DIVYASRI257 Report
DIVYASRI257 Report
DIVYASRI257 Report
Submitted By
J.Divya sri(20ME1A0257)
(Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada,
A.P) Vatluru, Eluru-534007, W.G. Dist, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
This is to certify that the Internship project entitled “SOLAR POWER PLANT at HIEE
(20ME1A0257) submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree
of Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in A.Y. 2022-23.
The results of investigation enclosed in this report have been verified and found satisfactory.
The results embodied in this project report have not been submitted to any other University
or Institute for the award of any other degree or diploma.
Any achievement doesn’t depend solely on the individual efforts but on the guidance,
encouragement and cooperation of intellectuals, elders and friends. A number of personalities
have helped me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of them.
I would like to thank my head of the Department Dr.S.S.SARMA Associate Professor, Dept. of
Electrical Engineering, Ramachandra College of Engineering , for his timely advice,
constructive suggestions and regular assistance in the Internship training work.
Wholeheartedly I would like to thank the faculty members and staff of the Department of
Electrical Engineering, Ramachandra College of Engineering, for their valuable time and
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my parents and to all my friends for their co-
operation and motivation.
1. Abstract 02
2. Acknowledgment 04
3. Introduction 06
4. Technical details 07
4.1 Solar photovoltaic module......................................................07
4.2 Array structure........................................................................08
Nowadays energy electricity is a primary need for almost the entire human race. Electrical Energy is very
instrumental in carrying out the activities of the economy. Source of electric energy can be produced from
a variety of sources of energy. Outline his energy can be in for two kinds of energy that can be updated
and energy that cannot be updated. Source of energy that cannot be updated, among others derived from
fossil and nuclear and energy can still be updated, among others derived from geothermal (solar energy),
ocean waves, waterfalls, wind, etc. Source of energy that cannot be updated, not ably energy derived from
fossil gradually going on leave because the price become more expensive and the amount of energy
sources already reduced. The Energy of the Sun can be used in the energy to heat (solar thermal) or as
energy electricity (photo-voltaic). The use of solar cell on a vessel can be used as energy in a variety of
electrical equipment on the ship, due to the relative abundance of Sun energy and never run out
because the Sun bathes the territory Indonesia 10 - 12 hours a day. In this case the solar cell used to meet
the needs of the mechanical cooling equipment on board the ferry that sails around the region of
Indonesia. Expected usage of this solar energy can reduce the use of fossil fuels oil and can save on
operational costs
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Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity, either directly
using photovoltaics (PV), indirectly using concentrated solar power, or a combination. Concentrated solar
power systems use lenses or mirrors and solar tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small
beam. Photovoltaic cells convert light into an electric current using the photovoltaic effect.
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL) is a state owned organization having an installed
capacity of 6000MW of hydel, thermal, wind and solar power. Karnataka Power Corporation Limited has
taken a big lead in the country in harnessing solar energy by way of setting up three solar PV plants of 3
MW capacity each and set a new trend for grid-connected solar plants in the country and established 5MW
solar PV plant at Shivanasamudra in Mandya district
The Indian government had an initial target of 20 GW capacity for 2022. In 2015 the target was
raised to 100 GW of solar capacity (including 40 GW from rooftop solar) by 2022, targeting an investment
of US$100 billion. India has established nearly 42 solar parks to make land available to the promoters of
solar plants.
India expanded its solar-generation capacity 8 times from 2,650 MW on 26 May 2014 to over
20 GW as on 31 January 2018. The country added 3 GW of solar capacity in 2015–2016, 5 GW in 2016–
2017 and over 10 GW in 2017–2018, with the average current price of solar electricity dropping to 18%
below the average price of its coal-fired counterpart. By the end of September 2019, India has installed more
than 82,580 MW of renewable energy capacity with around 31,150 MW of capacity under various stages of
Rooftop solar power accounts for 2.1 GW, of which 70% is industrial or commercial. In
addition to its large-scale grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) initiative, India is developing off-grid solar
power for local energy needs. Solar products have increasingly helped to meet rural needs; by the end of
2015 just under one million solar lanterns were sold in the country, reducing the need for kerosene.
