Syllabus BTech First Yr Common Other Than AG & BT Effective From 2022 23
Syllabus BTech First Yr Common Other Than AG & BT Effective From 2022 23
Syllabus BTech First Yr Common Other Than AG & BT Effective From 2022 23
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B. Tech. First Year, Semester- I
(All Branches except Agriculture Engineering and Biotechnology)
Sessional (SW)
End Semester
SN Subject Subject Period Total Credit
Code Name
Abbreviation Used:
BS: Basic Science Course
ES: Engineering Science Course
HS: Humanities and Social Science Course
VA: Value Added Course
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B. Tech. First Year, Semester- II
(All Branches except Agriculture Engineering and Biotechnology)
Evaluation Scheme
Sessional (SW)
End Semester
SN Subject Subject Period Sessional Total Credit
Code Name Component
Abbreviation Used:
BS: Basic Science Course
ES: Engineering Science Course
HS: Humanities and Social Science Course
VA: Value Added Course
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Basic concept of Stoke’s theorem and Divergence theorem, Basic laws of electricity and
magnetism, Continuity equation for current density, Displacement current, Maxwell
equations in integral and differential form, Maxwell equations in vacuum and in
conducting medium, Poynting vector and Poynting theorem, Plane electromagnetic
waves in vacuum and their transverse nature. Relation between electric and magnetic
fields of an electromagnetic wave, Plane electromagnetic waves in conducting medium,
Skin depth.
Coherent sources, Interference in uniform and wedge shaped thin films, Necessity of
extended sources, Newton’s Rings and its applications, Introduction to diffraction,
Fraunhoffer diffraction at single slit and double slit, Absent spectra, Diffraction grating,
Spectra with grating, Dispersive power, Resolving power, Rayleigh’s criterion of
resolution, Resolving power of grating.
Fibre Optics: Principle and construction of optical fiber, Acceptance angle, Numerical
aperture, Acceptance cone, Step index and graded index fibers, Fiber optic
communication principle, Attenuation, Dispersion, Application of fiber.
Laser: Absorption of radiation, Spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation,
Population inversion, Einstein’s Coefficients, Principles of laser action, Solid state Laser
(Ruby laser) and Gas Laser (He-Ne laser), Laser applications.
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Course Outcomes:
Reference Books:
1. Concepts of Modern Physics - Aurthur Beiser (Mc-Graw Hill)
2. Optics - Brijlal & Subramanian (S. Chand )
3. Engineering Physics: Theory and Practical- Katiyar and Pandey (Wiley India)
4. Applied Physics for Engineers- Neeraj Mehta (PHI Learning, New)
5. Engineering Physics-Malik HK and Singh AK (Mc Graw Hill)
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Course Objectives:
1. To enable the students to understand about the Chemistry of Atomic and Molecular structure, Chemistry of
advanced Materials like Liquid crystals, Nanomaterials, Graphite & fullerenes and Green Chemistry.
2. To enable the students to understand and apply the detailed concepts of spectroscopic techniques and
stereochemistry to identify the compounds, element etc.
3. To enable the students to understand and apply the concepts related to Electrochemistry, Batteries, Corrosion
and Chemistry of Engineering Materials like cement.
4. To enable the students to understand and apply detailed concepts of water source, water impurities, hardness
of water and boiler troubles used in industry as well as analysis of coal & determination of calorific values.
5. To enable the students to understand detailed concepts related to polymers, Polymerization, Polymer Blends
and Polymer Composites.
Unit-1: 8
Atomic and Molecular Structure: Molecular orbital’s of diatomic molecules, Bond Order,
Magnetic characters and numerical problems.
Chemistry of Advanced Materials:
Liquid Crystals; Introduction, Types and Applications of liquid crystals, Industrially
important materials used as liquid crystals.
Graphite and Fullerene; Introduction, Structure and applications.
Nanomaterials; Introduction, Preparation, characteristics of nanomaterials and applications
of nanomaterials, Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT),
Green Chemistry: Introduction, 12 principles and importance of green Synthesis, Green
Chemicals, Synthesis of typical organic compounds by conventional and Green route (Adipic
acid and Paracetamol), Environmental impact of Green chemistry on society.
