Chemical Preservatives and Their Effects On Human Beings
Chemical Preservatives and Their Effects On Human Beings
Chemical Preservatives and Their Effects On Human Beings
Volume 6 Issue 6, September-October 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Cardiovascular diseases have become quite common these harmful effects, it is advisable to pay special
and the presence of preservatives on food items is one attention to what you eat. Avoid junk as much as
of the main causes of increasing heart problems. possible and make sure you wash the fruits and
Research conducted by In Chem suggested that food vegetables with care. Instead of washing the food
preservatives can weaken the heart tissues. When you items with plain water, you can use the vegetable and
consume food items that have a residue of the fruit cleaner.[1,2]
preservative on the surface, it can increase the
The Codex Alimentarius Commission also establishes
chances of heart damage. Preservatives and chemicals
standards and guidelines on food labelling. These
present in the food items also increase the chances of standards are implemented in most countries, and
breathing problems. According to research by
food manufacturers are obliged to indicate which
MayoClinic, removing foods with preservatives from
preservatives are in their products. In the European
the diet can help in reducing the symptoms as well as
Union, for example, there is legislation governing
the severity of breathing problems and asthma. Some labelling of food preservatives according to a set of
of the preservatives present in food items such as
pre-defined “E-numbers”. People who have allergies
aspartame, sulfites, and benzoates aggravate
or sensitivities to certain food preservatives should
breathing problems. One of the most harmful effects
check labels carefully. WHO encourages national
of preservatives on food items is their ability to
authorities to monitor and ensure that food
transform into carcinogen agents. Some of the food
preservatives in food and drinks produced in their
items consist of nitrosamines, a preservative that has
countries comply with permitted uses, conditions and
nitrites and nitrates, which mix with the gastric acids
legislation. National authorities should oversee the
and form cancer-causing agents. To ensure that you
food business, which carries the primary
avoid eating this preservative, you need to avoid
responsibility for ensuring that the use of a food
snacks or meals that are loaded with nitrites and
additive is safe and complies with legislation.
nitrates. Those were some of the harmful effects of
preservatives on your health. Considering
Look for lotions, soaps, and other products that are Food preservatives are any of various chemical
made naturally — and are fragrance-free. substances added to foods to produce specific
desirable effects. Preservatives such as salt, spices,
Consider making your own home cleaning products. and sulfite have been used since ancient times to
You’d be amazed what a little baking soda or vinegar preserve foods and make them more palatable. With
can do.[9,10] the increased processing of foods in the 20th century,
Results there came a need for both the greater use of and new
The increasing demand for ready-to-eat fresh food types of food preservatives. Many modern products,
products has led to challenges for food distributors such as low-calorie, snack, and ready-to-eat
regarding the safety and quality of their foods. convenience foods, would not be possible without
Artificial preservatives meet some of these challenges food preservatives.[11,12]
by preserving freshness for longer periods of time, Chemicals can end up in our food in various ways:
but these preservatives can cause negative side-effects
as well. Sodium nitrite is a preservative used in lunch Some substances may be used during production,
meats, hams, sausages, hot dogs, and bacon to prevent transport, or storage of food products. This includes
botulism. It serves the important function of pesticides, preservatives and colouring agents,
controlling the bacteria that cause botulism, but veterinary drugs and substances in packaging
sodium nitrite can react with proteins, or during materials.
cooking at high heats, to form carcinogenic N- Sometimes chemicals are used illegally in the food
nitrosamines. It has also been linked to cancer in lab production process.
animals. The commonly used sodium benzoate has
been found to extend the shelf life of bottled tomato Some substances may occur naturally in the basic
ingredients used in a food product, or in the food
paste to 40 weeks without loss of quality. However, it
itself. Examples include heavy metals, such as lead
can form the carcinogen benzene when combined
and cadmium, which are present in the soil. Or
with vitamin C. Many food manufacturers have
mycotoxins, a group of toxins that are produced by
reformed their products to eliminate this combination,
but a risk still exists. Consumption of sodium
benzoate may also cause hyperactivity. For over 30 Some substances are produced during the course of
years, there has been a debate about whether or not food production or preparation. For instance,
preservatives and other food preservatives can cause acrylamide is produced when baking starchy foods at
hyperactivity. Studies have found that there may be high temperatures, while polycyclic aromatic
increases in hyperactivity amongst children who hydrocarbons (PAHs) are released when cooking
consume artificial colorings and benzoate meat on a barbecue.
preservatives and who are already genetically A list of hazardous chemicals we can nowadays find
predisposed to hyperactivity, but these studies were
in processed food and preferably be avoided when
not entirely conclusive. Hyperactivity only increased buying packaged food;
moderately, and it was not determined if the
preservatives, colorings, or a combination of the two Artificial Flavoring: is a blanket term that refers to
were responsible for the increase. man-made chemicals created to taste the same as
natural flavors, such as vanilla, strawberry, or lemon.
Every day people are exposed to a cocktail of
Because it's cheaper to use in most products, it's very
chemicals in food that interact with each other in
common. Studies suggest it may result in behavioral
ways that are far beyond our understanding. This
“chemical soup” is particularly dangerous when we
include food chemicals in our diets. Pre-packaged High Fructose Corn Syrup: this sweetener, made from
food must have a long enough shelf life to make it corn, is popular with food manufacturers because it's
from the processing plant, to the store, to the cheaper and sweeter than cane sugar, and it maintains
consumer. Chemical preservatives keep the food fresh moisture, while preserving freshness. This additive is
longer, and over 14,000 lab-made preservatives extremely common in processed food and is believed