/open
8. MCB ON coil
9. MCB OFF coil
10. MCB UV coil
11. Neutral CB C/O
12. LdShed stage 1
13. LdShed stage 2
14. LdShed stage 3
Control loops
1. AVR up
2. AVR dn
3. Speed up
4. Speed dn
The actual setpoint units and range depend on setting of the Power format in
If the this setpoint is adjusted to lower value than Min Power PtM the gen-set
power is limited the Min Power PtM setpoint.
Setpoint: Base PF
Group Process Control
Range [units] 0.60 .. 1.20 [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint is used for adjusting of the requested gen-set power factor value if
the power factor control mode is set to BASEPF (setpoint PF ctrl PtM).
Values over 1.00 mean capacitive load character, i.e. setting 0.95 means 0.95L
and setting 1.05 means 0.95C.
This setpoint is also used for adjusting of the maximum allowed export if export
limit function is active (Export limit = ENABLED).
Negative value of import is export, i.e. the power flows into the mains.
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The actual setpoint units and range depend on setting of the Power format in
Setpoint: Import PF
Group Process Control
Range [units] 0.60 .. 1.20 [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint is used to adjust the requested power factor at the mains when PF
ctrl PtM = PF-IM/EX. Values over 1.00 mean capacitive load character.
Setting 0.95 means 0.95L and setting 1.05 means 0.95C.
If the baseload value needs to be changed remotely via a communication
interface select the ANEXT BASELOAD mode and then configure one of the
objects ExtValue1 .. ExtValue4 as the source for the analog input LdCtrl:AnExBld.
These objects can be written remotely via communication (e.g. via MODBUS).
Do not use cyclic write of the baseload setpoint for remote load control. It may
cause the internal EEPROM memory damage.
If the mains import is not measured or measured externally, the Im3 terminal can
be used for Earth fault current protection This protection is present in default
archive and should be removed in GenConfig (Protections tab) if the Im3 input is
used for mains import measurement.
It is possible to perform import/export load control without reactive power
measurement, i.e. based on active power measuement only. The gen-set
power factor will be maintained at constant level given by Base PF
setpoint. However, this kind of operation may lead in certain conditions to
bad power factor values at the mains.
IM3 CT INPUT: Reactive power from the mains is calculated from the
mains L3-N voltage and the current measured at the controller Im3
terminal and then multiplied by 3.
ANALOG INPUT: Rective power from the mains is measured by an
external device and passed the controller via analog input PFCtrl:I/E-Qm.
If the reactive power is measured, then the measurement method should match
the method used for active power measurement, i.e. if the setpoint I/E-Pm meas is
set to IM3 CT INPUT, the I/E-Qm meas should not be set to ANALOG INPUT and
vice versa.
Setpoint: PeakLevelStart
Group Process control
Range [units] PeakLevelStop .. 32000 [kW]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description If the object consumption (Object P) exceeds this setpoint for time longer than
PeakAutS/Sdel, the gen-set starts automatically. Adjusting the PeakAutS/Sdel to 0
(OFF) disables the autostart. See also the setpoint PeakLevelStop.
The actual setpoint units and range depend on setting of the Power format in
The actual setpoint units and range depend on setting of the Power format in
The delay for this function is counted down in any mode if the conditions are
fulfilled (i.e. in OFF when the Mains Import in kW is higher than PeakLevelStart).
The actual setpoint units and range depend on setting of the Power format in
The delay for this function is counted down in any mode if the conditions are
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fulfilled (i.e. in OFF when the Mains Import in kVA is higher than Peak kVA Start).
This function can be used if the setpoint Load ctrl PtM is set to BASELOAD,
If the import value/setpoint is negative, it actually means export. This function can
be used to protect the system from unwanted export. You may set maximum
export value or you can set it possitive to keep some import even in cases that
there are abrupt load changes.
See the setpoint I/E-Pm meas for details about mains import measurement
The setpoint actual physical dimension depends on configuration of the physical
analog input to which the logical input PowerDerating1 is assigned.
The setpoint actual physical dimension depends on configuration of the physical
analog input to which the logical input PowerDerating1 is assigned.
The setpoint actual physical dimension depends on configuration of the physical
analog input to which the logical input PowerDerating2 is assigned.
The setpoint actual physical dimension depends on configuration of the physical
analog input to which the logical input PowerDerating1 is assigned.
As the "regulating action" of the Temperature-By-Power control loop is changing
of the gen-set power the regulated value (i.e. some temperature) must depend on
the gen-set power. Typical usage of this function is regulation of the output
temperature of the heating water at a CHP unit.
If the Overheat protection is enabled and the temperature at the logical analog
input LdCtrl:TByPwr:
See more information about the Temperature-By-Power load control mode in the
description of the setpoint TempByPwr Treq.
If the island mode is recognized and island operation is disabled the controller will
open the generator breaker, cool-down the gen-set and stop it. While this situation
persists the controller behavior is following:
The gen-set start in AUT mode is blocked, it can be started in MAN mode
The GCB can't be closed.
The message OfL StartBlck is present in the alarm list (see the alarm
output OfL StartBlck).
See table with examples in the description of the setpoint MFStart enable.
If the parallel mode is recognized and parallel operation is disabled the controller
will open the generator breaker, cool-down the gen-set and stop it. While this
situation persists the controller behavior is following:
The gen-set start in AUT mode is blocked, it can be started in MAN mode
The GCB can't be closed.
The message OfL StartBlck is present in the alarm list (see the alarm
output OfL StartBlck).
See table with examples in the description of the setpoint MFStart enable.
Although synchronizing of the particular breaker is disabled the breaker can be
closed to a "dead" (voltage-free) bus.
See table with examples in the description of the setpoint MFStart enable.
Island enable = YES
AMF gen-set, no synchronizing, no test-on-load
function. This behavior is used if the both MCB ParallelEnable = NO
and GCB too slow for synchronizing or if Synchro
synchronizing is generally not allowed by the local enable = NONE
electricity company.
MFStart enable = YES
Island enable = YES
The neutral contactor is used to connect the neutral wire (N) with the protective
wire (PE) in a TN-S system. This connection must exist in one moment at one
point of the circuit only.
The EACH option should be used if each gen-set has it's own neutral contactor.
Four-pole GCB must be used for this case.
Functional CAN2 communication between the controllers is required for
this function.
If there are more logical groups the "common" option is related to the group. That
means one common neutral contactor is expected for each group.
As there is always a connection between the N and PE wires at the mains side the
generator neutral contactors are always open when the mains breaker is closed.
Setpoint: WatchedContr
Group Process Control
Range [units] 0 .. 16 [min]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint is used at redundant controller to specify the address of the related
main controller in CAN-based rendundant systems. Adjust this setpoint to 0 if the
The residual magnetism of the armature can cause that there can apperar the
voltage on the bus during the SUS start sequence (in MINT and Combi application
only). Because of that the limit for the protection for closing of the GCB to the
dead bus is during the SUS start sequence increased from 15V to value equal to
1/3 of the setpoint GenNomV. The value higher then 1/3 of the setpoint GenNomV
is used as the limit of the protection during the SUS start sequence. If the voltage
of the gen-set (actually the bus voltage) is higher than this limit, the SUS
sequence is interrupted and GCB is opened. Gen-set continues in standard start
If the gen-set' RPM achieve this RPM window and stay into this window for 1
second, then ReadyToExcite is activated.
Example: RPM window: 10% , Nominal RPM: 1500, 10% of nominal RPM = 150
RPM, RPM window is (1500-150 ÷ 1500+150) so RPM window is from 1350 to
1650 RPM.
In case, when the system has active LBO ReadyToExcite and it waits for
deactivation LBI SUS excit blck – and the RPM drop out from RPM window – gen-
set is switched over to STANDARD start sequence.
IS-NT controllers provide two independent power derating functions, which can be
used for derating of the gen-set according to an analog value (e.g. temperature).
See the setpoints Derating1 strt and Derating2 strt.
The nominal power or derated nominal power is used as the basis (100%) for gen-
set power protections, as the upper limit of the requested power in the parallel-to-
mains operation, for power management and other functions.
The actual setpoint units and range depend on setting of the Power format in
The nominal current is used as the basis (100%) for generator thermal-
overcurrent protection (2Inom del), and for short current protection (Ishort).
The setpoints CT ratio prim and CT ratio sec must be adjusted properly to obtain
correct generator current readings.
The maximum measurable input current to the controller current terminals is 11A.
Do not discconnect the CT terminals from the controller while there is nonzero
current in the CT primary circuit!
The CT secondary nominal current is adjustable only in IG-NTC and IS-NT. The
IG-NT has the CT secondary nominal current adjusted fixedly to 5A regardless of
this setpoint.
Setpoint: Im3/ErFlCurCTp
Group Basic settings
The IN terminals can be used either for measurement of earth current or mains
current (mains import). See also the setpoint I/E-Pm meas.
Setpoint: Im3/ErFlCurCTs
Group Basic settings
Range [units] /5, /1 [A]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Nominal current of the secondary side of the current transformer connected to
the controller terminals labeled IN. The primary side is adjusted by setpoint
The IN terminals can be used either for measurement of earth current or mains
current (mains import). See also the setpoint I/E-Pm meas.
The CT secondary nominal current is adjustable only in IG-NTC and IS-NT. The
IG-NT has the CT secondary nominal current adjusted fixedly to 5A regardless of
this setpoint.
Setpoint: VT ratio
Group Basic Settings
Range [units] 0.1 .. 500.0 [V/V]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint is used to adjust the generator voltage transformers ratio.
Adjust the setpoint to the value of 1.0 if the generator voltage is connected directly
to the controller terminals, i.e. without transformers.
Example: if you have transformers with ratio 6000/100V adjust the setpoint to the
value of 60.0.
The range of the generator voltage inputs must be adjusted properly. See the
setpoint Vg InpRangeSel.
The 277V range is suitable for both European (230V) and American (277V)
measurement. The range 120V is intended for high-voltage applications where
voltage transformers with 100V secondary range are used or for alternative
American (120V) measurement.
Setpoint: Vm VT ratio
Group Basic Settings
Range [units] 0.1 .. 500.0 [V/V]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint is used to adjust the mains voltage transformers ratio.
Adjust the setpoint to the value of 1.0 if the mains voltage is connected directly to
the controller terminals, i.e. without transformers.
Example: if you have transformers with ratio 6000/100V adjust the setpoint to the
value of 60.0.
The range of the mains voltage inputs must be adjusted properly. See the setpoint
Vm InpRangeSel.
Setpoint: Vm InpRangeSel
Group Basic settings
Range [units] 277V, 120V [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint selects the range of the mains voltage terminals. The 120V range is
available only in IG-NTC and IS-NT. The IG-NT has the range adjusted fixedly to
277V regardless of this setpoint.
The 277V range is suitable for both European (230V) and American (277V)
measurement. The range 120V is intended for high-voltage applications where
voltage transformers with 100V secondary range are used or for alternative
American (120V) measurement.
See all notes mentioned above.
Setpoint: GenNomV
Group Basic Settings
Range [units] 10 .. 34641 [V]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint is used to adjust the nominal (rated) generator voltage (phase to
neutral). If you do not know the phase-neutral nominal voltage, you can adjust the
phase-phase nominal voltage GenNomVph-ph. The controller will then recalculate
the phase-neutral nominal voltage automatically.
The actual setpoint units and range depend on setting of the Power format in
If different voltage on gen-set and on Bus/Mains is required the following
procedure is required:
Both setpoints (MainsNomV and GenNomV) must be adjusted to the same values
according to the value of actual generator nominal voltage. E.g. gen-set nominal is
231 V but Bus/Mains nominal is 240 V.
In this case both setpoints need to be adjusted to 231 V and setpoints of
corresponding protections for Bus/Mains need to be set assymetrically.
For 240 V on Bus/Mains it is typical to open MCB when voltage reaches 254 V or
225 V. Since the setpoint is adjusted to 231 V corresponding protection setpoints
need to be adjusted to Mains >V MP = 106% and Mains <V MP = 97 % (hence
the desired values are reached).
Setpoint: GenNomVph-ph
Group Basic Settings
Range [units] 17 .. 60000 [V]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint is used to adjust the nominal (rated) generator voltage (phase to
phase). This setpoint is also recalculated automatically when the phase-neutral
nominal voltage GenNomV is changed.
The actual setpoint units and range depend on setting of the Power format in
If different voltage on gen-set and on Bus/Mains is required the following
procedure is required:
Both setpoints (GenNomVph-ph and MainsNomVph-ph) must be adjusted to the
same values according to the value of actual generator nominal voltage. E.g. gen-
set nominal is 400 V but Bus/Mains nominal is 415 V.
In this case both setpoints need to be adjusted to 400 V and setpoints of
corresponding protections for Bus/Mains need to be set assymetrically.
For 415 V on Bus/Mains it is typical to open MCB when voltage reaches 440 V or
390 V. Since the setpoint is adjusted to 400 V corresponding protection setpoints
need to be adjusted to Mains >V MP = 106% and Mains <V MP = 97 % (hence
the desired values are reached).
Setpoint: MainsNomV
Group Basic Settings
Range [units] 10 .. 34641 [V]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint is used to adjust the nominal mains voltage (phase to neutral). If you
do not know the phase-neutral nominal voltage, you can adjust the phase-phase
nominal voltage MainsNomVph-ph. The controller will then recalculate the phase-
neutral nominal voltage automatically.
The actual setpoint units and range depend on setting of the Power format in
If different voltage on gen-set and on Bus/Mains is required the following
procedure is required:
Both setpoints (MainsNomV and GenNomV) must be adjusted to the same values
according to the value of actual generator nominal voltage. E.g. gen-set nominal is
231 V but Bus/Mains nominal is 240 V.
In this case both setpoints need to be adjusted to 231 V and setpoints of
corresponding protections for Bus/Mains need to be set assymetrically.
For 240 V on Bus/Mains it is typical to open MCB when voltage reaches 254 V or
225 V. Since the setpoint is adjusted to 231 V corresponding protection setpoints
need to be adjusted to Mains >V MP = 106% and Mains <V MP = 97 % (hence
the desired values are reached).
Setpoint: MainsNomVph-ph
Group Basic settings
This setpoint is used to adjust the nominal mains voltage (phase to phase). This
setpoint is also recalculated automatically when the phase-neutral nominal voltage
MainsNomV is changed.
This setpoint can be used if you know the phase-phase nominal voltage only. The
controller will recalculate the phase-neutral nominal voltage automatically when
this setpoint is changed.
