IIA - Enginnering Final Feasibility Report
IIA - Enginnering Final Feasibility Report
IIA - Enginnering Final Feasibility Report
Sectoral Studies
February, 2017
Addis Abeba
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................... i
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF FIGURE....................................................................................................................................... vii
ABBRIVATION ........................................................................................................................................... x
EXCUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... xii
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1
1. 1 Back Ground ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Water resources of Ethiopia ............................................................................................................... 2
1.3. General Climate of the country .......................................................................................................... 2
1.4. Location and Background Lower Dhidhessa Phase IIA Project ........................................................ 2
1.5. Objective of the Study of the Work. .................................................................................................. 4
1.5.1. The Specific Objectives of Engineering Report.......................................................................... 5
1.6. Scope of the Work ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.7. Approach and Methodology............................................................................................................... 7
1.7.1. Review of Similar designed and study of Previous Project and Initial Data Collection ............. 8
1.7.2. Collecting Primary Data from the Project Site at the Field Level. ............................................. 8
2.1. Dinger Bereha Irrigation Project Feasibility Study Report Review ....................................................... 9
2.1.1. Dinger Bereha Main Irrigation Design Consideration ................................................................ 9
2.1.3. On Farm and Tertiary Unit Design ........................................................................................... 11
2.2. Anger Dam Irrigation and Drainage Project Final Feasibility Report review ............................... 12
2.2.1. The Development Concept of Anger Dam Irrigation Project ................................................... 12
2.2.2. Drainage System of Anger Irrigation Project............................................................................ 12
2.2.3. Irrigation Methods and Crop Water Requirement .................................................................... 13
2.2.4. System Description ................................................................................................................... 13
2.3. Arjo-Dhidhessa Sugar Cane Irrigation and Drainage Project Feasibility Study Report Review ..... 17
2.3.1 Hydraulic Design of Parameters of the Canal ............................................................................ 18
2.3.2 Furrow Irrigation System ........................................................................................................... 19
2.3.3 Capacity Determination and Canal Cross-Sections Design ....................................................... 20
2.3.4 Design criteria ............................................................................................................................ 20
Table 1: Average depth of water that can be applied on different slopes ................................................... 20
Table 2 : Left Main Canal main data of upper Arjo-Dhidhessa project ...................................................... 28
Table 3: Topographic map of phase IIA & other related data .................................................................... 29
Table 4: Estimated cost of upper Arjo-dhidhessa Left main canal ............................................................. 32
Table 5: Cost of extension canal including structures by redesigning of Upper arjo ................................. 34
Table 6: cost of extension canal after the end of upper arjo canal including structures ............................. 36
Table 7: Cost of canal and related structures for the canal option from the dam outlet.............................. 39
Table 8: Weir site locations options ............................................................................................................ 41
Table 9: Discharge required for LMC, LGC , and LLGC .......................................................................... 43
Table 10: Cost of Left main canal and related structure ............................................................................. 44
Table 11: Cost of left Gravity canal and related structures ......................................................................... 45
Table 12: Cost of left lifted gravity canal and related structures ................................................................ 46
Table 13: cost of lifted canal pumping system and accessories .................................................................. 47
Table 14: Cost of left upper canal systemand related acceries for LLUB1 ................................................ 48
Table 15:Cost of left lifted upper pumping and related accesserries for LLUB2 A,B .............................. 49
Table 16:Cost of left lifted upper canal pumping system and related accesseries for LLUB2C,D ............ 50
Table 17: Cost of diversion weir and appurtenant structures ...................................................................... 52
Table 18: Cost of total water abstraction system by diversion weir and canals.......................................... 54
Table 19: cost of water abstraction by pumping system of the electro-mechanical part ............................ 56
Table 20: Cost of water abstraction by pumping system of civil work....................................................... 57
Table 21: Summary of options of water abstraction system for phase IIA ................................................. 59
Table 22 : flood design at weir project site ................................................................................................. 88
Table 23: freeboard depending design flood discharge ............................................................................ 104
Table 24: hydraulic calculation of left side barrel .................................................................................... 118
Table 25: hydraulic calculation of right side barrel .................................................................................. 119
Table 26: Efficiency of the irrigation system............................................................................................ 123
Table 27: Recommended value of CVR ................................................................................................... 127
Table 28: Maximum permissible velocity and n values for different materials ........................................ 127
Table 29: Suitable side slopes for channel built in various material (chow,1959) ................................... 129
Table 30; the Freeboard recommended by USBR for channel ................................................................. 130
Table 31: discharge versus freeboard of main canals design of chewaka ................................................. 130
Table 32: General criteria of canal parameter for PC, SC, Tc, TD, CD, .................................................. 131
Table 33: Unit weight of material ............................................................................................................. 136
Table 34: Internal angle of (ɸ) of the soil ................................................................................................. 137
Table 35: allowable bearing capacity........................................................................................................ 137
Table 36: permissible concrete structure .................................................................................................. 137
Table 37: permissible Reinforcing steel stresses ...................................................................................... 138
Table 38: constant for design section ........................................................................................................ 138
Table 39: Drainage system of water duty versus years of return period ................................................... 142
Table 40: suggested furrow length for different soil type ......................................................................... 148
Table 41: Average depth of water that can be applied on different slopes ............................................... 149
Table 42: type of Major soils of the command area.................................................................................. 155
Table 43: Crop and land suitability for surface irrigation ......................................................................... 157
Table 44: Land holding ownership of the community of the command area ........................................... 159
Table 45: slope class and area size for gravity block ................................................................................ 160
Table 46: slope class and area for lifted block .......................................................................................... 162
Table 47: Different blocks of net irrigable area under gravity and lifted system .................................... 165
Table 48: scheme supply for lower arjo phase IIA full irrigation ............................................................. 170
Table 49: Annual water required for proposed crops................................................................................ 171
Table 50: water required and electric city charge in pumping system ...................................................... 172
Table 51: Requirement of monthly water volume and electricity cost for lifted system .......................... 174
Table 52: Left main canal (LMC) designed dimension ............................................................................ 177
Table 53: Left gravity canal (L G C) designed dimension........................................................................ 177
Table 54: Left lifted gravity canal Designed dimension ........................................................................... 180
Table 55: Summary of canal length designed for farm work.................................................................... 185
Table 56: Canal Structures on LMC, LGC, & LLGC ............................................................................... 187
Table 57:farm structures on gravity canals of PC,SC&TC ....................................................................... 187
Table 58: farm structures on lifted gravity canals of PC, SC, &TC ......................................................... 187
Table 59: farm structures on upper lifted gravity of PC, SC, and TC....................................................... 188
Table 60: Summary of drainage canals for farm work, LMC, LGC& LLGC .......................................... 189
Table 61: Farm structures on drainage canals of gravity block ................................................................ 189
Table 62: farm structures on drainage canals of lifted block .................................................................... 189
Table 63: farm structures on drainage canals of upper lifted block .......................................................... 190
Table 64: Road network designed in irrigation and drainage system ....................................................... 190
Table 65; Irrigation interval and depth of application for full irrigation .................................................. 192
Table 66: Different crops and irrigation depth of application in 5 days interval ...................................... 193
Table 67: design of life for major components ......................................................................................... 196
Table 68: Design Data for electro mechanical part ................................................................................... 210
Table 69: left side pump station piping calculation .................................................................................. 213
Table 70; Left Side pump station , valve factor k ..................................................................................... 214
Table 71: Head loss in valve, fittings and lines ........................................................................................ 214
Table 72: Required data to select pump .................................................................................................... 215
Table 73: Model Pump Data ..................................................................................................................... 216
Table 74 Cost estimation of Head work, main canals and related structures............................................ 222
Table 75: Cost estimation of farm work canals and related structure phase IIA project .......................... 223
Table 76: Cost estimation of farm work drainage canals and related structures....................................... 225
Table 77: Cost estimation of road network and related structures of phase IIA project ........................... 226
Table 78: Cost summary of head work, gravity and lifted blocks of irrigation and drainage phase IIA
project ....................................................................................................................................................... 228
Table 79: Cost summary of gravity, lifted, head work and LMC Of phase IIA versus area of project ... 229
Figure 1: map of location of lower dedesa phase IIA project ....................................................................... 4
Figure 2: map of upper and lower Arjo (chewaka) Phase IIA Irrigation and drainage projects ................. 27
Figure 3: phase IIA gravity and lifted command area................................................................................. 31
Figure 4: Command area of phase IIA and weir option .............................................................................. 42
Figure 5: Pump option at near command area from Dhidhessa River ........................................................ 55
Figure 6: Water abstraction options with required cost. ............................................................................. 58
Figure 7: photo of diversion weir site ......................................................................................................... 87
Figure 8: water surface profile without weir ............................................................................................... 91
Figure 9: Water surface profile with weir at 4.3km (option1) .................................................................... 91
Figure 10; water surface profile with weir at 3.3km (option2) ................................................................... 92
Figure 11: Photo of Bedele-Nekemte Road Bridge over Dedesa river ....................................................... 93
Figure 12: tail Water curve ......................................................................................................................... 94
igure 13: river cross-section of head work. ................................................................................................. 96
Figure 14: longitudinal section of designed diversion weir ...................................................................... 103
Figure 15: Level and length of left D/S floor............................................................................................ 113
Figure 16: level and length of D/s right floor ........................................................................................... 116
Figure 17: diagram showingLeft side barrel ........................................................................................... 118
Figure 18: Diagram showing right side barrel .......................................................................................... 120
Figure 19 proportional off take with one off take on left side, one of take with right side , and off take on
either side .................................................................................................................................................. 140
Figure 20: photo of furrow system directly from the field canal .............................................................. 150
Figure 21: furrow method of irrigation using siphons .............................................................................. 151
Figure 22: method of siphon flow in furrow ............................................................................................. 152
Figure 23: photo of proposed command area of phase IIA /Chewaka ...................................................... 154
Figure 24: map showing soil and land suitability for irrigation ................................................................ 158
Figure 25: map showing gravity block command area with slope class ................................................... 160
Figure 26: map showing lifted block command area with slope class ...................................................... 162
Figure 27 Command area with gravity and lifted blocks .......................................................................... 164
Figure 29:graph showing monthly water volume requred ....................................................................... 172
Figure 30: Graph showing water required for lifted Irrigation block ....................................................... 173
Figure 31 : layout of left main canal, gravity canal and lifted canal ......................................................... 176
Figure 32: six types of canal cross-section of main canal. ........................................................................ 184
Figure 33Graph showing head versus capacity of pump .......................................................................... 217
ADIDP Anger Dam Irrigation Development
BM Bench Mark
CD Collective Drain
FD Field Drain
Ha/ha Hacter
ID Interceptor Drain
KW Kilo Watte
PC Primary Canal
PS Pump Station
SC Secondary Canal
SD Secondary Drain
TC Tertiary Canal
The economy of Ethiopia is primarily based on agriculture. Almost three-fourth of its population
is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture. Nearly 46% of the G.D.P. of the country, 70%
of the export earnings and 85% of the employment opportunities are derived from the
agriculture. Still the role of agriculture in supplying and supporting the manufacturing sector in
establishing agro-industry is very high. Despite the fact of agriculture playing such an important
role in the economy of the country and the availability of abundant water resources in the
country, the facility of irrigation has so far been only very minimal leaving the agriculture to be
mainly dependent on the rainfall.
In many parts of Ethiopia the increased population pressure and frequency of droughts has
exceeded the ability of traditional strategies to cope up and global climatic change resulting in
food insecurity and wide spread animal deaths. To meet the demand of the steadily growing
population and to increase foreign export of the county, the government of Ethiopia embarked on
different water resources development studies. Accordingly, all the main river basins of the
country have been extensively surveyed to prepare a master plan for development of the water
resources of the country and to identify a number of potential schemes for irrigation project. In
order to alleviate the situation of food insecurity , countries like Ethiopia have no choice but to
aggressively switch their development endeavors towards effective and efficient use of their
natural and human resources .Development strategy that could help is use of country‟s water and
land resource endowment. As a result, development of different irrigation scheme (small to large
scale) can play a major part not only in solving the current food insecurity, but also in enhancing
the economic development of the country through the earning of more foreign currency and
creating employment opportunities.
The irrigation development in Ethiopia is one of the causative sectors for the economic
development of the country. From this Dhidhessa river due to the construction of dam the
potential contributor for the irrigation developments is expected 80,000 ha.
The country has an extensive network of rivers and streams. There are thirteen major rivers
basins; eight of these have large potential rivers with an average flow of 30 to 50 m3/sec. These
are: Abay (Blue Nile), Tekezi, Mereb, Baro, Omo, Awash and Wabe shebeelle. The Most
impressive basin of Ethiopia plateau, Blue Nile, is an immense river system served by a number
of important tributaries. The rich water resources are the result of favorable climatic condition.
The country has diverse rainfall and temperature pattern..
Lower Dhidhessa Irrigation and drainage project Phase IIA is located at 398 km west of Addis
Ababa in Oromia regional state Illubabur zone specifically in Chewaka Wereda . The project
land covers one urban and twenty six rural kebeles of Chewaka Woreda. Administratively the
project area is bounded by east Wellega zone from the east, west wellega zone and Leka woreda
from west, by west Wellega from the north, and Dabo Hana wereda from south.
Under the first chapter of introductory part contains mainly water resource, climate and
agriculture system of the country. Objective, scope, approaches, and methodology of the
consultancy service based on TOR the agreement done with client are included.
The second chapters contains review of similar large scale irrigation project especially the
projects found surrounding phase IIA lower Dhidhessa like Dinger Berha, Anger dam, and
upper Arjo irrigation projects of detail feasibility and final engineering design and study report
has been made in order to get additional knowledge.
In the third chapter detail water abstraction systems or development options of the project are
discussed considering estimation of the required costs of each options and evaluating other
merit and de-merits factors, so that select the best option in order to continue the detail study
and design of the project.
Under chapter four surveying work report including the methodology and scope of the whole
surveying work of the command area, head work and main canal routes data collection and
topographic map preparation are included.
Under chapter five the report included based on the selected water abstraction options set detail
design criteria of head work and appurtenant structure including the design of head work and
appurtenant structure.
Under chapter six the detail criteria and design of Irrigation and drainage system like layout
design, conveyance system of main canal and branch canals, drainage system, irrigation methods
, and road network of the project were included.
Under chapter seven the report contains the electro-mechanical system of the project. In the
project out of 11326.70 ha of net area, 7368.83 ha will be used the conveyance system of lifted
gravity canal system. Therefore, in this chapter design criteria and detail design of the
electromechanical system of the project pump and electric system are included.
Finally in chapter eight it included costestimation. Even though detail BOQ is not prepared at
this stage but , major cost estimation report was done for the future implementation of the
project. Currently estimation cost was made due to the fact that major works like diversion weir,
Left main canal, gravity and lifted canal including detail system layout of farm work and
discharge required were known.
1. Extension of left side main canal from Upper Arjo project by redesigning the canal.
2. Extension of Upper Arjo left side main canal starting from the end without redesigning
Evaluations have been made on the advantages and disadvantages of different factors like
the future management system, water availability , size of irrigable command area, requirement
of redesign ,future operation, and the least total cost required for investment and operation and
maintenance cost of infrastructures of the above options. Finally based the analysis of these
alternatives, water abstraction option using diversion weir and gravity and lifted canal system
for phase IIA project was selected as the best water abstraction system or development option
of the project.
Surveying Work
As per our TOR topographic survey of the command area, head work site and main canal route
were done by the establishment of DGPS Control Points so that detailed topographic survey of the
whole command area data was collected.
After data was processed 24,000ha of the command area topographic data has been collected
with all artificial and natural features and topo map was ready for design and system layout.
and a few of the components are worked out, so that satisfactory hydraulic performance of the
structure can be ensured.
In the structural design, the various component of the diversion structure (Weir) shall be
designed. Details are then worked out to have a structure, which will be safer under any possible
and probable combination of loadings. In both the cases, the diversion structure has to be
properly designed for both the surface and subsurface flow conditions.
The surface design includes the fixing up of waterway, top profile of various structures, energy
dissipation arrangements, protection works, scour depths, length & protection of divide walls,
levels and protection of guide bunds, afflux bunds etc. The sub-surface design will include
fixing of the depth and section of cut-offs, uplift pressure calculations, exit gradient etc.
The basic parameters which were considered and selected before taking up detailed hydraulic
designs were the following;
The flow state through weir is considered for modular and unmodular flow, respectively.When
Upstream head (total head over the crest) = H1 and downstream head (total head over the crest)
=H2, it is for modular flow if H2/H1<0.75 and for unmodular flow if H2/H1>0.75.
C1L 2 g H 2 - h a 2 C2 DL 2 gH
2 3 3
In the water abstraction system analysis of different options the diversion weir point below the
main road of Nekemte-Bedele bridge over Dhidhessa River has been selected as the best option.
It is located on the point 4.3km and 3.3km to the downstream from the new bridge crossing the
Dhidhessa River on Nekamte-Bedelle road. Their coordinates are X=214497.7532
Y=965480.7351, X=214400.6990 Y=964560.0315, respectively. Finally the location at 4.3km
weir site was selected as the best location due to back water effect. The span of river width is
estimated 150-200m length. The river bank is totally covered by forest to the left and right side
as you go further the elevation will increase.
Therefore, from the hydrological analysis the peak design discharge at the selected weir site
location with the assumption of with the dam availability at the Upper Arjo project is estimated
as for 100 years return period is 1200m3/sec.The 100 year return period was selected considering
other experience large scale project of Ethiopia.Free board is to be checked using flood of 1000
year frequency.
Hence, a diversion weir was designed with a mass concrete glacises broad crusted weir type with
a total length of 100m span ,a height of 4m above the river bed of 1265m elevation, top width
of the weir crust is 3m and the maximum base width 22.6m. With upstream slope of glacises
weir 1V:1H and downstream1V:3H respectively. It has right and left side of under sluice with
20m and 10m span width respectively.
Upper Arjo Dhidhessa sugarcane development Irrigation project is one of the projects presently
being under construction for an area of 32,000ha for sugarcane development.
The first Phase of the project (phase-IIA) which is found in Oromia Regional State originally
planned for 30,000 ha, but after making detail investigation by different sectors like soil and
land suitability which was covered 28,883.94 ha land and taking topographic map by surveyor
of the area in phase IIA project covered 26,000 Ha to the left side and 11,000ha to the right side.
The area has a gross irrigable area of 30,391.57 Ha in engineering system layout design so that
a net area of 17,101.70 Ha has decided to be developed. But from this area of phase IIA
10,500ha of gross area and net area of 5775ha will be separately prepared at right side.In this
report from 19,891.57ha a net area of 11,326.70 ha was prepared.
command area varies between El.1310 to 1165m.The topographic of the area estimated for
gravity block out of gross 5891.12Ha 0-2 % , 2-5%, 5-8%, 8-16% slopes have 4.25%,
21.82%, 28.59% and 9.39% of area size respectively. The other part of the command area has
0.01%, 0.02%, 0.27%, 0.78%, and 1.96% areas covered by forest, grave, rock surface, towns,
and villages respectively. For lifted block out of 12000.45Ha, 0-2 % , 2-5%, 5-8%, 8-16% and
>16 % slopes have the area size of 3.87%, 27.11%, 33.03% , 24.54% and 6.54 %. The other
part of command area have 1.56%, 3.11%, 0.05% and 0.25% has town, village, grave and RS
(rock surface) respectively
The gross command area is in general having undulating topography. In system layout design the
maximum slope considered under irrigation is 11-12% considering the past experience of local
farmers in surface irrigation living at Phase IIA project farmers can work by constructing
terrace and other erosion protection method. The area above 11-12% slope of the command area
was not considered as suitable for surface irrigation system.
There are also some isolated hills rising above the average level of the plain and very marshy
areas which actually will be excluded from irrigation suitability except some pocket area can be
used during dry season. Since, due to the lifted head to be determined maximum 60-65m from
the gravity elevation to lifted system and considering the slope of canal the command area by
gravity system with maximum elevation of 1310m.The command area above 1310m is left out
from system layout of the irrigation system.
Therefore, from gravity block of the whole total gross area 5891.12Ha, in system layout and the
net irrigable area of 3957.86ha were designed. In phase IIA irrigation and drainage system of the
project based on the proposed water abstraction system, in the addition of gravity block, lifted
gravity blocks of area is considered to irrigate the whole recommended area of the project. The
system layout has been done to develop the area by lifted pumping system for the gross area of
14,000.45 Ha and a net area of 7368.83 Ha.
Design Criteria of Irrigation and Drainage System
A diversion weir is proposed at the downstream of Arjo Bedele road for both command area
found in phase IIA and IIB. The estimation of canal capacity to meet water requirement for
proposed cropping pattern is the most important input for irrigation in project. Provided that in
the project for design of canal the cropping pattern is proposed in different phases, for design of
canal the requirement of water is considered for the maximum water requirement. The maximum
duty of water recommended by agronomist is in the month of March is 1.05lit/sec/ha.
All types‟ canals capacity MC, PC, SC, and TC were determined using the following manning
formula criteria. With continuity equation of Q= AV, where, A= Area of water cross-section and
V= velocity of water
Manning formula
V= 𝑛 * R2/3 * S1/2 (Kumar, 2005)
Where, V= velocity of flow in m/sec
R= Hydraulic mean depth in meters
S= Bed slope of the channel
n = Rugosity coefficient
The values of n in both these equations depend upon a channel condition and upon discharge
Capacity required for the canal to irrigate the command depends on the crop pattern, irrigation
intensity, rotation period, water required during critical period, transmission losses, etc. For
fixing the canal capacity, a design statement, or capacity statement should be separately
prepared, reach by reach.
