MG6851 Principle of Management - 2 & 16 Marks

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1. What is Management?
Management is the process of giving direction and controlling the various activities of
the people to achieve the objectives of an organisation.

2. Define Management. May/June2014

According to knootz & Weihrich “management is the process of designing and
maintaining of an environment in which individuals working together in groups efficiently
accomplished selected aims”.
3. Who is father of scientific management? [A.U- May’10]
Frederick Winslow Taylor.

4.Write the functions of management.[AU. Nov/Dec.2011, May/June 2011, Nov/Dec 2011]

(1) Planning (2) Organizing (3) Staffing (4) Coordinating (5) Controlling.

5. What is a social responsibility?(AU-2004)

Society is the parts of the management to interact actions wither to protect social interest a
6. Distinguish between management and administration.(MAY/JUNE 2013)
Management is the function of executing the polices within the limits set up by the
administration. it has the function of planning , organizing, directing and controlling.
Administration is determinative and management is executive.
Administration is the overall determination of polices and major objectives. It aims for
framing major polices, formulation of general procedure, listing out of the board programme
and approval of major projects etc.

7. Write some characteristics of Management.

Management aims at achieving the organization goals by ensuring effective use of

8. What is motion study?

Taylor suggested that eliminating wasteful movements and performing only necessary

9. Write fayol’s fourteen principles of management.

1) Division of work.
2) Authority and Responsibility.
3) Discipline
4) Unity of command
5) Unity of direction
6) Individual interest to general interest.
7) Remuneration.
8) Centralisation
9) Scalar chain
10) Order
11) Equality.
12) Stability
13) Initiative
14) Esprit de corps

10. What is authority?

It is the power given to a person to get work from his subordinates.

11. What is responsibility?

It is the amount of work expected of forma man by his superior.

12. Comment: Management is both – A science and an art.

Management is a science because it contains general principles. It is also an art because
it requires certain personal skills to achieve desired result.

13. What is centralization?

The organisation is centralized when the power is concentrated with one person.

14. What is decentralization? May/June 2013

If the power is fully distributed to the subordinates of the organisation.

15. What is scalar chain?

The instruction and orders should be sent from the top management to the lower

16. What are management levels?

1) Top-level management.
2) Middle level management
3) Lower level management

17. Write some important functions of top management.

1) To formulate goals and policies of the company.
2) To formulate budgets
3) To appoint top executives

18. Write any two functions of middle level management.

1) To train, motivate and develop supervisory level.
2) To monitor and control the operations performance.

19. What are essential skills needs for the manager?

1) Technical skill.
2) Human skill
3) Conceptual skill

20. Write the function of management.

1) Planning
2) Organising
3) Staffing
4) Coordinating
5) Controlling
21. What is social responsibility?
Society is the part of the management to initiate actions either to protect social interest
of the society.

22. List out the groups’ responsibilities of management.

1) Shareholders
2) Employees
3) Customers
4) Creditors
5) Suppliers

23. What is ethics?

All individuals in business or non-business activities are concerned with some
standardized form of behaviour are known as ethics.

24. What are the roles of management in organization?

1) Managements help in determination of the objectives of an organization.
2) Economics and social development takes place through management

25. Write any two points favour for management as a science.

1) Management principles should be verifiable
2) Reliable basis for predicting future.

26. Write any two points favour for management as an art.

1) Management is creative.
2) Management includes the use of practical knowledge and personal skill.

27. What is Time study?

The movements which takes minimum time is the best one .

PART – B (16 MARK)

1. Explain the principle of F.W. Taylor theory. [A.U-May’05]

2. Explain the Henry Fayol’s management theory.[A.U-May’04,Dec’06,June’07,May’08 and
3. Explain management is an art or science both science and art. [A.U-Mar’10]
4. Explain the business organization. [AU-May’05]
5. Explain the types of business organization. [A.U-June’07,Mar’10, Nov/Dec 2011].
6. Describe whether management is a science or an art[AU’May’10,Dec’06]
7. Write an essay about the contributions made by F.W.Taylor, Henri Fayol, L.Gantt, Frank and
LillianGilbreth, Groge, Elton Mayo and others to the field of Management[May’08,Dec’08]
8. What are the Henry Fayol’s 14 principles of management? Explain. May/June 2013
9. Explain the overall development of management thought. May/June 2014
10. Discuss in detail about the recent trends in management concepts. May/June 2013, May/June
11.Explain the evolution of management thought in different experts. May/June 2014

1. What is planning? May/June 2013

Planning is the process of selecting the objectives and determining the course of action
required achieving these objectives.