The actual setpoint units and range depend on setting of the Power format in
If different voltage on gen-set and on Bus/Mains is required the following
procedure is required:
Both setpoints (GenNomVph-ph and MainsNomVph-ph) must be adjusted to the
same values according to the value of actual generator nominal voltage. E.g. gen-
set nominal is 400 V but Bus/Mains nominal is 415 V.
In this case both setpoints need to be adjusted to 400 V and setpoints of
corresponding protections for Bus/Mains need to be set assymetrically.
For 415 V on Bus/Mains it is typical to open MCB when voltage reaches 440 V or
390 V. Since the setpoint is adjusted to 400 V corresponding protection setpoints
need to be adjusted to Mains >V MP = 106% and Mains <V MP = 97 % (hence
the desired values are reached).
Setpoint: FixVoltProtSel
Group Basic settings
Related FW 3.1.0
Description PHASE-NEUTRAL: The generator and mains/bus voltage protections are based
on phase-neutral voltages and the phase-neutral nominal voltages are taken as
Both options require different settings of protection levels to achieve identical
Phase-nominal voltage is 231V, actual voltages are L1N = 231V, L2N = 231V,
L3N = 219.5V => the L3N voltage is at 95% of the nominal. The same situation
evaluated from phase-phase voltages gives following results: nominal phase-
phase voltage is 400V, measured voltages are L12 = 400V, L23 = 390V, L31 =
390V => the L23 and L31 are at 97.5% of the nominal. It is obvious that if the
situation is evaluated from phase-neutral voltages the tripping level must be
adjusted to 95%, whereas the same situation evaluated from phase-phase
voltages require tripping level adjusted to 97.5%.
Setpoint Nom frq offset is used for setting offset to the chosen nominal frequency
(-2 to +2 Hz with step 0.01 Hz). Controller regulates to the Nominal Freq + Nom
frq offset frequency.
The value Nominal Freq + Nom frq offset is used as 100% for generator and
mains/bus frequency protections and as requested value for frequency regulation
(except synchronizing) if the setpoint Freq reg loop is set to ALL THE TIME.
The value Nominal Freq + Nom frq offset is used as 100% for generator and
mains/bus frequency protections and as requested value for frequency regulation
(except synchronizing) if the setpoint Freq reg loop is set to ALL THE TIME.
Generator voltage must be higher than 10V effective to measure the speed from
the frequency correctly. If this condition is not fulfiled at low speeds (cranking) it is
The starting procedure of gas engine may not work without the pickup. The pickup
must me always used for gas engines.
The setpoints Nominal RPM and system frequency (Nominal Freq + Nom frq
offset) must correspond to each other, i.e. if the engine speed is at nominal value
then the generator frequency must be at nominal value as well.
Setpoint: ControllerMode
Group Basic Settings
Range [units] OFF, MAN, SEM, AUT, TEST [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint can be used to select the controller mode. It is equivalent to
selecting the mode by the buttons on the front panel. Currently active mode is
displayed on the controller main screen.
If any of the mode forcing inputs Remote OFF, Remote MAN, Remote AUT or
Remote TEST is active, then the currenly active mode can be different than the
mode selected by the setpoint (resp. panel buttons).
OFF The GCB is opened and the engine is immediately stopped in this
mode without unloading and cooling. After that the controller is in
Not ready state and can not be started any way. The MCB is closed
permanently (MCB Opens On = GENRUN) or is open or closed
The function will not work if the current controller mode is forced by one of the
inputs Remote AUT or Remote TEST.
First section deals with the case of IGS-NT with built-in monochrome
Second section deals with the case of IGS-NT-BB with IV5 display.
Third section deals with the case of IGS-NT-BB with IV8.
If you have IGS-NT (built-in display) and you use additional IV display all the
sections may be relevant (depending on the type of additional displays).
In case that additional IV display is connected to a controller it behaves in the way
described below.
The binary inputs for external buttons may be the following: GCBButton,
MCBButton, FaultResButton, HornResButton, StartButton, StopButton etc.
In the case that more IV displays are connected they all behave the same (they
are all clones of each other).
The binary inputs for external buttonst may be the following (depending on used
application): GCBButton, MCBButton, MGCBButton, FDRButton, BTBButton,
FaultResButton, HornResButton, StartButton, StopButton etc.
In the case that more IV displays are connected they all behave the same (they
are all clones of each other).
The binary inputs for external buttonst may be the following (depending on used
application): GCBButton, MCBButton, MGCBButton, FDRButton, BTBButton,
FaultResButton, HornResButton, StartButton, StopButton etc.
Setpoint: DispBaklightTO
Group Basic settings
Range [units] OFF, 1-240 min, NO TIMEOUT [min]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint adjusts timeout after which the display (internal display or IS display
#1) backlight is switched off.
When IntelliVision is used this setpoint does not adjust its behavior. Its backlight is
adjusted by internal IntelliVision "setpoint".
Setpoint: ConvCoefPulse1
Group Engine Params
Range [units] 1 .. 6500 [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the rate of increasing of the PulseCounter #1 module. The
module counts pulses at the input PulseCounter 1 and if the input pulses counter
reaches value given by this setpoint, the counter value PulseCounter 1 (in the
group Statistic) is increased by 1 and input pulses counter is reset to 0. Both
counter value and input pulses counter are stored in the nonvolatile memory.
Setpoint: ConvCoefPulse2
Group Basic settings
Range [units] 1 .. 6500 [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the rate of increasing of the PulseCounter #2 module. The
module counts pulses at the input PulseCounter 2 and if the input pulses counter
reaches value given by this setpoint, the counter value PulseCounter 2 (in the
group Statistic) is increased by 1 and input pulses counter is reset to 0. Both
counter value and input pulses counter are stored in the nonvolatile memory.
Setpoint: ConvCoefPulse4
Group Basic settings
Range [units] 1 .. 6500 [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the rate of increasing of the PulseCounter #4 module. The
module counts pulses at the input PulseCounter 4 and if the input pulses counter
reaches value given by this setpoint, the counter value PulseCounter 4 (in the
group Statistic) is increased by 1 and input pulses counter is reset to 0. Both
counter value and input pulses counter are stored in the nonvolatile memory.
Address 1 is reccommended for standalone gen-sets.
If you are connecting to the gen-set remotely you have to adjust the proper
controller address in connection settings of the remote client (InteliMonitor,
GenConfig, Modbus client etc.)
Address of the controller is also used for Modbus communication via RS485 etc.
Address adjusted by this setpoint is therefore universal address of the controller.
The COM2 prot is not available in the basic IG-NT version.
The RS232 connector is no more available in hardware version 2.0 and above.
The COM2 port is redirected to the RS485(2) terminals all the time. That means
modem is not supported at COM2 in these hardware versions. For modem use
the COM1 port instead.
Setpoint: RS232(1)MBCSpd
Group Comms settings
Range [units] 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 [bps]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint adjusts the communication speed on the COM1 connector when it is
switched to MODBUS or MODBUS-MDM(HW) mode. See also the setpoint
RS232(1) mode.
Setpoint: RS232(2)MBCSpd
Group Comms settings
Range [units] 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 [bps]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint adjusts the communication speed on the COM2 connector when it is
switched to MODBUS or MODBUS-MDM(HW) mode. See also the setpoint
RS232(2) mode.
Setpoint: RS232(1)MdmIni
Group Comms settings
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint can be used to add extra AT commands at the end of the
initialization sequence of the modem connected to the COM1 port. The command
can be entered with as well as without the "AT" prefix, are separated with
semicolon and maximal length is 31 characters.
The redirection is applied only for DIRECT, MODBUS and ECU-LINK modes. See
the setpoint RS232(1) mode.
This setpoint must be set to DISABLED at controllers that do not have internal
display. i.e. InteliVision-5 or InteliVision-8 is connected to the RS485(1) terminals.
Setpoint: RS232(2)MdmIni
Group Comms settings
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint can be used to add extra AT commands at the end of the
initialization sequence of the modem connected to the COM2 port. The command
can be entered with as well as without the "AT" prefix, are separated with
semicolon and maximal length is 31 characters.
Using a modem at the COM2 port is not supported since the hardware version
2.0. For modem use the COM1 port instead.
This setpoint has no function for IG-NT(C)-BB and IS-NTC-BB as this controller
modifications do not provide the RS232 connector at the COM2 port. The port is
redirected to the RS485 interface all the time regardless of this setpoint.
Change of this setpoint is applied after the controller is switched off and on
Use low speed for long distance connection only. Set all connected controllers to
the same speed.
Setpoint: CAN2emptDetect
Group Comms settings
Range [units] DISABLED, ENABLED [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description Enables the detection of missing other controllers on the CAN2 bus. If the setpoint
is in ENABLED position and there aren't any other controllers detected on the
CAN2 bus (the complete bus, not only within the logical group) the alarm
CAN2Empty is issued.
The terminal is disconnected automatically after 5 min of inactivity and next
communication request from the same terminal is considered as a new
connection. When logging is enabled in certain conditions the history may be filled
up with large number of records related to the communication and important
records may be overwritten quite fast.
Setpoint: CANAddrSwitch1
Group Comms settings
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint selects function of the terminal address 122 at the CAN2 line. See
the latest communication guide for details about this topic.
Setpoint: CANAddrSwitch2
Group Comms settings
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint selects function of the terminal address 125 at the CAN2 line. See
the latest communication guide for details about this topic.
Setpoint: IP address
Group Comms settings
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description In fixed settings mode this setpoint is used to adjust the IP address of the
ethernet interface of the controller. Ask your IT specialist for help with this
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IGS-NT-SPtM-3.1.0 Reference Guide.PDF
In Automatic settings mode this setpoint is used to display the IP address,
which has been assigned by the DHCP server. It is not possible to change
the setpoint value manually in this setting (the value is immediately
reverted back by controller communication module IB-COM).
If you need to use fixed ethernet settings you should consult the proper setting
with your IT specialist.
Setpoint: Gateway IP
Group Comms settings
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description In fixed settings mode this setpoint is used to adjust the IP address of the
gateway of the network segment where the controller is connected.
In Automatic settings mode this setpoint is used to display the gateway IP
address which has been assigned by the DHCP server. It is not possible
to change the setpoint value manually in this setting (the value is
immediately reverted back by controller communication module IB-COM).
A gateway is a device which connects the respective segment with the other
segments and/or Internet.
Setpoint: ComApProtoPort
Group Comms settings
Range [units] 1 .. 255 [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint is used to adjust the port, which is used for ethernet connection to a
PC with any of ComAp PC program (i.e. InteliMonitor, GenConfig). This setpoint
should be adjusted to 23, which is the default port used by all ComAp PC
programs. A different value should be used only in special situations as e.g.
sharing one public IP address among many controllers or to overcome a firewall
Setpoint: AirGate
Group Comms settings
Range [units] DISABLED, ENABLED [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint selects the ethernet connection mode.
Setpoint: AirGate IP
Group Comms settings
Range [units] max. 32 characters [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint is used for entering the domain name or IP address of the AirGate
server. Use the free AirGate server provided by ComAp at address
airgate.comap.cz if your company does not operate it's own AirGate server.
Most of public free SMTP servers require authentification. You will get instructions
when you register to the freemail service.
This setpoint is used for entering the domain name (e.g. smtp.yourprovider.com)
or IP address (e.g. of the SMTP server. Please ask your internet
provider or IT manager for this information.
You may also use one of free SMTP servers, e.g. smtp.gmail.com. However,
please note that some free SMTP servers may cause delays (in hours..) when
sending e-mails.
If you do not want to send active e-mails, you may leave this setpoint blank, as
well as other setpoints related to SMTP server and e-mail settings.
Most of SMTP server will reject sending e-mails that contain nonexisting address
in the sender address field.
If the time zone is not selected properly the active e-mails may contain incorrect
information about sending time, which may result in confusion when the
respective problem actually occured.
Setpoint: DNS IP
Group Comms settings
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description In fixed settings mode this setpoint is used to adjust the domain name
server (DNS), which is needed to traslate domain names in e-mail
addresses and server names into correct IP addresses.
In Automatic settings mode this setpoint is used to display DNS server,
which has been assigned by the DHCP server. It is not possible to change
the setpoint value manually in this setting (the value is immediately
reverted back by controller communication module IB-COM).
A message ECU Diag disabled is displayed in the alarm list while ECU
diagnostics is disabled.
In certain situations multiple sites with bus tie breakers may need to have more
There are also other symptoms that causes disengagement of the starter. See the
separate chapter Starting sequence.
This setpoint is also used as the speed limit for the Underspeed protection, which
is activated 5s after the starter was disengaged and the controller continued from
Starting to Idle or Running phase.
Learn more in the separate chapter Starting sequence.
The logical analog input Oil pressure must be configured onto the apporpriate
analog input where the oil pressure sensor is connected.
At gas engines the last cranking cycle is extended about 25% and the engine is
cranked with closed gas valve during this additional time to ventilate the remaining
IGS-NT SPtM, SW Version 3.1.0, ©ComAp – August 2014 137
IGS-NT-SPtM-3.1.0 Reference Guide.PDF
If magnetic pickup is used and the controller does not detect non-zero RPM within
2s (gas engine) or 5s (diesel engine) after energizing the starter motor then
cranking pause follows immediately (as the pinion is probably not properly
Learn more in the separate chapter Starting sequence.
Learn more in the separate chapter Starting sequence.
An gas engines the last cranking cycle is extended about 25% and the engine is
cranked with closed gas valve during this additional time to ventilate the remaining
Learn more in the separate chapter Starting sequence.
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint adjusts the minimum time between the end of the idle period and
closing of the GCB. Closing of the GCB is blocked during this period even if
generator voltage and frequency are in limits.
The warming period takes place after the gen-set has been synchronized to the
mains if the temperature measured at the logical analog input Warming Temp is
below the value of Warming temp. The gen-set load is maintained at Warming
load, which should be adjusted to cca 20-30% of the nominal load to allow the
engine reaching of it's operational temperature smoothly. The warming period is
finished either when the temperature reaches the warming level or if duration of
the warming period reaches Max warm time.
See also the setpoint Warming load.
If the cooling phase length optimalization is enabled, the actual length depend on
the actual genset load in the moment the stop sequence was started. See the
setpoint Cooldown optim.
Setpoint: CoolDnAfterBOC
Group Engine Params
Range [units] STOP, INFIN COOLING [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description The setpoint selects the controller behavior in cooling phase after a BOC alarm:
The purpose of the preventilation phase is to clean the engine and exaust system
from possible unburned gas.