Unit-2: 8
Unit-3: 8
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Unit-4: 8
Water Technology: Sources and impurities of water, Hardness of water, Boiler troubles,
Techniques for water softening (Lime-Soda, Zeolite, Ion Exchange and Reverse Osmosis
process), Determination of Hardness and alkalinity, Numerical problems.
Fuels and Combustion: Definition, Classification, Characteristics of a good fuel, Calorific
Values, Gross & Net calorific value, Determination of calorific value by Bomb Calorimeter,
Theoretical calculation of calorific value by Dulong’s method, Ranking of Coal, Analysis of coal
by Proximate and Ultimate analysis method, Numerical problems, Chemistry of Biogas
production from organic waste materials and their environmental impact on society.
Unit-5: 8
Materials Chemistry:
Polymers; Classification, Polymerization processes, Thermosetting and Thermoplastic
Polymers, Polymer Blends and Composites, Conducting and Biodegradable polymers,
Preparation, properties, industrial applications of Teflon, Lucite, Bakelite, Kelvar, Dacron,
Thiokol, Nylon, Buna-N and Buna-S and their environmental impact on society, Speciality
Organometallic Compounds: General methods of preparation and applications of
Organometallic compounds (RMgX and LiAlH4).
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Chemistry by Rath & Singh, 2nd Edition, Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd Delhi.
2. Engineering Chemistry by SS Dara, S Chand & Co Ltd
3. Engineering Chemistry by Jain & Jain, S.Chand & Comp, New Delhi
4. Engineering Chemistry by K. Sesha Maheswaramma, Pearson
5. Engineering Chemistry by OG Palanna, Mc Graw Hill Education, New Delhi
6. Engineering Chemistry by Shashi Chawala, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Comp, New Delhi
7. University Chemistry by BH Mahan
8. University Chemistry by CNR Rao
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Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to familiarize the graduate engineers with techniques in matrix, calculus,
multivariate analysis and vector calculus. It aims to equip the students with standard concepts and tools from
intermediate to advanced level that will enable them to tackle more advanced level of mathematics and
applications that they would find useful in their disciplines.
The students will learn:
• The essential tools of matrices, Eigen values and its application in a Comprehensive-manner.
• To apply the knowledge of differential calculus in the field of engineering.
• To deal with functions of several variables that is essential in optimizing the results ofreal life
• To apply integral calculus in various field of engineering and have a basicunderstanding of Beta and
Gamma functions and application of Dirichlet’s integral.
• To deal with vector calculus that is required in different branches of Engineering tograduate
Unit-1: Matrices 8
Successive Differentiation (nth order derivatives), Leibnitz theorem, Curve tracing, Partial
derivatives, Euler’s Theorem for homogeneous functions, Total derivative.
Expansion of functions by Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorems for functions of one and two
variables, Maxima and Minima of functions of several variables, Lagrange’s method of
multipliers, Jacobians, Approximation of errors.
Double integral, Triple integral, Change oforder of integration, Change of variables, Beta and
Gama function and their properties, Dirichlet’s integral and its applications to area and
volume, Liouville’s extensions of Dirichlet’s integral.
Vector differentiation: Gradient, Curl and Divergence and their Physical interpretation,
Directional derivatives.
Vector Integration: Line integral, Surface integral, Volume integral, Gauss’s Divergence
theorem, Green’s theorem and Stoke’s theorem (without proof) and their applications.
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Course Outcomes:
CO 1 Understand the concept of complex matrices, Eigen values, Eigen vectors and apply K2 & K5
the concept of rank to evaluate linear simultaneous equations
Text Books:
1. B. V. Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,2008.
2. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publisher, 2005.
3. R K. Jain & S R K. Iyenger, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House2002.
Reference Books:
1. E. Kreyszig, Advance Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
2. Peter V. O’Neil, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Thomson (Cengage) Learning, 2007.
3. Maurice D. Weir, Joel Hass, Frank R. Giordano, Thomas, Calculus, Eleventh Edition,Pearson.
4. D. Poole, Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction, 2nd Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2005.
5. Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics for first year, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
6. Ray Wylie C and Louis C Barret, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, McGraw-Hill;Sixth
7. P. Sivaramakrishna Das and C. Vijayakumari, Engineering Mathematics, 1st Edition,Pearson
8. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Chandrika Prasad, Reena Garg, 2018.
