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International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 181 (2020) 104078

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International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping

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Numerical simulation of water hammer using implicit Crank-Nicolson Local

Multiquadric Based Differential Quadrature
Abdol Mahdi Behroozi, Mohammad Vaghefi *
Department of Civil Engineering, Persian Gulf University, Shahid Mahini St., Bushehr, 75169, Iran


Keywords: This paper focuses on developing a numerical model based on Implicit Local Multiquadric Based Differential
Water hammer Quadrature Method for simulation of water hammer phenomena in a pipeline system consisting of a valve, pipe
Surge tank and surge tank. This model is used with the aim of reducing computational costs and increasing accuracy. After
Transient flow
brief interdicting of governing equations of water hammer, the spatial and temporal derivatives are implicitly
Water pipeline
Multiquadric based differential quadrature
discretized by the Local Multiquadric Based Differential Quadrature and Crank Nicholson scheme, respectively.
The system of governing equations of the water hammer is discretized in matrix form and solved by applying
appropriate boundary and initial conditions. The proposed model is verified by two experimental case. The
comparison between obtained results and experimental reported data indicates that the presented method is in
good agreement with experimental observations. To evaluate the computational cost, these examples were also
solved concurrently with Method of Characteristics. The comparison showed that this method is able to simulate
the water hammer more accurately despite less computational effort. It is also found the accuracy of the model
depends on the Courant number. However, the model maintains its stability in Courant numbers more than the

1. Introduction profiles of axial velocities and the solution of the resulting set of equa­
tions by the method of characteristics for the solution of water hammer
The water hammer is compressive shock wave that propagates along problems for laminar flow in pipes was presented in Ref. [4]. First and
the pipeline when the flowing fluid is stopped by an external cause such second-order explicit finite volume (FV) Godunov-type schemes were
as valve sudden closure. It is one of the most destructive hydrodynamic used for water hammer problems in Ref. [5]. The Runge–Kutta
phenomena that can occur in pumping stations, water pipelines, and time-stepping schemes with TVD central differencing were adopted for
hydroelectric power plants and classified as an unsteady transient solving both one and two-dimensional water hammer equations in
damping flow. This phenomenon can cause abnormal pressure elastic pipes due to sudden valve closure in Ref. [6]. Leon et al. [7] was
increasing, cavitation, and eventually pipeline bursting and system focused on the formulation and assessment of a second-order finite
failure. Therefore understanding this phenomenon before designing a volume shock-capturing scheme for simulating two-phase water
water transmission pipelines plays an important role in preventing its hammer flows based on the single equivalent fluid concept [7]. Chen
occurrence and extending the life of these structures. In recent years, et al. [8] was introduced an algorithm based on the Chebyshev super
with the development of computers and applied mathematics various spectral viscosity (SSV) method to solve the coupled transient continuity
methods have been proposed for theoretical simulation of transient flow and momentum equations of water hammer. A mixed numerical
through pipeline. The fixed-grid Method of Characteristic MOC has been formulation, based on the method of characteristics (MOC) and finite
used repeatedly in previous papers to simulate the water hammer. difference method (FDM), were proposed for the numerical simulation
However, this method was not widely used due to its limitations such as of the hydraulic transient in Ref. [9]. Mac-Cormack time marching
its poor numerical stability, the complexity of the algorithm and the scheme was developed for water hammer in variable-property series
impossibility of modeling complex boundary conditions [1–3]. A tran­ pipe system by Ref. [10]. Modified Godunov-type wave propagation
sient shear stress model based on the polynomial expansion of the radial method was presented in Ref. [11] for modeling one and

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A.M. Behroozi), [email protected] (M. Vaghefi).

