Tybms Sem5 LSCM Nov19

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Paper / Subject Code: 4600I / Logisties & Supply Chain Manage

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4. Use of simple calculator is allowed $,;;1ii. -.;;.+.i..::-rll+:

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Q.l A) Match the right and closely related answer nom:Coip p Y'witp'ihe G *€it;h i4..,- ,,,:,.,t",t1 ,".-.,'

1) Cycle)
-r ,,1!-:$ Cycle
,'-, ,:,.,",
Support cycle
i*'' "J. ' .".i
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2) "

' r,. '1." ',;' :':: 1i;;

". ,.: . .;
. .
.3) Inter rnodal transportatiou *liich conibineslair and Road
a)Fishy:Eack b) Birdy Back
;.1."" .,.1,' "o !:fl+d-Bridgg . I..'. -. .',.,1:;:'d)PiggyBack
" ,',. . '"4)"'Thc cig.+re.etllieqiierice oftrMggho{bg,operation cycle is
rv..., ,i)^ " .1.:i,:i.i*,,},

_ir --".'' :- '_ :F' '.;. _ -..

i';-1 ,;.i '-, "" . :- +)'Bi,*.1tiCd!v9;ry1offi,ap4,Sli$ b) Pick, store, receive and ship
,il,;i.r.q,.;, r,' ;icl-Serbffi,4ffiqtq,19,,ry4$ttip
r,.i1: i
d) Receive, store, pick, and ship

b) Ro-Ro
ii "-'. ' .. oII
i*.,] d) Water Transport
.,..it:.,.,-- I.li,
r'. \ii...'
Page 1 of3

2FC8B8 I F0F2 6A7 4E,5 132017808D3247 8

Paper/ subject code: 4600r / Logistics & supply chain Managenieai ,
1 ','\

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6) '. , measures fuack historioal logistics systems performance for in ;;.**:'*l'[ :';
"__'^,I ,.,_' i"j' \.i ^^J
l'l*n;:) ii$i:
l]:$'.:i:ll': .1

a) Planning b) Monitoring l.^ ,- _; : . -i'"

,.\:n '] ! i: *- ' I
".:- _
r;r, .a
c) Controlling d) Direoting
i' ,r':,'t.-,.i .',',',..-..r. ,' . '' ,:''..,

8) What does the acronym EDI stand for?

a) Enterprise Data Information
c) Enterprise Data Interchange

9) 3PL is a
a) Broader
c) narrow

10) The cost ofinsurance and taxes ars

a) Inventory Carrying cost
c) Ordering cost ..i

e.2 A. Discuss Totat c o st eorro uurr,ft*,Loi,"*iilifr ar e&ti"a * ;i*;;k,.Hl

c.-a.ia: . ,,,\
Traditional costing -rl1 _rru,.
r'r-,:.,,j. .., ..'5
B. Discuss the Internal (7)

C. Explain any 05 (s)

D. From the
toSth assigned to most
recent (10)

Q.3 A. & limitations of Inland Container

, .'j :;:.' {7)
, ..:' ,t -. !)' i,\7r.\
,Teehniqires,i..n' Logistics Performance Measurement
I -' . :'..1: (8)
in SCM (Supply Chain Management)
paifu1i'; .1,' ; : ;1..,'...
.., (7)
: . ;:-' .+,.;,.1,, j:..*;p ,;.r::
the factors on which Safety Stock Level depends?
j:;:.-' in the production process is 600 units. Lead time
Iiy's polioy is to keep a safety stock equal to four day,s daily
stock out. Calculate Re-Order Level.


Page 2 of3

2FC88 8 r F0F2 6 L7 4F,5 1320 17808D3247S


:' : - :: : l' . :: . ,:.:.a . -/
.,:i:: :,
Q.5 Write short notes on following.
3PL Vs. 4PL l.
2. Logistics and 3Cs
3. Merits and Demerits of Air Transportation
4. Global Logistics Trends.
5, Benefits of Good packaging.


manufacruring unit is silulpd. in_Mumb"air$#sitsri$*.-;$4 ";iarg;

geographical area, especialty in the n$]ad'igjfi;&.rdi'i^ttas.;idrlmryrt'orii;thg"{Eii*i;:ir-d;i
competitors have sprung in the field..Fdffioqi?tfitd:dlb,lA$1tfi9O,fiio-*ary..i'frrlila&ifreti 'toys, sector
is atough business. Some of the preble_ih$'frf.eA:"Ffittfr-e;',-,:.;r.:',+,'.{;']rr.1r;;r
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There is a massive sale during thq:festival
seasons, If the company's pr prtOfr*telayed, the
:'F ---..- --tLtr status
ashron" or'"cult"
l?ashion" or'ocutt" -, |":;.+.i-.,lt.i:i:g;
".'.1':;'.j:;''lr:.1*-'\.'"!' ."'t "
pi.qdt{gts_ infl1p.gc9,tlie f.nq1ftet;' .alry:wrq"ig1+***6n
'" ,'
Any.ryrqrig.f,.9q in this maner,
:"*r loss of sale y0,bul[$t11p.pf.o"Itgb{,Fytiiirory_ ]:::j:;.r,.,,," ::::r. .
Therl a1e high marlieli4g,eniq'inibfioiiongl.eoqF*,Ixlqetsj1.r,-rtiqiiql'dbut, the sares drop

. Anymisjudge o.f.,.riua;keiC,iin'i{lsorttetdletot
' P" companv&a5'tp"ip-$.1- +rffisiffit&tdjns_.ela!.p;.{ip.1i'ibution centers. This is mainly due
to wrong
. P: compflyl€!+*,4f$jY,;d,l.ti"iry.Otti;ftrorroad;1@ipon rhe services are not up to the mark
jlt.ggi-0.-riffi.ep,+"f$iitsdr*gqv.'ofen.oile'&oinp;ifrrageltheft, and mishandling of product.
effective enough to counter the

Y to head their logistics operations.

regarding the following matters.
'..i i- - '
j'" J'-\ ,'l!t

,','.;Eh:ffi:l*ffitl;ql#l*l|gf retaills to cut down inventory costs plus

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.. . \t.: .,. , packaging, effecting savings on damages/
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