Introduction Sesame
Introduction Sesame
Introduction Sesame
As the most responsible body for this strategy, The Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Development (MoARD), has developed a master plan to enhance market-oriented production for
priority crops and livestock commodities (MoARD 2004). The oilseeds sub-sector, of which
sesame is an important product, is one of the priority crops within the master plan. According to
the master-plan document, in 2000 the total production of sesame seed was 156,600 tonnes, and
yet this volume of production could potentially increase threefold. Consistent with this, the
Ethiopian government aimed to double the production and export of oilseeds between 2005 and
2010 (PASDEP 2005)
Table: Number of sesame producers, land under cultivation, total production and productivity in
Nowadays, Matekal zone in general and the project area in particular is an ideal geographic area
for sesame production. The natural and social factors at the project site have demonstrated the
technical feasibility of the project. The quality of sesame in that vicinity falls under high
category, which is highly demanded for its oil and moisture content on international market.
The total cost of the proposed project is estimated at Birr---------------- million out of which
birr--------------- million is investment capital while the rest birr---------million is working capital.
Regarding the source of fund almost all of the total investment cost shall be covered by the
contribution of the promoter.
The project will start to generate profit on the ------- year and the total net cash inflow during the
project period is highly positive. The discounted Cash flow shows that the project is viable with
a Net Present Value (NPV) of Birr 374,260.00 discounted at 8.5 per cent, and the Internal Rate
of Return is very 28.2 which indicates that the project is financially feasible and highly lucrative.
Furthermore, the intended project would increase the country's' foreign exchange
earnings, provide employment opportunities, transfer improved skill to the surrounding
and also generate additional income to the government. Therefore, the project is
technically, economically and financially feasible and acceptable.
1. Background
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Sesame Production and Marketing in Ethiopia
1.2.1 Production
Agriculture is the mainstay of the Ethiopian economy, not only by virtue its substantial
contribution to the livelihood of a large majority of Ethiopians but also for its significant
contribution to the country’s foreign exchange earnings. Cognizant of this fact, the Ethiopian
government has pursued the Agricultural Development Led Industrialization (ADLI) strategy
since 2001 as a means of economic development. The strategy document specifically indicates
that the success of the effort is assured if the performance of the agricultural sector is
transformed from a generation’s long period of subsistence to a market-oriented commercial
production system. To this effect, all responsible ministries and agencies of the federal and
regional governments and different multilateral and bilateral collaborative efforts are in the
process of implementing the strategy. As the most responsible body for this strategy The
Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MoARD), has developed a master
plan to enhance market-oriented production for priority crops and livestock commodities
(MoARD 2004). The oilseeds sub-sector, of which sesame is an important product, is one of the
priority crops within the master plan. According to the master-plan document, in 2000 the total
production of sesame seed was 156,600 tonnes, and yet this volume of production could
potentially increase threefold. Consistent with this, the Ethiopian government aimed to double
the production and export of oilseeds between 2005 and 2010 (PASDEP 2005).
The existing production system suffers from traditional farming practices, unimproved seed, lack
of fertilizer use, etc. This situation has caused productivity of the crop per hectare to be far below
the estimated FAO potential, which is about 16 quintals/ha. (Wijnands et al. 2007). According to
the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MoARD) master plan, the 2000 average
productivity of sesame per hectare was 4.58 quintals. However, the Ethiopian Statistical
Authority report of 2005-06 indicates that the crop’s productivity level is 7.07 quintals per
hectare countrywide, although total production is slightly less (149,400 tonnes) than what was
reported by the MoARD master plan for 2000 (156,600 tonnes). However, it is understood that
the current productivity level of sesame in Ethiopia is far below the expected average, and
therefore there is room for improvement by means of a better farming system and the
implementation of improved inputs. Moreover, since there is still land available in the
northwestern, western and southwestern areas of the country, the potential for increasing
production volume is great. Despite the potential for increasing the production and productivity
of sesame, there are also a number of challenges inhibiting sesame production and productivity.