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Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to familiarize the prospective engineers with techniques in ordinary
differential equations, Laplace transform, sequence and series,Fourier series and complex
variables. It aims to equip the students to deal with advanced level of mathematics and applications
that would be essential for their disciplines.
The students will learn:
• The effective mathematical tools for the solutions of differential equations that model
physical processes.
• The basic knowledge of Laplace transform and its applications in solving differential
• The tool for convergence of series and expansion of function using Fourier series for
learning advanced Engineering Mathematics.
• The tools of differentiation of functions of complex variables that are used in various
techniques dealing with engineering problems.
• The tools of integration of functions of complex variables that are used in various
techniques dealing with engineering problems.
Unit -1: Ordinary Differential Equation of Higher Order 8
Linear differential equation of nth order with constant coefficients, Simultaneous
linear differential equations, Second order linear differential equations with variable
coefficients, Solution by changing independent variable, Method of variation of
parameters, Cauchy-Euler equation, Application of differential equations in solving
engineering problems.
Unit-2: Laplace Transform 10
Laplace transform, Existence theorem, Properties of Laplace Transform, Laplace
transform of derivates and integrals, Unit step function, Laplace transform of
periodic function, Inverse Laplace transform, Convolution theorem. Application of
Laplace Transform to solve ordinary differential equations and simultaneous
differential equations.
Unit-3: Sequence and Series 8
Definition of Sequence and series with examples, Convergence of series, Tests for
convergence of series, Ratio test, D’ Alembert’s test, Raabe’s test, Comparison test.
Fourier series, Half range Fouriersine and cosine series.
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Course Outcomes:
CO 1 Remember the concept differentiation to evaluate LDE of nth order with constant K1 &K5
coefficient and LDE with variable coefficient of 2nd order.
CO 2 Understand and apply the concept of Laplace Transform to evaluate differential K2 ,K3 & K5
CO 3 Understand the concept of convergence to analyze the convergence of series and K2 & K4
expansion of the function for Fourier series.
CO 4 Apply the concept of analyticity, Harmonic function and create theimage of K3, K6& K3
function applying conformal transformation
Apply the concept of Cauchy Integral theorem, Cauchy Integralformula, K3& K5
CO 5 singularity and calculus of residue to evaluate integrals
K1 – Remember, K2 – Understand, K3 – Apply, K4 – Analyze, K5 – Evaluate, K6 – Create
Text Books:
1. B. V. Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., 2008.
2. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publisher, 2005.
3. R. K. Jain & S. R. K. Iyenger, Advance Engineering Mathematics , Narosa Publishing -
House, 2002
Reference Books:
1. E. Kreyszig, Advance Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
2. Peter V. O’Neil, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Thomson (Cengage) Learning, 2007.
3. Maurice D. Weir, Joel Hass, Frank R.Giordano, Thomas, Calculus, Eleventh Edition,
4. G.B Thomas, R L Finney, Calculus and Analytical Geometry, Ninth Edition Pearson, 2002.
5. James Ward Brown and Ruel V Churchill, Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems,
8th Edition-McGraw-Hill
6. D. Poole, Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction, 2nd Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2005.
7. Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics for first year, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
8. Charles E Roberts Jr, Ordinary Diffrential Equations, Application, Model and Computing,
CRC Press T&F Group.
9. Ray Wylie C and Louis C Barret, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6thEdition, McGraw-
10. James Ward Brown and Ruel V Churchill, Complex Variable and Applications, 8th Edition,
11. P. Sivaramakrishna Das and C. Vijayakumari, Engineering Mathematics, 1st Edition,
Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd.
12. Advanced Engineering Mathematics By Chandrika Prasad, Reena Garg Khanna Publishing
House, Delhi.
13. Laplace Transforms by Schaum’s series, 2005 Edition, Spiegel Publicaiton.
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Electrical circuit elements (R, L and C), Concept of active and passive elements,
voltage and current sources, concept of linearity, unilateral and bilateral elements.
Kirchhoff‟s laws, Mesh and nodal methods of analysis.
