U.P. Small Industries Corporation LTD.: For Notice Inviting Tender
U.P. Small Industries Corporation LTD.: For Notice Inviting Tender
U.P. Small Industries Corporation LTD.: For Notice Inviting Tender
Website www.upsic.in
Phone No. 0562 - 2281710
1. Sealed item-wise tenders will be received up to 15.00 hours (09.00 AM) 06.10.2021 by
theArea ManagerUPSIC Ltd., Agra of his authorize representative and will be opened by
his or his authorized representative at 15:30 hours (3:30 PM) on the office at Agra.
2. Tenders who desire to be present at the time of opening tender will be permitted to be
3. The work must be completely finished in accordance with the contractor documents within
……… calendar month from the date of his receipt of the orders to commence the work.
4. Copies of drawing and other documents, pertaining to the work (assigned for the purpose
of the identification by the accepting authority of his accredited representative) will be
opened to inspection by the tenders at the form along-with documents can be obtained
from the office of the aforesaid office at Agra every day (except Sunday Holiday) from
10.00 AM to 5.00 PM and inclusive charge of Rs. ……………… per set at least upto
……….. 12.00 PM.
5. Tenders shall have to deposit Rs. 13500.00 as earnest money such earnest money may be
offered in the shape of DD/RTGS in favour of A.M. UPSIC Ltd., Agra.
6. GST and other taxes, if any, in material in respect of his contract shall be payable by the
contractor and U.P. Small Industries Corporation Ltd will not entertain any claim
whatsoever in this record.
7. (i) The Tender shall clearly specify in their tender whether or not any of their relation
any in the service of the corporation if so, their name, designation and places of the
posting shall be given.
(ii) Failure on the part of tenderer to correctly or completely disclose the name,
designation and place of posting and in sub clause(ii) above would tenders liable to
be forfeited and the contract, if entered into rescined.
(iii) The expression near relative used in their clause means, father, mother, sister,
brother-in-law, or and first cassion or self.
(iv) The expression tenders or self in this clause inclusive any partner or director of the
tendering form of company as the case may be.
8. The tenders are advised to see the site of the work and they will be deemed to have
familiarized themselves with scope of work locak conditions drawing conditions, of
contract etc. before submitting their tenders.
9. Tenders shall remain open for acceptance for a period of four months three the date of
opening of tenders.
10. Convasing in connection with the tenders is strictly prohibited and the tender submitted by
the tenders who report to convasing are liable to be rejected.
11. All rate shall be quoted on the form of bill of quantity supplied by the U.P. Small
Industries Corporation Ltd., Tenders with rates quoted provided paper liable to be rejected.
12. The notice inviting tenders shall form part of the contractor whom concluded.
13. Unless the person whose tender is accepted signed the contract deposits the security in
para & above within thirty days after he is required to do so, the earnest money deposited
by his or equivalent amount out of the general security deposit will be forfeited.
14. On acceptance of the tender, the name of the accredited representative of the contractor
who would be communicated to the office calling for tender.
The expression, Area Manager, U.P. Small Industries Corporation Ltd., Agra
15. (a) Tender have the option to tender to either on the departmental design or an alternative
to the design date prescribed by the UPSIC, it should however be noticed that in case of
alternative design the UPSIC takes on responsibility for arranging any foreign, exchange
require for the purpose of materials or any other equipments on any alternative design
adopted the tender will have to submit details calculations and design for checking, No
work will be done unless these are approved any modification suggested by the UPSIC
Ltd., during checking keeping in view of the design criteria. Is standard IR code or
established shall have to be carried out extra cost.
(b) The tenders submitted the tender of departmental design are alternative design should
also satisfy the UPSIC regarding the T & P equipment available with him for completing
the job submitted the item of tendering a list of the equipment which shall be using on the
building work. In case of trases registration of the firm provential & General Directorates
of Industries is essential.
16. Validity of tender:
The tenders rates will remain valid for four months from the date of opening of
tender. If within this period the tender is not accepted. The corporation will have the right
to revised his rates once the tender has been accepted the contractor will be intimated
within the above period on change in rates on account of filtration in market rates of rise
of labour, wages and railway freight etc. shall be considered.
In these cases, where negotiation have to be carried out with tenors for reduction
rates and/or clarification of the points raised by the UPSIC or the tenders shall be counted
from the date of receipt of the last latter from the tenders unless tender specified
reasonable it limit for acceptance his modified tender and if the same is acceptance to the
17. Right for rejection:
The UPSIC reserves the right to reject any or all the tender without assigning any
reasons for doing so. It also reserve the right to all at either a part of the work of the who’s
to any tenderer should be said tenders refuse to sign the bond. If he is portion of the work,
his earnest money shall be forfeited and his tender rejected.
18. The tender should be accompanied with upto date sales tax and income Tax clearance
19. The rates quoted by the tenderer should be balance, otherwise the accepting authority may
decide to reject the concerned tender.
20. Only such tenders assure actually received BY THE Managing Director, U.P. Small
Industries Corporation Ltd., Kanpur in his office by the time and the date as specified in
clause-2 of the form of notice inviting tender shall be acceptable for opening. The
department accepted no responsibility of tender dispatched by the post but not received by
the state Managing Director within due time 22 conditional tender shall ordinary tender
itself liable to be rejected. But if a tenderer fine some valid reasons to introduce any such
condition which may be expiry from the date specification supplied by the UPSIC in the
tender documents or to modify by any given conditions be must invariable given the
difinits financial of act of each of these conditions of modifications so that if he is
permitted to withdraw these the financial of act of with drawing such conditions can be
assessed without making any further references to the tenderer if he does not do so the
department reserves the right to make any assessment of any of his conditions and modify
the tender amount accordingly. Alternative he should quote lumsum for an in conditional
tender and indicate in the forwarding letter, the expose of relates that he would be
prepared to accept of give for introducing any one or more of his conditions attached to
the tender. In the absence of clarification or such financial assessment the tender shall be
deemed to be incomplete any may be rejected.
21. The total amount of security is so be deducted from the running bills of contractor as per
the prevailing rules.
22. The successful tenderer will have to attend the office of U.P. Small Industries Corporation
Ltd. Agra to sign the contract documents within one week after registered communication
to him of the acceptance of his tender, otherwise his earnest money may be forfeited.
23. The contractor will have to start the work within seven days of the executed contract bond
and given adequate proof of start of work failing which earnest money may be forfeited.
24. The address complete postal shall be written in the tender on which may any required
letter issued by the U.P. Small Industries Corporation Ltd., Agra will not be responsible
for not delivery of the letters and failure to response on the advice contained in required
letter shall be responsibility if the tender of contractor.
25. The contractor shall be liable to pay 5% service charges to U.P. Small Industries
Corporation Ltd., Kanpur on the work done amount while accept the offer for
construction/repair & maintenance work from their bills.
26. G.S.T., Income Tax & Other if any, ………….. shall be deducted as per rules from time to
time bills for the contractor.
(Signature of Contractor)