Among the many production constraints, the most important include a lack of improved
cultivars, a poor seed supply system and a lack of adequate knowledge of farming and post-
harvest crop management. In addition, there are severe biotic stresses, such as bacterial blight
(Xanthomonas campestris pv. sesami), phyllody (Mycoplasma-like organism), Fusarium wilt
(Fusarium oxysporum), Powdery mildew (Oidium erysiphoides), Alternaria leaf spot (Alternaria
sesame) and Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora sesame), which are the common sesame diseases
registered in Ethiopia (Daniel Endale, 2008). Caused by mycoplasm-like organisms and
transmitted through Jassid (Orosius albicinctus) bacterial blight – very common in humid and
high rainfall areas, transmitted by infected seeds and phyllody – is a highly destructive disease..
Sesame leaf roller or webworm (Antigasta catalaunalis) is also an important and widespread
insect that damages sesame in Ethiopia. Pests attack the crop in all stages of its development.
The most important storage pests of sesame in Ethiopia are the red flour beetle (Tribolium
confusum) and rice moth (Corcyra cephalonica). These are cosmopolitan insect pests that attack
a range of stored products. Moreover, sesame is a poor competitor of weeds. The crucial period
for weed competition is about four weeks after emergence (Alemayehu and Ababu, 1991).
Sesame has high agronomic importance as it has the ability to adapt to harsh environments in
which other crops cannot be cultivated. Hence, in many sesame-growing regions the crop is
indispensable not only for its economic importance but also for its suitability in such harsh areas.
Therefore, developing improved cultivars and production technology is required to increase
sesame yields and establish stability in different growing areas. More productive sesame
cultivars that have been adapted by breeding are expected to be the major strategy for increasing
yield and establishing stability in Ethiopia.
1.2.2 Marketing
Sesame is mainly produced for the market and it is wanted for its seed and for the oil in the seed.
Sesame contains up to 60% oil of a very high quality and up to 25% protein (Brar and Ahuja,
1979; Bedigian et al. 1985; and Ashri, 1998). Until very recently, almost all of the sesame
produced by Ethiopian producers (both large scale and smallholders) was exported. In the
international market, its demand comes from the oil industry and the confectionary sector. Seed
oil content is the most important parameter for determining the suitability of sesame seeds for oil
extraction, while seed coat color determines quality for the confectionary market (Ashri, 1998).
Sesame seed is rich in amino acids, especially methionine, cystine, arginine and leucine.
Sesame seed contains little vitamin A, but it is rich in vitamin E. Sesame seeds are used for
decorating bread and cakes. Sesame oil contains a significant amount of fatty acids, mainly
linoleic (39.3- 59%) and oleic (32.7-53.9%) acid (Yeramanos et al. 1972), and palmitic (9-11%)
and stearic (5- 10%) acid (Kamal-Eldin et al. 1922a). Sesame oil is unique among vegetable oils
due to the presence of natural antioxidants such as sesamin and sesamolin and their derivatives
(sesamol and sesaminol), which provide a significantly long shelf life and stable characteristics
(Brar and Ahuja, 1979; Johnson et al. 1979; Salunkhe and Desai, 1986; and Seegeler, 1983).
Sesame oil is mostly used for cooking purposes. Sesame oil is also used in soaps, paints,
perfumes, pharmaceuticals and insecticides. The cake produced after the extraction of oil from
un-hulled seeds is an excellent protein feed for poultry and ruminants (Ashri, 1985).
Having these intrinsic characteristics and unique uses, sesame is one of the most wanted oil crops
in the world. Over the last two decades, the quantity of sesame traded on the world market has
more than doubled. Japan, the European Union, South Korea, the USA and Egypt were largest
importers, while India, Sudan, Guatemala, China, Myanmar, Ethiopia and Nigeria (Comtrade
database, United Nations Statistics Division website, Wijnands et al. 2007) were major suppliers
to the world market. Currently Agriculture dominates Ethiopian Economy. The sector
contributes to economic growth through providing employment for large proportion of the
population. It provides export products, food and industrial raw materials and aids industrial
expansion by providing market for domestically produced goods. In the agricultural sector high
value crops, especially sesame has a great impact in providing export market. The total area
under sesame production in Ethiopia is estimated to be about ---------------hectares with a total
annual production of more than--------------- tons.
