Pointer Indt21

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Industrial hygiene -Discusses the identification, evaluation, and control of physical, chemical, biological

and ergonomic hazards

Bosh -A discipline with a broad scope involving three major fields – Occupational Safety,
Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene.
Occupational health -Understanding the causes of accidents at work and ways to prevent unsafe act and
unsafe conditions in any workplace.
Hazard- A source or situation with a potential to cause harm in terms of injury, ill health, damage to
property, damage to the environment or a combination of these.
Risk- A combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event with specified period
or in specified circumstances and the severity of injury or damage
Frequency Rate (FR) -Refers to cases of occupational injuries with workdays lost per 1,000,000
employee-hours of exposure
Severity Rate (SR)-Refer to workdays lost for every case of occupational injury resulting to temporary
Frequency Rate (FR)-Refers to workdays lost of cases of occupational injuries resulting to temporary
incapacity per 1,000,000 employee-hours of exposure.
Incidence Rate (IR) -Refers to cases of occupational injuries with workdays lost per 1,000 workers.
Occupational injury -Results from a work-related event or a single instantaneous exposure in the
work environment (occupational accident).
Temporary incapacity -Case where an injured person was absent from work for at least one day,
excluding the day of the accident
Fatal case-Case where a person is fatally injured as a result of occupational accident whether death
occurs immediately after the accident or within the same reference year as the accident.
Accident -An unexpected, unforeseen, unplanned and unwanted occurrence or event that causes
damage or loss of materials or properties, injury or death.

indirect costs An accident which have a more damaging.

5’S -Means putting everything in its proper place.
Seiri/Sort/Suriin -Eliminate the need to take care of unnecessary items.
Systematize -Separate exclusive tools from common ones
Be punctual. Self- Discipline
Seiso/Sweep/Simutin -Keep workplace safe and work easy
the example Occupational safety- illness, covid, Allergies.Colds and Flu.Conjunctivitis
("pink eye“)Diarrhea.Headaches.Mononucleosis. Stomach Aches.

the example Industrial hygiene- , evaluation, and control of physical, chemical, biological and
ergonomic hazards. Familiar expresión of accident- "Oras na niya" "Malas niya lang" “Tanga
kasi” “Kasama sa trabaho”
ANSI--- American National Standards Institute

Examples of unsafe acts-unsafe acts include: horse playing, smoking in non-smoking areas, using
substandard/defective tools, non - wearing of goggles/gloves, driving without license, reporting to work
under the influence of liquor or drugs, and improper storage of paints and hazardous chemical

Japanese term of 5’S- Seir, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke

Steps in implementing 5s--- Preparations, Management’s official announcement, Big clean-up
day, Initial seiri, Periodic 5S audits
What is ISO certification- international standard organization.

two general qualification of material handling.- manual materials handling and mechanical
materials handling.
Function of manual material handling.- means moving or handling things by lifting, lowering,
pushing, pulling, carrying, holding, or restraining using one’s physical strength
What is hazard? Self Explanation
What is risk? Self Explanation
What is the purpose of workplace housekeeping?
What are some benefits of good housekeeping practices?

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