2. State the important observations suggested about planning. Nov/Dec 2013

 Planning is outlining a future course of action in order to achieve on objective.
 Planning is looking ahead.
 Planning is getting ready to do something tomorrow.
 Plan is a trap laid down to capture the future.

3. Define planning. [ AU-Apr’04] [AU Apr 11][MAY/JUNE 2013]

Planning is the process of selecting the objectives and determining the course of action required
to achieve these objectives.

4. What are the objectives of planning? [AU-Dec’05]

a. Planning is a primary function of an organization.
b. It helps in achieving objectives.
c. It is done to cope with uncertainty and change.
d. It helps in facilitating control.
e. It helps in coordination.
f. Planning increases organizational effectiveness.
g. Planning guides in decision making.
5.What is MBO? [Nov/Dec 2011]
MBO is a process whereby the superior and the subordinate managers of an
enterprise jointly identify its common goals, define each individual’s major areas of
responsibility in terms of results expected of him, and use these measures as guides for
operating the unit and the contribution of each of its members is assessed.

6. Explain the term decision and decision making.[AU-Apr’04]

A decision may be a direction to other to do or not to do. Decision-making is defined as the
process of choosing a course of action from among alternatives to achieve a desired goal. It is
one of the functions of management and also a core process of planning. The management
executive takes a number of decisions every day. Thus, a decision may be rational or irrational.
There are number of alternatives available to the management. The best one is selected out of
the available alternatives.

7. Mention the three approaches generally adopted by managers in selecting an

alternative. Or what are the techniques useful while evaluating alternatives? AUApr’05)
• Quantitative and Qualitative analysis
• Marginal analysis
• Cost effectiveness analysis

8. List out the features of planning.

 Planning – a primary function
 Planning - a dynamic process
 Planning – based on objectives and policies
 Planning – a selective process
 Planning – an intellectual process
 Planning is based on facts

9. Classify various plans.

 Mission and purpose
 objectives
 strategies
 Rules
 policies
 procedures

10. Define mission

Mission may be defined as a statement which defines the role that an organisation
plays in the society.

11. Name any two important procedures in organisation.

 Procedures for placing orders for material and equipment.
 Procedures for sanctioning different types of employee’s leave.

12. Define budgets.

A budget is a statement of expected results in numerical terms and therefore it may be
referred as a numerical programme.

13. What are the advantages and limitations of planning?

• Help in achieving objectives;
• Better utilisation of resources;
• Economy in operation;
• Improves competitive strength
• Lack of accurate information
• Time and cost
• Inflexiblity
• Delay during emetgency period

14. What is objective?

Objectives are the aims, purposes or goals that an organization wants to achieve over
varying periods of time.

15. State the two approaches of objectives.

i. Top –down approach.
ii. Bottom –up approach.

16. What is MBO?

MBO is a process whereby, the superior and the subordinate managers of an enterprise
jointly identify its common goals, define each individual’s major areas of responsibility in terms
of results expected of him, and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing
the contribution of its members.

17. Mention the features of MBO.

i. MBO focuses attention on what must be accomplished and not how to accomplish the
objectives .it is a goal oriented rather than work-oriented approach.
ii. MBO tries to combine the long range goals of organisation with short range of
iii. A high degree of motivation and satisfaction is available to employees through

18. What are the major kinds of strategies and policies?

i. Growth.
ii. Finance
iii. Organisation
iv. Personal
v. Products or services
vi. Market

19. Classify policies.

i. Formulated policies
ii. Appealed policy
iii. Imposed policy
iv. Written policies
v. Implied policies
20. State the important questions to answer by a good mission.
1. What is our business?
2. What should it be?