Main, Primary, Secondary and tertiary canals sections are getting reduced from head to tail reach
with discharge getting reduced. The flow in the main, primary, secondary and tertiary and field
canals will be maintained continuous throughout the year during application except where no
irrigation required during wet season. As in case of surface irrigation method, water application
is planned to be in rotation in the farm units the capacities of field canals will be the same and
kept its dimension constant from head to tail reach.
Concerning velocity;minimum permissible velocity refers to the smallest velocity which will
prevent sedimentation and vegetative growth. An average velocity of (0.4-0.9) will prevent
sedimentation when the silt load of the flow is low. In small canals it can take upto 0.27m/sec.
Maximum permissible velocity entirely depends on the material that is used and the bed slope of
the channel which is upto 0.9m/sec. All freeboard, bed width, depth, longitudinal slope, berm
have been calculated according to design criteria of the material recommended by geotechnical
study report.
The left gravity canal at the beginning it has a designed discharge 8.39m3/sec with a dimension
of 84.57km length, depth of water 1.59m velocity of water 0.62m/sec bed width 6.12m and
longitudinal slope 1:5000. The cross-section of the canal is decreasing from head to the tail.
The left lifted gravity canal has a length of 57.25km with at the beginning of the canal has
discharge of 12.2m3/sec dimensions of bed width 11m depth of water 1.61m, a freeboard 0.70m
side slope 1.5H: 1Vand longitudinal slope 1:7000. And velocity has 0.57m/sec.
All the other detail farm work system of PC, SC,TC, TD, CD, MD and farm structure were
designed according to the standard well known typical drawing and set the criteria of the above
Under farm work from the system layout of gravity block of net 3957.86Ha of the total length of
canals of PC, SC and TC estimated the length of 6.526km, 48.762km and 197.418km
respectively. In the same block of gravity the drainage canals have CD, SD; TD has a length of
each 9.223, 26.72, and 142.3km respectively. Under lifted system of block net 6264.25Ha the
total lengths of canals of PC, SC, and TC have a length of 56.65, 71.66, and 285.95km
respectively. In the same block of lifted system have CD, SD, and TD have 15.377, 14.87 and
180.84km and upper lifted blocks have respectively. For 1104.58ha upper lifted block has
6km,56 km and 32.8km length of Sc, TC, and TD.
Due to the topographic condition of the area considering most of the command area‟s slope is
high and undulating nature it seems overhead or sprinkler irrigation is better. But, the sprinkler
or overhead irrigation system will not be appropriate due to high technical capacity requirement
and the initial investment cost is high considering the irrigation scheme is intended to the
farmers. Hence, surface irrigation was considered for this particular project for the area both
under left gravity and lifted blocks. Furrow and basin water application system were proposed.
For the design of suction and discharge piping and the rising main pipeline from PS to NSR,
flow velocity limits described in the design criteria section were adopted. In the design using
Hazen William formula was used and 28 numbers of pumps including standby were designed
for 560lit/sec discharge. The pumps capacities were designed with total head of 70m for lifted
block . The total electric energy consumption required is 15.7MW for lifted block and For
upper lifted block of 1104.58 ha it needs 982.5KW.
It is possible to estimate the cost since major work of areas were identified like the water
abstraction system, the diversion head work and its‟ major quantity of work, the three big main
canals like left main canal, left gravity canal and left lifted gravity canal with numbers of
structures (inverted siphons, flume, Cross regulators, escape etc,). All the required farm work
also identified from the design of system layout. From the electro-mechanical design part the
number of pumps and electric energy consumption were also determined.
Based on this, the detail cost of area of work for the development of irrigation of phase IIA
project including both lifted and gravity system of irrigation of investment cost for a net
irrigable area of 11,326.70 Ha was estimated , so that the total implementation cost including
VAT is Eth birr 3,677,675,318.22.
1. 1 Back Ground
The economy of Ethiopia is primarily based on agriculture. Almost three-fourth of its population
is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture. Nearly 46% of the G.D.P. of the country, 70%
of the export earnings and 85% of the employment opportunities are derived from the
agriculture. Still the role of agriculture in supplying and supporting the manufacturing sector in
establishing agro-industry is very high. Despite the fact of agriculture playing such an important
role in the economy of the country and the availability of abundant water resources in the
country, the facility of irrigation has so far been only very minimal leaving the agriculture to be
mainly dependent on the rainfall.
In many parts of Ethiopia the increased population pressure and frequency of droughts has
exceeded the ability of traditional strategies to cope and global climatic change resulting in food
insecurity and wide spread animal deaths. To meet the demand of the steadily growing
population and to increase foreign export of the county, the government of Ethiopia embarked on
different water resources development studies. Accordingly, all the main river basins of the
country have been extensively surveyed to prepare a master plan for development of the water
resources of the country and to identify a number of potential schemes for irrigation project. In
order to alleviate the situation of food insecurity , countries like Ethiopia have no choice but to
aggressively switch their development endeavors towards effective and efficient use of their
natural and human resources .Development strategy that could help is use of country‟s water and
land resource endowment. As a result, development of different irrigation scheme (small to large
scale) can play a major part not only in solving the current food insecurity, but also in enhancing
the economic development of the country through the earning of more foreign currency and
creating employment opportunities.
The irrigation development in Ethiopia is one of the causative sectors for the economic
development of the country. From this Dhidhessa River the potential contributor for the
irrigation developments is expected 80,000ha.
The country has five agro-climatic zones which are broadly delineated mainly for two reasons:
rainfall and temperature because of (altitude).
One of these studies which is currently under construction is the feasibility study and detail
engineering design of Arjo Dhidhessa Sugarcane irrigation Development project conducted by
OWWDSE in 2014 to develop a net 32,000ha irrigable area for sugarcane production on
Dhidhessa River with construction of a dam. The previous plan also indicates that the dam being
constructed for Upper Arjo is sufficient enough to irrigate an area of 80,000ha of land.
The main target of the Lower Dhidhessa Irrigation and drainage development project is to
expand the potential of the upper project dam and reservoir radius to the lower end so that gross
irrigable land of 60,000ha could possibly be obtained in two different regions of Oromia and
Benshangule Gumuze National Regional State. The study is going to be conducted in two
different phases phase IIA and Phase IIB.
During detail study in Ilubabur zone Ilu Harere Woreda soil and land suitability evaluation
which was covered 28,883ha land and taking topographic map by surveyor of the area
covered 26,000Ha in engineering system layout has a gross irrigable area of 19,891.57Ha and
net area 11,326.70Ha has decided to be developed at chewaka to the l;eft side the rest will be
covered at right side estimated a gross area of 10,500ha and 5775ha of net area.
At the project inception period effort has been made to identify efficient water abstraction
techniques to command the irrigable command area either from the river or by extending the
upper Arjo left side main canal and it has been recommended to extend the upper Arjo left main
Based on TOR the main objective is to develop a gross area of 30,000Ha of land after
identifying the exact suitability of the land for the community to produce different crops
and sugar cane through irrigation of Chewaka area
To implement series of study steps to determine whether the project appears technically,
economically, socially and environmentally feasible,
To conduct a study on the suitability of the proposed land and its demarcation for
irrigable crops and pasture land,
To plan, study and design efficient irrigation infrastructure development systems that
could be easy to manage,
The main objective of our study is to undertake feasibility study and detail engineering design on
a total of gross 30,000 Ha by appropriate water abstraction system at the proposed command
In the following sections the scope of the work for Lower Arjo Dhidhessa phase IIA the whole
irrigation and drainage system are described after exactly identifying suitable area of the project.
Determine appropriate water abstraction system for supplying the irrigation of net
command area of17,101.70ha and gross 30,000ha of phase IIA.
Selection of Appropriate water abstraction is very important for irrigating 17,101.70ha of the
net command area as it will determine all the design and the future cost of the whole project
Both hydraulic and structures determination of head work and appurtenant including the
feasibility study will be determined as per the design criteria set. The following main diversion
weir structures will be considered.
Upstream and downstream floor thickness determination of the weir and head regulator
systems based on the uplift pressure encountered for different critical flow conditions.
Stability analysis of the main body of the weir portion against
o Over turning, sliding and overstressing
Stress level check at critical sections near the toe portion of the weir.
The various forces and acceptable combinations of these forces are considered in the
process of stability analysis and allowable stress level checks. The forces involved for the
analysis are:-
Water pressure
Uplift pressure
Pressure due to earthquake forces ( if available in the area)
Silt pressure
Stabilizing force ( Weight of the Weir Body)
Prepare detail drawings of section of diversion weir with album
Prepare detail BOQ and estimation of cost breakdown of the structures of diversion weir
and appurtenant structuers.
Design the irrigation system of chewaka command area and all the canals system
Based on the topographic map surveyed proposed command area of Chewaka prepare
detail system layout by dividing the command area under different blocks, options of the
irrigation system, soil map, slope of the land , crops to be grown etc.
Design main canals system as per the design criteria, system of the irrigation and
different recommendation given by sectors study like geo-technical, agronomy,
watershed, hydrogeology etc both under the gravity and lifted system according to
proposed finalized water abstraction system.
Design all canals like main canal, primary canals, secondary canals, tertiary canals, as per
the design criteria and sectors study recommendation given.
Design all the drainage system of Chewaka command area of tertiary drain, collective
drain and main drainage canals based on the topographic area, and others sectors study
recommendation of hydrology, soil, and watershed etc.
Design all the required irrigation canals structures like culvert, division box , drop , off
take , super passage, flume as per the design criteria and others sectors like, hydrology ,
geo-technical study recommendation.
Prepare detail system of layout, canals ,and farm structures of sections, profiles of
drawings , of Irrigation and drainage system.
Prepare detail BOQ and estimation of cost breakdown of the farm structures, canals, and
others structures of the irrigation and drainage system.
1.7.1. Review of Similar designed and study of Previous Project and Initial
Data Collection
All information pertinent to the irrigation project under consideration shall be thoroughly
revised. Available information includes, but not limited, to the following,
Review of reports written by different consultants for the study and design of Arjo
Review of Available reports regarding large scale irrigation and drainage project.
Review available base map showing topography, roads, paths field boundaries and
drainage channels.
Review the available reports with regard to flood hazard in the project area. Study of
social and environmental safeguard.
Identifying constraints and recommend procedures to be adopted during execution of the
On the bases of our assessment to the available information, the required data collection
shall be defined, which will be the bases for further detail design of the project.
Review of previous study and design of engineering of the available documents.
Review of all sectors studies conducted and collecting important parameters which is
related to the engineering design like irrigation agronomy, hydrogeology, geo-technical.
soil, environmental impact assessment , watershed management , socio-economic study.
1.7.2. Collecting Primary Data from the Project Site at the Field Level.
Preparing detail head work and command area of topographic map by conducting and
collecting surveying data
The hydrological study recommended adopting value of1160m3/sec and 1735m3/sec for a flood
discharge of return period of 100 years and 1000 years return period respectively.
In the Dinger Berha project oggee type weir is selected as the discharge coefficient of ogee type
is efficient. Mass concrete weir is recommended. The foundation is sound base rock. The
minimum height of the weir is 3m. The length of the weir determination is considered discharge
per unit width not exceeded 15m3/sec is taken 110m length.
For the structure to stable the following condition must be fulfilled. 1, the structure must safe
against sliding, overturning, and the resultant force must lie within the middle thired.2, there
should not be tension under the base.3, the maximum toe and heel pressure on foundations
should not exceed the prescribed safe limits. factor of safety against sliding, overturning were
considered and safe, but for the problem of foundation on sliding 24mm anchor bars per linear
grouted into hole drilled to the foundation. Under sluice also provided for the left side. Based on
the design report the weir has a flushing channel at the left end, whereas the off take to the
primary canal will be at right angles to the flushing canals. To minimize the amount of sediment
in the water diverted to the primary canal the crust of off take will be one meter above the bed of
the flushing canal.
Downstream of the canal off take a 150m long settling basin will be constructed. And the
settling basin will be angled towards the river and it will have a gate at the downstream end to
allow flushing of the settled sediment back to the river. In design of embankment, because of the
weir across the river, the water level will rise upstream which case the geo textile can be
avoided. The canal outlet is proposed to take off at an angle 90with diversion weir axis. The
canal bed width is 4.5m it is proposed to provide with two bays of 1.5m by 1.9m width one
0.5m thick pier and the discharge is determined by drowned weir formula by neglecting the
approach velocity head.
Concerning the efficiency after the assessment of the potential performance characteristics of the
adopted irrigation system (all lined canals, night storage reservoirs , closed buried pipe
Distribution systems and pipe work for on farm distribution ) the overall efficiency was at 60-
65% (that is on farm: 75%, distribution through pipe network that are emptied regularly: 80-
90%,main connivance :95%.
In general from the review of this project the main lesson are the maximum flood discharge
from the hydrological study the design discharge are 1160m3/sec and 1730m3sec for 100 years
and 1000 years respectively this is which important to compare with lower Dhidhessa project
design discharge . Under sluce also provided at both left and right side of the weir and for the
problem of the foundation 24mm anchor bars per linear grouted into hole drilled to the
foundation. Downstream of the canal off take 150m length of settling basin considered if it is
nessery it is possible to consider in lower Dhidheesa project according to the situation.
The selected irrigation method for ADIDP comprises surface irrigation through earthen canal,
surface irrigation through pipe canal, pressurized irrigation through gravity head and pressurized
irrigation through pumps.
The FDs in the PCA run in steep slopes, generally exceeding 4%. Detailed analysis of a
comparison of two alternatives: earth FD and field pipe was carried out. The use of field pipes is
recommended for a surface slope of more than 2%. The water is delivered to the furrows by
siphons, in case of earth canals or by overflow valves in case of field pipes.
Tcs Fcs and BIU operate for 12 hours hence the area designed for double discharge capacity. The
MCs operate 24hours hence night storage reservoirs are needed at the inlet of SCs.
In case of pressurized irrigation, in above areas, the main pipes, the sub mains pipes and valve
line are equivalent to SCs, TCs and FDs, respectively.
Regulation of water flow uses either the natural gravity head or external mechanical means of
pumping. From the main canal, a main pipe runs along the slope (perpendicular to the contours).
From the main pipe, sub main pipes run about along the counters. However, the sub main pipes
can follow the surface features as required in order to cover maximum area. The sub main pipes
can be of curvature and meanders as may be necessary. Use of pumps is proposed for irrigation
of the higher elevated areas as well as the areas adjacent to the steep slopes along the mc, to
provide the required pressures in the pressurized irrigation distribution system at different
locations. A lift canal system is also included to irrigate higher elevation area through a provision
of a single pumping station.
The irrigation interval is calculated in consideration with the soil type and crops effective root
zone. Considering also the practical simplicity of the irrigation interval, an interval of 8 days is
planned for the application of the peak water requirement. The irrigation interval of 8 days is
well in accordance with the layout of the plots arrangement and the on-farm system of FDs and
In the irrigation system four possible irrigation method were analyzed at the stage of typical
arrangement adapted to the specifically of the area under study. These are Surface (furrow
irrigation), Pressurized (Center pivot, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation).
In surface irrigation system the topography of the area makes surface irrigation extremely
difficult because of the steep slopes and irregularity of the surface. However, if a budget
limitation governs the decision and low irrigation efficiency is accepted with risk of erosion, the
only surface irrigation method that can be employed is furrow irrigation. Any other surface
irrigation method such as borders or basin, require and expensive works for land preparation and
leveling is required.
The designed area allocation will enable simple and efficient operation of on the farm irrigation
system. The regular layout of the 8area units of 2ha each also enables a straight field ditch of
minimal length. Due to the ground slope, most of the field ditch (6 out of 8) serve one side and
only a limited number of field ditch (2 out of 8) can serve two sides ,thus being more efficient.
Surface irrigation planned for daily irrigation of 12 hours, where by the full flow of the tertiary
canal is diverted to one field ditch for one day of the 8 irrigation interval days, and the flow is
rotated during the 12hours among the 8 farm units
The layout of the drainage system will be based on the following elements.
Incoming sources (Watershed upstream of the proposed main canals and direct rainfall
over the PCA)
Additional drains will be constructed upstream and parallel to the main canals interceptor drains,
to reduce crossings on the main canals and protect them. These drains will divert flood water, as
topography permit, to the MNDCs entering the PCA.
For protection of the proposed main canals, the design discharge values of 5-year and 50 year
return periods were adopted for design of interceptor drains and drainage crossing, respectively
In MNDC which includes the Anger River and other main natural streams in the PCA. Anger
River, being the main drainage channel for PCA will be designed for discharge of a 10 year
return period. Other main streams will be designed for a discharge of 5-year return period. The
drainage crossing on this river will be designed for a discharge corresponding to a25-year return
period in PCA
The main drains ,which are natural streams flowing from outside the PCA collecting flood water
from much wider basins, will be designed for peak discharge values calculated using the SCS
method (U.S soil Conservation Service). In design of typical structures for the drainage two
types of outfall structures are proposed on these MNDC, wherever required( i) piped inlet deep
outfall (drain outfall structure type 2) and deep drain outfall (drain outfall structure Type-3)
Field drains are designed for a minimum of 2ha (the basic irrigation unit )of the surface irrigated
areas, considering the one in five year 24 hour rainfall even , i.e to remove the volume of runoff
from 1-in-5 year ,24 hours storm, in 24 hours . The drainage coefficient required to drain this
volume of water in 24 hours, is 4.4lit/sec/ha. The maximum irrigation surplus runoff for the 2ha
area is 4.06lit/sec while the average rainfall runoff is 8.8 l/sec. This value of average rainfall
runoff is approximately 2.2 times higher than the irrigation surplus runoff; hence the drainage
system will be designed for the average rainfall runoff value considering the irrigation during
this rainfall event is unlikely, similarly the discharge value were calculated for field drains ,for
various options of irrigation plot layout and on farm system. All tertiary drains and collector
drain are designed based on the same principle
Maintenance of drainage system is very important to avoid silt, weeds and other impediments
routine maintenance of drains before rainy season is essential.
Using the road functional classification selection, the design traffic flow and the expected traffic
loads and movement in the irrigation project, the standard used for community feeder roads
would be appropriate for design in the initial phase. The design of feeder roads essentially
consists of the following components. Geometry, pavement, hydrology, hydraulic, major and
minorstructure, consideration of local needs, and requests.
In the above project reviewing some important point‟s lesson have taken as the following:
Due to the topographic condition in irrigation method combining gravity and pressurized
irrigation methods were used.
For the conveyance system due to topography and land suitability four conveyance
system were studied like open gravity canal, pipe canal, pressurized pipe and forced pipe
and finally selected surface irrigation through earthen canal, pipe canal and pressurized
irrigation through gravity head and pressurized irrigation through pumps.
In design of the drainage system for protection of the proposed main canals, the design
discharge values of 5-year and 50 year return periods were adopted for design of
interceptor drains and drainage crossing, respectively.
In farm road network design. The design of feeder roads essentially consists of the
following components. Geometry, pavement, hydrology, hydraulic, major and minor
structure, consideration of local needs, and requests.
and Lemmu district which is 40 km far from Bedele town. The main objective of the project was
to develop sugarcane on 50,000 ha for 28,000 TCD plant but after the designed only 31918.6 ha
was net decided to be developed. The main project components are rock fill with impervious clay
core dam with 47m height and 502m length, and spillway. The irrigable area is found to the left
and right side of the river of Dhidhessa is 31,918.6 ha at the 1 st stage using to irrigate by both
surface and sprinkler irrigation system.
The Arjo Dhidhessa command area feature has a combination of level to flat and almost
flat, rugged and undulating topography. The project area can be conveniently categorized
into Kola agro –climatic zone.
The total 31,918.6 ha of irrigable area of Arjo-Dhidhessa project 17,259 ha, 10,612.5 ha and
4047.31 ha size will be used the irrigation system of by sprinkler, surface gravity and lifted
gravity system respectively. The total available designed command area to the left side with
gravity, lifted gravity and sprinkler system of irrigation of command area is 15,809.9 ha and the
total available designed command area to the right side with gravity, lifted gravity and sprinkler
system of irrigation is 16,108.9 ha.
The irrigation project area is planned to be developed through the abstraction of Water from an
upstream dam constructed across Dhidhessa River. The main Canal route has two directions that
are to the right and left side of Dhidhessa River. The total length of the Main Canal Route for the
right side is 92.5 Km and for the left side 104.4 Km which is in total 196.4 Km. the canal of left
and right side was designed 17.9m3/sec and 25m3/sec respectively. The discharge from the left
and right dam outlet also 56 m3/sec. The left side full supply level is 1337.50 m and the end left
side main canal coordinate is x=981050 and y=201951
Q * AR 2 / 3 S 1 / 2
m = side slope
s = bed slope
(“n” value consider for the design of the main canal are 0.025 & 0.018 for unlined and
lined canals respectively).
The velocity of flow ranges adopted for Arjo Dhidhessa Sugar Development irrigation project
varies from 0.95m/sec to 0.39 m/sec. which the geotechnical investigation of the canal route
prevails that this range of flow velocity will not cause erosion of the side canal materials.
Therefore, based on the above relation the following values are derived:
Table : Average depth of water that can be applied on different slopes
Furrow length = 200m Furrow spacing = 1.0m
S (%) 0.5 1 1.5 1.8 2 2.2 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5
qm (l/s) 1.2 0.60 0.40 0.33 0.30 0.27 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.17
d(cm) 51.84 25.9 17.3 14.4 13.0 11.8 10.4 9.4 8.6 8.0 7.4
type dominates the area.
The type of regulating and crossing structures provided for Arjo Dhidhessa irrigation Project is
as listed here in below.