The main difference in the behavior of the fuel Solenoid at diesel and gas engine
is that at diesel engines the fuel solenoid is activated prior to the starter motor,
It is strongly recommended to use pickup sensor for gas engines.
This setpoint is taken into accout at diesel engines only, i.e. if the setpoint Fuel
solenoid is set to DIESEL ENGINE.
Setpoint: D+ Function
Group Engine Params
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the function of the D+ terminal.
Some alternators provide a terminal labelled as "L" instead of "D+". It is not
possible to connect this "L" terminal to the "D+" terminal of the controller.
Setpoint: MaxFuelDrop
Group Engine params
Range [units] OFF, 1 .. 50 [%/h]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the maximal allowed drop of the fuel level within one hour. If
measured drop is higher then Fuel theft alarm is issued. The setpoint should be
adjusted according to the maximal hour fuel rate of the engine and capacity of the
The logical analog input Fuel level must be configured onto the physical analog
A 100kW engine has specific fuel rate of 180g/kWh. Fuel tank capacity is 200l.
The hour fuel rate at nominal power is then 100 * 180 = 18000g per hour, what is
about 21 litres (density cca 830g/l => 18000/830 = 21). The maximal hour rate is
then about 10% of the tank capacity, so optimal adjustment for this case will be
15% (with certain reserve).
Setpoint: RunOnlyBlkDel1
Group Engine protect
Range [units] 0.0 .. 3000.0 [s]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the delay after engine start when the alarms configured as
RunOnlyBlkDel1 (i.e. "running only", group #1) are started to be evaluated. The
"running only" alarms are not beeing evaluated while the engine is not running or
then, after start, while the adjusted delay is running.
Setpoint: RunOnlyBlkDel2
Group Engine protect
Range [units] 0.0 .. 3000.0 [s]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the delay after engine start when the alarms configured as
RunOnlyBlkDel2 (i.e. "running only", group #2) are started to be evaluated. The
"running only" alarms are not beeing evaluated while the engine is not running or
then, after start, while the adjusted delay is running.
See the setpoint RunOnlyBlkDel1 for diagram of alarm groups and their blocking
Setpoint: RunOnlyBlkDel3
Group Engine protect
Range [units] 0.0 .. 3000.0 [s]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint adjusts the delay after engine start when the alarms configured as
RunOnlyBlkDel3 (i.e. "running only", group #3) are started to be evaluated. The
"running only" alarms are not beeing evaluated while the engine is not running or
then, after start, while the adjusted delay is running.
See the setpoint RunOnlyBlkDel1 for diagram of alarm groups and their blocking
Protections configured at a binary inputs can have either fixed 0.5s evaluation
delay or there are three independent delay setpoints and one of them can be
assigned to each particular binary input protection.
Protections configured at a binary inputs can have either fixed 0.5s evaluation
delay or there are three independent delay setpoints and one of them can be
assigned to each particular binary input protection.
Protections configured at a binary inputs can have either fixed 0.5s evaluation
delay or there are three independent delay setpoints and one of them can be
assigned to each particular binary input protection.
Setpoint: ForceBlockDel2
Group Engine protect
Range [units] 0.0 .. 60.0 [s]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the delay after the binary input Force block 2 has been
deactivated, when the alarms configured as Force block #2 are started to be
Setpoint: ForceBlockDel3
Group Engine protect
Range [units] 0.0 .. 60.0 [s]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint adjusts the delay after the binary input Force block 3 has been
deactivated, when the alarms configured as Force block #3 are started to be
Setpoint: ResetActAlarms
Group Engine protect
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
DISABLED Pressing of the fault reset button (at any terminal or external
button) resets only inactive alarms. Active alarms remain in
the alarmlist unchanged and must be reset again when they
become inactive.
ENABLED Pressing of the fault reset button (at any terminal or external
button) resets all alarms that are currently present in the alarm
list. Inactive alarms disappear from the alarm list immediately,
active alarms are changed to "confirmed" state and disappear
when the alarm condition disappear or the alarm starts to be
ENABLED position corresponds to the method how the IG-classic and IS-classic
controllers handled the alarms.
Setpoint: Overspeed
Group Engine Protect
Range [units] 0 .. 200 [%]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the threshold level for overspeed protection.
The overspeed protection is evaluated all the time and without any delay.
Setpoint: Max+CylDifPmin
Group Engine protect
Range [units] -32000 .. +32000 [°C]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the maximum allowed positive difference between a
particular cylinder temperature and average cylinder temperature at minimum
power level adjusted by setpoint PminCylDifEval. This setpoint is one of four
setpoints that define the allowed area of cylinder temperature differencies
depending on gen-set power. See the picture below.
If the difference of actual cylinder temperature from the average temperature is out
of the allowed range at one or more cylinders the alarm Wrn CylTemp is issued
after the delay CylDifEvalDel elapses. The alarm is intended for detection that
Logical analog inputs Cyl temp "n" must be configured onto the appropriate
physical analog inputs where the cylinder temperature sensors are connected. Use
the "Cylinder temperature configuration wizard" in GenConfig - Analog inputs tab
for easy configuration of cylinder temperature sensors.
The cylinder temperature difference protection is available in IS-NT only.
Setpoint: Max-CylDifPmin
Group Engine protect
Range [units] -32000 .. +32000 [°C]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the maximum allowed negative difference between a
particular cylinder temperature and average cylinder temperature at minimum
power level adjusted by setpoint PminCylDifEval. This setpoint is one of four
setpoints that define the allowed area of cylinder temperature differencies
depending on gen-set power. See the setpoint Max+CylDifPmin for more details.
Setpoint: Max+CylDifPnom
Group Engine protect
Range [units] -32000 .. +32000 [°C]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the maximum allowed positive difference between a
particular cylinder temperature and average cylinder temperature at nominal
power. This setpoint is one of four setpoints that define the allowed area of
cylinder temperature differencies depending on gen-set power. See the setpoint
Max+CylDifPmin for more details.
Setpoint: Max-CylDifPnom
Group Engine protect
Range [units] -32000 .. +32000 [°C]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the maximum allowed negative difference between a
particular cylinder temperature and average cylinder temperature at nominal
power. This setpoint is one of four setpoints that define the allowed area of
cylinder temperature differencies depending on gen-set power. See the setpoint
Max+CylDifPmin for more details.
Setpoint: CylDifEvalDel
Group Engine protect
Range [units] 0 .. 600 [s]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the evaluation delay of the cylinder temperature difference
protection. Learn more about this protection in the description of the setpoint
Each of the maintenance intervals can be used for different type of regular
maintenance works such as oil change, spark plug change etc.
When the particular maintenance works have been performed, readjust the
appropriate counter again to the period of next regular maintenance cycle. The
counter will then count down again.
The unused maintenance timers should be adjusted to maximal value, i.e. 65535.
Each of the maintenance intervals can be used for different type of regular
maintenance works such as oil change, spark plug change etc.
When the particular maintenance works have been performed, readjust the
appropriate counter again to the period of next regular maintenance cycle. The
counter will then count down again.
The unused maintenance timers should be adjusted to maximal value, i.e. 65535.
Each of the maintenance intervals can be used for different type of regular
maintenance works such as oil change, spark plug change etc.
When the particular maintenance works have been performed, readjust the
appropriate counter again to the period of next regular maintenance cycle. The
counter will then count down again.
The unused maintenance timers should be adjusted to maximal value, i.e. 65535.
Each of the maintenance intervals can be used for different type of regular
maintenance works such as oil change, spark plug change etc.
When the particular maintenance works have been performed, readjust the
The unused maintenance timers should be adjusted to maximal value, i.e. 65535.
The reaction time of the thermal overload protection is not fixed; it depends on how
much is the load above the limit (base level). The higher is the load the shorter the
reaction time will be.
The thermal overload protection is Breaker open and cool down (BOC) type.
The only situation, where the Min Power PtM is ignored, is the warming procedure
after the gen-set is synchronized to the mains, i.e. the Warming load can be
This setpoint is also used as the requested load level if a protection of Low power
type is active.
Setpoint: Ishort
Group Gener Protect
Range [units] 100 .. 500 [%]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the threshold level (in % of the nominal current) for the
generator fast overcurent protection. The protection is activated (alarm Ishort is
issued) when the generator current in at least one phase exceeds the threshold
limit for time longer than Ishort del.
The protection type is Breaker open and cool down (BOC).
Although the resolution of this setpoint is 0.01s, in fact the adjusted delay is
rounded to the next higher multiple of the period of the generator voltage. The
period is either 0.02s for 50Hz systems or 0.0166s for 60Hz systems. E.g. if the
delay is set to 0.03s at 50Hz system the real delay will be 0.04s.
The reaction time of the IDMT overcurrent protection is not fixed; it depends on
how much is the actual current above the limit (nominal). The higher is the
overcurrent the shorter the reaction time will be.
The IDMT overcurrent protection is Breaker open and cool down (BOC) type.
The protection activates if the voltage in at least one phase gets over the
threshold for time longer than Gen V del.
The asociated protection to this setpoint is Breaker open and cool down (BOC)
type. There is also Shutdown overvoltage protection, which is adjusted by setpoint
Gen >V Sd.
The BOC protections are active after the Max stab time elapsed or after the GCB
was closed, then while the GCB is closed and then also during cooling (if Cooling
speed = NOMINAL).
The protection activates if the voltage in at least one phase drops below the
threshold for time longer than Gen V del.
The generator undervoltage protection is Breaker open and cool down (BOC)
The BOC protections are active after the Max stab time elapsed or after the GCB
was closed, then while the GCB is closed and then also during cooling (if Cooling
speed = NOMINAL).
The protection activates if the voltage in at least one phase gets over the
threshold for time longer than Gen V del.
The asociated protection to this setpoint is Shutdown type. There is also Breaker
open and cool down (BOC) overvoltage protection, which is adjusted by setpoint
Gen >BOC. The BOC overvoltage protection is intended to be used as first
level protection with lower threshold, whereas the shutdown one is intended
as second level with higher threshold.
Although the resolution of this setpoint is 0.01s, in fact the adjusted delay is
rounded to the next higher multiple of the period of the generator voltage. The
period is either 0.02s for 50Hz systems or 0.0166s for 60Hz systems. E.g. if the
delay is set to 0.03s at 50Hz system the real delay will be 0.04s.
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint adjusts the threshold level for the generator overfrequency
protection. The threshold is adjusted in % of the system frequency (Nominal Freq
+ Nom frq offset).
The protection activates if the frequency in phase L3 gets over the threshold for
time longer than Gen f del.
The generator overfrequency protection is Breaker open and cool down (BOC)
The BOC protections are active after the Max stab time elapsed or after the GCB
was closed, then while the GCB is closed and then also during cooling (if Cooling
speed = NOMINAL).
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint adjusts the threshold level for the generator underfrequency
protection. The threshold is adjusted in % of the system frequency (Nominal Freq
+ Nom frq offset).
The generator underfrequency protection is Breaker open and cool down (BOC)
The BOC protections are active after the Max stab time elapsed or after the GCB
was closed, then while the GCB is closed and then also during cooling (if Cooling
speed = NOMINAL).
Although the resolution of this setpoint is 0.01s, in fact the adjusted delay is
rounded to the next higher multiple of the period of the generator voltage. The
period is either 0.02s for 50Hz systems or 0.0166s for 60Hz systems. E.g. if the
delay is set to 0.03s at 50Hz system the real delay will be 0.04s.
The protection activates if the generator power drops below the threshold for time
longer than ReversePwr del.
The generator reverse power protection is Breaker open and cool down (BOC)
The reaction time of the IDMT EarthFault Current protection is not fixed; it depends
on how much is the current above the limit (base level). The higher is the current
the shorter the reaction time will be.
The IDMT EarthFault Current protection is Breaker open and cool down (BOC)
This protection's internal counter accumulates and it starts continuously decreasing
when the EarthFault Current goes below Nom EthFltCurr. This function prevents
the protection from completely reseting when the EarthFault Current goes below
Nom EthFltCurr for only a short period of time. This behavior emulates circuit-
breaker with thermal current protection.
Setpoint: ExcitationLoss
Group Gener protect
Range [units] 0 .. 150 [%]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint adjusts excitation loss protection level. Corresponding level in kVA is
calculated from nominal power of gen-set as a negative percentage given by this
setpoint (e.g. this setpoint is adjusted to 50% and nominal power of gen-set is 200
kW, therefore excitation loss protection level is set to -100 kVAr)
This protection is breaker off and cooldown type. For more information on
protection types please refer to the section Alarm types.
The protection activates if the voltage unbalance gets over the threshold for time
longer than Gen V unb del.
The voltage unbalance protection is created in the default archive using the
mechanism of universal analog protections. That means this setpoint is one of
general-purpose setpoints, which may be used for different purpose if the
protection is deleted from the configuration.
The generator voltage unbalance protection is created in the default archive using
the mechanism of universal analog protections. That means this setpoint is one
of general-purpose setpoints, which may be used for different purpose if the
protection is deleted from the configuration.
The protection activates if the current unbalance gets over the threshold for time
longer than Gen I unb del.
The current unbalance protection is created in the default archive using the
mechanism of universal analog protections. That means this setpoint is one of
general-purpose setpoints, which may be used for different purpose if the
protection is deleted from the configuration.
The generator current unbalance protection is created in the default archive using
the mechanism of universal analog protections. That means this setpoint is one
of general-purpose setpoints, which may be used for different purpose if the
protection is deleted from the configuration.
The protection activates if the voltage in at least one phase gets over the
The asociated protection to this setpoint is Mains protect type. This type of
protection is recorded into the history file, however it is not indicated in the Alarm
list. When a protection of Mains protect type occurs the controller opens either
MCB (in applications where the MCB is controlled) or GCB (in applications where
the MCB is not controlled).
The protection activates if the voltage in at least one phase drops under the
threshold for time longer than Mains V del.
The asociated protection to this setpoint is Mains protect type. This type of
protection is recorded into the history file, however it is not indicated in the Alarm
list. When a protection of Mains protect type occurs the controller opens either
MCB (in applications where the MCB is controlled) or GCB (in applications where
the MCB is not controlled).
Although the resolution of this setpoint is 0.01s, in fact the adjusted delay is
rounded to the next higher multiple of the period of the mains voltage. The period
is either 0.02s for 50Hz systems or 0.0166s for 60Hz systems. E.g. if the delay is
set to 0.03s at 50Hz system the real delay will be 0.04s.
