Law of Local Self Government 1) Emergence of Panchayat Raj As Part of Constitutional System
Law of Local Self Government 1) Emergence of Panchayat Raj As Part of Constitutional System
Law of Local Self Government 1) Emergence of Panchayat Raj As Part of Constitutional System
The evolution of the Panchayati Raj System, however, got a fillip after the
attainment of independence after the drafting of the Constitution. The
Constitution of India in Article 40 enjoined: “The state shall take steps to
organise village panchayats and endow them with such powers and authority
as may be necessary to enable them to function as units of self-government”.
The 73rd and the 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts, 1992 enjoin upon the
states to establish a three-tier system of Panchayats at the village, intermediate
and district levels and Municipalities in the urban areas respectively. States
are expected to devolve adequate powers, responsibilities and finances upon
these bodies so as to enable them to prepare plans and implement schemes for
economic development and social justice. These Acts provide a basic framework
of decentralisation of powers and authorities to the Panchayati Raj/Municipal
bodies at different levels. However, responsibility for giving it a practical shape
rests with the States. States are expected to act in accordance with the spirit of
the Acts for establishing a strong and viable system of Local Self-Government.
The 73rd and 74th Amendments to the Constitution of India constitute a new
chapter in the process of democratic decentralisation in India. In terms of these
Amendments, the responsibility for taking decisions regarding activities at the
grass-root level which affect people's lives directly would rest upon the elected
members of the people themselves. By making regular elections to Panchayat
Raj/Municipal bodies mandatory, these institutions have been given their due
place in the democratic setup of our country. Local Self- Governments in India,
both Rural and Urban, has seen many ups and downs.
But after the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments, 1992, Local Self
Government in India got a new life, as it is enshrined in the Constitution of
India like the two upper levels of governments i.e., Central and State
Local Self-Government is the third stratum of Government, the first two being
the Central and the State Governments.15 Presently, Rural Self Government
i.e., Panchayati Raj system is working in accordance with the 73rd
Constitutional Amendment Act and Urban Self Government i.e., Municipal
Bodies is working in accordance with the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act.
Following the enactment of the 73rd Amendment Act, 1992, almost all the
States in India passed legislation in conformity with the provisions of the 73rd
Amendment Act.
There are some States which have two tier Panchayats – one at the village level
and second at the district level. And there are also other States where
Panchayati Raj Institution is a three tier system- Gram/ Gaon Panchayat as
first level, Samiti, Mandal or Anchalik or Taluk or Block or Janapad or Union
or Kshetra as second level and Zilla or District as the third level. At the rural
level the Gaon Sabha constitutes the foundation of the Panchayati Raj system.
Gaon Sabha performs the functions and powers entrusted to it by the state
The 73rd Amendment Act aims to provide three tier system in the Local Self
Government constituted through elections held regularly every five years. The
Act also provides reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes
and Women. Moreover, the Act provides for a State Finance Commission to
make recommendations regarding the financial powers of the Panchayats and
to constitute District Planning Committee to prepare draft development plan for
the district. Provision has also been made to constitute a State Election
Commission in every state to supervise, direct and control the regular and
smooth elections to Panchayat bodies. The 74th Constitutional Amendment
Act, 1992, proposes to constitute a uniform structure of Municipal
Corporations, Municipal Councils and Nagar Panchayats in transitional areas.
This Act granted the Urban Local Government a constitutional status.
will fall under this category as per 1991 census are Goa, Sikkim, all the North
Eastern States and UTs.
(C)All levels of Panchayats will consist of persons elected directly from the
territorial constituencies in the Panchayat area. The territorial constituencies
shall be carved out in such manner that the ratio between the population of
each constituency and the number of seats allotted to it should be uniform
throughout the Panchayat area as far as practicable.
(D)All m,embers of the Panchayat whether or not directly elected shall have
the right to vote in the meetings of the Panchayats.
(E) The chairperson of a Panchayat at the intermediate and district level shall
bre elected from among the directly elected members representing the
territorial constituencies.
(K)A person who has attained twenty one years of age is eligible for a
membership of a Panchayat.
(L)Constitution of a Finance Commissiom in the State within one year from the
commencement of the Constitution Amendment Act initially and thereafter
every five years to review the finances of the Panchayats and recommended
the principles on the basis of which the taxes to be appropriated by, or
assigned to the Panchayats as also grant-in-aid to the Panchayats from the
consolidated fund of the State. The action taken on the recommendation of the
Commission shall be laid before the Legislature of the State.