21. Define objectives.

The terms objectives or goals are often used interchangeably. Objectives are the end
results towards which the activities of firm are aimed or directed.

22. What is meant by strategies? May/June 2014

Strategy of an organization is the programmes of action and deployment of resources to
attain its objectives.

23. Define policies. May/June 2014

Policies are general statement or understandings, which provide guidance in decision making to
various managers.
24. What is procedure?
A procedure is a chronological order of actions required to implement a policy and to achieve
an objectives.

PART – B (16 MARK)

1.Describe the various elements in planning. [AU-Apr’04]

2.What are the different types of plans? Explain. [AU-Nov’04]
3.Give an account of various steps involved in planning. (or) Explain with flow diagram the
steps in planning. [AU-Apr’05, Dec’06,June’07 and May’10] {MAY/JUNE 2013}
3.Describe the different objectives of planning. [AU-Apr’04]
4.Mention advantages and limitations of planning.[AU’May’10]
5. Explain briefly the benefits and weakness of MBO. [AU-Nov’04 and Apr’05]
6. State and explain the eight recommendations that should considered by mangers for successful
implementation of strategies. [AU-Apr’05]
7. Discuss the factors for strategies policies and planning premises.[AU-Nov’05] MAY/JUNE
8. Describe the various types of decision. [AU-Apr’04]
9. Describe the steps in ration decision making. [AU-Apr’04][MAY/JUNE 2013]
10.Explain modern approaches to decision making under uncertainty. [AU-nov’04]
11. Write short notes on any two important modern approaches to decision making under
uncertainty. [AU-Apr’05]
12. Define decision making and explain the process of decision making that affects the efficiency
of the business decision. [AU-Nov’05]
13. Explain in detail the process of managerial decision making. [A.U-nov’08,May’08]
14.Explain the various elements of forecasting process. [A.U-May’10]
15. Define Forecasting. Explain the various forecasting techniques used for decision making
16. Discuss tangible and intangible factor relevant to decision making[Au-May’10]
17.Explain in detail the importance of planning and about the various types of plan.
18.How will you set the objectives for a manufacturing organization?
19. Explain the overall decision making process. May/June 2014
20.Define strategic planning. What are the steps involved in strategic planning? May/June 2013
21.Define decision making process. Explain the process followed while taking a
decision in normal situation. May/June 2013

1. Define organizing. May/June 2013, AU-MAY’10

Organizing is the process of identifying and grouping of activities required to attain the
objectives, delegating authority, creating responsibility and establishing relationships for the
people to work effectively.

2. Mention any four characteristics of an organization.

 Common objectives
 Specialisation or Division of labour
 Authority of structure
 Group of persons

3. State the advantages of organization. Nov/Dec 2013

 Facilitate administration
 Increases the efficiency of management
 Facilitates growth and diversification
 Ensures optimum use of man and material resources

4. What are roles of manager? May/June 2013

 Inter-personal role
 Information role
 Decisional role

5.What do you understand by effective organizing?[AU-Nov’05] [AU Apr011

Effective organizing focuses on finding mistakes in present organizing and avoiding
such mistakes by proper planning. Effective organizing avoids organizational inflexibility
and makes the staff work effectively by avoiding conflicts by clarification.

6.Distinguish between formal and informal organization. [AU-Apr’04,May’10]

1 Origin It is created deliberately and consciously by the frames of the organization It is created
spontaneously and naturally.
2 Purpose It is created for achieving legitimate objectives of the organization It is created by the
members of the organization for social and psychological satisfaction.
3 Nature Planned and official Unplanned and unofficial
4 Size It may quite large It may be small in size

7.Enumerate the advantages of functional organization grouping. [AU-Apr’05]

1. Since a foreman is responsible for one function, he can perform his duties in a better manner.
2. This organization structure makes use of specialists to give expert advice to workers.
3. It relives line executives of routine, specialized decisions which are sometime bore some.
4. Expert guideline reduces the number of accidents and wastages materials, man and
machine hours.
5. It relives pressure of need to search a large number of all-round executives.