Cross Regulator
Head Regulator
The above structures of detail hydraulic and structural analysis were considered in the design as
per the design criteria.
The right irrigation site is the command area which is located at the right side of Dhidhessa
River, and similarly the left command is located at the left side of the Dhidhessa River. On the
other hand the lower commands are located below (at the Southern) part of Arjo-Bedele Road.
In each of the above irrigation sites there are different irrigation methods. These are Sprinkler,
Lifted Irrigation Command areas. These four command areas have their own respective station
design capacities.
The design of the pumping stations was performed in three phases mainly:
Data collection
Evaluation of alternative options
Detail design of pumping stations based on the selected option
The detail design and calculations of the major components of the electromechanical system are
described in detail and include:
Pump selection
Surge analysis
There are more than twenty eight pump stations which are designed for gravity and sprinkler
irrigation systems. The station design capacity, head, power requirement, and discharge at
channels and calculated
The design criteria used as a guideline during the design process. Criteria is set out for
Hydraulic design
Pumping equipment
Electrical equipment
Reviewing the upper Arjo-Dhidhessa project is very important as lower Arjo-Dhidheesa project
is a continuation of upper Arjo Dhidhessa project. Many important data like the left side canal
discharge, type and number of structures, the end canal bed elevation and the discharge at the
dam outlet are required for lower Dehidhessa project of phase IIA. Using the very common
manning formula for the determination of the canal capacity and considering the minimum and
maximum velocity within the range of 0.39m/sec and 0.95m/sec. The combination of the
irrigation system like pressurized and surface irrigation system, designing of the drainage system
for internal and external system like using I in 5 years for 24 hours of storm rainfall can be used
based on the condition in lower Arjo-Dhidhessa project.
1, Extension of left side of main canal from the Upper Arjo- Dhidhessa project by redesigning
the Canal
2. Extension of upper Arjo-Dhidhessa left side main canal starting from the end without
redesigning the canal
3. Constructing separate main canal at the dam and taking water from the dam outlet
The methodology was done by collecting appropriate data of like topographic map, discharge,
elevations, cost estimation and other related data, so that evaluating different options of the
above alternatives of water abstractions system and to decide the best option in order to continue
the detail design. Using the following table 2 and table 3 main data on the Upper Arjo-Dhidhessa
and Lower Dhidhessa topo map analysis was done to estimate others cost of the following
tables. For the following cost estimation tables VAT is considered for all types of water
abstraction systems. Additionally operation and maintenance and running cost for 15 years was
considered. The purpose of cost estimation is to compare the different alternatives and select the
best minimum cost.
Figure : map of upper and lower Arjo (chewaka) Phase IIA Irrigation and drainage projects
16 Cross Regulator NO 11
Source: Upper Arjo Detial design and study engineering report, OWWDSE,2014
4 Length of gravity canal from the weir upto the end km 131.16
of command area of phase IIA
Source: System layout design of lower Arjo Phase IIA project, OWWDSE, 2016
From the above Table 3 the intake capacity from the dam outlet is designed to convey a
discharge of 56m3/sec, but the left main canal for upper project will take 17.9 m3/sec at peak
requirement. The remaining 38.1m3/sec can be utilized for the development of Lower Dhidhssia
irrigation project by modifying the canal carrying capacity. The upper canal dimension was
designed to accommodate a discharge range between 17.9- 8.99m3/sec. The Lower Dhidhessa
irrigation main canal for phase IIA start after the end point of the Upper- Dhidhessa project and
only travel 18.5km to find the command area. All the above Upper Arjo-Dhidhessa designed
structures like 25 km concrete lined canal length, seven escapes, three big inverted siphons
with average each length of 613.3 m , nine flume with average length each 24 m , seven super
passage length with each 10.42 m and 35 cross drainages
6 Flume NO 9 124,730,994 -
11 Operation 320,155,610
&maintenance 15 year
12 Total 1,975,990,159
As per the recommendation of agronomist during the maximum water requirement in the month
of March is 1.05li/sec/ha for phase IIA command area based on the given cropping pattern. The
gross area of Phase IIA is 30,391.57Ha and net irrigable area from system layout is 17101.7Ha to
the left and right side. But for the left side The discharge required is 11,326.70*2.1lit/sec/ha will
be 23.786m3/sec
The total water discharge at main canal of outlet is equal to 23.786 m3/sec. But for the lower
Arjo-Dhidhessa project in the future it will be expected to consider for water supply scheme and
other allowance from 4-5m3/sec to the people and livestock hence the design capacity of the
canal for the extension lower Arjo- Dhidheesa project considering night storage it will require
The total discharge required to use in the extension system both upper Arjo and lower Arjo-
Dhidhessa is 23 +17.9=40.9m3/sec.This means current capacity of canal will be increase by 2.28
times the Upper Arjo-Dhidhessa canal capacity and to modify the entire canal dimension also
required starting from the dam outlet.It will also require modifying, since it was designed with a
discharge range of 17.9-8.99m3/sec. Therefore, all the canal and structures capacity need to
increase its capacity.
Considering the upper Arjo- Dhidhessa cost estimation in table 4 and the detail cost estimation
for the extension of canal from dam outlet can be estimated in the following table 5.
This means the discharge is 2.28 times increase the upper Arjo-Dhidhessa design discharge. The
above canal dimension, canal lining, and all the above listed structures will be increased its
capacity and its cost at least 1.75 times of the original design.(This is based by comparing
different discharge amount and related dimension and cost of structure of previous work).
Redesigning, and operational and maintenance cost has to be considered. The redesigning cost is
estimated about 6,200,000 birr. In the following table 5 cost estimation of initial investment cost
and operational and maintenance cost of 15 years are considered. Another disadvantage is the
Upper Arjo-Dhidhessa project is totally assigned for sugar cane but phase IIA areais for the local
community in order to produce different crops, which the management in both case are different,
so that, this will also bring some complication. The main advantage of using extension of the
canal will be about 11,326.70Ha of irrigation area can be irrigated without using any energy
power system like electricity by the gravity system.
The cost estimation unit rate is based on the current price of the Upper Arjo-Dhidhessa detail
BOQ work and increased as per the discharge increments.
6 Flume NO 9 218,279,239 -
Cost of the extension of canal and related structures after the end of the Upper Arjo-Dhidhessa
canal of 89.6 km for a discharge of 23 m3/sec and the detail cost is described in the following
table 6
Since the length of lower Arjo-dhidhessa canal is 89.6 km which is lower than 104 km of Upper
Arjo project but its discharge is increasing to 23 m3/sec than17.9m3/sec from which is larger
than the Upper Arjo-Dhidhessa canal capacity by 1.45 times and the dimension of the canals and
related structures increased by 1.15 times the Upper Arjo-Dhidhessa. The number and types of
structures can be easily determined from the system layout of prepared topo map.
Table : cost of extension canal after the end of upper arjo canal including structures
2 Escape NO 3 3,007,428.31 -
10 Operation 197,439,263.4
&maintenance 15 years
Hence, if we use to extend the Upper Arjo-Dhidhessa canal the total investment cost required is
birr (3,465,112,777+1,218,588,802) = 4,683,701,579) by considering the sugar development
project cost previous estimation 1,975,990,159.00 which had already separate budget by sugar
corporation and it needs additional extra cost for lower phase IIA of water abstraction system
birr 2,707,711,420. This means due to extension the total cost required for phase IIA alone
considering sugar development cost deduction it will requir considering operational and
maintenance cost Eth birr 2,707,711,420.
Considering the Upper Arjo-Dhidhessa project canal crossing drainage, the catchment
characteristic, flood magnitude, the soil, all the geotechnical material are similar to all the layout
of Upper Arjo-Dhidhessa. The layout of the canal for phase IIA is in the same pattern for upper
All the above Upper Arjo-dhidhessa canal length of 104.4 km, concrete lining of 25 km length,
with different appurtenant structures of inverted siphons, flumes, cross drainage ,super passage
and escape except head , and cross regulators structures will be required on the same of the
above stretch of length of the canal. The canal also crosses the Upper Arjo-Dhidhessa command
area, because of the command area extends above the gravity canal to the left side due to the
layout of command area included lifted and sprinkler or pressurized system of irrigation to the
left side.
In order to irrigate the whole phase IIA project command area, after 104.4 km canal length, it
required an estimated length of additional 86.6 km of canal with all canal structures. The
discharge required for Lower Arjo Dhidhessa Phase IIA project is 23 m3/sec. The water
abstraction option from the dam outlet as the required discharge is increased from upper Arjo-
Dhidhessa command area with 1.45 times and the capacity of related dimension also will be
increased by 1.15 times. The number and types of structures can be known from topo map both
upper Arjo and lower Arjo project. The cost of structures also estimated based on this amount in
the following table 7.
If we need this option of canal from outlet of the dam we will not have any problem of discharge
for the downstream but we need the total cost including 15 years operation and maintenance Eth
birr 3,700,031,945.00
The main advantage of this option is, it will not have a shortage of water as the required
discharge is greater than the available one and irrigation system also possible with gravity
system without any electric or other power requirement.
Table : Cost of canal and related structures for the canal option from the dam outlet
5 Flume NO 17 358,502,699 -
Source: Upper Arjo-Dhidhessa Detail BOQ preparation, OWWDSE, 2014 And Detail system
layout of Phase IIA
The Weir site selection was conducted based on natural physical flowing character of the
Dhidhessa River, geological condition, and the availability head sufficient enough to irrigate the
proposed command area. After delineating the command area by EMA topo prepared contour
map to find possible options weir site and on site visiting along the river course were also
3.4.1. Possible Weir Site Options for the Proposed Command Area
Along the river course of Dhidhessa River based on the command head, river flow stream, and
other geotechnical characteristic of the bed condition the following two options were evaluated
for determination of the appropriate weir location. On the river course between Ephrem Hotel and the bridge on the road Nekemte via
Arjo to Bedele crossing on Didessa River
Ephrem Hotel is a well known Hotel located at coordinate 187292E and 999316N just at the
crossing of Dhidhessa river and Nekemte Gimbi Road with elevation of 1135m amsl and the
bridge on the road Nekemte via Arjo to Bedele on Dhidhessa river located at coordinate
215361E and 961658N with elevation 1275 m amsl
At 4.3 km downstream of the bridge on the road Nekemte via Arjo to Bedele on Dhidhessa
River, diverting water from Dhidhessa River at a location of 214368.8E and 965596N with
elevation of river bed 1265m amsl was selected. The selected weir site is located at 45 km far
upstream from the command area. The length of weir crest depends on physical feature of this
selected weir site and it is around 100-150 m wide. In this case diversion is possible to irrigate
net are 3957.9 ha with gravity canal system the rest 7368.83 ha can be irrigated by lifted pump
system. On the river course above the bridge on the road Nekemte via Arjo to Bedele on
crossing Dhidhessa River
Diverting water from Dhidhessa River site at location of 221751.8E and 953403.39N with
river bed elevation of 1290 m amsl, which has a river width of 100-150 m at distance 8km
upstream from bridge. And it is located 48 km far from command area, which, it seems ideal site
for weir location. In this case canal alignment crosses the existing sugarcane irrigation farm
structures, it also cross the main asphalt road, on top of that the diversion weir constructed also
has to serves both phase IIA and Phase IIB or the left and right side command area but the right
side above the bridge has sugar cane factory infrastructure. In this weir location canals also
irrigate the command area partially by gravity and partially by pumps.
Therefore, based on the above different options of diversion weir site selections, option I is better
than option II due to various reasons, as option II is located above the asphalt road and it crosses
many infrastructures of Sugar cane factory and farms to the right side, even though it has better
gravity irrigated area than lifted canal system.
Hence, in lower Arjo-Dhidhessa phase IIA project the water abstraction system by diversion weir
of option has left main canal, gravity and lifted main canals including the pump system. Under
the gravity and lifted blocks from the system layout it has 3957.9 and 7368.83 Ha net irrigable
area respectively. The left main canal beginning from the diversion weir upto the junction of
lifted and gravity system has 46.6 km and it has two off takes before the junction point.
Based on the above table 9 calculation the water for the left main canal (LMC) supplying
both gravity and lifted canal by the addition of future water supply and expansion of the area of
system of the canal and it has a discharge capacity of 23 m3/sec.On this left main canal from
system layout of topo map surveyed it has different structures such as 4 inverted siphons, 60
drainage crossing aqueducts, 7 flume structures, 2 escapes, and 1 regulator.The unit rate of cost
estimation was done based on lower Arjo-Dhidhessa cost estimation of the current work. The
dimension of the canal also estimated based on the discharge; see the detail in the following
And filling
3 Flume NO 7 53,880,176.81
4 Regulator NO 1 520,088.60 -
Source: Lower arjo Detail Cost estimation preparation, OWWDSE, 2016 And system layout
After the end of Left main canal left gravity canal system has 84.56 km length with a discharge
of 8.4 m3/sec. The gravity canal has from topo map of system layout it has 12 drop structures; 32
cross drainage structures, 70 off takes. The dimension of the canal also estimated from the
discharge requirement and the required cost of the canal water abstraction system is estimated
using the unit cost prepared. See the detail of structures and cost estimation in the table 11
And filling
5 Escape NO 2 1,821,680.90
Source: Lower Arjo-Dhidhessa Detail Cost estimation preparation, OWWDSE, 2016 And
Detail system layout
Again the diversion system option has left lifted gravity canal which has 57.25 km length with a
discharge of 12.26 m3/sec. The left lifted gravity canal has from system layout 35 cross
drainage structures, 31 off takes, 2 escapes, 5 cross regulators, 5 foot bridges . See the detail of
structures and cost estimation in the table 12 below.
3 Escape NO 3 3,157,800.8
Source: Lower Arjo-dhihessa Detail cost estimation preparation, OWWDSE, 2016 And Detail
system layout
The left lifted gravity canal system has other additional cost except civil work, like electrical
energy, transformer and substation, pumping system, pipes and related accessories cost and
others. Since there is a difference between the gravity system point at (X=192842.762,
Y=989310.97) and z=1249 m and lifted canal system beginning point (X= 192396.13,
Y=988832.88 and Z= 1314) and it has about 65m height elevation difference with horizontal
length of 655-670 m. In order to deliver water from the gravity system to lifted canal system
pumping is required. Therefore, for this it needs 15.748 MW electric power, 28 numbers of
pumps with stand by, pipes, transformer and substation, and other accessories are considered. On
the left side for the upper blocks of lifted system of 1104.58 ha it needs 982.5KW and 9 pump
numbers including the emergency. The left lifted gravity canal system will be used pumping
system based on monthly water demand as per the agronomy recommendation and the power
required and the cost of electricity has been estimated in table 47.
On the top of that if the irrigation is used electric system it is important to consider the future
cost of electric charge to decide the best alternatives, see the detail of table13 below.
Source: Lower arjo Detail Electro mechanical cost estimation preparation, OWWDSE, 2016
Table : Cost of left upper canal systemand related acceries for LLUB1
9 VAT 2,487,349.65
Table :Cost of left lifted upper pumping and related accesserries for LLUB2 A,B
9 VAT 1,750,330.65
Table :Cost of left lifted upper canal pumping system and related accesseries for LLUB2C,D
9 VAT 4,526,671.50
In the above upper lifted block of 1104.5 ha it required tottaly one pump house estimated about
5,000,000 birr is required. Therfore the total cost required for upper block is birr 189,807,512.18
In the water abstraction system of using diversion weir system for using both gravity and lifted
system the cost of diversion weir also considered.
In this case, the diversion weir serves for both the right and left command area of phase IIA and
phase IIB project so that, the cost will share into two portions of phase IIA and phase IIB
projects. See the following detail cost break down of diversion weir in table14
Hence based on table 14 cost estimation the breakdown the total cost for the diversion weir
including operation and maintenance cost of 15 years is Eth birr 396,610,923.46. Therefore, the
total cost for phase IIA share will be Eth birr 198,305,461.73
Source: Lower Arjo -Dhidhessa , Head work lay out design, OWWDSE, 2016
Therefore, the total cost of water abstraction system with diversion weir and using both gravity
and lifted canal system is summarized as the following table15. It includes left main canal, left
gravity canal, left lifted gravity canal, electro mechanical cost, and diversion weir cost.
Table : Cost of total water abstraction system by diversion weir and canals
which is far from Dhidhessa River and after that lifted canal system can be used to get the
command area at a point of X= 196148.87 and y= 990758.72 and z= 1320m. The height
difference between the two points is 110m. In the following table16 shows all related cost
breakdown with a pump system. The discharge required to supply the command area is the same
as the above left main canal estimated 23 m3/sec. It is 2.13 times the left lifted gravity canal then
the dimension and the cost is increasing by 1.5 times left lifted gravity canal and structure.
The main canal length of pumping system also the same as left lifted gravity canal length with
some additional stretch length and estimated 64.3 km. The length between the pump stations and
where the lifted system of canal started is estimated 7 km. The discharge of the canal is the same
as left main canal estimated 23 m3/sec. The head required is 120 m. Therefore, the detail of the
cost for both electro-mechanical and civil work of the canal system is as the following. The
electricity cost for running the power of 58.120 MW for the pumping system which was
calculated based on the monthly water demand in table 46 as per the agronomy amount of water
required recommendation.
Valves,& crane
Running +VAT
11 total 2,652,286,262.05
Source: Lower arjo Detail Electro mechanical BOQ preparation, OWWDSE, 2016
And filling
2 escape NO 2 3,007,428.31
Therefore, based on the above detail calculation of water abstraction system with pumping
system considering both the electro mechanical , related canal, and structures cost considering
15 years operation and maintenance cost is estimated Eth birr 3,968,197,614.05
Based on the above different alternatives of water abstraction options by summarized the
different cost of expense estimated and evaluating others issues of merit and de-merits the best
options will be determined to proceed the detail design. See the following summarized table18
and figure 6
1 Extension of left No Additional cost for weir Need revision of upper Arjo and 2,707,711,420.0
side of main canal and dam construction is left side of main canal capacity
from the upper required including structures.
Arjo- Dhidhessa It has more head than the other Total left main canal is very
project by option long beginning from head work
redesigning upper The canal is far from Dhidhisa upto end of command area is
Arjo Canal river gorge so that no flood 191KM
problem from Dhidhisa river Management is complicated as
There is 38.1m3/sec no it is owned by sugar corporation
shortage of water. & community
2 Constructing No additional cost of dam and The main canal crosses the 3,700,031,945
separate canal weir required upper Arjo lifted, gravity, and
from the dam No shortage of water as (56- pressurised irrigation system
outlet 17.9)= 38.1m3/sec from the It is very long canal more than
dam outlet extension
It has better head , which no Idle canal is very long which is
pumping and electric system more than 104km and
required gravity system is conveyance efficiency is low
possible to the whole
command area
No revision and redesign of the
upper Arjo project required.
Even if the water abstraction system of extension of canal from the upper Arjo-Dhidhessa by
redesigning has shown less cost with Eth birr 324,258,034.53 than the selected option of
diversion weir , but , due to the fact that future management of the irrigation scheme is
difficult as the Upper Arjo-Dhidhessa run by sugar corporation and lower Arjo-dhidhessa
phase IIA project is run by the community. Additionaly the upper Arjo Dhidhessa main canal
construction was already started as per the previous design, hence the diversion weir option is
more advantageous than the extension option.
Therefore, the detail design of irrigation and drainage system for phase IIA project in the next
section will be carried out on the water abstraction system of constructing diversion weir and
using both gravity and lifted canal conveyance system.
As per our TOR topographic survey of the command area, head work site and main canal route
was done by the establishment of DGPS Control Points so that detailed topographic survey of the whole
command area data was collected.
LowerArjo- Dhidhessa Irrigation & drainage project is continuation of project from upper Arjo
Sugarcane irrigation project which was designed to be constructed across Dhidhessa River for
the development of 32,000 ha irrigation area for sugarcane and community purpose.The BM
which was adopted for the topographic survey were those established earlier in the upper Arjo
project area located at:- GPS-10, E = 540121.403, N = 917128.198 and GPS-10A=
E=540418.749, N=916990.399 are the main control points of the project..
Surveying was done using conventional ground survey methods and modern surveying
equipments including Total Stations, static Global Positioning System (GRX1 DGPS) and
Leveling instrument, to establish a series of ground control stations (reference beacons and
benchmarks) and to produce a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the project alignment. The work
was performed with: -
Establishment of geodetic control points using Static Global Positioning System (GPS)
Setting up of permanent beacons to serve as a reference system during construction
Development of control traverse-line and geometric level-line.
Detailed field survey using SOKIA Total Stations and digital Levels.
The Co-ordinates System used for the project was the Ethiopian National Grid (Clarke 1880
Spheroid, U.T.M. Grid, Adindan Datum) and in order to tie the GPS network of the project to the
National Grid system.
GPS control points has been established by transferring from the given bench mark which are
listed on the TOR using static GPS.
ordinates to a desired accuracy. The base line measurement was processed and adjusted with an
observation of minimum of 30 min to 45 min.
The GPS network points were linked to the given two BMs and checking with National Grid
System and the WGS84 coordinates shall be converted in to UTM coordinates based on Clark
1880 (Modified) Spheroid Datum, Adinadan (3 oth Arc).
After having static GPS observation on the GPS primary control points for uniform time and
session, the data is downloaded, processed and adjusted using Spectrum Survey Office Software.
This process results each GPS bench marks to have a known coordinates which are tied to the
given BMs and National Grid system (NGS).