(M) Audit of the accounts of the Panchayats to be done. (N)A State Election
Commission has to be constituted for the superintendence, direction and
control of the Panchayats at all levels. The State Election Commissioner,
however, shall be removed in the manner and on the like grounds as a Judge
of a High Court.
(O)The Act is applicable to all States and Union Territories. Exemption is being
ranted to certain states and tribal areas and other territories from the
(P) The existing laws relating to Panchyats which are inconsistent with the
provision of the Act shall continue to be inforced until it is amended or
repealed within one year. The existing Panchayats shall continue till the
expiration of their terms unless they are dissolved by the competent
(Q)Courts are not to interface in the electoral matters such as delimitation of
constituencies, allotment of seats and election to any Panchayat. Petition
challenging the election of any Panchayat can be presented to
Besides these mandatory provisions the State Legislature has been empowered
to have legislation in respect of a wide range of subjects, including on such
matters as functions of the Panchayats and so on.
It received the assent of the president of India on 20th April 1993. The Act
seeks to provide a common framework for the structure and mandate of urban
local bodies to enable them to function as effective democratic units of local
Self Government. Government of India notified 1st June 1993 as the date from
which the 74th Amendment Act came into force. The Act provided for a period
of one year from the date of its commencement, within which the then existing
municipal laws (which were in force at that time In states/union territories) were
required to be changed/amended/modified in order to bring them in
conformity with the provisions of the constitution (74th Amendment) Act—
states set up their Finance Commissions. Most of the State Finance Commissions
submitted their report to the concerned State Government.
The concerned states accepted nearly all the recommendations made by their
respective finance commissions. All State
Part IX A of the constitution (i.e. the constitution (74th Amendment) Act 1992)
is not applicable to Scheduled Areas referred to in clause (I) of Article 244 of
the constitution. However in tomes of Article ‘JA3 Z,Q, (3), the parliament
may, by law extend the provisions of I his part to those areas with such
exceptions and modifications as may be specified in such law.
(e) Providing adequate representation for the weaker sections like scheduled
castes, Scheduled Tribes and women.
1. Constitution of Municipalities:
(a) A Nagar Panchayat (by whatever name called) for a transitional area, that is
to say, an area in transition from a rural area to an urban area.
(c) A municipal corporation for a larger urban area in accordance with the
provisions of this part.
2. Composition of Municipalities:
(i) As provided in clause (2) all the seats in a municipality shall be filled by
persons chosen by direct election from the territorial constituencies in the
municipal areas and for this purpose each municipal area shall be divided into
territorial constituencies to be known as wards.
(B) The members of the Home of people and the members of the Legislative
Assembly of the state representing constituencies which comprise wholly or
partly the municipal area:
(C) The members of the council of states and the members of the Legislative
Council of the state registered as electors within the municipal area.
(D) The chairpersons of the committees constituted under clause (5) of Article
243S: provided that the persons referred to in paragraph (A) shall not have the
right to vote in the meetings of the municipality.
2. The legislature of a state may, by law, make provision with respect to:
(a) The composition and the territorial area of a ward committee. (b) The
manner in which the seats in a wards committee shall be filled.
(a) One ward, the member representing that ward in the municipality, or two
or more wards, one of the members representing such wards in the
municipality elected by the members of the wards committee shall be the
chairperson of that committee.
Reservation of Seats:
Seals shall be reserved for the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in every
municipality and the number of seats so reserved shall bear, as nearly as may
be, the same proportion to the total number of seats to be filled by direct
election in that municipality as the population of the scheduled castes in the
municipal area or of the scheduled tribes in the municipal area bears to the
total population of that area and such seats may be allotted by rotation to
different constituencies in a municipality.
Duration of Municipalities:
Every Municipality unless sooner dissolved under any law for (lie time being in
force, shall continue for five years from the date appointed for
its first meeting and no longer provided that a municipality shall be given a
reasonable opportunity of being heard before its dissolution.
(a) The municipalities with such power and authority as may be necessary to
enable them to function as Institutions of self government and such law may
contain provision for the devolution of
(i) The preparation of plans for economic development and social justice.
(b) The committees with such powers and authority as may be necessary to
enable them to carry out the responsibilities conferred upon them including
those in relation to the matters listed in the Twelfth schedule.
(a) Authorize a municipality to levy, collect and appropriate such taxes, duties,
tolls and fees in accordance with such procedure and subject to such limits.
