Learning Task No. 3-MAGLIQUIAN

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Name: Rico I. Magliquian Year and Sec.

: BSED FIL 4A Date:10/30/21

Learning Task No. 3

Annotating Antonio de Morga’s Sucesos de Las Islas Filipinas

Instruction: On the left column of the table are select excerpts from Antonio de Morga’s Sucesos de las
Islas Filipinas. These were Morga’s historical account of the Philippines which he wrote while serving as
Lieutenant Governor of the Spanish colonial government. Opposite each of Morga’s account, write your
annotation of it based on the current condition,or situations of Filipinos according to the theme raised by
Morga. Write your annotation in 1-2 sentences only. (2 points per annotation, 20 points perfect score)

Morga’s Sucesos My Annotation

The people who inhabit this great island of Luzon in Due to inventions of technologies, fishing boats
the province of Camarines…. All live by their labour, became motorized even the tools and gears they
gains, fishing and trade, navigating by sea from one used. However these motorized fishing boats affect
island to another, and going from one province to the environment most especially the marine life
another by land (p.267). therefore bringing the lost of resources.
The costume and dress of these inhabitants of Costumes and dresses during pre-spanish are not
Luzon, before the Spaniards entered the country, visible or worn in common occasions however they
usually consisted of, for men, coats of cangan are present in special occasions such as pageantry,
without collars, sewed together in front, with short cultural events but incorporated with modernize
sleeves, coming a little below the waist, some blue, fashion. They are mostly featured or displayed in
others black, and a few of colours for the chief historical museums.
men, these they call chininas; and a coloured
wrapper folded at the waist and between the legs,
so as to cover their middles, and half-way down the
thigh,what they call bahaques; their legs bare, and
the feet unshod, the head uncovered, and a narrow
cloth wrapped round it with which they bind the
forehead and temples, called potong (p.268).
Since the Spaniards are in the country many Indians In early times, the clothing of men and women in
do not wear bahaques (waist cloths) but wide the Philippines symbolizes respect, royalty and
drawers of the same stuffs and wrappers, and hats authority. In the present time people became
on their heads. The chiefs wore braids of beaten liberated in which they can wear whatever clothes
gold, and of various workmanship, and used shoes; they are comfortable with.
the great ladies also were daintily shod many of
them with shoes of velvet, embroidered with gold,
and white robes like petticoats (p.269)

The women have for their employment and Women breaks the stereotype that the society
occupation, needlework, in which they excel very embedded to them such as manly works. Women
much, as in all kinds of sewing; they weave has given the same opportunity with men to
coverings, and spin cotton, and serve in the houses engage in different roles such as leaderships and
of their husbands and fathers (p.270). education. They build a concept that women can
do what men can do.
The women, married and unmarried, are not very The law now a imposes that protects the women
chaste, and the husbands, fathers, and brothers are against abuse and rape.
but slightly jealous or careful on this matter.They
and the women are so interested and
covetous, that if money is forthcoming, they
easily allow themselves to be overcome,
and when a husband finds his wife in
adultery, without difficulty he is calmed and
appeased; though since they know the
Spaniards, some of them who set up claims
to know more than other shave at times
killed the adulterers (p.270).
All these islands are in many parts rich in The Philippines may finally freed from the hands of
gold washings, and in ore of this metal, the Spaniards, they leave a part of them that
which the natives extract and work; Filipinos have acquired and one that is colonial
although since the Spaniards are in the mentality which is taking advantage being naive of
country, they proceed more slowly with this, fellow their Filipinos. Pulling each other out rather
contenting themselves with what they have than pulling each other in.
already got in jewels, and from a far distant
time, and inherited from their predecessors,
which is a large quantity, for he must be a
very poor and wretched person, who does
not possess any chains of gold, bracelets,
and earrings (p.283).
The language of all the Pintados and The language and writings of the past became the
Bisayas is one and the same, by which they foundation and a tool for communication to unite
understand one another, speaking and the different tribes and groups of this scattered
writing, with letters and characters which island and further nourished and develop to build a
they have of their own, and which resemble better relationship with each other.
those of the Arabs; the usual writing of the
natives is on leaves of trees, and on canes,
upon the bark; for in all the islands there
are many with the joints of enormous size,
and the roots are very thick and solid trees

The buildings and houses of the natives of The reason why Filipinos don’t settle with
all these Philippines isles are of one same relocation because their life depends on their
kind, and their towns also because they livelihood. The kind of life they had is based on the
always construct them on the sea shore livelihood they had in their location.
between rivers and creeks; the natives
usually collecting together in quarters and
towns wherever they sow their rice and own
their palms, nipa trees, plantain groves,
and other trees, and apparatus for
fisheries and navigational and fewer number
inhabit the interior of the country, who are
the Tinguians (p.295).

These chiefdoms and lorships were Passing down the properties and possessions in
inherited by filiation and succession from present times is still practice. However, it is needed
father to son, and their descendants; and in to have a due process in the court in order to be
default of them, the brothers and collaterals considered as legal.
succeeded. Their duty was to rule and
govern their subjects and partisans, and
assist them in their wants and necessities;
and what they received from their subjects
was, to be greatly respected and venerated
by them, and served in their wars,
navigation, and labours of tillage and
fishery. And the construction of their houses
Loans with profit were very ordinary and In present time, loans are still practiced and it is
much practised, very excessive interest one of the most problem of every Filipino. They are
being customer, so as to double and being drowned by debt that it pulls them down
increase the debt, all the time it was until they hardly to recover. As per solution of the
deferred, to the whole extent of the government, they offer loans with no interest to
principal; and the debtor and his children, help Filipinos recover and manage their wealth
when he possessed nothing else, became
slaves (p.302)

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