Oims Framework Brochure
Oims Framework Brochure
Oims Framework Brochure
Management System
ExxonMobil is committed to producing products that are essential to modern life
and economic development, in a way that helps protect people, the environment
and the communities where we operate.
Operations Integrity Management System
customers and the public. These commitments are documented in our Safety, Security, Health,
5 8
Environmental and Product Safety policies. These policies are put into practice through a disci-
Selecting, Training, Selecting & Engaging with
plined management framework called the Operations Integrity Management System (OIMS). Engaging & Enabling People Third-Party Providers
4 Operations Integrity
Providing Information
Needed for Construction, Learning from Operating
risks inherent to our business. ExxonMobil uses the term Operations Integrity (OI) to address Operation & Maintenance
Management System Experience & Incidents
all aspects of its business impacting personnel and process safety, security, health and environ-
mental performance.
3 10
Preparing for Emergencies
Designing, Constructing & Managing Potential
& Preparing for Start Up Risk to the Community
The OIMS Framework includes 11 Elements. Each Element contains overarching Objectives,
and a set of Expectations. The OIMS Framework also includes the characteristics of and pro-
cesses for implementing OI Management Systems. Identifying, Assessing,
Mitigating & Accepting Risk 2 11 Assessing & Driving
Application of the OIMS Framework is required across the entire ExxonMobil enterprise, with a 1Leading, Managing &
Driving Performance
Leaders are responsible for ensuring Management Systems to satisfy the OIMS Framework are
in place and effective. The scope, priority and pace of Management System implementation
should be consistent with the risks associated with the business.
Element 2
are managed.
Page 11
• Governmental and regulatory requirements, applicable laws, PREPARING FOR EMERGENCIES AND MANAGING
Page 17 • Equipment, facilities and personnel are prepared
• Operations Integrity hazards inherent to the business are
identified, including hazards to people, communities, the
Element 4 to respond to Operations Integrity emergencies.
• Human Performance principles are applied to enable • Third-party providers are monitored and held accountable to
people to successfully perform their work. performance objectives.
Page 15 Page 23
• Leadership behaviors and actions required to drive effective application of the Operations Integrity Management System (OIMS) and 1.4 • Safeguard health checks are part of routine super-
Operations Integrity Objectives are defined.
RISK PRIORITIZATION visor responsibilities.
• Each business unit has effective management systems and processes to consistently meet Operations Integrity Objectives.
Senior managers and business unit managers Managers and supervisors consider Managers routinely evaluate performance
ensure managers and supervisors have the Human Performance capabilities in facility relative to Operations Integrity Objectives
knowledge and skills needed to effectively and work process design and in safeguard using a combination of leading and lagging
apply OIMS systems and processes. development and application. Where the indicators, as well as periodic internal and
effectiveness of these safeguards is external assessments. Real-time corrections
dependent on Human Performance, are made based on insights gained from ongo-
1.8 behaviors are instilled to ensure effective ing indicators. Managers also ensure organiza-
OVERSIGHT OF THIRD-PARTY PROVIDERS execution. These behaviors include: tions embrace assessments as learning oppor-
Managers ensure third-party providers se- tunities, and avoid preparations made solely to
• Identifying high-consequence activities.
lected to execute high-risk work apply a improve the assessment score / outcome.
• Automating or simplifying work processes
risk-management system which includes and tasks to reduce the potential for error.
proactive management oversight, visible field • Instilling a culture where team members 1.12
leadership, compliance with standards, work- proactively seek help to precisely
complete tasks.
force competency, performance management OTHERS
• Requiring independent verification for
and proactive verification of critical safeguard Managers responsible for businesses
critical tasks.
health. Where gaps exist, the provider’s operated by others (OBO) must communicate
system is supplemented to effectively manage OIMS principles and promote the use of OIMS
1.10 or equivalent systems to achieve Operations
Incident and near-miss investigations are
designed to determine if managers and
supervisors were proactively identifying and
correcting performance weaknesses before
the incident occurred. This includes the de-
gree to which management understood their
risks and addressed the health of associated
safeguards, including risk-management per-
formance issues.