Ninety-five percent of the total annual sesame production comes from the peasant sector while
the balance is covered by large scale farms. The average national productivity of sesame in
Ethiopia is very low compared to the productivity of other sesame producing countries. This is
mainly attributed to backward production techniques employed by smallholder farmers. The
current low productivity of sesame as well as other crops has to be changed through improved
agricultural production techniques so that the country could benefit from the sector. This could
be done through creating appropriate linkage between smallholder farmers and private
commercial farmers. The Economic policy promulgated by the Federal Government of
Ethiopia has brought about a great opportunity to private investors in all sectors of the
economy and continually abolishing obstacles hindering investment. The expansion of
modern sesame farms by private investors is believed to boost sesame production and
productivity. This would highly benefit the economy as the crop has long remained to be
the single largest crop contributing over half of the country's foreign currency earning.
The promoter of this project, Sheik Abdullah, is one of the beneficiaries of the new economic
policy who has been initiated to invest in exportable crops that the government has given utmost
consideration in the development strategy of the country The Investor, besides planning to invest
in the area of the agricultural sector, will also need to play a significant role in the area of Import
Export Trade Sector and has already maintained a great deal of experiences in dealing with and
smoothly managing the various problems arising among Agriculture, Industry and Trade in his
home country.
1.3 Project Objectives
Objective of the project is production of high value crop, which sesame for the export market
following the major government Policy frame work which gives emphasis to market oriented
production. In line With this the following are specific objectives of the project:
To develop 600 hectares of land with modern sesame production,
To generate attractive return to the investor and also contribute to the
foreign exchange earning of the country and,
To introduce modern sesame production and management techniques to the
surrounding locality
1.4 Methodology
Methodologies adopted in undertaking the study include document reviewing regarding the
production technologies and adapting the cultural practice of this crop. Sesame production
packages utilized by medium to large commercial sesame farms were also reviewed to
understand the current status of sesame production techniques. Visit has been made to the site
together with the investor and field level data were collected through observations of the site,
discussions were carried out with the community in the surrounding area and agricultural experts
and officials of the woreda were also consulted.
The cultural practice experiences and improved management practices for modern production
techniques was considered in the planning of activities, cost estimates of operations, production
yields, etc for the individual operations of the project The organizational structure, the staffing
plan and the overall manpower requirement were also estimated based on the data collected.
2. Project Area
2.1 Project Location, Climate and Physical Features
The project site is located in Matekal Werada of Benishangul Gumuz Regional State in the area
called Gilgal balas Zone- and the specific locality is –Pawi- The site diverts -250kms from the
main road around which –Koso bar town is located. –Gilgal Balas/ Jawi-Town is about 1250
kms and 750kms from the zonal capital Assossa and Addis Ababa, respectively. The total area
of the project is 600 hectares which is entirely located in this site. The proposed investment area
is new. It is dominantly covered with open shrub Lands. The area is free from settlement and any
sort of agricultural activities including livestock and grazing land. The site can therefore be used
for sesame cultivation without any complication that could result from land use arrangements.
750kms/ 2 days
Gilgal balas/ Matekal zone
Koso bar
Addis Ababa
3. Technical Feasibility
The Metakal zone in general and the project area in particular are the most ideal places for oil
crops (sesame) as well as other crops production. The average annual temperature of 24PoPc and
sufficient annual rainfall with fair distribution over months and short dry period created
favorable condition for the selected crops. Furthermore, altitude of about 1,400 m above sea
level, the type and quality of soil, suitability of the slope for drainage, the availability of suitable
shade trees?? and the permanent rivers?? Crossing the area justifies the suitability of the area for
sesame growing.
On the other hand, concerned government line offices have long ago demarcated the area as one
of the places where private investors could invest and participate in the development endeavors
already underway in the country. Agreement has also obtained from concerned bodies at various
levels to implement the intended project.
Sesame is the main crop growing in the vicinity and the people in the area have good experience
in handling and managing the crop. This would facilitate the possibility of getting experienced
human labor for the operation of the farm. There are sufficient social services in the nearest
small town called ------------.
4. Cropping Pattern and Land Allocation
The total land to be developed by the project is 600 hectares with an effective production area of
590 hectares while the remaining 10 hectares will be used for infrastructure development such as
offices, residence, farm road and store.