For determination of orthometric heights tied to the national grid system, direct levelling of
established points was conducted by automatic level instrument starting from the known
GPS_10A (1348.222m) to the other established GPS points and BMs
Clear and intelligible monograph of the vertex with a brief description of the location supported
with photographic evidence is attached in this report for further reference and restoration of the
same in the future as required. Traversing
Using the established GPS points, benchmarks were built at every inter-visible site and a traverse
was run from one GPS point and closed on the next GPS to be adjusted by the GPS Easting &
Northing value‟s in order to avoid propagation of cumulative errors.
The process of levelling work involve taking back sights and fore sight on every bench marks
and turning points for a run and check back activities.After having the desired allowable range
for precision, each run and check back observations were adjusted and final vertical control
points which are tied with the given BMs were obtained.
The diversion location is decided on considerations of suitability for weir proper, the
under sluices and the canal head regulators. An ideal location is that which satisfies the
requirements for all the three. For irrigation purposes, the head works are planned in such
a way that as much command area as possible command area can be irrigated by a
diversion structure of reasonable dimensions based on local site conditions.
The combined cost of the construction of head works and the canal from the headwork to
the point where irrigation commences should be as small as is consistent with the
efficiency of the project. With regard to this point, all possible locations for diversion
have been studied starting from the nearest point to the command areas, and going
upstream until the requirement was met.
These studies have helped in establishing a firm knowledge on the topography and
geological situation of the lower valley of the Dhidheesa River.
Serious consideration should be given to the impact of back water due to water surface
rising on the area upstream of the weirs.
As far as possible, the river reach should, be straight so that velocities may be uniform
and the sectional area of the river fairly constant. The banks should preferably be high,
well defined and non erodible. These requirements will obviate oblique approach as well
as non uniform distribution of flow on to the weir. In the case of a meandering river, the
diversion structure should be located at the nodal point. The following are the main
features considered in the head work design
The alignment of the diversion structure is required to be placed at right angle to the
direction of flow of water. This is a criterion which is adhered to because a skew weir has
tendency to produce current parallel to the axis of the weir which will cause disaster on
erodible foundation.
A narrow, straight and well-defined river section with defined bank is ideal location for a
diversion structure. With regard to this criterion, the surveyed topography map has been
studied in detail and the best location has been selected for the axis.
The water to be raised by the weir should be able to command the proposed irrigable area
without excessive canal excavation. In this regard the best possibility shall been given
attention to make the best use of the available situation.
Availability of construction material near the proposed weir site
Arrangement of cofferdams and diversion channel during construction
.The under sluices should be located in the deep channel in order to ensure adequate
supply to the canal head at all times. When canals take off from both banks, a site with
deep channels on both the banks and low water in the central portion is the most suitable.
While deciding on the choice of suitable site, due consideration has been given for easy
accessibility and economic transportation of materials to the site of work.
The choice of a suitable type depends on various factors such as topographical condition of the
diversion site and command area, foundation and geological condition, hydrology,
morphological condition of the river etc.Broadly there are three types of head works as under:
In the structural design, the various component of the diversion structure (Weir) shall be
designed. In both the cases, the diversion structure has to be properly designed for both the
surface and subsurface flow conditions.
The surface design includes the fixing up of waterway, top profile of various structures, energy
dissipation arrangements, protection works, scour depths, length & protection of divide walls,
levels and protection of guide bunds, afflux bunds etc. The sub-surface design will include
fixing of the depth and section of cut-offs, uplift pressure calculations, exit gradient etc.
The basic parameters which were considered and selected before taking up detailed hydraulic
designs were the following;
For the purpose of design of weir other than its free board, a design flood of 100 years frequency
is considered. The 100 years return period flood has been worked out by various hydrological
methods free board is to be checked using flood of 1000 year frequency.
The length of the waterway is equal to the width of the weir from abutment to abutment and it is
based on capacity to pass the design flood discharge. Afflux
The width of the weir is governed by the value of afflux (at the design flood) to be permitted and
the proposed crest levels. It is also important for the design of downstream cistern, flood
protection and river training works, upstream and downstream loose protections and upstream
and downstream cut-offs.
The proposed weir is to be located in the lower reaches of the Dhidheesa River, where afflux
generally limited to about not more than 1m. Due to the limitation for the fixation of pond level
at elevation of bed level is 1265.0m and the available river width at weir site, the afflux has been
estimated as 1m (for design flood) above the crest level of the proposed weir.
The effect of afflux is evaluated in terms of required protection works in order to arrive at
economical solutions.
head includes the head required for passing the design discharge into the canal and the head
losses in the regulator.
In this project, pond level is uniquely decided by taking the impact of allowable river width,
afflux and back water into consideration. Therefore, the possible supply levels of the main canals
will be accordingly decided and estimated.
In the present study, as it is expected that the river bed is having rocky profile (after removing
some overburden), there is no river bed retrogression expected and will not be considered for the
Control of subsurface flow shall be established by provision for uplift pressures and
adhering to acceptable limits of exit gradient.
Provision of upstream and downstream sheet piles / cutoff walls for limiting exit gradient
Undertaking cement grouting measures to control the passage of water below the
foundation level of the weir structure.
Provision of upstream and downstream seepage protection works by way of inverted
filter and launching apron as found appropriate.
The exit gradient at the end of the Impervious Floor is determined using accepted procedures
which make use of equations and curves plotted for the purpose. The factors of safety for exit
gradient for the following types of soils shall be considered for reference:
For Shingle : 4 to 5,
For Coarse Sand : 5 to 6,
For Fine Sand: 6 to 7.
The safety against uplift will require the balancing of the uplift pressure by the weight of the
floor with. The following equation shall serve as a guideline.
(G 1)
G= floor thickness and G is the specific gravity of the concrete floor material
For the this Project diversion structure, which is expected to be founded over Rocky River bed
profile, the value of safe exit gradient will be considered as 1/5.
The flow state through weir is considered for modular and unmodular flow, respectively.
When Upstream head (total head over the crest) = H1 and downstream head (total head over the
crest) =H2, it is for modular flow if H2/H1<0.75 and for unmodular flow if H2/H1>0.75.
C1L 2 g H 2 - h a 2 C2 DL 2 gH
2 3 3
Dynamic Forces
5.1.8..1. Thickness of floor on the sloping glacis and on the d/s cistern
Uplift pressures shall be worked out at all points of the toe of the weir and in the cistern
in two conditions:
Maximum pond level in upstream side and minimum flow in downstream side. In this
situation, the uplift pressures shall be worked out on all points of d/s slope of the ogee
profile and in the cistern.
River scour is likely to occur in erodible soils, such as clay, silt, sand and shingle. In non-
cohesive soils, the depth of scour may be calculated from the Lacey‟s formula which is as
f = silt factor which may be calculated by knowing the average particle size m,in
mm, of the soil from the relationship:
f = 1.76 √m
The type of cut off shall be decided on the basis of detailed geotechnical investigation. However,
exact depth of the cut off can be decided only after the detailed geotechnical investigation.
1 1 d
Find out the value of from the equation = GE *( )
H = maximum static head
d = depth of downstream sheet pile (in m) and GE is safe exist gradient of the order of
(assuming rocky profile of the river bed).
Depth of downstream sheet pile (in m) and GE is safe exist gradient of the order of
(assuming rocky profile of the river bed).
Find out the value of α from Khosla‟s exit gradient curves for
Total impervious floor length (u/s & d/s) shall work out to b = α*d
Subtract glacis length; cistern length from b = α*d. The balance length shall be
upstream floor length.
If the total floor length worked out from b = α*d is excessive, provide deeper cut off wall on the
downstream side and work out new length a fresh so that upstream concrete floor length is
The subsoil hydraulic gradient line is well below the water level i.e. all the unbalanced
head acting on U/S floor is counter balanced by the height of water. Thus from
theoretical consideration, no floor thickness is required on U/S. However, minimum
prescribed thickness of 1.0m provided in the U/S floor.
Downstream Apron
Inverted Filter: Just after the end of concrete floor, graded inverted filter of
length 1.5 to 2.0 D shall be provided, where, D is the depth of scour below bed.
Depth of inverted filter shall be kept equal to the depth of launching apron. It
shall consist of 0.5 to 1.5m deep concrete blocks with open joints laid on 0.5 to
0.6m graded filter material. The opening in concrete blocks shall be filled with
fine gravel. The filter shall be designed by Terzaghi‟s criteria.
The graded inverted filter should roughly conform to the following design criteria
D15 of Filter D15 of Filter
D15 of Foundation D85 of Foundation
D15 of Filter D15 of Filter
D15 of Foundation D85 of Foundation
Launching Apron:Launching apron in a length of 1.5D m & having thickness as that of
inverted filter shall be provided beyond the end of inverted filter.
Upstream Apron: Just after the end of upstream concrete floor of the weir, concrete
blocks having 0.5 to 1.5 m depth laid on 0.6 m packed stones up to D distance shall be
provided, where, D is the scour depth below the river bed level.
5.1.13. Freeboard
Freeboard is the vertical distance between the crest of the embankment (without camber) and the
pond level. The free board shall be checked for 1 in 1000 years return period flood at the site of
diversion structure.
The design flood (Q m3/sec ) of 1 in 100 years return period flood routed through weir is taken
for designing the weir and for obtaining the required water way for the proposed weir. The
Lacey‟s waterway is given by the formula (in m.) W = 4.83*Q^0.5
In plains, where, silt factor is less than 1.0, the waterway is generally provided 1.0 to 1.2
times of Lacey‟s waterway and where, the silt factor is between 1.0 to1.5, the waterway
is generally provided 0.6 to 1.0 times of Lacey‟s waterway.
But, as per site condition and the requirement for keeping the stage of the river at a
comparatively low level, the water way has been recommended to be kept about 378 m
width (looseness factor =1.00).
The width of the under sluice portion was determined on the basis of the following
It should be capable of passing at least double the canal discharge to ensure good
scouring capacity.
In general it should be capable of passing about 10 to 20 percent of the maximum flood
discharge at high floods. As supply volume is large in this project, the flood discharge of
under-sluice should be estimated accordingly estimated 50%.
It should be wide enough to keep the approach velocities sufficiently lower than critical
velocities to ensure maximum settling of suspended silt load in the pocket.
5.1.16. Consideration for Width and Level of Crust and Upstream Floor
It would be desirable to keep the crest and upstream floor level in the pocket upstream of under
sluices at the normal low bed level of the deep current of the rivers, as far as practicable. In the
river bays portion, the upstream floor level should be fixed at the general river bed level at or
below the level of the crest.
For weirs, the head required to pass the design flood at the desired afflux directly determines the
crest level. The level of crest in this portion should be fixed by adjustment of the waterway. It
should, in any case, be kept higher than the under sluice crest level.
The under sluice crest level is kept as near to the bed level of deepest channel of river as far as
possible to facilitate de-silting in front of off take head works.
If crest levels are kept lower, this will permit higher discharges per meter and cause smaller
afflux. But, in that case the height of gates and u/s & d/s protection work will increase.
Thus on one hand we save on height of guide banks and marginal bunds but, on the other hand,
we spent more on gates & protections.
Concerning the bearing capacity of the subsurface layer, the need for any strengthening by
consolidation grouting shall be decided based on the findings of the geological and geotechnical
The top width is made 2 to 5.0 m depending on that whether, the fish ladder is incorporated
within the middle wall or not. It is aligned at right angle to the axis of weir, short of model study
which can result in curved alignment of the outer extremity for creating better flow conditions.
It is planned to be built in concrete and the top of divide wall shall be kept 1.00m higher than the
high flood level for Q100.
Divide walls beyond concrete floor shall be based on the top of closely spaced foundation wells.
In the case of permeable foundations, the nose and sides of divide wall shall be protected by
block protection and launching aprons as generally practiced for the case of concrete floors
ofweir on permeable foundations. The geological and geotechnical studies will be considered for
the detail design.
A river generally flows in a wide alluvial belt and it becomes necessary to narrow down and
restrict its course through the weir constructed across it. The guide bunds are constructed to
arrest the meandering tendency, obliquity of flow and to maintain deep channels through the
under sluice bays adjacent to the canal off takes. Proper alignment of guide bunds is essential to
ensure satisfactory
Free Board:
A free board of 1 m should be provided above the highest flood level for 1 in 500 floods
or above the affluxes water level in the rear portion of the guide bank, calculated after
adding velocity head to HFL, corresponding to 1 in 100 year flood at the upstream nose
of the guide bank, whichever is higher.
Side Slopes
The side slopes of guide banks depend upon the nature of the river bed material of which
they are made of and the height. A slope of 2:1 may generally be found suitable.
Thickness of Pitching:
The thickness of pitching should be kept equal to the size of stone but not less than 0.25
m. The thickness of pitching on the river side may be calculated by the formula.
t=0.06Q^1/2 where t is the thickness of stone pitching in meters and Q is the discharge in
o A graded filter, 20 to 30 cm in thickness, generally satisfying the criteria given
shall be provided.
Launching Apron:
Whenever, a sloping face is protected by stone pitching against scour, the pitching is
extended beyond the toe of the bed called launching apron. The launching apron is
generally laid in a width equal to 1.5 times the depth of scour below the original bed. Alignment of the off taking right and left canal Head regulators
The upstream abutment of the head regulator should be set back from the line at right angles to
the weir axis.
The head regulator is usually aligned at an angle of 900 to 1100 to the weir axis for minimizing
sediment entry into the canal. For the Low-arjodiversion weir the head regulator axis shall be
selected based on the surrounding topographical features.
Waterway of canal head regulator shall be worked out with following formula in drowned condition.
C1L√2g H ha ha
3/ 2 3/ 2
+C2Ld√2g (H+ha)
Where: C1 andC2 are numerical coefficients having values 0.577 and 0.80
The gate operation platforms are planned to be adjacent but, separate from the bridge. A tentative
width is adopted to facilitate stop log placement and removal and gate operation space. Final
dimensions shall be adopted in consultation with the electro mechanical designer. The following
tentative dimensions shall serve as guide lines:
Accordingly the gate operation platforms shall be of 5.0 m width for all cases as specified
5.1.28. Piers
Piers shall be constructed monolithic with the raft foundation. The width of pier shall be
determined by consideration of following forces:
A minimum of 1.2 m wide conc. pier with C-25 cement concrete cap may be adopted.
Piers shall have at least one groove for stop-logs besides suitable groove for gates.
Pier width
The pier width supporting the bridge deck over the weir shall be equal to the width of the
bridge deck plus the curbs and the cable ducts. The pier width for the undersluice portion
and for off-taking canals will be kept the gate operation platform and bridge.
The top of pier under road slab shall be lower and under gate operating platform shall
normally be high, which depends on the height of gates.
Pier thickness
For the piers supporting the bridge deck over weir potion the thickness is 0.90mFor the
piers supporting the bridge deck and gate operating platform for the main canals head
regulator and for the under sluice portion, the thickness of the piers will be 1.2 to 2.0 m,
as found appropriate
5.1.29. Abutments
Keep top width of abutment not less than 0.8m out of which 0.50m will be bearing
for the R.C. slab. The bottom width shall be kept not less than 2.0m.
The abutment shall have its front face vertical to facilitate the working of gates and
rear face sloping.
The base of abutment shall be at least 1.5m below ground level. The section of
abutment shall be checked for stability considering its self-load, live load and dead
load transmitted by road slab, side thrust due to earth retained and surcharge due to
live loads etc
Seismic load will also be considered.
Based on the above design criteria point of selection of head work position has been done using
prepared detail topographic map of and discussion with local farmers and site visiting along
the river course of Dhidhessa and considering proposed irrigable areas available at the project of
phase IIA area and phase IIB at Benshangule Gumuze area which is 200km far. The best
possible sites of head work Lower Dhidhessa site for both phase IIA and phase IIB was selected.
From the above water abstraction system analysis of different options, the diversion weir point
below the main road of Nekemte-Bedele bridge has been selected as the best option. It is
located on the point 4.3km and 3.3km to the downstream from the new bridge crossing the
Dhedessa River on Nekamte-Bedelle road. Their coordinates are X=214497.7532
Y=965480.7351, X=214400.6990 Y=964560.0315, respectively. The span of river width is
estimated 100-150m length. The river bank is totally covered by forest to the left and right side
as you go further the elevation will increase.
The central River course is characterised by river deposit that is loss gray to dark gray
/variegated Sand Gravel Cobble and boulder. Thickness of the material as inferred from valley
cut section is estimated to be in the order of 4mts. This shall be confirmed upon drilling of
boreholes at the site of interest and it willbe considered during detail design.
The left and right abatements are characterised by river deposits of considerable thickness. As
inferred from the valley cut section thickness of the material is estimated to be in the order of
6mts. This requires confirmation upon drilling of boreholes. Such a material is loss to stiff grey
to dark gray Clay Silt Sand Gravel with cobble.
The unconsolidated soil overburden deposits / River deposit found at the headwork site is weak
and highly pervious. To this the need for conducting proper consolidation and provision of
impervious material with positive cut off extending towards the upstream is recommendable to
alleviate problem of excess leakage.
The Underlying bed rock material is grey coarse grained medium to closely jointed slightly
weathered GRANITE. The material is sound that can support the intended headwork structure.
Considering water tightness it is slight to fairly pervious. This shall be confirmed upon in - situ
testing / packer permeability test for proper evaluation and hence to forward pertinent design
parameters and recommend appropriate measures for consideration.
Foundation is recommended to be in the bed rock unit. This is estimated to be at depth in the
order of 7mts. It is recommended for provision of mason supporting structure to the abatements.
Therefore, from the above design flood estimation table 20 the peak design discharge at the
selected weir site location with the assumption of with the dam availability at the upper Arjo
project is estimated as per the hydrological study conducted for 100 years return period is
In summary, the design flood under the existence of dam (i.e. “With Dam Scenario”) is
algebraically summed up to yield a 1 in 100 years return period flood estimate of 1199.15
m3/s ≈1200 m3/s. However, this estimate still remains conservative as it overlooks the
sediment inflow from the adjoining catchments below the dam axis.
In summary, the design flood at the weir site considering the 1 in 100 years return period
for both the scenarios (i.e. without dam and with dam) can be taken as 1464 m3/s and
1200m3/sec respectively.
The weir was designed for both Hydraulic and structural aspects. The hydraulic condition under
which the weir is supposed to work was analyzed first.
All the forces acting on it was calculated based on the hydraulic design. The general arrangement
of the proposed weir and its main dimension was determined based on the results of hydraulic
analysis and then after the structural design was carried out.
5.2.7. River Back –Water Effect Evaluation and Weir Location Determination
At the stage of preliminary design, weir site was considered to be on the point 4.3km (Option 1)
and 3.3km (Option2) from the bridge on Nekamte-Bedelle road toward downstream. Serious
consideration of the impact of river back water by the weir is needed in the developed area
upward including the bridge. Therefore, firstly, flood water level according to design flood on
the point of the bridge was decided when there is not the weir. And then, reasonable weir
location was decided by calculating and comparing river back water effect caused by rising water
surface on each weir. 1 meter which is generally used was taken for the rising water (afflux) on
the weir location. Analysis of river back water was undertaken with Hec-ras and Eaglepoint
Software on the basis of EMA topographic map.
The analysis result is given in the following figure river back water HEC-ras, Eagle-point Software
As shown in the figures above, increment of 1m of water level on each weir brings about water
level rising on the bridge point by 5cm increment in case of option 1 and 11cm in case of option
2. Now there is no place down the option 1 weir which guaranties diversion level and facilitates
its construction.
And on the location of option 1 and option2 the river bed level is different by almost 1m.
Therefore, the location of option 2 is very unfavorable in terms of work and safety of structures.
Additionally 1km of main canal length and appurtenant structures are needed.
As per the above curve the tail water level according to design flood level is 1271.04m and tail water
depth is 1271.04-1265.0=6.04m on the location of the weir.
Weirs can be constructed using deferent materials; the suitability of the each mater depends
largely on the shape of the weir. For selecting construction material, among others the following
factors are considered.
Considering the above points and other factors, concrete weir with plum concrete is adopted for
this study.
A weir with a shape that cannot easily be constructed by local manpower should not be
The availability of the skilled manpower for implementing.
The skill of the local builders, to perform as per design and specification.
Taking into account the cited points and other factors, broad crest concrete weir type with
1:3 slope for downstream face,1;1 for upstream face is adopted.
The crest level should be set at desired height or level to be able to obtain the required
driving head to safely deliver the designed discharge to main canal.
The weir crest should be set to allow a safely passage of maximum flood discharge
within designed weir crest length.
The bed level and crest level of the under sluice should be below sill level of canal
head regulator and nearly the river bed level
The main canal at the head reach should not be too deep in order to avoid large
excavation work, to minimize construction cost and to reduce maintenance and side
slopes stability problems.
To avoid clogging by debris, the space of each under-sluice is determined to be 5m and four
under-sluices and two under-sluice are disposed on the right side and left side, respectively.
The waterways of under-sluices are separated by 2m-thick divide walls and the right-side under-
sluices pier is 2m-thick.
The bed level of under-sluices is the same as river bed level, ie, 1265.00m and their crest level is
1265.30m that is 0.3m higher than the bed level.
The crest levels of head regulators on both sides is decided to be 1266.80m that is 1.50m higher
than 1265.30m of the crest level of the sluices, in order to prevent sediment of waterways from
entering main canals.
P 4.75 Q
P = wetted perimeter
P = 4.75√1200= 164.54 m
Based on the site condition let us provide a water way equal to 86 m, in such that the space that
occupied by under sluice Piers and divide wall which passed the discharge approximately 50% of
the maximum flood which passes the entire waterway.
4 Piers of each 2m = 8m
Overall Waterway = 42 m
Where n is the number of piers (= 4), kP is the pier coefficient (= 0.01 for semicircular piers), and
ka is the abutment coefficient (= 0.1 for 90° wing walls).