Received 24 November 2019; Received in revised form 1 March 2020; Accepted 16 March 2020
Available online 19 March 2020
0308-0161/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.M. Behroozi and M. Vaghefi International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 181 (2020) 104078

two-dimensional water hammer problems. These are all just part of the Where x donates distance along the pipe, t is time, H and V are piezo­
efforts made in this field. In past research, the stability of the solution metric pressure head and cross-sectional mean velocity respectively. g
and computation cost have been reported as major challenges of nu­ represents gravitational acceleration and a is wave speed that describes
merical methods [3]. To satisfy stability condition, which is expressed as the nature of the course of a water hammer and the velocity of propa­
the Courant-Friedrich-Levy (CFL), the marching time steps must be gation of the pressure wave. D the pipe diameter and f is friction factor of
chosen smaller than the time required to move a wave from one point to pipe wall. Eqs (1) and (2) are nonlinear, hyperbolic, with no analytical
its adjacent point in the mesh grids. Therefore, in problems such as the solution and just can be solved by numerical methods. Using the energy
water hammer due to the high of the wave velocity, time steps have to be equation between the main upstream reservoir and each i-th point at the
selected very small, which results the computational cost and the nu­ distance x from the valve and also using Darcy–Weisbach equation for
merical errors. In recent years, Differential Quadrature Method (DQM) calculating energy loss in the pipe, the initial values for H in steady-state
has been developed as a high-order numerical model for solving partial are formulated as follows:
differential equations. This method has high accuracy despite low � � 2
f Qs
computation effort. So far, it has been used successfully in many engi­ Hiinitial ¼ HReservoir xi (3)
D 2gA2t
neering problems [12]. The Local Multiquadric Based Differential
Quadrature LMQ-DQM method, as one of the subsets of the DQM
Where HReservoir is the main reservoir head, Qs is steady-state discharge
method, which is a combination of this method with Radial Basis
and At is the cross-section of the pipeline. The initial value for velocity is
Functions RBFs, has been proposed in Ref. [13] as an accurate, robust
also calculated using the continuity equation as follows:
and low-cost numerical method for solving partial differential equa­
tions. In this paper, relying on the high-order nature of the DQM Qs
Viinitial ¼ (4)
method, an accurate and stable numerical tool for simulation of tran­ At
sient flow in pipeline and water level fluctuations in surge tank due to
At the pipe-reservoir junction point, the energy head is considered
water hammer. The system of governing equations of this phenomenon,
constant and equal to HReservoir. Consider the positive flow directions as
have been discretized and formulated on the time-spatial (x-t) plane
portrayed in Fig. 2(a).
using the presented method and solved by implementing the appropriate
The boundary conditions at the junction of the surge tank and the
boundary conditions. For validation of the algorithm, the numerical
pipeline can be determined by the simultaneous use of the energy
results have been compared with well-known experimental reports for
equation and the continuity equation. The following equations can be
water hammer in classical pipe-valve-tank systems due to sudden valve
written for the consistency conditions at the junction of the tank and the
discharge pipe:

2. The governing equation H1 ¼ H2 ¼ H3 (5)

The sketch map of the pipeline system and surge tank position is V1 At ¼ V2 At þ V3 As (6)
illustrated schematically in Fig. 1. Before changing in the valve status,
the flow from the reservoir to tail is in steady-state and changes to Where V1, V2, and V3 are flow velocity at sections 1, 2 and 3 As is the
unsteady-state due to a sudden changing in the valve situation and surge tank cross-section area. The boundary condition at the junction of
downstream discharge. The temporal changing of the system energy the pipeline and valve are calculated based on the backward differ­
head causes water level oscillation in the surge tank and these fluctua­ encing of Eq (1) and the hydraulic parameters of the system at the
tions are damped due to the frictional energy loss [14]. previous time step and can be formulated as follows [14]:
For one-dimensional transient flow, the basic governing equations of � �
Δt a2 �
water hammer which includes the momentum conservation equation H0nþ1 ¼ H0n V1n (7)
Δx g
and continuity equation can be finally deduced and expressed in the x-t
plan as two as follow: Subscripts 0, 1 represent values in computation nodes 0 and 1
respectively as illustrated in Fig. 2(b).
- Continuity equation:
3. Theory of LMQ-DQM
a2 ∂V ∂H ∂H
þV þ ¼0 (1)
g ∂x ∂x ∂t The main idea of DQM was first proposed in Ref. [15] for the nu­
merical solution of partial differential equations. In DQM in a compu­
tation domain with N nodes, the r-th order partial derivatives of function
- Momentum equation:
f in i-th point with xi coordination component are approximated by
∂H ∂V ∂V f weighted sums of function values in whole mesh points as follow:
g þV þ þ VjVj ¼ 0 (2)
∂x ∂x ∂t 2D
∂r f ðxi Þ X N

¼ Ari;j :f xj i ¼ 1; 2; …:; N (8)
∂xr j¼1

Fig. 1. The sketch of a classical pipeline-value-surge tank. Fig. 2. The pipe-Surge Tank-Valve Junction Points.