The protection activates if the frequency in phase L3 gets over the threshold for
time longer than Mains f del.
The asociated protection to this setpoint is Mains protect type. This type of
protection is recorded into the history file, however it is not indicated in the Alarm
list. When a protection of Mains protect type occurs the controller opens either
MCB (in applications where the MCB is controlled) or GCB (in applications where
the MCB is not controlled).
The protection activates if the frequency in phase L3 drops under the threshold for
time longer than Mains f del.
The asociated protection to this setpoint is Mains protect type. This type of
protection is recorded into the history file, however it is not indicated in the Alarm
list. When a protection of Mains protect type occurs the controller opens either
MCB (in applications where the MCB is controlled) or GCB (in applications where
the MCB is not controlled).
Although the resolution of this setpoint is 0.01s, in fact the adjusted delay is
rounded to the next higher multiple of the period of the mains voltage. The period
is either 0.02s for 50Hz systems or 0.0166s for 60Hz systems. E.g. if the delay is
set to 0.03s at 50Hz system the real delay will be 0.04s.
The vectorshift protection is recorded into the history file, however it is not
indicated in the Alarm list. When it occurs the controller opens either MCB or GCB
depending on the setpoint VS/ROCOF CB sel (in SPI aplication GCB is always
opened, VS/ROCOF CB sel setpoint is not available). If the MCB is not controlled
in the particular application then GCB is opened.
If a vectorshift is detected and consequently the MCB is opened, however mains
voltage and frequency remain in limits, the MCB is then reclosed again after
Mains ret del, as the mains is evaluated as healthy.
If the GCB is selected and a mains failure occurs the GCB will be opened
immediately when the vectorshift or ROCOF is detected, however also MCB will
be opened consequently due to other mains protection as underfrequency or
In Combi-SPI application GCB is always opened regardless of this setpoint. In
Combi-SPI application controller controls only GCB.
To adjust this setpoint properly, check the value Max VectorS. The value is
available on the controller screen, contains the maximal measured vectorshift
value since the gen-set has been synchronized to the mains and after opening of
GCB or MCB it is "frozen". In normal conditions the value should not be higher
than 3º and the most common setting of the threshold is about 7º.
See also setpoints ROCOF Win, ROCOF df/dt and VS/ROCOF CB sel (not
available in SPI application).
To activate or deactivate ROCOF protection use ROCOF prot. Choose proper
breaker which will be opened if ROCOF protection activates by adjusting setpoint
VS/ROCOF CB sel (not available in SPI application).
The protection activates if the voltage unbalance gets over the threshold for time
longer than MainsV unb del.
The asociated protection to this setpoint is Mains protect type. This type of
protection is recorded into the history file, however it is not indicated in the Alarm
list. When a protection of Mains protect type occurs the controller opens either
MCB (in applications where the MCB is controlled) or GCB (in applications where
the MCB is not controlled).
The voltage unbalance protection is created in the default archive using the
mechanism of universal analog protections. That means this setpoint is one of
The mains voltage unbalance protection is created in the default archive using the
mechanism of universal analog protections. That means this setpoint is one of
general-purpose setpoints, which may be used for different purpose if the
protection is deleted from the configuration.
Use the setpoint MFStart enable to enable/disable automatic start of the gen-set
due to mains failure.
The delay of return from genset-powered bus to mains-powered bus (i.e. reverse
synchronizing or changeover) is adjusted by setpoint Mains ret del.
Setpoint: BreakerOverlap
Group AMF Settings
Range [units] 0.0 .. 300.0 [s]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint takes place in following situations:
Setpoint: RetFromIsland
Group AMF Settings
Range [units] MANUAL, AUTO [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description The setpoint selects the behavior of the controller in the moment the GCB is
MANUAL Controller remains in AUT mode and the manual return to Mains
is done via MCB button. "Manual Restore" message is displayed
in alarmlist to notify operator - it will disappear automatically after
MCB close button is pushed (i.e. reverse synchronizing is
This option is intended for applications where the moment of
reverse transfer of the load to the restored mains is to be
controlled manually. Setting to MANUAL might be important only
for applications with break transfers (with synchronizing
If the controller is in MAN mode the MCB is not closed
automatically when the mains is restored even if e.g. the gen-set
has been stopped due to a failure.
AUTO The controller remains in AUT or TEST mode and the transfer of
the load back to the mains is initiated automatically with delay
adjusted by the setpoint Mains ret del.
DISABLED The load remains to be supplied from the gen-set until the
controller switched to different mode, e.g. to AUT mode.,
regardless of the fact that the mains is restored.
ENABLED When the mains has restored the gen-set is reverse-
synchronized to the mains, then the load is transferred to the
mains, GCB is opened and the gen-set remains running
unloaded in TEST mode.
To disable issuing the breaker close command (i.e. for test purpose) adjust this
setpoint to 0. Synchronizing will continue until timeout occurs or the breaker is
closed externally.
See the chapter Regulation loops overview for general information about
regulation loops and their adjustment.
ALL THE TIME SPtM, SPI, Combi: This option activates the frequency
regulation loop also while the gen-set is running without
load and during the island operation. The controller
maintains frequency at it's nominal value adjusted by
setpoint system frequency (Nominal Freq + Nom frq offset).
This option can be used e.g. for elimination of the droop at
governors that do not support isochronous mode.
GCB OPEN MINT, COX: This option activates the frequency regulation
loop also while the gen-set is running without load The
controller maintains frequency at it's nominal value
adjusted by the system frequency (Nominal Freq + Nom frq
The P and I factors of the frequency regulation loop are adjusted by setpoints
Freq gain and Freq int.
1. The first step is to match the generator frequency to the mains frequency.
In this step the frequency regulation loop (Freq reg loop) is active.
2. The following step is to match the phase angle difference of the mains
and generator voltages to the setpoint GtoM AngleReq. The angle
As soon as the phase angle difference stays within the window adjusted by Phase
window and the voltage difference stays in the Voltage window, both for period
Dwell time, the circuit breaker closing command is issued.
See the chapter Regulation loops overview for general information about
regulation loops and their adjustment.
The PWM interface is used for several governor types as e.g. CAT or Cummins.
Adjust the PWM frequency according to the governor specification. Adjust the
setpoint to 1200Hz if the PWM interface is not used.
Setpoint: SpeedGovLowLim
Group Sync/Load Ctrl
Range [units] -10.00 .. SpeedGovHiLim [V]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Lower limit of the speed governor output. Use this setpoint to adapt the governor
output range to the input range of your governor.
Setpoint: SpeedGovHiLim
Group Sync/Load Ctrl
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Upper limit of the speed governor output. Use this setpoint to adapt the governor
output range to the input range of your governor.
Setpoint: TauSpeedActuat
Group Sync/Load Ctrl
Range [units] 1.0 .. 300.0 [s]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint is used to adjust the trasformation ratio of the speed governor output
to the pulses at the binary outputs Speed up and Speed dn. Adjust the setpoint to
the pulse duration which is needed for the speed control device to travel from
minimal position to the maximal position.
The rate is adjusted in seconds for 100% load change (from 0 to 100% of nominal
The gen-set has been just synchronized and is ramping up to the target
load level (e.g. baseload in parallel to mains operation or average gen-set
load in multiple loadsharing operation). The starting point of the ramp for
this case is adjustable by the setpoint RampStartLevel.
The gen-set is running parallel to the mains and baseload is changed.
The gen-set is beeing unloaded before opening the GCB and stop. In this
case the end load level is adjusted by setpoint GCB Open Level and the
timeout for unloading is adjusted by setpoint GCB Open Del.
See the chapter Regulation loops overview for general information about
regulation loops and their adjustment.
Setpoint: RampStartLevel
Group Sync/Load ctrl
Range 0 .. 100 [%]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the load level at which the Load ramp starts after the GCB has
been closed. The intention of this setpoint is to give the gen-set certain "loading impulse"
right after closing the GCB to avoid possible oscillations around 0kW or even reverse
power if the ramp begun at 0kW.
The speed of the ramp is adjusted by the setpoint Load ramp.
The speed of the ramp is adjusted by the setpoint Load ramp.
If the synchronizing is not successful within 1/10 of the Sync timeout or 60s (if
Sync timeout <600s) the synchronization process is automatically restarted again,
i.e. the speed governor output is reset to bias value and then frequency regulation
loop is started again. If NO TIMEOUT is selected the automatic restart occurs
every 180s. This method helps to sychronize successfully even in difficult
POSITIVE Select this option if raising of the voltage on the remote voltage
adjustment input causes the generator voltage to raise.
NEGATIVE Select this option if raising of the voltage on the remote voltage
adjustment input causes the generator voltage to lower.
The characteristic can be also inverted by swapping the AVRi outputs that are
connected to the AVR. However, it is recommended to use the AVRRegChar
setpoint for selection of the characteristic instead of swapping the wires.
See the chapter Regulation loops overview for general information about
regulation loops and their adjustment.
Setpoint: PF gain
Group Volt/PF Ctrl
Range [units] 0.0 .. 200.0 [%]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the gain factor (P-factor) of the cos-phi control PI loop. The
integration factor (I-factor) for the cos-phi control loop is adjusted by the setpoint
PF int.
Setpoint: PF int
Group Volt/PF Ctrl
Range [units] 0 .. 100 [%]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the relative integration factor (I-factor) of the cos-phi control
PI loop. The gain factor (P-factor) for the cos-phi control loop is adjusted by the
setpoint PF gain.
The resulting voltage at the input of the AVR also depends on position of the
trimmer at the AVRi module.
Setpoint: TauVoltActuat
Group Volt/PF ctrl
Range [units] 1.0 .. 300.0 [s]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint is used to adjust the trasformation ratio of the AVRi output to the
pulses at the binary outputs AVR up and AVR dn. Adjust the setpoint to the pulse
duration which is needed for the AVR to change the requested voltage from
minimum to maximum.
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
dimension and decimal resolution.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
dimension and decimal resolution.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
dimension and decimal resolution.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
dimension and decimal resolution.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
dimension and decimal resolution.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
dimension and decimal resolution.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
dimension and decimal resolution.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
dimension and decimal resolution.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
dimension and decimal resolution.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
dimension and decimal resolution.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
dimension and decimal resolution.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
dimension and decimal resolution.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
dimension and decimal resolution.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
It is not obligatory to use one of these reserved setpoints for a force value
function. It is possible to use also any other setpoint or value with matching
dimension and decimal resolution.
There isn't any relation between the default names of the force value function
blocks, associated binary inputs and the default names of the reserved setpoints.
In other words, the setpoint with default name Force value 3 is not related to the
Force value 3 function block.
Setpoint: ExtValue1deflt
Group Force value
Range [units] -32000 .. 32000 [x]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Setpoint: ExtValue1LoLim
Group Force value
Range [units] -32000 .. ExtValue1HiLim [X]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the low limit of the value of ExtValue 1 if the value is
lowered/raised by the binary inputs ExtValue1 up and ExtValue1 down. The
ExtValue 1 is never lowered below this limit.
This limit is not taken into account if the value ExtValue 1 is written remotely from
a terminal using the appropriate command ExtValue #n.
For IS-NT only.
Setpoint: ExtValue1HiLim
Group Force value
Range [units] ExtValue1LoLim .. 32000 [X]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the high limit of the value of ExtValue 1 if the value is
lowered/raised by the binary inputs ExtValue1 up and ExtValue1 down. The
ExtValue 1 is never raised over this limit.
This limit is not taken into account if the value ExtValue 1 is written remotely from
a terminal using the appropriate command ExtValue #n.
For IS-NT only.
Setpoint: ExtValue2deflt
Group Force value
Range [units] -32000 .. 32000 [x]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint adjusts the reset (initial) value of the ExtValue 2. This initial value is
applied either when the controller is powered-on or when the ExtValue 2 is reset
by the binary input ExtValue2reset.
Setpoint: ExtValue2LoLim
Group Force value
Range [units] -32000 .. ExtValue2HiLim [X]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the low limit of the value of ExtValue 2 if the value is
lowered/raised by the binary inputs ExtValue2 up and ExtValue2 down. The
ExtValue 2 is never lowered below this limit.
This limit is not taken into account if the value ExtValue 2 is written remotely from
a terminal using the appropriate command ExtValue #n.
For IS-NT only.
Setpoint: ExtValue2HiLim
Group Force value
Range [units] ExtValue2LoLim .. 32000 [X]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the high limit of the value of ExtValue 2 if the value is
lowered/raised by the binary inputs ExtValue2 up and ExtValue2 down. The
ExtValue 2 is never raised over this limit.
This limit is not taken into account if the value ExtValue 2 is written remotely from
a terminal using the appropriate command ExtValue #n.
For IS-NT only.
Setpoint: ExtValue3deflt
Group Force value
Range [units] -32000 .. 32000 [x]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint adjusts the reset (initial) value of the ExtValue 3. This initial value is
applied either when the controller is powered-on or when the ExtValue 3 is reset
by the binary input ExtValue3reset.
Setpoint: ExtValue3LoLim
Group Force value
Range [units] -32000 .. ExtValue3HiLim [X]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the low limit of the value of ExtValue 3 if the value is
lowered/raised by the binary inputs ExtValue3 up and ExtValue3 down. The
ExtValue 3 is never lowered below this limit.
This limit is not taken into account if the value ExtValue 3 is written remotely from
a terminal using the appropriate command ExtValue #n.
For IS-NT only.
Setpoint: ExtValue3HiLim
Group Force value
Range [units] ExtValue3LoLim .. 32000 [X]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the high limit of the value of ExtValue 3 if the value is
lowered/raised by the binary inputs ExtValue3 up and ExtValue3 down. The
This limit is not taken into account if the value ExtValue 3 is written remotely from
a terminal using the appropriate command ExtValue #n.
For IS-NT only.
Setpoint: ExtValue4deflt
Group Force value
Range [units] -32000 .. 32000 [x]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint adjusts the reset (initial) value of the ExtValue 4. This initial value is
applied either when the controller is powered-on or when the ExtValue 4 is reset
by the binary input ExtValue4reset.
Setpoint: ExtValue4LoLim
Group Force value
Range [units] -32000 .. ExtValue4HiLim [X]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the low limit of the value of ExtValue 4 if the value is
lowered/raised by the binary inputs ExtValue4 up and ExtValue4 down. The
ExtValue 4 is never lowered below this limit.