Unit-3: Transformers 6
Introduction of Switch Fuse Unit (SFU), MCB, ELCB, MCCB, ACB. Types of Wires,
Cables and Bus-bars. Fundamentals of earthing and lightning protection. Types of
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Course Outcomes:
Text Books:
1. Ritu Sahdev, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Khanna Publishing House, 2018.
2. P.V. Prasad, S.Sivanagaraju,“Electrical Engineering:Concepts and Applications” Cengage, 2018
3. D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
4. D. C. Kulshreshtha, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, McGraw Hill, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. E. Hughes, “Electrical and Electronics Technology”, Pearson, 2010.
2. L. S. Bobrow, “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering”, Oxford University Press, 2011.
3. V. D. Toro, “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals”, Pearson India, 1989.
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Topics Contact
Unit-1 8
Semiconductor Diode: Depletion layer, V-I characteristics, ideal and practical Diodes,
Diode Equivalent Circuits, Zener Diodes breakdown mechanism (Zener and avalanche)
Diode Application: Diode Configuration, Half and Full Wave rectification, Clippers,
Clampers, Zener diode as shunt regulator, Voltage-Multiplier Circuits
Special Purpose two terminal Devices: Light-Emitting Diodes, Photo Diodes, Varactor
Diodes, Tunnel Diodes.
Unit-2 8
Unit-3 8
Unit-4 8
Unit-5 8
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Describe the concept of PN Junction and devices.
2. Explain the concept of BJT, FET and MOFET.
3. Apply the concept of Operational amplifier to design linear and non-linear applications.
4. Perform number systems conversions, binary arithmetic and minimize logic functions.
5. Describe the fundamentals of communication technologies.
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Text Books:
1. Robert L. Boylestand / Louis Nashelsky “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Pearson
2. George Kennedy, “Electronic Communication Systems”, McGrawPublication
3. David A. Bell, “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Oxford UniversityPress.
4. Jacob Millman, C.C. Halkias, StayabrataJit, “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, McGrawHill.
5. A. Anand Kumar, “Fundamental of Digital Circuits,” PHI 4th edition, 2018.
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Content Hours
Unit -1:
Introduction to Components of a Computer System: Memory, Processor, I/O
Devices, Storage, Operating System, Concept of Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter,
Loader and Linker.
Idea of Algorithm: Representation of Algorithm, Flowchart, Pseudo Code with
Examples, From Algorithms to Programs, Source Code.
Programming Basics: Structure of C Program, Writing and Executing the First C
Program, Syntax and Logical Errors in Compilation, Object and Executable Code.
Components of C Language. Standard I/O in C , Fundamental Data types, Variables
and Memory Locations, Storage Classes.
Arithmetic Expressions and Precedence : Operators and Expression Using
Numeric and Relational Operators, Mixed Operands, Type Conversion, Logical
Operators, Bit Operations, Assignment Operator, Operator precedence and
Conditional Branching: Applying if and Switch Statements, Nesting if and Else
and Switch.
Iteration and Loops: Use of While, do While and for Loops, Multiple Loop
Variables, Use of Break , Goto and Continue Statements.
Arrays: Array Notation and Representation, Manipulating Array Elements, using
Multi Dimensional Arrays. Character Arrays and Strings, Structure, union,
Enumerated Data types, Array of Structures, Passing Arrays to Functions.
Functions: Introduction, Types of Functions, Functions with Array, Passing
Parameters to Functions, Call by Value, Call by Reference, Recursive Functions.
Basic of searching and Sorting Algorithms: Searching & Sorting Algorithms (
Linear Search , Binary search , Bubble Sort, Insertion and Selection Sort)
Pointers: Introduction, Declaration, Applications, Introduction to Dynamic Memory
Allocation (Malloc, Calloc, Realloc, Free), String and String functions , Use of Pointers
in Self-Referential Structures, Notion of Linked List (No Implementation)
File Handling: File I/O Functions, Standard C Preprocessors, Defining and Calling
Macros and Command-Line Arguments.
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Course Outcome:
K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyze , K5- Evaluate , K6- Create
Text Books:
1. Schaum's Outline of Programming with C by Byron Gottfried , McGraw-Hill
2. The C programming by Kernighan Brain W. and Ritchie Dennis M., Pearson Education .
3. Computer Basics and C Programming by V.Rajaraman , PHI Learning Pvt. Limited, 2015.
4. Computer Concepts and Programming in C, E Balaguruswami, McGraw Hill
5. Computer Science- A Structured Programming Approach Using C, by Behrouz A. Forouzan,
Richard F. Gilberg, Thomson, Third Edition , Cengage Learning - 2007.