A.M. Behroozi and M. Vaghefi International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 181 (2020) 104078

Where Ari,j are weighting coefficients for the r-th order derivative of on domain geometry and the distribution of the mesh points in the
function f. There are several techniques for determining weighting co­ computation domain. Selecting an inappropriate value for this param­
efficients. For example, the following equations for first-order derivative eter can affect the accuracy of the numerical model [18]. In the current
using linear polynomial functions as a test function was presented in study, the value of c is chosen based on the model presented in Ref. [19]
Ref. [16]: as follow:

M 1 ðxi Þ 0:815 X

A1i;j ¼ � � j 6¼ i (9) c¼ di (17)

xi xj M 1 xj N i¼1

N Where di is equal to the Euclidean distance of i-th mesh point to the
A1i;j ¼ ai;j j¼i (10) nearest point in its neighborhood.

4. Discretization of the governing equation

� By substituting Eq (12) into Eqs (1) and (2) for the approximation of
M 1 ðxi Þ ¼ xi xj (11) the spatial derivatives as well as approximation of the time derivative by
Crank-Nicholson scheme, the governing equations of the water hammer

In problems with a large-scale computation domain, the inclusion of are implicitly discretized in i-th computation node as follows:
whole points in the approximation of partial derivative increases the ( !
computational cost and ultimately increases the computational error. Hinþ1 Hin 1 a2 X ND X
¼ wi;k :Vknþ1 þ Vinþ1 wi;k :Hknþ1
One of the suggested approach for resolving this issue is LMQ-DQM Δt 2 g k¼1
method in which the Multiquadratic Radial Basis functions are used as a2 X

test functions [13]. In fact, LMQ-DQM is a specific formulation of the

n n n
þ wi;k :Vk þ Vi wi;k :Hk
g k¼1
standard DQM that it is not necessary to use all the points for approxi­

mating the partial derivatives and only a limited number of neighboring ( !

Vinþ1 Vin 1 X
f nþ1 �� nþ1 ��
points are used [17]. In LMQ-DQM the n-th order derivative of function f ¼ g wi;k :Hknþ1 þ Vinþ1 wi;k :Vknþ1 þ Vk Vk
in point xk is approximated as follows: Δt 2 k¼1 k¼1
f n �� n ��
þ g wi;k :Hkn þ Vin wi;k :Vkn þ þ V V
f n ðxk Þ ¼ wk;l : f ðxl Þ k ¼ 1; 2; …:; N k¼1 k¼1
2D k k
Where ND is the number of points for approximating the derivatives. If
ND is equal to all points in the computational domain, the method is Where w is the elements of the first-order derivative coefficients matrix
called Global MQ-DQ (GMQ-DQ) and if is equal to a limited number of in x-direction and ND is the number of points in the neighborhood of the
nodes in the vicinity of the point xk, the method is named Local MQ- point i which used in the approximation of the field derivatives. The
DQM (LMQ-DQM). The LMQ-DQM method uses Multiquadratic radial superscripts n and nþ1 represent the field values in the time step t and
basis function for determining weighting coefficients of derivatives t þ Δt, respectively. Eqs (18) and (19) are the implicit form of the var­
which is defined as follow: iables V and H that can be summarized in the following matrix form:
� �
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi�ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 �� � � 1 f ���� nþ1 ��� � � nþ1 �
ϕðxÞ ¼ x xj þ c2
(13) ½I� þ Δt V nþ1 ⊚½W� þ Δt V ⊚½W� V
2 2 2D
Combining Eqs (12) and (13) results Eq (14): ΔA1
1 � nþ1 � n 1
n þ gΔt½W� H ¼ fV g ΔtfEn g
∂ ϕj ðxk Þ XND
2 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{2zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
(14) |fflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflffl}
¼ wk;l :ϕj ðxl Þ k ¼ 1; 2; …:; N
∂x l¼1