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f)The module shall be provided with a junction box with provision of external screw terminal
connection and with arrangement for provision for by-pass diode. The box shall have hinged,
weather proof lid with captive screws and cable gland entry points of may be of sealed type.
g) Necessary I-V curves are required to be furnished along with the SPV modules.
Each PV module used in any solar power project must use a RF Identification Tag
(RFID), which must contain the following Information. The RFID will be inside, the module
laminated, but must be able to withstand harsh environmental Condition
i. Name of the manufacturer of PV Module
ii. Name of the manufacturer of solar cells
iii. Month and year of the manufacturer (separately for solar cells and modules.
iv. Country of Origin (separately for solar cells and modules
v. I-V Curve for the module
vi. Peak wattage , Im , Vm and FF for the module
vii. Unique Serial No and Model No of the Module
viii. Date and year of obtaining IEC PV module qualification certificate.
ix. Name of the test lab issuing IEC certificate
i. Wherever required, Suitable number of PV panel structures shall be provided. Structures shall be
of flat-plate design with combination of I, C and L sections as per structure design requirement.
ii. Structural material shall be corrosion resistant and electrolytically compatible with the materials used
in the module frame, its fasteners, nuts and bolts. Galvanizing should meetASTM A-123 hot dipped
galvanizing or equivalent which provides at least spraying thickness of 70 microns as per IS5909, if
steel is used.
iii. Aluminum extruded frame structures with adequate strength and in accordance with relevant BIS
standards can also be used with proof that the design of the structure can withstand the wind speed of
200 km per hour as per BIS Standards.
iv. Structures shall be supplied complete with all members to be compatible for allowing easy installation
at the rooftop site.
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v. The Structure shall be made out of either Galvanized steel or Aluminum member as per design to be
submitted by firm. The structures shall be designed to allow easy replacement of any module.
vi. Each structure should have angle of inclination as per the site conditions as well as from aesthetic
consideration keeping in view of Chandigarh’s building aesthetic look.
vii. Each panel frame structure be so fabricated as to be fixed on the rooftop column/wall structures. The
structure should be capable of withstanding a wind load of 200 km/hr after grouting & installation. The
front end of the solar array should not be less than 30 cms from the roof. Grouting material for SPV
structure shall be as per M15 (1:2:4) concrete specification.
viii. The structures shall be designed for simple mechanical and electrical installation. There shall be no
requirement of welding or complex machinery at the installation site. If prior civil work or support
platform is absolutely essential to install the structures, the supplier shall clearly and unambiguously
communicate such requirements along with their specifications in the bid. Detailed engineering d
drawings and instructions for such prior civil work shall be carried out prior to the supply of Goods.
ix. The supplier shall specify installation details of the PV modules and the support structures with
appropriate diagrams and drawings. Such details shall include, but not limited to, the following;
a. Determination of true south at the site;
b. Array tilt angle to the horizontal, with permitted tolerance;
x. As per need of aesthetic look, the structure may be kept as non penetrating type on roofs of building
having low height (one or two storey).
xi. The array structure shall support SPV modules at a given orientation and absorb and transfer the
mechanical loads to the rooftop columns properly. All nuts and bolts shall be of very good quality
stainless steel except foundation bolts which will be of MS (GI Coated).
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Monocrystalline :
In this, silicon produced as a single crystal in
continuous internal structure is used for making mono-crystalline
cells. This type of silicon is made into a large cylindrical ingot. In
mono-crystalline, thinly sliced are used to create water cells which
are usually black or dark blue in colors. This manufacturing
processes demanding greater resources than the poly-crystalline
cells. Their cost is generally more but offering slightly higher
Polycrystalline :
They are also known as multi-crystalline material in
which silicon cell is generally made from multiple crystals. They can give
a distinct flaky look and often blue in appearance. This type of silicon can
be manufactured in square ingots and generally a less resource-intensive
to produce. The process of manufacturing poly-crystalline wafers has
improved in a stage where the performance and efficiency of a
polycrystalline panel are much affordable to that of the monocrystalline
panel and at less in price.