6. Let Us C By Yashwant P. Kanetkar.
7. Problem Solving and Program Design in C, by Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman, Pearson Addison-
Wesley, 2006.
8. Programming in C by Kochan Stephen G. Pearson Education – 2015.
9. Computer Concepts and Programming in C by D.S. Yadav and Rajeev Khanna, New Age
International Publication.
10. Computer Concepts and Programming by Anami, Angadi and Manvi, PHI Publication
11. Computer Concepts and Programming in C by Vikas Gupta, Wiley India Publication
12. Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C. Reema Thareja, Oxford Publication
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Unit -1: Introduction to Mechanics 8
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Overview of Mechanical Actuation System – Kinematic Chains, Cam, Ratchet
Mechanism, Gears and its type, Belt, Bearing.
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Actuation Systems: Overview: Pressure Control
Valves, Direction Control Valves, Rotary Actuators, Accumulators and Pneumatic
Sequencing Problems.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Apply the concept of force resolution and stress and strain to solve basic
CO1 K3
Understand the construction details and working of internal combustion
CO2 K2
engines, electric vehicle and hybrid vehicles.
Explain the construction detail and working of refrigerator, heat pump and air-
CO3 K2
Understand fluid properties, conservation laws and hydraulic machinery used
CO4 K2
in real life.
Understand the working principle of different measuring instrument and
CO5 K2
mechatronics with their advantages, scope and Industrial application.
Reference Books:
1. Basic Mechanical Engineering, G Shanmugam, S Ravindran, McGraw Hill
2. Basic Mechanical Engineering, M P Poonia and S C Sharma, Khanna Publishers
3. Mechatronics : Principles, Concepts and Applications, Nitaigour Mahalik, McGraw Hill
4. Mechatronics, As per AICTE: Integrated Mechanical Electronic Systems, K.P. Ramachandran,
G.K. Vijayaraghavan, M.S.Balasundaram, Wiley India
5. Mechanical Measurements & Control, Dr. D. S. Kumar. Metropolitan Book Company
6. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Mahesh Kumar, Pearson India
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Course Objectives:
1. Aims and objectives of environmental education emphasize the relationship between man and
the environment and educate young people about the importance of nature and the
2. Environmental education aims to impart ecological knowledge and promote environmentally
conscious behavior towards nature.
3. It encourages young minds to take responsibility for protecting the natural environment
protection through information and knowledge and to develop environmental awareness.
4. Incidentally, promoting awareness and a sense of respect for nature leads to a comprehensive
understanding of the environment and a reasonable attitude towards protecting it.
5. The focus of environmental education is Awareness, Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Capacity Building
and Participation.
Unit-1 8
Unit-2 8
Unit-3 8
Unit-4 8
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Unit-5 8
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
Course Outcomes Level
CO-1 Gain in-depth knowledge on natural processes that sustain life, and govern K2
CO-2 Estimate and Predict the consequences of human actions on the web of life, global K3
economy and quality of human life.
CO-3 Develop critical thinking for shaping strategies (scientific, social, economic and legal) K4
for environmental protection and conservation of biodiversity, social equity and
sustainable development.
CO-4 Acquire values and attitudes towards understanding complex environmental- K3
economic social challenges, and participate actively in solving current
environmental problems and preventing the future ones.
CO-5 Adopt sustainability as a practice in life, society and industry. K3
Reference Books:
1. Textbook of Environment and Ecology by Dave, Katewa & Singh, 2nd Edition, Cengage Learning
India Pvt Ltd Delhi.
2. Environmental Studies by S Deswal, Dhanpat rai & Co.
3. Environmental Science by VK Ahluwalia, TERI
4. Environmental Studies by R Rajgopalan, Oxford University Press.
5. Environment & Ecology by Singh & Malviya, Acme Learning
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Course Objectives:
1. Students will be enabled to understand the correct usage of grammar.
2. Students will be able to converse well with effective speaking and listening skills in English.
3. Students will be able to create substantial base by the formation of strong professional
vocabulary for its application at different platforms and through numerous modes as
Comprehension, reading and writing
4. Student will be able to equip with basics of communication skills and will apply it for
practical and oral purposes by being honed up in presentation skills and voice-dynamics.