� �
On the other hand, the first-order derivatives of the radial basis 1 a2 � � 1 �� � � 1 �� � � � nþ1 �
Δt ½W� V nþ1 þ ½I� þ Δt V nþ1 ⊚½W� þ Δt V nþ1 ⊚½W� H
function ϕ in each point are expressed in Eq (15): 2 g 2 2
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
� ΔA2 ΔB2
∂ϕj x xj
¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi�ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (15) n 1
∂x 2 ¼fH g ΔtfF n g
x xj þ c2 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{2zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
By solving the ðN �NÞ system of linear equation (16) resulting from (21)
the summarizing Eqs (14) and (15) in each i-th node in the matrix form,
the weighting coefficients of the derivatives are calculated [17]. Where
2 n 3 !
8 9 ∂ ϕ1 ðxi Þ X
f nþ1 �� nþ1 ��
> > 6 n 7 Ein ¼ g wi;k :Hknþ1 þ Vinþ1 wi;k :Vknþ1 þ Vk Vk (22)
> > 6 ∂x 7 2D
> wðnÞ >
> > 6 n
> 7 k¼1 k¼1
2 3 >
> i;1 >
> 6 ∂ ϕ2 ðxi Þ 7
ϕ1 ðx1 Þ ϕ1 ðx2 Þ ϕ1 ðxN Þ >> > 6
> 7 !
> ⋱ > 6 ∂xn 7
6 ⋱ ⋱ ⋱ 7> < >
= 6 7 a2 X
6 ⋱ ⋱ ⋱⋱ ⋱ 7 ⋱ ¼6
6 7
7 (16) Fin ¼ wi;k :Vkn þ Vin wi;k :Hkn (23)
4 ⋱ 5 > > 6 7 g k¼1
⋱ ⋱ >
> ⋱ > > 6 : 7 k¼1
> >
ϕN ðx1 Þ ϕN ðx2 Þ ϕN ðxN Þ >>
> 6 7
> ðnÞ >
> 6 : 7
> w i;N
> 6
> 6 n
7 Where ½W�N�N the matrix of the first-order derivative coefficients is,
: ; 4 ∂ ϕND ðxi Þ 5 ½I�N�N is an identity matrix and ⊚ represent Hadamard matrix product.
∂xn Finally, these equations are summarized in matrix form as a system of
nonlinear equations as follow:
c in Eq (13) is a constant number called Shape Factor, which is depended

A.M. Behroozi and M. Vaghefi International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 181 (2020) 104078

� � � � nþ1 � � � �
Table 2
½A1� ½B1� � V nþ1 � ¼
½A2� ½B2� 2N�2N H fC2g 2N�1 Simulation setting for Models.
Model Method N ND Cra
In this paper, the system of nonlinear equation (24) is solved by
Δx(m) Δt(s)