This limit is not taken into account if the value ExtValue 4 is written remotely from
a terminal using the appropriate command ExtValue #n.
For IS-NT only.
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the high limit of the value of ExtValue 4 if the value is
lowered/raised by the binary inputs ExtValue4 up and ExtValue4 down. The
ExtValue 4 is never raised over this limit.
This limit is not taken into account if the value ExtValue 4 is written remotely from
a terminal using the appropriate command ExtValue #n.
For IS-NT only.
Learn more about load shedding in the separate chapter Load shedding.
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint is used to adjust the relative load level (in % of nominal power of
gen-set) for load shedding. When the relative load level exceeds this level for
more than Ld shed delay time the next load shedding output is closed.
Learn more about load shedding in the separate chapter Load shedding.
Learn more about load shedding in the separate chapter Load shedding.
The appropriate load shedding output is either opened automatically when the
condition above is fulfiled (AutoLd recon = ENABLED) or manually by activation of
the input ManualLdRecon.
Learn more about load shedding in the separate chapter Load shedding.
Learn more about load shedding in the separate chapter Load shedding.
Learn more about load shedding in the separate chapter Load shedding.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
As the History record protection does not appear in the alarmlist, the SMS or e-
mail may contain empty alarmlist.
Setpoint: Warning
Group Act. calls/SMS
Range [units] DISABLED, ENABLED [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Force value YES
Description This setpoint is used to enable sending SMS and/or e-mail alerts when a warning-
type protection occurs. See the chapter Alarm management for more information
about protection types.
As the Off load protection does not appear in the alarmlist, the SMS or e-mail may
contain empty alarmlist.
Setpoint: BrkOpen&CoolDn
Group Act. calls/SMS
Range [units] DISABLED, ENABLED [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint is used to enable sending SMS and/or e-mail alerts when a
BrkOpen&CoolDn-type alarm occurs. See the chapter Alarm management for
more information about protection types.
As the Mains protect protection does not appear in the alarmlist, the SMS or e-
mail may contain empty alarmlist.
Setpoint: ShutdownOvr
Group Act. calls/SMS
Range [units] DISABLED, ENABLED [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Force value YES
Description This setpoint is used to enable sending SMS and/or e-mail alerts when a Sd
Override-type alarm occurs. See the chapter Alarm management for more
information about protection types.
Setpoint: AcallCH1-Type
Group Act. calls/SMS
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint is used to specify the alert type of the active calls - channel 1. See
the chapter Alarm messaging for more details.
Setpoint: AcallCH1-Addr
Group Act. calls/SMS
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint is used to specify the recipient address for the active calls - channel
1. The content of the address must correspond to the selected alert type (e.g. it
must contain e-mail address if the alert type is e-mail). See the chapter Alarm
messaging for more details.
Setpoint: AcallCH2-Type
Group Act. calls/SMS
Setpoint: AcallCH2-Addr
Group Act. calls/SMS
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint is used to specify the recipient address for the active calls - channel
2. The content of the address must correspond to the selected alert type (e.g. it
must contain e-mail address if the alert type is e-mail). See the chapter Alarm
messaging for more details.
Setpoint: AcallCH3-Type
Group Act. calls/SMS
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint is used to specify the alert type of the active calls - channel 3. See
the chapter Alarm messaging for more details.
Setpoint: AcallCH3-Addr
Group Act. calls/SMS
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint is used to specify the recipient address for the active calls - channel
2. The content of the address must correspond to the selected alert type (e.g. it
must contain e-mail address if the alert type is e-mail). See the chapter Alarm
messaging for more details.
Setpoint: AcallCH4-Type
Group Act. calls/SMS
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint is used to specify the alert type of the active calls - channel 4. See
the chapter Alarm messaging for more details.
Setpoint: AcallCH5-Type
Group Act. calls/SMS
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint is used to specify the alert type of the active calls - channel 5. See
the chapter Alarm messaging for more details.
Setpoint: AcallCH5-Addr
Group Act. calls/SMS
Range [units] [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint is used to specify the recipient address for the active calls - channel
5. The content of the address must correspond to the selected alert type (e.g. it
must contain e-mail address if the alert type is e-mail). See the chapter Alarm
messaging for more details.
Setpoint: NumberRings AA
Group Act. calls/SMS
Range [units] 1 .. 30 [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint is used to adjust the number of rings after which the modem, which
is attached to he controller, answers the incoming call.
Any change of this setpoint is applied first after next switching the controller or
modem off and on or after disconnecting the modem from the controller and
connecting it back.
Group: Date/Time
Setpoint: Time stamp act
Group Date/Time
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint selects the Time stamp function mode.
Setpoint: PremortHistPer
Group Date/Time
Range [units] 100 ms, 300 ms, 500 ms, 1 s, 3 s [-]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This setpoint adjusts the period with which premortem history(fast history) records
are written. Premortem history is triggered if level 2 alarm (for more information on
alarm levels please refer to this section) is issued and the engine is running (at
least one condition from this list is fullfiled). For any setting of this setpoint
Premortem history contains 50 records.
Setpoint: #Time
Group Date/Time
Range [units] [HH:MM:SS]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint shows the current time from the internal RTC clock of the controller
and can be also used to readjust it.
If the controller is connected to other controllers via the CAN2 bus, the setpoints
#Time and #Date are automatically synchronized each hour with the controller
that has lowest address. If date/time is changed at one controller it is
automatically updated also in all other controllers in the group.
Setpoint with the symbol # are synchronized between controllers.
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IGS-NT-SPtM-3.1.0 Reference Guide.PDF
Setpoint: #Date
Group Date/Time
Range [units] [dd.mm.yyyy]
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The setpoint shows the date from the internal RTC clock of the controller and can
be also used to readjust it.
If the controller is connected to other controllers via the CAN2 bus, the setpoints
#Time and #Date are automatically synchronized each hour with the controller
that has lowest address. If date/time is changed at one controller it is
automatically updated also in all other controllers in the group.
Setpoint with the symbol # are synchronized between controllers.
Table of values
Group: Engine values
Value: RPM
Group Engine values
Units 1/min
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Current engine speed. See the chapter Engine speed measurement for details
about speed measurement methods.
Available in IS-NT only.
The value is intended for creating the "high cylinder temperature" alarm using an
universal analog protection. There is a special wizard at the I/O tab in GenConfig
which makes the configuration of cylinder temperatures easy.
Available in IS-NT only.
The value is intended for creating the "misfiring cylinder" alarm using an universal
analog protection.
Available in IS-NT only.
Value: Angle
Group Gener values
Units °
Related FW 3.1.0
Description The angle between the phasors of the generator and mains/bus voltage.
Value: Mains V
Group Mains values
Units V
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Mains voltage. Average from all three phases.
The ratio between the voltage measured at the input terminals and the displayed
voltage is adjusted by the setpoint Vm VT ratio.
Value: Bus V
Group Bus values
Units V
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Bus voltage. Average from all three phases.
The ratio between the voltage measured at the input terminals and the displayed
voltage is adjusted by the setpoint Vb VT ratio.
Value: Im3/EarthFC
Group Mains values
Units A
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This value contains the current measured at the current input labeled "IN". This
input is used either for measurement of the mains current in phase L3 or for earth
fault current. The function depends on the setpoint I/E-Pm meas.
The ratio between the current measured at the input terminals and the displayed
current is adjusted by the setpoints Im3/ErFlCurCTp and Im3/ErFlCurCTs.
Value: EarthFC
Group Bus values
Units A
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This value contains the current measured at the current input labeled "IN". This
The ratio between the current measured at the input terminals and the displayed
current is adjusted by the setpoints Im3/ErFlCurCTp and Im3/ErFlCurCTs.
Value: P mains
Group Mains values
Units kW
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Actual active power imported from the mains. Method of the mains import
measurement is adjusted by the setpoint I/E-Pm meas.
Value: Q mains
Group Mains values
Units kVAr
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Actual reactive power imported from the mains. Method of the mains import
measurement is adjusted by the setpoint I/E-Qm meas.
Value: Mains PF
Group Mains values
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Cos-phi factor at the mains inlet.
Value: Object P
Group Mains values
Units kW
Value: Object Q
Group Mains values
Units kVAr
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Actual reactive power consumed by the object. This value is calculated as sum of
the genset reactive power and the reactive power imported from the mains.
Value: Object PF
Group Mains values
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Cos-phi factor at the load. This value is computed indirectly from the values
Object P and Object Q.
Value: MaxVectorS
Group Mains values
Units º
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This is maximal measured value of vector shift of the generator voltage. The value
is reset to 0 automatically in the moment of closing the GCB.
Value: ROCOF
Group Mains values / Bus values
Units Hz/s
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This value shows actual measured value of ROCOF.
Value: SpdRegOut
Group Sync/Load ctrl
Units V
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This is the actual voltage on the speed governor output of the controller. In case
the output is switched to PWM mode, the relation is 10V ~ 100% PWM.
Most of ECU units use the J1939 TSC1 frame for speed control, where the
requested speed is expressed directly in RPM. Use the value SpeedReq RPM for
this purpose.
Value: ReqEngineSpeed
Group Sync/Load ctrl
Units RPM
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This value contains an exact copy of the required speed which is beeing sent to
the ECU (e.g. in the TSC1 frame). It is intended for checking if the speed
regulation chain is configured properly.
Value: SystLoadCtrl
Group Sync/Load ctrl
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Code of the current load control mode. The description how to obtain the text
representation of each code can be found at the value Engine state.
Value: SystPfCtrl
Group Volt/PF ctrl
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Code of the current power factor control mode. The description how to obtain the
text representation of each code can be found at the value Engine state.
This object can be written via the communication (e.g. Modbus) without any
limitation. Use GenConfig function Generate Cfg Image to get the communication
object number or register number of this particular value object. Below is a typical
example of using this object.
The gen-set is required to be running in parallel-to-mains mode at constant load
level (baseload), however the baseload level is adjusted from a supervisory PLC
system via Modbus.
It is not allowed to solve this task by cyclic writing of the baseload setpoint from
the supervisory device. The EEPROM memory may become damaged when any
setpoint is written repeatedly with a short period.
Value: ExtValue2
Group Force value
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This data object is intended for remote control of the gen-set via the
communication if some kind of data is to be passed into the controller.
This object can be written via the communication (e.g. Modbus) without any
limitation. Use GenConfig function Generate Cfg Image to get the communication
object number or register number of this particular value object. See an example
at the object ExtValue1.
This object can be written via the communication (e.g. Modbus) without any
limitation. Use GenConfig function Generate Cfg Image to get the communication
object number or register number of this particular value object. See an example
at the object ExtValue1.
Value: ExtValue4
Group Force value
Units X
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This data object is intended for remote control of the gen-set via the
communication if some kind of data is to be passed into the controller.
This object can be written via the communication (e.g. Modbus) without any
limitation. Use GenConfig function Generate Cfg Image to get the communication
object number or register number of this particular value object. See an example
at the object ExtValue1.
Group: Analog CU
Value: UBat
Group Analog CU
Units V
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Voltage at the controller power supply terminals.
Value: D+
Group Analog CU
Units V
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Voltage measured at the D+ terminal. If this voltage is > 80% of the Ubat the D+
terminal is evaluated as active and the engine is evaluated as running. See also
the chapter Start sequence.
Click on button with "..." to get a clear list of BI names with their corresponding
Click on button with "..." to get a clear list of BI names with their corresponding
Click on button with "..." to get a clear list of BI names with their corresponding
Value: LogBout 2
Group Log bout
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This is a bit array containing status of logical binary outputs 17-32 of the
controller. Bit0 represents LBO17, bit1 represents LBO18 etc..
All terminals display binary values in "human-readable" form - from left to right.
That means the bit 0 is displayed in the most left position. This is different from
common use in computer science, where binary values are displayed from right to
Click on button with "..." to get a clear list of BI names with their corresponding
Value: LogBout 3
Group Log bout
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This is a bit array containing status of logical binary outputs 33-48 of the
controller. Bit0 represents LBO33, bit1 represents LBO34 etc..
All terminals display binary values in "human-readable" form - from left to right.
That means the bit 0 is displayed in the most left position. This is different from
common use in computer science, where binary values are displayed from right to
Click on button with "..." to get a clear list of BI names with their corresponding
Click on button with "..." to get a clear list of BI names with their corresponding
Value: LogBout 5
Group Log bout
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This is a bit array containing status of logical binary outputs 65-80 of the
controller. Bit0 represents LBO65, bit1 represents LBO66 etc..
All terminals display binary values in "human-readable" form - from left to right.
That means the bit 0 is displayed in the most left position. This is different from
common use in computer science, where binary values are displayed from right to
Click on button with "..." to get a clear list of BI names with their corresponding
Value: LogBout 6
Group Log bout
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This is a bit array containing status of logical binary outputs 81-96 of the
controller. Bit0 represents LBO81, bit1 represents LBO82 etc..
All terminals display binary values in "human-readable" form - from left to right.
That means the bit 0 is displayed in the most left position. This is different from
common use in computer science, where binary values are displayed from right to
Click on button with "..." to get a clear list of BI names with their corresponding
Value: LogBout 8
Group Log bout
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This is a bit array containing status of logical binary outputs 113-128 of the
controller. Bit0 represents LBO113, bit1 represents LBO114 etc..
All terminals display binary values in "human-readable" form - from left to right.
That means the bit 0 is displayed in the most left position. This is different from
common use in computer science, where binary values are displayed from right to
Value: LogBout 9
Group Log bout
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This is a bit array containing status of logical binary outputs 128-143 of the
controller. Bit0 represents LBO128, bit1 represents LBO129 etc..
All terminals display binary values in "human-readable" form - from left to right.
That means the bit 0 is displayed in the most left position. This is different from
common use in computer science, where binary values are displayed from right to
Value: RemoteControl
Group Log bout
Units -
Group: Info
Value: Controller mode
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This value contains actual controller mode. The controller mode is selected by the
setpoint Controller mode but the setpoint position can be overriden by binary
inputs Remote OFF, Remote MAN, Remote AUT or Remote TEST.
Value: SW Version
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Major and minor firmware version number. E.g. value "2,4" means version 2.4.
Release version number is not included.
Value: Application
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Code of the application type. E.g. 1 for SPtM, 2 for SPI, 3 for MINT etc. The value
is intended for diagnostic purposes.
Value: SW Branch
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Firmware branch code. Contains 1 in case of standard branches.