Table: Land development plan for Sesame growing in hectare
S. n Crop type Years
1 2 3 4 5
1 Sesame 590 590 590 590 590
Total 590 590 590 590 590
5. Project Components
5.1 Maintenance of Roads, Office and Residential Buildings
The project infrastructure and land development commences as soon as the legality process is
completed. At the initial stage of the project that is during year zero of project implementation
maintenance of ------kms of feeder road, construction of and -------km farm road will be carried
out and the total cost is estimated at-------- birr. The project will construct 100m2 office, 200m2
staff residence, 60m2 laborers residence, and one cafeteria and two stores with a total cost of
birr---------------- as shown in Annex Table .3.
All Farm Machineries and equipment, except farm tools, are to be imported. The foreign
purchase cost is thus estimated at birr-----------------------------------.
Description Years
1 2 3 4 5
Selling of
Description Years
1 2 3 4 5
gross value of production
Incremental residual value
Total inflow
operating expenditure
Incremental operating exp.
Incremental working capital
Total out flow
Net Cash
Table 6.Project schedule
SN Activity Period
Foreign participation in investments may be carried out either through the establishment of
branches or through locally incorporated enterprises. All foreign investors intending to invest in
Ethiopia are required to obtain investment permits. Foreign investments are governed by a
number of codes, proclamations and regulations.
The Ethiopian investment regime identifies three types of investors:
• Domestic investors;
• Foreign investors (wholly owned); and
• Investors in joint ventures.
The legal regime makes a distinction among the different classes with regard to areas of
investment and capital requirements during licensing. In all other respects, the law treats all
classes of investors in the same manner during and after licensing.
In all cases of proposed foreign investments, the following documents will have to be
submitted in order to secure an investment permit and other certificates and licensees:
A completed application form;
A project profile;
A draft memorandum and articles of association, if the investment
participation is through a locally incorporated enterprise;
A list of machinery and equipment intended to be exempted from duty;
In the case of planned employment of expatriates, a schedule for their
replacement by Ethiopians and details of the training program leading to
the replacement; and
Technology transfer agreements, if any.
If the applicant is a company, the following documents are also required:
The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) is designed to be a marketplace where buyers and
sellers come together to trade, assured of quality, delivery and payment. ECX is a national multi-
commodity exchange with the aim of providing market integrity, by guaranteeing the product
grade and quantity and operating a system of daily clearing and settling of contracts; enhancing
market efficiency by operating a trading system where buyers and sellers can coordinate on the
basis of standardized contracts; enabling market transparency by disseminating market
information in real time to all market players; and allowing risk management by offering
contracts for future delivery, providing sellers and buyers a way to hedge against price risk.
ECX and Sesame: the role in reducing transaction and coordination risks
Transaction and coordination risks in the sesame market
The key actors under the current sesame marketing system are producers (small-scale and
commercial farms), agricultural marketing cooperatives and their unions, agents/brokers,
wholesalers, and exporters. Even though, the commodity exchange has been operational since
May 2008, sesame was not yet traded. This is mainly due to the seasonality of the production and
marketing. Critical period for Sesame sale and purchase is in the months of November,
December, and January.
In order to identify the role of ECX in reducing transaction costs and coordination risks, it is
important to understand the possible costs and risks of the current marketing system.
Specifically, the major bottlenecks that have created high transaction and coordination risks in
the sesame market chain can be addressed through trading through ECX due to the following
specific features of ECX:
(1) Warehouse and receipt with quality and standards is an integral part of the system.
(2) The physical transfer of the product is made once the product is sold, which reduces the
transportation cost
(3) Marker information system is already established within ECX accessible to different
markets and also to the general public through different media. This is expected to put all
market actors on equal footing and creates fair market competition. This is expected to
help cooperatives and their unions in improving their timely market decision making.
(4) ECX guarantees payment against delivery through an internal system for clearing and
settlement of contracts, in collaboration with partner banks.
Once the product intended for sale through ECX is stored in the ECX designated warehouse, the
product is insured by ECX. The physical structure where the product is stored is also insured but
it by the warehouse owner. Currently, all the warehouses designated by ECX are owned by the
Ethiopian Grain Trade Enterprise (EGTE). Thus, the warehouses are insured by EGTE.