Thin Film :
It is made by the deposition of exceptionally thin
layers of the photovoltaic material substrate on thin-film technology
They employ a range of materials including copper, silicon,
cadmium to create a solar cell. In this, both flexible and rigid
modules can be created. We saw that solar generation to be better
integrated into buildings and products compare toother crystalline
silicon. In most countries, thin-film solar panels are no longer
available due to the lower efficiency and higher cost as compare
with modern polysilicon panels.
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Multi-Junction :
Most photovoltaic cells use basically one
main material which contains specially chosen
impurities which are added. It converts energy from
the light into electricity. These cells only use a certain
part of the light spectrum like color, the wavelength to
convert the whole light energy to the electricity. On
the other hand, they have multi-junction cells that have
different material combinations that allow converting
more of the received light energy into electricity. The
cells produced are much similar to thin film cells but
are more expensive and more complex to manufacture.
They can achieve significantly higher efficiency than
conventional solar cells. These cells are used only for
specific purposes and not available for the common
SiO2 + 2C → Si + 2CO
As a result, carbon monoxide (CO) is formed, which will leave the furnace in the gas phase. In this way, the
quartzite is purified from the silicon. After the reactions are finished, the molten silicon that was created
during the process is drawn off the furnace and solidified.
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The purity of metallurgic silicon, shown as a powder in is around 98% to 99%. About 70% of the
worldwide produced metallurgical silicon is used in the aluminium casting industry for make aluminium
silicon alloys, which are used in auto- motive engine blocks. Around 30% are being used for make a variety
of chemical products like silicones. Only around 1% of metallurgical silicon is used as a raw product for
making electronic grade silicon. The silicon material with the next higher level of purity is called polysilicon.
It is made from a powder of me- tallurgical silicon in the Siemens process. In the process, the metallurgical
silicon is brought into a reactor and exposed hydrogen chloride (HCl) at elevated temperatures in presence
of a catalyst. The silicon reacts with the hydrogen chloride,
Si + 3 HCl → H2 + HSiCl3
leading to the creation of trichlorosilane (HSiCl3). This is a molecule that contains one silicon atom, three
chlorine atoms and one hydrogen atoms. Then, the trichlorosilane gas is cooled and liquified. Using
distillation, impurities with boiling points higher or lower than HSiCl3 are removed. The purified is
evaporated again in another reactor and mixed with
Trichlorosilane hydrogen gas. There, the trichlorosilane is decomposed at hot rods of highly purified Si,
which are at a high temperature in between around 850°C and 1050°C. The Si atoms are deposited on the
rod whereas the chlorine
and hydrogen atoms are desorbed from the rod surface back in to the gas phase. As a result a pure silicon
material is grown. This method of depositing silicon on the rod is one example of chemical vapour
deposition (CVD). As the exhaust gas still contains chlorosilanes and hydrogen, these gasses are recycled
and used
again: Chlorosilane is liquified, distilled and reused. The hydrogen is cleaned and thereafter recycled back
into the reactor. The Siemens process consumes a lot of energy.
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Page 13
Solar power offers many advantages in the generation of
electricity. It has zero raw fuel costs, unlimited supply and no
environmental issues such as transport, storage, or pollution. Solar power
is available everywhere, even on the moon. But to get the most out of a
solar panel or solar array, it has to be pointed or “orientated” directly at the
suns radiant energy because as we know, the more surface area that is
exposed to direct sunlight, the more output the photovoltaic panel will
produce, but here lies the problem.
While the photovoltaic solar panel may be perfectly aligned to receive the suns energy, it is a stationary
object being fixed to either a roof or mounted directly onto a frame. With regards to a solar panel, the sun
however is not in a stationary position and is constantly changing its position in the sky relative to the earth
from morning through to night making the correct solar panel orientation difficult.
