2019 - Computer-ApplicationsInformationTechnologyMayJune2019
2019 - Computer-ApplicationsInformationTechnologyMayJune2019
2019 - Computer-ApplicationsInformationTechnologyMayJune2019
of Printed Pages : 8
Question Booklet Serial Number
Time : 3 Hours
'Max'. Marks: 70
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GS-689 2
1iililIiltililffi il t tl
Answer all questions. Each question carries 1 mark.
1. How to increase font size of the selected text by one point er,€r]' trme '-)
5. Ctrl+B :
6. The basic unit of worksheet into which you enter data in Excel is ca11ed :
3 GS-689
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GS-689 4
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2L. Which of the following is not a clock stakeholder ?
(a) Cloud provider (b) Clients (c) End users (d) Cloud users
26. is concentrated with the buying and selling information, products and
services over computer communication networks.
(a) Commerce (b) E-Commerce (c) E-Business (d) None of these
Il irl lllff b GS-689
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31. which of the following is part of four main types of e-commerce
(a) B2B (b) B2c (c) c2B (d) Alt the above
cs-689 6
lt[ilt lillll fll llllillllllffi llll
Answer all questions. Each question carri.es 2 marl-:s. 2N15=3O
43. The process of transfering fiies from one r:ompuler lo alother computer on the
Internet :
45. How can we replace a font on ali slides with annther: font in PowerPoint ?
46. Which method we don't neecl to specify the field tyl:e and siZe rvhile creating a
table ?
(a) Design view
(b) While using wiz'ard
(c) Create table bY entering data
id) All the above
47. Authentication is done bY :
44. MIS :
{a) create and s}rare documenls that supports day day office activities'
(b) process business transactions.
(c) capture and Reproduce the knowledges of an e::pert problem solver'
(d) use the transaction data to produce information needed b-V managers to run
the tlusiness.
7 GS-689
49. How is IP address spoofing detected ?
(a) Installing and configr,rring iDS that can read the Ip header
(b) comparing 'I'-TL values of the actuar and spoofed address
(c) Implemented a firer,-",a1l to the netu,ork
(d) Identify all TCP sessions that :u-e initiated but does not complete successfully
50' Which of the following option rs not in Insertment of MSword ?
(a) Chart tb) Clipart (c) Word art (d) Graph
51. what is the most important actir.ity in system hacking ?
ie (a) Information gathering (b) Cracking passwords
(c) Escalating prii'ileges (d) Covering tracks
52. By security in e-commerce we mean :