5. Students will be able build up personal traits that will make the transition from institution
to workplace smoother and help them to excel in their jobs.
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Course Outcomes:
1. Write professionally in simple and correct English.
2. Demonstrate active listening with comprehension, and the ability to write clear and well-
structured emails and proposals.
3. Learn the use of correct body language and tone of voice to enhance communication.
4. Acquire the skills necessary to communicate effectively and deliver presentations with clarity
and impact
5. Understand and apply some important aspects of core skills, like Leadership and stress
Prescribed Books:
1. Technical Communication, (Second Ed.); O.U.P., Meenakshi Raman & S.Sharma New Delhi,
2. Business Communication for Managers, Payal Mehra, Pearson, Delhi, 2012.
3. Personality Development, Harold R. Wallace et. al, Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd; New Delhi
4. Practical Communication by L.U.B. Pandey; A.I.T.B.S. Publications India Ltd.; Krishan Nagar,
Delhi 2013.
5. Personality Development & Soft Skills, Barun K.Mitra, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2012.
6. Public Speaking, William S. Pfeiffer, Pearson, Delhi, 2012.
7. Human Values, A.N. Tripathi, New Age International Pvt. Ltd. Publishers New Delhi, 2005.
8. English Grammar & Usage, R.P.Sinha, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2005.
9. English Grammar & Composition, Wren & Martin S.Chand & Co Ltd, New Delhi, 2009.
10. Soft Skills for Everyone. Jeff Butterfield, Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd; New Delhi 2017.
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List of Experiments
Any ten experiments (at least four from each group).
Group A
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
CO CO Statement
Apply the principle of interference and diffraction to find the wavelength of
CO-1 Apply
monochromatic and polychromatic light.
Compute and analyze various electrical and electronic properties of a given
CO-2 Analyze
material by using various experiments.
Verify different established laws with the help of optical and electrical Apply
Determine and calculate various physical properties of a given material by using Apply
various experiments.
Study and estimate the performance and parameter of given equipment by using Apply
graphical and computational analysis.
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Reference Books
1. Practical Physics- K. K. Dey & B. N. Dutta (Kalyani Publishers New Delhi)
2. Engineering Physics-Theory and Practical- Katiyar & Pandey (Wiley India)
3. Engineering Physics Practical- S K Gupta ( Krishna Prakashan Meerut)
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Course Objectives:
1. To enable the students to understand about the fundamental concepts of analytical instruments
2. To enable the students to understand about the analysis of chloride content, hardness, alkalinity
of water.
3. To enable the students to understand about the measure of pH, surface tension and viscosity of
a liquid.
4. To enable the students to understand about the preparation of different resins.
5. To enable the students to understand about the synthesis of organic compounds such as adipic
acid and paracetamol by conventional and green route.
1. Calibration of Analytical Equipment and apparatus.
2. Determination of Hardness of water sample by EDTA method.
3. Determination of Alkalinity of water sample.
4. Determination of pH by titrimetric method.
5. Determination of surface tension of given liquid.
6. Determination of Viscosity of a given liquid by viscometer.
7. Determination of the strength of Ferrous ammonium sulfate using external indicator.
8. Determination of the strength of Potassium dichromate using internal indicator.
9. Determination of available chlorine in bleaching powder.
10. Determination of chloride content in water sample.
11. Preparation of Phenol formaldehyde (PF) resin.
12. Preparation of Urea formaldehyde (UF) resin.
13. Preparation of Adipic acid / Paracetamol.
14. Determination of Cell Conductance of a solution.
15. Determination of Rate constant of hydrolysis of esters.
16. Element detection and identification of functional groups in organic compounds.
NOTE: Instructor may choose any 10 experiments from above and may also change any two of the above..
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:
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Course Outcomes:
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Part (C):
Part A PCB Lab: a. Artwork & printing of a simple This practical is not possible
PCB. b. Etching & drilling of PCB by virtual lab. It will be
conducted only in physical
Part B Study of Lab Equipment’s and NA, These test equipment can
Components: CRO, Multi meter, be Demonstrated online from
Function Generator, any lab of ECE department or
Power supply- physical mode is only option.
Active, Passive Components
and Bread Board.