(b) Assign to a municipality such taxes, duties, tolls and fees levied and
collected by the State Government for such purposes and subject to such
conditions and limits,
(c) Provide for making such grants-in-aid to the municipalities from the
consolidated fund of the state and
(d) Provide for constitution of such funds for crediting all money received,
respectively, by or on behalf of the municipalities and also for the withdrawal
of such money therefrom, as may be specified in the law.
Finance Commission:
1. The Finance Commission constituted under Article 243-1 shall also review
the financial position of the municipalities and make recommendations to the
There shall be constituted in every state at the district level a District Planning
Committee to consolidate the plans prepared by the panchayats and the
Municipalities in the district and to prepare a draft development plan for the
district as a whole.
(i) The plans prepared by the municipalities and the panchayats, in the
metropolitan area.
(iii) The overall objectives and priorities set by the Government of India find
the State Government.
(iv) The extent and nature of investments likely to be made in metropolitan
area by agencies of the Government of India and the Government of state and
other available resources whether financial or otherwise.
(b) Consult such institutions and organizations as the Governor may by order,
14. Burials and burial grounds, cremations, cremation grounds and electric
2. Municipal Council
3. Municipal Corporation
Nagar Panchayats are created for a transitional areas (the area which is fast
changing from rural to urban area) or for a very small urban areas.
Municipal councils are created for smaller urban areas. Its tenure is five years.
Municipal corporations are created for larger urban areas. Its tenure is 5 years.
7. Provision for reservation of seats of public offices for SCs and STs and
After the passing of the 74th Amendment Act, all the states of union were to
enact/amend their respective municipal acts. This work was accomplished by
1994. The urban local Government institutions in all states were organised in
their new forms with effect from 1994.
Further the state government exercises its control over these bodies in
several other ways:
1. Legislative control
2. Financial control
The constitution 73rd and 74th Amendment Acts have made a hold attempt to
ensure their continuity, stability, representativeness and autonomy to
function as valuable systems of self governance.
A study for the Fourteenth Finance Commission by the Centre for Policy
Research, shows that all States have formally devolved powers with
respect to five core functions of water supply, sanitation, roads and
communication, streetlight provision and the management of community
assets to the gram panchayats.
Way Forward
Prior to this, the urban areas of Kerala were governed by the following acts,
which were repealed when the Kerala Municipality Act, 1994 was introduced: [9]
Hence, instead of having separate acts for municipal corporations and other
types of municipal bodies, from 1994 Kerala has the same act to govern all its
municipal bodies. Since then, the structure of municipal bodies has essentially
remained the same, even though the urban areas have multiplied. The 74th
amendment[10] to the Constitution of India resulted in increased roles for the
municipalities in every state in India, where they have been perceived to be
great contributors to the social and economic development of the country, as
they are the level of government that is closest to the citizens.
The Kerala Municipality Act 1994 envisage creation of three kinds of urban
local governments
(a) A Nagar Panchayat (by whatever name called) for a transitional area, that is
to say, an area in transition from a rural area to an urban area.
(c) A municipal corporation for a larger urban area in accordance with the
provisions of this part.
2. Composition of Municipalities:
(i) As provided in clause (2) all the seats in a municipality shall be filled by
persons chosen by direct election from the territorial constituencies in the
municipal areas and for this purpose each municipal area shall be divided into
territorial constituencies to be known as wards.
(B) The members of the Home of people and the members of the Legislative
Assembly of the state representing constituencies which comprise wholly or
partly the municipal area:
(C) The members of the council of states and the members of the Legislative
Council of the state registered as electors within the municipal area.
(D) The chairpersons of the committees constituted under clause (5) of Article
243S: provided that the persons referred to in paragraph (A) shall not have the
right to vote in the meetings of the municipality.
2. The legislature of a state may, by law, make provision with respect to:
(a) The composition and the territorial area of a ward committee. (b) The
manner in which the seats in a wards committee shall be filled.
(a) One ward, the member representing that ward in the municipality, or two
or more wards, one of the members representing such wards in the
municipality elected by the members of the wards committee shall be the
chairperson of that committee.
Reservation of Seats:
Seals shall be reserved for the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in every
municipality and the number of seats so reserved shall bear, as nearly as may
be, the same proportion to the total number of seats to be filled by direct
election in that municipality as the population of the scheduled castes in the
municipal area or of the scheduled tribes in the municipal area bears to the
total population of that area and such seats may be allotted by rotation to
different constituencies in a municipality.