Newton Raphson method. Model 1 LMQ-DQM Run 1 150 31 0.22 1.00E-04 0.52
Run 2 50 13 0.67 5.00E-04 0.85
Run 3 50 7 0.67 1.00E-03 1.71
5. Model application and discussion b
MOC Run 4 251 0.13 5.00E-05 0.44
Run 5 251 0.13 1.00E-04 0.87
The purpose of this section is to assess the numerical efficiency of the Model 2 LMQ-DQM Run 1 150 31 2.5E-04 0.56
LMQ-DQM for modeling water hammer and transient flow in pipeline. Run 2 100 50 5.0E-04 0.74
At first, the presented model was validated by two well-known labora­ Run 3 50 7 2.5E-03 1.86
MOC Run 4 251 0.31 1.00E-04 0.37
tory data sets reported in Refs. [20,21]. Run 5 100 b
0.78 1.00E-03 1.47
These experimental works were accomplished for disquisition tran­
sient flow caused by rapid valve closure in systems such as illustrated in Cr ¼ aΔt=Δx : Courant Number.
Not Applicable.
Fig. 1. The problems specifications are indicated in Table 1. Method of
Characteristics MOC, which has been mentioned as a common method in
field of simulating water hammer problems [3], was used to benchmark hydropower station with upstream series double surge tank (USDST)
the computational effort of the proposed method. Details of this method was carried out using LMQ-DQM. Consider a hypothetical USDST hy­
are briefly provided in the Appendix [14]. For this purpose, these cases dropower station as shown in Fig. 5.
were numerically simulated simultaneously using MOC and LMQ-DQM. The basic consideration data for the Model (3) are presented in
Series of simulations were carried out to reproduce experimental models Table 5. The transient flow occurred in the system due to instantaneous
with different discretization settings and Courant Number Cr which is downstream valve closure. To obtain the Courant number less than 1,
presented in Table 2. In present work the reported CPU, times were the spatial meshing was perform using 800, 31 for N and ND respectively
averaged over three realizations and computed using an Intel Core and time steps were considered 0.01 (s). Proper boundary conditions as
i5-4200 M @ 2.50 GHz, 6.0 GB of RAM notebook. mentioned earlier were implemented and the system was simulated
Since the most important parameter in designing surge tanks is the using the present model.
first up-surge height, the accuracy of LMQ-DQM was evaluated by The water level fluctuation in the surge tank and pressure oscillation
calculating relative errors for the maximum water level in surge tank at during simulation are presented in Figs. 6 and 7 respectively obtained
first surge pulse. The temporal water level in the surge tanks obtained using the proposed method while Fig. 8 illustrates the temporal oscil­
from LMQ-DQM in comparison with reported laboratory data are illus­ lation of velocity in pipes.
trated in Fig. 3. This figure indicates a good agreement between the It is beheld that the periodic behavior and damping oscillation of
numerical solution and experimental observations. water level are captured properly by LMQ-DQM.
The performance of numerical simulation of models (1) and (2)
include CPU time and relative error is summarized in Tables 3 and 4. 6. Conclusion
As clearly seen, the presented model is capable to capture transient
behavior of the system accurately in all runs. Error analysis also shows In this paper, a numerical model based on Local Multiquadric Based
that the proposed method with lower mesh number and consequently Differential Quadrature is introduced to solve the governing equations
less computational effort than the MOC has higher accuracy. The high of water hammer phenomenon and its water level fluctuations in the
order nature of this method has led to the fact that, despite the need for surge tank. After a brief introducing of transient flow in a pipeline and
less computation, the accuracy of computation is increased significantly. also the mathematical theory or LMQ-DQM, the governing equations of
This can be very useful in large cases that require a large number of mesh water hammer were discretized using the presented model.
points due to the long length of the pipeline. In order to validate the model, two well-known laboratory work were
The temporal relative error of numerical simulations in calculating simulated by the presented model. The comparison shows a close
the water level of the surge tanks as shown in Fig. 4 confirms that the agreement between the obtained result from LMQ-DQM and experi­
LMQ-DQM model also maintains its stability at the Courant numbers mental observation. Since computational cost is important parameters,
more than one. This is due to the implicit discretization of the equations. which need attention in the field of using numerical method in engi­
However, in the lower Courant numbers, the numerical solution is more neering issues, CPU time of presented method was benchmarked using
accurate. In contrast, MOC in Courant numbers more than one was MOC as another common numerical method for simulating water
unstable and unable to solve the problem. This solution instability is due hammer in pipelines. It is found LMQ-DQM, despite its simplicity and
to the explicit discretization of the governing equations. accuracy, has less computational effort than the MOC. It is also
Besides the stability analysis of the hydro-turbine governing system, concluded that the LMQ-DQM maintains its stability in Courant numbers
the surge wave characteristics for hydropower stations with double more than one.
surge tank is also an important issue. However, so far, it has not been However, in the Courant number, less than one accuracy of the
adequately studied due to its complexity. With the prologue and also to model is much higher. Next, to evaluate the performance of the pro­
ensure the capability of the LMQ-DQM to simulate the more complex posed model for more complex problems, the water hammer occurrence
problem the numerical simulation of water hammer phenomenon in a in a hydropower station with upstream series double surge tank (USDST)
was numerically simulated using the presented model successfully.
Therefore, it is believed that the proposed method can be used as a low-
Table 1 cost, accurate numerical model to solve transient flow and similar fields.
Specification for models.
Parameter Model (1) [20] Model (2) [21] Author statement
Pipeline Length (m) L 33 77.25
Pipe Diameter (mm) D 41 63.5 Abdol Mahdi Behroozi: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,
Surge Tank Diameter (mm) DS 88.5 258 Validation, Investigation, Writing - original draft. Mohammad Vaghefi:
Initial Velocity m/s V0 0.970 0.583
Steady-State Head Loss (m) hL 1.28 0.49
Validation, Resources, Investigation, Formal analysis, Data curation,
Friction Factor f 0.03317 0.0233 Writing - review & editing, Supervision.

A.M. Behroozi and M. Vaghefi International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 181 (2020) 104078

Fig. 3. The water level in Surge Tank vs time.

Declaration of competing interest

Table 3
Simulation results for model (1).
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Experimental Numerical Solution interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence

Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5

CPU Time (s) – 916.2 523.8 210.6 1108.1 1552.1

1st up-surge 1.545 1.531 1.489 1.582 1.6032 1.6396
Relative – 0.90 3.62 2.39 3.76 6.12
Error (%)

Fig. 5. Layout schematic of hydropower station with USDST in the model (3).
Table 4
Simulation results for model (2).
Table 5
Experimental Numerical Solution
[21] Specification for model (3).
Parameter Model (3)
Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5
Pipeline 1 Length (m) L1 7000
CPU Time – 916.2 523.8 210.6 1312.7 Unstable Pipeline 2 Length (m) L2 3000
(s) Pipes Diameter (mm) D 900
1st up- 0.604 0.615 0.633 0.553 0.627 Surge Tank1 Diameter (m) DS1 2.0
surge (m) Surge Tank2 Diameter (m) DS2 1.5
Relative – 1.82 4.80 8.44 3.89 wave speed (m/s) a 1260
Error (%) Reservoir Head (m) HReservoir 20
Friction Factor f 0.03317

Fig. 4. The temporal relative error of the water level in surge tank obtained by LMQ-DQM.

A.M. Behroozi and M. Vaghefi International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 181 (2020) 104078

Fig. 6. The temporal water level in surge tanks in Model (3).

Fig. 7. The pressure oscillation for model (3).

Fig. 8. The velocity oscillation in pipes for model (3).

the work reported in this paper.

Appendix. Method of characteristics for water hammer [14]

The set of PDEs (1), (2) can transformed into the four Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) which are called compatibility equations using The
Method of Characteristics (MOC) as follow:
> g dH dV f
< þ þ VjVj ¼ 0
a dt dt 2D
C þ
> dx
: ¼ þa
> g dH dV f
< þ þ VjVj ¼ 0
a dt dt 2D
C (26.a-26.b)
> dx
: ¼ a
As shown in Fig. 9, Cþ and C corresponding to positive and negative characteristic lines. Equations (25.a) and (26.a) can be solved along the
characteristic lines with the slope determined by Equations (25.a) and (26.a).

A.M. Behroozi and M. Vaghefi International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 181 (2020) 104078

Fig. 9. Characteristic lines in the x-t plane.

In other word V and H in point p can be calculated utilizing points A and B. By using finite difference to approximate derivative terms and
integrating along characteristic lines, discretized Equations (27) and (28) are derived:
Cþ : Hp ¼ Cp Vp (27)
C : Hp ¼ Cm þ Vp (28)

a a f
Cp ¼ HA þ VA VA jVA jΔt (29)
2πgD2 g 2D

a a f
Cm ¼ HB VB þ VB jVB jΔt (30)
2πgD2 g 2D
Eliminating V p between Equations (27) and (28) can give an Equation for calculating Hp as follow:
Cp þ Cm
Hp ¼ (31)
Then V p can be determined with Equation as follow:

g H p Cm
Vp ¼ (32)
A rectangular grid as Fig. 9 are usually used for solving Equations (27)–(32) to transient flow in pipeline due to water hammer [14].

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