Value: PasswordDecode
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Value: CAN16
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Bits of this value show "1" if the controller receives messages from the controller
which has address corresponding with the bit position. Bit 0 represents address 1
etc. This value contains information about controllers with addresses 1-16.
The bit which corresponds to the own controller is always set to "1".
Value: CAN32
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Bits of this value show "1" if the controller receives messages from the controller
which has address corresponding with the bit position. Bit 0 represents address
17 etc. This value contains information about controllers with addresses 17-32.
The bit which corresponds to the own controller is always set to "1".
Value: Reg16
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Bits of this value show "1" if the controller which has address corresponding with
the bit position plays active role in the power management. Bit 0 represents
address 1 etc. This value contains information about controllers with addresses 1-
Value: Reg32
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Bits of this value show "1" if the controller which has address corresponding with
the bit position plays active role in the power management. Bit 0 represents
address 17 etc. This value contains information about controllers with addresses
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IGS-NT-SPtM-3.1.0 Reference Guide.PDF
Value: GL16
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Bits of this value show "1" if the controller which has address corresponding with
the bit position has GCB closed. Bit 0 represents address 1 etc. This value
contains information about controllers with addresses 1-16.
Value: GL32
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Bits of this value show "1" if the controller which has address corresponding with
the bit position has GCB closed. Bit 0 represents address 1 etc. This value
contains information about controllers with addresses 17-32.
1. Open the archive in GenConfig and use the function File -> Generate Cfg
Image -> Comm. objects to create a list of all communication objects.
2. Open the file, find the row containing this value and look for the column
"Type". The column "Type" contains reference to a list of codes and their
representations located in the bottom part of the file.
Value: NextTime1-4
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This value contains time of next activation of the timer block 1-4 (i.e. of the output
TimerAct 1-4). The related date is available in the value NextDate1-4.
More information about timers is available in the chapter General purpose timers.
Value: NextDate1-4
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This value contains date of next activation of the timer block 1-4 (i.e. of the output
TimerAct 1-4). The related time is available in the value NextTime1-4.
More information about timers is available in the chapter General purpose timers.
More information about timers is available in the chapter General purpose timers.
Value: NextDate5-8
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This value contains date of next activation of the timer block 5-8 (i.e. of the output
TimerAct 5-8). The related time is available in the value NextTime5-8.
More information about timers is available in the chapter General purpose timers.
Value: NextTime9-12
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This value contains time of next activation of the timer block 9-12 (i.e. of the
output TimerAct 9-12). The related date is available in the value NextDate9-12.
More information about timers is available in the chapter General purpose timers.
Value: NextDate9-12
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This value contains date of next activation of the timer block 9-12 (i.e. of the
output TimerAct 9-12). The related time is available in the value NextTime9-12.
More information about timers is available in the chapter General purpose timers.
More information about timers is available in the chapter General purpose timers.
Value: NextDate13-16
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This value contains date of next activation of the timer block 13-16 (i.e. of the
output TimerAct 13-16). The related time is available in the value NextTime13-16.
More information about timers is available in the chapter General purpose timers.
Value: AirGate ID
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description If the controller is connected to an AirGate server this value displays the ID string
assigned by the server. This ID string is to be used in ComAp PC tools (e.g.
InteliMonitor) to specify the respective controller when the connection is opened.
Value: Latitude
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This value contains latitude of the controller. This value is obtained from
connected IB-NT with active GPS. Time is automatically synchronized as well
when succesfull GPS fix is established. If no valid value is available from
InternetBridge-NT, value ##### is displayed.
Value: Longitude
Group Info
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This value contains longitude of the controller. This value is obtained from
connected IB-NT with active GPS. Time is automatically synchronized as well
when succesfull GPS fix is established. If no valid value is available from
InternetBridge-NT, value ##### is displayed.
Group: Statistics
Value: kWhours
Group Statistics
Units kWh
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Active energy counter.
The counter can be readjusted/reset from InteliMonitor menu Monitor -> Set
Value: kVArhours
Group Statistics
Units kVAh
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Reactive energy counter.
The counter can be readjusted/reset from InteliMonitor menu Monitor -> Set
Value: kVAhours
Group Statistics
Units kVAh
Related FW 3.1.0
Description Apparent energy counter.
The counter can be readjusted/reset from InteliMonitor menu Monitor -> Set
Value: DnTimeReqToRun
Group Statistics
Units h
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This counter counts while the controller is in "not ready" state (see the value Total
downtime) and there is a request for the gen-set to run.
The counter can be readjusted/reset from InteliMonitor menu Monitor -> Set
Value: PulseCounter 1
Group Statistics
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This is the value of PulseCounter #1 module. See the binary input PulseCounter
Value: PulseCounter 2
Group Statistics
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This is the value of PulseCounter #2 module. See the binary input PulseCounter
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Value: PulseCounter 4
Group Statistics
Units -
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This is the value of PulseCounter #4 module. See the binary input PulseCounter
Available in IS-NT only.
If the feedback does not respond to a change of the control output GCB
close/open within 2s, the alarm GCB Fail will be issued.
If the feedback changes it's position unexpectedly without any command
given by the control output, the alarm GCB Fail will be issued
This input is obligatory.
If the feedback does not respond to a change of the control output MCB
close/open within 2s, the alarm MCB Fail will be issued.
If the feedback indicates the MCB has unexpectedly closed without any
command given by the control output, the alarm MCB Fail will be issued
If the feedback indicates the MCB has unexpectedly opened without any
command given by the control output, the controller will accept this
situation and the following behavior will depend on mains conditions
(healthy or failure).
The gen-set may stay running even if the input is deactivated. This will occur if
there is another condition for the gen-set to be running like AMF condition etc.
Because of safety reasons it is recommended to configure this input as Normally
closed and use a NC switch.
This is a software function only. It can be extended by a "hard-wired" emergency
stop function, which means disconnecting power supply from the controller
This logical input can be configured together with the input Remote TEST onto
one controller terminal and then the "test with load" function can be activated by
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one signal. That means e.g. if a mains supply interruption is expected, the
controller can be forced to start, take the load over and disconnect the mains prior
to the interruption occurs. Then, after the mains has been restored, the signal is
removed and the controller transfers the load back to the mains.
Use this input if you need to disable the genset temporarily from any reason
(maintenance, control from a higher-level automation system etc..).
Programming of firmware and/or configuration is disabled while this input is active,
as the programming is allowed in OFF mode only and GenConfig is not able to
switch the controller to OFF mode while MAN mode is forced by this input.
The controller is forced into AUT or SEM mode while this input is active.
Programming of firmware and/or configuration is disabled while this input is active,
as the programming is allowed in OFF mode only and GenConfig is not able to
switch the controller to OFF mode while AUT mode is forced by this input.
Use this input if you need to disable the genset temporarily from any reason
(maintenance, control from a higher-level automation system etc..).
Programming of firmware and/or configuration is disabled while this input is active,
as the programming is allowed in OFF mode only and GenConfig is not able to
switch the controller to OFF mode while MAN mode is forced by this input.
The controller is forced into AUT or SEM mode while this input is active.
Programming of firmware and/or configuration is disabled while this input is active,
as the programming is allowed in OFF mode only and GenConfig is not able to
switch the controller to OFF mode while AUT mode is forced by this input.
Use this input if you need to disable the genset temporarily from any reason
(maintenance, control from a higher-level automation system etc..).
The controller is forced into AUT or SEM mode while this input is active.
Programming of firmware and/or configuration is disabled while this input is active,
as the programming is allowed in OFF mode only and GenConfig is not able to
switch the controller to OFF mode while AUT mode is forced by this input.
Use this input if you need to disable the genset temporarily from any reason
(maintenance, control from a higher-level automation system etc..).
Programming of firmware and/or configuration is disabled while this input is active,
as the programming is allowed in OFF mode only and GenConfig is not able to
switch the controller to OFF mode while MAN mode is forced by this input.
Programming of firmware and/or configuration is disabled while this input is active,
as the programming is allowed in OFF mode only and GenConfig is not able to
switch the controller to OFF mode while AUT mode is forced by this input.
Use this input if you need to disable the genset temporarily from any reason
(maintenance, control from a higher-level automation system etc..).
Programming of firmware and/or configuration is disabled while this input is active,
as the programming is allowed in OFF mode only and GenConfig is not able to
switch the controller to OFF mode while MAN mode is forced by this input.
The controller is forced into AUT or SEM mode while this input is active.
Programming of firmware and/or configuration is disabled while this input is active,
as the programming is allowed in OFF mode only and GenConfig is not able to
switch the controller to OFF mode while AUT mode is forced by this input.
If you use this logical binary input you do not need to configure any other
protection onto the respective physical binary input.
As the IS-NT and IGS-NT-BB do not have built-in terminal, this input is assigned
to the terminal or IntelliVision (display) #1, which is supposed to be directly
attached to the controller or mounted close to it.
An external remote terminal is any device, which reads and/or writes data
from/into the controller and is connected to the controller via any other
An example of such terminal is a PC with InteliMonitor, any kind of remote display
connected via CAN2 or a PLC connected to the RS485 and communicating via
This input is typically used to skip preglowing of the engine when the engine is
already warm. A built-in PLC module Comparator with hysteresis attached to the
engine temperature value can be used to provide the "engine warm" binary signal,
which is then internally configured onto this logical binary input.
Use this input to disable temporarily the genset to be started e.g. from an higher-
level automation device such as PLC.
The genset will not be stopped if the input is activated while the genset is running.
All protections are displayed in Alarmlist and recorded into history, however the
controller leaves the gen-set in operation. If there are any protections still active or
not reset in the moment when the input is deactivated, the controller will react to
them in a standard way.
Emergency stop
Underspeed (only if Fuel solenoid = GAS ENGINE)
Binary and analog protections configured as Sd override type. In fact this
protection type means "Unoverridable shutdown", i.e. it works the same
way as standard shutdown protection, however it can not be overriden
If the input is active during synchronizing, the controller will keep the
genset synchronized without issuing the GCB closing command until the
input is deactivated or Sync timeout is elapsed.
If the input is active and the GCB button is pressed in MAN mode to close
the GCB to dead bus, the GCB will not be closed until the input is
deactivated and the GCB button pressed again.
If the input is active and the GCB is to be closed to dead bus
automatically, the GCB will not be closed until the input is deactivated.
If the input is active during synchronizing, the controller will keep the
loaded genset synchronized with the mains without issuing the MCB
closing command until the input is deactivated or Sync timeout is elapsed.
If the input is active and the MCB button is pressed in MAN mode to close
the MCB to dead bus, the MCB will not be closed until the input is
deactivated and the MCB button pressed again.
If the input is active and the MCB is to be closed to dead bus
automatically, the MCB will not be closed until the input is deactivated.
This feature is especially designed for marine gen-sets, which are supposed to be
started manually as the controller has no power supply before the gen-set is
started. It may be also useful in case of testing the gen-set or in case of a failure,
which does not allow the gen-set to be controlled by the controller, but the gen-set
itself is stays operational. This function is also used in case of redundancy to
disable redundant controller.
Shows the text EmergMan in the engine status on the main screen.
Stops all functions regarding the gen-set control, deactivates all outputs
related to it. The complete list of effected logical binary outputs is at the
Stop Fail alarm is not beeing evaluated and stop solenoid is not activated
if nonzero speed is detected.
Voltage, current, power and other electric measurements are active.
When the input is deactivated, the controller takes control over the gen-
set according to the situation in which the gen-set was in the moment of
deactivation. I.e. the gen-set remains running loaded if it was running and
GCB was closed in the moment the input was deactivated.
For successful recovery from a running state when the input is deactivated it is
recommended to use pulse-type control outputs instead of continous-type. E.g.
Stop Solenoid for fuel supply control and GCB ON coil, GCB OFF coil for breaker
Logical Binary Outputs that are deactivated (directly or indirectly) when Emerg.
manual is active:
Fuel solenoid
Cooling pump
CB close/open (GCB and MCB)
CB ON coil (GCB and MCB)
CB OFF coil (GCB and MCB)
CB UV coil (GCB and MCB)
Stop solenoid
Stop pulse
Speed up
Speed dn
AVR up
AVR dn
Prelubr pump
In synchronism
ECU PwrRelay
This input works only if automatic reconnection is disabled, i.e. the setpoint
AutoLd recon is set to DISABLED.
The input is enabled only if the setpoint Local Button is set to position
The input is enabled only if the setpoint Local Button is set to position
The input is enabled only if the setpoint Local Button is set to position
The input is enabled only if the setpoint Local Button is set to position
The input is enabled only if the setpoint Local Button is set to position
The input is enabled only if the setpoint Local Button is set to position
The PulseCounter modules are intended e.g. for connecting external energy or
fuel meters with pulse outputs.
Minimal pulse width as well as minimal pause between two succesive pulses is
The counter value can be reset in the InteliMonitor statistics window.
The PulseCounter modules are intended e.g. for connecting external energy or
fuel meters with pulse outputs.
Minimal pulse width as well as minimal pause between two succesive pulses is
The counter value can be reset in the InteliMonitor statistics window.
Available in IS-NT only.
The PulseCounter modules are intended e.g. for connecting external energy or
fuel meters with pulse outputs.
The counter value can be reset in the InteliMonitor statistics window.
Available in IS-NT only.
The PulseCounter modules are intended e.g. for connecting external energy or
fuel meters with pulse outputs.
Minimal pulse width as well as minimal pause between two succesive pulses is
The counter value can be reset in the InteliMonitor statistics window.
Available in IS-NT only.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 1 and output TimerAct 1-4.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 2 and output TimerAct 1-4.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
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Binary input: Timer block 3
Related FW 3.1.0
Description This input is used to disable temporarily the output from the Timer channel #3.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 3 and output TimerAct 1-4.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 4 and output TimerAct 1-4.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 5 and output TimerAct 5-8.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 6 and output TimerAct 5-8.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 7 and output TimerAct 5-8.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 8 and output TimerAct 5-8.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 9 and output TimerAct 9-12.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 10 and output TimerAct 9-12.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 12 and output TimerAct 9-12.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 13 and output TimerAct 13-16.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 14 and output TimerAct 13-16.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 15 and output TimerAct 13-16.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See also the setpoint TimerChannel 16 and output TimerAct 13-16.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
While this input is active the value of ExtValue 1 is contiously beeing increased at
the rate of ExtValue1 rate until it reaches ExtValue1HiLim.
If this input is used (configured), the ExtValue 1 can't be written remotely from a
remote terminal using the command ExtValue 1.
