Modul 3 English For Sosial Communications

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No. UKG : 201699531307

LK 0.1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri modul 3 English for Social Communication
Judul Modul English for Social Communication
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Exploring Descriptive Text 1  Person & animal
2. Exploring Descriptive Text 2  Things & plac
3. Exploring Report Text 1  Classifying report &
compositional report
4. Exploring Report Text 2  Comparative report & historical

No Uraian Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah dan 1. a. Descriptive Text is a text that explains about what a person or an animal,
definisi) di modul ini is like. It is about sensory experience, how something looks, sounds,
shapes. Mostly it is about visual experience, but description also deals with
other kinds of perception. It can be said that the descriptive text is a
meaningful text that describes particular person or animals. It reveals the
experience related to the sense, such as appearance, shape, sound, taste is.
In particular, it is a text which says what a person or an animal is. Its
purpose is to give a visual picture of person, or animal being described,
such as My favourite teacher; Cockatoo (a specific bird) by explaining the
characteristics, appearance, physical features, or anything relate to what the
writer describes.
b. Social Function
 To give information about a particular entity by describing its features,
history, and special characteristics.
 To give information about things by describing physical attributes,
behaviors, uses, etc.

c. Generic Structure The generic structure of this text consists of :

 Identification or general statements. It introduces or identifies specific
object (a person and animal).
 Descriptions: The parts of a text describe the object characteristics,
appeareances, personality, habits or qualities (Derewianka, 2004; Butt, 2000; Gerot & Wignell, 1994; Knapp and Watkins, 2005, p. 149;
Emilia & Christie, 2013)

Generic Structure Function

Identification Identifies phenomenon to be
Description Describes or explains
personality, qualities, or
d. Language Features
1. Focus on specific participants as the main character;
2. Use present tense as dominant tenses;
3. Use linking verbs or relational process frequently (is, are, has, have,
belongs to) in order to classify and describe appearance or qualities and
parts or functions of phenomena;
4. Use action verbs or material process and behavioural process in giving
additional description regarding action and behaviour done by the
participants in text;
5. Use mental verb or mental process when describing feelings;
6. Use nominal group frequently to describe

2. Descriptive
A descriptive text is made up of identification or general statement and
description element. Identification introduces and identifies specific
objects (a person, thing, place, animal, or event) intended to be described.
Description describes the intended objects using descriptive details or
information about the objects’ characteristics, appearances, personality,
habits, or qualities

b. Social Function
 To give information about a particular entity by describing its features,
history, and special characteristics.
 To give information about things by describing physical attributes,
behaviors, uses, etc.

c. Generic Structure A descriptive text is made up of identification or

general statement and description element. Identification introduces and
identifies specific objects (a person, thing, place, animal, or event) intended
to be described. Description describes the intended objects using
descriptive details or information about the objects’ characteristics,
appearances, personality, habits, or qualities (Derewianka, 2004; Gerot &
Wignell, 1994; Knapp and Watkins, 2005, p. 149
Generic Structure Function
Identification Identifies phenomenon to be
Description Describes or explains
personality, qualities, or

d. Language Features After watching several videos and reading the

descriptive texts, it can be concluded some features of the language used in
this text: - Specific participant : it has a certain object, is not common and
unique (only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur
temple. - The use of the adjective (an adjective) to
clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, the famous place in jepara,
etc. - The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple
present because it tells the fact of the object described. - Action verb: verbs
that show an activity (i.e, run, sleep, walk, cut etc…. - using passive voice -
using noun phrase - using technical terms - using general and abstract noun.
- using conjunction of time and cause-effect

3. What is a report text? Report text is a text which presents information

about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and
analyses. Report texts that we are going to learn in Learning Activity (LA)
3 deal with classifying report and compositional report. The texts are
concerned with general categories of things rather than events and
happenings and with informing about technical and scientific topics. The
purpose of the text is to organise and describe a field or topic into a class
and subclass hierarchy. Moreover, it can be used to organise and describe a
field or topic according to its part (a part or whole part). A technology
report (e.g. electric cars) will have lots of information describing a general
explanation of how they work and come into parts of cars (that is called an
compositional report

b. Social Function There are different types of report texts. In this Learning
Activity 3, the report texts are classifying report and compositional report.

genre Sosial Function

Classifying report To organise and describe a field
or topic into a class and
subclass hierarchy
Compositional repord To organise and describe a field
or topic according to its part (a
part or whole part)

c. Generic Structure The major focus is on a “thing” (or, more accurately, a

class of things whether natural or made) rather than a sequence. Report texts are
often referred
to as information repots. We use the term ‘information report’ as a general
term to refer to all of different kinds of report texts.

d. Language Features What language features are commonly appeared in report

texts? Observe and indentify the use of words, phrases, sentences, and technical
terms which are mostly found in the text.

4. The report texts that we are going to learn in Learning Activity (LA) 4
deal with comparative report and historical report. The texts are concerned
with general categories of things rather than events and happenings and
with informing about technical and scientific topics. The purpose of the
text is to organise and describe a field or topic into a class and subclass
hierarchy. Moreover, it can be used to organise and describe a field or topic
according to its part (a part or whole part)

b. Social Function In regard to the purpose of a report text, there are different
types of Report Texts 1 and Report Text 2. In this Learning Activity 4, the
report texts are called comparative report and historical report. It can be
differenciated through the following table :
Genre Sosial Function
Comparative report To identify the similarities and
differences between two or
more classes or things
Historical report To give information about the
way things were in relation to a
particular historical period or

c. Generic Structure On the basis of content, Comparative reports are typically

structured as follows:  General Statement : It introduces entities to be
compared  Description: It contains the systematic analysis of similarities and
differences On the other hand, Historical reports are typically structured as
follows:  General Statement It Identifies historical period or site And it defines
and locates in time and place  Description  Features or characteristics 
Activities  Behaviours  Artefacts  Historical significance (Source:
Derewianka 2016, p.168-171)

2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1. analyse the contextual differences and similarities between a number of
dipahami di modul ini descriptive texts in regard to the social function , in fluent and
lexicogrammatically accurate spoken and written English.

3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. The differences between Classifying report , compositional report
mengalami miskonsepsi and Comparative report , historical report

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