So the challenge in getting the maximum benefit of free solar power is to ensure that a photovoltaic solar
panel or a complete PV array, is correctly orientated and positioned with regards to the direct sunlight
coming from the sun at all times of the day. As well as the “solar panel orientation”, the number of hours of
sunlight a day the solar panel receives as well as the intensity or brightness of the sunlight are also
For example, when the sun is lower in the sky during the winter months the solar panels orientation needs to
be more vertical as the solar radiation passes through more atmosphere to reach the solar panel and therefore
its intensity is reduced by the scattering and absorption effect of atmosphere and clouds. In the summer
months when the sun is higher in the sky the solar radiation is more direct and therefore stronger as it has
less distance to travel through the Earth’s atmosphere so the solar panel orientation is more horizontal.
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Solar PV modules and panels work best when their absorbing surface is perpendicular to the
suns incoming incoming rays. The position of the sun in the sky can be plotted using two
angles, azimuth and zenith and the angle of the solar panel orientation relies upon these two values.
Azimuth – This is the compass angle of the sun as it moves through the sky from East to West
over the course of the day. Generally, azimuth is calculated as an angle from true south. At solar noon which
is defined as an azimuth angle of zero degrees, therefore Azimuth = 0o, the sun will be directly south in the
northern hemisphere and directly north in the southern hemisphere.
Solar azimuth angles to the east of due south are negative in nature, with due east having an azimuth angle of
-90o. Solar azimuth angles to the west of due south are positive in nature, with due west having an azimuth
angle of +90o. In general however, the azimuth angle required for the correct solar panel orientation varies
with the latitude and time of year.
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Solar Panel Orientation – Zenith Orientation
Zenith – This is the angle of the sun looking up from ground level or the horizon. The zenith angle of the
sun varies throughout the day in the form of an arc with the sun reaching its maximum elevation (also called
solar altitude) around midday. The suns elevation is defined as 0o at sunrise and sunset, and 90o at midday
when the sun is directly overhead.
However, the elevation of the sun at midday is different between the summer solstice and the winter solstice
representing the longest and shortest days of the year as the suns path forms an arc across the sky
representing either spring or autumn.
The sky (solar azimuth), the sun also moves up and down (solar zenith) throughout the year
making it difficult to provide a fixed solar panel orientation. Then for maximum conversion of sunlight into
solar electricity, solar panels need to be mounted at an angle for them to point directly at the sun. Depending
upon how the panel is mounted, it may be kept at a permanent angle, or adjusted throughout the year to take
full advantage of the suns solar energy. Adjustment of a static mounted photovoltaic solar system can result
in 10% to 40% more power output yearly making a considerable difference to the charging time for
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Solar Panel Orientation
Solar Panel Orientation refers to our azimuth setting. Most of the energy coming from the sun arrives in
straight line. A solar panel or solar array will capture more energy if it is facing directly at the sun,
perpendicular to the straight line between the position of the panels installation and the sun.Then we need to
have the solar panel turned towards the terrestrial equator (either facing south in the northern hemisphere, or
north in the southern hemisphere) so that during the day its orientation allows the panel to catch the greatest
possible amount of solar radiation possible.
There are different ways of achieving the required solar panel orientation. We could just point the PV panel
or array due south or north using a compass, find the central angle between the summer and winter azimuth
settings or more accurately position the panels relative to the central solar noon.
The solar noon refers to the highest position of the sun as it arcs across the sky and is different to 12:00
o’clock noon or midday as a measurement of time. Generally the solar noon occurs between 12:00 o’clock
and 14:00 o’clock depending upon the location.
It is very important when positioning and aligning a solar panel or array that no part of a solar panel or solar
array are ever shaded from the sun as we need 100% solar radiation across the panel. Check that the
elements that surround the panel or array (trees, buildings, walls, other panels, etc.) to be sure that they will
not cast a shadow on the panels at any time of the day or year.
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Solar Panel Tilt
Solar Panel Tilt refers to our zenith or elevation setting. Once the best azimuth position is found, the next
parameter that is key to producing the most solar electricity is the elevation of the PV panel. We saw from
our data example above for London, that the maximum height that the sun reaches every day varies, with the
maximum angle of the sun on the day of the summer solstice being about 62o and the minimum angle for
the winter solstice about 15o.For a fixed solar installation, it is preferred that the PV panels are installed with
a centralised tilt angle representing the vernal equinox, or the
autumnal equinox, and in our example data above this would be
about 38 degrees (38o).
The solar panel orientation and tilt of a fixed solar PV panel or array can also be
optimised for a particular month or season during the year. For example, a solar power system might be
designed to produce maximum power output only in the winter months in order to reduce peak electricity
costs thus, the system should be installed so that the optimum solar panel orientation and tilt occurs for the
maximum winter power output.
One of the most popular fixed solar power systems involves mounting a PV panel, or a
set of PV panels, directly onto a steeply pitched roof that faces toward due south (or north) allowing for very
little adjustment of both the solar panel orientation and tilt although most mounting brackets and support
frames do allow for some small adjustments. Maximising the power output from a home solar power system
is desirable to both increase the solar panels efficiency and reduce the payback time.
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But in order to maximise the power output from the solar panels, we need to keep the panels
perfectly aligned with the sun. As such, a means of tracking the sun across the sky is required and a PV
panel or PV array with tracking ability will yearly produce about 25 to 30% more power than one mounted
on a roof in a fixed position. Also solar tracking can reduce the number of PV panels required by increasing
the conversion efficiency
Solar Tracker
Tracking the position of the sun in order to expose a solar panel to maximum radiation at any given
time is the main purpose of a solar tracking PV system giving the best solar panel orientation at all times of
the day. A solar tracking system can track the movement of the sun across the sky from sunrise to sunset
creating optimal power output for a longer period and can also accommodate for seasonal changes of the sun
The ideal solar tracking arrangement for a solar panel would be a motor-driven equatorial mount, similar to
those used with sophisticated telescopes or satellite dishes. This would allow the PV panel to follow the suns
rotational path all day, every day of the year giving it the best solar panel orientation and generating the
maximum possible output power.
However, such large motorised tracking systems are impractical for most people, and the cost would be
prohibitive for large panels or multi panel arrays. Also, solar trackers cannot be used on a roof installation as
they need to be mounted on the ground and have sufficient space around the panel in order for it to rotate.
The next best thing is a mount with a single bearing that allows for the panel to be manually orientated and
tilted throughout the day if required.
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Commercially available solar trackers include single-axis tracking which tracks the sun across the sky
during each day at a fixed constant tilt angle. This increases the solar radiation received by up to 25-30%
compared to no tracking. Twin or dual-axis tracking, tracks the sun across the sky during each day but also
adjusts the tilt angle of the array more in winter and less in summer to accurately locate the position of the
sun in the sky. Dual-axis tracking increase the solar radiation received by up to 33-38% compared to no
tracking. Sunnier locations benefit more from dual-axis tracking.
Photovoltaic Solar Panels can the be used as single panels on a buildings roof or walls pointing directly
due south or due north depending upon their location. While this type of solar panel orientation works fine
for most domestic applications, in order to increase efficiency and reduce the payback period the
photovoltaic panel needs to produce the maximum amount of solar energy for the maximum amount of time
during sunlight hours. While not cheap or viable for small PV panel installations, solar trackers can be used
for this purpose often with the benefit of a reduction in the number of PV solar panels required.
Regular operation & maintenance of the SPV Power Plant for a period of ten years after commissioning
along with supply of consumable items as and when necessary and submission of daily performance data of
the power plant shall come, under the operation & maintenance contract. The break down maintenance of
the entire system including supply of necessary spare parts, if any, are already under the coverage of
warranty clause of the specific condition for a period of 120 months from date of commissioning of power
Details of data monitoring on Daily, Monthly and Annual energy generation
(data logging and compilation and sharing with MNRE)
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