While this input is active the value of ExtValue 1 is contiously beeing decreased at
the rate of ExtValue1 rate until it reaches ExtValue1LoLim.
If this input is used (configured), the ExtValue 1 can't be written remotely from a
remote terminal using the command ExtValue 1.
While this input is active the value of ExtValue 2 is contiously beeing increased at
the rate of ExtValue2 rate until it reaches ExtValue2HiLim.
If this input is used (configured), the ExtValue 2 can't be written remotely from a
remote terminal using the command ExtValue 2.
While this input is active the value of ExtValue 2 is contiously beeing decreased at
the rate of ExtValue2 rate until it reaches ExtValue2LoLim.
If this input is used (configured), the ExtValue 2 can't be written remotely from a
remote terminal using the command ExtValue 2.
While this input is active the value of ExtValue 3 is contiously beeing increased at
the rate of ExtValue3 rate until it reaches ExtValue3HiLim.
If this input is used (configured), the ExtValue 3 can't be written remotely from a
remote terminal using the command ExtValue 3.
While this input is active the value of ExtValue 3 is contiously beeing decreased at
the rate of ExtValue3 rate until it reaches ExtValue3LoLim.
If this input is used (configured), the ExtValue 3 can't be written remotely from a
remote terminal using the command ExtValue 3.
While this input is active the value of ExtValue 4 is contiously beeing increased at
the rate of ExtValue4 rate until it reaches ExtValue4HiLim.
If this input is used (configured), the ExtValue 4 can't be written remotely from a
remote terminal using the command ExtValue 4.
While this input is active the value of ExtValue 4 is contiously beeing decreased at
the rate of ExtValue4 rate until it reaches ExtValue4LoLim.
If this input is used (configured), the ExtValue 4 can't be written remotely from a
remote terminal using the command ExtValue 4.
Configuring of the reset input does not block writing the ExtValue remotely, in
comparison to the up and down inputs, which does. However, if the reset input is
active, the remotely written data are not accepted.
Configuring of the reset input does not block writing the ExtValue remotely, in
comparison to the up and down inputs, which does. However, if the reset input is
active, the remotely written data are not accepted.
Configuring of the reset input does not block writing the ExtValue remotely, in
comparison to the up and down inputs, which does. However, if the reset input is
active, the remotely written data are not accepted.
Configuring of the reset input does not block writing the ExtValue remotely, in
comparison to the up and down inputs, which does. However, if the reset input is
active, the remotely written data are not accepted.
If the input is active when the engine is expected to be stopped, then the
Stop fail alarm is issued and start is blocked.
If the input becomes active while cranking, the engine is considered as
started and the start-up procedure continues to the next phase (idle).
Learn more in the separate chapter Starting sequence.
If the input is active when the engine is expected to be stopped, then the
Stop fail alarm is issued and start is blocked.
If the input becomes active while cranking, the engine is considered as
started and the start-up procedure continues to the next phase (idle).
Learn more in the separate chapter Starting sequence.
If the input is active when the engine is expected to be stopped, then the
Stop fail alarm is issued and start is blocked.
If the input becomes active while cranking, the engine is considered as
started and the start-up procedure continues to the next phase (idle).
Learn more in the separate chapter Starting sequence.
This input can be used to inform a remote user about a specific non-alarm
situation, e.g. mains failure and/or mains return:
1. Select a binary signal in the controller, which indicates, that the particular
situation occured, about which you want to be informed remotely. There
are many predefined binary informations provided directly by the
controller or use PLC functions to create the desired binary signal.
2. Configure an universal protection block to the binary signal mentioned
above and select protection type AL indication.
3. Configure the binary signal mentioned above onto the logical binary input
This input can be used to inform a remote user about a specific non-alarm
1. Select a binary signal in the controller, which indicates, that the particular
situation occured, about which you want to be informed remotely. There
are many predefined binary informations provided directly by the
controller or use PLC functions to create the desired binary signal.
2. Configure an universal protection block to the binary signal mentioned
above and select protection type AL indication.
3. Configure the binary signal mentioned above onto the logical binary input
This input can be used to inform a remote user about a specific non-alarm
situation, e.g. mains failure and/or mains return:
1. Select a binary signal in the controller, which indicates, that the particular
situation occured, about which you want to be informed remotely. There
are many predefined binary informations provided directly by the
controller or use PLC functions to create the desired binary signal.
2. Configure an universal protection block to the binary signal mentioned
above and select protection type AL indication.
3. Configure the binary signal mentioned above onto the logical binary input
This input can be used to inform a remote user about a specific non-alarm
situation, e.g. mains failure and/or mains return:
1. Select a binary signal in the controller, which indicates, that the particular
situation occured, about which you want to be informed remotely. There
are many predefined binary informations provided directly by the
controller or use PLC functions to create the desired binary signal.
2. Configure an universal protection block to the binary signal mentioned
above and select protection type AL indication.
3. Configure the binary signal mentioned above onto the logical binary input
This input can be used to inform a remote user about a specific non-alarm
situation, e.g. mains failure and/or mains return:
1. Select a binary signal in the controller, which indicates, that the particular
situation occured, about which you want to be informed remotely. There
are many predefined binary informations provided directly by the
controller or use PLC functions to create the desired binary signal.
2. Configure an universal protection block to the binary signal mentioned
above and select protection type AL indication.
3. Configure the binary signal mentioned above onto the logical binary input
Local display means that it is connected to dedicated RS485. There is possibility
to connect up to 2 external displays in IG-NT-BB or 1 in IG-NT. It is possible to
connect up to 3 external displays in IS-NT-BB and in IS-NT.
This input forces the external local terminal or IntelliVision (display) #3 into
monitoring mode.
Local display means that it is connected to dedicated RS485. There is possibility
to connect up to 2 external displays in IG-NT-BB or 1 in IG-NT. It is possible to
connect up to 3 external displays in IS-NT-BB and in IS-NT.
For IS-NT only.
This input is intended for situations, where the genset is controller by an ECU or
other device which also includes engine protections and can stop the engine itself.
In such case the controller would issue an Underspeed alarm. Connecting this
input to an appropriate ECU output, which provides information, that the engine
has been stopped by the ECU, prevents the controller from issuing the
underspeed alarm.
If the redundant controller does not sense the heart beat from the main one, it will
activate the binary output CtrlHBeat FD, which has to be wired such a way, that it
disconnects the dead main controller from the genset, connects the redundant
controller instead and activates it.
Learn more about redundancy in separate chapter Redundant controllers.
The input is especially designed for shortening of the start-up procedure when the
gen-set is starting to an AMF operation.
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then the highest
priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block according to the list
displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the related setpoint).
Watch a training video about force value function here:
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
Watch a training video about force value function here:
See an example in the description of the binary input Force value 1.
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
See an example in the description of the binary input Force value 1.
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
Watch a training video about force value function here:
See an example in the description of the binary input Force value 1.
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
Watch a training video about force value function here:
See an example in the description of the binary input Force value 1.
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
Watch a training video about force value function here:
See an example in the description of the binary input Force value 1.
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
Watch a training video about force value function here:
See an example in the description of the binary input Force value 1.
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
Watch a training video about force value function here:
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
Watch a training video about force value function here:
See an example in the description of the binary input Force value 1.
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
Watch a training video about force value function here:
See an example in the description of the binary input Force value 1.
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
IGS-NT SPtM, SW Version 3.1.0, ©ComAp – August 2014 272
IGS-NT-SPtM-3.1.0 Reference Guide.PDF
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
Watch a training video about force value function here:
See an example in the description of the binary input Force value 1.
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
Watch a training video about force value function here:
See an example in the description of the binary input Force value 1.
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
Watch a training video about force value function here:
See an example in the description of the binary input Force value 1.
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
Watch a training video about force value function here:
See an example in the description of the binary input Force value 1.
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
Watch a training video about force value function here:
See an example in the description of the binary input Force value 1.
If there are more than one force value blocks configured onto one setpoint then
the highest priority has the block with the lowest index (i.e. the first active block
according to the list displayed in GenConfig in the Force value window at the
related setpoint).
See an example in the description of the binary input Force value 1.
Using these inputs for language selection is an option only. If the inputs are not
configured, the language can be selected using the menus on the terminal.
0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
2 0 1 0
3 1 1 0
"0" in the table means the input is not active or not configured.
Language index 0 selects the default language of the terminal, i.e. the language,
which is adjusted in the terminal using it's menus.
The reaction on changes of these inputs is delayed about 1 sec to ensure the new
combination is valid (e.g. if a rotary selector switch is used).
Each language change causes the reinitialization of the display. Function of the
controller is not influenced.
Using these inputs for language selection is an option only. If the inputs are not
configured, the language can be selected using the menus on the terminal.
0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
2 0 1 0
3 1 1 0
4 0 0 1
5 1 0 1
6 0 1 1
7 1 1 1
"0" in the table means the input is not active or not configured.
The reaction on changes of these inputs is delayed about 1 sec to ensure the new
combination is valid (e.g. if a rotary selector switch is used).
Each language change causes the reinitialization of the display. Function of the
controller is not influenced.
Using these inputs for language selection is an option only. If the inputs are not
configured, the language can be selected using the menus on the terminal.
0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
2 0 1 0
3 1 1 0
4 0 0 1
5 1 0 1
6 0 1 1
7 1 1 1
"0" in the table means the input is not active or not configured.
Language index 0 selects the default language of the terminal, i.e. the language,
which is adjusted in the terminal using it's menus.
The reaction on changes of these inputs is delayed about 1 sec to ensure the new
combination is valid (e.g. if a rotary selector switch is used).
Each language change causes the reinitialization of the display. Function of the
controller is not influenced.
Using these inputs for language selection is an option only. If the inputs are not
configured, the language can be selected using the menus on the terminal.
0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
2 0 1 0
3 1 1 0
4 0 0 1
5 1 0 1
6 0 1 1
7 1 1 1
"0" in the table means the input is not active or not configured.
Language index 0 selects the default language of the terminal, i.e. the language,
which is adjusted in the terminal using it's menus.
The reaction on changes of these inputs is delayed about 1 sec to ensure the new
combination is valid (e.g. if a rotary selector switch is used).
Each language change causes the reinitialization of the display. Function of the
controller is not influenced.
Using these inputs for language selection is an option only. If the inputs are not
configured, the language can be selected using the menus on the terminal.
0 0 0 0
"0" in the table means the input is not active or not configured.
Language index 0 selects the default language of the terminal, i.e. the language,
which is adjusted in the terminal using it's menus.
The reaction on changes of these inputs is delayed about 1 sec to ensure the new
combination is valid (e.g. if a rotary selector switch is used).
Each language change causes the reinitialization of the display. Function of the
controller is not influenced.
Using these inputs for language selection is an option only. If the inputs are not
configured, the language can be selected using the menus on the terminal.
0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
2 0 1 0
3 1 1 0
4 0 0 1
5 1 0 1
6 0 1 1
7 1 1 1
Language index 0 selects the default language of the terminal, i.e. the language,
which is adjusted in the terminal using it's menus.
The reaction on changes of these inputs is delayed about 1 sec to ensure the new
combination is valid (e.g. if a rotary selector switch is used).
Each language change causes the reinitialization of the display. Function of the
controller is not influenced.
Using these inputs for language selection is an option only. If the inputs are not
configured, the language can be selected using the menus on the terminal.
0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
2 0 1 0
3 1 1 0
4 0 0 1
5 1 0 1
6 0 1 1
7 1 1 1
"0" in the table means the input is not active or not configured.
Language index 0 selects the default language of the terminal, i.e. the language,
which is adjusted in the terminal using it's menus.
The reaction on changes of these inputs is delayed about 1 sec to ensure the new
combination is valid (e.g. if a rotary selector switch is used).
Each language change causes the reinitialization of the display. Function of the
controller is not influenced.
Using these inputs for language selection is an option only. If the inputs are not
configured, the language can be selected using the menus on the terminal.
0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
2 0 1 0
3 1 1 0
4 0 0 1
5 1 0 1
6 0 1 1
7 1 1 1
"0" in the table means the input is not active or not configured.
Language index 0 selects the default language of the terminal, i.e. the language,
which is adjusted in the terminal using it's menus.
The reaction on changes of these inputs is delayed about 1 sec to ensure the new
combination is valid (e.g. if a rotary selector switch is used).
Each language change causes the reinitialization of the display. Function of the
controller is not influenced.
Using these inputs for language selection is an option only. If the inputs are not
configured, the language can be selected using the menus on the terminal.
IGS-NT SPtM, SW Version 3.1.0, ©ComAp – August 2014 281
IGS-NT-SPtM-3.1.0 Reference Guide.PDF
0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
2 0 1 0
3 1 1 0
4 0 0 1
5 1 0 1
6 0 1 1
7 1 1 1
"0" in the table means the input is not active or not configured.
Language index 0 selects the default language of the terminal, i.e. the language,
which is adjusted in the terminal using it's menus.
The reaction on changes of these inputs is delayed about 1 sec to ensure the new
combination is valid (e.g. if a rotary selector switch is used).
Each language change causes the reinitialization of the display. Function of the
controller is not influenced.
E.g. this function can be used to "swap" between two different screen instruments
when certain conditions are fulfilled. Logical binary inputs Mask 1..4 can be used
E.g. this function can be used to "swap" between two different screen instruments
when certain conditions are fulfilled. Logical binary inputs Mask 1..4 can be used
to define any custom condition for this "swapping" function.
E.g. this function can be used to "swap" between two different screen instruments
when certain conditions are fulfilled. Logical binary inputs Mask 1..4 can be used
to define any custom condition for this "swapping" function.
E.g. this function can be used to "swap" between two different screen instruments
when certain conditions are fulfilled. Logical binary inputs Mask 1..4 can be used
to define any custom condition for this "swapping" function.
The analog value is transformed to the requested cos phi factor following way:
<60 0.6L
60 .. 100 0.6L .. 1.00
101 .. 120 0.99C .. 0.80C
The analog value is transformed to the requested cos phi factor following way:
<60 0.6L
60 .. 100 0.6L .. 1.00
101 .. 120 0.99C .. 0.80C
See also the chapter Engine speed measurement.
See also the chapter Running engine detection.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
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IGS-NT-SPtM-3.1.0 Reference Guide.PDF
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Available in IS-NT only.
Thermocouples without internal compensation "Thermo(nc)..." must be used for
this case.
Thermocouples without internal compensation "Thermo(nc)..." must be used for
this case.