Leffective 55.15 m,
For the flow to be modular, i.e. not affected by submergence, the ratio H2/H1, where H1 and H2
are the upstream and downstream heads above the weir crest, is less than 0.75 (BSI, 1969; Bos,
Upstream head (total head over the crest) , H1 = 1272.04m – 1269m = 3.04 m, and
Hence the flow is modular, and the weir discharges the design flow with the desired upstream.
Where n is the number of piers (= 4), kP is the pier coefficient (= 0.01 for semicircular piers),
and ka is the abutment coefficient (= 0.1 for 90° wing walls).
Leffective = 30-(4*0.01+2*0.1)*1
Leffective 29.76 m,
Hence the flow is non-modular, and the weir discharges the design flow with the desired
upstream and downstream water levels.
C1L 2 g H 2 - h a 2 C2 DL 2 gH
2 3 3
Q= 3 ∗ 0.577 ∗ 29.76 ∗ 2 ∗ 9.81 (13/2 – 0.213/2) +0.80* 5.74*29.76* 2 ∗ 9.81 ∗ 1
= 651.13
under sluice
= 1200.44 (m3/s)
As Qtotal=1200.44 m3/s is bigger than 1200m3/s of total design flood, the above-selected weir
dimensions are satisfied.
HL/Dc = 0.46
=1267.19 m
Because calculated cistern level is higher than river bed level; the cistern level is selected to be
lower than river bed level by D2/4, by taking work condition during non-flood period.
Say L=14.8 m
Cistern length required for Fr< 4.5= 5(D2-D1)= 5*(3.69- 1.41= 11.4m
Consider L= 15m
Downstream depth is drop is 0.5m and the total clear water way is 55.15m and discharge per
meter length is q= 11.96m3/sec/m.
Upstream head , He= (q/c)2/3 =(3.67m,), and head loss is (3.67m+ 1m) - ( 0.102 from kohsla
+0.50m drop)
= 2.13m
Hl/dc= 0.87
Δcystern level= D/s Tel-Ef2= 1265.79m and, Δ cistern depth will be equal to d/s bed level minus
cistern level or in case of d/s bed level is higher than calculated cistern level then the depth be
kept equal to FSD/4= 1.16m.
The length of stilling vasin L= 4*d2= 4*4.62= 18.49m, take 18.50m, agin with fraude nimber ,
cistern length required (for F<4.5)= 5*(D2-D1)= 17.6m then take 19m.
5.2.17. Freeboard
Sufficient freeboard should be provided for u/s and d/s wing walls in order to protect the walls
and embankments from being overtopped by surges, splash and spray, and wave action setup by
the turbulence of hydraulic jump, and not to allow high flood water to bypass the diversion weir.
Top elev. of the d/s retaining walls = d/s H.F.L +FB = 1271.04+1
=1272.04 m
Top elev. of u/s retaining walls and embankments = u/s HFL + FB = 1272.04+ 1= 1273.04
Provide top width of crest for accommodating Gates and Stop log = 3.00 m
(ii) Provide D/S cut-off of 3.7 m depth for safe exit gradient
=3.70 m
or 1 / p x sqrt ( l ) = d / (5 x H) =0.102
1/ ᾳ = d/b = 0.026
ᾳ = b/d = 38.111
l = = (1 + √ (1 + 2))/2 = 19.562
fE = E = Cos-1((- 2)/)= 15
fD = D = Cos-1(( - 1)/)= 10
Correction for floor thickness at U/S end = (90 - 85) X 0.90 / 1.80 =2.50 %
1/ ᾳ = d/b =0.054
ᾳ = b/d =18.541
l = = (1 + √ (1 + 2))/2 = 9.784
fE = E = Cos-1((- 2)/) = 21
fD = D = Cos-1(( - 1)/)=
Floor thickness from D/s face of D/s cut off wall at 10m.
Floor thickness from D/S face of D/S cut off wall at =20.00 m
Floor thickness from d/s face of D/s cut off wall at 29m
Floor thickness of D/s glacis varies from 5m to 1.6m from crest to cistern.
Block protection shall be provided minimum equal to 'D' in length & minimum 4 rows of blocks,
Block protection shall be provided in a minimum length equal to '2D' which comes
Provide 5 rows of 1.25 m X 1.25 X 0.60 m C.C. blocks with 3 cm gap filled with 'bajri'
(Sand) over 0.60 m thick graded filter in a length of 6.37 m
AS per Code of Practice, Just at the end of concrete floor on the downstream an inverted filter
1.5 to 2 D long (D being the depth of scour below bed), is provided below the concrete bloc
Providing 1.25m x 1.25 m x 0.60 m CC blocks with 10cm gap filled with 'bajri' over 0.60 m.
0.60 m thick graded filter.
Hence, provide 4 rows of blocks in the direction of flow. Provide length of inverted filter in
the direction of flow = 5.3m
Provide the no. of rows across the bed width =64 N0.
Downstream of the inverted filter, loose apron 1.5 D in length consisting of either boulders of not
less than 40 kg or wire boulder crates should be provided so as to ensure a minimum thickness of
1 m in launched position. Thickness of launching apron (Sum of thickness of blocks & Filter)
= 1.20 m
Toe wall : also provide a0.90m thick and 1.2m deep masonry toe wall between the filiter and the
lounching apron.
Under sluce: Provide the crest of under sluce at 1265.50m near the canal head regulator which is
0.50m above the river bed level.
Critical depth Dc= (q2/g)1/3 = and Dc= 3.63m, prejump depth Hl/Dc= 0.287
Fraude No = f= q/ 𝑞 ∗ 𝐷1^3 = 2.26, but for afraude f=1.7-2.5, a series of small rollwrs develop
on the jump , but the downstream water surface remains smooth. The velocity through out is
fairly uniform and energy loss is low. This jump is called weak jump.
The length of stilling basin is ,L= 4*d2= 4*5.76= 23.056m take 23.1m. Cistern length required
(fr<4.5)= 5*(D2-D1)= 18.26m say L= 24.00m. The total length of under sluce paths is minum
72.39m in case of left. This kind of stilling basin calculated. The calculated basin floor level is
1265.10m and basin length is 24m. Therfore, because of in undersluce itself the energy
dissipation is good enough and downstream weir portion stilling basin is applied here.
Full supply level and crest level of both head regulators are designed to be 1269 m and 1267m,
Head Regulators full supply level 1269m and crest level 1267.00 m
Crest level of weir bay section : The crest level of weir bay section is generally kept about 1.0m
to 1.5m high than the crest level the under sluce.
H2/H1= 1.45/1.65 = 0.88 (check) , considering velocity head is 0, therefore use non moudular
Actual length of crest La= Le +(0.05*(4bays-1) +2*0.1)H= 9.46m, considering numbers of bays
are 4 and thickness of piers are 1.2m. The width of bays are 9.46/4= 2.36m take 2.5m.Actual
length of crest Le= 4*Wbays +(No bays -1)*Thickness= 13.6m.
Top width of crest : It is sharp crested weir will be provided so as to have minimum possible
head loss . The minmum top width as per IS 6531 -1994 is 2/3 He, where
Provide top width of crest for accommodating gates and stoplogs =4.1m so that top width is
Operating Platform
1266.65 5:1
Barrel bed level and length is 1265.80 and 37.07 respectively. Therefore separately the emergy
dispation is satisfacyory and separate stilling basin is no required.
Top width of crest : It is sharp crested weir will be provided so as to have minimum possible
head loss . The minmum top width as per IS 6531 -1994 is 2/3 He, where
Provide top width of crest for accommodating gates and stop logs =4.1m so that top width is
Operating Platform
Barrel bed level and length is 1265.11 and 38.08 respectively. Therefore separately the emergy
dispation is satisfacyory and separate stilling basin is not required.
A barrel is a kind of paved canal; its capacity is determined by hydraulic calculation method.
Velocity , V= 0.66m/sec
N= 0.014
Slope= 1/6000
The following table shows the hydraulic calculation according to above condition.
Left Barrel
Expo Flow
Dis. Rou. F.S. Bed Side Flow Wetted Hyd. n Chezy veloc Dis.
Req. Coef. D F.B Slope width slope area perimeter radius ential coef. ity Des.
m3/s m m m m2 m m m0.5/s m/s m3/s
23.000 0.0250 2.14 0.75 7400.0 13.20 1.50 35.05 20.90 1.68 0.17 43.60 0.66 23.000
5.750 0.0140 2.10 0.70 6000.0 3.18 0.00 6.67 7.38 0.90 0.17 70.24 0.86 5.750
1266.65 0.30
0.10 0.40
Slope = 1:1.5
V= 0.9m/sec
Fb= 1m
Depth = 2.65
N= 0.014
Fb= 0.70
The following table shows the hydraulic calculation according to above condition.
Dis. Rou. Bed Side Flow Wetted Hyd. Expon Chezy Flow
Req. Coef. F.S.D F.B Slope width slope area perimeter radius ential coef. velocity
m3/s m m m m2 m m m0.5/s m/s
46.000 0.0180 2.65 1.00 10000.0 19.20 0.00 50.87 24.50 2.08 0.17 62.75 0.90
7.667 0.0140 2.65 0.70 6500.0 3.25 0.00 8.61 8.55 1.01 0.17 71.51 0.89
0.40 3.25 0.30 3.25 0.30 3.25 0.30 3.25 0.30 3.25 0.30 3.25 0.40
0.30 1266.04
0.10 0.40
In the case of lower Dhdhisa project for both of left and right side of canals settling basins were
design as per design discharge of canals. Settling basin is planned to be connected directly to the
barrel of each head regulators . The settling basin has two sedimentation ditch parts and the
emergency by passing canals. The sedimentation ditch compartments and emergency by passing
canals were designed with half of each disgned canal discharge. Itmeans 11.5m3/sec and
23m3/sec for left and right canal respectivelty.Sedimentation ditch parts consist of inlet,
transient, settling ditch and outlet flashing gate, whereas emergency bypassing canal is composed
of a regulator and pavement canal. Detail design will be presented in detail design report stage.
The LowerArjo- Dhidhessa Irrigation and drainage Project is another project planned to study
using extra water stored at the dam by construction a diversion weir downstream of Arjo Bedele
Road so that a potential of gross 60,000 Ha of land cloud possibly be available for irrigation both
in Oromia and Benshangul Gumuz regional state.
The first Phase of the project (phase-IIA) which is found in Oromia Regional State accounts for
30,000ha, but after making detail investigation and taking topographic map of the area in phase
IIA project has a gross irrigable area of 30,426.50Ha and net area of 17,101.70Ha will be
e = ec * ea / 100
The conveyance efficiency is the ratio of the quantity of water supplied to the fields out of the
quantity of intake water from the water source. It represents the efficiency of water transport in
the canals. The conveyance efficiency mainly depends on the length, the soil type or
permeability of the canal banks and the condition of the canals. Assuming the soil type is
dominantly clay and canal condition is lined, the conveyance efficiency will be 95 % ( Guideline
for the field application efficiency is the ratio of the quantity of water used for the growth of the
crop out of the quantity of water supplied to the fields. It represents the efficiency of water
application in the field. The field application efficiency mainly depends on the irrigation method
and the level of farmer practice.
Field application efficiency assumed to be 60% since the method of irrigation to be used is
surface irrigation with furrow method (Guideline for Irrigation Master Plan Study Preparation on
Surface Water Resources, 2014)
Therefore, for this project, overall efficiency, E=0.95X0.6=0.57= therefore about 60%efficency
can be used.
In design of main canal of LMC, LGC and LLGC and all PC capacity will be design with 12
hours of water demand of 2.1lit/sec/ha and the rest SC and TC will be design on 1.995lit/sec/ha.
canal the requirement of water is considered for the maximum water requirement. The duty
required per ha of land for irrigation is evaluated and taken as per sectorial report of Irrigation
and Drainage agronomical study. Canal is designed considering trapezoidal section with lined,
unlined or both depending on the geological investigation of the project area.
Many procedures have been developed over the years for the hydraulic design of open channels
Level of assumption implied while developing the given equations. Chezy equations are one of
the procedures that were developed by a French engineer in 1768 (Henderson, 1966). A more
practical procedure was presented in 1989by the Irish engineer Robert Manning (Chow, 1959).
The manning equation has proved to be very reliable in practice.
The following factors are also taken into account for design of canal section. For determination
of velocity in a canal, Manning's formula is considered, longitudinal slope shall be considered in
such a way that velocity in canal shall be non-scouring and non-silting, critical velocity.
Critical velocity ratio will be determined from velocity calculated from formulae. The discharge
in canal is worked out as by multiplying area of canal up to FSL and velocity calculated by
Manning's formulae.
Open canals could be either lined or unlined. Lined canals are those channels whose side slopes
and their bottoms are covered with impervious materials to prevent excessive seepage and
growth of weeds in channels. The materials used for best lining of irrigation canals are concrete
and brick or stone masonry. Well mixed and well-made cement concrete lining and single layer
bricks or stones lay in cement or lime mortar provide virtually water proof channel lining.
Unlined canals are, however, earthen channels with no any lining materials both on their side
slopes and their bottoms. A large portion of the irrigation water harnessed at the source of water
supply is lost by seepage from unlined conveyance systems comprising of the main canals,
secondary canals, tertiary canals and field channels.
Type of canal whether it is lined or unlined mainly governed with the permeability value of the
soil in which the canals are aligned. Lined canals are also selected in expansive soils depending
on the swelling pressure value of the soil. The design criteria for lined canal depend on type of
lining material. The lining material will be decided based on geological investigation of the
project area.
All types‟ canals capacity will determine using the following manning formula. MC, PC, SC, TC
and FC will be designed as the following criteria.
Q = A .V
Value of „V‟ is worked out by Manning's formula for assumed channel section
and bed slope.
Manning formula
V= 𝑛 * R2/3 * S1/2 (Kumar, 2005)
Where, V= velocity of flow in m/sec
R= Hydraulic mean depth in meters
Main, Primary, Secondary and tertiary canals sections are getting reduced from head to tail reach
with discharge getting reduced. The flow in the main, primary, secondary and tertiary canals will
be maintained continuous throughout the year except where no irrigation required during wet
season. As in case of surface irrigation method, water application is planned to be in rotation in
the field canal and farm units the capacities of field canals will be the same and kept its
dimension constant from head to tail reach. This is done to facilitate diversion of entire
discharge in one field canal at one time. This will help to achieve equitable distribution of
irrigation water and improve the quality of service of irrigation.
Vo 0.546 D
The values of CVR will depend on type of silt. The value is nearest to 1. For channel carrying
appreciable bed and suspended loads, the value of CVR should be taken as 1.10 at the head and
0.85 towards the tail end.
Where VO= mean velocity, D= depth of water, and M = critical velocity ratio.
Table : Recommended value of CVR
The permissible velocity minimum and maximum: It may be noted that canal carrying water with
high velocity may scour the bed and the sides of the channel leading to collapse of the canal. On
the other hand weeds and plants grow in the channel when nutrients available in the water.
Therefore the minimum permissible velocity should not allow the growth of vegetation such as
weed, grass as well you should not be permitting the settlement of suspended material (non-
silting velocity). Minimum permissible velocity refers to the smallest velocity which will prevent
sedimentation and vegetative growth. An average velocity of (0.4-0.9) and for small canal it can
be used upto 0.27m/sec that will prevent sedimentation when the silt load of the flow is low.
Maximum permissible velocity entirely depends on the material that is used and the bed slope of
the channel. Hence the following gives the maximum permissible velocity for some selected
Table : Maximum permissible velocity and n values for different materials
No material V(m/sec) n
No material V(m/sec) n
8 Gravel 1.2
13 Concrete 6.0
Therefore the maxmum velocity for unlined canals of clay material of phase IIA project
0.9m/sec.In case phase IIA based geotechnical recommendation of the canal material for unlined
canal it is given clay material therefore, manning roughness coefficient was given for our design
0.025-0.03 value. Since phase IIA main canal passed through a type of sandy clay soil and the
critical velocity ratio is between the value is recommended about 0.7-1 for main canals.
suitable for preliminary purpose. However in deep cuts side slopes are often above the water
surface than they would be in an irrigation canal excavated in the same material. In many cases,
side slops are determined by the economics of construction. In this regard following observation
are made: a, In many unlined canals , the side slopes are usually 1.5:1; however side slops as
steep as 1:1 have been used when the channel runs through cohesive materials‟, in lined canals
the side slops are generally steeper than in unlined canal.
If concrete is the lining material, side slops greater than 1:1 usually require the use of forms and
with side slops greater than 0.75:1, the lining must be designed to withstand earth pressure. C,
side slops through cuts in rock can be vertical if this is desirable
Table : Suitable side slopes for channel built in various material (chow,1959)
From the above both table for the canal with clay embankment material side slope of the canal of
phase IIA project is selected 1.5:1 for all large canals and 1:1 for some branch canals based on
the discharge.
Super elevation of the water surface as the flow goes round curves at high velocity
The intercept of storm runoff by the channel
The occurrence of greater than the design depths of flow caused by the canal
Temporary mis-operation of the canal system
There is no universal accepted role of the determination of freeboard since waves, unsteady flow
condition, curves, etc .influence the freeboard. The freeboard varying from less than 5% to 30%
of the depth is commonly used in design
Table ; the Freeboard recommended by USBR for channel
2 0.75-1.5 0.60
3 1.5-85 0.75
4 >85 0.90
In general the normal freeboard is 15cm for small canals and may range upto 1m for large canals
and in the case phase IIA project the following freeboard was recommended in the design
considering the practical condition.
1 26-8.5 0.75
2 8.34-7.69 0.70
3 5.92-3.92 0.60
4 3.9-2.76 0.55
friction using the combination of the above mentioned hydraulic parameters canal cross-section
design are determined.
a) When the full supply level is above ground level but the bed is below ground level, berm is
In the case of Arjo-Dhidhessa phase IIA project when OGL is below the canal bed level and
water depth is below 3m the berm is not required but when OGL is above bed level and the
depth of water is above 3 m berm is required and usually its width is 2.5 m. And if the depth is
increasing due to higher OGL another berm width given as additional between 1-1.5 m.
Minimum Fb M 0.25
Sufficient working head should be provided between the proposed FSL of different canals.
Hence, the canals can take water from one other under gravity. Accordingly, head from field
canal to field, from tertiary canal to field canal and from secondary canal to tertiary canal is
15cm while head from primary canal/ main canal to secondary canal is 30cm to 50cm. see the
above table 29
The scour depends upon the type and size of bed material. the scour in alluvial sand deposit
material should be estimated by lacey‟s formula indicated as the following
R= 1.35 (q2/f)^1/3
Where, R= Normal scour depth in M below the maximum flood level
. q= design flood discharge per unit width in m3/sec at the point of consideration
F= Lacy „s silt factor corresponding to the bed material at sites given by
F= 1.76 (d)^1/2 , where d is the mean diameter of the soil particle in mm upto possible
scour depth.
Alignment and fluming: as much as possible the structure should be align at right angle to the
canals and generally there should be not any reduction in the cross sectional area or at the canal
structure. The structure should design to have free flow as it reduces head losses at the entry of
barrel and exit.
In sub surface hydraulics like piping, exit gradient, uplift will be considered during the structure
design and it should be safe against this problem.
The exit gradient is computed by the formula
GE = H/d *1/
α = b/d
The following factors of safety as recommended by Is: 6531 - 1972 may be adopted for various
types of soils
Shingle 4 to 5
Coarse sand 5 to 6
Fine Sand 6 to 7
Since GE , H and d are known, the value of factor 1/ can be computed from the formula.
Corresponding to this value of 1/, value of α should be read from Khosla's exit gradient
curves. Alternatively the value of α can also be computed from the formula ={1+ (1+α2
)^0.5}/2 .As the value of d is known ,length of impervious floor can be computed . Having
computed the minimum value of „b‟ the total length of floor is decided from the considerations
of over all layout of structure, e.g., for accommodating piers, etc. Value of exit gradient provided
is again read with the help of curve.
Out of the total floor length as obtained above , the downstream floor length may be provided
according to hydraulic considerations. The rest may be provided on the upstream side of the
crest. Providing minimum floor length downstream of the crest from hydraulic considerations
leads to economical design.
All loads like self weight, earth pressure, water pressure, imposed live loads, imposed dead loads
will be considered.
Both structural and hydraulically design involve.
The loads which the structure may carry from time to time.
How these load arecombined together and interact.
The material of which structure is made and their strength and behavior
under load.
All structures design of beam, slab, walls, abutment and foundation for allowable design criteria
should be checked.
Flow of a canal can be distributed in to smaller branches using a variety of structures which have
been developed to suit a wide variety of conditions. The flow being diverted in to each branch is
usually defined as a proportion of the total flow. Thus, these flow distributing structures differ
from the flow regulating structures since the latter are designed to draw off any amount of
discharge irrespective of the flow in the parent channel. The flow distributing structures require
a control section in both the off-take channel and in the parent channel. Flow distributors of fixed
proportion type are generally used.
Figure proportional off take with one off take on left side, one of take with right side , and off take on either
In cases where full dissipation of energy does not take place on the masonry structure of the
drop, the issuing jet has still got higher bed velocity than what soil can with stand. In such cases
a baffle design, though costly in construction may prove economical in the long run, from the
maintenance point of view. Where bed material is hard enough to withstand scouring action of
the strong current, the type of design that is just enough to dissipate the surplus energy should be
Agricultural drainage criteria are therefore defined as criteria specifying the highest permissible
levels of the water table on or in the soil so that the agricultural benefits are not reduced by
problems of water logging.
Drainage problems are occurred due to excessive precipitation, irrigation water, and excess water
for leaching salts.Adequate artificial drainage surface to maintain water and salt balance
favorable for optimum production is therefore essential.