• Operations Integrity hazards inherent to the business are identified, including hazards to people, communities, the environment, and
• For major hazards, higher consequence potential
our facilities.
scenarios and associated critical safeguards are
• The risk(s) associated with these hazards is assessed, communicated, prioritized and mitigated to an acceptable level. defined and the effectiveness of these safeguards
• Risk management safeguards are identified and mapped to systems to ensure there is a mechanism to maintain the safeguards’ health. is verified over time.
• Decision making associated with risk mitigation and acceptance are made at the right level within the organization and based on
thorough analysis.
2.1 2.2
Hazards and risks associated with Assessed risks are documented and eliminated
operations are identified and assessed. or mitigated to a safe operating level.
• Risk assessments are conducted for ongoing • Acceptances of mitigated risks are made at the
and transient operations, idled facilities, projects specified level within the organization.
and products to identify and address potential
hazards to personnel, communities, facilities, the • The associated scenarios and safeguards are
public and the environment. communicated and mapped to a system that will
maintain their health over time.
• Risk assessments are performed by qualified
personnel, including experts from outside the im-
mediate unit as appropriate.
• Readiness to operate is confirmed through execution of a pre-startup review. • Personnel are competent to operate and
4.1 4.5
necessary for sound design, operation, licenses, permits, codes, standards and practic-
Inventories of major Operations
Integrity hazards and their associated
scenarios, and the safeguards preventing
them, are accurate, accessible and
appropriately retained.
AND ENABLING PEOPLE and collective competency to meet Opera- mental incidents; and is engaging people and
tions Integrity Objectives. This includes on- influencing the way they think and behave
going review of team strength to meet daily, regarding operating risk management. These
• People are selected and placed consistent with their abilities and job requirements. real-time Operating Integrity requirements. processes require that individuals and teams:
• People are trained to achieve and maintain competency.
• Utilize real-time risk assessment techniques to
Collective competency is maintained over time.
Human Performance principles are applied to enable people to successfully perform their work.
5.4 consistently recognize and proactively mitigate
• Proactively self-identify and eliminate at-risk condi-
Ongoing fitness for work is managed. tions and behaviors.
This considers impairment from alcohol and
• Proactively intervene to address at-risk behaviors
5.1 5.2 drugs, fatigue, or physical condition. of coworkers.
SELECTION AND PLACEMENT INDIVIDUAL TRAINING AND COMPETENCE • Participate in a structured observation program.
People are effectively selected, screened Initial, ongoing and periodic refresher training 5.5 • Actively report unsafe conditions, incidents and
(including alcohol and drug screening) and is provided to ensure the necessary level of near misses.
placed to meet specified job requirements. individual competency to meet Operations Human Performance capabilities are
• Record, analyze and address observation findings,
Integrity related job and legal requirements. at-risk conditions, near misses and incidents.
considered in the design of work processes
Training is designed to ensure the safeguards and protective measures to reduce the likeli-
to prevent or mitigate Operation Integrity risks hood and impact of human error.
are understood. In addition, work experience
and specified demonstrated performance are
considered in the assessment of individual
competence. This includes:
• Appropriate training requirements for specific roles.
• Procedures and work instructions effectively guide operations, maintenance and construction activities. • Management of stacked work, co-located work
activities and simultaneous operations. • Inspection and maintenance programs
• Work to mitigate potential risks associated with operations, maintenance and construction activities is permitted and managed.
that are consistent with defined equipment
• Interfaces to manage risk associated with simultaneous activities and operations are recognized, managed and operated. • Communication and/or coordination within strategies and guidelines.
