Chapter 12 Cash Flow Estimation and Risk Analysis
Chapter 12 Cash Flow Estimation and Risk Analysis
Chapter 12 Cash Flow Estimation and Risk Analysis
Environmental Externalities
The most common type of negative externality is a project’s impact on
the environment. Government rules and regulations constrain what
companies can do, but firms have some flexibility in dealing with the
environment. For example, suppose a manufacturer is studying a proposed
new plant. The company could meet the environmental regulations at a
cost of $1 million, but the plant would still emit fumes that might cause ill
feelings in its neighborhood. Those ill feelings would not show up in the
cash flow analysis, but they still should be considered. Perhaps a relatively
small additional expenditure would reduce the emissions substantially,
make the plant look good relative to other plants in the area, and provide
goodwill that would help the firm’s sales and negotiations with
governmental agencies in the future.
Of course, everyone’s profits depend on the earth remaining healthy, so
companies have an incentive to do things to protect the environment even
though those actions are not required. However, if one firm decides to
take actions that are good for the environment but costly, its products
must reflect the higher costs. If its competitors decide to get by with less
costly but less environmentally friendly processes, they can price their
products lower and make more money. Of course, more environmentally
friendly companies can advertise their environmental efforts, and this
might—or might not—offset the higher costs. All of this illustrates why
government regulations are necessary, both nationally and internationally.
Finance, politics, and the environment are all interconnected.
In Chapter 11, we analyzed two projects, S and L. We were given the cash
flows and used them to illustrate how the NPV, IRR, MIRR, and payback are
calculated. Now we demonstrate how cash flows are actually estimated,
using our old Project S to demonstrate the procedure. We explain the
process in Table 12-1. Look at it as we discuss the analysis. Note that the
dollars are in thousands; we omitted
three zeros to streamline the presentation. Also note that we used Excel to If for some reason the firm decided to use straight-line depreciation, it
make Table 12-1. We could have used a calculator and plain paper, but could write off a constant $225 per year. Its total cash flows over the entire
Excel is much better in dealing with arithmetic. You don’t need to know 4 years would be the same as under accelerated depreciation; but under
Excel to understand the discussion; but if you plan to work in finance—or straight line, those cash flows would come in a bit slower because the firm
in almost any business function—you should learn something about it. would have higher tax payments in the early years and lower tax payments
The column headers in the table, the A through I, and the row headers, later on.
1 through 38, designate cells, which contain the data. For example, the We calculate the annual cash flows for Project S over the 4 years in
equipment needed for Project S will cost $900, and that number is shown Columns F, G, H, and I, ending with the net cash flows shown on Row 22.
in Cell E4 as a negative. The equipment is expected to have a salvage value The numbers in Cells E22 through I22 amount to a cash flow time line, and
of $50 at the end of the project’s 4-year life; this is shown in Cell I19.1 The they are the same numbers used in Chapter 11 for Project S. Since the
new project will require $100 of working capital; this is shown in Cell E5 as numbers are the same, the NPV, IRR, MIRR, and Payback shown in Cells
a negative number because it is a cost and then as a positive number in C31 through C34 are the same as those we calculated in Chapter 11.
Cell I21 because it is recovered at the end of Year 4. The total investment The Excel model used to create Table 12-1 is part of the chapter Excel
at Time 0 is $1,000, which is shown in Cell E22. model available on the text’s web site. We recommend that anyone with a
Unit sales of Project S are shown on Row 7; they are expected to decline computer and some familiarity with Excel access the model and work
somewhat over the project’s 4-year life. The sales price, a constant $10, is through it to see how the table was generated. Anyone doing real-world
shown on Row 8. The projected variable cost per unit is given on Row 9; it capital budgeting today would use such a model; and our model provides a
generally increases over time due to expected increases in materials and good template, or starting point, if and when you need to analyze an actual
labor. Sales revenues, which are calculated as units multiplied by price, are project.
