Nuclear Energy

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Name Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is the energy inside an atom. This energy comes from the
forces that hold the nucleus of the atom together. Today, we understand
how to capture this extremely potent energy and use it to generate
electricity. The ability to generate large amounts of energy from very small
amounts of matter was first proposed by Albert Einstein.

Nuclear energy is created using a process called nuclear fission, in which

a large atom is split into smaller atoms. Splitting an atom releases an
enormous amount of energy which, when released in a slow and
controlled matter, can be used to generate electricity. Releasing the
energy all at once, on the other hand, is extremely destructive, and is the
technology behind the nuclear bomb.

Nuclear Power Plants use controlled nuclear fission of uranium atoms to

create heat. This heat is then used to turn water into steam, which in turn
powers electrical generators. There are over 100 nuclear power plants in
the United States generating about 20% of the electricity used here.
Nuclear power is also used to create propulsion in ships and submarines. It
is extremely efficient, and allows submarines to travel at high speeds and
remain underwater for long periods of time. Nuclear fission also powers
naval ships, ships used to break up ice, and space ships. Nuclear fission
produces dangerous waste products that must be dealt with. Every
nuclear power plant includes waste processing facilities, and treatment
must comply with national safety regulations.

Nuclear energy can also be created through a process called fusion.

Fusion is the opposite of fission; rather than splitting an atom apart, fusion
joins atoms together. Stars get their energy from nuclear fusion, where
hydrogen atoms are constantly being converted into helium atoms. So
far, scientists have not been able to determine how to create usable
energy by fusion. They remain hopeful, however, as fusion produces less
radioactivity and could produce an unlimited supply of energy.

Name Nuclear Energy

QUESTIONS: Nuclear Energy

Circle the correct answer.

1. The energy inside an atom is called:

A. nuclear fission
B. nuclear energy
C. nuclear power
D. fusion

2. Nuclear energy is created through a process called:

A. nuclear fission
B. nuclear fusion
C. both A and B

3. To produce electric power, the energy produced by splitting an atom is

A. all at once
B. in a slow and controlled matter
C. by a process called fusion
D. none of the above

4. Which of the following is NOT a use of nuclear power?

A. generating electricity
B. powering naval ships
C. powering space ships
D. stars

5. How do stars get their energy?

A. nuclear fission
B. nuclear fusion
C. both A and B
D. none of the above

Name Nuclear Energy

Advantages of Nuclear Energy

Today, approximately 20% of the electricity produced in the United States
is generated using nuclear energy. Nuclear Power Plants use controlled
nuclear fission of uranium atoms to create heat. This heat is then used to
turn water into steam, which in turn powers electrical generators. Nuclear
power has some definite advantages.

Nuclear power produces very few greenhouse emissions. In fact,

greenhouse gases have decreased since nuclear power has become
more widespread.

The start-up cost of establishing a nuclear power plant is fairly high.

However, nuclear power can also produce electricity very inexpensively.
Uranium is affordable, and a nuclear reactor, once built, has a lifespan of
up to 60 years which means the overall cost of producing electricity with
nuclear power is actually fairly low.

At the moment, nuclear power is fairly reliable. Unlike solar and wind
energy, it is not dependent on weather conditions. And once running, a
nuclear power plant can run uninterrupted for up to a year.
Though estimates suggest we may run out of uranium in
about 80 years, it is expected to far outlast the Earth’s supply
of fossil fuels. Also, because so much less fuel is required than
fossil fuels in order to produce the same amount of energy,
nuclear power is considered extremely proficient.

Uranium is not a renewable resource. However, it is possible to produce

other fissionable elements. For example, we can produce plutonium with
the by-products of chain reaction. Scientists are also looking at the
prospect of using fusion, the opposite of fission, to create power.

Name Nuclear Energy

QUESTIONS: Advantages of Nuclear Energy

1. How much of the electricity produced in the United States is generated

using nuclear energy?

2. Nuclear Power Plants use ___________________________________________

of uranium atoms to create heat. This heat is then used to turn water

into _____________________, which in turn powers electrical generators.

3. What are the advantages of nuclear energy?

4. Is Uranium a renewable resource?

5. What is the lifespan of a nuclear reactor?

6. How does nuclear power differ from solar and wind power?

7. How long can a nuclear power plant run uninterrupted?

8. Why is nuclear power considered efficient?

Name Nuclear Energy

Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Power Plants use controlled nuclear fission of uranium atoms to
create heat. This heat is then used to turn water into steam, which in turn
powers electrical generators. Today, approximately 20% of the electricity
produced in the United States is generated using nuclear energy, but
nuclear power has some definite disadvantages.

Although low in greenhouse gas emissions, mining and refining uranium

does have a significant environmental impact. Transporting nuclear fuel
opens up the possibility of pollution from accidents and spills. Also, spent
fuel is not easily disposed of, as it is radioactive and therefore harmful to
living organisms.

A nuclear power plant produces 20 metric tons of nuclear fuel a

many power plant there are on Earth, that’s 2,000 metric tons of fuel and
its associated radioactive waste. This waste is also so hot that it destroy
any container it is put into. What happens to all this waste? It takes many
years for nuclear waste to decay to radioactive levels that are safe. It can
take even low-level radioactive waste centuries to reach safe levels.

Nuclear power plants can also have accidents. For example, on April
26th, 1986, the nuclear plant at Chernobyl in Ukraine released radioactive
materials the effects of which can still be seen
there in humans and the ecology today.

in Ukraine was the worst nuclear accident in

the history. Its harmful effects on humans and
ecology can still be seen today. In 2011, in
Fukushima, Japan, a tsunami followed by an
earthquake caused another nuclear accident
and raised environmental concerns.


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