8. What is span of control? [AU-Apr’04]

Span of control means the number of people managed effectively by a single superior in an
organization. The term “Span of control” is also known as “Span of management”, “Span of
authority” and “Span of responsibility”. But span of management is a better term because control
and supervision are elements of management.

9. What are the advantages of decentralization? [AU-Apr’04] [MAY/JUNE 2013]

1 It reduces burden of the management so that it can focus more
2 Attention on strategic management
3 It encourages decision making and assumption of authority and responsibility.
4 It facilitates growth and diversification in the organization.
5 It enables the department staff members to complete work early.

10. What is management by objectives? [AU. Nov/Dec. 2011]

MBO is a process where by the superior and subordinate managers of an organization jointly
identify its common goals.

11. What is the purpose of HRM? [AU-Dec’05]

1. Recruitment, 2. Selection, 3. Training, 4. Appraisal process.

12. List the steps involved in process of delegation.

 Determination of result expected
 Assignment of duties
 Delegation of authority
 Creation of obligation or accountability

13. What are the steps to be followed in making staff works effective?
 Understanding authority relationship
 Making line listen to staff
 Keeping staff informed
 Requiring completed staff work
 Making staff work a way of organizational life

14. State the kinds of organizational charts.

 Vertical chart
 Horizontal chart or left to right chart
 Circular chart or concentric chart

15. Define staffing.

Staffing is the part of the management process which is concerned with the
procurement utilization, maintenance and development of a large satisfied work force on the

16. Write any two roles of staffing.

 Effective utilization of skills and potential of the work force
 Development and maintenance of quality of work life

17. What is job analysis?

Job analysis is a detailed study of a job to identify the skills, experience and aptitude required
for the job.

18. What is job design?

The job design is usually broad enough to accommodate people’s need and desires.

19. What is job rotation?

Job rotation refers in the movement of an employee from the job to another

20. Define recruitment.

B.Flippo defined recruitment as “the process of searching for prospective employees
and simulating to apply for jobs in the organisation.

21. What is selection?

Selection is the process of finding out the most suitable candidate to the job out of the
candidates attracted.

22. Write down the tests used in selection process.

 Aptitude test
 Intelligence test
 Psychomotor test
 Personality test

23. What is orientation?

Orientation refers to the activities involved in introducing the new employees to the
organisation and its policies, procedures, rules, and regulations.

24. What is performance appraisal?

Performance appraisal evaluates the performance of worker also his potential for

25. Mention the three categories of span of management.

 Direct single relationship
 Direct group relationships
 Cross relation

26. What are the types of departmentation?

 Departmentation by numbers
 Departmentation by time
 Departmentation by Enterprise function
 Departmentation by Territory or Geography
 Departmentation by customers
 Departmentation by Equipment or process
 Departmentation by Product or service

27. Give a note departmentation by customers.

This type of departmentation is preferred when the needs of customers are different in
nature. Some big organisation is providing special services to different of customer.

28. Define authority.

Authority is the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience.

29. List out the sources of authority.

 Formal authority theory
 Acceptance authority theory
 Competence theory

30. What is line authority?

Line authority is the direct authority which a superior exercises over a number of subordinates
to carry out orders and instructions. In organisation process, authority is delegated to the
individuals to perform the activities.

31. What is staff authority?

The relationship between a staff manager and the line manager with whom he works
depends in part on the staff duties.

32.Why is informal organization needed?

1. Informal organization gives satisfaction to the workers and maintains the stability of
the work.
2. It is a useful channel of communication.
3. The informal organization also fills up the gaps among the abilities of the managers.
.33. List out the steps involved in organization process.
 Determination of activities
 Grouping of activities
 Assignment of Duties
 Delegation of authority
PART – B (16 MARK)

1. Explain the nature and purpose of an organization.[A.U.Dec’06]

2. Discuss the merits and demerits of a line and staff organization with examples[A.U-June’07
3.Give a brief account of at least six mistakes in organizing. [AU-Apr’05]
5. Explain how formal organization is different from informal organization illustrate.
[AUNov’04,Dec’08,May’08] [MAY/JUNE 2013]
6. How does a leader influence organization culture? [A.U-Nov’04]
7. Discuss about the factors determining an effective span of management. [AU-Apr’05]
8.Explain the various types of staff [Au-May’10]
9. Describe departmentation by process. What are its advantages and disadvantages? [A.U-
Apr’04,June’07] [MAY/JUNE 2013]
10. Explain the line organization with a neat sketch. [A.U-Nov’05]
11. Explain the concept of functional authority. How do you delegate it? [AU-Nov’04]
12.Explain the concept of decentralization. [A.U-Nov’05, May’10]
13. Briefly explain the factors determining the degree of decentralization of authority.
14. Explain the various steps in staff selection process. [MAY/JUNE 2013]
15.Explain briefly about the overall selection process. May/June 2014
16. What is meant by Departmentation? Explain the needs and importance of Departmentation.
May/June 2013
17.Define span of management? Explain the factors which influence the effective span of
Management. May/June 2013


1. Define creativity. [MAY/JUNE 2013]

Creativity is defined as the ability to produce new and useful ideas through the
combination of known principles and components in novel and non obvious ways. Creativity
exists throughout the population, largely independent of age, sex, and education.

2. Define: Innovation. [AU-MAY’10] [MAY/JUNE 2013]

Innovation means the use of creative ideas

3. What is meant by Brain Storming? [AU-Nov’04]

Brainstorming is a excellent way of developing many creative solutions to a
problem. It works by focusing on a problem, and then coming up with very many radical
solutions to it. The essence of brainstorming is a creative conference, ideally of 8 to 12 people
meeting for less than an hour to develop a long list of 50 or more ideas. Suggestions are listed
without criticism on a blackboard or newsprint as they are offered; one visible idea leads to
others. At the end of this session, participants are asked how the ideas could be
combined or improved.

4. Define motivation. [AU-Nov’05]

According to Koontz and O’Donnell, “Motivation is a general term applying to the
entire class of drives, desires, needs withes and similar forces that induce an individual or a
group of people to work”. Scott defines, “Motivation means a process of stimulating people in
action to accomplish desired goals”.

5. Distinguish between motivation and satisfaction. [AU-Apr’05]

Management is the art of getting workdone by the subordinates in order to attain common goals
of the organization. Getting workdone is a difficult task.
After attaining the goals, everyone involved in the same gets happiness or internal feelings.
So, motivation is before attaining the specific task but satisfaction means, the happiness comes
after attaining the goals.

6. What is job enrichment?[MAY/JUNE 2013]

Job enrichment is therefore based on the assumptions that in order to motivate
personnel, the job itself must provide opportunities for achievement, recognition, responsibility,
advancement and growth.

7. List of few leadership traits. [AU-Nov’04]

1. the Michigan studies, 2. The Ohio state university studies, 3. the managerial grid.

8. What are the four basic ingredients of leadership skill?[AU-Apr’05] OR

Mention any two leadership qualities. [AU-Nov’05]
i) Physical qualities: Sound health, vitality, appearance, physical and nervous energy,
forcefulness, physique, enthusiasm.
ii) Intellectual qualities: High intelligence, sound judgment ability to teach, scientific
approach, decisiveness, self understanding.
iii) Morale qualities: Integrity, moral courage, fair play, will power, sense of purpose,
iv) Social qualities: Ability to inspire, tact, percussiveness, self-confidence, empathy,
initiative, knowledge of human nature human relations attitude.

9. Name the various types of communication.[AU-Apr’04]

1. Downward communications, 2. upward communication, 3. horizontal or lateral

10. List out the various effective media in communication.[AU,Apr11]

1. A large bank supplies hardware and software to its customers.
2. several banks now make bank-by – phone services available even to individuals.
3. E-mail service making easy delivery of documents.

11. Define multiplicity of roles.

Individuals not only the productive factor in management’s plans. They are members
of social system of many organizations.

12. Mention the importance of motivation. May/June 2014

 Proper utilization of human resources possible since it inspires employees to make best
possible use of different factors of production.
 Proper motivation improves the efficiency of operation.
 Motivation creates a willingness on the part of workers to do the work in a better way.

13. Name the steps involved in motivation process.

 Analysis of situation
 Preparing, selecting and applying a set of appropriate motivating tools.
 Follow up.

14. What are the types of motivation?

 Positive motivation
 Negative motivation
 Extrinsic motivation
 Intrinsic motivation

15. List out the basic needs in a hierarchy.

 Physiological needs
 Safety needs
 Social needs
 Esteem needs
 Self-actualisation needs

16. What is job enrichment?

Job enrichment is therefore based on the assumption that in order to motivate personnel,
the job itself must provide opportunities for achievement, recognition, responsibility,
advancement and growth.

17. Who is leader?

Leader is one who makes his subordinates to do willingly what he wants.

18. Define leadership.

Leadership is the process of influencing the behaviour of others towards the
accomplishment of goals in a given situation.

19. What is communication?

Communication is passing of information from one person to another person.

20. State the need for communication.

 To establish and spread goals of an enterprise widely.
 To develop plans for further achievement.
 To organize human and other resources in the most effective and efficient way.
 To select, develop and apprise members of the organisation.

21. List the different types of communication flow.

 Downward communication
 Upward communication
 Horizontal or lateral communication

22. Note down the various communicating networks.

 Simple chain
 Wheel
 Circular
 Free flow
 Inverted V

23. State the advantages of democratic leadership.

 The subordinates are motivated by participation in decision-making process.
 This will increase job satisfaction.
 Absence of leader does not affect output.
 Labour absenteeism and turn-over will be minimum.
 The quality of decision is improved.

24. What are the barriers involved in effective communication?

 Physical barriers
 Socio-psychological or personal barriers.
 Organisational barriers.
 Semantic barriers.
 Mechanical barriers.
25. Mention the important of leadership. May/June 2013
 Motivating employees
 Leader develops team work
 Building morale
 Maintaining discipline

PART – B (16 MARK)

1. Explain briefly about three theories of Motivation. (May/June 2014)

2. Discuss in detail about the Creativity and Innovation. (May/June 2014)
3. Explain the different barriers and breakdowns of communication process. (May/June 2014)
Herzberg’s theory of Motivation. (May/June 2013)
4.What is organizational culture? Explain the types of organizational culture. (May/June 2013)
5. What are the human factors in managing? Explain briefly each. [MAY/JUNE 2013]
6. Enumerate the assumptions of Mc Gregor’s theory X and Y. [AU-Apr’05]
7. Explain theory of Z management[Au-May’10]
8. Explain any three theories of motivation. [AU-Nov’04]
9. Discuss the different theories of motivation. [AU-Nov’05] [MAY/JUNE 2013]
10. Explain how motivation helps an organization to improve productivity? [AUNov’05]
11. Write short notes on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. [AU-Apr’05,June’07,May’10]
12. Briefly explain about the three types of basic motivating needs proposed by Mc Cleland.
13.Explain different styles of leadership based on
authority.[AUNov’04,Apr’05,Dec’06,June’07,May’08][MAY/JUNE 2013]
14. Explain the importance of strong leadership in the creation of cohesive work in an industrial
organization. [AU-Nov’05]
15. Explain the qualities required for effective leadership. [AU-Apr’04]
16. What are the steps in the process of communication? [MAY/JUNE 2013]
17. What are communication barriers and suggest measures how communication be made
effective? [AU-Nov’04.,Dec’06,June’07May’10]
18. Give brief idea about electronic media in communication.[Au-May’10]
19. Discuss two-factor theory of motivation[A.U-Dec’06,June’07]

1. Define control. May/June 2014 , [AU-MAY’10]

According to Koontz “Controlling to the measurement and correction of performance in order
to make sure that enterprise objectives and the plans devised to attain them are accomplished”.

2. What is OR?
OR is an applied decision theory, which uses scientific, mathematical and logical means to take

3.What are the requirements for effective control? [MAY/JUNE 2013]

1. The control should be economical, 2. It must be simple, 3. It should be flexible, 4. It
should be clear objectives.

4. Write some advantages of management by exception.

a) This is used to identify important problems.
b) It reduces unnecessary burden of the top management.
c) It provides better utilization of managerial talent and knowledge.

5. What are the limitations of Budgeting? [AU-Dec,04]

1. Inaccuracy, 2. Expenditure, 3. Distortion of goals.

6. What are the classifications of Budget?[AU Apr11]

1. Functional classification, 2. Time classification, 3. Activity level.

7. Define: Productivity. [AU-Dec’05, Nov/Dec 2011]

Productivity is a measure of how much input is required to produce a given output i.e.
the ratio (output/input) is called productivity.

8. Define: OR [AU-Dec’05]
Operation research is systematic analysis of a problem through scientific methods,
carried out by appropriate specialists, working together as a team, finding an optimum and the
most appropriate solution to meet the given objective under a given set of constraints.

9. What is JIT? [AU-May’05]

Just in time inventory system. In this method the suppliers delivers the materials to the
production spot just in time to be assembled. This method reduces cost of inventory.

10. What is value engineering? [AU-Dec’04]

It is a special type of cost reduction and product improved technique.

11. What are the types of control? May/June 2013

 Feedback control
 Concurrent control
 Feed forward control
12. What is feedback control?
Feedback control is the process of adjusting future action on basis of information about
past performance.

13. What are the requirements for effective control?

 The control should be economical
 It must be simple
 It should be flexible
 It should be clear objectives

14. What are the modern techniques of control?

 Management audit
 Return on investment
 PERT and CPM

15. Define budgetary control?

According to J.Batty “a system which uses budgets as a means of planning and
controlling all aspects of producing and or selling commodities and services”.

16. Define budget?

According to J. Fred Meston “a budget is the expression of a firms plan is financial
form for a period of time in to the future”.

17. What are the limitations of Budgeting?

 Inaccuracy
 Expenditure
 Distortion of goals

18. What is Zero Base Budgets?

Initially the budget is designed from a Zero base the main element is ZBB is future
objective orientation.

19. What are the steps involves in ZBB?

 Decision package
 Ranking
 Allocation of resources

20. Define MIS May/June 2013

A system of obtaining abstracting, storing and analysing data to productions
information for use in planning, controlling and decision making by managers at the time they
can most effectively use it”

21. What are MIS Resources?

 To provide the information up to date
 To take effective decision making
 To provide the right information available in the right form at the right time
22. Define Productivity May/June 2014
Productivity is a measure of how much input is required to produce a given output the ratio is
called productivity.

23. What are the factors affecting productivity?

 Technology
 Human resources
 Government policy
 Machinery and equipment
 Skill of the worker

24. Define Multinational Corporations.

An enterprise which own or control production or service facilities outside the country
in which they are based.

25. What are global theory of management?

 Situational and contingency approach.
 Motivation and leadership theory.
 Organisational behaviour. .

PART – (16 MARK)

1) . Explain the steps in the process of controlling. [AU-Dec’05] [MAY/JUNE 2013]

2) . What is the role of IT in controlling?[A.U-Dec’06,June’07] [MAY/JUNE 2013]
3) . What are the effective steps for direct control and preventive control? [AU-May’05]
4) . What are the requirements of effective control[A.U-June’07] [MAY/JUNE 2013]
5) . What are the factors affect the operations of the multi national enterprises? Explain. [AU-
6) . What advantages do multinational corporations have? What are the advantages of MNC?
7) . Explain a unified global theory of management? [AU-Dec’05]
8) . Briefly discuss about the various forms of International business with suitable
9) . Discuss about the general steps involved in the operation research procedure? [AUMay’05]

10) . Discuss the factors determining span of control. [AU-May’05]

11) . Describe the essentials of good control system[Au-May’10]
12) . Describe the challenges created by information technology in controlling[AuMay’10]

13) . Explain the various factors favoring and preventing a country in globalization process[A.U-
14) . Explain the impact of Liberalization quoting examples from software industry[A.UDec’06]

15) . Explain the effect of Globalization and Liberalization business environment with
16) . Compare and contrast between feed forward and feed back systems in controlling[A.U-
17. Explain the steps involved in the process of controlling. May/June 2013
18. Explain the steps involved in the implementation of budgetary control. May/June 2013

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