Role of Zinc Sulfate in Prevention of Chemotherapy Induced Oral Mucositis
Role of Zinc Sulfate in Prevention of Chemotherapy Induced Oral Mucositis
Role of Zinc Sulfate in Prevention of Chemotherapy Induced Oral Mucositis
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Corresponding author
Dr Aalia Mushtaq Chaudhary
PGT Medical Oncology Fauji Foundation Hospital Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Grade Changes
0 No subjective or objective changes of mucositis
I Oral soreness and erythema in mucosa, gums tongue or palate
II Erythema and ulcers,but solid diet tolerated
III Erythema and oral ulcers, only “pasty” food and liquid tolerated
IV Erythema and ulcers and pain,inability to swallow liquids,oral alimentation
impossible, narcotics for pain relief.
Table 1: WHO grades of mucositis
Open label two arms interventional study with quantitative study design
Checked for
Patient receiving mucositis as per
Zinc sulfate plus WHO grade of
chemotherapy AECC at 7 & 14
Patient Patients'
enrolled by consent
Ethical non- taken & by systematic
approval prabability detailed
convenience counselling
sampling for oral
technique hygiene
Checked for
mucositis as
Patient receiving only
chemotherapy per WHO
grade of AECC
7 & 14 day
As part of analytical statistics, Chi square test was thatmucositis assessed at day 7 showed statistically
applied to identify statistical significance of any reduction in significant difference in mucositis incidence as well as
severity of mucositis in Zinc Sulphate arm. A p value of severity in patients receiving Zinc Sulphatewith a p value <
≤0.05 was considered significant. This analysis showed 0.00 and Pearson chi square value was 40.108.
Only 9 patient (18%) developedgrade 1 mucositis at day 7 in intervention arm as opposed to 21(42%) patients in non-
interventionarm, while none of the patient had grade 2 or grade 3 mucositis in intervention arm. Thus,the incidence as well as the
severity of mucositis was markedly reduced with the co-administration of ZnSO4, when assessed at day 7 in patients receiving
various chemotherapies in our study, as shown in figure 2.
Mucositis %
Fig. 2: Bar chart showing relationship between grades of mucositis in intervention & non- intervention arm at day 7
Mucositis %
Fig. 3: Bar chart showing relationship between grades of mucositis in intervention & non- intervention arm at day 14
VII. DISCUSSION We used Google scholar and pub med for literature
search regarding the zinc sulphate and oral mucositis. Zinc
Chemotherapy is an important modality in the sulphate has been reported in literature to have some
armamentarium against various malignancies. It has good protective effect against chemotherapy induced
cure rates but there are various hinderances in its use mucositis.7,9,19 Zinc sulphate is believed to have protective
including cost, chemotherapy phobia, side effects and post role by combating inflammation, acting as a cofactor for
chemotherapy care required at home.One of the commonest DNA synthesis and maintaining immune system.7,11,16 But
factors affecting compliance of chemotherapy is side effects there is no clear evidence as conflicting results are shown by
of the treatment that the patients experience.1These side some studies, where no significant benefit is shown with
effects are haematological as well as non-haematological high dose chemotherapies esp. the pre-transplant
affecting several organs of the body. Oral mucositis is a conditioning regimens.20Moreover, no local study is
non-hematological side effect of chemotherapy and about available to study this dimension of mucositis. Hence, it is
14-81% patients experience this side effect.4,5 Thus, an important area to explore if mucositis can be prevented or
negatively affecting patients’ nutrition and leading to poor minimized to improve outcome of patients receiving various
tolerance,dose reductions and gaps in chemotherapy which chemotherapies. With this background we studied the effect
affects survival of the patients and causes economic burden of zinc sulphate in prevention or decreasing the severity of
as well.7,8,9,10. Different agents have been tried for chemotherapy induced oral mucositis in our population.
prevention of mucositis including Chinese herbal medicines,
antibiotics, anesthetics, anti-inflammatory agents,laser Rambod et al studied effect of zinc sulphate on
therapy, cryotherapy, zinc sulphate and non-essential amino prevention and reduction in severity of mucositis in adult
acids. However, still there is lack of evidence based patients treated for leukemia.7 We included solid and
standard protocols for the prevention of chemotherapy hematological malignancies who were treated with
related mucositis.7,14 chemotherapy with high neutropenic potential > 20%. Their
Mean age in the intervention arm was 39.17 ±17.07 years