Duration of Municipalities:
Every Municipality unless sooner dissolved under any law for (lie time being in
force, shall continue for five years from the date appointed for
its first meeting and no longer provided that a municipality shall be given a
reasonable opportunity of being heard before its dissolution.
(a) If he is disqualified by or under any law for the time being in force for the
purposes of elections to the legislature of the state concerned provided that no
person shall be disqualified on the ground that he is less than twenty five
years of age, if he has attained the age of twenty one year.
(b) If he is so disqualified by or under any law made by the legislature of the
(a) The municipalities with such power and authority as may be necessary to
enable them to function as Institutions of self government and such law may
contain provision for the devolution of
(i) The preparation of plans for economic development and social justice.
(b) The committees with such powers and authority as may be necessary to
enable them to carry out the responsibilities conferred upon them including
those in relation to the matters listed in the Twelfth schedule.
(a) Authorize a municipality to levy, collect and appropriate such taxes, duties,
tolls and fees in accordance with such procedure and subject to such limits.
(b) Assign to a municipality such taxes, duties, tolls and fees levied and
collected by the State Government for such purposes and subject to such
conditions and limits,
(c) Provide for making such grants-in-aid to the municipalities from the
consolidated fund of the state and
(d) Provide for constitution of such funds for crediting all money received,
respectively, by or on behalf of the municipalities and also for the withdrawal
of such money therefrom, as may be specified in the law.
Finance Commission:
1. The Finance Commission constituted under Article 243-1 shall also review
the financial position of the municipalities and make recommendations to the
There shall be constituted in every state at the district level a District Planning
Committee to consolidate the plans prepared by the panchayats and the
Municipalities in the district and to prepare a draft development plan for the
district as a whole.
(i) The plans prepared by the municipalities and the panchayats, in the
metropolitan area.
(iii) The overall objectives and priorities set by the Government of India find
the State Government.
(iv) The extent and nature of investments likely to be made in metropolitan
area by agencies of the Government of India and the Government of state and
other available resources whether financial or otherwise.
(b) Consult such institutions and organizations as the Governor may by order,
(c) The chairperson of every metropolitan planning committee shall forward
the development plan, as recommended by such committee, to the
Government of the State.
14. Burials and burial grounds, cremations, cremation grounds and electric
17. Public amenities including street lighting, parking lots, bus slops and
public conveniences.
2. Municipal Council
3. Municipal Corporation
Nagar Panchayats are created for a transitional areas (the area which is fast
changing from rural to urban area) or for a very small urban areas.
Municipal councils are created for smaller urban areas. Its tenure is five years.
Municipal corporations are created for larger urban areas. Its tenure is 5 years.
7. Provision for reservation of seats of public offices for SCs and STs and
After the passing of the 74th Amendment Act, all the states of union were to
enact/amend their respective municipal acts. This work was accomplished by
1994. The urban local Government institutions in all states were organised in
their new forms with effect from 1994.
Based on the population of that particular city, the city or Municipal Area is
divided into certain wards. A representative is chosen for each ward by the
people in that ward. A chosen representative of a particular ward is called as
councilor who are elected for a period of five years.
Any party winning more than half the total seats of Municipal Corporation wins
the election. The winning party gets to have its mayor in the Municipal
Corporation. A mayor is the ceremonial head while the administrative head is
the Municipal Commissioner. Municipal Commissioner is appointed by the
state government who is an IAS office. The job of the Municipal commissioner
is to implement the policies of the Municipal corporation and preparation of
the budget. Whereas, the mayor assumed a political role.
The members of the Municipal Corporation are elected by the people through
direct elections. The elections are held for a particular ward in the city. The
electoral roll of a particular ward elects the representative or Councillor for
their ward. The electoral roll for each ward is divided in to one or several parts
depending upon the area within the ward where the voters of each part reside.
This means that the voters included in each part belong to a street or a road
or a named area within that ward.
The voters from all the parts together form the electoral roll of a particular
A person can contest elections for Municipal Corporation if he/she fulfills the
following criteria:
There are few seats which are reserved for scheduled tribes, scheduled castes,
backward classes and women. Every candidate's nomination form should have
a declaration stating the class, caste, or tribe that she/he belongs to. There
should be a declaration that the candidate is a woman, in case the seat is
reserved for a women candidate.