given on Row 10. Variable costs, equal to units multiplied by VC/unit, are
given on Row 11; and fixed costs excluding depreciation, which are a 1 The equipment will be fully depreciated after 4 years. Therefore, the $50
constant $2,000, are shown on Row 12. estimated salvage value will exceed the book value, which will be zero. This
Depreciation is found as the annual rate allowed by the IRS times the $50 gain is classified as a recapture of depreciation, and it is taxed at the
depreciable basis. As noted in Chapter 3, Congress sets the depreciation same rate as ordinary income
rates that can be used for tax purposes and these are the tax rates used in
the capital budgeting analysis. Congress permits firms to depreciate assets 12-2a Effect of Different Depreciation Rates
by the straightline method or by an accelerated method. As we will see,
profitable firms are better off using accelerated depreciation. We discuss If we replaced the accelerated depreciation numbers in Table 12-1 with
depreciation more fully in Appendix 12A; but to simplify things for this the constant $225 values that would exist under straight line, the result
chapter, we assume that the applicable accelerated rates for a project with would be a cash flow time line on Row 22 that has the same total flows.
a 4-year life are as given on Row 24 of the depreciation section of the table However, in the early years, the cash flows resulting from straight-line
and that straight-line rates are as given on Row 27. Thus, we assume that if depreciation would be lower than those now in the table; and the later
the firm uses accelerated depreciation, it will write off 33% of the basis years’ cash flows would show higher numbers. You know that dollars
during Year 1, another 45% in Year 2, and so forth. These are the rates received earlier have a higher present value than dollars received later.
used to obtain the cash flows shown in the table. Therefore, Project S’s NPV is higher if the firm uses accelerated
The depreciable basis is the cost of the equipment including any depreciation. The exact effect is shown in the Project Evaluation section of
shipping or installation costs, or $900 as shown in Cells E4, C24, and C27. Table 12-1—the NPV is $78.82 under accelerated depreciation and $64.44,
The total depreciation over the 4 years equals the cost of the equipment. or 18% less, with straight line.
Now suppose Congress wants to encourage companies to increase their incremental cost; it is a sunk cost. Therefore, it should not enter into the
capital expenditures to boost economic growth and employment. What analysis.
change in depreciation would have the desired effect? The answer is to One additional point should be made about sunk costs. If the $150
make accelerated depreciation even more accelerated. For example, if the expenditure was actually made, in the final analysis, Project S would turn
firm could write off this 4-year equipment at rates of 50%, 35%, 10%, and out to be a loser: Its NPV would be $78.82 − $150 ¼ −$71.18. If we could
5%, its early tax payments would be lower, early cash flows would be somehow back up and Chapter 12 Cash Flow Estimation and Risk Analysis
higher, and the project’s NPV would be higher than that shown in Table 12- 371 reconsider the project before the $150 had been spent, we would see
1. that the project should be rejected. However, we can’t back up—at this
point, we can either abandon the project or spend $1,000 and go forward
12-2b Cannibalization with it. If we go forward, we will receive an incremental NPV of $78.82,
which would reduce the loss from −$150 to −$71.18.
Project S does not involve any cannibalization effects. Suppose, however,
that Project S would reduce the net after-tax cash flows of another division 12-2e Other Changes to the Inputs
by $50 per year. No other firm would take on this project if our firm turns
it down. In this case, we would add a row at about Row 18 and deduct $50 Variables other than depreciation also could be varied, and these
for each year. If this were done, Project S would end up with a negative changes would alter the calculated cash flows and thus NPV and IRR. For
NPV; hence, it would be rejected. On the other hand, if Project S would example, we could increase or decrease the projected unit sales, the sales
cause additional flows in some other division (a positive externality), those price, the variable and/or the fixed costs, the initial investment cost, the
after-tax inflows should be attributed to Project S working capital requirements, the salvage value, and even the tax rate if
we thought Congress was likely to raise or lower taxes. Such changes could
12-2c Opportunity Costs be made easily in an Excel model, making it possible to see the resulting
changes in NPV and IRR immediately. This is called sensitivity analysis, and
Now suppose the $900 initial cost shown in Table 12-1 was based on the we discuss it later in the chapter when we take up procedures for
assumption that the project would save money by using some equipment measuring projects’ risks.
the company now owns and that equipment would be sold for $100, after
taxes, if the project is rejected. The $100 is an opportunity cost, and it 12-3 REPLACEMENT ANALYSIS
should be reflected in our calculations. We would add $100 to the project’s In the last section, we assumed that Project S was an entirely new
cost. The result would be an NPV of $78.82 − $100 ¼ −$21.18, so the project. So all of its cash flows were incremental—they occurred only if the
project would be rejected. firm accepted the project. This is true for expansion projects; but for
replacement projects, we must find cash flow differentials between the
12-2d Sunk Costs new and old projects and these differentials are the incremental flows that
we analyze.
Now suppose the firm had spent $150 on a marketing study to estimate We evaluate a replacement decision in Table 12-2, which is set up much
potential sales. This $150 could not be recovered regardless of whether like Table 12-1, but with data on both a new, highly efficient machine
the project is accepted or rejected. Should the $150 be charged to Project (which will be depreciated on an accelerated basis) and the old machine
S when determining its NPV for capital budgeting purposes? The answer is (which is depreciated on a straight-line basis). Here we find the firm’s cash
no. We are interested only in incremental costs. The $150 is not an flows when it continues using the old machine, then the cash flows when it
decides to use the new one. Finally, we subtract the old flows from the
new to arrive at the incremental cash flows. We used Excel in our analysis; would, of course, be reflected in the differential cash flows on Row
but again, we could have used a calculator or pencil and paper. Here are 25.
the key inputs used in the analysis. No additional working capital is
The key here is to find the incremental cash flows. As noted previously,
we find the cash flows from the operation with the old machine, then find
the cash flows with the new machine, then find the differences in the cash
flows. This is what we do in Parts I, II, and III of Table 12-2. Since there will
be an additional expenditure to buy the new machine, that cost is shown in
Cell E13. However, we can sell the old machine for $400, so that is shown
as an inflow in Cell E14. The net cash outlay at Time 0 is $1,600, as shown
in Cell E23.
The net cash flows based on the old machine are shown on Row 11, and
those for the new one are on Row 23. Then on Row 25, we show the
differences in the cash flows with and without replacement—these are the
incremental cash flows used to find the replacement NPV. When we
evaluate the incremental cash flows, we see that the replacement has
an NPV of $80.28, so the old machine should be replaced.
In some instances, replacements add capacity as well as lower
operating costs. When this is the case, sales revenues in Part II
would be increased; and if that led to a need for more working
capital, that number would be shown as a Time 0 expenditure along
with a recovery at the end of the project’s life. These changes
12-4 RISK ANALYSIS IN CAPITAL BUDGETING risk and then consider the other two risk measures in a qualitative
Projects differ in risk, and risk should be reflected in capital budgeting
decisions. However, it is difficult to measure risk, especially for new Projects are generally classified into several categories. Then
projects where no history exists. For this reason, managers deal with risk in with the firm’s overall WACC as a starting point, a risk-adjusted
many different ways, ranging from almost totally subjective adjustments to cost of capital is assigned to each category. For example, a firm
highly sophisticated analyses that involve computer simulation and high- might establish three risk classes, assign the corporate WACC to
powered statistics. average-risk projects, add a 5% risk premium for higher-risk
Three separate and distinct types of risk are involved: projects, and subtract 2% for low-risk projects. Under this setup, if
1. Stand-alone risk, which is a project’s risk assuming (a) that it is the the company’s overall WACC was 10%, 10% would be used to
only asset the firm has and (b) that the firm is the only stock in evaluate average-risk projects, 15% for high-risk projects, and 8%
each investor’s portfolio. Stand-alone risk is measured by the for low-risk projects. While this approach is probably better than
variability of the project’s expected returns. Diversification is not making any risk adjustments, these adjustments are highly
totally ignored subjective and difficult to justify. Unfortunately, there’s no perfect
2. Corporate, or within-firm, risk, which is a project’s risk to the way to specify how high or low the adjustments should be.
corporation as opposed to its investors. Within-firm risk takes
account of the fact that the project is only one asset in the firm’s 12-5 MEASURING STAND-ALONE RISK
portfolio of assets; hence, some of its risk will be eliminated by
diversification within the firm. This type of risk is measured by the A project’s stand-alone risk reflects uncertainty about its cash
project’s impact on uncertainty about the firm’s future returns. flows. The required investment, unit sales, sales prices, and
3. Market, or beta, risk, which is the riskiness of the project as seen operating costs shown in Table 12-1 for Project S are subject to
by a well diversified stockholder who recognizes (a) that the uncertainty. First-year sales were projected at 537 units (actually,
project is only one of the firm’s assets and (b) that the firm’s stock 537,000, but we shortened it to 537 to streamline the analysis) to
is but one part of his or her stock portfolio. The project’s market be sold at a price of $10 per unit. However, unit sales would
risk is measured by its effect on the firm’s beta coefficient. almost certainly be somewhat higher or lower than 537, and the
price would probably turn out to be different from the projected
Taking on a project with a great deal of stand-alone or corporate $10 per unit. Similarly, the other variables would probably differ
risk will not necessarily affect the firm’s beta. However, if the from their indicated values. Indeed, all the inputs are expected
project has high stand-alone risk and if its returns are highly values, and actual values can vary from expected values.
correlated with returns on the firm’s other assets and with returns Three techniques are used to assess stand-alone risk: (1)
on most other stocks in the economy, the project will have a high sensitivity analysis, (2) scenario analysis, and (3) Monte Carlo
degree of all three types of risk. Market risk is theoretically the simulation. We discuss them in the following sections.
most relevant of the three because it is the one reflected in stock
prices. Unfortunately, market risk is also the most difficult to 12-5a Sensitivity Analysis
estimate, primarily because new projects don’t have “market
prices” that can be related to stock market returns. Therefore, Intuitively, we know that a change in a key input variable such
most decision makers do a quantitative analysis of stand-alone as units sold or sales price will cause the NPV to change.
Sensitivity analysis measures the percentage change in NPV that
results from a given percentage change in an input, other
variables held at their expected values. This is by far the most
commonly used type of risk analysis, and it is used by most firms.
It begins with a base-case situation, where the project’s NPV is
found using the base-case value for each input variable. Here’s a
list of the key inputs for Project S:
Equipment cost
Required working capital
Unit sales
Sales price
Variable cost per unit
Fixed operating costs
Tax rate
The data we used back in Table 12-1 were the most likely, or base-case,
values; and the resulting NPV, $78.82, is the base-case NPV. It’s easy to
imagine changes in the inputs, and those changes would result in different
When senior managers review capital budgeting studies, they are
interested in the base-case NPV, but they always go on to ask the financial
analyst a series of “what if” questions: What if unit sales turn out to be
25% below the base-case level? What if market conditions force us to price
the product at $9, not $10? What if variable costs are higher than we
forecasted? Sensitivity analysis is designed to provide answers to such
questions. Each variable is increased or decreased from its expected value,
holding other variables constant at their basecase levels. Then the NPV is
calculated using the changed input. Finally, the resulting set of NPVs is
plotted to show how sensitive NPV is to changes in each variable
Figure 12-1 shows Project S’s sensitivity graph for six key variables. The
table below the graph gives the NPVs based on different values of the
inputs, and those NPVs were then plotted to make the graph. Figure 12-1
shows that as unit sales and price increase, the project’s NPV increases,
whereas the opposite is true for the other four input variables. An increase Figure 12-1, the slopes of the lines in the graph indicate how sensitive NPV
in variable costs, fixed costs, equipment costs, and WACC lowers the is to each input: The larger the range, the steeper the variable’s slope and
project’s NPV. The ranges shown at the bottom of the table and the slopes the more sensitive the NPV is to this variable. We see that NPV is very
of the lines in the graph indicate how sensitive NPV is to changes in each sensitive to changes in the sales price, fairly sensitive to changes in variable
input. When the data are plotted in costs, a bit less sensitive to units sold and fixed costs, but not very sensitive
to changes in the equipment cost or the WACC.
If we were comparing two projects, the one with the steeper sensitivity $5,028.94. When we divide the standard deviation by the expected NPV,
lines would be riskier, other things held constant, because relatively small we get the coefficient of variation, 7.12, which is a measure of stand-alone
changes in the input variables would produce large changes in the NPV. risk. The firm’s average-risk project has a coefficient of variation of about
Thus, sensitivity analysis provides useful insights into a project’s risk. 2.0, so the CV of 7.12 indicates that this project is much riskier than most
of the firm’s other projects.
12-5b Scenario Analysis Our firm’s WACC is 10%, so that rate should be used to find the NPV of
an average-risk project. Project S is riskier than average, so a higher
In sensitivity analysis, we change one variable at a time. However, it is discount rate should be used to find its NPV. There is no way to determine
useful to know what would happen to the project’s NPV if all of the inputs the “correct” discount rate—this is a judgment call. However, some firms
turned out to be better or worse than expected. Also, we can assign increase the corporate WACC when they evaluate projects deemed to be
probabilities to the good, bad, and most likely (or base-case) scenarios, relatively risky and reduce it for low-risk projects. When the NPV was
then find the expected value and the standard deviation of the NPV. recalculated using a 12.5% WACC, the basecase NPV fell from $78.82 to
Scenario analysis allows for these extensions—it allows us to change more $33.62; so the project still passed the NPV test.
than one variable at a time, and it incorporates the probabilities of changes Note that the base-case results are the same in our sensitivity and
in the key variables. scenario analyses; but in the scenario analysis, the worst case is much
In a scenario analysis, we begin with the base-case scenario, which uses worse than in the sensitivity analysis and the best case is much better. This
the most likely set of input values. We then ask marketing, engineering, is because in scenario analysis, all of the variables are set at their best or
and other operating managers to specify a worst-case scenario (low unit worst levels, while in sensitivity analysis, only one variable is adjusted and
sales, low sales price, high variable costs, and so forth) and a best-case all the others are left at their base-case levels
scenario. Often the best and worst cases are defined as having a 25%
probability of conditions being that good or bad, with a 50% probability for
the base-case conditions. Obviously, conditions can take on many more
than three values, but such a scenario setup is useful to help in
understanding the project’s riskiness.
The best-case, base-case, and worst-case values for Project S are shown
in Figure 12-2, along with plots of the data. If the project is highly
successful, the combination of a high sales price, low production costs, and
high unit sales will result in a very high NPV, $7,450.38. However, if things
turn out badly, the NPV will be a negative $4,782.40. The graphs show the
wide range of possibilities, suggesting that this is a risky project. If the bad
conditions materialize, the company will not go bankrupt—this is just one
project for a large company. Still, losing $4,782.40 (or $4,782,400 since we
are working in thousands) would hurt the stock price.
If we multiply each scenario’s probability by the NPV under that scenario
and then sum the products, we will have the project’s expected NPV,
$706.40 as shown in Figure 12-2. Note that the expected NPV differs from
the base-case NPV. This is not an error—mathematically, they are not
equal. We also calculate the standard deviation of the expected NPV; it is
profitability, and the standard deviation (or perhaps the coefficient of
variation) of the NPVs is used as a measure of risk.