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(D) Experiments available on virtual lab
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1. WAP that accepts the marks of 5 subjects and finds the sum and percentage marks
by the student.
2. WAP that calculates the Simple Interest and Compound Interest. The Principal,
Amount, Rate
of Interest and Time are entered through the keyboard.
3. WAP to calculate the area and circumference of a circle.
4. WAP that accepts the temperature in Centigrade and converts into Fahrenheit using the
formula C/5=(F-32)/9.
5. WAP that swaps values of two variables using a third variable.
6. WAP that checks whether the two numbers entered by the user are equal or not.
7. WAP to find the greatest of three numbers.
8. WAP that finds whether a given number is even or odd.
9. WAP that tells whether a given year is a leap year or not.
10. WAP that accepts marks of five subjects and finds percentage and prints grades
according to the following criteria:
Between 90-100%-----Print ‘A’
80-90%-----------------Print ‘B’
60-80%-----------------Print ‘C’
Below 60%-------------Print ‘D’
11. WAP that takes two operands and one operator from the user, perform the operation,
and prints the result by using Switch statement.
12. WAP to print the sum of all numbers up to a given number.
13. WAP to find the factorial of a given number.
14. WAP to print sum of even and odd numbers from 1 to N numbers.
15. WAP to print the Fibonacci series.
16. WAP to check whether the entered number is prime or not.
17. WAP to find the sum of digits of the entered number.
18. WAP to find the reverse of a number.
19. WAP to print Armstrong numbers from 1 to 100.
20. WAP to convert binary number into decimal number and vice versa.
21. WAP that simply takes elements of the array from the user and finds the sum of these
22. WAP that inputs two arrays and saves sum of corresponding elements of these arrays in
a third array and prints them.
23. WAP to find the minimum and maximum element of the array.
24. WAP to search an element in a array using Linear Search.
25. WAP to sort the elements of the array in ascending order using Bubble Sort technique.
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26. WAP to add and multiply two matrices of order nxn.
27. WAP that finds the sum of diagonal elements of a mxn matrix.
28.WAP to implement strlen (), strcat (),strcpy () using the concept of Functions.
29. Define a structure data type TRAIN_INFO. The type contain Train No.: integer type
Train name: string Departure Time: aggregate type TIME Arrival Time: aggregate type
TIME Start station: string End station: string The structure type Time contains two
integer members: hour and minute. Maintain a train timetable and implement the
following operations:
a. List all the trains (sorted according to train number) that depart from a particular
b. List all the trains that depart from a particular station at a particular time.
c. List all he trains that depart from a particular station within the next one hour of
a given time.
d. List all the trains between a pair of start station and end station.
30. WAP to swap two elements using the concept of pointers.
31. WAP to compare the contents of two files and determine whether they are same or not.
32. WAP to check whether a given word exists in a file or not. If yes then find the number of
times it occurs.
a) The Instructor may add/delete/modify/tune experiments, wherever he/she feels in a justified
b) The subject teachers are suggested to use the concept of project based learning. The subject
teacher may giver certain use cases/case studies where student is able to apply multiple
concepts in one single program
c) It is also suggested that open source tools should be preferred to conduct the lab. Some open
source online compiler to conduct the C lab are as follows:
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Course Outcomes:
Able to implement the algorithms and draw flowcharts for solving Mathematical K3, K4
CO 1
and Engineering problems.
CO 2 Demonstrate an understanding of computer programming language concepts. K3, K2
Ability to design and develop Computer programs, analyzes, and interprets the K6, K4
CO 3 concept of pointers, declarations, initialization, operations on pointers and their
Able to define data types and use them in simple data processing K1, K5
CO 4 applications he/she must be able to use the concept of array of
Develop confidence for self-education and ability for life-long learning K3, K4
CO 5
needed for Computer language.
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Course Objectives:
1. To facilitate software based learning to provide the required English Language proficiency
to students.
2. To acquaint students with specific dimensions of communication skills i.e. Reading, Writing,
Listening, Thinking and Speaking.
3. To train students to use the correct and error-free writing by being well versed in rules of
English grammar.
4. To cultivate relevant technical style of communication and presentation at their work place
and also for academic uses.
5. To enable students to apply it for practical and oral presentation purposes by being honed
up in presentation skills and voice-dynamics.
2. Students would be able to create substantial base by the formation of strong professional
vocabulary for its application at different platforms and through numerous modes as
Comprehension, reading, writing and speaking etc.
3. Students will apply it at their work place for writing purposes such as Presentation/official
drafting/administrative communication and use it for document/project/report/research paper
4. Students will be made to evaluate the correct and error-free writing by being well-versed in
rules of English grammar and cultivate relevant technical style of communication &presentation
at their work place and also for academic uses.
5. Students will apply it for practical and oral presentation purposes by being honed up in
presentation skills and voice-dynamics. They will apply techniques for developing interpersonal
communication skills and positive attitude leading to their professional competence.
Suggested Softwares:
• Oxford Achiever by Oxford University Press.
• Cambridge English Empower by Cambridge University Press.
• MePro. by Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd.
• New Interactions by McGraw-Hill India.
Reference Books:
1. Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis, W.R.Goyal Pub. & Distributors, 2009, Delhi.
2. Manual of Practical Communication by L.U.B. Pandey; A.I.T.B.S. Publications India Ltd.; Krishan
Nagar,2013, Delhi
3. Practical Communication Process & Practice, LU.B. Pandey: A.I.T.B.S. Pub. India Ltd Krishna
Nagar, Delhi, 2013.
4. English Grammar and Usage by R.P. Sinha, Oxford University Press, 2005, New Delhi.
5. English Grammar, Composition and Usage by N.K.Agrawal & F.T.Wood, Macmillan India Ltd.,
New Delhi.
6. Effective Communication Skill, Kulbhusan Kumar, RS Salaria, Khanna Publishing House
7. English Grammar & Composition by Wren & Martin, S.Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
8. Communication Skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd,
2011, New Delhi.
9. Personality Development, Harold R. Wallace &L.Ann Masters, Cengage Learning, New Delhi
10. Personality Development & Soft Skills, Barun K.Mitra, Oxford University Press, 2012 New Delhi.
11. Business Correspondence and Report Writing by Prof. R.C. Sharma & Krishna Mohan, Tata
McGraw Hill & Co. Ltd., 2001, New Delhi.
12. Developing Communication Skills by Krishna Mohan, Meera Bannerji- Macmillan India Ltd. 1990,
13. Spoken English- A manual of Speech and Phonetics by R.K.Bansal & J.B.Harrison, Orient
Blackswan, 2013, New Delhi.
14. Business English by Ken Taylor, Orient Blackswan, 2011, New Delhi
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Course Objectives:
• To prepare the students for the effective technical communication.
• To provide them exposure of techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
• To prepare the students to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
within realistic constraints around them in professional life.
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Course Outcome:
After completion, of course students will be able to:
CO 1: Use scales and draw projections of objects.
CO 2: Explain views of solids and their sectional surfaces.
CO 3: Analyze and draw isometric projections of objects.
CO 4: Demonstrate orthographic representation of perspective views using modern tools.
CO 5: Apply AutoCAD software for creation of engineering drawing and models
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To study and use of different types of tools, equipment, devices & machines
used in fitting, sheet metal and welding section.
Making of Cross Half lap joint, Half lap Dovetail joint and Mortise Tenon
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Introduction to Patterns, pattern allowances, ingredients of moulding sand
and melting furnaces.
Foundry tools and their purposes
Demo of mould preparation and Aluminum casting
Practice – Study and Preparation of mould for Plastic
Study of main features and working parts of CNC machine and accessories
that can be used. Perform different operations on metal components using
any CNC machines
Total 33 Hrs
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to
CO1 Use various engineering materials, tools, machines and measuring equipments. K3
CO2 Perform machine operations in lathe and CNC machine. K3
CO3 Perform manufacturing operations on components in fitting and carpentry shop. K3
CO4 Perform operations in welding, moulding, casting and gas cutting. K3
CO5 Fabricate a job by 3D printing manufacturing technique K3
Reference Books:
1. Workshop Practice, H S Bawa, McGraw Hill
2. Mechanical Workshop Practice, K C John, PHI
3. Workshop Practice Vol 1, and Vol 2, by HazraChoudhary , Media promoters and Publications
4. CNC Fundamentals and Programming, By P. M. Agrawal, V. J. Patel, Charotar Publication.
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