What Is an Ombudsman?1
organizations too. They may focus exclusively on and deal with complaints
regarding a particular organization or public office, or they may have wider
A large public entity or other organization may have its own ombudsman. (For
example, the California Department of Health Care Services has its own
ombudsman.) Depending on the appointment, an ombudsman may investigate
specific complaints about the services or other interaction a consumer has
had with the entity concerned; an ombudsman within an organization may
also have a primary function of dealing with internal issues (such as
complaints by employees, or, if an educational institution, complaints by its
Special Considerations
The Institution started functioning in the year 2000 as a 7 member body with a
Rtd. Judge of the High Court as its Chairman. The successor government
amended the constitution and made it a single member body through an
amendment of the Panchayath Raj Act in the year 2001.This is a high power
institution which has been given vast powers to check the malpractices in
local governments in the discharge of developmental functions. This is a high
powered quasi judicial body functioning at the state level with its Head
Quarters in the State
Capital. Possibly no other State in India has such an institution to oversee the
functioning of Local Self Government Institutions. Under the present law, only
a former judge of High Court can be appointed as Ombudsman. He can
conduct investigations and enquiries into instances of mal administration,
corruption, favouritism, nepotism, lack of integrity, excessive action, inaction,
abuse of position etc.
The governor, on advice of the Chief Minister shall appoint the Judge of a High
Court as an ombudsman. The term of office of an ombudsman is 3 years. The
ombudsman may resign his office before the expiry of term of office by writing
to the governor or he shall be removed before the expiry of the term of office by
section 271 H. The salary and allowances of an ombudsman is same as that of
a high court judge. The Ombudsman is not eligible for reappointment on expiry
of his term of office.
II) When irregularity causes loss for inconvenience to citizen, direct local self
government institution to pay compensation.
III) When irregularity involves loss or waste or misuse of fund of local self
government institution, really such loss from those were responsible for such
5. The ombudsman may pass interim order to restrain local self government
institutions from doing anything that may cause loss to complainant.
The ombudsman shall have the power of a civil 1.court for all the purposes of
investigation and enquiry in the following matters:
I) Summoning and enforcing the attendance of any witness and examining him;
IV) Requisitioning any public records, or copy thereof from any Court or Office;
2. If the ombudsman finds that the complaint is without any substance, it may
by order require complainant to pay cost to opposite parties.
4. If the allegation was regarding loss or waste of fund or loss cost to the
complainant, the ombudsman may order to realise the cost from the person
2. Where there is a remedy available from tribunal for local self government
4. Complaint filed after expiry of 3 years provided that the ombudsman main
detain if there is sufficient reason for not filing the complaint.
Then it may dispose the complaint has rejected after recording its findings and
reasons ,and communicate it to the complainant.
If he finds there is prima facie case it shall record its findings and send notices
of proposed enquiry to both the parties. It has power to regulate its proceedings
by fixing the time and place of sitting. A legal practitioner cannot represent any
person in proceedings before an ombudsman but if the ombudsman permits by
specifying reasons then a legal practitioner can be allowed.
If any case was filed prior to the establishment of the ombudsman and it is not
disposed, it can be transferred to the ombudsman.
After investigation and enquiry if ombudsman feels that there is a prima facie
case against accused of criminal offence he may refer the complaint and
findings to a competent authority with recommendation to initiate prosecution.
The competent authority may conduct a detailed enquiry if necessary and
charge a case.
The ombudsman may disposed cases other than involving criminal offences as:
If the ombudsman feels the act of local self government institutions can create
a complaint it can give suggestions on measures to avoid such recurrence of
complaint. Ombudsman submits a detailed report annually to government and
the government presents this report before legislative assembly with an
explanatory memorandum.
Hence, the ombudsman under the Kerala Panchayati Raj Act is an institution
which is an independent quasi judicial authority which investigates the
complaints against local self governments as well as functionaries working
under them.
A tribunal for local self government is contained under Section 271 of the
Kerala Panchayati Raj Act, 1994.
The Government shall constitute a tribunal for every district or for more than
one district to consider and dispose the appeal or revision filed against the
decisions of local self government institutions under section 276 of Kerala
Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 and Section 509 of Kerala Municipality Act, 1994.
when the government makes a reference to the tribunal regarding the legality
or substantiality of any decision of local self government institution, the
tribunal after giving an opportunity to be heard to the president of the local self
government institution concerned, may render it's opinion to the government.
(Sec 271 T)
Jomi C. Nidheeri v. Elanji Grama Panchayat and others 2007 (2) KHC 174. The
tribunal can hear and dispose of matters on merit. it is not restricted to
procedural matters only
The following are the matters which are to be prescribed by the government: