EDUFI Fellowships Application Form and Instructions 22062022

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EDUFI Fellowships

Scholarships for foreign Doctoral level students and young

Application instructions

To university departments

The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI ) awards scholarships for foreign
Doctoral level students and young researchers to carry out postgraduate studies and
research and teaching in Finnish universities. Scholarships are mainly targeted at
those Doctoral level students who will be doing their whole Doctorate or
Double Doctorate at a Finnish university. Visiting Doctoral level students and
researchers who are doing their Doctorate degree at some foreign university can also be
considered eligible, provided that the motivation letter of the hosting Finnish university
department presents exceptionally good grounds for such an application. (rf. Annex 1.
Applicant’s motivation letter). The scholarship holder cannot receive another full
scholarship nor salary with an EDUFI grant.

The scholarship programme seeks to increase mobility to Finland, to support the

internationalisation of research and teaching and to foster links between Finnish and
foreign universities. The scholarship is meant for foreign Doctoral level
students/researchers to be invited to Finland or who have not resided in
Finland more than 1 year at the time of applying.

Applications can only be submitted by representatives of Finnish universities who wish
to host foreign scholarship holders and commit to shared goals with them. While the
application is submitted by the host institution, the scholarship is awarded as a personal
grant to the foreign postgraduate student or young researcher. Post-doctorate research
will not be funded. The applicant should have no more than one application being
processed at a time. The number of EDUFI Fellowships previously granted to the hosting
department may restrict receiving new grants at the same time.

Contact person for invoicing

Contact details of the person who is responsible for invoicing EDUFI on behalf of the
university are required.

Application deadline
There is a rolling deadline. Applications must be submitted at least 5 months before the
proposed scholarship period. Decisions will be made within approximately 3 months
after receipt of application. During the summer months, the processing time is longer.

Applications should be submitted on the attached EDUFI Fellowships application form,
which should be filled in electronically, printed and signed. You can move from field to
field using, for example, the tab key. Use your mouse or the space key to select the
appropriate option. Open text fields should be filled in the section appearing in grey.
Please remember to save the form on your computer before filling it in! The application
can be made in Finnish, Swedish or English.

Please post the signed form and annexes by e-mail to: Kirjaamo(at) Please, write
“EDUFI Fellowship” in the subject line of the e-mail.

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The following attachments are required:
1. Applicant’s motivation: take no more than one page to present the motivation for
the proposed cooperation, its significance to the host institution, the background for the
cooperation and a short description of the research environment. You should also
explain the commitment of the host institution to the project and its possible financial
support to the scholarship holder, especially if your application is for less than €1,500
per month. A preliminary plan for subsequent funding of proposed research will be
required in case the application is submitted in order to begin a doctoral dissertation in
Finland (or to continue a doctoral dissertation at its early stages).
2. Complete CV of the scholarship candidate, which should include, for example,
any previous visits to Finland, qualifications (a Master’s degree is a minimum
requirement) and publications.
3. Research plan (3 to 5 pages, including an introduction, objectives, work plan/work
methods, expected results and their possible applications, as well as most relevant
references. If the proposal is part of a larger project, the candidate’s role should be
described in the research plan.

The grant is 1,500 euro/month. The grant is personal and is intended to cover for the
subsistence costs of the scholarship holder in Finland. Additional support for
accommodation will not be paid nor will EDUFI pay travel or visa / residence permit
expenses. Trips abroad to collect research materials cannot be included in the
scholarship period.

Duration of the scholarship period

The scholarship period may last from 3 to 12 months. The period may be extended only
in exceptional cases. Visits shorter than 3 months will not be funded.

Payment of the grant

The grant will be paid to the relevant university department. The university will pay the
grant to the scholarship holder as a personal grant. The university will invoice EDUFI for
the grant as a lump sum at the earliest when the scholarship holder’s arrival in Finland
is confirmed but at the latest when the scholarship period begins. A budget report
should be sent to [email protected] within one month after the end of the
scholarship period. The university must not deduce any general costs from the grant.

Practical arrangements
The host institution/applicant is responsible for all practical arrangements, such as entry
arrangements to Finland, hosting, accommodation, etc. The scholarship holder should
attach an invitation letter from the host institute and a copy of EDUFI’s scholarship
decision with their visa / residence permit application.

It is recommended that the host institute makes sure that the scholarship holder will
already have an insurance to cover for accidents and acute illnesses when arriving in
Finland. EDUFI will not pay for the cost of the insurance.

Within one month after the end of the scholarship period, a representative of the host
institution will have to submit a report to EDUFI. Please use the online reporting form at .

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EDUFI Fellowships

Hakulomake  Ansökningsblankett  Application form

1. Hakija  Sökande  Applicant

Sukunimi  Släktnam  Family name Etunimet  Förnamn  First names

Virka tai tehtävä  Tjänst eller befattning  Title Oppiaine  Ämne  Discipline

Yliopisto  Universitet  University Laitos  Institut  Department

Postiosoite  Postadress  Mailing address Postinumero ja -toimipaikka  Postnummer och -
anstalt  Postal code and city
Puhelin  Telefon  Telephone Sähköposti • E-post • E-mail

2. Stipendiaattiehdokas  Stipendiekandidat  Scholarship candidate

Sukunimi  Släktnamn  Family name Etunimet  Förnamn  First names

Sukupuoli  Kön  Sex mies  man  male Kansalaisuus  Medborgarskap  Citizenship

nainen  kvinna  female muu  annan  other      

Syntymäaika  Födelsedatum  Date of Birth

Ei ole vielä Suomessa  Är inte ännu i Finland  Is not yet in Finland

On ollut Suomessa  Har varit i Finland Milloin ja missä  När och var  When and where

 Has been in Finland      

Akateemiset tutkinnot, niiden suoritusvuodet ja suorituspaikat  Akademiska examina, utförande år och
institut  Academic degrees, examination year and institution
Viimeisin ulkomainen yliopisto/tutkimuslaitos ennen suunniteltua stipendikautta  Sista utländska
universitet/forskningsinstitut förran planerat stipendieperiod  Latest foreign university/research institution before the planned
scholarship period
Tämänhetkinen yliopisto/työpaikka Suomessa, jos stipendiaattiehdokas on jo maassa  Nuvarande
universitet/jobb i Finland, i falls stipendiekandidaten är redan i landet  Present university/place of employment, in case the
scholarship candidate is already in Finland

3. Haettava apuraha  Stipendium  Scholarship

Apurahan määrä  Stipendiebelopp  Sum of scholarship

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Täysi apuraha 1500 €/kk  Full stipendium 1500 €/månad  Full scholarship 1500 €/month

muu, mikä  annan, vilken  other      

Apurahakauden kesto  Längd av stipendieperiod  Length of scholarship period

      kuukautta  månader  months

Apurahakauden ajankohta  Stipendieperiod  Scholarship period

     /      202      –      /      202     

4. Työsuunnitelma stipendiaattia varten  Arbetsplan för stipendium  Working plan for

the scholarship candidate

Tieteenala* (ensisijaisesti)  Vetenskapsgren* (primärt)  Field of study* (primary)


Tarkoitus  Syfte  Purpose

väitöskirja suomalaiseen yliopistoon/kaksoistutkinto  avhandling (finländskt universitet)/dubbelexamen 

dissertation (Finnish university)/double degree

väitöskirja ulkomaiseen yliopistoon  avhandling (utländskt universitet)  dissertation (foreign university)

muu, mikä  annan, vilken  other, please specify      

Aihe  Tema  Topic


Tutkimuksen kuvaus lyhyesti ja stipendiaattiehdokkaan rooli sen toteutuksessa (tarkempi

tutkimussuunnitelma esitetään liitteenä)  Kort beskrivning av forskning och stipendiekandidats roll
(forskningsplan bilagas)  Short description of the research and the scholarship candidate’s role in it (please enclose research

5. Hakijalle myönnetyt Opetushallituksen apurahat viimeisten kahden vuoden

 Kandidatens stipendier från Utbildningstyrelsen under de senaste två åren  EDUFI scholarships
awarded during the last two years


Laskutusyhteyshenkilö  Faktureringskontakt  Contact person for invoicing

Nimi  namn  name Sähköposti  E-post  E-mail

Virka tai tehtävä  Tjänst eller befattning  Title Puhelin  Telefon  Telephone


Hakijan allekirjoitus  Sökandens underskrift  Applicants signature

Paikka ja aika  Ort och datum  Place and date Allekirjoitus  Underskrift  Signature

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Suostun siihen, että päätös toimitetaan minulle yksinomaan sähköpostilla.  Jag godkänner att beslutet
skickas till mig enbart per e-post.  I consent that the decision will be sent to me exclusively by email.

* Tieteenalat  Vetenskapsgren  Field of study:

AGR Maatalous- ja metsätieteet  Agrikultur och forstvetenskaper  Agricultural science and forestry
ENG Insinööritieteet/arkkitehtuuri  Teknisk-vetenskaper/arkitektur  Engineering sciences/architecture
HUM Humanistiset tieteet  Humanistiska vetenskaper  Humanities
LAW Oikeustiede  Juridik  Law
MED Lääketiede/biolääketiede  Medicin/biomedicin  Medical sciences/biomedicine
SCI Luonnontieteet  Naturvetenskaper  Natural sciences
SOC Yhteiskuntatieteet/kauppatieteet  Samhällsvetenskaper/handelsvetenskaper  Social

Liitteet: perustelu apurahan hakijalta, ehdokkaan CV, tutkimussuunnitelma  Bilagor: sökandes motivering,
kandidats CV, forksningsplan  Annexes: applicant’s motivation letter, candidate’s CV, research plan

EDUFI Fellowships  Opetushallitus

 PL 380 (Hakaniemenranta 6), 00531 Helsinki 
EDUFI Fellowships  Utbildningsstyrelsen
 PB 380 (Hagnäskajen 6), 00531 Helsingfors 
EDUFI Fellowships  Finnish National Agency for Education
 P.O. Box 380 (Hakaniemenranta 6), 00531 Helsinki 

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