By288p Led90 CW Psu en
By288p Led90 CW Psu en
By288p Led90 CW Psu en
GreenUp Lowbay G2
Good lighting is essential in industrial workspaces and large indoor areas. The wrong
choice of lights or a lighting not correctly planned can lead to eye strain, fatigue, and poor
performance, compromising safety and productivity.The Philips GreenUp Lowbay G2
luminaire is a simple LED solution which efficiently illuminates work areas, creating a
brighter and better work, retail or sporting environment. With its crisp, white light and high
color rendering index coupled with energy efficiency, high visibility and enhances safety
24/7.Equipped with motion detection function, this easy-to-install and low-maintenance
lighting solution is suitable for a variety of applications.
Product data
Fixation material -
Mech. impact protection code IK03 [ 0.3 J] Order product name BY288P LED90/CW PSU EN
Initial luminous flux (system flux) 8800 lm Numerator - Packs per outer box 1
Initial LED luminaire efficacy 117 lm/W Net Weight (Piece) 4.000 kg
Dimensional drawing
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from the use of this publication. 2018, July 20 - data subject to change