Thermocouples without internal compensation "Thermo(nc)..." must be used for
this case.
Learn more in the separate chapter Starting sequence.
Learn more in the separate chapter Starting sequence.
Learn more in the separate chapter Starting sequence.
Some alarm types as e.g. Off load, History record, Low power, Mains protection do
not require confirmation, they disappear from the alarm list automatically when the
alarm condition disappears. That means the Alarm output is not activated by
alarms of these types.
GCB ON coil
GCB OFF coil
GCB UV coil
GCB close/open
GCB OFF coil
GCB UV coil
GCB close/open
GCB ON coil
GCB UV coil
The output is closed after the gen-set has been started, Min stab time has
elapsed and the generator voltage and frequency has got into limits. GCB
closing command is blocked for 1 sec after the UV coil has been closed to
allow the breaker mechanical system getting ready for closing.
The output is opened for 2 sec when the GCB has to open. If
synchronizing is disabled with the particular breaker, the length of the
inverse pulse is extended to 5sec.
The output is closed again and remains closed while the generator
voltage and frequency are in limits, if the Running phase follows after
opening of the GCB (e.g. in MAN).
The output remains opened if the Cooling phase follows after opening of
IGS-NT SPtM, SW Version 3.1.0, ©ComAp – August 2014 298
IGS-NT-SPtM-3.1.0 Reference Guide.PDF
the GCB.
GCB close/open
GCB ON coil
GCB OFF coil
Use invert function when configuring the output in GenConfig to obtain inverted
function of the output, i.e. output is closed while the MCB has to be open.
MCB ON coil
MCB OFF coil
MCB UV coil
MCB close/open
MCB OFF coil
MCB UV coil
MCB close/open
MCB ON coil
MCB UV coil
The output is closed while mains values are within limits. MCB closing
command is blocked for 1 sec after the UV coil has been closed to allow
the breaker mechanical system getting ready for closing.
The output is opened for 2 sec when the MCB has to open. If
synchronizing is disabled with the particular breaker, the length of the
inverse pulse is extended to 5sec.
MCB close/open
MCB ON coil
MCB OFF coil
The output is closed when the engine has to stop, remains closed while the
engine is stopping and is opened back if the engine has successfuly stopped and
stop time elapsed. For other stopping sequences please refer to Stop sequence
The total time this output is continuously active is never shorter than Stop time,
i.e. if the gen-set stops quickly, the output may remain closed eventhough all
symptoms indicate the engine is stopped.
This output is also closed if the engine begins to rotate unexpectedly, i.e. if it is
started manually directly on the engine. To allow the engine to be operated
manually without intervention from the controller, switch the controller to the
emergency manual mode using the input Emerg. manual.
Learn more about this topic in the separate chapter Stop sequence.
The governor is recommended to be configured for droop function when these
outputs are used for power control.
The alarm Wrn SpdRegLim is disabled when this output is used (configured onto
any controller terminal or virtual output).
The governor is recommended to be configured for droop function when these
outputs are used for power control.
The alarm Wrn SpdRegLim is disabled when this output is used (configured onto
any controller terminal or virtual output).
The AVR is recommended to be configured for droop function when these outputs
are used for power factor control.
The alarm Wrn VoltRegLim is disabled when this output is used (configured onto
any controller terminal or virtual output).
The AVR is recommended to be configured for droop function when these outputs
are used for power factor control.
The alarm Wrn VoltRegLim is disabled when this output is used (configured onto
any controller terminal or virtual output).
See also the output VectorShiftAct.
See also the output VectorShiftTrp.
The output is closed while there is at least one alarm of the Low power type
present in the alarm list. See the chapter Alarm management for more
The output is closed while the alarm cylinder temperature difference alarm is
Learn more in the separate chapter Starting sequence.
The output is opened while the engine is not running and also during start.
The output is closed after the engine has been started when the timer Idle
time elapses.
The output remains closed while the engine is running.
The output is opened while stopping either at the beginning or at the end
of the cooling phase. This is selectable by the setpoint Cooling speed.
Some governors do not support speed reference switching.
The engine must be equipped with an external electric motor-driven oil pump to
allow this function.
If only the positive feedback input is used the output mirrors the feedback.
If both feedbacks are used and they match each other the output
indicates the GCB position according to the feedbacks.
If both feedbacks are used, however they do not match each other, the
output remains in previous position when they matched.
If only the positive feedback input is used the output mirrors the feedback.
If both feedbacks are used and they match each other the output
indicates the MCB position according to the feedbacks.
If both feedbacks are used, however they do not match each other, the
This output combined with a PLC block Delay can be used for switching on/off of
some auxiliary devices (e.g. cooling pump), that are supplied directly from
generator (before GCB). The delay is reccommended to allow the generator
getting stable and avoid unnecessary switching the auxiliary device on and off just
after start.
Phase shift between generator and mains (bus) voltage must be within
This output is closed when level 1 derating is active. For more information on
power derating see chapter Power derating.
This output is closed when level 2 derating is active. For more information on
power derating see chapter Power derating.
Response time of the contactor must be less than 400ms. If the contactor does
not respond to an open or close command within this time, the alarm Wrn NCB fail
is issued.
Learn more about neutral contactor in the description of the setpoint #Neutral
If this input is used (configured), the evaluation of ECU communication fault alarm
and other ECU-related alarms is enabled only while the engine is beeing started or
is running. The reason is that most of ECUs go to sleep mode and do not
communicate while the keyswitch input is deactivated.
It is recommended to adjust the Prestart time to at least 3 sec to allow the ECU to
wake-up and begin the communication prior to the ECU communication fault alarm
is enabled.
If this input is not configured the evaluation of ECU-related alarms is enabled all
the time.
If your ECU does not have the keyswitch input, however you want the ECU-related alarms
to be disabled while the engine is not running, configure the output onto a virtual IO module
This output should not be used for disconnecting of main power supply from the ECU.
Disconnecting of the main power supply while the engine is running might cause the ECU
will not be able to record eventual trouble codes into it's nonvolatile memory.
If the output does not provide the alternating signal it may indicate following:
The output is intended for using in wired redundancy systems at the main
controller. Learn more about redundancy in separate chapter Redundant
If the input CtrlHBeat sens is configured onto any input terminal and the
redundancy controller does not sense the "heart beat" signal from the
main controller at that terminal.
If the redundant controller has not received two consequent messages
from the main controller. The address of the main controller for the
particular redundant one is selected by the the setpoint Watched Contr
Learn more about redundancy in separate chapter Redundant controllers.
Learn more about load shedding in the separate chapter Load shedding.
Learn more about load shedding in the separate chapter Load shedding.
Learn more about load shedding in the separate chapter Load shedding.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
See the chapter Timers for more details about timers.
The output is closed while the controller is currently in SEM mode. This output is
available in IS-NT controllers only.
The output is closed while the controller is currently in SEM mode. This output is
available in IS-NT controllers only.
The output is closed while the controller is currently in SEM mode. This output is
available in IS-NT controllers only.
The output is closed while the controller is currently in SEM mode. This output is
available in IS-NT controllers only.
The output is closed while the controller is currently in SEM mode. This output is
available in IS-NT controllers only.
The output also closes if the engine begins to rotate spontaneously.
The output can be used for control of an external synchronizing module.
The output can be used for external synchronizing module control.
The output is not closed during the warming period.
This output is closed for the whole time of the stopping sequence (regardless of
the repeated opening of the Stop solenoid). It is deactivated immediately when the
engine is considered stopped.
The output is intended for ECU-controlled engines to switch on/off some particular
ECU function by a controller setpoint if the function can be controlled by a binary
value over the J1939 bus.
The output is intended for ECU-controlled engines to switch on/off some particular
ECU function by a controller setpoint if the function can be controlled by a binary
value over the J1939 bus.
The output is intended for ECU-controlled engines to switch on/off some particular
ECU function by a controller setpoint if the function can be controlled by a binary
value over the J1939 bus.
The output is intended for ECU-controlled engines to switch on/off some particular
ECU function by a controller setpoint if the function can be controlled by a binary
value over the J1939 bus.
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened or closed depending on previous state (it is
changed to the opposite state).
PULSE ON Pressing the button issues log. binary output User Button X to
close for time given by setpoint UserBtn pulse.
Repeated pressing of button during the closed period causes
issuing another puls to be generated from the moment of button
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened or closed depending on previous state (it is
changed to the opposite state).
PULSE ON Pressing the button issues log. binary output User Button X to
close for time given by setpoint UserBtn pulse.
Repeated pressing of button during the closed period causes
issuing another puls to be generated from the moment of button
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened or closed depending on previous state (it is
changed to the opposite state).
PULSE ON Pressing the button issues log. binary output User Button X to
close for time given by setpoint UserBtn pulse.
Repeated pressing of button during the closed period causes
issuing another puls to be generated from the moment of button
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened or closed depending on previous state (it is
changed to the opposite state).
PULSE ON Pressing the button issues log. binary output User Button X to
close for time given by setpoint UserBtn pulse.
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened or closed depending on previous state (it is
changed to the opposite state).
PULSE ON Pressing the button issues log. binary output User Button X to
close for time given by setpoint UserBtn pulse.
Repeated pressing of button during the closed period causes
issuing another puls to be generated from the moment of button
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
button X to opened or closed depending on previous state (it is
changed to the opposite state).
PULSE ON Pressing the button issues log. binary output User Button X to
close for time given by setpoint UserBtn pulse.
Repeated pressing of button during the closed period causes
issuing another puls to be generated from the moment of button
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened or closed depending on previous state (it is
changed to the opposite state).
PULSE ON Pressing the button issues log. binary output User Button X to
close for time given by setpoint UserBtn pulse.
Repeated pressing of button during the closed period causes
issuing another puls to be generated from the moment of button
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened or closed depending on previous state (it is
changed to the opposite state).
PULSE ON Pressing the button issues log. binary output User Button X to
close for time given by setpoint UserBtn pulse.
Repeated pressing of button during the closed period causes
issuing another puls to be generated from the moment of button
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened or closed depending on previous state (it is
changed to the opposite state).
PULSE ON Pressing the button issues log. binary output User Button X to
close for time given by setpoint UserBtn pulse.
Repeated pressing of button during the closed period causes
issuing another puls to be generated from the moment of button
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened or closed depending on previous state (it is
changed to the opposite state).
PULSE ON Pressing the button issues log. binary output User Button X to
close for time given by setpoint UserBtn pulse.
Repeated pressing of button during the closed period causes
issuing another puls to be generated from the moment of button
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened or closed depending on previous state (it is
changed to the opposite state).
PULSE ON Pressing the button issues log. binary output User Button X to
close for time given by setpoint UserBtn pulse.
Repeated pressing of button during the closed period causes
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened or closed depending on previous state (it is
changed to the opposite state).
PULSE ON Pressing the button issues log. binary output User Button X to
close for time given by setpoint UserBtn pulse.
Repeated pressing of button during the closed period causes
issuing another puls to be generated from the moment of button
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
ON Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to closed. When the output is closed and the button is
pressed state is not changed.
OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened. When the output is opened and the button
is pressed state is not changed.
ON/OFF Pressing the button changes the state of log. binary output User
Button X to opened or closed depending on previous state (it is
changed to the opposite state).
PULSE ON Pressing the button issues log. binary output User Button X to
close for time given by setpoint UserBtn pulse.
Repeated pressing of button during the closed period causes
issuing another puls to be generated from the moment of button
See also the output ROCOF Trp.
See also the output ROCOF Act.
See the Remote switches chapter in the InteliMonitor help for details about how to
control the output from InteliMonitor and the Modbus chapter in the latest
communication guide for information about control the output using Modbus.
See the Remote switches chapter in the InteliMonitor help for details about how to
control the output from InteliMonitor and the Modbus chapter in the latest
communication guide for information about control the output using Modbus.
See the Remote switches chapter in the InteliMonitor help for details about how to
control the output from InteliMonitor and the Modbus chapter in the latest
communication guide for information about control the output using Modbus.
See the Remote switches chapter in the InteliMonitor help for details about how to
control the output from InteliMonitor and the Modbus chapter in the latest
communication guide for information about control the output using Modbus.
See the Remote switches chapter in the InteliMonitor help for details about how to
control the output from InteliMonitor and the Modbus chapter in the latest
communication guide for information about control the output using Modbus.
See the Remote switches chapter in the InteliMonitor help for details about how to
control the output from InteliMonitor and the Modbus chapter in the latest
communication guide for information about control the output using Modbus.
See the Remote switches chapter in the InteliMonitor help for details about how to
control the output from InteliMonitor and the Modbus chapter in the latest
communication guide for information about control the output using Modbus.
See the Remote switches chapter in the InteliMonitor help for details about how to
control the output from InteliMonitor and the Modbus chapter in the latest
communication guide for information about control the output using Modbus.
If the setpoint Prelubr time is set to 0 (OFF), the prelubrication function is switched
Power management is enabled and there is not any dongle with "PMS"
feature inserted in the controller.
The controller is in situation, when the load sharing should beeing
performed, however there is not any dongle with "LS" feature inserted in
the controller.
when the gen-set starts to rotate spontaneously (from the controller point
of view) or
when the gen-set does not stop after the stop command has been issued.
See the timing diagram in the description of the output Stop Solenoid.
Function of the D+ terminal is selected by the setpoint D+ Function.
Pickup fail can be indicated even if the speed is actually measured from the
generator frequency.
The "running symptoms" are listed in the description of the output Starter.
This alarm appears when reset of the controller occurs while the gen-set is
actually cranking. Such a situation is considered as a reset caused by a drop of
the supply voltage due to starter motor current when the gen-set starting battery is
in bad condition.
This alarm is disabled when speed governing via binary outputs Speed up and
Speed dn is used (i.e. at least one of these outputs is configured onto a physical
or virtual output terminal).
This alarm is disabled when AVR control via binary outputs AVR up and AVR dn
is used (i.e. at least one of these outputs is configured onto a physical or virtual
output terminal).
The actual text, which appears in the alarm list, can be changed in GenConfig.
The actual text, which appears in the alarm list, can be changed in GenConfig.
IGS-NT SPtM, SW Version 3.1.0, ©ComAp – August 2014 341
IGS-NT-SPtM-3.1.0 Reference Guide.PDF
The actual text, which appears in the alarm list, can be changed in GenConfig.
The actual text, which appears in the alarm list, can be changed in GenConfig.
The actual text of the message depends on configuration.