• The mechanical integrity of facilities, equipment and wells is preserved. ExxonMobil or third parties whose operations
impact or are connected to ExxonMobil operations. • Quality assurance to ensure materials
• Risk associated with the defeat or degradation of safeguards are managed.
introduced during maintenance or repair
• Governmental and regulatory requirements, applicable laws, permits and external obligations are met.
are consistent with specifications
and standards.
Procedures and work instructions are current Permitted and non-permitted work activities
and used to ensure effective outcomes of are managed to meet Operations Integrity
work activities. Procedures consider: Objectives. This includes work planning, com-
munication and authorization at the appropri-
• The level of Operations Integrity risk associated
with the work activity and the level of detail and ate level.
verification needed to meet Operations Integrity
• For operations and maintenance work, permit
• Operating envelopes. requirements are defined and effectively applied
based on the Operations Integrity risks involved.
• Transient operations, as applicable.
• Changes in operations, procedures, site standards, facilities or organizations are evaluated and managed to ensure Operations
Integrity safeguards remain healthy and risks remain at an acceptable level.
• Training requirements.
Incidents and higher severity near misses Incidents and learnings are communicated to
EXPERIENCE AND INCIDENTS is determined based on potential severity. sharing with other ExxonMobil organizations
Investigations include: in a manner that promotes application of
learnings beyond the impacted organization,
• Identification of failed or degraded safeguards,
• Higher consequence potential incidents, events and near misses are thoroughly investigated.
root causes and contributing factors, including where appropriate.
• Root causes including failed safeguards are identified.
the impact of Human Performance principles.
• Lessons learned are shared openly and implemented proactively across operating sites and organizations and from other
• Determination of whether managers and
supervisors were proactively monitoring the
health of safeguards and correcting performance LEARNING FROM OTHERS
weaknesses before the event occurred. A process is in place to learn from and
• Development of interim and long-term determine if corrective actions from incidents
9.1 9.2
corrective actions to prevent similar incidents and near misses inside or outside of
from occurring, with a focus on the root cause of
ExxonMobil are required.
REPORTING SEVERITY DETERMINATION the incident and on the identification of high-im-
pact risk reduction recommendations.
Operations Integrity incidents and near The severity of reported incidents and
misses are identified and promptly reported. near misses is determined based on actual
• Development of key learnings for sharing. 9.7
To ensure reporting is effective: and potential consequence. This includes: TREND ANALYSIS
environment which encourages reporting. investigation are based on potential severity. IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIONS periodically analyzed for trends to develop
Agreed-upon corrective actions are priori- broader, higher-level learnings and actions.
• People at all levels must proactively identify • Investigations that require involvement from the
and report incidents and near misses. Law Department are identified and the Law De- tized, implemented and stewarded to closure.
partment is appropriately engaged.
Backlogs are managed to ensure corrective
action selection, prioritization and imple-
mentation processes are effective. A process
is in place that ensures these actions remain
• Equipment, facilities and personnel are prepared to respond to Operations Integrity emergencies. • Community Hazard Awareness - Communities and
• Communities are engaged proactively to build and maintain relationships and manage potential Operations Integrity risks. appropriate public authorities are aware of potential
community exposures, emergency preparedness
and notification systems, and recommended re-
sponse actions, including mutual aid, in the event of
an incident.
• Operations Integrity Objectives are met through the effective application of OIMS and gaps and their root causes are identified,
corrected and remain closed.
11.1 11.2
the degree to which Operations Integrity is reviewed regularly and findings are used to
• V
erification determines processes and procedures are functioning and being
effectively executed.
It is critical that in our application of OIMS we focus on delivering results in a
• M
easurement confirms the quality of System processes and determines the
consistent and sustainable way. Leaders are responsible for engaging with their
System objectives and results are being achieved.
teams in a way that drives effective application of OIMS. Each business unit must
have effective management systems and processes documented to include the Leaders must think beyond verification and measurement results to ensure the interconnected
following five characteristics, in order to consistently meet Operations Integrity OIMS Systems are effectively managing inherent risks, with an emphasis on major hazards.