As per recommendation given by soil survey and hydro-geologist for the problem of water
logging after irrigation can be avoided with simple surface drainage system. The previous studies
of the project area and experiences of other irrigation development of the same nature project are
considered mostly. As per the recommendation of phase IIA hydrological study, for the drainage
system reported that 4.24 li/sec/ha of duty has been determined 1 in 5 years of return period of
24 hours of storm rainfall. All the drainage canals like TD, SD, and CD will be designed with
drainage water duty of 4.6lit/sec/ha. To be in the safe side for Chewaka project 4.6lit/sec/ha duty
is considered in the design of the drainage duty. And as per recommendation given no sub
surface drainage system will be required.
The drainage canal design criteria are the same as with canal system water conveyance based on
the given duty.that is using continuity and manning formula. ID capacity should be design for
1in 10 years , structeres on ID it should design 1 in 25 years and 1 in 50 years of 24 hours
rainfall storm runoff are used based on the catchement size and structure size on the flood
magnitude given by hydrologist.As the size of the number of field drain increasing the TD, SD,
and CD of the canal dimensions are increasing.
All FD, TD, SD, and, CD, will be designed based on the size of the area in Ha serving. In case
of phase IIA field drain (FDs) collect water from the command area plots based on water duty
of 4.6lit/sec/ha at the end of the furrow then supply to tertiary drain (TD) and tertiary drains
collect water from FDs supply water to Secondary drain (SD) and all secondary drains supply to
collective drain (CD) or natural drain.
Road network design will be considered all main, secondary, tertiary and field roads along main
canals, secondary, tertiary and field canals, collective, secondary and tertiary drain of the
irrigation and drainage system respectively. Gravel pavement are generally used for roads where
the design of traffic flow i.e the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) is less than 200 based on
ERA‟s pavement design manual. The performance of the gravel surface mainly depends up on
material quality, location of the road and volume of traffic using the road. The detail road
network designed to should considered , land cover and land use, climate (rain fall and
temperature, geology, and topography condition.
There are three major types of irrigation methods. These are Surface irrigation, Sprinkler or
overhead irrigation, and Drip or trickle irrigation.Each method has certain limitations but most of
the methods can be adapted to a fairly wide range of conditions. In following section each
method will be described with advantage and disadvantage to select the best method for the
Surface Irrigation refers to direct irrigation water to irrigation fields by gravity allowing water to
over the soil surface from a supply of channel at the upper reach of a channel. It is the dominant
and widely practiced method of irrigation, which accounts for about 95% of irrigation system
worldwide has been used for 1000 years to irrigate a wide range of crops on different soil types.
This method practices in Ethiopia is considered as the most dominant irrigation methods being
used among subsistence farmers .and even state owned irrigated commercial farmers. The main
advantages are:
The main disadvantages are compare to other irrigation system is results in higher water
looses.Under surface irrigation system there are various water distribution and application
methos can be used .
Sprinkler irrigation refers to the application of irrigation water under pressure in which water is
sprinkled into the form of spray or simulating artificial rain. This is achieved by distributing
water over head of perforated pipe lines to various types of sprinkler head or nozzles fitted to a
riser attached to the system or pipes laid on the ground and spray water from the above on the
crops. Nozzles are fixed type or rotating type. Sprinkler irrigation is used on approximately 5%
of the irrigation land throughout the world.
Drip irrigation is sometimes called trickle irrigation , refers to the application of water in the soil
at slow rate just drip by drip but frequent and with precise condition through a small sized called
emitters located at or just above ground level (upto 300mm) and above ground level directly to
the soil surface to irrigate a limited area around each plant . The system suited of high
temperature and limited water resource of high water costs. This irrigation system is recently
developed in the last 30 years. The irrigation system is used over the world wide under 0.1%.
There are a large number of considerations which must be taken in to account in the selection of
an irrigation system. i.e. each method is applicable to a particular set of conditions; none can be
used successfully under all conditions. Selection of irrigation methods is based on compatibility,
economic considerations, topographic limitations,soil characteristics, water supply, crop factors,
and external influences.
Due to the topographic condition of the area considering most of the command area‟s slope is
high and undulating nature it seems overhead or sprinkler irrigation is better than surface and
drip irrigation system But, considering the above different advantages and disadvantages of
each system the sprinkler or overhead irrigation system will not be appropriate due to high
technical capacity requirement and the initial investment cost is high considering the irrigation
scheme of phase IIA project is intended to the farmers. And most of soil nature of the command
are is dominated by silt clay to clay soil nature and some crops like rice also common in the area.
Hence, surface irrigation sytem was considered for this particular project for the area both
under left gravity and lifted blocks of command area.
Free flooding: In this method ditches are excavated in the field and may be either in the contour,
or upward and downward slopes. Water from these ditches flow across the field. After the water
leaves the ditch no attempts is made to control the water. Wild flooding is most suitable for close
growing crops , pastures etc particularly where the land is steep.
Check flooding: Check flooding is similar to ordinary flooding except that of the water is
controlled by surrounding the area with low and flat levels. Levels are constructed along the
contour having a vertical interval
Border flooding: in this method the land is divided into a number strips separated by low levels
called borders. The land area confine in each strip of the order 10 m to 20 m in width and 100 m
to 400 m in length. This method is suitable for more permeable soils as well as less permeable
Basin flooding: This method is a special types of check flooding and is adopted for orchard trees
one or more trees are generally placed in the basin.
Furrow irrigation method: In the above flooding methods water covers the entire surface whereas
in furrow methods water cover one-fifth to one –half of the land surface. Furrow is narrow field
ditch excavated between row of plants and carry irrigation water through them.
As per the agronomist recommendation in phase IIA project there are 13 kinds of crops are
recommend. These crops recommended are banana, maize, rice, mango, groundnut, pepper,
soybean, sugarcane, tomato, onion, sesame, H. cabbage, pasture. Considering these crops two
methods of furrow and basin types are selected for water application of this project.
Furrow irrigation is used for all row crops except rice for all types of soil even if the labor
requirement is high.
Basin method also used for all types of crops including rice and the labor requirement is low but
not using for undulating topography nature but rice is grown by local farmers in most of flat area.
Therefore, farmers can use basin method for rice.
As mentioned above, the furrow method of irrigation shall be most widely used in the project
command area as it is most suitable method and easily applicable it will be explained as the
Furrow Irrigation
Furrow irrigation is the most widely used method worldwide for irrigating purpose. In furrow
irrigation, water no longer flows over the entire soil surface but is confined to small channels
(furrows) between the crop rows. It is then gradually absorbed into the bottom and sides of the
furrow to wet the soil. Permit less evaporation.
Furrow Spacing
A furrow spacing of 1.2 m is used for sugarcane. This spacing is possible from the wetting
pattern of clay soil.
Furrow shape
Furrows are usually V-shaped. The width of furrow depends on stream size, soil and crop types.
In general, a top width of 300 mm and depth of 100 mm is practical.
Furrow length
Furrow length depends on several factors such as soil type, stream size, irrigation depth and
slope. From experience of different projects a furrow length of 200 m can be used. However, it
can be limited by size and shape of the field and ranges from 45m to 300m.
Table : suggested furrow length for different soil type
The average depth of water applied during irrigation can be calculated from the following
q * 360 * t
d =
w* L
Where; d: average depth of water applied, cm
q: stream size, l/s
Thus, for furrows adjacent to the natural drains having slope of 2 to 3% by reducing the stream
flow, the efficiency can be optimized. Furrow sizes and stream sizes can be easily selected in the
field accordingly for the given slopes.
Furrow stream size
The maximum non-erosive furrow stream size can be determined from equation:
Qm = 0.6lit/S
Where: Qm = maximum non-erosive stream, l/s
The stream size is usually between 0.2 and 5.0 l/s. The slope of furrow is usually level (0 - 1%).
A minimum furrow grade of 0.05% is needed to ensure surface drainage.
Flow monitoring devices are most essential to release desired flow rate in each straight furrow.
𝑃.𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑚 /𝑚 ∗𝐷𝑚
Depth of application (dmm)= 𝐸𝑎 (𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 )
Where P.sa= readily available soil moisture. In mm/m for heavy textured soil the agronomies
study recommend 180mm/m
In the command area there are different crops of varieties are grown by the farmers from the
grain like maize, sorghum, soybean, rice, sesame and from vegetables and fruits tomato, onion,
head cabbage, beetroot , carrot and banana and papaya are the major. Based on the detail
agronomical study in the future irrigation scheme the proposed crops are maize, rice, sesame,
soybean, mango, banana, sugarcane, groundnut, pepper, tomato, onion, head cabbage and pasture
were recommended.
The silty clay to clayey silt soil material is of poor hydraulic conductivity that would not cause
excess leakage. Consequently, lining is unlikely at such sites. However, at chain-ages
characterised by the fractured, highly weathered and decomposed bed rock units are pervious
that can cause excess leakage. As per the study 0-10km of canal route it has poor hydraulic
conductivity lining not required, from 10-46km fractured and weathered bed rock it is pervious
causes excess leakage it is recommended lining and from 56 to the end the canal route material is
reddish brown silt clay underlain by decomposed bed rock and it has poor hydraulic conductivity
lining is not required.Chain age along proposed main canal recommended for provision of
Lining is CH. 15 – 46 kms most drainage crossings sites are found being characterized by sound
bed rock unit.
massive basement rock units charactering the site would enhance run off rather than infiltration
that would inhibit recharge to ground water. The contribution of groundwater recharge from the
application of irrigation would be very low. Another factor that can reduce the contribution of
irrigation application to groundwater recharge is the presence of several creeks that are
transversal to the trend of the command area. Its final recommendation is the expected Water
logging in the relative plain land characterized by silty clay soil of low hydraulic conductivity
can be prevented among others by providing an effective drainage system. Such drains could be
open or closed. Concerning the problem of salinity the high rate of precipitation (rainfall) in the
area can counteract the problem by leaching the highly soluble salts such as chlorides, sulphates
and carbonate salts.
Concerning the climate in the area, the average annual rainfall is estimated about 1564.56mm the
average monthly minimum temperature is 15.2Cand maximum temperature is 31.3C and its
average altitude above sea level is 1216 m. The command area has between the contour elevation
1310 and 1165 m from both lifted and gravity system.
The General topographic of the area is undulating with many drainage lines, gullies, outcropping
mountains, slanted lands, marshy areas, pasture areas, village settlers, small farm roads, rivers,
and plain farm lands. It has different slopes with 1% to 16%. , see the detail in the table38& 39
Therefore based on the above table 90% the command area of the soil is dominated by three
types of soil like Nitisols, Lixisols,and cambisols. This mean the command area of soil‟s
physical and chemical characteristics almost depends on these types of soil as per the study
Therefore ,based on the soil and land suitability analysis for the types of crops recommended by
the agronomist from the total gross area on the average base 48.50% is highly suitable and
suitable, 30.37% is marginally suitable and the rest 21.13% is not currently suitable and
permanently not suitable in relation to surface irrigation. The evaluation of land suitability is
based on soil depth, slope, and nutrientcontent and other factors.
Concerning land and soil suitability of the project area for surface irrigation the above
recommendation of types of soil was given S1 is very suitable, S2 is moderately suitable and S3 is
marginally suitable for different types of crops. If we only consider S1 and S2 Chewaka
command area is in general recommended for surface irrigation 48.5% of the area is good for
surface irrigation for the types of crop recommended by agronomist without any further
treatment of the soil. The rest 30.37% of the area of the command area is required some
treatment like fertilizer, crop rotation, good quality of irrigation water and other inputs. Based on
the laboratory analysis the water is very suitable for irrigation. The farmers living at phase IIA
project area had already experienced using different inputs so that they can be used the
marginally suitable land for irrigation. 21.13% of the gross area is totally rejected from the
system of irrigation. In general the soil and land suitability study given the recommendation for
the surface irrigation system of the project area for imperfectly and poorly drained soil
construction of open surface drainage system and to use good quality of water are important.
Topography of the area for irrigation phase IIA area is very rugged, hilly, it has many streams,
Source: Land suitability study, draft feasibility report of lower Dhidhessa phase IIA project, OWWDSE,
Source: soil and land suitability draft feasibility lower Dhidhessa phase IIA report, OWWDSE,2016
The hydro geological investigation also recommended that the expected water logging in the
relative plain characterized by silty clay soil of low hydrological conductivity can be prevented
by open or closed drainage system.
4 2.1-3 92 9.9
5 >3.1 4 .4
Source: OWWDSE Lower Dhidhessa phase IIA Socio economy Study Household Survey Result
Figure : map showing gravity block command area with slope class
Total 5891.12
In phase IIA irrigation and drainage system of the project based on the proposed water
abstraction system in the addition of gravity block, lifted blocks of area is considered to irrigate
the whole recommended area of the project. For lifted block out of 12000.45Ha , 0-2 % , 2-5%,
5-8%, 8-16% and >16 % slopes have the area size of 3.87%, 27.11%, 33.03% , 24.54% and
6.54 %. The other part of command area Have 1.56%, 3.11%, 0.05% and 0.25% has town,
village, grave and (rock surface) RS respectively out of 12000.45 Ha. The following table 41 and
fig 25 are showing the suitability of the command area in relation to slope and topographic
feature of the area.For upper lifted block out of 1620.49ha it has 0-2%,2-5%, 5-8%, 8-16%, and
>16% slopes have 0.35, 17.98, 27.64, 27.65, 4.96, % respectively, and the other area is covered
by grave and village.
In the case of phase IIA the system layout has done for the gross area of 13,620.94 ha and net
area is 7368.83ha.The maximum of the slopes of the area has been considered upto 11-12%.
Since, due to the lifted head of to be determined maximum 60-65m from the gravity elevation
to lifted system and considering the slope of canal the command area by gravity system with
maximum elevation is 1310 m , and above 1310 m is considered in upper lifted blocks of area.
. See table 46 and fig 25.
Figure : map showing lifted block command area with slope class
Source: Draft report of system layout map phase IIA, OWWDSE, 2016
The Left main canal (LMC) has divert water from diversion weir and travel for 46.6 km length
with the gravity system .Immediately after Left main canal end two canals Left gravity canal
(LGC) and Left lifted gravity canals (LLGC) will take water for 84.58km and 57.25 km to
irrigategravity and left lifted blocks respectively. Each system of command area divided into 8
and 6 blocks of command area respectively. Eight gravity blocks have the total net command
area of 3957.9 ha and six lifted blocks have the total net area is 7368.83ha.
The gravity system is supplied the command area using the gravity but the lifted system is using
the pump system, using electric energy. In gravity block water is conveyed by 57.25 km length
of canal (LGC ) off taking from LMC and supplying to two primary canals and many secondary
canals again these PCs and SCs supplying to many TCs to supply many field canals built by
farmers in order to distribute to the farmer fields to the crops by furrows.
In lifted blocks water is delivered by a pump from one station to the highest elevation to the
canal system and then using the gravity system through the canals and intake structures water is
distributed to the fields. In lifted system after the pumps are lifted the water to the gravity canal
which has 57.25 km length and this canal is supplying to 12 PCs, 17 SC and 2 TC canal lines
through off take structures. And these PSc, Scs and Tcs are supplying to different canals
according to the situation to the lower canals of SC, Tc and FC respectively. The lifted system
has night storages in some block No2, 5. & 6. The night storage store water during the night
and supply and empty during the day.
In the design of system layout of the canals all the left main canal, left gravity canal and left
lifted canal run along the contour this will avoid or minimize many drop structures. Most of all
primary canal and SC runs across the contours and TCs also run along the contour and this kind
of arrangement of layout is good for the minimize numbers of drop structures and this means
minimize the cost of the structure and for the whole project cost.
Table : Different blocks of net irrigable area under gravity and lifted system
7 BG-7 416.54 - - -
8 BG-8 68.1 - - -
Main canal – Left main canal (LMC) , run along the contour beginning from the diversion weir
end up upto the junction point of beginning gravity and lifted pump system and it has a total
length of 46.6 km.LMC.
Left Gravity canal (LGC) and left lifted gravity canals(LLGC) -after the junction points
will run for 84.56 km and 57.25 km respectively.
Primary canals – Left Gravity Primary canals (LGBPC), and left lifted primary canal
(LLBPC) are the canals take water from main canals run along the contour to supply
water to secondary canals and other types of canal. There is only one primary canal in
left gravity blocks. But, different primary canals under left lifted blocks are available.
Secondary canals- There are two types of secondary canals on Left gravity blocks and left
lifted gravity blocks. Most of the secondary canals are running across the contour and
take water from main canals and primary canals to supply to tertiary canals and
sometimes field canals. The abbreviation LGB1SC1-4 means secondary canals four on
main canal one on left gravity block one.
The secondary canals under LGB are serially numbered by assigning a number as
subscript for block number after the letter „SC‟ as LGB1SC1- 1, 2, 3,4……
Tertiary canal- aligned along the contour which takes water from secondary canals and
sometimes from primary and main canals so that supply water through the off take or
turnout to field canals. For instance the abbreviation LGB1TC1-1-2: means Tertiary canal
two taking water from secondary canal one , secondary canal taking water from primary
canal one, under the command area of left gravity block one
The tertiary canals are numbered according to their location on the respective secondary
and primary Canal.
Under left gravity block one, primary canal NO1 , Secondary Canal No.1, tertiary canal
NO1, as LGB1TC1-1-1, LGB1TC-1-1-2, LGB1TC-1-1-3
Under left gravity block one Secondary Canal No.2 as LGB1TC-2-1-1, LGB1TC-2-1-2,
Tertiary canals also may take sometimes water from Primary Canal or main canal as the
layout situation allowed.
Field canal- aligned across the contour and take water from tertiary canals and supply
water to the field by furrow system.
On left gravity block one field canal one off take from tertiary canal one which off take
from SC one which off takes from Primary canal one or main canal. The abbreviation is
LGB1FC 1-1-1-1
The nomenclature of drainage canals also the same principle of the above canal water for both
gravity block and lifted blocks of area.
Under left gravity blocks one , secondary drain NO1, tertiary drain NO3, field drain
NO6 means LGB1-FD-0-1-3-6
Under left Lifted gravity block one, secondary drain, No1, tertiary drtain No3, Field
drain 6 means LLB1-Fd-0-3-6
Diversion weir
Arjo-Bedele Bridge
Pump station
Pump station
: General scheme layout of phase IIA phase IIB project (not to scale)
Table : scheme supply for lower arjo phase IIA full irrigation
Jan Feb Mar Apr y Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Precipitation deficit
3. Mango 115.7 111.1 138.3 113.7 26.4 0 0 0 0 37.6 8 89.9
7. Sugarcane 52.2 81.8 162.2 153.5 54.7 0 0 0 1.2 50.4 8 89.8
11. Pasture perennial 109.2 104.9 130.1 102.1 18.3 0 0 0 0 30.8 8 106.1
in mm/month 77.8 112.1 168.1 109.6 24.2 0 0.2 0 0.5 21.5 54.3 93.5
Irrigated Area(% of
total area) 100 100 100 100 47 0 3 0 40 44 59 95
Project supply in
L/S/ha(24hr) 0.48 0.77 1.05 0.70 0.32 0.00 0.05 0.0 0.00 0.30 0.58 0.62
12hr 0.97 1.53 2.10 1.40 0.63 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.60 1.17 1.23
Source: Lowr Dhidhessa draft feasblity study agronomical report, , OWWDSE, 2016
The water requirement of crops means the total quantity of water which crops are required from
the time of crops sown to the time of harvest. The amount of water required from crops is
different depending upon the variation in climate, type of soils, method of cultivation and useful
rainfall etc.
The summation of the total water depth supplied during the base period of a crop, for its full
growth is the total quantity of water required by the crops for its full-fledged nourishment. The
duty of water is the relationship between the volume of water and the area of the crops it
In the case of Chewaka out of twelve months in a year, for nine months the agronomist
recommended that irrigation water is required. The duty of water for 13 crops, fruits, and
pastures required in the area were calculated. The demand of water volume required for each
months are different. Considering the current net irrigation area of 11326.70 ha designed in the
system layout if the framer will put 100% of command areaunder fully irrigation both in lifted
and gravity systems of irrigation blocks the following water required table 46 and has been
Therefore, from the above table the total volume of requirement of water for phase IIA
command area is 142.977Million m3/year. Hence, the water stored at the dam is enough and
there will not be any shortage of water.
35 30.827
25 22.606
Water 20.551
requred 20
(MM3) 14.092
9.395 8.808
5 1.468
0 0 0
In the water abstraction system of pumping system both the lifted and gravity blocks of
estimated net area of irrigation 11,326.70 ha will be irrigated using the lifted canal system by the
pump through the supply of electricity. Based on the water demand of every month and power of
electricity required power cost was calculated in the following table of table 47 for every
9.168 (water volume in Mm3)
6.112 5.73
0 0 0 0
Table : Requirement of monthly water volume and electricity cost for lifted system
The net irrigation command areas under the left gravity and lifted blocks have estimated 3957.86
ha and 7368.83 ha respectively. The discharge required of left main canal in order to supply both
left gravity and left lifted system including future water supply is 23m3/sec.
Q = A .V
Value of „V‟ is worked out by Manning's formula for assumed channel section
and bed slope.
Manning formula
V= 𝑛 * R2/3 * S1/2 (Kumar, 2005) and Q= A*V
For satisfactory and safe results when using Manning equation, it is important to select a
reasonable value for the Manning roughness coefficient 'N' which may hold for the whole of the
year. According to the design criterion of canal design for earthen section, value of 'N' 0.025 to
0.04is generally used for earth canals and 0.018 for lined canal. In some part of the canals due to
the pervious nature of the ground lined canals were designed and the canal shape is rectangular
type. Based on the above calculation formula the following dimension of canals of left main
canal, gravity and lifted canals are determined in the following table 50, 51, and 52.
Figure : layout of left main canal, gravity canal and lifted canal
Dis. Rou. F.S. Bed Side Bank Flow Wetted Hyd. Expon Chezy veloci
CH Req. Coef. D F.B Slope width slope width area perimeter radius entail coef. ty
m3/s m m m m m2 m m m0.5/s m/s
SOIL 23.000 0.0250 2.14 0.75 7400.0 13.20 1.50 2.50 35.12 20.92 1.68 0.17 43.61 0.66
SC1 0.082 22.918 0.0250 2.13 0.75 7400.0 13.20 1.50 2.50 34.98 20.89 1.67 0.17 43.59 0.66
SC2 0.211 22.707 0.0250 2.12 0.75 7400.0 13.20 1.50 2.50 34.75 20.85 1.67 0.17 43.55 0.65
CAN 23.000 0.0180 3.10 0.50 3000.0 5.64 0.00 2.50 17.50 11.84 1.48 0.17 59.29 1.32
ME 23.000 0.0156 2.48 0.50 5564.0 8.20 0.00 0.00 20.33 13.16 1.55 0.17 68.71 1.14
Dis. Rou. Bed Side Bank Flow Wetted Hyd. Flow Dis.
CH Req. Coef. F.S.D F.B Slope width slope width area perimeter radius velocity Des.
m3/s m m m m m2 m m m/s m3/s
1407.7 8.390 0.0250 1.59 0.70 1:5000.0 6.15 1.50 2.00 13.57 11.89 1.14 0.62 8.390
2665.2 8.189 0.0250 1.59 0.70 1:5000.0 5.98 1.50 2.00 13.30 11.71 1.14 0.62 8.189
3861.6 8.007 0.0250 1.59 0.70 1:5000.0 5.82 1.50 2.00 13.05 11.56 1.13 0.61 8.007
11373.5 7.690 0.0250 1.59 0.70 1:5000.0 5.55 1.50 2.00 12.62 11.28 1.12 0.61 7.690
12971.9 5.925 0.0250 1.45 0.60 1:4200.0 4.47 1.50 2.00 9.64 9.70 0.99 0.61 5.925
14193.9 5.805 0.0250 1.45 0.60 1:4200.0 4.36 1.50 2.00 9.48 9.59 0.99 0.61 5.805
16660.7 5.656 0.0250 1.45 0.60 1:4200.0 4.22 1.50 2.00 9.28 9.45 0.98 0.61 5.656
16794.4 5.575 0.0250 1.45 0.60 1:4200.0 4.15 1.50 2.00 9.17 9.38 0.98 0.61 5.575
16808.7 5.508 0.0250 1.45 0.60 1:4000.0 3.96 1.50 2.00 8.90 9.19 0.97 0.62 5.508
17812.9 5.457 0.0250 1.45 0.60 1:4000.0 3.92 1.50 2.00 8.83 9.14 0.97 0.62 5.457
19314.3 5.425 0.0250 1.45 0.60 1:4000.0 3.89 1.50 2.00 8.79 9.11 0.96 0.62 5.425
20143.9 5.413 0.0250 1.45 0.60 1:4000.0 3.88 1.50 2.00 8.77 9.10 0.96 0.62 5.413
20611.8 5.396 0.0250 1.45 0.60 1:4000.0 3.86 1.50 2.00 8.75 9.09 0.96 0.62 5.396
20776.8 5.279 0.0250 1.45 0.60 1:4000.0 3.75 1.50 2.00 8.59 8.98 0.96 0.61 5.279
22864.0 5.183 0.0250 1.45 0.60 1:4000.0 3.66 1.50 2.00 8.47 8.89 0.95 0.61 5.183
26389.8 5.174 0.0250 1.35 0.60 1:4000.0 4.32 1.50 2.00 8.57 9.19 0.93 0.60 5.174
26766.3 5.163 0.0250 1.35 0.60 1:4000.0 4.31 1.50 2.00 8.56 9.18 0.93 0.60 5.164
27190.3 5.126 0.0250 1.35 0.60 1:4000.0 4.28 1.50 2.00 8.51 9.14 0.93 0.60 5.127
27783.0 5.077 0.0250 1.35 0.60 1:4000.0 4.23 1.50 2.00 8.44 9.09 0.93 0.60 5.078
30019.3 5.058 0.0250 1.35 0.60 1:4000.0 4.21 1.50 2.00 8.41 9.07 0.93 0.60 5.059
30693.5 5.019 0.0250 1.35 0.60 1:4000.0 4.17 1.50 2.00 8.36 9.03 0.93 0.60 5.020
31199.2 4.973 0.0250 1.35 0.60 1:4000.0 4.12 1.50 2.00 8.30 8.99 0.92 0.60 4.974
31454.3 4.900 0.0250 1.35 0.60 1:4000.0 4.05 1.50 2.00 8.19 8.91 0.92 0.60 4.901
31602.2 4.879 0.0250 1.35 0.60 1:4000.0 4.02 1.50 2.00 8.17 8.89 0.92 0.60 4.880
33828.9 4.786 0.0250 1.35 0.60 1:3600.0 3.68 1.50 2.00 7.70 8.54 0.90 0.62 4.787
34965.5 4.769 0.0250 1.25 0.60 1:3600.0 4.36 1.50 2.00 7.80 8.87 0.88 0.61 4.769
35698.4 4.745 0.0250 1.25 0.60 1:3600.0 4.34 1.50 2.00 7.76 8.84 0.88 0.61 4.745
37309.2 4.686 0.0250 1.25 0.60 1:3600.0 4.27 1.50 2.00 7.68 8.78 0.88 0.61 4.686
37828.0 4.613 0.0250 1.25 0.60 1:3600.0 4.19 1.50 2.00 7.58 8.70 0.87 0.61 4.613
39131.4 4.287 0.0250 1.25 0.60 1:3600.0 3.83 1.50 2.00 7.14 8.34 0.86 0.60 4.287
39785.9 4.084 0.0250 1.25 0.60 1:3600.0 3.61 1.50 2.00 6.86 8.12 0.84 0.60 4.084
41973.1 3.975 0.0250 1.25 0.60 1:3600.0 3.49 1.50 2.00 6.71 8.00 0.84 0.59 3.975
44731.9 3.907 0.0250 1.15 0.55 1:3600.0 4.12 1.50 2.00 6.73 8.27 0.81 0.58 3.907
45975.2 3.837 0.0250 1.15 0.55 1:3600.0 4.04 1.50 2.00 6.63 8.18 0.81 0.58 3.837
47591.8 3.676 0.0250 1.15 0.55 1:3600.0 3.83 1.50 2.00 6.39 7.98 0.80 0.58 3.676
49992.9 3.511 0.0250 1.15 0.55 1:3600.0 3.63 1.50 2.00 6.15 7.77 0.79 0.57 3.511
51863.2 3.335 0.0250 1.15 0.55 1:3600.0 3.40 1.50 2.00 5.90 7.55 0.78 0.57 3.336
55940.1 3.181 0.0250 1.15 0.55 1:3600.0 3.21 1.50 2.00 5.67 7.36 0.77 0.56 3.182
56335.6 3.081 0.0250 1.15 0.55 1:3600.0 3.08 1.50 2.00 5.53 7.23 0.76 0.56 3.081
56879.8 2.916 0.0250 1.15 0.55 1:3600.0 2.87 1.50 2.00 5.28 7.02 0.75 0.55 2.916
58046.1 2.762 0.0250 1.15 0.55 1:3600.0 2.67 1.50 2.00 5.06 6.82 0.74 0.55 2.762
64642.1 2.696 0.0250 1.05 0.50 1:3600.0 3.23 1.50 2.00 5.04 7.01 0.72 0.53 2.696
66139.9 2.575 0.0250 1.05 0.50 1:3800.0 3.15 1.50 2.00 4.96 6.94 0.72 0.52 2.576
67802.7 2.344 0.0250 1.05 0.50 1:3800.0 2.80 1.50 2.00 4.59 6.59 0.70 0.51 2.345
67859.0 2.135 0.0250 1.05 0.50 1:3800.0 2.48 1.50 2.00 4.26 6.27 0.68 0.50 2.135
67859.0 1.987 0.0250 1.05 0.50 1:3800.0 2.25 1.50 2.00 4.02 6.04 0.67 0.49 1.988
67930.2 1.929 0.0250 1.05 0.50 1:3800.0 2.16 1.50 2.00 3.92 5.95 0.66 0.49 1.929
67930.2 1.639 0.0250 1.05 0.50 1:3800.0 1.71 1.50 2.00 3.45 5.49 0.63 0.48 1.639
68787.8 1.461 0.0250 0.90 0.50 1:3800.0 2.22 1.50 2.00 3.21 5.46 0.59 0.46 1.461
70235.4 1.397 0.0250 0.90 0.50 1:3800.0 2.09 1.50 2.00 3.10 5.33 0.58 0.45 1.397
70361.3 1.228 0.0250 0.86 0.50 1:3800.0 1.99 1.50 2.00 2.81 5.08 0.55 0.44 1.228
70766.2 1.168 0.0250 0.86 0.50 1:3800.0 1.86 1.50 2.00 2.70 4.95 0.54 0.43 1.168
71753.7 1.140 0.0250 0.86 0.50 1:3800.0 1.80 1.50 2.00 2.65 4.89 0.54 0.43 1.140
73801.7 1.104 0.0250 0.84 0.50 1:3800.0 1.80 1.50 2.00 2.58 4.84 0.53 0.43 1.104
74799.6 1.065 0.0250 0.83 0.50 1:3800.0 1.80 1.50 2.00 2.52 4.78 0.53 0.42 1.065
74860.8 0.945 0.0250 0.78 0.50 1:3800.0 1.80 1.50 2.00 2.31 4.60 0.50 0.41 0.945
75508.5 0.702 0.0250 0.67 0.50 1:3800.0 1.80 1.50 2.00 1.86 4.20 0.44 0.38 0.702
77397.0 0.639 0.0250 0.63 0.50 1:3800.0 1.80 1.50 2.00 1.74 4.08 0.43 0.37 0.640
78088.0 0.621 0.0250 0.53 0.50 1:3800.0 2.55 1.50 2.00 1.77 4.46 0.40 0.35 0.621
79154.6 0.577 0.0250 0.53 0.50 1:3800.0 2.34 1.50 2.00 1.66 4.25 0.39 0.35 0.577
80838.4 0.478 0.0250 0.53 0.50 1:3800.0 1.88 1.50 2.00 1.42 3.79 0.37 0.34 0.478
82139.7 0.317 0.0250 0.53 0.50 1:3800.0 1.12 1.50 2.00 1.01 3.03 0.33 0.31 0.318
82234.6 0.269 0.0250 0.53 0.50 1:3800.0 0.88 1.50 2.00 0.89 2.79 0.32 0.30 0.269
82577.2 0.247 0.0250 0.53 0.50 1:3800.0 0.77 1.50 2.00 0.83 2.69 0.31 0.30 0.247
83593.1 0.203 0.0250 0.49 0.50 1:3800.0 0.74 1.50 2.00 0.72 2.50 0.29 0.28 0.203
84066.6 0.159 0.0250 0.48 0.50 1:3800.0 0.52 1.50 0.90 0.60 2.25 0.26 0.27 0.159
84093.9 0.137 0.0250 0.43 0.50 1:3800.0 0.60 1.50 2.00 0.53 2.15 0.25 0.26 0.137
84580.7 0.115 0.0250 0.43 0.50 1:3800.0 0.44 1.50 2.00 0.47 1.99 0.23 0.25 0.115
Based on the above designed dimension of left main canal (LMC) left Gravity canal (LGC) and
left lifted gravity canal (LLGC) were designed according to the discharge of maximum crop of
water required of peak requirement. All the hydraulic characteristics of its depth, width,
velocity, freeboard are different and its‟ discharge is also decreasing from upstream to
downstream or to the end of the canal for LGC and LLGC. This is due to the fact that the
discharge is supplying different main and branch canals. There are six scenarios of typical canal
dimensions cross-section in relation of berm , side slope of the canals and other dimensions
based on the natural situations of features of the main canal passing through the ground , that is
whether the canal is passing through under deep cut, cliff area, and more sloppy, and level area
were determined.
Primary canals:The purposes of primary canals are to off take water directly from main canal by
off take structures to convey water to supply secondary and tertiary canals. The total length of
PC under gravity , lifted, and upper lifted block have 6.5 km , 57 km, and 0 respectively.
Primary canals sections are getting reduced from head to tail reach with discharge getting
reduced. The flow in the primary canals will be maintained continuous throughout the year. As
in case of surface irrigation method, water In both Gravity and lifted block canals run across the
contour. The discharge capacity is based on the irrigable area serving under many numbers of
secondary canals and Tc canals and maximum water duty 2.1lit/sec.The flow in the primary
canals will be maintained continuous during application time of 12-14 hours.
Secondary canals: The main functions of secondary canals are to convey and carry water by off
taking water from main canal at different station to supply many tertiary canals off taking from
it. It was designed across the contour and the ridge part of the command area Based on the size
of the command area serving by tertiary canals under sub section of secondary it has different
dimension and capacity. Design of Secondary canals mainly comprises of two parts, (i)
estimation of total area that can be irrigated by the respective secondary canals and discharge of
water required to irrigate this area with the given irrigation hours. The discharge duty is
1.996lit/sec/ha. The total length of secondary canals under gravity , lifted and upper lifted blocks
have 49 km , 72 km, and 6 km respectively. The flow in the secondary canals will be
maintained continuous during application time of 12-14 hours.
Tertiary canals:The main functions of tertiary canals are used to transport water by off taking
water from secondary canals to the field canals where water distributed to the farm. But
sometimes it will offtaking water from main canals based on the situation of layout. The
discharge capacity of the canal of water required to irrigate this area with the given irrigation
hours. The discharge duty was 1.996lit/sec/ha.The flow in the tertiary canals will be maintained
continuous during application time of 12 -14 hours. The total lengths of tertiary canals under
gravity and lifted block have 197 km , 286, and 56 km respectively.Detail design will be
presented during detail design reporting.
Table : Summary of canal length designed for farm work
Off take structures : The off taking structures were designed on main canal, secondary canal,
primary canals , tertiary canals considering the required head so that water can be easily flow
from the parent canals to the off taking canals with gravity. All hydraulic and structural
calculations were considered.
Head regulators:The discharge of irrigation water passing from the parent canal of main canal to
the off taking canal like primary canal, secondary canals and tertiary canal can be regulated by
head regulators. The head regulators provided at the head of the canals and control the supply
entering the canal.
Inverted Siphon:Inverted siphon are used to convey canal water by gravity under roads, various
types of drainage channel and depression.
Aqueduct/flume Structure:The purpose of flume structures is to convey water on the river course
and some drainage when the topographic features in such a way that the level of the drainage
crossing is deeper than the bed level of the canal.
Cross Drainage: In more or less flat type of lands across the canals small cross drainage canals
need to cross all types of canals MC, PC, SC and TC . The bed levels of these channels are
neither deep for an aqueduct or flume nor high is enough for a super passage and the channel not
wide enough
Foot Bridge:The main purpose of Foot Bridge is to carry the canal water safely under the road
crossing so that farmers and their livestock can easily cross over the canal water safely
Escape:The main purpose of escape is to discharge or release the surplus water from the canal
when the canal is flowing continuously. It is a safety valve for the canal system. It can serve
protection of the canal against possible damage empting the canal and properly release the water
to the river course or nearby drainage system.
Drop structure: The function of drop structure is to convey water from the higher elevation to a
lower elevation to dissipate the excess energy resulting from this drop. The water must therefore
be conveyed with a drop structure designed to safely dissipate the excess energy.
In the above all structures all hydraulic and detail structural calculation with safety factors were
considered.All head loss, cutoff depth, hydraulic jupm calculation protection work were
considered.Detail design of all structures will be presented in the future during detail design
reporting time.
The design discharge duty for this is the same as 4.6lit/sec /ha and the catchment size is
determined as based on the given hydrologist detail calculation. All the drainage canal capacity
determination is based on manning formula and continuity equation as the given design criteria
for canals.Detail design will be presented in the future on detail design reporting time.
Table : Summary of drainage canals for farm work, LMC, LGC& LLGC
The design of road network of Phase IIA project divided into four main divisions. These roads
are main road run along LMC,LGC, LLGC , secondary road run along PC, SC , SD and CD
tertiary road along TC and TD and field roads run along FC which is built by the community.
Detail design report will be presented during detail design reporting.
use, rooting depth and soil moisture holding capacity and represent the period required to despite
the soil moisture reserve.
𝑃.𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑚 /𝑚 ∗𝐷𝑚
Depth of application (dmm)= 𝐸𝑎 (𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 )
Where P.sa= readily available soil moisture. In mm/m for heavy textured soil the agronomies
study recommend 130mm/m
Ea = application efficiency= 60
depth per irrigation
Types of Irrigation interval irrigation required
crops grown interval required required /day depth/5day
banana 9 93.6 10.40 52
Maize 13 136.5 10.50 52.5
Rice 2 26 13.00 65
pepper 6 57.2 9.53 47.67
soyabean 14 143 10.21 51.07
Tomato 8 87 10.88 54.38
Seasome 15 143 9.53 47.67
onion 6 54.6 9.10 45.50
sugercane 21 211 10.40 50.24
mango 32 260 8.13 40.63
Groundnut 8 83.2 10.40 52
H. cabbage 5 48.75 9.75 48.75
pasture 12 86.67 7.38 36.11
Average 49.50
From the above table the average depth of water required for the minimum 5 days interval for all
crops except rice it is 49.5mm. Considering 12 hours Ethiopian farmer application during the
maximum requirement it is possible to apply within one day for 4 farm unit or 1.2 ha because
the interval is 5 days where the maximum block has 6 Ha. This means it is possible to irrigate
within one day 4 farm unit or 1.2Ha
This means the system should run for 14 hours instead of 12 hours otherwise the plot of area
should decrease but the interval of the minimum is 5 days and which is impossible to decrease
the plot area. This will happen in the month March but there will not have a problem in the rest
months so that it is better extend upto 14 hours in the month of March.
The application of water to the field as per the design criteria for most of the crops were
recommended furrow type and only for rice it should use Basin methods.
The design life is an important aspect of any financial / economic comparison of options as
recurrent replacement costs has to be included.
The proposed design life for major components of a pumping system is set out in Table 59.
Mechanical and
Item Civil (Years) Electrical (Years)
Pumping Stations 50 15
Service Reservoirs – Concrete 50 15
Service Reservoirs – Steel 20 15
Ductile Iron Pipes 40 -
Steel Pipes 40 -
UPVC Pipes 25 -
Pipeline Fittings - 25
Buildings 50 -
Inefficiencies arising from overdesigning (i.e., choosing a pump that will, for a given head,
deliver more water than is needed) are common. The result of “conservative” design is often a
system that operates inefficiently because it is capable of delivering more water than is ever
Such systems are wasteful in terms of both initial investment and continuing operating cost. To
avoid this pitfall, the design must consider pump characteristics and system head curves
carefully. In this regard the efficiency of both the pump and the driver should be considered.
Pumps with fairly steep characteristic curves are usually preferred since their capacity to deliver
water is relatively unaffected by changes in head. As pumps, water lines, valves, etc., age, head
losses will tend to increase. This can significantly affect flow rates if both the pump
characteristic and system head curves are fairly flat.
The above philosophy will generally result in manually operated control systems being installed
rather than automatic systems. The level of technology utilized should be appropriate to the
maintenance capabilities of the operating staff and should not be reliant on outside assistance.
Where appropriate, the systems to be installed should be familiar to the operating staff.
7.1.4 Standardization
It is considered important to have standardization of equipment, both in terms of types of
equipment to be employed and in their sizing. This will simplify operation and maintenance
activities. Steelwork, including ladders, stairs, walkways and handrails shall be locally
H =10.675*L*(Q^1.852)/(C^1.852) *(D^4.87)
The C factor, or coefficient, used in the Hazen-Williams equation reflects the relative
smoothness of the inside surface of the pipe under consideration. Typical values range from
about 100 for 20-year-old cast iron, to about 130 for asbestos-cement, to 140 or more for plastic
pipe. Various manufacturers‟ catalogues recommend a C value in the range of 130 mm. therefore
this value can be employed for the design of pumping lines.
Frictional head losses associated with pipe bends, elbows, tees, valves, hydrants, and other
distribution system fittings and appurtenances are classified as Minor losses. For long pipelines,
these losses are generally negligible. However, in pumping stations, where equipment is
concentrated or piping layouts are complex, they can be substantial. The following formula is
employed to calculate the head loss.
Hf = Fc*V^2/2g
The friction coefficient depends on the type of fitting and valve employed and construction
features of the item. The values for the specific items used in the design shall be referenced from
design standards and hydraulic text books.
In the pumping station flow velocities should not exceed 1.5 m/s in suction pipe lines and 2.8
m/s in discharge lines. In short transmission pipe lines velocities in the range of 1.6 m/s to 2.2
m/s are recommended.
in mind. Another good approach is to assume that sooner or later every piece of equipment, pipe,
or fitting will fail, and then consider what will have to be done to make the necessary repair or
exchange. Special attention should be given to ensuring that crane ways, are provided to allow
for removal and replacement of heavy items such as pumps, and motors.
Pumps will be designed at a capacity of 110% to 125 % of the design capacity to provide for
leakage in the transmission pipeline. Provision will not be made for any future expansion. Where
more than one operating pumps are required, an additional pump will be installed as a stand-by
unit to maintain the station capacity during maintenance/repair operations.
A pumping system should be capable of delivering the maximum instantaneous design flow.
Absolute maximum allowable pressures are dictated by the pressure ratings of the pipes and
appurtenances used and regulatory requirements. However, system pressures should be kept as
low as is commensurate with the needs. Unnecessarily high pressures are wasteful in terms of the
extra costs of the equipment and energy required to produce them, and the increased volume of
water lost to leakage.
The design should ensure that pumps will operate under a negative suction head. Each pump
should have a gate valve upstream and downstream for maintenance purposes together with a
non-return valve, air relief valve and a pressure gauge downstream. Pump protection devices will
be specified to prevent damages to pumps caused by no water or closed delivery valves. Motors
have to be protected against phase failure as well as too low or high voltage.
Where multiple pumps are used, each one should have its own intake, or the multiple intakes
should be carefully designed to ensure that all pumps have essentially the same inlet conditions.
Care must be exercised to make sure that the pumps always draw water, not an air/water mixture,
or air alone. The specific locations of check valves and other appurtenances will depend on the
inlet conditions, type of storage and piping layout.
Minimum available net positive suction head (this requires knowledge of the maximum
lift required and all head losses on the intake side of the pump).
The range of discharge heads the pump must work against (this requires knowledge of the
system head/flow characteristics, which include the effects of all head losses on the
discharge side of the pump).
Availability of suitable electric power at the site.
Expected level of operation and maintenance capability (i.e., operator time per day, skill
level of operator, availability of maintenance and repair support).
Desired placement of pump (e.g., indoors, outdoors, submerged, in a dry well).
Design period.
Once these and perhaps other site-specific factors are known, it is possible to consult
manufacturers‟ literature and consider the available pumps. A major portion of this process
involves consideration of trade-offs among the reliability, first cost, and operation and
maintenance cost of various pumps having suitable flow/head/efficiency characteristics.
While several kinds of pumps are available, centrifugal pumps are almost always chosen for
deep well or surface-supplied water systems. In the latter case, either horizontal or vertical
pumps may be used. The choice depends largely on the type of intake and storage systems used
and the desired placement of the pump.
Regardless of project size, economic considerations are important in pump selection. However, a
premium should be put on minimizing operational difficulty and expense. Therefore, it is usually
best to use a pump and control system that is simple, rugged, and reliable even though less
expensive (first cost) options may be available. Whenever feasible, pumps and drivers should be
selected that will operate near their peak efficiencies under the actual operating conditions that
are expected. Maximizing the efficiency of pumps and drivers (subject to the constraints of
operational ease and reliability) will tend to reduce operating costs without reducing
dependability significantly, when compared to overdesigned facilities.
The suction conditions available for the pump should be determined for all pumping conditions.
A diagram should be prepared showing the NPSHA for the entire range of pumping conditions.
In all cases the NPSHA should be greater than the NPSHR for the selected pump over the entire
range of required pump operation.
The highest efficiency that is commercially attainable should be specified for whatever type of
pump is selected. This will not only control operating costs but will normally improve the
operation of the pump through less vibration, cavitations, and maintenance requirements.
The magnitude of the maximum potential water hammer pressure surge is a function of fluid
velocity and the pipe material. Some allowance for surge pressure is built into the pressure
ratings of commonly used pipe materials. When it is anticipated that water hammer may be a
problem analysis of hydraulic transients to estimate surge pressures is required. The
requirements for water hammer protection shall be determined on a case by case basis during the
design phase. If it is determined that protection is necessary, the protection method shall be
incorporated into the design.
Based on the analysis results, consideration should be given to the use of slow-operating control
valves, safety valves, surge tanks, air chambers, and special pump control systems.
7.1.10. Miscellaneous
Fuel tanks
The design should specify day tanks to be supplied integral with the generator set. Employment
of a gravity system for the supply of the day tank from the storage tank is preferred. This will
entail locating the storage tank at a higher elevation and design of a ramp for unloading fuel into
the storage tank.
The overhead crane travel shall be coordinated with the equipment to be lifted, loaded, and
unloaded. The pump house building design shall include room for a vehicle to enter the facility
for loading and unloading pumping equipment. This shall be coordinated with the civil
engineering design.
Slide gates are classified as either pressure-seating or pressure-unseating type and having either a
rising or a non-rising stem. In all cases, slide gates should be designed to provide positive seating
by means of suitable wedges. Slide gates provide a more positive means of sealing than any
other types of closure. In general, the use of pressure unseating gates should be avoided unless
the stem threads are exposed to fouling or abrasive materials, it would be difficult to maintain the
wedge. Rising-stem gates are preferred due to their easy maintenance and the locations of thread
engagement outside the corrosive area. Non-rising stems are to be used only if there is
insufficient head room for a rising stem. Slide gates are normally limited to a 3.0-meter (10-foot)
opening width. Gates used for pumping station service are usually of the flush bottom style. This
style gate permits station design without steps in the flow line. All slide gates should be mounted
on an "F" type wall thimble which is cast into the concrete wall. A flange back type gate is
recommended since they are the strongest.
Trash Protection
Trash-racks are required to protect the pumps from debris which could clog or damage the
pumps. Accumulated debris in front of the racks should be removed to prevent structural damage
to the trash-racks or damage to the pumps due to restricted flow into the pump sump. Hand
raking and power raking are two methods used for removing trash from the rack.
Hand raking should be used when the amount of trash can be handled with manually raked
methods. The rake handle should be less than 6 meters but should reach the bottom of the rack
with the operator standing on the trash-rack platform. Hand railing should be provided for safe
hand raking operations.
Equipment Handling
A station crane should be provided, for handling the major items of equipment. Small stations
may be built with removable ceiling hatches so that a mobile crane may be used when work is
Bridge-type cranes are usually used, but a monorail type over the pumping units may be used if
that is the only requirement for the crane and it is capable of doing the job. Cranes of less than 3-
ton lifting capacity should be of the manual type. Cranes with capacities from 3-to 10-ton lifting
capacity may be equipped with a motorized hoist while still retaining manual travel
arrangements. Cranes over 10-ton capacity should be of the three-motor type, where all functions
of the crane are motorized. Hoist and travel speeds can be kept to a minimum since the crane will
be used only for major maintenance. The high position of the crane hook should be at such an
elevation to permit removal of the pump. Allowance should be made for use of slings and lifting
beams plus some free space.
The ventilation system shall be designed in a manner to optimize the airflow across the motors. It
shall avoid intake or exhaust openings over electrical equipment. Intake or exhaust openings
shall not be installed on the roof.
The fresh air inlet areas should be a minimum of twice the outlet area to prevent high losses. The
operating area is ventilated to remove any gases and to remove excess heat buildup caused by the
operation of the electrical and mechanical equipment. The system design is based on the amount
of air to be removed in order to have an inside temperature not greater than 40 degrees C. The
design should consider outside maximum temperatures occurring coincident with operation.
Sump dewatering
Provisions should be provided to dewater the sumps between pumping periods for inspection and
to perform maintenance and repairs. The dewatering may be accomplished by means of one or
more sump pumps. The sump pumps should be of the submersible motor/non-clog pump type.
Dewatering sumps are normally located outside the main pump sumps to avoid disturbing flow
patterns to the main pumps. Any interconnecting piping should be kept to a minimum and should
be installed so that it may be unclogged.
In the design of pumping and accessory equipment, ratings that are specific to particular
manufacturers shall not be employed.
Costs which must be considered for the electrical design include line construction, substation
installation, motors, controls, conduit/ cable sizes, and floor space required. Motors
Constant-speed motors of either the squirrel-cage induction or synchronous type are the preferred
drives for pumps installed in pumping stations. Both squirrel-cage and synchronous motors are
available in speed ranges and sizes that embrace most requirements. All motors should be
designed for full-voltage starting, even if incoming power limitations indicate that some form of
reduced-voltage starting is required.
There are three basic variables that classify motor performance types. These are:
Starting torque.
Starting current.
Motors can have high or low starting torques, starting currents, and slip. However, these six
variables are not produced in every combination. For example, high resistance rotors produce
higher values of starting torque than low resistance rotors. But high resistance in the rotor also
produces a "high slip" motor. A high slip motor, by definition, has higher slip losses, hence
lower efficiency, than an equivalent low slip motor.
Squirrel-cage induction motors have very simple construction, with no electrical connections to
the rotor, and hence they possess a very high degree of reliability. However, the squirrel-cage
rotor does not rotate as fast as the revolving magnetic field setup by the stator winding. This
difference in speed is called "slip." Because of this inherent feature, squirrel-cage motors are not
as efficient as synchronous motors, whose rotors rotate in synchronization with the magnetic
field. In general, their usage is preferred for pump drive requirements less than 375 kW (500
The synchronous motor starts and accelerates its load utilizing the induction principles common
to a squirrel-cage motor. However, as the rotor approaches synchronous speed (approximately 95
to 97 percent of synchronous speed), a second set of windings located on the rotor is energized
with direct current. These field coil windings are responsible for providing the additional torque
necessary to "pull" the rotor into synchronism with the revolving magnetic field established by
the stator windings. The time at which direct current is applied to the field coil windings is
critical and usually takes place when the rotor is revolving at approximately 95 to 97 percent of
synchronous speed. Synchronous motors are preferred as pump drives in the large capacity, low
rpm mixed flow-or propeller-type pumps. In general, their usage should be limited to pumps of
at least 375 kW (500 HP) and above, and at speeds of 500 rpm and below.
Most motor Specifications limit the locked rotor current to 600 percent of rated (full-load)
current. However, EEPCO requirements specify reduced-voltage starting, to reduce starting
current for motors above 7.5kw. Reduced-voltage starters of the autotransformer type or star-
delta starters should generally be used. Caution must be exercised in the application of reduced
voltage starting, however, since the motor torque is reduced as the square of the impressed
voltage. Connections should be made at the lowest tap that will give the required starting torque.
Solid state motor starters employing phase-controlled thyristors are an option to reduce inrush
currents for 400-volt motor applications. However, the reliability, price, availability of qualified
maintenance personnel, and space considerations should all be studied carefully before electing
to use solid state starters.
Duty Cycle Care should be taken in the selection of the number and size of pumps to avoid
excessive duty cycles. Mechanical stresses to the motor bracing and rotor configuration as well
as rotor heating are problems with frequently started motors. The number of starts permissible
for an induction motor should conform to the limitations given, by the motor manufacturer
concerning the frequency of starting requirements. Economic comparisons of different pumping
configurations should include the reduction in motor life as a function of increased motor starting
The motor must be designed with sufficient torque to start the pump to which it is connected
under the maximum conditions specified, but in no case should the starting torque of the motor
be less than 60 percent of full load.
For squirrel-cage induction motors, the design should be checked to ensure that the motor has
sufficient starting torque to accelerate the load over the complete starting cycle. Breakdown
torque should not be less than 200 percent of full load unless reduced voltage starting is
employed. Then the breakdown torque must be reduced to 150 percent of full load.
The main for the changeover panel could be a molded case circuit breaker, power air or vacuum
circuit breaker, or a quick-make, quick-break fusible interrupter switch.
Below 600 volts, circuit breakers and fuses are generally available in all continuous current
ratings and interrupter ratings likely to be encountered.
Requires spares
No remote control
Remote control
Smaller, convenient
Periodic maintenance
Higher initial cost
Experience has shown that frequent operation of power circuit breakers requires additional
maintenance of the various mechanical linkages that comprise the operating mechanisms. Since
maintenance of pumping station equipment is usually a local responsibility, every effort should
be made to reduce system maintenance and optimize station reliability. Magnetic starters provide
a simple, reliable, and less expensive alternative to the usage of power circuit breakers.
Combination magnetic starters are available in either the circuit breaker or fusible type.
Controls, alarms, and devices to indicate system status should be grouped on a control console so
that one operator can conveniently initiate control sequences and observe the system response
Care should be taken to include a monitoring capability for all essential pumping system
parameters. Some alarms that may be required include motor and pump bearing temperatures,
motor winding temperature, motor trip and lockout relays, motor or gear cooling water failure,
excessive pump discharge piping pressures or flow rates, lubrication system failures, abnormal
water levels, etc. A graphic display is an effective means of grouping alarm and status
Each motor controller enclosure is divided into a high-and low voltage section. The high-voltage
section contains the magnetic contactor and its protective fuses. The low voltage section contains
the controls and protective relaying. Contingent upon motor size and relaying requirements, one,
two, or three starters can be located in one vertical section. Power for control relays is usually
220 volts but may be 48-, 125-, or 250-volt DC.
The contactor itself is not capable of interrupting a short circuit and must be protected by silver-
sand type current limiting fuses. One limitation of such fuses is that, should a short-circuit occur
on one phase only, only that fuse will blow, and the motor will continue to operate on the single
phase between the remaining two lines. This can be avoided by the addition of suitable relaying.
The contactor may also incorporate a trip mechanism that is actuated by the blown fuse itself.
Either protective relaying or a mechanical trip mechanism should be provided.
For motors rated below 375 kW (500 HP), protection against loss of voltage or low voltage is
generally provided by the three-phase time-delay under-voltage relay. This would, In addition
provide protection against phase sequence reversal should it occur between the source and the
motor‟s associated switchgear. For short-circuit, stalled-rotor, and running overload protection; a
relay which has a thermally operated time-over current characteristic is used. It is generally to be
preferred for this application over an inverse time-over-current relay Sensitive and fast ground-
fault protection is provided by instantaneous ground-sensor equipment.
The running overload protection device operates from a resistance temperature detector
embedded in the machine stator winding. It is to be preferred over the stator-current-operated
device, since it responds to actual motor temperature. An additional relay is required to provide
protection against stalled rotor conditions since the resistance-temperature detector used with the
running overload protection device will not respond immediately to fast changes in the stator
conductor temperature as would be the case under stalled conditions.
For the mechanical protection of wiring and for the safety of operating personnel, all station
wiring should be enclosed. Rigid galvanized steel conduit is the most commonly used material
for raceways and is suitable for all locations where wiring is required within a pumping station.
If it is necessary to run conduits exposed below the operating floor, consideration should be
given to polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coated rigid galvanized steel or PVC conduit.
Conductors wire and cable for pumping stations should be furnished with moisture-and heat-
resisting insulation. Sizes of conductors should be in accordance with the standards for motor
feeders and branch circuits.
There are two transient elements of a voltage surge that require different protective equipment.
The protection of the major insulation to ground is accomplished by station surge arresters which
limit the amplitude or reflections of the applied impulse waves within the motor windings. The
protection of turn insulation by reducing the steepness of wave fronts applied to or reflected
within the motor windings is accomplished by protective capacitors.
In general, 400 / 230-volt, three-phase, four-wire systems are recommended for lighting loads. A
minimum of 20-percent spare circuits should be provided for future expansion. Operating floor
lights, floodlights, and other lights that may be used for considerable periods of time should
usually be of the high-pressure sodium-type due to their efficiency. Following are typical light
levels for various pumping station areas:
Location LUX
Sump/Catwalk 215
Roadway 10
In the following the detail design and calculations of the major components of the
electromechanical system are set out in detail.
Table : Design Data for electro mechanical part
Pumping Time, hr 20
V = 1.274*Q / D2
𝟏. 𝟐𝟕𝟒 ∗ 𝐐
V = velocity of water in pipe in m/sec
Q = station design discharge in m3/sec
D = diameter of selected pipe in meters
The calculations were made for the selected pumping arrangements of 24+4(two groups, 12+2 in
one group). Rising main choice is to employ twin transmission lines from PS to NSR. The results
and the selected diameter of the pipes are shown in below table. The pipes are seized, based on the
selection of commercially available pipes with the minimum diameter but satisfying the suction
and discharge velocity limits.
As per the calculation, pipe diameters of 700mm, 500mm and 2000mm are the minimum
diameters satisfying the velocity limits for the suction, independent discharge and
manifolddischarge systems respectively. For the PS-NSR twin rising main pipe diameter of 2000
mm satisfies the velocity criteria.
For upper lifted block of 1104.58ha the pumnp was designed and the total number of pump is nine
and it required 982kw power.
Frequency 50hz
Discharge (m3/hr) 48,240.0
Discharge (l/s) 13,400.0
Wet well water level (masl) 1255.13
Discharge reservoir level (masl) 1316.25
Static head (m) 61.12
No of duty pumps 24
No of standby pumps 4
Total No of pumps 28
Single pump discharge (m3/hr) 2016
Single pump discharge (l/s) 560
Rising main pipe length (m) 670
Manifold pipe length (m) 104
Independent suction pipe length (m) 4
Independent discharge pipe length (m) 6
No of rising main pipes 2
Allowable velocity (m/s), suction side, independent 1.50
Allowable velocity (m/s), discharge side, independent 2.8
Allowable velocity (m/s), manifold 2.2
Allowable velocity (m/s), rising main, twin 2.2
Independent suction pipe dia (m) 0.689
Independent discharge pipe dia (m) 0.5
Manifold pipe dia (m) 1.971
Alternative – rising main dia (m), twin 1.971
In this project, to identify the NPSH is not needed because pump level is lower than supply water
The following K factors were adopted for the calculation of head losses in fittings and valves.
Table ; Left Side pump station , valve factor k
The results of the detail calculations for head loss in valves, fittings and lines are shown in
Table : Head loss in valve, fittings and lines
Based on the above results, pump model are selected from manufacturer catalogues. The detail
data of the pumps are shown in the following tables and charts.
Head, H (m) 70
N = 1.1 ∗ 102∗ η 1 η 2
All the irrigation development of under gravity and lifted canals of 11,326.70ha from the system
layout the canals like primary canal (PC), SC, TC, TD, CD, SD length and the discharge
capacity required and related dimensions are known. The numbers of structures along these
canals like culvert, off takes, drops, escapes, division box, and outfalls were also known
therefore the cost can be estimated as the following tables after preparing unit rate considering
the local labour cost and the price of inputs material.
Table Cost estimation of Head work, main canals and related structures
N Description Unit Qty Gravity block Lifted Block Upper lifted Total birr
O (the Block
whole Qty Amount (birr) Qty Amount(birr) qty Amount
1 Diversion head NO 0.5 - - - - 132,645,793.80
work &
2 Left main canal km 46.6 - - - - 606,692,766.60
and related
structure cost
3 Left gravity canal km 84.56 84.5 233,953,388.90 - - 233,953,388.90
and related 6
structure of t cost
4 Left Lifted Gravity km 57.25 - - 57.2 445,204,277.8 445,204,277.80
canal and related 5
structure cost
5 Electro- NO LSM - - - 273,262,628.3 273,262,628.33
Mechanical cost 3
6 Electro- LSM - 63,429,01 63,429,012
Mechanical cost 2
for ULLC
Total cost 1,755,187,867.4
VAT 15% 263,278,180.11
Total cost 2,018,466,047.5
including VAT
Table : Cost estimation of farm work canals and related structure phase IIA project
Table : Cost estimation of farm work drainage canals and related structures
N Description Unit Gravity block Lifted Block Upper lifted Total birr
O Qty Amount (birr) Qty Amount(birr) Qty Amount
1 All tertiary Drain km 142.63 11,708,024.56 180.844 31,063,305.78 32.80 6,275,625.79 49,046,956.13
canal(TD) earth work
2 All structure on TD NO 142.63 14,641,749.77 180.844 20,760,045.80 32.80 3,711,799.41 39,113,594.98
3 All secondary Drain km 26.721 15,748,385.03 14.87 12,523,954.36 28,272,339.39
canal (SD) earth
4 All structure on SD NO 26.721 58,910,286.09 14.87 39,396,890.27 98,307,176.36
5 All collective Drain km 9.223 5,345,450.66 15.377 5,244,501.96 10,589,952.62
canal(CD) earth work
6 All structure on CD NO 9.223 6,895,222.50 15.377 5,706,861.96 12,602,084.46
Total 113,249,118.6 114,695,560.13 9,987,425.20 237,932,103.94
Add15% VAT 16,987,367.79 17,204,334.01 1,498,113.78 35,689,815.591
Total cost including 130,236,486.4 131,899,894.15 11,485,538.9 273,621,919.531
Table : Cost estimation of road network and related structures of phase IIA project
Table : Cost summary of head work, gravity and lifted blocks of irrigation and drainage phase IIA project
N Description Unit Qty Gravity block Lifted Block Upper li block Total birr
O (the Qty Amount (birr) Qty Amount(birr) q
whole t
) y
1 Diversion head work NO 0.5 132,645,793.80
2 Left main canal &structure km 46.6 606,692,766.60
3 LGC&LLGC including km 84.5 233,953,388.9 57.25 445,204,277.80 679,157,666.7
structure 8
4 Electro-mechanical work NO LSM 273,262,628.33 63,429,012 336,691,640.33
6 All farm work Canal and 213,339,975.85 400,808,930.41 78,306,156 692,455,062.05
related structures
7 All Farm work Drainage 113,249,118.61 114,695,560.13 9,987,425.20 237,932,103.9
canal and related structure
6 Road along LMC km 46.6 161,730,739.5
7 Road along LGC,LLGC& km 84.57 199,540,518.67 57.25 151,132,245.78 350,672,764.4
farm road
Total cost 760, 083,002.03 1,385,103,642.45 151,722,593. 3,197,978,537.28
ADD VAT15% 114,012,450.30 207,765,546.36 22,758,388.9 479,696,780.59
Total inc VAT 874,095,452.33 1,592,869,188.82 174,480,982. 3,677,675,318.87
Table : Cost summary of gravity, lifted, head work and LMC Of phase IIA versus area of project
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Annex-1 Detail GPS data